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Trim to 7.75 Wide X 8.50 Tall (7 ¾ 8 ½ ) Abrothallus 2 626 Catapyrenium 1 125 Ephebe 2 105 Karschia 2 655 Acanthothecis 2 16 Catillaria 3 220 Epicoccum 2 651 Koerberia 1 259 Acarospora 3 1 Catinaria 2 56 Epilichen 2 652 Lasallia 2 139 Acrocordia 1 89 Cercidospora 2 635 Evernia 1 188 Lecanactis 2 141 Adelococcus 2 630 Cetraria 1 128 Everniastrum 1 191 Lecania 2 143 Adelolecia 2 17 Cetrelia 1 129 Fellhanera 2 107 Lecanographa 2 171 Agonimia 1 90 Chaenotheca 2 57 Fissurina 2 109 Lecanora 2 176 Ahtiana 1 91 Chaenothecopsis 2 639 Flavoparmelia 1 194 Lecidea 2 287 Alectoria 1 92 Chiodection 3 377 Flavopunctelia 2 111 Lecidella 2 309 Anaptychia 1 95 Chromatochlamys 1 131 Fulgensia 2 114 Lemmopsis 1 261 Anema 1 97 Chrysothrix 2 62 Fuscopanneria 1 196 Lempholemma 2 320 Anisomeridium 1 99 Cladonia 1 131 Gelatinopsis 3 400 Lepraria 3 384 Anzia 1 101 Clauzadeana 2 63 Glaucinaria 2 116 Leprocaulon 1 262 Arctoparmelia 1 102 Clavascidium 1 158 Gloeoheppia 1 202 Leprocollema 3 232 Arthonia 3 39 Cliostomum 2 64 Glyphis 2 117 Leptochidium 1 265 Arthopyrenia 1 103 Clypeococcum 2 641 Graphis 2 118 Leptogium 2 330 Ascochyta 2 631 Coccocarpia 1 159 Gyalecta 2 122 Leptorhapus 1 266 Aspicilia 3 61 Collema 2 65 Gyalectidium 2 125 Letharia 1 267 Athelia 2 632 Collemopsidium 1 162 Gyalideopsis 2 126 Lichenochora 2 656 Bacidia 2 18 Cornutispora 2 642 Gypholecia 1 203 Lichenoconium 2 659 Bacidina 2 28 Corticifraga 2 643 Gypsoplaca 3 230 Lichenodiplis 2 661 Bactrospora 2 32 Cresponea 2 81 Haematomma 2 128 Lichenopeltella 2 663 Baeomyces 1 106 Culbersonia 1 164 Halecania 2 131 Lichenostigma 2 664 Bagliettoa 3 109 Cyphellium 2 82 Harpidium 2 133 Lichenella 3 233 Bellemerea 2 110 Cystobasidium 2 644 Hawksworthiana 2 653 Lignoscripta 2 350 Biatora 2 37 Dactylospora 2 645 Heppia 1 205 Lobaria 2 351 Biatoropsis 2 633 Dendrographa 1 165 Hertelidea 2 134 Lobariella 1 270 Botryolepraria 3 112 Dermatocarpon 2 88 Heterodermia 1 207 Lobothallia 2 352 Brodoa 1 107 Dibaeis 1 168 Hubbsia 1 219 Lopezaria 2 357 Bryoria 1 109 Dictyonema 1 169 Hyperphyscia 1 221 Maronea 3 243 Buellia 3 113 Digitothyrea 1 171 Hypocenomyce 1 223 Massalongia 1 272 Buelliella 2 633 Dimelaena 2 94 Hypogymnia 1 228 Megaspora 3 244 Bulbothrix 1 114 Dimerella 2 97 Hypotrachyna 1 238 Melanelia 1 274 Calicium 2 39 Diploica 3 226 Immersaria 2 135 Melaspilea 2 358 Caloplaca 3 179 Diploschistella 3 228 Imshaugia 1 252 Metamelanea 2 359 Calvitimela 2 44 Diploschistes 1 173 Ingvariella 2 136 Micarea 3 246 Candelaria 1 116 Dirina 1 178 Intralichen 2 654 Microcalicium 2 669 Candelariella 2/3 46/378 Dirinaria 2 98 Ionaspis 1 231 Minutoexcipula 2 672 Candelina 1 119 Distopyrenis 1 180 Japewia 2 137 Miriquidica 2 361 Canomaculina 1 120 Endocarpon 1 181 Japewiella 2 138 Mobergia 2 364 Canoparmelia 1 122 Endococcus 2 648 Julella 1 254 Moelleropsis 1 286 Carbonea 2 54 Enterographa 2 104 Kaernefeltia 1 256 Muellerella 2 673 Trim to 7.75 wide x 8.50 tall (7 ¾ 8 ½ ) Mycobilimbia 2 365 Phoma 2 682 Ramalina 2 440 Strigula 1 474 Mycocalicium 3 250 Phyllopsora 3 273 Ramonia 2/3 455/394 Stromatella 1 475 Mycoporum 1 287 Physcia 1 358 Rhizocarpon 2 456 Synalissa 1 476 Myelochroa 1 288 Physciella 2 416 Rhizoplaca 1 442 Syncesia 1 478 Myriospora 3 254 Physconia 1 373 Rhymbocarpus 2 686 Syzygospora 2 707 Myxobilimbia 2 367 Placidiopsis 1 383 Rimelia 1 449 Taeniolella 2 708 Myxophora 2 675 Placidium 1 384 Rimularia 2 466 Teloschistes 2 524 Nectriopsis 2 677 Placomaronea 2 419 Rinodina 2/3 467/395 Tephromella 2 530 Neofuscelia 1 289 Placopyrenium 1 394 Roccella 1 451 Texosporium 2 532 Neolamya 2 677 Placynthiella 2 419 Roccellina 1 454 Thelenella 1 479 Nephroma 1 296 Placynthium 1 397 Romjularia 3 287 Thelidium 1 481 Niebla 2 368 Platismatia 1 400 Roselliniopsis 2 688 Thelocarpon 3 301 Nodobryoria 1 299 Plectocarpon 3 402 Rosellinula 2 689 Thelomma 2 533 Normandina 2 380 Pleopsidum 3 274 Sarcogyne 3 289 Thelopsis 1 482 Obryzum 3 401 Polychidium 1 402 Sarcopyrenia 2 690 Thrombium 1 485 Ochrolechia 2 381 Polycoccum 2 684 Sarea 3 296 Thyrea 1 485 Omphalora 1 301 Polysporina 3 276 Schaereria 2 503 Tomasella 1 487 Opegrapha 3 255 Porina 1 402 Schismatomma 1 455 Toninia 1 488 Ophioparma 2 387 Porocyphus 1 406 Schizopelte 1 457 Topelia 1/3 502/398 Oropogon 1 302 Porpidia 2 422 Sclerococcum 2 691 Tornabea 1 503 Pannaria 1 304 Protoblastenia 2 425 Sclerophyton 1 458 Trapelia 2 537 Paranectria 2 678 Protopannaria 1 407 Scoliciosporum 2 504 Trapeliopsis 2/3 538/398 425/ Trematosphaer- Parmelia 1 308 Protoparmelia 2/3 Scutula 2 693 2 709 392 iopsis Parmeliella 1 310 Protothelenella 1 408 Sigridea 1 461 Tremella 2 710 Parmelina 1 312 Pseudephebe 1 409 Skyttea 2 693 Tremolecta 2 541 Parmelinopsis 1 313 Pseudevernia 1 411 Solenospora 1 462 Trimmatothele 1 504 Parmeliopsis 1 315 Pseudocyphellaria 1 413 Solorina 2 506 Tuckermanella 2 542 Parmotrema 1 318 Pseudopeltula 1 416 Sphaerellothecium 2 696 Tuckermannopsis 2 546 Paulia 1 329 Pseudopyrenula 1 417 Sphaerophorus 2 507 Umbilicaria 2 548 Peccania 3 266 Psilolechia 3 278 Sphinctrina 2 699 Usnea 3 302 Peltigera 2 389 Psora 1 418 Spilonema 1 465 Vainionora 2 556 Peltula 1/3 331/388 Psorinia 1 430 Spirographa 2 702 Verrucaria 3 335 Peridiothelia 1 340 Psoroma 1 431 Sporopodium 2 509 Vezdea 2 560 Pertusaria 1/3 341/389 Psorotichia 3 279 Squamarina 1 466 Vouauxiella 2 714 Phacopsis 2 679 Psorula 1 434 Staurothele 1 468 Vulpicida 1 505 Phaeocalicium 2 399 Pterygiopsis 3 284 Stegobolus 3 297 Waynea 1 507 Phaeographis 2 402 Punctelia 2 431 Steinia 2 511 Xanthomendoza 2 561 Phaeophyscia 2 403 Pyrenidium 3 404 Stenocype 2 511 Xanthoparmelia 2 566 Phaeopyxis 2 680 Pyrenopsis 3 286 Stereocaulon 1 472 Xanthoria 2 605 Phaeosporobolus 2 681 Pyrenula 1 435 Sticta 2 513 Xylographa 2 612 Phloeopeccania 3 271 Pyrrhospora 2 436 Stigmidium 2 703 Phlyctis 2 415 Pyxine 1 437 Strangospora 3 299 Trim to 7.75 wide x 8.50 tall (7 ¾ 8 ½ ) .
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