Czmas and Coastal Environments- Two Decades of Regulating Land
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India's Environment (Protection) Act of 1986 (EPA) contains a clause, Section 3(2)(v) which gives power to the Central Government i.e. the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests to take all measures that it feels is necessary to protect and improve the CZMAs AND COASTAL quality of the environment and to prevent and control environmental pollution. Using this power, in 1991, the Central Government promulgated the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, a legal instrument that regulates development on a sliver of space between the land and the sea and estuaries. ENVIRONMENTS: From its earliest forms to its most recent amendments, the legal text of the CRZ Notification has been debated between the public and the government as well as between states and the centre. Research papers and policy documents have TWO DECADES OF also analysed the design and purpose of this Notification. However, the Coastal Zone Management Authority (CZMA), the single institution established for the implementation of the Notification at the Centre and every coastal state and Union Territory have not been studied upto now. REGULATING LAND This study seeks to understand the official practice of coastal governance through these institutions, the National and the State/Union Territory CZMAs and the recently established District Level Coastal Committees (DLCCs). The study analyses the USE CHANGE ON institutional arrangements for the implementation of the Notification, the CZMAs' partially standardised procedures for project approvals, their near impossible task of zoning the entire coastline and their nebulous effect on coastal conservation. INDIA'S COASTLINE This report is an outcome of a three-year research study with interviews of present and ex-members of the CZMAs as well as a quantitative and qualitative analysis of over 350 officially recorded meeting minutes of the National CZMA and the CZMAs of the nine coastal states. MANJU MENON, MEENAKSHI KAPOOR, PREETI VENKATRAM, KANCHI KOHLI AND SATNAM KAUR About Centre for Policy Research The Centre for Policy Research (CPR) has been one of India's leading public policy think tanks since 1973. The Centre is a nonprofit, independent institution dedicated to conducting research that contributes to a more robust public discourse about the structures and processes that shape life in India. Contents of the CD About Namati 1. Spreadsheets with data from meetings' minutes of the nine SCZMAs In a world where billions live outside the protection of the law, Namati is dedicated to regarding project appraisals, violations and regularisations putting the law in people's hands. It is building a global movement of grassroots legal 2. A set of five report cards on the performance of CZMAs advocates who work with communities to advance justice. These advocates are fighting on the front lines to ensure that people can protect their land, access essential services, and 3. A copy of this report, "CZMAs and Coastal Environments: Two Decades take part in the decisions that govern their lives. of Regulating Land Use Change on India's Coastline" CZMAs AND COASTAL ENVIRONMENTS: TWO DECADES OF REGULATING LAND USE CHANGE ON India’s COASTLINE manJu menon, meenakshi kaPoor, Preeti venkatram, kanChi kohli anD satnam kaur Centre for PoliCy researCh– namati environmental JustiCe Program 2015 INST ITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 1 Contact Information: Centre for Policy Research (CPR)- Namati environmental Justice Program Centre for Policy Research Dharma marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110021 Citation: menon, m., kapoor, m., venkatram, P., kohli, k., & kaur, s. (2015). CZMAs and Coastal Environments: Two decades of regulating land use change on India’s coastline. India: CPR-Namati Environmental Justice Program. Disclaimer: there is no copyright on this publication. you are free to share, translate and distribute this material. We request that the source be acknowledged and that a copy/link of your reprint, report or translation be sent to CPr- namati environmental Justice Program. front cover photograph: Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, manju menon Copyediting: sreedevi lakshmi kutty Design: nia murphy, selvan thandapani and systems vision Print: systems vision, [email protected] 2 CONTENTS list of abbreviations 4 list of tables and graphs 6 Preface 7 acknowledgments 9 INTRODUCTION 11 CHAPTERS 1. institutional arrangements 19 2. Zoning and Classification of Coastal areas 59 3. Project appraisals 81 4. enforcement and Compliance 105 5. Conservation 121 RECOMMENDATIONS an outcomes Based Coastal governance under CrZ 131 ANNEXURES 1. sCZmas at a glance 138 2. right to information (rti) Chronology 144 3. list of interviewees and Discussants 146 4. Questionnaire for interviewees 148 5. Binding Constraints analysis 150 6. sCZmas’ Composition over time 152 7. Chronology of the sCZmas’ meetings 159 8. frequency of matters Discussed by the nCZma 164 9. frequency of matters Discussed by the sCZmas 166 10. national green tribunal and Coastal Zone management authorities 170 11. guidelines/Directions issued by the moef to the sCZmas 175 12. a sample CrZ Clearance letter issued by the moef 176 13. a sample noC issued by an sCZma 181 14. sample stop Work orders issued by the environment Department, government of gujarat 183 3 list of aBBreviations ACF : Assistant Conservator of Forests EPA : Environment (Protection) Act aPCZma/ : andhra Pradesh Coastal Zone management esa : ecologically sensitive area aPsCZma authority/ etrP : emergency tsunami reconstruction Project andhra Pradesh state Coastal Zone management authority FAQ : frequently asked Questions aPPCB : andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board fir : first information report Bisag : Bhaskaracharya institute for space gCZma/ : goa Coastal Zone management authority/ applications and geo-informatics gsCZma gujarat Coastal Zone management authority/ goa state Coastal Zone management authority/ Cag : Comptroller and auditor general gujarat state Coastal Zone management authority CD : Compact Disc geC : gujarat ecology Commission Cess : Centre for earth science studies geer : gujarat ecological education and research CmDa : Chennai metropolitan Development authority giDa : goshree islands Development authority CPCB : Central Pollution Control Board gis : geographic information system CPR : Centre for Policy Research gmB : gujarat maritime Board CrZ : Coastal regulation Zone go (ms) : government order (manuscript series) Cusat : Cochin university of science and technology GoI : Government of India CvCa : Critically vulnerable Coastal area gPCB : gujarat Pollution Control Board CWrDm : Centre for Water resources Development and management gsPCB : goa state Pollution Control Board CZ : Coastal Zone guiDe : gujarat institute of Desert ecology CZis : Coastal Zone information system gvmC : greater visakhapatnam municipal Corporation CZma : Coastal Zone management authority gWB : ground Water Board CZmP : Coastal Zone management Plan hC : high Court DA : Dearness Allowance htl : high tide line DCZma : District Coastal Zone management authority iCmam : integrated Coastal and marine area management DCZmC : District Coastal Zone management Committee iCZm : integrated Coastal Zone management Dfo : District forest officer iCZmP : integrated Coastal Zone management Project DLC : District Level Committee iDa : international Development association DLCC : District Level Coastal Committee iesWm : institute of environmental studies and Wetland DsDa : Digha sankarpur Development authority management eaC : expert appraisal Committee iit : indian institute of technology EC : Environment Clearance iom : institute for ocean management ECR : East Coast Road IREL : Indian Rare Earths Limited eia : environment impact assessment irs : institute of remote sensing 4 it : information technology rti : right to information kCZma/ : karnataka Coastal Zone management saC : space application Centre ksCZma authority/kerala Coastal Zone management authority/ sBB : state Biodiversity Board karnataka state Coastal Zone management authority/ kerala state Coastal Zone management authority sC : supreme Court ksCste : kerala state Council for science, technology sCZma : state Coastal Zone management authority and Environment seaC : state expert appraisal Committee ksPCB : karnataka state Pollution Control Board/ seiaa : state environment impact assessment kerala state Pollution Control Board authority lB : lower Bench SLC : State Level Committee LSG : Local Self Government so : special order LTL : Low Tide Line sPmu : state Project management unit mPa : marine Protected area sZ : south Zone mCZma : maharashtra Coastal Zone management authority TA : Travel Allowance moef : ministry of environment and forests tlCmC : taluka level Coastal monitoring Committee mPseZ : mundra Port and special economic Zone tn : tamil nadu ms : member secretary tnCZma/ : tamil nadu Coastal Zone management msPCB : maharashtra state Pollution Control Board tnsCZma authority/ tamil nadu state Coastal Zone management nCsCm : national Centre for sustainable Coastal management authority nCZma : national Coastal Zone management authority tnPCB : tamil nadu Pollution Control Board nDZ : no Development Zone ToR : Terms of Reference ngo : non governmental organisation uneP-gPa : united nations environment Programme- ngt : national green tribunal global Programme of action nho : national hydrographic office USD : United States Dollar nio : national institute of oceanography UT : Union Territory noC : no objection Certificate utCZma : union territory