Maendy Primary School - Consultation Document – February 2020
MAENDY PRIMARY SCHOOL - CONSULTATION DOCUMENT – FEBRUARY 2020 EDUCATION SERVICE GWASANAETH ADDYSG Chief Officer, Education & Lead Director for Children and Young People Prif Swyddog, Addysg & Cyfarwyddwr Arweiniol ar gyfer Plant a Phobi Ifanc Dermot McChrystal BA (Hons) PGCE MSc Your re/Eich cyf: Our ref/Ein cyf: MH/ Date/Dyddiad: 24th February 2020 Please contact/Cysyllter â Mark Horton Direct line/Llinell union: 01495 766910 To: Statutory Consultees and Other Interested Parties Dear Consultee, PROPOSAL TO EXPAND MAENDY PRIMARY SCHOOL Torfaen’s Cabinet has agreed to commence consultation on the development of a new school for Maendy on its existing school site with effect from September 2023. The proposal specifically refers to a new 420 place school with 30 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Nursery, Pre-school and community facilities on the existing school site. Catchment areas will remain unchanged but the larger school will cater for additional pupils expected from the new housing developments in the area. A new vehicular driveway/access off Maendy Way also forms part of this proposal. The regulations require that consultees must be given at least 42 days to respond to the document, with at least 20 of these being school days. Taking this into account, the consultation period will begin with the issue of this letter (24th February 2020), and will close on Monday 6th April 2020. Any comments/observations on the proposal can be made: By writing to the Chief Officer, Education & Lead Director for Children and Young People (FAO Mark Horton) c/o Torfaen County Borough Council, Civic Centre, Pontypool, Torfaen NP4 6YB.
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