Industrial Arts Courses. It Was Include a Glossary of Ceramic Terms
DOCUMENT RESUME VT 002 002 ED 021 963 By-Hastings, James R., Ed CERAMICS, PROJECT IDEAS FORINDUSTRIAL ARTS. New York State Education Dept.,Albany. Bureau of SecondaryCurriculum Development. Pub Date 66 Note-185p. EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$7.48 UNITS, Descriptors-*CERAMICS, HIGH SCHOOLS,*INDUSTRIAL ARTS, JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOLS, *RESOURCE *STUDENT PROJECTS This book of ceramic projectideas is for teacher orstudent use insecondary industrial arts courses. It wasdeveloped in a workshopby teachers. The content useful projects and unitsof instruction and togiVe direction objectives are to provide Forty-one to ceramics instructionwhich isin keeping with achanging technology. under these units: (1)Hand Forming, (2) SlabConstructing, project plans are presented Extruding, (8) (3) Free Forming, (4) PressMolding, (5) Solid Casting,(6) Slip Casting, (7) Throwing and Turning, and (9)Jiggering. Each unit givesproject plans,student activities, projectprocedures, related technicalinformation, teacher demonstrations, references. Similarly organized units cover13 tools or related- cultural information, and turning box. pieces of equipment such as...a.jiggerarm, stilts, anextrusion press, and a Information concerning the makingof glazes is also included.Supplementary materials include a glossary of ceramic terms, abibliography of books andperiodicals, and indexes to related technical andcultural topics. (EM) i, , U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. Cetaini,a, wied feaJ FOR INDUSTRIAL ARTS , THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK The State Education Department Bureau of Secondary Curriculum Development Albany, 1966 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University (with years when terms expire) EDGAR W.
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