Hupjokj .1 I Aif'uie Rourself in This "Onlrlin
' --- "' - - - - . "; . - (I v " J , ! t.n 1 ( ) ' V, U - 'J -- GjOLi tLIijED WATCHES," cj' i: .,T-,:tj ...... , i f Oar Stock of Watches is Immense f,1of l.,r.. ,,,.. J 1(7.0' ' ' :: :: FROM $12 UP, :: :: " j I QwimiV io '7u mmi t prices ver before so low- - i f t lAdlbf A ' ""3"' ' (;." Wiih or i it .i We Guarantee Witch Sold. either Elgin Waltham movement. liil ''" ;" LeBd" Every j twr, 1'7"":T "'-.'.'- ilfffl''J-.'YV'.- " " ' mill RLBSS & I . fi II fct l A. .' RIDER, BRYANT & CO., U. - MML 02.; 17" 'lr,3 - ltd r--- JPj : 59 Main DANBURY. srrf "" - JEWELERS, ln str6ct, iymfhm f' ' "' "' idle, - 1.. i j H ' - ; I j58 MAIN STREET, DANBURT, CONN. J W - : ' ISpW1j...XI . ' .' rr i VOLUME 16. I. 00T0BEH 13, 1893.EI&HT PAGES. : ;'':V:: V: i NUMBER 41 NEWaW0m.JJS4A i - ... i ri ' - - ,1 i ' -- ""' ',"-,- -' . r I i !'--- !.., .,..:, ;, ..... .1 ...... r1 : - I .. i ., , . , - , , ; , , . 7 t u,l i, ,, i, v. ,, Leading jDcalera in All Grades of ARE POOKLT OFF. i LlEABINGf'.DBY MATTERS OF BUSISESS- - Ready-Mad- e G00J)S HOUSE; x ou see, I Kl.ll Fashionable aiid Men's Goods. i. 'ATTRACTIVE DWELLINGS.. , . easily however, how Urt Clptfti Furnishing BRIDGEPORT, CONN tion of the CbJoese question to i lent- - Don't pay when a Our Glove rnt you cn buy congested state of a flairs me&nfr 11 In Department home On Warren Owing to the stagnation of our industries and tie tightness of circulation of nionie we will, for 'the haP easy' ijental payments. ana snarp unless a legal ri Vrm te Has a large and vaiied assortment of Toadies' Gloves In all Hie taahinn.
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