TRANSITIONS 3LZ]VS\TLZ0n???000VU[t[tW\ISPtZZV\ZSLUVT̷9L]\LKLZ7H`ZKLS»,Z[̷® The Post-Yugoslav Space Politics and Economics edited by Barbara DELCOURT & Klaus-Gerd GIESEN =VS © IS/IEUG Juin 2013 avenue Jeanne, 44, CP 124 - 1050 BRUXELLES Tel. 32.2/650.34.42 e.mail :
[email protected] – ISSN n° 0779-3812 ISBN 2-87263-041-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Barbara Delcourt & Klaus-Gerd Giesen 5 Yugoslavia in Western Nation-Building Strategy – A Historical Perspective Kees van der Pijl 11 State Borders, Symbolic Boundaries and Contested Geographical Space: Citizenship Struggles in Kosovo Gëzim Krasniqi 29 Linguistic Politics in Ex-Yugoslavia: The Case of Purism in Croatia Tea Pršir 53 Economic Wheels of Transition: Yugoslav Space 20 Years on 0LURVODYD)LOLSRYLü 71 Post-Yugoslav Sovereignties, Rentier Capitalism, and The European Economic Crisis Klaus-Gerd Giesen 101 ‘Truth And Reconciliation’: A New Political Subjectivity for Post-Yugoslavs? 6ORERGDQ.DUDPDQLü 117 LINGUISTIC POLITICS IN EX!YUGOSLAVIA: THE CASE OF PURISM IN CROATIA Tea PRŠIR 1. INTRODUCTION /LQJXLVWLFSXUL¿FDWLRQKDVH[LVWHGLQ&URDWLDEHIRUHLWVSROLWLFDOLQGHSHQGHQFH in 1991, as will be discussed in §2. In the 19th FHQWXU\ SXUL¿FDWLRQ ZDV IRFXVHG against non-Slavic languages such as German, Hungarian, Latin and Italian. After the Yugoslav wars it focused against “Serbianisms”. By this term, Croatian purists designate the words that entered the Croatian language during the years of common state history with the Serbian people. Serbianisms were the main preoccupation for some Croatian linguists from 1990 until 2000. They proposed (and sometimes even imposed) discarding these and replacing them with neologisms.