From Azulejos to Zaguanes: the Islamic Legacy in the Built
From Azulejos to Zagutmes: The Islamic Legacy in the Built Environment of Hispano-America R. Brooks Jeffery They lack our faith, but we lack their works. - Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros Prior to the Spanish colonization of the Americas, beginning at the end of the fifteenth century, Spain was completing the final chapters of the Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula after eight centuries of Islamic rule and cultural dominance. Although often ignored in the histories of the Spanish colonial period, people of Muslim descent traveled to Hispano- America1 during its initial colonization. Evidence of this cultural assim- ilation can be seen in the profound legacy of Islamic architectural characteristics in the Hispano-American built environment that is still evident today. This paper attempts to recognize this Islamic legacy through an analysis of three levels of the Hispano-American built envi- ronment: ornamentation, architectural form, and open space. Historical Background Beginning in 711, a succession of Islamic dynasties ruled the Iberian Peninsula, including the Umayyads (711-750), Abbasids (750-1082), Almoravids (1082-1147), Almohads (1147-1184), and the Nasrids (1184-1492), producing many of Islamic architecture's finest monu- ments: the Great Mosque of Cordoba (786-991), the rural palatial complex of Medinat az-Zahra (936), and the Alhambra (1238-1492). Not long after the Islamic Empire reached its northernmost expansion at the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain in the eighth century, Christian R. Brooks Jeffrey earned Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Library Science degrees from the University of Arizona. He is the coordinator of the Preservation Studies Program in the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Arizona.
Student Handbook WELCOME TO THE POTTERY LAB! We are so excited to have you join our community. Enclosed in your welcome packet you will Find information about the Pottery Lab, resources and recommendations For your pottery course, and a glossary oF related vocabulary. Words that appear with an asterisk (*) are listed in the Glossary (at the end of the Handbook). General Information Phone: (720) 379-6033 E-mail for general inquiries: [email protected] The Boulder Pottery Lab is located at 1010 Aurora Avenue in Boulder, Colorado. PARKING Parking for the Pottery Lab is on-street only. Some street areas near the Pottery Lab are restricted to 2- hour parking from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday (marked in red on the map). Other areas are less restrictive (marked in green on the map). ADA accessible parking is available in the driveway immediately in front of the Pottery Lab. Open Lab Hours One of the Pottery Lab’s greatest assets is its wealth of open studio time. These hours are available for all currently enrolled, adult program students (up to 12 hours each week) and are a fantastic resource for practicing and creating outside of your class time. Lab hours are for independent work and practice but staff members, students, and volunteers are available should you have a quick question. Open Lab Hours may change each session – you can find a current schedule online at and posted throughout the Lab. 2 Pottery Lab Staff There is always staff on duty available to answer any questions regarding the Lab, to help you with equipment, get you a bag of clay* or offer some quick guidance with throwing, hand-building*, and glazing*.
Green Valley Recreation Fall Course Catalog The Leader in providing recreation, education and social activities! October - December 2012 OOverver 4400 NNewew CClasseslasses oofferedffered tthishis ffall!all! RRegistrationegistration bbeginsegins MMonday,onday, SSeptembereptember 1100 1 Dream! Discover! Play! Green Valley Recreation, Inc. GVR Facility Map Board of Directors Social Center Satellite Center 1. Abrego North Rose Theisen - President 1601 N. Abrego Drive N Interstate 19 Joyce Finkelstein - Vice President 2. Abrego South Duval Mine Road Linda Sparks - Secretary 1655 S. Abrego Drive Joyce Bulau - Asst. Secretary 3. Canoa Hills Social Center Erin McGinnis - Treasurer 3660 S. Camino del Sol 1. Abrego John Haggerty - Asst. Treasurer Office - 625-6200 North 4. Casa 5. Casa Jerry Belenker 4. Casa Paloma I Paloma I 9. Las Campanas Paloma II Russ Carpenter 400 W. Circulo del Paladin La Canada Esperanza Chuck Catino 5. Casa Paloma II Abrego Drive 8. East Blvd. Marge Garneau 330 N. Calle del Banderolas Center 625-9909 10. Madera Mark Haskoe Vista Tom Wilsted 6. Continental Vistas 906 W. Camino Guarina 12. West Center 7. Desert Hills Social Center - Executive Director 2980 S. Camino del Sol 6 Continental Office - 625-5221 Vistas 13. Member Lanny Sloan Services Center 8. East Social Center Continental Road 7 S. Abrego Drive Camino del Sol Road East Frontage Road West Frontage Recreation Supervisor Office - 625-4641 Instructional Courses 9. Las Campanas 565 W. Belltower Drive Carolyn Hupp Office - 648-7669 10. Madera Vista 440 S. Camino del Portillo 2. Abrego Catalog Design by: Camino Encanto South 11. Santa Rita Springs 7. Desert Hills Shelly Jackson 921 W.
Industrial Arts Courses. It Was Include a Glossary of Ceramic Terms
DOCUMENT RESUME VT 002 002 ED 021 963 By-Hastings, James R., Ed CERAMICS, PROJECT IDEAS FORINDUSTRIAL ARTS. New York State Education Dept.,Albany. Bureau of SecondaryCurriculum Development. Pub Date 66 Note-185p. EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$7.48 UNITS, Descriptors-*CERAMICS, HIGH SCHOOLS,*INDUSTRIAL ARTS, JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOLS, *RESOURCE *STUDENT PROJECTS This book of ceramic projectideas is for teacher orstudent use insecondary industrial arts courses. It wasdeveloped in a workshopby teachers. The content useful projects and unitsof instruction and togiVe direction objectives are to provide Forty-one to ceramics instructionwhich isin keeping with achanging technology. under these units: (1)Hand Forming, (2) SlabConstructing, project plans are presented Extruding, (8) (3) Free Forming, (4) PressMolding, (5) Solid Casting,(6) Slip Casting, (7) Throwing and Turning, and (9)Jiggering. Each unit givesproject plans,student activities, projectprocedures, related technicalinformation, teacher demonstrations, references. Similarly organized units cover13 tools or related- cultural information, and turning box. pieces of equipment such as...a.jiggerarm, stilts, anextrusion press, and a Information concerning the makingof glazes is also included.Supplementary materials include a glossary of ceramic terms, abibliography of books andperiodicals, and indexes to related technical andcultural topics. (EM) i, , U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. Cetaini,a, wied feaJ FOR INDUSTRIAL ARTS , THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK The State Education Department Bureau of Secondary Curriculum Development Albany, 1966 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University (with years when terms expire) EDGAR W.
William C. Hunt........................................Editor Ruth C. Buder.......................... Associate Editor Robert L. Creager........................... Art Director Kim Schomburg....................Editorial Assistant Mary Rushley................... Circulation Manager Mary E. Beaver.................Circulation Assistant Jayne Lx>hr.......................Circulation Assistant Connie Belcher.................Advertising Manager Spencer L. Davis.................................Publisher Editorial, Advertising and Circulation Offices 1609 Northwest Boulevard Box 12448, Columbus, Ohio43212 (614) 488-8236 FAX (614) 488-4561 Ceramics Monthly (ISSN 0009-0328) is pub lished monthly except July and August by Professional Publications, Inc., 1609 North west Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212. Second Class postage paid at Columbus, Ohio. Subscription Rates: One year $20, two years $36, three years $50. Add $8 per year for subscriptions outside the U.S.A. Change of Address: Please give us four weeks advance notice. Send both the magazine address label and your new ad dress to: Ceramics Monthly, Circulation Of fices, Box 12448, Columbus, Ohio 43212. Contributors: Manuscripts, photographs, color separations, color transparencies (including 35mm slides), graphic illustra tions, announcements and news releases about ceramics are welcome and will be considered for publication. A booklet de scribing standards and procedures for the preparation and submission of a manu script is available upon request. Mail sub missions to: The Editor, Ceramics Monthly, Box 12448, Columbus, Ohio 43212. Infor mation may also be sent by fax: (614) 488- 4561; or submitted on 3.5-inch microdisk- ettes readable with an Apple Macintosh™ computer system. Indexing: An index of each year’s articles appears in the December issue. Addition ally, articles in each issue ofCeramics Monthly are indexed in the Art Index; on-line (com puter) indexing is available through Wilson- line, 950 University Avenue, Bronx, New York 10452.
Create a Flock of Birds One Pinch Pot at a Time by Jennifer Hoolihan
Lesson Plan #42 Create a Flock of Birds One Pinch Pot at a Time by Jennifer Hoolihan Jennifer Hoolihan, Asheville NC As we go about our day-to-day activities, birds are the most common form(Chickens: of wildlife LM-53 we encounterOrchid, on a regular basis. They live secret and fascinating lives that have longLM-41 piqued Chartreuse our imaginations. , LM-54 Coral) This has rendered them as important symbols and subject matter utilized throughout art history. From chickens to warblers, birds come in all shapes and sizes. Create a multi-species flock from pinched bowls and a few simple tools with firing or self-hardening clay over a couple of class periods. Start by looking at pictures of different types of birds and discuss their shapes and sizes. Birds can be sleek and minimal, like the Cat Bird, or have lots of visual texture, such as the Starling. The starting shape of the pinched bowl will influence the bird form. The birds can also be used to create functional items like salt and pepper shakers, bud vases, and rattles. Tools & Materials Lesson Plan Goals and Objectives l AMACO® Low Fire Clay (White #25 or Red #67) l Students will create a hollow bird using pinch and coil Optional: AMACO® air dry clays— methods, refine the surface, and then personalize with Mexican Pottery Clay™ (Red), Marblex™ (Gray) or texture and glazes. Stonex™ (White) l Students will learn to translate perceived 2-D volume to a l Scoring Tools or Forks 3-dimensional form. l Flexible Serrated Ribs l The lesson integrates natural history with art.
La Alhambra in Granada, One of the Most Beautiful and Admired Monuments in the Wold
La Alhambra in Granada, one of the most beautiful and admired monuments in the wold. An old legend says that the Alhambra was built by night, in the light of torches. Its reddish dawn did believe the people of Grenada that the color was like the strength of the blood. The Alhambra, a monument of Granada for Spain and the world. La Alhambra was so called because of its reddish walls (in Arabic, («qa'lat al-Hamra'» means Red Castle ). It is located on top of the hill al-Sabika, on the left bank of the river Darro, to the west of the city of Granada and in front of the neighbourhoods of the Albaicin and of the Alcazaba. The Alhambra is one of the most serenely sensual and beautiful buildings in the world, a place where Moorish art and architecture reached their pinnacle. A masterpiece for you to admire, and it is in Granada, a city full of culture and history. Experience the beauty and admire this marvel of our architectural heritage. Let it touch your heart. Granada is the Alhambra and the gardens, the Cathedral, the Royal Chapel, convents and monasteries, the old islamic district Albayzin where the sunset is famous in the world or the Sacromonte where the gypsies perform flamenco shows in the caves where they used to live...Granada is this and many more things. The Alhambra is located on a strategic point in Granada city, with a view over the whole city and the meadow ( la Vega ), and this fact leads to believe that other buildings were already on that site before the Muslims arrived.
The Art of Ornament Senses, Archetypes, Shapes and Functions
Book of Abstracts Isabel Mendonça Maria João Pereira Coutinho Sílvia Ferreira (ORGANIZAÇÃO) Calouste Gulbenkian Foudation | Lisbon | 2017 THE ART OF ORNAMENT SENSES, ARCHETYPES, SHAPES AND FUNCTIONS Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Aviso Legal: O conteúdo dos resumos é da inteira responsabilidade dos respectivos autores. Ficha Técnica | Copyright page Título | Title A Arte do Ornamento: Sentidos, Arquétipos, Formas e Usos. Livro de Resumos The Art of Ornament: Meanings, Archetypes, Forms and Uses. Book of Abstracts Organização | Organization Isabel Mendonça, Maria João Pereira Coutinho e Sílvia Ferreira Editor | Editor Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Lisboa, 2017 | Lisbon, 2017 ISBN: Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projeto estratégico do Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UID/PAM/00417/2013). This event is funded by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, within the strategic project of Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UID/PAM/00417/2013). CONGRESSO | CONGRESS Organização | Organizing committee Gonçalo Vasconcelos e Sousa | CITAR, UCP Isabel Mendonça | IHA, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Maria João Pereira Coutinho | IHA, FCSH, Universidade NOVA
Elements, Principles and Pinch Pots Footer Text 9/1/2015 1 Elements, Principles and Clay • Elements: • Principles: o Form: o Emphasis: • When space is • Calling attention to an added to a object by using a focal shape. point • 3 Dimensional • One object stands out objects have more than everything Height, Width, else! Depth. (geometric or organic.) Footer Text 9/1/2015 2 Form in Art Footer Text 9/1/2015 3 Organic Geometric Footer Text 9/1/2015 4 Emphasis: STANDS OUT Footer Text 9/1/2015 5 Emphasis Footer Text 9/1/2015 6 Footer Text 9/1/2015 7 Elements, Principles and Clay • Elements: • Principles: o Texture: refers to o Contrast: the surface quality • the arrangement of opposite elements or "feel" of an (light vs. dark colors, object (ie. rough, rough vs. smooth smooth, soft) textures, large vs. • Actual texture -can be small shapes, etc.) in a piece so as to felt create visual • Implied (or simulated) interest, excitement textures – shown and drama. through drawing Footer Text 9/1/2015 8 Creating Texture Footer Text 9/1/2015 9 Footer Text 9/1/2015 10 Contrast Footer Text 9/1/2015 11 Contrast Footer Text 9/1/2015 12 Clay • Made from earth, water and fire • Clay is different from mud, since it has plasticity: ability to hold together while it’s being shaped Footer Text 9/1/2015 13 Clay Terms • Ceramics: Clay objects that hold their shape after they have been heated to specific temperatures. Footer Text 9/1/2015 14 Clay Terms • Pottery: Functional ware, such as vases, pots, bowls or plates Footer Text 9/1/2015 15 Clay Terms • Wedge: pushing the clay on a flat surface to improve the workability of the clay and eliminate air pockets.
PORTUGUESE INSPIRED TILE CUFF PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Julianna Avelar | none | 19 Mar 2016 | Interweave Press | 9781632504401 | English | none Portuguese Inspired Tile Cuff PDF Book We can thank King Manuel I for this as it was he who decided to have his palace built with tiles after being intrigued by the design he saw when he visited Seville in Sticker By Olga Matskevich. They expanded southwards, by conquering ethnic nations employing superior tactics of war, better weapons, and military organization. In this case, simply mask out the registration marks with pieces of blue tape, and align the stencil by eye by centering it on each old tile. The exterior of the building itself is a feast for the eyes with its imperious decorative tiles. Morocco Circular Tile Sticker By mattpanta. Gorgeous patterns. Ritz Deco Grey Tiles. Enz River runs through the northern Black Forest in Germany which is considered to have the most attractive landscapes for nature lovers, ramblers and mountain bikers. Tags: portuguese rooster with portuguese tile design, portuguese, rooster, tile, stencil, stenciled, tiles, azulejos, portugal, traditional, good luck symbol, good, luck, symbol, galo de barcelos, galo, de, barcelos, pretty, different, style, unique, blue, red. They also have beautiful murals although they are a bit expensive. An error has occurred, please try again later. Classico Daisy Bloom Pattern Tiles. Himba is famous for its beautiful women painted with Place of Origin : Portuguese. It's always better if your fabric doesn't have too much texture. It really depends on what surface you're stenciling. Beachy blues - Blue and white tiles Sticker By Joejo Tile Sticker By Asaints Tags: portuguese tile, spanish tile, tile, european tile, ottoman, pattern, colorful tile, historic tile, different tile, pattern tile, color pattern, lisbon, portugal, small tile, porcelain, backsplash, vintage.