A Checklist of the Heteroptera of the Canary Islands (Insecta)1
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© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at A Checklist of the Heteroptera of the Canary Islands (Insecta)1 B. AUKEMA, J.P. DUFFELS & M. BÁEZ Abstract: New records of Heteroptera from the Canary Islands are listed and an updated checklist is presented. A new species of the genus Noualhieria (Lygaeidae) from El Hierro is described, 12 species are recorded from the archipelago for the first time, and 121 new island records are listed. Key words: Canary Islands, checklist, distribution, Heteroptera, Noualhieria heissi nov.sp. Introduction Tenerife by MOULET (1995) is erroneous (KERZHNER 2001). Dicranocephalus medius The first checklist of the Heteroptera of (MULSANT & REY 1870) was cited from the the Canary Islands was published by LIND- Canary Islands by MOULET (1995) and alre- BERG (1953) and supplemented by LINDBERG ady questioned by HEISS (1997). Stictopleu- (1960) and LINDBERG & WAGNER (1965). rus abutilon (ROSSI 1790) was cited from the The second list was compiled by HEISS & Canary Islands by GÖLLNER-SCHEIDING BÁEZ (1990), followed by five supplements: (1975), Odontotarsus intermedius HORVÁTH HEISS & RIBES (1992), HEISS & WOUDSTRA 1923 by GÖLLNER-SCHEIDING (1990). Lygus (1993), HEISS et al. (1996), RIBES & RIBES pratensis (LINNAEUS 1758) and Holcostethus (1997) and HEISS (1997). After the last sup- strictus vernalis (WOLFF 1804) [listed as Dry- plement 372 species were listed from the is- ocoris strictus (FABRICIUS 1803) by BÁEZ et lands. The next list (BÁEZ & ZURITA 2001) al. (2004)] were removed from the list by was included in a book on the biodiversity HEISS & RIBES (1992). Phytocoris (Compse- of the Canary Islands (IZQUIERDO et al. rocoris) sanctipetri CARAPEZZA 1985 is remo- 2001), followed by an update (BÁEZ et al. ved from the list because all the specimens 2004) in a second edition of the book (IZ- listed by HEISS et al. (1996) belong to Ph. QUIERDO et al. 2004). The present contribu- tion is based on fourteen short collecting (C.) riegeri J. RIBES & HEISS 2001. Cercin- trips since 1997, listed in Table l, and some thus elegans (BRULLÉ 1839) was described additional material deposited in the collec- from the Canary Islands without locality tion of the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, and is only known from the recently redis- the collection of the Zoology Department of covered holotype (MOULET & PLUOT-SIG- the University of La Laguna, Tenerife and in WALT 1998). The record of this species from the collection of E. Heiss, Innsbruck. Gomera in BÁEZ et al. (2004) is erroneous. Seven species listed by BÁEZ et al. Doubtful species records are listed sepa- (2004) are not included in the checklist rately by BÁEZ et al. (2004) and are not re- presented here, because their occurrence on peated here (see also HEISS & RIBES (1992), the Canary Islands needs to be specified or HEISS & WOUDSTRA (1993) and RIBES & confirmed. It concerns the following spe- RIBES (1997)). The presence of Arenocoris cies. Phytocoris parvulus REUTER 1880 was ci- fallenii (SCHILLING 1829), however, is confir- ted erroneously from the Canary Islands by med. Byrsinus flavicornis (FABRICIUS 1794), KERZHNER & JOSIFOV (1999). The citation Crocistethus waltlianus (FIEBER 1837) and of Pyrrhocoris apterus (LINNAEUS 1758) from Ochetostethus opacus (SCHOLTZ 1847) were Denisia 19, zugleich Kataloge der OÖ. Landesmuseen 1 This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Ernst Heiss, Innsbruck, for his 70th birthday. Neue Serie 50 (2006), 755–774 755 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Table 1: Collecting trips 1997-2006. depositories are published ( in Table 2), El Hierro 10-19.iii.2002 A.C. Ellis-Adam specified additional records from BÁEZ & El Hierro 5-17.iii.2005 B. Aukema ZURITA (2001) and BÁEZ et al. (2004) (L), El Hierro 14.xii.2005-16.i.2006 J. Bruers & G.M. Viskens unspecified additional records from BÁEZ & La Palma 21.ii-5.iii.1998 J.P. Duffels ZURITA (2001) and BÁEZ et al. (2004) (I), La Gomera 11-24.iii.2000 B. Aukema and new records, specified here (I). The La Gomera 17-28.ii.2001 B. Aukema following abbreviations are used. AE: A.C. Tenerife 20.iii-3.iv.2006 J.P. Duffels Ellis-Adam; BA: B. Aukema; JB: J. Bruers; Gran Canaria 15-25.ii.2000 A.C. & W.N. Ellis JD: J.P. Duffels; MD: M.J. Duffels-Van Eg- Fuerteventura 8-20.iii.2002 B. Aukema mond; WE: W.N. Ellis; EH: E. Heiss; GV: Fuerteventura 14.iii-1.iv.2004 J.P. Duffels G.M. Viskens; KBIN: Koninklijk Belgisch Fuerteventura 23.iii-5.iv.2006 B. Aukema Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brus- Fuerteventura/Lanzarote 14.iii-3.iv.2005 J.P. Duffels sel; ULCI: Departamento Biología Animal, Lanzarote 17-22.ii.1997 B. Aukema Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Lanzarote 28.ii-14.iii.1999 B. Aukema Islands; ZMAN: Zoölogisch Museum, Am- cited from the Canary Islands by LIS (1999). sterdam. Unless stated otherwise the materi- Aelia acuminata (LINNAEUS 1758), Aelia ger- al is deposited in the collection of the col- mari KÜSTER 1852 and Aelia klugii HAHN lectors. 1833 were cited from the Canary Islands by DERJANSCHI & PÉRICART (2005). The pre- New records for the archipelago sence of these species on the Canary Islands needs to be confirmed and specified before Miridae they can be included in the list. Campylomma verbasci The records of Hydrometra stagnorum (MEYER-DÜR 1843) (LINNAEUS 1758) from Fuerteventura and La Gomera: San Sebastián,15.iii.2000, 1Y, BA. Lanzarote in BAENA & BÁEZ (1990), Tingis Lanzarote: El Golfo, 20.ii.1996, 1Y, JD ajugarum (FREY-GESSNER 1872) from Fuerte- (ZMAN); W of Playa Blanca, Punta Pechiguera, ventura, Reuterista instabilis (FIEBER 1861) 20.ii.1996, 3==, 1Y, JD (ZMAN); Papagayo, from La Gomera and Ancyrosoma leucogram- Playa Mujeres, 28.ii.1996, 1=, JD (ZMAN). mes (GMELIN 1790) from Lanzarote in BÁEZ A widespread Palaearctic species et al. (2004) are erroneous and excluded (KERZHNER & JOSIFOV 1999). from the list. Records from the smaller is- lands are not listed separately, but are inclu- Stenoparia putoni FIEBER 1870 ded under Fuerteventura (Isla de Lobos) and Fuerteventura: Tierra Dorada, Bco de Mal Nom- == YY Lanzarote (Alegranza, Graciosa and Monta- bre, 2.iv.2005, 22 , 17 , JD (ZMAN). A mediterranean species known from ña Clara). BÁEZ & ZURITA (2001) and BÁEZ et al. (2004) also included a number of ad- Spain, Italy (Sardinia, Sicily, Aeolian ditional island records, partly from literatu- Islands), Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Saudi re, but mainly based on unpublished data. Arabia, Egypt, Lybia, Algeria, Tunisia and As far as available, references or details of Morocco (KERZHNER & JOSIFOV 1999). these records are included in the present Reduviidae contribution. Details of the remaining addi- tional records were not available to the au- Stenolemus novaki HORVÁTH 1888 thors, but will be published elsewhere. Lanzarote: Playa Blanca, 14.iii.1999, 2YY, BA. A mediterranean species known from New records for the Archipelago, new Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Israel, Egypt, island records and an updated checklist with Saudi Arabia and Sudan (PUTSHKOV & island records are presented. Nomenclature PUTSHKOV 1996). and sequence of the taxa are based on the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palae- Oncocephalus vescerae DISPONS 1965 arctic Region (AUKEMA & RIEGER 1995- Tenerife: Baranco del Infierno, 28.ix.1971, 1=, 2006). Four types of records are included: H.G.M. Teunissen, det. M. Baena (ZMAN); Los specified records from the literature, i.e. re- Cristianos, 10-20.iii.1980, 1=, 1Y, J.B. Wol- cords of which collecting information and schrijn, det. M. Baena (ZMAN). 756 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at A rare species, known from the Middle pubescence and two rows of short spines, East (Iran, Iraq and Israel) and from North not longer as the diameter of the tibia. Eva- Africa (Egypt and Algeria) (Putshkov & porative area dull blackish brown, shagree- Putshkov 1996). ned, with an irregular row of punctures bor- dering its upper anterior part. Hemelytra Lygaeidae dull dark brown with small yellowish white Cosmopleurus fulvipes (DALLAS 1852) lateral margins. Greatest width behind Fuerteventura: E of Morro Jable, gardens, middle. Clavus with 4-5 irregular rows of 26.iii.2004, 1=, JD (ZMAN). punctures along the scutellum and a single A mediterranean species known from row of punctures along the claval suture. Spain, Croatia, Malta, the Middle East, Corium with a double row of punctures North and tropical Africa and Pakistan (PÉ- along the claval suture, scattered punctures RICART 2001). on the endocorium and coarsely punctated on the exocorium. Membrane concolorous Marmottania simonis with corium, with four swollen veins, the in- PUTON 1887 (Fig. 1) ner two forming a closed cell. Abdomen shi- Lanzarote: Playa Blanca, 3.iii.1999, BA, 1Y. ny blackish brown with short yellowish pu- A rare east and south mediterranean bescence, more dense on the last segments. species known from Iran, Israel, Yemen, Male genitalia, pygofor and paramere: Fig. 3. Egypt and Algeria (PÉRICART 2001). Length 6.9 mm, greatest width 2.1 mm. Noualhieria heissi nov.sp. (Figs 2-3) Female. As male, but larger and broader The genus Noualhieria PUTON 1899 is with the following measurements. Head endemic to the Canary Islands and repres- 1.2x as long as wide. Ocular index 2.1. An- ented by three species: N. herbanica J. RIBES tennae 6.7 mm long, 0.8x as long as body. 1976, N. pieltaini GÓMEZ MENOR 1924 and Proportions between antennal segments Noualhieria quadripunctata (BRULLÉ 1838). 39:59:44:39, first segment 1.3x as long as di- Fig. 1: Marmottania simonis, female Specimens collected on El Hierro represent atone and 1.1x as long as the head. Prono- (Photo: Th. Heijerman). a new species, described here. Description: Submacropterous. Male (Fig. 2). Head shiny blackish brown, sha- greened and 1.2x as long as wide.