And Egyptian Magic 164
Q-CD vol 12: KA, Ch. 13: 'KA', and Egyptian Magic 164 CHAPTER THIRTEEN 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC HOMER and the Greek tragic poets often use periphrasis when addressing people. Achilles might be addressed as "strength of Achilles." The words sthenos, is, menos, bia, each meaning force of some kind, are used, also kara and kephale, head. The Latin word vis, strength or quantity, suggests that a digamma was originally present in the Greek word is, and that it was vis. Hesiod, Theogony 332, even refers to Herakles as "is bias Herakleies", and Homer refers to Telemachus as "hiere is Telemachoio", the holy power of Telemachus. Iphi, from is, means 'with might'; iphi anassein means to rule with might. Oidipou kara means simply Oedipus, but literally it is 'head of Oedipus'. Phile kephale, dear head, is used in greeting [1], like the Latin carum caput. Vis, Latin for strength, is personified as Juno by the writer Ausonius. In the seventh book of the Aeneid, the Fury Allecto in disguise speaks to Turnus, the prince of the Rutuli, to whom King Latinus has promised his daughter. She urges him to attack the Tyrrhenians who are threatening to supplant him. An attack would have divine approval -- "caelestum vis magna iubet", the great force of the celestial ones orders it. Phaos, light, is used as periphrasis by Homer. (Odyssey XVI:23), and by Sophocles (Electra 1224). Ophthalmos, eye, is also used. If we turn to Egyptian, we find a word which seems to correspond, and to explain some important words in Latin and Greek.
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