2 File 770:124 Wah wah wabbit twacks!

Editor's Notes orphaned installment appeared in the first by Mike Glyer annish of my first fanzine, Psi-Phi." Bob plans to collect the columns in I one volume and make them available to Next issue will have a theme: a health wr njg contemporary fandom. "Since I don’t checkup on clubs. I have to retype any of them except the one started drafting my thoughts about the that appeared in my fanzine, it will all be topic three years ago and it’s turned out 7 easy. My copier has one enlargement­ to be one of the most challenging projects setting, which happens to blow up these I’ve attempted. digest-sized pages to full letter-size, and Why do we care if our local science I’ve gone through and made copies of all fiction club survives? Some fans, thinking the columns. Most are two pages, but a of their club’s huge sf collection, charita­ few go on another page." ble contributions to libraries, support of Now he’s looking for introductory the space program, or news-filled publica­ material. Anyone who came into fandom tions, may get sidetracked into believing as a result of reading Walt’s columns the club has earned a right to survive as (with or without other factors) is welcome some kind of public institution. But all of to submit introductory material for the these accomplishments happen because collection. Bob would like to receive your club members volunteer to do the work: material by August 1st, so he can publish whatever motivated them to work came the collection in September. before any of this institutional apparatus. Advance orders are also needed to So what was it? Next issue features a make production feasible: "I have to have discussion of that question by fans with New Walt Willis a minimum print run of 100 copies to get sharply conflicting opinions. a decent copying price. I need enough Mike Stern repeated a news story at Collection Planned pre-subscribers to feel comfortable going LASFS about a member of Parliament in ahead, and the edition will be larger than visiting a children’s library in New York Last fall Robert Lichtman filled in a 100 if lots of fans respond. So, for pre­ where the original Pooh animals reside in complete run of the long-defunct British publication orders received by September a glass case. The MP ungratefully com­ science fiction, magazine, Nebula. All but 1st, the price is $8 (US) postpaid to any­ plained that the stuffed animals looked one of its 41 issues carried a fan column where (by book rate). After September unhappy, saying that was understandable by Walt Willis, initially called "The Elec­ 1st, the price is $10 (US). Profits above since they have been incarcerated inside a tric Fan" and then, after a one-issue inter­ costs will go to TAFF. In case I don’t get glass case in a foreign country all these ruption, "Panorama." sufficient pre-publication orders to go years. Someone mentioned the Elgin "Many of these are wonderful little ahead with the project, people should Marbles, and Mike agreed, "When the gems," Bob writes, "and all of them are at indicate when ordering whether they want British lose their marbles they’ll get their least interesting. Quite a few include their money returned or donated to TA­ poohs back." Though it seems at least one fanzine reviews. Walt did these columns FF." Address: Robert Lichtman, P.O. Box MP already has a lot of pooh where his between 1952 and 1959 -- and a final, 30, Glen Ellen, CA 95442 USA. marbles ought to be.

File 770:124 is edited for the 20th printed matter rate is available for year in a row by Mike Glyer at $2.50 per issue. P.O. Box 1056, Sierra Madre, CA 91025. Special "news of the same Art Credits File stripe" issue. Telephone number: (626) 355-3090. E-mail: MGlyer@- compuserve.com Alan White: Cover File 770 is available for news, Ray Capella: 3, 11 770 artwork, arranged trades, or by sub­ Alan White: 12, 16 scription. Subscriptions cost $8 for Bill Rotsler: 2, 15 5 issues, $15 for 10 issues, mailed R’kandar Korra’ti: 5 first class in North America or 124 surface mail rates overseas. Pacific Coast Canine Apparel May 1998 3

mw. lezombie. com

Bob Tucker sent a note asking, "Were you aware of the web site for the joke convention on the moon in 2001? http://- www.sfsite.com/~silverag/clavius.html" The news is not the existence of a clever tribute to Clarke’s 2001 series, but the awesome implication that Bob Tucker knows anything has a website. It confers a previous­ ly unhoped-for degree of legitimacy on the Web. What next? A Pong category for websites?

Not Gone With the Wind

Tornados tore through the Nashville are on April 16, doing an estimated $145 million of damage. Tom Feller, editor of the Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin, immediately reassured everyone that he and Anita were all right. Tom had actually been in Mississippi that day; back home Anita had phone service but no electricity. They were able to return to work on April 22. Tom wrote online, "We have not heard of any injuries among Nashville fans. A tree fell on the house of Charlie Williams (Anita’s ex-husband).... Our neighborhood was undamaged and never lost power. However, Debbie Hussey and several other people were without power over the weekend." There was no loss of basic fannish services: "The post office where Anita and I rent our box survived, despite being in the tornado’s path. The building next to it lost its roof, however." Nor was the local convention schedule interrupted: "Parthe- Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund khan is still on. The hotel was in the part of Nashville undam­ aged by the storm.” Indeed, Nashville’s hotels were open. With the hilarious TAFF Winner Announced: Maureen Kincaid Speller has won insensitivity characteristic of chamber of commerce types, the 1998 TAFF race. Martin Tudor supplies the details: Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau exec Butch Spyridon assured everyone, "Most of the major damage occurred in the N.Am. Europe Other Total residential areas, which does not affect a visitor’s stay in Music Chris Bell 12 41 0 53 City." Bridget Hardcastle 14 27 0 41 Maureen Kincaid Speller 42 76 3 121 No Preference 7 1 0 8 A Bidder Aftertaste Total ballots 75 145 3 223

The San Francisco in 2002 committee has adjusted its proposed Maureen has already posted itinerary online. She and her dates for a Worldcon due to a scheduling conflict with the husband, Paul, will tour Washington D.C. before attending preceding event in the Moscone Convention Center. Now its BucConeer. They’ll leave with the Nielsen Haydens and spend a dates would be Friday, August 30 through Tuesday, September week in New York. After they visit Chicago, Paul will fly home. 3, 2002. Maureen will continue on to Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, The Fancy Food Show’s late move-out forces SF2002 to Eugene, San Francisco and Los Angeles, then fly home from defer its own move-in until Thursday, and its opening to Friday. New York on October 28. The Moscone is in such demand that bidding another summer weekend is not an option, and the committee is unwilling to trim 1999 TAFF Race: And without pausing a beat, Ulrika O’Brien the worldcon to four days. announces that nominations are open as of May 1, 1998 for the The bid’s website is 1999 North America to Europe TAFF race. The winner will http://www.sfsfc.org/worldcon attend Reconvene, the 50th British National Science Fiction Con- 4 File 770:124 The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Claus vention (Eastercon), April 2-5, 1999 at the Brittania Adelphi, dering buy who knew me to spot me, and pull up a chair to hang Liverpool, England. out for a while, which left me feeling a bit rock-and-hard- Prospective North American candidates should ensure that spottish, seeing as on the one hand, I was TAFF delegate, and signed nominations (two from Europe and three from North didn’t want to discourage people being social, and on the other America) reach the Administrators by midnight on July 25, 1998, hand it seemed a bit unfortunate to be clogging up the Green along with their 100-word platform and !0(UKP)/20(USD) bond. Room with random folks. Bond checks should be made out in the name of the administrator "Happily, Cathy Westhead who was our half of the Green they are sent to. Room boss couple, didn’t mind at all." TAFF also very gratefully accepts freely given donations of money or auction goods - such donations are the sole support New TAFF Trip Report: Martin Tudor has published Have the Fund has, and have sustained it for over 40 years. Bag, Will Travel, about his 1996 TAFF trip to L.A.con III and European Administrator: Maureen Kincaid Speller, 60 across America. The 66-page account is based on chapters of the Bournemouth Rd., Folkestone, Kent, CT 19 5 AZ Great Britain instant reports he distributed en route, surely one of the more North American Administrator: Ulrika O’Brien, 123 Melody astonishing accomplishments in fannish annals. Cover art and Ln., #C, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 USA clever interior illustrations are supplied by Dave Hicks. Printed copies are available outside the UK for the equivalent To TAFF and Back: Ulrika O’Brien’s TAFF itinerary promised of 8 UKP (which includes postage). Make US dollar checks to cram more British fannish experiences into one trip than was payable to Ulrika O’Brien. Order from Martin Tudor, 24 previously thought humanly possible. Ravensboume Grove, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 IHX, She came home and posted, "Thanks to all the long-suffering U.K. The text is also available from: souls who put me up, shuttled me around, smiled politely at my http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/SF-Archives/Taff/ lame jokes, made me tea, plied me with wicked liquor, barely [[Taff sources: Martin Tudor, Ulrika O’Brien, Gary Farber]] ever gave me the fair chance to buy a round, sweetly proposition­ ed me while in their cups, rearranged schedules to accomodate Down Under Fan Fund me, took me punting and let me weasel out of doing any of the work, leant me umbrellas to prevent rain, and all with amazing warmth and good humor." ...And about four more paragraphs of Terry Frost will be the 1998 DUFF delegate to BucConeer. Fund personal thanks that are tantalizingly like the outline of a trip administrators Janice Murray and Perry Middlemiss have report. Ulrika plans to follow up with a real trip report: "The last finalized the results. They extended the election a week, with the three published trip reports have been British — it’s time to keep candidates’ consent, to maximize voting: the American end up." There’ll probably be a whole chapter on attending the Tun, Aust N.Am. Total judging by what Jim Trash posted about April’s gathering: Susan Clarke 14 15 29 "Caught sight across the bar of someone waving. Who ’sat? Terry Frost 26 46 72 Moments passed. I stared back blankly and eventually memory No preference 2 17 19 stretched back a whole three weeks to Corflu to remember here Hold Over Funds - I I was famous Taff winner Ulrika quaffing beer and making notes. Write-In I I I joined her for a drink and a conversation with many peculiar Total 42 80 122 pauses while she wrote everything in her book. She’s convinced that if she really works at it she’ll beat Rob Hansen’s 10 years Both adminstrators expect to publish newsletters detailing the to publish his trip report." Fund’s current finances and listing the voters in the 1998 contest. Her strenuous trip was more like the Boston Marathon, with Within the next few months they will announce the dates for the a "Heartbreak Hill" at the end as she worked shifts in the 1999 race. Perry believes, "Given the fact that next year’s Eastercon green room. worldcon will be held in Melbourne, Janice and I are anticipating Well, it might not have been quite that rough. When I asked a sizeable field of candidates from North America." her about the con Ulrika replied: "It was a bit embarrassing having a tendency to attract an Fan Fund of Australia/New Zealand entourage while working my shift, but as there were long lulls with not much to do, it didn’t seem too disruptive. (I was FFANZ is working hard to deserve its obscurity. This year’s working the Brittania Green Room, which was entirely open election rivals last year’s CUFF proceedings for the shortest fan plan, being located on the first floor landing to be central to the fund race ever run. various programming rooms which were distributed at various According to Marc Ortlieb’s Australian Science Fiction levels around the central stairwell, as well as to the two bars Bullsheet 98, the ballots were first seen on May 8 and the voting which we had to go to to fetch the guests their drinks. The open deadline was May 15. plan meant that it was trivial, and commonplace, for fans wan­ In case that’s not enough reason to ignore FFANZ in 1998, May 1998 5

accepted at par," winks The Graeme. Contact him at #l 10 - 1855 W. 2nd Ave., Vancouver, BC V6J Hl, Canada.

Smith to Russia; Leeper to Turkey

Here are the latest moves in the fannish edition of Diplomacy: T.R. Smith said the State Dept gave her the good news first, "We have to go through a Senate confirma­ tion!" Then, "They told me I’m going to Siberia." The whole truth is that T.R. asked for Yekaterin­ burg. "What can I say -- it seemed better than Lagos, Nigeria!" Many of you will remember Yekaterinburg as the city in which Nicholas and Alexandra were murdered and buried, though lately their remains have been shifted to Moscow, awaiting ceremonial reinterment in St. Petersburg with the rest of the Romanovs. So the Czars will miss wintering in Siberia, but T.R. will not: "If all goes as planned, I will be leaving in September, so I’ll have a month to get used to it before the snow sets in. Hooray!" Meantime, Evelyn Leeper is touring Turkey and will be expected to come home and post another fascinating epic travelogue.

Pirates’ Apprentices

BucConeer’s Student SF Contest has drawn over 100 Renaldo the Party Sheep is one of the candidates. The other entries in the various categories. There are about 15 candidates are the team of Phil Wlodarczyk and Frances Pap- entries in each of the three age-groups for the science fiction or worth, who will accompany Renaldo if he wins. fantasy story, about 30 entries in the art category and one entry Marc pleads, "Come Back Rogers St. Laundry Door. All is in the science essay. forgiven." C.J. Cherryh, Michael Whelan and Charles Sheffield have agreed to be finalist judges. The Polar Route There’s been a spate of complaints from fans having trouble booking the nights they want through the Housing Bureau. Out CUFF, the Canadian Unity Fan Fund, has been contested again, of the first 400 reservations there were 25 complaints, and there in a race officiated by last year’s winner, R. Graeme Cameron. have been more since. Yvonne and Lloyd Penney were the lone candidates and won by And back on the Spanish main, pirate Lance Oszko almost acclamation. They will go as CUFF delegates to Con*cept got his keel spliced by the rest of the crew when he revealed ’98/Boreal ’98/CanVention 18 in Montreal this October, a con that, unknown to them, he was organizing and had already where they were also GoHs at last year. arranged sponsors for a major party that would conflict with the Past winners of the Canadian Unity Fan Fund are: worldcon’s own opening night reception. The plan came to when Lance asked for the use of a ballroom! 1981: Michael Hall, Edmonton 1988: Tarai Wayne, Toronto They almost didn’t have any mad left over when they learned 1989: Robert Runte, Edmonton that on his own hook (so to speak), Lance had contacted the 1990: Paul Valcour, Napean Maryland Governor’s office and invited him to attend BucCon- 1992: Linda Ross-Mansfield, Winnipeg eer.... 1996: Rene Walling, Montreal 1997: R. Graeme Cameron, Vancouver Thought You’d Want to Know The LASFS Library’s copy of Inferno is personally autographed Even American fans can donate to CUFF: "Your money will be by "Lorenzo Niven & Hieronymous Poumelle." 6 File 770:123

If the Libel Suit is Filed by 2001 young persons’ organisations here, as well Will It Be Settled by 2010? as the Ragama Rehabilitation Hospital, of which I am honoured to be Patron." The Geis Letter devoted pages to this Return to Arthur Clarke and his executive secretary, story, giving its own unique slant. Geis Roshan Amarasekhara, in online state­ The Planet of even had a comment left over for Ansible, ments distributed by the SFWA Bulletin, which should have been headlined, "Once Bids-at-a-Glance say the London Sunday Mirror's attempts A Knight Is Not Enough." by the paper to link Clarke’s name with people suspected to be involved in child­ Last August File 770 saluted "Bids-at-a- Time is Out of Joint abuse cases have proved to be fabrica­ Glance," that very handy reference tool tions. The May Locus also declares invented for Jane’s Fighting Smofs by "Clarke Vindicated in Sri Lanka." The nominees for the Sidewise Awards Scott and Jane Dennis. The statements actually made to for Alternate History have been an­ Their "Magazine of SF Convention reporters by Sri Lankan Deputy Inspector nounced. The award, founded in 1995, is Bidding" was filled with tantalizing General of Police, M. S. M. Nizam, are named for Murray Leinster’s short story gossip as well as sound technical advice. less resounding. He told the AP wire "Sidewise in Time." Qualifying fiction is Jane’s best-remembered feature was a service he was satisfied that Clarke had divided between between long and short summary of the essential information violated no laws. He gave a conflicting form, with the breakpoint at 60,000 about Worldcon,NASFiC, DeepSouthCon statement to the South China Morning words: and Westercon bids in a single two-page Post (Hong Kong) that they were still Long Form spread. pursuing the investigation against Clarke. Peter Delacorte, Time on My Hands Dell File 770 is reviving the idea and According to Roshan Amarasekhara, 1997, Gollancz 1998 every few issues will present Worldcon Clarke’s secretary, "The disgraceful alle­ Michael Swanwick, Jack Faust, Avon bid information in a side-by-side compari­ gations made against Sir Arthur by a 1997, Millennium 1997 son chart. British Sunday paper have now been Harry Turtledove, How Few Remain, Del The bidding scene has really changed conclusively demolished. The local broad­ Rey 1997, Hodder & Stoughton 1998 since the first version that appeared in caster who had taped some of the most August: the Boston in 2001 bid has be­ serious charges has now sworn, under Short Form come an Orlando bid, SF in 2002 has oath, that they were completely false.... Lee Allred, "For the Strength of the announced a date change, and the Berlin In a last-ditch effort to maintain credibili­ Hills," Writers of the Future XIII, in 2003 bid has dropped off the map. ty, the London paper now claims to have Bridge, 1997 an incriminating tape. This is in fact a Eugene Byrne & Kim Newman, "Teddy tape which Sir Arthur insisted on making Bear’s Picnic," Interzone 122-123 himself, and giving to the reporters, ex­ Roland J. Green, "The King of Poland’s pressing his abhorrence of any form of Foot Cavalry," Alternate Tyrants, Tor sexual exploitation — especially that in­ William Sanders, "The Undiscovered," volving children. Some of his statements Asimov’s 3/97. have been deliberately taken out of con­ A Special Achievement Award is being text, to convey the exact opposite of his given to Robert Sobel’s, For Want of a meaning." Nail, MacMillan, 1973; Greenhill, 1997 Clarke is now styled Sir Arthur, Nominations are currently being despite cancellation of his ceremonial accepted for the 1998 awards. See: investiture planned in connection with http://www.skatecity.com/ah/sidewise Prince Charles’ visit to Sri Lanka for its 50th Independence Day Celebrations. His Comp List Is As Long As This Bus Clarke did get to attend the Independence Day Banquet. There he was photographed The publicists for the new Godzilla movie laughing together with Prince Charles; ruthlessly tracked down Chicon 2000 one of these photos appears on the cover chairman Tom Veal and insisted he take of Locus. 20 or 30 free tickets to a sneak preview Sir Arthur writes about a potential in Chicago. Tom gave the tickets away to lawsuit, "If I do receive any of the com­ local committee members "since I don’t pensation to which I feel morally entitled, want to see it 20 or 30 times simul­ it will all come to Sri Lanka. And it will taneously." Tom obviously will not be a be used to support genuine children and candidate for the 1998 Sidewise Awards. Survey Questions BOSTON IN 2001 PHILADELPHIA IN 2001

1. Committee members: Who are the Chairman: Deb Geisler; Treasurer: Tim Szcze- Chair: Todd Dashoff; Vice Chair: Gary Feld- suil; Secretary: Ann Broomhead; Other mem­ officers of the bid? Who are other baum; Secretary: Lew Wolkoff; Treasurer: John bers: Claire Anderson, Dave Anderson, Bonnie Syms; Other members: Yoel Attiya, Barbara members of your committee? Atwood, Ted Atwood, Judy Bemis, Seth Breid- Attiya, Tim Binder, Bridget Boyle, Joni Brill bart, Dave Cantor, Elisabeth Carey, Chris Dashoff, Ira Donewitz, Bill Farina, Rich Carpenito, Gay Ellen Dennett, Ed Dooley, Ferree, Tony Finan, Mike Fisher, Rosemarie Michael Drawdy, George Flynn, Pam Fremon, Freeman, Larry Gelfand, Terry Sisk Graybill, Lisa B. Hertel, Melanie Herz, Chip Hitchcock, Joyce Carroll Grace, Barbara Higgins, Robert Saul Jaffe, Rick Katze, Allan Kent, Deborah Himmelsbach, Becky Jollensten, Rebecca Kaplo- A. King, Kenneth Knabbe, Alexis Layton, Tony witz, Lynn Cohen Koehler, Alex Latzko, Danny Lewis*, Suford Lewis, Paula Lieberman, John Leiberman, Lois Mangan, Warren Mayer, Wilma Lorentz, Jim Mann, Laurie Mann, Richard C. Meier, Ed Metesky, Skip Morris, Phil Nathan­ Maynard, Mark L. Olson*, Priscilla Olson, son, Gene Olmstead, Sara Paul, Jeff Poretsky, Kelly S. Persons, Tim Roberge, Ruth Sachter, Pete Radatti, Cathy Olanich Raymond, Mark Sharon Sbarsky, Joe Siclari*, Davey Snyder, Roth, Hank Smith, Rich Stoddard, Laura Pask- Dick Spelman Edie Stern, Leslie J. Turek*, man Syms, Mark Trebing, Margaret Trebing, Bob Pat Vandenberg, Monty Wells, and Ben Yalow. Schwier, Winona Whyte-Schwier, Tess Wade, Lew (* denotes past Worldcon chairmen) The offi­ Wolkoff. Overseas Representatives: Martin cers of the convention, by tradition, are Hoare, Kees Van Torn elected April Fool's Day of the voting year.

Walt Disney World Swan (a Westin) & Dolphin Pennsylvania Convention Center, a four-year- 2. Meeting Facilities: What is your (a Sheraton), at Walt Disney World, and at­ old facility located in the center of Phila­ main facility? What other ho- tached conference center.Altogether, they delphia. The Center contains: Exhibit Halls include 254,000 sq.ft.of meeting and exhibit (A-D) 430,000 sq. ft; Grand Hall 55,000 sq. tels/facilities will you use? What is space (in ballrooms and exhibit halls) and 72 ft; Ballrooms/Meeting Rooms 117,000 sq. ft. the size of the exhibit space avail­ meeting rooms. able (for art show, dealers room, The Center is connected by a pedestrian brid­ ge to the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel (1400 etc.)? rooms blocked). Marriott: 41 meeting rooms with 88,000 sq. ft.

Boston for Orlando in 2001/MCFI Philadelphia in 2001 3. What is your official mail contact P.O. Box 1010 Suite 2001, 402 Huntingdon Pike address? Your e-mail contact ad­ Framingham, MA 01701-1010 USA Rockledge, PA 19046 dress? Your web page address (if any)? E-mail: info6mcfi.org E-mail: phil20016netaxs.com Web page: http://www.mcfi.org Web page: www.netaxs.com/~phil2001

(A) Room Block of 1,850 in Swan & Dolphin; While we do not have a breakdown yet by dis­ 4. How many hotel rooms are avail­ total rooms in Swan & Dolphin, 2,267 (includ­ tance, there are currently 6600 rooms within able for con members within the ing 195 suites). walking distance of the Convention Center. following distances of your main There are 1200 rooms in the Marriott (one (B)-(D) More than 20,000 additional hotel block away), with 200 more to be added. The facility? room choices within the Walt Disney World Courtyard Marriott (one block south of the resorts complex and in close proximity. Free Center) and has 500 rooms. The Hawthorne (A) Within 1/8th of a mile (.2 km) transportation within Walt Disney World re­ Suites (1-1/2 blocks north) has 300 rooms. sorts property. (B) Within 1/8th and 1/4th New hotels are being built across from the of a mile (.2-.4 km.) Marriott and one block east of the Center. (C) Within 1/4th and 1/2 They are scheduled to be open by 2000, al­ of a mile (.4-.8 km.) though we are not yet counting these hotels in our plans. (D) Over 1/2 mile (over .8 km.)

Presupporting memberships: $10 Presupporting memberships: $10.While we can­ 5. Do you offer presupporting mem­ Precpposing memberships: $20.01 not guarantee a fixed discount for presup­ berships in your bid? At what rates? Preambivalent memberships: $50.00 porters at this time, due to the fact that Friends of Boston for Orlando in 2001: $60.00 prices (conversion and function space rental What is your bids policy for redeem­ costs) are still being calculated, we will ing presupporting memberships, if Friends of Boston for Orlando in 2001 who give some benefit to those people who have any (for example, a fixed discount vote in site selection will automatically be presupported the bid, although not necessar­ from an attending membership)? converted to full, attending membership at no ily the entire amount of their presupporting additional charge. Other fixed discount pol­ membership. icy will be set by the committee within the next two months.

Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. (MCFI) Yes, we are a 501c(3) organization 6. Is your bid part of a tax-exempt is a 501(c)(3) organization. entity (for example, in the U.S., an IRC 501(c)(3) organization)?

7. What is your bid's policy on the As the originator of the current pass-on We will participate in pass-along funding. handling and distribution of any po­ pledge, we will participate in the pass-on funds tradition. Some surplus may be used to st-convention surplus (have you produce a memory book, such as the ones dis­ committed to pass-on 50% of profits tributed at Noreascon 2 and Noreascon 3. to future Worldcons that have made Other surpluses will be distributed to the a similar pledge?) benefit of fandom, TAFF, DUFF, etc. Survey Questions SEATTLE IN 2002 ■ SF IN 2002 Dates: Fri., Aug. 30-Tues. Sept. 2

1. Committee members: Who are the Chairperson: Pat Porter; Vice-chairperson: Chair: Kevin Standlee; Deputy Chair: Eric officers of the bid? Who are other Dick O'Shea; Secretary/treasurer: Linda Den- Larson; Vice Chair for International Opera­ eroff. Others: Jack Beslanwitch, Fran Beslan- tions: Cheryl Morgan; Facilities Liaison: members of your committee? witch, Rick Bligh, Vickie Bligh, Keith John­ Crickett Fox; Secretary: Greg Dougherty; son, William Sadorus, Ben Schreiber, Jody Treasuer: Shirl Roth; Agents: (UK) Steve Franzen, Lou Anna Valentine, Eric Weber, Davies, Giulia de Cesare; (Can.) John Mansfi­ Sally Woehrle, Richard Wright, Eric Weber, eld; (Aus.) Terry Frost. Others: Gary Alexan­ Rob Taylor, Jane Larson, Conrad Larson, Mi­ der, John A. Blaker, Jeff Canfield, Raymond chael Citrak, Becky Simpson, Ryan Dancey Chuang, David Clark, Tony Cratz, Kathryn Daugherty, James Daugherty, Brenda Daverin, Bob Daverin, Greg Dougherty, David W. Galla­ her, John David Galt, Lynn Gold, Lisa Hayes, Craig Howlett, Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Mary Kay Kare, Danny Low, Richard Ney, Pat Nay, Jim Partridge, Julie Porter, Jan Price, Shi­ rley Roth, Ed Rush, Teri Sears, Michael Sil­ adi, Brent Wahl, Michael Wallis.

2. Meeting Facilities: What is your Our main facility will be the Washington Moscone Center: Hall D (138,684 sq. ft,); State Convention Center, 250,000 sq.ft. Hall E (37,360 sq. ft.) main facility? What other ho- (Moscone Center room dimensions available at tels/facilities will you use? What is We will not use the Sheraton Hotel for par­ http://www.moscone.com/roomcapa.htm.) the size of the exhibit space avail­ ties, though we probably will use their low­ er-floors function space. Marriott Hotel: includes Yerba Buena Ball­ able (for art show, dealers room, room, 40,852 sq. ft.; Golden Gate Hall, 23,- etc.)? 400 sq. ft. Yhe plans are available on line at http://www.mtonline.com/hotels/h66f.htm .) We also anticipate using space at the ANA Hotel.

3. What is your official mail contact Group of Friends/Seattle in 2002 San Francisco in 2002 P.O. Box 1066 PO Box 61363 address? Your e-mail contact ad­ Seattle, WA 98111-1066. Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 dress? Your web page address (if any)? E-mail address: seattle20026isomedia.com E-mail address: info6sfsfc.org Web page: Web page: www.webwitch.com/SeattleO2/ http://www.sfsfc.org/worldcon/

(A) (A)(B) 4. How many hotel rooms are avail­ currently 1800 rooms within this distance, Marriott: 1500 rooms, 133 suites. At least able for con members within the expected to expand to 2300 by 2001. 1200 sleeping rooms will be available to following distances of your main convention members (we're negotiating for facility? (B) more). There are an additional 1750 rooms at this ANA: 667 rooms (including suites). We are distance. still negotiating a specific room block allo­ (A) Within 1/8th of a mile (.2 km) cation. (B) Within 1/8th and 1/4th (C) And still another 1500 at this distance. of a mile (.2-.4 km.) (C)(D) Although there are a large number of hotel (C) Within 1/4th and 1/2 of a (D) rooms in downtown San Francisco in a variety mile (.4-.8 km.) None worth mentioning, unless you want to of price ranges within these distances, we (D) Over 1/2 mile (over .8 km.) stay at the airport and travel into the city. are not at this time actively negotiating for additional sleeping rooms. We believe that the Marriott and ANA contain between them sufficient rooms to meet our members' needs.

Presupport: $10.01, Preoppose $20.02; Friend US$ AUS$ CAN$ GBP 5. Do you offer presupporting mem­ of the Bid $100.00 (payable in quarterly in­ Pre-Supp. 20.02 25 25 12 berships in your bid? At what rates? stallments ) Pre-Opp. 49.00 60 60 30 What is your bids policy for redeem­ Friend 100.00 125 125 60 At a minimum we will discount an attending ing presupporting memberships, if convention membership by the price of the All classes receive brass cable car pin. any (for example, a fixed discount presuppport paid. An exact schedule will be Friends receive a custom-imprinted Lands' End from an attending membership)? determined at a later date. item. Pre-Supporting and Friend members re­ ceive low membership numbers, Pre-Opposing receive high membership numbers. Pre-supporters wil receive a discount toward their membership of at least as much as they paid in as pre-supporters.

6. Is your bid part of a tax-exempt Yes. Group of Friends is a committee of SWOC, Yes. SF in 2002 is a committee of San Fran­ entity (for example, in the U.S., an which is a 501(c)(3) organization. cisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc., a IRC 501(c)(3) organization)? If not, 501(c)(3)organization. Note that San Fran­ cisco in 2002 is a bid committee only. Should please define how your bid is orga­ we win, we anticipate handing off to a World- nized (unincorporated group, for- con Operating Committee whose composition has profit corporation, whatever) not yet been determined, but will be a dif­ ferent standing committee of SFSFC Inc.

7. What is your bids policy on the We plan to follow the current standard of We are committed to participating in the handling and distribution of any po­ passing funds to the qualified, i.e., 501- "pass-along funds" program which has been in (c)(3), bids eligible at the time of our place since 1989. ConFrancisco, the 1993 st-convention surplus (have you convention. Worldcon, which was also an SFSFC Committee, committed to pass-on 50% of profits passed along approximately $12,000 in surplus to future Worldcons that have made funds to its three successors. a similar pledge?) Survey Questions CANCUN IN 2003 TORONTO IN 2003

1. Committee members: Who are the officers of Co-Chair: David Thayer; Co-Chair: Randy Bid co-chairs: Larry Hancock and Mike Shepherd; Treasurer: Diana Thayer; Fa­ Glicksohn; Committee Chairs: Legal: Ken the bid? Who are other members of your commit­ cilities: Dennis Virzi; Publications: Smookler and David Warren; Finance and tee? Bill Child; Website Administrator: Shar­ Membership: Raymond Alexander; Elec­ on Sbarsky; Programming: Laurie D.T. tronic Communications: Alex von Thorn; Mann; Advisor: Mike Glyer; Advisor: Mark Events: Marah Searle; Hotel and Facili­ Olson. ties: Jody Hancock; Human Resources: Lloyd and Yvonne Penney; Publications: Athena and Peter Jarvis; Sponsorship: Peter Halasz; Timeline: Lloyd and Yvonne Penney; Recording Secretary: Yvonne Penney; Chairman Emeritus: John Millard

2. Meeting Facilities: What is your main facility? Centro de Convenciones, Cancun, Mexico; We are currently pencilled in at the 54,000 sq. ft. total; (Cancun Ball Room, Metro Toronto Convention Centre and the What other hotels/facilities will you use? What is 29,000 sq. ft.; Cozumel Mtg. Room, 14,- Sheraton-Hilton complex. We could also the size of the exhibit space available (for art 000 sq. ft.) consider the Toronto Congress Centre, show, dealers room, etc.)? near Pearson Airport. Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancun, We are in negotiation with the Conven­ 30,000 sq. ft. total. tion Centre (over 500,000 sq.ft.) for use of the north wing. If we get it, we Hyatt Regency Cancun 7,200 sq. ft. will also be using the Royal York Hotel [site of the 1973 Worldcon], as well as Camino Real Cancun 6000 sq. ft. the Crowne Plaza and the Skydome Hotel, both attached to the convention centre.

Cancun in 2003 3. What is your official mail contact address? Toronto in '03 c/o David Thayer P.O. Box 3 Your e-mail contact address? Your web page P.O. Box 905 Station A address (if any)? Euless, TX 76039-0905 USA Toronto, ONT M5W 1A2 Canada E-mail: artemis6cyberramp.net E-mail: info6torcon3.on.ca Web page: world.std.com/~sbarsky/concancun.html Web page: http://torcon3.on.ca

4. How many hotel rooms are available for con (A) Depends on which site we choose: Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancun, 602 members within the following distances of your i) around the Convention Centre, rm., (across the street from the conven­ ii) around the Sheraton Centre (just main facility? tion center.); Hyatt Regency Cancun, 300 over 1/4 mile from the Convention Cent­ rm. (one block away) re). iii) around the Congress Centre. (A) Within 1/8th of a mile (.2 km) (B) (A)(i) About 2400; (ii) About 2800; (B) Within 1/8th and 1/4th of a Camino Real Cancun, 381 rm. (iii) About 1700. mile (.2-.4 km.) (C) Within 1/4th and 1/2 of a (D) (B)(i) About 3200; (ii) About 4500; 17,000 additional hotel rooms on the (iii) About 2500. mile (.4-.B km.) island of Cancun (D) Over 1/2 mile (over .8 km.) (C)(i or ii) About 8,000; (iii) About 6,000

(D)(i or ii) 14,000 hotel rooms in the downtown area; (iii) 10,000 hotel rooms in the airport strip.

$7 US (to US address) Presupporting: 5. Do you offer presupporting memberships in CDN $20.03 or US $15.00; benefit, 10% your bid? At what rates? What is your bids policy UKP 5 to: Kim Campbell, 69 Lincoln St., discount on all bid merchandise. for redeeming presupporting memberships, if any Leeman Rd., York YO2 4YP U.K. Preopposing: (for example, a fixed discount from an attending A$10 to: Ian Gunn & Karen Pender-Gunn, CDN $20.04 or US $15.01. No benefits. membership)? P.O. Box 567, Blackburn, Victoria 3130 Australia "Eager Beaver" (friend of Toronto in 2003) CDN $125, US $100 $10 Canadian to: Ron Gillies, 5416 48 Street, Lloydminster, Alberta T9V OJ7 The value of a pre-supporting membership Canada will be counted towards any other mem­ Probable $3-5 discount on attending bership of the 2003 Worldcon, if we win memberships to presupporters, who vote the bid. in site selection in 2000.

We are currently an unincorporated lit­ 6. Is your bid part of a tax-exempt entity (for ex­ "Toronto World Science Fiction Conven­ erary group, Sociedad de Ciencia Fic- tion in 2003" is a non-profit corpora­ ample, in the U.S., an IRC 501(c)(3) organization)? cion, but are applying for 501(c)(3) tion registered in the province of On­ If not, please define how your bid is organized. status. tario .

We are committed to passing on 50% of Our general thinking is to pass along 7. What is your bid's policy for any post-convent- our profits to WorldCons who have made a funds to future Worldcons, to develop ion surplus? (For example, if a Worldcon bid have similiar pledge. and strengthen fan organizations in the you committed to pass-on 50% of profits to future Toronto area, and perhaps to keep some seed money to support future bids. Basi­ Worldcons that have made a similar pledge?) cally, we think a surplus is likely in a well-located Worldcon, but we're not quite ready to plan for what happens after 2003 10 File 770:123

Worldcon Bidders Survey, continued

Question 8. What else do San Francisco in 2002: If you attended and New York state. The group includes ConFrancisco in 1993, you may remem­ filkers, ’zine fans, gamers, long-time voters need to know about ber the general layout of the area, but you con-runners, and not a few people who your bid? should know that there have been substan­ attended the 1973 Toronto Worldcon; we tial changes. The construction which are open to any individual or group who wants to come together to celebrate sci­ Boston for Orlando in 2001 is the bid members had to dodge in 1993 is over, formerly known as Noreascon 4. Because and the area surrounding the convention ence fiction and fantasy. of the extremely high cost of hotels in the center is now the Yerba Buena Gardens Fortune magazine has rated Toronto the best place in North America to live. city of Boston, we have moved our bid to park. Center for the Arts, and San Fran­ The United Nations consistently rates the beautiful (and affordable!) Walt cisco Museum of Modem Art. The walk­ Canada as having the highest overall Disney World Swan and Dolphin resorts ways across the park and a mid-block quality of life among the world’s nations, in Orlando, Florida. traffic light on the street that separates and Toronto as the world’s most multi­ The Walt Disney World Swan (a Moscone from the Marriott/ANA mean cultural city, with over 130 ethnic groups Westin) and Dolphin (a Sheraton) resorts that the these two hotels are now even (the third largest hotel-convention facility closer to the convention center than they speaking over 100 languages. in the U.S.) allow us to run a seamless were in 1993. The Canadian dollar is very cheap, so American and European currencies go convention day and night. Attached to the The distance between the Moscone Dolphin is a hotel conference center that Center and Marriott in San Francisco is fartherthan in many other places. Toronto includes meeting rooms, function space, about 350 "Standlees." The shortest-path is within easy driving distance of most of the Eastern and Midwestern states, and is and exhibit hall. distances include several sets of stairs; the We do not have to shut down a "flat" distance is somewhat longer, al­ a global airline hub. convention center at 6 p.m. and scatter though still not prohibitive. Conventions aren’t just about vaca­ the evening events to non-contiguous hot­ In addition, we are working with the tion, they are about community, and Toronto has an active SF community, els. Everything will be compact—in two Marriott Hotel to provide what we consid­ adjacent hotels with a covered walkway er to be a premier hotel facility to our with many conventions, organizations, between them, and no busy city streets to members, with sixteen elevators to serve local writers, stores, etc. We have one of cross. Walking time (and effort) will be the 39 floor property. This is a great the oldest SF bookstores, Bakka (celebrat­ minimized. There will be a central area hotel, and we think people will be very ing its 25th anniversary last year), and for fans to gather—not multiple hotel pleased to attend a Worldcon in it. perhaps the largest public SF library in lobbies scattered around a conven­ Our committee combines experienced the world at the Merril Collection. tion center. The hotels’ ambiance is much veteran conrunners and enthusiastic new­ more pleasant than the “airplane hanger” comers with a site in the heart of one of Cancun in 2003: We are recruiting fans feel of a convention center. the most-visted cities in the world. It from across the US and around the world Choosing this site allows us to keep really will be a "Worldcon in a World- to help with our bid and convention. With the traditional Labor Day weekend. The Class City." the emergence of e-mail, true WorldCons cost of hotel rooms is $119 Sing- have become a reality. We are committed le/Double; $129 Triple/Quad. Parking is Seattle in 2002: This is not your father’s to a well-organized bid and convention, free, as is all transportation within the worldcon. with open communication, openness to Walt Disney World resorts complex. new ideas, and clear direction key ele­ Toronto in 2003: We throw great bid ments. Cancun has much to offer: the Philadelphia in 2001: We believe we parties! Look for us at major conventions. facilities, the beach, the culture, the have the committee and the facilities to If you’re running a con with a Worldcon- Maya ruins, the sea, shopping, restaurants. put on a great Worldcon in the city that -savvy membership, let us know and we’ll We want to put on a convention that is started the Hugos. Make sure to stop by see if we can bring a party you’re way. fun for both the attendees and the con- our bid table and say hello, and be sure to Keep an eye on our web site at www- runners. visit the parties we’ll be throwing in the .torcon3.on.ca for updates on activities of We will be throwing a bid party Chesapeake Ballroom on the first floor of the bid and activities of Toronto fandom Friday night of Bucconeer (opposite the the Holiday Inn. We’re looking forward and our local writing community. Hugo Nominees party) in the same func­ to showing attendees a small sampling of The Toronto in 2003 bid is an open tion space Orlando in 2001 will be using what they can expect in Philadelphia in coalition with members from every estab­ the other nights of the convention We 2001. We’d appreciate your vote for us at lished group of Toronto fandom. The bid will be distributing our bid t-shirts to Bucconeer:- ) committee comprises members from Ont­ friends of the bid at WorldCon also. ario, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia, May 1998 h

News of Fandom

cancerous. He was scheduled to have the gotten a lot of morale boosts from fellow Medical Updates "Whipple" operation in February (remov­ faculty, friends and family. ing the duodenum, gall bladder, the head "When Ross Pavlac was diagnosed Elliot Shorter is back home in Provi­ of the pancreas, part of the bile duct and with pancreatic cancer, it was too late for dence and doing well after a double-by­ the stomach, and looping the small intes­ him to recover. Mine was caught early pass heart operation. Incredibly, the first tine up to reconnect everything). Howev­ enough that no doctor has said anything thing he did after leaving the hospital was er, his pancreas was inflamed and that about a time limit for me. Also, Ross had go out for BBQ ribs. made the operation risky, so he was sent his faith to fall back on; since this has [[Sources: A ndy Porter, Vijay Bowen, home to recuperate: as Lan says, "There happened to me 1 have regained mine. Gary Farber. It takes a village...]] are no drugs to help the pancreas; the Prayer has helped me keep my spirits body has to do it on its own." high. And, of course, there is also my Vincent Clarke, one of Britain’s most Radiation and chemotherapy with the wife Kathy who has helped me and cared beloved fanzine fans, spent his 76th birth­ best doctors in the state of Michigan have for me through all of this. 1 love her day in hospital as doctors tried to deter­ contained the cancer and gotten his pan­ dearly. mine the cause of his severe physical creas back to normal. A CT scan, blood "As for keeping busy, I have been problems. Doctors have apparently set analysis and the surgery will be sched­ reading, watching videos and some TV, aside the early diagnosis, reported in uled. and working on some projects - like the Ansible 129, of "a severe but unnoticed Lan writes, "The effects of radiation Poul Anderson special issue of Lan's heart attack." The most recent description and chemotherapy vary from person to Lantern. I have read a lot of his work in of Vince’s condition as "mixed connective person. I have experienced fatigue, having the past three months and will be writing tissue damage" replaces an interim diag­ to rest after slight exertions, some loss of some articles about him. I am also col­ nosis of muscular dystrophy. Rob Han­ appetite (I’ve lost over 20 pounds, down lecting articles, art, anecdotes, tributes and sen’s skeptical comment about that diag­ from 156 to 180 -- I don’t recommend stories about Poul, so if any readers of nosis still applies: "Until this is firmed this as a way to diet), stomach pain, some File 770 would like to submit something up. I’ll take it with a pinch of salt. It was headaches, coughing and some numbness to me, please feel free to do so. I plan for only a few weeks ago that they were in the extremities. All of this means that the issue to be out in the fall of this year talking about fitting him with a pacemak­ I would be a disaster in front of a class­ (how’s that for optimism!), so the dead­ er." room. Cranbrook Kingswood school has line is in the summer, say Labor Day." A faithful visitor, Hansen has posted supported me throughout all of this. The Lan Laskowski, 2466 Valleyview several times about Vince’s physical de­ paychecks are still coming, and I go to Drive, Troy MI 48098-5317. cline, however he wrote after a visit on long-term disability in May. I am plan­ May 9 that he found Vince to be "both ning to return to teaching in the fall. I do Fans have been saddened to learn that physically and mentally stronger than last miss my students, and they have been Gary Anderson is losing his struggle time. His handwriting is getting less good at sending me notes, cards and gifts against a rare form of brain cancer, glio­ shaky and they have him walking with in the mail. I really appreciate them. I’ve blastoma multiforma, diagnosed eight the aid of a walk­ months ago. Cat ing frame twice a Devereaux com­ day. Unfortunately, mented in her latest he’s still being e-mail update: drip-fed and "That Gary dreams constantly made Christmas, of real food and and was able to drink." celebrate with his friends and family, When surgeons was a grand con­ operated on Lan quest in and of Laskowski for a itself. He even bile duct blockage went to a Victorian in January, they Ball and danced discovered an ab­ (assisted by ladies normal growth. pushing his wheel Tests showed it chair). 12 File 770:123

"His ’Strong like Bull’ metabolism son, 6543 Babcock Ave., North Holly­ allowed the doctors to blast him with wood, CA 91606-2308. The deadline for much more chemo that hardly anyone can entries is December 1. stand. They have been able to pour vials of the poisonous chemo in his veins to try and nuke out, or at least keep, the cancer Changes of Address at bay. He has gotten though this while keeping up his immune system to a point Judy Bemis, new e-mail address: that amazes the doctors. During these [email protected] treatments he’s entertained friends, told Robbie Bourget (formerly Cantor), 8 old war stories and generally partied Warren Close, Langley, Slough SL3 celebrating life." 7UA, Berkshire, England Unfortunately, both the disease and Genny Dazzo, e-mail address: the treatments are taking an incredible [email protected] toll. The last time Gary was able to get Vincent Docherty, P1M/1, NAM BV, P.O. out of bed on his own was when he went Box 28000, 9400 HH Assen, The Neth­ in for his last chemo treatment two erlands. E- mail: [email protected] months ago. He sleeps all but a couple of Gordon Eklund, 4420 - 176th St. SW, hours per day. #C-3, Lynnwood, WA 98037 After much soul searching and inves­ Home, a winning documentary. Matthew George Flynn, P.O. Box 426069, Kendall tigation, his wife Janet has decided to do wasn’t employed by the Wiesenthal Cen­ Square Station, Cambridge, MA 02142 ter when the film was made, but another everything possible to make him comfort­ Jim Khennedy, Corpul Pacii (Peace able at home. She now has two helpers member of LASFS was: Ken Rudolph, Corps), Str. Anton Crihan, 38A, 2009 every morning to move him and give him who did the movie’s animation. Chisinau, Moldova hygenic care. She thanks the Friends of Shaun Lyon and Chad Jones, 4227 Whit­ Gary for making this help possible: the After being in the same location for 25 sett Avenue, #4, Studio City, CA 91604 insurance does not cover custodial care. years, Bakka Books, Toronto’s SF book­ Mark Protection Committee, P.O. Box Janet also thanks all who have sent store has moved. They are now at 598 426159, Kendall Square Station, Cam­ cards, not only to Gary, but to suppport Yonge St., right on Toronto’s main street. bridge, MA 02142 her as well. The next few weeks will be Michael Nelson, 3178 Summit Square the hardest yet, and mail is welcome: The new Aussiecon Three website de­ Drive, Apt. D9, Oakton, VA 22124 3216 Villa Knolls Dr., Pasadena CA signed by Tim Richards can be found at: Nigel Rowe, e-mail address: 91107. http://www.aussiecon3.worldcon.org/ [email protected] Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Justin Ackroyd was hospitalized to ­ re British author Lionel Fanthorpe will bid Fame, P. O. Box 3464, Olathe, move a cyst on his along with a jaw, for a place in the Guinness Book of Re­ KS 66063-3464 couple of teeth. ’s getting better. He cords by attempting to write an instant Craig Smith, 10329 Meridian Ave. N., [[Source: Australian Science Fiction 24-hour novel. Fanthorpe. holder of six Apt. A-103, Seattle, WA 98133 Bullsheet #97]] previous writing marathon records, has Tom Springer, 2255 E. Sunset Bldg. 18, chosen to write a follow-up to Lewis Apt. 2030, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Carroll’s children’s classic "Alice in Short Waves John, Bjo and Kathryn Trimble; Lora and Wonderland" next week. The author said, Jason Boehm; 601 E. Foothill Blvd, "The story of the book is that Alice falls Linda Markstrom is seeking information Monrovia, CA 91016-2403 -- phone: asleep in a library and is woken by a on the whereabouts of 50s L.A. fan (626) 359-3398; Bjo’s e-mail: magic bookworm who walks her through George Fields. She wants to deliver ego­ [email protected] boo for a painting he did for her late a variety of doors, each of which opens another book." father, Chas. Burbee. Contact her at The Bjo Chronicles: "Oh, the Foothill [[Source: Reuters, via Craig Miller]] 10433 MessingaDr., Whittier, CA 90603. address is also that of Lora and Jason Boehm. Double change of address. Ya The 1998 National Fantasy Fan Federa­ The Oscar: Matthew Tepper has been see, moving from TX to CA was a bud­ tion (N3F) amateur short story contest is teasing his e-mail correspondents with the get-shock, and we can only afford this open. Contest rules define "amateur" as tagline, "*My* boss just won an Oscar. dandy 1913 Craftsman home if we share having sold no more than two stories to What kind of week is *your* boss hav­ expenses. We’ve already heard all the professional sf or fantasy publications. ing?" Rabbi Marvin Hier is with the unasked-for opinions, thanks. If five For an entry blank, contact Donald Fran- organization that produced The Long Way adults can live for 3 months in a 2 bed- May 1998 I3 room, ONE bathroom house, without number will still work for the foreseeable est; at NESFA, I’m the handsomest..." murdering each other, we’ll do fine in a future. Laurie Mann’s tribute, "Everything I much larger place." Still Moved and Staying That Way: Learned About Buying and Renovating "Our household has been in storage Danise Deckert sends this update about Buildings I Learned from Monty Wells" all this time. At least, everyone else is life as a transplanted Los Angeleno in can be found at: packing. I’m finishing that dye book, Ames, Iowa. http://www.city-net.com/~lmann/ which is weeks overdue at this point. "Dan’s job is going great (maybe too Cartoon of Lora’s friends moving desk, well - know any engineers with kids to Jackie Causgrove computer and a madly typing Bjo into a raise? They are looking....) He is busy Jackie Causgrove passed away May 15 at U-Haul.... and feeling needed. He just had his first the age of 57. At the peak of her activity "Just before we left TX, in one last review and raise (which was a little unex­ she was one of the most well-known act of macro mania, my computer ate our pected as it was not cheap to relocate us). Midwestern fans, a writer and fanartist, entire Friends and Family mailing list. That was a nice Christmas present. co-OE of an apa with her significant Also, my e-mail server membership with "I am working again, almost full other, Dave Locke, and a controversial Flashnet lapsed, and I wasn’t told, so I time. I am working 30 hours a week at a TAFF critic. merrily wrote to alien sundry, never nearby (five minutes away in snow if I hit She experienced a number of health knowing my mail wasn’t going out. Any­ the light wrong) elementary school as a problems over the past decade, including one who should have heard from us earli­ one-on-one educational assistant to an a mild stroke. More recently she has er, but didn’t, that’s why. I am recon­ autistic fifth grader. He has some serious suffered from increasingly worse emphy­ structing it, so need new input." problems and is prone to violence (kick­ sema and scoliosis. A little over a year Oil’s Well That Ends Well: Vince ing, scratching, biting mostly). Needless ago she was found to have lung cancer. Docherty has left Oman after five years to to say, I don’t get paid nearly enough for Dave Locke, cared for her - in every work in the main office of NAM (the the job (teacher, mediator, etc.) but it is sense of the word — as her conditioned Shell Exploration and Production compa­ fascinating and the hours and vacations worsened, attending to her needs 24 hours ny in the Netherlands.) He posted, "I am are identical to my kids. That makes up a day so she could remain at their home looking forward to a more lively social for a lot!" in Cincinnati. He announced her death life, proper entertainment facilities and She adds that you know you are in with the simple posting, "R.I.P., my faster pace, (but probably not the weath­ Iowa when the New Year’s Eve Des love." [[Sources: D. Gary Grady, Gary er). I will probably be living in Gronin­ Moines Register lists the Top 10 Farming Farber, Bruce Pelz]] gen which is a busy university city in the Stories of 1997. north of the Netherlands. I have also SF Hall of Fame inductees for 1998 In Passing exported my Jeep back to Europe, so I will be announced at ConQuesT 29 in expect to be doing a lot of driving Kansas City over Memorial Day weekend. Alex Schomburg died April 7 at the around!" Its current directors are: Robin Wayne Maryville Nursing Home in Beaverton, Nigel Rowe explains, "The new ad­ Bailey, James Gunn, , Larry Oregon (a suburb of Portland) at the age dress is at my own domain (MWP Soft­ Hopkins, of 92. ware) so it will be valid for a long time. Allison Stein, Keith W. Stokes and Ben Crystal Marvig, an artist reported Sometimes it’s so much simpler to take Thomas-Morgan. See their web page at: missing immediately following Minicon care of things oneself." http://home.unicom.net/~sfreader/HoF.htm this year, was found dead in her car in a "Genny Dazzo has started a new job slough outside Fargo. at JPL," writes Craig Miller. "A much OBITUARIES South Australian fan Allan Bray died further drive but a much cooler e-mail in Adelaide on April 24. Marc Ortlieb re­ address." calls, "Allan’s place was a delight to visit; Michael Nelson promised everyone Monty Wells he was an inveterate collector of electron­ who helped him move a "’Get Out of Monty Wells died of cancer on April 15. ic bits and pieces, books, Goon Shows Bucconeer Free’ card, worth exactly as After NESFA bought its clubhouse, Mon­ and old motor vehicles and would delight much as the paper it’s printed on." Worse ty’s name suddenly became one of the in pulling out some obscure piece of yet, the promise came via e-mail. most frequenty-mentioned in Instant technology from the chaos. My own The Mark of Flynn: "In order to Message as he served tirelessly as prop­ fanzine publishing careeris deeply indebt­ better facilitate the processing and distri­ master, major-domo, and handyman. ed to Allan’s cheerful help. Each visit to bution of mail," the Cambridge post Monty’s day job was teaching high school get electrostencils made was punctuated office has seen fit to change the World chemistry, where he won awards for by conversation, Goon Show quips and Science Fiction Society, and George excellence. milk coffee in shocking pink mugs with Lynn’s own Kendall Square Station box Lisa Hertel recalled his ironic boast: naked ladies as handles, heated in the numbers. The Postal Service says the old "In my classic cars group, I’m the smart­ microwave." 14 File 770:123

1998 Hugo Nominations

Best Novel R. Lewis (Writer’s Digest Books) Maroney Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman (Ace) The Encyclopedia of Fantasy edited by Science Fiction Chronicle edited by Frameshift by Robert J. Sawyer (Tor) John Clute & John Grant (St. Martin’s Andrew 1. Porter The Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons Press) Speculations edited by Kent Brewster (Bantam Spectra) Infinite Worlds by Vincent DiFate Jack Faust by Michael Swanwick (Avon) (Penguin Studio) Best Fanzine City on Fire by Walter Jon Williams Spectrum IV: The Best in Contemporary Ansible edited by Dave Langford (HarperPrism) Fantastic Art edited by Cathy Fenner & Attitude edited by Michael Abbott, John Arnie Fenner with Jim Loehr Dallman & Pam Wells Best Novella (Underwood Books) File 770 edited by Mike Glyer "The Funeral March of the Marionettes" Reflections and Refractions: Thoughts on Mimosa edited by Nicki & Richard Lynch by Adam-Troy Castro (F&SF 7/97) Science-Fiction, Science and Tangent edited by David Truesdale "Ecopoiesis" by Geoffrey A. Landis (SF Other Matters by Robert Silverberg Age 5/97) (Underwood Books) Best Fan Writer "Loose Ends" by Paul Levinson (Analog Bob Devney 5/97) Best Dramatic Presentation Mike Glyer "Marrow" by Robert Reed (SF Age 7/97) Contact (Warner Bros./South Side Andy Hooper "...Where Angels Fear To Tread" by Amusement Company) David Langford Allen Steele (Asimov's 10-11/97) The Fifth Element (Columbia Evelyn Leeper Pictures/Gaumont) Joseph T. Major Best Novelette Gattaca (Columbia Pictures (There are six nominees due to a tie for "Moon Six" by Stephen Baxter (SF Age Corporation/Jersey Films) fifth place) 3/97) Men in B/acA: (MacDonald-Parkes/Colum- "Broken Symmetry" by Michael A. bia Pictures Corporation/Amblin Best Fan Artist Burstein (Analog 2/97) Entertainment) Brad Foster "Three Hearings on the Existence of Starship Troopers (TriStar Pictures/Big lan Gunn Snakes in the Human Bloodstream" by Bug Pictures/Touchstone Pictures) Teddy Harvia James Alan Gardner (Asimov’s 2/97) Joe Mayhew "We Will Drink A Fish Together..." by Best Professional Editor Peggy Ranson Bill Johnson (Asimov's 5/97) Gardner Dozois (Asimov s) "The Undiscovered" by William Sanders Scott Edelman (SF Age) John W. Campbell Award for best new (Asimov’s 3/97) David Hartwell (Tor; Year’s Best SF) writer of 1996 or 1997 (not a Hugo) Stanley Schmidt (Analog) [Sponsored by Dell Magazines] Best Short Story Gordon Van Gelder (F&SF) Raphael Carter (2nd yr. of eligibility) "Beluthahatchie" by Andy Duncan Andy Duncan (2th yr. of eligibility) (Asimov's 3/97) Best Professional Artist Richard Garfinkle (2nd yr. of eligibility) "Standing Room Only" by Karen Joy Jim Bums Susan R. Matthews (2th yr. of eligibility) Fowler (Asimov’s 8/97) Thomas Canty (2th yr. of eligibility) "Itsy Bitsy Spider" by James Patrick David Cherry Kelly (Asimov's 6/97) Bob Eggleton The Simple Art of Hugo Administra­ "The 43 Antarean Dynasties" by Mike Don Maitz tion: Hugo administrators John Lorentz Resnick (Asimov's 12/97) Michael Whelan and Ruth Sachter have caught the usual "The Hand You’re Dealt" by Robert J. (There are six items due to a tie for fifth amount of flak for admitting how they Sawyer (Free Space, Tor) place) iinterpreted the rules -- nothing that was­ "No Planets Strike" by Gene Wolfe n’t forgotten 24 hours and 500 e-mail (F&SF 1/97) Best Semiprozine messages after they posted the explana­ (There are six items due to a tie for fifth Interzone edited by David Pringle tion. place) Locus edited by Charles N. Brown While some questions are worthwhile, The New York Review of Science Fiction Worldcons are also lightning rods for Best Related Book edited by Kathryn Cramer, Ariel dizzy complaints like one that L.A.con III Space Travel by Ben Bova with Anthony Hameon, David G. Hartwell & Kevin received from someone wondering why May 1998 15

Stephen Donaldson never won a Hugo. several years in the 1980’s, then folded. Co-administrators David Bratman and Before that, I tried to model Loscon 3 Seth Goldberg prudently buried my reply: (1977) after Midwestcon: I can’t deny our effort at an LA relaxacon felt too much Top 10 Reasons Why Stephen like a big LASFS meeting (325 at that Donaldson Has Never Won the Hugo Loscon, compared to 150 at weekly meet­ ings.) 10. Fantasy never wins Hugos Con*Dor, however, seems an excep­ 9. Stephen Donaldson was nominated, tion to every rule. It uses the familiar sf but all his ballots had Battlefield Earth convention formula (pro guests, multi­ in first place and were immediately track programming, evening events, deal­ shredded. ers, art show, etc.) In spite of that it feels 8. Stephen Donaldson is even more like a relaxacon because everything the depressing than Barry Malzberg, who committee does is based on a charmingly also never won a Hugo. personal approach. A key contributor to 7. There is no "Best Octology" category. the con’s success is the head of program­ 6. Nobody told the voters the story was ming, William Stoddard. Bill really un­ finished. derstands the local scene, and has good 5. Fans who like Donaldson already relationships with many of the creative spent all their money on his books and don’t know whether the skunk had a and interesting fans and pros. Because of can’t afford to join the Worldcon to successful mating season.)" Davey Snyder the relationships, Con*Dor truly is what vote. suggested Claire save that extra work by all cons strive to become, the place we go 4. Stephen Donaldson did win a Hugo - affixing scratch’n sniff skunk stickers to to see our friends. I’m sorry, that was a Yugo... out-of-town subscribers’ copies. The con kicked off Friday night with 3. Look, we just got C.S. Lewis nomi­ The same meeting heard Sharon fans in concert. Barry Gold sang classic nated -- you’ll have to work your own Sbarsky read the postcard version of my filksongs, including "The Long Watch." scam if you want a Hugo for "Ballad of Mr. Skunk" (to be sung to that There were several more soloists, then a Donaldson. well-known tune by Mssrs. Flatt and six-member group, Wild Oats, favorite of 2. Could somebody remind me what new Scruggs). They immediately appropriated local coffee houses, specializing in Brit- Donaldson novel was out in 1995 -- $50 for an unidentified revenge, warning: ish/Celtic music. Their lead guitarist had and why we are answering this "Be afraid, Mike Glyer, be very afraid!" long, red hair that he gave a contorted question? flip when he needed to pull his guitar I. No Hugos may be given to an strap over his head - always on the verge author whose book title has been Conventional of insuring the strangulation his maneuver parodied by a prize-winning Masquer­ was intended to prevent. ade costume. (Lord Bane’s Fowl) Reportage Wild Oats sang straight ballads and novelty songs, only departing from their Celtic canon for the finale. They ended Tails of Known Skunk with Talking Heads’ "Take Me To The Con *Dor River", led out by the group’s two-man February 27-March 1, 1998 woodwind section -- one playing a bright­ Deb Geisler, in charge of a committee to Town & Country Hotel ly-painted diggeredoo that throbbed in humanely remove Mr. Skunk from the San Diego, CA rhythm like an air conditioner gone mad, NESFA clubhouse, is reduced to the faint by Mike Glyer and the other playing a kind of antique hope that with the coming of spring he horn that looked like the musical cousin has decamped to a different climate. "If of that j-shaped pipe under your sink. you see a skunk in a propeller beanie, Con*Dor has the same wonderful qualities Both held their instruments jauntily up­ give him directions to the Lunarians, as cons I used to go to in the Midwest, right and waved them side to side in time would you?" like the early Confusions. What a nice like a big band brass section. And that NESFA Clerk Claire Anderson is little convention is doing in Southern lead guitarist could really wail. It was lots overwhelmed by demand for up-to-date California I couldn’t tell you. of fun. news from Instant Message subscribers We don’t do little cons out here. Lynn Maudlin followed them, singing "who are unable to smell the evidence in Western conrunners like to see themselves several new songs she’s written, including person." Claire answers, "Yes, the skunk as empire-builders. Local fans also have "I’m Gonna Kill My Clone" is still in residence, favoring us with a trouble catching the vision for a small There was substantial programming low-key blast every few days. (And no, I event. San Diegans held ConQuistador for 16 File 770:123 on Saturday. Guest of honor Harry Turtle­ dead bodies and could be tempted to jump year’s SF Tage in Dortmund.]] dove answered questions from the audi­ into the 2002 race. ence. Those questions often focused on Con*Dor is also well connected to the General Notes: My primary mission to his knowledge of history and devotion to costuming community, so it boasts a nice Manchester was to observe and to learn accurate research. That prompted Harry to masquerade. Not very many technical from the organizational structure of the tell a story on himself, how one of his bells and whistles, just beautiful costumes. convention. 1 love to watch fans at work, alternate histories assumed no native One fan wore an Elizabethan Peacock to lean back and enjoy the comforting Americans and he carefully vetted his costume "four years in the making." Brid­ thought that 1 will not be flogged if som­ vocabulary accordingly. But a fan twitted get Landry donned an electric-pink, plas­ ething should go wrong. him for overlooking that a word he used, tic body suit and silver wig to play a Preparations: Since it was my first "woodchuck", is not originally English, it performer being chased by a horde of Eastercon, I had a lot of names to put the is based on a sound-alike Indian word. adoring autograph-hunters. The fans stam­ right faces to and faces to remember Oops. peding behind her included the guy in the where I didn’t know the name. The first The panel "Making Long Books Into gold Viking propeller-helmet, and a fel­ committee-member I spotted in action Short Movies," featured David Brin, low running with his tiny baby in his was Claire Brialey, in the International Michael Underwood and moderator Lynn outstretched arms. (I bet this was not a Suite on Thursday. It was about that time Maudlin. David was there because of The specially-trained stunt-baby; not a very she found out the stage was not going to Postman, Underwood because he is work­ bright idea.) Another group did a faux be used during the opening ceremony and ing on a dissertation about Lord of the "Wild Kingdom" documentary of a multi­ the whole room had to be refurnished. Rings and a studio has proposed to make color fairy tribe: researchers lured the She acted very professional about this, a film based on the trilogy. fairies onstage using Skittles for bait, very otherwise "calm and mellow", so my David defended the version of his funny.... conclusion was that I’d better be quiet story presented in The Postman — sort of. Con*Dor makes 150-200 fans very until spoken to. He said early versions of the script were happy, proving that an astute committee As far as I could tell, there were a lot nothing like his story, but when Kevin can make small-con values work, even in of no-nonsense people in motion to create Costner got involved in the project he Southern California. an enjoyable convention. Can’t say that wanted a script that was more faithful to Intuition ran like a tangerine clockwork, it, the reason why the final version in­ Intuition (Eastercon) but things came together smoothly. There cluded any scenes actually taken from the Manchester, England was not much for me to do, except pop­ book. This history made David more ping off to the first dinner party with accepting of the final version. As he said, April 10-13, 1998 some British, German and Swedish fans. "When you’ve been getting hit with a Report by Wolf von Witting What I like about Eastercon is that I can ball-peen hammer for 12 years and they use all three languages at the same con. finally stop, it feels really good." [[Wolf von Witting hails from Saltsjobad- I intended to make a video-document­ Dave Clark has attended Con*Dor all en in Germany. He's a frequent contribu­ ary of this event, but soon found out that along, and this year Bay Area fans Kath­ tor to the Intersmof discussion list, where recording program items wasn’t generally ryn and James Daugherty also flew down. the original version of this report ap­ permitted without an explicit permission After I discussed the 2001 bids with peared. Wolf a long-time conrunner and of the moderator of the item. Fine! With Kathryn, she turned to James and asked filksinger, was a guest of honor at this nine different program streams it is im­ who he was supporting. James possible to do any good docu­ answered, "I’m a friend of mentary with only one camera Boston." Kathryn reminded, anyway. So I decided to use "You’re also a presupporter of the camera mainly for one Philly." James seemed sur­ specific series of items, which prised: "Am I?" I guess we all 1 am particularly fond of (and know who’s getting his vote. that was the Filking sessions). After talking about the Guests of Honor: The disappearance of the Berlin in Opening Ceremony was wor­ 2003 bid, Kathryn shared a thy but slightly overstretched. smofiy insight that the San The Guests of Honor were Francisco bidders hope their presented: Ian McDonald (so rival, Seattle, stays in the fight funny that I decided to read to the 15th round, to discour­ one of his books next), Martin age overseas bids who, vul­ Tudor (a man of few words at ture-like, may be looking for this point in time - but he has May 1998 17

been to Sweden, so he must be an okay of early fanhood was only comparable trouble and then - shooting it! She can fan) and Connie Willis (who was stealing with Mike Cheater’s incredibly inspired draw fast (verbally), I tell you! the show completely together with lan). storytelling in Ratzeburg 1997. One is left I’m not as quick myself unfortunately However -- I disagree with her about with stunning insight on the usefulness of (except on duty at the railway) and partic­ Titanic, but that’s just because I’ve decid­ wardrobes and the mirth a refrigerator can ularly not in English. I thought that I was ed to look favorably on whatever James bring. pretty good, but have to admit that I still Cameron does (I know it’s silly, but I like The Gophers soon learned that "As­ have a lot to learn. I had no idea what his work). sistance is futile". So did I. The con was Gaffertape was (did I spell that right?). One thing that I noticed was that just too bloody well organized for us Now I know. It is like the force: "It has a whenever a GoH was in session all paral­ minions to be of much use. I don’t intend dark side and a bright side and it binds lel program streams (except the films) to complain about this since it gave me the universe together." were paused. This is a very sensible thing plenty opportunity to learn everything that Rafe Culpin came asking for Gaffer­ to do and I don’t know if it is done at I was curious about. It also gave me an tape and I looked at him very much the every Eastercon — but it should be so at insight into British fandom at such level same way that he would have looked at every con (except maybe Worldcons). that I had to ask; "Am I really supposed me if I had asked him for vaevtejp. Any­ Some conrunners forget to honor their to hear this?" Apparently it didn’t matter. way, we couldn’t locate the requested GoHs. I think it is important to make a Frances Dowd (chair — or sofa) was item, so John decided that Rafe would GoH feel that his presence is truly valued in once and was asked if N.N. had been have to ask "Tech" for it. "And where is and that he or she isn’t just a routine excluded from the convention. "No, he Tech?" The answer was an echo which program item. has just been forced to leave the hotel!" hung over the consite throughout the I regret that I didn’t find the time to Since this was a split-site convention he entire convention. "It’s in the other ho­ attend any of their program items - I just was allowed to carry on in the other hotel tel!" hope they were well attended anyway. Ian (in an orderly fashion). The level of Random Fandom: Dave Langford must be a blast to listen to. Connie was a tolerance was admirable and the number did not attend this Eastercon, but Ansible very nice person and the only one who I of smegheads in charge of anything was #129 was available anyway. I talked to got opportunity to speak to, briefly. Mar­ negligible. Now I understand why Fran is KIM Campbell and came to the conclu­ tin is a fan I really would have liked to called the "sofa". She must have a great sion that I just had to go to Glasgow in talk with (but Tony Berry and Steve sense of humor. the year 2000. Putting faces to names was Green wrote in "A Fan for All Reasons" Someone equipped with a ballpoint fun, I have always wondered what Helen that he isn’t happy at all to talk to "those pen added an extra "O" to the sign on our Joy Hibbert (today she goes under the bloody Filkers" — so I spared him the door in the Deansgate Suite. Fortunately name Joy Hilbert) looked like. The first discomfort, since I’m one of them). our joker didn’t go berserk all over the British fanzine I’ve got (about 19 years Oops: I was assigned to a competent consite. But we didn’t have much to go ago, was by her). But I made damned team at Ops with John Richards as man­ "oops" about, except on our last shift sure that she wouldn’t know (or get curi­ ager, Mike Figg as troubleshooter and his when everyone got tired and strung and ous about) who I was. wife Janet as deputy. I got a feeling that when Marcia Illingworth expressed her­ I made good contacts with other Fiona Anderson had given a lot of self as eloquently as ever. collectors of science fiction movies on thought about who was going to be on N.N: "I don’t know why you all seem video. David Lally and I will trade some duty with who. "Will they work nicely so irritated." films, 1 hope. He’s got the 1959 sf-film together?" I think we did. I’d be happy to Marcia: "It’s because you’re an irri­ On the Beach which is quite difficult to work with John, Mike and Janet again -- tating person!" This remark set off a come by. And I’m sure I have some at any time. dispute which forced John to intervene equally rare films to trade. Ops must be the frontal lobe of the with his best skill in diplomacy. Paul Treadaway, Dave Clements, convention. It is similar to my work in I was unable to see the problem from Vince Docherty, Steve Davies, Tim Ill­ train traffic control: all problems are N.N.s point of view, but I understand that ingworth and Colin Fine. Now I know routed through Ops. But the fact that this he was a good man in any case. But it what they look like, but I don’t think we con was so well organized had the effect also confirmed the importance of being had nearly enough time to socialize in that there was little for us to deal with on polite at all time (it can rarely be a mis­ any significant way. To me that is a my first shift, Friday morning. Basically take). And Marcia is a sweet Tennessee problem with conventions of this size. I’d I just got acquainted with my own func­ Lady that deserves some respect. Marcia like to socialize! It is why I go to conven­ tion and with the Ops Manual. was also Ops Manager for another team tions. And there is one fan which I didn’t On my second shift, Saturday, we had with filker Rhodri James as troubleshoot­ get the opportunity to talk to at all -- plenty of time to socialize although we er. If she had been more mobile she Maureen Kincaid Speller. I’d like to were supposed to be at work. The sheer would have done a damned fine trouble­ thank her for Snufkin 's Bum. And by the joy of listening to John and his bitter tale shooter herself, touring the convention for time I got back home to Sweden there 18 File 770:123 was another issue in my mailbox. That’s last name?) did charades behind his back that I join in. I also got "in charge" of the when I went grrmpf (as Germans some­ in best monkey fashion. The audience fell filking sessions at the Eurocon. I will times do)! I still don’t know which one of about. discuss the details of this on the Filk UK the faces she was... Rafe Culpin provided some changes mail list. But I hope that I can provide But Cheryl Morgan {Emerald City) of pace by doing a recitation of poems the greatest show of them all, with a little was there. At this convention I think she instead of singing. It fitted in rather well. help from my friends. As a matter of fact had a bad timing for Dinner Parties. She Even Andy Hayton who otherwise is a I will need that help. As a filker I’m asked when I had already just eaten some­ shy fan joined in on our allnighter (Satur­ rather inexperienced but hope for a lot of thing. Can it get any worse? Yes it can! day) and sang. Sometimes it is more good advice from Lissa Allcock, among The Norwegian Room Party was important that you sing, rather than that others. scheduled for the same evening as the you sing well. Debra Bourne, another Tom Clegg volunteered as French Filk Concert where I had to participate. I quite shy fan suddenly became much Agent for Eurocon and we accepted him was very eager to get to know fellow more talkative and she folded a small gladly. It is rather difficult to find an filkers. And I did get to know a lot of green origami-bird (or was it a dragon?) agent for France at all. And we surely them. for me. It is was an atmosphere that don’t want to exclude one of Europe’s The Shropshire Suite: ...may be­ brought out the best in fans. major countries. Tom has also been come the title of a ballad about this East- There was Valerie Housden, a lady French agent for Intuition. The situation ercon. It was on the 4th floor of the who could sing of outrageous and bizarre in France is that about 25% of a conven­ Britannia Hotel and witnessed a night to events while she made it sound like a tion consists of fans, the rest are profes­ remember. It gathered some of the best love song. She could also speak German sionals. At this year’s national French Filkers I ever heard (then again — I have­ and was well acquainted with the filkers convention in Nancy (where Brian Stable­ n’t heard many). It convinced me that the I’d met in Dortmund a couple of weeks ford was GoH) they expected about 200 best filking sessions come around after ago. I used all the rest of videotapes to people to show up. Fandom in France midnight when all is quiet around and record all these wonderful filkers. So, you must be smaller than in Sweden. only the most enthused fans attend. It is didn’t listen to them? Your loss! I even Sigma TC ...was not as well repre­ always nice to have a committed audi­ more or less skipped the Dead Coypu sented as I had hoped for. Janne Johans­ ence. That night some of us carried on Party, just to hearthem one last time. We son and Marcus Lindeberg came, Michael until 6:00 a.m., the next night until 3:00 sat on the second floor in the Britannia, Pargman came. But we have had a lot of a.m. outside where Ops had been and sang into drop-outs due to financial insufficiency. Filking fitted nicely into the Centauri the night, as we had done the night be­ Of course we had also Herman Ellingsen decor of this hotel, but I hope that as fore, and the night before that and the (with whom I shared the experience of many as possible of these fine performers night before that... the masquerade) and Eckhard D. Marwitz will find their way to Dortmund next When Valerie returned after getting on site... But they mainly represented year, because I really would like to hear herself a drink (or whatever) and heard us other interests. I regret that I didn’t find and see them again and I will only be all singing she said: "Are you inventing more time to spend with my friends in able to afford one con abroad in 1999 -- new harmonies?" Tim looked at her and Swedish and German fandom. I think the Eurocon. Previously mentioned Rhod­ said: "No!" "Then somebody must be Juergen Marzi was very understanding ri James was only one of them. singing out of key rather well!" about this. There was Chris Malme, known as Eurocon and so on ...became an I really like to spend more time with "the Minstrel", and author of a song based issue when Beluga Post finally arrived on the people that I have so much in com­ on AD&D "Against All Gods" (or Take Friday evening. He was troubled by do­ mon with. I may be a railway man, I like A Look At The Drow) -- I believe it may mestic inconveniencesand felt reluctantto trains — but my heart is still in fandom become an alltime classic. He also did a leave home at all. I can understand that — and that will probably never change. I song about "Friends" which touched me if my family was ill I would also feel bad owe Fiona a big thanks for all the help deeply. There was Tim and Annie Walk­ about popping off to a con and have fun and good advice she’s been giving me for er, both great performers with excellent while they stay at home and suffer. I the past year. Suddenly I find myself voices. "A Pint of Contraceptive" was guess Astrid had to convince him at gun­ right in the middle of events. another song, previously unknown to me point that he would have to go. Now if I don’t wish to appear superficial or — and unfortunately I ran out of tape just you think he acted distraught you under­ rush from here to there throughout a as Tim started playing it. stand why. convention. This time it was quite a lot of There was another couple, Lissa and I got my Trinity-Agent-badge and new impressions at once. Perhaps this will Phil Allcock. Phil had a marvelous talent was welcomed into the team. It appears change as I intend to return for another of doing his best things while I was out that Beluga and I are equally happy about Eastercon as soon as possible. I did enjoy of battery. Got a part though of "Lies", this. I feel honored to be part of a project myself immensely and I’ve found a lot of when Tim, Annie and Mike (what was his of this magnitude and he is very happy new friends. May 1998 i9

The Fanivore

Gregory Benford means of communication, and furthermore back" means a specific Disclave com­ an obsolete one since most of the posters mittee member (whose name Joe has not there have migrated to Usenet’s soc.sub­ published) offered to repeat the 1996 You and Harry Warner are right about culture.bondage.bdsm, anyway. arrangement in 1997. This probably was Rotsler’s carbon copy Kteic. I have all If Joe is going to predicate his deal­ not done by posting to a newsgroup.]] the WmR fmz we found in his house and ings with groups based on labels, it would Then Joe goes on to say that "1 had am sorting and cross-filtering them with be sensible for him to first find out what let it be known in our fliers, etc. that no the extensive file already in the UC Riv­ he is talking about before making policy. ASB type activities would be tolerated at erside Eaton Collection (from Terry Car­ Disclave in 1998." Well, could he please r’s collection, which is entirely there). [[Joe can correct me if I’m wrong, explain what an "ASB type activity" is? There are no carbon-copied Kteics, but but I believe I have heard him explain Posting to a Usenet newsgroup? If other, many in mimeo (one in red ink!) and (during a conversation at LSC2) that it would behoove Disclave to be more some Masques. when he asked at the 1996 Disc lave what specific, and sensible, in coming up with [[Bruce Pelz says he has 221 pages the pink clothespins on some membership a policy for what they want to ban rather of early carboned Kteics, which he had badges meant, he was told they admitted than appearing to instead simply scape­ microfilmed in the 60s, with Rotsler’s the wearers to a private bondage demo goat a bunch of people based on criteria permission.]] area at the con hotel. I don’t know whe­ such as their clothing or a perception of 1 went to the kickoff meeting on ther those individuals had a collective someone’s sexual preference. development for feature film of my novel, name for themselves, but Joe is by no [[There is an element of "Rule Six" in COSM. The suits from Fox were there, means the only Disclave committee mem­ this — referring to the rules issued by the peppering the screenwriter with questions ber calling them "a.s.b.-ers." People Red Lion to members of a long-ago San about character motivation, background wanted a handle that was less of a mou­ Jose media con. Rule Six banned public etc... While I sat there, glad I didn’t have thful than, "The practitioners of bondage displays of affection, with predictable to respond, having merely written the who communicate among themselves in results. It should have sufficed for Dis­ novel — and nobody even looked at me! such a way as to wind up booking space clave to announce the end of the special I was present as Science Consultant, at Disclave." There is no reason not to booking arrangement that apparently period. I’m actually rather glad I’m not use a more accurate term when someone existed in prior years.]] doing the screenplay as I can see the involved offers it.]] I’m very sorry that Disclave was endless consultation necessary; though the Secondly, while I neither post to nor canceled, but scapegoating people while writer’s getting $150,000. Maybe I’ll do read the bondage newsgroups, nor have not knowing what you’re talking about the dialog revisions... ever been to one of their parties, the idea does not seem a reasonable response. that a group of people’s private parties What are the "ASB-type values" that he Gary Farber would give a con a "dirty" name reads mentions? Exactly? And who, exactly, by like F, Towner Laney going on about name, subscribes to them? I want to jump first to Joe Mayhew’s let- "queers in LASFS"; it comes off as very On your Poll: I’m flattered to get a ter/article because it reads so strangely to bigoted, in a way entirely separable from couple of votes on your Most Influential anyone who knows the first thing about what sensible convention policy is. Based list. I’m temped to ask as to who the Usenet, which Joe doesn’t appear to. on the obvious errors in his letter, I’m handful of people are whom I’m not Before anything else though, let me say dubious of some of his other assertions familiar with: would that be rude, or that we’re all happy that he’s recovering where I don’t know the facts: was an educational to many of us? Who are so well from his recent illness. actual invitation to any newsgroup actual­ Eleanor Farrell, Terry Biffle, Lloyd G. The first thing that anyone who ly issued, as he asserts "I heard that Daub, Tim Gatewood, George Ivanoff, knows anything about Usenet who reads ’ASB’ had been invited back"? Does he Ginger Johnson, Jeff "Hunter" Jordan, Joe’s letter does is to burst out laughing have any actual evidence of this? It Ruth Shields, James Van Lydegraff, Paul when he says that "they were the ’ASB,’ should be easy enough to turn up on D. Weasner, and Ron Wilber, I wonder? and that means ’Alternate Sex Bondage.’" DejaNews, and if it’s true, he should [[Eleanor Farrell is a Pirate Queen, Well, no. "a.s.b" is an alt.newsgroup produce the post; if it’s not true, he editor of Mythprint, a past chair of Myth- distributed by netnews (NNTP, doncha should withdraw the accusation and issue con, and plays faux-Siskel to Lynn Maud­ know?), and is in no way an organization a correction. lin’s faux-Ebert in their "Sizzling Egrets" of any sort, any more than the "smofs" [[Again, Joe can correct me if I’m skits. Terry Biffel was the late chair of mailing list is an organization. It is a wrong, however, I believe that "invited ConFrancisco. Lloyd G. Daub edits the 20 File 770:123

Milwaukce-area genzine MSFire. Tim honor we can give, and it should be re­ designed to survive a nuclear war, and it’s Gatewood currently co-edits Memphen, served for the fans who have truly had a bit difficult to track down all several and I believe was the last editor of the the most wide-ranging influence. Even dozen million sites which access it, binary South of the Moon apa index. James Van fans of such longstanding as Len and June information on the Internet is a tad more Lydegraff is a long-time LASFSian. A Moffatt would be borderline (mostly just readily survivable than even several hun­ couple other names like George Ivanoff active in LA), in my book, and many of dred pieces of paper. As we say on Use­ I’ve seen before but don't know the back­ the folks listed are otherwise just too net, "hope this helps." ground, and your guess is as good as recent or too limited in their activity (just Also, Harry should note that the mine about the rest.]] Worldcon running, or just being a BNF in Worldcon is a small convention insofar as Your list of potential and unasked their local club). I’d also like to see less large conventions go: large conventions GOHs for Worldcon is interesting, of parochialism and more attention to non- are those in the 40-60,000 attendee range course. I’d say that it’s a bit early yet for North-American fans. — we’re just chicken feed compared to Allen Steele, Harry Turtledove, and Ste­ Really, it’s long past time for Jack them at our 3-8,000 level. phen Baxter, but there are some good Speer, and it’s ridiculous that so many suggestions here. I’d particularly like to others have been asked before him. see Phil Klass/William Tenn honored, and [[I tend to agree with you and Leah Joseph T. Major it’s definitely past time for Robert Sheck- Zeldes that Speer should have been picked ley and . I hadn’t actually by now. What goes into being chosen as Editor’s Notes: "A few fans are still realized that Edd Cartier was still alive! Worldcon fan GoH — beginning with their upset..." because they do not want to He and the Dillons are eminently deserv­ achievements as a fan — reminds me of admit to themselves that the field has ing. I don’t really see George Lucas as the recipefor fire: if you ’re missing either grown so large that there are people, being of our community, though, much as heat, oxygen or a combustible substance, significant in their own distinct subsection we all like the "Star Wars" films, and I there’s no fire. The missing ingredient for of the field, that they are not aware of. don’t see him as an appropriate choice Speer has been a relationship with a [[It’s the other way around. Those therefore. community of convention-runners that is who are upset recognize nearly all the Of Fan GOH choices, I’ll politely say likely to run a Worldcon. Very few com­ names on these In Memoriam lists. The that there are many suggested that I con­ mittees select their fan GoH by research­ identifiers are added as a concession to sider to have had insufficient time and ing the most historically significant fan the many less-well-informed Worldcon influence in fandom for this honor to yet who has yet to receive the honor and members.]] be appropriate (but then, I think two picking him or her. What happens most Clipping Service: I thought the Hein­ candidates of recent years didn’t deserve often is that someone on the committee — lein Archives at Santa Cruz University it, either). I mean, how many of these the chair, a mentor, a respectedfanhist ­ had the story treatment of Abbott and people would you put before Jack Speer, orian — advocatesfor a particular choice Costello Move to Mars. From the descrip­ for instance, or John Bangsund, neither of and persuades the committee to agree. It tion given, the story sounds like a flction- whom has been yet asked. Speer is re­ is not uncommon that the fan being cho­ alization of some of the more, ah, outre sponsible for much of fandom as we sen has previously been guest of honor at events from the making of Destination know it today, for goodness sake’s, and the group’s local/regional con — he/she is Moon. here people are being listed whom only not a stranger anymore. There are enough 1998 Disclave Canceled: There was became active in the last twenty years! fans who ought to be Worldcon GoH a very sympathetic (believe it or not) and About the only folks on your list I con­ someday that it’s very hard for one to get sensible (I know this sounds even more sider reasonable choices would be Bjo selected who lacks the added ingredient of incredible) discussion on the Net of May­ Trimble (for her Fifties activities), Walt being regarded as "part of the family."]] hew’s dilemma. The pattern of such Daugherty, Howard DeVore, Bill Donaho, groups is that Fans who share a common Don Fitch, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Steve Harry Warner, Jr., of course, has it interest get together at a con. Then SF Stiles, and Peter Weston. I’ll barely let completely backwards when he worries readers who are not Fans but do share recent fans such as Tom Whitmore, Tony that "present methods of preserving elec­ that interest come to the con to practice Lewis, Ben Yalow, and yourself, possibly tronic fanzines" will become obsolete. their interest and pick up the new stuff on slip in. What is hard to preserve for very long, the side. Then, people who share that Sheesh, some of the folks on your list and what isn’t accessible to very many interest but contemn that "sci-fi shit" have been Worldcon Fan GOH, such as people when it is preserved, is a few come to the con to play with their friends. Jan Finder. [[All glory is fleeting....]] dozen copies of non-acid-free paper. The Thus we get everything from alt.sex.bond­ Most of the folks on the list are either too safest form of fanac possible is binary age parties to the Gardening Track to recent, or not active in wide enough data distributed to millions of sites, which "Friends" slash fiction. circles, in my book. I believe that the is to say, fanac done on Usenet and the A problem is that those in the last Worldcon Fan GOHship is the highest World Wide Web. Since the Internet is category above sometimes so dislike "that May 1998 21 sci-fi shit" that they do not even bother thing is being done, don’t contribute to it, fied with the way the Hugo awards are buying con memberships. Mayhew should but do be critical when it is done because structured so it really doesn’t matter too be rightly annoyed about this, and so you weren’t consulted. much what decision is finally reached. should the rest of us. (Rivercon, Steve Me: I finally looked at the Rotsler Just about the same number of complaints and Sue Francis’s con here in Louisville, movie. Talk about plastic hair! will be voiced, regardless of what hap­ had problems with a local — "group" is a pens. little too coherent to describe them, say, [[Unlike a lot of things in life, a fan "assortment" of wannabe punk rockers Harry Warner Jr. can take his pet plan for the Hugos to the who would rent a suite at the con hotel Worldcon business meeting and make his arguments in a forum where something and party during the con in the customary With due gratitude for having four men­ can actually be done about it if he’s punker fashion. tions in your poll for the fan who exer­ persuasive. Won't it be sweeter to hear Of course, the response is usually cised the most influence on a voter’s complaints about something already fixed even more distorted. "Let’s shun these fanac, I can’t help wondering why. My the way he wanted?]] outside groups, which in any case have best guess is that all four of those who I had heard viva voce about the disap­ their own conventions, and get down to honored me did so because my awful pearance of this year’s Disclave before the core of SF conventions, with no Hik­ example showed them it’s better to to ing or costuming or so on." Or fanzine become an all-out lochack. this March issue of File 770 arrived. [[Inconceivable! Are you getting your fans. And all these have their own justifi­ And since I didn’t get even one single news from subspace radio?]] This prob­ cations. How does one tell an a.s.b. dom­ solitary vote for fan writer in the same lem, coupled with the Boston worldcon inatrix from a "Mad Max" fan? (Short of poll, do you know how I should go about bid problem, makes it all the more impor­ counting the partygoers.) returning my three fan writer Hugos to tant that fandom should get to work on Uchujin at 40: This fanzine has been the proper authorities? the Tucker Hotel. I think the original continually published for forty years? [[Yes: I understand that Mr. Lillian blueprints need to be enlarged to some [[Yes. See, File 770 is just a young will be at your door to collect them about extent to cope with the increased size of whippersnapper]] an hour after he reads your letter.]] convention fandom since the project was Knightfall: It looks like someone Mark Twain’s advice, "When in was out to get Sir Arthur, as I supposed doubt, tell the truth," is one I’ve always first revealed to fandom. we can now call him. British courts seem tried to follow. But I have made excep­ [[That depends on how long it will to be less protective of the sacred press tions in the past whenever a local resident take to finish: if we extrapolate the trend than American ones (having read about who knows of my interest in science of diminishing Worldcons, eventually you Randolph Churchill’s many libel suits - fiction has asked me if I’ve saved old can put that in one wing and Corflu in pity he did not live long enough to drag proziners or early paperbacks. Burglary the other!]] some of the current crop of revisionists for the sake of antique swiping has be­ More doom and gloom in your obitu­ over the coals -- helps one to understand come a chronic nuisance in the Hagers­ ary and serious illness section, alas. I the situation) but the Mirror may figure town area, so I always reply that I have hope those who are ill will benefit from that delay is enough to win by default. never saved everything, and ask forgive­ all the marvels of modem medicine. Obituaries: Jo Clayton: Perhaps the ness for the lie at the very beginning of 1 wish I’d known in advance that Les most significant accomplishment, to my the prayers I say every night. Rev. Darrell Gerber was destined to be on the telly. mind, of Clayton’s was that she wrote a Richardson’s loss of all those pulps con­ Incidentally, he is a reviewer for Fanfare, series that had an end. The Diadem series vinces me that I might be on the right the largest professional periodical devoted worked out very nicely, with a pattern of track. The value of old magazines has to recordings of classical music, and his plot development that reached a resolu­ been publicized enough in the mundane opinions get him into exactly the same tion; a remarkable accomplishment in this media to make potential thieves interested sort of trouble with readers as he used to era of TV-ized never-ending series that in where they might find quantities of experience in fanzines when he wrote usually get handed over by the original them. I hope Darrell recovers the remain­ such things as his regular column, More author. Moreover, Clayton carried on the der of his missing magazines, not only for Gerber by Les Gerber. classic sense-of-wonder universe, with not his own peace of mind, but also because I don’t know how many survivors of everything being immediately known or the surviving members of early 20th the first worldcon may still exist. But right on hand, so there is still room for century pulps grows smaller all the time something else worries me: we may not going somewhere, and the Universe is not and this would be a real inroad on the know when the first real member of First a nice safe place. remaining copies. Fandom is gone. That organization has The Fanivore: Mike Glicksohn: There is one consolation to keep in taken to accepting "associate members" While having a fanzine that showcases the mind about the controversy over how whose activity didn’t begin until long Hugo nominees is a good idea, remember electronic fanzines should be handled in after the cutoff date under the original the Rule of Fannish Activity: If some­ Hugo voting. Nobody will ever be satis­ First Fandom rules (1938, if memory 22 File 770:123 serves). They’re all lumped together in article was "Child Sex Shame of Arthur However, I can pick up a fanzine at any the FF roster, old and new. I don’t know C. Clarke", in print big enough to take up given time, and peruse it at my pleasure of any mechanism for determining when 2/3 of the front page. On page 8, a side- without worrying about the cost of the the last genuine First Fandomer is gone. bar under a photo of Prince Charles said, server connection, or the length of time The relevance of the 1918 influenza "Arthur C. Clarke’s admission that he had my phone line is clogged. Webzines will epidemic and the number of persons bom sex with children puts a question mark have their place, but I hope that fanzines in that year who became pro writers over whether he will be knighted by will stay as fandom’s main avenue of doesn’t seem apparent to me. Couldn’t we Prince Charles." I assume this is standard communication. theorize with equal authority that the end practice of such newspapers: inflammato­ of World War One in 1918 and the future ry words on the front page to hook cus­ science fiction writers were somehow tomers, which are toned down inside to We Also Heard From linked? prevent libel suits. Robert Lichtman: As many others have Ken Keller Joy V. Smith noted, Ed Green’s "2011 -- The Year We Almost Made Contact" is a real gem and Enjoyed your coverage of the KC in Joe Mayhew’s Disclave cancellation re­ deserves inclusion in any fanthology that Boston in 2K (+l) bid in the latest File port was very interesting. What a shame! might eventually appear for 1998. 770. Geez, you don’t think we’re serious I would like to commend him for han­ Adrienne Losin: The saddest part of about this bid? I’m crushed. Well, since dling the closing of the con, handing out being around at the end of the Millenium you’re now from Missouri, we’ll just refund checks, etc., so ably. is the losing of so many friends, relatives have to show you, I guess. (Loved that Re: The OSFiC Statement, are print and other notables. Seems hardly a week Alan White cartoon in the middle of the fanzines really doomed? I know lots of goes by but that someone I know passes copy.) people who are not on the Internet and on. Too many are leaving us too young. who do not have a computer or a modem. In File 770:121, Marjii Ellers’ tribute to Buck Coulson I even know a publisher/editor team who Bill Rotsler was very touching. I first met do not have a phone. Don’t throw you- Bill many years ago when I stayed at Bjo selves off the cliff, guys. To compensate for my having little to say Trimble’s in L.A. He was good fun and I "Mr. Skunk Goes to Washington" was this time, you get a nice picture of bunny admired his quick art talent. I still have fun, especially the theme song parody. rabbits. You don’t like bunny rabbits, an sf badge he especially painted for me. Who wrote that? Teddy Harvia: Your fanzine arrived that’s your hard luck; I gotta use these damn cards up on someone. [[I did — glad you liked it. I also yesterday. How did you know it was my I’ll stay out of the Hugo for web site drew Smofbert. After I sent them the lyric, birthday and that a copy of File 770 was argument; I’ve never encountered a web I read in Instant Message that NESFA the perfect gift? site. voted in closed session to spend S50 on [[A little wingnut whispered in my [[You have the strength of ten, be­ an appropriate reply. If I recall, that's ear...]] cause your heart is pure....]] how much Cat Ballou wired to Lee Mar­ Sorry to hear about Elliott Shorter; just vin’s gunfighter character. I’m getting Fanivore Contributors the other day a correspondent asked ttbsui anxious about this...]] him and I couldn’t tell him anything. Gregory Benford, [email protected] (Now I can, if I can recall which corre­ Lloyd Penney Buck Coulson, 2677 W. 500 N., Hartford spondent it was....) I hope he came out of City, IN 47349-9575 his hospitalization okay; I never saw a lot The 20th anniversary issue (#122) of File Gary Farber, [email protected] of him, but I liked him. 770 has arrived. Should NESFA ever get Teddy Harvia, 701 Regency Dr., Hurst, Thanks to Alan Dodd, I have that any pun money out of Teddy Harvia, just TX 76054-2307 Sunday Mirror article on Clarke, and the make sure he doesn’t send you any left­ Ken Keller, [email protected] headline did not call for him to be over Canadian change from his Montreal Robert Lichtman, P.O. Box 30, Glen stripped of his knighthood. (For one junket...the exchange rate is still terrible, Ellen, CA 95442 thing, he didn’t have the knighthood yet, at 70 cents American to the Canadian Joseph T. Major, 1409 Christy Ave., so he couldn’t be stripped of it.) It did dollar. Louisville, KY 40204 imply that he was a dirty old man and I certainly agree with Michael Blake Lloyd Penney, 1706-24 Eva Rd., Eto­ shouldn’t be given a knighthood. Admit­ on fanzines...the move from paper to the bicoke, ONT, M9C 2B2 Canada tedly, a small headline under "comment" WWW can’t be compared to the move Joy V. Smith, 3403 Providence Rd., in the text of the article (and still on the from hecto and mimeo to xero. It’s a total Lakeland, FL 33810 front page) said "Strip him of his honour: change of technology. I’m not online, at Harry Warner Jr., 423 Summit Ave., See Page 8". But the headline of the least at home, so I can’t access webzines. Hagerstown, MD 21740