THE PACIFIC AltERCIAl. ADVERTISER. f a Every Tkr.'T Morala,. at Mx W- -4' payable , ';IVTICE'W llia.. Adc. TO ADVERTISERS AXD SITBSCRIBEafs , to foreign countries will be $7 per arainm, V and the expense of forward- - Ohltonrles, funeral invltaii in nnd notion or eoBimunloatlsa, ft ?AKra P""" will " rfiee of punuea "- - ppu. tnfnded nnly t henvtit tn InilividaaTibnsineea, beefaarfei the T iKraii .,- f frodl . . .rsinna- on fV. as advertlaemeou. - . iii fiatr auwi e ' ay AdTerbxemenu d!s4aycd In Urjr tj-- tian lumal, are Ject to h''TKTchrV' . - 4 roTca"" . AdTr -- jCV . ii ...-.- - .o ni... k.f . I - XT Suhicriiuion f(r the Commercial AurertUer and foments are nTa4e m4Bi.r 19 j.TTj.CB. - XT Ha inuisi'ent advertisements will be inserted wabM rma - b chabged. rjis''?..- .nvxsnssMBXTS will Coiwp.nlencc Factfic will lw a. L,erU meats i drst Insertion) per line. . . .10 XT from all parti of the eq- " 5 be rery acceptable. 1 ch sub - Vs. cts. ... ?rr rice-wa- g nnara.. $5 00. I ". k 50 CIS. OFriCK. ( ttch adilitwawl COMMERCIAL PRINTING tfayabie alwy advance. JZt w I - r . PLAIN AND FANCT . eveeedin-.- 10 lio sjiace,) first inserti n.l 00 . ...hseoaeni iiisttu' 00 cm. BOOK AND JOB PRIVTIX tTH At Vr- - t the rn'1 f ech quarter : BOOKS, BILIOF EXCnANOK, rlte lines.) per quarter $5 00 jCATALOGrCS, BII.I Of LADING. Jf a column, per quarter fl2 00 BILL HEAPS. CONSU LAR BLANKS, Vdl CJUnan. per column $20 00 CIRCfLARS. BLANK PKKD8, ffh a - , y 50 AVIT10N BILI-S- HAJfD BILLS, "zZ i'""- " PAMPHLETS, U0P BILLS. .J nsrmfo, bi siness and apbresp carwh rr bigbost le of tfce art. - ' or a iankee Card Press" Ue stj Toiiimercial Advertiser. yW I MMM-MMMWMM- MMM llONOLULU, HAWAIIAN J8J.ANDS, J USE 30, 1 Sol). SIX DOLLARS PER A XX I'M. Siag "" that SJ. h U III, Vs. aJ. WllUL.iaXa.ldT. 'ean ranrisfo Slfrti 1 ooce justness (lattis. oc the so"-- ? tnit lore, more. Easiness - itaris. llcnl estate for alc orrip Carts. fean make a heart less savl. FRANK B A. P. I'VE RETT, HAWAIIAN 1IO and 112 Clay Street. ta sons t when gtal ! FLOL'R COMPAXV, TO RE SOLO! A SUMMER . Jt .... mA ..1 I 100tf A. P. RETREAT! 45 41 wVm 53-t- EVERETT, Treasurer and Agent. Ciias. Wolcott and wr"r J f ATJCTIOKTHEXIHonolulu, THE LARGE LAND OF SUITED TO ACCOMMODATE A SMALL Crooks, jnu " ' Oaha, II. I. of KE.iLA.o. SAN . y pcrh p not toU, KEAKUA, Inland llauruii, DUlrict of Sjuth ramily desiring to avoid the heats of ac-- c FRANCI --j. itf f .r CIIAS. summer. Good SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, lika BREWER, 2J, a Kona. Apply to min.J:ni .ns may be had two miles from the Post (.-- . l cme thring bligbt, r F. COLBUR.N, Agent the BttiiWEIt PL .V 119-- S. KU-tkeakii- u rxxx. 4,r niiithS J. IATI . H,uj1u!u. tf II. ATKINS. tne valley, at the cottase In the rear of my resilience Terms AND FORWARDING AGENT, Importer la deepeoinjc J 153-3- eornol t Or to H. J. 11. IIOLUbWiJHTII. 11 .nolulu moieraie. (JiW-tf- ) A. BISHOP. IX taln injf once AG EXT 123 Sansoaie at reel. Son Francisco, CaL k1( ejjT the pt. nJ ovire ATJOTIONEE11,Kahaniani street, Honolulu, Oohu. FOR THE New York Itonrtl of L'udvrwritrr. LEASEHOLD FOR TO ATTENTION TO FOREIGN AND DOMES The niulersiioied SALE. LET. PARTICULAR GIVEN a, ukes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, X V A L V A H tei aud sale of Merchandise, and to oocw JA.mox. T II I. LEASEHOLD .THE STORE PREMISES HEl.OW.lvr. -"" e tivit on? that I love, more, c, that he has bven duly appointed .S . the Forwrdmg and Transhipment of Goods in jBiirf :rke. as Aireut for the property, on lie corner of Merchant and uuanu tn.-et- iSx'V lfcicio, situate In .ilauna Kea street, opposite transit. Floor and New orlt Board of I'nderwrit-r- s. ,' 13-t- for s.iie on reasonable terms, at present occuok-- liv 11. t Charles Lrenig's Bakery. Terms Refers to : ns-t- f J. seasonable. Pos ay f ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. Sf HAl'SS, t whom upplication is to Imj uiade oa the premises. session riven immediately. B. F. Sxow, Honolulu. I J as. tlrxsKWEix, Boston. MATS AND gya uht nJ free. I Possesion cau be im'eu imnieclialely. Inquire at this office, or at the bakery, or to carpen C. Bhkwkb, 2d, Honolulu 1U.NRV A. Pikkcs, " TI b-- r, J0? to aee ! Pahau. 149-t- ;r. P. S. WlLOOX, I 1 II. W. SEVERANCE, AGENT FOR THE f 1'iinur'i L.ioe. lol-l- m " Chas. Brewkb, l'm It xjo DRUGGETS, BAIZ fxlijuu b cxnint. will rie, (Ite of C. L. R,CHaD Co..) Ship Clia.. ller Liverpool Macosdrat A Co., San Francisco. and Commlssioa Underwriter! Association. MoRf.AN, Stone A Co., " it from oat thin ejrei ! Merchant, Honolulu, S. I. me uiiiiersumed leys leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners. TO LET, LEASE, OR FOR SALE t WINDOW SHADES Ship FIREPROOF STORES TO LET. Asa T. Lawto.x, 143-- tf I & ! t! oer u now REFERS TO and masters, tlmt he has rwived the aniH.ini ol THE WELL K.XOWX AM) OLD ES. Ims, capuuu . r. sxow, . laianus lor tae LIVERPOOL LN'DKU Uhlished H JA KDIN'J HOL SE, known na the "L'NION," THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED hm thy eheek, th lip, thj brow. Ilonolula. uuioe to negotiate with D. C. M'bCER. J. C. MERRILL TT I j ers. 1 C. M'atkkmas k. o . w WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. "a is oiii-rtn- l lor sale. parties desirous of leasing th stores iu pholato e're 00 before. ' the Bi not f ttu unf WlLUAXS llATIX, Sew London. JAXION GREEN, A Co. This house has done a most excellent business for a Ions time, Tic Sc PAPER IIANGI are coming once more ! Mori; and Proprietor U forced to part with it from being too much I'ii-o-F'ro- of ItICR l-- ttkt tvf ?T 1J a, Stoxk 4 Co., Saa Francisco. the McKi ak ft Mersill, AGENT FOR LLOYD'S occupied iu other business. Apply to process of erection by Builciiiis COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3Sff tlw I lore, once more, STEWART, OXtllVia. Ok. k Pwirr x Allei, New Bedford. The niwlersiened bejrs to notify J. 1 AND to Merchants, Ship owners and 143-t- ExcrUior No. , O. O. FOR SALE IN BON n-- T. At A. R. f H. M Street. Lodfe I. F., jot rU t aln oa a hrt)rhter thorr, Nre, Shipmasters, that he has received the appoiatinent ol on Fort Street. ones in glory stand round the bright IUsbt A. PuRce, -- Boston. AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LOXiMiX. is vign bkt throne, & i It desirable that applications be made before May 10. Plans OY . Gbissklu, Mtrrras Co.. New York. 1'tf JAMON, GREEN & Co. AVniknhaiiilii Lob shown and AUCTIONEEKS, At the I 3 ims 'hr the Savior's owo ! Water information given by AGENTS OF THE 4,4 sij W. rv,. 11 145-r- kn II. SEVERANCE will mnMniu m. C. II. LEWERS, tor "n th rt ortifhter sphere, Commissioa business E. O. rilHG UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN Regular Dispatch Liueof Honolulu Packets. fgtt f at the Old Stand. Every description II ALU e of JL apoiiitod att-Mi- t for the sale and of the Chairman of Trustees. n ttwtf the main that are now to d-- r j Ship Chandlery and MerchMndie required by Shippiug, will be Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Gools, Paints, Oils, and kept on general XT All freight arriving in transitu for the Sandwich Islands, FANCY GOODS! F it is may hand and for sale at low rates. 143-- tl Merchandise, comer of Firt ami KinK streets. tf l-- i that near as w be past, .Wnikahalulu Lots! AT L A II A I N A TO will lie received ami forwarded by the " Regular Dispatch Line" ' att-nti- on LET. the KritMcrone in future h.xll always last ! Iegs to call the of Merchants Ship Owners, Speculators FRKE or COMMISHIOX. P. S. WILCOX, D. N. FLITNER, and others t this finely situatrd tract of Ian 1 wliich is now of- THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL PREMISES paid to forwarding and of pesrtit, ths fat ore, and days of yore, at These premises, in the best locality, consist Particular attention transhipment M. P. (Successor to R. Cosily tt Co..) Shippine and Con Mer- Continues his old business at the new store fered in lots at roduc-- rates and on liberal and convenient merchandise, sale of whalemen's bills, and exchaage. In- DRo we mission in Makee's new fire of the two story dwelling k 11011 as the Hawaiian Hote- other ra nae while Hag that tong once more ! chant, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. proof huildin?, at the stiiml rnceutly occupieI by Dr. t emu. l- surance of merchandise ami specie under open policies, supply Plans may be seen and all particulars learned by one extensive store, lately occupied by Mr. S. Hoffmever, and References HofTraaon, corner ofXtueen and Kaaliuina-- u application lat-- U iug whaleships, chartering ships, etc. streets. Fuv-pro- the store occupied by Messrs. 4: Husbt A. Pwrcb, Boston. ChronomeUrrs rated by to the undersigned at Robert O. Janiou's :f Buildings. I'tai Ahee with other SAN c'hi.-- Swift k Aliix, New Bedford. observations of the' sun and stars outhouses, large yard, etc., etc. Possessimi given immediately 47 ataid 120-- tf FRANCISCO VARIETT. Bctlab k. Stss, " M m. Wilcox, w'th a transit instrument Accurately adjusted to N. B. Earlv api'lication should he ni.nle for choice Lots. t 49 California street. the Rent reasonable. Apply to TH. C. HEl'CK, . 3S. BEFKB TO : Cuarlu Woucott Bro-jh- , San Francisco. meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine W. L. GREEN, Fancy Agent for L. II. A 11 thou. Barnes Makee, 1:1 Captain D. C. Waterman Importer of Goods 1 watch repairing. Auent for the Sale of Waikahalulu Lots. CatJT II lulu; ofall Sextant and quadrant 10-- Hie ia nnity re ofteo the source of lore. frtafw silvered Honolulu, March 2, 1S5. 1 tf lid-t- f Honolulu, Oct. 21, lSoS. 121-- tf liemdulu; Messrs. Gilina.i & Co., Lihaina. and adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantly AND BEAD WORKi--' I r 'rvrwyr n conceit are two of the worst qatlt- - P. S. AVILCOX will continue the Shippin-- and Commis- on hand and for sale. 44-- tf BEADS l- - . . t . r sion BiKWtess foimerly carrieil on by Coaiiy A A PISIOLS.ICOJJRS, Ltaeivomr. iit. is raster to uispaie wua ft states- - It. Co. A supply ColTec iSnle ! STORE TO LET, S GBIFriTTS MOBtiAS. C. 8. HlTHAWAT. a. r. stobb. of the leari.n? ankles in the Pror sion ami Ship Cliandlerr line, I;tiila(ioci Ibr IN K4NG STREET. NEAR LV OPPO- - TABLE AND TOCKtET kept constantly on hand and fr f ale at low rttes. From long Fire InMiranre Notice. THE CELEBRATED aitn t ) . .. l. u; . V i... Oit e .... ti, r . 1 1 M0HG1X, STONE & CO., r i, LOOKING GLASSES, I Ltbame feitarea alone are incapable of express- - experience in erery matt-- concerning M hnli-sh- he is prepar THE NORTHERN ASS FRANCE CO. tered as required for the occunant. Rent moderate. PERFL ed to off--r UM-r- facilitii-- s f2TITCO.MB COFFEE PLANTATION, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal j, to nd owners - "K-- Apply to S. VrU as speech alone U incapable of ex- - mters entrutins to notify to those pvwj JOHNSON, References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. A A. R. Nye, SOAPS, NEEDLES, PL'ATED their busineiu his charxe. Particular attention will lie paid M ties who have"rrkn..injured rif AT II ANA LEI, KAUAI, LM--tf House f in this olfice w.Mxlen hi.ildlnn'SH Carjnter. Fort st. A Swift A Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell M in A to the shipment of Oil Bone to u for sale. The Laud of the Plantation comprises turn WAX AND KID DOLLS, and the l'niteil ftates, nt the tneir contents within the of Honolulu, that in conse-seuen- ce Is offered lowest current rates, in first and has upon it Co., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per- i-hi-e rs Like class ships. Wlialtnen's lrafts of the continual errctijti uf lars'e and hish aooden IO.iO Arrow, 5U.OOO I'oMVr All Orders to receive prompt attention, an " yourself an honest man. ami I th-- j TO LTf T AT L VIIAINA. kins A Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon- drawn at M and 60 dayi' sight upon their Ajcnu, will at ail buiMin'S close together in narrow streets, no more risks on tim- The land is well a lapte to cultivation of su?ar warded directed.. Let. au be sure is one Trees. a- olulu. tf as there rascal less in the times negotiated. 13J-t-f ber constructions in the town will It taken, and those cane. The estate is unencumbered, ami will be sild by Fee -s THE WORE RELOXGING TO MR. L. ' alrealy H. AntlTiii, on Hotel Premis Refers to H. M. Whitxkt, Honolulu, 8. L ( taken will nut be renewed on the expiration of th-i- r terms. Simple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, itnpiire of Hiaiian at Lahaina, 10-J-t-f now occupied by Messrs. A Co. given deepest root in JAMON, GREEN, A Co. B. F. SNOW. I'tai Possession Mr. .IOII V A Ia EX. AT HEWS, nftttes the steadiest A. P. EVERETT, 3-- Fur II tninl. 1 f Agent for the Nortliern Assurance Co. the iOth inst. terms, etc., apply to V i netrl as much abilify rwiuisite to know COMMISSION MERCHANT. liJ-t-f th. c. nsrcK. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wfn mike n-- e good a,l vice, and Jani.m'i new W xrk, Q iet-- street, Honolulu, H. I. THE RTIIERX ASSI'RANCE COMI'A. C Qureu's Place. Sydney. f to know bow L ny, (established IS06.) Fit Fire and Life Assunuice at IIWLAiWS r one a self. honr TO LET. XT Reference to W. L. Green, Honolulu, S. I. lOWSra ei REFERENCES. and airoal. AM RROT V PE i A L I,E It V. THE GRENIER PRE.M ISES. ON NI'I'-- lilies great mistake when they C'npilnl 1, 250.7GO. Sterling. u street, opp.isite .Merchant street, c insisting of TWO rn? mke a Messrs. FisrsoT A Tappax. - Boston. The Am-n- t undersiu ned has been nmx.inte.1 for the Sandwich 11 would call the of Hxiures., Apply to EAST RA & CO., ji st ftwinate the opposite aex by Cist man- - E. I. IIUII.HAH A. CK, Islands. ANION. GREEN, Co. E UNDERSIGNED attention srjItES, with etc HrTfct-R-, J k of his Friends and the Public to his Kooms, over the 120-- tf A. P. EVERETT. COMMISSION Umd exptfssions. Kfith a: -- tr. T AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, at Honolulu, j u parific Commercial Ofrice (next to the Honolulu, July 1. lioT. 53-- tf Advertiser, Printins kfemishes Post Olliee) where he is Pictures whicli, for elegance of Ilakodadi, Japan. of great men are not the less blem- - FLO R E N S ST A P E N II O R tikii. TO LET. W but tbey ST. style and softness of ton, cannot le excelled Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished ; also, Shtp'i cnfortanately are the easiest parts II. F. SNOW, Ag-n- t for the Bremen and Dresden Board of All Being constant ceipt of New Stock, Chemicals Ac, he is THE FOLLOWING ROOMS AND OF-- I'nderwriters in r flees in the FIRK PROOF BRICK ILDINU, coruer of ALL and Ship Chandlery, AT noxoLCLC PRICES. :tnon. . General Commission Merehint, Honolulu, Oahu, Haw. Islands. average rlaims against ths saiil I nderwriters, occarring in Prepare! to take Pictures with all the latest improvements. Bl Whalemen's Drafts &c. 71-- ly Kaahiimauu aud Queen streets, viz : taken, ACiEXT FOR or about this KiniHom, will have to be certified before him. Pictures taken on (ilas. Irtjvr, Patent Leather, India 'w rsoer:Uity of men expend the early mrt of iT.r The office on the second floor, directly over the Savings Bank. Rejn-'l.i- r Line tf and warranted to satiSractiou. of Boston nd Honolulu Packets. Rubber, Ice, give entire The Cellar of the above building, capable of storage of 15O0 r!ii in contributing to render the latter part Sale of Coffee Titc-nn- N. B The Public are invited" to end and examine specimens 11. fnn the Plaination. barrels. xvn. keiaTv, w .ble. & ST A ll-t- f W. F. Artist. Pale of Crocker KnMlien Co's Yellow MetaL E. HOFFSCIILAEGKR PEN HORST, H.IWLAND. Possession given immediately. Terms moderate. Apply to GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fngland Ii3-t- airn?arie man lies nue neuzenog miiea tip New Rondnv Company. f Asruls for tHr lllt--tf CIIAS. BREWER, 2d. rimng PARIS AND BORDEAUX BOARDS OF UNDER HONOLULU TAHITI, SVr way, tormenting hixself .with his own CHXS. . SI3HOF. WH. A. ALDRICD Will supply ships with provisions, Ac, and advance money on WRUtllS. TO LET. I 43-l-y BISHOP At CO., AMBROTYPE & DAGUEUREAN .GALLERY! THOSE WELL ENCLOSED PRE. favorable terms for lulls on the nlted States. Ro TirfJr3of s""e anl yonr kindest thnnehts Bankers. Office in the eat corner of "Makee's Block," on AVIS A I PUBLIC. MALL heretofore occupied by G. W. Macy as a private K V A M O V S, residence, adjoining Mr. Moiitgotnery's garden, on Smith world only those which are to Kt.thumaiiu street, Hon lulu. Lcs Soussignes, nyrint IRIT.RR EOT P ES. II R T P E W. RUTIaER, first-cla- as etd'nommi Agpntswtir les PHOTOGRAPHS. TH. W. FROEliE, Bridge, and eight minti es' walk of the con- 15" 5v;yj Will receive drw ts, diwonnt business paper, and and wharf. The h um CUSTOM HOUSE Ai COMMISSION AGENT lLI-- tf Assureurs inniitiines le Puris et tie Borileux, l;t5-t- f Successor of II. Stangeuwald, sist of a parlor, with a splendid view of Xuuanu Valley, a attend to cillcctinR, etc. lare NEW ZEALAND. 1wJ-- Capi-taines- nn, Imir irixsl lie I cook MANGONll, 107 Clay street, San ? a ? A tki in pantaloons, with a previennent le public en et les de dininir r r xiins, pantry, house and well. No. Francisco, it If is well is Shioprijr supplieil it- - reasonable terms. nnV'wfTt.yns. he.-i- A. &. Therarlen stocked with fruit tr. ssymd the situation the most Lat FFER FOR SALE A FULL AND' COM without bMins, C. F. POOR. navires niarchaiids fmnvais, qui A(iK ! - rr 41-l- and a if. tisitent NEW (M)0Pi:R cool, picturesque and saluriisis. A fartr- will tin I it a most 35 6 S., long. 17-3- E . y plete assortment of desirable V il i ' hole before, tight boots, a cane, a IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, It's ports ile ce royaume, en pirticuliiT, que :bni3 ANTI ION'S BUILDING, MERCHANT ST. desii able residence. Inquire of JOHN MONTGOMERY. o ' - 7vTiT - 117-- tf - UGS MblDICINE S. Oihite bandkerchier, a standing collar, two HONOLULU, OAHU, SANDWICH ISLANDS. tous les ens d'avaries, qui auraieut lieu dans ees Merchant street. BR ;.aT- and a thowy riug on the little finger. parages, ils devrxmt, t'tire coriSftter et verifier Houolulii. Oahii, II. I. SAll Is. C. WOODRUFF, R. A CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, RKFER TO STORE TO LET. HIPCII NDLER. AND will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those whofa'i les faits ilevant eux UgtlLser leurs recla- FIRE PROOF STOREKEEPER to-Q- axeman at a mnsical party, seeing Oeoboe F. Peabopy, Esq., - Philadelphia. piur rnaUE UNDERSIGNED HAVE TAKEN AT. them with their custom. ,. oi that the JL - UESER 4it:&1Jr-&- U bought and sold on com Hi-ttL- I., - - - New Bedford. mations centre les dits the aboie premises for tlu- purjiose of carrying ou the THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS FIRK Eluhi r'q., assuieurs. , mission. Ship aud Family Stores put up notice, tig goiqg oat, a rriena, in a whisner. PiKif Store on Kaliuinauu str.-et- lately occupied by at the shortest Messrs. Read. Gakd :r & C ., - - Boston. tf ' ED. HOFFSCIILAEGKR & ST A PEN HORST. , Corner of Qi'kes's Road and, I'oTTisiiER street, tin I ntff the fire without inrerruptine the Waldo, Babrv Jt Co.-- - New York. Coopering Husinfss Messrs Krull & Moll. Terms moderate. Possession Honzkonx TEIIAHA HOUSE, r-- r, A. C, Between the replie-- I the friend. Abkbscthv, Clark k Co., - - San Francisco. 1 1 A 31 V G - II M N giv-- n iniiTieiliately Apply 10 XT Refers to Thomas Spexcer, J. Cartwriurt. J. CALIFORNIA AND 8ANSOME STS., a R II R E E in all its various branches, and solicit a share of the public lU-- CIIAS. BREWER, 2d. Spalpixu. Honolulu, Sandwichlslands. 104 ly CORNER OF Badges A LisdkxbRUEB, - San Francisco. patronage. tf oat ynnr tnnzne little firther," said a 9C-- tf INSURANCE COMPANY. Being all practical cooiers, they flatter themselves that they San FranciicoitCal, YKuw to terqaie panenr; a iiftie tartner FIRE LET, " A cents of the above can do work as well and on as leasonahle terms as any other ; UNDERSIGNED. if rotA 1 e little sti Vl'MtTJiyv-i-s- v - w. soea or on Is. HOUSE IN THE BARRY & PATTEN, t, briber i . Mu THE are prepared to tusure. risks against fir in aud in Honolulu the Sandwich I trim e?fu tii 0RDlXG" White Horse Hotel," with 12 separate bed 117-3- CO. f to of th" no ess a wom s . Cm LAMB, FARDEN A 1- th'hreBj da n D. "WATERMAN CO.. about Honolulu. rooms, all furnished. Inquire on the premises. 11 -tf IMPORTEBS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS t--Vyy rn 7 ; eneil th fiirTnvalid. " rJfVS.VO.V MERCHANTS. For particulars apply at the office. S MELCIIER3 A CO. ftmrwtH ma BciLnixo In "D Conn- - Especial the interests of the Whaling by LET- - STORAGE. WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, wnins's attention p;wyi Flet, Hono ulu, Oct. 11, 1S57 6S-- tf NEW COOrTGE. TO $c, iloisp. the following directum are given, which the furnishing of fu:ls, purch.t.e and sale of Exchance. Oil, IIUAtJ- - 1 1G Mont at., San 66-- 1 y Merchan-lije- CELLAR UNDER THE 50 lurry Frinriaco. W , procuring of Freight. S iTIIE - Bone, Gener.U and the : in capa- W4pt-M- tn nor : CII AS. fJI'ILLOIT, 31. D , XjK-WX- i!!. lulu House one of the most convenient town relr F. t ; .1 hie storing about 4'M) tons. Inquire of b th-- t will hold water. REFERENCES. Late Surceon Vniteil States Navy, Consular Physician to sick of ifc"elen trrel Put into c: O O woutoim,E R S , lOU-- H. M. WHITNEY. Msssrs. Isaac II wlad. .Ir., A Co., New Bedford. American seamen and general practitioner. j P tf II. WEBSTER & CO. iif of and fl ick it by nnnring Pi-i'- harrl quickline, v. a. E. Esq., do. Office, corner Kioihumanu and Merchant streets, and residence Corner King and llithel Streets, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN boiling snf5:ient to cover it fonr five Stoxb C ., San Francisco. rtt wifer rr M"RA, at Dr. Wood's Mansion, Hotel Mreet. FOR SALE OR TO LET. WELL-KNOW- N AND POPULAR M and stirring it until "lacked. When McUcts K IKRRILL, do. 117-- tf Meiliral and Surgical advice in English, French Spanish, and riMIE SUIISCRIHERS would inform their friends, THIS oners superior inducements to the Travellnt, dw. Q Shipmast'-i-s- , pu'1 will THE FORETOP PREMISES ON KING AND 1 I Lilian. and the lie generilly, that thev be Public, and to those wishing quiet home. is situated i 1 4eke'l. disolve it in wafer an dd twoponnds ' street. Terms lilieral. Apply to a It Office hours from 11 A. M. to 2 r.M.; at other hours inquir--at happy, nt all times, to itreet them at their New Shop on cor AV. 1a i'"inve of x'nc, an 1 one common which W. A. A LI) RICH,. 100--tf C. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu. iq 11019 oT every Description. convenient proximity to the business center, and la eondaeted of Lis tf ner of Bethel and King streets All orders with whi h they may on the Euros-a- Plan, giving its tatron. the choice of obtaining k Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise ; Commission 101 STREET, v at any of the drajgists, and which in a be favorvd, will be thankfully ami promptlya tteu.Usl to. FRO.T their meals at the restaurant connected with the or tlm- - k Khl for the ."Nile of Siiirar. Molasses and Coffee, and other ' ROOMS TO PER WEEK. boat, HONOLULU MEDICAL II A LL, A LET. St Between AYashington and Merchant suggest.- - . s PART ICC L R ATTENTION PAID TO GC AGING. where, as their convenience may !is will etnse th whitew vh to harden on the Island Produce. Agent th-- Lull's Plaxtatiox. Con XT XI Applv to S. JOHNSON, Carpenter, DOCTOR McKIHBIN, Surgeon, Ac, j 115 If SAN FRANCISCO The Proprietor, has been eagaged house ' lenrk. A l I -- nfficient water to bring it to the sigmnents of all kinds of Island Produce solicited. Orders N. B. Terms modirale. 32-- tf Fort Street. k. in this alnrav. i 1852, solicits a continuance of the patronage of his many for Merchandise promptly attended to. Sd-- tf Has removed tn the St re bitely occupied by Dr. Latlirop, In JAMES L. LEAY1S. friai6. of thick wh:tewash. - r.-n- i 03-- which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to by Qjiren Street, where he will irly supplied with tf GKOilGE W. .NORTON. OR OAKUM merit strict atteti. n;ke fSe above wuh of a pVissnt cream color, Meilicines, Perfumery, etc , of the lu-s- t quality. IOR SALE LEASE. ROPE WAfcK AXI tlon to their wants and comfort. G. W. FRINK, i ir ponn Is of Trllow ochre. T2IO.HAS SPENCER, XT Family Meilicines and Prescriptions can fully prepared. THE PREMISES RELOXGING TO C. T. 66-fl- m Proprietor. A King stn;ets. FACTORY. fiwn fonr ponnd amber, one ship Chandler, Dealer In Gnenl Merchandise, and Commission XT Mediciue Chesw examined ami refitted 011 reasonable terms. II. C. CaRMIAH, vcrlierg, Esq., corner ef ami Maunukea It el'r ald cf S. keeps constantly on hand 8 m. 6 M., week Immediate possession can be iriven if required. For ' , Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, I., Attendance at the office from a. till r. on n re-t- poun-- l or 90-- California Preserved Meats, ile. I' ni one lammirtcK. an extensive assortment of every description of goods re- days, ami from S to 11 A. x. nu Sundays. At other times COOPER AND G AUGER terms apply to tf FL0RENS STAPE.MIORST. CiORDAGE OF EVERY SIZE al l fmr poun ls of raw quired by whaleships and others. at his residence. Union street. II having recently pureiiased the to onler. Constantly on hand, a large as- .TtALIFOIlNlA PRES'D MEATS, 'i'MIE OVERSIONED put up from the best American meats, by OUI. rw w two f lampblack. Shipping furnished with all kinds of groceries, provisions, Ac, 1 Co eraire formerly occupied by C. H. Butler, corner of TO LET. sortment or MA.SILA Ay I) HEMP ROPE, (all sizes). Bale Ac, s- t- pol at the shortest twtkr. at the very lowest market prices. Queen Fort streets, now prepared STORES RECENTLY v. u. a uu. "leeJor mar he pat orwwith a common wh"ewa!i DR. FORD'S and is to execute with dispatch THE TWO Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, Ac, for sale by TCgBS A CO., rnuiutrBan Money advanced for whalers' bills at the luwest rates. Office Store, Kaahumanu Street, opposite Makee's all orders that he may be favored with the above named place erecteii in Fort street, between King and Merchant sts. Francisco, CalirSrnU. rr and Drue at SO-l- y 63-t- 139, Front Street, San Francisco. will be fmnd roach more durable than f Medicine chests refitted, and prescriptions Old . opposite, Hotel." Parties wishinir to lease can have them fitted to suit by ii. A,1 block. Ship's or at his the "Royal D. A on "ina whitewash. carefully prepared. Ship Agents and Master are respectfully invited to call and earlv application. For terms, please apply to R. P. Co. have constantly hand a general anv.rt mt MELCHERS. GC$T BEI.XERS. 64-- tf B. F. SN0AY. mentof CC3T. C. XT Hot, cold, vaor, shower and medicated Baths, at all hours examine his large and desirable assortment of Casks. Barrels, .f invented --- JUigiisn s stores, 1 ?tiors TorrntE. The Chinese have ly Tubs, utunan MELCIIERS & CO., Kc. Domestic Pickles, W rpeips of tortare. They ftsten round the N. B. 1000 barrels casks on hand and for sale on the most Commission Merchants and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, STORAGE. JUST RECEIVED! SJ all-rou- f nd HOFFMANN, reasonable terms. 69 tf t malef ictor, the color." such S. I. store comer of Kaahuraauu and Merchant sts. E. heavy of Fruits, V tftne CJTOR AGE FOR 400 500 TONS wwn by swells and fashionables in England. Money advanced on favorable terms for Whalers bills on the Physician and Surgeon, office in the new drug store, adjoining light goods, on the premises oftothe uudersigued Nuts, Ac, Ac, Ac tf A Ijueen-stree- t. tf k3 AND ARRIVALS, 7 take the maleftctor out to wme public L . S. and Europe. the store of II. Hackfeld Co., II. F. LONG, 44 B. F. SNOW OTHER LATE which they offer for sale In quan UUes to suit the purchaser. ) AT THE 122-6- l mike bim promenade an and down for C. 2d, D. I1LAIR, rni Hoars BREWER J. Of- Undertaker and Cabinet Maker, at a stretcli. The effect is not only Ilnnoluln, Oahu, S. I. Money Attorney and Counsellor at Iaw, and Pr ctor in Admiralty. General Commission Merchant. Drug Honolulu. S. 14d-t- f Groceries. satj rnAWcisoo y".bnt extremely ridicalons. and, inasmuch as on favorable terms for bills of Exchange on the fice over Dr. Guillou's Store, I. REGS LEAVE TO NOTIFY THE advanced " now C. AVATERTIAIV & Co. f ile? il 63-- tf public that he is prepared to furnish all kinds SALE. BY RECENT ARRIVALS, THE I. fir cannot move his bead either to the L'. England and France. c ... , . . r i . . t . - store of CLOTHING EMTOMIJlVE! r u( snon- of Groceries, at the the J L. McCULLY, W-- lor..inr 1.1 antl tiuirniiieiii r uueraia, ni wie ON choice assortment if the Post-offic- e. left, the infiiction excites the risibility of Attorney at Law. Olfice, over the Transacts . arir-fcj- est notice, trom the long experience he has had m undersigned, vil: COR. MERCItAST jyD FORT STREETS, Offers for Sale: X. CASTLE. AMOS. S. COOKE. lare to snch an extent that it is as much as BAM'L. business anil executes documents in the native language. the business, he trusts that he may give satisfaction to those who Preserves. Fresh raisins. BBLS. EXTRA MESS BEEF. - & 143-- wilj with a call. Ready made pine coffins alwavs on SELECTED STOCK OF nftrruna victim can do to submit patiently to CASTLE COOKE, tf favor him Fre h apples. Fresh currants, in tins THE REST siUL300 bbls prime pork. Importers and Wholesale and RetirWdealers In General Mer-- hand, from $4 to $10 ; cherry and ka do., varnished, $10 and Fresh quinces, Fresh oysters, 100 M Gallego flur, super Bae, of mob without rrsentng them. ; CLOTHING, 44 veins the c!, at the old stand, corner of the King and School W. AUSTIN, iib koa do, polished, $25 and $40. Koa Lumber on hand and Fresh ieaches,' I resh lobsters, 100 Uaxall do do, P iwli lread form a thoasand J. fi ir sale at his shop, King street, nearly opposite the Seamen's this of punishment nir tbe laive Stone Church. Also at the More ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Fresh ears, Sardines, HATS AND CAPS, 25 half bbls superfine flour, for families. re than wicker occupied by C. U. Nifliolso in King street, oppo- Bethel. Rasplierry French capers, 65,000 lbs bread, pilot, navy and medium, h the ordinary pillory, or the formerly.t. Office. 63-- tf jam, - Office Honolulu House, over the Post B. FURNITURE repaired and varnished, with . i. r woralen sus- - site the Seamans Chapel. Agents for Dr. Jaynes' Medi- in N. made, Cranberry jam. English pickles, t BOOTS AND SHOES, 25 half bbl. crushed sugar, rwtbe hae collar that is usually neatness and dispatch. 119--tf etc. English pie fruits, 60 kegs butter, .... -1 over ex- cines. Strawberry j ira. etc., etc., the shonlder of offenders that are - J. II. WOOD, Mince meats, English sauces, AND 150 coils New Bedford towUnes, 1.1 H hi nnhlic Tt l!wt Prxrlish tortnr. Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes of every Sage, English mustard, 50 bundles nary oakum, ' Ik. 31. ! a A. S. & S. filll.MlAlM, description. Shoe Findings, Pump, Sole, Rieging, Harness, Biarksinithinp: Sweet savory, French mustard, 25 bbls pitch, i shaMer every time it is exhibited. Caps I Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods! ir.t Importers and Dealers In Fashionable Clothing, Hats, and Patent Leathers. Calf. Goat, log, s.nd Buck Skins HAV- Summer savory, Hops, GO boxes tobacco, n 8 Superior THE UNDERSIGNED, - i? Boots and Shoes, a d every variety of Gentlenv-- Trunks, Valises, Sparri'ig (doves. Foils, and Masks, Black ing taken the sh .p recently occupied by Curry powder, Soap, IMPORTED INTO THIS MARKET. 1000 gallon! spirits of turpentine, Tmexa corner of Fort and Merchant sts.. Hosiery, c. Brick Shoe store, corner of sugar, oys- EVER JfTiTPa! tw CAn.AiEe f ns-v- Furnishing Goods. Store, Inc. Brushes, Kc. s oiii Ground cassia. Tins of water, butter, 2 tons Iron hoops, kjiinDo f . Tkam ataosvav whanv. pivi 1- Henry Mnilh, (the sunscriner stann.) t ncic 119-- tf Honolulu. II. I. -tf Which will be replenished hy every arrival from San Francisco, 41, Honolulu. Oahu. Fort and Merchant st.. is prepared to execute work of all kinds Ground bhick pepper, ter, and wine crackers, . 300 coll. Manila cordage, fit Inch, 4. 4, tnrmw has torn mind away from its 2 1 uf 1 Fit the ams. as the wants the trade require. 81, SI, 21. 2i- - 21. ' in first rate style, and at prices to suit the times. Particular Whole do do. Smoked 81,?. X and U Inch, r woport. level defences which Smoked herrings, 60 colls thread, V thread and 12 thread, and laid those V A 11 EE, CHARLES W. VINCENT, attention will lie paid to all kinds of ship work ; an', having Pimento. ' oertfy I'TAI Bl'ILDER. The undersigned would In- Best Oolong tea, 60 coils Russia cordage. Ik Inch shrouding. swemeil so stable when the most rooted of Aiko. at Papakoa, and Iwo, CONTRACTOR AND procured an experienciM Fai ri'T. recently arrived from the United Ground cloves, GOODS ARE ALL SELECTED Agents for the Sugar Plantations public, lie has taken nd j reon-rin- may GpMind ginger, Green corn. 6.4,84,8,2, 2 and loch. re-iso- Dea- form his friends and the that States, th ise services in that line rely upon their T1I1ESEof the firm, now in San Francisco, with a perfect if tof the seemed rottenness, and the Importers and Wholesale and Retail sugar, S5 12 seising, I at PuK Hilo; estab-K- fitted up the premise on Fort street, opposite C. Brewer orders lieing executed a workmanlike manner. Cream tartar, Crushed and loaf cods 0, and threail, $f ear w oes OD be- ; on hand, for sale, at their i ' in knowledge of the wants of the Honolulu public and the whaling li heaven tr.l nation - lers in China Goods have CARPENTER SHOP, and would solicit that 145-- tf S. &c:, Ac, Ac. line, rounding and bouseUne, imri Honolulu, and at Lahaina, JWaui, 2 1's Store, as a ROBERT BROWN. C. soda. fleet, and having lieen purchased at lOAV FIGURES, will be s. w w .treeL Iwstowed. All orders in Chain cables and anchors, 1 . s.t 1 patronage heretofore so liberally Haxall flour, I in wi "wi s.-ur- Coffee, Urge and sol. at MICH LOWER RATES than hare ruled this market . Molasses. Svrun. Tea, and a of Building, Plans, Specifications and Coffee Copper and iron spikes, 4 and I inch. r itn pomp, and the various branches N. B. Fresh Island Butter and Ground always on in past years. Citizens and Strangers are respectfully invited to .1 their multitude, and assortment 01 general merchandise promptness and dispatch Ship's CHmlxMMes, complete, N 3 and S. i varied 5tf'ly Contracts, attended to with Tiiojirsox tyevhaIaE, hand. (133-ly- ) McINTYRE. call and see for themselves. A. S. A M. S. GRINBAI'M. 7. go down together into the pit. and the Honolulu, August 12, 157. CHARLES AV. VINCENT, Whale Irons, toggle Irons, . . .. Honolulu, March 17, 1359. . 142-- tf , as a as SASH, all other articles per BLACKSMITHS, AVhale bo-.ts- , ''left garden that hath no water, and v n DOORS. WINDOW and ' on hand and for sale. 93-- tf Cotton duck. Nos. S, 4, 1, and T,'"" '"fiir? hird cait out nest in that day of C. SPALDING, Saining to house bnilding, cousuntly CUSTOM HOUSE, Car?o of Lumber for Sale! iI..A of the J. a OPPOSITE THE . 10.000 feet white pine boards. - - - fX m.. and of treadmg down and perplexity, the r Commission Merchant, and Importer, Honolulu, , uanu, atd. RECEIVED PER SOLI'S, A. Camman It. F. S.Ou Hani pine heading, v '. Con- - GEORGE U.SIDERS. j Exchange on the 8. and Europe. A JUST Mendocino Milt, comprised of the fol- V'taAs, the joy of Wanted, Bills of l Sh.-e- t jk THE ROVE HAVING PURCHASED direct from Spruce fiour boards, v r mirth of and the ... in Iron, and Copper ware, s the tabret. aiien-ie- r- - JIanufacturer and dealer Tin, formerly oxtupleil by ,A. .Af. lt ' "' are imnwnu from abriNWl promptly Spalding's Honolulu, 11. the Mutthrw, lowing assortmeiii : Offers for Sale to Arrive, Hard pine flooring board. 1234f silent in the grave. Blessed is the i. tf Kaahumanu street, oppisite J. C. VvC now prepared 10 Ship, Carriage and duce of all kinds taken in exchange for gols. Pumps, Bathing Tubs. r' are execute Cart 3..46S feet r:uh Board. when wretchedness, Summer Bakers, Tin and Copier AV'ork, on the slt'rt--s- t notice and most reasonalle 3,:tJS Scantling, ,r. east info this ntfer Tin ami Zinc Rooting, and a ifen- - tr " " 6x3, THE CARGO OF from all all comfort. Foot and Shower Klh, terms, and hoiie bv strict attention to business to merit a share 4.706 44 " " 6x0, I. C. SPALDING creatures and from of ware. Mnp worE executed 105-t- J7 RITSON HART, ,l aa,rtniei!t Tir of the public patronage heretofore s liberally f 10.0IHJ " Pickets, illiBg, amidst his and his anguish, dispatch tf all tears to Mr. IKjry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Spirit neatness and 34.000 - tonzued and grooved Redwood Flooiing, Clipper Sliip Fliaiitom! Offers for Sale, just received Successors Cart- - 14 44 FROM BOSTON ABOUT MARCH ''oain as long Goxl shall please. . t ii.,o..i,.Iii. - - 11. I . Room of A. . as J1CTIIIMW0,t. . T under the J " " " SAILEDabout July 1. 32-- tf li PER BARK SACHEM," FROM BOSTON. Howe following rules Wright, and at the foH of Kaafcuiuana street. W. FIS: HER. HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, 2 i.7So surfaced Redwood Boards, . " Edtcatio. The Maker and French Pdinner. Hotel Street, opposite the, Cases loaf sugar, Gmundvpeptr, 41 ' Fwtniendedrrot r.hinet 41 BT lo.j " " li " " ; r for tnpir excellence, brevity and Government House. tf 32.95S 41 planed 44 M Siding, Half bbls do. Ground mustard, Br BA LES BR0. DRILLS, loo dos denim frock and past a. . .a; KRULL, 11 Boxes raisins, Table salt, bwles nr;i;v r u-- j i E. W. RAWLINS & CO., 1:4.548 " a 6 feet long, l'i bro. aheetlnra. cases cheese. every parvui J. " Carolina rice. H. I Importer. Office. Kaahumanu IS. 44 Flooring, 1J Bbls bteached do, 4 balMpumpamlrlr'f hXlDflE. r, an 1 Commission Merchant and PIT3IAN, A PAST FAVORS. 1.674 tongued and grooved Pine Inch, I ban inwardly aigest : RE THANKFUL. FOR Bbls cement, Patent charcoal Irons. 280 kegs . Street. BYRON'S BAY, II I L0, HAWAII, Xm. and are prepared, with their present iinprovementB. to 60,000 Redwood Shingles. 10 cases denims, white lead, Jonr cnil lrens' earliest infancy, inculcate suppl mereliaiits and families with hard and soft soap also, also BbU flue Navy Bread, 3 eases ticks, 20 bbls rice. . , .: and IValer in General Merchandise, keeps 161 ... 1. Ship Ch mdlr t planed on two sides, Tooxra ? bleached Jeans, cafes boiled OU, p p. . vivtlni(j7. N. LAD D, ex tensive ass irtment of every description neats oil. American 1 inch white pine Boards, Bbl. nnd Wafer Bread, cwei W. hand an 1 do do on one side, 1 esse honey-com- b quilts, 2 bales doves, L .0lt firmness cbil- - AA And alway ready to buy or trade for tallow, slush, and Do inch do do One Center Board Bont. with irentleneas. Let Tour - . . t Il.unw.RCL ClTLKBT, Mechanics ..r re.mirel bv halesltiiS and others. jy 1 4 bags - am. a- - i:.u of kitchen grease. 63-l-y and 12, 1J and 13 feet length. 3 Smooth Bottom Whaleboala. ease striped grass cloth, peppcrr "trt d what yoa importer - Fort street, Hono with Fresh Beef and Vegetables, nnd all all kinds 10 coils that yoa mean hippini2 10 wide and 12 ft long, half-b- bl 1 case white duck, ROMiabrr roM V a 'V ll-- tf etc., the I Do 1 inch white pine Boards. Inch Oilasks, shook, hoops ami beads, beads and staves, ,.J Croeeries and Salt IVovisi.i. ec at Sheathing Boards, planed one side. 1 case bL and white quilting;. 18 casks pilot bread, Y lulu. and Uie most reasonable terms. Do white pine Etc, etc, etc, etc tbem unless are shorteot notice Uxn: r U 111 OL ST E R I A . Do cedar Shingles, shaved. 200 boxes family aoaa, Pm? anything joa TH. C. HKCr Money ailvanc d for Whalers Bills at lhe lowest rates. Casks Cumberland Coal, 25 eases refined lard. 18 ooia aponyarn, C y On It) trt V4 osrK wy VOS HOLT. UNDERSIGNED, HAVING A Do pine and spruce Lath. r Iham a wrvil St of frtrni 5 to 6000 barrels. THE ' Best facilities for oraite 1 . I . . . . V. I - .. . ..- - I... I ...... f . V. n .. .cu 1 ...... lu..M I r 100 half bbls crushed sugar, 8 cases men' ctothlnK, Von IIOLTV IIEFC'K, to tie sold at this port. j 135 tf CnAS. BREWER 2d. . 100 bbls Haxall Flour, 1-- H. o ardent spiriU allowed 200 complete. 6 cases charcoal hnma. v2 ate" bale child to do something, show Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. tf upon ""tifv his friei ils and the public getier illy of llonolu- - saddle, t Commission Merchants. F.'reign a w. II as native seamen can be procured here Bales Oaklm, No. 1 so cases tjoota aaa aBoaa, ' f do it. ann an im Ann General - crmm" lu. Uiathe is prepared to make to order, on short no- 25 kits mackerel. ... - et- SA at anv of the other ports on the Islands. . aiw-t- ii ..l, lar Cedar Shingles, Etc., etc. 200 boxes 8. W. soap. 26 cases grem pea.. ' v nn.i.i. r :tir..ii. 14J-- tf tice, and in the most thoreuirh workmanlike manner, Spring ! ! ciiiiitrxru r wiiuunj .i;. C' W I Uilo. March, New Goods New Goods 151-- 10 half bbls bide poison, jimr ALEX. J. A RT R Hi IT, lo Lounges, Spring Iteds, Hair. Pulu and Grass Matresses. Old So- tf r never anger. Honolulu, I 20 eases 1 wt punish them in General Shipping Ageut, fas, Lountres, ami repaired with neatness and h. EX RECENT ARRIVALS alcohol. Wl s. Commission Merchant and & etc, spirits turpentine, 11 qr aightiB "3 UtTT ' thern that they vex yoa or :ILMAN CO., Carpets of all kinds laid in the most thorough workman- RECEIVED, SALE BT THE CXDERSIGXETl: 20 cases and 2 f PWive Oahu, II. I. In Merchandise, 43 coils Manila cordage, dark brandy, Ship Chandlers and Dealers General like manner, v. G II. INGRAHAM. PATENT SnOUXDER-SEA- M Timej?!" joar self command. DA VIES A JONES' CELEBRATED Just Received ex "lIodern M bbls extra mess beef, S qr pipe Henatr - Next door to Geo. Clark, Esq., Hotel street. THREE-PL- Y SHIRTS. Rite way to petulenceor ill temper, wait RHODES, LAHAINA, MAUI, II. I. l&Mlra AND COLLAR 30 half bbls prime butter. S qr do GODFREY COTTAGE SIDING, &c. Mart. --.a .J?? re A0 Porter, near ou:. .nniimt with recruits. Good facilities for storage. Cash ALSO 450 bxa, blf and or do raatiae. 4 qr and easka k calm. then gently reason with them and Spirits, Ale and 53-- g mr Dealer In Wines 49-- of exchange. 1 y THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. suspenders, neck ties, (of various styles,) FEET COTTAGE SIDING, . Wholesale - tf furnished for bills Merino undershirts, grkff cases box rait, 140 boxes Catawba beaa. doe-ski- spruce I WWDrietJ f their conduct. Otfiee. Honolulu. Is now prepared to repair or sup. and blue broadcloths, black n cassimere, French M. a VF VF o0,000 feet rough boards, 3 shook, grnd salt, 20th 60 half beds best wfctoxy, -- the Pr.t - UNDERSIGNED black J rough spruce 2 plank, bars. eni'ier that a little present punishment. ROLLES A- CO., THE all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, wind and English fancy cassimeres, tweeds and shepherd plaids in 4.000 feet inch 117 kegs nails. - ('.. HOWE, ship forginits and smith work. vesting, large diamond Mar- 20.000 feet wide pine boards, ,, . .1 19 IUVICVUCT.l.1 - ;EORfJE Commission Merchants and Dealers in lass gearing, great varietv, superior Marseilles 26 ease tobacco. 106 doa qta B. Byaar ynrtsrj l I.T?, on Ship Chandlers and backs, Ac. cn made drills, (plain and fancy,) 8,000 feet pine 2 inch plank, eorAtal "ttlnr of Ik. .hnnl.l fArllt of Queen and Nuuann street Lahaina, Maui. Whalers furnished Cart boxes, forge anvils hand and to seilles for ladies use, all linen ducks and 100 bbU Haxall Soar. 10 dot London tpa, Aj JUIIISUUJ'CU the Merchant, ysrd comer General Merchandise. 6.000 feet pine 1 do do, rr.... :l ouvtai Lumber exchange for good. order. Panama and felt hats, etc., etc. 16 i premises. the shortest notice, in . opruce the Punchard . with recruits at best quality of smith's coal for sale. 12.000 feet flooring, 143-- tf 34-- tf Iron and and Mnnnfne-tare- d Honolulu, March 24, M. or bills. 2-- - D. Enzliaa Bine and While Flnnnel feet 11 inch spruce flooring, jlT TOar eniIJr,?n nything because they tf M. WESTON. 600 - fcrlr7 tn Order a nnersor cle. . assorted widths pine boards. - ' C.'II. LEWLKS, f art 20,000 feet -- 1-- tf WATERIIOUSE. McCOLGAN CAMPBELL, Tailors. 138-tf . For sale by C. II. LEWERS. (n materials.Fort St. Ilonoluhi. v JOHN THOMAS k ! no account allow them to do at one time Lumber and building Retail Dealer ii. General Merchandise, 146tf, Corner Fort and King streets. Just Received, ex Late Lrrlrzli Ir, Importer Wholesale and Suar and Molasses, hare forbidden, th same circaro- -. ( Honolulu, and Lahaina, Mani. 44-- tf FOR SALE BY Uiruti iVXa. under THE - - at II. HACKFELD & CO. KI1ROM THE BREWER PLANTATION SHIRTS! SHIRTS! AND and eecond Class Brandies, In wood, another. Honolulu, " by CHAS. BREWER, 2d, - -- " Ship Chandlers, Ware! First and Second Class do In Dottle, . leieh- a -- w n General Commission Agents, and WORTH, 119-- Agent, Flour ex Jlountain RECEIVED PER FANNY MAJOR ...c.uik. 1 t.11 m.t sura ww w. 1 J. tf , New York, Geneva, to wood and bottle. only " j Oahu, S. I. -, Merchandise, Hilo, Hawaii. Ships supplied sir-Earia-i- JUST from the Manufacturer in a small invoice Beta - good. Ce,!- in General C1IFTT BBLS. RICHMOSU of Davies A Jones celebrated patented snookjer seam and three CHd Tom Gin, la bottle, mow 111 me snor 7 quarter eighth sacks. For sale in quantities to suit ' V.m1r .ah its at FOR SALE ARRIVED PER BARK lo and They are selected w MonotMrahela Whiskey, in wood and bottle. 'tatom them tn. recitals CLARK, tf I2a-t-fi B. W. ENOW. ply collar shirts. to that can fit atsaonx 1 . little exchange wanted. w .u.. GEORGE . Bills of ui ; SACHEM.", by any sixe, and afford to sell them 20 per cent less than fanner Jamaica Run, ' t Dry Fancy Goods. IMel street between Naoana ' - ,4ettrth. Dealer In .nd 1 prices. It wants but a trial to convince any one of their superi- Ale and Porter, of the favorite brands. tale-bearin- ' streets. Honolulu. S. I. SPRUCE POLES. FLAG Ilow of g. ' .a xt.naake S. N. EMERSON, BRICK. BOMBS. ority in every respect over any others in the market present And the usual assortment of Wines and Uqmwn. ' I 2"r FIRE for sale by 143 tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. WHALING GUNS AND at - teach tf- c- 1 i - a .1 Dealer la General Merchandise, Country Pro A 141-t- f ' QODFJlsTT mi-ueni- ai, . t . JtOSSMAX, JB ar.lalua. Oahu, CELEBRATED "WHALING McCOLGAN CAMPBELL. nZHS not nu inuuigi:ui t ducT-sn- Butter, Eggs, Ae. universally 100-t- vj and - T. KOMX AJI. " ch ai Cora, Beans, Bananas, BRAND'S Bomb Lances, large and small sixes, f Tailors, eor. King A Fort St. rM..ri SON, - ' YEAST POWDERS. of fai . 1 . . . r 1 MOSSMAN A acknowledged to be the stoat superior articles ite kM as. CUTTING FALLS. 'ese miA werw- - WILCOX. ' iu rwuaera 10 practnii nwiiy prasj- Orocersstxl Dealer, iu Dry Good., Nonanu ONNELL. S CAL. YEAST POWDERS, W4rtt , forBBleby P. 8. BREAD I J ; rgmnEB CUTTING FALLS, Ja . Patents anil hnw mnrK ini.serw Bakers, - JOHNSON, ' the best manufactored, for vale by 14M8vreD.' tor by l d. I- - ' S. D v M Per diDoer shiD sale olulo, Ghu, 151-t- per "Syren," , ; f . , H. Tf. SEVERANCE. " RECEIVED 131 -- ' CHAt. BXXXS, J Prerened. how many in danger of rain HOUSE CARPENTER, Ac, DUCK, Ace. JUSTCasks Bread, in whalemen' casks, , tf V S. 8WAI, HAWAJI .'RAVEN'S H.eil hnw tk HABBtE. OABTC. ' 100 Brls Bread, A. v' FORT STREET. J AND HEAVY RAVEN'S DUCK, - - LAXCS POLZsV l.rl.1 - . SHINGLES! ; - 100 Cans Wafer Bread, a new tr- "lOd rfo...:.mj t t r. it CO., LIGHT Cotton Duck, . ari erteartfclt .. .. uo UK'iiniieaA HARRIS . g M WOOD SHINGLES - ' ' circia ABEL INTIMATES THAT flVr RED JUST - : I ' M,e Kn iPPF.CTFCLLT I per by TJ. B. Wo Dock. , - . to see t. aD Hawaii. n U liv., and received Fortana." For tale . mC-- V CasAB. BBKWaTR, Sa nkrt. in kid.of h. 2SLJ ? 163-- "WneHa K- I t- - I rilers f tf WJtt B&BWia, str th. - I J n.l Draw BUM ot lhopntOBwniaww.1-K - r-- c i - , . - . ' i V .v r 2,". r .MaMs.BsanssBManBBBaaaswasBaasBaansam V?. a, ,tr'T.. " V; If - - . f la A flPfinn- - s. CHASTE. esieruaj1.aAawtinin - - ....nt 1Uir NAT AND '''-J lution which' it appears to have tak? tW OF TJIE.;rE3K.' O. O. F.. expense maintaining a weekly journal, NOTES granite letter L Such M. le Comte, is ) the part of a man who owes all his political power to as the of mental " the subtest r .t . ooxnmsaoiAx.. rla Kxateelrsl Owaw Foreign) Pwrta. - also gfanit .were nrted have honor to beg in the first instance, from the caused both papers to be given up. . , r . - whose term of chain links, Jn I the that vonr the strength derived, UL.UJa!-Kj-."o- v.- r..v1x.:kT- three r.."! is only in- UUE iEW . New Odd give Vt contents the most serious M V. THURSDAY. 1 English alliance, needs no comment. It In January, 1843, the Friend was rornmenee are re0.0 the front parapet of the eoniW JUXX 30, 1869. Am bark Washington Allstoo, , from Boston, to sail Juki with this number, F-o- et of his unprincipled, subscription expires as soon tartae let know if the royal government con"-- i B. deed in accordance with the rest to appearance, and lj -- 10, with assorted merchandise to F. dhow. and has been continued b Ihe add much the iTfirat of Ac od is, that by Rev. S. C. Damon, continue taeir patronage. or no to put without delay pack on Monday afternoon. Am. ship Baduffa, Green, from Boston, sailed May 6, assorted unscrupulous and selfish career. The wonder by the publisher to scaffolding taken"5down, the its armv Zr and the S U to--r him cred- time, being now in its lGtl now open, and we ia completed footing, and to disband the volunte? fUw1 k later dates ftrasa t wttT. iissUb canco to C Brewer, 2d. any British Government should have given him to the present sutiscription list for Volume 4. is fronts 4o be Italian ' May 10, thes-islands- . one of the finest it Mmhi to 1 Ass. ship Jonah Bradley, Dunbar, from Boston, to sail ence so long, and in this respect the blind confidence is consequently the oldest paper on names of all our building Witt present Sardinia's Reply. "The King rtZhtJi' ' - iIm ii.... cargo C. Spalding. year. It to enroll on it the ' . assarted to J. shall be happy iff I tawramhMb-aiwdT- ai Government, up to the last moment, is Honolulu. - i roand to disarm aa an outrage I u another part of aw taper Am. ship Phantom, Peterson, from Boston, sailed March 13, of the present The plan on which its publisher com- many new ones as we can procure. seen in on himself 4 git ,lia powwulara 11. - ' ' old patrons, and as meeting of the trustees of has f relating to it. . Km should all aaaxrted cargo and ice, to F. 8oow. past all belief. new sub- Queen's Hospitau A nation, and therefore repelled the dp Tin Am. Bice, from Boston, sailed May 8th, with cargo and Denmark, as menced and has conducted it to the present day, entered quite a number of that ma, ,atfci btcosaa entangled hi the strife, there is ship Nun. The union of France with Russia Already we hare was holden last evening, at which disdain. The King calls to mind Italv'. ,a4 poaarbUitr whalemen's stores to C. A. M illiams it Cu. points to the inevitable inference seriou;. industrial class of day this corporation "flj nj that the United Stale. be brought Am Norseman, Haskell, fia Boston, (via Valparaiso.) sailed well as Sardinia, lias enabled him to print it without any scribers, prijipally from the Thia document guish, and says: I will be your captah77,'l 8-- oU sh as be presented. ia Ihoa b left to aU cargo C. Sliding. scheme of Conquest extends to the North find that it does the charter was to proved your on the field m become to the world sies Feb. 19, part of her astt'd mdse to J. that the . to seafaring islands, who of battle loss. Being devoted principally on the other executed, and h P iptljrta; fnt Boston, (via Tahiti.) sailed Feb. 10, Alps. is in fact a repeti- laborers seen, is beautifully vfT asUfcio. and the bulk o the carrying trade win BUI to Am sh Fleetwood, Dale, well as the South of the It means of keeping posted which we have of my illustrio- - father. This timeyou . part of ber cargo asst'd rodne to B. F. Snow. Denmark was men, and circulated gratuitously among them, it not pay to be without some en- - r. any treat her oauoeree tion of the Treaty of Tilsit, in which ; resembles' the finest copper plate for your comrades the gallant u wq reap a large benefit from Am rark Mooeka, UamDtoo, fm Boston (riaTabltU safled April Napoleon L In the world. We have the chirography French . a ti.a bv which cordial welcome not only as to what going on " o-- " . ... 19, part of ber cargo asst'd nvlM to B. F. Snow. vninnt. has generally met a up companions on the Tchcrnaya, whom Ow ...... MtKning Brown, from Marquesas. Alexander I. planned the pantion of the world. Chinese and natives the graving. tl'?' date from Am Missionary packet fetart " and on lists, to support "and defend Saa rraadsca are to the The H from that, but also from every other class among also our afternoon on the has sent our ja . lth. bust all Joly. ' - instance, play on the eastern was made yesterday ? ymmt lUaf adrtces are rivca below. .dneht Russia will, in the first are becoming acquainted with Atrial xing cause. , Forward to victory. The bark Tmf had. Am bark Yankee, Lovett. ftn 8aa Francisco, to sail about July 2. same which Austria did us. number of whom that r" cables for the Wailuku 0B. ,n arrived op to the renin of Hongkong in July, with asst'd cargo of frontier of Austria the part pride Esplanade, in stretching the announce to you that cur object, like hi that day. She was then fifteen A ship is expected fm increasing, and who take our w-e- probability we shall revived by English, is annually difficulty j; Maya h probably Manila and China goods to Uackfeki A Co. to her in the lata war. and in all . The Polynesian (second series) was of which show jd that no indejendence of Italy ! " cot.. arrived before the Wth. and an, wld April reparti- newspaper as tha foreigner. bridge, the result the Fittjorn, fm Bremen, to sad developes itself, that the having same I 4 Mil asala fhr (hi ira--t I- i v Bre bark C. Melcners, find, as the scheme Jarves in Slay, 1844, under the auspices o in the n them as pro- - t cargo 8rto M richer 4c Co. an.cpisode J. J. will be experienced-i- making use f Victor Emanuel made Dictatol mmJ 11, aavt'd mdse tion of Italy and Sardinia forms but in followbg law for Ja Verden, Coppeno"", Bremen, sailed Aprtl government, and has been continued as in. 1 afterward the the concess Ilanorarian bk great scheme of universal conquest ana piuuuer, the Pxkasakt Visit. The fine ship posed. " ". .Jv.1 hence on the 7th at May, over oo 1, asst'd cargo to llonsohlaeger Jt Stapenhorst. the A Short bit 'I . traordinary powers to Ce King's government At ,T a. m. arrived occupation of successive . Hrurtb, Ilamphr.-- y bon, Chclsjrd. fm Liverpool, to saU and one part of which may be the official paper to this time, under the command of Capt Callaghan, v Her Bails went Ibrward by the Brit bark Storm King, under the war waa passed by the Chambers : 44IBne,X7dsvs.- April 2S. asst'd cargo to Jaiiioiu. Qreen k Co. and the shutting up or our nignway Feb. Egypt by France charge of Mr. Jarves, C. E. Hitchcock, E. O. on 27th inst, at 2 P. M. about 44 1. In case of war with I Jane, and woald arrive ia Sew York the 28th Brit ship h, Williams, fra London, sailed loth was telegraphed the FOUR WEE KS LATE Jt Art. theAotii agent to our Indian Empire. s hove-t- XT. Mtaaih'.T ...... with asst'd cargo, (part for Vancouver's Island) to Powers named, Hall and C. G. Hopkins. miles from the port. At 4 o'clock she o pire, the King shall be invested with all th.? Bay Co. The combined fleets of the three twenty AND LONDON ! r( had been withdrawn from Hudson's of and FROM NEW YORK tive and executive powers, and shall be tfL this Brit ship UooeUa, . fra London, to sail Aprd 25, ssst d probably amount at the present time to 70 sail the Besides the papers noticed, the following have off the bell buoy, delivered her mails and report, I aiMthern coast- - j agent Bay Co. we nave me the Ministerial responsibility, to perform cargo to Hudson's line. To meet this formidable force at been published : the Cascade, in 1844-- 5 ; the allowed her passengers to come ashore, and make a acta VavXliw ,re to April 2. The letter of not more than 83 available, if every liner was royal decrees all the necessary to the utmost Monitor, in 1345 ; the Fountain, in 1847 ; the The gentlemen whom we had the our institutions. iS rfia afe will be found in another column. commission, bucn a state nasquiua-ene-d short stay. the country and of It.' timriri put in ou"airs Hal-loc- k, V awlx China trade ia very depressed, BIRTH. mep' A. iS. . 1847-- 9 Times were, A. Donohoe, J. Y. 2. The constitutional institutions ) Vardta is atf." the motions of the Govern notification News, ; and the Honolulu and t pleasure of meeting, J. "Art. 'is inVhoroe to England America In of whom intangible, the King's government darin tiMk of chH.0f and daugh- from the Admiralty improves the pL,, the provisions, New from 1849 to 1853 all of which have Edgar Mills, and Rev. J. A. Benton, all a In Honolulu, June 36, the wife of Julius Barnart, of a Era, .1.11 !. tha. ficnlfv ia- mules il Oft tha left utensils of the sailors on who J J"1Mli0k V, ftz- t ter. the bedding andthe cooking been discontinued. In July, 1856, the Commer- found here quite a number of old acquaintances, BUi lafJs Where l-- iviees via San Francisco, are to April men and is cxnectefl that 10,000 ad temporary limitation of the liberty cf the hnarrl of war.' it surprised with meeting them. At 6 n. tbaV fbtV there quoting, either ia the commercial ditional seamen will be invited to join the service by cial Advertiser was established, which, with the were agreeably of individual liberty." t ob- having returned on board, iron it rret . DIED. a bounty of 10 a man. This, however, be it Polynesian and Friend, remain the only foreign o'clock, her passengers The Passage of the ttcixo bt the Arr. i Boav. All tfant hoc oar dates are to Jane 6th. Iro-- served, is simply in order to prepare for contingen- ship squared away before a ten-kn- ot breeze bound During the night of the 2Gth ult., tha 7t years, papers now printed here. . - the i The) labor ia a. h Colonial tariff had been made, which In Honolulu, June 23, Mas. Sa H. SurT.ageJ unfortunately too probable. t, She was the wife of cies, which look but to nong Kong, having been delayed only two and a WOttU arc Jane. Under this act "the port of brlooging to Fair Haven, Massachusetts. intention in this country to Wo have glanced thus hastily over the rise and mand in chief of General Gyulai, piss lnt3 Cant. Frederick Slocum, masterof the whaleship Saratoga. Jler There is not the slightest wish noble ship and her gallant l! pciaoCCTS, rk. de- con- half hours. We the namely. . aad Jl. r of eatry for an veswis friends reside in Providence. R, I. For several years the interfere in any way, so long as the struggle is growth of journalism in Honolulu, to show how in three corw d'armee, friends to China. norted by ea Into the ceased hal been a great sufferer, having left borne and fined question alone. captain a short and pleasant voyage One corps of 60 ;000, commanded by Genen-T-' a milder cli- to the Italian from its humble origin in 1836, with a small edi- la the Ifiidat of tb Iar?S L;aaer Kiver." On mer- - some three years since, for the purpose of trying A is believed the change had a favoraMe influence. For now stand : Austria : ( we ThefoOow- -. mate. It Thus the affairs of Europe tion of about one hundred copies, it has gradu- Besides several other gatherings on the A second of 30,000 commanded by j 4 bandings bre jastates' WW. more than two years she has resided in Honolulu. It is seldom f Jclt 4ni. GenenlGt. . agiDe-.Afif.- is against Sardi- ateajjl ij o tpirita and diataW Uqoora, thatAhe virtue of submission and grace of patience have leen with her 600,000 soldiers pitted ally increased, till now a weekly issue of 1000 4th, we learn that the annual picnic of the Bethel in person. - ' ' displayed in ease. Through many years . 1 Oan) imroeat Ct,eowa, oxen, horses, asaea, more signally than her 11V . A third of 80,000, under General Zobel suffering, and nia and France, who will be assisted, if necessary copies of the Commercial barely satisfies the de- School will be held on Monday next at Little EUROPE! Uitt v goats of severe in and protracted her attendant Sunday WAR crossed over ' L f P On heT nd per head, no murmuring complaints escape her lips. The Prus- G. The Austrians thebridnf p., idea friends hesMd by Russia and Denmark. To suppose that mand during the "dull season," while in the Britain, on Waikiki Plains, the residence of Mr. . tooouTrye an of the n cheroot, per 100, 4 "2d ($1). foundation of her support in sickness and affliction, was a firm been anx- which they afterwards blew uf. 4 ship Storm King, which had f Tbef Oareoatttof; Beet vxa, 6W per lb. and abiding hot which she reposed upon Him who was made sia and England, who will probably 6tand together busy season, the edition consists often of 1200 and H. Luce. The other Sabbath Schools in this town The clipper They took the road toward Novara, l,e s- as Savior of which it waa piJ 7 "T rk Jiilik-Sr- r miW May and - perfect through suffering- Jesus Christ, the is is hoped that there iously looked for for ten days, and under Marshal Radetzky, ldnoo Mt, soul's great Spiritual Physician. She was fully as allies, will long reuiaiu out of the war even 1500 copies. A regular monthly edition ol have been invited to attend. It the Austrians. de'J : tafcar-- sinners, was hrr arrived ,t ' - I thie J Mlto attar d principally with whale-- would only terminate her snfferincs, but lio only members of feared had passed the port without touching, the Sardinians under Charles Albert in l&h ' aware that death They will keep out of it just so long 2300 corues is also issued of the Friend. L will be a good attendance not of ! rara fiat samatvlmt ar 7 eronld Irare New Londua or patiently and calmly awaited his approach. 8. C. D. connected Monday, bringing us two regular semi-month- ly Fhexch Troops is Sardinia. The cnnrLJ V will Bchools, but of any who are not directly on y. , tkdOf ia neat which loan leara. The Watkiiigto j 8. The funeral of Mrs. Slocum will be attended as is possible, but if drawn into the war, it twenty years have worked such a change in the the ' paper writes on the 2Gh Mm Vj cl P. contributing those of May 6 and 20. of a French Mam ng Those friends who intend mails, ! . bow tb Befl Hooolula, to aailJane 10. a o'clock P. Mn from the residence of Mr. Lamb, in be against France and Russia, although foreign-residen-t, tea-fari- with them. of the Frenchrmy, belonging boiI Friday, at probably wants of the mercantile and which-ha- s divisions totWJ , ' there ia nocri It LTavo been confined to coasting tables on the occasion, The topic is the wr f ' M King Street. the of the English people is at the eama interests these islands, what may we not twards the supf lying of the or armee or aiarsnai ymiruueri, nave crossed yj. apfaning-ruo- m spirit of to be a ' King, which toochel here two At Lahaina; June 20, Fasr II. Bimiiwj, aged 4 years to forward their donations to the house broken out in Europe, and which threatens nnu i a lew see are requested . . srnieu.. 1 1 1 ' U, the sight of tpaafioAmaila. and 3 months, daughter of Hon John Richardson, and adopted time avowedly again6t Austria, . It is easy to expect at the expiration of anothor twenty years? below extracta a r ,u 5 12 o'clock on leng and bloody strife. We give full Turin by rauroaa. , uenerai s.r.uanon, comiu - v Buttles) daughter of John and Fanny Uoolulu. of Rev. S. C. Damon, not later than . keep yesterday for Taneoaver's it may be a terribly bloody strife, and result We hazard in some who read Algier3, arrived yesterday evening bloi-ni- a that nothing saying that received. The Amer- rectly from ,' 0I.aill The bud that opened here, now uufatlingly in Htraven. Monday. The hour of assembling on the plains is fixed from the latest English papers a.lick. In the; .wae DtMondar for Fannicc's Island, Eim-p- ly port of Genoa. Ilia tronM ' in changing in the geographical partition of the these lines, will live to tsee the day when not so full particulars of the o'clock, at the from so-d- ay &an half-pa- papers do not contain rom toprtian't at 4 P. M. for for st three. ican board of the Eyluu the Impetucust, ami the ra European States, and in the establishment of a one, but rival daily papers will be issued by ' . lists, w!3 be found English. two- --friirfitn. Y tPWe akOnd jtassenga war as the 'Kullls Kin ami - - other- - o-- THE PACIFIC over perhaps in the person never yet tasted any peaches lfltM "L new sovereign Italy, steam in Honolulu, and thearrival and departure Peaches. We have From California our dates are up to the 14th of cf the Crimean war has been received with the rJ S -- wxnortsj made to Saa Francisco "nil the of Prince Napoleon. of steamers will be of daily occurrence. grown on these island free from the bitter taste, thence is very meagre. Little est eninusiasiu uy mo viru"OT jmjjuii.ui'n. I We Commercial Advertisc,v June. The news from Is a eamolrt stasmatioa. 44 is reckoned that we have at the presentH The following, which we clip from the S. F. The history cf iournalisin in Honolulu illus peculiar to oil seedlings. During the last three or nothing of interest has transpired since our dates It V or ihrniennrt-- vm.. 1. tliirlv.firs anrl fnrtw - - ki number of good varieties of peaches we vAAAn j m fi togrssto. Jlerjld, will perhaps give the reader a correct trates one fact, that the foreign population tcill j four years, a large the For the state of the markets Je. aceordlnc TiiVKSVA r, jvrsti m. by Palmer. mont, andi7that the number is increasing even a SVWaA r-- and the rontra-d.Ktinctio- n i have been introduced, but we believe none of them . P5 i joc. I idea of the Beat of war. Lake Maggiore, Wfi .in iniVrurndpnt Journal in refer to our commercial column. almost hour by hour, ana taat Deiore the end rf ''- and Im.v . J J nearly a month's dearth of foreign j have ful,y reacbed aritJ- Mr. D. D. Baldwin, army will number seventy-fiv- e ct L - lb' ' After river Ticino, which connects that lakewith the to any official or governmental publication. The United Stale, week the a very Office General Trossard, Lieutenint-G- news, the arrival of the Sorm King on Monday, form boundary line between Sardi- I brought down from LaUaina about a peck of The Overland Mail. It was said the Post thousand men. i r 21 - river Pu, the first journal established, the Gazette, was started contem- at semi-month- on principle, of the Engineers, is at Turin." if . aepreseesT" two ly mails, brings the impor- peaches, grown on a tree in a valley back of that Department, the retrenchment eral pew, crop on Maul will, however, soon with nia and the Austrian Province of Loinbardy and mainly to exhibit the faults of the government ijp and French. The Freed A some mera. jiuc plated abalishing the overland mail contract, Movements of tde 1 Y hor are yon tant intelligence that Europe is again plunged crossed town, and has presentea us wun oi General Rhine will be conspicuous! " Venice. The river Ticino is by means of and its advisers. So too, with the News, one of with that view had consulted the Attorney of observation on the n8Rnrahundant j Liverpool scaroa. indications the tree is now seven or eight years old, and bore last were or into war, which, from present of bridge, one of the finest structures as to the powemto do so. . Most of the Cabinet ly for its imposing force heavy cavalrj. It, ' about 130 bbU Hawaii sweet for export. the Buflalora the most sarcastic and powerfully-edite- d papers seed- M??t'?. of the forces of the contending nations, year upwards of two thousand peaches. It is a averse to such a step, believing that retrenchment consist of eight divisions of calvary and u & h. WU" were exported by strength in Italv. This bridge is nine hundred sOid ninety-- iiX"ioTei?ns the Jennw Tori ever published in any country. Both these jour- ling, but the fruit, though not perfectly sweet, is in some other direction would be better. infantry. C JOnr ffsrotjoe that Umsm eoins are very scarce. augurs a long and bloody Beige. The news was eleven arches : seven feet long, and has euperb when enterprise failed to sustain twenty-thre- e Eiirht steam frigates left Toulon on TuHir , ebe thinks t trw,p nals, private larger and has a better flavor than any we have yet Acquital'of Sickels. After days expected, but yet seems to have burst on France of 26th May, for Genoa. - They were filled with w ""s woald empty the Teriof MARKETS. At this point the Austrian and Sardinian sentinels them, were taken in Jiand and eupported by the tasted here. hearing, the trial of D. Sicktls, for the murder with violence of a tornado, as not guilty, The French army collecting on the slopes of I Misa Thomae, that you ni and England the were watching each other, at last accounts a watch j B. Key, terminated a verdict of memrtitile public. The Times, the Era and Brag. A kanaka from one of the wind- -j P. in cliarvter. of tnat great are to the 13th.A So important from papers in likely to be relaxed by the Austrian menace to A Great was received with great manifestations of ap- Alps will be of the most formidable ' will be seen by extracts English not which division" faat till dinner, and f faUnd Frodocs. cross it "in three days, if Sardinia did not disarm. Argus, as well as the Commercial, were all called ward islands, has been boasting of his ability to lift by the public. This appears to be the will consist of no less than sixteen ofit i foreign news columns. The depreciation of probation the V ' eteadily Orleans choice as low as 7Jc our were A considerable crowd interest, try and four divisions of cavalry, and artiiW 7 than ber mot Two hundred thousand Austrian troops either into being to oppose and contend with the real anchors of 1000 to 1500 lbs. principal item of domestic V stocked. Sales of refined at England alone amounted in throe days Fourteen out 01 the twenty-tw- o utu . she craves time for aucif funds in camped upon the Ticino or within easy mnrch of that or imagined tyranny of officials and with govern- - of natives was around the Custom House on Tburs- - Explosion. On the 23d ult, the' boilers of the match. she bemb, W 30c, which figure It was ! During that time there were Sardinia could probably not oppose more of Chasseurs are to form part of the Annjcf mnthoagh at to 80,000,000 river, while l while on way m.-inht- boast. A St. JKlcholas exploded, her boti-- r.stminr on of thought, and to lust, when the kanaka airain made his steamer Alps. the LJDtne e Ex- the one-sixt-h of such a force. The hope of Sar dv forty-nin- e forty-seve- n members of the Stock than j Louis to New Orleans ; persons T failures of offered $100, that he from St. is occupied by the French 11 1 thAttbe dinia existed in receiving French reinforcements in maintain a fair and open expression of public foreigner present to bet him a and over one hundred Genoa to be in London. are known to have been killed, operations, whence they can threaten the Awtrl " ad vaaced. Bales of Rio st 13fe change time to check the Austrian advance upon the unforti- is Anglo-- could not lift the anchor in question. He declined, of Vhtiy & lie opinion. It a trait inherent to the wounded or scalded. All the boilers exploded at the Si V JOQ as Adamantine, low t sperm, 3c 00c begins the war by endeavoring to coerce which i9 about ninety miles from left flank, and there is to be another basiau . Austria fied city of Turin, for less . j we would not lift it than $1000, . - . . Saxon will not submit to mental '"S same time. tow. $ e r 60. the Buflalora bridge, or the crossing of the Ticino. mind, that it (Italian foot of Mount Ceniso), which wUlUi Oir-i- Sr IT lb. the kingdom of Sardinia to compliance with her was Mexico. Mexico, it ia said, is threatened with a I lit same j wn,u'1 Buni Pmpwy fortified, and make a general depot or the m Bat.v M4 stocked sales low rates. In this strait it behooves us to see how nenr the despotism It calls for, and will have the Ten thousand J - at Sardinia lies between Austria and France, left it, The fellow has filibuster invasion from Pikes Peak. terms. . ; come the next morning and throughout the Alpine parses. fJu f advancing columns of the French army are to the W.lm f .r thono-ht- n. for limb. Th dmnnt emigrants have left different points on the Missouri, that arrive 16. and the latter nation is pledged by treaty and possess seen since. litUXDfOZ Oil, MARK ETFttk tndimf Map threatened city, and what means tuey lor attempts to chain else than for crime or not been for the gold dippings there. The French anrl RnasiaM Alliaarc j Sardinia :ipolei.n has concentrated who ' sympathy to defend it against Austria. rapid transportation. Vancouver's Island. The Cabinet at Washington Bvaaa Hta been auiet sloe oar last, bat holders eenerallv restrain in any manner the bones and sinews of A Consequences. On Saturday Wednesday was one of the most palawi! uni are finaO The transoctlona fur the week include sales of 600 weak having an army his troops at Chamberry aud Briancon, and also at Sell, and its advisement an important question as to is comparatively a nation, readi- have under days which have been known abav ia 13S cents, and ti bbta. brown at 123 cents per Toulon, where a large fleet of transports are in the Anglo-Saxo- n race, does it at his peril. afternoon last, another importation, apparently from the boundary line between the United States and the o':sLv:rJ - men. Austria on the other cent. aalton. r of only about 60,000 ness to convey them to Genoa. Chamberry is situ fixed Exchanire durinz the last ouarrrr of if We hwv no saage to acta ia Whale OU. which Is In Wherever such personal oppression has been at-- Koolau, was passing through the streets, which at British North American possessions, as by the Watts hand has 070,000 soldiers, while France has ated about west-northwe- st from the Alpine pass of panic raged. The funds fell nearbfive sdrrals demand. Toe sales since our last embrace 1T20 bWs. rises with of tracted the attention of some policemen, who attempt treaty of 181G. The treaty runs the boundry along taktta. Weeoots 800 bbla, 850 bbla. per gaL; Mount Cenis; but the communication by rail is so tempted on that racdf it the power Shares of all kinds suffered a severe ataftct at 8c about the same number. ; the 40th parallel to the middle of the channel which durin-,,-iVJf(, 370 bbla. c- seize packages. The parties hav- property and at a price not transpired; also 460 bbls. brow a perfect that the FrerJ Emperor can pour his columns a giant, and breaks the fetters. To attempt to ed to stop and the separates Vancouver's Island from the continent, and depreciation of public and io do. at 47e. ner gallon. We also notice a sale of Our readers will usk, What is this war about? follow- business hours was fully fifn -- j into the Mount Cents pass without the least delay. resisted and a mele six memorable n"" - the mental faculties, meets with the same ing them in charge quite thence southerly to the Pacific ocean, through the - i chain l ' What is the origin of it? The chief cause, the however, they will still be about me hundred sterling. an event which has ha no pars,) Here, be-'..i- were is re naviga- ' -- by Pef nti ed in which sontWruises received. It middle of the channel and Fuca Straits the Wnutl a- -i advices the from resistance. Wherever the English language time when power of Napoleon the imanrtnia all We have no sales to- report in "of'coatcntion is Italy and the Popedom. and sixty miles distant Turin. Briancou is occasion of the waters to be free to both contracting the the Ei .'V raeoanti order.' bone stands established, devoted to free- - ported that the packages contained on this tion shadowed Europe, and nations quaked for thsr controt-ac- d - much nearer to the Sardinian capital, and a newstianers. Austria seeks to regulate . the affairs was probably brought in to deceive parties. some very w. much better chance to be in at the death ; yet the dom of thought, arc as necessary to the existence rinegar. which Great Hritnin. independence. - .Nothing but Italy. Sardinia and France say she shall not, road leads over Mount Genevrc. while the Austrian the police and perhaps to illustrate how our domestic news, portending some terrible calamity to thiif " . LAT KLST DATES, receives! ait tbio Ol of . . With-o- ut k ... a. - n of the community as the light of the day. During the election at Limerick rioting became so ! state tiJ ' ' except so far as it squares with their views. army would be marciung over level-14'plains, louion manufactures are flourishing, particularly in Koolau. try, could have produced such a if "i Marseilles also offer rapid means of communica- a paper through which to utter its griev- serious that the military had to fire on the mob, and And the news, although alarming, was hardly J r - n .. . .Jane 14 Paris. ! evidently aims at complete control Italy, and ?T, Austria of . two persons were killed and four wounded. Anticipate-- bj 1 Hongkong... tion. Steam transports, of which there are great changing and We understand-tha- t J.-D- pected, and ought to have been ....Jane r.'.Apni ! ances, the public mind, always Fourth of Julv. won by Leam- -, tew Vers ...... May 20 I Melbourne, Vic . ih and that nrobablv is her chief motive in coin; to those ports, can easily make the The race for the Chester. Cup was OnvernnierrXin the dinTomatie. tntercnurscirhieti j , numbers waiting at ....May Tahit-i- Feb. 11 ,. .1 " V..11 restlees, ties pent up, like a .loil, that racks Blair, Esq., has been invited to deliver the oration at ington. Mr. Ten Broeck's Prioress came in Vate IjcAs-vcc- war. l)Ul pc'rimjn uur rintucis uwuc iuuid trip to Genoa in from ten to twelve hour?, whence fjytb. been so feqaeuisaf ingAnd'.' iuu and Thirty-thre- e horses ran. offensive at is hundred and thirteen with anguish the whole frame of its victim, and the anniversary celebration of the 4th of July, "S " Great Powers of Europe an account of the origin of the war, and there is no the disfnnce to Turin one Civita other . Ship-- Mnila. miles. The two cities are connected by railway. aches for some vent to discharge its stinging poi- C. W. Vincent, Esq., to read the Declaration of Inde- The Prince of Wales hadSJ-ke- at fensive treaty between France and Russia, which time to correct ideas in respect to it Vecchia on Board a British man-of-w- ar for Gibraltar. Europe. better get The river Po takes its rise in the maritime Alps, in pendence, and that both gentlemen have accepted the hv hut one obieet the Dartition of ' Foa Sas Faasctaco per bark Frances Palmer, this day, son. Such was the caso on the establishment of . The Duke of Leeds was dead. Hewas the hus- contrJ ro-kij- M- commencement. In Harper's Maga- and flows nearly north to Turin, there it the division, of the booty amongst the hi!i , ) at 1 or P. - than at its Piedmont, invitation. We doubt not the occasion will be one of Maryland. ftD peri KekaaJaobi, to day. rtinbp a Mirv to the northeast, until it is ioined 1V the News in 1847, which pursued the government band of Miss Canton of ing parties. The news of this treaty fell upon ij Usim zine for June, is the bxt account we have yet seen, Pet-sign- tb'aKacai per KeooJ Ana, about Saturday. the little river Oreo, whence it flows nearly east and and all its officers, high and low, with a rancor more than usual interest, and draw out a large as- It was said that Count would certainly tria like a thunderbolt, for she will be dispel I . - Hawaii per aveaaninoiu, y. we here : Ambassador to London. - and give it empties into the Adriatic or Gulf of enice, entirely semblage. The last meeting, to complete arrange-ment- s be tho French her fairest provences to the east and west uni- and bitterness rarely exceeded. Such, too, was was reported in military circles that the Minis- There is no reason to doubt that the war has com- dividing northern from Routhern Italy. It is to the previous to the celebration, takes place at the It Deration, and to the fear which it inspired is! I fl on the case on the establishment of this journal in ters intend to call out the whole militia and to add seemed previously eniw Mssa'i rhaoe att Ilwastlsila si J menced, though at our laUt d.ttes, which come down south of this river, with their left ink resting " Merchants Exchange" on Saturday evening next, attributed the net which t ' is no hostili- the SarJinian troops are mainly posted. 1856. The public mind had for several years fifty new battalions to the line. ical, if not suicidal her peremptory summon New Moon, June 30, Sb.S0m. to April 30, there intelligence of actual Turin, that half-pa- V at st seven o'clock. Lord Cowley, the British Ambassador at Paris, refuse! s worst, sh? dv, I dy. h. m. ties. In accepting the Russian proposition for a Con- Within this district, about half way between Oenoa been indiscrettnet-- the govern- Sardinia to prepare for the if h. pent up, the of reached London on Monday, and had a protracted Quarter. 7 22. A. J Last Quarter. .22 1.7 A. gress, the Austrian Minister said that, in the opinion and Turin, is the city of Alessandria, very near comply with the stipulated conditions whica ti' JdJX A. 1 New Moon... .3 11 19.6 M. ment editor only adding force to the fermenting The 1859. According to official notice interview with Lord Malmesbury. Gi r Moan.. ..14 2 of his government, the whole difficulty lay in the sys- hich is the celebrated battle-fiel- d of Marengo. Tariff of Europe into a paroxysm on the day preceding tem of foreign relations followed by Sardinia; and to With the exception of Comorne, Alessandria is proba- elements at work. in the government organ, the late tariff which raises Turret. The London Times Vienna correspon- Friday. A London contemporary very cappur HOXJOZiTJIsTJ, H. z. put an end to this and prevent its return was the task bly the most strontly fortified p'ace in Europe; in Thanks to the liberal government under which the duty on imported goods to ten per cent, ad valo- dent says : We are on the eve of a rising in Euro- scribes the feeliii"? with which it may be upp ?0HT Or pean Turkey. The political agitation in the south- 44 She wwk reserved to the Powers called upon'w.o uphold social deed, it is reported to be impregnable. It is here, we live, liberty of speech aud of the press has rem, will not be enforced till the 25t of June. Austria received this intelligence: order. The British Government, with the concur- then, that the Sardinians will great stand, ern provinces was exceedingly great. The Porte has have started like one who bus trodden upon ARRIVALS. 1860. All merchandize arriving prior to date Pj rence of the French, presented to Austria the follow- unless the French troops arrive in time to check the been introduced as an essential element in its that about 120,000 men concentrated at Shumla, and serpent as she put forth her first step towards S H ch Excel, Antonio, from Koloaf 108 brU molasses, ing lour points as bases of negotiation : Anstrian advance upon Turin. organization. In this, wisdom has been shown. will be admitted under the present duty of Jive per Omar Pacha was coming rapidly from Bagdad. mont and found thete treaties in ner pat 11. . j - sugar mill. Russo-Frenc- w and machinery for a To have shown a great deal of of the government in The writer thinks the h plan for the or treaties for there MoHeno, from Maai, with firewood. " (1.) determine the means by which peace Thus far the Austrrins To would be suicidal, and most cent. The decision the matter The terms of the treaty 'jt tten Maria, attempt restraint dismembrrment Turkey is a good one, and in of a " Jrt 8ch Mosokai, frum Moiokai. with native produce. may be maintained between Austria and Sardinia. stratagetic ability, as they have made full use of their shows a disposition to net honorably and fair with its of that said to be two are : In the event ' Rikeke. from Koloa. with firewood. force within surely followed by internal commotion. There all probability the days of the Mussulmen in Europe engages to 4il ' st Seh MarrueL (2.) To establish how the evacuation of the Roman proximity to put an overwhelming three commercial interests, and the mercantile community tween France and Austria, Russia b Moufsake, lialL, trom avatmiui, wna sugar ana States by the French and Austrian troops could be days inarch of Turin, the time given to Sardinia to may be, there often are, temporary excitements, are nnmbcred. France by the of her fleets in the li pai ai. home and abroad will approve its course. of 5", best effected. (3.) To examine whether it is suita- disarm or take the consequences, while it is almost a of a political, social or religious nature; these at Death ok Baron Humboldt. The news of the and Mediterranean, and to clace an army it-- gsva Francisco. Touched to deliver mails, and ble to introduce reforms into the internal administra- matter of impossibility that the r rench should reach death of Baron Humboldt in Berlin, on the 6th of men on Austrian frontiers. This is the s fleet- the w Hong Kong. are to be expected in any form of government, Up Time. The schooner Mary, if not the - treaty 1; , sailed same day for tion of those States, and of the other States of Italy that capital in time to save it from falling a prey to to May, is confirmed. It was an event not unexpected, stance of the first treaty. The second T Sch Kckaulnohi, Marchant, from Kona, Hawaii. " 3 whoee aJiuintstration should otter defects that should the Austrian,' To march upon Turin, crush the Sar- but like the effervescing goblet, they soon settle I est craft among our coasters, manages to take the since ho had arrived at a great age, and recent re- RnssirY tn rlootai-- war aminst Austria Wl tlllk terriffj- I tend evidently to create a permanent and dangerous dinians who will rally to the defence of the capital, to they have found utter- latest news. Last Wednesday evening, she took the ports from Berlin had mentioned his gradual decline. davs after the enters the Piedmontese Jf , DEPARTURES. down quietness, when ! The great German was born in a f state of trouble and discontent, and what such reforms seize it, and dictate to Piedmont, before the French mercial for all our subscribers on Hawaii, and naturalist, Berlin, is believed that the first treaty lias wen in well-matur- proper channels". Com be- ed ance through their 17C0. year. I ti 71 km hrigt. Josephine Stone, for Jarris and Baker's should be. (4.) To substitute for the treaties can rrrive, are evidently parts t.f a September 11, some time, probably before the end of last June ' reached Kawaihae, from whence ti;ey were Islands tween Austria and the Duchies a confederation of the military policy. It is possible that the Sardmiaus We shall continue to issue this paper weekly on Friday Louis Napoleon, remembered, inaugar.1 Fannlng"s - The European War. it will le 27 Haw ash MarikU, Hooper, for Island. States of Italy between themselves for their mutual may interpose such obstacles to the progress of the despatched overland, to their various destinations. lecture w Bch Antonio, for for the present. We had made our arrangements The latest accounts from the seat of war state that the first day of 1859 by his menwaMe ; 27 Sxeel, Kami. is possi- which TT . . protection, internal and external." Austrians as to cause a delay, but it scarcely sen.i-wccil- y, passing Lahaina on Thursday morning, Capt. Tulleries, I .Bfh Warwick, Coibwm, for Moiokai and Maul. to issue and should have com In no battles had been fought. Austrian Ambassador, at the 'neb Muiteno, professed to be willing ble be of such extent as to save capi- it now rapm; ia Maria. for Iihsina. The Austrian Government that it will the Berrill hove-t- o and sent the Commercial nshore, al- The French in a few daysVould muster a hundred shadowed what time and events are . 2 Sen Margaret, Rikeke, for ports on Kauai. accept these bases, with certain modifications, tal. The power which strikes the first blow, will un- menced Vol. 4 thus, had the government made was exer , to but thousand men in Piedmont, veloping. The supplementary treaty --Am barkaotto. Jenny Ford, Moore, for Victoria, V. I. Jnsistwf well ad- most before the paper was circulated in Honolulu. btfvt ap0B the immediate disarming of Sardinia. doubtedly gain a great physical as. as moral the contemplated change in its organ from a The Emperor Napoleon remained in Paris, but was it is said, as recently as last week just This was unanimously objected to by the other low- vantage, and it cannot be denied, that Austria has weekly to a monthly. From many, particularly The Magazines. The mail brings us a large sup- expected to start for !ie army on the 12th. commencement of the struggle. r MEMORANDA. ers; whereupon Austria proposed, as a substitute, a taken every precaution to secure the first grand suc- this coalition Colossus of the . among the laboring classes, we have received warm mong them Harper's, The Atlantic, Godey's, There are whispers of martial law in Paris after That of the general and immediate disarmament of all the Powers. cess. The French have, however, the advantage of ply, his departure. with the nephew of the great military adventurer semi-week- ly s--tt pour issue. th The cupper ship Storm King left San Francisco on the The British Cabinet proposed that the principle of three several routes, over which they can their assurances of support in a The The Hesperian, Graham's. The S. F. Culturist, One hundred thousand French troops had arrived the west hnilim nn com! tn the neace cf f xtfc Jena, with strong trades, and during the first four days out this disarmament should be admitted, and its execu- columns into Piedmont, viz : that from Chamberry, time, however, has hardly yet come to undertake Hunts, Blackwood, and the quarterlies, all which are in Piedmont. everyone will admit ; but it ought not to hr, i passage. The following in which Sardinia Mount Cenis, from Lrubrum, and Briancon than half the are each day's tion be regulated by a commission, via that we can this week simply announce The French and Austrian Emperors, duced the surprise which it appears to havecrti rtVi it; and probably some time during the rear full of interest, but and the King should be represented; and that the Italian States Mount Genevre, and that from Marseilles and Sardinia field. because the course of events ever since thcterm"j notice of were to take the ! M1LKK. two addi Iki j their receipt, and shall them again. io should be admitted to sit in the Congress of the Five Toulon, via Genoa; the last presenting the I860, will more auspicious. The French Minister tion of the Crimean war has been tending 13th 00 221 .... 75 at Vienna, and the Austrian J to set down the troops j Frarjce Powers. This proposition was accepted by France. tional advantage of being able general there will bo no - same direction. The sympathy between lash & 23d .... M In its character, Jaw-breake- Minister at Paris had both quitted their posts. A r. Among the papers received by tbetnjr-Parliame- nt 17ns 244 24th ...... 82 Russia, and Prussia; Sardinia also declared itself in Turin about the same time, thus enabling the Russia did not date from time that change. shall continue to conduct it under fninlif-manii- Intelligence of a battle was hourly expected, but the 164 We moil .- tTlA li A'nrr 20 25th .... ready to conform. Austria refused to admit Sardinia French to form a junction of great importance. iV.11JG " " ' via...... nnA" " with" - - Lord C& lta 210 2SUi im- 0 no action of importance had yet occurred. threw out Palmerston's 19th ....220 j to any participation in the Congress, but insisted that the broad motto, pro bono publico, seeking to 44 We it juth 130 27ta .... Oconomowoc Free Press." thought we had The Austrians had crossed the Po, near Qarabio, Bill, and his Government along with it i she should at once disarm. To this the other Powers bmnM vat iO Cioae of Vol. III. prove it in every respect that experience shows some hard names out in this part of the world, but and advanced towards Sala. previously, but that event mnst have 1 would not agree. Austria then cut the matter short i A ship waa sera aQ day Wednesday, beating up from advisable. In commercial and news, par-- we They also made an unsuccessful effort to cross the two despots much closer together ; for with 27 marine give up tue paim 0Qj adding that if couldn't - by sending an ultimatum to Sardinia, dated the 21st glo-Fren- 4 dfjp- .he keward. bat aha has am yet breu able to fetch op to the an- This number completes the Third Volume of same river near Frassinetto on the 3d of May. The ch alliance becoming small by of April, peremptorily demanding the disbanding of ticularly in everything relating to the whaling j get 80mething for a newspaper title, a little less bar- - 1 chorage, nor ia she in sight as we go to press. It may be the Sardinian , account of the latter effort says the can- beautifully less," the French Empemr her Italian volunteers; giving her threo days for re- the Pacific Commercial Advertiser. In closing it, fleet and whaling interests in this ocean, we shall we attempt to print one. A ship expectsd frosa Manila, or the 5o Ajriw, 137 days from baric, wouldn't nonade lasted fifteen houin. It recommenced on the traditional instinct of the Caar told hijn.tbsH -- ply, announcing that an evasive anjwer would be a few retrospective remarks on the rise, progress Londoo. ,tn-r- ' . spare no pains or expense. Besides correspond- afternoon of the 4th. and lasted the remainder of the respective schemes of plunder could be best pn' Wm. "lardy, hence Dee. 22, considered a refusal; and in the event of her refusal, A Case General Average which probably jj Rata, aMSaa. arrived t and present condition of journalism in the Ha ents in every part of our own group, we have our of Lay. The Piedmontese h id but few wounded, while by union and concert. a-- threatening immediate hostilities. Simultaneously following Slaw MM May 1st 128 A passage. waiian Islands, may not le amiss. There are but will not be found in the court records, was mooted last the Austrians suffered severely. . A morning paper, supplies the with this demand 80,000 troops were dispatched to regular correspondents in Tahiti, Talcahuano, SaliinK m t$ thfi Snip Tmritk, Boole, from lahaina, arrived at New canoe-loa- The on nnaUMAM ln.a int at E7 Italy, in addition to the number already there. The a few now living among us who were living here week, in which a kanaka with a d of bottles Austrians the 3d commenced u cannonade mA BsaM Map fi 144 days passage. New Zealand, Melbourne, Hong Kong, San Fran- from the direction of Vallenza without much effect. crises: 44 We are informed that the EmP'r0, -y King of Sardinia refused to comply with this demand, from some country beach, got nearly swamped in the 9 g- A variety of foreign shipping news' and memoranda, pre when the first newspaper was printed in Hono official bulletin, Chambers, who unanimously upheld cisco and Oregon, and everything of interest An issued at Turin on the 4th, French first revealed his schemes in the io,r"' Pais paper Is crowded out to give place to the war summoned the breakers and threw overboard n portion of his cargo He Queen that pared power. lulu ; and these few may justly bo called pioneers. Pacific says the Austrians have increased their forces at Osborne. proposed to the tltj him, and invested him with dictatorial Three transpiring in either section of our broad to save himself and his craft. The case was finally put an r divisions of the Austrian army, said to be 120,000 The first English newspaper printed in Hono Vircelli, and constructed defensive works. They tarchy of the five Powers tbonld be Ocean is communicated to us by the earliest op- "adjusted" to the satisfaction of all parties. have also occupied Trino and Pobrietto. having their and a triararchy of Franc. England and Baj" strong, upon the '2Cth of April, crossed the Ticino lulu was called the 44 Sandwich Island Gazette rejf' Isyrwaajesiti Casisle ra and invaded the Sardinian territory. Throughout portunity. Prolwbly no paper published in any vanguard at Tronzano, which is about midway on established in its stead. The Queen and Journal Commerce." was issued. No. Annual to Com- the direct rond from Novna suggestion in expressed ind if", sailed far HUo oo the lSih, and is now due. Italy there is a strong Reeling in favor of Sardinia. of It part of this ocean has more systematic or exten- A Manuahi subscribers the to Tnrint Trino is on terms which the road along fVw.v1 a.t.lro-me- llimW4' aaded for Hilo on the 20th, and will be due July Early in April the officers of the army of Tuscany as near us we can learn, .(for we have nev- mercial get this week one more number in their vol- running the Po, and forms an angle sive arrangements for obtaining correct news by with Turin and Alessandria. They withdrew last Emperor Alexander, and the interview at Start?. presented themselves before the Grand Duke, stating er seen a copy of the first number.) on the ume than they bargained for. This is the fifty-Ar-d saantYS of letter or papers. And we are satisfied that our night from Tortona, which is on the direct road from took place. We are told, the foundation j sailed for Kauai est Monday, and win be 'back that the only way to prevent the revolt the troops 4th of August, 1836. was published and edit paper issued since July 1st, 1853, there having been of was for him to unite with Piedmont. The Duke, by It subscribers, both at home and abroad, appreciate Genoa to Pavia and Milan. On the 8d inst. they laid of the present complicated etate ed StejHien D. Mackintosh, fifty-thre- e Thursdays during the year. burnt seven arches of the bridge ever waa resclved to destroy the dominion of 4IW will be dae en Sunday morning. the advice of his Ministers, sent for the Marquis of by who had charge efforts to as has never the Sesia at Taria our maintain such a paper Piacenza. They have also ordered Italy as means eff her pretension4 P"JJary, from Kawaihae, ia das to-d- Lajatico and asked him to form a new administration, of it for two and a half years, when it was pur- the demolition of the of cutting before been conducted in this isolated quarter of California Mail. It is said that a part the the houses erected upon the fortifications. ; considered a European Power. Russia eon4! with a view to granting the reforms demanded. The chased and conducted by a committee of the resi t 'Marquis refused to undertake the task except on con- the globe. mail for this port by the Storm King was not receiv- The London Daily J"ews looks for the first battle this, as Is suggested, partly by way of .Tenfj"' PASSENGERS. dents. At the end of Novi. upon participation tlj. . the third volume. m at . dition that the Grand Duke should abdicate, an alli- - ed. All the Post Office mail bags were delivered, eelf Austria for her Masonic given by the Masonic J from- ance be formed with Sardinia, and war be declared 1839, it was discontinued. It is amusing as well Ball. The ball The tardiness of the Austrians in making the at--" si...llli.fc III.UV IV UIIVVJ: &.U5tt k.1fcMv - any letters or papers did not come aw- - XBatC. Fraternity, at the Bungalow, on Friday evening last and if to hand, it tack excited much surprise, and was variously spec- aantine peninsula and partly in order te - PajniM'S Iat-ta-a par Manlrta, Jane 27 Cap English against Austria. The Grand Duke refused, and im- as instructive to look over the pages ren(: a, of that pio was because they were not sent through ulated ' , f . stUk Wsb niakf ' ' mediately left his dominions. Upon the receipt at St. John the Baptist's Day was a complete suc- the proper upon. The London Times thinks they have aelf popular with the Italians, and tuewj t per Jenny Jane 27 Robin de la Poote, neer publication, and note the little feuds exist- thrown away the friends Mediterraoea8- - far Vsrrosma ford, Paris of the tidings of the Austrian demand upon cess, and an occasion that will long be remembered channel. opportunity which they at first and. a fojting in the pXn nagbas and t ctuldren, Mrs Binchey, Geo Rjseiy, Ating Sardinia, Count Walewski presented to Legisla- ing in the community, at that early day. Much For East. The Frances Palmer will sail possessed. The inaction is probably caused by the Grand Duke Constantina's journey ana id the by all who were present, as one most pleasant the zj -- of the artificial inundations ... v a - '; p?ilr -.- prr Frances Palmer, June SO Mrs A P tive body a manifesto drawn up by order of the Em- correct information relating to the dates and this afternoon, taking the regular mail. No oppor- made by Sardinia, aided by .upas sans a nuVB) ivi f sgcsji pro- - i ' P.vesor ' owvant, 8 H Castle. K B Armstrong, peror. - After giving an account of the proceedings assemblages that ever congregated even in the heavy rains, which obliged the troops in some places April SOA. v.. ' early history of these islands can be gleaned from tunity for writing to the States, will probably be --: , is jnosismwwi. that had taken place, the manifesto concludes thus: verbially hospitable town of Honolulu. The Bunga- to recross the Po. . - -- offered after her departure till Yan kee K..Tfce War' la coaaTWisa. " In presence or this state of things, if Sardinia ia its columns.. What its circulation was, is now low waa decorated in style chaste elegance the returns The Emperor of Austria was preparing to take the Esr a of that ...... m r Maria, Jane Sfi Miaa Kate Lewers, Wm menaced, as thing leads it to be presumed, else conjecture, from about August first-- Files of the Commercial con- chief command with General Hess. The latter, it is irrorn uxxwn au- f , lv if, ivery little than but judging the took the uninitiated wholly by surprise, and called iw w her territory ia ijovaded, France cannot hesitate to taining the latest local news can be coun- reported, disapproves of Gen. Oyulai's plan of There can be no doubt that on the erening j per ikasaot, aiisw aawp. number of foreign residents here we had at our ' - ' aor jaaj June ow, at that time, forth remarks that must have been gratifying to the ".- ." army. w , - respond to the appeal of a nation, ber ally, to which attack. day. main Austrian j J . , u p should think could not have been 'than ter ready for mailing. the 26th, the Oio.I acei ana om - she ia bound by common interests and traditional it more committee, as the approbation of the guests is the A large portion of the French army had been un- 120,000 the Ticino in threr jar ay" " strong, crossed - , ljanavsw. m V tiauv seventy-fiv- e territory- i sympathies, regenerated by a recent ooafraternity in or a hundred copies. It was printed only reward they receive for services. Dif- THiRTT-THia- able to cross the Alps ia consequence of the passes visions, invaded Piedmontese koT sod -f sUsantaohi, Jane 2 S H their n Stab. On and after July 4tbr 1859, and the Litiu- passengers. arms, and by the union contracted between the two being b' xked with snow. Those who have crossed began war with which Europe baa RJkl lioidsworth, and 3t deck for tho most part on Chinese wrapping paper, ferent Masonic emblems were tastefully distributed another star will be added to the American flag for the hZg reigning Houses." suffered terribly. t . which no man can and the printer frequently complained his through the large hall, and, as a cotemporary re- threatened, and of P;'VLiii that the State of Oregon.' The anniversary following the j.A counter revolution by the troops had taken We may now cease from the expression J ,-- .7 France, Russia and Denmark have entered into l- - ?4 f EXPORTS. press was out of order, and the fact that he could marks, were no doubt full of deep and mystic mean- admission of the state is the time' set by Congress for wace in Parma, in favor of the Ducal government. political opiniors. Whether Napoleon j a secret treaty of alliance, the object of which is ing to the tried The reigning Duchess had not get it repaired, appears to have been taken as j and true.' Dancing commenced at its star to be introduced Into the ensign. - reentered Parma. ambitioua ar'i subtle potentate, or wbetD"kttfr bLssipegMaaTln , daM 27 600 bbls easts The city of Milan 1 Tor Iiinso'i anqnestionably to defeat the aims of Austria. sufficient about 9 o'clock, and continued until a late hour, to had been ordered to deliver up the cbnmoion of euring humanity, is ".j a apology lor tne almost unreadable all the arms in their possession. Austria did hf 'vtctotperjtlny Ford, J m 27 22 kegs (19,2lb.) . The London correspondent of the Panama Star, music better than we have heard on any similar oc- Naval. Advices received by the last mail state little importance. TThetber bdls native bay condition in which the piper was issued. A letter from Genoa says tdlimat-.- Sardinia, wbetner. agar, 1 mZ,lo bdU Csi hay (IioO lbs), War-vess- el that all the Austrian sending an A to some information on will be casion on these islands, under the direction of Mr. that an American expected At -- gives this, which of - It was followed by the Polynesian (first scries) vessels there have been seized by the Sardinians. ber duty wait ntil Lord sb"y1,3; asnapfcins, M bead cattle, XtO abeep, 32 pigs, horses, i ; J. F. A. Pickering. The Refreshments, this port tha summer or early in .Within it aM interest to our readers which was commenced by J. J. Jarves, June 6, almost during the fall; to a fortnight it waa expected that the French aoraa fresf proposition, and France r, 80-4-- WO profusion, remain here during shipping army in Sardinia and 'taaVanoLawr Fraocea Pabv, Jen gala The tact, however, which looks most ominous for sufficient for three times the num- the season. V would be 100,000 strong. interfecad anotitr reriecof quibbles uVf cocoanut oil,iOwhah"bbU sugar, 1840, and continued to Dec. 4, 1841. This pa- The Russian Consul r well bii i'siiii. ' 0 gais) freedom, and for the peaoe and civilization of ber present, embracing every necessary and luxury at Venice had undertaken the now tan.r-- which wa may as forrt!p MkonaisL, boss whisky, 74 kegs do, at cases do, 22,000 empty Italian per was great By. protection of ,1; - controverywr U world, ia that Louis Napoleon, believing he can a improvement, in its general ap- good ST! our letter from Hongkong, it will be seen Sardinian subjects. t, r arw of r Importineeas the the that taste and epicurean thought could suggist, . AcarraiA'a Ultimatum k ' with the British alliance, has entered pearance, management Dews,' over the that we may look for the steamship Mississippi soon, to SARDmA. Count Buol'a In? the Peat of Amiewv now dispense unocal we understand were supplied mostly by the mothers,' dispatch f "V tf - with the Emperor Russia, en route for Panama. '. ' last to the Sardinian Ccart ok v U j . is,-- into eloaa relations of and Gazette but like the latter, was. soon discon- ' : - - tT ' r Crcp. wives and sisters of the members of the order those Iowa t c .'.: - with .vowed parposB" slhzr that Denmark is Joined in this tripartite alliance, tinued from want support, war ta as-- of the paucity of C?r hope 1. been I " i-- A5D FROM THE alartniny oar position maritime best of caterers an honor to their tomes and j :'SweiJi Ueras local .hi hiil vcMSlfi V nCOlU MCUKS, now coming in. which menaces tM, . ET of news are crowded out T-- r j ibatJEt K Orop of lkA, fras the asawuT Plantation, foreigner resident here at that early day aa well - ror, my rr tstsr. has CJ" . . buJeratanding, w - The prolouna wKxetinraB or aucn conuuc ana prjd ot. Monuuio. ' - - til artrt a'"v7rZkx 153-U-t.i . t CHA8. HZWBI, 2D. power. tje v ffpr want of rpac. v i dwpoU j rarto tka a direct ac4 List r.rt t Ulza tl v Waiter, awl Eastern t s - ; . 7. i " 0 a 1 ini , CorresponJepoe Pac Coramereial Adverttser-- ffnt of the Continent. Eery step on I t fZrtuta must have tn aeepesi interest Slliijfrtistnuiils. pipping. i" ,.. nr9 whkh U tbe common object vBDt7,V i:v- - n the Powers that: now Means FALL, L- a.!1 : '.nowKoso.AprilW, FIRE AND BACKS -vf ami . v. will hava ta I". " 1859.: . . i a"vman cia Anstria- -- PROTECTION HOOK LADDER CO 23V: REGULAR LINE OF PACKETS BY JOHN F. COLBURlf.; uvt"" F-- cupper .iHD snow, France and r- '.a ship & CapW b; oftheconfl - w. 5erpea, ATTKSTIOJl ! TO f. SAN FRANCISCO. .1 firm . i-- .v hit more. 7o i . . i Members of the abore oompftny EXPECTS EECE1VE BT THE FOR - . Biw. one eu .1. arrT&t auo. are hereby noUQed nn tbe biub m oiner J "brought us 'full to appear at the Company's rooms on Tues-aa-y coTmissiorv '0Qr T4laabIe Evening. 33 X S erciiaivt, VJt. THE BARK 4i Fort Lauds at Anctisa, . . lea take np an att.tade of hosbl.ty u h July s. at 71 nVi-- a r.,n ... i a. " Ij E T O HOXOWJLU, K towards her in the Eastern Lib we FFOLLOWING MERCHANDISE, H.l. pauoa valleys. f inJtria obserred Lave lieard from the PMkr reouesUd. a. boainesa of very great importance will THIS with the stock on hand, and by other ships soon to Frances Palmer, in'nuuanc and w yieH blands,and we orought LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Captain DAT above port. Alexander "ay ftr 'U,t0 Ufore the Comply. . , arrive, will afford a very full assortment of seasonable Goods, to WHITE - JOHN PATY, will sail THIS for tlie THURSDAT, JCLTt, AT 11 0CL'K A.M netting, Wos. white hose, ' iiL. idd. lttrfron Business .. ' "" - f-- as here be sold cheap for cash. For freight or passage apply Arve. his more Tinmen counsellors f Perordert , N. Blue drills. . Suspenders, to ' ' of ZL to nnusaaliy depressed C SPENCER, ' Na. Half and in pasture, la Pwttrai, Ji;-- in Germany by an ac-- ; Head Qnarters.Iooolutu, Linen toweling,' Red satin. 15-- tf . C, WATERMAN Jl CO. 6 Uro patch half influence July dec. Wn' " dead 8tan,L With 1, 1859. 157 It Sec y Hardware, 1 do 4 irth Austrian StAtea. To meet these the exception of aftw Axe and broad hatcheta 'Looking Gei.itw Fariaa C.lszat 1711. do -- 1 on nlol n03TOK.C T1.TJ Table-spoon- s. 81 J'-'O- for the first twe ninths at least tbe berth for California, I Shingling hatchets, assorted Handled match planes, asstu Tumblers, , 1 dt , , - there is nothing doing. The RIFMS. ATTEXTIOX . alone." The Ministers of Fran- - At Member ot the above Company are hereby notified Grindstone cranks and rollers Bead and sash plane. White water bottles, ;r S i taro patches In Oloha, . .if present we hare few ; Cut goblets. ' , - Yyt Tery ship, in port, most of that, after tlga date, Griudstones, 20 to 125 lbs Bench planes, asstd Sets cro&ery. of ': 1 S do and pasture land In Alewa, - - ,i we them notices for drills will not be issued sledges Ox balls, traps Lanterns, Land, paScbea, In Kapoa--i Li. fcive. havmg left l,ere in as heretofore. Handled rat S lots puwre and tara Count Bool has ballast, and man, of them saucepans w ond saws, Bay State tMMUhOMa, & O In fact. for home Enantsled band saw. lanterns. HONOLULU & DOSTOn PAGKETG! his not and tbe immense direct 1 ballast. Should the dry Eegular Drills will be held at the Armory of the Corps Iron pits and teakettles Hand screws, lanterns Blown lanterns, with surine bottoms. tare patches and pesture land in Pauoa, . . one Looking-glasse- s, -- 5cb' in of weather Cast iron cart boxes, 5 6 In. Shoe, scrub, gilt frames, aisorteJ sixes, tins crackers, asstd. 14 uo Kei rapid which we now EVERY SATURDAY, at 7J o'clock, P. M. and paint, whitewash, 8 a do . do . .k- - hioh tone, and the action of have continue Per orders . . - w a few days more, the Cat steel rukes j dust, floor, horseleg. horse. Sum, Ooloag Test 134b boxes. FIRST CLASS SHIPS 81 do .A da ' ll-- indicate that, in the opinion of rice crop will JOHN IL BU0WN, Scythes and snaiths nail, tooth and crumb brushes China , pat do : 1 0 Cabinet be seriously damaged, " rice, 4Tan which will again F. C. . WILL BE DISPATCHED . IwO . ... i4 ante ciwtt a successful give employment KRCGER. Captain. Planter's and corn hoes ITrace, dog, halter, log and Tomato catsup, 1 da V - l do . .,- rale"" to ships to bring rice from Orderly Sergeant. Ladies' and bog hoes lamp Chains Black Ink, 2 do - - do , and Piedmontese armies in the FROM BOSTON TO HONOLULU IN MAY li-?- y French south. Axe and rake bandit . jBraw asViron wire ' . Bxs maccaroni, 8 do " do ' Calcutta. Penang, Ban-ko- Head Qoartera, Honolulu s-- Singapore, k, Rifles. I . r remains to De seen now iar in esc and even " Chisel, awl and auger handles iCast steA4,des Bxs vermicelli. AND SEPTEMBER . .do do April 9, 1859. 145-t- ? ' A week will determine the are full of ships, with: i f M'hiDS aad cowhides IBaker s c wn's sieve. Mans of the United Statea. Or oftener, if inducement offers. AT Loworr 6 do d. ! '"ti e.nndeL nothing to do. Fancnr Tsaax ' main-rr- Hash cord and wuv'ow line (Hair, wire and sieve. Pocket knives, , do do- - whether Austria will tr The V. S. S. ub aATzs, and particular paid to tbe filling of or . Jp campaign frigate tan has gone handles, hand bells j Bolts, a.std; locks, .g attention 7 - PUhe to Singa- IIOXOLULIT Dispen- Hatchet Jack knives, . do do rLsive cr content herself with protecting pore to R. A. CHAPTER Tnder Lou arvl cod lines. Spring balances, screw Bags ders. Shipment of machinery and other mdse. Per order; T. OOLBUKW, f bring np the American Minister, and one of sation from the General assted shot. J. Aocf ; whether General IIe and Grand Chapter of the United States of Signal halyards, Bsh lines Patent commnation rules, a Silvered bits. r.fMMB srsions U. B. XL's frigatesSrds gone A merica, wiU rope, ashl small article mr carpenters I-r- down for Mr. Bruce, tbe hold its Regular Meetings oa the Third Thursday of 300 coils Manila Needles. The first Ship of this Line, A No. 1 Clipper eh on- Turin and beseiRe Alessandria, . the " JOSIAH FOItjaAlA?;. 1 bits, hall braces Family grindstones LOT --Ut WIU in English every Braces and Assorted sizes. HOUSE - Ambassador. month, at the Hall of tbe Lodge L'Ocs-A- i. r Lsanspa 650 rystem- of Lombard fortresses, They are both expected here "Ls Pbocbes oc Braces without bits r Pricker i sds, gauge. Sla BRADLEY tons Register. 1000 tons Capacity, will -- tlie a n m a l63-t- - e lamps, . - No. 1 lamp chimneys. TIIAT n ESI R ABLE LOT0 pi few f Per Order- P. gouges Guttnechl's pencils, 1. 2, 3 have left Boston May rkeni a vnrir ni ionr vrara IU CUD in a days. A large force is now ready to go H. Socket chisels, Pr House paper, 1st, with a LARGE ASSORTED CARGO, I 1 cm Marine street, adjoining tse Ttfi Corner chisels, slicks j Hair brushes, needle, ?";. wick' & open to the Go with them - .. I. K" hose ani.Kra?s .nipes, Carpet Ucks. elected expressly for this market. Invoices and samples will Meek. For farther iarUcuiars are Austrian to Pekin. t Darners, asstd ! 1W' inrei- Bed keys, bed screws Padtocka, brass a r" . 140 Ship's compasses, be received tf r . rv- - nnp is to do no more than enter tbe POLTXESIAN EXCAMPMEXT, Xo. 1, S. Augers, ship angers Pearl buttons next mail. Tbe U. S. S. sloop-of.w- Ger-manto- C. Boat's compasses, -- !. Mississippi and ar wn scrapers. zt - ttina... Mimmit n. formal Art- I. O. O. T. Under the Jurisdiction of the R. W. G. Lodge of the LkAu;er bits, gimlet bits :Giuot's pens, 303401 Deck iemw f, - l ...... IPen-hokle- Brsmmd'a rx Mi are at Japan, and it 'is probable the Missis- United States. Tie regular meetings Encampment i avcui ajiiuict. asstd Gaau and Iren, Accsts Bosto Wst. TmriRO k Co. ! the purprse of brmgthg matters to a of.this are ICarpenter's pencils Wksn Agkst Spaldisq. NOTICE Kf7 sippi will be. held on the 1st Coat and cloak hooks Brawn'. do. do. do. is Hosolclc J. C. x in your port before you receive and 3d FRIDAY EVENINGS of each month j chalk-lin- e, Gnu. . i forcing rsnce u'i iw this, Racking and stop cocks Ptns, reels Copper pumps, cop UNDERSIGNED IS ' on Resident and visiting members are respectfully Invited to lamps ladle. ,tT This step would not preclude the her wsy to Panama, with the Japanese Ambassa- attend. Clamp screws, mattocks Jacket Fluke chain, chain hea.raJs N. B. The " JOSIAH BRADLEY immediately THE to tbe Honolulu public cross-c- ut saws " will, after dBmpaien from Per Order. C. P. Grub nicks, crow bait iRipping and 1 BIeck-W- ith Chais rerso nable terms s r.f the beinz defensive. dor. The First Lieutenant of the Germantown Screw eyes, brass nails, (Bread and shoe knives act Csittis A!CT3, complete. her arrival and discharge of cargo, be laid on the berth for a re- is 124-- can-hoo- n Ilonvolala, Nov. 10, 1858. tf Chain boat anchors, heins a political, and not a military & Ely's percus'n caps Shoe pincers and punches turn freight to the United having large of CORAL 8Tb here very sick, and is not Walker's row-lock- s, sail States, a part her find expected to live from day nails Aikins' brad awis. 20 tools Oakum, wH(eJ In any quantity, for building and other The other plan is likely to much Steel shoe tacks, shoe cargo already engaged. 153-- tf to day. His complaint is ab3cess of liver, Any Man who proiar ts undcratnad al Bullet moulds, n'ppers 'Measuring tapes. 40, 50, 60 feet Hemp Cordage Assorted Siw each. In the rough, or not squared, for i h a youthful Emperor and an army the which Manila and 8 trades and sciences, assumes to impose an absurdity upon Bag locks, horse rasps Brick and plastering trowels seizing, towline. at so much per ox cart load. l. It is, of course, to press on of which burst into the cavity of the chest Ratline, spunyam, XT ID Caps, with smooth surface, L oroTocations. the public. On the same principle, any medicine which pro Turn screws and counter sinks 'Padlock clasps, straight and SANDWICH I S I. and r' ' -- Tjulablc to ; to destroy iNo Square, fiat round flies I crooked 1 Blue Boating. r battallion Turin whaleships have touched here this 'season. and hf CattiBff- Fall, AVa f fesses to cure all diseases. Is unworthy the slightest confi-- I Sand and emery paper Ivory handled table knives only Hammers, Lisa. Fir ;v Sirilman army betore the trench which OSL Ballast Tar the is something very unusual. have heard dence, and should at once be denounced as a quack nostrum. Stove polish, sheet iron Knives and forks Rasps and files. Axes, green paint, REGULAR LINE FROM THH TJ. S. It Idea, The Gnefenberg Brass iron wire cloth i Plated table and dessert fork. Chisels, 107-t- f of several at Nangasaki, in Japan ; Family Medicines do not assume to cure all and sheathing nails, sheet lead, . . disordered from the passes of the Alps ; but the report Porte-monnai- thimbles Tennessee saddles Coal tar, black paint, composition ... "? st class snips rLl diseases with one remedy. They haveerreen different i - was medicines. . Cut nails, assorted sizes. 7! ft Commercial n-- nnf such a as the Great not reliable and very indefinite. For the princi- Fairbanks' scales, 00 lbs Iron stirrups, bridles ""i Wharf, "-T- eamnaiim ?irterly NOT each adapted to Us peculiar disease ; and time has proved, be Roofing sine link, black and red . Jtiae, pal - and Heads, nM intelligence Shooks hare done if he had had 120,000 I must refer you to the papers which yond a question, the efficacy Nests trunks, 4 each ' 1 n lnriflihl npiIE TJNDERSIGNI and certainty of these preparations. I 8peS,LrertiaemenU bis enemy's capital had been only I send you Britannia tea and coffee pots Nail.S cut, wrought, boat, clinch New Bedford Casks, In daily JL appointed Guardian of tha pan.l with this. Their list comprises the following medicines s JSSShT HOLM ES, hereby gives notice Plated cake baskets etc-- , etc. Hoop Iron, Cooper's Rivets. For freight or passage to, or drafts on Horn.. t -- payment I Very truly yours. g berg vegetable ; do coffee urns Bristol brick bedsteads, 1 French bedstead. .apply w make Immediate an IrMer (his bold policy will be adopted is more r.efen pllls Iron HENRY A. PIERCE, aame are hereby ree-- do castors Whaling spades with handle Rope halters, Jute door mats. Sandwich Island Packet Oflw against tbe I 1 Marshall's Uterine. Catholu ox ; G. Davis ; be, the said prefen to say. ine Austnans naTe do forkn and knives Traveling bags Enameled valises, Gunny bags. 67 Commercial Boe and aa Gr.f.fenberg Wharf, w nrrson trusting Ui said George contradictory qualities in their military Sarsaparilla ; Military and musk shav'g soap Palm leaf and pocket fans AGENTS. ?k! Guardian will pay no d - (NVUVH 14.11 GajfeFEXBERG Remedy : Enameled duck Musk penumery B. - - - Honolulu. .aforesaid LL'tat e no menns of jndging how they lUllllJ. Pile F. Snow, Honolulu, 6, l-- tr hse ttv Black bowed scissors, asstd Worsted needles SAILS. Sutton Co. - - New York. Dec 186. They may GrjEfexrerq Dysentery Svri p ; pepper - k m the present occasion. exhibit Diajier pins, bodkins Shaker mats, boxes 1 fore top-sa- I m&n topsail, Cook Snow, - . . New Bedford. - fore-sa-il, k RIC1- as&td top-sai- 1 f . and pedantry of 1796 or the energy of Green Mountain Olntment ; Silver thlmhles Ladies' baskets, 1 mizen l, 64-- tt C. L. , i-- .-. . . - Spectacles, buttons Boxes glass, asstd topgallant-sai- l, 1 topmast stay-eail- mri .,Tia 23,)?her weeK may see tnem pronm J. C. SPALDING Gr.cfexberg Children's Panacea ; lone 1 DLERYli -- lunn , , 1, 2 inch Ship adzes and handles 1 studding sail, 1 main royal. r' Lead piie, li, topgallant Fias-Pao- B.Vi;i" for the abandonment of Milan. A THE ATTEXTIOX OP THE Grfexberg Consfmptive Balm ; horse fleams Stobk, now J: .rers INVITES follow ine memoranda of tiooda for sale, at India rubber hose, i. li, li and, Stock and dies, Freeman & Co's pleased to meet W cotom hey Ftro-.-- k a heaTy blow ; Gr.efenbf.rg Eye 2 inch I Just pans, graters Fire crackers, spittoons. all'a fa's' mieht hare rate, "to arrive," compriainaT the carpo of the Ship JO-- SI Lotion; PACKAGE & LETTER keep on hand a I Dny & blacking jSets shoe lasts TREASURE, FREIGHT, , Ntptmber GrLefexberg Martin's Uon Merchs-Honolulu- JH 3RAILE,Am in next; a!o invoices doe Fever and Agv.e Remedy ; moulding Shaving boxes and brushes Chain Cabin. Raven' Dnck. - cf about same time, per WA SUW O RA- - Gilt for picture frames ZE x- s , A "imC actum was to be presented, and within TON ALLSTO.V and t R.EFEN BERG IlEALTII BlTTFRS ; pins & rapping paper FALRBANK'S PATENT PLATFORM SCALES. at o VLUA : India rubber hair combs; 5th andr20th of eachs Month, 'J-- itr hoars the French beinn to rnoTe. Then Gr.efenberg Manual Foolscap and letter paper Deck scraiers and brushes Do. do. GROCERS' do. Of the Iry Goods. of Health; pencils Roller buckles TO ALL PARTS Or THIS thrt dajs of grace, and consequently tbe Proeller ' do. COUNTER do Bales pink and bnff prints Bales scarlet blankets For sale by S. PORTER FORD, H'trness awls, brad awls iOrain and coffee Do. United Statra, South America. Vn'ned a week, to the disadvantage of wire G , tearlr . , . Bales fanaiua ticks Cases Olis denims Agent, Honolulu. Scissor sharpeners iGlue, steel Awtorlrd Sbelt Hardware. B.xes laaua. Ear-ape- Bales Panama stripe. Cases denims Shot, asstd; buck shot Charcoal furnaces healing embrocation., Canada and GREEN General Agents, & CO. Dyer's SUKftlCAS-KlBOPIA- BhIi-- s REDINGTON Shoemaker's whetstones COKtiKCTISU IK SRW YORK WITH THK S KX ..t ,ir. a rxxl deal before a sufficient body of Cases rxbriilpe slteetiiigs brown drills Farrier's hammers Cotton bags. Businea Bales brown aneetinps Oases blue drills l'22-6t- a Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. J M lk skimmers !Coier's compasses, hammer. ' PBKSa COMPANY TO BCKOPE. could come to the assistance of their Bridle leather. L.mTS Kilos Shetncket denims Bales royal blue flannel Sledges and stone hammers drivers, punches and rivets Wagon harnesses, Bales Androscwein sheetings Bales dark do TheGrsfenberg Sarmparilla. A powerf- Bar lead and solder Bridle and harness leather Worsted and silk coach lace. DUST, COIN AND BULLION Honolulu, April 1, 18T.9. 148m. obetjcles Copper and rivets Panel doors and sashes GOLD and insured on Open Policies, htld from the best is a pliin ; there are no to an Bales blankets Bales blue sheeting ul extract. One bottle equal to ten of the ordinary Sarsa tacks London. Baes Rockdale A Cases do do Wilson, Fairbank & Co's pure Bonrbon Insurance Companies in New York and NOTICE parilia for purifying the blood. A fure cure for scrofula, Dry Goods, &c. Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded y, via F - , . -- : m hisky in kegs. ' l j v: Liquors, wicking jCoaU' spool cotton and Nicaragua, in charge of Special Messengers. HEREBT GIVEN. THAT Groceries, Provisions, &c. rheumatism, ulcers, dyspejieia, salt rheum, mercurial dis- Trusses Cases quart lioftles, cases pint bottles. Panama ISpointed GEO. C. MrLEAN to act as .tn 150 prime Sih Extra heavy denims jwues oags A Special Express is made up by us for Panama, Callao, Lima, of Attorney, j jifirj a desperate battle with inferior forces bbls pork 25 casks V. V. P. brand r, eases, cutaneous eruptions, 4c. Fire-pro- absence, under Power 2UO . Strije shining Linen damask for of Roofs. Valparaiso, and all tlie principal ports of the west coast of South 1859. one most arunra ht'U flour dark GREEN Composition and Felt Honolulu, May 17, l&lsa 4 of the compteieiy equippeu s TUE MOUNTAIN OINTMENT. ticking cambric is promptly forwarded b the English Steamers SO bbls nv-s- beef 25 cast s claret Brown shirtinir. Paier PRESSED HOPS, etc., etc., etc., etc. America, which ! 4-- 4. 5-- 6-- -- 10-- 4, 11-- 4, tajies. ;e Cntinent In the event, however, oi such 50 bbls bourbon whisky 3 casks Jamaica rum Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swell 4, and Crush, linen 149-t- f leaving Panama on the 14th and 29th of each month." SSALE . : C KT FOR ARR1 . . m j fta SqitliniAnt. -- . will 1 1) sheeliu Am. Russ. and Scotch diaiiers rpr Collections made, and all orders pertaining to a legitimate Vn:Cnl viciii., ...w "... 2o cases cherry coruiaJ caa salt ings, scrofula, etc As a Plain Extract, it caDnot be excelled, t).itvvw 100 cases Albanv ale and porter 360 demijohns Heavy brown aud blue drills Stay laces and binding Forwarding and Express business, attended to with dispatch. "SACIIE V rreTTtliinZ to ine paramonnt ueTrcsiij oi affording immediate relief,from the most excruciating pains, black elastic rib--' 50 eases alcohol I ale: 6 cases cheese Super extension skirts White and Manila Cordage. GRAND PARLOR array. Tbey would, no aouot, i&u Dacic misses' do bon Offices. ONE case do thir 3d casks Teiinants India pale 25 half bbls dried apples The Medicine) are for sale by Suer 3- -4 3- -4 Principal , CirsrtVnbrrs Skirt bones, picture cord TO 7 INCH. pitish Music Stools, ein-iria- ana from tnts case await tne assisr-- $ 61 Kmb. cotton and silk I1ROM 2 45 casks do porter Casks loi bbls bread 1-- 1-- S. PORTER FORD, Yellow, white flannel Luce quilts, braces JC pniin np. 1 2 to 7 2 inch. A. P. EVERETT, Honolulu. 1 rubber eover, the French troops, who are being rapidly 20 tierces hams 9 t anJ 5 i csks Piuet brandy red and iti?tt .... White ribbons from the manufat, I 75 cases champagne Agent, Honolulu Tidy cotton, worsteds 124 Montgomery San Francisco. Tlie above are f Dy 10 cases enrntut wine cider , Spunyarn, Houseline, sxkeet, - . AW. .wrud to Genoa. e may presume that llm-hes- head dresses Velvet ribbons Boston. For sale by 10 cases sherry .Cases of oysters, lib this General Agents, REDINGTON & CO, Wonnline, Ratline, 93-- tf some are concentratea at Silk velvet, prints Bonnet do Marline. iae 40,0iJ barainians 1 bale corks Cases assorted meats 122-ti- ui fceizing, Bone Yarn. Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. cord 9 and tassels aJria, and that the rest of the army are re-- 60 bbls rice Cases preen corn Ixmg shawl, ail wool Talma Trimmiiic buttons Silk do do BLOCKS Assorted sizes. SALE. JUST RECEI endeavouring as 100 cases grin Cases table salt FARGO & CO.'S 2 double-ban- k Metodeons, :t, before the Anstrians, ' A, F. & A. M, La Proubes db L'Otkasis Loouk, No. Moire antique belts Ribbon trimmed collars WELLS, FOR 0 cases wine bitters Cases water crackers s . possible to avoid a collision. The question Oiled silk, crinoline Saddh-r'- purse and floss silk Tar, Pitch. 2 do reed do, bags I 124, under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of the Bright . Cases salt, la 20th Trimming rihbor.3 Gent's ladies' and misseV Lisle Rosin, Tarnish, 2 piano style. Httest importance, however, is the movement of Lodge Coal Tar, Black Tarnish, B. D. fc Sundries. Grand Central of France, working in the ancient Scotch Dimitv bauds thread gloves EXPRESS, Tlie above from tlie manufactory of nch armies ; ana here we must pay a mohair For sale by AV. SEVERANCE. Boston. For sale by I135-t- f CIIA8. inome "1 Rite, holds Us regular meetings on the Wednesday nearest Thread and mnlin edgings Ladies' and misses 151 tf li. French-- tj 100 tons Scotch coals Iliixcn's ' BETWEEN HONOLULU ' nation which was so lately our ally. Caleb the full moon of each month, at the old Lodge Room, iu King Men's and lioy's half hose mUs BY THE REGULAR PACKETS 2307 feet plank Tate Ladies gauntlets not superior to Germans, they are cer- - 1 Pride Tobacco Ladis' and misses hose " Yankee." AND SAN FRANCISCO. JUST RECEIVED y be case oil clothing Native's street. Visiting brethren respectfully invited to attend. Cotton velvet Just Received per Englishmen strength, en- - 19 cases clothing Napier Cashmere, bombazine speedy safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let- not ennol to in August 18. 60-- tf O. CARTER, Secretary. plaid shawls, wool For the and - . i . - - - i Pear J. White, brown and drab linen Square BRUSHES, Per "Polynesia" and ana tnose qualities whichi cuurajt v:wing 20 boxes starch agr thread Brown linen WHITEWASH in glass; ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the 230 kegs lead Goodale sage, ISTHMUS t ermal are likely to decide the fate of bat- - White Marseilles Curtain muslins California ground in glass, VIA THE I , ...... i 3 rWls lead pipe Cases palm hais fringe Bnd blue cotton thread Hamliu & Baker's oysters. UNITED STATES. CANADA AND EUROPE. of prcmpt- - plows Handled axes EIGHTY-THIR- D ANNIVERSARY ! White silk aud cotton White INVOICES OF SUPERIOR HlUsTJs nt in the rreat military quality Ox bows, yokes and Fine bleached cotton, soft, etc.l Alpacca umbrellas, etc., etc Fresh ieaehes. in syrup, The Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange In sums to suit mo S heelbarrows Hide poison and SHOES, including an asawtusem ot. jwy witiSnt an eqoau . lUe manner in Raspberry jnm. on Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco or New York. Also PQl1 BEN UK HT'U BOOTS.' A splendid ire Arm-chai- rs Turpentine OF celebrated been dispatched to the Boots, Shoes, &c. Strawberry jam. Wells, Fargo & Co.s franked U. 8. Government envelopes, children's shou--, ohildranV ladles' and 'T'l'r'UTe Carriages Boilt-- linseed oil boy's calf boott In glass, ment of model for the study of Men's calf Oxford ties :Men's and Fresh strawberries. whicli pass free over the California and coast routes, aud aver hosiery) OIL B1ACRINO, anewartlele Miller's lentbT pt. Cases umt.relUs Bout and slues AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. do do do do sup sewed M tiilic overshoes tireen corn, fresh honey, fresh apples, citron peel. to York. vuT&rrxi Boat's d;iviis the Atlantic route from San Francisco Net irvaUve, etc. (151-- tf ) At the BRICK 6II0K BVK. of entering a railway Cases saddles Ladies and misses' Congress 'Ladies' and misses' kid slippers 151-- tf For sale by H. WjKVERAXCE. Commissions and collections promptly attended tn. Cases carpets Itndls iron do do do silk lined d'acpff of his knapsack and his gaiters, kid and silk Oct. 1. 1856-t- f. F. L. HANKS. Agent. soldier as of his Cases chare mI irons M'hale Chihl's gaiters ami bootees IChild's shoes, assorted New lujht the pirt 79 casks Cumberland coals AVhale spades Men's euameled slippers French calf skins Groceries . National Diningoon' assure! that nothing that energy 10 coal tar 'Caes matches in"-- ' bils v $rc. RECEIVED AND FOR SA.;. To the Owner, and Peraons interateS i- con 25 bbls pitch '347 sanh doors Groceries, : -l accomplish for the speedy JUST " SUPERIOR AMI CI I cn I -- aHT 50 blls WUmimrton tar 2i bmlU windows Yeast powders, tapioca ,PR epsora salts jellies, tresn apples, preservea peacnes, Wliajeships - Pacific Ocean. THIS IS NOW OPEN for the twept . French armies at Turin and Genoa will ' Assorted in Jbe v 10 budls blinds 'Creim pr''S'--rve- Transient 10 bbls bright .niiih Haleratus, soda tartar Green corn, d honey, mince meat in tins, Perraaneut and Boarders. It is situated in Uk way or ppl-- s men 'CTt the difficulties in the the 30 bales gunny bags Cases hickory shirts Pure perm candles Pried c oysters, sjilinon in tins, business enter of the cy, and is Hamhlin Bilker's Rail-Roa- d Com I conducted on the Xuroof.u not 1 he season 239 kegs nails Cases check pai.ts Winchester's No. 1 siap ICu.Ty jiowder, ginger assorteil pie fruits, hums, cheese, Orrtca or thk Paxama past, Plan. Its beautiful location, combined romanticise r apoleorts troops are lew. Assorted jams, New July 20, 1857- - with the Boxes family soap leases denim frocks anl pants Saitpeire Cayenne and black pepper crackers, sago. French peas in 1 lb tins. York. nery renders It one of the most attractive houses offered t J.rd MorCcnes is coTered with snow. Water erl -- The Rail-Roa- d Company takes this method to the salt-wat- Panama n Boxes er soap Casss palm leaf hats Sardines, lard, Carolina rice, split peas, raisins. e jt puhlin for families or Individ seeking health tw -- pushe-- i for-- ATTENTION! Agricultural Implements, Sec. Vjft of informing those interested in the Whaling busl rormation. m army of the French has ben Caser blue k white cot. thread Cases Otis denims Currants, citron peel, Mackie's assorted biscuits, In connection with the bouse is suacioos RRSTAIT uc- - 20 yokes and bows tifijSr ness, of the .advantages offersd by' the Railroad obtained aU withoat preparation, tne cominissri;i w Eacle plows, Nos. 1, 2 and ;Ox Tea cakes, candles, lozenges, assorted sauces. II "'" where Meals can be at twuciianres deiTi.' AMERICANCITIZEjStS. do, three sizes Heavy hand carts - across Uie Isthmus of Panama, for the shipment of N. B. Ladies visiting the Island can rest , JS'T ' is poor, is very "Washington IIore IT. Ground Coffee, and a general as.- out- the eoantry theyanter there Per Allston." Side hill plows Wheelbarrows, 1 and 2 wheels E. Fresh Baiter, Oil from the Pacific to the United States, for sending DAVIS will spare no efforts iu attending to the. , tn iu-'1- constantly on hand. - r l ..'i tm-rJ- he had. ami this Tear's 10 M W. P. sheathimr. 1 c .ils cordage Rice huller and (inning mill 'Grass h xks and scythes sortment of Groceries fits nnd supplies from the United States to Panama. trot. 144tn JOHN 6t : . X A DJOT OF AMER- - T. MOSSMAN' & SON. -- . and el;em 22 Mls whisky 4 RXED MEETING j52.5t The Railroad has been in regular and successful operation for PaVlf,;,- t the, iwi,: ile av Hdging knives, bog hoes Bush scythes and snaiths - 1 XA-- w A win uo urm .'h.ivumW of j oe "'":iue-a- r Si M fct"S.WxwV .heath- Pipes brandy J ir.w j 7 harrows Rake and b handles, etc., etc. more than two years, and its capacity for the transportation fcv-- win no maiting s EVENING NEXT, Julv 21, nt llay rakes, rrr'?'-trrf-seise there planed one Vi- - crises cru-ker- Hotel, on SATIRDAV description of merchandise, including Oil, Provisions, etc., ! ! ! ' ine, fur- ANI) OILS. every Tea Tea Tea -- to a great of Committees, and to take such PAINTS t the war. Louis Napoleon must, 15 M T. and 0. snealhtin M'06 cases flannels o'clock, to receive reirts Caps, has been fully tested. The attention of several Captains of may deemed necessary to celebrate in a Hats, &c. SNOW-WHI- TE OIL., or pay tor M spruce flooring, 1 iu-- : 3 cases cl 4liing ther measures as ZINC IN recently been turned to subject of shipping ZOO BOXES EXTRA FINE take his provisions with him, wnai 11 feet Anniversary of AMEKICAN INDE- Men's Senator hats Brown Leghorn hats English white lead, whaleships has the As-shs- ve 50 M No. 2 manner the 83d PUKE to New York during the present season, Vres oat $ the funds which bis obsequious planed. T. aud O. cheroots. do Shanshae hats Boy's hats, asstd American white lead, their oil from Panama PENDENCE. Pure Kail-lUi- Company arrangements faJ.lA X,o'" 14 I feet in. sheathing 20 bread es and the Panama has made Totel. Then there is the --which i !ls All American Citizens are respectluliy invuea to aitet,a. 2 super ladies' mourning fiats, trimmed Copal varnish, accom- Curiousreceived per brigOoloueHera," direct fror Vi Jess 10 M feet T. and i. pine boards' 10 cases Mer. prints London caps, asstd varnish, to afford every facility which may be required for the Just " in suchx inclement 25 gi x harpoons 157-- lt G. W. MILLS, nets, latest style Vemar important object. A 450 feet long, has Vt atten is moid marches planed oue side yellow, -- plishment of this Pier, tor sale cheap by SAMCEL SAYIPc k. & Turpentiue. chrome ambulan-- cases prints n built in tlie bay of Panama, to the end of which Freight nd may be preiictedthat the Stc. green,-Prussia- been 143-t- . i, it ! Crockery, Chrome to receive cargoes from lightersbr vessels lying f fc army wiil have GRAND ENTERTAINMENT andbak- - blue, Cars are run C.!Iow in the rear of the Plates, tea and crTfe cups, spittoons same alongside of vessels Aspin-wal- l. Iiadaga." . Cltra marine blue. alongside, and deliver the at of befjre the plains of Peidnflont are Per chers.custaris, molasses jugs, ing dishes 200 to 300 tons can lie at the Pier with occupants susrar cured hams chimneys, 1 and 9 Verdigris. Vessels of from CARPENTERING AND JOINERY. ? on hand, a more. Cases blue sheetinirs Tierces all granite ware Solar safety, grounding in the mud at low water. B it there w, the other -- cruets, 151-- tf For sale by W. SEVERANCE. lA Cates Ilauiiluin pink prints Cases htogans Solar lami and shades :Glass salts and II. Aspinwall fast-saili- brigs, be. have tne comaian.i powder Tbe vessels to and from are & picture. Tbe French Bales blue and scarlet blankets Kegs cannon Hauling lamps, hand lamps Glass dishes, paper shade. Rail-Roa- pre- WOULD INFORM, mm longing to tlie d Company, and the Company is UNDERSIGNED form, may uc snu nu 2 superioi silver mounted har- - Cases sporting powder 'Water jugs, lanterns, etc. oil Panama and deliver it in New York, THE and the Public that he has taken the stand " pared to receive at ,) iitx. ll Cases Hunt's hnndled axes V. Received per Syren !" occupied by 8. Johnson, (Carp-inter- on King street, oppo- 1 tne Just rate of seven erly t ecu! only reach Italy across the Alps, not t tlio Pftvilion!AND XUUANU STREETS, wooden Ware. under Ihrengh Bilia of Ladinjf at .the open carpenter ah tp I ' fancy Cases chircoal irous ON OF BERETANIA Bethel, where he Intends to a an and crush each An invoice of ladies' CORNER SUGAR-CURE- D HAMS, cents per gallon, if received at the Pier, and eight cents per gal- site the ins Biiht seize the coon'ry Cask, cod, signal halyard, lag THK Painted tubs, pails Clothes pins, sieves 1 tongues and sounds, conduct the business In all iu various branches. -- 05 BOSTON mackerel, kits lon if received in the harbor from ship's tackles, charging for -- ; ; baskets dispatch. un as it einened from the passes. But the Cases Winchester's perfumed and hem p lines Chopping trays and bowls Willow market Cases lard in tins, tierces Carolina rice, caiacity of the casks, without allowing for wantage. ?or N. B. All orders executed with promptness and ' 157-t- f OF JULY, Nests cedar tubs iOral do do covered the liJ-t- QUO. MIXLUIt. uvi almost impregnab!? are t. V. soap rOURTIl Cases cod fish, cases corn starch. whalebone, one and one-ha-ir cents per pound. This charge f brbor of Geno. Painted covered buckets, Birch brooms, mop. cases water crackers, case Is ; we may say, indeed. Cases fine tobacco, covers every expense from Panama to New York, in haa of the S.rlinianJ -- Third Anniversary of Ezg beaters, lime squeezers Knife baskets Cases water biscuits, cases wine biscuits. through Superintendent ortCotnmercial Agent troops are ar- - OFFICE NOTICE. The Eighty Adze handles, etc. the oil is sent the 1 French, POST Corn brushes, etc. Kail-Roa- MARKET, ieWli of the trench Cases oyster crackers, cases butter crackers, of the Panama d Company, insurance excepted. Tha CITY z iuly. and in a few days these will consniuie post- AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE ! Cases ginger snaps, cases jumbles, freights may be made payable on the Isthmus or in New York AXD AFTER AUGUST lst, 1859. Furniture, &c. qr bxs, UNDERSIGNED HAVING rxv wirn tne OVage will be chargud on all israa-LsLax- D lkttkrs, excepU Cases soda biscuits, cases sardines, at the option of tbe shipper. the interest of K. Smith tn the Town aad which, in eoniunciun Double bedsteads j Curled hair currants and regularly y, and THE J. C.r oe lug such as are exempt by law, at the following rates, vis.: Caaes sardines, half bxs, raisins. The vessels of the Company sail Market tn Honolulu, lately carried on by Bradley Co--, the uj.irU, will be too fonmaaDie io u an ounce ; IXMEXT TO COMMEXCE AT Towel stands, chairs Hair seating, etc., etc. Citron, lemon and orange peel, average passages to and from Aspinwall are about twenty to Two cent fur erery lettT weighing less tliau half M.,wiiu a the ho i ness will henceforth be earned on ander tha name' of D. K. force. If there be one minR less EXTERTA Flavoring For sale at twenty-fiv- e time occupied in crossing the Ishmus is Wrfsn invading fmr cents such a weigh more than half an ounce, anfl Oils, extracts. days. The Vlda fc Co., who engage to furnish tbe best quality of botchers' genius of the fr cent for each raints, &c, 13i-t- S. SAVIPOE'S. during its transit across the Isthmus, will be h ewcially shows the military than one ounce ; aD.l so on the rate of two Copal f four hours. Oil, meat which the islands can prodoce, and solicit the patronap f weight. ' Grand Hula! Ture lead In oil varnish covered with canvas, or conveyed in covered cars, and owners w transport oi troops ojr additional half ounce in wiU be given. Dancing to commence in Coach do the public Vit their k jikw-spspe- the evening, a BALL Snow white zinc, tins every care will be taken to prevent leakage. l potUfre on will be one cnt each, In may be assured that 116-- tf YIDA fc CO we our Himalayx and 8 Pummice stone, glue Itaw umber Doors, Window Sash, Blinds, conveyed to New York with .. w'aa war. while hal o.T.ce ot publication, at o'cloek. Several cargoes have already been ves-e- ling such as are mailed from the .. trading sr excel Prussian blue Boileil oil loss. 1. they ba.1 only thier own little Pamphlets and bound volumes at the rate n. 155-- TIMES." out the slightest which wiil be free. having secured the ne of Ihis spacious Spirits turpentine j Verdigris, Paris green tf . EX MODERN Super- ijl cbo- - of an onnce. The undersignl Oil or other eoods consigned for transportation to the of them enj-- in the channel " of on" cent an ounce, or fraction . respectfully call on the public for their support. - SIZES, Company, or to To Whalenen! will be charged with letter postage. would O j- tl DOORS. ASSORTED WITH intendent of the Panama Rail Road William respectlnlty solicit tbe aampa Vet every little brig, which prohaoiy na i All sealed packages 156 BAtiLiAI.r VF " " mouldings and raised panel. Agent of the Comjiany at Panama, will MACT would r A Is coa;aining anything besides letters or piipera, excepting t & UlcCIymont, fJ NcImoh, Commercial heretofore enjoyed by the old ana of Haey fc Pare to contents of Harvey 50 Sash Boors, assorted sizes. be received and forwarded with the greatest despatch. GW. rbioafew niontbs tUre traaeu ueiwu lionH n glasses or any injurious the assorted sizes. La w, at the established Depot fur Whalemen's BuppUea, al Km- - I GLAZIERS, GILDERS AND PA- 300 pair Window Sash, Frederic L. Hanks has been appointed Agent at Hono the French managed ba'--s, of small bulk, will conveyed by mail on the COFFEE SAEOOX, PAINTERS, ass-- XT will all timea (rood supply wi Shoreham with eggs, mail and CHlxKSK 250 pair Blinds, with and without swivels, sizes. Islands, and is preiared to furnish every requisite waihae, Hawaii, where be found at a of postage at the rate of o:ie cent an ouDce, or fraction OPTOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL, PER HANGERS, low by lulu. Sandwich of and alsotteoeto ikm loO men and send them two inousaou payment Selected expressly for this market, and for sale information to shippers. Beef, Mntfan. Park. Posaltrr, present means oi trans- - of an nance, in weight. STREET, IIOXOL.UL.U. shops jyn ajvg 155-- tr (1E0RGE G. HOWE. JOS. F. JOY, Secretary brated KAWAIHAE POTATOES. e&bistoool. Th5r Postage most, tn all cases, be PBe-rs- and In the absence XCUAXU ix i.vo.v streets. The above articles can be furnished at the lowest rates), ar.4 ia , will be authorized to receive the postage Fkkderio L. Hakks, islands, . in unmnse. ana the usance irum of stamps, Postmasters SALOON IS NOW Co.. Honolulu B. 167 quicker time than at any other port at the all betf paid. ABOVE XAMED NOTICE. Agent Panama R. R. I. ti keep In any k a bnrl'.y miles,' We cannot doi.Dt tnat in money, and mark such letters for the accommodation of Boarders, and the under COPARTNERSHIP Cigars ex old by me will be warranted to climate. and THE "Hero!" Inter-islan- mail-carrie- rs on the various islands, all individuals No charge made on d eacbang. days 50,000 will nave jmcvj i. The unstamped signed respectfully solicits a snare oi j.u-.- ic " 1IIK UNDERSIGNED BEG RESPECT" XT French not be permitted to carry letters fn lv to Duilic they have this day entered AT & MELODIANS, 72-- tf IO. W. MACY hardly like-- coasting vessels, will terms are as reasonable and the fare as good as ,m..can be obtained T inform the that IjAND ED AND FOR SALE J. T. TREAT LINSLEY'S on at Alessandria, and then it is excepting such as are exempt by law. name ana styie oi 1.1 -- JUST Wholesale and Retail Fire Proof Emporium outide the mail, in Honolulu. into a fopartnersTHp under the iiim Xew Haven, Conn. kt the Austrian commanders will risk a marcn rates of postage do not apply to letters and PPrs Mt CLY MONT, for the purjiose of carrying on the business of ' 10,000 No. 1 Manila Cigars, twist ends, The alve are mailed Termsi from I to U per ee. UNSURPASSED FOR SWEET. AND MOLASSES, course from foreign countries, but only to such as ' ECIIINO. Painb--i and Glaziers in this city; ant) having bought the inter? 200.000 No 2 do do do, SUGAR, SYRLPS to. Wuhout ventering to prelict tbe received remaining as 156-4- 1. they do. ness, richness and promptness or tone, au within the kingdom the rates of foreign postage est of Mr. R. H Gilliland in said business, would state that 10,000 No. 3 do do the American retail THE NEW CROP, FROM THE ar, we may say nniesa mere "a old of Mr. Gilliland In Union Tbey are selling fust. Terms quick. - their varieties furnished at f7ROM that will carry on the same at the stand Trice - PLJlJVTATIOjr, ) oe:ore he procured in 142-- tf WATERH0USE, EAST MAUI J3hr.urs that the Austnans are b'CTfTeVnprry Inter-isla- nd postage stamps can BUNGALOW ASSEMBLY R003IS. street, and also at the former stand of M. K. Harvey, King Apply to JOHN THOMAS ie 1 5 octave, scroll legs $ 75 (3-t- nave Postiffice July 13, or of the following R- - HARVEY, No. For sale by 0 H. HACKFELD fc Co.. Ud eapital, we shall believe that tney the in Honolulu, after street. - C octave, scroll legs 0 ' otrsorJ i for the various districts In . w-- a-- a ww w. 11, 1359. 155-3- t MiCLVMOXT. I defensive war- - wh are the Postmasters r tvt icii' via. rj June J. PRESERVED VEGETABLES. 3 5 octave, piano style 100 kad to limit them?elTesto that "state "that now prepared to furnish the aa- - which tbey reside : pectfully he is PRESERVED VEGETABLES, 4 5 octave, piano, serpentine 110 . DOORS, WINDOW SA8II, BLINDS. r so many t, which tlieir position gives them HAVf-BKOr- SCHOOL. FOR GIRLS. oanr. J. D. Wailukn, aboveT Rooms for Balls, Private nro, i.H,, ...v,....., CASES " Meats, 5 5 octave, piano, fancy terpentine 124 Ate. - . 'T --r- v,p. . and MODERN TIMES, . Kahului, etc.. on In which Hawaiian " Brandy Fruits, daily just received per clipper ship 125 ' f t' , Kwa, Kiwssll, Fairs, Jleetincs. AFAMIL.Y-CIIOOLi- needle- 6 6 octave, piano style 450 Doors, all asea and kinds. Makawao, be taught the English language, - IX : Spsmce, " Syren," For sale by 180 i p. . V.Mr -- , Waialua, G. M. Music for ...u 7 Organ melodian, double bank 300 Window Sash, all kinds, . ncwuixQ. domestic duties appropriate to their age - CHAS, BREWER, Kshuku, , Knla, work, ao.l the various 119-- tf 2d. duties to be added. For further psrticulars, 100 pair all sisea, R. Moffitt, Post-olhc- e, Freieht and Blinds, Maker, Uluiialakua, 15-- tf Honolulu. and sex, will commence as soon as pupils can be obtained. It D. BALDWIN. - Vjcrtistnitnts. Konlauloa, Jss. v " please address D. 13 Uiass Doors and Blinds, eto., eomplete. ilttu f nianconv. ' Is in a very eligible situation ; about a mile and a half from '" . !w. 0. Baupwix, liana. 14t-6- m the lowest market prices, by . , II aula, on Waikiki road the Fairoanks premises, recently CORDAGE, SPUNTARN. Labaiaa, Masl. For sale at Fiir.SII fiAItDEN SEEDS, Honolulu, the RUSSIA Sewing Stuff, Flag Lines, Hooks and Thimbtes, 139-t- H. LXWXXS. Caneobe. ! f C B. TVPAsasa, a T S T occupied by Jackson, Esq. IIAWAII. K IVAHVIW a - J. Double and single blocks, White Lead, Chrome Green, ,t1 n. PitXas, II "MUST REtEIVEU The school will be conducted by Mi's M. Ogden, ussisted by KAUAI. 'K MER," and for sale ty physical education of the Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, FRESH BITTER! , V. A. ALDMCII AV. SmrnAS, Kau, wniTNEY. Miss May Castle. The moral and FOR SALE CIIaJAP. A Km-LET- C. 3 II. M. boiled Linseed Oil, Gold Leaf. J. llanaiei. Laupahoehoe, 156-t- f no less than their mental culture. At Fjiglish fVA RFXRIVE PER. PII.tXTOfAXD Anabolo, A. h tk., pupils will le attended to For sale by m ONE CARRIAGE HORSE, WHICH v -- i- - f". present onlv a small number can be accommodated. Those been habitually driven fr a lady. Be la oSstwd 'CTITOOn, and offer for tale, ine Nawiliwili, J. II. Moebjsos, Ihunrkua, w.r. w vox PAPER. 2 II. HACKFELD k CO. has " II. A. WlDBMSS. ivn would be preferred bnt some a few tf lng L. Waimea,. AND from three to six years jr1 for sale, the present owner no furtW BK fr Koloa, Lvoss NOTE Bak Imotteas ftrlpes, K-- S. HoLtisraa, Kawaihae, ASSORTMENT OF years older may enter. For terms, apply to him. Also, one American SADDLX ROR2 O. W. Mact, FINE .- -. -- : : ! .5 Bate do ticking. 30 Inch, O. B. Rowsxl, Waimea. Letter Paper. aasoriM .u. - MISS OGDEN, PORK CHEESE Till eh e. .. r Kauilua, - CHESHIRE They may be fully tried before pni IUlc do itwwtioft, 22 inch. n. Tsavis . fiitkiicuj On the premises. Just arrived Kealakekua. 155tf (B BARRELS PRIME PORK. M. Apply to Dr. UL IL.L1UI., at nis omce er amusa ssw isw MACT. P. Ct MMisos, Kt per For sale by UNDERSIGNED HAS MADE AR-- ' Kohala. 4 rfMIE Ka- Oil Carpetins. Bosn, ? ZQV BREWER, per each trip of the Mary, from i S. BsTOW, Lahaina, FOUND ! 131-t- f CHAS. 2. rangcmeuU to receive - - tod tU cboU pattern. open any ASSORTMENT EVER SENT full supply of the celebrated Waimea butter, from the MACKEREL. Sw aod r- HE BEST waihae, a sale by XT Any rrson vMWVy'--r- , Ilonoimu, just o,ne, A GOLD BRACELET. ' NO. 1 MACKEREL For If Hats mail bag, will be prosecuieo. T sos A HaIR LOCKET BREASTPIN, and HOOP IRON. ! KITS . ' Fort Street. TJalry L'zt to IT0 doccnaMm's pahn leaf hats, Post-offi- laws. i j. A HAIK BRACELET. HOOP IRON, of Mr. E.FremiunxSparks of that place. netr jACKSOy, counting-rro- UNDL.ES NEW BEDFORD u ' ' Z -r procured by application at our and clipper Syren," ALSO cUek Caie krmm bala. L . " w l-- t- Which can be Kegs Rivets, just received per ship . Lborn Postmaster-Onera- v rvirvs l4-t- B LARD. C 157-- tf paying charges. f ror saie ny small lot of very superior Urk cashmere wool bat. " A Cbeaalre Chees. KEGS Ioe-idre- t to Cav Honolulu, June 25, 185X CHAS. BREWER 2d. v J- - STEWART, AND FRESH btack wool hats, . W. N. LAPP. 131tf ' TINS . ' ' CARDS. 143-- tf Hotel Street. Case bruva wool hau. m , CURRENCY Vr AS -- Caw ptawt wool hats, ! 1- -8 AND COINS, ! tf flnrcd : HOOKS KNIVES, 4 18 ich ' GOLD SILVER New Cats CORN MEAL, recently Cavm - t. of tbe Chamber of Commerce j port woul ha'a.- 1 BOOKS . DV fV- - . LISTS by the late action For sale by . ..rinil aa. BCocoa Handle, ' yf jf. LAPD. printed on cards 12J cents each. For sale by W OATS Per FRANCES PALMER. FRESH TIOEOKAI BUTTER! ESH CORN MEAL BY THE K. SACKS 1 ARRIVE IA.iv 151-- tf B. Brogans and Boots. TO 19-1- 1 H. M. WniTNEY. LP For sale by 154-- tf H-- W. SEVERENCE. FROM BiVIMK. rarrft waxed Id. sad M. brocana, ' .- -. a T gUr.. . . . v. ! - . ' if - caU - --' . .. i Minn), nf rnMannt Oil. AT WAIMAXALO " I DAIRY ! OOLONG TEA. r. I PASTCIUCE SUPERIOR FAMILY TEA. MYERS - 'at 4 REUEH pamps, , IST s uu.u, UNDERSIGNED "WILL RE--I FINE CURIOUS OOLONG TUA " from anning THE J ) grained brojeana, 9 V MrCLEAN. and guarantee best CHESTS BLACK TEA, for aale hj EXTRA aale by L - - - Vm ceive Horses at Waimaralo, the do do, 10 lb boxes. Recnlarlr reeeived and ceaotaatlr v - - NuuanuStrvet. HALF ED. KEMP, Hotel street, l&l-- tf - v unu, . j enameled - f 4W of care, at $1 per month. green tea. in 12 lb boxes per u Yankee." .a- " . (Mck - ,5Wt ' 153-3- m A. CCMMINGS. Extra Opposite National Hotel. " boots, ' JOHN For by W. SEVERANCE. 146-3- m B boots, sole, nw A a sale II. " half double HAMS. , ' 14 teg, aWSSr thick boots, Inch Livingstone's Travels in Africa. NOTICE. V H IFF LET R EES, CHAINS, ate. mT5TESTPHALIA HAMS, PCD. AI"A- - . rrain boota, 14 inch teg. Tragedienne, A Sllnioa RADISH, BEET, CRUSHED SUGAR. lM-t- For sale by ' Life of BacheLihe j-- otnerWR.GJ - HAVE APPOINTED JAMES W. AUSTIN fc CHAINS, V f t. - Tar.. - for me during SUP. WHIFFLETREES ax handle, tc-- my AgenC under Power of Attorney, to act CClTls BOXES CRUSHED SUGAR, siwsd narrows. nnit parties. etc., . rvcei. i . WATTS ET. LB. SETS . A, for various H. M. I Half bbls do do, A. 1 'Unsaed and varnished ox boa Andvrety'ffl'ordered mv absence from tne isianas. OvJr Hand Cultivators. HAXALL FLOUR. 'r 8-- . i Ctues Uoot's handted aaes, Honolulu, 31ay2H, 1859. 153-8- 1 THOMAS CUMMINS. 1, brosm incar, Seed Planters, BEST HAXALL - Stationery. RS. sugar. - E2LS. FLC73,' Caaea saddlta Jc bndlea. t rf OF A THOUSAND FLOWE California coffee - Ox Yokes, Jost received per clipper ship 'Syren," - Drawing 151-- tf For sale by W. SEVERANCE. Elephant PP"r, n. Iron Plows, 250 roraateby - ila Cordage , 1, U hnd in. '. Bristol Board, . - ST V.:sS,ofYl2aand Flowers." Cement, Cement. '"' For sale by t li , Large size pencils, Tl 13W cum. . polvgrade Banker's 7 """ J. MOTT SM11I1. TOBACCO. ; - CHAS. BREWER, 2i. niwc,a. Cases Tobacco. Faher's 155-3- t RECEIVED BARRELS HUDSON I19tf - ' - Wafer's, seiUing wax. miicilaee.M w.mTjfET JUST CEMENT For sale by - FOILED TWIST TOBACCO, ' .wwywn B. T- - SNOW. ehewi-- g, sale by PICKLES. f.;;. aaaorted lot ot Cancy coola.. 157-r- f eimnriniNG. . MILLER'S an extra article for for PUNCHING MACHIXESr libt " SEVERANCE. COOPERS HALF-GALLO- N , Aa lot paot4S . t- SIIROCDIX- G- 151-- tf n. W. PICKLES. nl aatinet TO T - 1XCH ' 1 CASES EogUab Mana Crock and pants, IACII WATERMAN at CO. ; COOPERS' PCaiWJUCHWES, quarts, pfckies. cm Mia nr slates: Coopers' Truss uoopvjuw. "i 151-- tf by H. W. 8EYERA- -. -- For sale ,C, pe jacket, - . T EXT HOPE! N LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS-Bes- t qua NAILS. ' - t IN "fvren. BREWER, to. Jasea tuekorj shirts, . . . WAR 20 inches- - For sale by NAILS, BT MACHINERT, 131-t- CHAS. Just received ity, 10 by ' llTROrCHT nails, from the f :.' , Irorj tooth coBba, TICTCRES BARRELS MESS BEEF, f To!l HOLT k HETJCK. VT from maleaWe iron; horseshoe and brad PINE BOARDS AND UtSCHCZ ' AUTII EXTIC n." mond . ONt.1T per-Srre- Eagle Factory. Providence, B. I.; tor sale by METAL.COMPOSITION NAILS. comb, mllE SKETCHES wiil appear irom VhaSEREWER, 2n. CO. YELLOtV M FEET CLEAR BASTES. V rKH- S- JL and a 133-- tf , D. C. WATERMAN k Mt-lAU- &dk im--h - ) S thick. . . 157-St-a a 'ASES YELLOW ao H3 W sjasorted, fmen an to inches r, r.nvDU. re. MANILA CORDAGE. - 1 Lidia m)br tors, etc Tin FrancUco. 20 SO boxes coaiposiuou nsu, . 30,000 Kaaters shsved cedar Shinaiaa. via San - made rs-- ' 'y weTkl, m England, g- assorted sise, to order. Just an do. . 144-t- J COILS, ketrs do For low by ,OM, . t,, J-- UM hy eacu . to ffXT rtV PILOT BREAD. f sale C3C3. 1-- lb In Arri'lng arrive alinna ttlifn wTfUfl- - s; ulp BREWER, 'OVVDEB, la Una t do. do. photographers TSARREUS OIL. SHOOKS. OCtlCU sa.iaa'arwa . J 119-- For sale by CHAS. to. i 1 FOR tf service, of the mort the 131-t- CHA8 BREWER, BBLS, EXTRA PILOT BREAD. f - For sale by , Tl.e "e"l.n?5 by per ciipo.. f, to. stores, per - Yankee," for ".r , - Vj . A. have been engatred by the Proprietor, "cHAZ. BREWER 2d. HAajrljr family use and schooner ; FOR SALE, ARRIVED PSSR OAHCI aujuvi. woo-IT- lpe,. the W. SEVERANCE. ll-t- (151-- tf COALS! the resource of Shis really yjrS shall i lOVf TOBACCO. saieb7 II. " ' "SAHIEfl.'' .... . ri5-1LBA- ENGLISH COALS tha the MATTING, TONS BEST CENTRE-BOAR- roa sale ur AUmiCB. most r!TlINA Ac TOBACCO, lOa SUGARS. , ; For sale by D SURF C3A? St' A. form the 'TiJSJuM CRISIS IS PS. tTk BOXES SUPERIOR HACKFELD CO. ONE long, beam, fcrssde by 4- 25G H. , Pf m"Zntg ROt.1 -4 CHIXA MATTING. Foe sale by BOXES BOSTON No. 1 CRCSfl-- 139--tf k 7f CO. E. I OOF FOR J153-t-f D. C. WATERMAN HALFedSogar, PATO Fngar. BLACKSMITHS' BELLOWS. ndlbrsaleoy. ' ., Half bodies East Boston Grannlated -- AjL BREAD. '" .. Loaf Sugar, Jnet rseeived per clipper ship y- BELLOWS, large sisejostr FIE --FRUITS. VHITB LEAD, VO jtevon u. ' PRCXES. bT BLACKSMITHS F'r ASEs, one pc rr, PITS n,nn,nrr workl. BREWER . a,I atx rriUiTWr. ,k. io-l- BREAD, CHAS. to BREWER, 1 ' .L, AXP b PILOT AND MEDIUM JZUU nart"ie 151-- tf CHAS to. aw celvea ana roc sse oy iiaim 8. 3AVIDGE. a.Mi. WATERMAN 00. , TcRPENTin FOR MjjW t GALLEGO FLOUR, PAIN-KII.LE- R. woucxaTEasrixna oavczl. A HAIN-KILL- ER SMALL 1 TXE . DAVIS A EAfc pc3qins were: rr mm M1SHPORK. BY received per Tsakee," 1 , graving Doable aod voi-- BIJIl.lI'A A'" yXc. TTIOR SALE . C. PERRT Ld Saace, last es4 t w!n,(nn AND WATHUUH W. The Priceof .yearfor 9 for six months. DnuoTIVO THE GROWTH Q.R BBLS MIIMPOHK-- Kr isOt A. ALDUCII. SIC--, IS I ALF AND U. J lur, PlatCS. f - by Jl&l--w I B t, PRESEJ.w "j- p. r0RD,M.A. sal. ' ..' pcacit: .Agent, Hooolula. 151-3- ra COtlN. - afiea, arrived per w. SOT1CEI - - ' . CASSS, assortad f. COnN-Tora- ale pRAcnu--i- .a tiw-- y desirovM l of brtr- . arc GREEN PEAS. CSH GREEN rsn being n . Otflc 2rDERS:3?fED lndwbed h . SUGAB-sj- i; tics' p aji aJi Mjmexton or belbrethsj Is day A Awfwat ir--t "Hkfclaiioa tw T or OAK against. ka. tv r rrs ,. boajjw' CIAS..BRE" . .... Q :

0 C i

y . " j ( - --"mj PACIFIC ' Fareigw Saaaaaarr Christlaw Frlewaaa-l- Stobfrfistmrttts. In tbe deaert that leads to tbe grava and Us reat, It is reported that the Juarez government will pay friendship a moiatenUix ahoww Advertised ( U thy ole 44 vominsreial American claims with Sonora, Chihuahua, and a part la the wmpeats which life's rawed UhV per EarL UthattrUDdihtpaabeUenngbuwer; BAY, HILO, HAWAII. Jcsl rescind of the Gulf of California! . . Costa. BYfiOM'3 S. Da FROM BOSTON, U. rOPMETOa OF THIS PorcLaTios or Det&oit. A census of the city of kindred hopes, and kindred pur- SALES FOLLOWING BASS CLOTH. CAf ? KTABUsrJ 'Jfift Ut'Sasbbirli 3slait)is. ' Kindred objects, FFERS FOR THE STRIPED Checked Quiluaf. Detroit, which has just been taken, shows a total feeling, a similarity of views, awrebaadiaai iCAj.. BUck aud White HAVING IN USE AN ) suits, beget a oneness of Cases calf Jersey ties, i population of 82,150. In 1850 the population was warmtabf affection, between dif- Bales Union bro. drills, mutual regard and H Goods of Description, Oxford peggen tiea, 1 only 22.057. even in the commonest affairs or GOODS Dry e?crj Bales Temple - an Monterey ' ACziz' Erapsrial Power iC ... ferent individuals, INCLCDISQ Bale Manadnock bro. sheet- slippers, (sewed,) Chxap Lcxubjes. A western paper offers to write How much more, then, does the genuine spirit 1M roaa AND A life. ', White and Mack lace, women's ead'd morocco, before, names of such of cement, in indissoluble union, white and blue Livingston bleached abeet- - . UmimUII-ia.i- ... Mr." or " Esq." after tbe of the gospel tend to AT do driluT Silk aa cotton velvet. Bales men's opera slippers, t" as one Lord and B Zr . inga. IttTGC3LES its subscribers, in directing their papers to them, of real Christians. Their is shirting stripes, calf sewed brogans, CARD PRKs the hearts common Ticking and tfnd cotton shirta, ' Cases Otis denims. . will pay 25 cents extra, or add both of said "handles" hopes and joys spring from one Blue, red wnue nanon. Men's linen - -- boots, Savior, their and ooata and panta, Bole Tborndike Ticks, pgd brogans AND HAVING AN EXTENSIVE for 50. cents. - Cheap enough for a luxury. through time tends to the same Muslins, prints, delaines, Linen elf sewed and ASSORtm On Monday, we gazed our source, their pathway itSlop clotninsrof all description, Cases Livingston blea. drills, sailor's pumps, farewell to Pcle they look to a participation in Henima, ginghams, toweling, Honeycomb Quilta, calf sewed Louis Napoleon is now said to possess a navy that, blissful country, and irviomi aatlns and silka. Caaes ' NEW AND JLEUAfiT TYPE AND , JB'1' shower. Hilo. Cotton and linen thread. Brown sheetings. 0THE nrt Bttttdjur of Eng-jlan- d. eternal, joyous rest beyond the grave. Tho ilrisb linens and grass cloth. I. Grsrles, . in effective strength, is not inferior to that the same Black and colored rtMiona, sheetings 1-- ls. Una green peas, - ""'-- " b wu roau, ana each striv- ana cowoo Cases Naumkeag bro. Cases f ttrough, friendship of pious souls is sweet indeed Gentlemen's and ladies gloves, Mm Half bbls split peas, or rather kirtin, a Tery pretty ;' aMarted. ' unen ami Pjraw - ' Ate -- welfare each preferring Case WKn work done by machine ing to promote the other's colored belts,vi.suspenders, overallsCllbi.ana irocss, Case refined lara. riatin5 oil pre- In the British Islands the covers. fancy Denim - 1 ? - 7 Krler depth f than we had - each striving to encourage and Bed fringes, table ' shirts Half sugar, lXCLUDWO ' roei wnn. power is computed by Lord Brougham to equal the the other to himself Black crape, colored braids, iLamp vncking. Blue, mi imdred fian. brushed jiwsij The descent radaal as to in the world, and on his way to frocks. K it . j i am ium i - labor eight hundred million of men. assist the other Russia BbU extra mess beet; Beat Assoitment ! . , MH.t ku.1 x ,bk walk of of selfish is &c. Sporting Jackets, The of Plain j r j heaven. It is tainted by no principle, it , Hardware, Bxs, and or delayer raisins, . we came in aitrht r Napoleon, who recently married the Princess Dutch pants, hf f .r"8 l smoke and Prince soiled by no worldly motive. Each sees, faint though Steelyard, Half bbls batter, Card erer imported, 1 . Black merino sacks, - . . nunr rrom tbe new stream of ThfT Clotilde, by marriage contract, from the Guarded lanterns. 44 - I "s lav. receives the of Jesus reflected in the Cases box salt. an- it may be, the character Cut nails all sises, I Reefer's " twelve miles east of us. At toon we ar--. state, the comfortable little sum of $160,000 per for Savior's rivets. 'Shook s fine bug do, IS NOW PREPARED TO EXECCTg S)1 other, and they love each other their Wrought nails all sizes, razors. Blue isserers. flour, - r'Vaa. a neat littl num for household expenses. endearing, is Christ- saucepans, Black panta, - ' Bbls Haxall ' :. t . hmlr... sake. How sacred, how then, Copper nails and tacks, Cases cheese, i?:J ... coffee Striped shirts. K.r. iincoDsncraoie cultivation arxinr il. Nfw I.xTTvnos. Queen Victoria lately conferred ian friendship. And yet how rare yes, painful Hatchets, hammers and axe, mills. BblsO, ran to brass screws, assorted iron pots, fry pans, Blue od red flannel shirts, (tion oat greet as, proffering every the honor of knighthood upon a Captain Armstrong thought how rare ot this day, is real, genuine Iron and Ttiau doth Raelans. Bales tHores, QOOEv.30B. & ar- - effec- Brltt. tea ami coffee pota, grind stones and cranks rules. hanr 1 wrrtnr as to oaaa the nieht at tbe which can be used early tunes, to noes a for a newly invented cannon Christian regard and friendship. In clothes, and white wash brushes, whaier-scask- -- rved Fault brushes, hair Znl'e;ket,'b,U'U,d man's boose, where we had stopped. Being eight miles. This gun is to the giaulets, sheathing copper and Pilot KOSTl. tively at the distance of embrace Christ, was to be introduced and rakes, spades, nails Ssatsdriea. v TT'at Hilo, we declined this invitation, fired in the manner and admits of only confidence, flections, Knives and forks, sand and emery paper, log and cotton lines. Rob Roy jackets, the warmed knives, scissors, Sjectaclea, Mixed cassimere pants, ... Cases saddles, complete, PRIKTIKg, pen and jack ' JpUcton of thecaiomt, rik! Buckets and , soap, one round a minute. the household tu, dews-iptiona- Bxs family aud salt water EVERY OF TASTE htf- tenderest love of Buttons of all kinds and sheet iron a' d tine. Black IN VARlETi AXD out npon the mats, with a doiea ---e Christ .Utile bbls hide poison, J Tbe armed expeditions now being organized in New sedulous to cherish, not to offer. Powder in kegs and canisters, auger lutts and augers. Satinet pants, Half .miwtl VB I1VP0O 1 VTi . S. Misly fisting, pinching, squeezing, one and in- Britt. bib and stop cocks, shot all siaea, Cottouade and Jean panta. - iCases spts turpentine. York, and other cities, with the ostensible view of ones. All felt that.their interest Brass and Manila cordage, ) traTel-wo- rn limbs. Here me A Till, cuplioard, chest and door locks, spoons. Shors. Coils of let emigrating t Arizona, will not be permitted to enteH dissoluble, and that all were ulVTZ Ex 'SACHELTt Baals nnd Kegs naila. AUCTION BILLSf of any traveler, who may find hitn- - high. 'PIZARRO,' Brass aud iron hooks and b Its, glue, Cases men's fine calf brogans, of that Territory, special orders to that eneet naving of eternal love, to the glorious Carpenters planes of all kinds, imitation goat., . Kegs of finishing naijs. ! th,S . heads. day's journey, with stiff and been issued to the United States troops. Rn l d7 AND PER Uiugliara boxes, thimbles. u " enameled Cases of Dixon's, pineapple and bill to select a couple of young--c- $, 'the estranged, the one F and C combs, inlrn rnttt Irak s tobacco. show billX was celebrated at Berlin by rfeSrnristians rigging pumpleather, with which for the eon-v- rp Washington's birthday ! shovels. kip brogans, Rolls and attended. Among others OTHER LATE ARRIVALS waxed Kegs pure and extra white lead, circulars. o-u- which Humboldt do. or so, they will most effect ter a dinner, 8,ani unloved and nn cared for in the : Baron Jesus r Oxford ties, Casea boiled linseed Oil, WAY BILLS, replenishing the following toast was given " The ton household ! HoW often Provisions. holt rope, man, while he is of his own Christian AND FOR SALE AT patent leather, 'Coils Russia F - Humboldt the King of Science tbe latchet of whose Park. Hawaiian beef. 4. irons, Hi leengly; it is the very acme of joes he stand, even amid his own covenanted brethren, Beefaad u cl tops Cases charcoal CARDS. ttiAI. k and it had such a wonder- - sbces no common Kings are worthy of unloosing. hated and despised, with no pitying eye bent upon goat pump brogans Cases prison padlocks, Groceries. im. Oxford lies, ;Coils spunyarn, CONSULAR BLANKS, , tiw short debate it was Gbowth or Loxdo. London is rapidly of his God, and no heart to feel for him, of flour bread, nee, butter, sugar, molasses, tjj him, but that Bbls and Cases Congress boots, . Kegs powder. ed that we should pass ing its boundaries. It now covers an ares "V his Savior. If there is anything that will T. Syrup and honey, preserved fruits of all kinds. orogans, uv. PROGRAMMES, "",e8 but that of J. WATEMOWS curry powder. u sewed lasting cases spuri'iin 3 necessaries for a feast miles, equal to a square of 11 , . cause the heart of the poor disciple to ache and bleed, Preserved meats and fish of all kinds, Splrila, PAMPHLETS, square. population in this ar-- m?ani Cassia and apice of all descriptions, pepper, Wiaes, Jtc the eyes of the natives The e and cause him to weep and mourn in secret places, it Fine and coarse salt, saleratus, soda, raisins, currants, Cases Alcohol, kegs and half bbls Whisky, CATALOG 3d so did ours at the list of the year 1801 to 958,863, anaVg A8? is the cold, contemptuous and neglectful treatment of . Wholesale and Retail Dried apples, beans, peas, coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa. Quarter casks and octaves of Heunessy's, Marten and rES, ready to provide instantly, 2,30236. The London o' eaal brethren in the Lord. The Herbs, crackers of all descriptions, candles, lard, hama. Rivierre Brandy, cases Catawba do; ' BOOKS. his fellow Christians, his of Zealeaader U Co's Rochells 1801. ' world Beeves tomrues, salt salmon, cod fish, vinegar, sardines, Quarter pipes and eighths executed promptly, in a superior manner, signer not to inquire the Londons of . jeers, the contumely, and the reproaches of the FIRE-PROO- F soap, prunes, salad oil, Byass' Porter; Will be sod l rCSS offices in Cincinnati, there is EMPORIUM Mustard, sauces, hos, candies, Brandy, casks especially as some suspi--jl if nn nf he could bear, but to be wounded in the bouse of his Olives, ast'd English and American pickles, Cases Brandy Peaches, cases London Cordial Gin. able prices. in which lay at the bottom . SPALDING not pure disinterestedness . Justin use. anguish. Even such Mackerel, Herrings, Ac. J. C. m m i ,. - friends causes him keenest Ac, 243tf fWl..t mall a, nthfvwi. 1 will ma.1.. 920,000 in gold, for six S f . UBMMim. t record tbe answer of our of Laka?"e cn,a5ninK wounds do crucify afresh the Lord of Glory, and OF 100,000 TARDS ' . belonged to an express company at UPWARDS . Boots and Shoes. tion. barged with a conspiracy to The safe of the Savior to be pained. PRINTS A YD MI SLIN9, consisting . , , . jLe cause the infinite heart Cases thick boots, cases kip brogans, calf boots, Fresh Groceries,' Gesrq roceries ... r iri.ii ,t "half-wa-y time, was on a steamer that blew up and sunk, serving pink and yellow, lilac red, canary and red riding dress men's j rfj Aaaress iienry ai. uiuiejtiinoiuiu. Uahu. W erof the house; How lamentable is this worldly and time of and Cases calf brogans, cases goat brogans, Oxford ties, was raised by a diving-be- ll after the lapse of JTEA. Jumbles, to tamp, and the bellies of t A and church of Christ, aod prints, purple, black, chocolate and red, orange and green, two OOLONG spirit which has crept into the Men's India rubber boots, men's India rubber shoes. TINE Congou tea, Wine biscuits, time mentioned. splendid assortment of Women's India rubber shoe?, gaiters. tC Fine Pianos, MeIodeon imful to so mournful an extent displaced true Christian blue. Also, small pattern prints, and a Fine green tea, Ass Tted English biscuits. of The rapid growth of Leavenworth city, Kansas, is how is a re- of which entirely new. Whalemen's pumps, whalemen's stout shoes, peaches. friendship, fellowship and regard and BRILLIANTS, many of the patterns are brogans, shoes. Crushed sugar. Fresh ALEXANDRE ORGANS, AND Ml'SIr ge.VTw! had bc,en con- Boys' shoes and women's Fresh apricots, f'yf9 astonishing. Although only four years old, it turn to ancient simplicity of feeling and of action to Bales blankets, Granulated sugar, V i,.,oniface some valu- - scarlet Loaf sugar. Fresh pears, tains a population of 10,460, with an assessed valua- loved as and lived to--' Bales blue blankets, PRICES GREATLY REDUCED ! o; his. fut?, charges, should be desire!, when all brethren, Sundries. Brown sugar, . Fr-- cherries, tion of $3,871,375. It has nine churches, ten gether in confidence, peace, and amity, strengthen- Bales white blankets, twine, handcuffs, prickers, 'Prickers, and sheaths. sugar, Fresh prunes, to partake of Bales heavy denims. Sail bes Light brown and papers, seven job row-lock- s. schools, four daily four weekly ing each other's graces. Give me but the social English Cotton and linen canvas, palms. Sail neetllea, oars, Boston sugar cured hams, Fresh strawberries, AG A T K Rs Bales s, JDOR which filled denims. navy saw-set- ... quinces, ' EW printing offices, eighty-nin-e lawyers, and forty doc- cheer, the confidence and warm Christian friendship Cases heavy Am. blue sheeting, Light, heavy and duck, Hooks and thimbles, Fresh lard in tins, Fresh ;i "tnuch higb-Wi-th sizes iron, cant hooks. Hooks and staples. kegs Cranberry jam. 333 Brsadwaf, w Yark, tors. ; ones, and the benignant smiles Cases Knplsh blue sheeting. Ast'd Fresh hint in N. of Christ's cherished Blocks of ast'd sizes, jib hanks, 'Brass and iron wire, Kits No. 1 mackerel, Raspberry Jam, AGENT FOR THE SALE (f i rather Ca broeans elf Ac kip, swd & pgd. New A The' family of Mrs, Jnda of my gracious Redeemer, let my outward lot be what . Sheaves, marline spikes, IPowder horns and flasks. Fresh Red currant Jelly, the best Ooston and Vork Iias .o n i V47m-yaU- b- Fajhlt Ptzzlr. Cases slippers codfish. and shoes, dried apples, Pure honey, deons. The largest assortment of J Burr, of North Wilbraham, Mas.., according o the it may, let the storms of adversity beat wildly upon Cases Eng. saddles and bridles. Fresh cheerfully, China Goods. Fresh Carolina rice English green peas, chandize in the United States. IW.I.J Palmer Journal, consist of one father, three mothers, roe, nevertheless, I will pass peacefully, Cases Am. saddles and bridles, different manufacturers, ever Variety Backgammon " Pearl sago, French do do. of flfltf,mA two grandmothers, one great-grandmoth- er, two wid- and quietly down the declivity of life, and when my Cases whips, stirrups, leathers boxes, Fresh oysters. 1 and 21b tins, in plain rosewood cases, fur $00, to .those oi th S sight, and girths. Envelope boxes, Toilet boxes, Tapioca, sxstcM ows, three children, one husband, one wife, two work on earth is ended, rest calmly and serenely in Ground Rice, Fresh lobsters, do do. finish for (1000. Mo bouse in the I'uion can cone is eatJ . At night we saw a neat Ciues charcoal irons. Cigar boxes, Work boxes. do, w j great-grandso- n, Buckwheat grits, Fresh sausage, do tion for tne numoer, vamnjr kin rcieoriiy ii. lDStTOBQa daughters, one son, one grandson, one the bosom of the Beloved, the Sovereign Sou of God. Nests four each, Shaving Silk Aprons, a short distance, and proposed trunks, boxes. Vermicelli, Fresh green corn, 1 and 2H tins tbe extremely low prices at which they are sold. mother-in-la- w son-in-la- w; Casea figured black merino. shawlr, Colored silks. natives eaid was one and one yet the Selected. - Crape Maccaroni, Fresh salgratus, I lapravrd Pi. 'Lot our there a Cases ngurert clue merino. Silk vest patterns. Colored satins, Horace Waller Modern J family numbers but five persons, who all live under ( corn Fresh cream tartar, with or without iron frames, have in their new scale mil . . plenty of provisions could be ob--. Cases plain merino, black, Camlet and pongee silks, Fresh meal. u As earn, soda, power sou compass m nine riiuauiig u A the same roof. The Great Billiard . Match at Detroit. Cases plain merino, blue, Fresh Hawaiian flour, Fresh action, in mat distance . farther on. It was quite of the square Piano. The J MosTjMEvr. the game of billiards has become a fashionable and ' Bales brown sheeting. CrocKery Tinware. Fresh split peas, Table salt. the beauty and hm description was Ths WisuntOTOW The marble shaft Glass, and Masio-maste- rs pronoonceu mem ed, and their true Bales bleached sheeting, Fresh corn starch. Assorted herbs, first navejosuy tyuL i highly respectable amusement, numbering in this S They afe guaranteed to if not quite as large as "all-- r at the national capitol, commenced in honor of he S. W. soap, Also, a full assortment of Manila cordage, from I inch to Fresh currants, Salad oil. superior, to any other make. xi many thousand votaries, who are more or Bxa Winchester's boxes every climate. on between the interior aud illustrious namesake of that city, still stands in its city alone Civ es hlue drills, inch, coils whale line, hemp rope, spun yarn, marline, houseline, Fresh raisins. Half sardinea. action of most grace- seizing stuff, anchors, chains whale irons. Assorted candied peel, Quarter boxes sardines, Wafers,' (tune tbe , housed-u- p, unfinished state. Everything is still and less proficient in, and as it is perhaps the Cases heavy Am. bed ticking. and Harare Mrlsdesm 'rkably well defined ; and for " Brown's ginger, Kegs anchovies, superior in each quality. Canikik-- J ful and healthful of all popular sports, combining a Balea blue, scarlet and very su- extract of perament), Jirale , and desolate about the spot, as it has been for the last few pepper, ana s .MeiooeiM. in abundance of pigs, dogs, scien- perior grey flannel Lumber. Water crackers, Gnmnd lrinoe'8. Carhart's tmitri rrtaet ' gentle and varied exercise of tbe muscles with shirts, Whole two of $150 ; two hanks of krji, most perfect intimacy with their years. Not a blow is struck, not a stone is raised, Cases ('Hot pants, OF Butter do, jiepper, $125 ; for sets reeds, we worth while to AS ASSORTMENT CONSISTING . Durham pexlal Melodenns, (250, (275 sim! $:YjO. lea, filthy hovel, and its inmates. and the solitary visitor who wanders to the site, tific and mental interest, think it Casea pilot cuats, Soda do, mustard, organ bass report at length the particulars of the great match arid 2 and 3 inch plank, 2x3,2x4,2x6,2x8 joists, Oyster do. Crosse & BUck well's pickles, discount. Each Instrunv nt warranted to give perfect suj o aearty naked natives of gazes upon a scene of loneliness quite as profound as Cases drawers shirt, Hardwood square timber for boat davits, anchor stocks and Ginger snaps. Cayenne pepper, money refumled. I played last night at Detroit. Bales pea jackets, tion, or purchase - I had erer reen. However, that which surrounds the pyramids of the desert. windlasses furnished to order, Wafer bread, Salt water soap. Urxaaa. five stops, $160; tW.taiW were Michael of this city, Cases silk handkerchiefs. &c. Alexansrr $225; , The rival players Phelan, - 1 inch boards, doors, sashes, blinds, clapboards, For sale by S. SAillHlE. eight do with percussion, $225 ; twelve stop., ftto, steps, we devoured a About the end of February, the following singular Caws linen and cotton- hdkfs. 143-2- m retracejur of Detroit. Phelan long been Hilo, Byron's Bay, Hawaii, March, 1S59. N B. Fresh ground Kona Coffee, 134-t- f size (250 ; twelve do with percussion, foot) ; bhm . a mat, and fatigue (having walked mistake was made at Dole, France : and Jchn Seereiter, has One case heavy comb, quilts, a lanrer, the most skillful player iu the country, and in all new article, .etc., $375. . 1) soon wrapped us in a slumber, Two persons had died at the hospital of that town, Second-han- d at great bargains, eouUQt: the matches that he has played hits come off con- 80 kegs nails, 4, 0, 8 and lOd, X7 Piaaa. - the furious attacks of fieas, or swinish and were to be buried at tbe same time. The dw Cases tobacco, New Goods ex " Polynesia !" store. Price from (33 to $140. quer r. He is now engaged in the manufacture of ALOHA! One of the largest and best catalogs! of Ji t morning we garri- Cases powder. M naic us, could break. In the ceased were a young girl and a soldier of the & Collen-de-r, RUSHED SUGAR IN HALE BARRELS, Works billiard tables in company with O'Conner Cases palm leaf hats. Receked Brig "Aloha Crushed sugar In lb. now published t all Music and Mnsical pulliM k ur honest guides had slept at tbe former son. Both coffins being placed alongside of each Just per 50 boxes. by Also, Martio'i ctktr under patents for improvements of his invention, Cases Hunt's handled axes, c Assorted pie fruits, (very superior United States for sale this House. ther bad been feasted with the fat of other, thej were so confounded that the young girl Cases umbrellas. OTHER LATE ARRIVALS, AND J Guiurs ; all kinds of Musical Instruments and luial -, and has almost retired from tbe field as a professional AND for sale by the uudersiftned, viz: rresh peaches, sent wherev-jor- i' r having had tbe cool impudence to re- was accompanied to her last home by a platoon of Cases felt hats, Very choice Oolong cbandise, at the lowest prices. Music player. His great excellence in the game does not blue ami pink striped regatta shirts, tfla, Catalogues by mail. A lib, on to Our lodging- -' with military honors, while the young Manila cordage, Twilled hickory and Green corn, post paid. sent XT pushing tbe next. dngoons, in his although Parisian white and printed bosom shirts, made to dealers, teachers, seminaries and clergymen. outskirts of a dense forest, four soldier, covered with a white flowers, pious consist so much the brilliancy of shots, 100 superiornative spades, (oo's) Vinegar in barrels, pallof some of the most astonishing on record, Vests camphor Figured buckskin, nankinet and satinet pants, Honey, he has made trunks, cotton silk umbrellas, h, tfircagh which passed a roal made of emblems of purity and innocence, was borne on four Ntrsts leather do. Black Orleans sack coats, and Corn brooms, TESTIMONIALS 0FT!IK perfect coolness with which he plays, and - ; as in the s Saxony ginghams. mw . .. "SS ST ferns, corduroy iiisbion. feminine shoulders, nnd followed by a procession of Nests mttan cloth'-- baskets, r- - 12 fIv ta trunks of after tbe to leave the balls, as is termed e., Superior matches, Fresh strawberries, .ssuruvc v. a Three miles further brought us to Hilo village, yonng girls reciting prayers. in his ability it t. Cases preserved (ringer. Sperm candles, ,iA?-UliJ- l wlk to leave them after one count in such a position as to etc Eau de Cologne, A TVia Piann isms tn Thtkrul Htl.i tit 'i mnt iT a' "wTserw we most hospitably received and enter- Rattan chairs, baskets, Anil Macassar oil. v Water coolers. wtr Boring Glass. We have heretofore spoken of the secure another count for himself, or, when he cannot Cases denim pants. Yeast powders. beautiful instrument and no mistake. tained by tin missionaries, and an old friend settled method of boring or drilling glass, by means of Cases denim jumpers, Ale ! Clams in tins, John Hewitt, of Carthage, N. V wE, ha. '17 count, to leave them in an awkward state for his Mailer's Celebrated Pale Horace Waters' Pianos, writes as foil' there; that is, as soon as we could be identified no placing a drop of turpentine or camphor thereon, and Cases white shirt, Champagne, and linseed oil, A few dosen fine sherry and port wine for family use. adversary. Tf" finesse courJO. half the game; Cases colored Claret, Haut Barsac, Turpentine wishes me to purchase a Piano for her. nplsi.iI'iJ ""jifc? fT rime of ach a Jaunt, much of We isof shirts. superior German Blacksmith's Coal, For sale by using a common drill. published something of imperthrable confidence con- pants, Olive Oil, sold sue in Iiecemler. My Piano Is j but the with which he Cases drab moleskin English Iron, assorted sizes. C. L. RICHARDS k lt60. Ifcgj V.mBdJwith a fortnighfsun-- the kind in the New York Mechanic, five years ago. Cases white moK'Skin pants. Swedish and Bar formerly thi. iklurA-- uid I think i ant introduce one oi yf tinues his play, under all circumstances, adverse or Sheet-lea- Gunpowder and Shot, street, in stone store fchirt-in- g, d and Lad Pipe, Guns, Rifles, any " discovery is claimed by sev- Cases white sheeting and 150-t-f . occupied by Messrs. Krull Moll. will be more popular than other make ,r' f We Dowjearn that the HALF-INC- H - . ... . T . : .. . ropitious, is what gives him his superiority. Most most superior. LUMBER. n- i ...... 4 l ..u Pt 5 all hat has been smwog whom is Lieutenant W. D. . Por- f 149-t- f HOFF9CIILAEQER STAPENHORST. TZaj, merits eral persons," players are thrown off their balance when continually ED. k of which lias been severely tested for Hire !fy.trs, !. The bay Stite3-Na-Jro- m JlTTjlf 41cf beauty and situation. ter, of the United these circum- unsuccessful, but Phelan plays always with equal Best Sample Manila Cigiirs in Market. Sails, Standing Ringing", Chain Ca-- testify to their good quality and durabilJf I Woo. i fine 9 on two sides, is lined by a stances we are inclined to think that 'there is some , ory, Mt. Carroll, Illinois. I 1 precision and firmness. u sr bordered by cocoa-nu- t. bread-SlSK- S in discovery. Exchange Paper. TWIST EN DS Noa. 1, 2 and 3. bles, Whaling Gear, &c. U. Waters. Esq., Dear Sir : Having used one Sbhmtily utility tbe John Seereiter is a German, and though a young SALT! SALT! SALT! Pianofortes for two years past. I have found it a very m coast swells gradually UNDER-signe- JSws Tb A Ciscinnati Heiress to Sir Fbascis Drake. man, is already the most famous player in the West. MANUFACTURED AT THE SALE LOW. BT THE d: Instrument." A. Gray, Principal Brooklyn Iliglits beaJ consnlerable mag-thr-ee XZosiery! T 'fisails, courses, topgallant yards, royals, hillsof Rev. Hyrsm Uaynes, writes assollows i Preston Sand, at time, present A widow lady, Mrs. Ann Cooper, (nee Harris,) now He played a match lately with a celebrated player, Casoa decidedly Spanker, gaff dL spencer, new new, HH mile from the shore, are With a splendid assortment of other Goods, and , tos and nearly Jul v 28. '69. il r. Waters UW Sir : I receivcl the i of a resident of Cincinnati, but formerly of New Jersey, in Detroit, and won. His runs or counts are often PVULOA SALT WORKS! two gangs, nearly new, standing naming, r ' r tTction' They are ancient Topmast, back head -- claims to be a lineal descendant of Sir Francis Drake, remarkable higher, we believe, than any Phelan Largest Most Inviting Stock in and stays, tOsail runnerz rtiealr obw' m The and 1 .Tnifni-- and regular in size and shape, FCR- - Jilt stay, etc The above suitable figyi rii mrih fiti tons. oneroue or two more the present season." n I who died in England in 1622, or thereabout, and left ever made. But it is doubtful whether he has the flMIEUXDERSICXED IS READTTO Two 11 cabl.-s- , W- covered with a fine greensward. The Honolulu, for Native Trade. Bntohers and Hackers, in the lanrest quantities, a inch chain two Tioira. N. V.. Aug. . '68. Horace Waters, Estf-f-iir a4 estate, worth some $80,000,000, which, Jl nish to n t1'". an immense steadiness of nerve which characterizes the other. respectively Keep- y BKST IMPORTED I run strapp"d cutting-i- blocks, A Clialn pendauts, Melodeou you sent me was duly received In g ml wltT 1 ' lf.nBj sea is more beautifully picturesque J. T. W. invites orders, from Country Store re.-- superior article, EQUAL TO THE gafTs, the after passing through several generations, has at The present match was made some weeks since, ! terma Copper oolerj try Mt, ladles anifskimmer, lances, now ludy prepared to say that tlie instrument is hl.-hl-r T,eT snowy peaks ers. Apply at SALT, aud at a price to Defy ('amprlilioH Pr Whale line, falls, of patent Sublime. Of a clear day, the of last been unable to find one of the family upon whom and is played, we regret to say, for a pnrse of ten applv to DANIEL MONTGOMERY, cutting assortment blocks, and bushed, factory; and I beg you will accept my SssiDks lur Ur " Charts of different parts of world, compasses, boot brown sides, to be seen WATERHOUSE'S 149-- tf - Works. the lanterns. on which you furnished It, and lor the totUJ jinsf aCea. with its are to bestow itself. The sons and daughters, uncles and thousand dollars. At the same time, outside bets, JOHN TIIOS. . Puuloa Salt liberal terms back- Signal lanterns, chain topsail sheets, fluke a. d fin chains, able manuer in which you have fulfilled, and more ttel ng abruptly from the plain, and, in the - "EMPORIl'M," HONOLULU 13d-tf aunts, sisters and brothers, cousins and cousins among the classes of people who allow themselves to , B. F. SNOW. filled, all your promises. Very resectfully, Ac , 1. 1 ml does of Manna Loa, and tbe smoke of ,144-3- m ! " - ibawnd, tbe cousins, have all died, and in the whole of Britain engage in gambling, we have little doubt, to five March 31, 1853. Just Received per " Yankee "The Piano I received frm you continue to gi sw hack-coun- - Ji , are distinctly visible. All tbe ts for- tion. regard it as one of tbe best instruments iu tfcrM not a relative exists who can accept the colossal times that amount, have been wagered. A special SALE II V THE UNDERSIGNED, . Received " Sachem." I well .wooded and watered, while towards the FO? wholesale and retail : Just per J. L. ClarK, Charleston, m. tune. hall was prepared in Detroit for the exhibition, and II. IIACKFEL.I & CO. salely feel obliged and gardens, trees and small streams, Superior blue flannel shirts. BOSTON SUGAR CURED HAMS, "The .Melodeon has am'Ted. I p , houses The Pike's Peak. The Missouri Demo- several hundred tickets issued, at five dollars eacb, FOR SALE TIERCES No. 1 I can for you in Mabctto OFFER Best quality hit'kory shirts, mackerel, your lilieral discount. Will do all iletM well and grove, are grouped in pleasing confusion. now I S. C, crat states that the emigration going west for tbe admission of spectators. In the center of the THE CARGO OF THE AMERICAN BRIG Best blue denims, Quarter bbls family pork. Rev. J. M. Mctkirmick, Parquesvllle, depth and 44 etc-Hs- ta The coll is luxuriantly verdant, and its through that city exceeds that of 1848-- 9. Large room, the table of O'Conner & Collender's make, with Bleached cotton, for family use, Cases refined hrd, 101b tins, ,, The Piano was duly received. It came In richness favorable to all tropical productions. The numbers from Kentucky and other southern slave Phelan's combination cushions, was placed. The " K L A !" V hlte flannel, pure wool, for do. English dairy cheese, in tins, tion, and Is very much admired by my outnenxM tanitr. Jsay an excellent harbor, protected from the 0 0 Cases Pembroke salt, cept my thanks for yiur pronitnesa.n llotjert Cp forms States are pouring into Missouri, taking very few space allotted to the table and players was twenty-si-x 15-1- 6 yard Half bbls crushi-- sugar, Bradford country. Pa. and bar, which makes nearly across. FROM BOSTON. Irish Linen, in Pieces. . renham, rnrf by a reef slaves with tbem. liut the great current ot emi- feet by thirty-tw- o, which gave the players a space of JUST ARRIVED Superior black broadcloth, wide, Assorted extracts. " lonr Piano please, us well. It is the nest one tn to ' and It has good holding ground. Ships can lay close gration sets toward the gold region of western Kan- ten feet in the each end and side. From Silk umbrellas, - Half hhls dried apples. ty." Thomas A. Latbam, Campbeltn, Georgia. ' clear, at tbe Half hha Carolina rice, ' are very much obliged you for oaring seat la, without danger and. with proper encouragement sas. Of five steamers that arrived at St. Louis, one edge of this space surrounded by a railway a plat- ARRF.LS TAR, PITCH AXD ROSIX, Brown linen table covers. r We to navy half-hos- e. Fresh peahces. In 2tb tins, fine instrument for $250, and we shall take pains to reej government, Hilo might become a rich and I1L, bad Bales oakum, Gents' sup. grey merino u .frem day last week, one from Naples, 35 Pike's form was raised to the height of about four and a B Manila and hemp cordage, ratlin, marlln, spunyarn, Jtc. Gents' calf sewed shoes, Fresh lobsters, in 21b tins. it." I orank, llel.l Co, Buoal'i Uemncrat. lows district, 25-t- 143-- tf ' among & pom Peakers; one from Lasallc, 111., had 62; one from half feet, and extending to the walls Pure white lead, in b kegs, black paint. , Boxes, 2o lbs each, Hunter's For sale cheap, by SAM. SATIDGE. The Horace Waters' Pianos are known as The best of water is obtained, with the greatest Louisville, Ky.f50; one from Cincinnati over 50. On tbe inclined plane were about seven hundred Pitch mops, birch brosrais, hooped pails, wash tuba, Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. best. M e are enabled tn speak of these instrum-n- u i l hoops, 151-8- Yosl & Silence, from knowledge nf excellent Icl V Xe;.uty.-a- tbe Wailuku. or river of destruction, a Two started up the Missouri same day Corn brooms, mast jib hanks. t HOLT HEl'CK. personal their ' boats the with arm chairs for the spectators, which were held in Assortment ot single and double blocks, chains, Fresh Garden Seeds! durable aualitv.n- - IN . Evamrelist. X romanSie stream, which empties itself into tbe bay Wat-rr- ' 125 and 150 Pike's Peakers on board. The Si. their places by parallel pieces of wood fastened to it, Kiln-drie- d corn nx-a- in barrels, " We can sueak of the merits of the Horace ri f anchorage, and derives its name from tbe RECEIVED FROM A. P. SMITHS best aear the Joseph Journal of the lith mentions the departure seperated from each other about twenty-tw- o inches. Mesa rxirk and beef. Wool, GoatSkins, Hides, JUST Sacramento, CaL, and warranted good. from personal knowledge, as being of the very M have perished in its rapids. 10 16 long, aumber of persons who diggings - Oak boats from to feet Bush beans, (Christian Intelligencer. J of four companies for the the previous day. The chairs were so arranged that each- of their oc- M , 18 to 20 " . Slate disptaved eTeater ictM . A dintane from its mouth there is a fine eata-- , Cedar . Sweet corn, "Nothinsr at the Fair - short - - The news from the mines continues good, but some cupants was able to note progress of game Tallow, Composition, (CJtrc? 1 . r a l : . the the Cut naila and spikes of all sizes. Red, yellow and white onion. any deartment than Horace Waters' Pianos J ract, rambtlUJ oxer a precipice bixij ietrt iu urigui, persons who have arrived with tbe Salt Lake mail without difficulty. Assorted iron, square and round, from J inch to 3 inch, The Horace Waters' Pianos are of the besttsU Old -- Cabbage, turnip. predict starvation and death for a large portion of As previously anuounced, Phelan won by 90 points. Cruslied suar, in half bbls, Copper. Blood beet, parsnip, thoroughly seasoned material. We have no iIoulK tint H through soap, well, ouVi H -- "fonnevlT the Interior of a crater, the rent tbe adventurers. During the playing, there were three large runs Iried apples, rice, saleratus, nrnciiASEi) highest Long yellow carrot. can do as nerhans better, at this thnu at aw 2, 3, 3 Inch oak plank, f) at in Colon. " Advocate --"aide" of which the stream now forces its wsj. It is ' 1, 2. by (61-t- the J. C. SPALDING.rates. Parsley, sage, the and Journal. " Wajl made as follows : 159, 12'J ; - compsrwt Etsopeaji Respecting the European War Phelan, and Seereiter, 4 inch clear white pine hoards, planed, Victoria "Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challenge "sa" called "cascade of the rainbow." 44 rhubarb, the now imminent the London correpont of the Philadel- 153. N. F. Pott. J the "finest miule ativwhera in the countrv." I IhmK Jcerw . Of Hilo is Asaragus, ? 7ii population of tbe district nearly 1 " " " " " Horace Wat!rs Pianofortes are of full, rich and ei4 phia J'orlh American says : a a u u Hides, German greena, I .mikt tbooaand. Stores bare been established at tbe A RiT Item. That " one-ba- lf the world doesn't 2 plank, Spinage, squash, and powerful." N. X. Musical Review. Should war, unhappili, be commenced, it will be slielving, planed two sides and eriged. St tbt B! . ; 'r to benefit of the natives, in afford-?- -r White pina Goat Red tomato, egg "Ihir friend will linif at Mr. Waters' Tf. vi, much the know how the other half lives" is an old saying, x x 3 x 4, shaved cedar shingles, Skins plant, Is,' such a war as Europe has not seen for long years. Ppruce scantling, 2 3, 2 4, Lettuce, otra leek, assortment of Music and of Pianos to be found inllfCl tkem market for their prodoce, and foreign of whose we were never more l and frieO'li a' Probably no nation was ever better prepared with truth convinced than 1 inch while pine oards, rough, Tallow, Cucumber, white States, and we urge our southern and 'westerii H in A spirit of enterprise has been de-- Doors windows, assorted sizes, celery, souds return. deadly and destructive weapons of war than France on yesterday. While exploring among the improve- and Water and musk melon, him a call whenever they go to 'ew Votk." linlU'l soon odd-looki- Cumberland and Lackawana coal. ! - . velopinf which, no doubt, will make this place ments of West Philadelphia, we encountered an ng Slush Long and turnip radish, JT. at the present time. Every modern improvement Cotton sheetings, Ware room. 333 Broadway, v 't?M garden of Hawaii; but it is here as elsewhere. genius with a cage upon his back, containing duck, kc, kc, ic, IFRCIIASED AT THE HIGHEST MAR. Vegetable oyster. has been introduced into her gunnery, and her arse- ket rates, by 119--tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. ALSO through the iaSuenea of foreigners, that a better day a dozen or two of plethoric and fullgrown rats. They Osage V ."downing upon these islands. Seven nals were never in such a complete condition. They Per "SACHEM," from lfoston, orange hedge plant seeds. rr sears to ba cannon enormous were the fruits of a night's labor nt tbe stables of tbe Alfalfa Spanish clover seed, saw-mi- tl, are casting in quantities, having Bbls Haxall flour. BOOKS I miles inlatv tht e is a which, when water West Philadelphia Railroad Company."" The rat- Old Copper. Chinese sugar cine or sorghuin, - POPULAR reduced the various calibres to two. viz : 12 aud 4 Cases Hunter's tobacco, up mostly in two ESa abtndant, can taw from ait to eight hundred feet catcher informed ua that be is the proprietor of a pit Pried apples, in bbls. and four rial papers, and also in larger RT JtMF.S J. JtRVE'. pounders, rifle bore projectiles hollow, producing a i Old Composition, quantities. For sale by basrec-ive- d by h!";M . day- - Two sngar mills, by water rat-fighti- ng Pheet UN DERSIGNED tJ boards cerr solid ; in which regular exhibitions of are given lead. 14g-2- m followiiig Ute pabiict4 from four hundred to six double efffct, that of shot and shell they are of Hunt's handled axes. . H. M. WHITNEY. THE Ella, from Btuton, the Mwer, eapable af grinding three times a week. The average consumption of Old Yellow Metal. by Mr. Jarves. formerly of Honolulu : w. each, per day, have been erected. a conical shape; they have brazen airlettes, which Charcoal irons, knndred noands rats in this pit is about 150 per week. The catcher Paddle,, complete, with stirrups and belts, ni'RCIIASED AT THE lTlGHRST MAR. " 1 .25- - give to the balls a precision never before attained. l- -tt KIANA, a Talk Hawaii Hilo is particularly favorable to 1'alm-lea- B. ket rates, ly CHAS. BREWER. 2o. of IW. The climate of They have constructed near Marseilles knows all the spots in the city where rats are most f hats, TO , Kegular land and sea a large Cotton sail twine, CAPTAINS This work Is founded on one of the snri'irt raJi,ri!! !riecltnral operationa newly improved med abundant, and there are his traps regularly set on WHALESHIPS Hawaiians, a""; tempera-- at number if small ai steamers, Men's kip brogans, t AND OTHER and illustrates their ancient cust'n breeses prejpill, which give a very delightful every night in the year. His best results are obtained Sachem OPc ood of superior quality can be had Koloa is dedicated by Majesty Kuaehaci l' j0 . yery flat, carrying one gun eacb, on a swivel, and the " Paper ex at at the Author to His tare, tempering the noon-da- y heat, and rendering at the breweries, the livery stables, and around u cf . o per cord ; fresh beef at 4 cents per ft sheep, at $3 per head; gun and gunners are protected by an iron shed, so the g,Mt MOST COMPLETE AND and goats at $1 60 ART UI.Yfc,oN ARcmTECTCBE,!rLPTrM-- J nisrhts Cuol and bracing. It has formerly been and Blue ami white cotton thread. head. Also a. the port of Ilanalei, wood and the that the enemies balls must glide off on either side, old dilapidate! quarters of the city. THE assortment of printing, cap, letter, note, wrapping, beef can be had at the same rate. The aa to continual rains, but the Cases shirting, deuims, tissue papers, ever imported into Honolulu. Harbor of Ilanalei is on Paivtino Uv .1. J. Jam1 .1 ' considered obnoxious He boards every foreign ship immediately upon and the North West side of the Island, saf-- . without doing any harm. Horses have been pur- sheeting. 100 reams news, book aud printing paper, and has and good an America has last produced writer Jf ' residents state, that within the last four years a great her arrival, and during the first night generally Job chorage in from 0 to 10 fathoms of water. Wood and beef may at a hnT J chased in such great numbers that vast temporary " blue drilling and blue cotton, &c, c. 30 " , broad and long-fol-d bill paper, qualities. ic, asst'd also be had at NawiUwill same . hangf' fcas taken place tn that respect, and that now captures every 44 at the rate as Also frui-- s A.ll- - .1 . . - - - : i i . stalls have been erected in several districts of France. rat that finds a harbor among its Hi ruled aud plain cap paper, , and vegetables of various AU" necessary 44 kinds can be procured at all the shore much haw nils; indeed, no more tnan is to pairs shoes timbers. Sometimes as many as a hundred are 115 " ruled and plain letter paper, " named ports. FRENCH PBI4 flour- Thirty thousand of and thirty thousand Per "ALOHA, from Bremen, plain, PARISIAN SIGHTS AND iiieseris its frnitslaess. Orange trees do not - caught on a single night from one vessel. The visit 20 " ladies' ruled and gilt letter paper, IT" Mood always on hand Uie beach overcoats have just been ordered in France; for the NOW ItUE plain and fancy note st In quantities to suit PLES By 1st and 3d r' net tTae mac , ebinmoya, ag, strawberry, and of rat-catch- er on 6i paier, purchasers. (H-t- f) GEORGE CHARMAK. J. J. Jarves. Li. Sardinian army. With the vast armies of France the board a newly arrived ship is Bales hickory shirts, printed regatta shirts, & " Lawyer's brief paper. CrO r.n maar other fraliJ, rrow thriftily. Corn, mulberry. generally met with a hearty welcome; the sailors u serge , and Aurtria, the terrible war materiel which will be if blue union shirts. ALSO Without question, one of raciest book t ne do excellently well, but tba plant 8ouwestera, Lisle hose, the U1 r employed, and the certainty that, the dogs of war they remain on board entering into the sport with ladies' thread Reams drawing paper, tissue, hardware, wrapping, red and Views of Honolulu ! Parislilali lifs taiwl tnunnsN Oaefrts PtkMt. . ' best, destined to be- Casea Victoria lawns, which wems to thrive the and is - all the gusto of so many school boys on a chipmonk v white blotting paper, Ac, &c PBpH once let loose, all Europe will be involved, no wonder ' plain tape-chec- k muslin, PERSONS PAPAL i -- prineipat export, is coffee. The expense of hum ! black. ALSO ON HAND VISITING OR RESIDING ITALIAN SIGHTS 'AND 3e te the people shudder and stand aghast very Bales fancy prints. ALLthese Islands, should not fail to send a set of dt - t- at the a O. V - it is trifling,, compared with silk, or sugar. The mode of catching is Black blue figured alpaeca, And for sale cheap between one and two hundred reams ot Vse-w- ot to II. PLES witl. numerous illustrations prospect. the rats by means of a and second quality plaiu aud ruled cap and note HoMolsila their abroad, .1 , mi fc? most luxuriantly, and. the branches of the Bales blue flannel, letter, paers. as .'''?,they will convey by far a better idea of the Scenerv. Jrroa i1 Hit ' ft patent trap of a large size and most ingenious con- 143 3m H. M. WHITNEY. fruit," were bent to the earth by its Louis Kossrra. This zealous advocate of Hunga- Silk Umbrellas, cotton socks and stockings, ,ace' than works or ,.rinu ever u The sketches of which this volume is i struction. It was invented by a convict in the Mother-o-pea- corri.i 'V "'jn independence is said to be now in pre- rl I uttons, ivory combs. - rZrV!?had,?of K. BCROiss spirited but Informing. . They furnish ani min-- J lure trees nave produced ten pound a rian Sardinia, penitentiary. lls--tf - Ohio It is au oblong box, open at both Assortment of ready.maide clothing, Paint Shop, on King street, near Fort. grandeur and the glory and the degradation aad shanw 5 . enormous- paring to make a diversion against Austria, should Lumber, Shingles and Clapboards. product, compared with ends, and baited with roasted cheese, sprinkled with Superior Holland gin, in casea, French potnes, in glass, em Italy." omr Jtturmal. .nrTvrf Brazil, and 'West the threatened war between France and Austria -. Ax., - ftc. 143-t-f 87-- tf lijfc-rries.I-n . - . the . oil of carraway. Mr. Rat smells tbe delicious bait Ac A FEET N. W. LUMBER, Roa ; for sale by pououa w am i break out. The Eco tT Ilalia.wn Italian newspaper, Vf consisting of rough and planed Lumber! ir irev consiserea and walks in.. As he does so he treads upon a slid- AN ARTICLE EVERTBODT SlfoCMJ 00Boards, and licantling of all sixes, There are now several plantations of a recent date, states that it has good authority for W CRADLE, CHAIR, TABLE. BEDSTEAD, : "S7-- a ... ing trap; this lets him down A V ! Shingles, it a into a grated apartment, H 100.000 sawed, shaved cedar and Eastern, assorte.1 Hires, from 2 to 6 inches r.?. bearing. the assertion that Kossuth passed from England. STEPS-LIG- HT square, j wj t which have commenced The and then resumes its former position to accommodate AND HOUSE Pine Clapboards, 4rCvid 1J feet long, . UQlT inches wide. For sale by . througij France, with consent and of LADDERS 122 ladders, from 10 Ut 32 feet long, Spruce do, 4 and 8 feet long. 1 from tw"" ft,,,!--- are planted in rows, and shaded by banana tbe connivance the. next customer. B C. BREWER 2b. M bark 8ACHKM, J. B. Atkins, n.aster, A trap of this kind is mnde at 87 house steps, from 6 to 7 do, wood Clnpnoanls, o, 12, 11 16 trade-win- d, every. the rcneh government, traveling incognito, and that Ked and feet long, following assortment of Merchandise t plantav - The strong which almost i each end of the box. One 138-- tf C. LEWER3, Tort at. 1 -- rat naving entered, the For sale cheap by II. White oak, 1, and 2 inches, , ia-pgj- i-at he baa arrived in Genoa. For last ten years Cases blue denims, . on operates as a the this rat-catch- where else the islands serious box is soon filled, and when the exulting er Sheathing. , and inch, . Sellin- Cases blea. flannel, f remarkable man has been devoting his mind to tbe ' - Fast. so the growth of plants, is here neutralized visits his trap, he is almost certain of having a JCST RECEIVED PER "STRE." Flooring Northwest, spruce, yellow pine, white pine, Ac, Bales bro. cotton, , rket-133-t- study of military art, a subject which engrossed CLOTH, And all kinds of building Materials wanted in this m f. nE VERY BEST BOURBON article, - by the land breexes, and tbe neighboring mountains. satisfactory spoil. EXAMELED - WHISKF 4 Bales awning stripes, a new much of his attention while he was visiting tbe CASES and Russet Leather, For sale at lowest rates by C. H. LEWRS. T ,ut;--in "fx Jg- of I eicb,tnd Bales bro. 'drilling, A pleasant wine has been made from the wild rasp When tbe stock on hand becomes ttrge. our rat Children's Cabs, . cases of I dosen sale at United States. He is doubtless qualified as a military ,148-t- f . . Cases print lawns, , berries of tbe mountains. catcher deposits the surplus in a suitable receptable, Children's Carriages, various pattern, for sale ty r Vos HOLT fc HETCnTS. ' Cases satteeu blea. twill, i, leader by this time. It is supposed that in tbe event 131-t- f CHAS. BREWER. , Ex " Yankee." " TV miraioawhowsti. pfeaaantlr n ', . r 5 are sttuated ready for use when wanted. . Sometimes he has on 2. Bales printed carjes, ' j of war, he will place himself as the head of the Hun Cases ladiei,' mrh aooarter of a milo from the beach, and hand a thousand at a time. They APPLES, gaiter lined tooU ( f tst are fed, meanwhile, PAINT, Ac. FRESHAssorted Jellies, citron, Physical - models Yankee farm-hooj-- ej in ng-- garian soldiers now in Lombard, and lead them Education. Csses men's rubber boots, , Z exact of Tw npon dead pigs or whatever offal of sort may , Hamblin A J against Austria, tbe oppressor of his country. There the be PROOF PAIXT, Baker's oysters, GYMNASIUM IS v Cases boys' do do, ladead, they look as they Ltd beea trans. procurable, and speed FIRE Fire Sand, Bbls Carolina NOW - if the with which they will con- rice. THEreception of Subscribers, . Cases women's do do,'- " . 3 at the 1 J cannot be much doubt as to tbe readiness of tbe Hun ' Kaolin, 10 hrls of each. Bbls 143-- tf Ilaft f3OR . ' r" ta present situation, from the country vert such a carcase into Hams '. ) Cms charcoal Irons, tber a polished skeleton, should Just arrived per clipper ship Syren," for sale by CHAS. DERBY. t-- garian patriots to join in a movement of this kind, Rigging leather j BN prime ' tad snow, and form quite a singular object, be seen to be fully understood. tt pork, f of t would certainly prove 131-- CHAS. BKEWER. to For sale by , C. L. RICHARDS it CO., I Cm deep foliage of the oriental lilach. and they a most serious thorn Barrels mess pork. if- w'J Frequently, an order is received from New York - Kaahumanu street, in stone store, formerly SPIRITS TUHPENTINE. Half bbls mess pork, , -- bread-fru- Rev. Mr. Lyman in the side of Austria. That power could not put 151-- tf f mf- , udt it trees. has for a supply of "good, lively rats," regardless of RAPE SEED OIL. occupied by Messrs. Krull a Moll. ; Qr me pork, , - from fifty to sixty boys, down the former Hungarian rebellion, without the ' . i t- of the price, and in such case the rat catcher often finds it REST REFINED LAMP OIL, BURNING J bbls mess beef, " , aid of Russia; and the Emperor would find the task wltfcoat any smoke or smell whatsoever. For sale in "WHALE LINE, ice 133-- ;f . Bbls mess 1 fcy- -' af whom are sent, annually, to the high- - more profitable to forego the engagements of his own T C WATERMAN h. CO. ' navy beef, still more difficult, with Italy and France against qaantitiesJJ to suit, by (13-- tf J MELCHERS CO. LINE. Tierces hams, , support tnemseives Dy . ' ' 1 t Xiaai. iney partly pit, and forward his game elsewhere Our informant WHALE Ratlin, Barrels vinegar, c -- clothed, and whole him. - BY STEAMER FROM NEW ' IT, r all are neatly their assures us that bs received 950 a week or two ago GOAT SKINS t. Sponyarn, YORK. - Half bbls crushed sugar, -f T mpua - Wetd Wagos. Att inventor Westport.'in Marline, . OLY MOUTH COLLECTION OF T, : Si ' j y fr,- great, creun weir msiruo- of this for an eqdal number or rats, and that the purchaser PURCHASE, BY B. XT. SNOW, and XL N La a choice nvMv. I lalf boxes raisins, i 7TTr State, constructed a "Ship the WANTED TO For sale by variety in gilt and plain blnrlinirZ ".' Cases reftned lard, Scns--i has of Plains,'' or never expended money with less reluctance than in lor which the highest prices wfit be paid. HP-t- f ' CHAS. Also, a fow large type edition. 151-2- n H. M. prune ship, or as he calls Wind Wagon, with BREWER, 2d WUITSlSYr it, perfecting the bargain. What renders the matter the New Bed:ord Iron hoops. lxlT. 1. i. i " is-th- lxt. Some Frenchman has invented what is called a wbicb he proposes to navigate tbe prairie plains, OAK PLANK, 134-- . BRl't' t more noteworthy the entire fifty rats referred, LATHS. Ve. fcc EXCHANGE I tf Apply t , CHAS. ' rr sort of human locomotive, by which witn as mncn ease and, certainty as u tbe expanse to were taken on PLANK. baroape aingly night, in a culvert in the AND PINK LATHS. OAK Hard Pine Plank, If- - - whaa! and. walks himself alone. were so much water. is described as queer look SPRUCE Boards, For sale by ' 1 i i :.m It It a vicinity of Walnut Weet wharf Philadelphia Ga- Sprues Deck ' Also Merchants A BARK -- ' U-- tf CHAS. BRXWZS, S Plank, Blank Exchange. L ' THE CLirr- -i Stej will carry a roan several yards ing anair, abaped like aa omnibus, mounted on zette. .. ' .. . - it that each Hard Pin RaTta, : - V tLLs a speed of 2.40 mammoth wheels twenty-fo- ur feet by H. M. WHXTNBY. of ki&l. sad in diameter, and .For sale t. ' " IRON, ate. H-- g V any great exertion. Two capable ' - - CHAS. BREWER. 2a. - Tom ker RefUter, attained without of carrying twenty passengers. .It u fur Rniaiox at Home Let them learn first says AND 8UE2T IRON for sale, Jaat arrivad ' I SMOKE I BEEP. iT3 sfcsdevfvs miles in thirty-fiv- e minutes on nished with msts and sails, and is schooner riffzed. Paul, to show piety Religion BOILER by o it ' at noma' begins in A RECEIVED ctjave " JUT nvcawioLiO noon, 151-- tf - ' - CHAS. BREWK&, 2b. FOll SAL F.I PER riTo1 h oflaat snonth, L. rH!mn) of Paris, at when tho The inventor of this novel contrivance, who rejoices the family. Oao of tbe holiest sanctuaries en earth i rniHE CARGO OF rV,' f witlsa erowaeo. same in the singular name of Thompson "Thompson with is home. The family-alt- ar is more JR. THE CHILIAN BARK H. W. SEVERANCK. J CAKGOJ nost t nower time tne venerable than - " Alexandra Garrigoa," consisting of rUIL AND CviLTIB fa W urinates: tbe exer a p" has every confidence in its complete success, any altar in the cathedral. The education OILCLOTH. ( , ososf; i' ilmn of ths aasaortad Siesta Cassia. " , Bpr- - t mw twinning an being able, be contends, - CASES SUP. OIL CLOTH, width, . 30 -i- llT,,EMAT,CA1 INSTRUMENTS. ff mis wi" 1 w arrr that they oCered to keep it np to make with it an average soul for eternity begins by the fireside. The princi- SIX leceUad per dipper ship Syren, far sale fry. Mass Saltpetre. LONDON M tmrnt of k I I U S . of which"' APPtJto H. ANTHOTt. - MAKEFor T "V, nni-Yer- , I mi.n nr t-- day, of over a hundred miles per day. Much love, is to be carried rs, ll-t- 6-- 14s3t w' i be disposed " atxXaar J .sAss sad thought they curiosity is ple of which throaH tas f CHAA BRJCWER, to tf Or to SPAVLDINQ. II. U. wHiIn;f. m.4. v fifty miles felt about Westport as to the success of in J C. sTfrace tn sixty a. the enterprise, is first uBwlded ths family. . . . 'r mlynt it is, that it beats Cjc and the experimental trip, which is to take place in SPRING DRAT. WATEtl-COLOR- S. -- - per:: JZZ ' 'IT r irj - ' they present a com-- a turn sys, will be witnessed by many C said.-- court without woman XE RTTPEaiOit N. Y. SPC1ITO- DHAT, "TOrES nLABCMANS BEST LONDON iC3 crp ps4ea, if hundred. t Tint "A a with Ua i eompixsa, far sale . rzJa 3 assr vonra,ar raw t s ts tas snip or the plains : nhmoie Ex. b r'.out r;:!. - a rpris; wlJtoat roes." IV u USlf .. i 1) - rt N

I pY P.-- AD A no. C j LcsLti KatuL. Oti day last wwk a calf waa . FOB SAW FRANCISCO Dest Contract Slatting, Commercial )ikxtmx. born at Makawao with a double head. That lft while there was but one brain, there were two ' ' SALE The Amerieaa i ' ; . . CBEBRV ! Schooner Yacht . f : both eolared and white, ' bfavhfcS SATURDAY, JULY 5 regularly formed mouths, with either the ON creature could suck. It lived five days, and might THURSDAY, JULY CLAUS SPRECItlES ! 9 JUST RECEIVED FROM HONGKONG ! aw aa rv 10lh, BRIEF MENTION. perhaps have been raised and eventually occupied At 10 a.aieiy arrived from ' Small of By virtue of the Authority in me vested by Chsnter o'clock A. M., at Sales Roctr Kahnlol. and making the extraordinary , By the Bktn. MIGNOJf. Alo,a Inrolce will be sold . XXSL of the Civil Code of this Kingdom, I, Samuel Our thanks ore due to Capt. Hubbard of a stall ir Barnum's museum, had not the. owner ? jHii iime or nine and a hair daya, O. E? ' IS Very Fine Tep, Camphor Trunks ! 'Wilder, Minister of Iuteri or, do hereby require and di the barkentiae J. A. Falkiribcra. (which made a tried to bring it up by hand. , ry Gootls, Have Quick X)ispatcli, rect, that all Corporations created under, or by virtue of quick trip of 11 days from Portland) for Oregon pa on her return trip, to the above port. ; .Best Qualify tn this Market, etc, for sile by the said Chapter net being cleemoainary, rellgous, liter- . The Baxd. Professor Berger has taken aivan A--T AUCTION, pers to June 17...... ary Mr educational shall, on the. fourth Monday-- rf tage of the beautiful moonlight evenings tha past Clothing; ntiea Wild ...,!. ' 1 the Spreckle., X.. ASETJ, month of July in each year, present a faU and accurate Ksigbts salem Tbe Privy Council at ita week to delight the good people of oar city atita 5TMR. CAGSAUDRA,. , . K. of of Jeri ,t ui h snippers ana passengers...... jal4Sm Corner of King and Nnuann Streets. exhibit the State of its affairs to me at my office, made g4veW AND- - uuiei u.uiHiu last meeting: granted a charter of incorporation to mosio, Two evening concerts have teen to mercnanaise up to the first day of July, preceding the making of such - WM. Q. IEWTS A CO.. Agents. dirt-d- Mr. ; NOTICE. ; the "Knights of Jerusalem," a new association or appriciative audiences at Emma Square. On Th ay BOrderol rl S. Pratt. Kxeea.o, of TAKE exhibit. thet.,.,.0f E T ': baijl w raTIIAT I.T11E CNDEIIs1GNED,HAeQ1VN Dated this third day of July A D. 1879. . secret order, organized for charitable, social and evening, the eve of tbe Fourth, the jpata . xianoran, deceased, Pop or KEPUBLIOJ ... M. MACKINTOSH a Power Attorney to ' ,1 HIP to the Rer. A. .. : O. Jy , . ; . SAMX O. WILDER purposes.' in excellent style, "Marching through '.GoirjSfc," ox Portland collect and receive all moneys due sad owing to me, and no intellectual THE PAST person moneys on my Superior SAILING BAKKEUTINE other is authorised to receive account. Ala. J-- lima has day appointed Super- "John Brown'e Body, "Columbia, tha Otaaal the FIIRHTITURE The receipt or Mr. Mackintosh win oe ine oniy Kfrai uiscnarge this been Road Mosic The band will pla this afternoon at : , - visor for j! Ocean," &c. &c, not forgetting ttwadard 1DAY, JULY J tbe Island of Molokai vice J. Kaluapihsola. re--' half-pa- the ltlh, ane JPalliirilmrg-- after this date. st Walnut Sideboard, A. n.i.KMuns.tT Emma Square, at 4 o'clock. The follow ' . China Sofa, Honolulu, June 3, 1879. , Jui igned. . .SAMX G. WILDER. "Yankee Doodle." 11 Mock a. m., at ci!et Koctn, HCBBARD Master. At jy'St Minister iog is the. programme ; Koa Tables, w of the Interior. " Walnut Cane Chairs, Quick FOR SALE. March The Union Uaine referencetJour A tAROK ASSORTMENT OF Will Have Dispatch for Above Port ...; Tbe "Cutrs Sr&ECKLxs." By ADJICEXT LOTS ON Til E MAUKA Overture Fra Diavolo , ...... Auber Walnut Por freight or to mVO- immediately-iaka- School Wardrobe, Washs.tand. patsaee, apply . j JL side ofYoang Street. Nos. S3 and 23. i Notice. Cavatina Oberto ...... Verdi advertising columns it will be teen that. ti!rew of T. U. Title noyai 10S. Walts Artiat I.ifa ! Jv5" CASTLE Ac POOtCR. air. Thrum's residence. ratcnUHd: Tnx regular "public Gov- ...... Strains and beautiful clipper schooner will be up for Ban Uiina Chamber Set, 5 pieces; Ai. Six of each lot, 101 feet front by 153 feet, deep. A my ho annual examinations of tbe Selection The Sonnambula...... , BelUn Provisions . . i ; . ernment English i Day Camphor Trunks, my iv am ( ( i u aaxi n a Schools in Honoluluwill be held Galop The Hermit Bells Millard Francisco on her arrival from Mant We cottd bar tttins, Walnut Bureau, Rocking Chair, Fop as follows: .. . arrival at Kahului last week, in rtaataWin," San Francisco, ! BARGAIN ! ! On Wednesday, July 23d, Select School Examination. The-- annual exam- Oil FOR SALE A at the Fort Street School. having made the run dowa in nhaa days and twenty jeanirt New Mattresses, The Ana. Barkeallae ' DESIRABLE On Thursday, July 24th, at the Royal School. ination of Miss Agnes Aylett'i school will take place nilOSE VERT PREMISES hours. In the days of lang syne , when. floarjcSad etc. Jjg L situated oa Punchbowl Street, aod also freottag on Miller On Friday, July 25th, at the Pohukaina School. on 2C, Miss M. Christina's school Settees, wo-wo- ry Friday, July at Ciiir. Bolsters and Pillows. Ktieet. - There is oa the premises, a i a welling noose, The Examinations will begin at 9 A. M. on each of the Capt. Jim Smith and his bark tea, time " Ceiled throughout 8E POSTERS. K0RDBERG, double front, with verandas. inside, and daya room on Fort street The exhibition exercises will FA. fv rTICBLAR3 Blaster, built within the last two years. A too. a rood new cottage. above named, and the summer vacation will extend was beaten, but not during late yeaxi' TbrCTaui lot of Bedding, take place on Saturday, the 25th. Miss Ayleti's E. P. ADAMS. Will have Quick with dining room, store room, kitchen, and ether until Monday, September 15th, 1879, rom which date a Spricklet Is a large yacht, of no less Thin two ban- Aatl'r. Lot of Crockery, Dispatch for above Port. The lot contains about half an acre, with good pasturage. nw term will begin. . ; scholars number about one hundred, and the school Government water laid on through the lot. Title perfect. died and forty-si-x For Freight or postage, apply to For By Order of the Board of Education. tons measurement, 'k aaito J12 particulars, enquire of JOSEPn LAZARUS, is one of the best conducted and useful institutions WANTED, Lot of Clothing, , H. HACKFKLD & CO., Agents. or or a. W. JAS. SMITH, School Agent. have excellent accommodations for pasaengers, aad i - . ' ju::nsuj, for the education of youth in our city. . ; COM-rJaafl- ju7 - Kaahumanu Street. Education Office, 1879. 7 , ' AL July 1st, - jyS 3t will doubtless prove a favorite on the route between Lnl'MBEROFTIIEone PACIFIC One Top Buggy, . Al .aT13 EB, ol date January 2flih. For San A Sion'. One swallow docs not make a sum- this city and San Francisco, for which trade aha I 1, of March loth, 187, for which a liberal price Francisco, CJall and. See Bk it known to all whom it may concern, that John also M. Morton, Esquire, is coming warm was specially built. Messrs. W. G. Irwin & Co ppaul i TUB CLIPPKR SCHOONER. having this day presented to this mer," although it premonitory of are 100 "w. Department his Commission from His Excellency R. B weather. So the threatened emeue by tho'Chi-nes- e the Honolulu agents Bags -- $10 REWARD of China Rice, MAi- A ' - TiEALERlXGEXERAli MERCHANDISE Hayes, of . , S I Hoookaa, Hamakua,dart;Hawaii, you find P.eaident the United States of America, he LTanalei in to tho en- ii. where will a laborers at opposition fi i iLL BE PAID TO ANT PERSON WHO Baskets '. ATnATinnn large and well selected Assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries the said John M. Morton, Esquire, is hereby acknow Policemen. -- The . pat ire 'j, Hawaiian as will to of Pumpkins, " Sunday law, as by a cor- Amateur infcrmation forcement of the related ,1 u ci uc!l kail the conviction BACKUS, Master, aod Hardware. Also Lumber, Dcors, Sub, Blinds, Nails, ledged, by order of the King, as Consul of United ..1 m thoot, trap or otherwise eaten and kill Pigeons - - the hoodlum has taken up a new. role', which, if well Baskets of Fish, - Paints, Oils, etc' States at Honolulu, Oahu, and adjacent parts within the respondent paper, is quite significant Will have Quick Dispatch for above Port. ET Special Orderafor Building Material filled at followed op, should toon result ia provkliaf-hio- Ltwttl - i P. Deputy Marshal. apl2 Sm same allegiance, and all his official acts aa- such are of what we may expect " in the good time coming," 1S7S. For Freight or Passage, apply to ' Market Rate. with lodgings at the government expense."" Aa-w- e Jne27. Ju28St Lot of ordered by His Majesty to receive full faith and credit when the heathen Chinee has become numerous Tinman's Llachines. i"- -l H. HACKFELD A Co., A genu. Book-Binder- y, by - are informed, it is the nightly" practice of a lot of The Honolulu the authorities of His Government. enough to assert himself. . NOTICE. - Given under my Hand, and with the ..- . w these youngsters, (but more especially on Saturday Folding, Grooving. DOES BINDING of ALL DESCRIPTIONS ' MEETING OP THE STOCK HOLD Wiring, Burring, 1 T 1 Seal of the Hawaiian Kingdom, at Lakcext a Coxstable. On the lost trip of nights) to frequent Palama r0ad, asiafe lT.?the BRITISH CLCB held oo the 20lh Jane, the For San Francisco. c " bt the watr. were chosen aa Officers of the Corporal ion The Work executed at this Establishment la under the t I the Foreign Office, this ISth day lUa to Hawaii a number of packages of and Setting well-know- n " Zikthke opportunities may occur, they peraooata pol icemen, frzLitara Down Machines, 3 The Favorite American Bark supervision of MR. JOHN L. REKS, who is aa of June, A. D. 1879. PrMi, an experienced workman, and cannot be mrpasttd. coin "were landed at Kohala, and placed tempora- being provided with circular bits of tla fastened on Rotary Stands. ' Sam'l G. Wildeb, BlNBV MAY .....Treasurer C-- rily in the private room of the restaurant keeper their breasts in imitation of police . A a)Dfi.lX BftOWN .Secretary MURRAY, "VVork jn21 3t Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs the bdfA -' C. 8. Done at Lowest Rates landing. Shortly one r ' BARTOW. Attct'r. I. N0RBI3, MASTER, WHITNEY ti ROBERTSON, at the Mahnkona alter, few lugLts since several of these scamps stuck up" Book-Binder- a. Lease Government Land. consta- Will Sail for above i Stationers, Publishers, News Dealers and of package containing 5400 was missed. A a couple of newly arrived Chinamen, and aa near as NOTICE. Port with Dispatch. 5 On Saturday, July 6, 1879, at 13 noon, be ble was suspected and arrested and is to be tiled NEILL'S For freight or passage, having superior accommodations o'clock' will could be ascertained by the signs' and gabbling .or rillXCE FOR INVESTMENT. AnpUon, entrance money was by September of year, apply to old at .Publio at the front of Aliiolani for the theft. It is reported that the made by the to person residing in - f lit. this $50,000 to UNION SALOON, ' latter a the Mich- as : on a sugar Hale, the lease of Government Land follows: , . - . LtS nln BartKr nrsi uui plantation. Jul WM. G.IRWIN & CO.. A cents. Km S. recovered. borhood, the amateur policemen wentthYoua,! " at EU8.UUU. MECHAMCAt WO&KSBOt CUNHA ..PROPRIETOR That portion, of Keonepanee near Mr. Morris premises " kT-rf- MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU. - lswl - will from 1000 to 1200 a be teas. Win cot . NEW YORK AND HONOLULU in Kalihi Valley, adjoining the kult-an- of Kanaina, (now Drunkenness run Riot. Letters from the dis- their pocketj. Of course these young raseela would UioiEf off 360 tone in October, 1879. The Plantation has . Choice Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c Mitchell) 30 acres, kaaaa-aina- ," Ten, and is veil found in Mules.-Carta- 4C Machinery King Street, near Fort containing about a portion of which trict of Kan, Hawaii represent that drunkenness take care not to trouble a lona filt " haul If Wriaasraer, can craau r-ic- a ur cignv-to-ns per day. 1 is well suited for bananas. Term five years. Upset price . : . na- are we not becoming rather n i LINE semi-annual- of very among the but civilized iu .k. a. A DIRECT OF PACKETS ly r has late become prevalent iLfF"Tfartn paffllUM 1' 1' I.' J W WW BHIKIHIIiai,..I. JUtl.N KILL. MinillVIVT n irrvn per annum, payable tn advance. i returned to Honolulu, Pu-nalu- - would respectfully announce to ROBERT STIRLINC, . JSin 1. u, v ilskk, Minister OX interior. tives there, especially in the neighborhood of too rapidly T ' - ' - . U i f om former patrons and the public generally, that he Interior Office, Msy 30, 1879. my3J WS' has bnsineu in hianu un- - - Contracting, Consulting and ' Valnlng Engineer! Tbe refuse molasses from a sugar planta. TO THE PUBLIC ! ana wiu give bis attention to the ESTABLISHED RELATIONS Lease of Government Land. lion: after a brief fermentation makes an article of The Folbtu. Yesterday, the one hundred and HAVING Engineering in Britain, annivertiaVy f Firms Great is third of the Declaration tit American MT tfl be held on or about the 25th of November Renairin? Of all kind of IJCa XXT II. GROSSMAN it BRO., 1 I 8 CHAMBER Specifications The lease for Sve years of one lot oa the Esplanade, " swipes " that will cansc drunk to come, with fund rfiin.n BTRKKT, NEW YORK, AGENTS. A prepared to give Plans, aod Estimatea for all I hnhtseoefit of the for enlarging Fort St. Church. TT O" First BvxlOO feet, be sold by Auction Hawai-ian-s. Independence, passed of very qaletly in Honolulu. or """"J Class Vessel will be laid on for Honolulu, kinds of machinery, lie is also ready to undertake the loca will Public at the Aliiola people of ordinary weak brains, like mauy Uy Cooir.biruoos Fancy Articles, Curiosities, or other and Metal Work. sugar the Construction or M, C- tion of Plantations, Wharves and ni Hale on Tuesday, the 5th day of August, 1879, at .13 At the Centennial celebration three years, ago, our - v he etU on that occasion, will be gratefully received Landing Places, the Survey and Construction of Railways, - . Where are the police t ms price 150 dollars per annum. American-resident- tire-Ar- aid Sewing Machines a Specialty ! To Sail not Later than the Middle of June. Tramways, Water Leads, Flumes, Ac.,aic., the superintend- i7let s observed the day in grand and ju21 lin ence of any works course The location and all other information can be obtained Makawao. On Tuesday last, at Maka-wa- o, Having already secured a considerable freieht for this vessel. in of construction, and all other wotk Firk at lavish Btyle, which may account for the subsequent Ju23 Steel Stamp. Made will in the Engineering Line. at the office of the Interior Department. Is Order. there be no delay in sailing. He as to" East Maui, two large trash bouses with their Most up n NOTICE. Srr For Freight or Passace. apply to the Arenta above also offers his services Valuator or Appraiser all BAM 'I. a. WILDER. reaction. American closed who may require them. jyS Minister of contents on Baldwin's Plantation, were destroyed 4irEtes namea. mnlosm Queen lm . the Interior. of business in the morning iind made a ho lid ay" of rRING MY ABSENCE FROM THIS A KRAFT & SONS, It7 OFFICE, corner of Kaahumanu and Street;. Ho Ore. The loss is estimated at about three thou- Lcrtfcsi mr son, U. II. WILLIAMS, Is authorized to nolulu, Hawaiian Islands. , - by it, aiid there were numerous picnics in the suburbs. 1 to Iraesader full power or attorney. PACIFIC MAIL OFFICE HOURS From 9 A. H. 4 P. M. ap20 Sm List of Licenses Expiring in July, 1879. sand dollars. The fire is believed to have origina- The shipping In port Jone JO, 1S:- - CjuU4t) C.K.WILLIAMS. OPTIOIANS! nnd the Consular and LbI, - ted from sparks from the mill chimney. Lumber PUBLIC NOTICE. , Notice is hereby given that all Licenses must be ap- Gove rnment flagstaff's were decorated Itb--i baiti- MAdel,LFwT COMPANY ! un- . STEAMSHIP plied for direct to the Interior Office, and all parties are was. at once ordered for new buildings. Wo II." on.ju-uan- NOTICE. business Opticians I . BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE ng. ' At tbe residence of Capt. T. Uobf ti U of a specialtv. Hotel street. ft.. ,1, public that we have several cautioned about failing to renew expiring' Licenses, and estate is prospering, IRIXC Mi ABSENCE FROM THE WE all Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs have instructions to pro derstand that the Baldwin Avenue, there was a pleasant assemblage of pow-icur- ardto,0Broot". . V.. V. K. act for me rull v w. SAI Tracts of Land suitable Cano Cnltore, discretion, any doing fine Lofiioai tyle will under a. Mil AW UU1 FOR FR AIVCISCO. fr secute without and all parties having not far from two hundred acres of very Sunday School Children, at picnic giveu'by Lpe In the Hamakua District of Hawaii, situate between the lands ousiness wiinout ine proper laeense. a well advanced.1 . Ulm W.C.PARKE. THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP of Waiplo and Kaholalele, along the Hamakua Coast, which SAMX O. WILDER. Cane, teachers.. At noon, a salute of 21 gups" was fired art well known to be the most prliflc in Sugar of any Miabiter of the Interior. HAWAIIAN PERNS. Cane 1879. from a battery, foot of Punchbowl. Gen; Comly, U LANDS FOR SALE. lands on tbe Hawaiian Islands, yielding from Interior Office, April 30, Rainfall for Jcxe. We have the following re- IS - S. Minister Resident, between the hours of 13 rnd IC TRACTS OF LAND KNOWN AS rVlIIEJL UNDERSIGNED NOW PRE. DEARBON, COMMANDER, FOUR TO SIX TONS PER ACRE, RETAIL. ports for the month : aiwisi snd Msnmaa, situated in the of PARED to fill Orders for Single SDecimeua- or Comnlete - District Ililo. o .. . . . ,. .. . . lUh very indifferent cultivation. OAHU 1 Han Same A Ayau, st, Honolulu At Mr K Wilder's, Ice Factory 8.10 inches 2, received tbe calls of government oflfci4j fjr- I Bsvan, and containing an area of 600 acres, more or ui uawauan xerns, uumounieu, on snort notice. Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco on we also wish to inform the public who are want of Xanana J in 1 H yinan 15 roe. Merchant . " At Mr W W Hall's, Nuuanu Avenue.. 1.H0 eign representatives and his compatriots itie ire simple. Terms easy. " generally. ht Price 10 Cents Each, or $10.00 for the Sett of 115. or about Monday, July 7th. Working Oxen aad Horses, 1 A MoWayne, cor Fort & Merchant st, At DrB McKibbin's, Beretania street...... 64 januars, appiy to 4. iibassii, 1 Wing Cheong Hung & Co, Kuoami at, " At Capt D Smith's, Waikiki. 1JJ During tbe day and at night there wet fire Hoookaa, Hawaii; Specimens for use on the lands in the district, that there is an unlimited crackers a The are beautifully preserved, their nat 1 T H at. er retainer Davies. Kaahumanu " The rains, with tbe exception of those in the up-p- and rockets by the juvenriesj'and' we noticed Jin or F. A. SCHAKVERACo. ural green, and moat of the varieties have a portion of the root. Sydney, ! supply for beef and dralt, together with many other facilities 1 Kong Wo Chong k Co, Kaneohe, Xoolaupoko For via Auckland available that cannot be described in a short newspaper ad- 5 Tung Hung, Nuuauu street, part of the valley, have been in the shape of soma of the Chinese residents, singularly vertisement. P. PARKKR, , Honolulu that INSURANCE NOTICE. Order far Mailing Mast laelade Past age. J. S Man Chuck, " . " , . " THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP ' ..,. PARKER--P.- sahl TH09. O. THRUM. SAM'L S. 5 M Phillips & Co, " " light showers, and have varied much in amount enough, appeared to celebrate the day " Amelikaa IC UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE All particulars regarding terms of leasehold, purchase akare , 7 Ah Low, '.,.'" re- Bremen Fire Insurance Company, are aathor- - of lands, cattle, horses, and all necesssry information foe ' according to locality. Ample showers are fashion. YClCJAfll - will 13 John Chee Fo, ' " ftase fire K.uks en Detached Vtoodea Boilding and on FOR SALE, ZEALANDIA!CHETALiER, Commander. - freely furuithed by MR. SAMUEL PARKER, at Kawalhae. BaiklMig, Machinery, 13CAkana, ported in the agricultural districts of, the other iM etc., on the different Islands AT KALI II I Cbickrai Raaea,, waimea, raaunan, Slana, or at ary or his places ol business Ahuna, Waialua LOW EST RATES. - It PKP.4T Thoroughbred Berkshire Pigs, of I in . 3m Islands. A - the ON OR ABOUT MONDAY, JULY 14th, the districts cf Ilainakua or 8. Kohala, Hawaii. my3 , 16 Nee Lee Beretania , " Eaggestion. k brAr particoiars, apply to Crown Prince, Boblee aod Sambo families.kl " ' " H. HACKFELD & CO., Agents. 18 H Msy k Co, Fort F. A. SCHAEFER It CO., Agents. Dow ready for use and for sale : 90 Ah Nee, Nunanu The New Steamers. The Lehua, belonging to To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial AdvetlUer. r 1 Boar, 10 months old, $12. SUipiucut per Steauier can mow 21 Rung On. Kinc " Palama. " Chinese" Berkshire Gssda far 23 Wilder & Co., which sailed on the 27th for a trip to Sin: That, as the persiatiflionuhf Flre-pro- et Meheong Kee k Co, cor Maonakea k Hot et 1 Berkshire Boar, 13 months $12. be Stated, Free of Cbnrge, In the - old, - ilonoluln Kauai and adjacent islands, returned to- port on without females, the government fhrler the Warebeuae near ibe Steamer Wharf, jal 79 A- ; 24 Winpt Chong Tai & Co, cor King A Maunakea acific Iron Works, Both of these pigs were awarded the Silver Cup at the Sac Monitor Horse Power, new, Thursday morning Nawiliwili Cassandra to proceed to a Chinese port and take by Committee on Swine. Honolulu early, having left at ramento State Fair the - TIME-TABL- E 27 Chung Wa, cor Maunakea b Hotel st Hono 600 women ' OF Fly-whe- el 6 p. m. Wednesday. She herself to be a on board and bring theinto- Honolulu. SS r&AXCISCO. MANCFACTCRER3 0F of Pips, $20 to $100 each, THE Tustin's improved patent, with Shaft and - 30 MB Silveira, Nuuanu et Honolulu on proved Price Berkshire oT & "boomer and aa excellent eeaboat No doubt there are men In any the ports open according to number, age and condition, being about one half i ! HAWAII 6 Goo Kim Co, Makapala, North Kohala ' the price charged in lha Eastera Stales for Ihorooghbred For One, Two or Pour .Horses Han Same k Ayau, Kaiopihl, " . " The Jamet Makee. Foster and Co's new boat, to foreigners who would get wonicji.. and brine; I1 swine STEAMER LIKEUKE JUST THE TfllSO t OR 11 Henry Cooper, Kailua, Kona ar Mills, Boilers, 14 C X Aiona, Kaiopihl, North Kohala having been provided a new by them on board. II they can't be bad any place Engines. Psrties wishing pigs can leave orders now, as 15 litter will J with propeller the ' REYNOLDS, : t : MASTER. 15 Goo Co, Apuakehau, -- come in in July and August next. Address, Kim k North Kohala Iron Works with commendatable dispatch, sailed on else they can be bad in tbe barracoans nf s Mnrso. my 3 a. MEK.BEKT, uawauan 1101 i. PumiTiinef or Sawing"! 15 H N Greenwell, Kalukalu, Kona vacuum pans, 20 JT D Mills. Hilo It need not cost the onVdoR'ar,' as ine J A Wednesday 'for Kauai. She is advertised for an povei nnicnj ALSO, FRESH t ALIFORM IUV 1U tUAI, 24 K Amu, Hamakua 24 Chalah Kela, Kuknibaele, Hamakua excursion trip to make the circuit of that Island, to women will go off like hot cuke's on their arrival EVAPORATORS, By Arrivals 24 Akau, N May-- ..Circuit of Hawaii Kohanoiki, Kona sail on Monday tbe 7th. here ; the thousands of bachelor Chinese here Tuesday. July 1,5pm 27 C Y Aiona, Puhonua, Hilo Tuesday, July 8, 6 p m Ililo 30 Sam Hung, Pueo,' Hilo . ; would snap them up with avidity and pay their CLARIFIERS, Tuesday, July IS, 6 p m ..Circuit of Hawaii ' - . . . 1 f :QeEEN'a HosriTAL. re- 5 p m Hilo ap!93m v LAINE fc CO. MAUI C H Dickey, Hamakuaposo We are particularly passage money cheerfully. America and Austra- . AND Tuesday, July 22, Tuesday, Juiy 29, 6 p m. ..Circuit of Hawaii MOLOKAI 3 Aka, Kaluaaha quested to call the attention of the Member of tbe lia afford examples of introducing wVratn in' feds A AND Tuecday, Aug 6, 5 p m.... Hllo KEROSENE OIL. 'PRIDE OF THE WEST,' VICTUALLING." 6 of Hawaii Queen's Hospital Society to the bi ennial Meeting manner. ; 1 pJSCRIPTION OF IRON WORK Tuesday, Ang 12, p m.., ..Circuit & , JULY 1 Han Same Ayau, Nuuanu street, Honolulu Tuesdsy, Aug 10, 6 p m ..Hilo - to-da- y - rrirwMiiie HIGHEST FIRE TEST IN THE 1 Allan Herbert, Hawaiian Hotel, " which takes placo at Aliiolani Hale and of Furthermore,- in. procniing immigrants! from tha Tuesday, Aug 20, 6 p m...... Circuit of Hawaii as per Government Certificate, 1 0 and pure - ' " THE 32 ; , 9 Wailuku, Maui - - 6 , Hilo E Batchelor, f notice- in Ufine knewcfi'on wiih Sugar Plants. Oats! Tuesday, Sept 2, p m... spring WATER WHITE. A small lot of this Superior Oil - which due has been given for a month, Southern Islands, let not a or two of wares v k Hon Kew, Maunakea atreet, - dollar 5 p m ..Circuit of Hawaii . alaive Tuesday, Sept 0. Just reoeived by mj24 BOLLES A CO. 127 Chung Wa, cor et, with requirements jwf it i Vx tTust rtoooivod Tuesday, Sept 16. 6 p m Hilo Maunakea k Hotel " accordance the of tbe Charter. per month keep women Jo Micronesia nowopjd Queen ! ; . : i s Thoick ipplf t Ex. Alphonsie Zelie, Ella, Forest Tuesday, Sept 23, 6 p m.. ..Circuit of Hawaii I V WHOLESALE. While.' the Queen's Hospital fills so , important a the nre dissatis- - W, Hilo u: f immigrate by Siormbird. If they Ho'noi't ehoit and J. A. Falkxnburg. Tuesday, Sept 30, 6 p m NEW GOODS, JULY 1 Hymsn Bros, Merchant street, Honolulu place in the community, it is both a privilege and fied.w.itCfite 1 T H Davies, Kaahumanu " " dollars per moDthVilve &&k ft$&f'' Bales California Oat and Wheat Hay; Passage Money ! . Br LATE ARRIVALS VIZ t - May Co,- - - .every DAM8,- 400 No Credit for RECEIVED Kalakaua, Liscovery, and Australia. - J8 H k Fort " a duty of member to strengthen the bands 9 ox. lb Sonars per month so as to get them to IIlImiii, in GtmnriJ 1 7 Tons Timothy, good for "Jersey cows; " -- i i Wa nnaitivelv decline to ODen accounts for Passages, and we "by -- 4 iS!i G Tons O Tons Oats. Golden Gate, Extra Family, Bakers' Extra, A Eldorsdo Flour. WHOLESALE SPIRIT. of the Board of Trustees participating in the come. they don't want to work out Ja't&e fields Bran, 'If , with irtj hrr f U Hawaiian Islands. particularly call the attention of the traveling public to the Cracked Wheat, corn Meal, Out Meal, w heat, Uats, JULY 1 T H Davies, Kaahumanu street I marked ; consideration of questions that may come up for dis- house-wor- k. e, m nra ; ; necessity of having Baggage and Freight plainly the G Barley, Hay, by S :: promise to give them If marrifs-abl- i' th it twwness. A VfiT-"- ! A I round Bran, anl for sale V3T "RTTfnT.TTl responsible for any unmarked baggage or - Ac ' .RETAIL SPIRIT f. f v w .t . i - f Vy fJLJ trv gteamer wUI not be my34 BULLE3 CO. cussion, and to cast bis vote in election of inn, nc rr'in- 1 ihe the wages would sooir cease aaAoeJi Bat saVne my3 3m For Sale by Am W. PEIRCE fc CO. for any Freight or Parcels unless Receipted far. JULY Allan Herbert, Hawaiian Hotel- MONET DUE ON DEMAND i BOILED AND RAW PAINT OIL, .BILLIARD. Trustees, to take the place of those whose term unmated Hawaiian would take lliem for better or ST aii.fWin the - FREIGHT .11 nf Freight for parties not tcsuonslble or un TAB, JULY 1 Allan Herbert, Hawaiian Hotel expires. We trust therefore that ihis bi ennial worse. him; anil he ni ." 'J 1. .a TAR. WILMINGTON Gore Espinda, Lahaina f NOTICE TO PLANTERS! known, the Freight Honey win oe viireu u . STOCKHOLM Oil, Black Varnish, lor sale by I Meeting vill be well attended, and we feel confi There should be a proviso in their agreement snihnnr. There at . my24 BOLLES A CO. 19 8 E Ford, Wailnku, Maul m AND 22 H I Nolte, cor Nuuanu 4 Queen sts Honolulu tnnn ta one or ott . m.E,m S3 0 PiL'KAO&S OF LldCORS WINES dent that thus the beet good of tbe Hospital wilV that when they wed a Hawaiian; their time of ser r4 ' v Surveying Party, MUST BE PLAINLY MARKED ' WHITE LEAD, , BUTCHER. pe ultimate - I of the Staff of the Hawaiian Government ' tho result. vice expired. Of course the employer would have examined personally most parts of the sever- for, or plainly stated in the re- BLACK PAINT, V JULY 22 Shipman k Eldarts. Hilo, Hawaii r fe-ai(ii'act- oriug having carefully For the prty whom they are PAINT. COPPER 1 now respectfully offers his services ZINC aa Assortment of Fascy Colors, Rubber Paint, ...... - 'V' to be remunerated for uny advances this by tbe al Islands of this Kingdom, ceipt to whom they are consigned. AUCTION. Female Seminary, The annual exam and others woo may require for Damage or Loss, must be made within one the best paint used, a Full Assortment of Colors, Waialca. By-tb- marriage,, all trouble or ex- to Sugar Planters All demands my24 ' BOLLEr) tt CO. JULY 12 J D Havekost. Maui husffl'id. month. 19 C S Bartow, Honolulu , ination of the Seminary for female Hawaiian child pense ' f a return passage to Micronesia would be In no way liable for loss or accident to live stock. " ,r 1 ren Waialua, under the Miss Mary Railways, Tramways, 53-- Hack Drivers, Boys, and such like, will not be allowed PEDDLING. at charge of saved jTbe Board of Immigration should advise the passengers . 20 Chong . , , and other modes of transport, as a purchasing on board the Steamer upon arrival, until after JULY Man Green, took place on Thursday the 26th nit, and at- - ; ' lueir igeut na tue auvieeu uis aou, get Compauv, Agent or Advising Engineer. have been landed. CAKE PEDDLINGS vutski Boston, U. 8. A- -, and mh8 79 WILDER A CO. tracted a full attendance of parents and others visit money (women) my son honestly if you He proceeds direct by this steamer to JULY 1 Wong Awo can, but every facility for so doing, will furnish, on application, ors, who express themselves with SAN FRANCISCO. having 8. C. at. T. aOBIXBOV. 1 Ah Long much pleased the by all means get money (women)." ; management of the sceool and the progress made by Honolulu, July Jst, 1879. UFACTURERS AND Plans. Specifications and Estimates of Cost for Iron ALLEN & EGEIHSQN, . jJHOTAV IMPORTERS the pupils. These are mostly small children, to the WHARF. DEALERS IN GAUTION.TqJHE PUBLIC. - Railways It,h Bridges ROBINSON'S well-kno- Sabbath. Desecration, OF Bridges. Iron Houses, LUMBER and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS number of about fifty. The excellent at JJanaleL AT "vw aTtV.tVA Watches Paicts, Oils, Nails, so., Ac. AND- - T avnl.l iTnnnaltinn. nnrchiun'nr qualities of Miss Green as a teacher are ably supple Stock of All Descriptions. ' every genuine watch, whether goli To the Vie L aad Boiling AGEXT9 FOB BCBOOaEBS " will observe that Editor fif Pacific Commercial Advertiser: IEWCTt our iraae-mar- a on ooxn case anu uiuycukiii. IPTION8 BXLAMANU, siver, bears mented those of the new assistant teacher. Miss : For years the people, of Hanalel, OF , Machinery of Every Description Gold cases are stamped " A. W. Co." and guarantee J Sir mny' . Also, KEKACLUOUI, accompany them. Silver cases are stamped Royce, who has Ya3 experience among the schools for Kauai, have been distinguished as an orderly aad Sugar and Cleaning and Preparing Bice MART ELLEN, "Am. Watch Co., Waltham, Mass., Sterling Silver," for the Manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE 1 and are accompanied by guarantee certificates, signed freedmea in the UniRSState Jit the close of the law abiding community ; which was no doubt das ia I for the Market.AddreM PACAHI, R. E. Bobbins, Treasurer. The name "Waltham" I0LII unc CABOT. upon movements, of school exercises an interesting episode waa'forn'ii&.ti imiJpeasure to the diligence and faithfalneos of oar , No. 131 Devonshire Street. HALEAKALA. is plainly engraved all irrespective mm Civil Engineer, Boom ' '. . i Fl '. - . j be- Honolulu, will - QCKKN, either distinguishing marks. by the solemnization in the church of a marriage B- addressed to C. T. Culick, In FAIRT Ct& laws of this KJigjoni P. - Inquiries u CORNER OP , This caution is rendered necessary by reason of the officers in .carrying out receive prompt attention. mjn CILAMA, J. Ij. cases are freouantly separated from our tween one of the assistant teachers (a daughter of a .TIES HONOLULU, 'J i G fact that our strictly and impartially as in cfufy tjoufcu,., M IN LEAIII. movements and put upon worthless movements of other Hawaiian Missionary in Micronesia) and a son of makers, and rice verta, thus affecting injuriously the per. the Every evil practice requires only, a.bejrUping to be sr other parts of the Islands, Honololo. Hawaiian Islands. (ly guarantee, BEALE AND HOWARD STS., formance of the watches and vitiating our Hon M. Nathaniels, the representative for Waialua carried on, and ws have now two very cjear violations which is Intended to cover only our complete watches vacation ! wholly made by us. It is necessary, also, because it is so The school has a until August : 1st, and of the law in full swing in our midst, an these, FURNITURE TICK! as to a public scandal, that there is great art initio - . I 1?P TO cookie, fisa Fianclaca CallTaratla notorious be daring the interval some needed repairs on the prem- and Sunday wrt t I s. aTfkankE.VT OF THE FOLLOWING COASTERS fraud in the metal quality of both gold and silver esses Drunktnnett Trading. CAN HATE THEIR they have perfected their arranfe-ment- JO notify the public that any and as now generally sold. We have demonstrated by fre- ise will be made, nnder a grant of funds for that Some time ago,' 1 was a very and are now prepared to furnish to consumers U. H. TAILOR, President; JOS. MOORE, Sap'f. quent assays that many gold and silver cases offered in unusual sigh(o ses Wailele, market are debased from 10 to 20 per cent, from the purpose by tbe Board of Education, The Waialua any person the worse for liquor? any? - a ; i . tbe af iiicu au cot "Waimalu. . : .a . quality they assume to be. This is a fraud upon the pur- Female Seminary one of a elass of edaeational in- tIeror ai iiaiu FEED and accounts for the low price at which such ii' especially on tbe Sabbath ; bat nowit u a very com- to Mr. WL. A DA Queen Street, KINDS OF STOCK chaser, MS. ALL Waioli, cased watches have been sold. stitutions that should receive every possible encour- mon occurence to see people very much under the J'"asscristive Catalogue with Prices. We take this occasion to announce that we nave re-- -- NAMELY: "Waiehu, agement influence of liquor on that day, and aeting ia a man- littts -- OF- ner which makes the Swtbath appear .more a J3TA. i Wheat, Oats, Barley, Alfalfa aid MatlenleHaj, and Juanita, Jtif isr Bartlett," and " Broadway," giving to them not only a day of rioting than a ' day of rest'.' "And strange to SUre of L. TX. pt.AO.-Ke- with White Ball. OFFICE, Comer nf highly improved appearance, bat great additional value. SPECIAL NOTICES. nOPP, Ring St., middlings, d aawaaaaaawaa. j.: v t Oats, Bran, Barley, Wheat, Corn, ' ' such of best results of our expe- "V r ' - i y state, those whose duty it Is to look into And c&eek Queen We embody the J18 79 Nnuann and Streets. in them and study for twenty years ss can be useful in this TBE GEEATEST BAGS in this city Is about those r M ! rience such practices by prosecuting offcaders oe-tve- to Walnut Bedroom Sets Teed, Oil Cake JXeal, Cracked Corn, Etc. STEAL! popular form of watch. We give these new modelwatchsa Ladies Fine Lisle Thread Openworked and French Embr. Hill ' & Co., V j MACHINERY, special recommendation to all who look for good per- be seen in the proper pltce, at the proper time. T. E. rOSTEE moderate The BordeqtUn Hose, at the CO. P. Bazas. fk !not Sideboards, formance and solid excellence at cost.' of A FOR SCHOONERS have been made wita. the view of pleasing The practice Sunday trading was until recently 5! "c a ainut Uiniog Chairs, Class Hill, GENTS ALL ITS KRANCUES. alterations Oak Cane Seat Dining Chairs, Having a First IN practical watch makers, as well as watch wearers. BILK, Linen and Cambrick Hematiched Handkerchiefs almost unknown here, as there are an abundance of We avail ourselves, too, of this occasion to warn tbe Cedar Bedroom Sets, to Fill An Orders for both Ladies' and Gents in great abundance, at the retail stores snd tbe people have plenty of time sj-- We are Prepared - public against cheap watches. Tha superiority of Pine Bureaus, Ac, Foster, ac- p- during week-da- ys to do all their trading. ,c. Mary E. Waltham goods, in all grades, ta now aa generally r r - - - c - - Baxab. Bat bow, Steamboat knowledged that our competitors. Swiss and American, ' i through the force of habit and the slackness of oar rnarCofaWa, Marion, oX " seem to have no resource but to present the attraction KMTTLD aniTApliqne Lace Tidies in neat figures, at ADAMS, Haw'n Is. - : q : constables, a great many people seem to reserve their Agent for r. r goods being to ours, they have : micaT't'han Prince, - low price. Their Inferior the . C. O. P. Baza. trading for Sandays only, Slb&Tl" commo to sell them for what they can get. Times are hard, and and, beginning with assail have Urge and Haunani, good a Tasflels to match any piece parcels carried the hand, traffio Wharf, where r e Stcamsliip9! people generally not knowing a watch from brd CREPE, colored Satins and ia tbe has increased, 150x50, near SUsamer . Warehouse. f Annie, one very often allow a small price to decide them. at O. . until a few Sundays ago, a Chinaman was diou. Dressgoods, the ( C. P. Bazab. arretted at on Art and ; - DE. eaVsccommodate " A1T. William Morris, the eminent English Lecturer - , pack-ma- le H. B. HALES " 0 Stock Jennie, delivered before the Ealihiwai with a loaded, and the act was hp;raroor Labor Topics, in a recent lecture LADIES' White Suits' and Underwear of the Latest so of "r says : " resented that aband Chinese laborers assembled, CARRY ON THE Iaaxitl " Trades Guild." - C. O. In W Hor- -, ""pZantSoS Manuokawai, are set upon having Fashions, at the v P, Bazab. S?fv?EDTO on the Island of Hawaii, the acmoJiJeMules, etc i J i I know that the public in general disputed the powers of the special constable who had at Ookaia. Is thankful Feed and attention, Liholiho, i thinga cheap, being so ignorant that they do not know EMBROIDERIES, Laces, Trimming, to., of the finest made and the affair ofOood get nasty, also so Ignorant that they tbe arrest, very nearly rM,j, ''..tfSvecean. when they thesn - door ,0 Boat due ; materials, at the (Jn21) . . C. O. P..Bazb. in luss of li!"e. It is a duty resting oa tjytfcea district, Hawaii, Jane 13, 1870. Jul, to And the Water Honolulu. neither know nor care whether they give a man his , alw f - Office on the Esplanade, EHGIHES AND BOILERS are so set on persons respect TfcS Lucas' New Shop, se30 ly I know that the manufacturers, posed to and aMdeby I,AINE fc CO. esrrying out competition to Its utmost, competition of NEW GOODS! KEW GOOLMt-W- e have jufct received this Kingdom, and oa the other band, it is U6f mhl 8maToTn. T the defy cheapness, not of excellence, that they meet the bargain REGULAR ; FKESSiRE OB COMPOrlD. assortment goods among -- JllCn W. an of new in our line, which of thoee who are appointed to carry tbe" 1 a A y hunters half way, and cheerfully furnish them with nasty 'oat laftV LIKE FOB SAN FRANCISCO are for, by means of found a good line of HA NGIKG . LAMPS and do it strictly and faithfully ; as ia civilised coxi TIDE DISPATCH With wares at the cheap rate they asked all THIS STEAM VESSELS, of all kbds, built complete name fraud." - We sn use- what can be called by no prettier than CHAKDELIERS. also have endless variety of tries, the prevention of crime is as ebjeoUCV Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. public wants much aa - FRESH AGENTS. We are much mistaken if this is what the house-ktsepln- g. Q--- CO., 37 Street. : " VT C. BREWER ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when advisable. Good watches cannot be mad ful articles for Fort the punishment of crime.. And agaia If STORAGE FREE and Togs con. or expects, of ns, at least. V1LLI.NOUAM A CO. ' HORN'S Merchandise received STEAM LAUNCHES. Barrea and Steam when neither workman nor employer has pride in his merchants and laborers, disregard the Sas I by thla they to ' QUflEJt liberal cash advances made fipawaU traded with to the Trade in which are ; pleasure work are both N. B. The REFRIGERATOR it the bat. DY occupation interest and in the - ihe laws of this country scent' the. 'oWrvenoeof MANUFACTORY! 79 C. ? tU. be employed. Epeed, tonnage and draft of water guaran- wanting, and both are essential to good watch-makin- g. .Can be bought at a reasonable price from- line. - " that then should Oats, Bran, Barley, Corn, teed. especially watches, qcautt, myji 4t ji ecv. day, they be taaaY that they can- ,IoH Low price, in kcaks low umi.ttiiA do Street, Fort-- SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR MAKING WITH LOW rZRVORMAJK-- AJTD HUB KEFAWS. " ' ' not such things with imrsjiry. between Ifouanu and . Ground Oats, & HONOLULU PACKET UNE Approved ' Ground Barley, BOSTON MACHINERY, made after the Most Plans. Our mission was, and oar business as, trf make good your article oa "The Sunday Lawv' 2ilTr7Jj ! Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. P mar O t I Chickent. ' watches, whatever tha cost ? holding firmly to this single enforcement of an t J Corn and Wheatfor BREWER t CO., AGENTS.' WATER PIPE, of Boiler or fbeet Iron, of any aise, purpose, we seen Improvement in quality and re- law has a teadeaer-- throw Cracked C. together, Sheets have -- for made in suitable lengths for connecting or improve- contempt upon alt'law" then, let the fiaaday law contk LOT OF 3J Favorable arrangements can always be ind duction in oost, by mesne of discoveries and Mr. Claas Sarrckela, af Callraraia. la leads ' A FINE Rolled, Punched, Packed for Shipment, ready to be go on - -- .1 (..-.- Git tw td h be a. ahinment nf Oil. Bone. Wool. Hides and ments in machinery and by natural cause, steadily large on Island of Maui, for be carried oat in Its integrity. Oasrxr: t ' fhinc in waj riveted on the ground. wa can truly say, Waltham Watches, tn to construct a Pitch the Merchandise to new together, until purposes. Any person or persons willing to j oar htbita A and other II DR A C LIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water respective grades, are the beet watchea made, and irrigating ' irV Port SOT Cash their y ' ...... i- - . "irtobe.1 at raiJniwht Eastern AimM. q) Pipe made by this BstabHshment, Riveted by Hydraulic as to the lower grades, they are within reach of very-bod- excavate or dig 600 feet or more of this ditch by contract, i i Riveting Machinery, quality of work being far supe- they Losdox, June 14. The srelie KsUc'-y- - r uin too much, tuo many"Vinu CO.T that who earns wagea. Our prices are as low and be paid for such work either by the number of pilc 7"" HACKFELD A rior to hand work. ought to be, and aa low aa they will be.. Watchea cannot blch is H. feet-o- r Of tolult. which formed part'of Capliii"'" too bUrhlj aeaaonet . and Ship Chandlers, , SHIP WORK. Ship aod Steam Capstans, Steam Winch- be made for nothing, even by machinery. We say to the by the number running' feet of the dltth exca j 7 t. to take proper enre of onrweWea, Oenetal AU, To Sugar Planters. ' es, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the Most Ap public, buv a good watch while you are about it, and pay vated, are requested to apply to H. Sckussler, Haiku, dition ia search of Sir JoUnXr va'1 ), Is to Oahtt.8. I. a proved you pay WZ mmlicxT when drsease Su- Plans. a proper price for Tha mora an honestdaaler A Co., advice PONTl FKX WOOD, - Tumps, tor trrigaUoa or City it ; be de- Maui, cr to Wm. Grtrwih Honolulu, who will give be broken op at CbatbAsa'C OrasraeaU '. Taking ' CLARK, M famousHousert Messrs PUMPS Direct Acting the better satisfied you Will be In the end don't ' ' taelicinea to GEORGE i or confer necessary ' - celebrated qiack p.,,, WataWarks parpssts, built- with tha Oelabtatad Davy ceived by cheapness quality descends faster than price. them the information. and pieces of furnitu,re wUJ- b v L a fL? Mkmx , furnish pUns and ' ( a ilmc-abo- p of tha bod. estates to Use orders Valve Motion, superior to any other pomp. jajl 8m For American Watca Co.. of Waltham, Mass. CLAUS BPBECKEL8. . .1 jmmtnm 1 a rurrler aurar ma-- 7 - By H. 8CHCS6LEB. 'timbers, which the admixalty istend to i-- . safTerinat, ' A" ... - - - fr:sant t; aicknen, " BREWER A CO. 23, 1878. I 7- - aossaaa, Waialoa,f'iirOabu,a wilB "4c November del ' alt tUm r,:.l,, anil r rt rmi. AFPLCT017. General Agents. pieaideviof the TJaitei States as a soaveair 'tn ..tin. cols' jalS T9 E0ELIES ' Yt Uorloe. t?-- . ' . ;Xew 8. A, i--TO , rj1 b war. pwtilenoe and r.Mo. 'MOSS5IAw A SOS, pianos,. Praam L. Ncafeld.iiisros.Brrlia. ap a' ', York, U. : BOMETHISa HEW PLASTERS, PLANTA-tio- n occasioa when the Rttolutt was focad kyiUl: I, At next oeen rr-- Dry ' AT" above Line of WaltbJau Watches for Sale at Ui to oVl 5 Dealer, ta WJa,Ntai 127-- U All the Agents, Graziers, etc., who are need of a light whalers abandoned in the, ice tee Dr Oroeart and V. ia and, goseraae.t ! qtuii(Bi;iF 1- . sa wr an sra Gplehdicf Store of M. MrfNERNT, Sole Agent for this Kingdom. il of correct habita of CMha, 8-- -- - vfall Received In Order tha handy machine for setting up aad mending fence wire., 1 tea?"er. otttJq, , Jo3t Also, Agent for the GOBHAM BTEBXISGr SILVER- ihe United States had her repaired andrxlr:e-- ! 1 chewrf.Unee HOUSE . . , - rwt f ' - B.SWAH, aUWAn 'Aatl.'far Sale fcy. WARE. . . . will nad jtat the talc g at DilUngham Co.t store. Tort ' i- - -t FC- -T SWtieulars, apply te it Bttttfttal to CrfUdt admiralty. I tby"5e! rr x la rzn f t myl'tf H, HACKFELD a CO. Tbe Trade Supplied at LOWEST PRICES. ap2 3m . street. ., . febl lit ; ft-- Satan. CMinIMTmVELL,KonainawaU. -- 1 7 nnyjn, 1 't tlrs of KatJin ZJZx'mn. Saa npsoasnaraat kpwf A

n ft Ch HILO, HAWAII. --Etn,toUslimolit : CZATHFTTL. and. IN-for- ms It C01IF0ETII7O. Contractor Builder, Dealer In Canned Fruits, Meats, be, and a full line of CUUXG UOV.RESPECTFCJLLY rtRREBT In - Choice Groceries. public, that he keeps on hand a Fine m THE UNDERSIGNED the JL form he puoue mm - (A Honolulu ! I of Ladies' and Gents' j ! Furniture Manufactory 3PTJRE KONA COFFEE I I SPPS'S Amerl- -. r COCOA Roasted and Fresh Ground Everyday- - Chains, ; Waltban Watches, Cold and Sllter EEMO BREAKFAST. " Stock good assortment of Picture Frames, Chromos. - Steam In a . . eaa Cloeks. Jewelry, &e.f a ' - Stereoscopes acd Views, both. Island and foreign, and a tc - ttoBi k"Ws f the natural laws which gov- - full line cf which he will sen AT REDDCEII PRICES, and . HJiocia of disesUon mod EE. xx guarantee them as billed. . T. H. Davies, . t .! nutrition, and by a careful J, 1 q GOODS & PATENT MED1C12TES. above . I i VpOcatloaof P a n'i FAJrcr Store Uiefiae properties Cf well selected Cocoa, Mr. yoa will cire him a call, yon will find, Clock and Jewelry Repairing v , Street, PWtded oar R ES Aad if Watch, , RaahHmaiin breakfast tables with a delicately MA.MFl Ctt 25 CenU.-St- ore on fi )f Candy Faithfully Attended to. Watch Glasses Stock of may save ns many heavy doctors' bills. That be has the Best Assertnent k Kats Holliater Co.'s. "zl vsiXl be able to keep a Large 11 Nuuanu Street, opposite at where I ' F JadiciosM MM of such article of diet that a constl-- To be found In Hito. aU Honolulu, H. I. Jewelry, Solid gradually balil op until strong enough to ESPLANADE, - Cold aad Enamelled retst OF A lew ON ICE And always to be had lee Carta1, Flae Solid s taailtaij to disease. Hundreds of suLtle are ALL FMIITIB Champagne Cider, and HoUlstor'g Orange Cider, THE UNDERSIGNED maladies ruber's s, : KB - -b APPOINTED SllTeraBdPlated-wire,DlaBioid- mi- AVE UEEN T'bit "roand as ready to attack wherever there U a weak Ginger Ale, soda water- ana Barsapanua, aou w II all kinds of use . ' y a fatal Manufactures that tne ff e"cPe haft by keeping ourselves Cloeks, KBkal Jewelrj fJttliasl with pare blood and a properly nourished And at the Lowest Prices. Moaldlsgs, Brackets, Widow Francs, Sasne?,Dors Call and See the Best Assortment of Cold aad Sliver Watebes, - r ." artide la the CIVIL EERTICK OAZETTK. Cigars, fine cut, smoking and chewing tobacco, and 22 ; Ell all kinds ef Wewdwerk flalsh. pins and Spectacles, Jte., , t 1 1 alaply wtth booing water or milk. Sold only in pack-eU- aii myl" cigarettes and cigarette paper, Ac ly . ' - Una, SAWING. SOLE AGENTS ' kabeUed: TURNING AND SCROLL FOR THE 1 M All kinds or - Sc Alwayi on Hand, and Orders Filled Setting a Specialty. 'j JAMES EPPS CO., - . Sawing, Diamond . jal4 Homtorirraic Cbcmlsth, Losdom. Ij Planing and . Per Stmr. City of Sydney.' B.fl I 8 O'M ! at Shortest "Notice. The Morticing and Tenanting. tl:TJfl TrEKTfiT.T, FOR THIS KINGDOM, 1 made arrangements with Mr. E. Weller -- J, & CO.. have . C store . ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH practical watchmaker, who will work in the same FURNITURE IS ALL MADE BY MACHINERY ATTENDED, - Plug AND size, the carrying capacity varying from 1,200 to warrant that all Watches. Clocks and Chro- Commission erch.ants5 ORDERS PROMPTLY Or the Celebrated Lorillard's Tin Tag" imported a of these wilh me, and and Smoking Tobaccos. Also, 7,600 pounds. We have quite number will be done In a satis- y SAN FRANCISCO. and Work Guaranteed. Wagons far Plantation use during the past year, and they nometers, left for him to repair, AND OF THE Islands solicited. prove to be .. - manner. far tka Dispatch of rackets. Orders from the other myS factory AJnt lexalar line Honolulu. May J, 1879 if A FULL LINE OF VANITY FAIR SHOKING, - ADTaNCKS MADE OX CONSIGNMENTS. tf Just the Wagon to Suit the Requirements swr7l In Papers, Tin Boxes, Tin Foil and Jars. I JOHN NOTT. 8AM. NOTT. our Planters. and. Clocks T7TLLTAUS, & CO., BEST SEASONED STUFF of New Watches BLAHCHASD A VAN F FAIR Wagons wilh 11 Inch LARGE VARIETY OF IT We have now in stock some of these Warranted for Two Years. . & AND OTHER CIGARRBTTES. Iron Axles. Will carry from 4,000 to 4,oOO poaads. Ci!ppl5 Connlssion Merchants confident that I am enabled to satisfy the u.te, of l j. PRICES LOW. Having resided on this Island for many years. I am N 1 8 ! J Cmllfaraila Street, IVo Pains will be Spared CO., Genuine Havana Cigars aP6 3m DILLINGHAM ti Co. 79 SAN FRANCISCO 3STOTT & Country carefully attended to. J. help Orders from the K7 These Goods are sll of the Best Quality, and can't TO GITS RECEIVED EX LATE ARRIVALS, . . . to my business, lo be able lo keep lW((J i B1VE jrST but ple&se. Thankful for past favors received, I hope, by pay strict attention A. P. EVERETT, eV ' Jaa UOLLISTER CO. trust in me still further. , 1 Ftrwarding' & Co amission Merchant ! e His Customers - " Satisfaction to or- MAX ECKART, Manufacturing Jeweler, - 40ft FROST STREET, CORNER CLAY, IAK FRANCISCO. No. 66 Fort Street, (Former aUnd of D. N. FlltnerX Kaahumanu Street, Uoj Upholstering Lone to Order. t - 1 'p. alt eat lost paid to Coosifnoenti of Island Produce " iy P?.-Rente- Brllllaats and WEBER PIANOS, -brrt that I ealr kee Flae Wklte Dliutt,.. m CD Coffins Always on Hand. '7 colored, speckled or chipped diamonds Is decreasing, while Fine Stones are not til; ' THOMAS G. SNOW. s valne of mM5 79 own ant advancing In vaine. Call and. See. e U DECKER PIANOS, PARLOR. ORGANS! their Ooncixaissioii IStTercliaiit, a Bostan, Mass. m 57 lerclal Street, CD Q-qod- THE FINE CLIPPER SHIP -- '. ! & CO., flaland prod ace solicited. seUIy EMERSON PIANOS, A. Time to JBny . A. W. PEIRCE JUST g 0 1 CITY OF ai. Sc N. PIANOS. PRICES VERT LOW X MCBMD PER 1,14 i PERTH,' -- GC!IArJDLEIi2Sf l0 ... COCKSCLLOR AT LAW, SC3lt? IT D - WASHINGTON',' D. C. t STREET, 1 1 5 Days from LItf rpool, Is bow 0" as practised la the Bapretne Coart of the United States & El CALL AND EXAMINE (AT THE OLD STORE) BARRELS AND HALF BARREL or I - STOVES aM Matt. Is of the Bars of the Supreme Coons AKS a AXKaaaae, Teansssrswinand Louisiana, and author of "MaiimM - B r ftkm Mtmrnm Lw. Illualrattd." Discharging Cargo ! The Most Complete Assortment, 3 No. 66 Port Street Honolulu, H. I, i. Artsads to eases t the Bapresae Coort of the TJ. 8 , and the her Queen Street, waaarat um ueaee, aad to the prosecution of Claims seainst CASTLE & COOKE'S II; WITH : ' Cales Stales. jT13 : " : w j .. IN SPLENDID ORDER, ' ESTEY ORGANS, '" ap5 ti ' . DEALERS IN & RANGE OF PRICES! o BARRELS W. H. CEOSSMAN BEO., COMP&ISIXO. LARGEST ALL KINDS; AND HALF BARREL! Of PALACE ORGANS, , p WHALING GEAR OF SJalpplng1 and Com mission TO BE FOUND IN rJOTICB GOODS P MCmHTMfJG ! Whaleboats, Boat Stock, Anchors, Chains, THE FOLLOWING - ! Hemp and Manila Cordage, Duck, Naval Stores, BONELESS MERCHANTS.CfcasMkwra Street, NEW YORK. H AWAII NEI! STANDARD ORGANS, Paint, and Oils, Brass and Galvanized Marine Hardware, US Prints, Denims, Brown Cottons, Pilot Clothing, W Sailmakera' Goods, BoatbuUdera' Hardware, i k. Cooke and J. T. Waterhotue. Umbrellas, Moleskins, Towels, Velvet Carpets, TIN & JAPANNED WARE, L Cotton Blankets, Linen Drills, Quilts, Twee J Clothing, 9 M. & H. ORGANS. Hay, Oats and Bran, Etc., Etc. Sinks, Door Mats, (ESTABL.ISI1ED 1863.) ITeder Clothing, Wool Shirts, Pumps, a large assortment; Kitchen onr friends and patroas, that we have now on mum Slaw House Water Closets and Cast Iron Soil or Would Inform Oxford and Crimean Shirts, India Rubber Clothing. Cutters, 0 hand the most complete and varied assortment of Waste Pipes, Yard Broom. Stencil, Marking, Dust and m Barrels and Half Barrels of PITT LAEt , i Whisk Brushes. Nests Wooden at Oalv'd Tubs Buckets, urmin. rice:CORNER OF miLia Laces Garden Rakes, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, a full asortm't; ! Saddles, Leather Belting, and Ox Tokes and Bows. Laaes Jt Clements Planter's Hoes, No. 66 Fort CHANDLERY - Street, SHIP BONELESS . CAL. . Goose Neck Hoes, -- 8 shanks; Picks.- Pick 4c Hoe Handles, , eissios niEiosT sts., sis rui. CISCO, v French Calfskins, White Lead, Castor Oil, Horse and Mule Collars, Trace Chains, SHIP & NAVAL STORES, r; INDIA RICE MILL. AFTER Cane Knives, mounted on frames "NEW AMERICAN," : THE YEARS of practical experience and improre- -' Gossages Celebrated Bine Mottled Soap, Ames' Shovels. Spades, assorted; Plantation Bells, and other Goods la our line, to be found on the Sandvith Isl- TProul sa eat, la now the nearest to pertection of any of the Rice Mills Trash. Hajr and Manure Forkes. M ands; and having a new lease, for a term of years, of the old eC the world, thoroafhness of Clesnsim; and Poluhin; it Twenty-foo- r Bars in a Box, stand, so long and favorably known by the people of the noi la m ' steads anrtraled; and la yield of Cleaned, Merchantable Bice PLOWS. Steel and Iron, & T. (5C.MTER Band wich Islands, and by the Masters and Owners of Whaling BARRELS OF "WHEELER WILSON Fire-pro- n J. of per cent, more man and Merchant Vessels, and with our New Store and Ween the rasMy. prod acts a to t R1XSOUE ft SIMS' PARIS STEEL PLOfCIIS, ALL SIZES. . the Celebrated HUls of Amsterdam. Store-hous-e near by, giving us anequaled facilities for keeping now Perfect BEG BEAVE TO INFORM HIS more complete assortment of all the INDIA RICE MILL U in Hinge 3c Rotary Harrows, WOULD public, Commo- even a still and varied TUB lor Earthenware, Glassware, Portland Cement, Cultivators, Knox's Horse lloes, and the that he has opened a Goods in our line, large additions to which we have ordered FRAZER Banning Order the' Boring Machines, HOME." dious Brick Work-sho- p on MeOnie's Clariflers, Sllrrlees, Talt h Watson's Clariflers, Fairbank's Platlorm and Counter Scales, 0 "NEW Fort Street, next to the Custom from the United States and Europe, all of which we offer on Iron Axles for Ox Carts. 2 to 8 Inches; 0-- 2 House, where he will be found at all times prepared to do any terms. DULLING & DRESSING OF PADDY ! Hubs, Fellows and Spokes, assorted sixes; Stocks and Dies, work in his line, Either from Ship sr Share. He has the most favorable c - WESTON'S Steam Cocks, assorted; Bash Weights. Portable Forgee, Wheel Barrows, Lawn Mowers, Disston's Files, SEWING MACHINES, MANILA B0PE, RIVER ' AND i . Cylinder and Thermometer Churns. Kerosene Stoves. Tin- CENTRIFUGALS & ENGINES, ned Taeks, t to 24 os.; Chopping Trays, Hunt's and Cross 0 Received per Alice Reed, Coils 6 Threads, Coils 9 Threads, Coils 12 Threads. UN CLEANED RICE, ' man's Handle Axes and Hatchets. Pica Mattocks. Lone Cut Coils U loch, Coils H Inch, Coils 1 Inch, Coils 2 Inch, Froea the Bawatiaa Islands, to which it U Specially Adapted Fire Bricks, RooQog, Slates, Whiting. ter do., Adees, Broad Hatchets, Grub Hoes, Hide roller, Hay SN Coils 21 Inch, Coils 2, Inch, CoUs 2 Inch. SALHOI Iron Bedsteads, Corrugated Iron, Iloop Iron, Cutler, Road Scrapers, Fence Wire, oiled and annealed; Gal- to From N v York, a EELECT INVOICE or Coils S loch. Coil. Zi Inch, Coils 3 Inch, Colls 8 Inch. CONSIGNMENTS OF Fence Wire, Hollow-war-e, vanised Corrugated Roofing, Galvanised Water Pipe., to 2 in.; Ns. CO Fart Street, Coils 4 Inch, Coils ii Inch, Coils 41 Inch. Coils 6 Inch. ' Empty Petroleum Barrels, Railroad Iron, Sheet Iron, Bbeet Copper, all slses; Saucepans, Sheet Lead, PADDY AND HULLED RICE ! Sheet Zinc. Carriage and Wagon Materials, WHALE LINE, BARRELS OF OOtAHMi WiU Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. ! SPECIAlnavlng a force of Workman employed, PERFECT TYPE WRITERS, BLOOD, WOLFE & CO.'S ALE we are prepared to do work in Cutting Falls, Manila Bolt Rope, Sisal Rope, Bale Rope, . M. QREKiiWOOD, and Is now prepared to make any kind of Vehicle Hay Hope, Manila Lath Yarn, Galvanised Wire Rope, ALL CF WHICH WILL BK TU. SHEET IRON. Sc. Seizing, Deep Sea Lead Lines, 60 Fathom Log Lines, Osaiisl Coaiaiiasinn Merchant and Proprietor of India Rice BASS' ALE, riQ BRAND PORTER, TIN. COPPER aad r required en these Islands. Wire At lowest poe.iMe rates. Parties io need of work done in this PATENT CROQUET, He has on hand and to arrive, for sale cheap for cash, Lines for Patent Lrg, Signal Halyards, Fish Lines. line, will do well to give us a call. We shall be pleased to -- Rate r DCXTILLE'3 WIJISKET, give Estimates on Work and Guarantee it to stand the test of HEMP B0PE, Sold at Very Low Steam or sTenos. Family Carriages, Open and Top Buggies, RAILS, fel J. NOTT Ac Co. 1 Inch, 1 Inch, 8 Inch, 2i Inch, 2J Inch, 2 inch, h nnoitf T Double-Screen- ed ALARM MONEY DRAWERS, 7 aP26Sm 4 Best South Wales Business Wagons, and the Celebrated BAIN WAGON a 3 inch. 31 Inch, 3 inch, St inch, 4 inch, 4, inch, Inch, E. C. McCANDLES id Orst-cla- i i o ss article for conotry use. Will give special attention 6i Inch, 0 inch, 6J Inch, 7 inch, H Inch, 8 inch. to the Manufacture of Ox and Mule Carts, lhimp Wagons, CENTRIFUGALS, Having RATLIN 12 thread, 15 thread, IS thread, 21 thread. i VESTON'S FAIRBANK'S SCALES. AC. had extensive experience in the above line of 2 yarn, 3 yarn. F.Ufcll! STEAM can his SHUN YARN JUST J1ECE1VEI) i COAL! work, be assure customers that lor any orders with 6 thread, 0 thread, 12 thread. PER which they may favor they will first-cla- ss SEIZING (Elrriees, Talt ft Watson's Mate ;) 11 myS him. have a article FOR SALE r 0 at a moderate price. He will not be undersold by any one. Marline, Houseline, Hambrollne, Rounding, Russia Bolt Rope. ti WiU keep on hand a good stock of Ox and Mule f'art and BARRELS AND HALF BARRKLS I" & VVATSON'S Wagon Wheels, Ox Yokes, Chains, Tubular Iron Bows, &c. COTTON DUCK, r..UEES. TAIT His motto is, with strict attention to business, " A Nimble Six- J fe!5 79 pence is Better than a Slow Shilling." Noa. I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ravens, Drills, Ac. It Your patronage is most respectfully solicited. All commu- COLUMBIA RIVE I 1 nications by mail will be promptly acknowledged. fe22 CLARIFIERS! qr fl OF THE- - HEMP CANVAS, ' FOR SALE BY 18Q1- - Merchant Navy, all numbers; Long Flax, all numbers C. BREWER & CO.. ESTABLISHED Paralin Yards, Hemp Twine, Cotton Twine, '1 " Whipping Twine, Sail Needles, Roping Needles, .SfwJ GERMAN BARK ii LOUISE," Packing Needles, Beeswax, Sailors' Palms, . clian ; Sailmakera' Seaming Palms, Sailmakera' Ropine 1 I . THEO. Now Offer to Arrive, Palms, . ET.2:PIES. Consisting ef a Large Assortment of NEW Barry's Tricopherous Sail Hooks, Galvauized Iron Clews. Galvanized Thimbles, si re uiu Bras. Thimbles, Open Thimbles, Thimbles for Wire Rope, 8ALMO' iu t)Kr' ! FOR 8ALK LOW, Let the Galled Jade Wince Bister Hooks and Thimbles, Flags, ! ohlicvil to Amer. Davis t Anchors from 40 lbs. to 240U lbs. Chains from In. to 1 in. I ra Per bk Martha PHILADELPHIA Capstans. Windlass Gesr, Brass Boat Compasses, ap2 3m E. C you In tlse prJ I GOODS ! -- A TBI A.L is IhONLY TEST STAPLE ADD FAIY Brass Ship Compasses, Tell Tale Compasses, v, DUB FROM BOSTON IN MARCH NKXT, I ND AS YOU SEE II AVE PROVIDED 1,1 m. myself with one of those Ritchies' Spirit Compasses, No. 1; PLANTATION en ! No. 2; SALE AT I.JV.'K a'm',T-- ' 6S2AT REDUCTION IN PRICE FOLLOWING INVOICE OF , " No. 3 FOR to suit, by (lt"bert ! FROM ., i TWiE parchased at lower prices thsn at any time Sheathing Felt, Yellow Metal, Sheet Lead, Fog Horns, janlltf lr ELEGANT SOLID SOLE - . out - daring the past twenty years, and will be offered for sale at Lilly Irons, Grains. Cork Fenders, Holy Stones, is ine oiie in FT American, Gold & Silver- correspondingly low prices. Capstan Bars, Handspikes, Mast Hoops, Lead Figures, and France Corn Brooms, Hickory Brooms, Ratan Brooms, Cocoanut do. ODirrjAfiJ TPyufhavgent' ) England. Germany ul Pump Leather, Rigging I V'- -. CsV. r.ri-- : UHt-- :fe shall take pains to If 'Ja:,-uuui- C-- I ! LEATHER SUCH AS Galvanised Scurr. ,iV, Nv.i, . Ial' Democrar. J TRUNKS, Is are known nv l as ' S . :,t s . H .;! Finis'j ' . t k of these instrument- iV-- ...v sr jt :.. Na", " which will stand the Baggage Smashers, and which are only ! hAJtiy C?j'i-:- r 'f a. . . Vnt, risui ?cr..T: ; ele of their era-lit- Wn-JS- W. S .;: , WnM aturelist. Cumberland Coal OZ33 Ua'.u , Omw'jfs, PhtD"'-- .';a.ui:cu, Fts of the Horaee Wat 1 to be had at the Wrer-se'- , MANILA CORDAGE selected assortment from I to4 In. liamniers. 8rw Tti Jan ll'4-"- .i- being of the very bePAI Prints, Domcti, failora and Dress tioods, sTM".: . z livum. iiawslnc Inma. Bolt Rope from 21 to 4 Inches, No. 1 Rosin, Ilawsing Beetles, j 1 Silks, Velvets, Merinos, Jack Planes, Smooth Planes, Bltts. WUmiogtonPitcb, Wilmington Tar, M. MclNERNY Bitt Stocks, Rules, Nail Gimlets, Spike Gimlets, STORE'of Mixed, Linens, Cottons, Handled Brad Screw HR :e m: Linseed Oil In tins. Awls, Drivers, Cold Chisels, o Chain Punches, Copper Punches, Marlin Bpikes, Spirits Hall bbla Mineral Paint, Turpentine, WJiere be 1 Flat Files, Half Round Files, Saw Files, Grindstones, & CO., can found any or JLm Grindstone Fixtures, Brass Screws, Iron Screws, BOLLES I. Hasps and Staples, Copper Wire, Brass Padlocks, INFORM THEIR FRIt o Iron Padlocks, Composition Port Hinges, pairs; (7 ti,-- mm? v ..Hie generally, they hare T iuil i that EVEIiVTNIVii LIVE Shawls, Shirts, Handkerclr-- , - rBr?-.i- t .rnp ii yin; fftnn thin, ' :v. Iran h.- v lr--j 1 Fire-proo- S'i inilE Hosiery, Uuabrol!--- !", l,ocj, uwt, biag I'ln f BLACK WALNUT, TH Xot kr., Txiray.t Kelayins; Pics, Hicrorv Uclnjlpe j'ins, Uurds, to thur New - 4h l Maat-h-- - Tr:rLd. - Old Inch to S inches. Among which effs, rarrcl T;ek, i " Wl;- ' been comnletpj. situated at tb I t jrifj, 3rTirg P.jr'Ii, CiIn I. Rtr thAV mskin. A.Ttf vh-j- Hj, i aMn .hpr. htv. hvn V7ATCH EO, WATC H ES, Ladies' Solid n: Tether rsr., Ug Will rciore?!rtobaM it 'fci 'J l':c' Hix.ts. G;.!v. ii jt lioolis. fJ r Jib JJsiiix, to their stock of Ship Chandlery, Ship and Planttlios M I 1 ( vuit j it trumps for BBLS. MESS PORK, i.t Br! u I. .i ( i"i !!' flVdy iiifn i rr t sxi vuureiy dead, which is seldom tnecaae. lifirk?. '..'mi Water Casks, wnica make their assortment large ana vaneo. I!'?' falling hair, Galv. Screw Anchor Shackles, Chain Shackles, Will be happy to call from their vttrons, ifti I I P. Will positively make weak, th!a and Anchor Shackles, Ship Scrapers, Rigging have a WATCHES QuU I Screws, will assure them that no pains WiU be spared toaluM VI j I ' grow soft, glossy and long. Wrist Shackles, Patent Links, Oars, from 0 to 22 feet: Watcfc for 1 BBLS. MESS .uon Saratogas, wants in a satisfaetnrv minivr. " A FUe BaaUag Case IValtham Silrer 6 UiF, Embossed Zinc Par.itogas, Will positively remove dandruff, and make the scalp Sculls, Deck Buckets. We have now In Cordspe, hemp and C! . Stock: M w W . mm Dressing and clean. As an clccant dressing there sortment Cotton Canvas, Heat ' m . m m M O. SO18, Car. white, smooth of slses; Dock, Flax -- Sail '4: . . M 4M M M M M O rcei) Shopping Tali.cs, over BLOCKS, Cotton Sail Twine, S, , 7 and 8 ply; Flax TwiM 22 ' La C"!v Cm'n, " is nothing in the world eqnal to it. Patronised for -. "" f--r IL.,.csLadies' bags Keticules io all sizes. m m m and PEEFUMEEYJm piy; tsiocKs, uars, Shieves, Hooks and immoin, o0j, tin-.- Vfa'rl 3 I Jeli-- ;, , . . 5i fifty years by the nobility of Englnnd,rrance,Crermany Metalline Blocks, patent Blocks, common; : m ' m 1" I' ptsandqts; Ladies' Canvas Covered Trunks. ;, u wnich will be sold Bed Rock Prices. , . m g Le' Jfr!o Blocks, Iron strap, patent; Blocks, rope at - 't-- an I ? tt. Green Peas, Stationery, and Spain, and all the first families of America. strap, patent; .Honolulu, Nov. 23d, 1878. r.T.: i t; Blocks, rope strap, common; Snatch Blocks, c - Jiev I M " jax: At, Unerklns, 1 gall and i gall jars, LADIES' STATE ROOM TRUNKS! Blocks, wide score lor main sheet; ! Corn Starch, IMITATION SYDNEY SADDLES Beauty Within the Beach of AIL Blocks, lignum vitae, for jib sheet; Patent Sheaves, RTnmriroT.Tff tah. Common Sheaves, Dead Eyes, Hearts, Bolls Eyes. TAR, WILMl '.en A.'lwt Wallhaaj Aa article much In demand, stowing neatly under the stat WILMINGTON For Sale by Va lkVse liaesef Elsiaaa room complex, Parker House Soups, berth. Gives a beautiful . , . BOUSa1! ' tTaaelsea, will W !! Ihe nbere t C Calfekins, Leather Belting, removes every blem-- PAINTS, OILS, ETC. jal79 , wi at 8olid Sole Leather Trunks, riveted edges; Barry's ton, ' Prieet for the t CO da ys. . Gent's Solid Bridle Leather Trunks, riveted edges isn, and enables lames or SPERM OIL, ai Gent's Leather Trunks in all sizes; flThQrn'ortr to JEM" 8fJr ,0 Raw Oil, Boiled Oil, Kerosene OH, "n Money EASTERN CUBE SUGAR, DaawI BACOX. CfltK ' Krety ITaHek Gemrasiteeel. er the Gent's Bound Edge Trunks. BACS AND DACCINC, Whale Oil, China Nut Oil, Lard Oil, BEEP. PORK, HAMS. . Gent's Solid Bole Leather Valises, Woodward's S'gnal Oil, Tar Oil, ' b' BQUiatK Refsixled. 50 POUND BOXES. Gent's Bridle Leather Tahsvs, Bright Varnish, Black Varnish, jal ! Gent's No. 1 and S Boston Valises, ! , 8. Turpentine, Coal Tar, Patent Dryer, Red Lead, PAINTS, n ' Gent's Patent Corner Valises, A. W. White Lead, Blsck Paint, Green Paint, Red Paint, MIXED RUBBER J :h filigUty RICHARDSOKM.7 ' ITrntli is and Barrels Salt, 10 lb. bags, Gent's Klegant Russia Leather HAEDWAEE HONOLULU, Yellow Paint, Blue Paint, Metallic, dry; Lamp Black, t Chrome Yellow, Chrome Afxp ALL SHADES, IN LARGE IS" S1 Travelling Cases, Green, Prussian Blue, Packages. f or eaie oy i Nests Trunks, Pick Mattocks, Hunt's Axes, Oz Bows, Gent's Shawl and Blanket Straps. Trunk Straps, Hoop Iron, Fence Wire, t r".-- . Sole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. Burnt Umber, Chinese Vermillion, Copper Paint. B0OH f will Prevail. d7 ju7 79 ly-eo- w lal Rocking Tourist and Traveler's Bags and Valises. Galvanized Roofing, 8 and 9 ft. lengths; ?l . - Centennial Chain, 6, 7, ..: M. MelNERNT, MISCELLANEOUS, xn Buckets, Tube, Charcoal Irons, OIL!! OIL!!I J everything in the above' Galvanized 'q Cola Agent fdrthe Waltham Cases "Electric" Refined In fact line and Cutlery, Pipes, Tin Plates, Potash, Concentrated Lye, Sal Soda, Glue, Putty, Chalk DURE SPERM OIL. STRAINED """j at Bed Rock JPrices. , Sheet Iron, Yellow Metal, , FEED Black Lead, for sheaves; Tar. Pitch, Rosin, Oakum, JL from foots. iror8...oy wLLtslS :t 1S79 fEBTIOAL. Pitch Kops, Flat Paltt Brushes, Round '79 Watch Co. Powder and Shot, Printing Paper, t y- Paint Brushes. Jl KEli.OSnETVIi2 Varnish Brashes, Whitewash Brushes, Marking Brushes. OIL 4j Pencil Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, GROCERIES, ! ' Dust Long ... i Tho Challenge Standard Test guaranteed ABOVE the standard, samples having been ALSO, JUST TO HAND ICTCDIHLIOTlJiS. Brushes. Handled Tar Brushes, Flue Brushes. A ASSORTMENT, " . Seam Brushes, Scrub r.ARCR tested by Marshal Parke. Brushes, Sash Tools, For Sale oy ' 33 .A. Gc ' Log Books, for 120, 240 and 360 days; Glasses BoUES,C AN KLEGAKT LINE OF E, Patent Logs, Steel Shovels, Scoop jal '79 COH A Shovels, Rubber Oilers. Perfect Sewing Machine. Brass Lamp Axe Handles, Pick Handles, VIENNA FURNITURE," Oilers, Feeders, Lanterns, Side Lights, tin; The resnlt of an immense Side Lights, brass; Fresnal Signal Lights, sine; t outlay of money and years of Fresoal Signal Lights, brass; Cabin Lamps, CVIANILLA CIGAR', labor and experiments by the best mechanics to be found, Lamp Wick, Babbitt Metal, Salder, GEIIT'S SHOE WARE balls; Flat Wicks, dcs.; Lamp Burners. r ' Lamp Chimneys, Cotton Waste, lbs.; Bath Brick, The Genuine Article, COMPOSED OF fl Iran Chests for Plantations and Schooners, Pianos, from L. Neufeld, Berlin Brown Soap, Bait Water Soap, Caps and Saucers, a .-- llr Among whieh are " Tom Knives n Belting, 3 the biers. and Forks, 8poons, Chopping Knives. txUrusader,trom HongKong h Leather Inches, 4 Inches and i inches, BUT TWELVE WORKING PARTS, Chopping Trays, Sieves, Coffee Mills, Dost Pans, CRATES, CROCKERY, Wssh Basins, M inelng Knives, Blubber Forks, Boat Boards as. v CELEBRATED CORK SOLE GAITERS ! (Others require from thirty to forty), each part of As?of iiiuusanu;and riJUST direct action, reducing Boat Timbers, Boat Knees. Boat Nails, all sizes; lOO. 800 500, l.??!. MOLINE PLOWS, asstd. styles, friction to a minimum. Mast Hinges, Steering Braces, etc. apis Jfor sale by , Just the thing for the wet weather. Simplicity Strength, Durability, . Mi OARS, OX YOKES, lTose Operation. Whaleboatf, A HTflA'RS. GEOCERIES! Great Range of Worlc, combined, Whale Irons, .Whale Lancei, PARIS PLOWS. Charcoal Irons, 1 The Neatest Style of : COXSTITCTINO THE ONLY 200, AND 1W 'rs Corn Shelters, Rubber Hose, Inch, Men's Candles, etc., C&ustio Soda, Paints. . . ; AGENTS FOR N BOXES OF 500, ! JL The Genuine Article. rorsaieoy B0LlU Aa Invoice of Cot Nails and Spikes, Slippers Perfect, CemplHe ft FirLTLESSSEWIXC SIACIJIXE Brand's Bomb Guns, Brand's Bomb Lances, my24 - Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Centrifugal Brushes, Oak am, Composition Nails, ON TUB FACE OF THE EARTH. Pierce's Magnetic Truss. SELF-REGULATI- Bver offered Among which NG WIND-I- L here. are the celebrated Everett POTATOES, Fr7CfTS ONLiT SI Beef, NEW ZEALAND Mtrr tm the World, and when material used. Power, Slippers, and la fact everything in all well appointed Boot and LIQUOR Pork. Bread, Crackers, Preserved Meats, Fruits, VvaewsBwasatJp ftwraaility are considered, it is acknowl-- . Shoe Stores. IER aad Cognac, de Laage file and Bontelleaux, 1, 2, RTICAL ! For ..1.7,- - my 24 BOUB 3 and 4, diamond; A SCIENTIFIC MECHANICALFEEDTRICMrn. CALIFORNIA HAY, BRAN, OATS. &c. I'll? Cart Goods, jaI8 79 PAINTER BUCKETS. . the above be TT0" All lines of will Sold Charapngne, Heidsieck and Thoreau; Pronounced by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, fhlchest nrmwvinmia v vroTJ fl T7IID-MIL- L . IS USE SLATES. 18x10, authority la the U. 8 ) . Ohmi iff at Prices'to suit the Times. Clareta Pomneys, Gorsc, St. Jolien; ' A FCLL ASSORTMENT, FOR GALE! by 1 W ! Ikw ONLY Maaafiancurers la tke World of FRAXKLLY STOVE COAL, la casks far Family sue, Beer St. Paul's Bavarian, Muller'a, ic., The best Feed ever Invented fer Sewing Machines Wholesale and retail , , E3 Theae) Gwwda aad) THE OLD ESTABLISHED BUSI J.jata, arc well ks.Ws here weed quarts and pints; , . nese House of A. 8. CLEGHORN A CO., ait I B WHID-UIL- L AM ASSORTMENT OF a reeaasaaraalatlwa. Every ast CZLE-I'lilDE- Pair : aated In Wainio. Hamakua. Hawaii, constats rt t Gin, Etc., Etc. , THE ONLY POSITIVE SUCCESS Tin Warraated. a Store d a Dwelling House, almost new. Also, Store Houses. ta as rnnntng Custom 1ST ALL 1)KPARTMESTS Cook Au rjrnicii.esive OF SEWINO. House, c., with a Urge and wall selected Stock of (Mat Mills aad Feed Mills. BAR AND FLAT IRON, lovers of science and mechanical ....t,.i Goods... ncNc M. MclNERNY, Barrels, should see it, every lady in the land should Five - "Rnnta. ard examine and try Also, a balance of lease of V?- vr.v--- ; of. My24 Burlap Bags, Cedar Shingles, Ja479 Corner of Fort and Merekaat Streets. " trvn is. .<7AYfl VICTORIOUS AT FAIRS Coals, years, comprising IRON I inch to 3 laches, . n adapted for Aat Practical Teats. PIPE. There if Always Two Sides to a Story, Bricks. Also, lerV acres of " rj7 " ".HLLL3, US YAKIOTJS SIZES, FOR ALL THAT THE UNDERSIGNED ' Tiles, TJcxrtical Feed-- togo" BUT IS FRKFARKD TO GO TO FOR SALE BF SHUTTLE LOCKTlTCn ! ; r SEWlNn Msrntwv r V" L. RsiPiSflif Water far Portland Cement deok)ing to prchne an inferior snachine or a single thread '- -. JJ , jarFaaalljr TELLOW METAL, leistOsb,' Ainr PART OP THE ISLANDS - - r.. H ACECFELD . ' .v - ap-- CACSTIC SODA, H. & CO. .egr": M now here and can ae seen on AND TAKE 'THOMAS LACK-.- ' .. Orders from the other Islands promptly exe- aQKNT TOR THE HAWAIIAN fS tUa - spplF to 3 ' KIMBALL'S " PHAETONS, PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OR PORTRAITS, cuted and aatiafaction aaranteed. - . i apll Ne. ' 40 FORT 8TREE7 ' .' JAMES S. LEM OS, ' fcl mylT 70 ' ' In First Class Style, to Order, CANNED GOOTp r--ir Qaawlala. II. Downer's Kerosene Oil. PAIHTS AHD PAIITT OIL. '; A LARGE ASSORTMENT .... - - Vt roasjonA'ble --CrnY Kaaat Beef, Boiled Serf. TEA, xsrloem. BUCK'S - Roast' TERMS t Cash or Iraft on Honolara at the time the HUB PURE LEAD. Hl'BBUCr?S Cosnswassed Corn- j Beef, Piss cax be Ziae, Habback's Fale Boiled Oil, Boston Splits Ton goes. Tripe, Chowdes AaqBMBHJ akd C. BREWER CO. Negatives are taken. . Orders promptly attended to. Turpentine. For Bale rnh uan . SOLD by dbiis, e., C c: A BOLLK8 A CO. Ja2S 79 l feSSIy J II. L. CHASE. jat i BOLLES it CO. ial'Tv . tt