Transformational Challenge Nestlé 1990–2005
I wanted to stimulate your creative thinking and give Our goal is to earn consumers’ trust as their preferred you a more in-depth feeling of some of the resources Food, Beverage, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company available in the Group, which are not always suffi ciently both for their own needs and those of their family mem- exploited. We have therefore again organised, not only bers, including their pets. We understand consumers’ the very much appreciated Product Exhibition, but also Nestlé 1990–2005 Challenge Transformational nutritional and emo- a visit to IMD, where we will be exposed to the latest tional needs/prefer- thinking on relevant business issues seen from the aca- TTransformational ransformational ences and provide demic point of view. A visit to our Research Centre at CChallenge hallenge them with innova- Lausanne, which, by the way, celebrates its 10th anni- tive branded prod- versary, will give you the opportunity to get a better idea NNestléestlé 11990–2005990–2005 ucts and services of how those 650 people can help you to achieve a AAlbertlbert PPfifi fffnerfner based on superior higher degree of competitiveness in the market place. HHans-Jörgans-Jörg RRenkenk science and technol- But before starting on the specifi c issues, let me make ogy. By serving our a preliminary remark: it is only fair that I should explain consumers and im- to you how most of our subjects for discussion fi t into proving their quality a broader framework, namely the development strategy of life, everywhere in of our Group. Over the past years, I have had more than the world, we ensure once the opportunity to refl ect on the shape of things profi table, sustain- to come, to use H.G.
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