Worldwide Literature of the Lygus Complex (Hemiptera, Miridae), 1900
Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Q I . United States^/ ^7 Department of Agriculture^j^gj^^ Worldwide Literature Agricultural Research Service of the Lygus Bibliographies and Literature of Agriculture Complex (Hemiptera: Number 30 Miridae), 1900-1980 cr CO CO ABSTRACT Graham, H. M. , A. A. Negm, and L. R. Ertle. 1984. Worldwide literature of the Lygus complex (Hemiptera: Miridae), 1900-1980. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bibliographies and Literature of Agriculture No. 30, 205 p. This bibliography includes over 2,400 citations to the litera- ture published from 1900 to 1980 on members of the genus Lygus and closely related genera throughout the world. It is in- dexed by subject area, decade of publication, and the conti- nent where the research was conducted. KEYWORDS: Agnocoris , entomology, Hemiptera, insects, . Lygocoris , Lygus , Miridae, Orthops , plant pests, Taylorilygus Worldwide Literature of the Lygus Complex (Hemiptera: Miridae), 1900-1980 Compiled by H. M. Graham A. A. Negm L R. Ertle ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Henry Schreiber, soil scientist, Arid Land Ecosystems Improvement Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Tucson, Ariz., and Stefan Roth, student, University of Arizona, developed pro- grams for the computerized indexing of the bibliography. M. A. Morsi, Department of Plant Protection, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, translated the titles and summaries of many of the Russian articles; T. C. Yao, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Arizona, and C. M. Yin, Amherst, Mass., did some Chinese translations. Some of the references were provided by Robert Hedlund, entomologist, European Parasite Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Sevres, France; W.
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