Michigan State Women’s Tennis 2004-05 Media Guide Home of the 2005 Big Ten Championships Michigan State S GRACEGRACE T p e a r n t n a Under i n s PRESSUREPRESSURE www.msuspartans.com 04-05 Spartan Tennis Quick Facts SPORTS INFORMATION Sports Information Phone: (517) 355-2271 Sports Information Fax: (517) 353-9636 Tennis Contact: Danielle Ruman E-mail:
[email protected] Secondary Contacts: Brad Gust and Adrienne LaFrance E-mail:
[email protected]/
[email protected] Web Sites: www.msuspartans.com (official MSU website) www.msutennis.com (women’s tennis website); Michigan State 2004-05 Roster Sarah Andrews and Pascale Schnitzer Athlete Class Hometown Sarah Andrews So. Darwin, Australia Top Returners: Christine Bader Fr. Okemos, Mich. Sarah Andrews Jessica Baron So. Miami, Fla. Jessica Baron Shelley Brady Jr. Grand Blanc, Mich. Eilene Cotter Fr. Jackson, Mich. Shelley Brady Karen Gustafson Sr. East Lansing, Mich. Pascale Schnitzer MacKenzie Hanna So. Kalamazoo, Mich. Keri Thompson Marissa Macholz Sr. East Lansing, Mich. Jaylen Musselman Fr. Muskegon, Mich. Pascale Schnitzer So. Santiago, Chile Kate Thomas Sr. Long Beach, Calif. Keri Thompson Sr. Clark Lake, Mich. TEAM INFORMATION Marta Walasek So. Ann Arbor, Mich. Head Coach: Tim Bauer (Furman, 1993) Head Coach: Tim Bauer Career Record (Years): 35-71 (Sixth year) Quick Facts and Roster Quick Facts Assistant Coach: Brett Page Record at MSU (Years): same Volunteer Assistant Coach: Laura Bauer Bauer’s E-mail:
[email protected] Office Phone: (517) 355-0609 Assistant Coach: Brett Page (Sixth