VOL. I. PLATE PAGE [I.] Beacon badge of Belknap family . . . .1 (a) (b) (c) [II., III.] Plans, etc., of the Sanctuary at Westminster . . .39 (a) (b), 43 (c) [IV.] Lesnes , Kent, plan and elevation . . .44 (o) (b), 49 (c) [V.] Plan of rock-chambers at Wetheral, Cumberland . . 85 (a) (&), 95 (c) Supposed Arabic numerals on a stone found in Holborn . 149 (a) (6), 165 (c) [VI.] St. Peter's-in-the-East, Oxford, view of the . . 151 (a) (b), 168 (c) [VII.] „ „ „ Plan of the same, and font . 151 (a) (6), 168 (c) [VIII.] „ „ „ South view of the church . 151 (a) (6), 168 (c) Greek inscription on an of Bacchus . . . 155 (a) (b), 173 (c) Runic or clog almanack ..... 168 (a), 183 (6), 202* (c) Plan of a Roman camp at Castleshaw, near Saddleworth, Yorks 215 (a), 216 (6), 236 (c) Plan of earthworks on Castle Hill, Almondbury, Yorks . 221 (a), 222 (&), 242 (c) Drawing and inscription on a rock at Shawk quarries, Rose Castle, Cumberland ..... 227 (a), 228 (6), 248 (c) [IX.] Stamped Roman brick from the Gaer, near Brecon; Roman monument or altar called Maen-y-Morinnion, near Brecon ; Celtic cross-shaft at Llandevailag, Brecknockshire . 294 (a) (6), 315 (c) [X.] Round tower at Ardmore, Ireland .... 305 (a), 307 (b), 329 (c) Roman altar found at Brough-on-Sands, Cumberland . 308 (a), 310 (6), 332 (c) [XI.] Greek inscription found in the isle of Tasso . . . 333 (a), 336 (b), 358 (c) [XII.] Charter of Odo, bishop of Bayeux .... 336 (a), 337 (6), 361 (c)

VOL. II. Inscription on a brass plate in Usk church, Monmouthshire . . .20 I. Diamond ring found at Carne, near Mullingar; and gold ornaments found in Ireland ...... 32 II. Gold collar found in Ireland ...... 36 III. Gold ornaments found in Ireland and Scotland ..... 39 Engraved gem with triumphal car ...... 42 IV. Ancient monuments in Penrith churchyard . . . . .48 Section of Ellenborough Mount Cumberland . . . . .57 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 751

PLATE PAGE V. Weet front of Brechin church, Scotland . . . . . 84 V. (sic) Roman altar with Greek inscription found at Corbridge, Northumberland . 93 VI. Stones circles at Addington, Kent ...... 107 VII. Kit's Coty-house, Kent ...... 116 VIII. Stone hatchets found near Carlisle and in Westmoreland . . . 125 Inscription in Sunning-hill church, Berks ..... 129 IX. Font at Bridekirk, Cumberland ...... 133 X. Roman sepulchre, etc., found near York ..... 177 XI. Portion of the Roman wall of Verulam, Herts .... 184 XII. John de Galopes presenting a translation of Bonaventura's Life of Christ to Henry V...... 195 XIII. Monuments in Salisbury cathedral, etc. ' . . . . . 188 XIII. (sic) Greek inscription from Athens ...... 216 XIV. Tartarian sepulchres ...... 224 XV.—XVIII. Tartarian antiquities ...... 225 XVII.*, XVIII. Tartarian idols ...... 235 XIX.—XXII. Barrow at New Grange, near Drogheda . . . . 239, 253, 254 „ ,, „ „ wall-markings . . . 258 Plan of Roman pavement found at Colchester .... 289 XXIII. Rocking-stones near Huddersfield, and at Rishworth, Warley, and Lud- denden, Yorks ...... 360


I. The Tutbury and Borstal Horns ...... 1 II. The Pusey Horn ...... 13 III. Early plan of Borstal ...... 16 IV. Horn at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge . . . . .19 V. The Carlisle Charter Horns ...... 22 VI. Lord Bruce's Horn ...... 24 VII. Crwth and Pibcorn used in Wales ...... 33 Boundary stone of Croyland abbey ...... 96 VIII. Four Roman altars found near Graham's Dyke .... 119 IX. Gems with representation of cocks fighting ..... 136 X. Inscription to Serapis found at York ...... 151 Parthian silver medal ...... 163 Coin of Nerva ...... 165 XI. Greek inscribed memorials from Smyrna ..... 230 XII. Plan of and inscription from Melandra Castle, . . . 236 Gold boss or brooch from a barrow at Winster, Derbyshire . . . . 274 XIII. View and section of ancient burial-places in the Links of Skail, Orkney . 276 XIV. Cam at the summit of Braich-y-Dinas, and view of Pen-maen-mawr . 304 752 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE . XV. . Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, plan of the abbey church . . . .311 XVI. „ „ Remains of the west front of the abbey church . 314 XVII. Roman altar from Corbridge, Northumberland .... 315 XVII. (sic) Two Roman altars from Corbridge, Northumberland . . . . . 325 XXIX. (sic) Plan of the top of Penmaen Mawr ...... 352 XIX. Bronze sword and gold boss from Cullen, Tipperary .... 355 Gold ornaments from Compton Mordock, Warwickshire . . . 371 Seal of the Peculiar of the deanery of Sunning .... 425


I. Roman and other antiquities from Brecknockshire .... 7 II. Inscribed pillars in Brecknockshire ...... 14 Gold ring from Llys-faen, Carnarvonshire . . . . .47 III. Methods of building in brick and stone ...... 83 IV. Seal of Ranulf earl of ...... 120 Inscription from Bury St. Edmund's abbey, Suffolk .... 130 Silver coin of Robert earl of Gloucester ...... 132 V. Plan and elevation of the west front of . . . 150 VI.—XVIII. Buildings discovered at Pompeii . . • . . . . 160 etc. XIX. Device on a seal- ring belonging to Sir Richard Worsley . . . 176 •Arms of Sir Alexander Stewart ...... 183 Crest of the Stewart family ...... 184 . Arms of Howard, Wharton and Monhaut ..... 187 Seal and counterseal of Edmund king of Sicily, 1254 .... 211 XX. The Apamean and other medals ...... 331 Two Apamean coins ...... 347 XXI. Silver coins, gold fibula, etc., found near the church of St. Mary Hill, London, in 1774 . 357 XXII. Rochester castle, plans, sections, etc...... 388 XXIII. Canterbury, Porchester, and Guildford castles, plans, etc. . . . 390 XXIV. Dover, Norwich, and Colchester castles, plans, etc. .... 393 XXV. Norwich castle, east and west fronts ..... 398


I. Part of a Roman pavement at Caerwent, Monmouthshire . . .58 II. Monumental slabs from St. Pierre, Monmouthshire . . . .76 III. Incised slab at Christchurch, near Caerleon ..... 78 IV. Plan of Bucton castle, Mottram Longdendale, ; view of earthwork at Bradfield, Yorks ...... 87 V Stone pillar at Rudston, Yorks ...... 95 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 753

PAGE VI. Croyland abbey boundary-stone . . 104 VII. Bronze celt from Gleaston castle, Lancashire; celt and mould belonging to Mr. Bartlett ...... 106 VIII.—X. Examples of bronze celts, palstaves, and other weapons . . 113, 118 XI. Effigy of St. Justin at Llaniestin, Anglesey .... 144 XII. Breech-loading cannon from the Goodwin Sands, 1775 149 XIII. Arms of Portugal and other devices on the cannon 152 XIV. Kirkdale church, Yorkshire, south-west view; Saxon sun-dial and in- scription ...... 188 XV. Plan of earthworks in Lydney park, Gloucestershire 208 XVI., XVI. (sic) Earthworks in Lydney park, Gloucestershire .... 208 XVII. Seal and counterseal of Robert Fitzwalter, and arms of Ferrers . 211 XVIII. The Dune of Dornadilla, Diurnes, Ireland ..... 216 Stone coffins found at Christchurch Twynham, Hants 224 Stamped brick and earthen vessel found in Essex .... 230 XIX. Great seals of queen Katherine Parr and queen Mary d'Este 232 XX. Earthworks near Christchurch, Hants ..... 238 XXI. Plan of on Fiddess' Hill, Scotland .... 246 XXII. Circular building at Dun-agglesag, Scotland .... 254 XXIII. Hill-fort of Knock-ferrel, near Dingwall, Rossshire 256 XXIV. Seal and counterseal of queen Henrietta Maria .... 280 XXV. Silver ingot, etc., found in the Tower of London, 1777 292 Roman dedication inscription found in the Tower 304 XXVI. Stone vessels from the Mosquito Shore, South America 319 XXVII. Roman bath found at Dover ...... 325 Seal of dignity of Antony Bek, bishop of Durham .... 339 Arms of Beaumont and . . . 339 Bronze ring and fibula from Rocca Priore ..... 341 XXVIII.-XXX. Hall at Warnford, Hants ...... 359 Penny of Robert IV. of Scotland ...... 390 Penny of Eustace ...... 401 Small gold coronet found in the Tower, 1772 .... 440


I. Bronze Penates found at Exeter ... I II. Cross-shafts and incised slab at Llantwit Major, Glamorganshire 22 III. Effigies at Llantwit Major, and other antiquities in South Wales 24 IV. Wormshead Point, Rosilly, Glamorganshire 35 V. Aldbrough church, Yorks ; Saxon sun-dial, etc. 40 Arms of Grimethorpe and Greystock . 52 VI. Great stone at West Hoadley, Sussex . 54 VII. Reading abbey, Berks—plan and ruins, 1779 66 5 D 754 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE VIII. Temple of Diana, Ephesus ...... 73 IX.* Plan of the Temple of Diana, Ephesus . . . . .74 Dun-o-deer, Aberdeenshire, vitrified wall . . . .92 IX., X. „ „ Plan and views of fort . . . .93 XI., XI.* Terra-cotta masks from the Mosquito Shore, South America . .107 XII. Rowtor Rocks, Derbyshire ...... 111 XIII. Rowtor Rocks and Bradley Rocks, Derbyshire . . . .111 XIV. Rock-basons and Hermitage at Carcliffe, Derbyshire . . .111 XV. Stone-circles, Stanton and Hartley Moors, Derbyshire . . .112 XVI. Castle-Ring, Hartley Moor, and view of Cats Stones . . . 113 XVII. Gorse Stone and Andle Stone, . . . .114 XVIII. Rocks on Stanton Moor ...... 114 Palmyrene coins ...... 130 XIX. Stone memorial cross in Brittany ..... 145 Indian picture-writing ...... 159 XX. Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Cambridge .... 173 XXI. Plan of Dover harbour, temp. Elizabeth ..... 188 XXII. The ship Harry Grace a Dieu ...... 208 XXIIL—XXVI. Conisborough castle, Yorkshire ..... 240, 244, 246 XXVII. Peak castle, Castleton, Derbyshire ..... 252 XXVIII. XXIX. Clifford's tower, York ...... 260 XXX. Lincoln castle—plan ...... 264 XXXI. Plans of Tickhill and Tunbridge castles . . . . .267 XXXIL—XXXV. Tunbridge castle, Kent ..... 280, 284, 286, 288 XXXVI.—XXXIX. Canterbury castle, Kent ...... 301—304 XL. Pontefract castle, Yorks ...... 312 XLI. Newark castle, Notts ...... 320 XLII. Knaresborough castle, Yorks ...... 326 XLIII. Harewood castle, Yorks ...... 326 XLIV. Doorways in , .... 326 XLV. Doorway and tomb in Harewood castle, Yorks .... 334 XLVI. Shields of arms in Harewood castle ..... 335 XLVII. Arms and tomb in Spofford church, Yorks .... 338 XLVIII. Spofford castle, Yorks ...... 344 XLIX., L. Haddon Hall, Derbyshire ..... 358, 360 LI.—LIII. Eltham palace, Kent, great hall ...... 368 Ancient cannon, temp. Edward III...... 375 LIV., LV. Lincoln castle, gateway ...... 380 LIV. (sic) Boundary stone of Croyland abbey (restored) .... 398 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 755

VOL. VII. 3 PAGE I. Inscribed granite pillar from Alexandria ..... 1 Inscription from granite pillar ...... 18 II. Querns from Hartle Moor, Derbyshire . . . . .19 III. Stone circles on Hartle Moor ...... 19 IV. Plan of shooting-marks in Finsbury Fields, 1737 . . . .57 V. Admiralty seal of Richard of Gloucester . . . .69 VI.* Camp at Maiden Castle, now Old Durham . . . . .75 VI. Roman miliary stone found at Leicester . . . . .85 VII. Figures on a bas-relief at Montmorillon, Poitou . . . .98 VIII. Garden-building at Beckett, near Farringdon, Berks . . . 128 IX. Arbor-low, Derbyshire ...... 141 X.—XII. The One-night's-work, Dundalk ...... 149 XIII. Gold breastplate found in Ireland ...... 166 XIII.* Metal plate set with crystals, found in Ireland .... 167 Chinese coin ...... 169 XIII. (sic) Cair's-work, near Hathersage, Derbyshire ..... 175 XIV. Cair's chair, and rocking-stone on Higgar Tor . . . .176 XV. Crystal cup belonging to the earl of Bessborough .... 180 XVI. Pottery and bead from Bagshot heath, Surrey .... 201 XVII. Roman bath found near Llanvrynoch, Brecknockshire . . . 206 XVIII. (No plate). XIX. Chateau du vieux Palais, Rouen, Normandy .... 233 Plan showing position of Cole's pits, near Little Coxwell, Berks . . 243 Plan of a boat ...... 271 XX. The ship-temple in Mayo, Ireland ...... 272 Inscribed stone near Ennis, Ireland . \ . . . . 281 XXI. Antiquities at Elephanta, near Bombay ..... 323 XXII. Plan of the temple at Elephanta ...... 324 XXIII. Pillar and statue in the temple at Elephanta .... 324 XXIV. Entrance of the temple at Elephanta ..... 325 XXV—XXVII. Carved heads from a cave near Bombay ..... 332 Seal of Thomas, bishop of Philadelphia .... 362 XXVIII. Plan and elevation of Rochester bridge ..... 400 XXIX. Bronze figure from Cirencester, Gloucestershire .... 407 XXX. Copper objects from Allington, Kent; Roman altar from Doncaster, Yorks; Saxon gold ring from Laverstoke, Wilts .... 409 756 LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

VOL. VIII. PLATE PAGE I. Stone circles and barrows on, and urns from Stanton moor, Derbyshire 59 Plate from a stone coffin found in Cambridge castle . . .65 II. Inscribed Roman tile from Reculver, Kent . . . .80 III.—V. Examples of ancient spurs ...... 112, 113, 114 V.* Plan of Roman remains in Birchin Lane and Lombard Street, London . 117 VI.—X. Roman pottery, etc., found in London, 1786 . . . 120—123 XI., XII. Roman pottery and coins found in London . • . . . . 130 Block-print for covers of packs of cards ..... 142 Unicorn couchant from a pack of cards . . . . .155 XIII. Arches from a Syriac MS. at Florence . . . . .170 XIV. Capitals in the crypt of . . . .174 XV. Door and ornaments in the crypt at Glendaloch . . . . 186 XVI., XVII. Brimham Rocks, Yorks ...... 210, 215 XVIII., XIX. North-American inscriptions ..... 293, 297 XX. The Barberini vase ...... 307 XXI. Roman altar and tablet from Tynemouth, Northumberland . . 326 XXII.—XXVI. Roman remains at Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts . . . 364, 366, 371 XXVII. Roman bowl from Sandy, Beds ...... 378 XXVIII., XXIX. Chambered barrow near St. Hilary, Jersey . . . 384, 385 XXX. Medieval gold ring with gem from Sandal, Yorks; die from Sutton-at- Hone, Kent; silver seal of the Receipt of the Exchequer; flint arrow- heads, etc., from Tring, Herts; subsidy seal for cloth for Wilts . 427 XXXI. Wooden cradle of Charles, earl of Westmoreland ; encaustic roundels from , Surrey ...... 450


I. Body of queen Katherine Parr, and chapel of Sudeley castle, Gloucester- shire ...... 1 II. Body and crosier-head of an abbot of Gloucester . . . .10 Arms of Roland, lord of Galloway ...... 52 Arms of John Baliol ...... 57 III. Bronze palstave and spear-heads from Ireland . . . .84 IV. Bronze figure of ^Esculapius (?) found in Surrey .... 109 V. Diagrams of ...... 113 VI. Roman remains found near , Derbyshire .... 137 VII. Figures from the -ceiling of . . . 147 VIII. Saxon antiquities found near St. Austel, Cornwall, in 1774 . . 186 IX, Bronze objects from a barrow on Middleton moor, Derbyshire ; and small urn from Clifton, Lancashire ...... 190 X., XI. Earthworks near Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts 197, 200


PLATE PAGE XII. Roman remains near Mansfield Woodhouse .... 204 XIII., XIV. Harborough Rocks, near Hopton, Derbyshire . . . 207, 208 XV., XVI. Earthworks and rocking stones on Warton Crag, Lancashire . . 212 XVII. Roman altars, etc., found in Cumberland and Westmoreland . . . 220 XVIII. Roman camps, etc., in Cumberland and Westmoreland . 223 Roman oculists' stamps ...... 227 XIX. Bronze figure of Mercury found at Piersbridge . . . . . 289 XX. Roman antiquities from Colesbourn, Gloucestershire . . . 319 XXL, XXII. Roman buildings at Wroxeter, Salop ..... 324, 325 XXIII. Painted-glass window in Brereton church, Cheshire . . . 368 Inscription in window in Brereton church, Cheshire . . 369 XXIV. Capital from St. Mary's abbey, York; bone netting-needle (?) from Danbury, Essex ...... 372 Salisbury Cross ...... 373


Iron knives from Brassington Moor, Derbyshire . . . .35 I. Manor-house at Little Billing, Northants . . . . .67 II., III. Sepulchral cists from a barrow in Inglewood Forest, Cumberland . 106, 108 IV. Antiquities from a barrow at Aspatria, Cumberland .... 112 Plan of pits near Brackenfield, Derbyshire ..... 117 V. The machine called the Lewis ...... 126 VI. Quenington church, Gloucestershire ...... 128 VII. South doorway, Quenington church, Gloucestershire .... 128 VIII. North doorway, Quenington church, Gloucestershire .... 129 IX.—XIII. Roman antiquities found in Gloucestershire .... 131—134 XIV., XV. „ „ „ „ Cumberland .... 138, 140 XVI. Pavement in prior Crauden's chapel, Ely ..... 151 XVII. South doorway, Dinton church, Bucks ...... 167 XVIII. Glass vessel and other antiquities from Dinton, Bucks . . . 169 Roman sun-dial found near Frasoati ...... 172 XIX. Font at Burnham Deepdale, Norfolk ...... 180 XX.—XXII. „ „ East Meon, Hants ...... 183, 185 XXIII. „ „ Sharnbourn, Norfolk ...... 186 XXIV. Fonts at Neswick, Yorks ; Whaddon, Bucks ; Wimpole, Cambs ; and Rother- field Greys, Oxon ...... 186 XXV. ,, ,, Iffley, Oxon; Hemsted and Ozleworth, Gloucestershire; and Stukeley, Bucks ...... 188 XXVI. ,, „ Letheringham, Suffolk, and Berkeley, Gloucestershire . . 189 XXVIII. Font at Fincham, Norfolk ...... 190 XXVIII. „ „ Melton, Suffolk ...... 192 XXIX. „ ,, Grantham, Lincolnshire ...... 192 758 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XXX. Elevation (restored) of a Roman temple at Bath ..... 327 XXXI. Ornaments of a Roman temple at Bath ...... 329 XXXII. Central ornament of pediment of a Roman temple, found at Bath . . 331 XXXIII. Roman antiquities found at Lincoln ...... 345 XXXIV. Roman remains on Sherwood Forest, Notts ..... 378 XXXV. Antiquities found in Sherwood Forest ...... 381 Subsidy seal of Barnwell priory, Cambs ...... 386 Great seal of Henry III...... 398 Gold coin of Philip VI. of France ...... 465 XXXVI. Saxon cross-shaft from Alnmouth, Northumberland .... 472 XXXVII. Ancient mortar at Eridge Green, Sussex, 1768 ..... 472 XXXVIII. Medieval bronze mortar with inscription, etc...... 472 XXXIX. Die of black basalt said to been found in Dorset; masonry in Mildenhall church- yard, Suffolk ...... 476 XL. Iron axes found near Terreagles ; carved stone at Dardarroch, Dumfriesshire ; arms of Grierson and Kirkpatrick; bronze spear-head from Glen Kenns ; iron pick from Claygate; four medieval rings ; flint axe from Galloway; armorial roundel from Dalswinton castle ; sandal from Lochar moss, Dum- fries ...... 478


I. Plan of the temple of Diana at Ephesus ...... 1 Bronze figure of infant ^33sculapius in the Vatican museum . . .34 Remains of silver sword with which Culenus, king of Scotland, circa 960, invested Gillespie Moir ...... 45 II. White marble bas-relief found at Islington . . . . .48 Cavendish Overall, Suffolk ...... 51 III.—VI. Roman antiquities at Castlesteads, Cumberland .... 64, 66, 67 VI.* Italian pipe ...... 81 VII. Silver cup found in Cornwall, 1744 ...... 83 VII.* Seal .attached to letter of filiation of the Grey Friars of the province of ...... 87 VIII. Bronze vessels found in Scotland ...... 105 IX. Fonts at Dunscore (2), Morton, Mouswald, and Dalgarno, Scotland . . 106 X., XII. Fonts at Offham, Kent, and Romsey, Hants ..... 136 XI. Font in St. Nicholas' church, Rochester ...... 134 XIII. Bicknacre priory, Essex ...... 255 XIV. Plan showing place of bishop's seat in a basilica; sedilia at Cowling, Chalk, and Milton, Kent ...... 320 XV. Sedilia and in Chalk church, Kent ..... 343 XVI. Sedilia in Norwood's , Milton church, Kent. .... 343 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 759

PLATE PAGE XVII. Norman arch and piscina in Bapchild church, Kent 352 Chess-rooks from shields of arms ...... 406 XVIII. Wooden tankard, said to have come from 411 XIX. Gold torques from Ireland ; bronze fibula from Bucks ; latten ewer from Closebourn ; font at Bolton-in-Bolland, Torks ; scarabseus from Sheppey; seal of John, son of Robert Glinde; bronze palstave from Jersey ; bronze sword from near Alton castle, 425 XX. Spur found at Towton, Yorks ...... 429 XXI. Drinking horn found in Iceland ...... 429

VOL. XII. I. Iron spear-heads and dagger found in Derbyshire .... 2 II. Stone celt, portion of stag's horn, urn, and stone with Roman inscription, found in Derbyshire ...... 2 III. Ancient stones in Bradbourn churchyard, Derbyshire ... 6 IV. Stone figure on porch of Chalk church, Kent . . . .10 V. Rocking stone on Ashover common; Stainedge cliff, near Wingerworth, Derbyshire ...... 43 VI. Stainedge cliff, Wingerworth, Derbyshire . . . . .45 VII. Graned Tor, or Mock Beggars' Hall, Stanton moor, Derbyshire . . 47 VIII. Graned Tor, and other remains on Stanton moor . . . .48 IX. Sculpture of the Adoration of the Three Kings in Long Melford church, Suffolk ...... 93 X. Roman sepulchral monuments at Lincoln . . . . .96 XI. Sedilia in Upchurch church, Kent ...... 101 XII. View in the north chantry in Upchiirch church, Kent . . . 106 XIII., XIV. Urns found at Lincoln ...... 108, 109 XV.—XIX. Paper marks ...... 114—119 XX. Autographs, 6th May, 1625, G. Cant, Jn. Lincoln, Grandisone, T. Edmondes, James Ley, Ed. Conwey, Alb Morton, Hum Play, W. Mandeville ; 13th May, 1625, Cha. Walkery; 20th May, 1625, Walter Balcanquall; 2nd June, 1625, Tho. Walsingham ...... 122 XXI. Ichnography of Venta Icenorum ...... 137 XXII. Site of the Northwic, prior to the building of the city . . . 139 XXIII. Norwich castle, with the site of the exterior fortifications . . . 146 XXIV.—XXVI. Plans, etc., of Norwich castle ..... 151, 154 XXVII. Saxon architecture at Ely and at Dunwich ..... 165 XXVII.* Plan of church of the hospital of St. James, Dunwich, Suffolk . . 166 XXVIII. Saxon architecture at Ely ...... 166 XXIX., XXX. Arches and piers in the old at Orford . . . .166 XXXI. North entrance to Peterborough cathedral . . . . .168 \ ;•*•


PLATE PAGK XXXII.—XXXV. Norman architecture, details - . . . . 169, 170, 172 XXXVI. Saxon and Norman architecture .... 173 XXXVII. Norwich castle, bridge over inner vallum ..... 175 XXXVIII.—XLI. Elevations of the keep ..... 177, 178 XLII. Newport gate at Lincoln ...... 179 XLIII. Marble monument in the Tower of London .... 194 XLIV. Facsimile of the letter received by Lord Mounteagle . . . 200* XLV. Illumination with figures of and St. George . 200 XLVI. Font at Thorp Salvin, Torks ...... 207 XL VII. Wedding knives ...... 215 XL VIII. Plan of barrow on , Derbyshire ..... 328 XLIX. Relics found in barrow on Fin Cop, Derbyshire .... 329 L. Silver-gilt diptych in the Arundelian library . . . 332 LI. Sword and dagger found at Durham; ring of lady Dorothy Hotham, ploughed up near Dalton House, Yorks ; hawk's rings or vervels found near Headingham Castle; gold ring found in the Home Park, Windsor; Roman patera dug np in Great Tower Street, London ; bronze instrument found in a mine near Fowey . . . 408 LII. Arms and supporters of Henry VII. in the deanery, Windsor castle . 415

VOL. XIII. I. Roman camp, near Barrum, of Cleves, . . 5 Gold medal struck on the birth of Charles II. . . . .20 Threepenny-piece of Charles I., struck in gold at York . . .23 II.—IX. Inscriptions, etc., on the walls of the Beauchamp tower, in the Tower of London ...... 68, etc. X. from the west, before 3rd January, 1797 . . . 103 XI. ,, ,, ,, South-west, since 3rd January, 1797 . . 104 XII. The mantel-tree ...... 141 XIII. Seals of Netley abbey, Hants ...... 193 XIV., XV. Flint implements found at Hoxne, Suffolk ..... 204 XVI. Antiquities from St. Domingo ...... 206 XVII, XVIII. Ancient crosses in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland . . . 213, 217 XIX. Greek sepulchral monument from Smyrna (?) .... 281 XX.—XXII. Melbourne church, Derbyshire. Plan, etc. . . . 306, 308 XXIII. Plan of site of , Winchester ..... 310 XXIV. Snuff-boxes found in the Tower of London ..... 394 XXV. Inscription in Great Bookham church, Surrey .... 395 XXVI. Roman altar from Lancaster; seal of the prior of the Austin Friars, Norwich; seal found near the Black Friars, Oxford; urns from a barrow on Buxton common, near Norwich .... 401 Egyptian engraved copper-plate ...... 408 XXVII. Bronze eeolipile (?) found at Basingstoke ..... 410


VOL. XIV. PLATE PAGE Urn found at Colney, Norfolk; and a gimmel-ring from Horsleydown, Surrey ...... 7 II. Bronze goat from Asia Minor, and coins of Macedon . . .14 III. Chimney-piece at Speke Hall, Lancashire . . . . .20 IV. Roman bronze patera and sword-handle, from Topesfield, Essex . . 24 V. Roman vase, etc., from Topesfield, Essex . . . . .25 VI. Urns from Southfleet, Kent ...... 37 VII. Stone tomb and lead coffins found at Southfleet . . . .38 VIII. Gold chain, armlets, and ring found at Southfleet . . . .38 IX. Remains of a stone cross at Hemsby, Norfolk . . . .40 X. Brick from ancient Babylon ...... 56 XI. Survey of Roman road and remains near Birdbrook, Essex . . 62 XII. Plan of Roman building at Ridgwell, Essex . . . .63 XIII. Roman tiles from Ridgwell, Essex ...... 64 XIV. Roman glass vessel, spear-head, and urns, from Haverhill, Essex . 74 XV.—XVII. Ancient building at Southampton ..... 88, 89, 91 XVIIL—XXII. Bronze and iron antiquities from Polden Hill, Somerset . . .92 XXIII. Bronze torque and palstave found in the Quantoek Hills, Somerset . 94 XXIV.—XXVII. The Priors' chapel, Ely—plans, etc. , . . . • 111 XXVIII. ,, „ Tile pavement ...... Ill XXIX. „ „ Details ...... 112 XXX.—XXXIII. Bridekirk font, Cumberland ...... 113 XXXIV. Runic inscriptions on column at Bewcastle, Cumberland . . .118 XXXV. Plan of outworks of Bristol, 1644 ...... 130 XXXVI. Sculpture in church, Hants .... 136 Plan of east end of Romsey abbey church ..... 140 XXXVII. Window, crozier, and monogram from church . 149 XXXVIII. Tomb and urns at Southfleet, Kent . . . . .221 XXXIX. Ancient shoe from Southfleet, Kent ..... 222 XL. Pottery and metal objects from Southfleet, Kent .... 222 XLI. Plan of a building at Southfleet, Kent . . . . .223 XL1I. Top-Kapoussy, Constantinople ...... 239 XLIII. Mevlaneh-hany-yeni-kapoussy, Constantinople .... 239 XLIV. Porta aurea, Constantinople ...... 241 XLV. The seven towers at Constantinople ..... 241 XLVI. Ancient wooden figures from Jamaica ..... 269 XLVII. Great seal of Edward III.; two latten seals from Dorchester ; seal of Milo of Gloucester ; admiralty seal of Thomas, duke of Exeter . 271 XLVIII. Sedilia and image of Our Lady of Pity, in Battlefield church,. Salop ; mould for casting brooches, from Ashill, Norfolk . . . 272 Inscription on a bronze lar of Mars ..... 274 XLIX. Copper culinary vessels found on Long Rake, . . . 275 5 E 'siAvani0]OTp.reg ^g JO au^ jo puB '. do]Bg 'q^aouaSpug jo uSnoJoq aq; jo '. -j pjBAvpg; ap ja^[B^ jo '. QQf\ 'SSUI^SBJJ paoj 'urBijjij^ jo spsag 'AXXX £VJA\VIQ 'aSpijg UBJBJQ jBau punoj 'spBat[-Ai.0JJB puB SUIJ guo^s pnB 'pBaq-.i'eads JOJ pjnout '!j|ao auo^g 'AIXXX 868 puBXjgquinu^JO^j; ui punoj satjsip JBAJIS jo sajpuBjj 'IIIXXX—XXX 868 £081 nI u^BatppBjg ^"B pttnoj SUJJ^ XIXX ggg • • S5P°.l l3[0ua^^Bj3 'UUBJ qSnoaoqiuoijj^ UIOJJ sai^inbi^uB UBUIO'JJ IIIAXX ggg • • • A"I3A1 TiBrainiB^ at[^ no punoj a^Bjd ppS no not^dposaj 'HAXX 088 do^Bg 'n^aouSpijg jo qSnaioq ev^ jo s^Bag 'IAXX £Z8 aoiua^ ^B U'BJJJ-I'J JO Tjoairqo aqi jo aaAioj, 'AXX g£g • • • 'BSTj ya ^Bjpaq^BO aq^ jo ^no.ij ^saji aq^ jo ^aBd aaddj^ 'AIXX 998 '598 ^sIcI '°^U^S odmBQ av^\ jo s^iB^ap puB apis ^S3J\Y IIIXX ' IIXX BSTJ ^B Xaa^si^d'Bq QVQ JO aJtn^oa^iqoaY 'IXX ''gnissapj; jo qoantjo pjpaij^BO ui Avoput^ 'XX

UIOJJ 'ppiqs jo oqran puB 'pjOMs 'p^an-aBads 'ajnrg; 'XIX UOJI pnB 's^^ij^ 'uo^Snuaeng

081 ' ' 9091 '^-O^l^n .^ajqduinjj io ^uBJJBAV-"q^Bap ai{^ jo a^iuiiso'BLj IIIA gg-[ ..... MOJJBq pAorj-uo^dj^ UIOJJ s^oaCqo ppg 'IIA gg^ • • • !}i ui pnnoj aoB^oau puB 'Avojj'Bg ^BBJ-Q uo^dj^ -j^

UIOJJ sai^tnbi^u'B jaq^o pu^ 's^jaoauo^s 'spBaq-aouB^ puB AiOJJBauog 'j^—'jj QTT • • jp3AmJO£) '^uBu^rj puB A"JBJIJJ -^g UIOJJ 'o^a 'pBaq-JBads azuojg '^H 9X1 ' " ' iJjfdBd (juaiouB Sui^ojun JOJ sa^dBj^ ye pasn ^uaumj^suj *j X9 • • uijpuBxaxY V* uuinpo ^BBJS at[^ jo asBq a\{% uo I "AX 'TLOA

ggg .... si^odasja^ jo suinj ax^ UIOJJ p^au; "e jo jatpj-SBg 'HAT! ggg ..... Acting 'jfaqqB uo^apf UIOJJ p^aq auo^g "IAT!

Xgg ...... UOA9(I : Xjtiquajj JBau punoj JBJ UOJI '• j sajJBi[Q jo u^eap QXQ '[Bpaui c^iS-jaA^is '• ifjojjng 'a^sBO QJB^Q UIOJJ q\ao auo^g -^rj g^g ' • 9JItJSU[00Uir[ 'ufBIJ^Ij^ J9AIJ QTfi UI punOJ 3[0I^S3^pUBO UOJJ 'AIT! g^g • a^jiA9J£) \OQ 'UOJJ jo noissassod ai[| ui '[B^aui-xx8cl J° ^od-Sui^unjj 'HII—"II g^g ...... ajiqsupouirj 'jfqsjauiog ye SSOJQ TJ aova LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 763

PIATE PAGE ' XXXVI. sword of the bishop of Durham ..... 402 XXXVII. Glass vessel from Castle Eden, Durham; silver spoon found in the old bridge of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; candlestick found in Astbury church, Berks ...... 402 XXXVIII. Portrait of one of the Eldred family ..... 403 XXXIX. Monumental brass in Great Saxham church, Suffolk . . . 404 XL. Norman doorway, Thorp Salvin church, Yorks. .... 405 XLI. Comb from the ruins of Ickleton nunnery, Cambs. . . . 405 XLII. Wall-painting of the martyrdom of St. Erasmus, Trinity chapel, Cirencester church, Gloucestershire ..... 405 XLIII. Stone instrument from the island of Dominica .... 408 XLIV.—XLVII. Chambered barrow or cairn on the glebe of Anna-Colugh-Mullen, Ireland ...... 409 XLVIII. Ancient silver fork ...... 410


I. Coins of Sala in Phrygian of the Atusii, Assyria, and of Heraclea . 9 II. Facsimile of an ancient MS. of St. John's Gospel . . .21 III. Plan of the Roman station of Conovium, Caerhun, Carnarvonshire . ] 28 IV.—VIII. Roman remains from Conovium, Caerhun, Carnarvonshire . 128-130 IX. Tin cup from Hallivick, Cornwall ..... 137 X. Portions of a circlet of metal inlaid with gems from Trenoweth, Corn- wall 137 XL—XIII. Lincolnshire swan-marks ...... 153 XIV. Urn from Hanging-Wood, Kent; coins of Alexander the Great, Edessa, and struck at Azoth Segol and Cyparissia .... 179 XV. Various forms of shields and escutcheons . . . .194 XVI., XVII. Roman aqueduct at Antibes ...... 200 Greek inscription on the Rosetta stone ..... 208 XVIII. Cromlech in Kilkenny ...... 264 XIX.—XXIV. Plan, etc., of the cathedral of Placentia ..... 301 XXV. Cathedral of Modena, west end ...... 301 XXVI.—XXVIII. Plan, etc., of the cathedral of Parma ..... 301 XXIX. Church of St. Francis, Placentia, plan and section . . . 301 XXX. „ pillars in . . .321 XXXI. Comparative plate of architecture ..... 321 XXX1L—XXXVI. Architectural diagrams ...... 323, 324 XXXVIT. Fonts at Wandsford, Northants ; Stuntney, Cambs. ; Drayton, Norfolk ; St. Peter's, Cambridge . . ... • .325 XXXVIII. Fonts at Laxton, Northants ; St. Cuthbert's, Bedford ; Belaugh, Nor- folk ; Stamford, Northants ...... 325 XXXIX. Fonts at Sesincote, Oxon; Rainham, Essex; Stifford, Essex . . 325 764 LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XL. Fonts at Worth, Sussex ; Heydon, Norfolk; Bradfield, Suffolk ; Lindfield, Sussex ...... 336 XLI. „ at Heveningham and Ingworth, Norfolk .... 336 XLII. „ „ Blickling, Norfolk; Childerditch, Essex .... 336 XLIII. „ „ Upminster, Essex; S wanton Abbott, and Wells, Norfolk . 336 XLIV. „ „ Worstead, Norfolk ...... 336 XLV. „ „ Elsing, Norfolk ...... 336 XLVI. Maces found at Agra ...... 338 XLVII. Roman burial vault and urn found at York ..... 340 XLVIII. Font at South Kilvington, Yorks ...... 341 XLIX. Ivory carving on the back of a mirror ..... 346 L. Bronze celt, spear-head, bits, and rings found at Hagbourne Hill, Berks 348 LI. Bronze pitcher from Lesmahago, Lanarkshire .... 350 LII. Golden rod found at Ballycastle, Antrim; flint celt from Stowmarket, Suffolk ; metal basin from the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset . 353 LIII. Great barrow at Stow Heath, Norfolk, and urns from the same 354 LIV. Bronze spear-head from Gingley, Notts; bronze celt and ring from Tadcaster, Yorks ...... 361 LV., LVI. Hoar-stone and kistvaen at Duntesbourn Abbots, Gloucestershire . 362 LVII. Barrow at Avening, Gloucestershire ...... 362 LVIII. Architectural details at and castle 361 LIX. „ ,, ,, Abbey gate, Bristol ..... 361 LX., LXI. ,, ,, ,, St. Cross, Winchester .... 361 LXII. „ „ „ Wolvesley castle, Winchester 361 LXIII. „ „ „ Winchester ...... 361 LXIV. ,, ,, ,, Rochester cathedral .... 361 LXV. „ ,, „ Abbey gate, Bristol ..... 361 LXVI, LXVII. Architectural details from St. Faith's Norwich, Norwich cathedral, and Carisbrook castle, I. W...... 361 LXVIII. Gold bracelet and bronze spear-head and celt from Beachey Head, Sussex . 363 LXIX. Copper culinary vessels from Sturmere, Essex .... 364 LXX. Bronze swords and spear-head from Merionethshire and Carnarvonshire 365 LXXI. Figure of a bull on a stone at Burgh Head, Scotland 365 LXXII. Silver tetradrachm and portrait of Ptolemy VI. of Egypt 366

VOL. XVII. I.—IV. Examples of the four classes of groined vaults 28 V. Mitre and crozier of the see of Limerick 38 VI.—IX. Diagrams illustrating the system of groining vaults 84 X. Ancient cup of glazed pottery . . 114 XI. Medieval bag-iron from Selborne, Hampshire 116 Silver betrothal token . . 124 XII. Roman road and camp on Llandrindod common 172 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 765

PLATE PAGE XIII. Stone celts from Italy and Jamaica ...... 222 xrv. Stone celt from Hampshire ...... 222 XV., XVI. Stone coffin-lids from Cambridge castle . 228 XVII. Roman altar from Aldston Moor, Cumberland .... 230 XVIII., XIX. Kistvaen at Lancresse, Guernsey ....•• 256 XX., XXI. Kistvaen called La Pierre du dehus, near Panadis, Guernsey 256 XXII. Kistvaens at the Catioroc, St. Saviour's, near Valle church, Guernsey 256 XXIIL, XXIV. Stone desk from church, Worcestershire 278 XXV. Silver brooch from Ballymoney, co. Antrim ; and leaden coffin-lid from the Kent road ...... 333 Seal [of Geoffrey, prior of Royston] found near Baldock, Herts 339

VOL. XVIII. Seal of the Abbess of Wilton ...... 41 I., II. Fragments of an Egyptian manuscript . . . . .72 III. Coptic, Egyptian, Zendish, Sassanidian, and Phoenician alphabets . . 72 Gold idol from Dendera ; gold earring from Athens ; hieroglyphic inscrip- IV. tion on the foot of a marble image . . . . .72 Plans of Roman buildings at Rodmarton, Cherington, and Withington, V., VI. Gloucestershire ...... 114, 118 VII. Mosaic pavement at Withington, Gloucestershire .... 120 VIII. Corinthian capital found at Cirencester, and coins from the Kingshohn, Gloucester...... 124 IX., X. Effigy of Peter, earl of Richmond, in the collegiate church of Aqua-Bella in Savoy ...... 187, 188 XI. Parts of effigy of Peter de Aqua-Bella, bishop of , at Aqua-Bella in Savoy ...... -188 XII.—XV. Monument of Bernabo Visconti of St. Giovanni in Conca, Milan . . 196 XVI. Effigy of Louis, count of Evreux, formerly in the church of the Dominicans, Paris ...... 196 XVII. Silver cup and coins found on Halton Moor, Lancashire . . . 202 XVIII. Silver torque found on Halton Moor, Lancashire .... 202 XIX. Plan of Roman villa at Bignor, Sussex ..... 203 XX. Topography of Ancient Babylon ...... 243 . XXI. Section of the nave of St. Paul's cathedral, London .... 336 XXII. „ „ of the Temple church, London . . 336 XXIII. „ „ Henry VII.'s chapel, Westminster Abbey . . 336 XXIV., XXV. Bronze vessels, sword, and umbo of shield found on Huckeridge Hill, near Sawston, Cambridge ...... 340 Silver coin of Basilis, a city in Arcadia ..... 344 Diagrams of flags in the Bayeux tapestry ..... 360 Engraved cylinder from Babylon ...... 371 766 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XXVI. Wooden figures of itinerant masons from Wooburn, Bucks . . . 421 Seal of the treasurer of St. Augustine's abbey, Canterbury . . . 424 Seal of Hospital of Burton Lazars, Leicestershire .... 425 Gold medal of Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew, king of Hungary, 1231 . 433 Admiralty seal of John, earl of Huntingdon, temp. Henrv VI. . . . 434 XXVII. Urn found on Newmarket heath, Cambs...... 436 XXVIII. Roman urns found at Merkeshall, near Norwich ..... 436 Seal of the or White Friars, at Oxford ..... 438 XXIX. Seal of Jasper Tudor, ...... 439 XXX. Head of a crozier ...... 442 XXXI. Plan and section of the of the abbot's hall, St. Werburgh's abbey, Chester ...... 442 Seal of St. Osyth's nunnery, near Colchester ..... 446 Seal of the Carmelites or White Friars of Hitchin, Herts . . . 447


I.—III. Plan, section, etc., of stone barrow at Wellow, Somerset . . . .48 Seal of St. Bartholomew's priory, Smithfield . . . . .49 IV. Bronze swords, spear-head, chain, etc., found at Fulbourn and Hay Hill, Cambridgeshire ...... 60 V. Seal of Evesham abbey, Worcestershire ...... 68 VI. Bas-relief, in which the evil eye or Fascinum is represented . . .74 VII. Plan of encampment near East Hempstead, Berks . . . . .98 VIII. Bronze palstave found near Boston, Lincolnshire ..... 104 IX., X. Saxon pennies found near Dorking ...... 118 Seal of the master and chaplains of the Savoy Hospital in the Strand, London . 146 IX.,* X.* Fragments of a Greek papyrus, etc., from Nubia ..... 160 XI. Plan of entrenchment at , Gloucestershire .... 174 XII. Plan of neighbourhood of Uley Bury ...... 174 XIII. Plan of Roman villa at Bignor, Sussex ...... 176 XIV. Plan of Roman villa at Great Witcombe, Gloucestershire .... 182 XV. Plan and section of the ruins of St. Martin-le-Grand, London . . . 253 Section of vase from St. Martin-le-Grand, London ..... 261 XVI. Views of Teign bridge, Devon ...... 312 XVII. Plan of Teign bridge, and earthworks on Denbury Down and Castle Dyke, in Ugbrooke Park ...... 312 XVIII. Plan of encampment at Milberdown, near Newton Abbot. Plan and elevation of Castle Field ...... 312 XIX. The centre arch of the Red bridge ...... 312 XX. Plans of the church of St. John Lateran, ; St. Peter's at Rome; the chapel in the Tower; abbey church, Salop .... 368 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 767

PLATE PAGE Plans of Lostwithiel church, Cornwall; St. Mary Magdalen's chapel, XXI. Hereford; Croyland abbey church, Lincolnshire ; Lincoln cathedral . 368 Plans of ; Great Wilbraham church, Cambs; XXII. church; Runcton Holm church, Norfolk .... 368 Plans of Hospital chapel, at Dunwich, Suffolk ; Stewkley church, Bucks ; XXIII. Stuntney church, Cambs; St. Giles' church, Cambridge . . 368 Plans of Barfreston church, Kent; Breisworth church, Suffolk; Stour- XXIV. bridge chapel, Cambs ; Little Maplestead church, Essex . . 368 Plans of Temple church, London ; Salisbury cathedral; Chedgrave church, XXV. Norfolk; Barnwell church, Cambs ..... 368 Plans of Frenze church, Norfolk; Little St. Mary's church, Cambridge ; XXVI. King's College chapel, Cambridge ..... 368 Diagrams ilustrating the use of the figure called the Vesica Piscis in XXVII. ancient architecture ...... 368 Diagrams of doors from Birchanger church, Essex ; Moroton Valence and XXVIII. Barfreston, Kent; Earls Barton, Northants .... 368 Diagrams of doors from ; Littlebury church, Essex ; XXIX. Infirmary of Ely priory ; Durham cathedral; Orvieto cathedral . 368 Diagrams of doors from Orvieto cathedral; Siena cathedral; Milton, XXX. Cambs ; Stourbridge chapel, Cambs ..... 368 XXXI. Diagrams of Norman and Saxon doors and Gothic windows . . 368 XXXII. Diagrams of Gothic spires and Salisbury spire .... 368 XXXIII. Diagrams of Saxon and Norman fonts ; arches of York cathedral; St. Edward's church, Cambridge; Salisbury cathedral . . . 368 XXXIV. Diagrams of Gothic doors, etc...... 368 XXXV. Runic inscription on Bridekirk font, Cumberland .... 381 XXXVI. Ancient posts in Elm Hill, near the Tombland, Norwich . . . 383 XXXVII.—XL. Illustrations of the lituus of the ancient Romans .... 404 XLI. Iron axe-head from the river "Witham, Lincolnshire ; inscribed gold ring found at Eltham palace, Kent ...... 409 XLII. Roman fictile vase found at Cambridge ..... 409 XLIII. Urn found in a cairn at Crakraig, Sutherland . . . .411

VOL. XX. I.—XVI. Illuminations from a metrical history of the deposition of Richard II. . 13,etc. XVII., XVIII. Representations of early carriages ...... 477 Latten seal of Ethilwald, bishop of Dunwich . 479 XIX. Supposed monument of Sir John Chandos, K.G., at the bridge of Lusac . 488 Manner and order of putting on the different parts of armour . 499 XXL, XXII. Case with the heart of lord Edward Bruce, at Culross . 516 XXIII. Poor man's boxes at Wickmere, Loddon, and Causton, Norfolk . 533 XXIV. An ancient pax ...... 536 768 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATION'S.

PLATE PAGE XXV. Ancient vessel found in the Rother, near Matham, Kent . . . 554 XXVI. Section showing the position of the vessel ..... 556 XXVII. Map showing changes in the channel of the Rother . . . 562 XXVIII. Coffin, with skeleton, and , ring, and crosier of Henry of Worcester, abbot of Evesham ...... 566 XXIX. Seals of Edward V. and Arthur Tudor, as Princes of Wales . . 578

VOL. XXI. Coins from Coimbatoor, Southern India .... 1 I.—IV. Illuminations from a MS. of Edward IV.'s second invasion of England 14 Autograph of Henry VI...... 24 Runic inscription on a gold ring ..... 25—27 Seal of Geoffrey Plantagenet, bishop of Lincoln 31 V., VI. Antiquities from Hamden Hill, Somerset .... 42 VII. Plan of Camp on Hamden Hill, Somerset .... 42 VIII. Seals of the city of Bristol ...... 86 IX. Map of St. Paul's voyage ...... 106 X. Sketch map of Gerasa and Pella ...... 146 XI., XII. House gables at Hamburg ...... 158 XIII.—XV. Clock tower, church window, and church gable at Berlin . 158 XVI. Gable of a building in Berlin, 1642 . . 158 XVII. Gateway of Kirkham priory, Yorks . . . . 160 XVIII. Font from Kirkham priory, Torks ...... 160 XIX. Mary queen of Scots' room in Bolton castle, Torks . 161 Banner of the arms of de Lannoy .... . 309 View of Jaffa ...... 408 View of ...... 422 XX., XXI. Roman sculptured stones found at Croy Hill, near Kilsyth 456, 468 XXII. Effigy of a lady in Stevenage church, Herts . . . .. 499 XXIII. Map of Csesar's expeditions to Britain ...... 504 XXIV., XXV. The Kooba, near Palermo ...... 524 Silver pennies of Henry I. and Stephen ..... 539 XXVI. Instrument of torture found in the catacombs ..... 541 Seal of Jordan, abbot of the Cistercian of Dore, Herefordshire . 542 Ancient cup found near Caergwll castle, Flintshire 543 Seal of the corporation of Liverpool ...... 544 Seal of the corrector of the bishop of Norwich .... 546 Gold thumb-ring found on Porlingland Heath, near Norwich 547 Seal of Beraldus, prior of Collecaton ..... 548 XXVII. Site of Roman antiquities near St. Neots; Roman Mercury found at Hail Weston, Hunts . . . . 550 Seal of the Brigetine nuns of Sion, Middlesex .... 551 Figure of minstrels on a pillar in St. Mary's church, Beverley 553 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 769

VOL. XXII. PLATE PAGI' Map of neighbourhood of Grantham, Lincolnshire 27 Plan of Roman bath, near Stoke, Lincolnshire 31 I. Roman bricks and tiles from North Stoke, Lincolnshire . 32 II. Sculptured stone at Elgin, Morayshire .... 55 III. Sculptured stones at Mortlach and Ruthven, Banffshire . 56 IV., V. Obelisks at Muir of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire 56 VI.—XX. Engravings on a suit of armour belonging to Henry VIII. 112 XXI. Map of the borders of Scotland, 1590 .... 161 XXII. Plans of the megalithic monuments at Carnac and Abury 196 XXIII., XXIV. Stone circles in Scotland ...... 201 . 202 XXV. Bronze bracelet found near Altyre, Morayshire .... 285 XXVI.—XXVIII. Tempio dei Giganti, at Gozo, near Malta ..... 296 British coins found near High Wycombe, Bucks .... 297 XXIX. Plan and section of Chun castle, Cornwall .... 302 XXX. Plan of Castle-au-Dinas, Ludgvan, Cornwall . . . . 302 XXXI., XXXII. Roman antiquities at Keston, Kent . 348 Fragment of painted wall-plaster from Keston .... 349 XXXIII. Ancient silver cup in Dunvegan castle, Skye . . . . 408 XXXIV., XXXV. Stone circles at Leuchar and Tyrebaggar, Aberdeenshire 410 XXXVI. Remains of Roman potter's kiln at Caister, near Norwich 413 Early fifteenth-century sword, with arms of 414 XXXVII. Seal of court of session for the of Caermarthen, Cardigan, and Pembroke, temp. Charles I. . 417 Catchpoles from Aylsham bridewell, Norfolk .... 418 XXXVIII. Two Roman inscriptions at Bath, Somerset . . . . 420 Silver seal found in county of Derry . 422 Seal of St. Sepulchre's college, York . 423 Seal of Lewis, dauphin of France, 1216 . 427 XXXIX. Remains on Dartmoor Down ...... 430 A Roman tessera or ticket found in Cookham Wood, Frindsbury, Kent . 435 Sites of sepulchral monuments in Bitton churchyard, near Bristol 437 Gold bracelet found near Aspatria, Cumberland . . . . 439


Diagram of jamb of the eastern doorway of the Campo Santo, Pisa 3 I. Monument in the Campo Santo, Pisa, 1359 .... 6 II. Round tower, Taseburgh church, Norfolk .... 16 III. Round church towers at Little Saxham, Suffolk, and Great Leighs, Essex 16 IV. „ ,, „ Piddinghoe, Sussex, and Blundeston, Suffolk; and details from Welford church, Berks .... 16 5 F 770 LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE Round church towers at Hadiscoe and Hadiscoe Thorpe, Norfolk, and Herringfleet, Suffolk ...... 16 VI. Arches, etc., in Risby church, Suffolk, and Norwich cathedral 16 Arches and doorways in the churches of Thorpe Abbots and Norton, VII. Norfolk, and Shefford, Berks . 16 Round church towers at Rushmere, Suffolk; Bartlow, Cambridgeshire ; VIII. and Norton, Norfolk ..... 16 IX. Round tower and tower arch, West Shefford church, Berks 16 X. Plan and section of subterranean chambers at Carrigtohill, near Cor•kk . 80 Plan of chambers at Ballyhendon and Kilcrumpher . 8,82 3 XI., XII. Architectural fragments found at Paestum . 8,7 90 XIII. Ancient British shields ...... 96 XIV.—XVI. Ancient bath and pavement in the island of Lipari . • 98, 100, 102 XVII.—XIX. Old London Bridge, sections, etc...... 118 Inscriptions and marks on vases found at Canino . 132—•257 XX.—XXV. Hostelry of the Prior of Lewes, St. Olave's, Southwark, plan, etc. 308 XXVI., XXVII. Wall-paintings in Preston church, Sussex .... 316 XXVIII. Pair of enamelled candlesticks at Goodrich court . . . 322 XXIX., XXX. Mausoleum of Theodoric at Ravenna .... 323,326 XXXI. Map of Roman Norfolk . . . . . • 358 XXXII. Seal of Southwick priory, Hampshire . . . • 376 Drawing from pedigree of Alexander Stewart, 1384 . • 388 Mazer formerly belonging to the priory of Rochester 393 XXXIII. Coins of the kings of Mercia . . . . . 396 Roman pavement at Worplesdon, Surrey, plan and details 399,400 Roman tile from Worplesdon ..... 401 Penny of Offa, king of Mercia . . . . ' . 404 Seal of the Penitentiary of Jerusalem .... 410 Section of Greek hypaethral temple .... 414 XXXIV. Snuff mill, temp. James I. . 416 XXXV. Arthur's stone, Cevyn Bryn, Gower, S. Wales 421 XXXVI. Dedication inscription from a chapel at Tours 427

VOL. XXIV. I. Benedictional of St. iEthelwold—facsimile of text 24 II. „ Letters from .... 24 III.—XXXII „ Illuminations from 48, etc. XXXIII. Benedictional of Archbishop Robert—facsimile of text . 118 XXXIV. ,, Illumination from . 130 XXXV.—XLII. Fashions of hats from the reign of Richard II. to the end of the eighteenth century ...... 188 XLIIL—XLV. Roman remains from St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, London . . 202 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 771

PLATE PAGE Potter's marks on Roman -ware from St. Michael's, Crooked, Lane 201, 202 XLVI.—XLVIII. Ancient chessmen found in the Isle of Lewis . ... . 214 XLIX. Ornaments on chessmen from the Isle of Lewis ...... 236 Details from chessmen from the Isle of Lewis 214—219, 223—225, 230—239, 242, 243 Seal of John de Rokewode, 13 Edward III. . . . .240 L. Representation of the attack by the French fleet oa Brighthelmstone, 1545 ...... 298 LI. Bird's-eye view of the battle of Arques or St. Etienne, 1589 . . 298 LIL—CIV. Illuminations from MS. of Caedmon's metrical paraphrase . . 340 CV. Roman altar found in Foster Lane, London .... 350 Roman altar, etc., at Caervoran, Northumberland . . . 352 Saxon seal found near Winchester ..... 359


The Bartlow Hills, Ashdon, Essex—plan and view ... 2 Earthwork at Ashdon, Essex ...... 3 Bartlow Hills, potters' marks on vessels from .... 4 II., III. Bartlow Hills, objects from ...... 6 IV.—VI. Plan, etc., of vaulted cellars, parfe of the old palace of Whitehall . 116 VII., VIII. Effigy of John de Sheppy, bishop of Rochester, in Rochester cathedral . 122 Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, profile of the coast . . . 130 Urn from a barrow at Knapton ...... 142 View of reef, Filey , Yorks ...... 142 Map of coast from Filey bay to Bridlington quay . . . 143 IX. Map of the Yorkshire coast according to Ptolemy . . . 144 X. Fonts in churches in France ...... 164 XL English decorated window—, York . . . 184 XII. French decorated window—Baveux cathedral .... 184 XIII. English decorated window—HeckingtoD church, Lincolnshire . . 184 XIV. English perpendicular window—Eaton Socon church, Beds . . 184 XV. French Flamboyant window—St. Grermain, Pont Audemer . . 184 XVI. French Flamboyant window—South porch, Harfleur . . . 184 XVII. East end of the groining, Seminary chapel, Bayeux . . . 184 XVIII. Plan of chancel and groining, Tour, near Bayeux . . . 184 First Stone and cross, Carnac ...... 188 XIX. Dracontia—Abury, Stanton Drew, Dartmoor .... 194 XX. Plan of the Dracontium, Carnac, and map of l'Isle aux Moines, Morbihan ...... 202 XXL- XXIV. Views of Carnac .•.•.-. . . . 206, 212, 216 XXV.-XXVII. Celtic remains at Locmariaker . . . . • . 230, 232, 233 XXVIII. Anglo-Saxon Pontifical at Rouen—facsimile of text . . . 250 772 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XXIX., XXX. Anglo-Saxon Pontifical at Rouen—illuminations .... 250 XXXI., XXXII. St. John's church, Syracuse ...... 278 XXXIII., XXXIV. Saxon bucket found at Hexham ...... 282 Coin of Ecgfrid found at Hevvorth ..... 291 Coins of Heardulf ...... 292 Coin of ^Ella ...... 303 XXXV.—LV1I. Anglo-Saxon stycas ....".. 306 Anglo-Saxon stycas ...... 310 LVIII. Coffin-plate of Gunilda, sister of Harold king of the English, at Bruges 410 LXIX. Tablets from Palenque, Central America ..... 570 LX. Jar and sculptures from an island in the lake of Yashaw . . 570 LXL, LXII. Wooden figure of St. George, at Dijon ..... 574 LXIII. Palace of Theodoric at Ravenna ...... 579 LXIV. Ancient steelyard weights, with shields of arms, found near Norwich . 589 Cross slab at Great Bookham, Surrey ..... 590 LXV., LXVI. Queen Elizabeth's bath-room, King's Mews, Charing Cross . . 590 Monumental slab, with Runic figures, found at Dover . . . 604 LXVII., LXVIII. Undercroft of part of the hostelry of the prior of Lewes, South war k . 604 LXIX. Roman amphora found near Woburn abbey .... 606 Seal of Hugh, son of William de Cressingham .... 607 LXX. HU1 forts, Argyleshire and Ross-shire ..... 614 LXXI. Seals of William the Conqueror, and of Owen Glendowr as Prince of Wales ...... 616 Seal of Langley abbey, Norfolk ...... 618 Potters' marks on vessels found near St. Olave's Southwark . . 620

VOL. xxvr. I. Coins of William I. and William II. . 24 II. Saxon doorway, church of Laughton-en-le-Morthen, Yorkshire 32 III. Saxon work, North Burcombe church, Wiltshh-e . 40 Diagrams of quoined and long and short work, etc. 41—43 IV.—XXIV. Fac-similes of ancient writing, etc. 144—180 Foundation stone of St. Mark's church, Venice . 215 Foundation inscription of St. Mark's, Venice . 219 XXV.—XXVII. Plans of Westminster ...... 224, 226, 237 Plan of site of canoe, found at North Stoke, Sussex . 258 XXVIII. North Stoke, Sussex ...... 258 XXIX. „ ,, ,, Canoe found at ... . 264 XXX. Plan of and precinct, Norfolk; seal of archbishop Arundel ...... 292 XXXI. Baitlow Hills, Essex—plans and elevations . 300 xxxi r.—xxxv. ,, ,, ,, Objects from the great barrow . 302, 304, 310 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 773

PLATE PAGE Coin of Ecgbert, archbishop of York . . . 348 XXXVL—XLII. Saxon coins found at Hexham, Northumberland . 348 XLIII. Ancient structure dug out of Drumkelin bog . 362 Roman Ustrinum at Litlington, near Royston, Cambs . 368 Leaf from Roman pottery .... . 372 Site of Roman remains at Litlington, Cambs . 376 XLIV., XLV. Urns and glass, etc., from Litlington, Cambs . 376 Facsimile of a letter of Margaret, countess of Salisbury . 370 XLVI,—XLIX, Norman remains found at Westminster Hall 408—421 409, 413 L., LI. British gold corselet found at Bryn-yr-Ellyllon, Mold, Flintshire . 428 The Slaughter of the Innocents, from painted glass in the Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster abbey ...... 438 Roman mirror, etc., from Deveril Street, Southwark 467 Urns found in Whitechapel ...... 470 Gold torque from Boy ton, Suffolk ...... 471 Archiepiscopal throne at Assisi ...... 472 Admiralty seal of Louis, Bastard of Bourbon, 1466 479 LII. Early sepulchral stones found at Hartlepool . . . . 480 Seal of the Friars Preachers of Caen . 485

VOL. XXVII. I., II. Gold ornaments from Quentin, Brittany . . . . .14 III.—X. Female head-dress in England ...... 32 Map of Bow and Stratford ...... 86 XI. Bow Bridge, Essex ...... 88 Autograph of Shakespeare ...... 113 XII. Westminster Hall—longitudinal section ..... 136 XIII. „ ,, Norman capitals ..... 137 „ „ North front ...... 138 Autograph of Richard, duke of York, otherwise called Perkin War- beck ...... 183, 200 XIV. Roman monumental inscriptions from Watermore, Gloucestershire . 212 XV. Torture chamber at Nuremberg ...... 236 236 ,, „ ,, Plan of the vault and its approaches . 240 XVI. Castle of Saltzburg, and torture chamber ..... 243 XVII., XVIII. The Jungfer or Virgin in the castle of Feistritz .... 244 Seal of queen Catherine of Arragon ..... 261 XIX. Mummy of Pet-maut-ioh-mes—Bottom of inner case . . . 264 XX. „ „ Hieroglyphics on the cases .... 265 XXI. ,, „ Emblems of Phra and scarabseus found on the breast 268 XXII. Bronze British buckle from the bed of the Isis .... 298 Map of the river Isis ...... 300 774 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XXIII. Saxon pennies found at Sevington, Wilts, 1834 : 302 XXIV. Saxon spoon, fork, etc., from Sevington, Wilts .... 302 XXV. Roman speculum from Coddenham, Suffolk .... 360 XXVI. Seal of Boxgrove priory, Sussex ...... 376 XXVII. Modes used by masons for forming a straight head over an opening . 384 XXVIIL—XXX. Eynesford castle, Kent—ground plans and restored sections . 394, 396 Site of Roman pavement found in JBishopsgate, London . . . 398 Gold bracelet found near Egerton Hall, Cheshire . . . 401 Seal of dignity of Richard de Bury, bishop of Durham ... . . 402 XXXI. Map of Roman roads on the Yorkshire wolds .... 404 Engravers' marks from mezzotint engravings . . . 407, 409 XXXII. Sketch for compiling a plan of Silchester, Hants, circa 1745 . . 419 Plan of bath (?) at Silchester ...... 419 Engraved onyx in a cover of a MS. of the Gospels at Treves . . 420 XXXIII. Ancient drawing of the town of Carrickfergus, 1612 . . . 421 XXXIV. Map of the siege of Therouenne, France, 1553 .... 424 Badge of Anthony, the Bastard of Burgundy .... 427 Roman antiquities found at Hemel Hempstead, Herts . . . 434 Ancient swords found near Norwich ..... 435 Chapelle de Notre Dame des Pas, Jersey (now destroyed) . . 437

VOL. XXVIII. I., II. Sepulchral relics from the Bartlow Hills, Essex .... 6 III. Plan of the Exeter canal in the reign of Elizabeth . . .26 IV.—VIII. Bronze figures of a priest or devotee of Cybele, and of Mercury, Jupiter (?), Apollo, and Atys, found in the river Thames, 1837 . 46 IX. Catacomb at Alexandria—ground plan, etc. . . . .170 X.—XII. „ ,, Writings on the walls . . .170 XIII., XIV. Inscriptions on monumental stones at Alexandria . . . 170 Memorial cross to the king of Bohemia, near the battle-field of Cressy . 192 XV.—XX. Anglo-Saxon and other runes ..... 338, etc. XXI. Ancient cannon from Walney island, Lancashire .... 376 An early cannon from Walney island ..... 377 XXII. Ancient ordnance from illuminated MSS. . 388 XXIII. Map of Abury and Silbury ...... 418 XXIV. Conjectural method of raising the stones at Stonehenge . . . 418 Autograph of lord Mounteagle ...... 424 Bronze figure of an elephant from Toddington, Bads . . . 434 XXV. Bronze vessel found in 1838 at Prickwillow, in the isle of Ely . 436 Bronze pricket candlestick with figure of a stag, from Nursting, Hants . 442 Bronze vessel from Pulford, Cheshire ..... 452 XXVI. Cromlech excavated near the castle of Mount Orgueil in Jersey, 1839 . 461 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 775

VOL. XXIX. PLATE PAGE I. Sepulchral relics from the Bartlow Hills, Essex 4 II. Map of ancient roads and earthworks near the junction of the rivers Severn and Wye ...... 16 ' III. Lead fonts at Tidenham and Llancaut, Gloucestershire 24 IV—IX. Orford castle, Suffolk, plans, views, etc. .... 62, etc. X. Enamelled gold fibula found in London ..... 70 XI., XII. Cross with interlaced work and runic inscription at Lancaster . 78 XIII., XIV. Egyptian tomb from near the pyramids of Gizeh . . . 112 XV. Hieroglyphics from the same ...... 126 Cylix from Canino ...... 139 XVI. „ „ Groups on ...... 144 XVII., XVIII. Roman remains found in London ..... 166 XIX. Drawing of the tomb and effigy of Richard I. in Rouen cathedral, 1700 204 XX. Inscription on the lead box containing the heart of Richard I. . . 206 XXI. Effigy of Richard I. found in Rouen cathedral, 1838 . 208 XXII. Site of the Roman burial-place, Strood, Kent .... 218 XXIII.—XXVIII. Ancient ruins near Crendi, Malta ..... 240 XXIX. Part of the south of St. Saviour's, Southwark . 242 XXX. Roman and British roads and works round the site of Camulodunum . 256 Inscriptions to the emperor Tetricus .... 257, 258 XXXI.—XXXVIII. Judicial duels anciently practised in . 350, etc. XXXIX. Copper bowls found in Lothbury, London .... 367 Epitaph of the empress Fastrada at Mentz .... 369 XL. Culver hole in Glamorganshire ...... 382 „ „ „ Plan ..... 383 XLI. Sculptured armorial atchievment assigned to Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk ...... 387 XLII. Silver dish from Mileham, Norfolk ..... 389 XLIII. Odiham castle, Hants, ground plan ..... 390 Privy seal of queen Elizabeth ...... 392 Autograph of queen Elizabeth ...... 396 Silver seal of Thomas de Prayers ..... 405 Arms of kings and princes of Wales, North Wales, South Wales, and Powisland ...... 413 XLIV. Roman remains at Boughton Monchelsea, Kent .... 414

VOL. XXX. Runic inscription on a copper dish found at Chertsey, Surrey 40 Tumuli on Breach Downs, Kent 47 I. Antiquities found in the Breach downs tumuli . 48 49 776 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Sections of a barrow at Iffins "Wood, near Canterbury . . . 59, 60 II. Figures of Welsh knights in Kilpeck church, Herefordshire . . .62 III.—V. Punic inscriptions from the site of Carthage ..... 112 Engraver's mark on a brass at Westley Waterless, Cambs. . . . 119 Seal of Walter le Masun ...... 119 VI.—X. Examples of masons' marks ...... 120 Bronze figure of Cupid from Gayton, Northants . . . . .126 Roman remains found at Gayton, Northants ..... 128 XL Saxon antiquities found at Gilton, in the parish of Ash, Kent . . . 132 Bronze dish found at Gilton, in the parish of Ash, Kent .... 133 XII. Gold ornaments recently found in Ireland ..... 137 XIII. Gold tabula from Basle cathedral ...... 148 XIV., XV. The sandal-wood gates of Somnath ...... 174 Knife carried by a figure on a gold ornament from near Asterabad . . 249 XVI. Gold, brass, and marble objects found in a tumulus called Tureng-tepeh, near Asterabad, in 1841 ...... 250 XVII. Urns, ornaments, etc., from barrows in South Dorsetshire . . . 338 XVIII. Vase representing the contest of Hercules and Juno .... 348 Facsimile of text of an old-English MS. at Stockholm . . . 349 XIX. Monumental brass of Robert Halluni, bishop of Salisbury, in the cathedral church of Constance ...... 432 Drawing by Matthew Paris of a Roman gem found at Verulamium . . 444 British urn in the Scarborough museum ...... 459 Arms of the Goldsmiths' Company ...... 505 Arms of the Fishmongers' and Stockfishmongers' Companies . . . 506 Seals of John le Bray, John de Gloucester, and John de Podyngton, 1327 . 507 Seals of Robert Ely, William Syward, and another, 1330 . . . 508 Arms in the church of St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, London, and armorial seal from Lansdowne MS. 874 ...... 509 Arms of Bryan, Rydon, and Sewynton ...... 510 Arms of Ostrich, Porte, and Hadresham ...... 511 XX., XXI. of the priory of Great Malvern ..... 516 Section of the Roman wall of London ...... 523 Colossal rock-statue near Magnesia, Asia Minor ..... 525 Plan of the piers of the bridge of Augustus at Rimini .... 532 XXII. Bronze figure of an archer, found in Queen Street, Cheapside, 1842 . . 544 XXIII. Document bearing the signature of Edward the Fifth as king, countersigned by Richard, duke of Gloucester ...... 545 Bronze fibula found near Stone, Bucks ...... 546 XXIV. Bronze forceps found in the Thames, 1840 ..... 548 Bronze ornament from Perdeswell, Worcestershire .... 554 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 777

VOL. XXXI. PLATE PAGE Medallion, with Edward prince of Wales adoring the Holy Trinity, encircled by the Garter ...... 141 I., II. Dovecote at Garway preceptory, Herefordshire ..... 191 Marks on stones in the Garway dovecote ...... 194 Inscribed tympanum of Garway dovecote ...... 195 Arms of William Fossard, Peter de Mauley I., Peter de Mauley II., Robert de Mauley, and John de Mauley ...... 241 III. Effigy of Sir Robert de Mauley, temp. Edward I., from York minster . . 248 Episcopal rings of John Stanbery, 1452, and Richard Mayo, 1516, bishops oi' Hereford ...... 249 Iron cramp on bishop Stanbery's coffin ...... 252 Bourdon and hazel wand found in bishop Mayo's grave .... 253 Roman vase found at Sandy, Beds ...... 254 IV. Figures of a naked youth, and of Anacreon and his dog, from vases in the British museum ...... •• 259 V. Incised sepulchral effigies of the 13th century at Avenbury, Herefordshire, and Bitton, Gloucestershire ...... 268 VI. Bilingual inscription on a vase at St. Mark's, Venice .... 275 Winged deities, etc., from Kirkby Thore, Westmoreland .... 284 Bronze fibulas from Kirkby Thore, Westmoreland .... 285 Probe from Kirkby Thore, Westmoreland ..... 286 The White Horse at Uffington, Berks ...... 298 VII., VIII. British remains on Rombalds moor and Baildon common, Yorks . . 306 Roman leaden coffin found at Bow ..-••• 308 Ornament on the same .....-•• 309 IX. Bracelets, rings, and glass vessels from Chilgrove, near , Sussex . 312 X. St. Stephen's chapel, Westminster, interior of crypt .... 324 XI. St. Stephen's chapel, Westminster, doorway and plan of crypt . . . 324 Site of Roman house at Acton Scott, near Church Stretton, Salop . . 339 Plan of Roman house at Acton Scott, near Church Stretton, Salop . • 340

XII. Plan of Roman house at Acton Scott, near Church Stretton: Salop . . 340 Tiles from Roman house at Acton Scott, near Church Stretton, Salop . . 343 Escutcheons on the tomb of Edward prince of Wales .... 357 Autograph of Edward prince of Wales ...... 358 Great seal of John of Luxemburg, king of Bohemia .... 359 Seal of Edward III. pro lanis et coreis liberandis ..... 361 Seal of Edward prince of Wales, son of Edward III. .... 362 Seal of Henry IV. before his accession . . . . • • 365 Secretum of Henry IV. from his will ....•• 366 Prince of Wales' feathers and motto from stained glass in the porter's lodge, Tower of London ...... 370 Prince of Wales' feathers and motto from St. Dunstan's church, London . 371 5 & 778 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Prince of Wales' feathers and motto, on glass from Reynold's Place, Horton Kirby, Kent ...... 371 Autograph of Edward prince of Wales ...... 381 Water-mark on paper of Caxton's Meditations ..... 423 „ „ „ Cordiale ..... 424 Dovecote of Lewes priory, Sussex ...... 431 Sculptured Norman capitals from Lewes priory . 435 Bronze boxes from Lewes priory ...... 437 XIII., XIV. Bronze head of Silenus (?) from Colchester . . . . .444 XV. Bust of Caligula from Colchester ...... 446 XVI. Bronze of Jupiter Conservator from Colchester .... 447 Map of cairns and stone circles in Furness, Lancashire . . . 448 XVII. Stone Walls, Urswick, Furness ...... 449 „ „ „ Section of wall ..... 449 XVIII. Stone circle at Sunbrick ; circular earthwork called the Kirk, and cairn on Kirkby moor, Lancashire ...... 450 Map of part of Kirkby moor, Lancashire . . . . .451 Stone ring (fragment) and stone hammer, from Furness . . . 452 XIX. The Moot or Moat Hill, Aldingham; earthwork at Appleby Slack; and stone hammers from Lindale and High Haum, Furness .... 452 Seal of the Friars Preachers of Truro, Cornwall .... 459 Golden ornaments from Islay, South America ..... 472 Gold posy ring from Thetford, Norfolk ...... 474 Signet of Sir Rice ap Thomas ...... 474 XX. Viatorium, temp. Elizabeth ; and a modern Viatorium . . . 482 Incised grave-slab from Helaugh priory, Yorks .... 484 XXL, XXII. Early fire-arms and gun-locks ...... 492 Seal of Elizabeth for the counties of Caermarthen, Glamorgan, and Pembroke 495 Bronze axe-heads from Postlingford Hall, Clare, Suffolk . . .497 XXIII. British bronze collar from Embsay, Yorks . . . . .517 Plan of Wimbledon camp, Surrey ...... 519 Section of Wimbledon camp, Surrey ...... 520

VOL. XXXII. I. Remains of Roman statues at Bedford Purlieus, Northants ... 2 II., III. Roman vases, etc., found at Bedford Purlieus . . . . . 8, 11 IV. Statue of Minerva Custos found at Sibson, Northants . . . .14 V., VI. Church at Martula Mariam, Abyssinia ...... 51, 52 Coffin of Johanna de Bohun in Hereford cathedral . . . .60 VII. Gold ornament from Mundesley, Norfolk, and similar jewels in the British Museum ...... 68 Sling-bullet from Same, Cephalonia ...... 96 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 779

PLATE PAGE VIII. Cylix from Vulci, with Peleus leading Thetis, after her capture, to Chiron . 150 IX. Portion of the myth upon the under side of the cylix from Vulci . . 150 X. Myth on a cylix from the Canino collection, No. 808 .... 152 XL Remaining portion of the myth upon the under side of the cylix from Vulci . 162 XII. Vulcian hydria of archaic style, commemorating the same story as the cylix from Vulci ...... 162 XIII., XIV. Assyrian bas-reliefs from Khorsabad ...... 168 XV., XVI. Greek vase from Etruria, in the possession of the marquess of Northampton . 262 XVII. Wayland Smith's cave, Ashbury, Berks ...... 314 Ostrich feathers of the prince of Wales from Sloane MSS. . . . 333 XVIII. Roman glass vessel dug up at Colchester ..... 395 Wooden image of God the Father found in the Thames .... 409 XIX. Terracotta figure of Eros, in the possession of the marquess of Northampton . 442 XX. Monument of lady Catherine Gordon, Fyfield church, Berks . . . 448 Seal or bulla of Coenwlf, king of Mercia ...... 449 XXI. Shafts formed in the chalk at Ewell, filled with Roman remains, with a Roman bowl found there ...... 452

VOL. XXXIII. I. Astrological clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries 22 Autograph of Bona, queen of Poland .... 24 Parts of the Society's astrological clock .... 28, 29, 32, 34 Plan of ruins at Zante, Ionian Islands .... 38 Plan of tombs at Zante, Ionian Islands .... . 41, 42 Silver, gold, and other objects from Zante, Ionian Islands . 46, 50 11., III. Silver, gold, and other objects from Zante, Ionian Islands 54 IV. Presumed plan of Roman London in its early state . 124 Gnostic gems ...... 133 V., VI. Mouldings and capitals of columns from the Conquest to the reign of Henry VIII...... 142 VII. Antiquities found near Amiens, France ...... 174 VIII. Gold torque, belonging to Her Majesty, found in Needwood Forest, 1848 . 176 Coins of Gades and Sex ...... 180 Denarius of the Gens Marcia ...... 185 IX. Map of a portion of Roman Britain, showing the finding of indigenous coins, with specimens of the latter ...... 190 Autograph of Sir John Hawkins ...... 195 Arms and crest of Sir John Hawkins ...... 206 X. Facsimile of the Minute of Council at Sea, upon the defeat of the Spanish Armada 282 XI. Burial-ground near Marston St. Lawrence, Northants .... 330 XII., XIII. Personal ornaments, etc., found at Marston St. Lawrence . . 334, 336 XIV. Sword and dagger of James IV. of Scotland . . . . . 340 780 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Coins of Faustina the elder ...... 343 Seal of William Neville, lord Fauconberg, K.Gr. . . . . 346 XV. Armilla of gold found near Wendover in 1847 ..... 347 Terra-cotta musical instrument from Milos or ^Egina .... 349 Signet of Mary queen of Scots, with arms, etc...... 355

„ % „ ,, Monogram ..... 356 Autograph and cypher of Mary queen of Scots . . . . .357 XVI. Early painted glass in Le Mans cathedral ..... 359 XVII. Crosier of the bishops of Waterford and Lismore .... 360

VOL. XXXIV. Balance and escapement of an astrological clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries ...... 2 Balance and escapement of an early clock at Dover castle ... 3 Portable clocks from MSS...... 9, 11 Figures of Temperance holding a clock ...... 10, 11 I. Clock presented by Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn, in possession of Her Majesty the Queen, at Windsor Castle ...... 12 Table clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries . . . .15 Table clock in the Morgan collection ...... 16 Testoon of Bona of Savoy, 1477 ...... 19 Urns from Stone, near Aylesbury, Bucks . . . . .21 Section of a columbarium at Rome ...... 22 Wooden bucket with iron hoops found at Stone, Bucks .... 25 Shafts in chalk at Chadwell, near Tilbury . . . . .28 II. Plans and views in the village of Stone, near Aylesbury, with sections of sepulchral pit...... 32 [II., IV. Examples of masons' marks ...... 36 V. Antique beads in the collection of Benjamin Nightingale, Esq. . . 50 VI. Ystumcegid Cromlech, Llanfihangel-y-Pennant, co. Carnarvon . . .66 Roman inscriptions, etc., found at Nistues . . . . .70 VII. Roman antiquities found at Nismes ...... 72 VIII. Rock sculptures at Behistun ...... 76 IX. Specimen of the Median writing at Behistun . . . . .76 X. Anglo-Saxon remains found at Fairford, Gloucestershire . . .82 XL Bronze collar found in Lochar Moss, Dumfriesshire . . . .86 Bronze pin and wooden knitting'-sheath from Orkney .... 95 Stone circle at Stenness, Orkney ...... 98 Cromlech at Stenness, Orkney ...... 99 Stone circle of Brogar, Stenness ...... 102 Cromlech at Sandvrick ...... 116 Glass beads from a moss near Caldate, St. Olaf . . . . .117 r


PLATE PAGE Picts' castle on the How of Hoxa . . . . . • .120 Stones from Ronaldsay ...... 122 Picts' castle at Lamb Head, Stronsey ...... 130 Bone pins from a Picts' house at Skara ...... 136 XII. General plan of the antiquities of Stenness, Orkney, 1849 .... 136 XIII. Ring of Brogar, Stenness—plan ...... 136 XIV. Rings of Bookan, Stenness, and a smaller circle ..... 136 XV. Graves in tumuli and plans of Picts' houses, Orkney .... 136 XVI. Plan and sections of a Picts' house upon the Holm of Papey Westrey, Orkney . 136 XVII. Ground plan and elevations of a Picts' house at Savrock, near Kirkwall . . 136 Stone axe from North Australia, and stone hammer from West Australia . .172 Axes from Kent, Colchester, and Londinieres . . . . .179 Anglo-Saxon warriors from a MS. in the British Museum . . . 182, 189 Spear-heads from Anglo-Saxon graves ...... 183 Autograph of William, earl of Gowrie ...... 215 ,, Patrick Ruthven ...... 222 ,, Lord Ruthven ...... 223 XVIII. Figures from roundels, or fruit trenchers, of the time of James I. . . . 225 XIX. illustrate the supposed route of Caesar, and the battle of Hastings . . 250 Plan of a barrow near Driffield ...... 253 Bronze fibula from the same ...... 256 Plan of a barrow near Londesborough ...... 257 XX. Sepulchral remains from tumuli near Driffield, Yorkshire .... 258 XXI. Silver disc from Tarentum ...... 272 XXII. of the abbey of St. Aubin, Angers ...... 278 XXIII. Chapel of the hospital of St. John, Angers ...... 279 XXIV. Mortuary chapel dedicated to St. Catherine in the cemetery of the abbey of Fontevrault ...... 285 XXV. Church of St. Hilary, Poitiers ...... 287 XXVI. Plan of the church of St. Hilary at Poitiers, as it existed before the Revolution in 1790 ...... 288 XXVII. Names of Negro prisoners from an Egyptian statue in the Louvre . . . 378 XXVIII. Tablet of Samneh, presented by his Grace the Duke of Northumberland to the British Museum ...... 389 XXIX. Roman antiquities found at Boxmoor, Herts ...... 394 Earthworks at Cambo, near Bayonne ...... 400—402 XXX. The mummy in St. Stephen's crypt, Westminster, previous to its removal . . 430 XXXI. The crosier • ...... 430 XXXII. The body wrapped in cere-cloth ...... 430 XXXIII. The head, with the outer covering removed; and again, with the pledget of tow in the mouth ...... 430 XXXIV. The head after the removal of the tow ...... 430 XXXV. Ancient stone with Saxon characters found at Dewsbury .... 437 782 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XXXVI. Leaden tablet or book-cover with Saxon inscription 438 Megalithic remains in the 442 Seal and counterseal of Margaret, queen of Edward T. 444 Seal of arms of cardinal Beaufort .... 444 XXXVII. Examples of the construction of timber arches 445 XXXVIII. Silver fibula and torque from Orton Scar, Westmoreland . 446 Stones from Clonghton moor, near Scarborough, Yorks 447 Stone circle on Cloughton moor .... 448 XXXIX. Celtic remains from a tumulus near Scai'borough . 448 XL. Leaden horn-book moulds found at Hartley castle 450


Nail-head from church of St. Front, Perigueux .... 36 Tomb of John of Asside, church of St. Front, Perigueux . 38 I. Church of St. Maurice, near Geneay . . • . 41 Plan of the same ...... 41 Norman ornaments from the the church of Civray 42 Norman ornaments from the church of Ruffec .... 43 II. Cathedral of Angouleme ...... 44 Cornice and capitals in the church of Cognac .... 45 Norman ornament in the church of Touriers .... 46 Angon of Agathias, and Jancia uncaia of Sidonius Apollinaris 51 Angons from Sweden and Norway ..... 52 Fleurs-de-lis from Babylon, Nineveh, and Arban .... 54 Plans of ancient potteries in the New Forest . 93 III. Map of sites of potteries and specimens of vessels from the New Forest . 96 Specimens of ornament on vessels from the New Forest . 98 Fragments of pottery from the New Forest .... 99 Tourniole de Belleville ...... 100 Plan of the same ...... 104 Spindle-whorl from the same ...... 106 Buckles, bead, and ring found at Ste Marguerite, near Dieppe . 108 Belt fastenings found at Ste Marguerite, near Dieppe . 109 Fibula found at Ste Marguerite, near Dieppe .... . 112 IV. Hieroglyphic groups from inscriptions recording the annals o': Thothmes TIL 166 V. The Ages of Man, from Arundel MS. 83 . . 176 Woodcut from a German book, printed in 1518 .... 178, 179 VI. The Ten Ages of Man, from Der Dieren Palleys .... 180 VII. The Seven Ages of Man, from a block-print in the British museum . 188 VIII. Gold personal ornaments from Milo, etc...... 190 Axe-heads from Merovingian interments at Parfondeval . . 229 Axes from an Etruscan vase in the British museum . 230 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 783

PAGE Spear-heads from Envermeu ...... 231 Cist Dehus, Guernsey ...... 240 Great cromlech, l'Ancresse, Guernsey . . . , . 242, 243 Cromlech Dehus, Guernsey ...... 245, 246 Celtic urns from Guernsey ....:. 255, 256 IX. Map of lands given by Cenwealh to the church of Winchester . . 272 X.—XII. Antiquities from Harnham Hill, Salisbury .... 276, 278 XIII. Leaden crosses from cemeteries in France and England . . . 300 table, Bordeaux cathedral ...... 360 XIV. Tower of Peter Beyland, Bordeaux ...... 361 Capitals, Sainte Croix, Bordeaux ...... 362 Capital, church of St. Severin, Bordeaux ..... 363 Corbel, Blanquefort castle ...... 364 XV. South doorway of St. Severin, Bordeaux ..... 364 Monolithic church, St. Emilion ...... 365 Plan of the same ...••••• 366 Antiquities from Mentmore, Bucks ..... 380, 381 Roman herring-bone masonry, , Daventry . . . 384 Roman building discovered at Borough Hill, Daventry . . . 385 Borough Hill, the ancient Bennavenna ..... 393 Encampment at Wappenbury ...... 394 XVI. Map of Roman remains round Bennavenna ..... 394 XVII., XVIII. Iron objects found at Chavannes ..... 397, 399 XIX. Bronze objects from Harnham Hill, Salisbury .... 478 XX. Tympanum of south door, Tetsworth church, Oxon .... 487 Seal of the chapter of the Holy Trinity, Brechin .... 488 XXI. Medieval chalice from Leominster, Herefordshire .... 489 XXII. Gold seal of Henry VIII. from the Hotel Soubise, Paris . . .491 Bronze fibula with figure of Victory ... . . • • 492 Seal of William de Humet, constable of Normandy, temp. Stephen . . 493 Megalithic monuments at Tongataboo, Friendly Islands . . . 496


I. Window from the church of the Marcadell, Bazas .... 3 Headstone in the churchyard, Uzeste ...... 4 II. Part of the choir and plan of the church at Uzeste .... 4 Plans of the church of St. Caprais, Agen . . . . . 5, 6 III. Part of the choir and , and inscription in the choir, of St. Caprais, Agen ...... 6 III. Bell gable, church of Notre Dame la bonne, Agen .... 7 Pier in the cloister, Moissac abbey ...... 9 Inscription in the same ...... 10 784 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE IV. Capitals from the cloister, Moissac abbey . . . . .10 Inscription on the choir wall, Moissac abbey . . . . .11 V. Part of the cloister, Moissac abbey ...... 12 Norman battlement on the tower, Moissac abbey . . . .13 VI. Vase representing an adventure of Perseus . . . . .70 VII. Heads of missile weapons found at Salisbury . . . . .72 VIII. Examples of angons ...... 78 . Pilum of Vegetius ...... 81 Brass coins of Constantine, and Constantius Gallus . . . .82 Angon of the Franks ...... 84 IX. Plan of Roman foundations, discovered at Keston, Kent, in October, 1854 . 127 X. Remains of Roman foundations at Keston ..... 127 Cross carved on the communion-table at Keston .... 128 Knitting-pins and carved reed from Alemannic graves at Oberflacht, Snabia . 147 Carving in wood, from the same ...... 154 XI., XII. Interments of the Alemanni at Oberflacht ..... 160 XIII., XIV. Objects found in the graves at Oberflacht . . . . .160 XV. Hieroglyphic inscriptions from a mummy unrolled at Florence . .174 XVI. Objects from a tumulus at Stodmarsh, Kent . . . . .179 Inscribed patera of red Roman ware from Preston, Kent . . . 181 Pewter coffin—chalice and paten from .... 183 Roman sculptures found at Bath ...... 190 XVII. Silver rings and coins found near Worcester ..... 202 XVIII. Plan of the buildings of the Excise Office, showing the site of the Roman pavement discovered there in 1854 ...... 203 XIX. Plan of the pavement ...../.. 204 XX. Plan of London and its vicinity to the south-east, showing the lines of the Roman roads and their probable continuation in Roman London . . 206 Diagram of shield of arms on the stall-plate of Sir William Parr, K.G., marquess of Northampton ...... 214 Crest of Sir William Parr, K.Gr., from his stall-plate .... 215 XXI. Tombeaux Chretiens trouves a Bouteilles pres Dieppe . . . 266 Ivory comb from Stade-on-the-Elbe ...... 275 Bronze pincettes from Sinsheim, Selzen, and Stade .... 277 Scissors in the Hanoverian museum ...... 278 Bronze knife from Ditmarsh or Holstein ..... 279 XXII. . Mortuary urns from Stade-on-the-Elbe ...... 282 XXIII. „ from Hoya, Nienburg, Woolpe, and the neighbourhood of the Weser 282 XXIV. „ from the Watershed of the Ilmerau and its tributaries, Liincbui-p- 282 Interior of the choir, Cahors cathedral ...... 312 Capital and corbel table, Cahors cathedral ..... 313 South doorway, Cahors cathedral ...... 314 Brick chimney at Cahors ...... 316 Pulpit in the frater of the Charterhouse, Villefranche d'Aveyron . . 318 LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 785

PLATE PAGE Fire-place, St. Antonin ...... 321 Rose window at Rodez ...... 323 Bronze celt from Arreton Down, Isle of Wight . . • 329 Socketed knife and handle in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy ...... 330 XXV. Bronze weapons found at Arreton Down, Isle of Wight . • 330 XXVI, XXVII. Sepulchral objects from Italy and Germany . . . 350, 358 XXVIII. Picture in the south of Gloucester cathedral, representing the Last Judgment ...... 370 XXIX. Drawings of the Last Judgment, from a MS. in the British Museum ...... 378, 386 XXX—XXXII. Key sketches to illustrate Mr. Scharf's paper on representations of the Last Judgment ..... 378, 386 XXXIII. Plan of Caerwent, Monmouthshire, 1855 .... 418 XXXIV. Tessellated pavement discovered at Caerwent, February, 1777 . 428 XXXV. Plan of a Roman building, with tessellated pavement, at Caerwent . 429 XXXVI. Roman baths, Caerwent ...... 433 XXXVII, XXXVIII. Bronze horse-trappings, and other objects, found at Westhall. Suffolk ...... 456

VOL. XXXVII. I. Bronze objects found in a tumulus on the Heuberg, Wurtemberg . 28 Lead cross from a cemetery at Bouteilles, near Dieppe . . 38 Notarial mark of Gaspar Darinyo . . . . .73 Autographs from the marriage contract of princess Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand prince of Capua . . . .74 Persons engaged in spinning, from tombs of Beni-hassen . . 84 Distaff used in Nubia ...... 85 Spindles on coins of Tarentum, in Calabria . . . .87 Woman spinning, from a MS. in the British Museum . . 89 Women spinning, from a MS. in the British Museum . . 100 Woman spinning, from a MS. belonging to the Society of Anti- quaries ...... 101 II. Merovingian remains from the cemetery of Envermeu . . 106 Interment of a warrior in the cemetery of Envermeu . . . 112 Bronze fibula and spoon from Kemble, Wilts . . . 114,115 III. Map of land at Ewen and Kemble, given to Malmcsbury abbey by ^Ethelstan in 831 ...... 116 Hore-stone at Thames Head ...... 119 IV. Plans of ancient Christian churches ..... 126 Bronze fibulae, etc, from Filkins, Oxon .... 142 Bronze ring, fibulse, etc., from Fairford, Gloucestershire . 145, 146 5 H 786 LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Map of the city of Hereford, showing the walls, etc...... 202 Autograph of the queen of Bohemia, 1655 ..... 225—243 Plan, view, and details from the church of Germigny-sur- Loire . . 244—247 Tower of the church of St. Maurice ...... 251—253 Details and view in the church of Granson ..... 255, 256 V. Map of the possessions of Malmesbury abbey, in North Wilts, to the time of the ; also of the ancient limits of the Forest of Braden . . 304 VI. Fragment of an ancient map of the Forest of Braden, temp. Elizabeth . . 307 Roman tombs in the necropolis at Cumee ...... 316 Section of an Oscan inscription in a large Greek tomb at Cumas . . . 327 VII. Interior of a large Greek tomb at Cumas ...... 328 Antiquities found at Cum® ...... 330, 331, 334 Seal, autograph, and signet of Sir William Oldhalle, 1440 . . . 335, 337 Flote used as a badge, from painted glass in Hunsdon church, Herts . . . 342 VIII. Plan of circular trenches and urns found at Stanlake, Oxon, 1857 . . . 364 IX. Plan of an ancient British cemetery at Stanlake, Oxon .... 365 X. Housemarks of Ditmarsh, Thuringia, and Saxony ; English marks of land and wool- staplers' marks ...... 383 Swan-mark of Eton college ...... 390 Gilt bronze iibula from Brighthampton, Oxon ...... 391 Ornamented urn from Brighthampton, Oxon ...... 396 XI. Vases Funeraires des XII., XIII., et XIV. siecles trouves dans le cimetiere Chretien de Bouteilles pres Dieppe, en Avril, 1857 ...... 417 XII. Map of the limits of the Forest of Wychwood ...... 425 Watermarks used by early paper-makers ..... 449—453


1. Plan showing the relative situations of Norman buildings in Southwark . . 37 View of part of the borough of Southwark, circa 1632 . . . .46 Saxon bucket found at Brighthampton, Oxon ...... 87 Ivory ring found at Brighthampton, Oxon ...... 89 II. Saxon swords found at Brighthampton, Oxon ...... 96 III. Saxon remains found at Brighthampton and at Yelford, Oxon . . .97 Urns found at Brighthampton ...... 97 IV., V. Pilgrims' signs found in the Thames ...... 134 Seal of the Armourers' Company, London ...... 142 Seal of Richard, the Bastard of Bedford ...... 147 Illustrations of ancient Irish architecture . . 151, 152, 154, 156, 165, 168. 169 VI. Keep of Athenry castle, co. Gal way, and Blarney castle, co. Cork . . .170 VII. Pelasgic and Latian pottery from central Italy ..... 189 Etruscan vase found at Veii ...... 195 VIII. Portrait of John, king of France ."..... 197 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 787

PAGE Votive tablets from Carthage 209, 220 IX.—XIII. Mosaic pavements from Carthage 224, 228—231 Plan of the walls of Carthage . . . 234 Marble panel from Carthage .....-• 235 XIV. Seals of William de Odingsells ; William de Clinton, earl of Huntingdon (1350) ; John, lord Clinton, and Humphrey, earl of Stafford (1438) ; and Henry, duke of Buckingham (1481), from deeds relating to Max- stoke castle ...... ••. 272 Flint flake from Mencheconrt, Abbeville . . . . •. 290 XV. Flint implements from the valley of the Somme . . 291 XVI. Flint implement found in Gray's Inn Lane, London , . 301 Drachsholm castle, near Adelersborg ....-•. 312 Faareveile church, Sealand ...... 314 Autograph of Elizabeth Cromwell 323, 325 Autograph of Henry Cromwell 324 Saxon fibula found at Dorchester, Oxon . 334 Saxon antiquities from Long Wittenham, Berks 339, 341—344, 347 XVII. Saxon stoup from Long Wittenham, Berks . 352 XVIII. Bucket and bronze vessel from Long Wittenham, Berks . 352 XIX. Saxon ornaments from Long Wittenham, Berks . 352 XX. Saxon urns from Long Wittenham, Berks . 352 XXI. Tablet of the reign of Thothmes III. found at Thebes . 373 Plan and sketch of long barrow, West Kennet, Wilts 406, 407 Plan, etc. of chambered long barrow, West Kennet, Wilts 409—412, 415, 416, 418 XXII. Examples of bayonets ...... 430 XXIII., XXIV. Wall-paintings in Chalgrove church, Oxon . 436 Facsimile of a MS. map in the British Museum 455


Painter':; signature from a portrait at Longford castle . . .11 Signature of Johannes Corvus, from a portrait of Mary Tudor . . 49 I., II. Flint implements from Reculver and Swalecliffe .... 64, 65 III. Flint implements from the valley of the Ouse . . . .70 IV. Comparative view of flint implements found in the drift . . .75 Map of Roman roads and sites in Dorset . . . . .91 Gable of porch, Ratzeburg ...... 95 East end of St. Ansgar's church, Bremen, and brick moulding from Cracow 97 V. The Marien-kirche, Wismar, and adjacent buildings .... 101 VI. The Jacobi-kirche, Stralsund ...... 102 VII. Part of external screen, St. Katherine's, . . . 103 Sections of mouldings, St. Katherine's, Brandenburg . . . 103 788 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Part of the Rathhaus, Lubeck ...... 104 VIII. The Burg Thor, Lubeck ...... 105 IX. The Stein Thor, Anclam ...... 105 Window of a house at Wismar ...... 105 X. Houses in the market-place, Greifswalde ..... 107 House at Rostock ...... 107 XI. Saxon antiquities from Long Wittenham, Berks .... 142 XII. Plan of the priory of Austin Friars at Ludlow .... 182 XIII. Tiles from the priory of Austin Friars at Ludlow .... 184 XIV. Portrait of Arthur prince of Wales, from Windsor Castle . . . 246 Picture of three children of Christian II., king of Denmark . . . 257 Inscription on a picture at Hampton Court ..... 25P Inscription on the frame of a picture at Wilton House .... 260 Portrait of the emperor Charles V., from Windsor Castle . . . 26,3 Jewelled collar from a portrait of Henry VII. belonging to the Society of Antiquaries ...... 267 Jewel from a portrait belonging to the Society of Antiquaries . . . 270 XV. Tidal stations off Dover ...... 288 XVI.—XIX. Illuminations representing the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer ...... 358—361 Zurich official and Swiss soldier in parti-coloured dresses . . . 371 XX. Portrait of Arthur prince of Wales, from a drawing belonging to the Earl of ...... 458 Map of Drumkeery Lough, Ireland ...... 483 Plan of promontory in the same, with crannoge . ... . 484 XXI. Plan of Roman remains found in Leadenhall Street, London . .' . 494 XXII. Brass of Thomas Waterdeyn, formerly in St. Nicholas' church, Lynn . 505 XXIII. Gold torque found near Romsey ...... 506 XXIV. Roman antiquities found at Colchester ...... 508


[., II. Mappemonde by Leonardo da Vinci ...... 2 III. Map of Roman London and the roads leading to it . . . .49 IV. Portrait of Christina duchess of Milan, from Windsor Castle . . 106 V. Portrait of Christina duchess of Milan, at Arundel Castle . . .110 Subterranean chambers at Trelowarren, Cornwall—plans and sections 114, 115 VI. „ „ „ „ Doorways . . . 114 „ ,, „ „ Plan showing remains of ditch 116 VII. Plan of Royston court-house, and its appurtenances .... 136 Seal of pope Clement VIII., 1598, sub annulo Piscatoris . . . 140 Annulus Piscatoris of pope Pius IX. ..'.... 142 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 789

PLATE ' PAGE Plan of the church of S. Stefano, in Via Latina, Roine . . 167 „ „ S. Alessandro ,,,,,, ... 177 Marble mosaic pavements from churches in Rome . . . 181, 182 Architectural details from churches in Rome .... 188, 191, 203 VIII. Architectural details from churches in Rome ..... 188 Bas-relief on a sarcophagus in the Vatican ..... 190 IX. Doorway of chapel of St. John Baptist, Lateran, Rome . . . 190 X. „ „ S. Zeno, at S. Prassede, Rome . . .191 XI., XII. Windows in churches at Rome ...-•• 196, 198 XIII. Bronze railings, Aix-la-Chapelle cathedral ..... 204 XIV. Ornamented slabs from churches in Rome ..... 206 Cathedra in St. Cecilia, Rome ...... 215 XV., XVI. Roman remains found in Chester ..... 289, 290 Part of plan of London, temp. Elizabeth ..... 296 XVII. Remains of the Roman wall of London . . . . . 298 XVIII. Pocket-dial of Robert Devereux, earl of Essex .... 344 Map of Romney marsh in the Saxon period ..... 369 XIX., XX. Flint implements from Pressigny and the Seine .... 382 XXI. Flint cores from Pressigny-le-Grand, Indre et Loire .... 387 XXII. Statue of William the Conqueror in the church of St. Victor-l'Abbaye . 400 XXIII. Plan of Silchester, Hants ...... 404 XXIII.* „ „ Block I., Silchester ...... 405 XXIV. „ „ Block III., Silchester ...... 406 XXV. Hypocaust and floor in Block III., Silchester ..... 408 Wall built over a seam of charred wood, Silchester .... 410 Remains of strong box found at Silchester . . . . .411 Seals of the prior and priory of Legh, Devon, and of Walter de St. Quintin, archdeacon of Taunton ...... 439 Seal of the abbey of Canonsleigh ...... 448 XXVI. Portrait of Edward Grimston, 1446, at Gorhambury . . . .458 XXVII. Arms and artist's signature from the same ..... 459 Seal and autograph of Edward Grimston ..... 464 Device of Peter Christus ...... 478, 481 Signature and device of Peter Christus ..... 482 XXVIII. Plans and sections of rock-tombs at Ghain Tiffika, Malta . . . 483 Pottery from rock-tombs at Ghnin Tiffika, Malta .... 486 XXIX. Plan and section of rock-tomb at Tal Horr, Malta . . . . 486 XXX., XXXI. Bronze antiquities found near Plymouth .... 502, 503 XXXII. Pottery found near Plymouth ...... 504 790 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

VOL. XLI. PLATE PAGE I. Plan of Jerusalem ...... 118 II. Temple of Jupiter at Spalatro ...... 144 Bronze shields from Veii ...... 198, 199 Bronze panther's head from Prseneste ...... 200 Part of a bronze bowl with griffins from Preeneste .... 202 III.—XIII. Antiquities of gold, silver, ivory, bronze, etc., from Veii and Prseneste . 206 XIV. Bronze object from Lucera ...... 276 Figures from the same, now lost ...... 278 Figure from the same ...... 280 XV. Roman bronze vessels discovered on the estate, Yorkshire . 326 XVI. MS. music, temp. Henry VIII...... 372 XVII. Outline map of the South Coast, illustrating Vespasian's first campaign in Britain ...... 389 XVIII. Stone implements from Lough Neagh, Ireland .... 401 XIX. Anglo-Saxon remains from Stowting, Kent . . . . .411 Bronze coin-holder from Stowting ...... 413 XX. Roman remains at Bradwell-juxta-Mare ..... 441 Supposed British almanack ...... 457 XXI. Clogg almanack; Runic primstaff ...... 466 Oval Messedag almanack in the Copenhagen collection . . . 470 Map of part of the parish of Norton, Northants .... 480 XXII. Saxon fibula from Norton ...... 480

VOL. XLII. I. Fragment of the marble plan of Rome . . . . .1 II. Interior face of the Porta Chiusa, Rome ..... 18 III. Plan of the valley between the Cselian and Aventine Hills, Rome . . 19 IV. Plan and section of a castellum aquae of the time of Trajan, Rome . . 19 V. Excavation on the line of the Aqua Appia, Rome . . . .20 Section of the specus of the Aqua Appia, Rome . . . .21 VI., VII. Hill forts of Sussex (plans and sections) ..... 33, 34 VIII. Flint implements from Cissbury, and bronze knife from Highdown, Sussex . 60 Hut-urns from Germany ...... 100 IX. Hut-urns and vases from Marino, Italy ..... 108 Hut-urn, probably from Albano . . . • . .111 X. Vases and pottery from Marino . . • • • .112 Antiquities from Marino . . . . • . 117, 119, 120 XI. The form of the barrows at Stonehenge in section (from Stukeley) . . 164 XII. Celtic sepulchral monuments at Abury (from Stukeley) . . . 165 XIII. Bird's-eye view of barrows on Winterbourn Stoke Down, Wilts . .171 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 791

View of a long barrow ...... 1/2 Antiquities from Wiltshire barrows ..... 194—197 Plan of chambered barrow at Uley, Gloucestershire .... 209 Long barrow at West Kennet, with peristalith and walling (restored) . 211 XIV. Ground plans of chambered long barrows and of chambers contained in them ...... 212 Entrance to chambers at Uley ...... 213 Section of gallery and chambers, Stoney Littleton .... 214 Tolmen entrance at Avening ...... 216 Entrance to chamber in a barrow at Rodmarton . . . .217 Monolith, double walling, etc., in a long barrow at Ablington . . 219 Monolith supported by a holed-stone, Ablington .... 219 Stones in a barrow at Rodmarton ...... 220 Tetralith at Charlton Abbots ...... 221 Cleft-skull from a chambered barrow, Rodmarton .... 227 Flint implements from barrows ..... 229, 230 XV. Three children of Philip, king of Castile ..... 250 XVI. Diagram showing construction of a triptych for portraits . . . 257 The reputed tomb of William Rufus in Winchester cathedral . . 310 XVII. Carved ivory head and fragments of gold tissues from a tomb in Winchester cathedral ...... 312 Roman pilum from Wiesbaden ...... 337 Roman sword from Bischofsheim ...... 346 XVIIL, XIX. Diagrams showing patterns of bacini on Italian churches . . 381, 382 Wall with bacini, S. Petro in Grado, Pisa . . . - .381 jBacino on the campanile of S. Francesco, Pisa .... 382 Fragment of bacino from Sta Cecilia, Pisa ..... 383 XX. Lamp of Persian ware, dated 1549, made for the Mosque of Omar . . 394 XXL, XXII. Medieval chalice and paten, Nettlecombe, Somerset . . . 406, 407 Communion cup and paten-cover, Christchurch, Mon., 1576 . . . 415 XX1IL—XXV. Antiquities from an ancient cemetery at Frilford . . . 423, 428, 432 XXVI. Objects in wood from a bronze cist found at Prseneste . . . 486 XXVII. Bronze breast fibula from Prasneste ...... 486 XXVIII. Bronze fibula from Preeneste, and lamp from Ostia .... 487 XXIX. Bronze objects from Preeneste and Cervetri (Agylla) . . • 487 XXX. Bronze horse-bits from Cervetri and Preeneste .... 487 XXXI. Earthenware vessel and lamp, and bronze knife, from Albano . . 487 XXXII. Bronze car found in Transylvania ...... 488 XXXIII. Archaic bronze car from Southern Italy ..... 490 XXXIV. Ornaments from the fourth bell at St. Mary's, Oxford . . . 491 XXXV. Musical inscription from the fourth bell at St. Mary's, Oxford . . 491 792 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

VOL. XLI1I. PLATE PAGE I. The empress Leonora. From a picture in the possession of the Earl Stanhope . 2 II. The empress Leonora. From engravings in the Royal Library, Windsor . . 5 III. Aeneas Sylvius presenting Leonora of Portugal to the emperor Frederic III. . 7 IV. The marriage of the emperor Frederick III. -with Leonora of Portugal . . 8 Bust of the empress Leonora, from an illuminated pedigree in the British Museum 13 V. Inscribed bronze plate from Falleri ...... 44 Seal of Thomas de Compton, temp. Edward III...... 66 VI. St. Denis—plans ...... 75 „ „ Doorway in the crypt ...... 75 „ „ Part of the crypt, with inserted pillar . . . . .76 Canterbury—part of the crypt, with inserted pillar . . . . .76 VII. St. Denis—section of choir and crypt ...... 77 „ „ Inscription in chapel of Holy Innocents, recording consecration of the altar ...... 77 St. Denis—three arches on the north side of the choir . . . .78 VIII. „ „ North side aisle of narthex ...... 79 IX. „ ,, Part of narthex ...... 79 X. Mouldings from St. Denis ...... 79 XL Mouldings from Canterbury cathedral ...... 81 Ruined keep of Avalon castle ...... 85 Belfry tower of the chapel of St. Maximin ...... 85 Interior of chapel at Witham, Somerset ...... 86 XII. Clee church, Lincolnshire, details ...... 87 XIII. Lincoln cathedral, details ...... 87 Knut-monument at Fenne-Foss ...... 99 Inscription on the Fenne-Foss stone ...... 102 Knut-pillar at Vasby ...... 105 Inscribed sarsen at Landeryd, East Gotland ...... 108 Inscribed pillar at Yttergard, Upland . . . . . • .110 Roman remains at Duston, Northants ...... 125 XIV. Leathern satchel of the Breac Moedog ...... 136 XV. The Breac Moedog or shrine of St. Moedoc ...... 138 Figure of the Temple of Jerusalem, from the book of Kells . . ... 139 XVI. Figures from the Breac Moedog ...... 140 XVII. Base of the Breac Moedog ...... 140 XVIII. Group of figures from the Breac Moedog (magnified) .... 140 Sceptres and picture of the Crucifixion, from the Book of Kells . . . 141 Sculptured stone at Killgowan, Kildare ...... 142 XIX. Base of the Soiscel Molaise ...... 148 XX. Side of the Soiscel Molaise ...... 148 XXI. Front of the Soiscel Molaise ...... 149 Hinge of the Soiscel Molaise ...... 150 • • • • • sjio-weq xnojj sdtiD asuaout paojatj 0L2 '698 .... sdno asuaoui jo suioc^oq aip. UIOJJ £Qg—Qgg .... xassng puB 'ajiqsuoAJBuJBQ 'sifja ' 'squrej '}asjaraog 'puBjqoog 'qasJOQ 'UOABQ; 'sqjtj^ ui SAvojjBq UIOJJ sdno esuaouj • ojti[sXqj;8(j 'afBQ A"ajjB(]; raojj duo asuaoin pire tun • qasJOQ 'sa^BA"poo^\ puB UAOQ S^UI^J UIOJJ SUJU jo .-'•• ^asjoQ; 'na-raAaQ HIOJJ iun 'lc'S 'OSS ' a.nqsaj[OjqTnaj pu^ 'ptrujajj 'ajiqsuaapaaqY 's^lfj .... Aio^sja^ux^ xaojj tun we uo 'aaqraj pu^ 'jfasa^SuY 'TM9p(j-jf-STJaaQ UIOJJ stnij pap^nom

-Aq.i3Q 'JOOJ/IJ TOOJJ 'STHTJ: SmSnisq-jaAo ...... i!as8|Suy pu^ 1 ';os.iomog 'sjjaag; UT sAvoJJ'Bq taojj 'sedA ^ snoia'BA jo STIJII A"a^jautQ XXX . s^xj^A. '^auua^j ^si3g; inoaj J9TIIBJ|S JO ggg jCasajSny 'qtxrereQ qqjoj puu '^asjog; 'pa^^joj TOOJJ 8gg 'S;UUJJ ';as.iOQ in SM.oju'Bq inoaj 'jfa^ui^no sd'eqaad 's^ass9A XIXX 9gg .Craapi3OY QX[% JO ranasnin sqq. ui UJQ ni3 jo s^uamS'B.ij uo ggg ' a^ niojj spssaA smog no Qgg ujnoqSnijpQ ^"B saoxiuq OM.<$ JO ye Avoaaasq jo 8:HIAV ' padisqs-osip jo Avo.u'eq pad^qs-^pq jo uoi^oag q/s AvojJBq ut uoqapjjs jo

pad-aqs-^Avoq jo uoi^oag ggg siiOJJBq {BAO jo aqq. jo 9At^T3.iqsn^i SUS


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g^2 ..-••• oniony tp OB'BTJ UIOJJ ^oat'qo oznojg; g5g ...... Qmvs gqrj uo JJJBUI s^asj'Bpj; gge .... uredg 'auipg; uoj^ing UIOJJ pssaA aznojq jo aipuBji 'XIXXX i55 ' ' ' ' uaanf) aqj, 'K'H °? SuiSuopq ijap^ij'B pp£) 'HIAXXX gog .... saj'Bj^ U^JO^J 'apSjaqy juan punoj sai^inbi^n'B ezuojg IIAXXX f 25 .... ajiqsnBSjouTBjJj) 'uAi.OQ aJomSQ mojj s^auijaq azuojg "IAXXX Tf-'Q 'QZC '/7.Q iC7.(i ..... sAvojj'Bq uioji sinauiBUJo PTOJT) gpcj ..... S^^I^Y '^'BAVJ'B1J UIOJJ 'a^qs aSpijamrai^ jo 915 '*I5—015 '905 '505 '805 '105 '86* 'l&f '56* 06* '68* ' SMOJj'Bq niojj ''O()a 'qaC 'jcaqnrB 'ss^iS 'XIOAI JO SAiajJuq pnnoj UIOJJ 'A^BIJISA pad^qs-jBa^ 'saaSSup aznojg 'AXXX punoj UIOJI 'saijawBA IBH puB padisus-rBaT 'SBAIUJT pn^ sjaSS^p azuojcr 'ATYTY SAiojj'Bq punoj UIOJJ 'odfy pa^aATJ jo X^eij'BA ^BJJ 'saAin3[ pnB sjaSo^p azuojg "IIIXXX SAioj.rBq punoj UTOJJ 'ad^ paSuB^ jo 'SJOZBJ puB saAinjj 'sjaSS^p azuojg 'IIXXX '08* 'fif '69* '89* '99* '19* 'ie* '*e*—0c* 'i**—*** • • • • sAvojj'Bq UIOJJ s^uama^dnii gf f ...... s^po azuojq Sui'js'BO JOJ '58* '88* • • • • • sAvojj'Bq UIOJJ s^uame^duii auog

^—g^i^ '91^—01* '80* ' ~o%9 'S^IJAA. nI SAvojj'Bq UIOJJ s^uamafduii; auo^g • pnBiJaqninQ 'ssopf XBAijog UIOJJ 'a^pu^q napooAi q^iAv qjao auo^g S3[jag 'pjojjaqg ^Baj£) y$ iiOjaBq B UIOJJ ^oafqo p3OtjpuiiA*g ogg ajiqsuaapjaqy 'aunjaAuj ye Ai.OJJ'Bq 'B UIOJJ 'a^pB^ njoq q^iAi. dno Sni5[uij(j i68 '*68 '268 '068 • • • • sAiojjBq UIOJJ sdno Suppiijp jo saidui'Bxjj ggg • • puB^oog puB puB^Sug; ui SMOJJBq UIOJJ sadif^. snoiJBA jo sdno SupjnjjQ 'IXXX ggg ...•••.. spssaA pooj jo suio(j^O[i ggg • • ' ' ' • • SJ8SS8A pOOJ JO SJ8A0Q UIOJJ spssaA pooj jo sajdurBxg;

QKY sajiYnd: iio jsrc *6i LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATION'S. 795

PLATE PAGE VI. Glass from the mayor's parlour at Leicester .... . 179 Gold binding of a MS. book of prayers of the Wyatt family . . 262 VII. Map of Ehenside Tarn, Cumberland ...... 278 VIII. Stone implements from Ehenside Tarn ...... 281 Grinding stone from Ehenside Tarn ...... 286 IX. Wooden implements from Ehenside Tarn .... . 288 Seal of Regnaut de Giresme, 1412 ...... 296 X., XI. Bas-reliefs on carved ivory box ...... 323, 324 XII. Anglo-Saxon knife found at Sittingbourne, Kent . 332 XIII. Rings found at Palestrina ...... 354 XIV. Plan of Westminster abbey and palace ...... 374 XV. Plans of east ends of Byzantine churches .... . 384 XVI. Ground plan of a Greek church ...... 385 Cliff castle at , Cornwall .... . 423 XVII. Map of camps on the river Avon ...... 430 Jasper ring with runic inscription ...... 481 XVIII. Anglo-Saxon brooch found at Ragley Park, Warwickshire . 482 XIX. Cruciform object found uear the cathedral church of St. Colman, Cloyne . 483


I. Cameo of the emperor Claudius from the Royal collection, Windsor Castle . 6 Cameo of Louis XII., from the Royal collection, Windsor Castle . . 13 II.—IV. Cameos and enamelled gold ornaments from the Royal collection, Windsor Castle ...... 12, 14, 16 Signet ring of Charles I. when prince of Wales . . . .26 Signet ring of Charles I...... 26 V. The Plain of Troy ...... 29 Pottery from Hissarlik ...... 41 VI. Two-handled gold cup from Hissarlik ...... 43 Gold diadem and silver vessels from Hissarlik . . . .44 VII. Stone mould for casting bronze implements from Hissarlik . . .49 Urns found in a barrow, Ringwould, Kent . . . . .54 VIII, Section of a barrow, Ringwould, Kent ...... 54 Pottery from Cyprus ...... 129, 130, 132—134 IX.—XIII. Painted vase from Cyprus ...... 130 Copper implements from Cyprus ...... 132 Lamp from Cyprus ...... 136 XIV. Ancient iconography of Chichester cathedral ..... 234 XV. Plan of the Close, Chichester cathedral...... 234 XVI. Iron swords and bronze sheaths found in England .... 251 Roman sword-handle of ivory ...... 251 Sword, with bronze sheath, from Flasby, Yorks ... 253 796 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Iron sword found in the river Witham ...... 255 XVII. Sectile glass work in the Naples museum ..... 271 XVIII., XIX. Roman wall decoration in opus sectile ..... 273, 274 Figure of a tiger in opus sectile ...... 274 XX. "Wall decorations of glass ...... 276 XXI. Portion of the Bassian basilica, from a drawing by Sangallo . . • 281 XXII. Glass beads with chevron pattern ...... 298 Bead in the Slade collection ...... 299 Iron plumber's shears found in the tomb of Richard II. . . . 315 Plan of the marble bed of the tomb of Henry III. .... 318 Diaper of the cloth of gold on the coffin of Henry III. .... 319 Arrangement of chains to let down the coffin of Henry III. . . . 320 Section and plan of the tomb of Henry III...... 321 XXIII. Engraving on metal table of the tomb of Henry III. .... 322 Leather riding-glove found in the tomb of Richard II. .... 327 XXIV. Plan of Dover castle ...... 329 XXV. The Pharos, Dover Castle—elevation and section .... 335 ,, „ „ „ Ground plan ..... 335 XXVI. Plan and sections of camp and pit at Cissbury ..... 338 Chalk cup found at Cissbury ...... 341 XXVII. Ground plans of Grimes Graves and Cissbury ..... 342 Blade-bone used as a shovel, from Cissbury ..... 345 XXVIII. Ancient British town, with circular dwellings, near Birtley, Northumberland 357 XXIX. Circular dwellings near Birtley, Northumberland .... 358 Bronze spear and ferrule found at Albano ..... 383 XXX. Plan of the eastern part of the chapter-house, Durham cathedral . . 386 Stone figure from the site of the chapter-house, Durham cathedral . . 386 Ring from the grave of bishop Flambard, Durham .... 387 XXXI. Crozier-head and ferrules found on the site of the chapter-house, Durham . 388 Ring from the grave of bishop Geoffrey Rufus, Durham . . . 390 Ring from the grave of bishop William de St. Barbara, Durham . . 391 Drain-hole in coffin of bishop Richard Kellawe, Durham . . . 393 XXXII. Portions of from the site of the chapter-house, Durham . . 403 Anglo-Saxon urns from Frilford and Haslingfield . . . 405, 406 XXXIII. Anglo-Saxon urns from Sancton, Yorkshire ..... 409 Drinking-cup, from Brougham, Westmoreland ..... 414 XXXIV. Plans of the churches of St. Vitalis, Ravenna, and SS. Sergius and Bacchus, Constantinople ...... 417 XXXV. View of St. Vitalis, Ravenna ...... 418 XXXVI. Capitals from St. Vitalis, Ravenna, and SS. Sergius and Bacchus, Constan- tinople ...... 424 Monograms on the same ...... 425 XXXVII. Episcopal chair of ivory, Ravenna cathedral ..... 426 Seal and counter-seal of Sir William de Echingham, temp. Edw. III. . . 431 r


PLATE PAGE Seal and counter-seal of John of Brittany, earl of Richmond, 1315 435 Seal and counter-seal of Richard de la Wyche, bishop of Chichester 445 Seal of William of Broomhill ...... 449 Seal of the Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester ..... 450 Seal of John, earl of Eu, 1161 ...... 457 Seal of Geoffrey de St. Martin ...... 458 Seal of Reginald, abbot of Bayham ...... 461 XXXVIII. Roman iron implements and plan and sections of a Roman house at Holcombe, Devon ...... 463 Oolitic limestone pillar at Holcombe, Devon ..... 464 Plan of encampment at Desborough, Northants ..... 467 XXXIX. Hinge and gold necklace found in Anglo-Saxon graves at Desborough 468 Anglo-Saxon glass cup found in grave at Desborough .... 469


I. Plan of the forum at Cilurnum ...... 3 Inscribed tile found at Cilurnum ..... 6 II. Plan of Doncaster ...... 53 Seal and autograph of Thomas Rainborowe 64 II*., III. Illustrations of decay in glass ...... 161, 162 IV. Plan of Roman remains at " The Lawn," South Shields . . 165 Roman buildings at " The Lawn," South Shields . . 166 Roman tonab from " The Lawn," South Shields ... . 167 Chape of sword sheath from " The Lawn," South Shields . 168 Roman enamelled buckle from " The Lawn," South Shields . 169 V. Roman altar at Pallanza, North Italy ...... 172 Altar to the Matronae at Avigliano, North Italy .... . 175 Part of an altar to the Matronae, Cologne museum . 176 Part of a group of the Matronae found in Hart Street, Crutched Friars, London ...... 177 VI. Ceiling, and north and south sides of chancel, Kempley church . . 187 East end of chancel, Kempley church ...... 194 VII. Jewelled ornaments, temp. Theodoric, from Ravenna . 238 VIII. Autographs of the Cobham family ...... 264 IX. Carved ebony pax with the legend of St. Veronica . 266 X. Plan of Little Horkesley church, Essex ...... 274 XI. Plan of Roman house, Block II, Silchester . . . . . 332 XII. Two hypocausts from Block II, Silchester . . . . . 334 XIII. Roman pavement, Silchester ...... 336 Inscribed Roman tile from Silchester . . 342 XIV. Plan of Silchester ...... 345 XV. Guard chambers of east and south gates, Silchester . 348 798 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE XVI. Plan of forum and basilica, Silchester ...."• 352 Lead seal from Silchester ...... 363 XVII. Bronze eagle found in the forum, Silehester . 364 XVIII.—XXI. Facsimiles from two pages of MS. Bodl. 775, of early English service books, with musical notation ..... 390, 392, 397, 398 XXII. Map of and Ranscombe camp, Sussex .... 425 XXIII. Plan of excavations in Mount Caburn ...... 426 Loom for ribbons used in Norway ...... 433 Combs from Greenland and Yarkand ...... 435 Examples of iron bill-hooks from various places .... 438 Examples of iron axes from various places ..... 442 Portion of human lower jaw from Mount Caburn .... 469 Section of the rampart, Ranscombe camp ..... 473 XXIV., XXV. Antiquities from Mount Caburn ..... 491, 493

VOL. XLVII. I. MS. of the ritual ordinance of Neophytus ..... 9 II. Plan of St. Hugh's choir, Lincoln cathedral . . . . .44 III. Sections from St. Hugh's choir, Lincoln cathedral . . . .44 Signature and seal of William Penn ...... 85 Forms of Lunkhofen grave-mounds ...... 131 Plan of Lunkhofen mounds ...... 132 V. Objects found in Lunkhofen mounds ...... 133 IV. Gold nobles ...... 154 VI. Fret ornamentation from Mexico and Peru . . . . .158 Tympanum from the church of South Ferriby, Lincolnshire . . . 161 Tympanum from the church of Little Paxton, Huntingdonshire . .166 Signet of Henry VI...... 190 Signature of John, earl of Northumberland . . . . .193 Signature of Richard, duke of Gloucester ..... 195 Signature of Cardinal Pole ...... 200 Mithraeum at Spoleto—altar and columns ..... 206 VII. Mithraeum at Spoleto—plan ...... 206 Signature of Secretary Maitland ..... 247 Arms and crest of Sir John Daunce ...... 297 VIII. Astronomical signs, from a fifteenth century MS. .... 338 Two altars, from a Babylonian stone in the British Museum . . 350 Figure of Scorpio, from a Babylonian stone in the British Museum . . 351 Figures of Capricornus and his horns, from a Babylonian stone in the British Museum ...... 353 IX. Signs of the Zodiac, St. Margaret's church, York . . ... 360 X. Synopsis of images in Henry VII.'s chapel, Westminster . ... 362 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 799

PLATE PAGE XL SS. Martin, Wilgefort, and Nicholas, from Henry VII.'s chapel 373 XII. St. Thomas of Canterbury, Allhallows ?, and a philosopher, from Henry VII.'s chapel...... 375 XIII. Axis and site of old St. Paul's cathedral church, London . . 386 View of St. Paul's cross ...... 387 XIV. Foundations of old St. Paul's cathedral church . 390 XV. Foundations of Paul's cross ...... 390 Seal of queen Henrietta Maria ...... 400 Seal of Charles I...... 401 Seal of Charles (I.) prince of Wales...... 403 Seal of queen Mary of Modena . . 404 XVI. Plan of Csesar's camp near Folkestone . 460 XVII. Sections of Caesar's camp near Folkestone .... . 460 XVIIL—XX. Objects from Csesar's camp near Folkestone 462, 464 XXL Bronze fragments in Royal Irish Academy Museum, Dublin . 474 XXII. Restoration of an Irish radiated crown .... . 475 XXIII. The Crown of Thorns ...... 477 XXIV. Bone carvings from Slieve na Calliaghe, Ireland . 478 xxv. Spiral design on tombs in Ireland ...... 478 I., XXVII. Paintings in tempera at Westminster abbey • 490

VOL. XLVIII. Map of parts of Roman Dalmatia 2 Roman Signifer ..... 7 Section of aqueduct tunnelled through rock at Epitaurum 10 Bath chamber at Epitaurum .... 11 Inscription at Epitaurum ... 12 Inscription on sarcophagus at Epitaurum 13 Inscription at Epitaurum .... 14 Mithraic relief, Tomina Jama, Canali 21 Mithraic gem from Epitaurum 23 Mithraic gem from Scardona... 23 Roman-Christian gem from Epitaurum 26 Roman-Christian ring from Epitaurum 27 Roman inscription from Sveti Ivan, Canali . 37 II. Sacrificial knife from Narona, and askos from Risano 44 Inscriptions from Risinium .... 47 Roman-Christian intaglio from Risinium 49 Gold enamelled pendant from Carina 50 Inscription found at Udbina .... 55 „ from Lower Lapac . 56 61 Roman bas-relief of Mercury, from Vrtoca, Bosnia . 62 Monument found at Knin, Dalmatia . 800 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Ornamentation on the Knin monument . . . ' . .63 Roman-Christian sepulchral slab from Salonse . . . .67 Inscription from Ljubuski (Biceste) ...... 74 Crystallum from Salonae ...... 76 Turquoise ring from Narona ...... 77 III. View of the city of Niksic ...... 86 Plan of old city, Niksic ...... 87 Roman monument at Gorazda ...... 90 „ „ to the Andarvani, at Gorazda . . . .91 Roman milestone on Mokro Polje ...... 96 Section of Roman way across Mokro Polje and fragment of its side wall . 98 Map of Roman remains near Trebinje river . . . . .99 Fibula from Zubci ...... 100 IV. Map of Roman road inland from the site of Epitaurum . . . 100 Milliary column of Claudius, Lucin Do ..... 101 Column of Claudius (restored) ...... 102 Bronze objects from Wilburton Fen ...... 108 Objects from Wilburton Fen ...... 111—113 Plan of Belbury camp, Dorset ...... 116 Anchor from Belbury camp, Dorset ...... 117 VI. Bronze objects, etc., from Belbury camp ..... 119 Shields on the Courtenay tomb, Colyton church, Devon . . . 162 VII. Hedon church, Yorkshire—plan ...... 187 VIII. „ ,, ,, north elevation ..... 188 IX. ,, „ „ plan, etc., of column in south transept . . 190 „ ,, „ jamb-moulding of nave-aisle windows . . 194 X. Roman discoveries in Warwick Square, London—section of excavations . 222 XI. „ ,, • „ „ „ „ plan of excavations . 224 XII. „ „ „ „ „ „ objects found . . 226 XIII. Friskney church, Lincolnshire—wall-painting of the Last Supper . . 276 XIV. „ ,, „ „ „ „ „ Gathering of the manna 278 XV. Hospital of St. John the Baptist, High Wycombe—plan, etc. . . 286 XVI.—XVIII. „ „ „ „ „ „ „ capitals, etc. . 288—290 Terra-cotta ball with fylfots found at Troy (?).... 304 XIX., XX. Fylfot symbols ...... 317, 318 XXI. Table showing the older Aryan Fire, Water, and Sun Gods . . . 320 XXII. Plan of burial-ground, Marston St. Lawrence, Northants . . 328 XXIII.—XXV. Objects found at Marston St. Lawrence, Northants .... 338 XXVI. Eight bench ends from All Saints church, Trull .... 341 Ibberton church, Dorset—window in south wall of chancel . . . 348 XXVII. „ „ „ painted glass in window .... 348 ,, „ ,, ground plan ..... 351 Arms of Milton Abbey ....•••• 352 Armorial quarries from Ibberton church ..... 353 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 801

PLATE PAGE Arms of Simon de Montacute .... . 356 Seal of Richard de Redvers .... . 357 Coins of Abdera and Assos .... . 367 XXVIII. Map of the " Bretanic Islands," Alvion and Ivernia . 380 XXIX., XXX. Coptic church of Abou Sergeh, Old Cairo 398, 400 Crypt of the church of Abou Sergeh . 405 Wooden cup on Iconostasis of the church of Abou Sergeh . 408 Usual form of altar in Coptic churches . . 410 Wooden altar-board from a Coptic church 411 Sacramental spoon from a Coptic church . 414 Wooden stand for silver-cased textus . 415 XXXI. A Coptic fan or flabollum .... . 416 Illuminations from MSS. showing the flabellum . 417 Glass lamp of Arab form (Abou Sergeh) . 418 Wooden chrismatory, with revolving lid (Anba Shenouda) . 419 Usual form of iron door-key in Coptic churches . 419 Ground plan of the church of El Moallaka . 420 XXXII. Egyptian obelisks and European monoliths . 422 XXXIII., XXXIV., j Examples or consecration crosses . 462 XXXV. Consecration crosses in Salisbury cathedral . 462 XXXVI. Ground plan of Salisbury cathedral . 462

VOL. XLIX. I. Map of Dardania and the south part of Roman Dalmatia 4 Fragment of a figure of Diana, Blazui, near Serajevo 16 Engraved gems from Bosnia .... . 21, 22 Monograms on the coins of Theodoric 22 Sepulchral monuments at Plevlje . 26, 28 Plan of Plevlje and neighbourhood 29 Fragments of an inscription at Avdovina 30 Altar to Silvanus . . . . . 31 Illyro-Roman sepnlchral slab .... 34 Sepulchral monument at Sveti Ilija 35 Dedication to Diadumenian .... 36 Votive altar to Jupiter at Sveti Ilija 37 Stamps on Roman tiles at Sveti Ilija 41 Illyro-Roman monument near Podpec 42 Roman milestone on the Cicia Polje 43 Inscription at Kolovrat, near Prijepolje . 44 The Suhi Most ...... 49 Plan of the bath-buildings of Banja, near Novipazar 50 5 K 802 LIST OP PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE Interior of the piscina of Banja ...... -• 51 Exterior of the piscina of Banja ...... 52 The Petrova Crkva, near Novipazar ...... 53 Roman sarcophagus at KadiaSki, Han ...... 56 Two inscriptions at Lipljan ...... 59 Two altars to Jupiter at Lower Gustarica ...... 60 Monument from Lipljan, now at PriStina ...... 61 Roman sarcophagus at Pristina . . . . • • • .61 Ground plan of Byzantine church at Lipljan . . . - • .64 Elevation of same church ...... • • .65 Sepulchral inscription at Prisren ...... 67 Roman sepulchral slab at Dzerzan ...... 68 Votive column in honour of Severus at Old Kacanik . . . . .73 Monument to the god Andinus ...... 74 Milestone of ^Emilian, near Kacanik ...... 75 Milliary column of Marcus Aurelius and Constantine, near Eles Han . . .77 II. Map of ancient remains in the neighbourhood of Scupi . . . . .82 Comnenian dedication of church at Naresi ...... 96 Monument at Markov Monastir ...... 98 Sepulchral slab at Dolnji Sulna ...... 98 Two sepulchral inscriptions at Govarljevo . . . . ' • .99 Part of an altar to Fortuna ...... 100 Roman altar to Jupiter at Ibrahimovce ...... 105 Altar dedicated to Hercules Conservator ...... 109 Inscription found at Hassanbeg referring to colony of Scupi . • . .111 Inscription found at Kuceviste of a " Veteranus deducticius " . . . 112 Monuments from Brasda and Nekistan ...... 113 Inscription from Kuceviste, mentioning decree of Ordo Scupensis . . . 114 Honorary dedication to Gallienus from Davina ...... 115 Inscription found on site of Scupi ...... 119 Altar with Greek inscription found at Uskiip ...... 121 Inscription found at Ljubanze ...... 121 Altar of Silvanus at Uskiip ...... 121 Monument of a Miles Framentarius ...... 122 Military Titulus at Mirkovce ...... 123 Legionary monument to a Cornicularius ...... 123 Inscription from Neresi ...... 125 Greek and Thraco-Roman inscriptions from Salonica .... 126, 127 Sepulchral inscriptions from Scupi ...... 128—132 Inscriptions at Taor ...... 144, 145 Plan of Roman remains near St. Ilija, Taor ...... 145 Kurshumli Han, Skopia ...... 147 The aqueduct of Skopia ...... ISO Arches of the Old Bezestan, Skopia ...... 151 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 803

PLATE PAGE Inscription at Kumanovo ...... 154 Plan of Roman remains at Zlata ...... 158 Inscriptions at Nish ...... 161 Inscription at Bela-Palanka, Remesiana ...'.. 162 Roman Christian inscription, Remesiana ...... 164 Bronze corona, cross, and lamp at Pirot ...... 167 III. Ardea—i. Plan of the city; n. Section looking south .... 172 IV. Ardea—Two views of the walls ...... 172 V. Ardea—i. Exterior of the city gate ; n. Interior of the walls . . . 172 Karn Leskys, Cornwall—plan ...... 183 Types of pottery ...... 184 Karn Creis, Cornwall—plan ...... 186 Beads and button from Karn Creis ...... 188, 189 VI. Barrow at Ballowall, St. Just, Cornwall ...... 190 VII. Barrow near Tregaseal, St. Just, Cornwall ...... 194 VIII. South-east view of Chapel-Karn-Brea, St. Just ..... 196 IX. Cairn with cists, Chapel-Karn-Brea, St. Just . . . , . 196 X., XI. Wall-paintings in the church of St. Mary, Guildford . . . 202, 206 XII. Charters of Henry II. to his citizens of Winchester . . . . 214 XIII. St. George and the Dragon. An altar-piece with votive figures of Henry VII., his queen and family ...... 244 XIV. Jacobikirche, Liibeck ...... 308 XV. Katharinenkirche, Liibeck ...... 308 XVI. Marienkirche, Wismar ...... 311 XVII. St. George's, Wismar, 1883 ...... 312 XVIII. Nicolaikirche, Stralsund ...... •• 315 XIX. Torso of a youthful Dionysos ...... 318 XX. Rochester cathedral church—section of choir floor; plan of church, showing remains of Gundulf's work ; Gundulf's tower in 1781, from, the east; plan of Gundulf's crypt ...... 326 XXI. Rochester cathedral church—plan of the crypt ..... 330 XXII. Facsimile of pages of the Be Secretis Mulierum and De Secretis Naturce of Albertus Magnus ...... 338 Statue of Latona ...... 352 XXIII. Map of the Gulfs of Kos, Doris, and Symi ...... 358 Brooch from Symi ...... 364 XXIV. Lanuvium—general plan ...... 370 XXV. Lanuvium—plan of Nymphaeum ...... 374 XXVI. Lanuvium—view of excavations ...... 378 XXVII. Objects found at Lanuvium ...... 380 Map showing positions of Smyrna and Nymphio ..... 383 XXVIII. General view of Nymphio ...... 384 XXIX. Byzantine palace at Nymphio, looking east ...... 386 XXX. Byzantine palace at Nymphio, looking west ..... 388 804 LIST OF PLATES AXD ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE First brass of Faustina the elder, with figure of a Vestal . . . 394 Temple of Vesta, Rome—details ...... 397 Temple of Vesta—elevation and plan restored .... 398 XXXI. Plan and section of part of the Regia, Rome .... 400 XXXII. Temple and Atrium of Vesta, Rome ..... 402 XXXIII. Plan of the Atrium Vestae ...... 402 XXXIV., XXXV. Atrium Vestae—details ...... 404, 406 ,, „ Frieze and architrave of Aedicula . . . 408 XXXVI. Three statues of Vestal virgins ...... 410 Example of one of the Vestals'pedestals ..... 420 Section of the mouldings and base of one of the Vestals' pedestals . 421 XXXVII. Plan of the Forum at Rome, showing the positions of the Rostra, and of the Temple and Atrium of Vesta ..... 422 XXXVIII.—XL. The Rostra and Graecostasis, Rome .... 427, 429, 431 Relief from the arch of Constantine, showing the Rostra and other monu- ments ...... 428 XLL—XLIII. The Gatehouse chapel, .... 434, 436 XLIV. A Roman military decoration, etc...... 440 XLV. Terra-cotta head found on the Esquiline at Rome .... 453* XLVI. Seal and counterseal of the city of Rochester .... 454


I.* Masons' marks—Westminster Hall, west side .... 2 II.*—IV.* Westminster Hall, west side—positions of the masons' marks . . 2 I. Longitudinal section of Westminster Hall ..... 6 II. Elevation and plan of the west side of Westminster Hall ... 9 III. Plan of the west side of Westminster Hall (first-floor) • . .10 IV. Plan of part of the west side of Westminster Hall . . 10 V. Plan of the first-floor of the west side of Westminster Hall . . 14 VI. General plan of the buildings round Westminster Hall in 1716 . . 14 VII. Plan of excavations at Lago di Nemi, on the site of the Artemisium . 60 VIII. Ex Votos, from the Artemisium, near lake Nemi . . . .62 . IX. Architectural fragments from the Artemisium, near lake Nemi . . 64 X. Saxon chapel at Deerhurst, Gloucestershire . . . .68 Inscribed slab in Saxon chapel at Deerhurst . . . .69 General view of „ ,, . . . . .71 . XL Dexter panel of. the diptych of Philip Hinckaert . . . . . 76 Badge or rebus of Philip Hinckaert . . . . .80 Gold signet ring of Mary, queen of William III. . . . , .111 Diamond signet of Charles I...... 112 XII. Seals of cardinals Andrea de Valle, and Egidio da Viterbo, 1517 . 119 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 805

XIII. Examples of mazer prints ...... 136 Print of a mazer at Harbledown hospital, Kent ..... 138 Early fourteenth-century mazer at Harbledown hospital, Kent . . . 139 Print of a mazer at Harbledown hospital, Kent ..... 140 Print of a mazer at St. John's hospital, Canterbury ..... 144 Mazer at Corpus Christi college, Cambridge ...... 144 Part of band of a mazer at Corpus Christi college, Cambridge . . . 145 Sectional elevation of a mazer at Corpus Christi college, Cambridge . . 145 Plan of top of pillar inside a mazer at Corpus Christi college, Cambridge , . 146 Print of a mazer at St. John's hospital, Canterbury . . . . .146 Mazer, and ring of its cover, at All Souls college, Oxford . . . .151 Print from a mazer at All Souls college, Oxford, with arms and initials of Thomas Ballard ...... 151 Standing mazer at Pembroke college, Cambridge ..... 152 Print of a mazer at Fairford church, Gloucestershire . . . 156 Print of a mazer at Holy Trinity church, Colchester .... 156 Print of a mazer at Corpus Christi college, Cambridge . . . .157 Mazer at Oriel college, Oxford ...... 159 Mazer in the possession of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers, London . 160 Standing mazer at All Souls college, Oxford . . . . .166 Merchant's mark on print of a mazer at St. Giles' church, Cripplegate, London . 167 Mazer, with inverted tazza for a foot, in the possession of W. Jerdone Braiken- ridge, Esq...... 169 Portion of the band (with section) of a mazer in the possession of W. Jerdone Braikenbridge, Esq...... 170 Mazer (1585-6) in the possession of the Rev. H. F. St. John . . .173 Print of a mazer (1585-6) in the possession of the Rev. H. F. St. John . . 174 Plan of ruins between the Temple of Vesta and the Sacred Way, Rome . . 229 XIV. Fragment of marble wall and tufo substructure of marble buildings, Rome . 230 Marble wall of the Stanza dei Fasti, Rome ...... 237 Restored plan and south elevation of part of the Regia, Rome . . . 247 Plan and architecture of the Summus Janus, as designed by Ligorio . . 249 XV. Silchester-—general plan ...... 266 XVI. „ plan of a building between the Forum and the Temple (Block VII.) . 268 XVII. „ plan of the baths (Block IX.) ...... 274 XVIII. „ bird's-eye view of the baths (Block IX.) ..... 276 XIX. ,, view showing section of hypocaust in the baths (Block IX. chamber 8) . 278 XX. Fiiskney church, Lincolnshire—wall-painting of the Ascension . . . 281 XXI. „ „ ,, wall-painting of the Resurrection . . . 283 XXII. Sculptured cross-shaft at Checkley, Staffordshire ..... 288 Sketch, showing position of an ancient boat found at Brigg . . . 361 Sketch of stern-board of an ancient boat found at Brigg .... 363 Longitudinal section of bottom of boat . . . . . 363 806 LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS.

PLATE PAGE Section of floor-ridge ...... 364 Section of shelf at stern ...... 364 Roman intaglio found in an Anglo-Saxon grave at Sleaford . . 404 XXIII.— XXV. Antiquities found in an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Sleaford . . . 406 XXVI. Silver-gilt standing cup of the city of Westminster .... 527 Sword of Scandinavian type found in London .... 530 Hilt of sword of Scandinavian type.found in London . . . 531 Bronze stirrup found near Romsey, Hants . 533 XXVII. Danish sword-hilt found at Wallingford ..... 534