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3Fi HIGH WAY CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN 3Fi Washington State Department of Transportation f; Library PUGET Ms'vsviiie SOUND lake Stevens AREA EVERETT Pott GamDIe HIGH WAY F dmOM! ilRSlon Mounllake—— O leirace >4(6' CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN IBoltieli SEATTLE 0tON taslgate F all f.itv -'ORt i>R(;hARD issaciuan White Centei nenton fl Ufien I Normandy o Park I 19^ Oes Moines\ Purdy nedondojo NOVEMBER 1969 Fedeiat O Way Black Diamond Arlelta TACOMA ^ MiKon I Enumclaw ruyallup I (si» Fruitland \A/ashingt,on State Highway Commission Bonney lake Corner Parkland Buckley George D. Zahn Chairman PUGET SOUND AREA Baker Ferguson SR 526. Muki lteo Blvd. Bridge construction. Watch for flagmen. Possible minor delays and detours. Harold Walsh 2. SR 526. South of Everett. Grading, paving and bridges. Flagmen, detours. Robert L. MIkalson M i nor de1 ay5. John N. Rupp 3. SR 526. Broadway Interchange construction. AO mph. Flagmen and equipment. Possible minor delays. Short detours. One lane each way during working hours. A. SR 99 3nd 1-90. Resurfacing in progress at Aurora Ave. Bridge and from Issaquah to North Bend. Watch for speed restrictions and flagmen. Some sections one lane during v^orking hours. Minor deloys. Possible night work. 5. interstate AOS. N.E. 53rd to N.E. lASth. Grading and bridge construction. 60 mph. Possible flagmen. No delays. 6. SR 520. 1 16th Ave. N.E, bridge construction. Watch for flagmen. Possible deI ays. Projects noted in this report relate only to Interstate 90. South Bel levue Interchange. Grading and bridge construction. Periodic lane closures. Possible minor delays. construction or maintenance which might Interstate 90. Factoria Interchange. Grading and bridge construction. Speed l imits vary on approaches. Flagmen and detours. Equipment crossing. No delays. cause some delay or other inconvenience for 9. Interstate 90. Lake Sammamish to East Issaquah. Construction in progress. highway traffic. Watch for flagmen and equipment. Only minor delays. This construction represents only a minute portion of the hundreds :0, SR 16. Gig Harbor to Swede Hi l l . Construction in progress. 35 mph. Watch for flagmen and equipment on roadway. Delays to 5 minutes. Hoover Road and Burton of Improvement programs being continued throughout Washington Northern Rd. to be closed on each side of existing highway. by the State Highway Department. SR 509. Dash Point vicinity. Excavation along pavement edge in progress. Watch for flagmen. Minor delays. Interstate 5- Ruyal lup River to King Co. Line. Widening freeway to eight lanes. Reduced speeds as posted. Flagmen and equipment in roadway. No delays. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE i3. SR 162. Orting to South Prairie, Road and bridge construction. Detours and f lagmen. Little or no delays. HIGHWAYS-LICENSES BLDG., OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 9B501 WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY ''oinl Rober Mount Baker Northpo'i CONSTRUCTION - T SHUK5AN MeUline Falls SELLINGHAM BULLETIN lonasket Wickersha REPUBLIC NewhaJern Middleport \ TT' Kettle Falls lyman Concrete •FRIDAY r (wO COLVILLE iHARBOfl V .. Marblemounl Conconully Woolley Winttiroo MOUNT VERNON OKANOGAN Stebekirii IwiSD 0 I Giffoid Chewelab CQUPEVILU Darrincton Arlington c® (30 NEWPORT Lucerne PORT Nesoelem jl Hunters ANGELES TQWf^SEN Sotinaoale -EVERETT r@\i® Deer Enterprise Clayton Monte Cnsto / Bridgepoti ''■Coulee Dam T oirupus Mnnior Uuilcene ® ■ y/® DAVENPGRTJ ReaiOan (StAITLE SPOKANE TtOoDO 311 Cily LrairerM»oith Cashmere PORT hrt Nnrth Bend OHCHAR ington /tCheney Last Wcnatchee HoodSDoit lahoiah 904) IjScanRle ^WENATCHEE Rock T island, J PaciTic /''lumptul aorague Beach SHELTON I Ham liuf kiry RIT/VILtE SI ioh.n 01 K,ir'IA UNITSANO ELIENSBURG Steploe ^alousei ^lalniiyiiio Uraylanrt Royal City North Cove Elhc (7^ Washtucna ^ ^ laCrosse CIIFIIALIS SOUTH \ " ATMOH 0 BEND Oysietville I Deianey POIAlROy Naseiie Xu^ton WaoatD Ryderwnod MoglerJC SI Helen lappen outle Eutcka P'escoTt Spnii Lake C.isTle Rock PenTs QW) Wailsburg LONGVI ElV KELSO LEGEND ® (S) i\^V (W3) Yale WAllA WALLA SlAIt HIGHWAYS Troutlake Plymouth Katilolus CliY OR TOWN WATERVILLE COUNTY SEAT Aldcrdale i UOIOENDALE U S HIGHWAYS UichardS ' STEVENSON COUNTY LINE Lyie (T£) 'l40 Maiyhiil ra ra INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS VANCOUVER NOVEMBER 1969 MILES STATEWIDE 1 . Interstate 5. Ferndale vicinity. Bridge construction, grading and paving. Flagmen. Only minor delays. 20, SR 220. Construction of culverts at Simcoe and Agency Creeks. Watch for equipment and detour signs. ^0 mph. No delays. 2. Interstate 5. Bel l lngham vicinity. Safety improvements, guard rai l , sign bridges being instal led and curb 2) . U.S. 12. Jacobson-GIeed vicinity. Construction in progress. Watch for flagmen and equipment. Possible removal in progress. Watch for flagmen and equipment on roadway. Minor delays. short delays and speed restrictions. 3. Interstate 5. South of Mt. Vernon. Construction in progress. Possible flagmen. Watch for speed restriction 22. Interstate 82. North 1st St. vicinity. Freeway bridge construction. Watch for flagmen and equipment. and equipment. Only minor delays. Speed restrictions and detours. 't. Interstate 5. North of Marysvi l le. Freeway construction. Watch for flagmen and equipment. 40 mph at times. 23. U.S. 12, Fruitvale Interchange construction. Possible flagmen and detours. 35 mph, Minor delays, 24. Interstate 82. Construction in progress on the Yakima Firing Center Interchange at the junction of U.S. 97. 5. SR 525. Columbia Beach vicinity. Grading and paving. 25 mph. Watch for flagmen, detours and equipment. Watch for flagmen. 35 mph. Only short delays. Possible detours. On 1y mi nor de1 ays. 25. Interstate 82. Freeway construction between Manastash Ridge and Burbank Creek. Watch for trucks crossing 6. U.S. lOl . Paving operations from Sequim west for 9 mi les. Watch for flagmen and pi lot car. Delays to 10 U.S. 97 In construction area. No delays. m i nutes. 26. SR 131 . BPA Crossing to North Summit . Construction in progress. Watch for flagmen and equipment. 7. U.S. lOl . Three mi les east of Port Angeles. Construction In progress for 2.2 mi les. Watch for flagmen Possible delays. and equipment. Delays to 5 minutes. 27. Interstate 90 fi. U.S. 97. Construction on frontage roads between Easton and Cle Elum. Watch tor i logmen ana 8. U.S. 101 . Lake Cresent vicinity. Removal of trees along roadway. 20 mph. Watch for flagmen. Delays to equipment. Possible short delays and detours. 5 minutes. 28 Interstate 90 Snoqua Imi e Pass vi c i n i ty . Cons t rue t i on i n progress from Denny Creek to Hyak , Maximum 9. SR 1 12. Construction in progress for one mi le. Watch for flagmen. Delays to 5 minutes. speed 35 mph. Open to four-lane traffic at times. Watch for tiagmen and lane reductions. 10. U.S. 101 . Steven Creek Bridge to (iulnault Indian Reservation boundary. Resurfacing in progress. Delays to 29 Interstate 90 East of North Bend. Excavation operations in progress at lower crossing oi Snoqualmie 10 minutes. 35 mph. Watch for flagmen. River. 35 mph. Watch for flagmen. Trucks crossing highway. Only minor delays. 30 SR 173 Brewster Construction of Brewster Bridge and approaches. Free shuttle ferry provided weexdavs I ) j Belfair vicinity. Excavation operations in progress. 35 mph. Watch for flagmen. Possible delays. 6 a m to Tp m. , Saturdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. , Sundays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Delays to 15 minutes. nain., 12. Interstate 5. Old Nisqual ly Road to North Fort Lewis Interchange. Widening freeway to six lanes. 50 mph. running after ferry hours must detour on Highway I? to .ridgeport. Watch for flagmen. Abrupt pavement edge. No delays. Short detour. 31 . SR 28. Bridge construction near Wi lson Creek. Flagmen. De I ays to 5 m i nutes. 35mph. Watch toi eguip-ment 13. Interstate 5. Trosper Road to Martin Way in Olympia area. Construction of median barrier. 35 mph. on roadway. Flagmen. Possible delays. 32. U.S. 2. Spokane County Line to junction SR 31 1 . Construction in progress. Flagmen. Detours. Delays to U.S. 12. Aberdeen Bluff vicinity. Construction of retaining wal l In progress. 35 mph at times. No delays. 15 mi nutes. 35 mph. 15. U.S. 101 . Construction of Hoqulam River Bridge and approaches. 25 mph. No delays. 33. Interstate 90. Spokane Freeway. Construct i on i n progress . 30 mph f rom P ine St. to He I ena St . Watch Xi flagmen and equipment in roadway. No delays. U.S. 12. Kl lckitat Creek to Mossyrock. Paving of shoulders and instal lation of guardrai l . Watch for men and equipment. No delays. 36. U.S. 195, Hatch Road to NPRR undercrossing. Construction in progress. 35 mph. F, aqmen and equ, pmcnt No de1 ays . Interstate 5. Construction of Toutle River Bridue. 60 mph. 60 mph during working hours. Possible short delays. Watch for flagmen. Detours in operation whi le old pavement being removed. 35. SR 127. construction of Snake River Bridge at Centra. Ferry. 35 mph. Watch roi fatten and heaw .iqcoment Detours at both ends of bridge. No delays. Interstate 5. Ridgefield Jet. to Woodland. Construction in progress. New southbound lanes from Pekin Ferry Road southward wi l l open. Possible speed restrictions. Watch for flagmen. No delays. 36. U.S. 12. Colorado St. Interchange construction. Watch for f lagmen .ind i educed pee Possible short delays. SR 16. Lieser Road Interchange construction. One lane in each direction. Watch for flagmen. 60 mph during working hours. Possible delays..
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