Foundry spot for bronzing Beer lines get shorter, but problem still exists Artists use campus facility for works of art See page 6 See page 3 Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Volume 91, No. 78 Fridav October 7, I 988 Small crowd Calling all spirits hears views in partisan forum

By Dan Turner years. I'm just surprised people Daily staff writer don't take it more seriously." A debate of sorts was held in the The debate was sponsored by Stu- Art Quad Thursday between John dents for Voter Information, a non- Hjelt of the College Democrats and partisan group that provides in- Dan Molina of the Republican Youth formation on election issues. Task Force. "We aren't really looking for a The sound system lost. winner," said debate moderator Jeff Hjelt and Molina defended the Elder. "We just want people to be policies of candidates Michael Du- informed." kakis and George Bush, responding Molina defended his candidate's to a set of five questions on subjects position on drugs. He said George ranging from military spending to Bush was right when he, in a speech the environment. to the Los Angeles Police Academy, An inadequate sound system was called for the death penalty for drug one possible reason for the small dealers. crowd the debate attracted. There "I believe that the death penalty is were seldom more than a dozen peo- a viable alternative for those who ple gathered around the podium. push drugs to our children and our People in the surrounding area com- society," Molina said. "Drugs are a plained that they couldn't hear. poison that has brought America Despite this, audience response to down over the last 20 years." the debate was favorable. "I think even if you've heard the Bush has proposed using the mili- r 7 issues a hundred times, it's still al- tary to fight the drug war. The role ways good to listen to what each side of the U.S. Navy in apprehending Kathleen Howe --- Daily staff photographer drug smugglers along the coastline has to say," said Kelly Kline, a ju- Father Fvangelos, a Tibetan monk and former art student, meditates near the fountain to the sounds of reggae music nior majoring in journalism and po- should be increased, Molina said. litical science. Hjelt countered by saying that the "I didn't feel that enough people greatest occupational hazard for drug were listening." Kline said. "This dealers is the threat of death from Monk offers dance laughs and meditation to 'serious' students election will determine the mood of other dealers. the whole country for the next four See DEBATE. back page By Lisa Hannon was left at home. ing, laughing. meditating. laughing. He said it can be any Daily staff writer Evangelos cannot readily recall A handful of students paused to type of laughter: joyful. embar Father Evangel., ,ombincs the lits own ace But, "I was 3 years watch and to pet Eve. rassed or giggling. SJSU stu- best of the spiritual and material old %%hen I started meditating," Evangelos, once an "If you can't laugh at yourself. worlds. he said -That was about 45 dent working toward his master's who can you laugh at?" Evange- monk A.S. changes tune For the past two days he has years ago degree in art, said he is a los said. clothes who wants to help students enjoy conic to SJSU at 7 a.m. to medi- Long. flow mg black For the finale. Evangelos me- tate by the fountain. hoping to hung loosely on his lean body. A life more 'I think students on campus diates for 20 minutes, either si- gain a following. ( )1- oui se. he green beret NN as perched atop his lently or by quietly talking. On are too serious these days,'' charges $25 a session And as he frizzy, grav Mg hair. An unlit pipe Thursday, he sat with his legs about Fullerton meditates, bright I p,ii iiied signs danced between his lips. Evange los said. "Students should crossed and his arms limp. advertise "Yoga tot Joy Call Suddenly the music changed to he enjoy tug life and having a By Mary Hayes In addition to praising the presi- Now and 'Meditation i y 7 the reggae sound of Zigg,y Mar- great time.** His eyes were open, yet Daily staff wntar dent, the memo discredits the Chan- a. m." ley’s "(oncious Party.'' He explained his meditation glazed. Occasionally, he Despite its pending lawsuit cellor's Office for not cooperating On Thursday. loud Tibetan Oft lie beret and out program as being "('hrist- mumbled incoherently against Gail Fullerton, the Asso- with the A.S. on the Rev ('enter, music blasted from his "boom went the pipe On his head. he Ananda’ yoga. He yelled to the bystanders and later explained. By the time the 20 minutes had ciated Students now finds the SJSU McCarthy said. box" while he sat and mumbled Cele1111,11M14IN placed a billov, tug, it's a "combination of dancing, passed, the few bystanders had president "cooperative" and "very "Indirectly, it's a blow at the to himself. black cloth that reached his and meditation.** wandered off. positive." Chancellor's Office," he said. Fe, a brown and v,hite dog iluig Its laughing He starts with 20 minutes of After a few moments, In a Sept. 27 memo to the Califor- '(Fullerton's) office is the only the size of a large Togo's sand- I'vangelos jumped up and he rose CSU free dancing. He just lets the effortlessly and announced nia State University trustees. A.S. agency that has made it possi- wich. sat nearby drinking choco- began to twist and laugh spasmo- that it ble . . . to obtain the music now through his body. was time to feed Eve -- and per- President Terry McCarthy wrote that information late milk off the ground. unper- dically to the music. He clapped necessary for seeking alternatives to Then there is 10 minutes of haps find a bigger crowd. Fullerton is "very considerate" of turbed. His other dog. Adam. his hands and shouted. "Dane- the association and "we are very riling student fees to pay for the ex - proud of her." See FU!,! .ERTON. back page SJSU students bring back medals from Seoul Fee backlash Hy Stacey De Salta Police and Sean Mulcaster expect increase Daily staff writers SJSU's Key in Asano had to in forged parking permits tend vi lIt more than a home at ena advantage in his guild medal judo per match at the Olympics Sunday. By Teresa I.yddane Maloney said some falsified Daily staff writer mils are not as good. Students The thundering chant. ’ Korea. Technically. students nit forge scratch out and change dates, think Korea. Korea." boomed through the parking permits are committing a ing the permit will pass for a current arena as Asano took on national hero felony and could go to state prison one, he said. K im Jae Yup. But t Iniversity Police It. Shannon UPI) usually sports these types of Asano lost the I 32 -pound diN sion Maloney said no one has ever been forgeries. match and settled for the stINer "sent up the river" for falsifying a "We find the false permits when medal in what may be the final com- parking permit. something really stands out as un- petition of his prolific career. "We generally try to handle it in usual,' said Maloney. "It was electrifying. I had a lot of an appropriate manner," he said. Students who have paid the VD fun with it." Asano said in a tele- Police will tow cars discovered fee said the forgenes anger them. phone interview from Yokohama. with false permits at the owner's ex- "I think it's rotten." said Michael Japan. "I just thought of them as pense. The UPI) will also question Otto, a senior majoring in bioche- cheering for me. Once you get into the owner. mistry who parks in the Seventh the match, you're not really that Police discovered a black Toyota Street garage. "The cost for permits aware of it, but it %kits %ei) exvit with a bogus permit Wednesday in may he high, but at least the money lug." the 10th street garage. It was the first goes to the institution.'' such discovery this semester and the In the match. the referee penalized ''Students who forge permits are car was towed Nsano for grabbing lust one of Yup's In the past, UPI) has caught two lust cheating tither students.' he I 'tigers and bending it back . The vio- to three permit forgers a semester. said. lation swayed the judges' decision in according to Maloney. But he ex- "It makes me very mad," said a very close match. pects an increase in forgeries with Mary Talbot. a graduate student in microbiology who parks in the the inception of the $81 fee. Asano. Mike Swain the 1957 Fourth Street garage. "It's a pain to 156-pound World Maloney said some forged permits Champion and park even with a permit, let alone 11)54 look so professii 'nal. they go unde- silver medalist Bob Berland compete for spaces with people who comprised tected. He said some of those per- nearly half of the seven- didn't pay . - inember t team. mits could be in the garages right now. Yvette Pastor, a graduate student Dave Erickson Daily staff photographe All were 5.115U judokas for Yosh Some of them are "very, very in education, said the forgeries show (chida, who has coached the Spar. good . ' he said. ''They look like art- the extent people will go to avoid Mike Swain takes down his partner during a Judo practice before the Olympics SueJUDO, Nal page ists work paying fees. Page 2 Friday, October 7, 1988/Spartan Daily FORUM Wishing for a little more time Inc( Rafael Garcia on March 24 of last year. I sat nervously at the Orange County Register, rub- bing cold hands together. It was my first night of work at Spartan the major daily newspaper I wanted to make my journal- ism home. Rafael smiled at me warmly with none of the tenta- tiveness strangers usually show. He talked away my butterflies and made me confi- Daily dent instead. Life is much easier when you have some- one in your corner. Published for the University Rafael and I began and the University Community eating together on our As a su- by the Department of Joumahsm dinner breaks. pervisor, he had to and Mass Communications change his schedule to Since 1934 match mine, but Rafael always accommodated. Our dinner breaks led to lunches and out- Quayle lacks ings in our free time. Rafael told amusing stories and I like to Leah Pels insight, spark laugh. so we fit well to- gether. Sen. Dan Quayle concluded his portion of My days were a battering whirlwind of school and work assignments. I had difficulty dragging myself out Wednesday's vice-presidential debate by say- long enough to think about much else. ing. "You've seen the real Dan Quayle." If Rafael listened well, though. He gave praise for my this is true. Lloyd Bentsen was certainly right. accomplishments and helpful suggestions for my fail- He is far from being a Jack Kennedy. ures. We would leave notes on each other's cars at work, Quayle, who .has introduced more scandal but his notes outnumbered mine. to the campaign than Gary Hart. seemed deter- Sometimes he wrote "Sleep well" and sometimes mined not to make any glaring blunders. He "Adios, mi amor." Often the message included a huge bouquet of yellow roses green and yellow arc my fa- slowly churned out blasé answers and success- vorite colors. fully avoided another Vietnam War or lass Almost a year of our friendship passed with me tak- school snafu. ing much from Rafael and not giving enough in return. He also showed "I'd really like to, but I don't have time," I would Editorial say when he asked me to go dancing (Sr to see his new us that he lacks apartment. I was always submerged in my daily sched- both substance and insight. Letters to the Editor ule. He explained his votes cutting school One day Rafael brought me a newspaper page with my horoscope circled in red. lunches and immunizations to poor children by "You will do whatever you can today to please your saying he had visited a food kitchen, "and they. Looking good State Legislature on the issue of Age leads to wisdom lover." didn't ask about it." Quayle said the poor peo- child care for student parents as a I looked at the handsome, intelligent man and was service which helps to ensure equal Editor. ashamed at my selfishness. He never asked for much but My compliments to Lorraine Mor- ple were just glad he came down to see them. access to higher education. The re- As life's forces drag me kicking he was asking now, and I could tell it was hard for him. gan for her October 6 article, "Viet- Kennedy. who was as rich and far more cently published child-care survey is and screaming into middle age. I "Would you have dinner with me tonight?" Rafael nam War still real for veteran .' ' Her important in several ways. It thor- have accepted with a sense of peace- asked. glamorous than Quayle, fought for the rights of writing captivated my attention. I oughly documents the impact of the ful resignation the fact that I will We decided to go to the Chinese restaurant where we hope to see more feature articles of the poor. critical child care shortage on stu- never make a dramatic change in our had our first lunch this qualit together. Asked to give an example of an experience dent parents and CSU employees; its world. "But we only have an hour for break," I said. Sophie Brand recommendations reinforce many of I am tentatively comforted by the "What if we're late?" that helped shape his character, he replied with Senior the previous recommendations made knowledge that there are so many I was still too concerned with deadlines and commit- a long drawn-out, yet empty speech. His mater- Business Administration in numerous other studies; and per- young people who have the solutions ments, not fully realizing that people are more impor- nal grandmother had told him he could be any- haps most important of all, it shows to most of the world's problems. tant. thing he wanted. was a response that by ordering this survey. Gov. These well-meaning youths are "Who cares if we come in late?" Rafael said with Study Deukmejian has recognized the going to feed, clothe and house all his disarming smile. "What difference will a few min- Dan Quayle's already much-chronicled ca- Editor. child-care issue for the first time. people and bring peace to the planet. utes make?" reer is far less important than his supposed The A.S. Child Care Committee Patricia K. Phillips The goals are so simple. The An hour before our break, Rafael had a seizure and roads to those goals are far from And they seem pretty thin. was not created in response to the A.S. Vice President then slipped into a coma. leadership qualities. governor's study, but rather Gov. A.S. Child Care Committee Chair smooth and straight. Maturity has Two days later he died. lots of effects besides gray hair and Quayle showed us that, unlike the young Deukmejian's study was a response I sent Rafael a dozen long-stemmed yellow roses, but to the A.S. Child Care Committee. Look at priorities tired feet. It brings a sense of per- he never woke up to see them. senator he compared himself to. he cannot in- The Daily's Oct. 3 article on child spective giving one a special feeling I spent two nights at his side waiting to give him still us with confidence and take control of care stated that A.S. created a com- Editor. for how social change can and can- those few minutes that he had asked for, hut his mind tough situations. mittee in response to a report on In the wake of the tragic death of a not he accomplished. and body were too tired to take it. child care front Gov. Deukmejian. I San Jose State student, I am simulta- Perhaps the young people who are His skin was warm and his pulse was steady, but his During the first third of the debate, Quayle think it's important to offer this clar- neously repulsed and amazed at how going to solve the world's problems smile had to come from my memory. performed well. But as the minutes wore on, he ification. The A.S. Child Care Com- such an unfortunate situation could will never mature enough to think I held his hand, said goodbye, and waited for a soft simply ceased to make sense. mittee began four years ago as an ad have occurred. the goals cannot be reached. That "Adios," but none came. hoc committee and later became a Had the instructor or other stu- would only take care of part of the Back at work, I sat alone at dinner. We cannot allow a man who doesn't pos- standing committee of the Asso- dents involved been given the reme- process. Someone must be around to Suddenly. I had time on my hands and nothing to do sess the stamina to last through a 90-minute de- ciated Students. The Child Care dial education in emergency proce- walk carefully down that road and but grieve and feel guilty. bate to assume a position in which he might at Committee meeting on Friday was dures, a life may have been saved. take note of all the bumps and It's true that death is harder for the one left behind, Our state university system has any moment need to take over the presidency. the first official meeting this aca- forks -- and signs along the way. especially when things are left unsaid and time is left demic year. The primary goal of the somehow got its priorities crossed. It unspent. M. Hillstrom Quayle appeared to he trying so hard not to Child Care Committee this year will imposes an upper division writing Macia The night after his death, Rafael's co-worker handed Sophomore lose control that he was unable to answer ques- be to implement the recommenda- course, because we can't write, and me a large brown envelope, smiled and left. Public Relations tions or communicate beliefs. tions of the CSU Study of the Need charges us for it at that. Yet, we are The envelope bulged with the notes I had written to for Child Care Services, particularly permitted to graduate without one re- He attempted to portray himself as experi- Rafael in the past year. Some were long letters, some the recommendation for a new fa- quired class in basic life-saving tech- 'Heed' this warning were notes on scraps of paper, and some were just mes- enced by touting his 12 years in Congress cility. niques. sages scrawled on napkins -- but Rafael had saved them experience is only Gov. Deukmejian ordered this The state university system should Editor, all. througout the debate. But require as a mandatory CF.. class, a valuable for its benefits. Congressional leaders child care needs assessment study as Seeing as how Lockheed will be I felt as if he was telling me that I had given him a result of several years of effort by course in emergency procedures. on campus recruiting soon. I wanted something and he appreciated it. on both sides of the spectrum have said Quayle the A.S. Child Care Committee in As long as the universities value a to take the time to raise a point. It was so like him to come to my rescue, whether or lacks spark and leadership. conjunction with the California State good essay over the ability to dial Lockheed will soon be building the not I deserved it. 911, then we may have more tragic Asked what he would do if he were to unex- Student Association and the student Trident II D-5 missile. Does the The thought made me smile, and it was probably just governments of other CSU cam- deaths in the future. United States really need to add an- what Rafael had intended. pectedly become president. Quayle replied. puses. In the past years. students Jay M. Fanelli other $35 billlion to the deficit, espe- 'I'd say a prayer for myself and the country... have worked to gain the support of Junior cially when people are starving at We would all he praying. the CSU Board if Trustees and the Occupational Therapy home. In addition to being economically destabilizing, the 0-5's first strike Forum Policy WELL, WHEN You'l2E. OuT THERE. capability contributes to the "launch WIRE YOU on warning" line of thought making The Spartan Daily would like to hear from Hubbub you our readers. FRiCINTENED IN THE- QuiET DARKNESS, it even more dangerous. Is this what IN youR ITCHY SPACE SUIT, FACE. To you want to do for a career? Just say Your ideas, comments, criticisms and sugges- AT AM PoiNT ? no to Lockheed. tions are encouraged. By listening REALITY OF SPALE, to our readers FKE WITH THE Awrui. we can better serve the campus community. EVERY Mark Welton TARES A MOMENT I Ti-liNK Sophmore Letters to the editor can be on any topic. How- ASTRoNAuT HAS EXpERIENcEIL. Political Science ever personal attacks and letters in poor taste will not be published. Amnesty incorrect All letters may be edited for length or libel. Editor, Letters must bear the writer's name, major, phone This is not an attack on the Spartan number and class level. Daily, but rather a comment on the Deliver letters to the Daily office on the second Associated Press article about Am- floor of Dwight Bente! Hall or to the Student nesty International on October 6. The story related Amnesty's con- Union information desk. demnation of several countries, in- ANyriiiN cluding the U.S. The case that was bo 6 WoRrji cited in the U.S. showed Amnesty "46 (NT International has absolutely no con- Open Invitation CAN a( Do MERE cept of the American system of crim BETTED 14E inal justice. The Spartan AND ' SArfR It also shows that they assume Daily would like to ex- mental retardation is equivalent to a tend an invitation to our on campus read- U4ISkiNEA"P WIN 4(1) Ft total lack of comprehension, which ers. is not only wrong, hut highly offen- A bimonthly feature on the Forum sive to the retarded and their family page this semester "Campus Voice" will and friends. A condition as simple as he your opportunity dyslexia could be considered mental to speak out in the retardation. Daily on issues concerning the campus community. SoRRY, %kg IT'S Amnesty International need to come down off its self-righteous Columns should be typed, double JUST TOO HORRIBLE power trip and realize a jury of 12 of spaced and approximately 2 to 3 pages To REPEAT this man's peers found him mentally long. pliorI'm fit to stand trial. He was also found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Columns can be on any topic. How- and thus, paid his dues to society. It ever, personal attacks and columns in poor was not the American government taste will not be published. All columns who condemned this man to death, will be edited for length or libel. but the American people. Submit columns to the Daily office in Dwight Bente' Hall. Dave I .undy .4/dONLY A BOWLING PIN Freshman SE UK WOULD UNDERSTA4,_, 414, Administration of Justice Spartan Daily/Friday, October 7, 1988 Page Stadium beer lines shorter Three-wheel drive By Stan Mulcaster had threatened legal action if service Daily stall writer 'An efficient didn't improve. Although beer and food lines were "We presently do not have any shorter at last weekend's Monster operation is litigation pending," Garrison said. Truck pull than at previous events. "We were disturbed by the length of Spartan Stadium Events Director important. time that it took for negotiations of Ted Cady said there's still room for Ted Cady, the contract." improvement. Spartan Stadium Garrison said the assistance of "The coverage was better," Cady events director Ogden Foods is legal and, at this said of Fillmore Fingers, a Bill Gra- point, welcome. Under the present ham -owned concessionaire that Grahani Presents. contract, Bill Graham Presents can serves Spartan Stadium. Cady said the managerial rift at bring in whomever it chooses, she It was much better than the Ore- Fillmore Fingers affected Spartan said. gon State game, but it was in con- Stadium events. - "I'm less optimistic about recon- junction with Ogden Foods." Cady Patrons waited for more than half ciliation than Sharon is." Cady said. said. "It's a real concern. We need an hour in long beer and food lines "I would just as soon that we not to have good service for our events. due to inadequate staffing by work with them." We haven't been getting that." Fillmore Fingers, he said. Elizabeth Hawkins, general man- Ogden Food Service Corp. pro- "I was personally affronted by ager of Fillmore Fingers would not vided Fillmore Fingers with four su- their performance before." Cady comment on the agreement with perv kers . Fillmore Fingers also said. "You go back to last year Ogden, but said the supervisers staffed 40 additional employees for when David Bowie was here. Bill helped the truck -pull concessions the two-day truck pull. Graham said he would never play at run smoothly. The gross receipts from the event a place like Spartan Stadium. That "People were serviced very totaled $49,000, according to Cady. wasn't true." quickly," Hawkins said. "As It was not as good as it can be." Cady said the Bowie concert quickly as they could be. All we had he said. "An efficient operation is earned more than $739.(0). This were sonic runners that we hired important. It can repay the loan on was more than the combined reve- from Ogden Foods." this stadium." nues for 1987's home games. Cady said SJSU is now reviewing After state taxes are deducted. "Spartan Stadium is a place they contracts from four different food Cady said SJSU will receive approx- (Bill Graham Presents) would just as services. imately $16,000. soon disappear," Cady said. "I think she (Garrison) is less mil- a Three members of Fillmore Fin- Bill Graham hired Ogden Foods to itant than I am when it comes to Mark Studyvin --- Daily stall photographer gers management, including its coordinate and supervise, said Sha- good service." Cady said. "But she Sean Sonhuynh carries his Rig Wheel over the on the lower level of the Student I nion. where his founder, resigned recently because ron Garrison, executive director of has been involved for just four amphitheater seats enroute to the arcade. located sister is waiting for hint. of philosophic differences with Bill the University Foundation. SJSU months." Columnist's gun views unaltered Cabbie arrested after hiring cops to kill 'friends' WASHINGTON (AP) Syn- that I would not own a gun, or OUI ,Il I all two dicated columnist Carl T. Rowan that I won't in the future." LAS VEGAS (AP) Las Vegas Vegas people to kill two Las Vegas ings ;Ind did pay the completion said his inconclusive trial on A District of Columbia Supe- Metro Police have arrested a Berke- citizens and his brother and his ti a,..1 killings. police s.11ti underci iv it) 1,1.1' upon weapons-possession charges, rior Court jury that heard the ley cab driver on charges of attempt- brother's girlfriend. who reside in l'IsIIII1,111 DWI vs ulli Ii 1,1 tic 115 it the onn act shi 1p at the end which have been dropped. did not weapons charges against Rowan ing to hire undercover officers to kill San Francisco... said Metro Sgt. early k cdnesday in a ol ICC on Police aiiested Fishman recovered alter his views on gun control. became deadlocked in deliber- four people. Keith Caller "Fishman brought the I as Vegas Strip Poke s.p he the meeting. They written by "I never said I wouldn't use ations last Thursday. and a mis- SWAT officers booked Ronald $20.000 vs it Ii him. vs th which he offered to pay $18,000 tor the kill- $211.1sio and a description people he wanted whatever was at hand to repel (an trial was declared. Fishman into the Clark County De- said he would pay for the contract ings, and ploy ideLl the acId I Cs ',CS of Fishman ot the invader)," Rowan said Wednes- Frederick D. Cooke, the Dis- tention Center Wednesday on four murders.'' the people he \s ante(' killed head of the day after District of Columbia au- trict of Columbia corporation counts of solicitation of murder. Police say they received a tip from "Fishman identified the too sets 1 William Conger, authorities are thorities announced they were counsel, said the city decided not According to police. Fishman, 33, a confidential informant about the of v ictims as his brother and his SWAT section. said why Fishman ilmpping the charges. "I did it in to seek a new trial. traveled to Las Vegas earlier this proposal and sent SWAT officers brother's gii 'friend and an elderly trying to determine the our people killed. He that case, and I would do it "The district's ability to obtain week and contacted a citizen about Gary Schofield and Shawn Yada to Las Vegas couple." Carter said wanted said I Vegas couple used to be again." a fair hearing in this matter has hiring two contract killers. meet vs It Ii Tishman The two officers "I ishman poi% idid information that the i. kill ti vs ith Rowan had been charged with been undermined," Cooke said. "He wanted to hire two Las posed ,is dishonorably discharged bs.. used I, in out the lends using an unregistered handgun "I don't believe either Mr. and ammunition in shooting a Rowan or the government in this teen-ager who took an unautho- case can get a unanimous ver- rized dip in his mil last June. A dict." Ex-husband speaks in postpartum depression murder case two-day trial led to a hung jury. Rowan, who has used his col- Rowan said the gun he fired SANTA ANA (API The es IIIIII- not lnitiali she told ins cstigators and umns to speak out in favor of gun was given to him by his son, Carl -'(ii and tell them that pleaded husband of a woman on trial for the derer. claims she o as os husband that an aimed mysters control. told a news conference in Jr. sanity. She her murder of her 6-week-old son testi- Massip, who took the witness by a severe case of pos(palliiii psy- WOritati vs ith red hait had stolen the Kansas City, Mo.. he still sup- The son testified during the fied that his wife confessed to him stand Wednesday in the Superior chosis. a hormonal imbalance that baby from her. ported enacting a federal law two-day trial that he had repeat- "I killed the baby - I killed the Court trial, seldom glanced at his occurs in some women atter giS mg "that makes it extremely difficult edly been rebuffed in his efforts baby." former wife who he has not seen in birth. Massip, who said his ex-wife for anyone but a law-enforcement to register the .22 caliber pistol Alfredo Massip, 31. also testified more than a sear, her famils said. Prosecutors say Mrs. Massip ran "was herself" the day of the mur- officer to have a gun." with city police officials in 19'82 how on April 29, 1987, his then- Mrs. Mass'''. 24. does not deny over the infant twice with her car and der. testified that he asked her. He added: "I have never said and 1983. wife Sheryl I .yrrn WellI CM kill ni.' Ii,', it lilt son, Mk Wel. hut then dumped the corpse in a garbage "Where's the hally,’ and she re can near her Anaheim home. plied. "I'll rot in hell.'' SpartaGuide

SpartaGuide is a daily calendar For information call 971-8764 or Rtxmi. For information call 281- Graduate Students Association : HOMECOMING '88 for SJSU student, faculty and staff 779-3925. 3161. Meeting, 5:30 p.m.. McQuarrie Hall organizations. Items may be sub- Ohana of Hawaii: Third annual pic- SJSU Art Galleries: Reception and fifth floor conference room. immic mitted on forms in the Daily office, nic, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Cunningham forum for "Serious Play: Experi- Symphony Orchestra: Violin iq Dwight Hemel Hall Room 208, but Park Silver Creek section. For infor- ments in Contemporary Printmak- Roy Malan in concert. 8:15 p.m . will not be accepted over the phone. mation call 274-2755. ing." 5-8 p.m.. Art Department Concert Hall at Seventh and San Deadline for du, nest day's publica- Gallery I . For infomiation call 924- Carlos streets. For information call I 14111110) tion Ls noon. MONDAY 4328. 924-4669 TODAY Career Planning and Placement: Interview preparation. 2:30 p.m., Career Planning and Placement: S.U. Almaden Room. For informa- Career opportunities for civil engi- tion call 924-6033. neers, 2 p.m., S.U. Umunhum LAST CHANCE! Time is Money Room. For information call 924- Intercultural Steering Committee: 6033. Meeting, 5:30 p.m., S.U. Pacheci Register today for Room. For information call 292 Kinko's HUNT Choraliers and Concert Choir: 3197. The Writing Skills Test SJSU FOOTBALL Debut concert, 8:30 p.m., Sunny- Mu Alpha is Copies vale Presbyterian Church. For infor- Gamma Magazine DEADLINE USE CLUES to find mini-footballs hidden in various locations Club: Meeting. 4:30 p.m.. Dwight mation call 924-4361 or 924-4332. Why waste your valuable time on around campus. Bente! Hall Room 205. For informa- October 7 take Tennis Club: Tennis lessons. 3 tion call 293-4174. copies? Just call Kinko's. We Find numbered footballs and trade them in for prizes at the p.m., South Campus Tennis Courts. HOW TO REGISTER care of the copies so you can take A. S. Office! For information call 293-2451. Bible Study: "Do you want to es- tablish or improve your relationship Pay fees at care of business Find the Golden football, and win the grand prize of $200.00 Speaker, rep- College Republicans: with God?" 7 p.m., Campus Min- the Cashiers Office Clues will be distributed in front of the student union between resentati e from the on 1(8) In- istry Center. For information call bring receipt to testing 9 am &12 pm. surance proposition campaign, 1 297-7506. p.m.. S.U. Almaden Room. For in- (ADM 218) kinkois TU LSD AY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS formation call 268-7880. FEE: $25 the copy center Sponsored by SUNDAY Marketing Club: Speaker, Rob Starts Monday, October 10 Levin of New Horizons Executive Last test before 431 E. SAN CARL -)S S Track Club: Short run and meeting, Search, "Creative networking for a Spring semester OPEN 7 DAYS Prepare to enter the Spartan Zone 5:30 11.111.. South Campus Offices. job, 130 p.m., S.U. Almaden

Spartan Daily JOB OPPORTUNITIES! Serving the San Jose State University Community TIVOLI AND RIFF'S, AT THE SHERATON SII ICON VAl l EY Since 1934 EAST IN MILPITAS, HAS THE F01 LOWING (UCPS 509480) BAR PILL 1,..ond p.,141,.. paid at San M., t,t14,nna Member 10 Ualolonna Nes. yam l'ul.1,11er. .1,, moon and th, POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN OUR A rated l`re, 114.1,hed 4.$11, 1,, San lt,e Slaty I nmervt, dorm,: the toiler,. "mum. espfe,,4 s I lident I; 11: I It -Sal liii 1.1) paper Or ma ne.e,aul, the I lepanment ol lon.mal,rn and Ma, Comonontain OK I ngser,u nnnt.lralnIn isl .n t.ouiin ,tgamPanon Marl .u1,4np5om .epted ,a1 rrtnalndu wone.let RESTAURANT AND BAR , semester V 5/ tat .4mpu. pme pet .op, IA ,ent. in, tor I Shots a.lcnnk year on deincis paid FRIDAY 10/7 *2 thf011yt, A...1k laird ..11141v1. ai 1, 5, per pens pain,: molted modern PInme 1,blonal 024 I,IiI, Nkherluony 424 /II 14.1.11, .,,,l,- Parks Mc, F0013 SERVERS BUSSERS all ,,v/e. Inn. I., I 5.m %late I. nue,. SATURDAY 10/8 DJ Bill Bianco Satt Insr. ( A 0%10? COCKTAIL WAITRESSES .ASST. BOOKKEEPER SUNDAY 10/9 STAFF 'BARTENDERS 'BANQUET SERVERS "Comedy Night" 'DOORMAN Jim Samuels,

I doloT .n ( had K1114,11111 Jonholl Reporter. and Cha:ek Alex Reid 1,, I 4 JO I Met Row Hutton Sian Cara:tang, Martin Advert...nig liner MI Denise Charlehros DeSalvo I OA Hannon Manc Havel If,. I itd Carlos Alazraqui News I dant Kathy While dane. Sallie Mattison I orraine Morgan Sean Mukas /Al ShVIS Dan SJSU ID. Assistant Nciaa I in,,, Kara Myers ler I .'oh Pels Darren Sabedra Orly with I opv I dam Vk Vogler I urner hinise Zapata I ovum I din. Mike I euas C_ON11NG Polin. al I ditin I Rini Parkin Photographers Doug Duran Dave f rie karat Lightning. featuring I reline I ditto I 111/YI Whitman Floh Row h Retan Rae, 10/11 Thunder & Kathleen I IOW. I rir I Indy. Kara Natal, I airy Sport. I dllor I auTa I tikes Hull & Clifford Coulter. Strong, Mark Swelvvin. (*deg Walton Denny I raertainment I d )))) Doug Alger Photo I dun, Kendra I urk 10/12 Live Music with Cool Jerks. faecutives I, hod PhologrePhei Craig Kohlruss Account featuring Anderson. Cundy Andreson, Victor Arlan, 10/18 Thunder & Lightning. Retail Advertising Manager Koh Noriega Carul Sandra Items Philp Nair. Celia ('Arrascri. Philippe I kownlown Road Advernsond Monger Danny Hull & Clifford Coulter. Peiw ( htner Cepeda, %cheap ()antes,. Mike GNAW, Dabbia Johnson Penne, King thane Kirk. Anne Please apply at TIVOLI 10/19 Live Music with the Heartbeats An Ihror tut Rot, tither ( doss. IMike IkkCeeevic. I km Heckle. John Robinson Assistant Art I 'Rerun Dan 11,145 Kk,ster. II, 10/28 & 29 Halloween Weekend. Sheol Sad. Kimberly Stall Dave Sianion lion,, Monday thru Friday 1:00 pm - 400 pm National Advertising Manage. C.P. Love. I kehorah ( Inn% Wills I en Wctolworitt Janette Wualal Live Band

( o.op Monett., Kim Vanhole The hotel is just off HWY 880 at Montague Expressway Special Proan is Manager I pike tialla Artists ihanklan II.un,i 1,1k,', Mk hind I tuna, I. Production Manager Mara Items Rov 1777 S Bascom (next to Fung urn's Cheryl I aut.,' I aura Slack !Mod I eater 1811 BARBER LANE, MILPITAS, CA 95035 TIVOLI 408/943-1110, RIFF'S 408/943-1414 3 7 1 - 4 2 0 2 Page 4 Friday, October 7. 1988/Spartan Daily SPORTS SJSU versus Stanford Strength coach hired Teams aim to turn ho-hum seasons around

By lac Shess Center Anthony Gallegos will to supervise athletes Daily staff writer play with a groin pull. Right tackle Last season. the SJSU and Stan- Damon Tarver (pinched neck nerve) ford football teams were going in could see action, but will not start. By Reggie Burton coaches, who doubted as strength different directions. Junior John Heilmann will start in Daily staff writer and conditioning coaches It was Sept. 26, 1987. The Mike Tamer's place. In his second colle- The SJSU dis ision of intercol- 'The other coaches were help- Perez -led Spanans came into Stan- giate start, he must face Lester Ar- legiate athletics hired its first ing out with our weight train- ford Stadium, sporting a 2-1 record chambeau. Stanford's all-Pac 10 de- strength and conditioning coiadi- ing." Guthrie said. "But they and would later repeat as Pacific fensive tackle. Gilbert said he is nator -- a position created when were working eight hour days, Coast Athletic Association cham- confident Hellmann can do the job. the university cut four minor too " pions. "John played very well against sports in May. Hoffman agrees that the addi- Stanford, with running back California," Gilbert said. "He's got After a lengthy selection pro- tion of Federico will have a posi- Brad Muster hobbled with an ankle a great challenge." cess. SJSU Athletic Dire, tor tive effect, hut not an immediate injury, entered the contest 0-2 and SAC will have a healthier Ken Randy Hoffman announced Sept. one. eventually would drop to 0-4. l.utz. The senior quarterback prac- 2/4 that Tony Federico. 27. will "Because weight training has For tomorrow's battle the Cardi- ticed yesterday for the first time in fill the position. become so sophisticated, the im- nal and Spartans find themselves three weeks. Federico will supers Ise the pact will not he felt for several with similar records. Both Stanford, As far as being off with his tim- strength and conditioning pro- years," Hoffman said. "The et - 1-3, and SJSU. 1-4, want to turn ing, Lutz is not concerned. grams for student -athletes in all feets will he long-term because he their seasons around after facing top- "When you've been playing for 14 men's and women's sports at will he working with the football 20 teams. as long as I have, it's not a big deal SJSU. team and all the other sporting The Cardinal features a new of- to miss a few practices," Lutz said. The four minor sports wres- teams " fensive scheme this season in the Lutz said SJSU must have a bal- tling. track, cross country and 'Forty Farmer, a 6-foot -8 soph- run -and -shoot -- a one running anced offensive attack to stop Stan- field hockey were replaced by omore on the SJSU basketball back set with motion from the re- ford. the Student-Athlete Support Pro- team, says he isn't so sure how a ceivers. Generally it uses short pat- "We're going to try to be even on grams.The programs include po- strength and conditioning coach terns and a quick release from the both sides of the offense," Lutz sitions for strength and condition- will help the basketball team. quarterback. said. "We want to be able to throw ing coaches 'We've already started our However. Head Coach Jack and run against them." Federico said he worked with pre -season training,'' Farmer Elway had not named a starting SJSU defensive coordinator Don- the football team for the first time said. "By the the time he (Fede- quarterback at press time. nie Rea said junior fullback Jon Tuesday and was impressed with rico) finishes with the football The battle is between sophomore Volpe is the key to the Cardinal's their conditioning. team, our season will have Brian Johnson, the starter the entire new offense scheme. started. season so far, and redshirt freshman "Up front we have to stop their "They are an awfull strong "I don't see what he can do Jason Palumbis, who took riser last running game.- Rea said. "We and well -conditioned group.- Fe- that coach Berry hasn't already week in the second half of the 42-14 have to make sure their running derico said. "My job is to help put its through." loss to Notre Dame. game doesn't get out of control get them bigger. faster and Farmer referred to men's has SJSU Head Coach Claude Gilbert otherwise our blitz schemes don't stronger . keth,il I head ciiach Bill Berr said he's not worried about who work well." SJSU nose guard Stefen Guth- who is know it h Spartan player - starts at quarterback for the Cardi- Jim House, SJSU inside line- rie said the addition of it strength his for r Igt111111, i1,,n Louts. nal. backer coach, calls Volpe a back coach will help the Spartans be- Prior ii, his 1,,,s1111,Il at 151 "We don't pay any attention to with "great. quickness and tough- come a better football team. Federico %\ ,Is Ike that." Gilbert said. "We don't ness," aided by an experienced of- ' 'With a strength coach.' strength ;Ind ciinditioning s %It h change our defense based on individ- fensive line. Seniors Andy Sinclair. Guthrie said, "there will be more at the lnis ii say of Colorado ti uals.'' Andy Papathanssiou and John organization when we lift This one and a half years. 4,11100,14911,00 Gilbert said the offensive line is in Zentner are playing in their third sea- will help us become a stronger, Federico earned his undergrad Brian Baer Daily staff photographer a "terrifying position" with the son together. better football team.'' irate degree in exercise physiol amount of injuries it has. Starting "They're no bigger than anyone The 6-foot, 260-pound senior ogy from Colorado in 1984, and Coach 1:ilbert yells at the football team during practice. The coach has a left tackle Scott Swall (foot) and Ara else,- House said. "We've already also said having ii regular strength received his master's degree in Derderian (pinched shoulder nerve) faced sonic of the biggest people in coach still help alleviate the bur- exercise in physiology from USC reputation of being extremely angry when he takes his hat off. are out for tomorrow. America." den pla,c.1 on other Spartan ii t Golf squad's tournament hopes shot down Last season's win against Stanford By Stan Carlberg 'he only Spartan finishing in the be up to the rest of the players to fall Daily staff writer top-20 was freshman John Miller. into place. After placing third in last year's Miller shot a 78, 79 and 73 for a total Jatter, the only senior on the marked Spartans' Bay area sweep Wolfpack Classic tournament. the of 230. squad, finished at the bottom of the SJSU men's golf team went into this "John was a surprise to do well as five-man SJSU traveling squad. year's tournament with high hopes. a freshman in his first tournament," By Reggie Burton Schwendinger said he hopes his But in the end, only its scores were Schwendinger said. Deity stele wetitr--- squad will see the tournament as a high. Juniors Barry Evans and Tad Mc- learning experience instead of a 7. The faces have changed, but the The Spartans finished 14th out of Cormick tied with scores of memories remain the same. 236 downer. the 24 teams participating in the each, while Mike Most of the combatants in last Foster shot a 238. "We know now that we can't just tournament a position SJSU Senior Dana Jatter rounded up a 240. year's SJSU-Stanford clash ha', e go out there and just sit back." he Head Coach Dick Schwendinger and Schwendinger said he knows his said. "We have to roll up our . graduated. But the Spartans 24 17 the rest of the squad did not expect. team's potential and hopes the out- : win represented the second leg ot a sleeves and go after it. I want us to "We came now-here near our ca- come of the first tournament isn't a : significant achievement known as look at this as a building block and pabilities.- he said. "I can't put my projection of things to come. just go from here." the "Bay area ',Weep .. I nger on it, hut we didn't e seii come torv over "We could be quite a good Individual leaders in the tourna- SJSUs v is Stanford. close to what we can do '' in over team." Schwendinger said. "We ment were UNR's Steve Watson coupled with a w UC-Berke- The t. 'n', eisay of Renii finished ley two games earlier, captured Me have the players to form a good 1215), Mississippi State's Dave on top of the tournament with a final excitement of the 1987 season for squad. After we get more experi- Miley (216) and Texas Christian team score ot 892. Stanford finished Spartan fans. ence, we'll be fine. University's Ken Budde (217). second with .1 903, while Oregon SJSU went to Palo Alto with a 2-1 "John was our big question The Spartans next scheduled tour- State took ailse hud w ith a 906. record. Stanford was looking for its mark," he added. "But since he's nament is the Stanford Invitational 5.151' hail a ir t I first win after losing its first tv.0 proved what he can do, it's going to this weekend in Palo Alto. : games. Stanford struck first, but the Spar- tans struck often. Brad Muster, a first -round draft pick of the Chicago Bears this year, scored on a two-yard run to give the ;Cardinal a first-quarter lead of 74). j Playing before 67,500 fans. the ..Spartans high-powered offense Ireeled off the next 24 points and never looked hack. Former SJSU running back Kenny Jackson, recently cut as a free agent the San Diego Chargers, scored ibythe Spartans' first touchdown with a 6-yard run about eight minutes he the half. !foreExtra points were hard to come by : for the Spartans. The Cardinal Daily ile photo blocked two of their kicks and two Mike Perez calls out the play at last season's Stanford game . two-point conversion attempts. A blocked kick after Jackson's had a great game against the Cardi- down ot the game to start the third touchdown left the Spartans trailing nal. quarter a one -yard run through 7-6. Perez went 18 of 26 for 247 yards the Cardinal defense. Stanford Another former Spartan and sixth- and one toucdown - a 26-yard pass blocked the extra point this time. hut round pick Of the Kansas City to then- w ide receiver Johnny John SJSl I held a commanding 24-7 lead Chiefs, James Saxon. scored the first son lohnson switched to tailhas Stanfiird made the game close of his two touchdowns in the second this season. establishing himself as another OFFICE WITH A VIEW Muster rushing touchdow ii quarter. one of the premier backs in the Big and a field goal. But the Spartans Saxon's two-yard run a minute West Conference. held on to it in 24- 17. ending a three The Peace Corps is an exhilarating two-year experience and a half before halftime gave the Johnson's touchdown catch with game 10.11112 sheak against the Cardi Spartans a 12-7 lead. The two-point - 50 seconds left in the second quarter nal. that will last a lifetime. conversion attempt failed. increased the Spartan lead, 18-7. The sit iiv winked the first time Working at a professional level that ordinarily might take Mike Perez. a 1987 Heisman Tro- The m. point conversion had failed since 19)0 SJSU had defeated its phy Candidate and a seventh -round OM I Bay atea is als. Cal and Stanford. in years of apprenticeship back home, volunteers find the career of the No., Vi irk Giants, n selection ..a.orvd his second touch - the 1,1111C si.,i sill growth they're looking for and enjoy a unique experience in the developing world. Drug company claims doctor International firms and government agencies value the purchased Johnson's steroids Get your skills and knowledge mastered during Peace Corps service. TORONTO (AP) -- A spokesman Broad. a ring Corp. last week. Asti Peace Corps Film Show: Friday, October 14 for a drug company said Ben John- phan said he has prescribed some FAX straight 12 noon-1:30 p.m. son's personal physician purchased anabolic steroids to some patients Student Union -Almaden Room anabolic steroid that was He did not say what type of steroid the same Information Booth: Wednesday, October 12 found in the sprinter's urine after lie Astaphan practices on the Caribbean at Kinko's Friday, October 14 s Iii fax semi won the 1(8)-meter dash at the Olym- island of St. Kitts. copies across 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. pics. Joe Kiefer, spokesman for Stet the countn or irotilirl the worlit Student Union The physician, Dr. George Mario ling Research 14d.. said on Wedries Interviews: October 2.1 Astaphan. has told some media orga- day: "We have made a search ot 'iii nizations that he has never given sta- sales records and it confirms that v. e Career Development Center nozolol to any of his patients. He have sold stanozolol to Dr. Asta For More Information. Call Peace Corps Recruitment at (415)974-8754. said that includes Johnson, whir was phan." kinkoss stripped of his gold medal after he Records of sales from the drug the tested positive for the drug at company have been turned over to 310 S THIRD ST 295 4336 PEACE CORPS Games in Seoul, South Korea. last the Ontario College ot Physii Ian. OPEN 6 DAYS The toughest job you'll ever love month. and Surgeons to help in its invest ir But in an interview with Canadian firm of Astaphan's medical pract Spartan Daily/Friday. October 7. 9SS Page 5 Music students excited about violinist's visit By Martin Cheek benefit as well_ Daily staff writer Phelps said the Brahms piece Roy Malan, an internationally -ac- Malan will play "is one of the most claimed violinist, is scheduled to challenging pieces in a performer's perform with the SJSU Symphony repertoire." Malan played it by (kt. II at the university's Music memory at a recent rehearsal. Hall. 'That's old school learning to "We're delighted to have him." me ttttt rize works,'' Phelps said. said symphony conductor Robert Tim Blood, a music student who Sayre. "It's always an inspiration plays string bass in the ,y mphony, for students to play with people of was "flabbergasted" when he heard that caliber." Malan would accompany the orches- Malan, a graduate of the Royal tra at the Tuesday concert. Academy of Music in London and "I've heard a lot of good things the Juilliard School in New York, about him," Blood said. "All the will play Flrahms "Concerto in I) stuff he's done I mean the guy's Major" with the symphony. He is been around. You really have to be a the concert master and solo violinist good player to have done so many for the San Francisco Ballet and a things." member of the San Francisco Con- Frank Triena, former concert mas- temporary Music Players. ter of the San Jose Symphony, said "It's nice that the university is he knew Malan when he performed willing to bring in a soloist like Mr. several years ago with that orchestra. Malan," said Dale Phelps, a senior "He's a very fine player." Triena majoring in psychology who plays said. Brian Baer Daily staff photographer tuba in the symphony. "Not only The concert starts at 8:15 p.m. A worker paints the top edge of the mer-budgeted Recreation and next semester. 'fours are available through the Student I Mon Direc- does the community get to hear the Tickets cost $3 for students and $5 Fs cots Center. The new facility is slated to open the beginning of tor's Office. talent of the soloist, but the students for the general public. Testing of birth control vaccine successful Contraception study NEW YORK (AN A vaccine None of the 25 female guinea pigs from binding normally to guinea pig Religion shown to effect abortion rate that makes the body attack sperm that were saccinated before mating eggs in the test tube. That suggests was 100 percent effective in tests had litters, nor did the mates of the the vaccine blocks fertilization NEW YORK (AP) - Mixed feel- others discovering that they had be- women, most of whom were black, with female and male guinea pigs. six immunized male guinea pigs. within vaccinated females. Prima- ings about contraceptives among come pregnant," the study said. had an abortion rate of 5.3 per 100. the first demonstration of contracep- Animals that received sham immuni- koff said. Catholic women could explain why a "Catholic women are more likely tion without fail from a vaccine, sci- zations for comparison purposes re- In males, the vaccination trig- study found their abortion rate is 30 than those of other denominations to Women who said they were entists reported Thursday. mained fertile. gered an invasion of the testicle by percent higher than that of Protestant choose abortion for this reason." Roman Catholics had an abortion The study, which also found the Eleven of 24 females tested had immune system cells. That is "not women, said the president of a pri- The abortion rate among Catholic rate that was about the same as the effects of the vaccination temporary, regained fertility by nine to II something you would want going on vate reproductive health foundation. women is also higher than that American average of 3 per 100. The raises the prospect that a similar vac- months after the immunization, and in your body" because of the poten- "Religion appears to play some among Jewish women, it said. rates among women who described cine might work in women and men. all four of the longest -studied group tial for long-term harm, Primakoff role in the abortion decision but not Women who describe themselves themselves as Protsmant or Jewish But "there are many things about had delivered litters by 15 months. said. in the expected direction," wrote as "born-again" or evangelical were 30 percent below the national it that would have to be changed or Among males, four of six had re- So to produce a human male vac- Jeannie Rosoff, president of the Christians were half as likely as average. improved to make it a useful method gained fertility by seven months cine, researchers would have to find Alan Guttmacher Institute, which other women to have abortions, the "It is not clear how the effects of for either agricultural animals or hu- after the immunization. a way to trigger just the antibodies conducted the study. study said. religious affiliation are influenced by researcher Paul Prima- mans," said In a telephone interview. Prima- without the rest of an immune sys- The findings emerged from two The study arrived at its conclu- other socioeconomic factors, or, for koff; koff said his team has since pro- tem reaction, he said. separate national surveys conducted sions by comparing the number of that matter, by differences in the use vaccine is designed to prevent Re duced contraception in 17 other male No evidence indicates the guinea by the New York -based institute in women of each religion among abor- of contraception which affect the fertilization, which may make it guinea pigs. pig vaccine would work in humans. 1987 and 1988. tion patients to the number of need to make a decision about abor- another more widely acceptable than The vaccine is designed to make nor is there any assurance that "The groups which have the most women of that religion in the general fion," Rosoff added. vaccine already in human testing that the body's disease -fighting immune human sperm contains a suitable ambivalence about the use of contra- public. stops development of the embryo, system attack a protein found in gui- protein target for a similar vaccine. ceptives probably don't use contra- According to the study, nearly About half of the women having other scientists said. nea pig sperm. The details of just he said. ceptives as well as other groups in three of every 100 American women abortions became pregnant because Primakoff and colleagues at the how that blocks fertility in guinea Richard Bronson, director of the the population," said the study, re- aged 15 to 44 had an abortion last their contraceptive method failed or University of Connecticut Health pigs are not known. Primakoff said. reproductive endocrinology division leased Wednesday. year, a figure that remained constant because they used it incorrectly. Center in Farmington. Conn., re- But immune system proteins at the State University of New York Contraception, as well as abor- for a decade. In both surveys, the researchers ported the experiment in the British called antibodies, taken from the im- at Stony Brook. called the research tion, is forbidden by the Roman The abortion rate among Hispanic noted that women increasingly must journal Nature. munized females, prevented sperm "very encouraging . Catholic Church. women was 4.3 per 1(10, while the work outside the home for economic "Nearly one-third of all women rate among non-Hispanic white reasons, and that to do so they must School leaders call for overhaul of educational system who choose abortion report a fear of women was 2.3 per 1(8). Non-white have an adequate education. a . SACRAMENTO (AP) A ing limits, allow multi -year state ed- The document encourages teacher school administrators group, saying ucation budgets and put California in participation in decision making and "nothing short of a top-to-bottom the top 10 states for per-student limiting teacher contract negotia- revolution" is needed in California spending. tions to make teacher-administrator schools, called Tuesday for more The report calls for less regulation relationships less adversarial. money, less red tape, greater local so that parents can choose their chil- control and an end to union bicker- den's schools and local districts can The report. titled "Return to ing. determine for themsleves how to Greatness: Strategies for Powerful The Association of California meet state performance standards. Improvements in Our Schools," is School Administrators released a re- It also proposes better training and the result of a two-year study by a THE port that recommends amending the credentialing of principals, and rais- panel of 20 education and business state constitution to alter state spend- ing teachers salaries. leaders. SPARTAN Artists rendering PUB PRESENTS:

a ialat71/ III* i i....... Tirol al -A ... __.

.. el .

) Thursday 0 - ..0. Oct 6 I 9pm -12 .., Thursday Oct 13 - Pm -12 , 9

4 i' "ruriado!


Thursday Oct 20 9 pm -12 Eric 1 indley - Daily staff photographer Pete Iklgado, an undeclared freshman, and Ste- design, do their sketching on top of the 10th Street phen Bissinger, a freshman majoring in graphic garage for their beginning drawing class. 4 Daily Page t) Friday. Oclobo 7. 19M/Spartan Fresh art revives old sculpting techniques


Darrell Phelps. an Si St graduate student working in (he hfillidr:S. pours melted bronze into a mold. The bromic. requires alum! sis lititirs to cool Bronze Age thrives at SJSU Foundry

At the SJSU Found, . The Bronp from'a piece of cardboard with a was Age never ended. relief. As a metal lahricatum and The artist then makes a rubber division of the art department If When pouring of mold and tills it with wax. The mold Foundry creates works ot art h is eMeled mmiii plaster and even- dents, local artists and art stippql the plasters is tually cast in bronze. ers. When pouring of the plasters is Steve Destabler, a lt,t area artist, done, and during done, and during the cooling pro- recently had students ii the loiiiidr cess, the artist buries the plaster cast a bronze piece for him the cooling molds in a pit with sand. The bronze processes are stan- "A few outside Joists useti I process, the artist dard, but Ell -Maxwell always looks services because the iii s,is e a It for new ideas. of money," Cynthia Handel. :iii buries the plaster "Once a piece is done, it's no graduate teaching assistant said longer a challenge to create another "Since they only pay tot the Howe. molds in a pit with piece," Ell -Maxwell said. "Yon try they can save anywhere hetv.ccii to make each piece perfect. hut v ou $2,(XX) and $10,000. " sand. can't. However, each time you try, The Foundry also creates and pre you come closer.'' sents "The San Jose Renaissance The art department has three art Award. Issued each spring, the Cleveland Ballet and Sic qualitv to it... 1 II \1.0.,. ell said galleries to display student award goes to indkiduals or organi- Mak. He stinted Its .itt career working Several openings take place each se zations who suppotted areas of the Robin LII 'Maxwell. a senior ma- with ceramics If iii it creating his mester as a requirement for each arts in the communit turing in .itt. ,:reated plaques tor last first fin mimic pieceIrs e years ago, he dent. year's ;maids hanquet The plaques knew he wanted to mmoi k w uth the "Everybody is an artist in (heir Past recipients of the .matil mm took appn.v ',timely 10 to 15 hours to metal. own way and each way is different," elude the San Jose Merctir 'sews. Loniplete Bronze fabrication and casting in- Ell Maxwell said. "However, my Hewlett Packward. the San lse "I got imisused with bronze be- vokes a series of processes. The way is the luckiest because I set my Civic Light Opera, the San lo.0 cause there is .1 '.none. no Utical bust step is to design a sculpture own guidelines."

Photos by: Brian Baer

Text by: Lorraine Morgan A

Hermeline Jefferson's piece is !moue cast on a marble base

Pal Keefe finishes the rough edges of her cast piece sv hid) must be smoothed ss ii h hand tools

Imogene Hubbard Storks on a wax mold for a bronze east Spartan Daily/Friday, October 7, 1988 Page 7

Snaky David Rose

AFTER. FruseTHE IL tiVIEW, MADAME raw (5.1 Vilnaa 1 AW .-. i FLowca, S0.4, , ITh Abortion T.gc Oe,ioco To CHesemA luslici_ ic.,4z rill' It'S We TRY 16 Live Chot ' GLAVO , , clash Live5,1,,/c e'. continues THE

VERDICT To: Cvutt.IY, rienEsact) Hui-A.404V Awe/A L. NISrINt T'o As i ' ( OR kW i lvck BUT 140 1410itfre THAN THE Ecs-r Or i*, e c `Are 1 v.) ALM AN Protesters attempt to block an Atlanta clinic's entrance LIST:cp,pitiAcseicwiziric AilL1,:,:, 1,, ------’ - N 4. AN AL., A ,(/ .., ATLANTA (API - Helmeted po- Health Center stumbled and fell. through that kind of terrorism." t lice officers stood guard at an abor- Protest leaders who dubbed this On Wednesday. the center, which tion clinic as patients inside huddled week's protests the "Siege of At- serves 10 to 50 patients a day in a and employees went about their lanta" said they have prevented building near downtown, braced for business while "Siege of Atlanta" abortions with their demonstrations, a morning protest. Two police offi- protesters outside 6 b, - ..i r shouted Bible which include attempting to block- cers were stationed at the clinic's en- a. verses. . 1 ,I I ade entrances. trances. f Iiiiii 0 kiss( II0,011V The Feminist Women's Health Clinic officials disputed that, and Other police officers, several on Iiiiii. i Center is one of the city's seven clin- said aside from some rescheduling of horseback, deployed at metal curb- ics targeted by Operation Rescue, appointments, business has not been side barricades. Employees and pro- Skibblefritz Michael Sherman the New York -based anti -abortion affected. choice volunteers gripped black um- f.p.tu 1013a1N6 group that has staged demonstrations But a 21 -year-old patient from brellas labeled "Choice" as they 56.1E WIT REAus 5)RE Ht aa.E556(XY PROCIEVW ro here this week. Rome, Ga., said she was horrified waited to escort patients into the fa- ExcxrEMENT fir ' REAcHEP 1415 rICSTA/ont . More demonstrations were prom- by the severity of the protests as she cility. WHAT HE wAs Imo* 0:1/As1 IGNoRANcI fltiTt 5er our ised for Thursday, although the arrived at the clinic Wednesday. The demonstrators arrived in mid- APTEe Au. ,leav numbers of demonstrators have "You've got people throwing afternoon with drastically reduced fiND few m, HAVE dwindled since Tuesday, when 343 010 themselves on the ground trying to ranks. Most demonstrators said they cr. arr9pE people were arrested on misdemea- trip you up and make you fall, peek- limited their activities to praying and A I1693IES nor charges. ing under the umbrella and all that," singing hymns. OF 5WIMMtN6 Fourteen were arrested Wednes- she said, speaking on condition of As a patient approached the build- WV EATING day, said City Solicitor Raines Car- anonymity. ing surrounded by escorts, one male ter said. "I was in a lot of pain. I could demonstrator shouted "Jesus said. -) II al Three of them were charged with have been hemorrhaging or bleeding 'Suffer little children that come unto simple assault when a patient they to death, and here they are." she me!' Don't you hear your baby beg- 9(0 tried to bar from Feminist Women's said. "Nobody should have to go ging for his life?" -4 Report states Brawley concocted tale Zeke & Goulash Greg Beda POUGHKF.F.PSIE. N.Y. (AP) - there is nothing in regard to Tawana The grand jury in the Tawana Braw- '(There was) no Brawley's appearance on Nov. 28 ley case concluded in a report re- that is inconsistent with this condi- leased Thursday that the black teen- evidence that any tion having been self-inflicted," the ager apparently concocted her story grand jury said. of abduction and rape by a gang of sexual assault The panel also found there was no white men. evidence of a cover-up by law en- The 170-page report said there occurred' forcement officials. was "no evidence that any sexual as- - New York grand jury It specifically cleared Dutchess sault occurred," and it suggested County Assistant Prosecutor Steven that the girl herself was responsible The teen-ager claimed she had Pagones and Harry Crist Jr., a police for the feces-smeared condition in been held captive for four days and officer who committed suicide which she was found after a four-day raped by the white men, and she im- shortly after Miss Brawley was disappearance. plicated law enforcement officials in found. Miss Brawley's advisers had Bloom County Berke Breathed Miss Brawley, 16, was found the attack. accused both of involvement. Nov. 28 outside an apartment that But The the Brawley family refused to New York Times reported )W46 5/41/66UNCs had recently been vacated by her cooperate in the investigation of her last month that the grand jury had Oarlf / NAVE I family in Wappingers Falls, 75 miles claims, accusing authorities of eng- overwhelming evidence the former H1160 70 kW& elhlOYIA/C, north of New York City. Her body aging in a racially motivated cover- Wappingers Falls resident fabricated IN YIN ANY - Mifir NEW wvs smeared with feces and had ra- up. her story of racial assault, perhaps to IES'ecrro, I I MIWR cial slurs written on it. NE CAW ? FETEC771R, "The grand jury further concludes avoid punishment for late nights out. ? Classified

ANNOUNCEMENTS EARN $ IN THE morning, have af- Spartan Bookstore Computer E- ternoons FREE! Mtn View pub- leclronlcs Macintosh Experience BOARD NOW THERE ffi A DO YOU HAVE COMMON or anal-genl- lisher reed. p.1 temp Inside Required Computer Department FAST and way way to meet quo) - IN warts, Subjects needed to per- we. raps for textbook we. to 3 poeitions understanding of ity people for romance or . ticIpate In the study of new ex- college professors Call Elizabeth Mac Systems & Software Elec- friendship Social and sports part- perimental treatment for common at (415)960-3222 tronics Department 3 positions ners Sr. also available You may choose to ewe your own mes- (on hands and or WM) and anal- $$ EARN (PART T1ME) 425.000 Are wientlik business calculators sage or hear slx different free genital warts Males and temales you health conclous, like talking end or audio wpertence Support sages left by others You don't (not pregnenl or breast-feeding) to people? As deter this in. 2 petitions' Receiving Cledo-must with warts have to do 11 alone Someone spe- Classified present for it Nest 6 sures your success As manage- be able 10 110 50-75 pounds. atten- cial Is staffing to meet you Hurry months Subjects under 18 years ment. enjoy mottwatIng direct. tion to detail required Llbriorien- of au with parental consent. No Call today! Must be over le veers. the music! Michel Productions and South San Jon Minutes Ong your own people Call Mr orgenizallonel skills and ettentIon secretary. Wrftertype-9724430 reports. dosumestelters, group 42 , coy toll provides a wide variety of music from SJSU Charge for clinic visits and wart Thornhill AM's at 243-9585 10 6.1111 required Apply in person Cell Maureen (408) AMY FOR "The Perfect Paper" projects.manualstheses. etc Let- treeffitent Subjects must be avail- Spartan Bookstore. tor your wedding party or dente 227.9419,9am lo g9.,, EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. ter quality, All formals plus API *Ole for 7 weeks of study for SERVICES at reabOnable rates Call Desiree Low Price! pkk up and deliv- TEACHEIVELEMENTARY DAYCARE NOV When ovewheimed by reports to Free disk dotage. SPEt CHEK Apply at MARIE CALLENDER's Of Phil at 270-4960 or 922.7359. ery available Call (400)260-2611. weekly treatments and for 2 fol. B ARE IT ALL, Stop shaving, *awing 2831 Meriden Ave supervisor herwidiato opening. be typed. RELAX AND LEAVE ounctuellon,gramoner ewe- low-up welts at 3 and 6 months 11A01-9PM ? 14,30P1/134:30PM. 46.50/hr. tweezing 00 using chemical clepill T-SHIRTS for relent... sororities, THE TYPING to one Graduate and fence All work guaranteed For after study. For further inform. FLEXIBLE HOURS-work on campus. ANN's WORD PROCESSING" Cell Jeanette at 255-3770. totes. Let me permanently re clubs, business Custom etre. undergrsof Resumes term pa- that proessionsdquick & depend- tIOn to determine H you can The DINNING COMMONS. newl to move your unwanted hair (chin, printing on shirts sweats. and pers theses. reports of all kinds Thews Reports, Leiter. No time able eorry-free service at Ns best. qualify to peollcipete in the study, Joe West Hall Is now hiring. TELEMARKETING!! Appointment set- WWI, tummy, moustache, etc). Rickets Quality work at reasona- STUDENT rates for undergrads to type your paper, Call MARY call PAM et 247.2681 (Santa Clara) please call (415)326-4t13. 9-5 Openings for lunch ting Pan Orne, $200 WK P0551. beeldest and 15% discount to students and fac- ble rites SJSU DISCOUNTS Available day, eves, weekends by ANN it ANN., 24,5490.Sante AFFORDABI E STUDENT & FAC- Mon-Fri.. ask for Mrs shifts. Call 924.1713 or apply in BLE, DAILY CASH Welking dls Holley ulty. Cell before December 31, Contact Doug at (408) 762-7377, appt Cell Anna at 972-4992 Clow ULTY RATES, tem. from campus Afternoon & Study will be conducted at the Person 1988 end get your t1rst spot. .1 12 Monday through Frklay 3-IPM A 0-1 SECRETARY with computer A , TYPING SERVICE Reasonable WITH THE 0.91 01 Dermatology. Santa Clare evening stilts *valet,* Good GO BEST, Take advantage WEEKEND HELP FOR Mee gond, price Unwanted Hair Disappew. rates Free disk storage Free vol. 0 personality Cell RICH at WRMNG, RESEARCH SERVICES Clow to school Avoidable night Or our expert'. Top secreterial Valley Medical Center, 751 S. Bas- With My Car.' Gwen Chelgren. plegic $85 per weekend Call Don Academic thesis essistence and day Rush jobs are my speci- pkioup and delivery Cell 270- your WORD pro- com Ave., San Jew. 9964526. service for all .1 730-1461 NE., 559-3500. 1645 S. Bascom .936 Ghostwriting All subjects Qual- ailly Cad Porn Cl (408)725-5025 or ceasing needs GrephIcs, letters, NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE, We TELEMARKETING, GOLDEN COUNTY An,.. *C. -Hair Today Gone To- IDEAL HOURS GUARANTEED WT. ified wrtters Reaumes Re-writ. (408)725-9009 CALL LINDA TODAY for expefienced. reports. manuscripts, resumes, hew plans with quality covens MARKETING currently has S day- Make up to 411 hr plus BO- Ong Catalog Berkeley. (415) MI. professional word processing. term papers. thews Editing. at efordeble prices Call Mork Ell- time & 3 evening fundreislng po- A BEAUTIFUL PAPER EVERY TIME, NUSES Sell benefit show tickets BENEFIT FROM A PROFESSIONAL 5036 L maw printer. ..Wt. trenerip- grammar 0 spell checking All ice, (406)943-9190 for no obliga- sitions available There loon sell- Professional word-processing by phone from our San Jose of- MASSAGE, Using a veriey of the- lion Thews, term popes. group wont done on PSI.... Printer, tion quote ing required! We are looking for services with student discounts fice Mon-Frl 6-30-9-00 PM Sal 9- rapeutic techniques to bring TRAVEL proiects, resumes. etc All for or printing horn your disk Both motivated individuals who want evellable Offer test turnaround. PUT YOUR CAREER INTO HIGH 1PM. Call Duncan .1 969-0402 about vitality and spire Specializ- nets Including APA At work IBM & Mac II computers Special to make dtfterence in peoftes AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, Got pickup & delivery. grammar wig GEAR! Register your mune now ing In chronic pain, stress, end guaranteed. Guido retort Alma- student discount, Cell Printy's IMMEDIATE PART TIME positions in dyes We offer full or part time po- your attention. mate, New Zea- Mg and guarantee copy Call with the professional career pro- movement dyfunctIon Sliding den Brenham area Phone 264- WORDWORKS et 253-WORD or printing co Nights & weekends. sitions Edrernely flexible sched- land company hes openings for a Pamela st (408)946-3887 to re- gren Call (408) 243-4070 for de- fee scale for Me handicapped 4504 253' WORK flexible hrs, UNICOPY, 744-1244 ules, advancement opportunities, few adventurous Americans on serve your lime now tails Strictly nonsexuel Call 371-1433 ask for JOHN 5.4 25 to $12,hr, or commission, its under 30F tours of Australia & EDITING WORD PROCESSING Term tWFORMATION I IKE MAGIC Word or 395-3560. ABSTRACT WE'RE NOT, Acedeffic STUDENT DENTAL OPTICAL PLAN bonuses contests. vacations & New Zealand Whileweter ratting, Papers, Research Prowets. and processing. edging, reeillarCh, re- KITCHEN HELPER at SORORITY, word processing our specialty Enroll now! Saw your teeth. eyes protewerel environment 5 min- DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS selling. dive the gram barrier reel, Resumes Help with grammar, sumes. on-line marching. WWI- dinner time, salary meal IPM Guaranteed quality accuracy money too For information utes from SJSU Forth. hardcore Tailoring for nen, casual and for- Trey& end party with the worlds punctuation, sentence structure graphics. quick reference L and to 7PM (approw) Can time share Free disk 'torsos Call proofing Rea- and brochure see AS office or teemerketers. 00 hey. 7 open- mai wear Willow Glen.... friendliest people You can even on request (API, Turablan. etc) Ian with MIS Call (408)732-7192 Call 292-0445 sonable Nes We rot Iseldepen- call (400)371-6811 ings In our advedleIng wiee de- Merle at 448-5414 visit Tahiti or Hawaii on the way Former English major with 18 yrs dable grammar-experienced Col- PAGEWISE WORD PROCESSING LIFEGUARDS SEASONAL & year partment, with salary ol $9,hr back, Its summer there during our experience Willow Glen saw EDITING PROOFREADING RE- lege grads. so call us with pepere, AND EDITING Have MA in Eng. round positions evalleble now wInter break so call AUSTRALIA. AUTOMOTIVE plus bonuses, 11 you are woe, SEARCH quality work Reason.- Phone Mrs Morton at 26641448 let reports, theses leap Science/. S yrs swp and hauMIng ob- Salary Lent...rd. 55 50-$6 40 hr enced or not, we ley. the perfect NEW ZEALAND DOWN UNDER 1971 BAJA, 3 BODY LIFT, 164100 ble fees Cello.. 11 292-7029 etC at 251-0449 ENTERPRISE WORD PROCESSING session with doing it rigM, FREE Pool Managers $7 00-$8 60 -hr TOURS, (415) 948-2160. end eek job to fit into your busy dual tort, roll cage. moat see Ex- ELECTROLYSIS, Prof...kola! HAIR Thesis specialists Also term pa- CAMPUS PICKUP & DELIVERY C,all 942.2470 For immediate consIderation. about the Contiki specoals Also ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL desk- cellent, $139500, 288-5016 nemovel, the only permeneni pers. menu.cripts, screenplays, Students, faculty, writers, bus) give us call al 2U-6832. available. Europe next summer, top publishing & word proceS UNEED CASH? $50011,000 stuffing EOE. resume.. repetitive eters, tran- nee. orals Ewp d with ES( writ. method. Ask about Ihe specie, Greet Trips. Super prices! utrlirInglIfte hardware,HP Serlesil FOR SALE etwelopee! GUARANTEED! Rush scription Free SPELCHEK. copy era Edit rewrite too Got Page HOUSING discount for FALL Complime, t ow, Word Perfect 4 2 & stamped addretsed enveope to NM disc storage Guido turn- Wise, (406) 732-4045 FULL SIZED COUCH-BED, $100 in- tory consulalion by appointment TYPING MUM" Papersthwieresume. re- Mall-Co.' Bow 402671150 Port- ROOM 4 RENT in Sanla Clare house, around Sante Clara Call 24.- cludes mattress and set of Call 796-09311! ports & group project. welcome AAAAAA HHH, I m beck ageon, This land. Or. 97202 put entry, 0350. Ind util, house AAAA-ACCURACY. ACHIEVEMENT, 5825 sheets Call 292-9737 Join WSFCU - Your student Credit Rees rates. , min frrn camp. or year, cost is typist who Is experi- KW, quiet nhood.90N3353 ACCOUNTABILITY, ACKNOWL SECRETARY w car, no experience 700 MO To ensure yr paper. EVERGREEN WORDPROCESSING enced in All formats including Union-beneftte Include' Tultkon- EDGE ABLE in typing thel's tops neceswry. 47 hr flexible hours WILLOW GLEN, 2 term, 2 beth end completion on schedule reserve and iyping serykes On-campus APA(NURSING DEPT I for ALL HELP WANTED Books-Computer Loans 'Corn' Trust TONY, 296-2087 Thank. you, typing reed. Reel Estate, Sunnyvale. 732-4443 unit. many art's., 1109.500 (408) Rates Free yr time early PJ-923-2309 pickup de Letter quill Tent pe- I THESES) APPOINTMENT SETTING, part tine petite. Savings II 50 per pag double spaced 292.3752 BY OWNER projects thews, re - Call I inde The Write Type. 723- Flexible SECURITY OFFICERS AND PATROL Check WrttineCashing 'Mono Avellable mown days weekly ACADEMIC WORD PROCESSING and hours Potted% ,714, Ve- sum., kites, etc APA. Mt A. Tic San Jose.11AM.10PAI, Moo $200 Moly or more based ot sales DRIVERS Full end pert time pool- echoer'. Hanover OSL'S Guido turnaround All work gimp- transcIptIon Experienced Meals PERSONALS Cell rablan formate Oust quer 125 Sal p-u dli Mice daily performance Excellent working tons all shifts No experience lueble Member Privilege.. anteed Thinks typist 20% STUDENT DISCOUNT yrs ewe I Call Row (408)274-3444 conditions, good communkation needed We tree Apply Mon-Erl 947-7273 or drop by our office It By appt Chrystal at 923-8481 WORD PROCESSING. papers, re AAA ACCURACY ALWAYS AS- (Nave message) 8 AM-5PM. 260 Meriden Ave . San CATHOLIC NEWMAN COMMUNITY 5511 .06 San Salvador. sumes manuscripts, form eters skills must C462.0-0454 SURED Profeesionel Word Pro- ALL YOUR TYF1NG NEEDS MET Term Joe. MASS on Sunday evening. et EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for your Expemenced professional Foe. AUTOMATED VAC EOPMT OPERA PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY by cessing Thesis, pepers, re- papers. theses, room... letters 6 30£ 000 PM. Campus Christian MInhol. formerly ecademIc.buelnessiegel word SPEtt ONG CHECK, disk stodge needed on greveyd shift SECURITY RECEPTION, $6-$7 hr No Died. of KSLIS Um*. Desktop Publishing No char. minor editing Rotes by TORS 99841821 too Center, 1016 & San Couto. For got the party, Ion. got processing needs Term papers. Call end weekend shift l28-40 hr work w poodencenecessery, & pet You've cepablitles ServIng Evergreen, page. NOW or rob Former legel more info about other activities weed Requires t'3 yra mech or Ihne We ere looking for outgoing, social 9.0910 10 work it high tech call Falter Bob Leger or SINN 401111MID 111111111M11111=111MMIIMMIIIMMIIMIMIIMIlmisioesmimimismoommumm mat, Ow assembly sop or equiv ed In Valley All Judy Ryan .1 210-0204 the mien.. or computer prog companies In Silicon Here shifts wall We oiler medical/Sen- Print Your Ad &Wet be U S citizen We offer DISCREET, WASHABLE VINYL decal 100% education retie Call t& ins, weekly pay. non-unliorm & Remind. "let" to put down the (Count approxtmalety 30 tette, each tete) beret uniform positions, 415 493-1800. x445, VARIAN keel owl Send $2 to O.K. Pro- Ad Rates non pay, reg Increases. credit ductions. 90 Box 300190, Milpi- CHIl CARE POSITIONS AVAILABLE, Minimum three lines on one day union & Immediate pennenent tas, Ca 95035 DO IT TODAY!! PT FT positions 65 to $11 hr placement Apply beheren Nannies. 175 ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC-Unesnted Nortiven California 5pon Mon-Fri al VANGUARD, 3212 Each Antonio Rd. Los Altos, Ca Noe removed permanently. Core- I San Scott Blvd . Santa Clew (between Three Four Five Extra 949-2433, (41$) 646- dental by appointment only, $47- One Two 94022 (415) San Tomas Olcolt) 2933 7490, 135 S Baywood An. Son I Day Days Days Days Days Day SENIOR STENOGRAPHER CLERK, Joe OIl CLERICAL POOSMON L IGHT ac t ines $390 $480 $525 $550 $5 76 $1 51944-12363 rno (approximete) computer EXAM FILES two Prokeeore through- th counting. phone.. Typical duties include taking die. 4 Lines $480 $570 $6 15 $640 $660 $1 Depend out He USA Exam probiem ne skills helpful. will twin teflon. machine tranwription, typ I35 Lines $570 $660 $700 $730 $750 St 30 Can discuss the profesors own Wefts! eekb able.9-5orn.Tue-Th Ong and pending standard office $8 10 $640 Si 45 lions Availed. 0.0 Engineering 6 Lines $655 $750 $790 pay Call Doreen at 793-9405 machines Incurntrente aft ire- c.o.., CT. Calculus, Goner* Each Additional Line Add $ 90 COUNSELOR DIRECT CARE shod quently required to meet end end Organic Chownleity. Physic.. needed al local residential facili- wry the public Require. higt Print Name & more 20 trireme books awe tes for young Wu. & Woes- school plus three (3) yrs 04 waded Semester Rates (All Issues) Nift st Spartan Bk. (downstairs) cern. with autism & related dise stenographic and clerical work 5-9 Lines $5000 10-14 i.,nes $70 00 $60115.15 Bookstore toilltlee Full tone & pert INTO Typing peed of 50 wpm, Shod 15 Plus Lines $9000 Address poeitons mediate Starling VI- hand speed of 100 wpm APPLY Phone 921-3277 $6 25,hr Call 448-3953. City of San Joes Personnel Dept LUTHERAN CAMPUS WORSHIP every 801 N First.. Room 207, San Joe.. Sundry evening at 1000 PM at City & State DON'T MISS this OPPORTUNITY to Ca 98008 004)277-4205 POE Campus Christen Center, 10111 & EXPERIENCE the Associeted Stu- San Carle. For more infornietion dents of SAN JOSE STATE UNI- SERVICE & KITCHEN PREP PERSON- Mend activities, cell Rev Nor. F nclosiiii For I, VERSITY Your student govern- NEL needed Flexible hours to IN FIrrotaber at 2180204 ment Is momently accepting with your school schedule, *16 applications for Iwo A.S Board treln R inftoreeted, phew call MALE GRAD STUDENT me 20's, 0' Circles Oassiticatiorr BY COAST, SEND CHECK MONEY ORDER Ciassilieci Desk located Insode 0614208 poeltions Director of Stmts.,' Karen el CATERING wets shy. avg erg deem le tent Announcements Help Wanted Personals RigMellesponsibilltes, and [N- (40817300500 co-ed to brighten an Offieriew OR CASH TO Community Afters dull routine Cad eck,. of STUDENT ASST NEEDED for wrestle 415486.43112 Automotive Housing Services Also, evadable or, SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline Two days ono, to publication positions ere clerical supped in Informs/Hon WOULD LIKE TO rind sincere, caring Travel For Sale Lost & Found committees Including over 40 Systeme & Computing 4 hre day. ernes to ewe time & Catipeny San Jose State University Consecutive publication dales only Public Ralston.. SUBOD. Judi- Stereo Typing RI WV 43410 Apply 2nd flr wilt I am "handicapped nen" Studies & Chikt- San Jose. California 95192 No refunds on cancelled ads eery, Gradwe wldg CC Pakten clews Cell Brien el 216-2308 after 4Wil Pence.* today et care. CaN A.S. i0/14116 924-4260. 400-9732002 STUDENT POUTIONS NOW OPEN THE SOUTH BAY autienN mmimmenumememeeimmummonsiimeemmommemummistmems.

Page 14 Friday. October 7, MK/Spartan Daily

has the same revold OF better.' Debate Thursday 's debate was part tit a Fullerton continuing Mort by Students for From pa ge Voter Information to pros ide a Front pilge I The death penalty would not be a forum for campus Democrats and CeSSIVe cost overruns ot our SUREC et tective deterrent lor people Republicans to air their views When facility,'' McCarthy wrote. ho face death every day. Hjelt first approached about the debate. Leigh Kirmsse. A.S. director of representatives of College Republi- California state affairs, said she ag- -The current administration has :ans refused to take part. reed with McCarthy been talking tough about drugs, hut Serum Scott 1.ane, the adsertising "She's been very positive, even they send mixed signals by dealing director for the group, said he be- though we began our year with a ,wd.iiith known drug dealers.- Hick lieved the questions were slanted to- lawsuit," Kirtilsse said. ward the Democratic candidate. Kirmsse said she feared the law- Moving to env ironmental issues. Also, the original fonnat called suit would "freeie us out- and Molina admitted that the Reagan ad- for a panel debate between several "ruin our relationship with Ful- imishation has done little to protect members of each club and lane said lerton." natural iesources, but said Bush dif- the Republicans didn't want to get The A.S. filed the lawsuit when fer% from the president in env iron- involved in a shouting mak. ii Fullerton decided to cut four minor mental policy. 'We thought it was going to be a SJSU sports programs May 12. The He reiterated the Bush campaign's tit-for-tat thing and we didn't want to A.S. also filed an injunction to re- :11CCUsatittii that Dukakis is I esponsi- turn off voters,'' Lane said. "I know instate the programs. He Nil the pitiful condition of Bos- that when I get upset I can get into a A Superior Court judge denied the ton Hai bot. one of the most polluted shouting match, and we know that at injunction Aug. "".t, but the lawsuit 55 MCI %1/4 .1 \ III OW nation. least one of the people in Campus is still pending. -Boston Harbor has been filthy Democrats operates that way.'' "We just disagreed on the issue," tin may he :,00 years it all started Molina came to campus to recruit McCarthy said. "She felt the sports ith the Fea Party.- Hjelt replied. for his organi/ation. The College needed to he cut for survival of the It V, .1, rib under the Dukakis ad- Republicans then agreed to stage a athletic department. We can't hold ininistiatnin in Massachusetts that debate between Molina and Hjelt. grudges.’ :no Mort was made to clean that The debate was not advertised be- The A.S. has also threatened to up... cause it was a last-minute decision bring litigation against the CSU as a When questioned about Affirma- on the part of the Republicans. last resort to prevent student fees tive Action by an audience member. Molina said he didn't feel the from increasing $8 to $10 next se- Molina replied that he did not be- questions were biased in any way. mester. lieve in it. "I think it was basically a faire'. Fullerton annotinced at a Sept. 14 "Affirmative Action brings peo- change of ideas.- Molina said. toisiees meeting that student fees ple into jobs simply because they Hjelt agreed, though he expressed sx II prObably be raised next semester Kathleen Howe Daily staff photographer happen to be minorities." Molina some disappointment that the Col- to pa% tor the $10 million cost over- said. "I happen to he a minority and lege Republicans wouldn't partici- runs u mn the Rec ('enter. Dan Nlolina and John Hjelt, competitors in a lunchtime debate, talk afterward I don't believe I should get any pate with a representative of their . ..At . least she \vas open and honest greater chance than SOIlleh1 kly who own. about raising tees.' McCarthy said. It ' Chancellor Ann Rey- nolds) hid that as best she could,- he sand Judo: Spartan athletes Asano and Swain take medals at Summer Olympics McCarthy reacted differently in the spring when Fullerton said the going to lust do the gold medal match. no one wored a Uchida also saw Michael Swain's From page I Unit I was hest I abroad. only way to finance the overruns was since 1946. Yoshida has assent lie said. "I sen if I didn't throw. It was a decision. Things quarterfinal loss to Loll in the 71 He also put tans could.- wanted to something to increase student tees. I Is to be happy could easil+ six 111112 his \\ \ kilo. vlass. bled the most dominant judo dynasty place. going that I have back into the sport. Swain has ex- 'That really irritates me. Maybe made it that far. My focus, of "He (Kevin) raised the vredilitlity "It via. a !hike thing that hap- in the country, capturing 24 NCAA pressed interest in becoming an as- it's time the students took some tremendinisly titles. course, was winning. but I was of the program We're pened to Nlivhael.- Uchida said. sistant coach for at SJSU this strong action to get to the bottom of w tin what on another plateau -Ile vias ahead viten his Swain, the only American male to happy happened.'" opponent season. this masquerade.’ McCarthy told Currentls stav mg in Japan with Swain. who was featured in the used isn't capture a world championship, had a _n technique that used very "He did his best and we're proud theSitintrstsaekSpartan D aily on April 18. \ sano said edition of Sports iii disappointing tournament. friends. the Japanese Olympic preview nit of that.'' Nakasone said. "He's tak- and McCarthy said they [aimed Hoso- was disappointed in his ing a He lost in the last 14 seconds of media Japan's Shinji Illustrated, Svi am remained in contention to break from everything to get now believe Fullerton is not respon- kawa defeated him in a semifinal Olympic performance. Entering the bron/e medal. hut his thoughts together. his quarterfinal match In the bronte earn a Uchida said sible for the suggested fee increase, tournament as the favorite didn't medal match. Great Britain's Kerrith match. Swain may have lost his mental edge ’The bottom line is that he's not but is following the orders of the saw loss. Brown defeated Swain. 'I the tape the other day,'' help. after his gnat leititial satisfied with his performance. He Chancellor's Office. said Asanii. a U.S Olympic tudo coach Dave sun Hut Swain took the bronie when two-time NCAA judo "He w as disappointed that he know s that he didn't perform up to "The president is like a man- after Long .aid S++ atm t;iced a high-pres- Briiwn via+ disqualified testing champion. "1 felt that I had defi- just couldn't perform well in the the hest of his ability. He wanted the ager... Kimisse said. "She takes her sure sntin,iiiu ti Manse he had to de- e fur the banned diuretic Fit - nitely, won the match." Mimic medal match... he said. gold. I feel tor hint,'' direct orders and follows the policies in senude Uchida, who coached the 1964 fend hi. 5\ nil Id ill:111111h mship. Nsitrio said Swain was relieved of the Chancellor. ause he ix us the champion, Nakasone said the %moires in the Diuretics cause w eight loss and U.S. Olympic judo team, saw Asa- yv hen the Olvluti:iiiiin ',ended, "I think in her heart she doesn't i itt iii to It we. rather sbrutal medal rounds should bolster the re- may flush i'titer cheniii:als from an no"s gold medal match in person. he was coMpet I had matches in want tees to be raised.** nit's than to win.- I .iing said. cruiting efforts of the SJSI judo pro - athlete's system. 'lie% performance was an the cal ly ri winds and he was pretty Kirinsse said Fullerton wanted to Long said Sw a in 's last second grant). High school athletes may Uchida said a dislocated finger upset He ++ as not expected to do this rued by the time he reached the quar- control the Rec Center project, but quarterfinal loss tin Fast ticonan s come to SJSU based on the perfor- hindered [Lib bet land's hopes of re- Ivhida said "He's good and lei I mills.- Asano said "In some the Chancellor's Office insisted on SNen Loll, reminded him nit Joe mances. peating his 1984 performance in the people had us erlooked .+ s. he may have !lamed too running it from Long Beach. tontana hitting Jerry Rice +Nith a "For two SJSU guys to place on a 209-pound division. "Kr's in lost hy a small violation. hind " "If the president had built and touchdown pits, in a recent Weis seven -man team it was quite a feat. - "He was the silver medalist in the It vY:is a very close Inatch. In a phone conversation with been responsible, we'd all be in the victory. Nakasone said. Los Angeles Games I I89 -pound di- Keith Nakasone, a four-time Swain on Sunday, Nakasone said the Rec Center right now,- she said. ' 'He was the voila Nakasone vision) and we had high hopes for NCA A ludo champion and a mem- three time U.S. Olympian planned said many people have McCarthy said Fullerton has re- said. "But his opponent went ahead him," he said. ber of the 1980 United States Olym- to retire atter the 01+ inpics and re- contributed to the success of judo at searched alternatives to raising stu- with a strong knockdow it throw. Mi- Asano said he was more relaxed pic judo team, assessed Asano's dc- turn to Chips and Technologies. the SJSU. but credited Uchida the most. dent fees. One suggestion is to name leading iv weak entering the 01+ mph:s than any tour- x patent . chael was ith a Milpitas electronics company which "Without Yosh the program rooms in the Rec Center after money nament he had ever competed in. "KeN ui 11;1s grim in h+ leaps and knockdown. gas e !V++ am the flexibility to na,cl would not exist... donors. 'Besides being relaxed, I went bound..- said Nakasone. I chida's into the tournament and told God coach, last Near "In his Human remains found in Vietnam HANOI. V 'cumin t AP) % ain by authorities in Laos of U.S. and Vietnamese in tors found two sets of hill, One set of reit hi its In Cated by the mains and debris from a %%Teti. ed air- S -Vietnamese search team was craft during an unprecedented search ti wild at the Lang Son pros-ince hor- for the airmen missing in the Viet- de! ing China sk ith the remains of nam war, Oficial. %i', . \ ieniamese. and probably is not Four Americans. Ille:111While. said Ainciican, U.S. investigators said. they would float dollar hills down the Mekong Riser in I aos to spread But Bill Bell. a U.S. team leader, news of a $2.4 million reward for said searchers found areas where prisoners of war they say still may he other remains might be buried and alive. recovered pieces of aircraft wreck- Two other Americans were ar- age. They finished their eight -day rested on a sintilar mission and were search through five pros inces near lieor: held Weilne.ila+ I Linin on Ftiesilai.

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