15 World best storytellers

Ama Mintah (MOTHERSCRIPT), GHANA Lord Chamu Manu, GHANA Daniel Abugah, GHANA Kweku Gyateh (late), GHANA Judith Affran, GHANA Oshosheni Hiveluah, NAMIBIA Jonathan Akai, GHANA Mirabel Mavis Allassani, GHANA ZOE Baraka, USA Jessie Chisi, ZAMBIA Lucas Fiadzeawu, GHANA Senanu Gbedawo, GHANA Alice Dago Zere, COTE D’IVOIRE Adwoa Anima, GHANA Kweli, GHANA Rosina Mintah, CANADA Fred Ebeneku- Anim, GHANA Boakyewa Glover, GHANA Alice Kaaradaar Bangnidong, Dr Congo Emmanuel Addo, UK


FADE in Opening credit (Off-screen) 1. Shot of earthy pot spot lit on a coal pot in a dark indefinite space in the earthy pot is chopped dry smoked chicken in a steaming stock of cauliflower, carrots, onions and green bell peppers. It is simmering in slow motion as the shot dolly’s in slowly.

AMA (offscreen) Vision is purpose if you can see it

Is a pot A piece of art on the wall Or a cooking utensil Or a lifesaving gadget? I think, an African pot is more than it is presumed to be. kind of like me and some of the amazing people in my life I was 3 when I learned to cook Mimicking mama’s cooking, with leaves, soil, and tin containers because we had a lot of tins ma cooked into tins which often landed in supermarkets and on ships for exports. when people had to save to go out to buy white Man’s food, I went home to eat it. Talk about tomatoes, peppers, sausages, Chipolatas, frankfurters, baken, ham, beef burger, canned beans just name it. Mama Tasha has all the industrial toys to make it. there is a proverb that says, the mouth is stupid, it eats and forgets who fed it. so, Mama Tasha bought a food processing factory from the British after independence. And did very thing to keep her reflection of African food alive all over the world. Although ma affected the lives of many people, she was a simple woman and she wore happiness with a broad smile just like the African earthy pot. She is my hero.

2. In front of the church. The structure is an uncompleted building. Ama is a plump well-endowed woman with dreadlocks. Ama has set up a little table from which she is serving breakfast from earthy pots and bread and beans in waakye leaves.

Brother (gasps)


It is delicious The aroma of the leaf is super! Takes me right home into my mother’s kitchen. What else here haven’t I tried?

Ama Here you go sausages made from home grown chicken no monosodium, just peppers and salt here you go, take it

Theme song fades in

Sister You made it yourself? (Ama nods) you have brought Abrokyire to us oh. This morning all I had on me was my fare to church Thank you Ama smiling

Ama Hey Jasmin, have you had breakfast? (Child shakes her head)

Ama dishing for all. Pastor coming to the table

Pastor Aunty Ama, oh God bless you for what you are doing For the church.

Ama Amen, it’s in giving that we receive

Pastor Yes, (shaking his head in agreement) You are right

AMA Look, I know that we are building a church But you raise an advocacy let the church give back to society and See how quickly God will build his own church.


Pastor (nodding and smiling) You are right give me some time to think about it now, Give me some breakfast

Ama Ok Pastor

But let me send it over to your office You cannot eat out here

Pastor Don’t worry I will eat it here Just to prove a point. (ama looks up wondering)

At the same time, Osofo mame passes by, Ama smiles, she looks at her husband pretentiously and enters the auditorium.

3. Inside Auditorium later Singing dies out Pastor Praise the Lord I have decided that we should Give to those incarcerated, I teach a 50-man class at Nsawam We will contribute and feed them with some fast food So, I will place some people in charge Aunty Ama, Ken, Mr … Fade out

4. Ext. entrance of auditorium Aunty Ama walking up to the pastor at the entrance

Ama Pastor (smiling) that is a great initiative but A If we cooked the meals ourselves, we would have enough To feed the whole prison. If we cook clean and healthy It is cheaper than fast food and I can make it happen

Pastor (excited) Ok…that is true God bless you


God bless you 5. Office Ama, osofo mame and pastors and planners

Ama Ladies and Gentlemen this is a brief update on the prison outreach we will cook in earthy pots and Serve in leaves so we can dispose it of Rest assured that it will turn into manure (laughing) And the menu is rice and smoky beans with keta schoolboys

Cut always to people agreeing and a shot of Osofo mame not so amused. Osofo Mame(angry) Everybody knows your food is not sweet All these backward things Who serves people in leaves and cooks in pots? What is the logic of all this? this won’t even please God?

Osofo Mame Walking out

Ama (offscreen) In the beginning this was a challenge for me too Because Cooking with my mother exciting and so foreign. I never learned about the mystery of the African pot or its purpose. In my eyes, it Was simply boring and disgusting

ELDER Well I don’t think you need to answer that but


I must say that the lord has been laying this on my heart too So, it comes as no surprise. Well is there more Aunty Ama?

Ama (confused) Erm Yes, there is more I … realized that the church has not Gotten a formal permit the outreach is only next week. And well my husband knows someone who knows the leadership (pulling out a permit) so here. This is An official permit,

Pastor (angry) What… you did what? You I have been quiet, and I watched you for too long! If I need someone get a permit for me Not (looking at her head to toe) Certainly not you. This initiative this …. 6. Ama in traffic she sees a woman with a child at her back and two others sitting on the pavements. As the traffic stops, she leaves them and hurriedly enters the streets to sell local kanfa in leaves. Ama is stunned by her physic. Ama watches her as she serves a Caucasian in a saloon car. The green light is on and the woman who still searching for change as the traffic is moving.

Ama (offscreen) I thank God for times like this, reminds me of one extra ordinary person, Aunty Sakaa, my father’s mother. The woman who introduced me to the African way of cooking


When, Maa had the white man’s sickness, diabetes my siblings and I were packed off to spend time with her in koforidua. She had an organic vegetable and animal farm. And everything she harvested she freely shared with her neighbours and the church. Often, she will say, what is riches, if it can’t be shared with others. Aunty Saka will say Eat honey or sugar if its sweetness that you want because food is minding its own business

7. ama’s kitchen ama cooking, Ama’s sad AMA I just wanted to help that is all

Sam Was it that bad?

AMA Poof (turning to the Sam) (mimicking the pastor) If I need someone get a permit for me (looking at her head to toe) Certainly not you. This initiative is not yours

SAM Wow, it sounds like anger If I were you, I will just let it go


AMA Really, just like that

Sam Yes, but have you thought of How will you raise money to feed the prisoners? Ama turning to the chopping of the food.

Sam Just stop, clearly, they have always undermined you I won’t be shocked if they don’t contribute so you Will be disgraced. It’s not too late you can cancel it

Ama cutting pensively

Ama I can’t cancel it, this is not any ordinary outreach. I know this is Gods purpose. Sam So what are you going to do?

Ama stopping to think and starts cooking again. Ama You know what, I will go online and ask people to donate and I am going to reach out to the prison in the best way that I have ever +done.



Ok cool That is also possible But how many people are you feeding

Ama is silent and starts grinning Ama 3200 or more

SAM Awuradi! 3 dien? Ama grinching as song fades in.

8. As Ama is in the Market, Ama in her elements eager like a bloodhound almost quivering. Ama (offscreen) 3200 What will ma or grandma do, if they had to feed 3200 people? The market. The market is one of the richest and most powerful places We used to come here with Grandma and We, absolutely loved it, food was cheap, organic and the people were kind. many traders gave away surplus, freely after they have made enough profit. They believed it was a sign of good luck. we met people of different cultures, regions and religions working in harmony. Ama stepping to the coconut seller and absorbing every detail. Ama’s POV _ A blizzard of details - fast, close. Close on the things the women are selling Close on Ama’s ears, overlaid with sound of running steps. Close on Ama’s eyes suspicious


Ama’s POV— boy holding a polythene bag held by his trousers by a man, image goes into slow motion, The words eighteen, hungry, float, fade - very fast, a glancing thought.


a lot has changed, now most things are about money! it’s no wonder the number in prison is constantly rising. But the more things change the more they stay the same Food is a message to the soul. When nature and soul are combined, they have the power to heal both physical and mental Wounds. Not everyone has this power because the power comes not of nature itself but the will of the human to conceive it. .

Close on his face showing his tribal mark-- the words -- afraid floats on the scene

Market women reaction towards the thief, off screen fades in at the same time.

9. Ama driving home at night. Ama’s looking on.

- indomie joints - Street shots at night - People sleeping in nets - Woman Hand cutting lettuce, carrots, garlic, onions - Seller frying eggs, cooking with her children - Boys sleeping overhead bridges - People watching tv by the roadside Close shot of music video on tv

Ama (OFFSCREEN) Gin gin na gina bato bato babababa salasi tsio tsi gingin tsio masta konto bantona malalanala tefere dafadona tsaio tsi gin gin gin tsio (sound fades to a lower volume) Like Empty villages and farms unattended to The western markets and misplaced kitchens


Like sons trooping into the city as inmates in a cell or as shoeshine boys sleeping on city pavement, Kayayo with traveling pans, Families breeding babies into mosquito nets under shop tents security men with red lips, gin perfumes, and guarantee shoes bank managers in choking ties all cueing up to be slayed by false Stimuli, the new sexy the new modern, sold to us through a tiny box and those who have the means are imprisoned by it. Cheap, quick sweet and easy But one can’t blame the eyes for what the mind doesn’t see food consists of electrons and protons carrying positive and negative charges Sent to power the body and the brain to infuse memory Food is powerful. A Good one can infuse good memories can and teach a broken soul to heal, and a bad one is a lost soul

10. Int. kitchen. Day Cooking session before the outreach


12. Fade in food that was served on a plate


Basmati rice, Smokey beans, anchovies

13. CUT TO EXT/INT. BUS. DAY Int. BUS Real footage. Akuse prison outreach visit ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE _ proving that there are more men and boys in prison than women or girl

14. Fade in food Banku in waakye leaf with grilled chicken and pepper

Fade text DATE: 02 FEBRUARY 2019 DANDELION GHANA PRISON OUTREACH Akuse Prison outreach

15. Dissolving into group photography

Introduction to the pin tone (cantus firmus) Ama smiling and cooking on one table and holding a camera on the other with ropes leading down of Ama’s three children and her husband in a funny robotic way. Zooming into the cooking

Sprinkling of flour and making dough

Ama (offscreen) When I was a child, every Sunday was for pancakes with daddy. It was not much about the taste or nutritional value of the pancakes, but about the time we spent together, conversing as a family. Cooking allows me communion with God. Others may look at me in a certain way but deep down I know that I am part of something larger. Fade in 16. Ama’s kitchen The whole family having dinner

Sam Congratulations, I am proud of you


Ama Thank you, I am so nervous about Tomorrow, even though I learnt psychology, I just wish all I had to do there was cook for them and talk over the meal ahh? Samuel taking a bite of his food Sam (eating and talking at the same time) Ama you are a film maker, make a film about About how you are feeling? Hmm, this tastes good mm

Ama Great idea,

SAM You could write about discrimination, Or how women have been sexualized and their real God-given ability has been downplayed Hmm wow love this (swallows) Should not be cheesy or on the nose Kind of like this food, this is my best meal by far Different, flavors and textures forming an amazing taste (hmm)

Ama Purpose, I love that I am going to invite other writers to write with me too Yes! (signing with a fist)


Sam looking at his wife in admiration, Sam Looks like you got your groove back Come here (kissing her) Thank you for this amazing food and please…. tell The world that good food should not always be sweet It ignites love and passion children laughing. Sam is kisses her, holds her, trying to hold on to her longer

ama thank you I will but right now I have got to finish up quickly, and type scene one is already buzzing

samuel aww, what ever I love you

AMA I… adore you

17. Fade in black text : scene one: Anansesem se suo,

18. Ext. Attah Adoko streets. dawn Extreme long shot high angled shot of Moffatt street - Onscreen: Atta ADOKO street, 4:30AM.


- Dolly in from one house to the other showing how close the houses combined, - past THE TROTROS passing, Teye car is parked at the entrance. Teye is speaking with Mr Boakye. - Mr Boakye gives him an envelope full of herbs - Teye looks left and right - Teye is driving out of his house - Ofole coming out to the entrance of her kiosk screaming a morning hymn - Mr Kuntu standing in front of his gate and Tea bread serving him. Time switches from 4:59 to 5:00am

19. Entering Sika’s compound Sika 36, well-endowed and dark in complexion is wearing a training suit. She is helping her with her sieve Bread seller is cutting the loaf and spreading it with cheese. Ama’s POV moving very fast - Close on _ Oforiwaa 16, short hair, dark in complexion, well-endowed enters the house ready for school

OFORIWAA (smiling sound is in fast mood) Good morning Auntie Sika, good morning Tea bread

punning to Tea bread_ morning _ smiling turning to SIKA_ from tea bread PHEOBE! Dora is here

PHOEBE 16, limps out laughing at the Mention of Dora. She is a little fair in complexion and Dromi 5, fair, burst out of the door wearing their school uniform. Close on Phoebes foot, to her face and her smile

PHEOBE See you mum!

Tea bread Ei crus!


Ama’s POV TURNING to Kay 18 dark enters the compound holding his phone. At the same time, sound overlays of JOJO (17) fair, comes out KAY Amigos!

Jojo Yoo! (turning to his mum) See you mum

SIKA See you, don’t forget to come home together! Jojo hold Dromi’s hand!

Bread seller Hm, sister, I said, as for me, I tell people that I live in a lovely community, both rich and poor living together in harmony It’s a blessing

Sika is paying for the bread

Sika That is the truth

Bread seller (laughing) It is not easy. You go to other areas and see. It’s not a joke (laughing)

Sika (laughing) Eeeii really

Bread seller Do you know that, the minister still lives here? He was waiting for me at his gate. I am sure it’s because of me he did not move that man loves his fresh tea bread. Sika(laughing) I see, Ei saah don’t we all? Sika laughing.

Tea bread


I swear.

SIKA (to tea bread) Will you come tomorrow

TEA BREAD If Jesus does not return tomorrow, I will be here 6am sharp

SIKA (twi) What is the meaning of that?

TEABREAD Rapture is my only hinderance Selling bread is my purpose

SIKA I see Bread seller is leaving


SIKA (ON PHONE) Sorry, was buying bread outside D, is the result ready? Lab test? Pregnant? Don’t be silly The test is to check my blood group not pregnancy. I want to go on a diet (laughing) I have lost weight(laughing). Teye has nothing to do with it. See you D. I must go

- Sika turning on the tv overwhelming the sound of the chopping. - Sika biting on the bread before dancing Zumba. - Teiku laughing - Cut to tv set - Sika stops and resting her hand to her knees - Sika breathing heavily - A case falls in Ama’s room we hear the sound of case falling - Sika looking into the mirror as though she can also see what has fallen in Ama’s room.


Sika’s POV goes through the walls through the back of the mirror to Ama standing in front of the mirror.

20. Ext. bank building. Afternoon (in slow motion) Camera peeking through the glass walls closing in on Tei, who is deep in thoughts. There is juice in an old recycled bottle on his table in a reverse shot.

Alice walking into his office. Tei is holding a bottle and scraping the cedi juice label with a key holder. There is a glass filled with juice on his table.

Tei turns on hearing someone entering the office. Alice enters holding a pen drive. Alice Sucking her lips in and gasps Alice returning to her desk Tei looking at Alice deep in thoughts Next dialogue overlaps

21. SCC_ DAY

Ama (Offscreen voice, archival material) Ama (offscreen) I am a film maker and I love cooking and I studied a little psychology that is why I am here today. In this class All you need is a pen, a book and your reflections. Thanks to Wiz Kudowor, one of the best artists, we have free books for everyone It will all be about poetry, writing what you feel


In any way you possibly can. I will take 5 people at a time for 5 days.

22. Ext. scc. Day Fade in text _ week 5.

23. EXT /INT. BOSTAL WALKWAY. AFTERNOON - Boys listening attentively - Cut to the board - Insert: CONFRONTATION - Ama smiling - Ama sharing exercise books and pens for the five boys.

24. Cut to the end of the class. Anokye (16 years) walks to her holding his book. ANOKYE (PULLING HIS LONG SLEEVES DOWN FIDGETY AS HE SPEAKS) I (pause) madam please I wanted to Ask you Ama looks at his bruised sleeves and back at him Ama Hello King, I can see you have decided to join the new Class again.

Anokye Yes ma, I love your class

Ama Well feel free, What is it that you wanted to say to me?

Anokye (PULLING HIS SLEEVES) Anokye(shy) Ma, please at the end of this month, I will be released, but I have nowhere to go. I wanted to ask you if you could help me


Ama (stopping and facing him thoughtfully) Oh Anokye that is great. But you give me some time to think about it, don’t worry ok

ANOKYE giving a piece of paper to Ama. she looks at it and looks back at him. Anokye Here ma, I wrote a poem

Ama I will read it when I get home, (ANOKYE NODDING) (smiling and walking away)

Anokye nodding with a smile. See you king Closing in on Ama deep in thoughts as she catches glimpse of Anokye’s wounded wrist at the same time the cantus firmus pin tone fades into a dissolve.

25. Cut to ama typing on a computer

26. Ext. African star International school. Washroom. Cut to Oforiwaa wrist as Ofeibea places a bracelet on her wrist. Ofeibea combing Oforiwaa’s hair pins it with a beautiful red bow. She takes a pair of shoes from her bag gives them to her friend. Oforiwaa taking off her flat Achimota shoes, wears a sock with lace overlocks

20 puts on the new pair of shoes with platform. Cut to phoebe smiling and admiring her friend. The two of them wearing the same shoes and ribbons and socks

Ofeibea (broken Twi) Wow Dora! Beautiful, now you look like Cinderella,

OFORIWAA (Posing and smiling) Hmm, I don’t know about Cinderella (twi and laughing) but I love it,

Ofeibea You look so good keep it, the shoes and the ribbon so, you can always wear it for rehearsals.

Oforiwaa Really (Ofeibea nodding you want me to trick this woman Charley, you so confident, I won’t be surprised if there is no audition

Cut to OFO doing a half turning and stepping in front of the mirror. Close on her face to her ears the words _ no audition appears on the close shot of her ears and vanishes _ just read the list- Says Mrs Nightingale. Ofo is pensive looking through the washroom door and back at the mirror. Her demeanor changes Ofeibea looks at her friend

OFEIBEA Ofo… it’s time

Ofo (back to consciousness) Yes…


Ofeibea you will make it, Come, lets go.

Dissolve into compound OFO’S POV _There are a group of dreadlock men in African prints sitting by the drums. The Head Mistress Florence wearing a fitting formal blue African kabba and slit and long Brazilian hair. CLOSE ON her Nightingales lips with a grim. Quick pan to the paper as she raises it to read. She is standing in front of a long cue of girls in their uniforms

Headmistress When you hear your name , you stay and change! Oforiwaa is looking at Ofeibea Cut to close on Oforiwaa’s eyes and pan to close on her ears there is a pin tone gradually fading in.

Phoebe (broken Twi) Calm down, she will pick you

Close on the head mistress other hand, panning to her flickering eyes to the white sheet of paper. As Nightingale mentions the names, Oforiwaa’s vision is fuzzy, Nightingales voice is hollow and deep, and the words appear on the paper and vanish immediately.

Headmistress Cassandra, Oriana, Jessica, Victoria, Phoebe, Dora, Priscilla, Vanessa, Debora, Stephany

Cut to Oforiwaa looking at Mrs Nightingale expectantly The pin ton increases as, and Nightingales voice is inaudible to Oforiwaa.

Nightingale If you didn’t hear your name, return to your classrooms


Cut to the Ofeibea looking at her friend. Oforiwaa vision is blurred but soon comes back to focus. She walks to the Headmistress.

Ofo Madam, please I ...I want to dance too

Nightingale_ signs _who do you think you are?

Nightingale (cuts her) Did you hear your name?

Ofo No!

Nightingale Then return to your classroom Ofeibea looks on at NIGHTENGALE and her vision goes blurred / dizzy and the pin tone raises up. Oforiwaa walking away in slow motion. She turns to see. All the pupils with short hair are returning to the classroom, murmuring amongst themselves and those with the ponytails, permed and long hair remain. Some are sad whiles others are rejoicing. Oforiwaa smiles with embarrassment. OFEIBEA following Oforiwaa hardly hearing the head mistress speaking to her

Headmistress Where is Pheobe!

Phoebe stops and Oforiwaa walking away.

Headmistress (smiling) Did you not hear your name?

Ofeibea shaking her heard in slow motion Ofeibea Oh I am Sorry, sorry Madam, I don’t dance.


Ofeibea catching up with her friend. She turns back to see Girls laughing and mimicking her and Nightingale looking at her.

27. EXT. farm. DAY Ama close on camera as shot dolly’s out to show her at the farm with her children Farmers harvesting fruits in season Happy farmers Watering of crops Ama happy with children paying Cut to a basket full of the things she bought from the farm Ama cooking hurriedly Ama typing on her computer

28. SIKA’S RESIDENCE Cut to a drawing on card INSERT OF CARD: happi birthday wrongly spelt on card and the picture of the whole family with their hand like ropes together Shot opening to a phone ringing but Dromi (3 years) picking the phone and handing it over to her mother. Phoebe (16) and Jojo (15 years) in the kitchen in their uniforms too. Doctor Dede is crying on the phone

Dromi Someone is crying on your phone Oh!

Sika takes the phone from Dromi. Ofeibea picks a fried plantain and is heading out of the kitchen. Sika follows up Sika I will see you. Tomorrow


Sika walking to the corridor. Sika opening Jojo door

Sika (stopping at Ofeibea room) Jojo, change quickly and It’s your turn to help with dinner

Jojo frowns and mutters (offscreen), sika closes his door and opens Ofeibea’s. And Young lady, Mrs Nightingale called (lower tone)

Ofeibea (snobbish) I can’t dance mum and you know it, Better than anybody

Sika You never try anything Ofeibea why don’t you just try, I used to be a dancer you know (smiling) I used to be damn good (wiggling her waist)

Ofeibea Yes, I know about your strip clubs’ stories But Seriously, maa Tell Oforiwaa to dance instead of me

Sika Where are you taking this?

Ofeibea Because she can dance not me

Sika Come on Ofeibea


Phoebe Maa, I am serious She changed her name to Dora and she almost made it to the team when she realised oforiwaa had tricked her she took her off the team. Does she know Phoebe is Ofeibea? Sika Don’t be silly! (Laughing) Ofeibea I am serious ma I wonder, Cos that woman thinks local is wak. Most of those chosen don’t even want to dance. And those who want to dance, don’t get chosen (frustrated)

SIKA Stop joking (brushing off the comment) Don’t make it general

Ofeibea (serious face) Ask oforiwaa if you think I am lying Ask her how many times she has been bounced

SIKA But that is not fair

Ofeibea Yes, I don’t know why she bothers with these African dancing. It’s just a sham.

WALKING Closer to Ofeibea

SIKA Well, why bother, its none of my business

Ofeibea (playfully) Mummy, how can you say that

SIKA What do you want me to do? Oforiwaa is not my child, you are! And I don’t understand why you don’t want to try


You may be good at it like I was

Ofeibea Maa, the kids at school have jokes

walking away from sika and sitting on the bed. Sika moves to sit close to her. Holding her tight.

Sika You mean, (looking sternly) they Make fun of you Is that what really happens Ah! why didn’t you say so Give me their names tomorrow morning they will feel My presence.

Phoebe No mum, I am(smiling) happy besides I don’t care about them

Sika Are you sure? Because no one has the right to make you unhappy

Ofeibea nodding, Sika smiling

OFEIBEA Yes, ma I know but I am a big girl I can take care of myself

Sika Sure? (sika smiling and Ofeibea nodding) Ok .. (holding her hands) I love you and you are perfect

Ofeibea I know I love you too mum Sika is getting up and leaving.

Ofeibea ow Maa….


Sika stopping and turning to Ofeibea Will there be a party for daddy? (smiling)

Sika (turning with a grin on her face) Yeah 40 is a course for celebration anaa OFEIBEA Yes.. GREAT! I invited Foo to dance

Sika (smiling and playing along) Oh, I see, (thinking) that’s a fantastic idea

Sika Young lady! help your brother with supper?

Ofeibea Ow maa Jojo is a pro he doesn’t need me

Sika (in the hallway) Quickly! (singing it)

Cut to Ofeibea smiling and exhaling and opening the bag. Ofeibea deep in thoughts close shot of her face. Ofeibea POV_ on her of shoe, bracelet she gave to oforiwaa to wear and close on socks and ribbons lying on the bed. Ofeibea shaking her head.

29. INT. Barbering shop. EVENING

Cut to Oforiwaa sitting with all her hair shaved. shot is on feet only Cantus Firmus fades in

30. Int. home. Day Fade in a shot of a plate of food with the name written below it. BENKU NE NKRUMA FROYE

Ama (offscreen)


Once upon a time, Mr salmon swum all over the world to come to Ghana to be eaten together with one sumptuous Ghanaian dish. He knew why he was made so when it was time to be eaten, he gladly swum into the fisherman’s net. When I got to the seaside he jumped into my bucket and asked me to take him home to be eaten by 3 strong and talented children, so their skin will shine just like his and their eyes will sparkle just like his. Eat up, it’s getting late.!

Children giggling whilst eating Children tasting food Ama feeding all three children.

31. All three children bathing, Ama picking up the black soap and rubbing it against the sponge in a slow still way. She stops and wipes the sweat off her face 32. Lights are off, ama telling stories with silhouettes

(offscreen in twi) I used to think grandma infallible, cooking and telling a story at the same time Until I became a mother. No, I don’t tell stories only in the kitchen. I tell it to my kids any time any day, especially when I need the kids to be a helping hand or when I need to get things done or when I am tired or when we feel alone.

Panning shot over Ama’s kids asleep in their bed

33. Ama is exhausted, she is wearing pyjamas that is tagged under her belly and a thin strapped top. she throws herself onto the bed relieved and watching the ceiling. She stretches her hands and legs, swing them up and down whilst yarning at the same time. Now she is holding her big tummy drumming, squeezing, and letting go of it. Her tummy bounces She gets up and quickly dashes to her bag.

She sits gently at her desk to read. The sound of the fun is dominant.

Anokye (offscreen) am a G, am a Ra am an African man am the don


am a king, my sweat spits gold I can’t get cold Tarzan, bare chested and bold, That My area code! Nigga whaaaaa…!!!!

Ama smiles and breaks out laughing. She stops laughing and starts looking at the wall pensively. Dissolve through the walls

Cantus firmus fades in

34. Sika’s house Events are non-dialogue AMA’S – POV_ close on KAY standing behind Ofeibea’s nets At the same time. Phoebe looking into the mirror wearing her night gown. Ofeibea Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you

Kay feet hitting a flowerpot. Panning to Ofeibea grabbing a dress and wearing it and moves closer to the window.

OFEIBEA Is that you, Daddy? Should I open the door?

POV OF AMA_ Kay dunking and panting behind the window. Ofeibea’s phone beeps. She turns to it in excitement and walking out of her room. Kay standing up and Panning with him to JoJo’s window. Jojo is typing on his phone, lost in his thoughts.

Kay(whispering) Jo


KAY yes



I dey come Make I persuade my mommy AMA’S POV- Kay mov to stand at the door Jojo crosses over to the kitchen. Kay waiting JoJo’s footsteps as he walks to his mother in the hall. _ Jojo (offscreen) Empress

Sika (offscreen) Thank you I feel like a queen I hope dishes are done (Smiling)

Jojo (off screen) Yes. Ma, I am taking something from Kay I will be right back.

Sika (smiling) Ok, so that’s why you brought me this Ofeibea Kay is bad. I don’t like him. I don’t understand why you like to hang out with him Jojo I also don’t like that gossiping language you and your friend Switch to when people are around you. It is rude!

(With a stern face) – Stop fighting you two. Jojo, I will be expecting you in thirty minutes. If you do not come back, then, I Will send the security in the


Cut AMA’S p.o.v_ KAY standing at the door watching a video of a half Caucasian man in a pajama in a video on a phone. Jojo angrily stepping up and walking off angrily 35. Cut to AMA sitting focused at the computer.


All these activities going on over a sound from an iPad that Larry is holding, connected to his ears with headphones.

Cut to present. Larry 45, and samuel 40 sitting in the lobby of the restaurant. A waiter brings some chocolate and origin onto the table Larry Sam is it a fucking joke?

samuel WHAT?


Are we in business to change people or you want to make money? You want to change the face of film; well I have got news for you. People don’t fucking care. Gals All covered up, it is unbelievable, give them sex, give them bitches shaking up their asses, make lots of money.

SAM You know me,

Larry I do but an advert with no sex appeal? no nudity? oh my guy, I know she is not paying for it, forget about the quality.

SAM Show it to her


Larry No! it’s either you take the money and shoot something with some jig in it, you know, I take my 10 or sorry, there are lot of pushers out there

Samuel What is the difference between African woman naked on your screens and our wives at home?

Larry Sam I am not married All I know is that one has sex appeal

Samuel Nonsense this is not a joke What we show on the screen influences what the woman will become. the African woman is deeper than that

Larry shaking his head

Larry Hey man you are thinking too much. Sex sells I believe in you but those going to watch this are not as critical as you. Put some jig into it. Like FINE GAL with her back to camera with this same quality is perfect. something like that! or I am not paying.

Samuel looks disappointed. Gets up Samuel This is the solution feed them with what is critical

Larry Critical? I am not a professor oh Even these days the professor’s self I Doubt(laughing) Why are you acting like your wife censored this video?

37. AMA’S HOUSE AMA (twi) Ho! Every body knows that it is people like Larry who are polluting the visual industry (sucking between her teeth) Jig to it, indeed



I shawn am koraa(pigeon)

Ama Larry paa Samuel trousers Is stuck at his feet. he lays back in his seat on the bed waving both feet, but it won’t come off. Cut to samuel lying exhausted laughing. He calls his wife for help.

SAM (twi) Sucks in between his teeth Ama!

Ama gets up and stands before Sam who is laying on the bed


Ama pulling Sam’s pants Samuel exhaling in relief. Sam is looking at his wife smiling out of relief. Samuel Thank you

Ama (laughing) Pimpiniese… paa This is what we don’t see in film Men who can hardly fit into their fashionable pants


Samuel Are you speaking metaphorically? It’s not funny

Ama (giggling) I do not know, it could be Ama laying besides Sam on the bed as laughter fades and to seriousness (doing something together) AMA (offscreen) But seriously My characters are so real sometimes I can feel them and even talk to them and even go round them. Like they leave just next door (laughing)

Sam Hmm, I see (holding her waist) Ama trying to move away Sam holding on tighter, he kisses her

Sam One more (smile)

Ama See you Sam I have a script to write




Sika_ POV Is herself selling fruit sitting behind her products in her stall at the market. She wears a wig, a top that shows her navel, a tight blue jean, and high heels. She becomes aware of the madman standing in front of the fruits. He picks up an apple and mutters out something inaudibly.

Sika What? Madman does not repeat. He begins to walk away with the apple. Sika drops the mirror she has been using to fan her face and goes after him

40. EXT: MARKET. DAY Still at the market. Sika goes over to a woman at a corner who is braiding her daughter’s hair. Sika Have you seen a madman with an apple? Woman and daughter shake their head. Sika is moved by the braiding. She takes off her wig and throws it away exposing the perfect braiding she has got.

41. EXT: MARKET Still at the market. Sika goes over to a Kente shop obviously to inquire about the madman. There is no dialogue. Camera shows the shop owner shaking her head and SIKA coming out of the shop dressed in brightly colored Kente with her high heels replaced by ahenemaa

42. EXT: STOREY BUILDING On top of a storey building. Madman with apple in his hand stands at the edge. sika


(Looking concerned) It’s okay. Keep the apple. Just don’t jump. Madman smiles and jumps. SIKA covers her mouth out of surprise. Madman’s voice comes in.

Madman I’m alright! Not a scratch! The height is an illusion! Just jump!

sika What? I’m afraid of heights! Madman Let go! Trust your instincts! SIKA turns around as if retreating. Then she takes off the ahema and runs towards the edge for a jump.

Mad man is jumping. Madman Madness is enticing and infectious. Beware! Fade into black 43. INT. Office. night Shot is taken from the wall clock 8pm to Tei who is standing behind the desk dumb founded. Yoofi taps him on the shoulder before leaving. Yoofi Charley you for dey G

Tei I said I did not post any video damn it (throwing his pen away angrily)


Yoofi is dumbfounded. Yoofi relax… you know, let’s talk later

Yoofi leaving the Tei’s office Alice looking at Tei, confused Tei looking dismayed he picks up his bag continues without even looking back Alice is looking at him. 44. AMA’S ROOM high angled shot of Ama laying on top of Sam still narrating its non-dialogue. Camera dollies in sound of someone crying. Whole scene is offscreen on Jojo weeping. Fade out 45. sika’s house. Nondialogue Close on Ofeibea texting on her phone from close to open shot. VILLE, (Offscreen texting) We also go to the countryside to visit our grandparents. I love that about you

Ofeibea Thank you Puts the phone down and smiles sheepishly as though in love

Cut back to scene as her text is interrupted by a man at the window. Phoebe looks to the window and walks out to open the door. Tei, 49, half cast, pointing at the clock.

Tei (angry) Why aren’t you asleep. Cut to the clock It’s 12am

Ofeibea is shocked and speechless at his harsh tone Returning to her room. Tei puts his bag down. Picks his food from the table


Tei sits and raises his legs to the centre table eating INSERT: black screen with digital time switching from 1 to 3am Tilting down to Fade DISSOLVE TO DREAM 46. Ama’s residence Ama and sam tacked into bed. Ama still narration Sam is hooked.

Ama (offscreen twi) That were we are at So just like we do in Kwaku ananse stories We pass it on.. Se Ananse sem nye obaako fuo nkua ne atum tu se ananse sem a me tu ye yi sen enye de oh se eye deh me di tua medi tua tua.

47. INT/EXT.TEYE’S RESIDENCE.DAWN Fade in NAME OF WRITER: FRED EBENAKU - ANIM It is early morning at about 3:30. Tei sees himself stepping out of the house in his jogging suit. He sees a crowd of people chanting to a tune, majority of them are in chale wote, worn out T-shirts and Khaki shorts.

Tei (Mutters to himself) Poor folks. No job. No life. (He begins to jog) Tei sees himself jogging alone; suddenly he is passed by another group of men. He does not turn to have a good look at them.


Tei (Talking to himself again) Where is this crowd from today? These guys look like a happy bunch. Won’t be bad joining them A Few moments later, he is hurdled by one of them and he turns to look at him. Tei sees that the men are all dressed in suits and ties with earphones.

Tei My God! They are jogging in their sleep. How could one be asleep while on the run? What is happening?

Tei now makes a frantic effort to step out of the crowd. Now he is scared. It is not easy escaping. They are running so fast and he is right in their midst.

Tei (Thinking to himself) If I should slow down, I could easily get pushed down and trampled upon If I should run faster, they would run yet faster than me

Finding himself thwarted on all sides and with no choice but to keep up the pace with the crowd, he begins to panic, and his heart begins to race

Tei God help me! I’m caught in a herd. What is going to happen next? What if we are heading towards a cliff? There must be a way out of this crowd.

Suddenly there is a loud sound of a pan that is falling to the ground.


Cut to 48. INT. BEDROOM. DAY Close on TEI’S face asleep. JOJO accidently dropping a pan. Tei waking up burying his left ear in his hand as his wife is reprimanding their son, Jojo. He sits on the edge of the bed with head buried in his hands


SIKA (offscreen) Don’t wake up the baby are you angry? Sika comes into the bedroom.

Cut to 49. INT. KITCHEN. DAWN An angry Jojo, who is grudgingly preparing hot koko (corn porridge) for breakfast. Tei walking into the Kitchen holding a brown envelope Jojo looks at his father, he puts out the fire and Jojo walking out of the kitchen with a frown on his face. Sika following him walking. Tei brings out an apple, a carrot from the fridge. Tei Opens the envelop and brings out Indian hemp leaves and tosses it into the blender. Tei strains it and uses the juice. He tastes it. cut to a paper where he writes Boakye’s recipe for bad dreams – Apple, carrot and marijuana Tilting down to 50. Int. Ama’s residence. Dawn Samuel is chopping apples and Tei chopping carrots and apples.


51. Sam sneaks to the door and picks up his bag and opens it he brings out a paper bag and opens it smiling. Samuel drinks it as a smoothie

52. Fade into a split screen one with a smoothie and the other with juice Sound insert: ofole singing further away Tilting up and cutting to Ama Running down the stairs in her boubou

Ama(hurriedly) Oh my God! I am so late, did you light The Fire?

Samuel No?

Ama You should have woken me up Goes out bangs the stung door to light the fire.

SAMUEL Why do you rely on Ofole to wake you up? set the alarm

AMA (hurriedly muttering to herself) Charley, I got carried away reading. I had the first Script last night I couldn’t put it down I slept at one (smiling and mesmerized)


Samuel Then why don’t we go back to using the Cylinder it is faster

AMA (smiling at Sam) Wait (picking the pot from the cabinet earthy pots, (earthy pots on the table) do your magic Samuel laughing and walking out the kitchen whilst, drinking his morning shake. Ama placing a pot of water on the coal pot staring deeply. Shot punning from Ama to the fire AMA (offscreen) Something amazing happens when We decide to turn the world off To give it what is only important and necessary when we accept who we are and value what makes us shine Fade in cantus firmus mused with some hiplife

53. INT. bedroom. MORNING Shot punning from wall to mirror to Tei staring into the mirror all dressed up. He is putting on his tie. He looks down and sees his father’s tools box in the corner. He pauses and lowers down to pick it up. He opens it and tools for bottle watching Flashback

Tei (younger offscreen) Koliba are for poor people papa I want to learn hard become a lawyer Wear a suit and a tie (laughing)


Tei lost in thoughts in front of the mirror. Sika walks up behind him and leans on the doorframe. SIKA Hey, Tei panics. Tei turns to find his wife, He is feigning a smile at her. Sika walks close to fix his tie

SIKA (NODDING) Are you ok?

TEI Yes, (pause fixing his tie) Hon. Why is Jojo helping in the kitchen We need to empower Ofeibea too She is always on the phone You heard what the counsellor said

Sika Aw, they drew a roaster, Jo is on duty today

Tei Really? I see

SIKA You look ….

TEI (interrupting) It’s just work stress Came home late


SIKA I was going to say, Sharp

TEI (UNAMUSED) Thank you I have left some money on the table Tei pats Sika affectionately and walks past her holding his father’s toolbox instead of his briefcase. SIKA ok Thank you Cut to Sika standing at the door.

54. Sika’s kitchen Close on porridge with groundnuts and tea bread. Sika taking a bowl of porridge to JoJo’s room

Sika Eat up at least if you will not say what is wrong with you, my dear?

Dromi (singing in twi) Jojo Mensah, raise your head, raise your head

Jojo (smiles faintly) Maa, I am fine, besides I don’t want to be late

Sika (looking concerned) ok Cut to sika walking away to the hall

55. Cut to the hall There is a knock on the door.


Ofeibea opening the door. Oforiwaa standing at the door with her bag covering her face. She takes it off fancifully and playfully

Showing her Santo hair style.

OFEIBEA WOW…. (SHOCKED and happy) I knew that you were onto something Wow. cool

Oforiwaa (posing) that’s what I want to hear

OFEIBEA Rebellion is on! Nightingale here we come!

Sika walks

Ofeibea smiling. Sika is looking for Teiko Sika Hey what happened last night that has made my son so sad…. Jojo has not eaten anything Ofeibea shrugs her shoulders hurriedly, gulping down her breakfast. Sika sees oforiwaa

Sika (shocked) Aye Foo, (stopping and smiling) Nice hair cut

OFORIWAA (flauntingly) Thank you


Ofeibea Hard girl, Wakanda forever Ma Teiko is Under the dining table having fun(smiling)

Cut to baby TEIKO ripping out some files from Tei’s bag. Sika (screaming) No. no Teiku! those belong to your father It’s very important information.

Sika looks at the baby smiling Jojo runs to the hall. Jojo(sympathetic) Ma! are you ok?

Sika Yes, why? (shocked about Jojo showing so much concern). Please leave the house you will be late!

The children leaving for school Sika looking at the papers one after the other. she sees photos of bottles and how to clean it. The house is silent sika is sitting quietly thoughtfully. cut to the photos on the table. OVERLAPPING with seller singing outside


Tea bread seller Yeeees Teeeeaaaaa bread! Sika puts the paper back into the file and into the bag. She carries Teiku and places the bag on a higher table.

Bread seller (off screen) Please will you buy some bread today?

Sika walking out to meet the bread seller.

56. Ext. morning. Sika’s house

Sika You are late,

Bread seller (Twi nondialogue) Aw, say and say it again forgive me. The area clock made me late.

Sika Hmm all of us oh

Tea bread Mr Kuntoh was long gone when I got his house. As for me, I have decided to get an alarm clock. I think she should also get a singing career and stop wasting our time singing. Look how late she made me

Sika laughing

Tea bread What should I say? It’s the minister who is unbelievable, he can just take small of his chop money and produce that lady. Instead he is just there, eating bread, no improvement

bread seller laughing and spreading the bread dissolve into Sika standing.


Sika Ei tea bread, you have great ideas Maybe you should be our MP

Bread seller Yes, easy, koraa as for me I will say the truth too Anaa

SIKA (laughing) You are right. Will you come tomorrow?

Bread seller If Jesus does not return, I will see you tomorrow Aunty. Ama helping her carry the sieve back unto her heard

57. Ext. estates. Day

INSERT: 7:00am High angled shot of the area, head on shot of the estate house and long shot of the bread vendor walking to a house

Bread seller Teeeeaaaaa bread! Fade in music

58. Cut Ama’s bedroom. Ama dancing and dressing up. Her phone rings. Ama wearing a red dress looking in the mirror. she applies coconut oil to her legs and feet Wearing her shoes Call ends and Poem fades in Walks back elegantly She does a 360 turning Combs her hair She picks up her bag. Walks down the stairs elegantly.


Picks the shopping basket a pack of fruits and water and head for the door.

AMA (Twi on phone) Hello Daa, we are all fine. , I cook in earthy pots, its quiet fun, I can fry egg, cook rice, soups everything. (laughing) Yes, this morning I am going to scc I am volunteering at the senior correctional center Yes, I go only in the morning As a volunteer, ok, I will stop when its feels unsafe. I Promise. Anytime, regards to mum, One more thing. do you think you could help me with a picture of Biama? That will be great. love you too, Daa Ama (offscreen) The last time I visited my parents to share my allergy to aluminum with them. I told them the doctors had told me that I was allergic to aluminum cooking pots and food cans. I don’t know how but that is how my journey with earthy pots begun. Frankly, I glad that the African pot, has found a daily routine in my home. Cooking in earthy pots is like a life saving adventure I am purposed to explore. Ama cutting the line. Samuel is watching Ama come down the stairs . Ama opens her hands and Samuel is holding a loaf of bread and money. He drops the money into her palm Ama Thank you I hope you can , come early, today? SAMUEL signing negative


Sam I don’t know yet charley I need to find money to pay the rest of the school fees.

Ama (exhaling) report came, we need more parental support, Sam I am not enough and by the time I done cooking and working I am so tired Ama counts the money looks at Samuel.

Samuel Ama You knew what you were signing up for Ama, the prisons, the film? It its all too much, I mean If you are tired, , then Stop and rest so you can have time, for the children. Samuel looks at her cynically and Ama shakes her head and goes down the stairs. Ama Ow but I thought you liked what I was doing (samuel signs)

SAM I do but you need to figure out your own time

Ama Sometimes I wonder, I mean what will sika do or say To me in if she heard Sam. I wonder If we will even be friends 59. Fade in text: at the gate 60. At the gate


Sika walks out, holding Baby Teiku on her Back. On seeing Ama, she walks to AMA.

Sika Good morning Mrs. I have seen your work in the prison Online, charley Well done

Ama Really, thank you

Sika You give me a lot to look up to Thank you AMA You are welcome But it’s not too late to help

SIKA give me time to Think,

Ama Sure, let purpose find you

Sika and Baby looking at Ama and waving Ama driving away looking suspiciously at sika in her rear-view mirror. Sika wears her shades Ama


reality is self-reflective, though few acknowledge it we dream about what we see fade in Cantus Firmus 61. EXT. BALCONY. NIGHT _flashback They are both looking amidst and standing side by side. Sika looks at her and then she turns away. Dede moves to stand in front of her. They look into each other’s eyes

Dede ok Are you sure you want to Marry, Tei? I mean it is no secret that men who look like Tei Marry women who look just like him

Sika (looking surprised) Come on Dede Tei’s mother is Ghanaian, you don’t Know what you are talking about

Dede I don’t care, his extended family can maltreat you. They won’t let you work, sika? after all these years of Studying,

Sika What is wrong with staying at home to take care of Children, my own children. D, you of all people should Know.


Dede I know you want to have the family you never had , Sika but You are still young This is the time to have fun, make lots of money No housewife has money, and no one hires a housewife Open your eyes and run like the wind

Sika I have nowhere to go. I have done everything bad and naughty under this Ghanaian sun Besides I am not so innocent Dede but now I am tired DEDE Being a wife is n…

Sika(interrupting) easy, and I will work along side

Dede Hwee Has he cast a spell on you? Like Edufa did to Ampoma?



No stop it! Stop comparing Tei to Edufa I am a big girl and You have gone too far.

Dede Too far? Chic first, he will be working and making all the money Then he will start thinking he is better than you Because you will dependent on him

Sika What is wrong with my husband providing for me? Dede I pray he does because some don’t ask my mother All men are the same, Sika. They leave you either dead or worn out or poor .you can prevent all that

Sika D. You seem to have it all figured out Tei is not going to kill me or wear me out or cheat on me I know it I feel it here and here (touching her tummy and her heart) and I love Tei to forgive him, anything

Dede Ei, hmm Fade out

Present day


62. INT. DEDE’S BEDROOM. Day Fade In Senanu Gbedzewo Dede is sitting in front of her dressing mirror with a mobile phone clasped in both hands. She is wrapped in short cloth that is exposing her thighs and cleavage. With her right hand she gently reaches down. She leaves her fingers to play between her thighs. Dede is muttering to herself. Dede (muttering to herself) What utter rubbish

Dede Ekow, Tei all of them, cheats. Damn fools out to hurt good girls. No, you don’t have AIDS or any venereal diseases. I mean aids to divorce your husband before he kills you

Pause Sika v.o Don’t be silly Dede, I will (pauses) see you. Tomorrow

Dede v.o Aids? Is that the best you can do? She won’t leave him, but I also don’t want Him to hurt her. Dede sipping Dede is staring amidst,


(Remains quiet for a moment) Her demeanor changes. She had been feigning the tears. ( Cut to Dede A cunning smile on her lips.

Dede. Oh, I know all the games you boys have been playing, Tei. This video is my proof

Dede focuses on playing with her inner thighs, with her gaze fixed on the phone. The doorbell rings. Dede opening the door. Sika Sister, what is it that can’t wait? Don’t say anything about my marriage. I am tired seriously, (pausing) Why are you dressed like this? It could be anyone at your door.

Dede Come, you need to see something First give me the baby and then drink this (picking up a calabash full of nsaa) Sika smelling the calabash Sika What it this (sniffing the calabash) Please no alcohol (laughing) You this girl you never change Dede Here(giving Sika an iPad)


Dede playing with Teiku, Dede hands the phone to Sika Sika looks at the phone and then back at her friend

SIKA What is this?

Dede Just play Dede POV_Sika is shaking Close on Sikas’ eyes and a pan to her ears. There is a loud pin tone sound. Cut to SIKA CUT TO Dede’s_ SIKA POV_ IMAGE blurred image of sika spirals and cut to Sika shuts her eyes. Scene goes black Sound of Sika tumbling to the ground.

Dede (seem far) Say something Sika Sika! Sika! Aye I told you, don’t die on me (twi) (echoing into the next scene) Sika, look at a whole graduate looking Like this ah!

63. Silhouettes on the wall 2 adults and a child


Little Sika No! Maa and Daa take me with you to America I promise to be a good girl

Daa Sika, we will as soon As things get better. Ok? We love you ok This is Miss Asiedu, your school mother.

- Parents walking away and child holding to the hem of her mother’s dress as they are walking away. Mrs Asiedu pulling on to sika. Door closes in a fearful squeaking sound Sika growing in a silhouette. Mrs Asiedu walks away - Dede sitting on bed with sika.

Sika 12 aunts and 8 uncles but still stake in Boarding school, I went to school and never left the building Did no one want me? I thought new life came with new love, forgiveness, and reconsideration because I had nothing to do with old beef. … I never saw my folks again, just phone calls often feels like my whole family have rejected me



Teis_ POV_ FROM BLUR TO SHARPNESS_ Sika is holding the phone to her ears she looks frozen. ‘



Inspector Dakorah (OFF SCREEN)


‘This is inspector Dakora of the Rapid Response Unit of the Ghana Police service, am I speaking with Mrs. Tei?


‘Yes, this is Mrs. Tei is there any problem’?


‘Stay with your phone, we will be calling back’.


‘What have you done this time Tei, what incredibly unbelievable thing have you done?’

(she asked the picture on the wall as if expecting an answer.)

Phone rings Sika slowly picked up the handle of the phone


‘Hello’ in a whisper.

Fade out

Fade in _ outside banking hall




Yes, Mrs. Tei, this is Inspector Dakorah, we are connecting you to him, he is holding two of the bank staff as hostage, his secretary, and his assistant. He says he will only speak with you’.

TEIS POV_ MOVES inside the banking hall breathing heavily


66. INT. BANK HALL. DAY TEI POV _ looking at himself standing by the phone on speaker. Alice and Darlington his assistant is blindfolded, and their hands tied to their back.

Sika (speaker phone)

‘Hello, Tei’


‘Hello, I am looking at the picture we took last year at the Legon Botanical Gardens,’


‘What am I hearing Tei,


‘I didn’t call to be talked out of this Sika, that video circulating is a set up, they want to ruin my life. They must pay.



Tei!! Tei!!

Cutting the line.

TEI’S POV_ RACK FOCUS FROM morning juice TO his hostages.

He picks up the juice drinks it and TEI freestyling karate moves he pours the rest into his mouth and starts spraying it at them in action film style from different angles.


Hiyaa!! Pugigigi yaaaaa!!!

Bushia busia!

Alice is splashed and instead of dying start dancing in Adowa fashion as she falls to the ground, on the ground she pulls her tongue in a funny manner. Tei_ sees himself spraying Darlington. POV puns to Darlington dancing borborbor…. Sound is in sync with a borborbor song on falling to the ground he poses dead.

TEI’S POV _ Cut to HIMSELF feeling heroic. SCENE blurs to

to present

67. Tei wakes up in the car He gets out of the car and finds A text written on a paper and stuck at the back of his car INSERT: Lawyer PYJAMAS He rips it off, crumbles it and throws it in a dustbin Tei walks away fuming.

68. Prison Officer is sitting face to face with Ama


Officer That is one of our major challenges, many of them who are reformed don’t have a place to stay to continue their education which they started here. The moment they leave they stop schooling.

Ama (Exhaling) Anokye has asked me to help find accommodation for him

Officer That will be very helpful, so many falls into bad company just because of problems with accommodation.

Ama I can’t promise anything

OFFICER Please try, truth is Anokye has shown great Improvement, ever since he got here. His family is far away in the North and He is one of the few boys that I will entreat you to help if you can

AMA Ok I will see what I can do

Officer thank you very much Maa

Ama gets up and leaves.

69. Int. Sika’s residence. DAY At the hall_ Sika is lost in Thoughts in front of the television as she pats Teiku.


FADE IN TEXT ADWOA ANIMA _ JoJo’s room Jojo typing. Text on screen Jojo Kay, you dey?

Kay Yes amigos. What’s up?

Jojo Can I borrow your father’s gun? Kay types laughing emoticons (emojis) Jojo I am serious dude

Kay so, am I. what do you want a gun for?

Jojo To kill a rat.

Kay How much?

Jojo 50ghs. That’s all I’ve got



Ok, you be my guy. Meet me at the hillside in 15 mins.

Jojo walking out of his room. He stops to look at his sister Cutting to Ofeibea writing in a book Ofeibea (angry and fast tone offscreen) “Dear God, from thee I ask a mighty favour, indeed, to be touched. For my heart wails and my soul yearn to be free. I pray this day one wish that you kill my memory. Kill the thought that I once yearned to kill another. Could such great hatred ever be encountered? So great I could never stop to think but to cast hopelessness on a fellow. In the depth of my heart I know that I wail this way because he’s my blood and I still love him very much. 70. Photo Insert: a classroom chair, with a paper pasted on it On the paper is inscribed: pajamas pikin Back to scene 71. Ext. road. Day Phoebe walks down her lane. She keeps walking until the houses and the structures change. Many of the homes are wooden shelters and many people live closer, children bathing on the streets. There is a church on a veranda with cloth for walls and church members can easily peek out. Phoebe enters a house without a gate. The House is neat and quiet. Phoebe gets to a wooden house. She stops and knocks at the door. Oforiwaa comes and opens the door.

Ofeibea Hey,

Oforiwaa hey Come in there’s no one here.

Ofeibea walking in. Oforiwaa takes an album from the chair to make space for her friend. Oforiwaa pointing to the sofa. Phoebe sinks into the chair. the radio is turned on lowly


Phoebe looking around; it’s a single room with a cloth dividing it into two. And pots placed all over the floor at vantage points where the roof leaks. Oforiwaa is wearing an African printed dress and places the album on her lap.

Ofeibea I didn’t see you after you were called to the head mistresses office

Oforiwaa (smiling) Well what did you expect, I got suspended, Never to return until my hair grows

Ofeibea (lowly) No, she didn’t

Oforiwaa Yes, she did But To be frank I don’t know that girl with ribbons in her hair and my name is oforiwaa, Ama Oforiwaa not Dora. I was not given an English name and I am not ashamed to say it. this is who I am, I am done changing my name or my appearances. This is how I looked when I started the school I don’t care if it disqualifies me from anything done in the school.

OFEIBEA Don’t worry we will dance out of school and when you come, we will join the catering Curriculum, that place dea it’s free


OFORIWAA Ha-ha quick koraa, if I can find it in catering curriculum charley me I want my freedom oh cooking comes to me easily! singing Kofi kenatas song and gesturing as it plays on her mini radio)

Friday all night, yewo club numo, yere ye more tins amen, shocher no gugu cup no mu. Ade yi ship na ode bible nu bai, nana nkrofo sin ala de scnap to bai, she changes the station

Or a south African DIVA like chakachaka (I’m burning up! (start singing, throwing her hands in the air) I’m burning up my hearts on fire I am burning up burning up! (dancing)

Ofeibea looking at her friend crazy dancing and laughing, oforiwaa calls her to dance. They both dance and they both fall to the ground facing the ceiling that has holes in it.

Ofeibea Look at you, Crazy dancing girl, you are always happy

Oforiwaa Seriously, my father always says (mimicking her father) that it is better to be happy with who I am. Oh ... so no fake things, this is who I am.

Ofeibea Yes. My mum too

OFORIWAA (twi) I don’t care koraa



You are right

Oforiwaa Yes, so until then, you, this little diva is going to be my teacher (dancing Adowa)

Ofeibea It will be my pleasure (bowing down)

Oforiwaa Now I know you did not come all the way to talk about me Enough about me, have you told vile the truth….

Phoebe Ville (correcting her and smiling) About what?

Oforiwaa Ville, (whatever in twi) that you are 16 not 31, and that you are white and that you have never been to the countryside?

Ofeibea No, you go kill meoo do I look white to you?

OFO Yes, you are (laughing) Why don’t you see yourself in the mirror? (pointing to her wrist) this is black (Pointing to Ofeibea) hand and this is white

Ofeibea (twi) Just Shut up, give me something to write about. Charley, I am out of apoh!(laughing)


They both burst gregariously

Oforiwaa (twi) Yoo mate we will all see when it gets worse (twi proverb) Let me think(pause), what can we tell our German pal

Ofeibea Finnish

Oforiwaa(twi) What is it But it’s the same thing, doesn’t it snow in both countries, please to me they are the same and to them we are (they burst out laughing)

It begins raining

Wait, is it the rain?

Ofeibea NODS YES

OFORIWAA Perfect. Just wait, you will see a movie right before your eyes, bring out your phone and get off the ground you don’t want to be wet (LAUGHING)

Oforiwaa and Ofeibea looking on as the rain drops down from the roof into the pots. As the water drips into the pots, they make a rhythmic sound. Each sound is singled out one after the other. Pointing to the picture in the album of the okyenhene sitting in a palanquin. OFORIWAA Look, (pointing) during Odwiratwuo You can feel the earth shaking as they beat the drums, 100-gun shots released into the skies, women waving their cloths and cheering the King. Then the traditional dancers in their Kente. It’s a coat of many colors, my friend, a spectacle that can never be perfectly described, My friend.


72. Sikas House Ofeibea punching the keys on her phone Dissolved into the sights and sounds of the actual festival.

Ofeibea You make life look so beautiful, apo krunkrun charley

Oforiwaa Because life is beautiful HUN. This one is called travel and see

73. Sikas’s residence Forty-five minutes later. Knock on the door. Sika goes to open. Mr. Kuntu Good evening Auntie Sika

He greets and pushes both Kay and Jojo through the door. Sika – Good evening Mr. Kuntu. Honorable. I hope there is no problem.

Mr. Kuntu There is. In fact, a monstrous problem. Sika looks curiously at her son who looks away. Sika Jojo, what did you do?

Silence Mr. Kuntu smiles and shakes his head. Mr. Kuntu He can’t tell you, but I can tell you.


My foolish son here (He pointed to his son) stole my gun to sell to your son.

Sika What! Do I now have to deal with a vagabond son?

Jojo (Looking guilty and uncomfortable) – I am sorry mum, but I was so angry

Sika Angry?? for what reason? What pushed you to this height of indiscipline?

Jojo (Speaking faintly) Dad Sika turned to face him fully.

Sika What did your Dad do to you? Has he not been a good and loving father? Has he ever refused you anything? Jojo He’s not a good father.

Sika (With a shocked expression) Why do you say that?


Jojo I want to shoot him before he gives you AIDS. (He starts crying)

Mr. Kuntu (With shock written all over his face) – Now I think I need a seat.

He walks and sits on the nearest seat. Sika turns to look at Mr. Kuntu with tired eyes.

SIKA Mr. Kuntu, thank you for bringing my son home. I will take it up from here and I promise this will never happen again.

Mr. Kuntu (Looking seemingly concerned) Don’t worry. I am not doing anything at home. We can continue this discussion.

Sika Mr. Kuntu please this is a family matter, not the state of nation address

Mr. Kuntu So how do I know the conclusion of this matter? Sika moved closely to Mr. Kuntu and whispered in his ear.


Sika You don’t need to know any conclusion and one more thing Mr Kuntu, if I hear pim!, every resident in this estate will know what happened that night. I still have the negative. Mr. Kuntu’s facial expression changes and he turns angrily to his son as he rises from the sofa. Mr. Kuntu – Foolish boy. Let’s go home And you’ll see what will happen to you. Mr. Kuntu and Kay exits Sika turns to her son and pulls him towards her for a hug. Jojo runs into his mother’s arms. Sika What happened out there? What are you talking about?

Jojo Ma, I saw it, everything was real It is trending on social media, ask Kay

Sika What are you saying?

Jojo Daddy’s video, ma

Sika Was that why you were moody this morning? (Jojo nodding) So, you think it’s best to


Kill your dad?

Jojo Yes, mum, I love you Very much I don’t want to lose you I wanted to show daddy I… can be tough

Sika Tough? …. Awuradi Joey I am your mother Jo Why did you not tell me first?

Sika turns to see her daughter Phoebe nodding SIKA You too? Phoebe is crying and nodding at the same time

Phoebe Yes, saw it in school, friends teased me about it then we heard you talking To auntie Dede about everything. We thought you were going to die. Sika opens her mouth and covers it with her hand and then she opens both hands and hugs them tight

Sika (holding her emotions)


Don’t be afraid Your dad loves me and you and all of us very Much. Beside I am sure your dad will have a better explanation for it (LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE) (Faking a smile) And don’t believe what you hear Or see, on social media please. Ok She hugs both children 74. INT. BEDROOM. Night PRESENT DAY INSERT: clock is 10pm Tilting down to Sika turning her head slowly from left to right Sika taking Teiko She smiles and stops abruptly. Sika gets up from the bed. Sika making up. Sika dresses up in a long fitted African dress with the top button opened and looks over to her Baby Teiku who is asleep in his jumpsuit. She stands still watching him. She shakes her head whilst packing diapers and extra clothes into a big baby bag Sika places him on her waist and with her other hand holding the bag. Sika stops to look in the mirror.

She looks at the ring and drops it in her hand bag. Sika picks a car key with the hand holding the bag, turns of the lights and leaves the room

Cut to 75. EXT/ INT. CARPARK. NIGHT Sika’s car pulling into the parking lot. Sika looks at Baby Teiku sleeping in the chair rest at the passenger seat and then back to the well-lit club building with people dressed up entering.


Sika looks back at her baby

Sika (Whispers) Please don’t you wake up Whiles I am gone Sika gets out of the car leaving the ignition and air condition on.

76. INT. CALABASH CLUB. A room of partying people. Sika enters the club looking confused. A boy passes by making corny eyes at her and waging his tongue. Sika looks at him disgusted. Sika (muttering to self) Sika! Mingle, try, and have some fun, It will make you feel better. Tei is just Being a man. That’s what men do Sika pushes through the partying people to the bar. There are people sitting at the counter. Two ladies are having a laugh by the counter. They are sipping contents from a calabash Sika settles beside one of them and gestures to the bar man for a drink. All the ladies are in formal corporate wear, drinking tequila shots. Essence of scene evokes Feminism. Female empowerment. Some men are passing a roll of joint around. There is music playing Soundtrack: Fela Kuti "water no get enemy" Naomi is also at the bar serving Sika gestures to the bar man a bottle of Nsia wine. The man hands her one big bottle and a calabash. Sika turns and Bumps into Ekow with a young girl who looks under aged and over exposed Ekow Looks at her in surprise and smiles in an appreciative way.


Sika (off screen) There you go (flattering) You will be good in no time

Ekow Sika, how are you

Sika Fine (avoiding his eyes)

Ekow Wow, you look beautiful

Sika (smiling) thanks You have not changed either

Ekow We should meet up. Please call me Let’s catch up. Sika Ok I will call you

Sika walking past him, she turns to look back and Ekow is still admiring her from a distance. Sika heads out with the drink and calabash 77. Cut to Sika walking to her car. Sika sees a mob surrounding the car and one Man trying to open the car door. Sika runs to


the car and brings out her keys. The man stops to look at her. Baby Teiku is awake and screaming. She drops the calabash and the drink and carries the baby on her shoulder Man (pigeon) Ah madam what are you doing You can kill your baby, Aunty 21st century mothers paa dea, chilling nkoa ben

Sika (looking at him and shaking her babe) Ssshh!

Man Bad mother!

Sika How dare you, call me a bad mother You don’t even know me! The crowd turn to leave murmuring about how bad a mother Sika is. At this time Teiku has stopped crying has fallen back to sleep. She looks at her phone. There’s no missed call Sika Nonsense (throwing the phone way) Sika sinks into her driving seat reverses her car and leaves the premise. 78. Montage Picking his tie and walking out of his office Tei driving 79. Sika driving and drinking 80. Tei gets home and call’s Sika 81. Sika looks at her phone. Its off


82. Tei throws his phone onto the bed. Tei sitting on the bed. 83. Sika opens the front door, lays down Teiku and falls to sleep in the couch. 84. Tei is asleep still wearing his shoes and trousers, and under vest. Fade to white 85. Fade to dream Dream world there are 5 bags of rice in the room Someone is crying Ama walks to the boy. His face is buried in between his ankles. Suddenly Ama hears a girl someone laughing

Girl is laughing. 86. Ama gasping out of the dream on AMA How can one have so much food and still be hungry Ama returns to sleep

87. Int. hall. Dawn Tei standing looking at his wife, who is asleep in the couch. He walks out shuts the door and shuts the gate. The clouds clear, cork crows Fades in to

88. EXT. ACCRA MALL ROAD. DAY The road is free with no traffic and Sika’s car passes by FADE IN: JONATHAN AKAI 89. EXT. PARKING LOT OF A UNIVERSITY FACULTY BUILDING – EARLY NOON Sprawled in the driver’s seat of an SUV is a tipsy SIKA. THE CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL: a half empty calabash in the cup holder. THE CAMERA MOVES TO REVEAL: a tablet with the picture of a man with his wife and daughter. Sika’s bottom lip trembles when her eyes fall on her tablet. The tablet suddenly rings and vibrates

79 with the name EKOW. Sika presses the answer button. A deep and masculine voice of a man can be heard.

Ekow O.S Hey, I’m coming out my faculty. Are you here?

SIKA (With a wistfully smile) Yeah, I’m down here.

Sika looks out the car window and waves at a tall and lean 35 years old man, EKOW standing at the entrance to the faculty building. ANGLE ON: Ekow who smiles wistfully as he walks to the SUV. PULL FOCUS TO: Sika who quickly freshens up with makeup as Ekow walks close in B.G. EKOW Hey.

SIKA Hello.

EKOW Sika. It’s been what? More than ten years?

SIKA Eighteen

EKOW Eighteen years!

A young man crosses the screen.

Young Man (Shouting) Check your weight and balance your diet.


Ekow pauses and sniffs at the car. Ekow’s POV: his eyes rest on the calabash in the cup holder. EKOW Have you been drinking? It’s barely morning

SIKA My life. My choice.

EKOW (indignantly in Twi) Why did you come here?

Sika becomes anxious and looks everywhere but at Ekow.

Sika What (putting on a face)

Ekow Sika, tell me the truth I can tell something is not right with you

Pause SIKA (stammering) Oh Ekow, I feel so… (Pauses) Empty and unfulfilled, And it’s because I don’t have what matters most. I don’t have you.

EKOW (whispering sadly) You aren’t allowed to say such things to me, Sika. You are a married woman. And I have my own problems


But we could have been…a family too. We had a baby.


EKOW (coldly) Which you (whispering) aborted (enraged and clamping his fist by his side) Why have you come here, Sika? Stridently in Twi)

SIKA I want us to be as we were before. I want us to be together. He, (pause) I am confused

C. U: Ekow’s eyes are wet with unshed tears.

EKOW (coldly) Then you should have said yes. You should have said yes when I asked. You allowed Dede to come between us,

SIKA It’s not her fault, you slept with your student You cheated on me.

Ekow Only Once.

SIKA Thrice

EKOW Whatever! Does it matter? The only thing that matters now is that I was right Sika! No man will ever love you the way I did

Sika What? I thought you… you are right… how can I forget ….

Close on her eyes, cut to her ears sound of a pin tone emerges Sika falls back into the driver’s seat. Tears roll down her face bitterly. SIKA POV ON_ Ekow pulls away from the car and turns to

82 leave. His back is turned to Sika, a tear rolls down his cheek. Sika exhales heavily. PULL BACK: Sika flips on dark shades, starts the car ignition and drives with a headstrong raise of her chin. 90. EXT. ON THE STREET – DAY Sika drives the SUV at top speed.

91. INT. INSIDE THE SUV – DAY Sika is holding firmly onto the steering wheel as tears roll down her cheeks. She uses one hand to clean her face and mars her make-up.

flashes of VOICES from Tei’s sex tape comes to mind ALICE Turn around (hahaha) Are you missing me (morbid horror sound)?

More tears roll down her cheeks. Sika deep in thoughts CUT TO FADE IN LUCAS FIADZEAWO

Fade in Offscreen voices EKOW (off screen) No one will love you the way I did! I know who you are Sika (horror tone)

Sika Always been a prick. Oh, Tei what did I do to you?

Sika’s heart is beating whilst sitting behind the steering wheel in traffic. Sika makes a fast turning onto a side road without reducing her speed. The tires of the car SCREECHES as she almost hits a LITTLE GIRL, AMERITA, looking a bit traumatized.

SIKA (panics) What was I thinking?


All shaken, she quickly gets down from the car and rushes to her and checks if she is alright. Both are Frightened. The little girl is crying.

SIKA (Confused and shaking) I am so sorry! I am very sorry

LITTLE GIRL I want to go to mummy and aunty Naomi!

At the same time a young man is passing by

Young Man (Shouting) Check your weight and Balance your diet!

Cut Taking us an hour back into time FADE IN TEXT ALICE DAGO WRITER 92. Ext. Rich neighbourhood. Day same young man is standing by the streets to a huge house

Young Man (Shouting) Balance your diet!

93. Int. Kitchen. Morning-flash back Amerita is sitting and staring amidst with her right forefinger in her mouth and her left finger pulling her left ear and daydreaming. Shot dolly’s out to Overhead shot of a middle-aged couple screaming at each other. Salome (32) is a tiny, slim woman appareled in an oversized black tie and dye cotton dress. Mensah is a thick, tall and fair in complexion. He is wearing a well ironed linen short-sleeved shirt and a slightly over sized trouser. The third person in the room is Amerita 4 years wearing a blue simple dress with a bow on one shoulder.


SALOME (angry) I always drop the flyers! but they don’t come (in French)

Mensah You are the pastor’s wife! What will people say about me when they see you there? Working?

Salome Really? I care only about what God says, the people in the bar need to hear the Good news too. you always prophesied that I would do great things, Mensah.

Mensah Yes, In the church, as my wife and translator, not in a bar Woman don’t allow the devil to set you apart, he will destroy. Just listen to yourself

Salome You said that holiness is God setting us apart.

Mensah I am the pastor. Why didn’t God tell me or any of the elders of the church.



Ask God, I know who I heard from. I am not a child

Mensah I am the head of this family and you will do as I say. And I say No! period!

Mensah picks up his keys and drives away. Salome Oh lala… mon Dieu FADE IN NAME: MIRABEL ALASSANI

94. In the AMUSEMENT PARK. DAY _flashback NAOMI _ Salome’s friend But wasn’t he the same person who prophesied to you?

AMERITA (Interrupting into their conversation) Mummy Yoghurt!

SALOME Yes, (Ignoring Amerita) Hm I'm tired of reminding him of the prophesy Ever since Amerita was born, Mensah’s attention for me and my calling has reduced to 10%. Amerita puts her finger in her mouth and begins to suckle unhappily. Salome (she glances at Amerita) Take your hand out! (Shouting at Amerita)


Amerita removing her hand sadly SALOME That is all she knows. In fact, I’d rather have yogurt than your finger in your mouth

NAOMI So, what are you saying? Will you come, against your husbands will?

Amerita happily dashes off as she screams. Naomi laughing AMERITA YOGHURT!2x

SALOME You see, I am translator, I am an announcer, head of ushers, I am very busy in the church, but My life is stale, no impact…. I know that coming back to the bar will make a huge difference in my life. And if that is what God want, he will make a way. NAOMI Wait, Amerita, where is she? Eish this your child, can worry oo

Naomi stands up and looks round

SALOME Oh, come on? There are children younger than her parading the street. Besides we can keep an eye on her from here.



Can you? Because I can't see her. They both look in the direction of where Amerita went and they can't see her amongst the lots of people walking in front of the supermarket. Salome looks back at her friend, as her face grows uneasy. FADE IN OSHOSHENI HIVELUAH 95. Present EXT. Amusement park. DAY Salome and Naomi meeting at the gate to the pack. Her head is covered in scarf which keeps dropping unto her face and partly hides some of her facial features. Still in their old clothes. Salome is pensive. Cut to a close shot of her eyes, close on ears. Pin tone goes up on her ears. Salome’s_ POV_ ON Naomi Naomi( become deed and horrid) Let’s walk down this area and see if we see a sign of her at all.

Salome watches as a lady with a heavy bundle on her head passing by. The lady slows down her walk, snatches her cellphone out of her waist and stands while reading her message. She then smiles, replies shortly and walks on

Naomi She can’t be missing, cheer up Salome’s POV_ is fuzzy_ sees a group of young men dancing to a popular song, they all pitch in to show off the latest moves. There is so much joy in the atmosphere amongst the guys that even after she passes them, Salome still tries to steal glances of them. Salome sees a child wearing the same dress as Amerita, she run to hold her. Only to realize that is not Amerita. The child continues walking tossing a loaf of bread confidently down the road, passing the busy street with its vendors. She plays around

88 with the loaf of bread in her hand, tossing it from left to right, from right to left. Salome turns to see Naomi walking in slow motion toward her. NAOMI: I don’t know if we will ever find her, but as you know I’m here for you. Salome glances at her friend, and then turns to a young man passes by shouting… Young Man (Shouting) Check your weight and balance your diet! His voice is mixed in a horrid tone to the present

FADE IN TEXT DANIEL ABUGAH 96. EXT. STREET - DAY Screeching tires of sika’s car, passing through a pothole roughly and almost splashes water on two young ladies, AYSAH 20 and YAA 22 CUT TO: Two friends Yaa and Aysah engage in hearty conversation AYSAH (Angrily) Foolish woman! Jarolo (mamprusi) Didn't she see us? (sucking in between her teeth) AYSAH I don't blame her. That is what people like her do to us to prove that we never went to school. YAA You and who never went to school? Yaa stops to look at her friend and bursts into laughter. Not anymore oh!!(dancing and jumping)


AYESAH (LAUGHING ALONG AND DANCING) YES OHH! The new government youth program will help some of us go back to school wati!

Yaa Yes, now we too will speak proper English

Aysah And I learnt those who want to acquire various skills for self- employment will be given training… I think I prefer that one I am too old to sit in a classroom (laughing)

Yaa It is true oh! What about those who didn’t complete SHS and want to…

Aysah they will have the chance to go or write as private candidates Yaa (changing her demeaner) Heem Aysah, I say en…. (mournfully)

Aysah What?

Yaa I will go back to school koraa chai


Aysah (Laughs out) Yes, why not, my dear, why not Where are my enemies, I will never return to the North, kai

Yaa In fact, we We must (both laugh out) I can’t believe I almost Wasted my life (sorrowfully) Me I don’t fear who nobody kai.. A young man bumps into Yaa. Close on Yaa’s eyes and ears_ pin tone fades in Yaa p.o.v_ two young men between the ages of 25 to 30

Yaa Screams upon flashing her eyes on the young men, pointing at one of them) Aysah… him! It’s him! She collapses, as the young man she points at takes to his heels, leaving his friend with Aysah. Young man is angry and reluctant to go Ayesha_ POV_ goes blurred and fades out


97. INT. SIKA’S CAR. DAY Sika is driving. SIKA’S POV_ Amerita is sitting next to her sound asleep SIKAS POV_ ON THE ROAD



(Inside reflective voice) I wonder what it is that makes young girls like her turn into Women like me. I wonder how she got lost in a literal sense and What her mother must be feeling right this moment. (She sighs heavily) It’s funny how she is lost and missing her mother and I am lost, missing my purpose. Grown up woman like me missing my purpose. Feeling left behind like Amerita. Drove all the way to a man I know I shouldn’t be with perhaps Marriage is a form of prison, As Dede says to me. Dear God, I can’t ask for more but if you are up there answer me this. How the heck do you do it? Is what you feel for me and indeed all mankind, love? They say what you feel is unconditional, like you don’t hold certain things back from us because we supposedly made a mistake {Chuckles). Yes, God I have questions for you. Like why you allow a scared child to be lost. Like how I have been a good person all my life and yet you allow me to have children 4 children. Like how do you sit in all the pomp and spiritual echelon of a mystery called heaven and watch me bear sons and daughters with a man who couldn’t touch his own forehead with both legs on the ground? Did I wrong you in some way? Is this to make me learn a lesson or for my friend to Mock me and say I told you so? My children? How do I raise my sons and daughters with a present but absent husband? Amerita? Amerita’s parents? Will mine also slip away, or is Amerita a metaphor or sign of it happening now? How do I not question you?

SIKA’S POV _ ON AMERITA having a seizure. Sika turns to her panicking. CUT TO HER FEET ON THE Accelerator, changing the clutch and to the steering wheel.


SIKA What is happening? We will soon be there Hung on AMERITA

Close on Sika’s ears as Pin tone fades in unbearably to black 98. INT. WARD. EVENING Fade out of black to Amerita is tucked into a hospital bed. The nurses are attending to her high temperature. Sika and Dede are standing at a distance looking on.

Dede Where did you find her?

Sika Right there in the turning from, Ekow’s… (fading)

Dede Who? did I hear Ekow?

Sika (CONFUSED) I know it sounds crazy, but I used to believe that my husband was different. (pause) I, wanted to give Tei a taste of his own medicine D.

Dede (disgusted) With Ekow? Come on I am so sorry Sika, I never wanted to be right about Tei, but Ekow? Way below the belt


Sika I did not want you to be, either But I feel so…, I am ashamed; you were right(crying)

Dede Off course I am.

Sika I thought it will be easy to forgive Tei but No its not. It’s hard. I feel rejected and worthless

Dede I tried but you will not listen

The male nurse burst into the ward

Dede (to Sika) I will be right back

As the nurse leaves the room, cut to close of Sika’s feet as she to Amerita’s bed. Sound is hollow and morbid and distant Panning down and transitions to 99. The boarding school Dede and Sika sitting on the bed, shot from shadows on wall to young people sitting on bed DEDE You have me, cheer up! I will not let anyone bully you anymore When they ask, tell them I am your cousin


SIKA (smiling) Thank you, Dede I don’t know what I will do without you

100. Cut to close high angle of Ama typing Abugah off-screen voice Hello, I am glad you liked it Ama I have a friend, if you need another writer to add to the script, a teacher colleague. he Is very willing.

101. Dissolve into a reverse of low angle SIKA’S POV_ Amerita opens her eyes and starts to cry. Sika (OFFSCREEN) It’s okay sweetie. Shhhhhh It’s okay. We’ll get through this Together. It’s okay.

Amerita falls back asleep; Sika looks at her with deep appreciation. Sika looks back at the door. She begins to walk. Sika is seen walking through the hallway.

SIKA I know you are lost baby. And I know you want your mother right now. But I think God brought you to me to show me that it’s okay to be lost sometimes in life.


That it’s okay to have questions and to ask them. You may be lost my dear, But you are my sign that God Is up there and he is watching. Tomorrow, if God permits, we go on a journey Together you and me. We find your mother, and then we find me.



Sika walks in slow motion pin tone sound is very present SIKA sees Kay standing behind the window spying on Ofeibea.

Kay Sorry, ma

SIKA _POV on the doorknob walking through the door

Phoebe (deep and distant) Who is there?

Sika enters. Jojo and Dromi are doing their work dinning Tei is patting Teiku on his shoulder and staring at his wife sadly. Sika POV passes all of them to the bedroom she lays on the edge of the king size bed. Pin tone increases. Sika is staring at the ceiling Tei comes to the bedroom Sika POV_ TILTS DOWN _ TO Tei sound like a log falling to the ground TEI is sympathetic.


Sika P.o.v_ is blurred with tears shut SIKA (shocked) Oh GOD, Amerita is dead, (weeping)

CUT FADE IN TEXT BOAKYEWAA GLOVER 103. INT. POLICE STATION. night. Sika POV _ FADE INTO A small windowless room, furnished with a desk and four chairs, two on each side. LOOKS AT Tei. TEI seems apprehensive and CLOSE ON_ Tei tapping a pen on the table, panning to two men Dakora and Abugah. One comes closer ABUGAH This is my partner Inspector Dakorah.

Inspector Dakorah Madam, You are here because Of a very serious matter. You need to focus, or you could be in jail. Sika’s POV PANNING TO TEI TEI There is no need for such threats. My wife is here on her own free will. She has done nothing wrong. SIKA’S POV ON DAKORAH_ RISING TO SPEAK Inspector Dakorah You have not explained why you did not call the police as soon as you discovered the child in the street. You kept the child for a whole day! SIKAS POV_ BLINKS Sika (sighs) I did not keep her; I took her to the hospital


Abugah Madam who will find a child On the street and Carry her in their car In this day and age. Unless the person is a kidnapper


TEI I know how it must appear. This woman loves children. We have four of our own. taking her to the hospital first, was the right thing to do.

Inspector Abugah How were you searching for her parents? You should have involved the police, madam. Inspector Abugah Please, walk us through it all again. What did the child tell you about her home? Her name? Her parents’ names. Her school? Most children know the names of their schools. We need to know everything in order to find her parents. SIKAS -POV- BLINKS AND FADES TO BLACK

Sika (OFF SCREEN) She said her full name was Amerita Mensah. Her mother is Salome and her father is Kojo Mensah. She has an aunt called Naomi. She is an only child. She couldn’t mention their town or neighborhood, or phone number. Her school is Little Minds Precious School. I googled it; nothing came up. Her mother doesn’t work, and her father travels a lot. She wasn’t clear on what her father does. That is all I got honestly. She was scared and confused.


FADE OUT INTO HOSPITAL SCENE_ FLASH BACK -Amerita laying on the hospital bed.

Inspector Amo And You didn’t come to the police to provide all this information! This is plenty of information for us to even put out a newspaper ad and radio announcements. Even people who find bags full of money left unattended report to the police, and you didn’t report a human being, a child! Sika (flinches) but remains silent. She looks nervously at Tei.

Inspector Dakorah This could have been a kidnapping and when the child tried to fight back, you killed her! TEI Please, all this shouting and accusations, why. She’s explained that she didn’t take the child home.

Sika (Sitting upright, fire in her eyes) God forbid! I would never harm a child! I have four children. I never kidnapped her!

Abugah (to Tei) Was there any witness? SIKA Yes, maybe one or two I don’t know but here, call the doctor. she will confirm everything I have said

Tei staring at his wife. Inspector Abugah taking the number and Amo looking at Sika. Abugah walking out


Sika pauses and sobs quietly. Then she composes herself and continues.

Inspector Abugah (looking at Dakora) We’ve spoken to the morgue. She is right. Physically, there are no marks or bruises indicating cause of death. We are on our way to the hospital. They will need to examine the body further and run blood tests. This will take some days or weeks, so until then; we do not know what killed this child.

Tei Officer, we are willing to cover the morgue fees until the child’s parents are found and autopsy is completed. We are also willing to support in any way we can.


Inspector Abugah Madam, to be very frank, this is not going to go well for you. We do need to investigate this thoroughly, and even consider it as a kidnapping. We will need to come to your home and conduct a thorough search for evidence, and to see the conditions in the home. And even if by some miracle, we don’t file criminal charges of kidnapping, child endangerment or murder, you may face a civil lawsuit from the child’s family. You should have brought the missing child to the police. You will pay for this mistake one-way or the other. PANNING FROM ABUGAH TO DAKORA

Inspector DAKORA (Looks at Tei)


Please control your wife. We will send a team to your house today and we will talk to the doctor on duty too. This is far from over. SIKA’S VISION blurring as the pin tone increases vision fades to black. sobbing uncontrollably, leans towards Tei and cries) Dear God, Ewuradze! What are you doing to me? What have I done? One thing after the other! Ei! Ei! Ei! I have four children Ei! Tei grabs her hand and folds her into his bosom as he kisses her forehead Cut 104. INT. HOSPITAL. DAY Swing door burst open Dakora and Abugah park walking through the door like soldiers matching. They meet with Dede in the lobby, they shake hands

Dede Come with me

They walk to Yaa’s bed. Yaa is asleep.

Dede Come, there’s someone you need to talk to Cut to

105. INT. DEDE’S CONSULTATING ROOM. NIGHT Aysah is sitting in a chair at the table. There are two other empty chairs. Dede seats on one and Frank and Amo are seated

Dede Aysah, this is Inspector Abugah and Inspector Dakora


They are here to help So, don’t be afraid to tell them you, em Yaa’s story. (correcting)

Aysah looks at frank. She is hesitant and unsure. Aysah nodding

Abugah (TWI) Tell us what happened to your friend


A pan from Dede to Yaa sitting in Aysah’s chair telling her story. FADE IN ROSINA MINTAH Flashback 106. INT. ROOM. DAY Yaa v.o Three years ago, I had a dream, I was lying on my bed tied up in my room and I couldn’t move, scream or do anything. Yaa lying on a mat on the floor, with a cloth tied at her chest with ropes around her, she screams and tries to move but its nonverbal. CUT TO PRESENT YAA The same week my father died My sisters and I had to work Tirelessly to take care of my sick mother. things were really tough.



MONTAGE Yaa selling ice water on her head, we see a young man walking past Yaa Young man Check your weight and balance your diet.

Yaa bumping into Yaw His phone drops to the floor Yaa (off screen) One Day, I bumped into Yaw on an errand

Yaw (flirty) Young lady watch where you are going

Yaa(smiling) I am sorry Sir I am very sorry Yaw notices her facial expression

Yaw I am Yaw Yaa Yaa, Yaaba Montage Yaa smiles They leave the market together. Off screen voice of Yaa


Yaw and I become friends

Back to scene Cut to Aysah narrating Cut to Dede listening Cut to Frank very attentive

AYSAH yaw proposed his love for her, and she agreed. He also said that he was embarking on a business deal and if she agreed to help. They will become very rich.

FLASHBACK 108. EXT. COMPOUND. DAY Montage Yaa and Yaw standing by Yaw’s new car with an unregistered number. Yaa moved to stay with him and his 7 other friends.

(YAA Off screen) Yaa felt excited knowing she just made the right decision of accepting his proposal. Exactly 3 days later, Yaw took her to a studio and convinced her to take nude pictures of herself. He told her that she will make a lot of money. He said even big men do it and that nobody will ever see those pictures except her donor.

Montage 109. INT.STUDIO. DAY Yaa dressing up in normal clothes


Yaw comes into the changing room and hands her two attires, red lip stick and a blond wig Yaa looking in the mirror Yaa wearing a bikini Yaa looking at the G-string Man Taking pictures of Yaa Yaa is tensed; yaw goes to her and kisses her forehead AYSAH Off screen She did not know what he actually did with the pictures, but Yaw often gave her money saying it was profit for her contribution. Until one day Until… Cut to

110. Room. Day Yaw and Yaaba sitting face to face Yaw What is your name?

Yaaba Pure Joy

Yaw who are you?

Yaaba An orphan

Yaw What is his name Rough Rider

111. INT. HOTEL LOBBY OR AT THE BEACH. DAY AYSAH (offscreen) A man came down to visit and Yaw said I had to go because we will make a fortune. So, we rehearsed everything that Yaw had conversed with Rough rider.


MONTAGE Yaw going in with Yaaba He stops looks at her face and gives her a condom before giving her a phone She talks on the phone Yaw settles into the chair whiles Yaa Moves to the inner court An old CAUCASIAN man emerges from the pool wearing a pair of summer shorts Yaa gets up to meet him

Back to scene That was when She knew that (raising her head to the others in the room) She knew that Yaw was dangerous (Yaaba in the bed) one day Abdul one of yaw’s friend living in the room told me that he had taken one of my panties to the fetish priest so I will never leave him. When I asked him. He confronted Abdul FADE OUT FADE …. STORY FROM PRISON 112. INT. YAW’S ROOM.EVENING Yaw pounces on his friend and starts to pound his chest. Abdul grabs yaws shirt tearing. YAW is topless, he is wearing a talisman on his neck. Yaa is trying to break them apart. But Abdul pushes her aside. Abdul is suffocating yaw with the talisman chain tearing it. Yaw stamps on Abduls feet, turning to face Abdul. Abdul slaps Yaw. YAW You have slapped me My punani that I will Kill you if you fuck with it


Fool, kwasia, your mother! Yaa gets up from the ground and comes to hold Yaw

YAA No YAW, NO STOP IT! Abdul pulls a penknife and stubs Yaw on his side. YAA ABDUL stop! No! You have stubbed him (Yaw leaning on his side) My God,

ABDUL Do you know my mother fool! You joke, I will kill you

Yaw shrugs Yaaba hands away,

YAW You made him stub me I Swear. I kill you pulls out the knife from his side and storms toward Abdul Yaw Turning back to Abdul holding his legs, forcing him onto the ground. Yaw Stubbing him incessantly. Abdul falls to the ground, shaking. YAA NO!!

As she takes to her heels holding a “Ghana must” go bag


Cut 113. Back to present AYSAH Yaw was sent to Akwala Bone school Abdul died, Yaa escaped with all the money the white man had given her that night. I met Yaa through an agent. She… we were planning to travel together We used to sleep in one kiosk. INSPECTOR DAKORA I see, what about you

AYSAH swallows hard

AYESHA My hand was given in marriage to a man Older than my father, a priest, I was his 3rd wife I bore him a son and came to Accra Because I refused to be his wife any longer My family threatened to kill me So, I wanted to be invincible. I came to Accra to travel to Dubai or Saudi

DAKORA as domestic workers?

Dede What the hell


Abugah But that is also dangerous AYSAH fidgety with her fingers Aysah We decided to stay after we heard that secondary School education is now free of charge

Dede good, but Tell us about yesterday?

114. CUT: FLASHBACK Sika’s car screeching. Yaa Fainting on seeing Yaw.

115. Back to scene Abugah Is this the same woman, who drove passed you? Abugah pulling a phone out Ayesha looking on and nodding Abugah Ok, thank you, don’t worry, don’t worry, you will be safe here, Yaw can’t harm you

AYSAH (off screen) You don’t understand, yaw is dangerous. He will do anything to get his share of the money and we don’t have any money

DAKORA We will leave two policemen to guard you two


Aysah nodding in approval Dede Well, Young lady your friend fainted because She is Pregnant


Dede Oh Yes, do you know Anyone who could be responsible?

AYSAH (fidgeting), the agent

DEDE Is that his pay for taking you abroad? Ahh! Anokare sem paa!

Aysah lowers her head shamefully FOOLISH MAN!

Dakora It’s ok, when she wakes up, You gals will come with us You will help us find the agent and Yaw to get to the bottom of the matter


AYSAH nods. Abugah But you did well, very well

DAKORA You are very fortunate You can go and see your friend

Dede sinks into her chair. As AYESAH LEAVES

Dede Oh, men and the hell they put Women through. Inspectors the autopsy is ready I think you will find it very interesting

ABUGAH Please show us Dede Her Autopsy showed ….

Cut 116. Police headquarters

ABUGAH Her Autopsy showed traces of the same poison in Oleander, this poisonous plant (pointing to his iPad). Perhaps she was playing with it? That plant can make one drowsy and blackout. It could be the


reason she got missing. Some good Samaritan found her and took her to the hospital, but we lost her in the evening. Salome Lost her, she run? I don’t understand

Dakora She kicked the bucket

SALOME (French) Bucket? So, she is hurt? Ne compris (pauses)

Abugah Your daughter is dead, We are sorry. SALOME Dead? (sinking into the chair)

Pastor Mensah walks into the office.

Mensah Sorry Officer, Fridays are very busy Deliverance sessions are always packed I am her father, Amerita's Where is she?

Salome is crying


MENSAH (looking at his wife and back at the detective) What is wrong? Chief Dakora takes him aside to explain. Mensah breaking down as Chief Dakora is talking Abugah is standing with SALOME Pastor Mensah with his head bowed he turns away from his wife and Salome with her hand folded she sinks into her chair moving her eyes left to right continually Salome Can I see… the one who found her?

Salome is very composed DAKORA turns to ABUGAH Salome (to Frank) Just to say, thank you CUT Sika is still crying and seated next to Tei DAKORA Madam, Amerita’s mum wants to see you

Sika turns to look at Tei. Tei I am coming with you ANO NODS CUT TO 117. FIRST INTERROGATION ROOM Salome get up as Sika and Tei entering and sees SIKA crying Salome turns to Sika.


SIKA Salome …

SALOMEY Sika? The photographer?

They two women hugging each other and weeping at the same time

SALOME (LOOKING AT SIKA SOUNDLY) It was you? You found my Amerita?

Sika is tearing and cleaning the tears Tei and the Inspector exchanging looks Tei (to sika) You two know each other?

Sika (nodding) Yes. The two women break into incessant tears

SIKA I am so sorry so sorry about Amerita.



God knows what he is doing Or Perhaps he is … punishing me for All things that happened in the past

Sika raising her head to Salome

Sika Please no don’t say that

Salome shrugs her shoulders and is shedding silent tears and smiling faintly at the same time.

Sika You know I came to your place the night before I met (pause and swallows) Amerita. Are you still running it?

Salome My sister is I have been thinking of going back To change some things, now that Amerita is… (more tears) Sika nodding. Salome cleaning tears of her face.

INTERRUPTING THE COMVERSATION. INSPECTOR ABUGAH (looking at Mr. and Mrs. Mensah) Please what is the way forward


Mensah(angry) Inspector, I will sue that place Someone must pay

Tei holding his wife as Sika breaks down to cry. Salome wipes the tears off her cheeks, picks up her bag, wears her shades and turns to her friend.

Sika nodding, Mensah turning to look at his wife leaves the room. Everyone looking at Salome.

Fade to Cut to 118. Int/ext. CAR. NIGHT Tei pulls up at the gate to their home

Tei (reflective and shutting his eyes) I don’t know what I would do if I lost any of you

SIKA Don’t worry… you won’t (getting down) looking down and stopping her with his hand

TEI Wait, Sika looking at him. SIKA Yes?



I am not going back to the office. I quit

Sika (looking down) Ok,

Tei Won’t you ask why?

SIKA I know you will do what is best for us

TEI I want to revive Papa’s business I have been researching about it.

Sika I know, (Tei is shocked) the children and I saw some of your documents.

Tei I know I just got a promotion but But I am willing to try papa’s business

Sika(nodding) Ok, (silence) can I open the gate now?



One more thing, there is a trending clip of my secretary and I doing … (signing with his hand) SIKA Yes, I have seen it and Jojo, Kay and Phoebe too have seen it Tei Damn it! But I just want you to know that I will never cheat on you, sika

Sika Ok, Sika turning to Tei

Tei It was supposed to be a confidential departmental competition, but someone leaked it To social media and Yoofi is my witness I love you too much to allow something like this to happen

Sika Ok ...


SIKA I believe you ... but


TEI turning to his wife

Sika We need to tell the children the truth, they were all affected especially Jojo

Tei nodding and Turning to his wife. Fade Out. 120. Cut to close low angle of Ama looking sad and morose with the phone to her ears. Sam Ama? You look like you have seen a ghost

AMA Kweku is dead. Did he jump off the building? oh my God What if he committed suicide?

Sam What?

Ama Oh my God, Sam. One of my writers just died, Kwaku



Ow is he the one who jump off the roof?

Ama Yes

Samuel Ow

AMA How could I have overlooked the death triggers in his script

Fade into dream 121. flash back

Madman I’m alright! Not a scratch! The height is an illusion! Just jump!

sika What? I’m afraid of heights! Madman Let go! Trust your instincts! SIKA turns around as if retreating. Then she takes off the ahema and runs towards the edge for a jump.

Mad man is jumping. Madman Madness is enticing and infectious. Beware!


Fade into black

122. Ama closes her writing diary and goes to bed Ama (sobbing) Oh my God! (bringing her hand to her mouth) How could I have ignored that Sam moving to her and tapping her on the shoulder

Sam Hey, relax this is not your fault

Ama This is not fiction; everything is real! I told you my characters have come alive oh no

Sam Woman! Don’t do this to yourself, ama

Ama Maybe this is what the Pastor meant This is just a game to me, A rush of adrenaline(pause) how did I be so non chalant (weeping)?

Sam Ama stop crying


You always find a way to encourage herself

AMA I should have stopped when you told me to I mean What was I trying to prove, with the film? No matter what, I do I am still nothing just a housewife

Sam (shocked) just a housewife So, is this how the film ends? In our room with you Giving up! Pause Ama The film does not need me I am not in control, the writers are I am useless…. She moves away from Sam holding herself together and moving to lie on the bed. Sam punning along with her as she moves to lie on the bed. Ama lies down facing away to the wall.

Sam Come on babe? Ama, ama! Turning to sit on the bed with his back to his wife.

Ama does not turn back at Sam. Sam faces the other way and covers himself with cloth



123. EXT. HOSPITAL forcourt. NIGHT Woman inspector is disguised as a nurse standing at the forecourt of the hospital car park


A car is parked across the Odorna hospital

KUMI, 28 and YAW, 25 are seated in the front seats of a car, patiently waiting; Kumi is in the driver’s seat as Yaw occupies the passenger’s seat.

KUMI (Whispers) You know what to do. Don’t run like you did the first time.

Yaw seems nervous


YAW (Frustrated) I heard you. Why don't you go?

KUMI What? Go take the money and let’s go, don’t be john!

Yaw is silent, obviously nervous.

KUMI She is just a nurse. Nobody will notice, this is just a hospital

YAW (TO HIMSELF) I can do it…. I must find Yaaba. She owes me money.

Kumi just move! you said you have 3 faces, show me the one that kills

Yaw hardens his face and pulls his mouth. The place is empty.


YAW Okay, fine.

KUMI Good! don’t be a chicken

Yaw looks around. He exhales in relief because the nurse is nowhere to be seen in the distance.

YAW Now let me get this over with.

When Yaw moves to open the car door the woman appears seated behind them. Her eyes pitch black.

FADE 125. Int. office. Day Montage Alice on her knees begging Tei and Sika. Tei prompting her to rise up, Tei’s office is empty Tei hugging his assistant He carries his box and leaves the office. Mr. Tei and sika entering a factory. They are wearing overall and cleaning the factory and polishing the table and the floors and children painting the wall. Cut to Tei opening his father’s box and he is full of smiles. They all fall to the ground exhausted DISSOLVE INTO 126. Dromi’s picture where they were all one in front of the birthday card

One month later

127. Tei is 40 years and Sika has a camera strapped around her and the entire family are decorating the forecourt, with birthday merchandises everywhere. Kay on entering the veranda, Phoebe sees him and walks into the hall room, ignoring him. Sika sees kay and smiles as she walks to him and offers him a seat on the porch


Kay (head bowed down) I want to apologize to you. I am sorry.

Sika (smiling) Apology accepted but I don’t think I am the one you need to be apologizing to.

Kay (raising his head)

KAY Yea ma… I must apologize to Ofeibea

Sika And … (Kay looks up) You need to find a new hobby Kay… find an outlet for boredom (kay bows down his head) look When I was your age, I used tell boys off by lying to them that I had sugar daddies, it worked, until I had to prove it. I started watching pornography with my roommate so I could appear knowledgeable. One thing led to another and we ended dating men. Some of these men were, respectable men, rich and powerful but they were weak and afraid to seek help just like I was. It looked fun but hated not being in control of my body. Worse part is there was no body I could trust to help me.

Kay raises his head

Sika It’s okay, I am always here for you Anytime you want to talk



Phoebe deep in thought

On screen text Five out of every 6 girls will be harassed Sexually before reaching puberty. 1 out of 5 families in Ghana, empower their children to talk freely about sex. In our Ghanaian prisons 70 percent of the cases are sex related.

Oforiwaa is knocking at the phoebe’s door

Phoebe Yes?

Oforiwaa (entering with joy) Hey, what are you doing in here?

Phoebe looks away

Oforiwaa Is it Kay?

Ofeibea I can’t stand breathing the same air with him Phoebe looking down

Oforiwaa Kay is a jerk But it’s your father’s birthday don’t let peeping toms ruin it!

Phoebe Foo, you can dance with your eyes closed you don’t need me

Oforiwaa but I do, I just realized we did not rehearse with a song.


Phoebe What, what will we do! I can’t drum or sing All I can do is poetry, but I don’t see how Useful that will be

FOO it is perfect! Come! Let’s rehearse one last time

Oforiwaa smiles at Phoebe and Phoebe smiles back. Oforiwaa helping Phoebe with her jacket and grabbing her hand and pulling her to out

129. Cut to: BAR The headmistress Nightingale is waiting to take her drink. Sika walks to her.

SIKA Florence, I am glad you could come

NIGHTINGALE (signing) Oh! It will be a shame to miss this Considering that you and your family are a huge asset to my school. Seriously, some parents hardly even make the fees. Did you speak with Ofeibea? I think that friend is bad


Sika I see, you think. are you having trouble with oforiwaa in school?

NIGHTENGALE Phuu(disgusted) Not yet but I mean just look at her, Between the two of us, her folks hardly even make it For PTA meeting, her mother is always busy talking rubbish on radio and they are always running short with school fees. Can you believe that, one time, she even changed her name? SIKA How? Why? Did you speak to her?

NIGHTENGALE She is just bad that’s all A bad girl and I don’t tolerate girls like her

SIKA Oh(relieved) you know you got me worried I can’t believe it




Florence, all children are not alike or come with a manual. Yes, she is needy, but I can’t see how you have helped her. It is your duty as a school and your purpose as the head. Oforiwaa is a good girl, the problem is with you. It’s unfortunate but if you cant see her as an assert I will be forced to find another school for my kids and I will advise her parents to do same to.

NIGHTENGALE Does she mean that much to you ?

SIKA Oh yes, you can bet she does

(Daddo ‘s song in the background) Wait! I love Daddo! (dancing away) (enjoy the party)

NIGHTENGALE (proud and shameful) Well, I intend to.

130. EXT. forecourt. afternoon

Ama and her family and children are walking together. Samuel and Ama laughing

There is live music by Daddo Djan playing and about twenty people in. some are dancing. Tei is dressing up as he looks at himself in the mirror and sika comes behind him. Sika is helping with his buttons.


SIKA and Tei are greeting their guest. Tei is carrying the baby. Tei on seeing the minister. TEI (whispering) Wait, you invited him too why is he so afraid of you, anyway? I mean, he is a big man, a minister

SIKA Afraid of me? he is just a neighbor Honoring our invitation (sika smiling) Cut Tei’s reaction

The party is jamming and Dromi gives Tei her drawing. Tei carries her and is dancing with Dromi Jojo and Phoebe and some other kids are dancing too. Mr. Kunto is standing with a young girl talking; his bodyguard is standing a foot away. Mr. Kunto sees Sika coming out of the kitchen, with a camera around her chest, and he is about to walk to her. He swings his hand to stop the bodyguard from following him. As he continues to Sika.

Sika Well hello Honorable I didn’t think you would come.

MR. KUNTO I won’t even dream of missing out. Now can I have, the photo? You promised to give it back if I allowed my son to come



Relax, I intend to keep my word (reaching into her pocket and she brings a photo out of Mr. kunto smoking (Weed and a young lady twerking on his side) Here you go. Mr. Kunto takes the picture and put it in his pocket.


SIKA I thought you will ask me how I got that picture MR. KUNTOH Does it matter?

SIKA I Think it does matter my friend, did you know that she was barely l6 years How old is your son?

MR. Kuntoh Believe(stammering)me, I did not know that she was young Other wise

Sika What? … stayed away ? You and I know that is not true


MR. Kuntoh Yes, I would have

SIKA That wouldn’t solve the problem and We both know that

MR. KUNTOH I …. I don’t know what you are talking about

Sika Mr. Kunto how much money did you Pay that girl to take send you these picture

Mr. Kuntoh Looking away uncomfortably. SIKA I did not expect an answer. Pornography is a health issue and Dialogue help you need

MR. Kuntoh Dialogue? You want me to come out and tell The whole world what? Hey everybody! I paid a child to send me nude photos. how did that turn out for your husband?

Sika My husband’s was a mistake


Mr Kuntoh or he is just doing what men do?


Oh so this is what men do? Well, I got to see the effect it had on my children

I see and the young lady over there is just Like my friend but every woman is different

Mr. KUNTOH No offense madam but I just came here to have a good time So let’s drop this

SIKA OK IF YOU SAY SO Sika (smiling) , but I hope you are paying attention

MR KUNTOH Pay Attention?

Sika To him (looking at Kay) ...and the freedom that Getting with social Media,


Mr. Kuntoh Kwaku? What has he done this time?

Sika Nothing, doing what men do Please don’t worry. I thought you had power to change the way things. My bad this is not a health issue even though; Let’s face it it’s not as fun as you make it seem. Mr. KUNTOH EXHALES

MR. Kuntoh Woman this is my personal business not the state of nation address and just stay out of it. Good day

Mr. Kuntoh walks out of the party without speaking to the girl he came with. She looks at him and follows Tei looks at his wife and Sika shrugs her shoulders and gulps down her drink. Sika WALKS AWAY

Cut 131. EXT. BALCONY. NIGHT Sika is standing outside with Dede. They are both sipping from a calabash. Dede Are you alright?



Yes Shot of partying people. Sika waving at a woman.

Dede I am a liar, now I know

Sika What?

DEDE I said that, I know that I am a liar, it’s always easier to run than to confront fear. SIKA Oh honey, that is 100 percent true I always express my love for TEI but I never knew that my love for him will ever be tested, like this

Dede Not talking about you, sika, me Sika turning to looking at Dede.

Sika You? Why do you say that? DEDE You know sometimes, I do things to intimidate men who find me attractive, so they don’t get the courage to date me



Well Honey, how is that even possible? look at you, you look fabulous always.

Dede(laughing) Thanks, but that is the truth

Sika I know but the right man will not be bothered I tell you

Dede I hope so because What you have with Tei is very admirable It makes me want to fall in love too

Sika Really? I am glad to hear you say that

Dede (nodding) Yeah, I have had a rough ride with men but (laughing)

Sika (raising glasses) You could at least try (Dede nodding) That is the spirit Cheers


132. At the hall. Jojo carries Teiko on his shoulder and moves to join Tei PHEOBE AND Sika brings out eto cake at the center. All Happy birthday song

After party people are dancing, Sika and Tei are holding each other. Phoebe and Oforiwaa dancing together. Kay walking to talk to Phoebe. Oforiwaa looking at Phoebe. Oforiwaa (coded language) I will be right there if he does anything silly, ok

Phoebe nodding with a smile. Oforiwaa excusing them Kay Mr Boakye is wearing batakari and beads on his hands, with his wife Akumaa Mama Zimbi Cut to Dede talking to some random guy Mr. Boakye, Tei and Samuel are chatting

Mr. Boakye It’s very therapeutic TEI & Samuel yeeessss

Tei (to Mr. Boakye) Your recipe was on point I quit my job (all laughing)

Mr. Boakye


Glad you liked it; you two will make good herbalists

TEI Me I am the koliba Call me if you need cheap recycled bottles For your samples (laughing)I have school fees to pay

Mr. Boakye But did you pound in a mortar or you blended it

Samuel Blender

Tei Blender

Mr. Boakye Bombo! Next time do it the wooden style Its alkaline

Samuel Oh like cooking in an earthy pot?

Mr. Boakye That right, you know the thing!



But It’s not easy oh to pound it

Boakye nothing is easy oh

SAMUEL (laughing) herrr… I tell you… we are always working miracles

TEI there are vampires out there (laughing)

Mr. Boakye Finding capital is not easy too Not to mention research. People don’t have time. Who will think of considering an Indian hemp experiment like you two have.

Tei Research? Never!

Mr. Boakye But no matter what we are doing, experience has taught me that We need time to nurture it. like imagine if there was a space for research and experiments for the public for free! and a museum to make those findings public. Herr


samuel Ibi so

Mr. Boakye Yes because people out there ready to crush infantile ideas and business

Tei Really?

SAMUEL Yes... you have just started wait small oh Before you go and register it oh. Otherwise Aban go bab you

Tei Oh man this is coming too late I rented a factory and I have already paid for working permit

Mr. Boakye Factory!? Oh wassop Every business you for do trial and error Check and balance. Hmmm.

Sam But don’t worry, I still think your business is solid.


You open my eyes waa, Now when I pick a product I see things differently oh Like how it will be disposed of, who am I Empowering charley, things like that

Mr. Boakye True oh very true Her you be smart waa

Tei Abi I dey work plus wifey So everything dey correct

All men True! (laughing)

Cut to all three men sitting and chatting. Yoofi joins them.

Tei Yoofi is my colleague from work?

Yoofi shaking hands with them

Yoofi Charley make I see you The two of them stepping aside


Yoofi Charley, you know who be the new head for your department?

Tei No, and I mean I don’t really care

Yofi Charley, Darlington,

Tei Darlington? You are joking?

Yoofi No, your assistant, Darlington Rumors have it that he shared your video

Tei All this while?

Yoofi now He has become one with management Everyone dey fear am.


Cut to

Ama is sitting and drinking, Sika comes to sit with them.

Sika You know, you were right

Ama I was? (smiling) About what

Sika Purpose finding us

AMA HOW? Ama is smiling

Sika (flattering herself) You know all this while I was Not coming to help you because. (smiling) Charley I am afraid of the prisons oh

Ama (beaming) Really? Why

Sika I have never told anybody this


Besides my family, but I used work In a small bar. Sometimes we will Take pictures of men who came in and blackmail them For money. Some of the girls were not lucky, they got caught and taken to prison. They always made prison look so scary.

AMA Wow, interesting story I never saw that picture, I always thought Everyone will be happy about helping the prisons Thank you for sharing your story

Sika Oh, you Are welcome and before I forget we have vacancy for factory workers If you need a place for your, you know

Ama are you sure? (sika nodding) Sika Yes, I believe, that those coming out May need a place of transition. You don’t have to pay anything

AMA Really? Perfect ...oh thank you


this is timely

Sika and Ama focus on the stage. Phoebe takes the stand and grabs the mic. Ofeibea’s vision blurring in slow motion and clearing As Oforiwaa starts walking up to her

Cut to bar Florence on hearing the crowd applaud turns to watch the stage

Phoebe Good evening, everyone as part of daddy’s birthday celebrations my mum, brothers, sister and I, we put together a little performance. We will always love you daddy. Happy BIRTHDAY! Phoebe Please when I say Ananse sem si so! You respond sen soara! Thank you Ananse sem si su oh!

Responds Sen soara!

Phoebe I was hoping you might say so Many argue God is white oh, black OR red oh But am African, magya ye Tumtum oh


Black or white I will stick with Age oh God is gray, without colour oh

God is white because he is pure oh God is black just Like my dad God is 40 on this day. Happy birthday daddy! Wotiri nkwa oh! All(applauding) Aww. Cut to Oforiwaa dressed in Kente and dancing Adowa very, professionally. People are taking pictures of her as she is dancing. Cut to bar Nightingale looking at Oforiwaa with a judging look unamused Sika takes the Ama nodding. Reactions of people applauding. Ama Whatever you find yourself doing, if it doesn’t allow you to tell the truth, you need to change what you are doing so that you can. Sometimes the only truth is our call is to find our own way of life, where many just like us, can also exist freely and openly without shame.

Cut to sika standing and sipping some juice. Waiter Fire! Nightingale(screaming) Ahh!!

Sika running to Nightingale on, hearing her scream


Cut to Miss Nightingale soaked wet with water and running with Sika into the house

Sika At this moment we will hear someone we all listen to every morning Some call her the area clock because she wakes us all up With a grateful heart Let us invite Ofole

Cut to Phoebes room Phoebe and Oforiwaa are jubilating Oforiwaa So why don’t you share your poems with Ville instead? You are good.

Phoebe Really,

Sika burgess into room and finds the two girls jubilating Sika hugging phoebe and Oforiwaa

Sika You, young lady You are fearless, thank you for sharing your Talent with us. I admire you Oforiwaa almost in tears and lost for words Sika smiles and hugs her and walking out


Phoebe and oforiwaa looking at each other. They hold each other hands and they are jumping in excitement. Phoebe receives a beep on her phone. Oforiwaa leaves her to chat with Ville. Ville (text) Hi

Phoebe (text) Hey Ville, I have something to tell you

Ville What?

OFEIBEA Today my father is 40 that means I am not 31, I am 16 Long pause Phoebe puts her phone in her pocket and she walking to the party. Her phone beeps. She picks up and reading Ville Oh wow, fine, I also have a confession I am also not 35 I am 18 Can we still be friends?

PHOEBE Why not?

Phoebe breaks into laughter as she joins her friends at the party. SIKA


Sorry about your hair and dress But look at you, (smiling)

Cut to nightingale wearing con rolls and a red mini boubou

Mrs. nightingale smiling Thank you Nightingale comes out and people are admiring her. Yoofi and Tei are sitting quietly in their chair, Yoofi is talking, he stops to stare at Nightingale Tei and samuel look at each other laughing out loud.

Yoofi Wow, who is she? Right now, dea I make wild I want to marry Tei and samuel laughing out loud.

Tei This woman has been here the whole day Are you now noticing? Long shot everybody dancing. Nightingale dancing with Yoofi. Mr. and Mrs. Boakye exchanging looks. Fade NIGHTENGALE Well hello Mr. and Mrs. Boakye You look good MR Boakye is distracted


Mrs. Boakye (smiling) Meda me dase crossing her hands

Nightingale(smiling) Me da me da

Akumaa (twi) Let me show you how it’s done It has different stages When you go home You tell your lord, this evening I am hangry Will you give me something to eat. If he says yes, your cup will run over So whilst you are eating and enjoying his food You have to say Meda meda Medaase (laughing)

Nightingale Meda se (laughing) unfortunately I am not married

MRS. Boakye Ow sorry, I thought you were It’s fine, you may get lucky tonight

(Nightingale smiling and wiping sweat off her face) well I just came here to have fun


MRS. Boakye Don’t be silly (laughing) Now please tell me why My daughter is not in school

NIGHTENGALE If you attend PTA meeting you will understand That she is not... her

Mrs. Boakye Her hair? (steering her eyes to nightingale’s hair) What is wrong with it? You want me to perm it?

Nightingale (smiling sheepishly) You … don’t worry she can start on Monday long shot of party people dancing. Yoofi taps nightingale for a dance.

133. INT. PRISON. NIGHT Anokye is lying in his bed. One of the officers brings him a letter. He opens it to read.

Off screen

My dear, Anokye


Tomorrow is the day you have always been waiting for

I don’t have much, but a friend of mine has offered you space and work, so you can take care of yourself after school every day. Please never forget all we have spoken about in prison. I wish you all the best

you are loved

God bless you.

134. Int. factory. Day Anokye taking off his uniform Anokye is labelling and Sika is supervising Ofeibea with the labels. They laugh Cut to Anokye watching them Yaaba and Ayesha placing bottles. Ayesha and Yaaba laughing Yaaba putting the phone in her bag and making faces at Anokye. Anokye’s p.o.v. From Yaaba to Tei.

135. Tei and Jojo cooking together as the Anokye is sitting on the ground trying to grind the pepper. Anokye looking on reflectively Anokye POV_ Watching father driving the omotuo and the son making the soup. Tei When I was young charley, all we did was wash bottles My father should come and see me (laughing) He will say yaayi

Jojo (at the same time) Yaayi


Tei I know you have heard my story a million times I use to look down my father But seriously now I know that I papa educated me to become a better koliba. I wish he was alive, so I could just Say thank you. Hm charley don’t ever be ashamed of who you are oh. It’s your shine! without it you are nothing Koliba on Instagram, Facebook Ha-ha what is the other one tic what

Jojo Tik tok

Tei And the bird?

JOJO Twitter(laughing)

Tei my biggest achievement is being Able to say to myself, this is what happiness looks like!

136. Jojo serving Anokye and sits next to him as they two of them laugh and eat together. Anokye takes one blow of the food. Anokye Thank you this is my favourite meal too back at home sometimes we had it without meat but still I love it


Jojo Really? It’s my favourite dish to prepare too

Anokye So, at home you cook?

Jojo Sometimes

Anokye And what do the women do?

Jojo Please, in my mother’s house, we can all cook Even my baby brother (laughing). It’s fun, we talk and Chat ... I love it. it one of the reasons I didn’t go to A boarding house. Can I ask you a question (Anokye nods) What happened to your wrist?

Anokye Washing. Never washed until I got on my own (Jojo is shocked)

Fade into

137. Anokye’s His mother and sister cooking. They raise their heads and see, Anokye returning home. they run to embrace him.

Fade back to present

138. Int. scc. Night


Anokye waking up from his dream frowning his face. Cut

139. Indefinite space Head on of a dirty glass bottle Water and soap splashes, bottle looking clean.

140. EXT. THE SHOP ACCRA. DAY Nzali is at the Bar, looking sad. Naomi is serving at the bar wearing a tube top. She turns to Salome.

NAOMI What is wrong with that one, she does not look cheerful, today

Salome turning to look at Nzali

Salome (cheerfully sitting next to her) Nzali, what is wrong? It’s like you are not happy today

Nzali I saw the slave castles, just too much pain for me. I mean how could God allow it.

Salome Pain makes it easy to blame God than to thank him

Salome wipes Nzali’s tears and looks curiously at Salome



You went to see castles built in the air

Is that not what you say in English (laughing)

Don’t focus your return on what they did to you

Rather thank God for what you survived and

focus on your purpose



You are right

A month later

141. CUT TO THE FACTORY GIRLS ARE AT WORK BUT ANOKYE IS NOT _ nondialogue. Tei is speaking with three officials Tei but Officer you have the health certs OFFICER But you don’t have the right work permit? Are you a Ghanaian?

TEI (Ga) What are you saying? Born and bred in ….

Tei exhale

Ama is sitting with Sika holding Teiku on her lap. Dromi is playing with Ayeyi and odehyie and nkunim.


SIKA I wonder why they never come around to share good news, like how government can help fund our business, or how we are going to participate in the free trade that is coming up, never! It’s like government want us to fear them.

Ama So unfair, entrepreneurs carry the country If government can hire officials like these, to move door to door to help entrepreneurs on tools like bookkeeping, funding, records keeping even profits and losses, taxes will always be paid.

SIKA I would love to see what you are saying happen. Morm (Twi) but In the meantime, if you want any help open your arms, and embrace bureaucracy.

AMA What! If it were not people like you people Anokye will be hopeless,

Sika Forget it! government is too big to come to us and the media needs to be schooled on how to report on us. As a photojournalist, I think the reportage about entrepreneurship is hopeless.



EI Ghana, this is serious

SIKA Yes, we can employ just a few of the Anokye’s, and the many of them will take to armed robbery or internet fraud, prostitution ….

Ama Oh, my sister, haven’t they already my sister!

SIKA Speaking of Anokye, he is not punctual. He goes to school, but he does not come to work.

Ama (shocked) Really? Sika Yesterday we broke into his room It was filthy, like he never swept the place We found this in his room. I believe it is yours

Ama Mine? (sika handing it to Ama. Ama’s name written on it)

Sika He did not tell anyone where he was going Perhaps he is not happy here

Ama Oh, I am deeply sorry, I wish I could explain


But I cannot

Sika Please don’t, instead find us more workers We still need affordable labour to work with, so the offer is always open


142. Cut to factory gate. The young man passing and crying out.

YOUNG MAN Check your weight and balance your diet

Sika comes out to see Ama driving out. Ama driving away. Sika carrying Teiku at her back and call him the “CHECK YOUR WEIGHT” man to help her. Sika Come (twi) (walking to sika) Come and help me

Young man looks confused


English or French please


French or small English


Sika Where are you from?

Young man Guinea ma, it’s for work I come I can cook, clean anything ...

Sika Good! we need more hands What is your name

Young man Lamin.


Come with me Lamin

Young man smiling and following sika into the factory on getting to the Factory. Sika find the gate being locked up by the A.M.A. Tei and the rest of the workers standing out. Sika standing and watching in shock. PIN TONE RISES

Fade out

143. Int. Ama’s room. Day BACK TO PRESENT…. Ama is standing in front of the mirror Ama looks depressed. Ama’s heart is pounding. She walks to her bed and lays down.


144. INT. bedroom. Day It’ 3am Ofole is singing Ama’s opens her eyes, Samuel is still asleep, she looks up at the fan that is cyclical and shuts her eyes

Samuel wakes up and looks at the time. She does not wake up to her husband’s prompting.

Samuel Are you still worried about the writer? who died?

He rushes to light the fire. He puts on an apron, washes his hand, picks up the earthy pot from the cabinet and puts it on the stove. He brings out a cooking book and reads how to make porridge. The children look at each other in amazement. Cut to the food being served and its lumpy in the food. Odehyie shaking her head. Samuel removes the apron and rushes to ofole to buy porridge He brings it out and serves the kids. Dressing up the children and giving them food. Samuel comes to stand at the rare end of the bed, looking at Ama. Samuel I have made breakfast, honey, should I serve you Ama does not turn or say a word. Cut Cut to Ama still in Bed, sun rise and set in her window.


KWEKU (offscreen) Madness is infectious beware! 145. Back to scene Samuel comes into the room with the kids sadly, but she does not move. Close on phone

The prisons OFFICER calls her, but she does not pick.

146. Insert of phone

Her father calls she does not respond

147. Ext. road shots. DAY An elderly man (50 and above) full apparelled in cycling suits is cycling through the streets of Accra. People watching in amazement.

148. Cut to kitchen Samuel and children eating from on waakye leaves in the kitchen. The elderly man bursts through the door to the kitchen holding his helmet. The children are delighted to see him.

All children Grand PAA!

Kissing him and hugging him. Hardly returning to their food. Sam taking Nkunim from Grandpas shoulders. Grandpa Where is she? I have been calling her since yesterday(twi)


Upstairs, she will not eat or leave the bed or talk to anyone since yesterday.


Samuels Phone rings.

Samuel Excuse me (speaking on the phone) Yes, I will be there (cutting the line) It’s the office, there is an emergency, She is in our room (moving his head upwards) Daddy is going upstairs; Samuel follows him holding a tray with soup and brown bread. Daddy Just Go, I will take it from her Samuel looking pale and sad at his father-in law Cut to Samuel driving out, looking dismayed, the children are in the back seat.

149. Int. SAM’s office. Evening There is a black pot on the board room table Secretary holding rosary.

Secretary(sorrowful) Hail Mary full of grace

Samuel enters the room with his children.

Secretary O thank God, you are finally here Look what we found here. A black pot I knew this industry was competitive but a black pot they have gone too far who hates us this much

Samuel sees the pot and starts to laugh.

SECRETARY What? is it funny? This is bad juju oh they want to discourage you


Samuel Enough, Aunty Orias It’s just a cooking pot

Secretary Cooking pot? Ah who cooks in this

SAMUEL we do My wife and I

Secretary Ow, So sorry sir

Samuel Find who brought it

Ohenma enters with her daughter and Larry

Ohenma I can see you have already received Our package

Ohenma smiles Ohenma Nice to finally meet you sir, I asked for the best and your name came up more than twice. You are better than I imagined you to be. A responsible man I can see, are they yours? Samuel nodding. She stretches her hand for the little one to come to her.

Ohenma Impressive But I hope you can deliver too.


SAMUEL (serious look) It depends, if you are looking for porno, I can’t. I assure you there are a lot of pushers out there.

Ohenma Finally, someone who thinks (scornfully at Larry) Larry is smiling and nodding.

Ohenma Good! (SMILING) Samuel, first, I would like to see the year of return video if it is nothing like mm the thing Larry sent me. secondly, this (looking at the pot) is not voodoo or a fetish gadget (walking to the pots) or a piece of art. Although it is beautiful. This is a cooking pot for making food that saves lives, it saved mine. Samuel I am very familiar with its mystery My wife cooks in them too

Ohenma Fantastic, and do you know That when we invest in good tradition, we empower The families in the rural areas? And we can curb rural urban migration by a huge percentage For once, I have seen husbands stay at home to nurture their children because home has become where the money is. And Don’t ask me if I am a Politician, I don’t know what is wrong with people these days, this country belongs to us as much it belongs to them. Just go to the prisons or on the streets at night and see! It’s becoming endemic


Samuel deep in thoughts There is everything wrong with women left at home, taking care of children single handedly, children taking care of children and everyone thinking that the only place to make it is in the city well I do not think so, I choose to live outside the city with my family , its heaven on earth and I want everyone to know that I am rich because I am full of life. (lol)my daughter, tells me about the wonders of social media. I want you to put me on social media or (looking at her daughter)

Daughter manage our business pages basically we also want to employ some young people in our village so they can learn from you and continue when you stop.

Samuel Ok,

Ohenma so, get to work I want to show off my hard workers As heroes, make sure every god damn person on this planet knows about our pot from (signing in the sky) Dandelion Ghana, the food revolution. I hope you can do that

Samuel (smiling)


Yes, I will love to

Ohenma breaks out into laughter Nkunim comes to Samuel and holds him

Ohenma(smiling) So where is their mother Samuel about to utter a word

Ohenma (pointing at Sam and smiling) At home

Sam Yes, em… she is unwell Ohenma Oh, so that’s why they are with you. Sir, let me tell you a secret family businesses thrive better than Any other, its hard but involve your wife and children In your work. Children learn by watching us their parents. You see my daughter

Daughter smiles Samuel looking thoughtfully. Cut to the end of the meeting and Ohenma is walking away and her agent comes back to talk to Samuel


Ohenma walking out, with her daughter Larry nods, Samuel turns to Larry.

Samuel(smiling) It turns out some people do care, Larry But tell me I can’t believe you gave the same job to another production company.

Larry (laughing admittedly) No hard feelings

Samuel how did you find a porno for her so quickly?

LARRY This is Ghana, you can get someone to shoot a whole film in just an hour seriously, it’s not about quality it’s all about the money. I will show her your video. If she likes it, you owe me ten. Then the new one too

Samuel Sure, I will put some jig into it

Larry No way, not this one

Samuel and Larry smiling together as they shake hands. The agent walking away. The secretary smiling nervously.


150. Bedroom cut to Ama laying in bed

Ama opens her eyes. She is lying in the same position with her eyes shut.

father ama

AMA Daa, (almost in tears)

Father I have been calling since koto hoho Ah come down(twi)

Ama gets up and leaves the room. Cut to father and daughter sitting together

AMA Daa (sobbing)I don’t know... I thought it was my purpose to help prisoners but I am stuck. I don’t have the money to give to them and one of the writers for my film is dead



Why? did he commit suicide ? Ama He jumped off a roof in the script

Father Oh!saah that why you are looking like this

Ama’s father breaks out into laughter Ama raising a brow to her dad

Ama Daddy?( pretending to be sorrowful)

Daddy Oh Sorry, sorry for your loss Here (giving him a photo) maybe this will cheer you up pause

Her father has a photo on the table. AMA sees it and takes the picture from her father. Fade in cantus firmus

INSERT: 151. It is a picture of a woman smiling and holding the flower. Father gives the photo to AMA

AMA (looking) Biama?



Yes She is quiet a story. I am sure she asked the same questions you are asking me now. She was the only female amongst 7 sons, their inheritance depended on her and that was all they expected her to do. All she did was stay at home nursing 8 children, but God saw more. When our enemies attacked us. they say, from the mountain top, our enemies were so many it was impossible to count them. they were like a swam of locusts or grains of sand Fade in

152. Flash back

Abetifi _ council meeting_morning

Biama All right (standing up) I am going to do something which our people will never forget. Tonight, three of you must stand at the gate so my sister and I can leave the town. I will explain it to you when all is over

Elder one Everything you have said makes good sense But You are a woman, although this is not the first time you have showed Wisdom. I suggest you pray, so God will show the men what to do

Elder One What is happening here We need men who know how to fight. certainly not you

Cut to

153. Evening Biama’s court


A female Servant is at the door. A woman at the door holding a parcel

Woman Christie Brown The dress maker

154. Biama’s room

Biama(offscreen) your finest?

Christie Brown(offscreen) This is my best creation Madam Fabric from Timbuktu

Biama wearing a yellow beautiful dress Asantewa is looking on are wearing long brown gowns with a hood covering their heads and mask over their faces. Asantewa puts on the flowery crown and then Asantewa sprays with perfume. Biama looking in the mirror.

BIAMA Perfect, thank you

Fade in theme song …. She is king…. They are walking briskly through the woods.

155. On black EXT/INT. CAVE NKAWKAW. Late AFTERNOON-1700

Commander Nebuchadnezzar has long horsehair, with a shell on his chest and 3 other powerful men sitting in the cave strategizing. There is a map in front of them

GENERAL Sir there is no way in! they can’t be conquered if we don’t find the way in maybe we should just go back



Who do you think you are to tell us not to take the mountains? They don’t call me Nebuchadnezzar for nothing I will be the first to conquer the mountain I will fill the valleys with their dead bodies and choke up every stream and river with so many corpses that they will not have a choice but to come down that mountain and lead us in!

Cut to 156. Asantewa carrying a food offering. As They move there is a swishing Sound. Biama and Asantewa walking on.

157. Men are cleaning their guns, swords and knives and catapults. Biama moves closer to the soldiers and speaks to him.

158. Cut to cave Biama standing Infront of Commander Nebucha. He is enchanted by her beauty.

Commander (Twi) Don’t worry there is no need to be afraid I will never hurt any who is willing to serve me No one here will harm you. but tell me why have you come here?

Biama I know that you my lord, have been travelling for a long long time. When I heard that you have come to take the people of the mountain. I rejoiced for the same reason you have come. Everybody knows that These people on the mountain are stingy and proud. And I will want nothing more than to se them defeated. I have come with food and offerings. Kwahu nsesewa nkwan, a krante ni nwaw. Na atwa tuo kora ye otwebene nkwan. I also brought schnapps, palmwine and water for the stream. I have come to dine with you my lord, my future king.

The servants go round and set the tables beautifully.



Can I trust you How do I know that the food is not poisoned?

Biama sermons the servant and who sets a dish for her. Biama seats graciously washes her fingers and begins to eat.

, Commander nods with grace Biama smiles sets his kofi brokeman aside as Biama sermons the servants to serve the commander. General(exclaim) Kai!

The men look at each other The general and his men are eating graciously. Drinking wine and getting drunk. The meal is over and Biama to dance. There is drumming The general who is mesmerized by her beauty a, She drinks with them as they plan their attack. Cut to the map with a shell on a point. Commander is amazed commander Not only are you beautiful but you know how to treat a man. I will make you famous throughout the world and you will live in my palace. You are surreal, so pure, like you are from the gods. (lol) the men burst out in laughter and praise for Biama.

Tomorrow, we will ambush the village from the back, as my men attack I will go to the cave and kill the king, cut off his head like a goat and hang it. everybody on that mountain will die.

Biama There is nothing that I want more This is the happiest day in my life


Let your will be done, my lord

COMMANDER Not only are you wise but you know how to Make a speech,

Gulping down the drink and laughing out boisterously. Biama smiles diplomatically along. Time is passed and the general signs the others to leave the tent. Biama is left alone in the tent with the general. The others leave the tent and Asantewa also follows

The general is laying on the bed drunk. Biama goes to his bed post by the Commanders head and takes down his sword. She then seizes Commander by his hair and struck him twice in the neck as hard as she can chopping off his head. She rolls his body off the bed and takes down the mosquito net. She then comes out and gives the Commanders head to her servant, who puts it into the drum bag. Biama Everyone on the mountain is my family

Fade into morning, one of guards looks up and finds the generals body pierced with a stick right from the middle to the neck where there is no head.

He looks up and sees men holding stones on top of the mountain. The men start throwing the stones at their camp. The soldiers running and screaming.

Soldier Nko nkowu nkokowu. Koo awoooo! Nko nkowu nkokowu. Koo awoooo! On black Ama’s father there is nothing that you are meant to do in this place at this given time


that you do not already have. My dear. You are doing whatever you can to encourage others whether in prison or through the film is high diplomacy because is of national benefit be proud because I am proud of you. So be strong and courageous to finish what you have started doing what you love the most.

ama in thought Ama gets up and is making pancakes 159. In the Room Samuel comes into the house carrying the children who are asleep one by one on his shoulders. On entering the room. Ama is sitting and typing on the pc, very energized or happy. Samuel Hey,

Ama (smiling) Hey Sam walks to sit on the bed, and he is taking of his jacket. Samuel sits at the other end of the bed without even turning to look at his wife. Ama sits up.

LONG PAUSE, samuel is still not paying attention to Ama. Ama gets up and walks to closer to Sam.

Ama I cooked, can I serve you?

Sam No, thanks


AMA Pancakes Sam looks at ama regretting he said no Ama I know you were worried But please eat, I know it’s your favourite

Samuel stops and turns to his wife, ama’s back is turned to him

SAMUEL Ama I am your husband it is normal for me To be worried if you will not eat anything or talk to me.

AMA I know and I am sorry. I was overwhelmed and for once (pause) I did not know what to do.

Sam Ama, that is why, I am here So we can support each other

. AMA I know now and Thank you

Sam (pessimistically)


it is time to get some help you cant be a Mother, wife, psyche therapy, chef one of these days you will break down.

AMA Yes, I was so keen on proving myself I forgot that there are so many people who have been purposed to help with whatever I am doing now

Sam Yes collaborative advantage

Ama Can I serve my lord some pancakes?

Sam nodding they are laughing together

Ama Yes, can we go and eat now

160. Montage - Marcia’s class - Dr Jany’s class - Ama outdoor with 5 in earthy wear. - They are having a heart conversation - Anokye gives her a letter. - Anokye hugging Ama - Ama giving him a bag with set of clothes


- Cut Anokye returning home. His sister and his mother hugging him - Anokye on his Facebook page deleting “looking for love” - Deleting nude photos - Typing “tuabodom tomatoes farmer” – 5 ghs a bucket - Uploading photos of his mother and sister “my co-workers”

Ama(offscreen) Some plant the seed, and others help water it, but What is important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. To be the light where others will see their own light. I often Imagine a world where everything is purposeful. It will be safe, non-judgemental, and free of incarceration. That is the world I want to live in.

161. Kitchen Ama and Sam facing each other Sam Wow, I love this Ama Really

Sam Yes, thank you

Ama looking at him as she sheds tears

AMA Thank you, you are welcome


Sam I love you, we should spend more time together As a family. we could find a hobby, or you can teach me how to cook at least every Saturday or Sunday? I will do anything for you

Ama I know, that is why we are going to shoot this film, darling

They are both laughing

162. Teis bedroom Tei, sitting in the bed with one hand on his back. Tei Wei, my waist

Sika laughing Sika Don’t complain, it your shine

Tei holding his wife on the bed.

Tei(laughing) I know, Do you think that there could ever be a man like me or a wife like you on this earth?

Sika Watching us? I hope so but


like us? hmm Oh no(laughing)I don’t think so

Tei exhales. Tei Oh why?


Ah you paa, no one values you if

you are hawking on the street, when she casted me as sika I wanted to ask her if she was

serious but when I read the script, I was moved

Tei That is Power of teamwork

Yes, and I count myself very lucky

Do you know why?




Because I have a beautiful and loving wife

They exchange looks Sika Haha as for you I am married with 3 children wai


Go forward

They both laughing

TEI But seriously

This is our last scene but its not

The end our story, we will live in the memories of those Watching us now.

Sika I really hope so, A world where the family Thrives, where men value their wives Ask me where is my husband?

Tei Me to where is my girlfriend? Every girl wants money

Sika Chai, so now I am a star? Then I have graduated from street hawking to entrepreneur Please let me know if you need nkate cake for your Parties, check me on social media


Ei, that’s right, entrepreneur!

Sika papabi


Holding Tei in excitement. They both vanish.

163. BLACK screen


In 54321 … action!