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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-43093-7 - Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era c. 680–850: A History Leslie Brubaker and John Haldon Index More information Index Given the centrality of these concepts to the present work, the terms ‘iconoclasm, iconoclast’ etc., and ‘iconophile’ are not indexed. Monuments are normally listed under location. ‘Abbas, son of al-Ma’mun 409 Anatolikon 28, 70–1, 74, 159, 292, 294, 358, ‘Abd al-Malik, caliph 778 362, 364, 386, 410, 549, 553, 554, 586, ‘Abd ar-Rahman II, caliph 411 613, 633, 634, 691, 697, 704, 759 Abu Qurra, Theodore 188, 233, 234, 246 Anchialos 288, 290 acheiropoieta 35–6, 38, 55, 56, 774, 782 Andrew of Crete 20, 70, 80, 85, 90, 151, 643 Adamnan 58, 141, 781 Angelidi, Christine 216 Adata 410 angels, images of 776 adiectio sterilium 718, 720 Ankara 255, 289, 409, 540, 549, 552, 553, 561 Adoptionism 283, 309 Anna, patrikia 313, 424, 446 Adrianople 361, 362 Anna, daughter of Theodora and Theophilos Aetios, protospatharios 288, 292, 294, 637 433 Agathias 13, 54, 478, 776, 777 Annales Bertiniani 516 Agatho, pope 20 Anne, wife of Leo III 144 Agathos, monastery of 316, 424 Anthony, bishop of Syllaion 369, 390, 391, Agauroi, monastery of 397 392 Aghlabids 405, 411 Anthony the Younger, Life 735 Aistulf, king 169 Anthousa of Mantineon, monastery of 216, Akathistos, Synaxarion 93 240 Akroinon 76, 546, 553 anthypatos 593, 671, 673, 682, 712–13, 716, Alakilise, Church of the Archangel Gabriel 742, 764, 769–70 416 Antidion, monastery 425 Alcuin 281 Antioch (Pisidia) 75 Alexander, Paul 373, 375 Antoninus of
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