China's Gilded Age Yuen Yuen Ang Index More Information Www
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-74595-6 — China's Gilded Age Yuen Yuen Ang Index More Information Index Page numbers in italics denote figures and tables. Abramoff, Jack, 191 China vs. United States, 44 access money, 14, 20, 24–25, 37, 49, 51, 120, wealthy countries, 50 181, 182, 190–93 “Alleviate the Burden of Grassroots analogous to drugs, 12 Cadres Year,” 177 from businessperson’s point of view, 12 American crony capitalism, 181 China vs. India’s, 41, 42,43 America’s and China’s Gilded Ages, China vs. Russia’s, 39 parallels between, 211 China vs. United States’,44–45, 45 access money, 190–93 combating, 209 comparative-historical data, 184–86 concept of, 204 corruption trends, 186–88 definition, 10 modifying earlier, 189–90 fertile soil for, 203 Progressive Era, 186–88 illegal forms of, 10, 11 anti-corruption campaign, 1, 6, 19, 21, 65, institutionalized and legal, 191–92 69, 119 measurement in UCI, 29 backlash of, 176–77 side effects for economy, 13 city-level Party secretaries, 153 steroids of capitalism, 12–13 falls of national and local officials, 173, wealthier countries, 46, 48 174 access money, indirect harm of, 146–48, 151 impact on China’s growth, 174–77 distorting allocation of resources, 147–48 officials disciplined in, 153, 156, 209 inequality within society and firms, 147 patronage and, 154 real estate, 146–47 straightening bureaucratic norms, 157 administration costs, 222 “tigers” and “flies” purged in, 76–77, administrative reform, transitional 156–57 strategies of, 115. See also transitional tool for tightening political control, administrative institutions 175–76, 202, 209 agency collection, 101 wide-ranging and penetrative, 157 and tax revenue impact on anti-corruption exhibition, 155 compensation, 102–7 arbitraries, 56 vs.
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