The Oxford Democrat.


n«>t Prtuaian 1 «u ill»p>*oi| to B*iri> than It or IB jr*ariuf ikvumI bad find, ami W.vhin^toti WMtinti are THl FARMER ANO FARM LIFE. "I a in afral« curt- T1IE WKA!. o['WOMEN. *rry mnr'i ru iiul n'mit lb* •atTrsuru AMONG THE FARMERS. I Mid. gu brfur* Invitation «»i -r» fi«r iIm* mm ii <«iiim>( vi*. h<-fr, * CoudmIon, A WOHU U» holt A*l> OIKU OM Olttv* II* liftnl hla far* from hla hamla awl unmarrinl, The Medallion mi Kn«lfahu»an. Ha IN WASHINGTON TO wkI mi w« arc til <4i aii A» to Attorney® Bronze tbora wrtoml no rfaum I abonbl l^alljr apuk* Enf- MANY CLUB1 njnalitjr. MAINE. TNi Lirr. a«i» ihnii* iuhitv looknl "Ak, n'il«ar!" flnaprrad why np. Hah an w. ll dial I waa ntotM-r, we bur* IkiI « m-Atity rvtinu" «Ol«* f. The who into atnJio aWoad with a ix>t aw anim thing of war at flr»t haml. aur|>ri**«l. PMOMOTC IT. drop ray hla llttl« fat handa g*a- < >»»M ». Hmtm. »• al • people from lh«* ft-ni kihI iIim* f lh« mnitU r«, •—... |r«rVU «*rwu*«r*l w«r*> I tba Invitation, •**Vrfnlnljr I ■m." I anaw^ml. B g to ( Mma ...wmutlrMtoMl* Nature tin* and and eiamtne the virion* of art tare that waa half half com- Accordingly •Pr*jit«l wlHtal *11 Inaplre* country boy object* |«thptlc, I tit 1 w<»nM bat »•' iimiI iniM'b m«»rv, l«< «ow< lb*tw »— *—> iMa )• N»ra " * •"***. country girl and virtu which a long life and Im«U*|IuI« m> iii<>n» th*t w«* t<> tMuf !«»•.■ rmL, •lao fottwa iH-ar Haarlmrk. I am not hav r« n^ui* <1 aa ninth. I am an Kntf U much ought Idrwla. It* contain* grnlu* I<«p all M • rwto. IU lofty dly w«l« r*'i|«» nciva ta bar* dlal-l bar* my nrnwy," H« *•»«. ti W»ll *»■»» mt IHhfM. « my profraaion cam- II !i it.ii! ainl what I I* t tIm* U«Im of lb** «».«iii»ry know th*t |||IU< a»d i!m> of lu hlghrat powtrv aoina on* writing tbo bUtory of that fauniM rr|irH»nt«*| uiyMlf |>mdu«°t* mxan that haa " at Law, "Do jriMt All CwrHl m4 Attorneys *n«l Ibr* reflri InllitriKv on all anahbd dm to collect together would do tberrforw ovor In W whru lltrwlrts liUr>Mli|. wImii r*>UM' to WMvliinirtmi tiny hit* 1 aakpd. "If ao, paign. ami I ahall |««a tlicjr MAINS. iOlTOMlAL OBSERVATIONS plrked |hh krt," m who comr In contact with thrm; yrt doiil.t lie lunch to bear eventa th«< war ami "I miii tor air," miu ne. IHwwIm' ►nurJ. will .innlr wHmm*«l Imt>* »rvi rmii IfTHIL, very aurprieed ah«»ul <>ur |>.»r!«.r» to make up their littl«* ||'|tliiK •iir(iiM*iii|f. I HOLT. u« Intrlll- hoanawerpd ipilrkly. "It WaaHlviTi)*, May 31.—\Vini'»Unnh' * grow upon with Increasing caaa my pookrt!" a n< am! MtKik *»!»» WITIIOI TMIOtft. that ll«a enshrined within a errata I rvrrrwa, «m Alaaro ami Lor- for Hi*-," mill I. "Yon rail ahow It tc |l*t»« ThU U if |>ur|il. U t -I ataka |>> «Inn unit w<«iL ll I* not ami lm»t »cr far w« fathom la cat I big I ini|»*ititf • griu-r, may mi of viail* I If Ilk*-. «b*U wtlb %nrg y«>nr colon* yon m b*lp mantelpiece. a " A Counselor, thrin wr irr Mill Ind on. Kmrraon trIU —1 in uioii«*jf In i« iu«k*r uf U-gan tvaiego l'hi|>t»way. Miuix«it« Attorney |im jr r« hi* l*«t wmiiHi, front hi*lt «rt to ilh**nt«klH|(. <>ra bar* nUni-nl at It and turned away ami Mrla. In with »«»rr»l lie j»ll««l lh«l h« woalil ri'rtiiiin»« MAINS. lite ir(|> ihn>«(li |N.r«i.>n» of lh« Smih u« thai It U thr riMfff of III* farmer hooka, ami, II la ifiinr!" I, owipaajr think »l ttr»« Mtfhf, IV* Tr( Mi *>!•»». to etainlne a rare bit of or an |>hu! and I Mt lo wotk at II TIiInIi Ahr*l mt llw*. of whkh a tlrMua «u Itil atored aa In r<>ll<>» m hi* that ac- carving otbor war ami tuoMitC' hi**, it; w «»f Imltan ton la lho *»1» Hrwi h««t) (t«ra up plow bar* la» n Irttlng!" Kiiffltah corvwpiMdMta mix otbtr true. It » M»me "Ah, yon a ol Th«- 1 la nannriattun «w iu«. «frk. *a* in counta for hi* *mvr*« In after In alnxnt priceleea eiample of for* art lata, waa with tho ai|t«nrf of Ifllfj, I WMt* out lull account I*al» n»m«l (MpftU iflaappfllBl daya "flrlaa! tn'fleur, yea. Yo® a**, I am corjw pnn*t kind of Anglo Haioti, th'-n^h mg A cold •nap had rrt thl* reaenr U IP>tleu art. To tbeui the bront* medal- tbf ami had o.n«i t.»t through mm h of Tmnr««nnda I t**»k oft walrh ami I»t f tli n fur th* Wurlil'i j.tgs at thought they gave any I'rnwuafi military autboritioa ha«l amall nal Tbrn my known w.tuin'a rlob in Waahinirtoti. way | t>|Mtr Attorney Law, k> th# in«i It la r*r' l«-»|f fur madam, mjr apona*, «« era (i«vr||i, that many of town llfr cannot (Itt. at it waa khiw mnUl wr chain aniii|«'iit«. ami Th»-rv mv, at Iraat a « mil a m^kk! •*« ami ami fur Jul*a and m>ar|f, and I oftrn howitr*l to CXI ix It for Mt*«r, Interning wrap np • fair, orltfinal ttinttf. of while of the thr »t»r*d on thr (arm sink of how 1 ran make li«-» iu mor*. A anloly >th«r wunm'a rlulai of whnli <*m» nut lia«H, many ewrly cm|«« up pn#r(r |al*t«l trt-a.ur.-l with care. That it It ill iitMitl.rr to taki* a I>ut wlwii tlm represent- wbatover Ittf -rtnat)• >n wo got. To mo IfrtIkt. I riii»< Inmrpiirw, ah'I a^m f thjwIIti) |^»r». *«tTK. • ••rr I«t to the ground and a grvat ileal ha* farnirr at thr hmd of aay to lur: 'Yon ahonld bet. tliinr in..n»jf on t- tin* history ami oli>*-ta, l»«iut a ao tW lr<>nia for Hi 1» RMi'ltlka r»tlr»»l from aw relation to power to revive many Mranp* taemoriea mo* h mutter aa to lb* ami It. A I *11*1 Attorney ** Law. thr lioaton market a«ll aupplird •»ut of all pro|Mirtlou to their bora*a.' ||r talk to nir, tla young man, my r«>in|>anl<>n*, opened hrr of miiKir it-tim. In troth, thru, •* ta* Arid It howrvtr. rai**-*l alth in ahuixUmv of mrlr thr total Thl* I* no Iraa had no idea. Sana people per- huain««a medallion a|-«l ami frll frp«ilatlon. tbey of t«na to on«*. of arri to i«r, and I lla» •jw*ial mrrrapornlmta. My tlnm i« no otlx r i>la11 it'll am «o fit* n*ir« organ* v,,..*. prior |>rrlod* tan. '/*ti i-om*a, ami »py pay p»ctuiea; ly not ta«tr Ihrw •nMioalilr a* I* aero** thr have fancied that y»*t»-rday ami It laid It I- I la. in.*•!•> t>* Harm t Holie r. ThU any of prml far apparmt. |n living my kntrknarka, may new*. Nrtitlhtlf* I fotiml it haul at*a>pr*l, picking up by my m ao at my arh<«d. Zry |iay m# icnl in tliia city, wht« h i« only what ucta during ten data* ixar thr contlnrnt wr havr mrt hint nerrwhrrt It waa for which 1 had the aalary riaU for baml. Th» Imiu tb« abona wa* iM>t <■ f*-*1 in tint* for Cbka«ri\ 1» journey something hmn In t ami work aomrtliwa to got mat* my 'Itfht lamp our mi|{ht f>r Ihia la tltn m iilif >«iipl« •rwt thrrr £3, and 1 pnt my |»«k» *»»• *«-nl »"l of produrtitMi including day*' In thr front, earning hi* honor* *a*lly. I •ante reverence that other on I an full on the ina II** ntUml an titll '.illfomlafbr rlhllatl'O an|*>rstitlona «•< akrtch<«. ami tbo hika I a»l<•nally ription. uf all ami tin* lln-a a ami thr 'Tomorrow I will go to bora* organljuttioii, city atop la AtUala. Hut modem aanltary condition men to a borercbt*. The linaia aay, esrlamatloli ami the iimlalllon at Hit* Mnlwluti r f.ur. »of thf prin- at Law. give Ho ar wrt« gnati-r than tb««o which I •hoiiM plck'd i«i ami mi tin* ti»l»*fit fur that a«>rt of Ci in»»Uor Atlanta U a lla«-r dlatlhutlir li.rtu. ner of alraiu I* now de- ran* ami wiu much immry.' 1 it, very thrifty however, la neither a fetlrh tlio I look*-*! at him InaatonUb- pTMiioti** wan Mra. I.m ia H • mcdallt.m, bavo in< urr«l ha«J 1 mlinl In thirb up again. la Tin m cipal main*. full ««f thr tmatle and M« I Knit a man In thr rlr* bpr* at »* n>ur«p, m'almr. and 1 thlutf won|o|»il. «» m» r *i i *. Mi-w veloping relatively atrongrr rfully wlnn tlw* i«t anion n* n a«>r a memento of an early artiattc aur- of tin* akiniil*hoa, which wmt on nm- I inrnt. Ilia far* aa* ftn*h*-d ami »-aj(rr. lllonnt, who. fur Land city. It U comparatively nra and to* n than any othrr agr ha* aern. MU- walk* round and ar* th«- n>ak< ra of la i |i» al liramTiof tin' Woman HufTr.ig*' *-»«•"• oaa. It la an Inalgnlflcant ob- lie Harrd at ma with wide eyra. alMiitf ImU lla waa pi*«i|, i^iruilu<1 lh*> !»■! thr of Ita raaldracra, thr treatment tUtlc* «« ni to warrant thea**ertlon that aimply with a of tlnually. aaaoriatlon. aa Hi ll aa of th« W. I'. T. atylr (■■ika, and I talk g»ntl«iiian -" lie Nata rink II* r Mr urr of wi rth a few ahillinga, • .«f». ?.• 11 in ()(•. "Mnoilfiijl" he mouaieurl l*ro hwlaml, •f thr and tbr architect thl* U thr ntr. ject. |- rhaj» who know* what lw calla 'a mm cold, lrndld phvalqur played part ami Im IpIU m* to O on tok»r, and lym* way fur rlnrity an art- n-u- what ran br found In many |a»rtU»na of moral »haractrr of thr coun- life and on one ««ui «*"■" ami< travel. >tt.-, aloof inrtlal, where did you **■! It?" Artist. tlvelj high CmiiIII* ami takra no* to a man who lion i)mi Tuvfl clats the hhort ht«>ry thr \«»rih: and rrt It ha* no markrt and try mii*t with thr lifM at tin ir r*«nliiHv, a boy advance grnrral audib n an|ilU« arar-by agr, ago. ali.n 1 **• a young man of *.'6 ami were n that It aorne ymra ago In KngUml." jil.nt to oih* ■* bor»* Cr«« • «liZ«-u .Jowly advancing u|- city, l(i' Nala rluh ami many nthrra, l»ut l«t ♦ 9t It rrvrhra arv In amall hl« relatlfr onwarii march. Thr dUtlnc- agalnat uii tlif U town. produce brought had fame «nd fortune atill eluding tne, and Iho air «u dUtnrU.I "Hut wbarrl1" ha aald. "Wbrrr, initflit* >oin| tlinrjfi countrt and tat (WixIIIk will win ma continually ua flmt con«nl« r tlw inti ruling Wimo* tram* fr«>tn thr *urn>uodlng t Km• that formerly maikrd thr country I aajr name «>f tliU flob I* a 4. I waa attach"! to the artiatic atalT of the rlhratlona (>f tin ir < atin n| r. ar which I had r» trll ma where. For. arr yu®, ntuuaii-ur, hnl >nl pro and aiulr arv and are thr It aa Unh aoclallv ami mor- Weekly, journal ahall harp a nrw ruat. and ma- icIiim OrlflMl, .tt»>rlgiii«l. || «Mntii|re*riit noteworthy, Jnlra ami tht* I i\r ami a A waa then l*gini»ing a career of waa I am Julra Malan!" Ii|Killt*n gown, ami I ahall h««r gr*at y >y. And o|vratlam Mary Ik«ha. law Colonel ii now, lmt waa Jlllta ufrt *» Ik HI th« lit* tlnoilotfT' f"r " '* 'if' "f 'I**' til< kriam«« r. taj %»•' A tall a»a nia>tr at tltr offlcr all thr trait* of character that dlailn- waa not th« what it la pro- flout the «if a ■litflif eminent| «4a thru, the W. I*. Iln« ami in r iiha <>]«•• I'lMaatt am ary run. thr b>. I- I'Mif* Mr. th« llln«trati>-o« waml an to an offahont of tin* olf Ihr iiHaaitMltHirr of agriculture. ituUli luhurtiin t*lll*rna, In thUchangr IIh»ka an ivganuatiou which ahnahl arm fr<>m tK th»< aaimt for aa the M. pc*-il.-at|- r ami my imnx-y. Ami b* aay Wianm V C. i»i *.r aal other* whom I tmt I ahould loaa on thr othrr. aikI there waa no lack of enn>uragement rpijnrat "Ho are Jul**?" I Mid. "Than tiarlaiiuiti rtitin f<*» mild, and by deputkr* la at anil 4.1 ov»r the valley a)l,| wra|>|»<| you A. I« for nnn. 8h« called to h«r ah! 1/ (l «>ne of the fault* of tat) have run out of con- Cftralll* ftowhar* all, my out fr-m judge that lieatrg The** thought* for or artlata. ownape- in it* thx k f. |.|. are thr aon of tha man wbo *a»a phkltitf tln< MMiitfitl plir.tMw D«ntiat, proprietor* My ami f man tat in* «•• '»ur»« Ualh-auf enmbafaata yuu Mi»a Km in M. tiilhttc, w ulturr ha* hern an e*c****i*e det«t- nection with tin- that gave rl*e t<» la b»t. gar* it IiihU of Hit* of IV rt agf *uhjrct clal forte waa animal life, aa it alwaya to r.-uln hat ma that medal." tli ami tlif »yui*l mouet l*> arnd on thr la ami -llrlaa! la'alrur— I my quartan. law of m»j y nn«t, ami (unaltol MAI**- th>u to raUlog *outr rnf tlirm. namrlv : an experiment lr»p' gott*. thi-y rov. t*l<m the time when | could " the lmria«.i| in and I »«.n "Ami arr tny father'■ l^nefae- framing out of thr *t*te, while the ffl«t l of colter ami tew on artlltrtal <11- now I hav* no to takp hotu*. d*-naity, yon Mi«a Huaan IL Anthony, who raj(p*("l supplying aalary wa» of whom wliii Ii tin* CaUlniaU. drat hold a 1 had apent my bap- '"""'I " tat uiake tur," be rried. "It yo« < »v at home allh • hat would iirrmin made pencil Inij"aaihle headway a *t«n»lv«> of i«lu> aliun ami l th*-y geatlon. \ experiment man l>r<>k» down v«-ry pUn ro |wople Anme tim» I r« b** told that when b** cauie houia •• otiiai*iii* ha* Iwa Machinist. « me a waa a creature of Infinite u«l IUK < la*11*-*' Mi** Smith trr# an rop u|> to aa thr of (WO triala that wlirn leirae w«|i|. Bii'tioiih m The ihi|m> of anii< it ami from the ra« e." >n wilh<«t hom«> tn«. rttmnrly profitable average for 1 Wa»hmgt So, MAl*« and lut tl»er»- to thr 1 had drawu him hta I Ml aorry for bun, tbla la aald 1. It tin an* "fur tho nature of tliintr*." %»t"TI '*»U«. within laoor thrrr y«ar* U»llrd rgg* alotir wrre *uhmltted artUtii- mIMIMk •tiirj, ma*k«try .|i.,| away, and I heard the "Well, atrantfe!" early in I awn, thwlwiv wiili Mw* Aiii- that (!*• |i*a of £•% but * 'lli- of I lilt l.vll! a ti( t 111* rluli *.»T* hern thr to tl»e !»l 3 rent wa* In the of a circua and nulil wrll tinj*kI•••' a "lint. r>un', tall ine 1x1111 tiling aU>ut forr Ie*dia4 crop iMfl«d lw*r»la, a <1* «1 In Llm an«l to ofali»«*at Hut during tie e»l; wlirn tra wa* addwl tlir dlgeat Ion at over a race wouM inf4ii #>■«! to I father. la he t.«« k in hia native um1t r*faml It tnt».-ui "ttiinklmr eterythiagel*e. loping eipreaa ajir»a| Tbrit I d«-trr crnt; a lit11». I iU>«l fnrtlw-r with lilm an <]m |i|e wbirh Wan • a«t ami "AUi, »ir. inv rm111• r i* «• an uiy |* aotur awtlnna attention haa litn | iik». |aMllile In p. that h» waa a 1111< aI r*ln([tf 1 w« lax iIiim u»-ii.ii. to hiin in oila, aikI my flrat pic- fonml |• wc«t. heen atatlnned on a inothi-r *!••> lint M lilt t*-]I turned t<> for thr north tlon without otff«* waa over U crnt |a«int whlrh I bad jroll early tegetabie* prr ami that >»• K»t rn h in a tf»r Trairl « UK, ture, librae* at waan ii- taught l«-ja* or ami I bad tii fot my fath»r rrn market *, particularly to thr cultiva- greater than whrn gitrn. It la too early "Young Play," ronnd kn«l| rinim-nre, |>r<»i»r<n«4*trr. CbnvtMml that am nuittrniH ui Una n. th» tion of melon*. and thr large well to o'fl'-r on thr acore of It* ai'l> r«d wotthy of a plai-e walk«il aU at Itacnwn mi many turn* bad m< my lift ••■•ii afti-r your uniting I w-l.y yrt rhallrngr t« bla tab* waa Kmuln#. I «!• rutin**) to w< llial mi. •'( i)t<> in- t a< ii\m nM in. and comfortable Initrl at At- •Irlrtrrtou* moral effect, although anr- emy. It waa this anccme In depleting ne that I waa now with inm. iihI Im nr<t# tn my wr rr- Ura i« |>r X. MuM.. who |,a- |ll4(| lauta. who*r rate* run high thing Impair* tlir efficiency of thr h hm thai M th«« editor of TW mm h*l|> |«<*k« tlliaMe to ilix-hl* on the e«art aj*>t at for hi* |» lill<«l off* imr*. and KIU arrted o-rr fra trjr exert* at Uat an Influ- fur wbl« h I hail iiti IniUKillatr n.»«l, and iih nt of • liriiii' irvitiita»lio I«k »«■ m. dollara per dat, human machlnr Iratol Weekly to auggeat tbat I ahould whlrh I had aa< ended it. At laat. how- tnrimi l« I'ari* W» w»r» *rry tM|>|>y, buttrr b« ah<>nM 1 n>- • table* ainl rtTltnl it* of nur imi thr mnital ami moral vigor of a aketrh I ma«l« my iiiIimI that n> >ii»i« until an l tlm rluh Mini i« in ailnrat* -f many V«««l • M»l»» aupplk-* go down to iMicaater and make tip ever. | ram* to a tree of whlrh I arenied nr. l.»*t yur, my New \ ork. man. la m»t too »*rl howrvrr, to I did not «!•■»»r»* to fr*»ui It v, St. r of that There bavr It. Aa |««m> » ilir.l rimr »iw nn in forma ill tli u Im... iff Ok ll-m to UM r«(f«rlM >■' aU Hm* of the l*-g< year. to have me recollection, am] I d* (MirrtiU Thry >«U t haa been one of note on ami tlir Iim •vOiN hattauowga. Tenn., It* rffrct vigor — aa a Uitrfu howe»*-r, I r»«'l»x| r< " r* " l"r 11 lull, (in li 1-1—-- Uf'.timl M>l <»ihw)iu« phv*lcwl waa aoine fain r, aremhil the hill and walked. a* | ctijr uniform," >»*• added. with * l ad iruiffHi. town* and It now a •um thr of rnm suffering total of power* a llltlf rn«#. »»r." aaid l« in a u K' t hia nam- for the tuotaenl- ami the adopt "W»ll, toward lionconville. |tr that •tullr, aa In* turmd the l>ri4iM> im«la]> Ik<1 «i»l im nuut*#il re-action on account of thr depre**ion To n o«t It will ap|>rar that too murh thought, waa "th#"**# Mlnwa hav* awtndbd yon, *>f r». Mix A |,.kw.a«|. at H|„w an Interval in the race greater 1, waa and I baard lion ov#t and orrr In hUfin** ''Ah, Mary in hu*ltte«a and It* t«>|>ulatton ha* fallen ha* lt win- [<)Ik-um « numlar of *• wom.ii trirral thousand*, of thr iue Miall all of thr of farm than uaual. '"it* •pi» ntly the pn pri y«m Mte an occaalonat faroff limii»l« nr. bow wrll I morDil#f ry l^^hl ••IT many ject. powrr* I nothing bugle a bat» talk*-*! th*< man who thr » in f' »♦<» MililMl M> unlay. Milled. Wmdovis and Blinds, hank* thrown out of mvu|«tl<>n, ha*- grnlu* hr exprmled In *|»lrii«ll*l doniea- flora determined to give ilolltde page wjlh m«te. I . the tbirk White f,*. a.* km* foi aoioa Knglaml! My fattnr wnl oftm talk *"r hi.*? AT rtlli/rr I* madr *'r" I.ill I. Much commercial f< ftoor iwwy"—— familiar landmark. Not*. caiiii-, I Ir- of )i»n ami wonder If you jin-wnid hta |„. i < • and consumed lo thr south, tmt prlncl r.| hi hi* own In lowrr form*v work "llrlaa! m'al«nr, I am irr*-at f«w»|— h« Wiiolil li« i i» In «im <.unm«« ami |.rin^ nl |iro>lucta event and l*-gan my by getting Kan to r>alla» that 1 waa l<*t. | attrd, ami wixhIi r.-d what to do. Then I went •ay. 'If r\rt thou ihonlilit m«t my s, ha* heretofore |>aid well and ntorr worthv of than tho»r a of wood. ltnl C.L. Hathaway ton-which ipHKathm a faVoral le front bead. "I batx h«ad ni*fart<>r atnl ran*t •>ri» him, do It ll hi- tow M|,. through a ft arfiil maaaof a arb-ctllig atalld|a>il|t forward A «liurrh rim k itnii k l» a* u* at Ihr north, for of ami again. and not, with |i< ii |.| M>m» t.rr i.ali>n* TV alii' h to fioia Uiy aketrh. carry tbe «. I wu for my Ami n«w I bar* lurt *fnfT t of Our ft- cow*. \|*n'* advam-rmrnt la In hi* own b.Kir, rloae by. Clearly geutleruan iik>n* to and toi li#hold hut „|, „ crop*. Tin- <1 «v < f t»»«• <•( rrim», ami y my »j»n» ry, a and mon*lmr, and I would y<.u > ntr that for on tlir farm *rr ti- (if " m-ar a village. 1 came to road yon, help prelum plained to farming prollt han«t* 1^1 thr l«»r haa allh tin a com rat new Industry lt that Ih hold* hl« In til** grnrral «!uni 4 hnatly ha»tm.-d a I. in* It ami fell —and I rannot." ■**. ***4 it. Mlttr. pa Italy placr |irr*ently .. • iiw i«>t»• •« nt \in rr> ta im "a "And hair* r« ally nothing top' hi m. \,ry fair writ.r*. them at thr "v.uth, a* before thr war advancw Mirror. |'Wa* yon Into tb< hamla if a Fr»m b t. 1 Nrvrr mind," Mid I. "IVrba|« tb'-m th<- K vin Wiae Wont. n organ- brought plrk* i. »» < t a iku niiriti«M»i m I ■»! n. well <>n with. »ir?" I • m* «». n Mr* i: .,f man with a good *i/r»| pUntailon • iu* «k.***l and iii Ailing my akrtchlaaik bad walknl w.*t tn*t«*ad of ea*t. f wu jronr « I at Oravelotte. iiikt rariitt of naim* <|.-ri %• .1 tin* k, ISwt •« •I ». 1. * » »• fc*M* Miwt, tlte lncrra*e of tl»* Till* U tlte «...ii fur tin- repair of In- *«nl. "n«>t a (-rnlluir. It • urfiw* .if m nr mil r>tiUiri« anno enough from natural ful. Wbrti thr *ftrrni«iti ••■in* tunixl rn'almr," me into the r1|- lie ■h<« >tstli. of th.- w<«mn in |woplr operation* ■ml thr I I tuadr my wa; hard work la-fore th. tr a into •ikn<-r. K*>r a l