Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 5-6-1963 The rsinU us Weekly, May 6, 1963 Sharon E. Robbins Ursinus College Lynn Martin Ursinus College Craig Garner Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Robbins, Sharon E.; Martin, Lynn; and Garner, Craig, "The rU sinus Weekly, May 6, 1963" (1963). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 295. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/295 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Volume LXII Number 20 MONDA Y, MAY 6, 1963 Report ~ubmitted by 1963-64 Dougl~ Steere to ISpring Festival Weekend May 10 -11; Women sCustomsCom -tt Speak In Expanded A·· · "Customs should be abolished." ml ee Forum Wednesday 'The Staring Match' Begins CbVlbes "I feel that Customs is a good thing and sh ld This Wednesday, May 8, Bom- --- 1 . h h h " ou be berger Hall will be the scene of Two Nigh t Run The annual Spring Festival of U rsmus College,. or- muc roug er t an It IS on the incoming freshmen." ~ talk by Dr. Douglas V. steere ___ . h boat theme and entItled These were the two extremes m another event in Ursinus' ex- On May 10 and 11, the Cur- gamzed on a MISSlSSIPPl S ow 1 P t- of opinion the Women's Cus- Proctors Named panding Forum program.