1. Exposure Data
1. EXPOSURE DATA 1.1 Identification of the agents by-products such as blood. It is also important to distinguish between industrial processing The focus of thisMonograph is the consump- and household preparations. As there is a huge tion of red meat and processed meat. These terms variety of processed meat products, it is difficult are defined below. to sort them into categories (Santarelli et al., 2008). However, based on recommendations by 1.1.1 Red meat the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (Heinz & Hautzinger, Red meat refers to fresh unprocessed 2007), different groups of industrial processed mammalian muscle meat (e.g. beef, veal, pork, meats can be proposed. lamb, mutton, horse, or goat meat), which may be minced or frozen, and is usually (a) Cured meat pieces consumed cooked. Examples of cured meat include raw beef, raw 1.1.2 Offal ham, cooked beef, cooked ham, corned beef, and bacon. Mammalian offal refers to the internal Curing is a process by which the meat is organs and entrails of a butchered animal (e.g. treated with a small amount of salt (sodium scrotum, small intestine, heart, brain, kidney, chloride, NaCl, with or without potassium chlo- liver, thymus, pancreas, testicle, tongue, tripe, or ride, KCl), with or without nitrate or nitrite salts. stomach) consumed as such. Mammalian offal Curing enhances shelf-life by preserving and is considered to be a specific food category in preventing the spoilage of meat. Cured meat cuts food consumption surveys (FAO, 2015); however, are made of entire pieces of muscle meat and can mammalian offal is reported together with red be subdivided into two groups: cured raw meats meat in some epidemiological studies.
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