Avalanche EN 7.Indd
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english VERSION June 2016 issue 7 Anarchist correspondence Uruguay The Netherlands Anarquía Roofdruk periodicoanarquia.wordpress.com [email protected] Chile Germany Contra toda autoridad Attacke! (Norden) contratodaautoridad.wordpress.com [email protected] El Sol Ácrata (Antofagasta) Fernweh (München) periodicoelsolacrata.wordpress.com fernweh.noblogs.org Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras (Santiago) Chronik [email protected] chronik.blackblogs.org Argentine Switzerland Exquisita Rebeldía (Buenos Aires) Dissonanz (Zürich) [email protected] [email protected] Abrazando el Caos [email protected] Sweden Rebelion (Buenos Aires) Upprorsbladet (Stockholm) [email protected] [email protected] Mexico UK Negación Rabble (London) [email protected] rabble.org.uk Italy Canada Finimondo Wreck (Vancouver) finimondo.org wreckpublication.wordpress.com Tairsìa (Salento) Montréal Contre-Information [email protected] mtlcounter-info.org Stramonio (Milano) USA [email protected] Rififi (Bloomington) Brecce (Lecce) rififibloomington.wordpress.com [email protected] Trebitch Times (St Louis) Spain trebitchtimes.noblogs.org Infierno PugetSoundAnarchists (Pacific Northwest) [email protected] pugetsoundanarchists.org Wildfire France wildfire.noblogs.org Lucioles (Paris) luciolesdanslanuit.blogspot.fr + Séditions (Besançon) Contrainfo seditions.noblogs.org contrainfo.espiv.net Paris Sous Tension (Paris et au-delà) Tabula Rasa parissoustension.noblogs.org atabularasa.org La Bourrasque (depuis Clermont et ses abords) Act for freedom now labourrasque.noblogs.org actforfree.nostate.net Du pain sur la planche (Marseille) Voz como arma dupainsurlaplanche.noblogs.org vozcomoarma.noblogs.org Subversions Publicacion Refractario [email protected] publicacionrefractario.wordpress.com Brèves du désordre Belgium cettesemaine.info/breves La Cavale (Bruxelles) Camotazo lacavale.be camotazo.noblogs.org Salto Le Chat Noir Emeutier salto.noblogs.org lechatnoiremeutier.noblogs.org EDITORIAL These moments lived in this society seems excep- Surely, bubbles of alternative practices and improved tionally prolific to cynicism and defeatism. And I’m relationships are not satisfactory. Every subversive speaking beyond concerns for my own well-being. attempt looks to sabotage the mechanism of control These are attitudes you can encounter daily, in the and submission and will meet accomplices. We can form of an aspirational “shrewder than thou” or as a create ourselves moments of encounter or we can en- passe-partout to stroll through life without hindrance. gage in moments of rage. These moments hold all But also, more sincere, it follows as the result of their potentiality in the capacity to push forward a various degrees of burn-out or disillusionment. The radical critique of all authority and to realize auton- capacity to revolt cannot rely only on the optimism omy (meaning no representation, but direct action). of uncertainty. While rebellion hasn’t lost any of its Often we are (again) confronted with efforts of re- urgency, this alone doesn’t preclude one of heading cruitment and recuperation, which fly the banner of into a dead end. unification. Be it through the convergence managed by leftist militants/bureaucrats of the assembly or An anarchist position has to find its expression through an appealing rhetoric imposing a hegemonic into actions, or it will be words in the wind soon narrative (that out of all the traits of an ideology only proving their own flimsiness. The question then is lacks the consistency). Some have ambitions of be- how to? Moreover, how to intervene from an an- ing spokespersons (from the media intermediaries, to archist position in social relations? Because that the power brokers, but also the self-styled intellectu- is where the reproduction of authority is taking als), which we should desecrate. place. Against the organized dependency that puts us (alternately or even simultaneously) in the role While the integration machine of the welfare state is of oppressed and oppressor, we should aim for au- dwindling (anyway with limited access and manu- tonomy. Starting from the refusal of representation facturing consuming and productive citizens), the and alienation, the attempt to to not let your life illusions of many are shattered. These seem to be be molded by the demands and norms of this soci- fertile soil for the new politics of the old identities, ety. Maybe this used to be designated as individual based in chimeras around race, ethnicity, nation, re- emancipation. From this perspective, an anarchist ligion or other ideologies when wannabe leaders are project aiming for a social struggle encompasses trying to keep up with the latest fashion. This prob- direct action and informal organization, obstruct- ably means some will think anarchists are behind the ing relationships of power to settle in. A rupture in times. We like to think that we are out of time with itself, striving to widen. this society and we will make sure to interfere in the rhythm of domination. [email protected] http://avalanche.noblogs.org DESTROY THE BORDERS AT BRENNER AND EVERYWHERE April 2016 - Italy Why does Austria, with the compliancy of Italy, A world which is an enormous accumulation of ghettos. want to close the Brenner border? Borders render explicit, what the capitalistic social or- ganization is in fact. Because men and women become “immigrants” Contrary to what the ideology of progress affirms, noth- when millions of human beings are uprooted from ing in history is outclassed; contradictions are redistrib- their lands and forced to move away. uted, elements of the past are integrated and modified. The causes aren’t mysterious and do not always have the When certain totalitarian solutions are adopted, even if brutal characteristics of a bombing. An entire commu- they seem to disappear for a short period, sooner or lat- nity of Senegalese fishermen has no more means of sub- er they reappear, more or less masked. As the gigantic sistence, because the intense activity of the huge fishing military-industrial apparatus created by the so-called boats has left no more fish. A nomad Indian community free-world against the nazifascist barbarity has pro- of shepherds must transfer; once abandoned their tradi- duced the bombing of Dresda and the atomic destruc- tional way of life to become sedentary, because of the tion of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so have returned the diesel-powered wells of the so-called “green revolu- impositions of democracies on colonized populations, tion”, they are no more able to survive the scarceness just with a little make-up on. Between the end of the of water (as they had done for centuries) when the aqui- ‘90s and the beginning of 2000, various States have fers dry. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants are introduced administrative detention in their territories. coerced into transferring to the city because the con- A typical colonial mechanism. Without having commit- struction of an enormous dam has flooded their farm- ted any crime, thousands of foreigners have been in- lands. There are more and more strangers in the world, terned for months or years because poor and with no whose forced mobility involves all the continents. Only documents. They have become undesired. As in South a small percentage tries to reach Europe. The contain- Africa or in Cuba at the end of the 19th century. Like ers for asylum-seekers at the frontiers between Austria in Germany in the ‘30s or in USA in the ‘40s.If western and Slovenia, or between Greece and Macedonia, as the democracies -right and left winged governments the recently manu militari demolished “Jungle” at Calais, same- have copied the administrative detention meas- bring in the heart of Europe the conditions of a billion of ure from Israel, why should we now be surprised if they persons which live in the slums of the rest of the world. copy their walls, the barbed wire and the steel barriers? |4| Few -very few- have felt involved, while jurists asked doned in 2001. There, more than 3000 persons live in themselves just how legal it is to imprison human be- precarious conditions, far from the eyes of the city. It’s ings who haven’t committed any crime, and while the the Calais of the south. Greece refused to participate at “guests” destroyed their cages and fought courageously the 1st March meeting, and has started to organize bus- in the “Centri di Permanenza Temporanea” (Temporary es which will not have direction Idomeni any more, but Permanence Centers, in the technical euphemism of the Albania. Refugees will try to reach North Europe from totalitarian language). Every measure of containment there, and through Italy, at the Brennero. The Italian po- and repression obtains space and power, if it doesn’t lice has already sent 30 policemen to Tirana in order meet opposition. At the same time, when abjection to collaborate to repel the migrants. For those who will masks itself as “technical solution”, and politics pre- manage to cross the sea between Albania and Puglia, sents itself as mere administration, the only logic which the Government is planning to open camps at Otranto prevails is that of the accomplished. In front of the ex- and Melendugno, the closest ports. In Otranto camp ecuted fact, presumed differences between Right and Don Tonino Bello has operated in the past and continues Left are reduced to grotesque ballets. Following this to exist. Irony of destiny, let’s say, Melendugno is the line of reason, we have passed from administrative de- arriving point of the TAP, Trans-Adriatic Pipe-line. As tention – introduced in Italy by a left-wing government to say: we’ve closed our eyes in front of the massacre of in 1998- to the acceptance of the closure of the Brenner the Syrian people so we could continue to make profit border wanted by Austria. In fact, ministers and police and buy gas, but we block who runs away from that war, chiefs of North Tirol have declared that barriers and and from others, when we have to cope with the conse- wires are precisely this: a technical solution.