Moover Have Gone to New York and Are at the Mrs
I r 14 THE WASHINGTON TEVJE&' THURSDAY; APRIL 24, 1919. V f r uinunnniTnr HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY . PRESIDENT'S STAND 1 Arnnuu t . Lord and Lady Reading in New York Qeneriiand Mrs. Barnett Entertain Battt) WEAR E' R S RES Weddings Engagements ITHE $c$oPENNAJWLAT TH.ST Ishiis Dinner Hosts and BUSY CORNER 8 I I N . -- - U ,i .'I naVy tho British Ambassador and the of the army and and all Open 9;15 A. M. P. M 1 will represented." to 6:00 PARIS. April 24. Diverse newspa- NEW XORK, April 24. "Aphrodite," of Reading, who went patriotic societies be THE be! reserved for, per criticism today preeted President but not like the "Aphrodite" of the New York on Tuesday, arc A large box win c: comic verse, who wore a "nightie," to- public expected back at the embassy the regents of tie District cnapiers Two-Da- y Wilson's declaration that will be seen on the New Tork stage morrow evening. They are staying American Sale Friday, Saturday Flume should not be given to Italy. year, Morris Gest, pro- of the Daughters or the this theatrical at the Plaza. Revolution, who are patronesses,, and The Figaro referred the state- ducer, announced on his arrival from Lord Reading attended the banquet today. for the, national officers. ment as a "thunderbolt,", saying: that Paris of the St. George Society last even- box will be provided for the It jma.y do more harm than good. Instead of reproducing the scene ing, wiU be the hon- A Spring Helps for a the Paris and tonight he Wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Housecleaing The Oeurvre expressed the opinion that created furore at or guest of the Association of For- an'd the se- opera, when a nude woman was cruci- din- Hospital, will' be under that the President "Is tired of eign Press Correspondents at the ,.
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