3rd March 2017 STANDING OUT


Cover: Dry Ice

18th January 2019 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT

Be empathetic and the world will be a better place because of you!

Last year we launched our ‘MBA Way’ which everyone has embraced and which is now starting to show some amazing results. In conjunction with our High Performance Learning and commitment to Global Goals, they are now all embedded in our school life and providing the focus for our learning. “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” Alfred Adler This week in our Crew Meetings we have been looking at the way in which we celebrate our students excelling in their work or behaviour. They also gave their views on how they could be rewarded with a system to replace the Vivo system we have used in the past. After half term we will be introducing the MBA passport, a new way to record our excellent work and celebrate the success that this can bring. Students will be able to receive credits from staff and tutors that can be converted to points and exchanged in the school shop for prizes.

My colleagues have also been working hard planning

for our forthcoming Project Week and I am pleased to GLOBAL CHAMPION say that up to 30 students will be working with Miss Wheeler to reinstate our poly tunnel into the new community GrowSpace. In keeping with our policy to re-use and recycle as much as we can, we have appealed to the local community for any surplus compost, pots and tools which we will be using to grow food for a number of local groups including the Street Food Project . As an Apple Distinguished School we strive to make the world a better place for parents, students and staff . In the fast paced world in which we live we are always Goodlooking Luck at Molly the way we communicate with you. Next week we will be asking parents and students to give us your views in an online questionnaire. Please look out for the invitation to take part in your email inbox; this is an important exercise for us and we really want to know your views.

Finally, it was great to celebrate the first Hot Chocolate Friday of 2019 today at break-time. Well done Morgan for gaining your Full Colours, I look forward to seeing what you do next! Best wishes

Les Hall - Academy Principal Well Done Morgan! DABE VINCI YOUR PROGRAMME BEST

REAL Project Research Kitto in 8 Blue has been awarded a Da Vinci for his homework task in REAL Project. The task was to interview a family relative, neighbour or friend that had been around during WW2, particularly during The Blitz. Students were required to find out from an authentic audience their experiences during this time, not necessarily to increase their knowledge about the topic but to feel empathy towards the challenging times in 1940.

“Whilst I was researching my grandma’s family history for REAL Project I found out something I did not know. When my grandma was little her dad ran the swimming baths in Kingston-upon-Thames. She watched the British frogmen training in the pool. They were a secret scuba-diving unit called The L.C.O.C.U (Landing Craft Obstruction Clearance Units) who, on D-Day, cleared over 2,400 mines, tank traps and steel barricades enabling the British Invasion crafts to reach the Normandy beaches. The training in the pool was top secret, but she was too young to give away the secret.” Report by: Miss Osborne


Science Technician Workshop

This week Mounts Bay Academy held its first science technician meeting. It was a great success, with 18 technicians from around attending. The training was run by the Institute of Physics, who gave some demonstrations and provided hands on practical work about electromagnets and magnets. We also had a representative attending from Breckland Scientific, who held a dry ice workshop. It was fun filled day with plenty of time for networking. We hope they all enjoyed their day and took some fun practical work back to their own schools. Report by: Miss Wheeler RHS Award

Congratulations to the Year 8 students who planned the poly tunnel revamp last term and earned the Academy an RHS School Gardening Level One Award. The revamp is now in full swing, so watch this space for more updates. See Miss Wheeler in the Science prep room if you want to help with this project or if you have any ideas! Report by: Miss Wheeler Discovery This week’s Teach WOW was ‘Discovery’. At MBA we always encourage students to take risks in their learning. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as; problem solving situations where the learner draws on his or her own past experiences, to using existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned.

In REAL Project students have been researching first person accounts of WW2 from relatives and friends. Some students have made remarkable discoveries, one even involving information that at the time was top secret. This research will help the students as they develop their project work.

Year 10 Art students have been discovering how the British ‘Avant- Garde’ artists, including Henry Moore and Peter Lanyon, experimented with different Art forms, including that of etching.

Year 8 scientists watched an explosive demonstration to help them understand respiration. Angel Delight powder was set on fire creating a huge flame. This showed that the sugar (glucose) reacted with oxygen (in the air) to produce energy. BE CREATIVEBE CREATIVE

Discovering Etching

Year 10 GCSE Art students have been discovering how artists of the British 'Avant-Garde' including Henry Moore and Peter Lanyon experimented with different Art forms including that of etching.

The term 'Avant-Garde' is used in French, English, and German to refer to works that are rather more experimental or innovative; a pushing of the boundaries in many cases of what is accepted as the norm. Year 10 are starting their print making journey and having experimented this week with etching, they will move on to discover techniques including lino printing and collographs. Report by Mrs Dale BE CREATIVEBE INVOLVED

Year 7 Social Club Every Monday Miss Westren and a group of Year 7 students meet up at Year 7 Social Club. The students have the opportunity to interact with their peers in a positive and nurturing environment, learn new skills, make new friends and have fun!

Since September they have a covered a wide variety of activities, from designing and playing boards games, creating Kahoot quizzes and competitions and taking Charlie the school dog out for walks, to making Christmas cards and decorations and even enjoying a Halloween themed party!

This week students started designing ‘positive pebbles’, which “It is super fun, so far I have made four new they are going to paint and display friends, just from Social Club. I feel like I in Reception; watch this space! “always have a friend by my side. If you join, you might even make some more!” - Katie 7 Green

“It puts a smile on my face and is a good way to start my week at school.” – Marley 7 Yellow

“I love Social Club because it brings friends together, from different backgrounds and it means we can all have fun together.” – Edward 7 Yellow

All Year 7 students are welcome to join us every Monday after school in Room 48 from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. ” Report by: Miss Westren BE CREATIVEBE INVOLVED

Art Clubs Art and Graphics Clubs are open to all students. They take place every Monday and Wednesday in the Art Department for Years 9, 10 and 11 and on a Thursday in room 17 for Years 7 and 8.

Attending the after-school sessions is flexible and you can drop in to continue with your art and design work started in class or you can work on your own individual piece over a series of weeks. Trying your hand at drawing, painting, printing or digital work in a relaxed and happy environment is key and we welcome anyone that really wants to have a go at experimenting with new ideas. Many GCSE students use the opportunity after school to develop their coursework further, using the wide range of materials available. Art Club is a great opportunity to build up Creativity hours for your ‘Colours’ and for your Duke of Edinburgh Award. If you would like to know more, just ask Mrs Dale, Miss Green or Miss Taylor.

Report by: Mrs Dale BE INSPIRED

Vegan Food at MBA

The canteen has a range of vegan food options available for students and staff to enjoy. For example:

Fruit Pots Potato Waffles Nachos Salad Sanwich Salad Wrap Jacket Potato with Beans Hummus Dipper Pots Nacho Dipper Pots (excluding the sour cream) Salad Bar (excluding coleslaw) Apple Turnover Shortbread Flapjack Oatie Biscuits Chocolate Krispies

Lots of the main menu vegetarian options are also vegan for example: Sweet Potato Curry, Lancashire Hotpot, Bean Chilli and Vegetarian Pie. Others can be adapted to be vegan, for example Quesidilla and Burrito.

Please just ask if you have any queries. Pre-order your food to guarantee you get your choice. MBA FUTURES


Take your students on a journey of discovery into science and engineering

Date: 6th February 2019 10.30am - 3.15pm " The important Location: Mounts Bay Academy thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its Opportunity to learn about STEM industries, meet with local and national own reason for employers, universities and colleges. existence" Albert Einstein Attendees include: Armed Forces, Serco, Pendennis Shipyard, Avanti, Nalders, Nationwide, Cormac, Kier, Reynolds Opticians, GWR, Pirate FM, RLT Architects, Roseland Observatory, Cornwall Wildlife, Ship Safe Training

Book Now! facebook.com/bigbangfair


youtube.com/thebigbangfair Book your FREE tickets: nearme.thebigbangfair.co.uk instagram.com/bigbangfair BE COMPETITIVE

Cross Country Stars

The Cornwall Schools’ Cross Country event took place in tough, windy and muggy conditions on Saturday 12th January at School.

There were places up for selection for runners to represent Cornwall at the South West Championships in Bath in a few weeks’ time and the English Schools’ event in Leeds. Abbie finished in the runners-up spot in the Inter Girls and Jude, who still has another year in this age group, took 9th place, both hopefully confirming their slots for the Cornwall Team.

It was excellent work in such difficult conditions, with runners having to work hard throughout the course to secure selection. A big well done!

Report by: Mr N Eddy

Cricket Champions

Well done to the U13 cricket team who are now Penwith Indoor Cricket Champions!

Next stop… the County Finals!

Report by: Mr Veal Tassomai Top 20

The Tassomai App has been used by our Year 11 students as part of their revision in preparation for their Science GCSEs.

Feedback from previous year groups has been overwhelmingly positive and statistics have shown that if students complete more than 80% of the Tassomai course, they could achieve one grade above their target! Keep up the good work!

Top 20 for Tassomai this week:

Keep up the good work!

Emma Megan Scarlett Aimee Alfie Cory Morgan Annabelle Lewis Kate Tegan Rhea Ruby Samuel Max Emily Louis Lilyjane Ben Jake

The winner of this week’s Amazon voucher draw is Sam. Well done, keep up the good work.

Report by Miss Weightman BE INSPIRED

PiXL Maths App The PiXL Maths App is a great revision app and website being used by Years 9, 10 and 11, with Years 7 and 8 using the PiXL Times Table App. Well done! Year 7 It has proven results with students across the country and includes a combination of questions, videos and Edward Brown Eve Wright help sheets. Rosie Hill-Dann Ellie Forwood Maisie Truman

Year 8 Sam Rendle Paddy Rodda Laila Burford Molly Bartholomew Daisy O'Shea

Each week we will publish a list of the top five Year 9 students in each Year. This is not a list of students who have achieved the highest scores, it is an Tegen Campbell Daisy Lyall engagement score, as we want students to be Jowan Garcia challenging themselves. Chloe Leonard Lilia Rowe

This week’s top tutor groups are: Year 10

7 Blue Matthew Thomas Milo Taylor 8 Orange Grace Tswei 9 Cool James Swan 10 Purple Aston Siney 11 Cool Year 11

Scarlett Bottrell All students have the app on their iPad Ffion Smith automatically. They can obtain their login details Neda Ladygaite from Mr Montgomery. Mia Finch Annabelle Jones Report by Mr Montgomery BE CURIOUS

PiXL History App

The History PiXL app is now being used by our Year 11 students as part of a structured and varied revision schedule. The app allows students to concentrate on exercising their historical knowledge (AO1). This is critically important for students who wish to achieve the best grades possible as accurate use of Statistics, Terms, Events, People and Dates are the building blocks for a developed answer.

Practice makes perfect!


This Week’s Top Five:

Joe 18/01/2019 Sam DATE TEACHER


Well done to Joe who has secured the top spot this week.

Remember that you need to be in the top five for your name to be entered into the draw to win a Ball ticket.

Interesting History Fact of the Week

Henry VIII of had people who were called "Grooms of Stool" whose job it was to wipe his bottom. During his reign, he had four such people, all of whom were knighted.

Report by: Mr Floyd BE A WINNER

Maths Quiz

This Week’s Puzzle: House Competition

Blue: 183 Points Green: 166 Points Yellow: 118 Points Red: 109 Points Orange: 109 Points Purple: 83 Points

Click here to submit your answer

Closing date for Entries: Thursday 12:00 Win an Amazon voucher

Last week’s solution: Each entry (maximum 1 per week) will get your name into the prize 50 ( 7 x 6 + 8) draw at the end of the semester - the more times you enter the greater your chance of winning! Could you write next week’s puzzle? If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for POINTS MEAN PRIZES! a future week click here. You will win House

This Week’s House Totals BE A WINNER

This week’s word is: Cascade

Definition: (of water) pour down rapidly and in large quantities

Etymology: mid 17th century: from French, from Italian cascata, from cascare ‘to fall’, based on Latin casus.


Congratulations to Marley.

To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word cascade. Send in your sentence using the link below.

Click here to enter the competition MONDAY 21st JANUARY 2019 Year 11 Pre Public Exams Commence @MBA All Week U13 Girls’ Indoor Cricket @MBA vs Penwith Schools Primary Badminton Year 3 & 4 @MBA Sports Hall 1-3pm

TUESDAY 22nd JANUARY 2019 U12 Boys’ Football vs School @Camborne School 2:30-5:30pm

WEDNESDAY 23rd JANUARY 2019 Penwith Primary Girls’ Football Festival @MBA 3G 3:30-5pm

THURSDAY 24th JANUARY 2019 County Cup Fixtures vs @MBA Yr 7 Girls & Yr 8 Boys @ 3:45pm U14 Mixed Hockey @Pz Astro Park 4pm Year 9 & 10 Boys’ & Girls’ Football vs @Hayle School

FRIDAY 25TH JANUARY 2019 @mountsbay.org