Icfa Three-Weapon Trophy
\ \ \ SLL ICFA THREE-WEAPON TROPHY AFlA SPECIAL MEETING Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer I Secreta ry-T reosurerl, Add itiona I Di rector )Iume 17 Number 4 A quorum was present at AAU House on and such additional members of the Ex€ April 12, 1966, and the following amend utive Committee as the Division shall in J1IJ1EJ1Jn;]11 f EI1CJl]B ments to the By-Laws were approved for final By-law provide, may be nominated a Official Organ of the Amoteur Fencers League of America consideration at the Annual AFLA Meeting elected in accordance with procedur Management on July 2, 1966: established by the Division in its By-low; W. L. Osborn, Publisher J. R. de Capriles, Editor 1. Amend Article VII, Section 2, by add- 5. Amend Article XIII, Section 8, by ac P.O. Box 144 41 Fish Hawk Drive, Oak Hill, ing a new paragraph to read: ing three new paragraphs to read: Terre Haute, Ind. Middletown, New Jersey 201 -671 -5872 "(B)-Vacancies in the office of Addi /IVocancies in any Divisional office eXCE Feature Editors: Miguel de Capriles, Claribel Sounders and Ralph Goldstein. tional Director occurring between annual Chairman or Vice Chairman occurring [ Assistant Edito<: William J. Latzko meetings of the Divisian shall be filled for tween Annual Meetings of the Divisi Advertising Office: 5 Great Oak Lone, Pleasantville, N.Y. the unexpired term by the Executive Com sholl be filled for the unexpired term Telephone: 867-9191 mittee of the DivIsion.1I the Executive Cammittee. Policy Board 2. Amend Article VII, Section 12, by add- f'ln the event of a vacancy occurring in t N.
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