
® TransitChek For Employees Card FAQs


Q. What is the TransitChek Card? A. The TransitChek Card,a prepaid Visa®card, is the TransitChek Q. How do I know if my transit service will accept the Program’s newest commuter benefit product. It is an TransitChek Card? anonymous Card, which allows you to purchase MetroCard®, A. The TransitChek Cardis accepted at all MetroCard and ticket transit tickets, or passes using tax-free dollars wherever Visa vending machines, and station windows that accept Visa debit debit cards are accepted. cards. Use the TransitChek Transit Operators List which you can get from your employer to find out if your transit Q. Is the TransitChek Card a credit card? provider accepts the TransitChek Card. A. No.The TransitChek Card is a preloaded Card with tax-free funds that allows you to purchase MetroCard, transit tickets Q. How do I use the TransitChek Card? and passes using MetroCard and ticket vending machines. A. For MetroCard and ticket vending machines, follow the on- You don’t need to provide any personal information to use it. screen instructions, then insert the TransitChek Card when It is ready to use as soon as you receive it. prompted to begin the transaction. If given the option to choose between “debit” and “credit,” choose “credit .” If asked to Q. What values do the TransitChek Cards come in? provide zip code information enter your home zip code. TransitChek Cards are available in a wide variety of denomination up to the current IRS monthly limit of $230, A. Some MetroCard and ticket vending machines require a zip providing enhanced flexibility for employees. code to complete the transaction and to help prevent fraud. This information is not stored or used for any other purpose. Q. What’s the difference between the TransitChek Card and the TransitChek® Voucher? Q. How do I know how much value is on a TransitChek Card? A. Preloaded with tax-free dollars, the TransitChek Card provides A. The initial value of the TransitChek Card is embossed on the the same ease and flexibility as the paper TransitChek Voucher, front of the Card. As you begin using the TransitChek Card you with the added convenience and durability of a card. It can be can check your balance by visiting www.tccard.transitcenter.com used at all MetroCard and ticket vending machines, and station or by calling 1.888.288.CHEK (2435). windows that accept Visa debit cards. If your commuting cost Q. Can I use the TransitChek Card for more than one purchase? exceeds the value of the benefit amount of the TransitChek Card, you can add your own funds from a personal debit A. Yes. You can use the Card to make several purchases. However, you must have enough money on your Card to or credit card prior to initiating the transaction to cover the make the purchase. entire expense.

The TransitChek® Prepaid Visa® Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. The Bancorp Bank; Member FDIC. TransitChek® For EmForp Emplloyerosyees Card FAQs

ABOUT THE TRANSITCHEK® CARD ...... Q. Can I use the TTransitChekransitChek Ca Cardrdalong along with with cash cash, a, apersonal personal Q. What if I still have a balance on the TransitChekransitChek Ca Cardrdb yb ythe the Q. Whatcheckis ,theor anotherTransitChek car®d C toar dp?ay for a ticket or pass? Q. timeHow Ido get I ao rnderew theCarr dTd??ransitChek® Card? A. A.TheMetroCardTransitChek and® Ca ticrdket, a vprepaendingid Vmachinesisa® card on, isl ythe accept new estone form AA.. IfOrder you h faovren’tms fusedor all theTrans entireitChek value® products of one, TiTncludrransitCheking the CardCard addofit iponayment to the (cash Trans oritChek debit/credit® Progr amcard) and for the a singlenation purchas’s fi rst e*. yTourans canitChek trans® Caferrd the, are remaining available atbalance www.tr toans ai tnewcenter T.cransitChekansitChekom/order. anoAtn ymousstation cardwind desowsigned, some spec transitifi cal opely forrato comrs muteray all beneow fi ts. Card.Card. Balance transfers can be made through the TransitChek Thecombined TransitChek for®msCa ofrd pisa ymentfully compl for oneiant twransactionith IRS regulat. Pleaseions . Q. wAebre thesiter ate awwny wa.tccard.tdditionalransitcente administratr.comiveor fees by assoccallingiated check with your transit operator to see if split transactions are 1.888.288.CHEKwith ordering the (2435). TransitChek® Card? Q. Whatpermitted.’s the difference between the TransitChek® Card and A. No. The same 4.5% processing fee will apply to all the TransitChek® Voucher? TransitChek® products including the new TransitChek® Card. * If you need to make a purchase for more money than is on A. Pre-loaded with tax-free dollars, the TransitChek® Card provides Q. Do I need to keep my Card after I’ve used up all the value? your Card,Card, yyouou mmustust add additional value to the Card using the same ease and fl exibility as the paper TransitChek® You should keep your TTransitChek CardCarduntil until the the fare fare media media a personal debit or credit card, or you can transfer balances Q. How many Cards can I order at one time? Are there any Voucher, with the added convenience and durability of a value purchased is depleted, or the benefit month is over, from one TransitChekansitChek Card Cardto to another another T TransitChekransitChek Card Cardin in minimum quantities required? card. It can be used at ticket vending machines for transit whichever is later. If your® transit operator needs to reverse a order to have sufficient funds.This must be done prior to A. As with all TransitChek products, there are no minimum services, and at station windows where Visa® debit cards are charge, you will need your TTrransitChekansitChek Card Cardn umbernumber to ®to initiating the transaction. quantities required.You can order as many TransitChek Cards ® process your refund. accepted. The TransitChek Card is also available in a broader as you like. TransitChek® Cards are valid for two years. range of denominations minimizing the number of Cards to Q. beWhat purchased if my. monthFinally, ordely comrs mofuting Trans costitChek is® moCardsre thanare sh theipped Q. What do I need to do before distributing TransitChek® Q. Is it true that MTA City Transit no longer in amountan inacti vone state the T protectransitChekransitCheking theCa Car dvaluer?d? of the shipment. Cards to employees? accepts TransitChek Vouchers? A. You will be able to add value to your Card using your personal A. TransitChek® Cards must be activated before distributing them ® A. Yes. In 2007, MTA Transit discontinued its Q. Whatdebit denom or creditinat cardions, up does to threethe T rtimesansitChek per Tr aCansitCheknasitCrd comehek Ca Card irdn?, for, for to your employees. Shipping the Cards in an inactive state ® acceptance of transit vouchers, including the TransitChek A. Thea maxiTransmitumChek valueCa ofrd $500is ava.ilaYouble canin a do var thisiety throug of denomh theinations: protects the value of the Cards if they are lost in delivery Vouchers, at subway station booths.TransitChek Vouchers are $30TrransitChek,ansitChek $35, $45 Card, $50Card, w$60 webebsite , site$65 at atand wwwww $115w.tccard.t.tccard.t. rransitcenteansitcenterr.com.com.. or at the workplace. still accepted by other transit operators including MTA Metro- TheThe TTrransitChek Card mmustust bebe registeredregistered inin orderorder to add North Railroad, MTA , PandATH NJ and TRANSI NJ T. Q. Arfundse Tra,nswhichitChek will® C requireards accepted some pe byr sonalall trans infoitr mation.operators? A. TransitChek® Cards can be used to purchase tickets and passes TRANSIAnd youT .canAnd still you purchase can still the purchase MetroCard the MetroCard using TransitChek using from all operators that accept Visa debit cards. TransitChek® TVroucheansitChekrs at Vpaoucherrticipatings at paMetroCardrticipating retailMetroCard outlets ,retail like outlets, Q. TransWhity Opeis personalrators L iinstformationis included requiin thrisedin ftoor mataddi onvalue Kit toand the can liHudsonke Hudson News. News. beTT ransitChekdransitChekownloaded CarCa fromdr?d? our online TransitChek® Card Info Center A. Because adding value from a personal debit or credit card at www.transitcenter.com/order. (over...) is a financial transaction, financial institutions require some personal information to verify the transaction.


The TransitChek® Prepaid Visa® Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. The Bancorp Bank; Member FDIC.