Marriage Listen Forum To Sunday WDOM VOL. XIX. No. I8—SIX PACKS I'ROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE. R. I., MARCH 20, 1957 10 CENTS A COPY Safeguards For American Education Urgently Needed Yesterday afternoon at 1:40 p.m., National Science Foundation Miss Bella V Dodd was introduced lo the student body of Providence College by Father Dore The guest Honors P.C. Senior Scientists lecturer is an expert on Communism and the title of her dissertation was "The Effect of Communism on Amer• George P Flynn, '57, of Warren, lege transcripts, scores achieved on ican Educui R.I, is the recipient of a graduate (he graduate record examinations, fellowship from the National Science rank-in-class reports, confidential re- Miss Dodd's data are authoritative Foundalion Three other Providence ports from professors acquainted with and authentic, for she was personally College students received honorable the abilities of the candidates, and, connected with the hierarchy of the mention in this same national com- in many coses, plans for future re• Party, was an organizer of party leg• petition Anthony Frantiello. '37. of search The fellowships are awarded islation and a supervisor of union Providence. Fï I. and John D Graham, and honorable mention accorded, to programs Subsequently her close al• '57, of New Haven. Conn, received students considered to be highly liance with the masterminds and the their listings in physical chemistry, qualified and of superior ability, tacticians of the Party gave her the while Robert J Gould. '57. of Provi- Approximately 3.000 applications knowledge which she has iconiclas- dence. was distinguished in the field were received by the Foundation tically applied to Communism since of theoretical physics. this year, for fellowships which are her departure after thirteen years of The National Science Foundation available to any citizen of the US affiliation Not only did this cham• pion of the truth and crusader of the Fellowships are given for advanced who has demonstrated ability and people reject her former bonds, but s.ud, ,n the natural and applied de fw , sciences and in fields where the na• she also returned to the Catholic tural and social sciences converge. mg ln tne »nd wh° h« Church, and is now regarded as a These awards are based solely on met thc requirements for graduate protectress of the American way of ability, taking into consideration col- or post doctoral work. life. Dr Dodd. scholar, teacher, lec• turer, author and practising attorney, emphasized the fact that Communism "Good News" Appointments is a crisis which could be defeated PC Musicians Serenade the Empire Staters by positive truth, but it is fear and ignorance that disseminate this evil Marching Contingent Represent Listed By Pyramid Players Although she holds Bishop Sheen in high esteem, she felt obliged to dif• Providence College "Irish Style" fer with him in regard to his state• Mister Leonard F. 1. a mache, di- supervised by Father La men. while ment that fifty years from now Com• rector, and the Reverend Brendan J the student producers will be C. Judd munism will be forgotten. She Larnen. O.P.. moderator, have an- Hamlin. 58. and William Anthony, stressed that constant and diligent By Dave Pepin nounced the cast and committee ap- '60. with Miss Claudette Dufresne effort is needed on our part to win The Providence College R.O.T.C. J estimated 840.000 people besides the poinlments for the forthcoming Mister Gamache will be assisted by this strategic and decisive conflict. Band and Drill Team paraded down ¡Televisión viewers. There were 122,- Pyramid Players production of "Good Dave Harrington. '58. "Everyone knows that this (Commun New York's Fifth Avenue last Satur• 000 marchers takiru part in the News". Business Manager will be James ism) is the greatest heresy that the day in the St Patrick's Day Parade The orchestra will be comprised of Pitochclh '59: Publicity. Bill Door- world has ever known; however, this The spirit of St Patrick was in the The band scored .i big hit with John Hanigan. 60. piano; Richard ley, "58; Public Relations. Dick De crisis will be resolved during our air and green streamers floated some two thousand spectators im- Cavanaugh, '60. piano; Gerald Cas- Noia, '59 Miss Joan Anne McGee lifetime, and it is you, the young, everywhere. Both the band and drill : mediately before the parade got un• sidy. '59. ukulele; and Vincent Fer- will serve as Choreographer Lighting who will resolve it," she said. team were displaying the green. The derway. A few ni the musicians raioli. '58. bass. w'U °* handled by J. F. Meiggs and The question was posed as to how center line of Fifth Avenue was abo started a little jam session jnd be• painted green for the occasion. „ Sons, while House Manager will be the Communists could topple a fore long everyone was in on the ' act Spectators gathered around and The cast is as follows Courtney Garry. '58. Stage Directors nation as powerful as ours with their Applause greeted the band and the Tom. Gerry Corrado. '58; Beeí. ^ ard McCarthy. '57, Presi minority. She referred to the position ! it was almost reluctantly that the wül Rlcn drill team along the entire parade Bill Paquin, '57; Bobby. Arthur p| , James Kelly. '57; of the Soviet Union in 1917 when i band had to march away. den| o( lhe avcrs route. The drill team put on an ex• Boucher. 5»: Sylvester, Dave Albano, p ey. '57. Additional ap- there were only twenty-five thousand I The two units left Friday noon- and Frank utn hibition in front of the reviewing I time and arrived in Ne* York about '60: Johnson, Ralph D'Amico. '59; j i || he made at a later members among a population of one po ntmen s wl stand for the visiting dignitaries. The eight o'clock. After getting settled Kearney. Ed LeBeau. '59; Windy, hundred and eighty million. "Com• da(e band supplied the music for the 15thJ in their rooms at the Shelton Hotel, Jack Welsh, '58; Kenyon. George munism is a grab for power to con• Division of the parade. most of the group availed themselves Boyd, '59; SlaU. Ed Dolan. '59: Jim, - y trol the natural resources of the I The parade started at twelve and of the hotel's swimming pool. Later world and thereby paralyze its two Jim Pitochelli. '59; Ben. John Dono- Lentefl Notice it was almost six o'clock before it that night a few went out to see van, 58; Pete, Dick DeNoia. '59: and one half billion inhabitants," she ! was over. In all, there were thirty- • some of the Great White Way. The George. Vin Farrell, '60: Pat. Miss HcBrien urges all students to stated Today the United States has Fr two divisions in the parade. The following morning most of the march• Rita Gilooly; Connie Miss Claire participate in the special 10:15 the materia) and spiritual resources parade route covered five and oneer s made their way around New Goodreau. Babe, Miss Patricia Keogh: during the Lenten season. to triumph over Communism. At a m MaM half miles and was witnessed by an York, seeing the sights The parade Millie. Miss Alice Corsair; Flo. Miss "Special consideration has been present we have sufficient material Istarte d promptly at twelve and the Eunice Varier. given the student body by the Ad- strength, but we are in a state of | Providence delegation met at Grand The girls' chorus is as follows: ministration." states Fr. McBrien "spiritual chaos." Miss Eileen McNanna. Miss Eliza- "and therefore all students should There is no middle road in defeat• Sophomore Event beth August. Miss Elena Criscione. i avail themselves of this opP«r ing Communism It is either Com• The entire production will be [ Unity." munism or Christianity, no inter• Nears Completion mediate It is in this regard that public schooling has erred in the last Continued on Page 6) Richard DeNoia and Jack Eckert, Sonqsters Provide Présentations; co-chairmen of the 1957 Sophomore Weekend scheduled for May 3, 4 and 1 5, have announced that the jazz con• Entertain Holy Name Society Concert Frosh Chemist Cited cert will be held Friday evening, May 3. at the Rhodes Annex in Cranston. Ed LeBeau, chairman of Donald L. Brown, freshman chem- A St. Patrick's Concert sponsored Moore; "Peggy O'Neil," Gilbert- the band committee for the concert, islry major, has been chosen to re• Color Guard on Fifth Avenue. by the Holy Name Society of Saint Dodge; "Brannigan's Pup." Gilbert- has negotiated with Tony Abbott and ceive The Freshman Chemistry Mary's Church, Pawtucket, was held Dodge; "This Train," O'Hara-Fou- his jazz band to furnish music for Achievement Award for the academic Central Statioi Following the parade, in the Pawtucket West Senior High chette; "Parkin" Space." O'Hara- the affair The Abbott group will year 1956 1957. the group split up. some coming School Auditorium on Thursday, Fouchette. also furnish the dance music for the I home on the first bus while others March 14, at eight o'clock. William The capacity audience, which filled The award which is made annual• semi formal dance Saturday evening, stayed the night and took the second Hulme was director and the Reverend the theatre-like auditorium, received ly in recognition of outstanding May 4. in Harkins Hall. bus home on Sunday afternoon. James J Lamb was moderator of the songsters in due fashion The ability and accomplishment in the Some of the students who stayed, the affair P.C. Dominóles appeared on the same first year of college chemistry studies, Decorations for the event will be attended the Jackie Gleason TV.
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