Council Approves Town-Wide Mailing on Deck Make a $50,000 Annual Contribu- Version of Which Was Made Avail- Risks
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Serving Westfield, Scotch Plains and Fanwottd V<H. 19, N Sd&g Friday. October 22,2004 50 cents *LLlUiX * H h- * LO O tO * UplJJ Hi ill'. Council approves town-wide mailing on deck make a $50,000 annual contribu- version of which was made avail- risks. Sal Caruana, the most vocal THE RECORD-PRESS tion, which had been included in able at Tuesday's meeting, out- The draft of the brochure also opponent of the project on the the town's financial model, to lines the objectives behind the states that as a result of the proj- council. "... And we're going out WESTFIELD — The Town help pay for the project. project, the town's plan and ect, there will be "no anticipated of our way not to explain that." Council decided Tuesday to Bend The mailing should be arriv- financial strategy, and the antici- increase in property taxes." Supporters of the mailing a mailing providing information ing in residents' mailboxes short- pated result, along with the text Though the council has noted the referendum question about the proposed redevelop- ly, prior to the Nov. 2 non-binding of the referendum question. endorsed a financial plan for the itself says the deck would be paid ment project at Prospect and Elm referendum on the project, which Tuesday's discussion centered project that does not call for a for by, "if necessary, the levy of ad streets to all local residents, calls for the town to issue $10 around the fact that one of the direct property tax subsidy, tax valorem taxes upon all the tax- despite the objections of some million in bonds to fund a munic- objectives in the brochure revenue might have to be used to able property within the Town of council members and members of ipal parking deck at the site. The declares "Parking improvements pay for the work if other revenue Westfield." the public. project would also include 19 res- will not impose any burden on sources fall short. That prompted this response The council also learned that idential units and a modest taxpayers," and that the "The bottom line is, if we don't from Councilman Jim Foerst: the Downtown Westfield amount of retail space. brochure does not explicitly meet our (revenue) objectives, Corporation is not prepared to The brief brochure, a draft address concerns or potential property taxes are at risk," said (Continued on page A-2) Apartments sought atop PNC building Mattel Usury By MAD BISHOP nected by a 1975 Planning Board THE RECORD-PRESS ruling. As a condition of Scotch Ptains-Fanwood boys soccer approval, the 18 spaces on the head coach Tom Breznitsky is on WESTFIELD — A proposal to north side of Broad Street were the verge of his 500th career win. convert the second and third sto- included in the PNC building's Breznitsky has been the coach of ries of the PNC Bank building parking calculations. Ackerman the Raiders since 1975. See Sports, from office space into condomini- is first attempting to de-couple PageC-1. ums on East Broad Street was the two properties and secure presented before the Planning board approval for parking vari- Board on Tuesday. ances for residential use at the The project's principal devel- PNC site, which does have its oper, Irwin Ackerman, wants to own lot. convert the vacant upper stories If the board approves the con- into eight condominium units. version of the second and third Few significant changes are stories of the PNC building into planned for the building's exteri- condominiums next month, a or; the developer hopes to erect a hearing over the mixed-use small addition to install an ele- building across the street will vator for future tenants. begin at that point. Ackerman also holds an own- Converting the upper stories ership interest in an 18-space of the building into condomini- JOHN FEI/CORRESPONDENT parking lot across the street to ums requires several parking the north, and has Filed a sepa- variances, mostly caused by the rate application to construct a tight parking lot configuration at A good breakfast, for a good cause 40-foot tall mixed-use building in that site. The town's land use Suaan Pink of WaatHald and har aon Draw ahara aoma pancakaa and a oood laugh at tha pancake that space. That building would ordinance requires 36 parking braakfaat fundraiser hakf Saturday at tha National Guard Armory on Ranway Avanua In WattfWd. include about 1,200 square feet spaces, while the developer is fferprtfrtss Proceeds from tha event will benefit a supportflroup dedicated to tha families of tha mambartof of ground floor retail space and proposing 30. The proposed park- tha 250th Signal Battalion, which ia baaad at §» armory and ia now deployed oversaw. eight apartment units. The Rotary Club of Westfield and l non-profit organization Pedals for - The two-properties are con- (Continued on page A-3) Progress collected about 150 used bicycles to benefit underdeveloped countries Saturday. For the pictures, see page B-1. Test scores strong in Scotch Plains schools ByBfUDBMNOP grade students in the spring. Nearly 90 schools in the same socioeconomic catego- higher advanced proficiency in math than THE RECORD-PRESS percent of general education students ry was not yet available, but will be pub- language arts. scored proficient or better in mathematics, lished at a later day. Nearly 91 percent of general education SCOTCH PLAINS — Students in the and roughly 98 percent achieved proficien- General education students scored well eighth-graders scored proficient or better school district continued to perform well cy in language arts. on the GEPA, also, with approximately 93 in science, with just more than 40 percent above state and national averages on About 43 percent of students scored percent proficient in math and 91 percent scoring "advanced proficient." standardized tests, according to a report advanced proficient in math, and almost 8 meeting standards in language arts. On the HSPA exam, 90 percent of 11th- presented to the Board of Education by percent scored advanced proficient in lan- Hayes was particularly pleased by the grade general education students scored Margaret Hayes, assistant superintendent guage arts. improvement in math scores at Terrill proficient or better in math and almost 97 of instruction. The tests will be used to determine the Middle School, which she said had flagged percent scored proficient or better in lan- At the board's agenda meeting Oct. 14, so-called "adequate yearly progress" in recent years. guage arts. Forty-seven percent were Hayes presented results on the 2003-2004 benchmark of the No Child Left Behind The scores had gone down, but now rated advanced proficient in math and 22 statewide exams, including the NJASK 3 rules; all five elementary schools met the they're on their way back up," Hayes said. percent achieved the advanced rating in and 4, Grade Eight Proficiency 40 separate indicators of progress called Forty-five percent of general education language arts. Assessment (GEPA), and the High School for by the federal legislation. These indica- students scored advanced proficient on However, performance at the high Proficiency Assessment (HSPA). The tests tors track the performance of disaggregat- the math portion of the GEPA, and 5 per- school showed adequate progress on only results are a key component of No Child ed groups such as special education stu- cent scored advanced proficient in lan- 38 of 40 indicators; the school came up Left Behind guidelines, which require all dents or students from varying racial and guage arts. Hayes said students in other short with respect to the language arts students to be proficient by 2014. ethnic backgrounds. districts with similar socioeconomic popu- The NJASK4 test was taken by fourth- Data about the performance of other lations were seeing the same pattern of (Continued on page A-2) MenwrtoliofeB Racist graffiti found A trip back in time at WestfieM's new Korean War at SP-F High School Memorial, created by Boy Scout / Miller-Cory Kevin Devaney, will be dedicated on adjusted to prevent students Under the watchful eye off THE RECORD-PRESS from accessing the site on the Veterans Day. See the story on Page school network. But since the Sherry Lang, Paige Crandall of B-1. SCOTCH PLAINS — website had a remote host, it Westfield triee har hand at Members of the Black. Student remained accessible from home grinding com at the Miller- Union say a series of racially computers. It took the district Cory House Saturday. Paige hostile incidents is undermining some time to get the site shut waa visiting the house aa part REMINDER their perception of safety at the down, he explained. of Union County's annual high school. "Four Centuries in a Weekend" "There was a great deal of program, during which sH tha A delegation of African- inappropriate information on the JtotaucdM American students addressed website," Heisey said. But "set- county's notable historic alias the issue publicly at a Board of ting up a website is a simple pro- open their doors. at Ml Saints Education meeting Oct. 14, cedure — all you have to have is The Resolve Community asserting that the student body an Internet connection...and you Counseling Center will host a fine and community should immedi- can download the (required) soft- art auction tonight at All Saints' ately be made aware of racially ware on the Internet or just pur- Council candidates make their case Episcopal Church, 559 Park Ave. In hostile incidents. chase it at Office Max," he con- Scotch Plains. Doors open at 7 But they also praised school tinued.