1496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 6, The SECRET.A.RY. A bill (S. 1575) to amend an act entitled "An Roland Franklin, to be postmaster at Clio, in the county of act to regulate commerce." G enesee and :::ltate of Mkhigan. Mr. CULLOM. I move that the Senate adjourn. Edgar B. Babcock, to be postmaster at Kalkaska, in the county The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 34 minutes of Kalkaska and State of Michigan. p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, F.ebruary Jam es P. Hutcheson to be postmaster at Owenton, in the county 7, 1899, at 12 o'clock meridian. - of Owen and State of Kentucky. Laura V. Herd, to be postmaster at Middlesboro, in the county of Bell and State of Kentucky. NO MINA TIO NS. Fred J. Mauren, to be postmaster at Portland, in the county of ExeciLtive nominations received b1.J the Senate February 6, 1899. Ionia and State of l\lichigan. PROMOTIONS IN THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. Charles S. Collier, to be postmaster at Frankfort, in the county of Benzie and Sta.te of Michigan. Third Lieut. Randolph Ridgely, jr., of Georgia., to be a second Lizzie Vaupel, to be postmaster at Morganfield, in the county lieutenant in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to of Union and·State of Kentucky. succeed John L. Davis, removed. John S. Miller, to be postmaster at Greenville, in the county of . Cyrus B. Fengar, of Connecticut, to bea third lieutenant in the Muhlenburg and State of Kentucky. Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to succeed Randolph Ridgely, jr., promoted. L'fDI.A.N A.GE~. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alonzo A. Armstrong, of Phrenix; Ariz., t.o be agent for the In­ dians of Fort Apache Agency, in Arizon~, vice Charles D. Keyes, MONDAY, February 6, 1899. deceased. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. TO BE ASSISTANT SURGEON WITH THE RANK OF FIRST LIEU­ HENRY N. COUDEN. TENANT, The .T ournal of Saturday's proceedings was read and approved. William Jephtha Calvert, of Kentucky, Janua.i·y 30, 1899, vice Birmingham, promoted. RECALL OF A. BILL. PROMOTIONS IN THE :MARINE CORPS. A message from the Senate, by Mr. PLATT, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed the following resolution, in Capt. Francis H. Harrington, to be a major in the Marine Corps, which the concmTence of the House was requested: from the 10th day of August, 1898, vice Maj. Robert L. Meade, promoted. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That tho President be requested to return to the Senate the bill of the Senate No. 569, First Lieut. Charles H. Lauchheimer, to be a captain in the granting an increase of pension to Clarinda S. Hillman. Marine Corps, from the 10th day of August,.1898, vice Capt. Fran­ cis H. Harrington, promoted. The SPEAKER. The Chair will submit for the concurrence of Second Lieut. John H. Russell, to be a first lieutenant in the the House the resolution just received from the Senate. Marine Corps, from the 10th day of August, 1898, vice Lieut. The resolution was taken up, read, and agreed to. Charles H. Lauchheimer, promoted. ADMISSION OF COSTA RICAN STUDENT TO NA VAL ACADEMY, First Lieut. Henry C. Haines, to be a captain in the Marine Corps, from the 11th day of August, 1898, vice Capt. James M. T. Mr. HILBORN. I ask unanimous consent for the immediate Young, promoted and retired. · consideration of the joint resolution which I send to the desk. Second Lieut. Thomas S. Borden, to be a first lieutenant in the The Clerk read as follows: Marine Corps, from the 11th day of August, 1898 (subject to the Joint resolution (S. R. 218) authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to r eceive examinations required by law), vice First Lieut. Henry C. Haines, for instruction at the Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Ricardo Yglesias, of promoted. of Costa Rica. Resolved b1J the Senate and House of Representatives, etc., That the Secre­ First Lieut. George Barnett, to be a captain in the Marine tary of the Navy be, and he hereby is, authorized to permit Ricardo Yglesias, Corps, from the 11th day of August, 1898, vice Capt. Erastus R. of Co!<ta Rica, to receive instruction at the Naval Academy, at Annapolis: Robinson. promoted and retired. Provided, That no expense shall be caused to the United States thereby: And provided further, 'rha: in the case of the said Ricardo Yglesias the Sec­ Second Ljeut. Joh~ T. Myers, to be a firRt lieutenant in the :Ma­ retary of the Navy may modify or dispense with any provisions of the rules rine Corps, from the 11th day of August, 1898 (subject to the exami­ and r egulations of the said Academy.which circumstances may, in his opin­ nn.tions required by law), vice First Lieut. George Barnett, pro­ ion, render necessary or desirable. · moted. Mr. HILBORN. Mr. Speaker, the representative of the Gov­ erillllent of Costa Rica has made on behalf of his Government the WITHDRAWALS. request with which this resolution proposes compliance, and the Ea:eciLti·1Je nominations u:ithdrawn Februa1'1J 6, 1899. Secretary of the Navy recommends that the joint resolution be passed. Maj. Henry H. Humphreys, Twelfth Infantry, for appointment There being no objection, the House proceeded to conside.r the as lieutenant-colonel by brevet in the Army of the United States, joint resolution; which was read three times, an,u passed. and nominate him for appointment as colonel by brevet in the Army of the United States for gallantry in battle, El Caney, Cuba, ADMISSION OF STUDENT FROM COLO.MBIA TO NAVAL ACADEMY. July 1, 1893. (The brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel was con­ Mr. IDLBORN. There is another resolution of similar char­ fen-ed on Major Humphreys March 2, 18G7.) acter to the one just passed, and I ask its immediate consideration, Thomas Jeptha Calvert for appointment as assistant sui·geon, The Clerk read the resolution, as follows: United States Army, with the rank of first lieutenant. Joint resolution (S. R. 219) authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to roceivo for instruction at the Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Alberto Valenzuela Montoya, of Colombia.. CONFIRMATIONS. Rcsolvecl bu the Senate and House of Repres~ntatives, et~., Th:i.t the Scc_re· by tary of tho Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to receive for instr1;cnon Executive nominations confirmed the Senate February 6, 1899. at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Alberto Valenzuela l\Iontoy~, of Colom­ bia: Proi·ided, That no expense shall thereby accrue to the UmtPd States: COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Lind p1·0-vided further That the Secretary of the Navy may, in the case of tho Thomas B. George, of Florida, to be collector of customs for Raid Moutoya, modify or dispen.se w~th any provisions o! th!3 ru~o~ and rc~u­ lations of the said Academy which crrcumstances may, m his oplillon, renuer the district of St. Augustine, in the State of Florida. necessary or desirable. POSTM.A.STlillS. Mr. BAILEY. Mr. Speaker, I suggest to the gentleman from John M. Jolley, to be postmaster at Daytona, in the county of California [Mr. HILBORN] that it seeins ~o me, without any special Volusia and State of Florida. knowledge on the subject, not to be a wise procedure on the part John H . Hibbard, to be postmaster at De L and, in the county of our Government to allow almost every other government the of Volusia and State of Florida. privilege of educating young men of their nation at our Acade!Ily, Gus A. McLane, to be postmaster at Lewisburg, in the county thus familiarizing them with our ships and our methods. It is to of Marshall and State of Tennessee. be hoped that we shall never have a misunderstantli~g, much less William Mcl\:Ianis, to be postmaster at Baird, in the county of a collision, with om· neighbors to the south of us. b~t if ~e shoul~, , Callahan and Stato of Texas. almost every one of those South American count~1~s will have in Thomas J. Mitchell, to be postmaster at Port Tampa, in the its service men =ho have been educated at our Military or Naval county of Hillsboro and State of Florida. Academy and who will be familiar with the secrets, if secrets there Victor F. Huntley, to be postmaster at Manton, in the county be. of our modes of warfare. of Wexford and State of Michigan. Mr. HILBORN. .Mr. Speaker, this is a privilege which we have 1899. ~ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1497 frequently granted heretofore, and it would attract attention if Mr. FERGUSSON. Sixty-five thousand dollars is the .total we should now r efuse the request which has been made on behalf amount authorized by the pending bill. of this South American Government by its representative. Mr. PAYNE. But this is an authorization beyond the limit of 1\fr. DAILEY. I simply desired to know whether the committee the present law, as I understand the bill. Now, what is the law, had taken into consideration the view of the case which I have and what is the outstanding indebtedness? · -- suggested. It may be that there are no secrets that these students Mr. PERKINS. Four per cent on the assessed valuation of the at the Military and Naval Academies learn; I am not informed as property in the city. And this originated in this manner-if the -to that. Dut if there are special facts that come to the knowledge gentleman from New York will permit me: of students there, it is not wise to communicate them to people of The shrinkage in the .value of the assessments caught the city foreign nations.
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