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UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 2 Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-3-1962 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 2 WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Leadership Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact College Heights Herald Vote Oct. 4! Western Kentucky State College Nominations of officers for the three upper classes were held at separate meetings of these classes at various VOLUME 42, NO. 2-Z251 BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY W EDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1962 places around the campus last Wednesday. Freshman class officers were nominated Monday afternoon in Van Meter Auditorium. Each class nominated candidates for each office and also nominated candidates for Homecoming Queen. The primary election is sched­ Nominees for vice • president uled to begin tomorrO\\ morning were Jim Jack.son, Carlos Embry. at 7.30 a.m. and run until 4:30 Harry Summerfield. Carolyn Aus• p.m. The polls will be located in tin, and Freddy Allcott. the Student Union Building. All Dianne Howard, Dianne Wil­ regularly enrolled students are son, Joyt:e Balsel, Connie :'\Jar. eligible to vote in their respective ting were the nominees for ~cc• class elections. The purpose or the retruy. prim:u·y election is to select two The five nominees for treasurer candidates for each office in were :Mike Roberts, Jim Hoerner, each class and four candidates· Richard Tu- ncr. Francis Ben ard from each class for Homecoming and Lavada Farkum. Queen. Junior Nominations The winners of the,e variol.lli J\iorninations for cl.iss officers elections will be determined by highlighted the m<.-eting of t h e a general election, to be held Junior clas;-; at its meeting last October 11. Wednesd.:iy. of The results the class nom­ Tho:;e nominated as candidates inations follow. for president we1>e Carson Cullt•r, Senior Nominations history major. Garrett, Ind : Mel Nom,nations for cluss officer!> Schuler, phy:m:al education ma• were held at the fir,t meeting jor. Dayton, O.; Eddie Walker, of the Senior class on Wednesday, in<lu .rial arts m.1101, Bon !in~ September 26. GrCt'n; and Robert Covington. Mr. Rhea Lazarus, new spon­ mulhematics major, Fort Knox. sor of the class, offic1 lly presided Vice • president candidates are, over the mt:eling. E,1cia Cardwell, art major, Lou­ Four students were nominated isville; Pat Anderson BarY.ick, for the office of president. TI1cy elementary education and physi.• were Ellis Morrow, Charlie Logs­ ology major, Louisville; l\lonis don, Don Craig, and J. Russell Ross. Continued on page 4, column 1 BANOS •• , from sevent,een high schools will participate in the annual Band Day and YMCA Cheerleaders Clinic Saturday, October 6. The bands will be the featured half-time entertainment of the Austin Peay game this Saturday. 17 Schools To Participate Band Day-YMCA Cheerleaders Clinic Will Be Held On Hill October 6 Western's campus becomes the Over 1200 musicians from 17 t o w n, Russellville, Bremen, state's focal point or music and high school bands will compete Drakesboro, Allen County, Leitch­ sound Saturday as the school for trophies in two categories. field, Campbellsville, Sacramento, stages iL~ annual Band Day and One award goes to the best play­ Hartford, Morgantown, Adair hosts the YMCA Cheerleaders ing band, another to the best County, Caverna and Bowling Clinic. marching band. Green. Western band director Ed Awards for both bands and There will also be a trophy for Knob will conduct the day's ac­ cheering squads will be Saturday the be:;t majorette corps. tivities. afternoon during halftime festivi• The high school bands will The bands will hold rehearsal ties o( the Western-Austin Peay come from Muhlenburg Central, from 10 to 11 a.m. then !rave State College football game. Lewisburg, Larue County, Center- lunch from 11 to 12 noon. The bandsmen start their parade at 12:30, moving through downtown Bowling Green before returning to Western Stadium at 5,138 Enrolled 1 p.m. The massed bands will play five selections, ranging from marches T'his Semester Continued on page 4, column 4 Enrollment at Western Ken­ reported an enrollmenl o( 438 stu­ NOTICE tucky Stale College for the 1962- dents at the Training School. All intere$ted women, hav­ 63 fall semester totals 5,138 regu­ Philip Hampton, director of the ing completed twelve or more larly enrolled college students, Western Area Vocational School, hours of college work are in• CHEERLEADER BEAUTIES - Cheerleader elections this year, helcl according to figures released this reported 251 students enrolled. vited to submit their names at m orning by Registrar Rhea Laz­ A ne\\ six-story dormitory for last Thursday, revealed that Westem students had picked for the varsi• the Dean of Students Office for ty squad six dazzling beauties. After elections, the coed group made arus. women was opened at the begin­ consideration by t h e local This marks the largest cnroll­ ning of the new semester on Sept. its· debut for the '62-63 season at the Western-Middle Tennessee game menl in the hislory of the college. sororities for r ushing. The Saturday. Those elected are: (first row, front to rear) Anne Coop, junior 10 providing housing accommoda­ deadline for submitting names Last year 4,797 students enroll­ psychology major from Campbellsville; Dianne Howard, senior physical tions for 404 "omen. has been extended to 4:30 p.m. ed for the fall scmc5ter making A 10-story dormitory for men education major from Caneyville; Christine DeVries, sophmore English today. major from Bowling Green; (second row, front to rear) Sylvia Terry, an increase of 341 students this is now under construction and is Judith Anne Moore year. expected to be ready for occu- junior Spanish and English major from Paducah; Marilyn Cates, senior Director of the Western Train­ Dean of Women home economics major from Louisville; and Sandy Griffis, sophomore ing School James A. Carpenter Continued on page 8, column 1 elementary education major from Bowling Green. Cheerleaders TDEA Will Meet Here Oct.11 And 12 Elected For Kentucky's Third District Edu­ Room for the purpose of elect­ cation Association will follow the ine new officers. The Associa­ 61-62 Season theme "A Profession Comes Of tion's general session will con­ As the anx.iety grc\\ and as the Age" when it holds its 35th an­ vene at 8:30 a.m. in Van Meter last ballots were counted, six nual meeting October 11 and 12 Auditorium. Mr. W. Paul Hamp­ girls became Western·s 1962-6.1 on the Western campus. ton, Superintendent or B u t l e r cheerleading squad. Those elected Dr. Willard Goslin, Professor County Schools and TDEA Presi­ were l1arilyn Cates, senior from of Education and Coordinator of dent, will preside at both meet­ Louisville; Anne Coop, junior from the Korean Project al George ings. Campbellsville; Christine DcVrioo, Peabody College for Teachers in The GlasgO\\ High School band sophomore from Bowling Green; Nashville, Tenn., will ad,liess the under the direction of ~Ir. Charles Sandy Griffis, sophomore fr o m meeting at both the School Ad­ Honeycutt will present a concert Bowling Green, and Dianne IIOIN• ministrators Dinner on Thursday at the opening or the general ses­ ard. senior from Caneyville: and night and the TDEA'~ general sion Sylvia Terry. junior from Pa­ ses.,ion on Friday morning. T.D.E.A. General Assembly ducah. The Thursd:iy night dinner .viii Following the invocallon and Dianne Howard will be cnlel'­ be held at 6 o'clock in the main the delegate assembly rcpart, Mr. ing her third year as a varsity dining room of the Paul L. Gar­ T. K. Stone, Nat;onal Education cheerleader. This will be the soo­ rell St1•,fent Ccnte~. w Ith Mr. Aso, i:1: ,on Director from Ken­ ond year that Marilyn Cates and John II. Bruce, Superintendent of tucky: Mr. Charlton Hummel, Sylvia Terry have been on th e Simpson County Schools, presid­ Prc.~idcnt of the Kentucky Edu­ chcerlcacling squad and the first :ng. cation Association; Mr. Fred J. year for Anne Coop, Christine De­ Will Elect Officers P:irdue. Pres1denl or the Ken­ Vrlc~ and Sandy Grims. The TDEA's delPg, tic assem• tucky Schoo' BO.'.lrd, As3ociatio11, The six m:ide their c'.icer'.'.':idiog bly will meet at 8 a.m. Friday debut for the 62-63 season al the DR. WILLARD GOSLIN MR. T. K. STONE in the Student Center's l\fomorial Continued on page 8, column 1 Middle Tenne,see g .. me Saturday. CoUege Heights He1·ald The College Heights Her~ld is the official newspaper HILL TOPICS of the Weste.-n Kentucky State College. It is published every Wednesday during the school yea.- under the gen­ by DOUGLAS L. VERDIER eral management of Robert Cochran. The staff is c:cmposed of students of the journalism classes taught by Miss Frances Richards. News coordinator for the Students Invited To Join music at Bowling Green High Hilltopic Herald is Robert Towe. Music Groups School. The organization plans to give Ceiling damage due to seepage in Van Meter AudJ. ,la'.'t..oc.~..... £0 ,.0.. NATIONAL ADVltH.Tl6u~<i e,i The Department of Music wel­ a public performance of a major torium has been corrected by the Maintenance Depart.
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