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ENCYCLOPEDIA of India 73269 FM Vol4 I-Xvi GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page 2 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page 1 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF India 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page 2 editorial board Editor in Chief the curator of Southeast Asian Art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Stanley Wolpert Stanley Wolpert is a distinguished professor emeritus of Deena Khathkate History at the University of California, Los Angeles. Deena Khathkate is the former assistant director of the His publications include Tilak and Gokhale: Revolution Monetary and Financial Systems Department at the and Reform in the Making of Modern India (1962); Morley International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. He is and India, 1906–1910 (1967); Roots of Confrontation in also the former managing editor of World Development, a South Asia (1982); Jinnah of Pakistan (1984); Zulfi Bhutto monthly journal of development studies published by of Pakistan (1993); Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny (1996); Elsevier. He has authored several articles on economics Gandhi’s Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi in academic journals, including Quarterly Journal of Eco- (2002); A New History of India (7th edition, 2003); and nomics, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Oxford Eco- India (3d edition, 2005) as well as his forthcoming nomic Papers. Shameful Flight: The Last Years of the British Empire in India. Raju G. C. Thomas Raju G. C. Thomas is the Allis Chalmers Distinguished Board Members Professor of International Affairs, Marquette University. Among his dozen books, edited and co-edited, are Robert Brown Indian Security Policy (1986); Perspectives on Kashmir Robert Brown is a professor in the Department of Art (1994); Democracy, Security and Development in India History at the University of California, Los Angeles and (1996); and India’s Nuclear Security (2001). 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page 3 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF India V OLUME 4 S–Z Index Stanley Wolpert Editor in Chief 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page iv Encyclopedia of India Stanley Wolpert, Editor in Chief © 2006 Thomson Gale, a part of The Thomson For permission to use material from this prod- While every effort has been made to ensure Corporation. uct, submit your request via Web at the reliability of the information presented in http://www.gale-edit.com/permissions, or you this publication, Thomson Gale does not guar- Thomson and Star Logo are trademarks and may download our Permissions Request form antee the accuracy of the data contained Gale and Charles Scribner's Sons are regis- and submit your request by fax or mail to: herein. 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ISBN 0-684-31349-9 (set hardcover : alk. paper)—ISBN 0-684-31350-2 (v. 1)—ISBN 0-684-31351-0 (v. 2)—ISBN 0-684-31352-9 (v. 3)—ISBN 0-684-31353-7 (v. 4) 1. India—Encyclopedias. I. Wolpert, Stanley A., 1927– DS405.E556 2005 954'.003—dc22 2005019616 This title is also available as an e-book. ISBN 0-684-31512-2 Contact your Thomson Gale representative for ordering information. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page v table of contents Volume 1 Volume 3 List of Maps . ix List of Maps . vii Preface . xi List of Articles . ix List of Articles . xv K–R Thematic Outline of Contents . xxiii Color Insert: Handicrafts Directory of Contributors . xxxiii Chronologies . xlvii Volume 4 A–D List of Maps . vii Color Insert: Art, Architecture, and Sculpture List of Articles . ix S–Z Volume 2 Color Insert: Physical Environment List of Maps . vii Primary Source Documents . 261 List of Articles . ix Glossary . 287 E–J General Bibliography . 295 Color Insert: Contemporary Life Index . .299 ENCYCLOPEDIA OFIndia v 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page vii list of maps Volume 1 Volume 3 The Mughal Empire, 1525–1707 . 30 Jammu and Kashmir . 12 The Empire of Alexander the Great . 35 The Marathas, 1646–1819 . 95 The Bengal Partition and Related Changes, Mauryan Empire, 321–185 B.C. .104 1905–1912 . 132 Muslim Expansion, 8th–15th Centuries . 199 The Revolt of 1857–1859 . 170 Te rritorial Changes, 1947–1955 . 304 The Advance of British Power, 1766–1857 . 178 Te rritorial Changes, 1956–2000 . 305 European Commercial Contacts, 16th–18th Volume 2 Centuries . 321 Guptan Empire, c. 300–550 . 163 Invasions from the Northwest, 330–1 B.C. .209 Indus Valley Civilization, c. 2800–1600 B.C. .260 ENCYCLOPEDIA OFIndia vii 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page ix list of articles A Artha Sh¯astra Abdul Kalam, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (A.P.J.) Arunachal Pradesh Advani, Lal Krishna Aryabhata¯ Aesthetics Aryabhat¯¯ ıya Afghani, Jamal-ud-din Arya¯ Sam¯aj Afghanistan Asht¯adhy¯ay¯ı Afghanistan, Military Relations with, 1994–2001 Ashvamedha Agni Asian Development Bank (ADB), Relations with Agra Asiatic Societies of Bengal and Bombay Agricultural Growth and Diversification since 1991 Assam Agricultural Labor and Wages since 1950 Astronomy Agricultural Prices and Production, 1757–1947 Auckland, Lord Agricultural Wages, Labor, and Employment since 1757 Aurangzeb Ahmedabad Aurobindo, Sri AIDS/HIV Avat¯aras of Vishnu, Images of Ajanta Ayodhya Akbar A¯ yurveda Akkamah¯ade¯vi Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam Al¯¯ ap Azariah, Vedanayakam Samuel Albuquerque, Afonso de Alexander the Great B Allahabad Babur All-India Muslim League Bactria Ambedkar, B. R., and the Buddhist Dalits Bahadur Shah I Amritsar Balance of Payments: Exchange Rate Policy Anand, Mulk Raj Balance of Payments: Foreign Investment and the And¯¯ al Exchange Rate Andhra Pradesh B¯alasarasvati, T. Andrews, C. F. Ballistic and Cruise Missile Development Andy, S. Pulney Ballistic Missile Defenses Anglo-Afghan Wars: War One (1838–1842) Baluchar Sari Anglo-Afghan Wars: War Two (1878–1880) Baluchistan and the North-West Frontier Anglo-Afghan Wars: War Three (May–August 1919) “Bande Mataram” Armed Forces Bandhani ENCYCLOPEDIA OFIndia ix 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page x LIST OF ARTICLES Banerjea, Surendranath N. Chatterji, Bankim Chandra Bangalore Chaudhuri, Nirad C. Bangladesh Chelmsford, Lord Bank and Non-Bank Supervision Chidambaram Banking Sector Reform since 1991 China, Relations with Barahmasa Chola Dynasty Baroda Christian Impact on India, History of Bene Israel Cinema Bengal Civil-Military Relations Bentinck, Lord William Clive, Robert Bhabha, Homi Commodity Markets Bhagavad G¯ıt¯a Common Property Resources, Past and Present Bh¯agavata Pur¯ana Congress Party ˙ Bhajan Contract Farming Bhakti Cornwallis, Lord Bharat Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Curzon, Lord George Bhave, Vinoba Bhopal D Bhubaneswar Dalhousie, Marquis of Bh¯uta Dalits Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali Dance Forms: An Introduction Bihar Dance Forms: Bharata Natyam Bimbisara Dance Forms: Kathak Biotechnology Revolution Dance Forms: Kathakali Bombay Dance Forms: Koodiyattam Bonnerji, Womesh C. Dance Forms: Kuchipudi Bose, Subhas Chandra Dance Forms: Manipuri Brahmacarya Dance Forms: Mohini Attam Br¯ahmanas· Dance Forms: Odissi Brahmo Samaj Das, Chitta Ranjan Brazil–India Relations Debt Markets British Crown Raj Deccani Painting British East India Company Raj Demographic Trends since 1757 British Impact Demography and Census-taking British India Office, The Desai, Morarji Brocade Development of Commercial Banking 1950–1990 Bronzes: Early Images Development Politics Bronzes: South Indian Dev¯ı Buddha, Life of the Devi, Siddheshvari Buddhism in Ancient India Dharma Sh¯astra Buddhist Art in Andhra up to the Fourth Century Dhrupad Burma Diaspora: Economic Impact Diaspora: History of and Global Distribution C D¯ıkshitar, Muttusv¯ami Cabinet Mission Plan D¯ıv¯al¯ı Calcutta Dravidian Parties Capital Market Dubois, Jean-Antoine Caste and Democracy Dufferin, Lord Caste System Dundas, Henry Central Banking, Developmental Aspects of Dupleix, Joseph François Chaitanya Chalcolithic (Bronze) Age E Chandigarh Early Maritime Contacts x ENCYCLOPEDIA OFIndia 73269_FM_Vol4_i-xvi_GGS 10/12/05 9:40 AM Page xi LIST OF ARTICLES Economic Burden of Defense Gender and Human Rights Economic Development, Importance of Institutions in General (National) Elections and Social Aspects of Geography Economic Policy and Change, 1800–1947 Globalization Economic Policy Under Planning, Aspects of Goa Economic Reforms and Center-State Relations Goddess Images Economic
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