WHAT BAPTISTS BELIEVE Ii Here Are Some of the Principles for Which They Stand: 1
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·The Baptist Herald A DENOMINATION AL MON THLY VOICIN G THE INTERESTS O F THE GERMAN BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S AND SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS' UNION Volume One CLEVELAND, 0 ., JULY, 1923 Number Seven WHAT BAPTISTS BELIEVE Ii Here are some of the principles for which they stand: 1. Jesus Christ the only and supreme authority in all matters of the soul. 2. The greatest possible freedom consistent in Lordship of Jesus Christ. 3. Full religious liberty for all, Jew and Gentile alike. 4 . Absolute separation of church and state. 5. Man's direct and personal responsibility and accountability to God. 6 . The right and duty of every man to ap proach God without any earthly mediator. 7. Spiritual regeneration through faith in Christ is necessary to salvation. 8 . Church membership should be composed only of converted and baptized persons. 9. Each local church a spiritual democracy with out any earthly overhead direction or control. 10. Immersion of believers is the on ly ordinance of baptism taught in the New Testament. 11. The ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper are memorials of great histor ic facts and symbols of the great hear t ex per iences, but do not possess any saving efficacy. 12. The Bible without any additions, subtrac tions or amendments, is the only a uth or itative guide for Christians. I J. E. DILLARD. 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD July 1923 3 What's Happening Rev. Ch. M. Knapp has resigned as Schinke, president; Edward Peck, vice that the Fathers might not be left out The Baptist president; Lillian F reiter, asst. secre Herald pastor of the church at Wausau, Wis. in the cold, Pastor Argow pr epar ed and Brother Pauler, a member of the El tariy; Rudolf Stafnitzke, pianist; Ev issued a companion souvenir fOr every linwood, Kans., chur ch, who is prepar elyn Peck, assistant pianist; Roland "Dad." Both were greatly appreciated. Voth, treasurer. This society gets out some very clever The Young Christian and H~s Amusements church buildings are closed to young people for ing for the ministry at the Tabor Col r ecr eational gatherings ; in oth ers, th ere was never lege, Hillsboro, Kans., will supply the Rev. A. F. Runtz, pastor at Trenton, and attractive printed matter for their HE relation of the one wh o has entered upon ' Ebenezer church, Dickinson Co., for the Ill., had the joy of baptizing three Sun various programs. a thought taken in their erection for pr oviding for T the Christian life to the question of amuse this side of human nature. Our newer buildings summer. Rev. R. Klitzing, former pas day school scholars on Sunday, May 20. The members of the Young People's ments is one that has often perplexed and puzzled tor of the Ebenezer church, is now in Rev. F. H . Willkens, pastor of the Society of the Second Church of New are being planned different ly. charge of the Herington and Tampa Bethel Church, Buffalo, was one of the York City h ave been taking a course in young Christians. It is again just as true that the church of Jesus churches. teachers in a leadership training school Sunday school teacher training. Instead It is difficult to lay down universal rules con of the r egular program at the last meet Christ must assume an attitude of open and unyield Rev. Hugo Schade was expected to for Church vacation school worker s, cerning amusements and to draw har d lines of sep ing antagonism to every amusement that is injurious conduct evangelistic meetings with the held under the auspices of the Buffalo ing, a "surprise shower" was held for aration between amusements that are harmful and our secretary, Miss Pauline Kirchhoff, and degrading in its effects. The Christian life is church in Geary County, Kans., during Baptist Union. The school was held those that are not. Whether some are harmful or May. every Tuesday evening for a period of who is soon to be the bride of Bro. Carl righteousness, peace and joy in the H oly Spirit. It eight weeks, from April 24 to June 12. H. Godde. Many useful and lovely gifts not depends at times on the conditions under which Rev. G. W. Pust, pastor at Dillon, were showered upon the happy couple. is also self-denial and conflict against sin. We are Kans., baptized twelve Sunday school A Council consisting of the churches they are pursued and enj oyed. living in a world of temptation and its supreme A pleasant social evening was enjoyed The Bible is a book of principles, not of detailed scholars, ranging from 9 to 15 years of of Monroe County was held at the An by all present. temptation is to blind men by its shows and splen age, on Whitsunday, May 20. Bro. Pust drews Street Baptist Church, Rochester, A. FISCHER, Ass't. Sec. rules. Within its pages th ere is no catalogued list expects to begin a Vacation Bible school N. Y., Thursday, May 17, to consider dors to the spirit ual significance of life. Between of amusements, which we are to follow or avoid. the world and the church there must ever be a line May 22. Missionary J. Speicher, who the ordination of Seibe S. Feldman, a Young P eople's und S. S. Work It has no prohibited index to which we can turn and has been visit ing our German and some graduate of the German Department of er's Union of Cleveland of cleavage and separation. The cleavage from the American churches in Kansas, was with the Rochester Theological Seminary and On May 25th we had the pleasure of fin d out if this or that individual thing is approved world on the part of the Christian can be noted in the Dillon church on May 13. now a student in the English Depart meeting and hearing our President, Mr. or disapproved by it. Amusements change during his attitude to certain amusements. Rev. H . F. Hoops, pastor at Racine, ment. The Council organized itself by H. Marks. We gather ed as Y. P . and the centuries and are different with different Wis., recently surprised his people by electing Alfred E. Isaac, Moder ator, and S. S. Workers of Cleveland at t he First people. r esigning his charge. F. G. Reynolds, Clerk. The following Church, Mr. Carl Wendt, vice-president What Amusements Should be Avoided exercises were carried out: Invocation presiding. Each church contributed ~ But the Bible lays down great principles of moral The church at Spring Valley, S. D., and scripture reading, Rev. S. W. musical selection, and then Mr. Edward and spiTitual truth by which this question and OW may the young Christian test the char Rev. H. Lohr, pastor, held special Beaven, Lake Ave. Bapt. Church. Ser W. Hoek, chairman of the National Coun meetings during the first half of June every other question of life and character and con H acter of amusements? Haw can he determine mon, Prof . F. W. C. Meyer of the Ger cil, introduced the speaker. Bro. Marks duct can be tested a nd j udged. "The entrance of w heth er they are lawful or unlawful, helpful or and experienced a gr acious revival. man Department of the Seminary. gave an inspiring and helpful address About twenty have professed conversion. thy word giveth light ." pernicious; wheth er he can partake of them or is P rayer of ordination, Prof. Henry B. calling our attention to the fact that w~ Rev. G. E. Lohr of Emery assisted his Robins of the Seminary. Welcome to The Church of J esus Christ sh ould assume an to r efrain from them? W e venture to lay down brother during t hese meetings. have a great future, but much work is to the ministry, Rev. Alfred E. Isaac. be done, and we cannot be successful if attitude of friendship and intelligent advocacy of some principles which may assist young people to The church at Chancellor, S. D., has Charge to the Candidate, Rev. David we are negligent in our work for the ·ever y amusement that is both innocent in itself and solve some of these problems. decided to move its meeting house and Hamel, Pastor Andrews Str. Chur ch. Lord. We must be ever ready to do our beneficial in its r esults. That which does not healthily divert the mind parsonage from its present location t\yo Benediction, Rev. Seibe S. Feldman. part, however small or insignificant it miles in the country into the town of The World Wide Guild Girls who were may seem to be. We are so constituted as to demand a certain a nd rest the body is not true amusement. Chancellor. Concrete foundations for the first to organize a club in Manitoba It was then our privilege to hear from amount of recreation. This is especia lly true of Our r ecr eations are to be re-cr eations. If they both buildings have been laid. The move r ender ed a program at the McDermot Judge N. B. Neelen of Milwaukee, who young people. This natural craving and demand of wear y and weaken the body and brain, instead of is deemed a wise one for the future. Baptist Church, Winnipeg, under the was passing through Clevelan d with Bro. Mr. John Schneider, formerly of Paw man, who is a social being, God n owhere condemns. r esting and str ength ening them, avoid them. Our supervision of our leaders, Miss Knopf Marks. We were glad to hear that he There is a time to laugh, else why did God give us bodies are to be temples of God.