LIGHTS OF OUR RIGHTEOUS TZADDIKIM בעזרת ה ' יתבר A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) SHELACH _ CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA + Shabbos Noam HaNeshomos Dvar Torah Be a Man The Rebbe Reb Melech of Liz hensk cites the Mishna in Avos 5:6, “In a place where there are no men, be a man,” and points out an apparent discrepancy in the wording used in the Mishna for “men” and “man”. When saying “in a place where there are no people ”, the Tanna uses the term anoshim , a plural for “men”, derived from the singular form enosh , whereas in the Mishna ’s conclusion, the Tanna says, “Be a man,” and uses the sin gular form ish , whose plural is ishim . The Noam Elimelech asks why the language used by the Tanna is inconsistent; why does the Tanna switch from the plural form anoshim , to ish ? The Noam Elimelech resolves this apparent inconsistency by explaining that th e term enosh is found in Yirmiyah 17:9 where it refers to sickness. The Noam Elimelech explains that sick people moan and groan in pain, and he derives that when it comes to our Avodas Hashem we have to look at ourselves and our Avoda as always in need of improvement . Just like a sick person’s health needs to improve , our incomplete and imperfect Avoda is sick and in need of healing and betterment; this is why we sigh and groan at our lack and imperfection – in order to better ourselves and heal, sigh ing at the lowly state we are in and how distant we are from 1 Shelach /
[email protected] being Tzaddikim .