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v Daily "PRICK 5 CENTS NO. he113 "'.XnCOI NebraskanTUESDAY.' MAKChTJ, volxxviii PROSPECTIVE GRID STARS ATTEND SPRING SESSIONS PARES EXPLAINS KLUB ANNOUNCES r SILLY V -- 1 RUSSIA'S FUTURE INT BE f V j AND COMMUNISM ROAD T NERARY z efjgg vr'Hi i?iiti 'University of London Man Musical Comedy Will .Ml - k ' i 1929 Speaks to Phi Beta in Five Towns ' Show Kappa, Sigma XI During Trip 1 DINNER PRECEDES TALK PLAY NEEDS TWO CARS - Sir Bernard Says Voting Is Negotiates for II Sturtevant 8 Accomplished at Point Railroad Comfortable Of Revolver Transportation 1 f "Communism la temporary. Rus- Itinerary for the '1921 Xosmet sia will remain." stated Sir Bernard - of University ot London. abow. "Don't Da Silly- wa Pares, the Klub In an laat night on the sub- by Auitln Slur-tant- . x address .ooounced Mondy 0 ject. "The Communistic Experi- manager. Date in Russia." Ilia appearance mlo0 not ment for the Lincoln showing hve was In accordance with the tradi- definitely decided yet. tion that Phi lirta Kappa nnd Sig- bnShowing Id five different town, --j'uunriy of Tli l.ln oln Journal. ma XI sponsor annually lecture night from April 15 It. D. on lucrennlte V..1ii'ukLb'u hot-In- n Its ttfC- - Drown, Holdrege: Ludlg Gartner. Omaha; Ben Bloch, Omaha: of this type, open to the public Klub ahow varltv Rob Douglas. waa io April ;9 the Komet nml 'k of sprins drill with some Llut olu; Maxwell Jones, Uoodland; Smith. Omaha: without charge. The lecture An- George Koster. Lincoln: OE by of 1 fifty Hspirams working on tne Me- L. Williams. Lincoln: It. W. Omaha: ATMOSPHERE preceded a reunion dinner . Arll FOOTBALL SQUAD Lincoln: F. M. Sigma XI 1 field. "Ilunoy" drews. Lincoln; Robert S. Hunt, John Kerlakedes. Phi Deta Kappa and or Norfolk, April morial stadium Ralph Wick-wire- . Columella Oakes U putting the grid artists Scottsbluff; K. Myberg, Seward; Gorder. riattsmouth; alumni, with Sir Bernard aa th (tentative) f in prep Coach Ted James. North Hatte; R. It. Kroger. guest of honor. April 17 ihmnsrh uniluniontal work Assistant Coach HoldrfS. arations lor a strenuous season. ' Third row: Line Coach Bernard Grand Island: Assistant FRANCE SHROUDS Declaring that Russia waa tha McCook, April 1t Arnold lack. Assistant Coach lhman. victim of unfortunate circum- April 19 ENTERS SECOND Lower row: ArUlan reterson, Oakes. End Coach Ed Weir. Hasting. Hampton; Cordon Kno, College Johnson, Lincoln; Lloyd Jenkins. Upper row: Floyd Relders, Cam- stances when it tried to experiment Ar- - I? Vnrk Wnlfpr Lincoln: Harvey bridge; Tom Vanderhoof, Scotts- with democracy during the World will make an extenslTa trip. I'lau Vnlinn Lincoln; Joe Still. trip which will l.emkuhl, Wahoo; Roland Homey. Rauer. Lincoln: Eugene Llnvllle. bluff: Leon Hook. Fremont: Rollin War. when all other nation wer rangement for the Holdrege: Wlllard Hock-nun- . MOLIERE'S PIECE spring vacation are Tobias; jusiic, umana; Lincoln: Heme Tacker. Lincoln; Jenkins. admittedly socialistic for the time. ,urt during WEEK'S TRAINING tnaries Hastings: Leonard Hartnett. Tlvid ac- now. Errk. Lincoln: Taul Morrison. Ralph Schllenti. North Platte; Sir Bernard presented a being made Io Ferry, Lincoln: J. n. leading; U April 15. the Klub llavelock; Louis Tobln. Lincoln. Elmer Greenberg. Omaha: Clair Lincoln; Art count of the event to On Monday. Oakland; Fhlllp Settell. con- Fremont, In the Wall Second row : rorrest McPherson, Evans, Lexington; James Gilbert. Rosen. establishment of bolshevistic will play t Pay. Bloomfleld; W. S. Spencer. Lin overthrew The showing will be un- Falrbury; Clifford Carter. Hebron; Omaha: Assistant Coach Rill Players Select trol. "All bolshevlsm theater. 'Bunny' Oakes Puts More Fourth row. Dan Houston. coin. University was democracy." be said. In bring-In- der the auspices of the Woman's George Whlttler, Holdrege; Loren associat- 'Learned out the fact that bolshevlsm Business and Professional Than Fifty Through Actors for showing on Tuesday will was not the cause of the overthrow ion. The Nebraska Man Files Ladies' Play of the Crar. be at either Columbus or Norfolk. Spring Drills Sinks Pellet Simple Study Slogans Russia, has Just returned Jamrog The ruling class of ll Merle Jones contin- three-Quarte- rs towns where he has Membership in The Dally Nebrakan composed of of from those For campaign for study slo- persons, forming but ft making preliminary arrange-bents- . WEIR DEVELOPS WINGS ues its SHOW MOCKS SNOBBERY million been Exclusive Golf Club gans with this Issue. All stu- small proportion of the 148,000rOO dents are eligible to submit population. U Is InoonceivaWa, Sir Moldrege Wednesday overwhelm-tr,- ? Play 11ole-In-On- e another :hls feature, and said, this Varsity Needs Center of club added matter for Comedy-Dram- a Keeps Jtomard that On Wednesday, April 17. the very exclusive roll those whose slogans are ac- Old mutorltv vote as it does unless name to its . 1 show will be at Holdrege In the Line in Absence of Sunday when Leonard D. Jamrog, f cepted will be named under the Vividlv Alive for a person understands something of aus- I I' - -- In city auditorium and under the 3it, Ashton. sank the little white ' line. The Nebraskan office the method of voting. Men ar pice of the chamber of commerce. 'Musketeers' pellet from tee number nine at the the basement of University hall Modern Day elected to the national assembly at McCook. will be the next town on Antelope golf course. The distance will receive material for the (enllnnrd n Thursday, April 18, Nebraska's varsity football squad "Simple Study Slogans" box. Tt the trip. On nnpnnri second week of spring was 121 yaids. More remarkable Presenting nn almost entirely B0f4 am S. the making the Unl-lrs!t- rc nractice Monday evening on the yet was hln feat of last Today's Slogan. Lew cast to th atergoer. th rl three holes in 5 strokes. Players .U1 ehow "The CUiOlAllFORE stadium field. Coach 'Bunny" "If students would crack less - more than Jamrog whs playing with Martin Learned Lnilies." Ihe net comedy- Oakes put his squad of had wise and more books:" French MlMAIES fifty men through a short funcTv and Leonard Janulewlcz and bill McCleery, Hastings. drani.i by Molle.v, etrt snlnr He is It seasonal mental drill session and then po- several other witnesses. - -- Slogan atmosphere, as seventh COSMOPOLITAN CLUB pros- fx- 7 Sunday's 1 ti Inclusive. lished up on passing, kicking, and tM of Coach Schulte's track production. Apnl to "Some people who buy books, the plot of Moll EDUCAnONAL HISTORY plays. pects. at - - An Insight into th-av- J " lucis EM 1s developing with bol tody them." ere'a mastrpriece reveals the 'CMeh Wrtr the Anonymous. well the Itir annsH Intn a fast movlnir out Jamrog made a couple deuces and that the author pictures Hurrey Discusses Modern and His total score 34. Unobberv i.nd the artifice of the fit. Weir, tackle ai a'e. the time, and former manager and end or me ninny "learned ladles" of Relations in South Pares Traces Growth hopes to 'in ..Jim m..! to them, some of the Frankfort Vellowjackets, Teachers Hold more Uiituriil of All turn out the fastest pair of eniis Grummann Says i lir.iaoters ileldcl the America Democratization realistic indi liluals. that every donned the Scarlet for Violin Classes anl manager Universities. Nebraska. With the loss of Clitf Players Merit Zollcy Lerner. business squad, of the Players, declared conccrnins BOTH EMPHASIZE YOUTH Ashburn from last year's a h new and powerful wing man will Without Tuition Iho com I n ir production that Great Support courtcny of The Lincoln Journal. Moliere wrote 'The Learned COLLEGES LOWER FEES have to be developed to take his University of Ne- Speeches by James A. Cuneo, as- Taul F. Good, being given lu Ladies' many years ago, we fiud place. Lewandowskl, another end Dr. Paul II. Grummann. director who filed for Violin lesions are sistant instructor in romance lan- Corn-busker- braska graduate, has nnd alive, filled with from the 1928 edition of the Arts. Issued twice a week at th the plav vil guages and a native of Argentina, Speaking before a number of of the Si liool of Fine h position on the Lincoln school a class held the problems that are highly pres- is out for baxeball which faiinu-in- ? regarding Hurrey. New mailer groups since his arrival to ho Ktutetnent bo;ird. Mr. Good, a lawyer, received Teachers' college hlgli school. His stu'dy blows nt and Charles D. of makes the squad of ends almost all University Players' ent today. York, general secretary of the Lincoln. Sir Bernard Pares of the the work of the a Kliodes scholarship In 1914, There is no tuition charged high pedantry, at superficial knowledge, University or London, who was the new men. and their next presentation ''The attend Oxford. because it Y. M. C. A. on friendly relation "Bunny" Oakes, who turned out him to school students nut no credit is al study and education main speaker evening at the Learned Ladies." wutu mi hctwrcn foreign stddents, who ws last ...... II M ( I". ' given for oik doue. Ms Mie Ihiiig' ra.iiei ll..!-.- . - a on Ths 3. IhA Vl nn a lu nt week end. fea- annual Phi Beta Kappa-Slgm- XI C'onl'nurd Uil.il Hi" It, nre striking and force- vllt HIP city has been Helen Williams is the instructor love of regular meeting of the 0)n meeting, gave a summary or sity public and the GRADUATE FILES FOR encouraged at the progress tut tured tlie England. giving the University Players, lias and is Cosmopolitan club Saturday eve--I the educational history of NEBRlAlLLHAVE that lias been made since the rliiss Brieka and Ramay Lead "Until 1898." stated the speaker, not been at all In proportion to the La nliig at the Temple.