Final List of Participants

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Final List of Participants 16th Meeting of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG), Geneva, Switzerland, 29 June to 1 July 2011 Final List of Participants 1) Member States 2) ITU-D Sector Members — Recognized Operating Agencies 3) ITU-D Sector Members — Scientific or Industrial Organizations 4) ITU-D Sector Members — Other Entities dealing with Telecommunications 5) ITU-D Sector Members — Regional and other International Organizations 6) ITU-D Sector Members — Regional Telecommunication Organizations 7) International Telecommunication Union 1) Member States Andorra (Principality of) Bosnia and Herzegovina D Mr SALVAT Jaume D Mr MULABEGOVIC Sead CEO Member of the CRA Council Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Hercegovina Mn Lluis Pujol 8-14 Mehmeda Spahe nr. 1 Santa Coloma 71000 Sarajevo AD 500 Andorra la Vella Bosnia and Herzegovina Andorra Tel: +387 3 325 0600 Tel: +376 87 51 05 Fax: +387 3 371 3080 Fax: +376 72 50 03 Azerbaijani Republic Botswana (Republic of) D Mr KEPALETSWE Tshoganetso D Mr TAGHIZADA Rufat Deputy Chief Executive Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Botswana Telecommunications Authority 33, Zarifa Aliyeva street Plot 206/207, Independence Avenue AZ1000 Baku Private Bag 00495 Azerbaijan Gaborone Tel: +99 12 598 4829 Botswana Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Tel: +267 395 7755 Fax: +267 395 7976 D Mr RAHMAN Md. Mahbubor D Dr TSHEKO Botswiri Commissioner Board Chairman Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Botswana Telecommunications Authority IEB Bhaban (5,6,7 floor) Plot 206/207, Independence Avenue Ramna Private Bag 00495 Dhaka 1000 Gaborone Bangladesh Botswana Tel: +880 2 955 4432 Tel: +267 395 7755 Fax: +880 2 955 6677 Fax: +267 395 7976 Mobile: +880 155 220 2702 D Mr SETSHWANE Murphy D Mr BHUIYAN Md. Yakub Ali Senior Manager Deputy Director Botswana Telecommunications Authority Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Plot 206/207, Independence Avenue IEB Bhaban (5,6,7 floor) Private Bag 00495 Ramna Gaborone Dhaka 1000 Botswana Bangladesh Tel: +267 395 7755 Tel: +880 2 716 2277 Fax: +267 395 7976 Fax: +880 2 955 6677 Mobile: +880 155 220 2715 Brazil (Federative Republic of) Bosnia and Herzegovina D Prof. BUNTE Marcio UFMG D Mr KASUMAGIC Fikret SAUS Qd 06 - Bloco H Director of the Telecommunications Department 70313900 Brasilia Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Brazil Hercegovina Tel: +55 61 23 12 23 33 Mehmeda Spahe nr. 1 71000 Sarajevo D Ms SCHOLZE Simone Bosnia and Herzegovina Superintendent Tel: +387 3 325 0600 Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações - ANATEL Fax: +387 3 371 3080 SAUS Qd 06 - Bloco H 7031 3900 Brasilia Brazil Tel: +55 61 23 12 23 33 Fax: +55 61 23 12 22 44 D - Delegate 26.07.2011 Page 2 of 21 1) Member States Bulgaria (Republic of) Cameroon (Republic of) D Mr KANTCHEV Petko D Mr NOUBISSIE Silvestre Adviser Chef de Cellule Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications Communications Minpostel 9, Dyakon Ignatij 10000 Yaoundé 1000 Sofia Cameroon Bulgaria Tel: +237 22 23 30 51 Tel: +359 949 2001 Fax: +237 22 23 36 25 Mobile: +41 79 214 3475 Mobile: +237 99 86 43 13 Burkina Faso D Mr ZOURMBA Aboubakar Directeur General Adjoint D Mr ANAGO Richard Agence de régulation des télécommunications (ART) Directeur de la Coopération et des Organisations B.P. 6132 Internationales Yaoundé Ministère des Postes et des TIC Cameroon 01 BP 5175 Tel: +237 22 23 03 80 Ouagadougou 01 Fax: +237 22 23 37 48 Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 49 00 46 Canada Fax: +226 50 33 73 87 D Dr RAWAT Veena Mobile: +226 70 20 11 75 Vice President D Mr OUATTARA Sibiri Research In Motion Directeur de la regulation des marches fixe et mobile 419 Philip Street Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques Waterloo 01 BP 6437 Ontario M2L 3X2 Ouagadougou 01 Canada Burkina Faso Tel: +1 613 224 9354 Tel: +226 50 37 53 66 Mobile: +1 613 790 6206 Fax: +226 50 37 53 64 D Mr REYES-BORDA Santiago D Ms ROUAMBA ILLY Salamata Senior Policy Advisor Conseiller Juridique du Président ARCE Industry Canada Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques 300 Slater Street 01 BP 6437 K1A 0C8 Ottawa, Ontario Ouagadougou 01 Canada Burkina Faso Tel: +1 613 946 9223 Tel: +226 50 37 53 60 Fax: +1 613 998 4530 Fax: +226 50 37 53 64 China (People's Republic of) Burundi (Republic of) D Ms XIN Xing D Miss NIYONZIMA Espérance Senior Engineer Advisor Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ICT Department No.13, Xi Changan Street Boulevard du 1er Novembre 1000804 Beijing Orée du Golf Building China Bujumbura Tel: +86 10 68 20 61 63 Burundi Fax: +86 10 68 20 61 63 Tel: +257 22 25 34 77 D Mr XIN Yongfei Mobile: +257 79 978 007 Senior Engineer China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT No.52, Hua Yuan Bei Lu Haidian 100191 Beijing China Tel: +86 10 62 30 15 71 Fax: +86 10 62 30 47 68 D - Delegate 26.07.2011 Page 3 of 21 1) Member States Comoros (Union of the) Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) D Mr TAOUFIKI Mbae D Ms N'DAKON MOULARE Aline Directeur de la Régulation Directeur de la Communication et de l'International Autorité Nationale de Régulation des TIC Agence des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire Oasis Marcory Anoumabo Moroni 18 BP 2203 Comoros Abidjan 18 Fax: +269 773 8762 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +225 20 34 41 60 Costa Rica Fax: +225 20 34 43 75 D Mr LARA GAMBOA Fernando D Mr YAO Kouakou Jean-Baptiste Gerente de Representaciones Internacionales Président du GCR Viceministerio de Telecomunicaciones, Ministerio de Mission de Représentation Permanente de Côte d'Ivoire Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones auprès de l'Office Européen des Nations Unies Edificio Los Almendros 149H, route de Ferney Barrio Tournón 1218 Grand Saconnex San Jose 10101 Genève Costa Rica Switzerland Tel: +506 22 11 12 43 Tel: +41 76 770 7903 Fax: +506 22 11 12 80 Fax: +41 22 717 0260 Mobile: +41 22 336 6330 Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) Democratic Republic of the Congo D Mr OKOBE Labalignon Président D Mr FUNDI ETELEMBONGO Serge Conseil des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire Chargé d'Etudes NTIC Plateau, Rue Lecoeur, Immeuble Postel 2001 Ministre des PTT, Cabinet du Vice Premier Ministre 17 BP 110 Avenue de la démocratie (ex.Huilleries) N°4484 17 Abidjan Gombe Côte d'Ivoire Kinshasa Tel: +225 20 34 43 04 Dem. Rep. of the Congo Fax: +225 20 34 43 02 Tel: +243 81 142 5507 Mobile: +243 81 142 5507 D Miss APETEY Assoh Fabienne Sous Directeur du Contentieux Juridique Djibouti (Republic of) Agence des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire Marcory-Anoumabo D Dr IBRAHIM AHMED Mohamed 18 BP 2203 Secrétaire Général Abidjan 18 Ministère de la Communication et de la Culture Côte d'Ivoire BP 32 Tel: +225 20 34 59 57 Djibouti Fax: +225 20 34 43 75 Djibouti Mobile: +225 07 69 11 96 Tel: +253 35 39 57 D Mr BASSOUMARIFOU Sanogo D Mrs DAOUD OBSIEH Dagan Chef de service Djibouti Télécom S.A. Conseil des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire 3 Bld. G.Pompidou Plateau, Rue Lecoeur, Immeuble Postel 2001 Djibouti 17 BP 110 Djibouti Abidjan Tel: +253 35 24 80 Côte d'Ivoire Fax: +253 35 45 68 Tel: +225 20 34 40 31 Mobile: +253 81 00 55 Fax: +225 20 34 43 75 D - Delegate 26.07.2011 Page 4 of 21 1) Member States Egypt (Arab Republic of) Finland D Prof. EL SHERBINI Ahmed D Mr ANDERSSON Martin TDAG Vice Chair / Deputy to the Minister Deputy Director Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) Bldg. B1 - 28th Km.- Cairo Alex Desert Road Itämerenkatu 3 A Giza P.O. Box 313 Egypt FI-00180 Helsinki Tel: +20 2 35 34 24 23 Finland Fax: +20 2 35 34 24 27 Tel: +358 9 696 6412 Mobile: +20 2 12 322 9955 Fax: +358 9 696 6410 D Mr ABDELGHANY Karim Mobile: +358 40 043 7244 Acting Deputy to the Director of International Relations The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Division for ITU and WSIS Affairs Ministry of Communications and Information Technology D Mr PETAR Ivanoski Smart Village Agency for Electronic Communication 6th of October Dimitrie Cupovski 13 Egypt 1000 Skopje Tel: +20 2 35 34 22 91 The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia Fax: +20 2 35 37 10 10 Tel: +389 23 28 92 00 D Mr ABO DONIA Eslam Mobile: +389 7 538 3809 Program Officer Ministry of Communications and Information Technology France Smart Village D Ms BRAT Nathalie 6th of October Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes Egypt 27, rue de la Convention Tel: +20 2 35 34 22 57 75015 Paris Fax: +20 2 35 37 10 10 France D Ms SELIM Shahira Tel: +33 43 17 51 17 Senior Program Officer D Mrs LIÉGOIS Carole National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority Chargée de mission UIT Smart Village Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie 6th of October 12 rue Villiot Egypt Paris Fax: +20 2 35 34 41 24 France Eritrea Tel: +33 1 53 44 94 64 D Mr KIDANE Asmelash Germany (Federal Republic of) Director D Ms SCHEIBER Fiona Ministry of Transport and Communications , Department of Communications Assistant Desk Officer Egri Mekel-Street-Kehawta Area Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Asmara Villemombler Straße 76 Eritrea 53123 Bonn Tel: +291 1 18 12 65 Germany Fax: +291 1 18 50 19 Tel: +49 99 615 2941 Fax: +49 99 615 302 941 Fiji (Republic of) D Ms VUNIWAQA Mereseini Rakuita State Sollicitor Telecommunication Authority of Fiji Victoria Parade Suva Fiji Tel: +679 330 9866 Fax: +679 330 5421 Mobile: +679 990 5200 D - Delegate 26.07.2011 Page 5 of 21 1) Member States Guinea (Republic of) India (Republic of) D Mr KEBE Abdoulaye D Mr MISRA Shreesh Chandra Chef Département Member (Services) Ministère des Télécommunications et des Nouvelles Department
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