F OCUSONTHE G ASPÉ :AR ICH H ISTORYTO D ISCOVER $5 Quebec VOL 5, NO. 7 JAN-FEB 2010 HeritageNews Mi’kmaq Gifts First Nation heritage embraces sharing, respect and tradition Anglo-Normans on the Coast Charles Robin, chaloupes and the perils of the truck system Outpost of Empire Early French attempts at year-round settlement QUEBEC HERITAGE NEWS Quebec CONTENTS eritageNews H DITOR E Word from the Vice-President 3 ROD MACLEOD Gaspé in the off season Sandra Stock PRODUCTION DAN PINESE Safe Harbours 5 PUBLISHER Two centuries of English presence on the Coast David J McDougall THE QUEBEC ANGLOPHONE HERITAGE NETWORK Mi’kmaq Gifts 10 400-257 QUEEN STREET Sharing and respect in First Nation heritage Cynthia Dow SHERBROOKE (LENNOXVILLE) QUEBEC Outpost of Empire 12 J1M 1K7 Early French attempts at year-round settlement David Lee PHONE 1-877-964-0409 Stamp of their Bailiwick 16 (819) 564-9595 The Channel Islands link to Canada’s east coast Yves Frenette FAX (819) 564-6872 CORRESPONDENCE Owe my soul 19
[email protected] Reflections on the Jersey truck system Yves Frenette WEBSITE David J MacDougall WWW.QAHN.ORG King of Cod 20 Netting year-round settlers was merchant’s legacy Betty LeMaistre PRESIDENT KEVIN O’DONNELL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Barques, Brigantines and Brigs 23 DWANE WILKIN Shipbuilding in the Gaspé Kim Harrison HERITAGE PORTAL COORDINATOR MATTHEW FARFAN OFFICE MANAGER Sea Birds 25 KATHY TEASDALE Gaspé schooners in the age of sail Kevin O’Donnell Doctor Commander 27 Quebec Heritage Magazine is produced six Remembering William Wakeham Andrew J Gilker times yearly by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) with the support of The Department of Canadian Heritage Knots in the Network 29 and Quebec’s Ministere de la Culture et History and culture take a back seat to nature Pierre Rastoul des Communications.