Ank Registeri
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ANK REGISTER I •?. VOLUME LXVIL, NO. 21. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY/NOVEMBER 16, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14' Naval Aviator /. Mabel Brown Heads Sixth War Loan Drive Holiday Issue L>ry Era Ended For Next Wednesday Historica lAssoda tion Opens November 20 The Red Bank Register next Gooseiown Section week will be Issued Wednes- day, Instead of Thursday, this being due to. Thanksgiving Annual Meeting Of County Quota For Red Bank Area Is falling on our regular public cation day.; •'.'.' Liquor License Granted Organization Held Last Week $2,505,000—County, $7,500,000 In order that our advertisers will get the full pulling power To Baker Grocery Store -. • .. « The organization meeting for the teered their help, in selling bonds, of The Register's large circu- H . Mabel Brown of Mata- Sixth War Loan in the'Bed Bank as well as the children- in the lation forthftt Issue. we_wi!l v.-an, publisher of The Matawan area, which opened, November 20, schools. .•-•..' ••• advance our publication day That stretch of dessert in Red / Journal and The Keyport Weekly, Sheriff, Clerk, was held in the board of directors' Mr. Mohn has contacted the to Wednesday, as stated above. Hudson Dealer Is 3ank known many years "ago asr f- and a member of an early Mon- room of the Second National Bank larger industries, and has found en- - We respectfully solicit the Soosetown is about to have an ,; mouth county family, was elected and Trust company Monday. Pres- thusiastic response from the indi- further co-operation of "bur >as1s in its midst. No longer will f president of the Monmouth County Surrogate Sworn ent were Raymond Glennen of the* vidual concerns to taking quotas of correspondents to- send in Planning For The hirsty residents of the section hive '? Historical—Association—at-the-an.-- State War Finance headquarters at E bonds, . " their weekly news letters a 0 repair to the business district * riual organization meeting held at firAtFreehold— Newark, Louis'H; Burfelndr'chalr- The two war stamp booths locat- day earlier and, of course, we f the borough for its packaged * the Freehold Museum .hut week. man of the Monmouth County War ed in the two banks here will stim- hope our advertisers will-ar- Post-War Period Br.—It will-bo- available. shortly She succeeds W. S. Holmes of Free- Finance committee, Mrs. George M. ulate the sale of war stamps during range accordingly to forward the store Jocated at 280 Me* hold, who has been named Director Bodraan, vice chairman; Mrs. Ar- the drive. The booth at the. Second copy earlier to make the edi- hanlc street operated by Joseph 3. 'Wolcott, White Saker. of the Museum. thur J. White, vice chairman; F. National is manned iff members of tion. - Wellington Wilkins,.,.. Named First and Palmer Armstrong, chairman of the the Red Bank Junior Service A retail plenary liquor license Red Bank area; J. Allen Mohn, in- league, and the booth in the Mer- Jr. Adds New Service was granted Mr. Baker and his eon, Second Deputies ENSIGN JOSEPH. FINNEGAN jdustrlal chairman; James Van- chants Trust is manned by the Red Louis Becker, by the borough coun- " . j Mater, chairman of Atlantic High- Bank Woman's club. There Is also Depot to Show Room cil at a special meeting Monday" Ordinance To night over the protests of the Re- Morris J. Woodrlng, Ocean Grove Joseph C.Finnegan, son of Mr. j lands; Edward H. Conway, chair- a booth located in the lobby of the and Mrs. Craig Flnnegan of Bel- man of Red Bank borough; James ,Carlton theater, and war stamps "I Am Planning For the Post- tail Liquor Dealers association of hotelman who, on November 7, was Red Bank.» Councilman ThomasJ . ford, was commissioned an Ensign !M. FOX, chairman of Rumson; Ray are on sale In the Red Bank War Period" is the heading of an elected sheriff, has appointed Ira Ban Smoking On announcement elsewhere In this is- M. Gopaill, presiding In the absance* E. Wolcott, Eatontown, merchant, in the United States Naval Reserve VanHorn, chairman of FaJr Haven; schools. ' Mayor Charles R.. English and and designated a Naval aviator Oc- Jules Distel, chairman of Little Sll- It was stressed at the meeting sue of the Red Bank Register, in- and: Courtlandt White, Red Bank, Councilman J. Albert VanSehoili, tober 24, at the naval air training v'er; Thomas M. Anderson, Arm- that people should buy and hold Leonardo Piers viting the public to inspect the >resldent of the council, entertained* real estate agent, as his first and show room and the adjoining. new second deputies respectively, it was base at Pensaaola, Florida, He has strong Cork company, Keyport; their bonds, because It Is felt that been assigned to further duty as a Howard Stockton, County Gas com- turning in a bond, unless absolute- service depot' of Wilkins. Motor 1 motlon-^ifter both sides had pre- disclosed at Freehold Tuesday Sales on Broad street, just south ented their case. "Bhe motion to when the new sheriff, j. Russell dive, bomber pilot. He enlisted In pany, Atlantic", Highlands;' Ralph ly necessary, is like giving a soldier Introduced At, Pearce, Second National Bank and a gun without any ammunition. of the Broad street railroad cross- ;rant the .license was made by Woolley, county clerk, and Dormah the Naval Reserve November 5, Councilman Harry Malchow, aeq- 1942. Trust company, Red Bank, and M. The quotas fop the municipalities Middletown Twp. • Ing, of which Wellington Wilkins, McFaddin, surrogate, were all Jr. is proprietor. • ' - >nded by Councilman Albert W,' sworn Into office. Ensign Flnnegan is a graduate of F. Stevenson, Matawan bank. ' in the Red Bank area were given The • county quota for the sixth out as follows: Atlantic Highlands, Meeting Thursday Wordcn, and passed unanimously. Wolcott and White held the same Mlddletown township high school Other members of the board pres- Loan is $7,500,000, which IB broken $190,000; Fair Haven, $10,000; Holm- .positions under Woodrlng'B prede- and was formerly employed by the ent were Councllmen Harold S. Al- down as follows in the four areas: del, $20,000;, Keansburg, $150,000; cessor. John T. Lawley, while White Signal Corps development, labra- At the meeting of the township len and Kenneth M. Wyckoff. Freehold $1,089,000; Long Branch, Keyport, $265,000;' Little Silver, $10,- was also second under-sherlff dur- torles at Eatontown. committee of the township of Mid- $1,267,000; Red Bank, $2,505,000, and 000; Matawan, $200,000; Middle- Councilman Gopaill, upon open; ling Woodring's first term. His dletbwn last Thursday, the com- the Shore, $2,639,000. ^Eighty per town township, $100,000; Red Bank, ,ng the meeting at 8 o'clock, stated length of service constitutes a rec mittee passed on first readlng'the cent of the Monmouth county, quota $1,445,000; Rumson, $90,000; Shrews- ordinance prohibiting smoking, that the borough clerk, Mrs. Amy. ord in the county. WqodrJng's Two More Brpad . is to be sold to indivlduals^O per bury, $10,000; Highlands, .$10,000 handling or using tobacco In any Shinn, had-attempted to .notify the achievement last ' election day Is cent in E bonds and 40 per cent in and Union Beach, $5,000. form lighted by fire,* or ignite signers of a petition signed by 16 ' Iso a record for he i's the first other issues, and the remaining 20 The above quotas are based pri- matches or carry matches other residents, and objecting to the. man to be re-elected sheriff since St. Homes Sold MISS J. MABEL, BROWN per cent to corporations and other marily on the number, of issuing than safety matches on any of the granting o£ the license, of the meet-, 1851. There are no reliable records companies. agents, such as banks, postoffices, following used for /military pur- ing that night. However, most oj or the years before then, Leonard Lathrop of Matawan, Sale of Arend and The importance of the house-to- Building & Loan associations and poses—any pier, bulkhead, wharf, the letters sent out by Mrs. Shinn Eight persons In all were sworn was elected vice president; Monroe house canvass was stressed by Mr. theaters, and therefore those mu- dock, she'd, office or .approach to were returned by the postofflce. lii by Judge J. Edward Knight and Eisner, of Red Bank secretary, and' White Properties Glenhon. He also urged that war nicipalities which have banks, of aforesaid premises, or on any craft Uncle., Sam, it seems, hid been'un- Mr. Woolley Tuesday for, besides Garret A. Denise of Freehold was bond rallies be held in local thea- their own have been given the larg- or vessel berthed or moored there- able to locate the' people In ques- he three named, there were Misses reelected treasurer. William S. Nogiows and John ters. The Boy Scouts have volun- er quotas. to, or on any dray or vehicle of any tion. None of the petitioners, Jt Miss Brown ia descended from Lida B. Hendrickson, Ida Huff Morris, proprietors of the .Strand ' description passing through or over was explained, had given- their ad- Thomas Warne, one of the proprie- and Ella Zager who will continue restaurant, the Candy Kitchen and the aforesaid premises. This ordi- dress, and Mrs. Shinn had done her tors of East Jersey, who came to under McFaddin as special probate he Monmouth Diner, have pur- nance was passed at the request of best under the circumstances. this country with eleven servants clerks in the surrogate's office. chased the residence of Mr. andi the United States Navy in order to One of the names on' ths peti- Miss Hendrickson lives at Freehold, Three Houses Sold control civilians using the new na- in 2683, and in 1SS6 was made a Mrs.