ye 30. the .,3et, Final Article Commenting on the Edinburgh Confer- ence on the Christian Approach to the Jews


mediaeval prejudice against the Jew." He stressed, there- fore, the necessity of eliminat- ing all trace of this spirit from Christian thinking, in order that the Jew may have his rightful opportunity of hearing the Word of life along with needy souls of every race and Colour. In a very definite way the Edinburgh Conference sought to underline the preamble of the resolution on the evangeli- Keystone zation of the Jews passed at Young Jews examine the remains of an ancient synagogue on the the World Council of site of their new settlement in Galilee. Churches in Amsterdam: "The member churches . . . TO THE CHURCH JESUS Middle Ages this was a seek to recover the universality gave His great commission, common attitude and the Jews of our Lord's commission by "Go ye into all the world, and were shunned by all as hated including the Jewish people preach the Gospel to every "Christ-Rejectors." in their evangelistic work." creature." Mark 16:15. It is With the Protestant also specifically stated that the Reformation the realization More than "Good Will" Wanted last message of mercy must go came that the Gospel must go Note was taken at Edin- to every "nation, and kindred, to all, including the Jews, and burgh of organizations which 4 and tongue, and people." yet even so, the ingrained have come into existence in Matt. 24:14; Rev. 14:6. "anti-Judaism" of mediaeval recent years both in England Self-evident as'it may seem, times has taken a long time and America to combat every it is nevertheless necessary to to eliminate and to-day is not form of anti-semitism and to stress that the scope of the completely gone. bring Jew and Christian closer Gospel invitation includes In 65 paper on "Anti-Juda- together in the life of the God's ancient people, for ism," at the Edinburgh Con- community. It was pointed through the centuries the Jew ference on the Christian Ap- out, however, that a funda- has all too of ten been proach to the Jews, the Rev. mental principle in all the neglected. H. L. Ellison analysed this fellowship meetings of these There are several reasons for almost unconscious attitude "goodwill" organizations is this. There have always been on the part of many Christians, the prohibition of any attempt those who believe that the and asserted that "if a survey to evangelize—and therein lies Jews have had their chance, could be made of the typical a serious danger. The "good- and have been rejected, and church-goer, it would be found will" movement tends to make • that nothing further need be that he still, almost uncon- the Jew feel that his faith is done for them. During the sciously, carries on the old as good as the Christian faith PAGE TWO PRESENT TRUTH and destroys any desire to in- adding up to some 400,000 for vestigate the claims of Christ. Our Cover England and Wales in round And in many Christian minds Jesus Enters Jerusalem figures.. In Scotland there are "good will" becomes a sub- in Triumph some 20,000 Jews. These all stitute for evangelism. must hear the Gospel before more than a sixth of the Jews Admittedly the Jew who has the missionary task is ended. of the world will ever get to suffered so grievously in recent The Advent Message to the Jew years needs a practical manifes- their newly established state. The fact is that the Jew is the In many ways the great tation of Christian "good will." _Christian's neighbour every- Christian churches have But he needs more than "good- where, anti the Gospel must diminished their message to will"; he needs the good go not only to the Jew in the the Jew, because they them- news" of the Gospel. The so- new state of Israel, but also to selves have largely lost sight called "good will approach" the Jews in the towns and of a number of vital aspects is, therefore, no substitute for, villages of the countries of the of their faith which would and is, in many cases, proving West. make a special appeal to the an obstacle to, the evangeliza- To the Christian people of Jew. For this reason there is tion of the Jew. the United States this brings a special responsibility upon Avenues of Evangelism a great challenge, for, as Dr. those who cherish the Advent In coming years one of the Conrad Hoffman dramatically message, not only to sound a major foci of world Jewry will asserted at the Edinburgh call to the Christian church he the new state of Israel. Conference: "One of every everywhere to reinstate car- Jews are going there at the two Jews in the world to-day dinal principles largely lost to rate of a thousand a day, or lives in the United States of the faith, but also to make its thirty thousand a month, and America." appeal in all its fullness to the it is expected that in a few There is a corresponding seeking Jew. years' time there will be not task in a number of the great The Jew is looking for the fewer than two million Jews cities of Britain as the Rev. Messiah to establish His uni- within the borders of the H. F. Ellison showed in his versal sway. The Advent mes- newly-established state. report. In Greater London sage declares that Messiah is It is surely in the providence there are 234,000 Jews, ,or indeed coming and coming of God that the leaders of the about three per cent of the total soon, in the person of our Lord new Israel have proclaimed population. In Leeds there are and Saviour Jesus Christ. complete religious liberty for 25,000, in Manchester 22,500, The Jew believes that the all and have extended every on Merseyside 7,250, in Bir- Decalogue is the great stan- facility for the re-establishment mingham 6,000, with smaller dard of divine righteousness, of the Christian missions in numbers in other centres, (Continued on page 12.) Israel territory which have had to be abandoned during the recent Arab-Jewish war. It will, of course, be costly to maintain missions in 'Israel to-day, for the cost of living there is five times what it was before World War II, but the door now open may one day be closed. Now, therefore, the church must enter in. But the entering of the new Israeli State with the Gospel message is but a fraction of the fulfilment of the church's responsibility to Israel for, as we have before mentioned, not

a Keystone A happy reunion of a little Jewish girl with the "Christian mother"' who saved her from the Nazis during the war.

AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE THREE A native Chinese evangelist studies the Scriptures with a group of interested inquirers. The Coming World Famine

A Yoke of Prophecy Broadcast

AND YE SHALL HEAR and millions upon millions of Word of God. Think of it! of wars and rumours of wars: pounds have been sent from You ask: How could such a see that ye be not troubled: favoured lands to other places thing ever be? Well, here is for all these things must come to keep people alive at least. the plain statement of the to pass, but the end is not yet. Even in normal times there Scriptures: "A famine in the For nation shall rise against are millions who never have land, not a famine of bread, nation, and kingdom against enough to eat, and during the nor a thirst for water, but of kingdom: and there shall be last twenty-five years literally hearing the words of the famines, and pestilences, and millions have died directly of Lord." And the predictions of qi earthquakes, in divers places. " hunger, and others of slow divine prophecy have a way Matt. 24:6, 7. starvation. of coming true. Here we read of the very But we learn from the pro- The famine for God's Word definite signs that Jesus said phecy of Aims, chapter eight, is coming when many who• would precede His return to verses nine and eleven, that have tried to doubt it will want this earth. Among these signs God has still- another kind of to hear its Gospel. They will are famines, and f ear f famine in mind. thirst for the water of life but famines in our time there have the fountain will be sealed. been. Think of the terrible Famine of the Word With what determined and famines that came during the "Behold, the days come, desperate energy will men first World War and after saith the Lord God, that I will seek for the Word of God it closed; of the famines that send a famine in the land, not then! Just listen to the pro- have resulted from the second a famine of bread, nor a thirst phecy of Amos 8:12: World War and which in For water, but of hearing the "And they shall wander various .places are ravaging the words of the Lord." from sea to sea, and from the world now. Great shortages The time will come when north even to the east, they of food have been prevalent, there will be a famine for the shall run to and fro to seek PAGE FOUR PRESENT TRUTH the Word of the Lord, and Ghost." Acts 7:51. Are you chapter—Revelation 22:14, 17 shall not find it." resisting the Holy Ghost in —,and listen to God's last They-will board streamlined these passing hours of pro- appeal: trains to the Atlantic Coast bation? Why are you holding "Blessed are they that do and then turn around and rush back? Why are you hesita- His commandments, that they West on the airliners. They ting? may have right to the tree of will cross the ocean to the A preacher friend of mine life, and may enter in through British Isles, to France, to writes that a young man once the gates into the city.. . . And Southern Italy c k and came to his meetings, heard the Spirit and the bride say, forth, whenever they hear a the call of God, responded Come. And let him that rumour that the Word of God and wanted to be baptized. At heareth say, Come. And let is available. From the frozen the next baptismal service, just him that is athirst come. And North they will come south, before the time for the ordin- whosoever will, let him take the many to hear God's mes- ance. the father called the the water of life freely." sage. They will stand in line miffister up on the phone and The Lord wants us to come before the churches. They said, "Don't you dare to bap- over onto His side, and He will fill the houses of the tize my boy. The minister closes • the Bible by saying, ministers. The libraries will replied, "When your son "Come, follow Me." Why is be. full of people. The Bible hears God calling him, you it so important to follow Him supplies will be sold out. must not stand in his way." now? Because the g r eat People will want to hear the The father said: "You are not famine is coming, the day Word of God, but will be going to tell me what to do. when the door of mercy will unable to find it. I forbid you to baptize my be shut, the time when the World events and their own boy." So he was not baptized. angel proclaims: "He that is heart hunger have at last con- Twenty years later that unjust, let him be unjust still: vinced their obdurate minds father sought the minister out and he which is filthy, let him that God's Word must be true. and said: "I wish you would be filthy still: and he that is Now they seek it in their own come and talk to my son. Do righteous, let him be righteous time, not God's time. That you remember a young man still: and he that is holy, let is why they do not find it. who wanted to be baptized him be holy still. And, be- Probation has closed. The day when you preached here in hold, I come quickly; and My of their salvation is past. this city twenty years ago? I reward is with Me. to give God's day of world judgment called you on the phone and every man according as his is upon them. -0 day of forbade it. After I refused work shall be." Rev. 22:11, 12. terrible famine! 0 hour of him, he took no further inter- In Luke 13:24 and onward infinite loss! est in religion. He became we have a picture of the com- discouraged." The man said ing famine for the Word of As in the Days of Noah that he would give anything in the Lord. And as surely as God said this world if he had not re- "Strive to enter in at the in the days of Noah, "My fused his son. The boy had strait gate: for many, I say Spirit shall not always strive gone from bad to worse. He unto you, will seek to enter with men" (Gen. 6:3), so in said that if he could not do in, and shall not be able. the coming day it is true that what was right, he did not When once the Master of the when God's Spirit ceases to care to do anything that was house is risen up, and hath plead with men, they will re- right. So the father wanted shut to the door, and ye begin ceive no further light from the the minister to talk with his to stand without, and to knock Bible. The Gospel work will son. He did talk to him, but at the door, saying, Lord, Lord. be closed up, the door of the all he would say was: "I open unto us; . . . He shall ark of safety will be shut- just haven't any time now for re- answer and say unto you, I as the door of the ark of Noah ligion. I don't care anything know you not whence ye are." closed just before the flood about it. The time has passed." Verses 24, 25. came. (Ste Gen. 7:16.) Once the door is closed, no Friends, it is a dangerous God's Last Word one will preach the Word. thing to let light come to you We remember the last Then the Lord will say, "De- and then pass it by. Remem- words of our loved ones more part from Me, all ye workers ber the words of Stephen the than any other words that they of iniquity." Verse 27. Have martyr to his persecutors, "Ye have ever said. So, as we read they committed some great do always resist the Holy the Bible, we come to the last (Continued on page 10.) AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE FIVE Steps to Heaven.-3 Undairn,edAetitanze

By F. A. Spearing

E VERY NOW AND THEN someone writes a story about a poor person who suddenly becomes rich. A wealthy ity uncle of whom no one has heard for many years, passes from this life, leaving his en- tire fortune to the hero of the story. And what wonderful times the hero has when once the inheritance comes into his hands? While we can as- You may have no claim to any earthly mansion but there is an sume that the reader of the eternal inheritance reserved for you if you will accept it. book enters with enthusiasm into all the experiences of the fortunate young man, it would an inheritance. It was so find out what it says about not be surprising if he should thrilling that we just had to this wonderful inheritance sigh now and then, and wish read it a second time; and we and about the heirs to the that such good fortune could have read it many times since, property. be his! It is different from the stories So many times is the in- But money, we are often re- we have mentioned in that it heritance mentioned in the minded in these post-war is true from beginning to end; Book that it is difficult to de- days, is not what is was. A it is not mere fiction, or only cide which reference to take thousand pounds' worth of "founded on f act." The first. Here is one of the most securities left to us now is not property mentioned in the comprehensive descriptions: so attractive when nothing narrative is indeed real estate, "To an inheritance incorrupt- seems very secure, as in former and infinitely more valuable ible, and undefiled, and that times. And as for property! than any of the properties of fadeth not away, reserved in "I wouldn't give a thank you which we read in books of heaven for you." 1 Peter 1:4. for one of these large properties fiction, and very much more What a prospect! situated in the heart of the extensive. We saw a large mansiot, country," said a friend. "What Possibly you have read this recently, situated in the county could I do with it? I couldn't wonderful story yourself? The of Dorset. It was built some live in the place. Think of the Book which tells of it is well two hundred years ago, but upkeep! I couldn't sell it, for known; it is a best-seller, with when we saw it, it was in a no one would buy. It would a larger number of purchasers state of decay. Thousands of be worthless to me, or to any- than any other book ever pounds would have to be one else unless he had a mint written. It is, of course, the spent to make that mansion of money to spend on the Bible and the inheritance is habitable. To receive that place." that which God has in His building for an inheritance A Worthwhile Inheritance goodness planned for His chil- would probably prove more We read a long time ago dren. Let us clip into the story of a liability than an asset. a truly remarkable story about here and there, and try to How different the incorrupt- PAGE SIX PRESENT TRUTH - ible inheritance which God 4:13; Acts 7:1-5; Heb. 11:10, But if we desire to be among offers. 13,14.) Elsewhere He tells those who are classed as the Did you ever dream that what He will do to this old meek of the earth, we must be you had come into a certain world_, in order to make it a mild, in the sense of being in- • property, only to find that the suitable inheritance for His offensive, we must be gentle, vision which seemed so real, people. forbearing in our attitude to- faded completely away with "For, behold," He told ward our fellow-men, and al- your waking moments? The Isaiah, -I create new heavens ways humble and submissive inheritance we are considering and a new earth: and 'the in our approach to God. Do is not a dream, or vision. It former things shall not be re- we measure up to this stan- will one day be realized. membered, nor come into dard? If so, we shall have part mind." Isa. 65:17. in the promised inheritance. Heirs of the Promise "We, according to His But if we do not measure up promise," said Peter on the to this high standard? Then An inheritance for you! Can authority of God, "look for we must seek its attainment in it be true? Are we heirs of new heavens and a new earth, our lives according to God's God? Can all who read these wherein dwelleth righteous-. promise: "The meek will He pages say the blessed heritage ness. 2 Peter 3:15. guide in judgment: and the is for them? Here is your "And I saw a new heaven meek will He teach His way.- answer: "An inheritance . . . and a new earth:" declared Psa. 25:9. reserved in heaven for you, John after receiving his won- who are kept by the power derful revelation, "for the of. God through faith unto sal- Have You Claimed It? a, first heaven and the first earth vation ready to be revealed in were passed away." Rev. 21:1. It is a tragic fact that the last time." 1 Peter 1:4, 5. Think of the most wonder- whereas our loving Father Have you faith in God? Do ful, most beautiful, most has planned a.glorious inherit- you trust in the Lord Jesus for glorious spots you have seen, ance for all men, it is an un- eternal' salvation? Are you and then remember that the claimed inheritance in the case conscious of being kept by the earth made new will be ten of millions of men and women power of God in the hour of thousand times more wonder- scattered through the earth. temptation, or trial? Then the ful, more beautiful, more Who are these foolish people inheritance is for you. glorious. Such will be the in- who spurn the offer of life "Blessed are the meek:" heritance of the meek. eternal? We do not have to was one of the words of Jesus look far for multitudes in these in His sermon on the mount; favoured lands are as neglect- "for they shall inherit the Who are the Meek? ful of their inheritance as those • earth." Matt. 5:5. This is not Do you ask who are the who dwell in the darkness of the first time that these words meek of the earth? We have heathenism and superstition. occur in the Bible. They are already seen that the meek are To such ones the Inspired to be found also in Psalm those who put their trust story of the inheritance is 37:11 with a most timely ad- wholly in God, who are kept nothing more than a "tale dition: "But the meek shall by His almighty power. The tha is .told." inherit the earth; and shall New English Dictionary gives While we shake our heads delight themselves in the us this definition of the word in sorrow because of the litany abundance of peace." meek: "Mild, submissive, in far-off lands, and nearer What a promise in these humble, tame, gentle, forbear- home, who have been unwill- days of wars and rumours of ing." ing to present themselves to wars. Just how much is in- We might accept almost the God in all humility and sub- volved in this promise? Long whole of this definition, but if mission, and thus lay claim to before the days when Jesus we are thinking of the meek His inheritance, let us have a was on earth, long before the ones of the. Bible, we must good look at our own claim to days when David wrote his strike out the word tame from His inheritance, let us have a psalms, God told His faithful this list; for there was nothing good look at our own heart, servant Abraham that on be- tame about Moses who was and ask ourselves: Is the half of all the faithful down the meekest of all men ; and. precious promise an unclaimed the ages he was heir of the there was nothing tame about inheritance so far as we are world and that he would enter the Master who was said to concerned? May the Lod help into his inheritance at the close be "meek and lowly in heart." us to give the right answer to of time. (Gen. 15 :14-16 ; Rom. Num. 12 :3 ; Matt. 11:29. this all-important question! AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE SEVEN I F THE SUN SUDDENLY went out, even the most tena- cious forms of life would not linger long to tell the tale. In fact, all life on earth would *la iite &sot cease within a matter of minutes. This glowing orb, though actually a mere midget What the Bible says about compared with many of its the End of the World stellar brethren, is to us by far the most spectacular and im- portant heavenly body. he speaks of "the tender grass has figured so prominently through the ages as an object The sun was appointed by springing out of the earth by of worship. The ancient God in the beginning not only clear shining after rain." 2 Babylonians of Sippar and to give light to the world (Gen. Sam. 23:4. Were there no sun, there would be no rain, Larsa venerated this glowing 1 :16), but as one of the most orb. The Egyptians wor- vital means of sustaining life. no vegetation, no life. This shipped it as the god Re, while The fruits of the earth are de- old earth would soon become the Assyrians called it Sham- clared to be the benevolent dead and silent. qr esh and did daily obeisance to work of the sun (Deut. 33:14), it. Man seems to be so help-' and in King David's dying Sun Worship less a slave of his senses that testimony to God's goodness Small wonder that the sun his natural desire has ever been to worship only that which can be seen and felt. The patriar6h Joh expressed this natural but immoral ten- dency: "If I beheld the sun when it shined, . . and my heart hath been secretly en- ticed, or my mouth hath kissed my hand: this also were an iniquity . . . for I should © S. P. Ltd. have denied the God which The is above." Job 31:26-28. This famous iniquity was one, unfortun- Mount ately, which sullied even Wilson Israel's history. Right in Jeru- Observa- salem were the "idolatrous tory in priests" who burned incense "to the sun, and to the moon, California and to the host of heaven." has 2 Kings 23:5. Sun worship specialized has even left its indelible im- on solar press on Christendom for studies. Christians generally have abandoned the Bible Sabbath and worship on Sunday," "the venerable day of the sun."

Is the Sun's Energy Inexhaustible? The sun's splendour staggers the imagination. Sweeping on- ward through space at an in- credible speed, it is continually belching forth great fiery flames of over 80,000 miles in PRESENT TRUTH

..4461.11444.10, ' Keystone The fiery emissions of our sun are strikingly seen at the time of an Lia Cad? eclipse. Bible presents the true picture, By R. D. Vine which is vastly different. And the scenes presented length. These solar promin- in the Bible are' ences, as they are called, leap certainly forth into space at a speed of scheduled to take 200,000 miles an hour. Theory place long before has it that the sun's intense any of the calami- heat—which can be measured ties forecast by in millions of degrees—is due scientific prognos- to the breaking up of the atoms ticators. of which it is composed, and World-end that in consequence the sun theories would is continually contracting upon perhaps be harmless enough sweep the whole place clean. itself, and must eventually if they did not serve to divert From a doomed world Christ's burn out. Such a fate would men's attention from vital first act will be to gather out naturally be fraught with the truth. For after all, the end of His saints who will be taken most fatal consequences for the world—especially if there away to live and reign with this earth. is likelihood of its happening Him for a thousand years. But this fate is regarded in our lifetime—is surely of (Rev. 20:4.) as inevitable by such as Gor- paramount importance t o The rest of humanity—those don Atwater, curator of the everyone. It is essential there- who have rejected Christ Hayden Planetarium exhibi- fore that we should know pre- will be slain by the brightness tion in New York. Sudden cisely what is coming. of His coming, and will lie cooling of the sun "is almost On one point both Bible upon the ground, unlamented certain unless the sun has and theorists agree. The world and unburied, until the thou- some unknown and inexhaust- as we now know it will end. sand-year period is closed. ible means of renewing its It is in the process and sequel, Jeremiah thus describes the energy," he claims. The ex- that the former differs so radi- scene on earth when Christ hibition provides five sugges- cally from the latter. intervenes: "The slain of the tions for how the world may Bible prophecy which has Lord shall be at that day from end—assuming of course that covered so accurately the one end of the earth even unto IVO it survives the more imminent whole sweep of time to our the other end of the earth; they peril of atomic warfare—in- own day, reveals that we are shall not be lamented; neither cluding bombardment b y on the -vergL of "the end of gathered, nor buried; they meteorites, and collision by the the world." This -end will not shall be dung upon the moon. But "the most likely come by any cooling of the ground." Jer. 25:33. cause," Mr. Atwater feels, will sun, nor by lunar or meteoric be the "sudden cooling of the After the thousand years, bombardment. The end will during which the saints have sun." The icy death-grip of come as a direct result of polar conditions would shared in the judgment of un- Christ's personal intervention saved sinners, the latter will speedily extend beyond the in human affairs. limited confines of its present be resurrected (Rev. 20:5), but it will be "the resurrection of Arctic territories. The whole Events at the End • earth would soon become a damnation." John 5:29. They vast, frozen chaos. This terrestrial plague spot rise from the realm of death of sin and violence, will not be merely to pay the final penalty tolerated for ever. The time is for their neglect of true re- The Bible has the True Picture indeed ripe for the Lord Him- ligion. They will be utterly "That's just how it will be," self to return, as He emphatic- consumed with fire, and will assert the theorists. But the ally promised He would, to revert again and for ever to AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE NINE. t i sjetiu auto the dust of which they were this to us? So as to give tween good and evil. Where originally composed. (Rev. 20: urgency to our need of accept- do you stand? Where do I 9; Mal. 4:1.) ing Jesus Christ as our Saviour stand? We have to be on one from sin, and as our Guide in side or the other. Listen to me: "Fervent Heat" daily life. "Seeing that all The day will come when • The earth itself will under- these things shall be dis- people who have heard this go the most radical change at solved,- says Peter, "what Voice of Prophecy broadcast this time. For a while it will manner of persons ought ye will say: "Where is that • doubtless present the appear- to be in all holy conversation speaker? I want to hear the ance of a brilliant star, since and godliness, looking for . . . Word of God again. I want the very "elements shall melt the coming of the day of God to do the will of God. Tell with fervent heat," and every- . . . 2 Peter 3:11, 12. me where I can hear His thing pertaining to the present Word now.- But the voice order of things will be burned Our Greatest Concern of the messenger will be silent. up. (2 Peter 3:10.) From this Of far greater concern to us When the Spirit of God is staggering conflagration will than our need of the literal withdrawn from this earth, emerge "a new earth, wherein sun, should be our need of the there will he no heart change. dwelleth righteousness. Verse "Sun of righteousness." Mal. Preaching will have no power. 13. This new earth will last 4:2. As our physical well- Prayer will do no good as far • for ever. being is dependent on the sun, as the saving of souls is con- The disintegrating processes so our spiritual life and eternal cerned. which give . point to the prospects are utterly dependent Remember Esau. He wept on Christ, the "Sun of right- psalmist's gloomy reflection ., tears of sorrow, disappoint- • that the earth waxeth old like eousness. ment, and remorse. But there a garment (Psa. 102:26) will If He is permitted to shed was no heart change, no peni- henceforth cease to operate. His healing light upon us—a tence. He was sorry only for Perpetual newness and growth loving and needful service He what he had lost. Think of will be an outstanding con- is extremely anxious to per- Judas with his despairing cry, dition of that future world. form for even the worst of us "I have betrayed the innocent There will be no death, no —,there is no need for us to blood." Matt. 27:4. There was sin, no suffering. face the approaching end of remorse. but no repentance; Nine-tenths of Bible pro- the world with fear. We can sorrow unto death, but no phecy has already come to pass face it with holy joy, and surrender. with perfect accuracy. The re- longing, and with a realiza- maining one-tenth, which des- tion that it will spell for us "Not Savedl" cribes the next and final phase more bliss and joy than even In the coming famine people of things, is equally accurate. the keenest imagination can will say: Now I am ready. It is against all logic, sense, conceive. Now I want to follow the Lord. and reason, to dispute or Now I want to obey His com- doubt it. mandments and be baptized The Coming World Famine and walk in the light. But The Sun to Become More Glorious (Continued from page 5.) it will be- too late! There is therefore no need crime? No. Many of them The tabernacle in which we to fear that the sun will ever belong to the church. They once held meetings was on fail us. Indeed, increasing have made a profession, but fire, and when the fire-fighters brilliance and intensity is its they had no possession. They arrived they said, "Too later destiny, for in that new world had access to the Bible but While preparing for this of Christ's creation, its splen- did not receive its light. Now radio address a man was taken dour will be seven times they say, "Lord, Lord, open to the hospital where we went greater than it is to-day. (Isa. unto us; . . . We have eaten to pray with him. The surgeon 30:26.) Yet even that splen- and drunk in Thy presence, shook his head and murmured, dour will be outshone by and Thou Last taught in our -Too late! God's visible glory in the streets." Verses 25, 26. But Amid the hurry of midst of His redeemed people He says: "I know you not." duties and the crash and who are now forever restored Friend, the Lord says, "He thunder of world events, mil- to the new-made earth. (Rev. that is not with Me is against lions rush on toward the days • 21:23; 22:5.) Me." Matt. 12:30. There is of famine. Do you know what Why has God revealed all no neutrality in this war be- (Continued on back page.) PAGE TEN PRESENT TRUTH The Modern Prodigal

YESTERDAY, THE PARABLE L Pelet Pairize4 of the prodigal son was en- acted in real life. It is hap- pening to-day and will happen initiative. He will step out, to him, he decides that par- again and again as long as he decides, according to his ents are old fasioned. They do there is a to-morrow. The grief own will. not know, they just do not expressed by the parent at the The parents are not uncon- understand. He will be all departure of the self-willed son scious of the desire of their right. and the overflowing joy of the son. They are sad to reprove The far country he goes to father upon receiving him back him. They too have been may be New York, or Africa, home, all takes place. All that young and met with similar or Australia. It may be just changes is the environment. temptation. They know the the next town. Some wayward Do not fail to recognize the course their son wishes to take. ones do not move from their modern prodigal, living and But what can they do? They own homes. cannot exercise power over the dressing according to the cus- The "Ropes" of Sin tom of the day. He is loved will of their beloved. by his Christian parents who . They have watched him He finds companions who have longed to see every good grow up from babyhood. They are thrilled to draw one so characteristic developed i n have known his boyish ways, trusting into their circle of him. They have guided and his boyish talk. But now this friends and to show him the shielded him from the dangers same boy is stepping out into ropes. But the ropes they of life. They have endeav- a strange new world, stepping show him are the ropes of sin, oured by entreaty and example out into great temptations, and he is led to experiment to keep him on the pure path. though he knows it not. and tamper in worldly pleas- The son knows only excel- The wayward one does not ures. lent home treatment. What see all the tears shed by the Away from his parents, he he does not yet fully under- parents for him. He does not now considers them foolish. stand is the world of glamour, feel their grief or their longing There may be faint gleams of her bright but elusive lights toward him. If the thCought of tenderness for brief moments and gaieties, and her rich but their sadness ever comes about them, but the pendulum futile promises. He finds upon first introduction that lovers of worldly pleasure seem quite amiable and Idnd, though they are people who do not so much as mention the principles of Christianity or the Bible; or knowing them, they ignore them. The young man thinks par- ents are mistaken in their view of life. It is too narrow, and one can be broadminded about things, he thinks.

The Craving for Freedom Restraint is objectionable; release from restraint must be freedom. Growing older, feel- ing that he can feel his own Newton and Co. Ltd. feet a bit now, he decides to Many a young man in modern days has "Come to himself- when he develop something of his own has begun to reap the fruits of dissipation. AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE ELEVEN has swung in the opposite learned his lesson. He just of these lines may feel the direction and in his own way wants their friendship. need of God as a Father of he thinks he is going to enjoy Then follows the most won- such abundant mercy and life. derful part of the parable. The grace. Then he may be as- From one worldly vice to aged father speeds forth to sured that before he has begun another the young man races. meet his son. He buys him to seek God, while he is yet From one mistake to another clothes, prepares a good meal coming, the Father in heaven and from one sin to the next. for him, prepares his old room is ready and eager to meet him Vice grips him and begins to and gives him the good things and restore him again, for this ensnare him as a net. But he which he has always liked. is His will, His great purpose does not realize his danger. At last the prodigal realizes for all mankind. He is only conscious of his how much his parents love apparent enjoyment of this him and how cruelly he period of sin. scorned their affection and "Go Ye..... to the Jew" effort on his behalf. Never (Continued from page 3.) The Tragic Awakening again will he turn his back though in seeking to establish But presently a shock comes upon them or grieve them. his own righteousness, he has into his life. Some unexpected come grievously s h o r t of trouble or calamity occurs Our Heavenly Father's Love obedience. He needs to be wherein he needs help, per- Yet no less than this love shown that there is power in haps including loss of money, is the love of the Father in Christ whereby "the righteous- and being reduced to poverty, Heaven toward the modern ness of the law" may be -ful- he turns to his friends, the ones prodigal. He, too, will take filled in us, who walk not after he has recently met. He thinks him back. He will love him the flesh, but after the Spirit." that they will treat him in as and restore fully all that his Rom. 8:4. friendly a manner as they have heart longs for. All the past The Jew who begins to done before. But they do not. will be forgiven and willingly study the Christian faith is In the care-free manner in forgotten. As far as the east naturally perplexed to know which they turned to him and is from the west, so far hath why the Christian church befriended him, they now He removed our transgressions should have abolished the ob- turn away and befriend others. from us... Psa. 103:12. "If the servance of the seventh day of The young man is left alone. wicked will turn from all his the week as required by the He suddenly realizes that he sins that he hath committed, fourth commandment, a n d is by himself. The friends and keep all My statutes. and substituted the observance of which he once had who have do that which is lawful and the first day of the week which betrayed him he now regards right, he shall surely live, he is commanded neither in the with contempt. shall not die. All his trans- Old nor in the New Testa- He "comes to himself." He gressions that he hath com- ment. The Advent message looks back over his life and mitted, they shall not be men- resolves the perplexity, show- remembers his boyhood days, tioned unto him: in his ing him that the change of and early Christian training. righteousness that he hath the Sabbath is an unauthor- He feels an aching in his done he shall live." Ezek. 18: ized act which has no divine heart to turn back to them, 21, 22. approval, and that Christians but he cannot. He feels it is Some modern wayward ones everywhere should be observ- too late now. His character have turned and sought their ing the day he himself keeps, is inroaded with sin. Vices of heavenly Father to-day. Many and which he can continue to covetousness, greed, impurity, are still out in the cold, dark keep, in the spirit of the New have made their impression. world. Some may never come Covenant. back to God before death over- The Jew is well versed in Home Again] takes them, and then it will the message of the ancient He is in despair until he be too late. But to all who sanctuary, but he finds that reaches a bold decision. He will, a kind, loving Father the Christian church is almost will go back to his parents, awaits them, to enfold them in wholly ignorant of its wonder- and talk to them and en- His love. He is as willing to ful types and shadows. In deavour to persuade them to restore to them a pure heart the Advent message, however, take him back into their af- as it is their desire to receive he sees the types of the ancient fection. With such a resolu- it. sanctuary fulfilled in the tion he returns home. He has It is possible that the reader ministry of the great High PAGE TWELVE PRESENT TRUTH Priest in the heavenly sanctu- they are given the opportunity ing in a church hall or public ary. The sanctuary year, end- to hear it. We must then "Go" hall. Some may come to con- ing in the solemn day of also to the JewI tradict, but others will come to Atonement, he sees in its learn. Here then is an avenue larger fulfilment in the world's How to Reach the Jews of approach for those who can Day of Atonement now pro- There are some Jews who present the Gospel in a way ceeding in t h e heavenly are open-minded enough to that will appeal to the Jewish sanctuary and soon to come to attend a meeting in a Chris- mind. an end in the close of human tian church on a topic bear- There are countless Jews, probation. ing upon Israel and its Yes, the Advent message is spiritual needs. There are however, who would not be at- Jews who, though they would tracted to a Christian meeting God's last appeal of mercy to of any kind. Other ways must the Jew, as well as to the not respond to an invitation to be found of contacting them. Gentile, and the responsive of attend a Christian church, are heart will hear and believe if not averse to going to a meet- (Continued on back page.)


Now you can find for yourself the Bible answers to these and many other ques- tions: • Does God have a plan for our lives? • Does God hear our prayers? • Why does God permit sin and suffering? • What is beyond this life?


SPECIAL FEATURES: Voice of Prophecy Bible School, It is designed for busy people. 780 St. Albans Road, ENROL NOW , Takes only 15 minutes a day Watford, Herts. To the Principal, As a reader of PRESENT TRUTH I wish to avail myself of the FREE Correspondence Course on "GREAT TEACHINGS OF * The Bible — your only text- THE BIBLE," offered by the Voice of Prophecy Bible School, it book. being clearly understood that I place myself under no obligation whatsoever. Please send me the first two lessons and instructions.

-k Question and answer method. Name (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) (Please use block letters) * Absolutely free — no obliga- tion at any time. Address

• * Attractive diploina awarded when course is finished. Age (if under 21) --V AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE THIRTEEN

It said the keymaker had gone home for his supper. At first Sam thought he would not wait. "I guess Mr. Blott will be pleased if I do," he said to himself. THE PAGES As he stood there he saw HILDRfN'f a car coming. Someone waved. Then the car stopped. Now he could see Ted in the back seat. gaol aolci the Kett "My uncle is taking me with him for a ride in the country By Rose Hart while he pays a visit. He says you can go, too," Ted called. SAM and Ted worked for "I think we will be very "Hurry," he added, as Sam Mr. Blott after school. Some- busy to-morrow," Sam said did not move. times they delivered groceries, slowly. "I heard Mr. Blott All at once it came to Sam or went on other errands. getting a lot of orders over that he could not make Ted Sometimes they put things in the telephone. Besides he understand why he was stand- bags for people in the small asked us to do it now." ing there. He could not tell • shop. "I want my supper now, about the way Mr. Blott would One evening Mr. Blott said Ted. "If you go now you smile and nod his head. Mr. asked them to do an errand will have to go alone." He Blott always did that when after the shop was closed. He walked off up the street. he was pleased. Ted had been gave them a key. Sam watched him for a there, too. Yet Ted had never "You boys know the little moment. He was hungry, too. seen it! He was not sure he knew the shop where the man makes So Sam just shook way to the keymaker's shop. his head keys." he told them. "I want and stood still. one just like that one." Then he grinned, turned, and Ted did not reach to take marched off whistling in the For Sam knew that better the key, but Sam did. other direction. than a ride in the country, Outside the shop Ted said: Sam thought he had never better even than eating when "It is a mile to the keymaker's walked so far in his life with- he felt almost starved, was shop. Mr. Blott will not pay out his supper. He went going to be the joy he would us to do this errand now. To- where he thought the shop was feel when Mr. Blott's eyes • morrow we can do it when he and found it still half a mile would brighten at the sight sends us out to deliver an away. When- he did reach it of the new key. order." he found a sign on the door. There was a light at the

See how nicely you can paint this picture and send it to Auntie Hazel, The Stanborough Press Ltd., Watford, Herts., with your name, age, and address not later than September 8th.

PAGE FOURTEEN PRESENT TRUTH back of the shop when Sam "I need a boy every day." got home. That meant the he said. "I know I can Sunbeams' Corner shopkeeper would be at work. trust a boy who obeys as 8`"'"•-• I Sam knocked. 7 cheerfully as you do. This Your Letter "Mr. Blott, it is Sam," he key is for you. If you get here called out as the back door before I do any morning you My Dear Sunbeams, I no hope you'll try our com- began to open. "I brought the can comae in and start work." petition this time. It's a good, key." For just a moment Sam straightforward picture. isn't it? It was not very light there, thought he was going to burst. The "Word" that "Giveth Light" so he could not see Mr. Blott's Why. Mr. Blott acted as if is, of course, the Bible. Sun- eyes. But he did see the man beams too, should all be sources he was talking to another man. of light. As we read our Bibles take the key and fit it in the Sam stretched himself an inch daily, so we'll shine more brightly. lock. It worked. Then he taller. He knew he would" We'll be happy and cheerful, and handed it back to Sam. always be that tall now, too. our very radiance will inspire others. I'm glad to say that Albert Kif- ford has made a marvellous be- ginning with his Bible study. He has completed successfully the ADONIBEZEK Junior Bible Course, and has his certificate. He is now studying the By Bert Rhoads adult Bible lessons. Well done Albert! May lots of your fellow -- THIS name, Adonibezek, One leg was bent up close Sunbeams follow your example. doesn't sound nice to me, and to his body and the other leg Albert lives at Herstmonceux it wasn't the name of a nice crossed over it. He was think- in Sussex. This is the place man either. He was a giant, ing some deep, wonderful where the big telescopes of Green- wich, London, are being moved to. a large, strong man, and he thoughts. At least Bezek The air over Greenwich has be- was a king. When he battled thought they were. come too smoky for the telescopes with other kings and captured "Here," he was saying to to do their work properly. So them, he would cut off their himself "is this great strong they're going south, where the air is clear, and the stars are able thumbs and big toes. Accord- chestnut tree with all these to shine much more brightly. ing to Adonibezek's tale, he little nuts. Over in the field Which reminds me of God's had treated twenty-four kings across the fence is a field of promise that if we're loyal and that way, and he had these marrows. Now, if I had been true to Him, we shall "shine as the stars for ever and ever." kings crawl around under his God, I would have put those What a lovely experience to look table to eat the scraps he threw big heavy marrows on this forward to. to them. That was the way stout chestnut tree and these Yours affectionately, - he fed them. But the time little chestnuts on those weak UNCLE RAY. came when Adonibezek's sprawling marrow vines--a -411. enemies caught him and cut marrow tree, and chestnut off his thumbs and big toes. vines if you please." Results of Competition No. 13. And why do I tell you these Wasn't that a wonderful Prize-winner.—Joy Doggett, 58 Wel- lesley Avenue, Norwich. Age 12. - things about this bad king? piece of deep thinking? Bezek Honourable Mention. — Maureen Because I don't want you to thought so. Just then a chest- Walsh (Hove); Julia Calton (Bourne- mouth); Pauline Low (Wallington); be like him. Of course I nut let loose from the top of M. Richards (Penzance). know that you would never, the tree and came right down Those who tried hard.—Paul Johnson (Rochester); Miriam Harris (Cam- never, cut off anybody's to land on Bezek's head. My, bridge); Marianne Nyary (Coventry); thumbs and toes. how it hurt! Then Bezek Pamela Jenkins (I.ondon, E. 13.) ; Peter Sharpe (Manes); May Teals But you might get to think- thought, "What if that had (Bristol); Janet Price (Stoke-on-Trent); Jean Lane (Warminster); Ruth John- ing you were clever or smart been one of those hard, heavy son (Rochester); Brian Aviss (London, and do and say and think and marrows that had struck me E.13.). brag as old Adonibezek did. on the head!" Poor Bezek, Once there was a boy who he'll get some more thumps if PRESENT TRUTH was quite like Adonibezek. he tries to find ways better Vol. 65. No. 17. Price 3d. Printed and published in Great Britain We'll call him Bezek for short than God's. fortnightly on Thursday by —just another of our present- The boys and girls hardest THE STANBOROU6H PRESS LTD., day Adonibezeks. He was to teach are often those who WATFORD, HERTS. lying one day under a big know and are sure about a EDITOR : W. L EMMERSON Six months 5/6 post free chestnut tree. His arms were lot of things that aren't so. Twelve months 8/6 post free under his head for a pillow. They are like Bezek. AUGUST 25, 1949 PAGE FIFTEEN TRACT FOR THE TIMES unexpected response, for the Again many Jews who will PREACHING in the Maryle- Jew tends to feel himself iso- not openly associate with b o n e Presbyterian church lated from his Gentile neigh- Christians, are ready to read during his visit to England bours. The Rev. R. Bakker of the message of the Gospel itr from the United States, Dr. Holland told how during the the privacy of their own homes. Lynn Harold Hough asserted last war a Christian concern Here lies the paramount im- that the book of Revelation for the Jew resulted in many portance of Christian literature was "almost a tract for the adapted to the needs of the times." We would go further Jews. Literature by post may and say that it is a tract for open doors closed to a personal the times. Strength for Service visit. Impart Thy strength, 0 Lord, to So by all and every means LET US PRAY me, to the hands of the church, For I would in Thy service be. "WE are apt to do anything Living a life from self apart, those who know the joy of • but pray," asserted the new Serving Thee with a willing heart; faith in Christ must "go" also Methodist president, Dr. Rat- Drawing with love and faith to the Jews. Some other souls to seek Thy Looking upon the descend- tenbury, in his address to the face, annual conference. W e That in the kingdom of Thy grace ants of His one-time chosen analyse it, we discuss it, we They, too, may find a serving people, God must be saying place. to-day, "Whom shall I send?" explain it or explain it away. And when the foe shall use his Prayer, simple prayer, not arts May there be some in every talking about it, is every To draw them from Thy work church, in every city, in every man's means of grace." apart, land, who will shoulder the May they from his temptations burden of the evangelization flee, of fleshly Israel and say, "Send FEWER GOING TO ISRAEL Take up the c ross, and follow Thee. me. Of DR. NAHUM GOLDMAN, Grant, when at last my service the Jewish Agency in London, done, reports that the European And I shall see Thy kingdom The ComingComing World Famine Jewish D.P. camps are prac- come, That I may bring some souls with (Continued from page 10.) tically empty and only a trickle me of immigrants are now arriving To spend eternity with Thee. they are going to say then? It is right here in Jeremiah 8:20. in Israel from the Continent. C. Dean. Future immigrants will be What terrible words they are? mostly from North Africa and /.11•-••••••••••••••••• Listen: "The harvest is past, the Orient. the summer is ended, and we being taken into homes to save are not saved." them from the cruelty of their When the great famine be- Nazi persecutors. The result gins, it will be too late. But "Go YeYe . . . To the Jew" was that in the first year after it is not too late to-day. The the war no fewer than 150 of door is still open—you are (Continued from page 13.) these Jews were baptized into alive; God is calling. This and if the Jew will not come the Free Reformed Church of is your opportunity. This is to the Christian, the Christian Holland. your chance for life. Will must go to the Jew. you take it? Will you say The friendly approach to Tht "Yes" to God as we are pray- NEW the Jew will often meet an tESTA3,4F.NT ing for you?

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