CACAO B6 As a plant and as chocolate and cocoa. Coordinate with CANDY for chocolate sweets and BEVERAGES for chocolate drinks. For chocolate & cocoa in diet WD93 Pharmacological effects QV107 See related CHOCOLATE


CACHEXIA WB143 C23 General ill health, malnutrition, and weight loss, usually associated with chronic disease. WASTING SYNDROME and HIV WASTING SYNDROME are also available. In nutrition WD205 In cancer QZ770 See related HYPOPITUITARISM for pituitary cachexia


CADAVER W95 C23 Do not use for post-mortem studies (probably AUTOPSY if as a technique). Not for routine post-mortem pathology. Must be on cadaver as a corpse. See related AUTOPSY; CORONERS AND MEDICAL EXAMINERS; DEATH; DEATH CERTIFICATES; DISSECTION; EMBALMING; GRAVE ROBBING; MORTUARY PRACTICE.

CADMIUM QV290 D1 For / poisoning use CADMIUM POISONING

CADMIUM POISONING QV610 C21 Poisoning occurring after exposure to cadmium compounds or fumes. It may cause gastrointestinal syndromes, anaemia, or pneumonitis. Itai-itai goes here. For occupational poisoning coordinate with OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES but not also with ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE.



CAECOSTOMY WI530 E4 Surgical construction of an opening into the CAECUM with a tube through the ABDOMINAL WALL (tube caecostomy) or by skin level approach, in which the caecum is sewn to the surrounding PERITONEUM. Its primary purpose is decompression of colonic obstruction. See related CAECUM

CAECUM WI530 A3 The blind sac or outpouching area of the LARGE INTESTINE that is below the entrance of the SMALL INTESTINE. It has a worm-like extension, the vermiform APPENDIX. See related INTESTINE, LARGE



CAFFEINE QV107 D3 A methylxanthine naturally occurring in some beverages and also used as a pharmacological agent. Caffeine's most notable pharmacological effect is as a central nervous system stimulant, increasing alertness and producing agitation. It also relaxes smooth muscle, stimulates cardiac

1 of 93 Last updated 09/03/2018 C muscle, stimulates diuresis, and appears to be useful in the treatment of some types of headache. See related COFFEE

Caisson disease see DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS WD612

CALCANEUS WE900 A2 The heel-bone: differentiate from HEEL, the area. See related HEEL

Calcification, pathologic See CALCINOSIS WD289

CALCINOSIS WD289 C18 The pathologic deposition of calcium salts in tissues. Most texts will say calcification. For calcinosis of the coordinate with MYOCARDIAL DISEASES not HEART DISEASES. Calcinosis intervertebralis WE480

CALCITONIN WK202 D6 D12 D14 A neurotransmitter hormone.

CALCIUM QV276 D1 D23 Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and combines with phosphorus to form calcium phosphate in the bones and teeth. It is essential for the normal functioning of nerves and muscles and plays a role in blood coagulation (as factor IV) and in many enzymatic processes. For / antagonists & inhibitors consider also CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS. For / blood consider also HYPERCALCAEMIA and HYPOCALCAEMIA. For /deficiency consider also HYPOCALCAEMIA and note that CALCIUM, DIETARY is also available. For / metabolism consider also CALCIUM CHANNELS. For metabolic disorders use CALCIUM METABOLISM DISORDERS. Inorganic chemistry QD4 See related HYPERCALCAEMIA; METALS, ALKALINE EARTH

CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS QV150 D27 A class of drugs used in the drug therapy of hypertension and cerebrovascular spasms, as myocardial protective agents, and in the relaxation of uterine spasms. See related ANTI- ARRHYTHMIA AGENTS; ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS; VASODILATOR AGENTS

CALCIUM, DIETARY WD80 D1 Calcium compounds used as food supplements or in food to supply the body with calcium. Dietary calcium is needed during growth for bone development and for maintenance of skeletal integrity later in life to prevent osteoporosis. For / adverse effects coordinate with disease + / etiology not / chemically induced. For / therapeutic use coordinate with disease name + / diet therapy. For / chemistry use CALCIUM / chemistry. For / deficiency use CALCIUM / deficiency. Biochemistry QU130 Control in diet WD132

CALCIUM HYDROXIDE QV276 D1 A white powder prepared from lime that has many medical and industrial uses. It is in many dental formulations, especially for root canal filling. In dentistry WU315 Inorganic chemistry QD181

CALCIUM METABOLISM DISORDERS WD254 C18 Disorders in the processing of calcium in the body: its absorption, transport, storage, and utilization. Prefer a specific disorder when possible. See related HYPERCALCAEMIA

CALCIUM PHOSPHATES QD4 D1 Often used as a calcium supplement Of bone in general WE210 Of teeth WU101

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CALCIUM SULPHATE D1 A calcium salt that is used for a variety of purposes including: building materials, as a desiccant, in dentistry as an impression material, cast, or die, and in medicine for immobilizing casts and as a tablet excipient. It exists in various forms and states of hydration. Plaster of Paris is a mixture of powdered and heat-treated gypsum. Plaster of Paris WE162

Calculating machines see COMPUTERS QA50

Calculators, programmable see COMPUTERS QA50

CALCULI QZ140 C23 An abnormal concretion occurring mostly in the urinary and biliary tracts, usually composed of mineral salts. Also called stones. Prefer with site. For chemolysis of calculi coordinate disease with / therapy not / drug therapy. See related LITHOTRIPSY; CHOLELITHIASIS; KIDNEY CALCULI; URINARY CALCULI etc

Calf of the leg see LEG WE840

CALIBRATION E5 H1 Determination, by measurement or comparison with a standard, of the correct value of each scale reading on a measuring instrument; or determination of the settings of a control device that correspond to particular values of voltage, current, frequency or other output. In medical imaging equipment WN415

Calisthenics See GYMNASTICS W570

CALLOSITIES WR144 C17 Localized hyperplasia of the horny layer of the epidermis due to pressure or friction. (Dorland, 27th ed) Callous goes here; do not confuse with BONY CALLUS, post-fracture bone formation. Corns WE900


Calmette Guerin bacillus vaccine see BCG vaccine WF225

Caloric intake see ENERGY INTAKE WD35

Calories see ENERGY INTAKE WD35

CALORIMETRY QU125 E5 The measurement of the quantity of heat involved in various processes, such as chemical reactions, changes of state, and formations of solutions, or in the determination of the heat capacities of substances. The fundamental unit of measurement is the joule or the calorie (4.184 joules). See related HOT TEMPERATURE

Campimetry see PERIMETRY WW152

CAMPTOTHECIN D3 An alkaloid isolated from the stem wood of the Chinese tree, Camptotheca acuminata.

CAMPYLOBACTER QW154 B3 A genus of bacteria found in the reproductive organs, intestinal tract, and oral cavity of animals and man. Some species are pathogenic.

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CAMPYLOBACTER INFECTIONS WC260 C1 Gram-negative bacterial infections.

CANADA G Z1 Health statistics W240

Canary Islands see SPAIN G

Cancer see NEOPLASMS QZ200-895




Cancer, embryonal and mixed see NEOPLASMS, GERM CELL AND EMBRYONAL QZ310

Cancer nursing see ONCOLOGIC NURSING QZ800

Cancer of the cervix see UTERINE CERVICAL NEOPLASMS WP540

Cancer of the muscles see MUSCLE NEOPLASMS WE305

Cancer of the nose see NOSE NEOPLASMS WV310

Cancer of the oesophagus see OESOPHAGEAL NEOPLASMS WI250

Cancer of the oropharynx see OROPHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS WV420

Cancer of the ovary see OVARIAN NEOPLASMS WP650

Cancer of the pancreas see PANCREATIC NEOPLASMS WI810

Cancer of the paranasal sinuses see PARANASAL SINUS NEOPLASMS WV340

Cancer of the parathyroid gland see PARATHYROID NEOPLASMS WK300

Cancer of the parotid gland see PAROTID NEOPLASMS WI230

Cancer of the pelvis WE700

Cancer of the penis see PENILE CANCER WJ790

Cancer of the pharynx see PHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS WV420

Cancer of the pituitary see PITUITARY NEOPLASMS WK585

Cancer of the prostate see PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS WJ752

Cancer of the rectum see RECTAL NEOPLASMS WI610

Cancer of the retina see RETINAL NEOPLASMS WW170

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Cancer of the salivary glands see SALIVARY GLAND NEOPLASMS WI230

Cancer of the sigmoid see SIGMOID NEOPLASMS WI560

Cancer of the skin see SKIN NEOPLASMS WR500-10

Cancer of the stomach see STOMACH NEOPLASMS WI320

Cancer of the thymus see THYMUS NEOPLASMS WK400

Cancer of the thyroid see THYROID NEOPLASMS WK270

Cancer of the urethra see URETHRAL CANCER WJ600

Cancer of the urinary bladder see URINARY BLADDER CANCER WJ504

Cancer of the urinary tract see UROLOGIC NEOPLASMS WJ160

Cancer of the uterine cervix see UTERINE CERVICAL NEOPLASMS WP540

Cancer of the uterus see UTERINE NEOPLASMS WP440-80

Cancer of the uvea see UVEAL NEOPLASMS WW345

Cancer of the vagina see VAGINAL NEOPLASMS WP290

Cancer of the vulva see VULVAR NEOPLASMS WP230

CANCER PAIN QZ700/710 C10 C23 Pain that may be caused by or related to cellular, tissue, and systemic changes that occur during NEOPLASM growth, tissue invasion, and METASTASIS In terminal cancer QZ865 See related PAIN

Cancer registries see REGISTRIES QZ600

Cancer, respiratory tract see RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS WF450

Cancer, retinal see RETINAL NEOPLASMS WW170

Cancer staging see NEOPLASM STAGING QZ260

Cancer stem cells see NEOPLASTIC STEM CELLS QZ210

Cancer syndromes, hereditary see NEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES, HEREDITARY QZ520

Cancer treatment protocols see ANTINEOPLASTIC PROTOCOLS QV269

CANCER VACCINES QZ730 D20 Vaccines or candidate vaccines designed to prevent or treat cancer. Vaccines are produced using the patient's own whole tumor cells as the source of antigens, or using tumor-specific antigens, often recombinantly produced.

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CANDIDA WC470 B5 A genus of yeast-like mitosporic Saccharomycetales fungi characterized by producing yeast cells, mycelia, pseudomycelia, and blastophores. It is commonly part of the normal flora of the skin, mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina, but can cause a variety of infections, including CANDIDIASIS; ONYCHOMYCOSIS; vulvovaginal candidiasis ( CANDIDIASIS, VULVOVAGINAL), and thrush (see CANDIDIASIS, ORAL).

CANDIDA ALBICANS WC470 B5 A unicellular budding fungus which is the principal pathogenic species causing CANDIDIASIS (moniliasis). For infection use CANDIDIASIS.

CANDIDIASIS WC470 C1 Infection with a fungus of the genus CANDIDA. It is usually a superficial infection of the moist areas of the body and is generally caused by CANDIDA ALBICANS.

CANDIDIASIS, VULVOVAGINAL WP257 C1 C13 Infection of the VULVA and VAGINA with a fungus of the genus CANDIDA.

CANDY WD99 J2 Sweet food products combining cane or beet sugars with other carbohydrates and chocolate, milk, eggs, and various flavourings.

Cannabinoid receptors see RECEPTORS, CANNABINOID QU68

CANNABINOIDS QV77 D2 Compounds having the cannabinoid structure. See related CANNABIS

CANNABIS B6 The plant genus in the Cannabaceae plant family, Urticales order, Hamamelidae subclass. The flowering tops are called many slang terms including pot, marijuana, hashish, bhang, and ganja. The stem is an important source of hemp fiber. For use in therapy coordinate PHYTOTHERAPY with the disease + / drug therapy. For chemicals derived from cannabis consider CANNABINOIDS. For use as a recreational drug use MARIJUANA SMOKING or MARIJUANA ABUSE. For the plant QV466 For psychotropic action QV77 For its therapeutic use in cancer QZ780

Cannabis abuse see MARIJUANA ABUSE WM276

Cannabis smoking see MARIJUANA SMOKING WM276

Canned food see FOOD PRESERVATION WD91

CANNULA WB250 E7 Short, hollow cylinders or tubes for insertion into a canal, vessel, or body cavity.

Cannulation see CATHETERISATION WB250

Capacity, mental see MENTAL COMPETENCY


Capecitabine see DEOXYCYTADINE

CAPGRAS SYNDROME WM205 F3 A psychotic disorder characterized by the patient's belief that acquaintances or closely related persons have been replaced by doubles or imposters.

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CAPILLARIES WG700 A7 The minute vessels that connect the arterioles and venules. Not for lymphatic capillaries, use LYMPHATIC VESSELS.

Capital assets see CAPITAL FINANCING WX158

Capital charges see CAPITAL FINANCING WX158

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES WX158 N3 Those funds disbursed for facilities and equipment. Not restricted to health care. See related HEALTH EXPENDITURES

CAPITAL FINANCING WX158 N3 Institutional funding for facilities and for equipment which becomes a part of the assets of the institution. See related FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

Capital planning see HEALTH FACILITY PLANNING WX158



CAPITATION FEE WA132 N3 A method of payment for health services in which an individual or institutional provider is paid a fixed, per capita amount without regard to the actual number or nature of services provided to each patient.

CAPNOGRAPHY WF160 E1 Continuous recording of the carbon dioxide content of expired air.

CAPSULES QV487 D26 D27 Hard or soft soluble containers used for the oral administration of medicine. Do not use / adverse effects unless they are caused by the capsule form rather than the drug.


Car phone see CELL PHONE QA180


Car services, hospital see TRANSPORTATION OF PATIENTS WX585

Car sickness see MOTION SICKNESS WV555


CARBAMAZEPINE QV85 D3 An anticonvulsant used to control grand mal and psychomotor or focal seizures.

CARBENICILLIN QV354 D2 D3 D4 A broad-spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin derivative used parenterally.

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CARBENOXOLONE QV66 D2 An agent derived from licorice root. It is used for the treatment of digestive tract ulcers, especially in the stomach. /biosynthesis is permitted if by the plant.


Carbohydrate-restricted diet see DIET, CARBOHYDRATE RESTRICTED WD128

CARBOHYDRATES QU75 D9 Glucides go here but could also be GLYCOSIDES. Blood chemistry QY470 See related DIETARY CARBOHYDRATES WD49

Carbol see PHENOLS QV223

CARBON QV138 D1 A nonmetallic element with atomic symbol C, atomic number 6, and atomic weight 12.011. It may occur as several different allotropes including DIAMOND; CHARCOAL and GRAPHITE and as SOOT from incompletely burned fuel.

CARBON DIOXIDE QV314 D1 In respiration, / physiology permitted. / metabolism permitted for cell & tissue respiration and non-lung tissue but do not use it for gas exchange in the lung which is PULMONARY GAS EXCHANGE, nor for blood CO2 transport which is /blood but consider also HYPERCAPNIA and HYPOCAPNIA.

CARBON DISULPHIDE QD20 D1 A colorless, flammable, poisonous liquid, CS2. It is used as a solvent, and is a counterirritant and has local anesthetic properties but is not used as such. It is highly toxic with pronounced CNS, hematologic, and dermatologic effects. For poisoning QV633

CARBON MONOXIDE QV312 D1 Carbon monoxide. A poisonous colourless, odourless, tasteless gas. It combines with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, which has no oxygen carrying capacity. The resultant oxygen deprivation causes headache, dizziness, decreased pulse and respiratory rates, unconsciousness, and death.

CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING QV662 C21 Toxic asphyxiation due to the displacement of oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin by carbon monoxide. See related GAS POISONING

CARBONATED BEVERAGES WD95 J2 Drinkable liquids combined with or impregnated with carbon dioxide.

CARBOPLATIN QV269 D2 An organoplatinum compound that possesses antineoplastic activity.


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CARBUNCLE WR285 C1 C17 An infection of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue that consists of a cluster of boils. Commonly, the causative agent is STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. Carbuncles produce fever, leukocytosis, extreme pain, and prostration. Consider also FURUNCULOSIS. For malignant carbuncle see ANTHRAX

CARCINOGENS QZ500-90 D27 Substances that increase the risk of NEOPLASMS in humans or animals. Both genotoxic chemicals, which affect DNA directly, and nongenotoxic chemicals, which induce neoplasms by other mechanism, are included. Chemical QZ540 Occupational QZ570 See related ANTICARCINOGENIC AGENTS; NEOPLASMS; ONCOGENIC VIRUSES

CARCINOGENS, ENVIRONMENTAL QZ550-90 D27 Carcinogenic substances that are found in the environment. See related ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS

Carcinogenesis see NEOPLASMS / aetiology QZ510

CARCINOID TUMOUR WI435 C4 A usually small, slow-growing tumour which can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract (and in the lungs and other sites); approximately 90% arise in the appendix). Consider also MALIGNANT CARCINOID SYNDROME or CARCINOID HEART DISEASE.

CARCINOMA QZ365 C4 It is a histological type of neoplasm but is often wrongly used as a synonym for "cancer." Do not use for cancer routinely, use only for carcinoma as a histological type. Prefer specific site.

CARCINOMA, BASAL CELL WR500 C4 A malignant skin neoplasm that seldom metastasises but has potentialities for local invasion and destruction. More than 95% of these carcinomas occur in patients over 40. They develop on hair- bearing skin, most commonly on sun-exposed areas. Approximately 85% are found on the head and neck area and the remaining 15% on the trunk and limbs

Carcinoma, cribriform see ADENOCARCINOMA QZ365

Carcinoma, epidermoid see CARCINOMA, SQUAMOUS CELL QZ365

Carcinoma, granular cell see ADENOCARCINOMA QZ365

CARCINOMA, HEPATOCELLULAR WI735 C4 C6 A primary malignant neoplasm of epithelial liver cells.

CARCINOMA, INTRADUCTAL, NONINFILTRATING WP870 C4 A noninvasive (noninfiltrating) carcinoma of the breast characterized by a proliferation of malignant epithelial cells confined to the mammary ducts or lobules.

CARCINOMA, NON-SMALL-CELL LUNG QZ365 C4 C8 A heterogeneous aggregate of at least three distinct histological types of lung cancer, including SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA, ADENOCARCINOMA and LARGE CELL CARCINOMA. They are dealt with collectively because of the shared properties of poor response to conventional chemotherapy and the potential for cure with surgical resection in a fraction of patients. Do not confuse with CARCINOMA, SMALL CELL

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CARCINOMA, SMALL CELL WF658 C4 C8 An anaplastic, highly malignant, and usually bronchogenic carcinoma composed of small ovoid cells with scanty neoplasm. See related LUNG NEOPLASMS

CARCINOMA, SQUAMOUS CELL QZ365 C4 Carcinoma derived from stratified squamous epithelium; may also occur in sites where glandular or columnar epithelium is normally present.

Carcinoma, tubular see ADENOCARCINOMA QZ365

CARDIA WI300 A3 That part of the STOMACH close to the opening from OESOPHAGUS into the stomach (cardiac orifice), the OESOPHAGOGASTRIC JUNCTION. The cardia is so named because of its closeness to the HEART. Cardia is characterised by the lack of acid-forming cells. Do not confuse the adjective “cardial” with cardiac (heart) disease. For disease coordinate with STOMACH DISEASES and for neoplasms coordinate with STOMACH NEOPLASMS. See related STOMACH

Cardiac arrest see HEART ARREST WG220

Cardiac arrhythmia see ARRHYTHMIA WG330


CARDIAC CATHETHERISATION WG146 E1 E2 Procedures in which placement of cardiac catheters is performed for therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. See related ; CATHERISATION, SWAN-GANZ; HEART FUNCTION TESTS

Cardiac crash team see HOSPITAL RAPID RESPONSE TEAM WG220

Cardiac death, sudden see DEATH, SUDDEN, CARDIAC WG222

Cardiac depressants see ANTI-ARRHYTHMIA AGENTS QV155

Cardiac diseases see HEART DISEASES WG210

Cardiac electroversion see ELECTRIC COUNTERSHOCK WG220

Cardiac function tests see HEART FUNCTION TESTS WG141

CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES QV153 D4 D9 Substances obtained from species of Digitalis, Strophanthus and other plants and are used in congestive heart failure. Plants they come from have long been used in congestive heart failure. They increase the force of cardiac contraction without significantly affecting other parameters, but are very toxic at larger doses.

CARDIAC IMAGING TECHNIQUES WG141 E01 Visualisation of the heart structure and blood flow for diagnostic evaluation or to guide cardiac procedures via various techniques See related DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING; DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, CARDIOVASCULAR

Cardiac life support, advanced see ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT WD456

Cardiac murmurs see HEART MURMURS WG144

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Cardiac muscle see MYOCARDIUM WG280

Cardiac neoplasms see HEART NEOPLASMS WG210

CARDIAC OUTPUT WG106 E1 G9 The volume of blood passing through the heart per unit of time; not to be confused with stroke volume (volume per beat). A physiologic concept - do not confuse with CARDIAC OUTPUT, HIGH nor CARDIAC OUTPUT, LOW a disease.

CARDIAC OUTPUT, HIGH WG210 C14 C23 A state of elevated cardiac output due to conditions of either increased haemodynamic demand or reduced cardiac oxygen output. In time, compensatory changes of the heart can lead to pathological form of high cardiac output and eventual HEART FAILURE. Do not confuse with CARDIAC OUTPUT, a physiological concept.

CARDIAC OUTPUT, LOW WG210 C14 C23 A state of subnormal or depressed cardiac output at rest or during stress. It is a characteristic of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, including congenital, valvular, rheumatic, hypertensive, coronary, and cardiomyopathic. Do not confuse with CARDIAC OUTPUT, a physiolo- gical concept.

Cardiac pacemaker, artificial see PACEMAKER, ARTIFICIAL WG335

CARDIAC PACING, ARTIFICIAL WG335 E2 Regulation of the rate of contraction of the heart muscles by an artificial pacemaker. For / instrumentation use PACEMAKER, ARTIFICIAL. See related ELECTRIC STIMULATION; PACEMAKER, ARTIFICIAL

CARDIAC REHABILITATION WG219 E2 H2 N2 Restoration of functions to the maximum degree possible in a person or persons suffering from a CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. It also includes cardiac conditioning and SECONDARY PREVENTION in patients with elevated cardiovascular risk profile. See related RECOVERY OF FUNCTION

Cardiac sounds see HEART SOUNDS WG144

Cardiac stem cell transplantation see STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION WG436

Cardiac stimulants See CARDIOTONIC AGENTS QV153

Cardiac sudden death see DEATH, SUDDEN, CARDIAC WG220


CARDIAC SURGICAL PROCEDURES WG430 E4 Surgery performed on the heart. Do not use for surgery of a specific part of the heart. Use the specific term / surgery or the specific disease / surgery. and HEART-LUNG TRANSPLANTATION are also available. See related THORACIC SURGERY

Cardiac valves see HEART VALVES WG260

CARDIAC VOLUME WG106 G9 Usually refers to the volume of blood in the heart at various periods of the cardiac cycle.

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CARDIOLOGY WG27 H2 Specialty. The study of the heart, its physiology and its functions. Do not use for heart diseases. See related CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES; HEART DISEASES; VASCULAR DISEASES

CARDIOLOGY SERVICE, HOSPITAL WG27 N2 N4 The hospital department responsible for the administration and provision of diagnostic and therapeutic services for the cardiac patient. See related CORONARY CARE UNITS

CARDIOMYOPATHIES WG280 C14 A group of diseases in which the dominant feature is the involvement of the itself. See related HEART DISEASES

CARDIOMYOPATHY, HYPERTROPHIC WG280 C14 A myocardial disease characterised by hypertrophy involving the interventric septum. See related AORTIC VALVE STENOSIS

CARDIOMYOPATHY, RESTRICTIVE WG280 C14 Rigid walls of the heart.

CARDIOMYOPLASTY WG430 E4 An operation that uses stimulated latissimus dorsi muscle ( SKELETAL MUSCLE VENTRICLE) to assist cardiac function.

CARDIOPULMONARY BYPASS WG430 E4 Diversion of the flow of blood from the entrance of the right directly to the via an oxygenator thus bypassing both the heart and lungs. Consider also HEART BYPASS, LEFT, which diverts blood from the left atrium. For / instrumentation consider also HEART-LUNG MACHINE. See related HEART MASSAGE

CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION WD456 E2 The artificial substitution of heart and lung action as indicated for HEART ARREST resulting from electric shock, DROWNING, respiratory arrest, or other causes. The two major components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are artificial ventilation ( RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL) and closed- chest CARDIAC MASSAGE. See related ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT

CARDIOTOCOGRAPHY WQ212 E1 Monitoring of foetal heart frequency before birth in order to assess impending pre-maturity in relation to the pattern or intensity of ante-partum UTERINE CONTRACTION. See related UTERINE CONTRACTION

CARDIOTONIC AGENTS QV150 D27 Agents that have a tonic effect on the heart or increase cardiac output. See related HEART; MYOCARDIAL CONTRACTION

CARDIOVASCULAR ABNORMALITIES WG210 C14 C16 Congenital, inherited, or acquired anomalies of the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, including the HEART and BLOOD VESSELS.

CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS QV150-6 D27 Agents that affect the rate or intensity of cardiac contraction, blood vessel diameter or blood volume. See related SYMPATHOMIMETICS

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES WG150 C14 Pathological conditions involving the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM including the HEART; the BLOOD VESSELS; or the . Prefer specific diseases if possible. For / diagnosis consider also DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, CARDIOVASCULAR. For congenital diseases use

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HEART DEFECTS, CONGENITAL. In childhood WS438 Nursing WG172 See related CARDIOLOGY


CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA WG102 G9 Processes and properties of the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM as a whole or of any of its parts.

Cardiovascular pregnancy complications see PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS, CARDIOVASCULAR WQ244

Cardiovascular rehabilitation see CARDIAC REHABILITATION WG219

CARDIOVASCULAR SURGICAL PROCEDURES WG168 E4 Surgery performed on the heart or blood vessels. Consider also / surgery with specific parts of the system or CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES /surgery or / surgery with a specific cardiovascular disease. See related THORACIC SURGERY

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM WG A7 The HEART and the BLOOD VESSELS by which BLOOD is pumped and circulated through the body. For / abnormalities use CARDIOVASCULAR ABNORMALITIES but consider also specific artery or vein with / abnormalities. For / physiology use CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA. For /surgery use CARDIOVASCULAR SURGICAL PROCEDURES. See related BLOOD CIRCULATION


Care assistants see NURSES’ AIDES WB660/WY248


Care pathways see CRITICAL PATHWAYS

Care, postoperative see POSTOPERATIVE CARE WO192

Care, preoperative see PREOPERATIVE CARE WO190

Care Quality Commission see QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE WX175

CAREER CHOICE WX420 F2 Prefer with career at 21 in each specialty. Careers in medicine WA202 Careers in learning disability WM810 Careers in medicine outside the UK WA203 Careers in pharmacy QV421

Career counselling see VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE WX420

Career ladders see CAREER MOBILITY WX420

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CAREER MOBILITY WX420 I1 N1 N4 The upward or downward mobility in an occupation or the change from one occupation to another. See related EDUCATIONAL STATUS

CAREGIVERS WA190 M1 N2 Persons who provide informal care to those who need supervision or assistance in illness or disability. They provide the care in the home by parents, spouses and other family members, friends, members of the clergy, etc. Include child carers. For the elderly WT180 For learning disabled WM865 For physically disabled and chronically ill WB690 See related HOME NURSING

Caries, cervical see ROOT CARIES WU270

Caries, dental see DENTAL CARIES WU270

Caries, root see ROOT CARIES WU270

Caring see EMPATHY WLM272

CARIOGENIC AGENTS WU270 D25 D27 J01 Substances that promote dental caries. Consider also DENTAL CARIES / aetiology. See related DENTAL CARIES

CARIOSTATIC AGENTS WU270 D25 D27 J01 Substances that inhibit or arrest dental caries formation. Consider also DENTAL CARIES / prevention & control or / drug therapy. See related FLUORIDATION; DENTAL CARIES


CARMUSTINE QV269 D2 A cell-cycle phase nonspecific alkylating antineoplastic agent. It is used in the treatment of brain tumors and various other malignant neoplasms. This substance may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen according to the Fourth Annual Report on Carcinogens.

CAROTID ARTERIES WG510 A7 For / injuries use CAROTID ARTERY INJURIES. For / radiography consider also CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY.

CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES WG510 C10 C14 ATHEROSCLEROSIS and TRAUMA are relatively frequent causes of carotid artery pathology. For inflammation WG515

Carotid artery narrowing see CAROTID STENOSIS WG510

CAROTID BODY WL200 A8 The carotid body senses the pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentrations in the blood and plays a crucial role in their homeostatic control.

CAROTID STENOSIS WG510 C10 C14 The narrowing or stricture of a carotid artery that may lead to transient ischaemic attacks and stroke, most often due to atherosclerotic plaque formation..

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CARPAL BONES WE645 A2 The 8 bones of the wrist; do not confuse with WRIST (the area) nor WRIST JOINT. / injury is permitted as it is not necessarily WRIST INJURIES.

CARPAL JOINTS WE645 A2 The articulations between the various carpal bones. This does not include the WRIST JOINT which consists of the articulations between the radius, ulna and proximal CARPAL BONES. See related HAND JOINTS

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME WL564 C10 C21 Entrapment of the MEDIAN NERVE in the carpal tunnel, which is formed by the flexor retinaculum and the CARPAL BONES. This syndrome may be associated with repetitive occupational trauma (CUMULATIVE TRAUMA DISORDERS), wrist injuries, AMYLOID NEUROPATHIES, rheumatoid arthritis (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID), ACROMEGALY, PREGNANCY and other conditions. Symptoms include burning pain and paraesthesias involving the ventral surface of the hand and fingers which may radiate proximally. Impairment of sensation in the distribution of the median nerve and thenar muscle atrophy may occur.


CARRIER PROTEINS QU55 D12 Transport proteins that carry specific substances in the blood or across cell membranes. Do not use if the protein functions as a receptor.

CARRIER STATE QW700 N6 The condition of harboring an infective organism without manifesting symptoms of infection. The organism must be readily transmissible to another susceptible host. See related DISEASE RESERVOIRS

Carrying see LIFTING WD

Carsickness see MOTION SICKNESS WV555

CARTILAGE WE290 A2 A10 There are three major types: HYALINE CARTILAGE, FIBROCARTILAGE and ELASTIC CARTILAGE. Consider also terms at CHONDRO-. Inflammation (chondritis) is likely to be OSTEOCHONDRITIS. See related FRACTURES, CARTILAGE

CARTILAGE, ARTICULAR WE290 A2 Inflammation is likely to be OSTEOCHONDRITIS.

CARTILAGE DISEASES WE290 C5 C17 Inflammation is likely to be OSTEOCHONDRITIS.

CARTOONS [PUBLICATION TYPE] V2 This heading is used as a Publication type. Works consisting of humorous, satirical, or ridiculing images executed in a broad or abbreviated manner. See related GRAPHIC NOVEL [PUBLICATION TYPE]

CASE-CONTROL STUDIES WB25 E5 N5 N6 Studies which start with the identification of persons with a disease of interest, and a control (comparison, referent) group without the disease. The relationship of an attribute to the disease is examined by comparing diseased and non-diseased persons with regard to the frequency or levels of the attribute in each group.

Case histories see CASE REPORTS WB150

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CASE MANAGEMENT N4 A traditional term for all the activities which a physician or other health care professional normally performs to insure the co-ordination of the medical services required by a patient. It also, when used in connection with managed care, covers all the activities of evaluating the patient, planning treatment, referral, and follow-up so that care is continuous and comprehensive. See related MANAGED CARE PROGRAMMES


CASE REPORTS [PUBLICATION TYPE] V3 This heading is used as a Publication type. Clinical presentations that may be followed by evaluative studies that eventually lead to a diagnosis. Use for veterinary case reports but not for historical articles; case reports as a form of writing are indexed under MEDICAL RECORDS or specific records term ; Do not use for institutional case reports. Use instead the topical heading ORGANISATIONAL CASE STUDIES. In learning disability WM828 In psychiatry WM40 Symbolic psychiatric case studies WM49

Case studies see CASE REPORTS

Case work see SOCIAL WORK HV124

Caste see SOCIAL CLASS HM220

CASTOR BEAN QV466 B1 Common name for Ricinus communis, a species in the family EUPHORBIACEAE. It is the source of CASTOR OIL.

Castor bean lectin see RICIN QW630

CASTRATION E4 Surgical removal or artificial destruction of gonads. Prefer OVARIECTOMY or ORCHIECTOMY. In females WP760 See related ENDOCRINE SURGICAL PROCEDURES; EUNUCHISM; GONADS

Castration, female see OVIARECTOMY WP670

Castration, male see ORCHIECTOMY WJ868

CASTS, SURGICAL WE162 E7 Dressings made of fibreglass, plastic, or bandage impregnated with plaster of Paris used for immobilization of various parts of the body in cases of fractures, dislocations, and infected wounds. Index "cast syndrome" (duodenal compression caused by wearing a body cast) under SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY SYNDROME and only add CASTS, SURGICAL / adverse effects if that aspect is particularly discussed.

Casual sexual relationships see SEXUAL PARTNERS HQ450


CAT-scan, radionuclide see TOMOGRAPHY, EMISSION-COMPUTED WN540


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CAT-SCRATCH DISEASE WC593 C1 C15 A self-limiting bacterial infection of the regional lymph nodes. It usually arises one or more weeks following a feline scratch, with raised inflammatory nodules at the site of the scratch being the primary symptom.

CATALEPSY WL270 C10 C23 A condition characterised by inactivity, decreased responsiveness to stimuli, and a tendency to maintain an immobile posture. The limbs tend to remain in whatever position they are placed (waxy flexibility). Catalepsy may be associated with PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS (e.g. SCHIZOPHRENIA, CATATONIC), nervous system drug toxicity, and other conditions. Do not confuse with CATAPLEXY. As a psychiatric manifestation WM95 See related CATAPLEXY; CATATONIA

CATALOGUES [PUBLICATION TYPE] V2 This heading is used as a Publication Type. Works consisting of bibliographic records, created according to specific and uniform principles of construction and under the control of an authority file, which describe the materials contained in a collection, library, or group of libraries. Catalogues include also lists of materials prepared for a particular purpose, such as exhibition catalogues, sales catalogues, garden catalogues, medical supply catalogues. See related RESOURCE GUIDES

CATALOGUES AS TOPIC Z381 L1 Ordered compilations of item descriptions and sufficient information to afford access to them.




CATALOGUING Z375-85 L1 Activities performed in the preparation of bibliographic records for CATALOGUES. It is carried out according to a set of rules and contains information enabling the user to know what is available and where items can be found. See related DOCUMENTATION

CATAPLEXY WL270 C10 F3 A condition characterised by transient weakness or paralysis of somatic musculature triggered by an emotional stimulus or physical exertion. Cataplexy is frequently associated with NARCOLEPSY. As a psychiatric manifestation WM95 See related CATALEPSY; NARCOLEPSY

CATARACT WW342 C11 Partial or complete opacity on or in the lens or capsule of one or both eyes, impairing vision or causing blindness. Do not confuse pseudoaphakia (a synonym for membranous cataract) with PSEUDOPHAKIA, the presence of an intraocular lens after cataract extraction. For / surgery use CATARACT EXTRACTION. See related LENS, CRYSTALLINE


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CATATONIA WM95 C10 C23 F1 A neuropsychiatric disorder characterised by one or more of the following essential features: immobility, mutism, negativism (active or passive refusal to follow commands), mannerisms, stereotypes, posturing, grimacing, excitement, echolalia, echopraxia, muscular rigidity, and stupor; sometimes punctuated by sudden violent outbursts, panic, or hallucinations. This condition may be associated with psychiatric illnesses or organic disorders. See related CATALEPSY

Catatonic rigidity see MUSCLE RIGIDITY WM95

Catatonic schizophrenia see SCHIZOPHRENIA, CATATONIC WM203-.7

CATCHMENT AREA (HEALTH) WX140 N1 N3 N6 A geographic area defined and served by a health programme or institution.

CATECHOLAMINES WK725 D2 If only EPINEPHRINE and NOREPINEPHRINE are discussed, index under those terms.



CATHA QK4 B6 A plant genus of the family CELASTRACEAE. The leafy stems of khat are chewed by some individuals for stimulating effect. Also known as Khat or Qat. For use in therapy co-ordinate with PHYTOTHERAPY. As a mind-altering substance WM294

CATHARTICS QV75 D27 Agents that are used to evacuate the bowels to eliminate ingested NOXAE or to prepare for COLONOSCOPY. See related DIETARY FIBRE; GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS

CATHETER ABLATION WN440 E1 E2 Removal of tissue with electrical current delivered via electrodes positioned at the distal end of a catheter. See related ANGIOPLASTY, LASER; ELECTROCOAGULATION; HEART CATHETERISATION

CATHETERISATION WB250 E2 E5 Use or insertion of a tubular device into a duct, blood vessel, hollow organ, or body cavity for injecting or withdrawing fluids for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. It differs from INTUBATION in that the tube here is used to restore or maintain patency in obstructions. See related CATHETERS, INDWELLING; CARDIAC CATHETERISATION; URINARY CATHETERS

Catheterisation, bronchial see CATHETERISATION, PERIPHERAL WG500

Catheterisation, cardiac see CARDIAC CATHETERISATION WG146

CATHETERISATION, CENTRAL VENOUS WB250 E2 Placement of an intravenous catheter in the subclavian, jugular or other central vein for central venous pressure determination, chemotherapy, haemodialysis or hyper alimentation. See related CATHETERS, INDWELLING

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CATHETERISATION, PERIPHERAL WG500 E2 Insertion of a catheter into a peripheral artery, vein or airway for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Bronchial WF544 See related BRONCHOSCOPY

Catheterisation, see CATHETERISATION, SWAN-GANZ WG146

CATHETERISATION, SWAN-GANZ WG146 E1 E2 Placement of a flow-directed catheter (developed by cardiologists Swan and Ganz) by way of the heart, for haemodynamic and therapeutic monitoring and diagnosis. It is not restricted exclusively to cardiopulmonary procedures. See related HEART CATHETERISATION

Catheterisation, ureteral see URINARY CATHETERISATION WJ166

Catheterisation, urethral see URINARY CATHETERISATION WJ166

Catheterisation, urinary see URINARY CATHETERISATION WJ166

CATHETERS WB250 E7 A flexible, tubular device that is used to carry fluids into or from a blood vessel, hollow organ, or body cavity See related CANNULA; CATHETERS, INDWELLING; URINARY CATHETERS; VASCULAR ACCESS DEVICES

CATHETERS, INDWELLING WB250 E7 Catheters designed to be left within an organ or passage for an extended period of time. See related CATHETERISATION, CENTRAL VENOUS; INFUSION PUMPS, IMPLANTABLE; URINARY CATHETERISATION; URINARY CATHETERS

CATIONS QV275 D1 Positively charged atoms, radicals or groups of atoms which travel to the cathode or negative pole during electrolysis. Prefer specifics.

CATTELL PERSONALITY FACTOR QUESTIONNAIRE WM145 F4 Self report questionnaire which yields 16 scores on personality traits, such as reserved vs. outgoing, humble vs. assertive, etc.


CAUSALITY N5 N6 The relating of causes to the effects they produce. An epidemiological concept. Do not confuse with the cause of a disease which is / aetiology. Coordinate with a disease / epidemiology not / aetiology. See related EPIDEMIOLOGIC FACTORS; PRECIPITATING FACTORS

Causation see / aetiology

CAUSE OF DEATH E5 L1 N1 N6 Restrict to cause of death as an epidemiological consideration. Determination of cause of death WA328 See related DEATH; FATAL OUTCOME; MORTALITY

CAUTERY WO220 E2 The application of a caustic substance, a hot instrument, an electric current, or other agent to destroy tissue. See related ELECTROCOAGULATION

Cavia see GUINEA PIGS QL30

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Cavia porcellus see GUINEA PIGS QL30

Cavernitis, fibrous see PENILE INDURATION WJ790





CELL BIOLOGY QH50 H1 The study of the structure, behaviour, growth, reproduction, and pathology of cells; and the function and chemistry of cellular components. Use for the specialty only. For cell biology of organisms use / cytology with the organism or anatomical term. For / methods use CYTOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES. See related CELLS

CELL COMMUNICATION QU375 G4 Any of several ways in which living cells of an organism communicate with one another, whether by direct physical contact or by chemical signals; "cell to cell interaction" goes here. Do not use for micro-organisms.

CELL CULTURE TECHNIQUES QS525 E5 A technique for growing or maintaining cells in vitro.

CELL CYCLE QU375 G4 The complex series of phenomena, occurring between the end of one CELL DIVISION and the end of the next, by which cellular material is duplicated and then divided between two daughter cells. The cell cycle includes INTERPHASE, which includes G0 PHASE, G1 PHASE, S PHASE and G2 PHASE and CELL DIVISION PHASE.


CELL DIFFERENTIATION QU375 G4 Progressive restriction of the developmental potential and increasing specialisation of function which takes place during the development of the embryo and leads to the formation of specialised cells, tissues and organs. For differentiation in a specific cell, coordinate with the cell / cytology not / growth & development. Do not use for micro-organisms. See related EMBRYONIC STRUCTURES; GENE EXPRESSION REGULATION

CELL DIVISION QU375 G4 G5 G7 The fission of a CELL. It includes CYTOKINESIS, when the CYTOPLASM of a cell is divided, and CELL NUCLEUS DIVISION. Coordinate with specific cell /cytology. It may be used for micro-organisms. The phases of cell division are also available.

CELL FUSION QU375 E5 G4 Fusion of somatic cells in vitro or in vivo, which results in somatic cell hybridization.

CELL PHONES QA180 L1 Analogue or digital communications device in which the user has a wireless connection from a telephone to a nearby transmitter. Include car phone and mobile phones. See related SMARTPHONE

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CELL PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA QU375 G4 Cellular processes, properties, and characteristics.


Cell structures see CELLULAR STRUCTURES QU350

Cell surface hormone receptors see RECEPTORS, CELL SURFACE

Cell surface receptors see RECEPTORS, CELL SURFACE

CELL TRANSFORMATION, NEOPLASTIC QZ300 C4 C23 Cell changes conferring the ability to invade, metastasise and kill. Do not confuse with CELL DIFFERENTIATION, a normal process in morphogenesis.

CELL TRANSPLANTATION QU300 E4 Transference of cells within an individual, between individuals of the same species, or between individuals of different species. See related BLOOD COMPONENT TRANSFUSION; ISLETS OF LANGERHANS TRANSPLANTATION; STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION; TRANSPLANTATION IMMUNOLOGY

Cell transplants see TRANSPLANTS WO300

CELLS QU300 A11 Cells of specific tissues go with the tissue. Prefer / cytology with organ. For / physiology use CELL PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA. For / transplantation use CELL TRANSPLANTATION. Index cell synchronisation under CYTOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES. In pathology QZ4 In histology QS504-32 Normal morphology & physiology QH50 See related CELL BIOLOGY; CYTOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES

CELLS, CULTURED A11 Cells propagated in vitro in special media conducive to their growth. Not for bacteria or other microorganisms. Do not confuse with CELL CULTURE TECHNIQUES. TUMOUR CELLS, CULTURED is available. For cell density in cultures coordinate with CELL COUNT. In histology QS530 See related CELL CULTURE TECHNIQUES; TISSUE CULTURE

Cells, stem see STEM CELLS QU325-330

Cellular biology see CELL BIOLOGY QH50

Cellular immunity see IMMUNITY, CELLULAR QW568

Cellular neurobiology see NEUROBIOLOGY WL107

Cellular phone see CELL PHONES QA180

CELLULAR STRUCTURES QU350 A11 Components of a cell.

CELLULOSE D5 D9 D25 J1 It is the chief constituent of plant fibres, cotton being the purest natural form of the substance. As a raw material, it forms the basis for many derivatives used in chromatography, ion

21 of 93 Last updated 09/03/2018 C exchange materials, explosives manufacturing, and pharmaceutical preparations. In the diet WD52 Biochemistry QU83

Cement, bone see BONE CEMENTS WE122

CEMENTATION WU320 E5 E6 The joining of objects by means of a cement (e.g. in fracture fixation or in dentistry).

Cemeteries see MORTUARY PRACTICE W95

CENSUSES HA140 I1 N1 N6 Enumerations of populations usually recording identities of all persons in every place of residence with age or date of birth, sex, occupation, national origin, language, marital status, income, relation to head of household, information on the dwelling place, education, literacy, health- related data (e.g. permanent disability), etc. See related DEMOGRAPHY


Centenarians see AGED, 80 AND OVER WT1-398

Central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome see SLEEP DISORDERS, INTRINSIC WL724

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM WL120-40 A8 The main information-processing organs of the nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges. For neural tube use / embryology. "CNS effects" of drugs usually means BRAIN / drug effects.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AGENTS QV76.5 D27 Agents acting on the central nervous system; those agents that affect the mood and possibly behaviour are psychotropics, and agents that increase the electrical activity of the nervous system are analeptics; they are chemically and pharmacologically unrelated. Consider also CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM / drug effects; BRAIN / drug effects.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CYSTS WL335 C4 C10 C16 Congenital or acquired cysts of the brain, spinal cord, or meninges which may remain stable in size or undergo progressive enlargement.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSANTS QV80 D27 A very loosely defined group of drugs that tend to reduce the activity of the central nervous system. The major groups included here are ethyl alcohol, anaesthetics, hypnotics and sedatives, narcotics, and tranquilising agents (antipsychotics and anti-anxiety agents). These do not cause psychological or mood depression. Consider also CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM / drug effects; BRAIN / drug effects.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES WL140 C10 Diseases of any component of the brain (including the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, brain stem and cerebellum) or the spinal cord.

Central nervous system drugs see CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AGENTS QV76.5

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTIONS WL330-38 C1 C10 Pathogenic infections of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NEOPLASMS WL350-5 C4 C10 Benign and malignant neoplasms located in the brain, spinal cord or meninges. Prefer BRAIN NEOPLASMS or SPINAL CORD NEOPLASMS or MENINGEAL NEOPLASMS.

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CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULANTS QV100 D27 A loosely defined group of drugs that tend to increase behavioral alertness, agitation, or excitation. Analeptics go here. Consider also CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM / drug effects; BRAIN / drug effects. See related AMPHETAMINES; CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM

Central sterile supply department see CENTRAL SUPPLY, HOSPITAL WX540

CENTRAL SUPPLY, HOSPITAL WX540 N2 N4 Hospital department responsible for receiving, storing and distributing medical and surgical supplies and equipment. Do not confuse with CENTRALISED HOSPITAL SERVICES.

Centrally acting muscle relaxants see MUSCLE RELAXANTS, CENTRAL WO650

CENTRALISED HOSPITAL SERVICES WX158 N2 N4 The coordination of services in one area of a facility to improve efficiency. See related HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION

Centriacinar emphysema see PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA WF648

Centrilobular emphysema see PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA WF648

CEPHALOMETRY WU141 E1 E5 N6 Scientific measurement of the dimensions of the head. For living skull only: for dead skull use CRANIOMETRY. Do not restrict to radiographic or dental cephalometry. See related MAXILLOFACIAL DEVELOPMENT; SKULL


CEPHALOSPORINS QV350 D2 D4 A group of broad-spectrum antibiotics first isolated from the Mediterranean fungus ACREMONIUM.

Cereals see EDIBLE GRAIN WD84

CEREBELLAR ATAXIA WL310 C10 C23 Uncoordination of voluntary movements that occur as a manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES. For dentate cerebellar ataxia use MYOCLONIC CEREBELLAR DYSSYNERGIA. For familial aspects consider also SPINOCEREBELLAR DEGENERATION. CEREBELLAR CORTEX WL135 A8 The superficial gray matter of the cerebellum.

CEREBELLAR DISEASES WL400 C10 Diseases that affect the structure or function of the cerebellum. Cardinal manifestations of cerebellar dysfunction include dysmetria, GAIT ATAXIA, and MUSCLE HYPOTONIA.


Cerebellar mossy fibres see NERVE FIBRES WL110

CEREBELLAR NEOPLASMS WL350 C4 C10 Primary or metastatic neoplasms of the CEREBELLUM.

Cerebellopontine angle acoustic neuroma see NEUROMA, ACOUSTIC WV560

CEREBELLUM WL135 A8 The part of brain that lies behind the BRAIN STEM in the posterior base of skull (CRANIAL FOSSA, POSTERIOR). It is also known as the "little brain" with convolutions similar to those of

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CEREBRAL CORTEX, inner white matter, and deep cerebellar nuclei. Its function is to coordinate voluntary movements, maintain balance, and learn motor skills. For cerebellar artery use CEREBELLUM / blood supply + ARTERIES

Cerebral abscess see BRAIN ABSCESS WL335

Cerebral aneurysm see INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM WL408

CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY WL252 E1 Radiography of the vascular system of the brain after injection of a contrast medium. Not a substitute for CEREBRAL ARTERIES / radiography nor CEREBRAL VEINS / radiography. See related CEREBRAL ARTERIES; CEREBRAL VEINS

Cerebral anoxia see , BRAIN WL405

CEREBRAL ARTERIAL DISEASES WL405 C10 C14 For arteries supplying the cerebrum. Do not use for any arteries in the brain. See related INTRACRANIAL ARTERIAL DISEASES

CEREBRAL ARTERIES WL127 A7 Arteries supplying the cerebrum. Do not use for any arteries in the brain. For /abnormalities consider also CEREBRAL ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS. See related CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY

Cerebral arteriosclerosis see INTRACRANIAL ARTERIOSCLEROSIS WL405

Cerebral arteriovenous malformations see INTRACRANIAL ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS WL310

CEREBRAL CORTEX WL132 A8 The thin layer of grey matter on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere that is responsible for intellectual faculties and higher mental functions. / surgery is probably CEREBRAL DECORTICATION. See related ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY

Cerebral embolism and thrombosis see INTRACRANIAL EMBOLISM AND THROMBOSISWL410-35


Cerebral hemispheres See BRAIN WL132

CEREBRAL INFARCTION WL405 C10 C14 The formation of an area of NECROSIS in the CEREBRUM caused by an insufficiency of arterial or venous blood flow. See related INFARCTION

Cerebral ischaemia see BRAIN ISCHAEMIA WL405

Cerebral ischaemia, transient see ISCHAEMIC ATTACK, TRANSIENT WL405

Cerebral oedema see BRAIN OEDEMA WL400

Cerebral thrombosis see INTRACRANIAL THROMBOSIS WL410-35

CEREBRAL PALSY WL440-56 C10 Do not index spasticity in cerebral palsy under MUSCLE SPASTICITY unless it is specifically discussed.

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CEREBRAL REVASCULARISATION WL417 E4 Microsurgical revascularization to improve intracranial circulation.

Cerebral vasospasm see VASOSPASM, INTRACRANIAL WL405

CEREBRAL VEINS WL127 A7 Veins draining the cerebrum. See related CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY

CEREBRAL VENTRICLE NEOPLASMS WL350 C4 C10 Neoplasms located in the brain ventricles, including the two lateral, the third, and the fourth ventricle. Ventricular tumours may be primary, metastasise from distant organs, or occur as extensions of locally invasive tumours from adjacent brain structures.


CEREBRAL VENTRICULOGRAPHY WL252 E1 Radiography of the ventricular system of the brain after injection of air or other contrast medium directly into the cerebral ventricles. Used also for x-ray computed tomography of the cerebral ventricles. See related CEREBRAL VENTRICLES

Cerebroatrophic hyperammonaemia see RETT SYNDROME WM845

CEREBROSPINAL FLUID WL125 A12 With diseases & drugs use / cerebrospinal fluid. For csf production use / physiology not /secretion. For pressure use CEREBROSPINAL FLUID PRESSURE Clinical chemistry QY220 See related BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER

/ cerebrospinal fluid Subheading. (B2,C,D1-D24,F3) Used for the presence or analysis of substances in the cerebrospinal fluid; also for examination of or changes in cerebrospinal fluid in disease states. Not used for the presence of microbes or parasites, use / microbiology or / parasitology.

CEREBROSPINAL FLUID SHUNTS WL318 E4 Tubes inserted to create communication between a cerebral ventricle and the internal jugular vein. Their emplacement permits draining of cerebrospinal fluid for relief of hydrocephalus or other condition leading to fluid accumulation in the ventricles.

Cerebrovascular accident see STROKE WL410-35

CEREBROVASCULAR CIRCULATION WL127 G9 The circulation of blood through the vessels of the brain. Consider also BRAIN / blood supply.

CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS WL405-35 C10 C14 A spectrum of pathological conditions of impaired blood flow in the brain. They can involve vessels (ARTERIES; or VEINS) in the CEREBRUM, the CEREBELLUM, and the BRAIN STEM. Major categories include INTRACRANIAL ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS; BRAIN ISCHAEMIA; CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE; and others. See related STROKE

CEREBROVASCULAR TRAUMA WL405 C10 C14 C21 Penetrating and non-penetrating traumatic injuries to an extra-cranial or intracranial blood vessel that supplies the brain.

Cerebrum see TENENCEPHALON WL130-5

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CEREMONIAL BEHAVIOUR GT F1 I1 A series of actions, sometimes symbolic actions which may be associated with a behavior pattern, and are often indispensable to its performance.

Certificates, birth see BIRTH CERTIFICATES WQ110

Certificates, death see DEATH CERTIFICATES W93

Certificates, medical see ABSENTEEISM W360


CERTIFICATION N3 N5 Compliance with a set of standards defined by non-governmental organisations; certification is applied for by individuals on a voluntary basis and represents a professional status when achieved; e.g. certification for a medical specialty. Not the same as registration see LICENSURE. Put with education in each specialty. In medical education WA235 See related ACCREDITATION; LICENSURE

CERUMEN WV522 A12 The yellow or brown waxy secretions produced by vestigial apocrine sweat glands in the external ear canal. See related EAR CANAL


Cervical caries see ROOT CARIES WU270

Cervical dilatation see LABOUR STAGE, FIRST WQ305

Cervical dystonia see TORTICOLLIS WE403

CERVICAL INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA WP540 C4 A malignancy arising in uterine cervical epithelium and confined thereto, with a variable tendency to develop invasive epidermoid carcinoma, a tendency that is enhanced by concomitant human papillomaviral infection. See related UTERINE CERVICAL DYSPLASIA; UTERINE CERVICAL NEOPLASMS

Cervical manipulation see MANIPULATION, SPINAL WE485

Cervical pain see NECK PAIN WE403

Cervical screening see MASS SCREENING; UTERINE CERVICAL NEOPLASMS / diagnosis or / prevention and control WP510

Cervical smears see VAGINAL SMEARS WP510

Cervical sympathetic dystrophy see REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY WL190


Cervicalgia see NECK PAIN WE403


Cervicodynia see NECK PAIN WE403

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CERVICOPLASTY WE409 E4 Reconstructive surgical procedures in the NECK region to restore or improve form and function.

Cervix diseases see UTERINE CERVICAL DISEASES WP520-45




CERVIX MUCUS WP500 A12 "Fern test" and "Palm leaf reaction" go here. See related NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING METHODS

Cervix neoplasms see UTERINE CERVIX NEOPLASMS WP540

CERVIX UTERI WP500-45 A5 For inflammation see UTERINE CERVICITIS. For conisation use CERVIX UTERI / pathology + CONISATION; for / surgery consider also CONISATION. See related COLPOSCOPY; CONISATION

Cessation of treatment see WITHHOLDING TREATMENT WA260

CESTODE INFECTIONS WC830 C3 Infections with the true tapeworms. For / drug therapy consider also ANTICESTODAL AGENTS. See related HELMINTHIASIS

Ceylon see SRI LANKA G

CHAGAS CARDIOMYOPATHY WG210 C3 C14 A disease of the CARDIAC MUSCLE developed subsequent to the initial protozoan infection by TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI. After infection, less than 10% develop acute illness such as MYOCARDITIS (mostly in children). The disease then enters a latent phase without clinical symptoms until about 20 years later. CHAGAS DISEASE is also available.

CHAGAS DISEASE WC700 C3 Infection with the protozoan parasite TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI, a form of TRYPANOSOMIASIS endemic in Central and South America.

Challenging behaviour see AGGRESSION WM160

CHANCRE WC160 C1 The primary lesion of syphilis; do not confuse with CHANCHROID

CHANCHROID WC140 C1 C12 C13 Acute, localised auto-inoculable infectious disease usually acquired through sexual contact. Do not confuse with CHANCRE.

Change, lifestyle see LIFE CHANGE EVENTS WLM700

Change management see ORGANISATIONAL INNOVATION WX224.5

Change of life, female see MENOPAUSE WP640

Change, organisational see ORGANISATIONAL INNOVATION WX224.5

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Change, social see SOCIAL CHANGE HM100



Chaplain see CLERGY WA40

CHAPLAINCY SERVICE, HOSPITAL WA40 N2 N4 Hospital department which administers religious activities within the hospital, e.g., pastoral care, religious services.

CHARACTER WLM300-50 F1 In current usage, approximately equivalent to personality. The sum of the relatively fixed personality traits and habitual modes of response of an individual.

CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE WE305 C10 C16 An hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy characterised by progressive distal wasting and loss of reflexes in the muscles of the legs (occasionally of the arms).

Charcot's joint see ARTHROPATHY, NEUROGENIC WE284

Charge nurses see NURSING, SUPERVISORY WY230

Charges see FEES AND CHARGES WX850-80

Charges, hospital see HOSPITAL CHARGES WX850-80

Charitable financial provision to the needy see CHARITIES HV248

CHARITIES HV160 I1 Social welfare organizations with programs designed to assist individuals in times of need. Abortion charities HQ176 Economics of charities HV165 Financial aid charities HV248 For the homeless HV910 Charitable health service provision WX850 See related GIFT GIVING; HOSPITALS, VOLUNTARY

CHARTS [PUBLICATION TYPE] V1 V2 This heading is used as a Publication type. Information presented in graphic form, for example, graphs or diagrams.

Chartership, librarian see EDUCATION , PROFESSIONAL Z317

Chaulmoogra oil see PLANT OILS QV259

CHEEK WE400/WI200 A1 A14 For external portion of face or internal portion of mouth. For buccal mucosa use MOUTH MUCOSA + CHEEK. For cheek bone fracture use ZYGOMATIC FRACTURES. Maxillofacial injuries WU610 See related FACE


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CHELATING AGENTS QV290 D27 They are used chemically to remove ions from solutions, medicinally against microorganisms, to treat metal poisoning, and in chemotherapy protocols. See related ANTIDOTES

CHELATION THERAPY QV290 E2 Therapy of heavy metal poisoning using agents which sequester the metal from organs or tissues and bind it firmly within the ring structure of a new compound which can be eliminated from the body. Co-ordinate with specific chelating agent + / therapeutic use + the metal causing the poisoning. See related POISONING

CHEMEXFOLIATION WR600 E2 E4 Application of a cauterant to the skin for the purpose of causing a superficial destruction of the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis. After healing, the treated area has new epithelium.

Chemical burns see BURNS, CHEMICAL WD478

Chemical face peeling see CHEMEXFOLIATION WR600

CHEMICAL INDUSTRY J1 Specialty. Industrial waste and pollution W40-67

Chemical injuries see WOUNDS AND INJURIES WD478

CHEMICAL PRECIPITATION QD4 E5 G2 The formation of a solid in a solution as a result of a chemical reaction or the aggregation of soluble substances into complexes large enough to fall out of solution. Do not use for precipitation as a weather phenomenon. In clinical laboratory pathology QY265 In diagnostic tests QY265 In immune response QW640

Chemical sensitivity, multiple see MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY WD300-30

/ chemical synthesis Subheading. (D) Used for the chemical preparation of molecules in vitro. For the formation of chemical substances in organisms, living cells, or sub cellular fractions, "biosynthesis" is used.

Chemical techniques see CLINICAL CHEMISTRY TESTS QY90

CHEMICAL TERRORISM HM600 I1 The use of chemical agents in TERRORISM. This includes the malevolent use of nerve agents, blood agents, blister agents and choking agents (noxae). See related CHEMICAL WARFARE; TERRORISM; VIOLENCE

CHEMICAL WARFARE QV663 I1 Tactical warfare using incendiary mixtures, smokes, or irritant, burning, or asphyxiating gases. Class with specific agents or injuries. See related CHEMICAL TERRORISM; GAS POISONING; WARFARE

CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS QV663 D27 J1 Chemicals that are used to cause the disturbance, disease, or death of humans during war. See related GASES; PHOSGENE; TEAR GASES

Chemical water pollutants see WATER POLLUTANTS, CHEMICAL W46

Chemical water pollution see WATER POLLUTION, CHEMICAL W46

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/ chemically induced Subheading. (C,F,G) Used for biological phenomena or diseases, syndromes, congenital abnormalities, or symptoms caused by endogenous or exogenous substances in man or animals. In cancer QZ540

Chemicals, agricultural see AGROCHEMICALS W67

Chemicals as aetiological agents see / chemically induced QZ59

Chemicals, hazardous see HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES W67

Chemicals, laboratory see LABORATORY CHEMICALS QY90

CHEMISTRY QD H1 Specialty but may also be used to indicate the chemistry or chemical structure of a drug or compound but prefer / chemistry. Use specialty list subheadings. DICTIONARIES, CHEMICAL is available. See related BRAIN CHEMISTRY; NATURAL SCIENCE DISCIPLINES; NEUROCHEMISTRY

/ chemistry Subheading. (A2-16,B1,3-6,C4,D) Used with chemicals, biological and non-biological substances for their composition, structure, characterisation and properties; also used for the chemical composition or content of organs, tissue tumours and body fluids. Excludes chemical analysis and determination of substances for which "analysis" is used; excludes synthesis for which "chemical synthesis" is used; excludes isolation and purification of substances for which "isolation and purification" is used.


CHEMISTRY TECHNIQUES, ANALYTICAL QD4 E5 H1 The branch of chemistry dealing with detection (qualitative) and determination (quantitative) of substances.

CHEMISTRY, CLINICAL QY90 H1 Specialty. Analytical chemistry applied to assays of physiologically important substances found in blood, urine, tissues and other biological fluids for the purpose of aiding the physician in making a diagnosis or following therapy.

CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC QD10 H1 Specialty. A field of chemistry which pertains to chemical compounds or ions that do not contain the element carbon (with the exception of carbon dioxide and compounds containing a carbonate radical, e.g. calcium carbonate).

CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC QD20 H1 Specialty. Do not use for chemistry or chemical structure of an organic chemical. Prefer /chemistry.

CHEMISTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL QV444 H1 Chemistry dealing with the composition and preparation of agents having PHARMACOLOGIC ACTIONS or diagnostic use. Drug formulation goes here not under DRUG COMPOUNDING. See related DRUG COMPOUNDING


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CHEMOPREVENTION QV38 E2 The use of chemical compounds to prevent the development of a specific disease. For general works only, use specific chemotherapeutic agent / therapeutic use + disease / prevention & control for particular drugs or diseases. See related ANTICARCINOGENIC AGENTS

Chemotherapy see DRUG THERAPY WB330-54

CHEMOTHERAPY, ADJUVANT QZ760 E2 Drug therapy given to augment or stimulate some other form of treatment e.g. surgery or radiation therapy. It is commonly used in the therapy of cancer. COMBINED MODALITY THERAPY is also available.

Chemotherapy protocols, antineoplastic see ANTINEOPLASTIC COMBINED CHEMOTHERAPY PROTOCOLS QV269

CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR ACCIDENT W410 K1 N6 April 25th -26th, 1986 nuclear power accident that occurred at Chernobyl in the former USSR (Ukraine) located 80 miles north of Kiev. See related DISASTERS; NUCLEAR REACTORS

Chest see THORAX WE440/WF

Chest diseases see THORACIC DISEASES WF970-85

Chest injuries see THORACIC INJURIES WF985

CHEST PAIN WF143 C23 Pressure, burning or numbness in the chest usually non-cardiac. See related ANGINA PECTORIS; PAIN

CHEST TUBES WF700 E7 Plastic tubes used for drainage of air or fluid from the pleural space. Their surgical insertion is called tube thoracostomy. See related INTUBATION

Chewing see MASTICATION WU100-1

Chewing tobacco see TOBACCO, SMOKELESS WD540-4

CHEYNE-STOKES RESPIRATION WF160 C8 C23 An abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by alternating periods of apnoea and deep, rapid breathing.


CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, HOSPITAL WX135 M1 N2 Individuals who have the formal authority to manage a hospital in accordance with the goals and objectives established by a governing body. See related HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS

CHILBLAINS WG530 C21 Recurrent localised itching, swelling and painful erythema on the fingers, toes or ears, produced by exposure to cold. It is also called pernio. A form of frostbite.

CHILD WS M1 A person aged 6-12 years. An individual 2 to 5 years old is CHILD, PRESCHOOL. Use only as psychological and sociological or social entity. For / psychology use PSYCHOLOGY, CHILD but consider also CHILD BEHAVIOUR and other specific headings. See related BOYS; GIRLS; ONLY CHILD

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CHILD, ABANDONED WS321 M1 A child or adolescent who is deserted by parents or parent substitutes without regard for its future care.

CHILD ABUSE WS360 I1 Abuse of children in a family, institutional, or other setting. See related BATTERED CHILD SYNDROME; DOMESTIC VIOLENCE; SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME

Child abuse, adult survivors see ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILD ABUSE WS360-62

CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL WS362 I1 Sexual maltreatment of the child or minor. See related INCEST; PAEDOPHILIA; PARAPHILIC DISORDERS

CHILD ADVOCACY WS320 I1 N3 Promotion and protection of the rights of children; frequently through a legal process. See related CHILD WELFARE

Child bearing see PREGNANCY WQ

CHILD BEHAVIOUR WS200-70 F1 Any observable response or action of a child from 24 months through 12 years of age. For neonates or children younger than 24 months, INFANT BEHAVIOUR is available.

CHILD BEHAVIOUR DISORDERS WS340-346 F3 Disturbances considered to be of pathological degree based on age and stage appropriateness; to include e.g. conduct disturbances, and anaclitic depression. Does not include psychoneuroses, psychoses or a personality disorder with fixed patterns.

CHILD CARE WS322-5 N2 Care of children in the home or institution. See related CHILD REARING; INFANT CARE

Child caregivers see CAREGIVERS + CHILD WA190/WS248

CHILD CUSTODY WS322-28 I1 The formally authorised guardianship or care of a child.

CHILD DAY CARE CENTRES WS310 I1 Facilities which provide care for pre-school and school-age children. As a staff benefit WX480 See related NURSERIES; SCHOOLS, NURSERY

CHILD DEVELOPMENT WS103 F1 G7 The continuous sequential physiological and psychological maturing of the child from birth up to, but not including, adolescence. See related PSYCHOLOGY, CHILD; GROWTH; HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; MOTOR SKILLS; PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT

Child development disorders see DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES WS105

CHILD DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS, PERVASIVE WS725 F3 Severe distortions in the development of many basic psychological functions which are not normal for any stage in development. These distortions are manifested in sustained social impairment, speech abnormalities and peculiar motor movements. See related AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER

Child, disabled see DISABLED CHILDREN WS500-98

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Child disadvantaged see CHILD, EXCEPTIONAL WS321-35

CHILD, EXCEPTIONAL WS321-35 F2 M1 A child whose needs, abilities, or other characteristics vary so much from the average in mental, physical, or social areas that a greater than usual level of services is needed to facilitate the child's maximum potential development. Consider also CHILD, GIFTED and MENTALLY DISABLED PERSONS. See related EARLY INTERVENTION (EDUCATION); MAINSTREAMING (EDUCATION)

CHILD, GIFTED WS335 F2 M1 A child or adolescent who, when compared to others of the same age or experience, exhibits capability of high performance in intellectual, creative, or artistic areas, possesses an unusual capacity for leadership or excels in specific academic fields.

CHILD GUIDANCE WS330 F2 F4 Specialty. The psychiatric, sociological and psychological study and treatment of the developing child with emphasis on preventive or prophylactic measures focused on the familial, educational and socio-environmental milieu of the child.

CHILD GUIDANCE CLINICS WS28 N2 Facilities which administer the delivery of mental health counseling services to children. See related COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTRES

Child, handicapped see DISABLED CHILDREN WS500-98

CHILD HEALTH WS100 N1 The concept covering the physical and mental conditions of CHILDREN. See related ADOLESCENT HEALTH; CHILD HEALTH SERVICES; CHILD WELFARE

CHILD HEALTH SERVICES WS27 N2 Organised services to provide health care for children. See related MATERNAL-CHILD HEALTH SERVICES

CHILD, HOSPITALISED WS408 M1 Child hospitalised for short-term care. Not for disease in children, use only as a psychological, sociological or social entity. See related HOSPITALISATION; PATIENTS

CHILD, INSTITUTIONALISED WS325 M1 A child who is receiving long-term in-patient services or who resides in an institutional setting. Historical accounts of institutionalisation WS508 See related ADOLESCENT, INSTITUTIONALISED; DEINSTITUTIONALISATION; PATIENTS

Child labour see EMPLOYMENT WS335

CHILD LANGUAGE WS210 F1 The language and sounds expressed by a child at a particular maturational stage in development.

Child malnutrition see CHILD NUTRITION DISORDERS WS428


CHILD MORTALITY WS16 E5 L1 N1 N6 Number of deaths of children between one year of age to 12 years of age in a given population. See related MORTALITY

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CHILD NUTRITION DISORDERS WS428 C18 Disorders caused by nutritional imbalance, either over nutrition or under nutrition, occurring in children ages 2 to 12 years. See related INFANT NUTRITION DISORDERS

CHILD NUTRITIONAL PHYSIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA WS115 G6 Nutritional physiology of children aged 2-12 years. See related INFANT NUTRITION; NUTRITION

CHILD NUTRITION SCIENCES WS115 H2 The study of NUTRITION PROCESSES as well as the components of food, their actions, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease of children, infants or adolescents.

CHILD OF IMPAIRED PARENTS M1 Child with one or more parents afflicted by a physical or mental disorder. Interpret "child" as offspring. Co-ordinate with parental impairment or disease. Learning disabled parents WM892 See related PARENTS

CHILD, PRESCHOOL WS830 M1 A child aged 2-5 years. Use only as a psychological, sociological or social entity.


CHILD PSYCHIATRY WS700-785 F4 H2 Specialty. The medical science that deals with the origin, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders in children. Do not use for illnesses use MENTAL DISORDERS + CHILD.

Child psychology see PSYCHOLOGY, CHILD WS200-70

CHILD REACTIVE DISORDERS WS730 F1 Reactions to an event or set of events which are considered to be of pathological degree, that have not developed into a neurosis, psychosis, or personality disorder with fixed patterns. For child reaction to separation from parents use ANXIETY, SEPARATION.

CHILD REARING WS300 F1 The training or bringing-up of children by parents or parent-substitutes. It is used also for child rearing practices in different societies, at different economic levels, in different ethnic groups, etc. It differs from PARENTING in that in child rearing the emphasis is on the act of training or bringing up the child and the interaction between the parent and child, while parenting emphasises the responsibility and qualities of exemplary behavior of the parent. Popular works WS75 See related CHILD CARE; PARENTING

Child restraint systems see SEAT BELTS W460

CHILD, UNWANTED WS321-8 M1 The child who is not wanted by one or both parents.

CHILD WELFARE WS300-55 I1 Organised efforts by communities or organisations to improve the health and well-being of the child. See related CHILD HEALTH; FOSTER HOME CARE; INFANT WELFARE; SOCIAL WELFARE

Childbirth see PARTURITION WQ300-360

Childbirth at home see HOME CHILDBIRTH WQ302

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Childhood benign focal epilepsy see EPILEPSIES, PARTIAL WL470

Childhood benign occipital epilepsy see EPILEPSIES, PARTIAL WL470

Childhood communication disorders see COMMUNICATION DISORDERS WS210

Childhood eating and feeding disorders see EATING AND FEEDING DISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD WS738

Childhood illness see PAEDIATRICS for general works and individual diseases + CHILD

Childhood muscular dystrophy, pseudohypertrophic see MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, DUCHENNE WS430/WE340

Childhood obesity see PAEDIATRIC OBESITY WD110

Childhood pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy see MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, DUCHENNE WS430/WE340

Childhood schizophrenia see SCHIZOPHRENIA, CHILDHOOD WS740

Childhood tic disorders see TIC DISORDERS WS720


Children in care see CHILD, INSTITUTIONALISED WS322

Chimeric toxins see IMMUNOTOXINS QW630.5

Chimpanzee see PAN TROGLODYTES QL30

CHIN WE400 A1 A2 A14 Bone or site. Submental (beneath the chin) refers to skin, fat and other tissue below the chin. For / growth consider also MAXILLOFACIAL DEVELOPMENT. See related FACE; MANDIBLE



Chinese drugs, plant see DRUGS, CHINESE HERBAL QV466

Chinese herbal drugs see DRUGS, CHINESE HERBAL QV466

Chinese traditional medicine see MEDICINE, CHINESE TRADITIONAL WB59

Ching Lo see MERIDIANS WB850

Chiropody see PODIATRY WE950-70

CHIROPRACTIC WE590-2 H2 Specialty only. An occupational discipline founded by D.D. Palmer in the 1890's based on the relationship of the spine to health and disease. The spine is analyzed by X-rays and palpation, and vertebrae are adjusted manually to relieve pressures on the spinal cord. For the therapeutic technique see MANIPULATION, CHIROPRACTIC

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CHLAMYDIA QW152 B3 A genus of the family CHLAMYDIACEAE whose species cause a variety of diseases in vertebrates including humans, mice, and swine.

CHLAMYDIA INFECTIONS WC600 C1 C12 C13 Infections with bacteria of the genus CHLAMYDIA.

CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS WC600 B3 Type species of CHLAMYDIA causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Index under TRACHOMA; LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM; or CONJUNCTIVITIS, INCLUSION if specified in the text.

CHLAMYDIALES QW152 B3 An order of obligately intracellular bacteria that have the chlamydia-like developmental cycle of replication. Members of Chlamydiales are disseminated by aerosol or by contact. There are at least four recognized families: CHLAMYDIACEAE, Parachlamydiaceae, Simkaniaceae, and Waddliaceae.

CHLORAMPHENICOL QV350.5 D2 An antibiotic first isolated from cultures of Streptomyces venequelae in 1947 but now produced synthetically. It has a relatively simple structure and was the first broad-spectrum antibiotic to be discovered. It acts by interfering with bacterial protein synthesis and is mainly bacteriostatic.

CHLORINE QV231 D1 A greenish-yellow, diatomic gas that is a member of the halogen family of elements. It is a powerful irritant that can cause fatal pulmonary oedema. Chlorine is used in manufacturing, as a reagent in synthetic chemistry, for water purification, and in the production of chlorinated lime, which is used in fabric bleaching. Toxicology QV663 See related CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS

CHLORMETHIAZOLE QV85 D2 D3 A sedative and anticonvulsant often used in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. Chlormethiazole has also been proposed as a neuroprotective agent.

CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS QD305 D2 A series of hydrocarbons containing both chlorine and fluorine. These have been used as refrigerants, blowing agents, cleaning fluids, solvents, and as fire extinguishing agents. They have been shown to cause stratospheric ozone depletion and have been banned for many uses.

CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS, METHANE QD305 D2 Used as aerosol propellants in inhalers etc.


CHLOROQUINE QV256 D3 The prototypical antimalarial agent with a mechanism that is not well understood. It has also been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and in the systemic therapy of amoebic liver abscesses.


CHLORPROMAZINE QV77 D2 D3 The prototypical phenothiazine antipsychotic drug. Like the other drugs in this class chlorpromazine's antipsychotic actions are thought to be due to long-term adaptation by the brain to

36 of 93 Last updated 09/03/2018 C blocking DOPAMINE RECEPTORS. Chlorpromazine has several other actions and therapeutic uses, including as an anti-emetic and in the treatment of intractable hiccup. See related ANTI-EMITICS; ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS

CHOCOLATE WD93 G7 J2 Food product prepared from fermenting, roasting, and grinding the seeds of the COCOA plant. See related CACAO

CHOICE BEHAVIOUR WLM452 F2 The act of making a selection among two or more alternatives, usually after a period of deliberation. Patient choice WA82 See related DECISION MAKING



Cholangioma see ADENOMA, BILE DUCT WI765

CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY, ENDOSCOPIC RETROGRADE WI750 E1 E4 Fibreoptic endoscopy designed for duodenal observation and cannulation of VATER'S AMPULLA, in order to visualise the pancreatic and biliary duct system by retrograde injection of contrast media. Endoscopic (Vater) papillotomy (SPHINCTEROTOMY, ENDOSCOPIC) may be performed during this procedure. See related DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM; ENDOSCOPY, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

CHOLANGITIS WI755 C6 Inflammation of the biliary ductal system ( BILE DUCTS); intrahepatic, extrahepatic, or both. See related BILE DUCT DISEASES; CHOLECYSTITIS

CHOLANGITIS, SCLEROSING WI755 C6 Chronic inflammatory disease of the BILIARY TRACT. It is characterised by fibrosis and hardening of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary ductal systems leading to bile duct strictures, CHOLESTASIS, and eventual BILIARY CIRRHOSIS. See related BILE DUCT DISEASES


CHOLECYSTECTOMY, LAPAROSCOPIC WI755 E4 Excision of the gallbladder through an abdominal incision using a laparoscope. See related BILIARY TRACT SURGICAL PROCEDURES; GALLBLADDER

CHOLECYSTITIS WI755 C6 Inflammation of the gallbladder; generally caused by impairment of BILE flow, GALLSTONES in the BILIARY TRACT, infections, or other diseases. See related CHOLANGITIS; GALLBLADDER; GALLBLADDER DISEASES

CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY WI750 E1 Radiography of the gallbladder after ingestion of a contrast medium. See related BILIARY TRACT; DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM; GALLBLADDER


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CHOLELITHIASIS WI755 C6 Presence or formation of GALLSTONES in the BILIARY TRACT, usually in the gallbladder (CHOLECYSTOLITHIASIS) or the common bile duct (CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS). For the chemical composition of calculi use / chemistry. GALLSTONES is also available. See related CALCULI; GALLBLADDER

CHOLERA WC262 C1 An acute diarrhoeal disease endemic in India and Southeast Asia whose causative agent is VIBRIO CHOLERAE. This condition can lead to severe dehydration in a matter of hours unless quickly treated.

CHOLESTASIS WI703 C6 Impairment of bile flow due to obstruction in small bile ducts (INTRAHEPATIC CHOLESTASIS) or obstruction in large bile ducts (EXTRAHEPATIC CHOLESTASIS).

CHOLESTEATOMA QZ365 C17 A non-neoplastic mass of keratin-producing squamous EPITHELIUM, frequently occurring in the MENINGES; bones of the skull, and most commonly in the MIDDLE EAR and MASTOID region. Cholesteatoma can be congenital or acquired. Cholesteatoma is not a tumour nor is it associated with high .

CHOLESTEROL QU95 D4 D10 The principal sterol of all higher animals, distributed in body tissues, especially the brain and spinal cord, and in animal fats and oils. For /antagonists & inhibitors use ANTICHOLESTERAEMIC AGENTS. See related CHOLESTEROL, DIETARY; HYPERCHOLESTEROLAEMIA

CHOLESTEROL, DIETARY WD57 D10 CHOLESTEROL present in food, especially animal products. For / adverse effects coordinate with disease name + / etiology not / chemically induced. Control WD120 See related DIET, ATHEROGENIC; HYPERCHOLESTEROLAEMIA

Cholesterol inhibitors see ANTICHOLESTERAEMIC AGENTS QU95

CHOLINE QV122 D2 A basic constituent of lecithin that is found in many plants and animal organs. It is important as a precursor of acetylcholine, as a methyl donor in various metabolic processes, and in lipid metabolism.

CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS QV124 D27 Cholinesterase inhibitors are widely used clinically for their potentiation of cholinergic inputs to the gastrointestinal tract and urinary bladder, the eye and skeletal muscles; they are also used for their effects on the heart and the central nervous system. See related INSECTICIDES; PARASYMPATHOMIMETICS

CHOLINESTERASE REACTIVATORS QV124 D8 D14 D27 Drugs used to reverse the inactivation of cholinesterase caused by organophosphates or sulphonates. They are an important component of therapy in agricultural, industrial, and military poisonings by organophosphates and sulphonates. See related ANTIDOTES

CHONDROCYTES WE290 A11 Polymorphic cells that form cartilage.

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CHOREA WL300 C10 C23 Involuntary, forcible, rapid, jerky movements that may be subtle or become confluent, markedly altering normal patterns of movement. Hypotonia and pendular reflexes are often associated. For choreoathetosis use CHOREA + ATHETOSIS. In rheumatic fever WC220

Chorea, hereditary see HUNTINGTON DISEASE WL320-2

CHORIOCARCINOMA WP469 C4 C13 A malignant metastatic form of trophoblastic tumours.

CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN WK920 D6 D12 A gonadotropic glycoprotein hormone produced primarily by the PLACENTA. Similar to the pituitary LUTEINIZING HORMONE in structure and function, chorionic gonadotropin is involved in maintaining the CORPUS LUTEUM during pregnancy.

CHORIONIC VILLI WQ218 A10 A16 The threadlike, vascular projections of the chorion which enter into the formation of the placenta.

CHORIONIC VILLI SAMPLING WQ212 E1 A method for the diagnosis of foetal diseases by sampling the cells of the placental chorionic villi. See related AMNIOCENTESIS; FOETAL DISEASES

CHORIORETINITIS WW350 C11 Inflammation of the choroid in which the sensory retina becomes oedematous and opaque. See related CHOROIDITIS

CHOROID WW350 A9 The thin, highly vascular membrane covering most of the posterior of the eye between the RETINA and SCLERA. Do not confuse with CHOROID PLEXUS (in the brain). For inflammation use CHOROIDITIS or CHORIORETINITIS. For /blood supply consider also CILIARY ARTERIES.

CHOROID DISEASES WW350 C11 Disorders of the choroid including hereditary choroidal diseases, neoplasms, and other abnormalities of the vascular layer of the uvea.

CHOROID HAEMORRHAGE WW350 C11 C23 Of the eye not of the choroid plexus.

CHOROID NEOPLASMS WW350 C4 C11 Tumours of the choroid; most common intraocular tumors are malignant melanomas of the choroid. Of the eye, do not confuse with neoplasms of the choroid plexus which are CHOROID PLEXUS NEOPLASMS.

CHOROID PLEXUS WL132 A8 A villous structure of tangled masses of BLOOD VESSELS contained within the third, lateral, and fourth ventricles of the BRAIN. It regulates part of the production and composition of CEREBROSPINAL FLUID. In the brain: do not confuse with CHOROID which is in the eye. For papilloma coordinate with GLIOMA.

CHOROID PLEXUS NEOPLASMS WL350 C4 C10 Benign or malignant tumours which arise from the choroid plexus of the ventricles of the brain.

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CHOROIDERAEMIA WW350 C11 C16 An X chromosome-linked abnormality characterised by atrophy of the choroid and degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium causing night blindness. NIGHT BLINDNESS is also available.

CHOROIDITIS WW350 C11 Inflammation of the choroid of the eye, not of the CHOROID PLEXUS; consider also CHORIORETINITIS


Christmas disease see HAEMOPHILIA B WH312

CHROMATIACEAE QW145 B3 A family of phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria that deposit globules of elemental sulfur inside their cells. They are found in diverse aquatic environments.

Chromatin, sex see SEX CHROMATIN QU470

CHROMATOGRAPHY QD4 E5 An analytical chemistry technique. In biochemistry QU 25

CHROMATOGRAPHY, GAS QD4 E5 An analytical chemistry technique using fractionation of a vapourised sample.

CHROMATOGRAPHY, LIQUID QD4 E5 Chromatographic techniques in which the mobile phase is a liquid.

Chromosome 6-linked autosomal recessive Parkinsonism see PARKINSONIAN DISORDERS WL315-8

CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS QS677 C23 G13 Abnormal number or structure of chromosomes. Many chromosome aberrations, but not all, are the cause of CHROMOSOME DISORDERS. See related CHROMOSOME DISORDERS

Chromosome abnormalities, sex see SEX CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS QS677

CHROMOSOME DISORDERS QS677 C16 Clinical conditions caused by an abnormal chromosome constitution in which there is extra or missing chromosome material (either a whole chromosome or a segment). In learning disability WM845 See related CYTOGENETICS; GENETICS, MEDICAL

CHROMOSOME MAPPING QU450 E5 Any method used for determining the location of and relative distances between genes on a chromosome. Clinical use QZ52

CHROMOSOMES QH50 A11 G5 For / pathology and / abnormalities use CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS. /classification is probably KARYOTYPING.

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CHROMOSOMES, HUMAN QU450 A11 G5 Normally 46 chromosomes, including two sex chromosomes are found in the nucleus of human cells. They carry the hereditary information of the individual.

Chromotherapy see COLOUR THERAPY WB800

Chronic actinic dermatitis see PHOTOSENSITIVITY DISORDERS WR160

Chronic airflow obstruction see PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE WF648

Chronic bacterial prostatitis see PROSTATITIS WJ752

Chronic brain injury see BRAIN INJURY, CHRONIC WL516

Chronic bronchitis see BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC WF546

Chronic conditions see CHRONIC DISEASE WB600

CHRONIC DISEASE WB600-95 C23 Diseases which have one or more of the following characteristics: they are permanent, leave residual disability, are caused by nonreversible pathological alteration, require special training of the patient for rehabilitation, or may be expected to require a long period of supervision, observation, or care. Abuse WB621 Case work WB610 Economics WB626 Financial services WB640 In children WS500 Legislation WB605 Psychology WB625 See related DENTAL CARE FOR DISABLED; EDUCATION, SPECIAL; EMPLOYMENT, SUPPORTED; HOMEBOUND PERSONS; MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS; PENSIONERS; REHABILITATION; SELF-HELP DEVICES.

Chronic fatigue syndrome see FATIGUE SYNDROME, CHRONIC WC505

Chronic headache see HEADACHE DISORDERS WL840

Chronic illness see CHRONIC DISEASE WB600-98


Chronic limitation of activity see ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING WB615

Chronic obstructive airway disease see PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE WF648

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease see PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE WF648

CHRONIC PAIN WL810 C10, C23 Aching sensation that persists for more than a few months. It may or may not be associated with trauma or disease, and may persist after the initial injury has healed. Its localization, character, and timing are more vague than with acute pain. See related PAIN, INTRACTABLE WL810

Chronic prostatitis with chronic pelvic pain syndrome see PROSTATITIS WJ752

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CHRONIC TRAUMATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY WL516 C10 C26 Degenerative brain disease linked to repetitive brain trauma. Progressive symptoms may include MEMORY LOSS; AGGRESSION; or DEPRESSION.

CHRONOBIOLOGY PHENOMENA QT167 G7 Biological systems as affected by time. Aging, biological rhythms, and cyclic phenomena are included. Statistical, computer-aided mathematical procedures are used to describe, in mathematical terminology, various biological functions over time. In ageing process WT104

CHRONOBIOLOGY DISORDERS WL714 C10 Disruptions of the rhythmic cycle of bodily functions or activities. See related JET LAG SYNDROME

CHRONOLOGY [PUBLICATION TYPE] V2 This heading is used as a Publication type for lists of events arranged in chronological order. See related TABLES

CHRONOTHERAPY WB340 E2 The adaptation of drug administration to the known variations in biological RHYTHMICITY, such as CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. The treatment is aimed at supporting normal rhythms, or modifying the timing of therapy to achieve maximal efficacy and minimal adverse effect. See related CHRONOBIOLOGY PHENOMENA; DRUG ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE


Chylopericardium see PERICARDIAL EFFUSION QY210

CICATRIX WR620 A10 C17 The formation of new tissue in the process of wound healing. CICATRIX HYPERTROPHIC is also available. In wound healing WO196 See related WOUND HEALING

Cigarette smoking see SMOKING WD540-8

CILIARY BODY W355 A9 A ring of tissue extending from the scleral spur to the ora serrata of the retina. For inflammation consider CILIARY BODY + UVEITIS or UVEITIS, ANTERIOR. For disease use CILIARY BODY + UVEAL DISEASES. For neoplasms coordinate with UVEAL NEOPLASMS. For /blood supply consider also CILIARY ARTERIES.

CIMETIDINE QV66 D2 D3 Cimetidine has a range of pharmacological actions. It inhibits GASTRIC ACID secretion, as well as PEPSIN and GASTRINS output.

Cinacalcet see NAPHTHALENES QV241

CIRCADIAN RHYTHM QT167 G7 The regular recurrence, in cycles of about 24 hours, of biological processes or activities, such as sensitivity to drugs and stimuli, hormone secretion, sleeping, feeding etc. This rhythm seems to be set by a 'biological clock' which seems to be set by recurring daylight and darkness. For drug administration based on circadian rhythm use CHRONOTHERAPY. See related BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS; CHRONOBIOLOGY PHENOMENA; JET LAG SYNDROME; PERIODICITY

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CINCHONA ALKALOIDS QV257 D3 Alkaloids extracted from various species of Cinchona.


Circulation, foetoplacental see PLACENTAL CIRCULATION WQ218

Circulation, kidney see RENAL CIRCULATION WJ301

Circulation, library see LIBRARY SERVICES Z182-4

Circulation, placental see PLACENTAL CIRCULATION WQ218

Circulation, pulmonary see PULMONARY CIRCULATION WF610

Circulation, renal see RENAL CIRCULATION WJ301

Circulation, respiratory see PULMONARY CIRCULATION WF610

Circulation, uteroplacental see PLACENTAL CIRCULATION WQ218


Circulatory collapse see SHOCK QZ160


CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE WP225 E2 E4 I1 A general term encompassing three types of excision of the external female genitalia - Sunna, clitoridectomy, and infibulation. It is associated with severe health risks and has been declared illegal in many places, but continues to be widely practiced in a number of countries, particularly in Africa. See related BODY MODIFICATION, NON-THERAPEUTIC; GYNAECOLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES


Cirrhosis see FIBROSIS QZ140

Cirrhosis, liver see LIVER CIRRHOSIS WI725

CISPLATIN QV269 D1 An inorganic and water-soluble platinum complex. See related ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS

Cisternal punctures see PUNCTURES WB377


City government see LOCAL GOVERNMENT JF4

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CITY PLANNING JF4 I1 Comprehensive planning for the physical development of the city. Use for town planning and urban planning. See related URBAN RENEWAL

CIVIL DEFENCE JD4 I1 Preventive emergency measures and programs designed to protect the individual or community in times of hostile attack. See related DISASTER PLANNING

Civil disobedience see CIVIL DISORDERS HM280

CIVIL DISORDERS HM280 I1 Deliberate and planned acts of unlawful behavior engaged in by aggrieved segments of the population in seeking social change. See related DISSENT AND DISPUTES; MASS BEHAVIOUR; RIOTS

Civil engineering see ENGINEERING WX705

Civil partnerships see MARRIAGE HQ500

CIVIL RIGHTS J8 I1 N3 Legal guarantee protecting the individual from attack on personal liberties, right to fair trial, right to vote, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin. Consider also SOCIAL JUSTICE and WOMEN'S RIGHTS. PRIVACY is also available. See related FREEDOM; HUMAN RIGHTS; RACE RELATIONS

Civil service see GOVERNMENT AGENCIES JB80

CIVILISATION GT I1 The distinctly human attributes and attainments of a particular society.


CLADRIBINE QV269 D3 D13 An anti-neoplastic agent used in the treatment of lymphoproliferative diseases including hairy-cell leukaemia.

Clairvoyance see PARAPSYCHOLOGY WLM500

Clasp-knife spasticity see MUSCLE SPASTICITY WE305

Class see SOCIAL CLASS HM220

CLASSIFICATION 15 in all schedules L1 The systematic arrangement of entities in any field into categories classes based on common characteristics such as properties, morphology, subject matter, etc. Prefer / classification. Coding goes here. See related BOOK CLASSIFICATION; DOCUMENTATION

/ classification Subheading. (B-E,F2-4,G1-2,G12,I,J,M,N2-4) for taxonomic or other systematic or hierarchical classification systems. In immunology QW515 In neoplasms QZ205

Classification, book see BOOK CLASSIFICATION Z394-8

Claustrophobia see PHOBIC DISORDERS WM173

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CLEFT LIP WV440 C7 C16 Do not coordinate with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES.

CLEFT PALATE WV440 C5 C7 C16 Do not coordinate with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES.

Cleft palate prosthesis see PALATAL OBTURATORS WV440


Clerical procedures see OFFICE MANAGEMENT WX240


Client-centred therapy see PERSON-CENTRED THERAPY WM540

Client participation in health planning see PATIENT PARTICIPATION WA70


Clients see PATIENTS WA4-85

CLIMACTERIC WP642 G8 Physiologic period which accompanies MENOPAUSE, the termination of ovarian function in the female. May also accompany the normal diminution of sexual activity in the male. "Hot flushes" goes here, postmenopausal goes under POSTMENOPAUSE, pre-menopausal under PREMENOPAUSE.


CLIMATE CHANGE GF75 G16 Any significant change in measures of climate (such as temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended period (decades or longer). It may result from natural factors such as changes in the sun's intensity, natural processes within the climate system such as changes in ocean circulation, or human activities.

Climate control see AIR CONDITIONING WX740

CLIMATOTHERAPY WB390 E2 Therapy by finding a better climate for health.

Clinic waiting times see APPOINTMENTS AND SCHEDULES WX520

CLINICAL AUDIT WX176 N4 N5 A detailed review and evaluation of selected clinical records by qualified professional personnel to improve the quality of patient care and outcomes. The clinical audit was formally

45 of 93 Last updated 09/03/2018 C introduced in 1993 into the National Health Service. In primary care WA131 GP audit WA155 Medical audit WA217 See related CLINICAL GOVERNANCE; DELIVERY OF HEALTHCARE

Clinical budgeting see BUDGETS WX155

Clinical chemistry see CHEMISTRY, CLINICAL QY90

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY TESTS QY90 E1 Laboratory tests demonstrating the presence of physiologically significant substances in the blood, urine, tissue, and body fluids with application to the diagnosis or therapy of disease. In microbiology QU25 See related BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS; LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES; URINALYSIS

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) see CONTRACT SERVICES WX145

CLINICAL COMPETENCE I2 N4 Competence in professional activities directly related to patient care; differentiate from PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE which refers to competence not necessarily related to patient care. In medicine WA227 See related PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE; QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE

CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING E1 Process of formulating a diagnosis based on medical history and physical or mental examinations, and/or choosing an appropriate intervention. Use DECISION MAKING for decision making by the patient. In nursing WY110 See related DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, CLINICAL; DECISION SUPPORT TECHNIQUES

Clinical departments see HOSPITAL DEPARTMENTS WX514-760

CLINICAL DETERIORATION WB400 C23 A critical disease progression, often measured by a set of clinical parameters, which activates HOSPITAL RAPID RESPONSE TEAM. Monitoring WB295 Nursing considerations WB430 See related CRITICAL ILLNESS; DISEASE PROGRESSION

Clinical directors see PHYSICIAN EXECUTIVES WA239

Clinical effectiveness see TREATMENT OUTCOME WB300

Clinical engineering see BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING QT34

Clinical ethics see ETHICS, CLINICAL

CLINICAL ENZYME TESTS QY90 E1 Analyses for a specific enzyme activity, or of the level of a specific enzyme that is used to assess health and disease risk, for early detection of disease or disease prediction, diagnosis, and change in disease status.

CLINICAL GOVERNANCE WX175-76 N4 A framework through which the United Kingdom's National Health Service organisations are accountable for continually improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of

46 of 93 Last updated 09/03/2018 C care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish. In primary care WA131 See related CLINICAL AUDIT; CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

Clinical guidelines see PRACTICE GUIDELINES

Clinical informatics see MEDICAL INFORMATICS WX360

Clinical investigators see RESEARCH PERSONNEL Q20

CLINICAL LABORATORY INFORMATION SYSTEMS QY26.5 L1 N4 Information systems, usually computer-assisted, designed to store, manipulate, and retrieve information for planning, organising, directing and controlling administrative and clinical activities associated with the provision and utilisation of clinical laboratory services. See related INFOR- MATION SYSTEMS

CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUES QY25 E5 Techniques used to carry out clinical investigative procedures in the diagnosis and therapy of disease. In microbiology QU25 In mycology QY110 See related LABORATORIES; PATHOLOGY, CLINICAL; TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL

Clinical librarians see LIBRARIANS Z630

Clinical measurement see PHYSICAL EXAMINATION WB295

CLINICAL MEDICINE WB21 H2 The study and practice of medicine by direct examination of the patient. Specialty only, do not use for disease. For / ethics use ETHICS, CLINICAL. See related EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE

Clinical methodology research, nursing see NURSING METHODOLOGY RESEARCH WY20

Clinical nurse specialists see NURSE CLINICIANS WY240

CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH WY20 H2 N4 Research carried out by nurses in the clinical setting and designed to provide information that will help improve patient care. Other professional staff may also participate in the research.

Clinical ombudsman see PATIENT ADVOCACY WA80

Clinical pathology see PATHOLOGY, CLINICAL QY

Clinical pathways see CRITICAL PATHWAYS

Clinical pharmacists see PHARMACISTS QV421

Clinical pharmacy service see PHARMACY SERVICE, HOSPITAL QV427

Clinical pharmacology see PHARMACOLOGY, CLINICAL QV38

CLINICAL PHARMACY INFORMATION SYSTEMS QV26.5 L1 N2 N4 Information systems, usually computer-assisted, designed to store, manipulate, and retrieve information for planning, organising, directing, and controlling administrative activities associated with the provision and utilisation of clinical pharmacy services. See related ELECTRONIC PRESCRIBING; MEDICATION SYSTEMS, HOSPITAL

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Clinical practice patterns see PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE PATTERNS WB100

Clinical practice variation see PHYSICIAN’S PRACTICE PATTERNS WB100

CLINICAL PROTOCOLS WX178 E2 N5 Precise and detailed plans for the study of a medical or biomedical problem and/or plans for a regimen of therapy. In cancer QZ206 See related CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC; CRITICAL PATHWAYS; PATIENT CARE PLANNING; PATIENT SELECTION; PRACTICE GUIDELINES AS TOPIC

Clinical psychology see PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL WLM920

Clinical refraction see REFRACTION, OCULAR WW150

Clinical research see BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH WB20

Clinical research protocols see CLINICAL PROTOCOLS WX178

Clinical risk management see QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE WX175

Clinical skills see CLINICAL COMPETENCE

Clinical supervision see STAFF DEVELOPMENT

Clinical teaching see EDUCATION, NURSING WY54

CLINICAL TRIAL [PUBLICATION TYPE] V3 This heading is used as a Publication type for the original report of the conduct or results of a specific clinical trial; a different heading CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC is used for general design, methodology, economics, etc. of clinical trials.

CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC QV471 E5 G3 N5 For the general design, methodology, economics, etc. of clinical trials; a different heading CLINICAL TRIAL is used for reports of a specific clinical trial (publication type); CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS and RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIALS are also available. See related DRUG APPROVAL; DRUG EVALUATION; META-ANALYSIS AS TOPIC

Clinical trials, controlled see CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC QV471

CLINICAL TRIALS DATA MONITORING COMMITTEES QV471 N5 Committees established to review interim data and efficacy outcomes in CLINICAL TRIALS. The findings of these committees are used in deciding whether a trial should be continued as designed, changed, or terminated. See related ETHICS COMMITTEES, RESEARCH; RESEARCH DESIGN

CLINICAL TRIALS, PHASE 1 AS TOPIC QV471 E5 N5 N6 Studies performed to evaluate the safety of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques in healthy subjects and to determine the safe dosage range (if appropriate). They involve a small number of persons and usually last about 1 year. See related NONTHERAPEUTIC HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION

Clinical trials, randomised see RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIALS AS TOPIC QV471

Clinical waste see MEDICAL WASTE W70

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Clinical waste disposal see MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL W70


Clinics, outpatient see OUTPATIENT CLINICS, HOSPITAL WX520

Clinics, primary care see AMBULATORY CARE FACILITIES WA127

Clitoridectomy see CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE WP225



CLONING, MOLECULAR QU450 E5 The insertion of recombinant DNA molecules from prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic sources into a replicating vehicle, such as a plasmid or virus vector, and the introduction of the resultant hybrid molecules into recipient cells without altering the viability of those cells. Differentiate from CLONING, ORGANISM. Clinical aspects QZ52 See related GENETIC ENGINEERING

CLONING, ORGANISM QU450 E5 The formation of one or more genetically identical organisms derived by vegetative reproduction from a single cell. The source nuclear material can be embryo-derived, foetus-derived, or taken from an adult somatic cell. See related REPRODUCTION, ASEXUAL

Clopidogrel see TICLOPIDINE QV193

Closed head injuries see HEAD INJURIES, CLOSED WE403-9

CLOSTRIDIUM QW127 B3 A genus of motile or non-motile gram-positive bacteria of the family Clostridiaceae. Many species have been identified with some being pathogenic. They occur in water, soil, and in the intestinal tract of humans and lower animals.

CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM QW127 B3 A species of anaerobic, gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria in the family Clostridiaceae that produces proteins with characteristic neurotoxicity. It is the aetiologic agent of BOTULISM in humans, wild fowl, HORSES; and CATTLE. See related BOTULINUM TOXINS

CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE QW127 B3 A common inhabitant of the colon flora in human infants and sometimes in adults. It produces a toxin that causes pseudomembranous enterocolitis (ENTEROCOLITIS, PSEUDOMEMBRANOUS) in patients receiving antibiotic therapy.


Closure, health facility see HEALTH FACILITY CLOSURE WX158

Closure, hospital see HEALTH FACILITY CLOSURE WX158

Clot, blood see EMBOLISM or THROMBOSIS

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CLOTHING J1 Includes couture and fashion Patients' clothing WA15 For physically disabled WB650 For psychiatric patients WM26 For social welfare aspects HV256 For socially disadvantaged HV256 In surgery WO162 See related PROTECTIVE CLOTHING

Clothing, protective see PROTECTIVE CLOTHING W390

Clotting, blood see BLOOD COAGULATION

CLOZAPINE QV77 D3 A tricylic dibenzodiazepine, classified as an atypical antipsychotic agent. It binds several types of central nervous system receptors, and displays a unique pharmacological profile. Clozapine is a serotonin antagonist.

CLUBFOOT WE900 C5 A deformed foot in which the foot is plantarflexed, inverted and adducted. Also called equinovarus. Do not confuse with EQUINUS DEFORMITY. Do not coordinate with


CLUSTER ANALYSIS QA28 E5 N5 N6 A set of statistical methods used to group variables or observations into strongly inter-related subgroups. In epidemiology, it may be used to analyse a closely grouped series of events or cases of disease or other health-related phenomenon with well-defined distribution patterns in relation to time or place or both.

CLUSTER HEADACHE WL840 C10 A primary headache disorder that is characterised by severe, strictly unilateral PAIN which is orbital, supraorbital, temporal or in any combination of these sites, lasting 15-180 min. occurring 1 to 8 times a day. The attacks are associated with one or more of the following, all of which are ipsilateral: conjunctival injection, lacrimation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea, facial SWEATING, eyelid OEDEMA, and miosis. See related HEADACHE DISORDERS

Cluttering see SPEECH DISORDERS WL752

CLWYD G Z1 Wessex Mesh

Coaching see MENTORING WX432


COAGULANTS QV195 D27 Exogenous substances used to promote blood coagulation. The endogenous BLOOD COAGULATION FACTORS are considered to be coagulants only when administered as drugs. Consider also BLOOD COAGULATION / drug effects. See related ANTICOAGULANTS; BLOOD COAGULATION; FACTOR VIII; FACTOR IX; HAEMATOLOGIC AGENTS; THROMBIN

Coagulation see BLOOD COAGULATION WH310

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COAL MINING J1 Consider also PNEUMOCONIOSIS but particularly SILICOSIS and ANTHRACOSILICOSIS. For industrial waste W64 For occupational accidents W370 For occupational medicine W300-90 See related PNEUMOCONIOSIS; SILICOSIS

COCAINE QV113 D2 D3 D4 For derivatives use / analogues. CRACK COCAINE is available. Addiction is COCAINE-RELATED DISORDERS See related CRACK COCAINE; NARCOTICS


COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS WC460 C1 Caused by coccidioides not coccidia

COCCYX WE460 A2 A bone of the spine, do not confuse with COCCYGEAL REGION which is merely locational.

COCHLEA WV550 A9 The part of the internal ear that is concerned with hearing. For diseases use COCHLEAR DISEASES.


COCHLEAR IMPLANTATION WV550 E4 Surgical insertion of an electronic hearing device (COCHLEAR IMPLANTS) with electrodes to the COCHLEAR NERVE in the inner ear to create sound sensation in patients with residual nerve fibres.

COCHLEAR IMPLANTS WV550 E7 An electronic device implanted beneath the skin with electrodes to the cochlear nerve to create sound sensation in persons with sensorineural deafness. COCHLEAR IMPLANTATION is also available. See related ELECTRODES, IMPLANTED; HEARING AIDS

COCHLEAR MICROPHONIC POTENTIALS WV550 G7 G11 The electric response of the cochlear hair cells to acoustic stimulation.

COCHLEAR NERVE WV550 A8 The cochlear part of the 8th cranial nerve which mediates the sense of hearing.

Cochliobolus see ASCOMYCOTA QW180

Cocoa see CACAO

CODES OF ETHICS K1 N4 N5 Systematic statements of principles or rules of appropriate professional conduct, usually established by professional societies. If the text and issuing authority are present, also use GUIDELINES Publication type. In the medical profession WA255 In nursing WY24 See related ETHICS, DENTAL; ETHICS, MEDICAL; ETHICS, NURING; ETHICS, PHARMACY; ETHICS, PROFESSIONAL; GUIDELINES AS TOPIC

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COELIAC DISEASE WD261 C6 C18 A malabsorption syndrome that is precipitated by the ingestion of GLUTEN- containing foods, such as wheat, rye, and barley. It is characterised by INFLAMMATION of the SMALL INTESTINE, loss of MICROVILLI structure, failed INTESTINAL ABSORPTION, and MALNUTRITION. See related DIET, GLUTEN-FREE; GLUTEN; MALABSORPTION SYNDROMES

COENZYMES QU135 D8 Small molecules that are required for the catalytic function of ENZYMES. Many VITAMINS are coenzymes.

COERCION HM500 I1 The use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance. See related MANDATORY PROGRAMMES

COFFEE WD93 D20 J2 As a beverage. For the plant use COFFEA. See related CAFFEINE

COGNITION WLM400-88 F2 Intellectual or mental process whereby an organism becomes aware of or obtains knowledge. In childhood WS208

OGNITION DISORDERS WM704 F3 Disturbances in the mental process related to thinking, reasoning and judgment. Consciousness disorders WL730-80 Special topics by subject e.g. AMNESIA

Cognitive analytical therapy see COGNITIVE THERAPY WM505

Cognitive aspects see / psychology

Cognitive behaviour therapy see COGNITIVE THERAPY WM505

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE WLM200 F2 Motivational state produced by inconsistencies between simultaneously held cognitions or between a cognition and behavior; e.g., smoking enjoyment and believing smoking is harmful are dissonant. See related MOTIVATION

Cognitive enhancers see NOOTROPIC AGENTS WL706

Cognitive manifestations see NEUROBEHAVIOURAL MANIFESTATIONS WL704

COGNITIVE SCIENCE WLM400 F4 Specialty. A branch of psychology. The study of the precise nature of different mental tasks and the operations of the brain that enable them to be performed, engaging branches of psychology, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics.


COGNITIVE THERAPY WM505 F4 A direct form of psychotherapy based on the interpretation of situations (cognitive structure of experiences) that determine how an individual feels and behaves. It is based on the premise that cognition, the process of acquiring knowledge and forming beliefs, is a primary determinant of mood and behaviour. The therapy uses behavioural and verbal techniques to identify and correct negative thinking that is at the root of the aberrant behaviour. Include schema therapy; dialectical behaviour therapy; acceptance and commitment therapy. See related MINDFULNESS

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Cogwheel rigidity see MUSCLE RIGIDITY WE305

Cohabitation see SEXUAL PARTNERS HQ500

COHORT STUDIES W115 E5 N5 N6 Studies in which subsets of a defined population are identified. These groups may or may not be exposed to factors hypothesised to influence the probability of the occurrence of a particular disease or other outcome. Cohorts are defined populations which, as a whole, are followed in an attempt to determine distinguishing subgroup characteristics. See related LONGITUDINAL STUDIES

COITUS HQ102 F1 G8 Human only; for animals use COPULATION. Restrict to dictionary definition; for anal and oral sex use SEX BEHAVIOUR

Cold chain see REFRIGERATION WX740

COLD CLIMATE QT160 G16 N6 Specify for Polar Region cold climate ARCTIC REGIONS or ANTARCTIC REGIONS if pertinent; specify other geographical location for cold climate if pertinent.

COLD TEMPERATURE G1 G16 N6 Consider also terms at CRYO-. For / therapeutic use CRYOTHERAPY Physiological effects QT140-165 Adverse effects QZ40 In anaesthesia WO695 Injuries WD495 See related CRYOPRESERVATION; CRYOTHERAPY; CRYOSURGERY; FROSTBITE; HYPOTHERMIA; HYPOTHERMIA, INDUCED; IMMERSION FOOT; REFRIGERATION; TRENCH FOOT.

COLD CLIMATE G16 N6 Specify for Polar Regions cold climate ARCTIC REGIONS or ANTARCTIC REGIONS. Adverse effects QZ40 Physiological effects QT140-165

Cold, common see COMMON COLD WF480

Cold sore see HERPES LABIALIS WC578

Cold therapy see CRYOTHERAPY WB473

COLIC WI147 C23 A clinical syndrome with intermittent abdominal pain characterized by sudden onset and cessation. It is usually associated with obstruction of the INTESTINES; of the CYSTIC DUCT; or of the URINARY TRACT. See related ABDOMINAL PAIN

COLIPHAGES QW161 B4 Viruses whose host is Escherichia coli.

COLITIS WI522 C6 Inflammation of the COLON section of the large intestine usually with symptoms such as DIARRHOEA (often with blood and mucus), ABDOMINAL PAIN, and FEVER. See related ENTEROCOLITIS

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COLITIS, ULCERATIVE WI522 C6 Inflammation of the COLON that is predominantly confined to the MUCOSA. Its major symptoms include DIARRHOEA, rectal BLEEDING, the passage of MUCUS, and ABDOMINAL PAIN


COLLAGEN QU55 D5 D12 It is the main constituent of SKIN; CONNECTIVE TISSUE and the organic substance of bones and teeth.

COLLAGEN DISEASES WD720-75 C17 Historically, a heterogeneous group of acute and chronic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, progressive systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, etc. This classification was based on the notion that "collagen" was equivalent to "connective tissue", but with the present recognition of the different types of collagen and the aggregates derived from them as distinct entities, the term "collagen diseases" now pertains exclusively to those inherited conditions in which the primary defect is at the gene level and affects collagen biosynthesis, post-translational modification, or extracellular processing directly.See related ANTIBODIES, ANTINUCLEAR; CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES; EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME; RHEUMATOLOGY

COLLAGEN TYPE I QU55 D5 D12 The most common form of fibrillar collagen. It is a major constituent of bone and SKIN. See related OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA

COLLAGEN TYPE III QU55 D5 D12 It is particularly abundant in BLOOD VESSELS and may play a role in tissues with elastic characteristics.

COLLATERAL CIRCULATION WG103 G9 Maintenance of blood flow to an organ despite obstruction of a principal vessel. Blood flow is maintained through small vessels. A naturally occurring physiological phenomenon, do not use for collateral restoration of function by surgery. Do not confuse with NEOVASCULARISATION, PHYSIOLOGIC which is formation of new blood vessels in tissue.

COLLECTED WORKS [PUBLICATION TYPE] V2 This heading is used as a Publication type for a collection of published works of one or more authors. See related ESSAYS

Collection development see BOOK SELECTION Z360

Collection of medicinal plants see PLANTS, MEDICINAL QV454

COLLECTIONS [PUBLICATION TYPE] V2 This heading is used as a Publication type for works that consist of collections of objects.

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING WX450 N3 N4 The process of negotiation between representatives of an employee organisation, association or union, and representatives of the employer. See related LABOUR UNIONS; NEGOTIATING

Colleges see SCHOOLS and specific types of schools or UNIVERSITIES

COLLES' FRACTURE WE602 C21 Fracture of the lower end of the radius in which the lower fragment is displaced posteriorly.

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COLLOIDS QU133 D20 D26 D27 Two-phase systems in which one is uniformly dispersed in another as particles small enough so they cannot be filtered or will not settle out. As a dosage form QV485

COLON WI520 A3 The segment of LARGE INTESTINE between the CAECUM and the RECTUM. It includes the ASCENDING COLON; the TRANSVERSE COLON; the DESCENDING COLON; and the SIGMOID COLON. For inflammation use COLITIS. Do not confuse / surgery with specialty COLORECTAL SURGERY and consider also COLECTOMY or COLOSTOMY. See related COLOSTOMY; INTESTINE, LARGE

Colon cancer see COLONIC NEOPLASMS WI435

Colon, irritable see IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME WI522

COLON, SIGMOID WI560 A3 A segment of the COLON between the RECTUM and the descending colon. See related SIGMOIDOSCOPY


COLONIC DISEASES, FUNCTIONAL WI522-8 C6 Chronic or recurrent colonic disorders without an identifiable structural or biochemical explanation. The widely recognized IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME falls into this category. See related IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME.


COLONIC POLYPS WI430 C23 Discrete tissue masses that protrude into the lumen of the COLON. See related INTESTINAL POLYPS

COLONIC POUCHES WI480 A10 E7 Sacs or reservoirs created to function in place of the COLON and/or RECTUM in patients who have undergone restorative proctocolectomy ( PROCTOCOLECTOMY, RESTORATIVE).

COLONOGRAPHY, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHIC WI520 E1 H1 A non-invasive imaging method that uses computed tomographic data combined with specialized imaging software to examine the colon. See related COLONOSCOPY; TOMOGRAPHY, X-RAY COMPUTED

COLONOSCOPY WI520 E1 E4 Endoscopic examination, therapy or surgery of the luminal surface of the colon. See related COLON; COLONOGRAPHY, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHIC; ENDOSCOPY, GASTROINTESTINAL

Colony-forming units, neoplastic see NEOPLASTIC STEM CELLS QZ210

Coloproctectomy, restorative see PROCTOCOLECTOMY, RESTORATIVE WI650

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COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS WI435 C4 C6 Tumours or cancer of the COLON or the RECTUM or both. See related INTESTINAL NEOPLASMS

COLORECTAL SURGERY WI480 H2 A surgical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and abnormalities of the colon, rectum and anal canal. Do not confuse with COLON / surgery or RECTUM / surgery. See related COLONIC DISEASES; COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS; RECTAL DISEASES

COLOSTOMY WI520 E4 The surgical construction of an opening between the colon and the surface of the body. See related COLON; SURGICAL STOMAS

COLOSTRUM WP805 A12 The thin, yellow, serous fluid secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy and immediately postpartum before lactation begins. See related LACTATION

Colour blindness see COLOUR VISION DEFECTS WW115

COLOURING AGENTS QV240 D27 Chemicals and substances that impart color including soluble dyes and insoluble pigments. They are used in inks, paints and as indicators and reagents. As disinfectants and biocides QV235 See related FOOD COLOURING AGENTS; STAINING

Colouring agents, food, see FOOD COLOURING AGENTS WD98


COLOUR THERAPY WB800 E2 F4 A form of phototherapy using colour to influence health and to treat various physical or mental disorders.

COLOUR VISION DEFECTS WW115 C10 C11 C23 Defects of colour vision are mainly hereditary traits but can be secondary to acquired or developmental abnormalities in the RETINAL CONE PHOTORECEPTOR CELLS.

Colouring agents, food see FOOD COLOURING AGENTS WD98

Colouring agents, hair see HAIR DYES WR465

COLPOSCOPY WP250 E1 E4 The examination, therapy or surgery of the cervix and vagina by means of a specially designed endoscope introduced vaginally. See related CERVIX UTERI; DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, OBSTETRICAL AND GYNAECOLOGICAL; ENDOSCOPY; VAGINA; GYNAECOLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES

COMA WL732 C10 C23 A profound state of unconsciousness associated with depressed cerebral activity from which the individual cannot be aroused. DIABETIC COMA and INSULIN COMA are also available. Nursing care WL532 Psychological effects WL534 See related CATATONIA; PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE

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COMA, POST-HEAD INJURY WL532 C10 C21 Prolonged unconsciousness from which the individual cannot be aroused, associated with traumatic injuries to the brain. This may be defined as unconsciousness persisting for 6 hours or longer.

COMBAT DISORDERS WM110 F3 Neurotic reactions to unusual, severe or overwhelming military stress. Do not confuse with war wounds for which use WOUNDS AND INJURIES + WAR. STRESS DISORDERS, POST- TRAUMATIC is also available. See related MILITARY PSYCHIATRY; VIETNAM CONFLICT; WARFARE

Combination, chemotherapy see DRUG THERAPY, COMBINATION WB330-54


COMBINED MODALITY THERAPY E2 The treatment of a disease or condition by several different means simultaneously or sequentially. Chemoimmunotherapy, RADIOIMMUNOTHERAPY, chemoradiotherapy, cryochemotherapy and SALVAGE THERAPY are seen most frequently but their combinations with each other and surgery are also used. In cancer QZ700 In psychiatry WM400

COMET ASSAY QU25 E5 A genotoxicological technique for measuring DNA damage in an individual cell using single- cell gel electrophoresis. Cell DNA fragments assume a "comet with tail" formation on electrophoresis and are detected with an image analysis system.

COMMERCE WX214 J1 The interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale, between different countries or between populations within the same country. It includes trade (the buying, selling, or exchanging of commodities, whether wholesale or retail) and business (the purchase and sale of goods to make a profit). See related ECONOMIC COMPETITION; ENTREPRENEURSHIP; ETHICS, BUSINESS; INDUSTRY; MARKETING

Commercial pharmaceutical preparations see NONPRESCRIPTION DRUGS QV472

Commission for Health Improvement and Audit see Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection

COMMISSION FOR HEALTHCARE AUDIT AND INSPECTION WX140 N3 N5 Wessex Mesh. The replacement organization for the Commission for Health Improvement and Audit. See related CLINICAL AUDIT

COMMISSION FOR PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN HEALTH WX125 N3 N5. Wessex Mesh. The replacement organisation for Community Health Councils.(superseded in 2012 by Healthwatch) See CONSUMER ADVOCACY; COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION


Commissioning health services see CONTRACT SERVICES WX145

Commissioning Support Services see CONTRACT SERVICES WX145

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COMMITMENT OF MENTALLY ILL WM33 F4 N3 Legal process required for the institutionalisation of a patient with severe mental problems. Do not coordinate with HOSPITALISATION since this is inherent in the definition. See related MENTAL COMPETENCY; MENTALLY ILL PERSONS; PATIENT ADVOCACY

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP WX225 N4 The composition of a committee; the state or status of being a member of a committee.

Committees, see specific name e.g. ETHICS COMMITTEES, CLINICAL




Committees, pharmacy and therapeutics see PHARMACY AND THERAPEUTICS COMMITTEE QV427


COMMON BILE DUCT WI750 A3 The largest bile duct. Consider also terms at CHOLEDOCH-. For inflammation co-ordinate with CHOLANGITIS; for calculi use GALLSTONES but consider also CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS.


Common bile duct calculi see GALLSTONES WI755



Common law marriage see MARRIAGE HQ500

Common market see EUROPEAN UNION JC4

Common migraine see MIGRAINE WITHOUT AURA WL850

Communes see GROUP STRUCTURE HQ635

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL W120 N6 Programs of surveillance designed to prevent the transmission of disease by any means from person to person or from animal to man. Prefer disease term with / prevention and control. Registration W90 See related DISEASE RESERVOIRS; HANDWASHING; INFECTION CONTROL


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COMMUNICABLE DISEASES, EMERGING WC C1 Reporting of new and re-emerging infectious diseases and studies that seek to improve the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence, prevention, and elimination.

COMMUNICATION F1 L1 The exchange or transmission of ideas, attitudes or beliefs between individuals or groups. Includes personal and technological communication. ANIMAL COMMUNICATION is also available. In childhood WS210 In deafness WV591 In information technology QA300 In management WX228 In learning disability WM877 Non-English patients WA90 Nurse-patient WY150 Psychiatry WM64 Psychology WLM870-80 Systems WX755 See related COUNSELLING; DISCLOSURE; GESTURES; INFORMATION DISSEMINATION; INTERDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATION; INTERVIEW, PSYCHOLOGICAL; INTERVIEWS; LANGUAGE; NEGOTIATING; NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION; PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION; PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONS; TRUTH DISCLOSURE; VERBAL BEHAVIOUR

COMMUNICATION AIDS FOR DISABLED WB580 E7 Equipment that provides mentally or physically disabled persons, who cannot speak effectively, with a means of communication. The aids include display boards, typewriters, cathode ray tubes, computers and speech synthesizers. The output of such aids includes written words, artificial speech, language signs, Morse code and pictures.

COMMUNICATION BARRIERS F1 L1 Those factors, such as language or socio-cultural relationships, which interfere in the meaningful interpretation and transmission of ideas between individuals or groups. Coordinate with specific barrier if pertinent. If language is the barrier, note that MULTILINGUALISM is also available.

COMMUNICATION DISORDERS WL752 C10 C23 F3 Disorders of verbal and nonverbal communication caused by receptive or expressive

LANGUAGE DISORDERS, cognitive dysfunction (e.g. LEARNING DISABLITIES), psychiatric conditions, and HEARING DISORDERS. In organic mental disorders WM230

COMMUNICATION METHODS, TOTAL WV591 E2 Utilisation of all available receptive and expressive modes for the purpose of achieving communication with the hearing impaired, such as gestures, postures, facial expression, types of voice, formal speech and non-speech systems and simultaneous communication. Restrict to communication with the hearing impaired. Coordinate with specific hearing disorder / rehabilitation.

Communication skills see LANGUAGE ARTS WLM816

Communication systems, hospital see HOSPITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS WX755

COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA WLM880 L1 The means of interchanging or transmitting and receiving information. Historically the media were written: books, journals, newspapers, and other publications; in the modern age the media include, in addition, radio, television, computers, and information networks.

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Communications, satellite see SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS QA300



Communities, rural see RURAL POPULATION HM215

Communities, urban see URBAN POPULATION HM210



Community care networks see COMMUNITY NETWORKS HM267

Community care plans see SOCIAL WELFARE WA102

Community care services see SOCIAL WELFARE WA100

COMMUNITY DENTISTRY WU27 H2 Specialty. The practice of dentistry concerned with preventive as well as diagnostic and treatment programs in a circumscribed population.

Community development see SOCIALPLANNING HM100

Community health aides see COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS

COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS W146 M1 N2 Persons trained to assist professional health personnel in communicating with residents in the community concerning needs and availability of health services. Family planning personnel HQ158

Community health care see COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES WA100-2

COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRES WA127 N2 Facilities which administer the delivery of health care services to people living in a community or neighbourhood. See related COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTRES


COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING WA164 H2 N2 Specialty. General and comprehensive nursing practice directed to individuals, families or groups as it relates to and contributes to the health of a population. Do not confuse with PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING. For cancer QZ815 Education WA166 Health visitors WA168 Education of health visitors WA170 See related PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING; NURSES, COMMUNITY HEALTH

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COMMUNITY HEALTH PLANNING WA102 N3 Planning that has the goals of improving health, improving accessibility to health services and promoting efficiency in the provision of services and resources on a comprehensive basis for a whole community. Specify the community being discussed if necessary.

COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES WA100-2 N2 Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive health services provided for individuals in the community. For learning disabled people WM850 For mentally ill offenders WM748 Legislation WA101 Rehabilitation services WA180 See related COMMUNITY HEALTH PLANNING; SOCIAL CARE SERVICES Community hospitals see HOSPITALS, COMMUNITY WA105

COMMUNITY-INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS WX228 N4 The interactions between members of a community and representatives of the institutions within that community.

COMMUNITY MEDICINE W100 H2 Specialty. A branch of medicine concerned with the total health of the individual within the home environment and in the community and with the application of comprehensive care to the prevention and treatment of illness in the entire community. Do not confuse with PUBLIC HEALTH

COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTRES WM29 N2 Facilities which administer the delivery of psychologic and psychiatric services to people living in a neighborhood or community.

COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES WM30 F4 N2 Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive mental health services provided for individuals in the community. Community psychiatric nursing WM35 Home emergency treatment WM401 In primary care WM30.5 Move from hospital-based to community services WM28 See related HOME CARE SERVICES; MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES

Community midwifery see MIDWIFERY WQ160

COMMUNITY NETWORKS HM267 I1 L1 N2 Organisations and individuals cooperating together toward a common goal at the local or grassroots level.

Community nurses see NURSES, COMMUNITY HEALTH WA164

Community nursing see COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING WA164


COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION N2 N3 Involvement of members of the community in the affairs of that community. In health care WA70 Social services HV55 Nationally / locally via Healthwatch (2013-) WX125 See related DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE; PATIENT CARE PLANNING; PATIENT PARTICIPATION

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Community pharmacies see PHARMACIES QV427

COMMUNITY PHARMACY SERVICES QV427 N2 Total pharmaceutical services provided to the public through community pharmacies.

Community physician see PUBLIC HEALTH W105


COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY WM30 F4 H2 Specialty. Branch of psychiatry concerned with the provision and delivery of a coordinated program of mental health care to a specified population. The foci included in this concept are: all social, psychological and physical factors related to etiology, prevention and maintaining positive mental health in the community.

Community rehabilitation services see REHABILITATION NURSING WA180

Community service see PUNISHMENT HM525

Community surveys see DATA COLLECTION W115

Community, therapeutic see THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY WM585

Community Trusts see NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE WX122

COMORBIDITY WB100 N5 N6 The presence of co-existing or additional diseases with reference to an initial diagnosis or with reference to the index condition that is the subject of study. Comorbidity may affect the ability of affected individuals to function and also their survival; it may be used as a prognostic indicator for length of hospital stay, cost factors, and outcome or survival. See related EPIDEMIOLOGIC FACTORS, MULTIMORBIDITY; MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS

COMPACT DISKS QA350 J1 L1 Computer disks storing data with a maximum reduction of space and bandwidth. The compact size reduces cost of transmission and storage. See related CD-ROM

Comparative anatomy see ANATOMY, COMPARATIVE QS124

Comparative physiology see PHYSIOLOGY, COMPARATIVE QT4

Comparative psychology see PSYCHOLOGY, COMPARATIVE WLM125-8

COMPARATIVE STUDY [PUBLICATION TYPE] V3 This heading is used as a Publication Type. Comparison of outcomes, results, responses, etc for different techniques, therapeutic approaches or other inputs.

Compassion see EMPATHY WLM272

COMPARTMENT SYNDROMES WE305 C5 C14 Conditions in which increased pressure within a limited space compromises the circulation and function of tissue within that space. Some of the causes are trauma, tight dressings, haemorrhage and exercise.

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COMPENSATION AND REDRESS WA355-70 I1 N3 Payment or other means of making amends for a wrong or injury. Criminal WA355 For occupational injuries and diseases WA370 Restorative justice HM525 See related INSURANCE, ACCIDENT; MALPRACTICE; WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Competence see MENTAL COMPETENCY WLM410

Competence, clinical see CLINICAL COMPETENCE WA227

Competence, mental see MENTAL COMPETENCY WLM410

Competence, professional see PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE

COMPETENCY-BASED EDUCATION L47 I2 Educational programs designed to ensure that students attain pre-specified levels of competence in a given field or training activity. Emphasis is on achievement or specified objectives. Use for N.V.Q.s.

COMPETITIVE BIDDING WX164 N3 Pricing statements presented by more than one party for the purpose of securing a contract.

Complaints about health care see PATIENT SATISFACTION WA84

Complaints procedures see PATIENT SATISFACTION WA84


COMPLEMENT FIXATION TESTS QY265 E1 E5 Serologic tests based on inactivation of complement by the antigen-antibody complex.

COMPLEMENT SYSTEM PROTEINS QW680 D12 Serum glycoproteins participating in the host defense mechanism of COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION that creates the COMPLEMENT MEMBRANE ATTACK COMPLEX. Included are glycoproteins in the various pathways of complement activation (CLASSICAL COMPLEMENT PATHWAY; ALTERNATIVE COMPLEMENT PATHWAY; and LECTIN COMPLEMENT PATHWAY).

COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES WB800-65 E2 Therapeutic practices which are not currently considered an integral part of conventional allopathic medical practice. They may lack biomedical explanations, but as they become better researched some become widely accepted whereas others quietly fade away, yet are important historical footnotes. Therapies are termed “complementary” when used in addition to conventional treatments and as “alternative” when used instead of conventional treatments. Do not use for “alternative health care delivery system” which is DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE. Use in antenatal care WQ185 Use in cancer QZ785 Use in labour WQ308 See related ACUPRESSURE; ACUPUNCTURE; AROMATHERAPY; HERBAL MEDICINE; HOLISTIC HEALTH; HOMEOPATHY; MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL; MIND-BODY AND RELAXATION TECHNIQUES; MUSCULOSKELETAL MANIPULATIONS; NATUROPATHY; PHYTOTHERAPY; SENSORY ART THERAPIES; SPIRITUAL THERAPIES

Complex regional pain syndrome, type I see REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY WL190

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COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROMES WL810 C10 Conditions characterised by pain involving an extremity or other body region, HYPERAESTHESIA, and localised autonomic dysfunction following injury to soft tissue or nerve. The pain is usually associated with ERYTHEMA; SKIN TEMPERATURE changes, abnormal sudomotor activity (i.e., changes in sweating due to altered sympathetic innervation) or oedema. The degree of pain and other manifestations is out of proportion to that expected from the inciting event.

Compliance, patient see PATIENT COMPLIANCE WA70

Compliant behaviour see CO-OPERATIVE BEHAVIOUR WLM810

/ complications Subheading. (C,F3) Used with diseases to indicate conditions that co-exist or follow; i.e. co-existing or associated diseases, complications or sequelae.

Complications, labour see OBSTETRIC LABOUR COMPLICATIONS WQ310

Complications, postoperative see POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS WO195

Complications, pregnancy see PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS WQ220-75

Compound fractures see FRACTURES, OPEN WE150

COMPREHENSION WLM475 F2 The act or fact of grasping the meaning, nature or importance of; understanding. Includes understanding by a patient or research subject of information disclosed orally or in writing. See related MENTAL COMPETENCY; MENTAL RECALL

COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL CARE N4 Providing for the full range of dental health services for diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and rehabilitation of patients. See related DENTAL CARE

COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE WA180 N4 Providing for the full range of personal health services for diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation of patients. See related CONTINUITY OF PATIENT CARE; GENERAL PRACTICE

Comprehensive health planning see REGIONAL HEALTH PLANNING WX112

Compression fractures see FRACTURES, COMPRESSION WE150

Compression stockings see STOCKINGS, COMPRESSION WO167

Compulsion see COERCION HM500

COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOUR WLM453 F1 The behaviour of performing an act persistently and repetitively without its leading to reward or pleasure. The act is usually a small, circumscribed behaviour, almost ritualistic, yet not pathologically disturbing. Examples of compulsive behaviour include twirling of hair, checking something constantly, not wanting pennies in change, straightening tilted pictures, etc. See related BEHAVIOUR, ADDICTIVE; OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER

COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER WM193 F3 A personality disorder characterised by an emotionally constricted manner that is unduly conventional, serious, formal, and stingy, by preoccupation with trivial details, rules, order, organisation, schedules, and lists, by stubborn insistence on having things one's own way without regard for the effects on others, by excessive devotion to work and productivity to the detriment of interpersonal relationships, and by indecisiveness due to fear of making mistakes.

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Compulsory programmes see MANDATORY PROGRAMMES

COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION L73 I2 A self-learning technique, usually on-line, involving interaction of the student with programmed instructional materials. DIAGNOSIS, COMPUTER-ASSISTED is also available.

Computer-assisted protocol-directed therapy see THERAPY, COMPUTER-ASSISTED WB365

Computer-assisted therapy see THERAPY, COMPUTER-ASSISTED WB365

Computer-assisted radiographic image interpretation see RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE INTERPRETATION, COMPUTER-ASSISTED WN155

Computer-assisted radiotherapy planning see RADIOTHERAPY PLANNING, COMPUTER- ASSISTED WN300

Computer-assisted surgery see SURGERY, COMPUTER-ASSISTED WO232

Computer-assisted tomography see TOMOGRAPHY, X-RAY COMPUTED WN230

COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORKS QA310 L1 A system containing any combination of computers, computer terminals, printers, audio or visual display devices, or telephones interconnected by telecommunications equipment or cables: used to transmit or receive information. Includes servers, intranet, extranets, intranets and WWW in general. For WAP see COMPUTERS, HANDHELD Engineering aspects of intranets and extranets in health settings WX755 See related INTERNET

Computer data processing see AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING QA100

Computer department see COMPUTERS WX380

COMPUTER GRAPHICS QA125 L1 The process of pictorial communication, between human and computers, in which the computer input and output have the form of charts, drawings, or other appropriate pictorial representation.

Computer installations see COMPUTERS QA200

COMPUTER LITERACY QA100 L1 General learning, knowledge, and fluency with computer terms; also becoming familiar with how computers operate and how they are programmed.

Computer network management see COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORKS QA310

COMPUTER PERIPHERALS L1 Various units or machines that operate in combination or in conjunction with a computer but are not physically part of it. Peripheral devices typically display computer data, store data from the computer and return the data to the computer on demand, prepare data for human use, or acquire data from a source and convert it to a form usable by a computer. General (e.g. keyboard, mouse, docking stations etc.) QA170 Scanners, fax machines, printers and other peripherals QA190 Memory devices (see also COMPUTER STORAGE DEVICES) QA170

Computer programmes see SOFTWARE QA123-39

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Computer programming see COMPUTING METHODOLOGIES QA110

COMPUTER SECURITY QA250 L1 N4 Protective measures against unauthorised access to or interference with computer operating systems, telecommunications, or data structures, especially the modification, deletion, destruction, or release of data in computers. It includes methods of forestalling interference by computer viruses or so-called computer hackers aiming to compromise stored data.

COMPUTER SIMULATION QA110 L1 Computer-based representation of physical systems and phenomena such as chemical processes. See related MODELS, THEORETICAL

Computer software see SOFTWARE QA125

COMPUTER STORAGE DEVICES L1 Devices capable of receiving data, retaining data for an indefinite or finite period of time, and supplying data upon demand. Memory devices (see also COMPUTER PERIPHERALS) QA170 DVDs QA350 See related CD-ROM

COMPUTER SYSTEMS QA100 L1 Systems composed of a computer or computers, peripheral equipment, such as disks, printers, and terminals, and telecommunications capabilities. See related INFORMATION SYSTEMS

COMPUTER TERMINALS QA200 L1 Input/output devices designed to receive data in an environment associated with the job to be performed, and capable of transmitting entries to, and obtaining output from, the system of which it is a part. Health and safety aspects QA220

COMPUTER USER TRAINING QA100 I2 Process of teaching a person to interact and communicate with a computer. General works on computer training and qualifications QA100 Database information skills training Z354.5 Internet and intranet information skills training Z356

Computer viruses see COMPUTER SECURITY QA250


COMPUTERS QA100-320 L1 Environmental, health & safety aspects QA220 Ergonomic aspects QA220 In health care WX380 In libraries Z340 In medicine WB36 In nursing WY19 In pharmacology QV426 In primary care WA135 Installation and setup QA200 Keyboarding and mouse skills QA108 Mobile phone applications QA180 Also form number 26.5 in any specialty. See related ATTITUDE TO COMPUTERS; AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING; COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORKS; COMPUTER

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COMPUTERS, HANDHELD QA180 L1 MICROCOMPUTERS, sometimes called PDA, that are very small, fitting in a hand, and have much more function than a calculator. They are convenient to use in clinical and other field situations for quick data management. They usually require docking with MICROCOMPUTERS for updates. Include WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

COMPUTERS, MAINFRAME QA150 L1 Large computers in both size and capacity.

Computers, palm-top see COMPUTERS, HANDHELD QA180

Computers, personal see MICROCOMPUTERS QA170

COMPUTING METHODOLOGIES QA110 L1 Computer-assisted analysis and processing of problems in a particular area.

Concentration see ATTENTION WLM477-88

CONCENTRATION CAMPS HM610 I1 Facilities in which war or political prisoners are confined. See related HOLOCAUST; WAR CRIMES

CONCEPT FORMATION WLM450 F2 A cognitive process involving the formation of ideas generalised from the knowledge of qualities, aspects and relations of objects. In childhood WS208

Conception see FERTILISATION WQ205

Concussion see BRAIN CONCUSSION WL512

CONDITIONING (PSYCHOLOGY) WLM485 F2 A general term referring to the learning of some particular response.

CONDITIONING, CLASSICAL WLM485 F2 Learning that takes place when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus.

CONDITIONING, OPERANT WLM485 F2 Learning situations in which the sequence responses of the subject are instrumental in producing reinforcement. When the correct response occurs, which involves the selection from among a repertoire of responses, the subject is immediately reinforced. As psychotherapy WM510 See related BEHAVIOUR CONTROL

Conditioning therapy see BEHAVIOUR THERAPY WM500-15

Conditions of service see EMPLOYMENT WX430

Conditions, preneoplastic see PRECANCEROUS CONDITIONS QZ230


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CONDUCT DISORDER WS340 F3 A repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. These behaviours include aggressive conduct that causes or threatens physical harm to other people or animals, non-aggressive conduct that causes property loss or damage, deceitfulness or theft and serious violations of rules. The onset is before age 18. In learning disability WM836 See related MENTAL DISORDERS DIAGNOSED IN CHILDHOOD

Conduction anaesthesia See ANAESTHESIA, CONDUCTION WO675

CONDYLOMATA ACUMINATA WC140 C2 C17 Sexually transmitted form of anogenital warty growth caused by the human papillomaviruses.

Confectionery see CANDY WD99

Conferences see CONGRESSES WX225

CONFIDENCE INTERVALS QA28 E5 N5 N6 A range of values for a variable of interest, e.g., a rate, constructed so that this range has a specified probability of including the true value of the variable.

CONFIDENTIALITY WA270 F4 I1 N3 The privacy of information and its protection against unauthorised disclosure. Secrecy goes here. Data protection QA250 In medical records WX365 In nursing WY150 Use of patient data in primary care research WA136 See related ACCESS TO INFORMATION; DISCLOSURE; DUTY TO WARN; ETHICS; GENETIC PRIVACY; PRIVACY

CONFLICT (PSYCHOLOGY) WLM228 F1 The internal individual struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, or external and internal demands. In group interactions, competitive or opposing action of incompatibles: antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons. See related DISSENT AND DISPUTES

CONFLICT OF INTEREST K1 N5 A situation in which an individual might benefit personally from official or professional actions. It includes a conflict between a person's private interests and official responsibilities in a position of trust. The term is not restricted to government officials. The concept refers both to actual conflict of interest and the appearance or perception of conflict. In medicine WA227 See related PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT

Conformal radiotherapy see RADIOTHERAPY, CONFORMAL WN300

Conformity, social see SOCIAL CONFORMITY HM275

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CONFUSION C10 C23 F1 A mental state characterised by bewilderment, emotional disturbance, lack of clear thinking, and perceptual disorientation. In organic psychoses WM200 In senile dementia WM221

/ congenital Subheading. (C1-12,C14,C15,C17,C19-23) Used with disease headings to indicate those conditions existing at, and usually before, birth. It excludes morphologic abnormalities and birth injuries, for which "abnormalities" and "injuries" are used.

CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES WS806 C16 Malformations of organs or body parts during development in utero. For / chemically induced use ABNORMALITIES, DRUG-INDUCED Development defects QZ45 In embryology QS675 Dermatological WR101 See related FOETAL DISEASES; INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES.

Congenital abnormalities, nervous system see NERVOUS SYSTEM MALFORMATIONS WL310

Congenital dislocation of the hip see HIP DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL WS105/141/430/ WE720

Congenital heart defects see HEART DEFECTS, CONGENITAL WG230

CONGENITAL, HEREDITARY, AND NEONATAL DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES WS806 C16 Diseases existing at birth and often before birth, or that develop during the first month of life (INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES), regardless of causation. Of these diseases, those characterised by structural deformities are termed CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES. In learning disability WM846-8

Congenital rubella syndrome see RUBELLA SYNDROME, CONGENITAL WQ256

Congestive heart failure see HEART FAILURE WG370

CONGRESSES [PUBLICATION TYPE] V2 This heading is used as a Publication type. Published records of the papers delivered at or issued on the occasion of individual congresses, symposia, and meetings; abstracts of papers delivered at such congresses; reports of the officers and delegates of such congresses; combinations of the foregoing; or proceedings of the conference of a society if they are not limited to matters of internal organisation.

CONGRESSES AS TOPIC WX225 N3 For works about congresses as a means of scientific communication: do not confuse with publication type subheading. For library control Z490 See related INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

CONISATION WP545 E1 E4 The excision of a cone of tissue, especially of the CERVIX UTERI.

CONJUNCTIVA WW320-2 A9 The mucous membrane that covers the posterior surface of the eyelids and the anterior pericorneal surface of the eyeball. For inflammation use CONJUNCTIVITIS. For /blood supply consider also CILIARY ARTERIES

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CONJUNCTIVITIS, ALLERGIC WW322 C11 C20 Conjunctivitis due to hypersensitivity to various allergens.

CONJUCTIVITIS, BACTERIAL WW322 C1 C11 Purulent infections of the conjunctiva by several species of gram-negative, gram-positive, or acid-fast organisms. Some of the more commonly found genera causing conjunctival infections are Haemophilus, Streptococcus, Neisseria, and Chlamydia.

Connective and soft tissue neoplasms see NEOPLASMS, CONNECTIVE AND SOFT TISSUE QZ340

CONNECTIVE TISSUE WD700 A10 Tissue that supports and binds other tissues. It consists of CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS embedded in a large amount of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX. For inflammation consider CELLULITIS. See related COLLAGEN; TISSUES

CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES WD720-75 C17 A heterogeneous group of disorders, some hereditary, others acquired, characterised by abnormal structure or function of one or more of the elements of connective tissue, i.e., collagen, elastin, or the mucopolysaccharides. Do not confuse with MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE which is a specific disease. See related BONE DISEASES, DEVELOPMENTAL; COLLAGEN DIS- EASES

CONSCIENCE WLM455 F1 K1 The cognitive and affective processes which constitute an internalised moral governor over an individual's moral conduct. See related ETHICS; MORALS; REFUSAL TO PARTICIPATE

CONSCIOUS SEDATION WO500 E3 A drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway.

CONSCIOUSNESS WL730 F2 Sense of awareness of self and of the environment. See related UNCONSCIOUSNESS

CONSCIOUSNESS DISORDERS WL732-8 C10 C23 F1 F3 Organic mental disorders in which there is marked impairment of awareness of self and environment and to respond to environmental stimuli.

Consciousness raising see PSYCHOTHERAPY WM570

CONSENSUS DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE V2 V3 This heading is used as a Publication Type. A work that consists of summary statements representing the majority and current agreement of physicians, scientists, and other professionals meeting to reach a consensus on a selected subject.

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CONSENSUS DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCES AS TOPIC WX225 L1 N3 Presentations of summary statements representing the majority agreement of physicians, scientists, and other professionals convening for the purpose of reaching a consensus--often with findings and recommendations--on a subject of interest. The Conference, consisting of participants representing the scientific and lay viewpoints, is a significant means of evaluating current medical thought and reflects the latest advances in research for the respective field being addressed.

CONSENT FORMS WA77 I1 N3 N4 N5 Documents describing a medical treatment or research project, including proposed procedures, risks, and alternatives, that are to be signed by an individual, or the individual's proxy, to indicate his/her understanding of the document and a willingness to undergo the treatment or to participate in the research. See related INFORMED CONSENT

Consent to treatment see INFORMED CONSENT WA77

CONSERVATION OF ENERGY RESOURCES WX715 J1 N6 Planned management, use, and preservation of energy resources.

CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES QH20 J1 N6 The protection, preservation, restoration, and rational use of all resources in the total environment. See related ECOLOGY; NATURAL RESOURCES


CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS WX201 N4 The fundamental principles and laws adopted by an organization for the regulation and governing of its affairs. See related HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION; ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION; CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

CONSTRICTION, PATHOLOGIC C23 The condition of an anatomical structure's being constricted beyond normal dimensions. Includes 'stenosis'. Of blood vessels WG578 Of duodenum WI505 See related CORONARY STENOSIS


CONSULTANTS WA237 M1 Individuals referred to for expert or professional advice or services. Senior doctors in the British health system.


Consultation, patient see PATIENT PARTICIPATION WA70

Consultation, remote see REMOTE CONSULTATION

CONSUMER ADVOCACY HV118 I1 N3 The promotion and support of consumers' rights and interests. In learning disability WM834 In physical disability and chronic illness WB604 In old age WT340 Nationally / locally via Healthwatch (2013-) WX125 See also PATIENT ADVOCACY; COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION

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CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR WA70 N4 Consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a benefit or service received. Consumer choice WA82 In learning disability WM835 In psychiatry WM65 In social welfare HV55 In social work HV118 See related PATIENT SATISFACTION

Consumer choice see CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR WA82

Consumer education handout see PATIENT EDUCATION HANDOUT [Publication type]

CONSUMER HEALTH INFORMATION W600-650 I2 N2 Information intended for potential users of medical and healthcare services. There is an emphasis on self-care and preventive approaches as well as information for community-wide dissemination and use. In learning disability WM804 Health education information for learning disabled WM893

Consumer information see POPULAR WORKS [Publication type]

CONSUMER ORGANISATIONS W650 N3 Organised groups of users of goods and services. In social welfare HV170

Consumer participation see COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION WA70


Consumer satisfaction see CONSUMER BEHAVIOR WA70

Contact dermatitis see DERMATITIS, CONTACT WR175

CONTACT LENSES WW450 E7 Hard lenses WW455

CONTACT LENSES, EXTENDED-WEAR WW460 E7 Hydrophilic contact lenses worn for an extended period or permanently.

CONTACT LENSES, HYDROPHILIC WW460 E7 Soft, supple contact lenses made of plastic polymers which interact readily with water molecules. Many types are available, including continuous and extended-wear versions, which are gas-permeable and easily sterilized.

CONTACT TRACING WC142 E5 N6 Identification of those persons (or animals) who have had such an association with an infected person, animal or contaminated environment as to have had the opportunity to acquire the infection. Contact tracing is a generally accepted method for the control of sexually transmitted dis- eases. See related EPIDEMIOLOGIC METHODS

Contagious diseases see COMMUNICABLE DISEASES WC

Contamination of drugs see DRUG CONTAMINATION QV474


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CONTINENTAL POPULATION GROUPS M1 Groups of individuals whose putative ancestry is from native continental populations based on similarities in physical appearance. See related ETHNIC GROUPS

Continuing dental education see EDUCATION, DENTAL, CONTINUING WU19

Continuing education see EDUCATION, CONTINUING L47

Continuing medical education see EDUCATION, MEDICAL, CONTINUING WA217

Continuing nursing education see EDUCATION, NURSING, CONTINUING WY49

Continuing professional development see STAFF DEVELOPMENT WX432

CONTINUITY OF PATIENT CARE WA180 N4 Health care provided on a continuing basis from the initial contact, following the patient through all phases of medical care. Liaison nursing WA180 See related COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis see PERITONEAL DIALYSIS, CONTINUOUS AMBULATORY WJ380

Continuous quality management see TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT WX222

CONTRACEPTION HQ160-9 E2 Education in family planning for health care professionals HQ152 Ethics of contraception HQ155 Family planning and birth control HQ150 History of family planning and contraception HQ153 See related FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES; NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING METHODS

CONTRACEPTION BEHAVIOUR HQ150 F1 G8 Behaviour patterns of those practicing CONTRACEPTION.

CONTRACEPTION, BARRIER HQ166 E2 Methods of contraception in which physical, chemical, or biological means are used to prevent the SPERM from reaching the fertilisable OVUM. See related CONDOMS

CONTRACEPTION, IMMUNOLOGIC HQ169 E2 Contraceptive methods based on immunological processes and techniques, such as the use of CONTRACEPTIVE VACCINES.

CONTRACEPTION, POSTCOITAL HQ164 E2 Means of postcoital intervention to avoid pregnancy, such as the administration of postcoital contraceptives to prevent FERTILISATION of an egg or implantation of a fertilised egg (OVUM IMPLANTATION). See related CONTRACEPTIVES, POSTCOITAL

CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS HQ164 &69 D27 Chemical substances that prevent or reduce the probability of CONCEPTION. For mechanical use CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES. For pregnancy occurring despite their use do not use /adverse effects. Pharmacology QV177

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CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS, FEMALE HQ164 D27 Chemical substances or agents with contraceptive activity in females. Use for female contraceptive agents in general or for which there is no specific heading. Delayed action or depot and injectable contraceptives HQ169 Pharmacology QV177 See related DELAYED-ACTION PREPARATIONS

CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS, MALE HQ164 D27 Chemical substances or agents with contraceptive activity in males. Use for male contraceptive agents in general or for which there is no specific heading. Delayed action or depot and injectable contraceptives HQ169 Pharmacology QV177 See related DELAYED-ACTION PREPARATIONS

Contraceptive agents, postconception see ABORTIFACIENT AGENTS QV175

CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES HQ162 &66 E7 Mechanical devices, not chemicals. For chemicals use CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS. For pregnancy occurring despite their use do not use / adverse effects. See related CONDOMS; INTRAUTERINE DEVICES

CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES, FEMALE HQ162 &66 E7 Mechanical devices, not chemicals. For chemicals use CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS. For pregnancy occurring despite their use do not use / adverse effects.

Contraceptive devices, intrauterine see INTRAUTERINE DEVICES HQ162

CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES, MALE HQ166 E7 Mechanical devices, not chemicals. For chemicals use CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS. For pregnancy occurring despite their use do not use / adverse effects. See related CONDOMS Contraceptive vaccines see VACCINES, CONTRACEPTIVE HQ169

CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL HQ164 D27 For pregnancy occurring despite their use do not use / adverse effects. Pharmacology QV177

CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL, COMBINED HQ164 D27 Fixed drug combinations administered orally for contraceptive purposes. Pharmacology QV177

CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL, HORMONAL HQ164 D27 Oral contraceptives which owe their effectiveness to hormonal preparations.

CONTRACEPTIVES, POSTCOITAL HQ164 D7 For pregnancy occurring despite their use do not use / adverse effects. Pharmacology QV 177

CONTRACEPTIVES, POSTCOITAL, HORMONAL HQ164 D27 Postcoital contraceptives which owe their effectiveness to hormonal preparations. See related MENSTRUATION-INDUCING AGENTS

CONTRACT SERVICES WX145/164 N3 Outside services provided to an institution under a formal financial agreement. Locum doctors WA142 Private providers of social welfare HV160 See related CONTRACTS; FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT; OUTSOURCED SERVICES

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Contracting out see PRIVATISATION WX850

CONTRACTS WX145 I1 N3 Agreements between two or more parties, especially those which are written and enforceable by law. Contracts of employment WX430 GP contracts WA132 See related CONTRACT SERVICES

Contracts for health care see CONTRACT SERVICES WX145

CONTRACTURE WE310 C5 Prolonged shortening of the muscle or other soft tissue around a joint, preventing movement of the joint. See related DUPUYTREN'S CONTRACTURE

/ contraindications Subheading. (D&E) Used with drugs, chemicals and biological and physical agents in any disease or physical state that might render their use improper, undesirable or inadvis- able. Used also with contraindicated diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic, anaesthetic, surgical or other procedures.

CONTRAST MEDIA WN160 D27 Substances used to allow enhanced visualisation of tissues. For / adverse effects consider also EXTRAVASATION OF DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC MATERIALS

Contrast radiography, negative see PNEUMORADIOGRAPHY WN160

CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL[ PUBLICATION TYPE] V3 This heading is used as a Publication Type. Use for original reports of the conduct or results of specific controlled clinical trials; a different heading CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC is used for general design, methodology, economics, etc. of clinical trials

CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS AS TOPIC QV471 E5 N5 N6 Use for general design, methodology, economics, etc. of clinical trials; a different heading CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL is used for reports of a specific clinical trial. Clinical trials involving one or more test treatments, at least one control treatment, specified outcome measures for evaluating the studied intervention, and a bias-free method for assigning patients to the test treatment. The treatment may be drugs, devices, or procedures studied for diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic effectiveness. Control measures include placebos, active medicines, no-treatment, dosage forms and regimens, historical comparisons, etc. When randomisation using mathematical techniques, such as the use of a random numbers table, is employed to assign patients to test or control treatments, the trials are characterised as RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIALS AS TOPIC.

Controlled clinical trials, randomised see RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIALS AS TOPIC QV471

Controlled environment see ENVIRONMENT, CONTROLLED

Controlled-release preparations see DELAYED-ACTION PREPARATIONS QV485

CONTUSIONS WD475 C21 Injuries resulting in haemorrhage, usually manifested in the skin; bruises. See related WOUNDS, NONPENETRATING

Conus medullaris syndrome see SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION WL540

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CONVALESCENCE WA170 C23 The period of recovery following an illness. See related AFTERCARE; RECOVERY OF FUNCTION

Convalescent homes see CONVALESCENCE WA170


Convergence excess see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS WW510

Convergence insufficiency see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS WW510

CONVERGENCE, OCULAR WW510 G14 The turning inwards of the lines of sight towards each other. Convergent squint is ESOTROPIA. For convergence insufficiency use EXOTROPIA or STRABISMUS.

CONVERSION DISORDER WM95 F3 A disorder whose predominant feature is a loss or alteration in physical functioning that suggests a physical disorder but that is actually a direct expression of a psychological conflict or need.

CONVULSANTS QV103 D27 Substances that act in the brain stem or spinal cord to produce tonic or clonic convulsions, often by removing normal inhibitory tone. They were formerly used to stimulate respiration or as antidotes to barbiturate overdose. They are now most commonly used as experimental tools. Consider also SEIZURES / chemically induced. See related ANTICONVULSANTS; SEIZURES

Convulsion, non-epileptic see SEIZURES WL270

Convulsions see SEIZURES WL270

Convulsions, febrile see SEIZURES, FEBRILE WL270

CONVULSIVE THERAPY WM410 F4 Convulsions induced in order to treat MENTAL DISORDERS. It is used primarily in the treatment of severe affective disorders and SCHIZOPHRENIA. This is an historical therapy. Not for ECT, use ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY. Do not confuse with SEIZURES / therapy.

Convulsive therapy, electric see ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY WM412

COOKING WD83 J1 The art or practice of preparing food. It includes the preparation of special foods for diets in various diseases. In hospitals WX536 Diabetic WK819 See related FOOD HANDLING


CO-OPERATIVE BEHAVIOUR WLM810 F1 The interaction of two or more persons or organisations directed toward a common goal which is mutually beneficial. An act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit, i.e., joint action.

Co-operative cataloguing see CATALOGUING Z385

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COPULATION QL F1 In animals only. For humans use COITUS

Copulins see SEX ATTRACTANTS HQ102

COPYING PROCESSES Z65 L1 Reproduction of data in a new location or other destination, leaving the source data unchanged, although the physical form of the result may differ from that of the source.

COPYRIGHT Z60 & Z65 I1 L1 N3 The exclusive right, granted by law for a certain number of years, to make and dispose of copies of a literary, musical or artistic work. In Britain the copyright is granted for the life of the author plus 70 years. See related INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY


Cord blood see FOETAL BLOOD WQ211

CORD BLOOD STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION QU325 E4 Transplantation of STEM CELLS collected from the fetal blood remaining in the UMBILICAL CORD and the PLACENTA after delivery. Included are the HAEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELLS.

CORNEA WW330 A9 Consider also terms at KERAT-. For inflammation use KERATITIS. For neoplasms use CORNEAL DISEASES + EYE NEOPLASMS. For / anatomy consider CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY. For / transplantation use CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION. KERATOPLASTY, PENETRATING is also available. See related EPITHELIUM, CORNEAL; LIMBUS CORNEAE

CORNEAL DISEASES WW330 C11 For inflammatory disease use KERATITIS and its specifics. See related KERATOCONUS

Corneal epithelium see EPITHELIUM, CORNEAL WW330

CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY WW330 E1 Measurement of the anterior surface of the cornea, its curvature and shape. It is used often to diagnose keratoconus and other corneal diseases, and corneal changes after keratotomy and keratoplasty. A significant application is in the fitting of contact lenses. In performing corneal topography, many different techniques can be employed: keratometry, keratoscopy, photokeratoscopy, profile photography, computer-assisted image processing, videokeratography, etc.

CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION WW333 E4 Partial or total replacement of the cornea from one human or animal to another. See related EYE BANKS


CORNWALL G Z1 Wessex Mesh

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CORONARY ANEURYSM WG300 C14 Abnormal balloon- or sac-like dilatation in the wall of CORONARY VESSELS. Most coronary aneurysms are due to CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS, and the rest are due to inflammatory diseases, such as KAWASAKI DISEASE. See related ANEURYSM

CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY WG142 E1 Radiography of the vascular system of the heart muscle after injection of a contrast medium.

Coronary arteriosclerosis see WG300

CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS WG310 E4 Surgical therapy of ischemic coronary artery disease achieved by grafting a section of saphenous vein, internal mammary artery, or other substitute between the aorta and the obstructed coronary artery distal to the obstructive lesion. See related AORTA; CORONARY DISEASE; CORONARY VESSELS

CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE WG300 C14 Pathological processes of CORONARY ARTERIES that may derive from a congenital abnormality, atherosclerotic, or non-atherosclerotic cause.

Coronary artery stenosis see CORONARY STENOSIS WG300

Coronary atherectomy see ATHERECTOMY, CORONARY WG300

Coronary atherosclerosis see CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE WG300


CORONARY CIRCULATION WG300 G9 The circulation of blood through the CORONARY VESSELS of the HEART.

CORONARY DISEASE WG300 C14 An imbalance between myocardial functional requirements and the capacity of the CORONARY VESSELS to supply sufficient blood flow. It is a form of MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA (insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle) caused by a decreased capacity of the coronary vessels. For / surgery see also specific types of surgery. See related ANGIOPLASTY, TRANSLUMINAL, PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY; CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS

Coronary embolism see CORONARY DISEASE WG300

Coronary heart disease see CORONARY DISEASE WG300

Coronary infarction see CORONARY DISEASE WG300

Coronary occlusion see CORONARY DISEASE WG300

CORONARY STENOSIS WG300 C14 Narrowing or constriction of a coronary artery. See related CONSTRICTION, PATHOLOGIC

CORONARY THROMBOSIS WG300 C14 Coagulation of blood in any of the CORONARY VESSELS. The presence of a blood clot (THROMBUS) often leads to MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. Do not confuse 'mural thrombus' with 'coronary thrombosis', index under HEART DISEASE + THROMBOSIS.

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CORONARY VESSELS WG300 A7 The veins and arteries of the heart. Consider also CORONARY CIRCULATION. For /radiography use CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY and do not confuse with ANGIOCARDIOGRAPHY. For / surgery consider also CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS.

CORONAVIRIDAE QW168 B4 Spherical RNA viruses, in the order NIDOVIRALES, infecting a wide range of animals including humans. Transmission is by faecal-oral and respiratory routes. Mechanical transmission is also common. There are two genera: CORONAVIRUS and TOROVIRUS.

CORONERS AND MEDICAL EXAMINERS WA315 M1 N2 Physicians appointed to investigate all cases of sudden or violent death. See related CADAVER


Corporal punishment see PUNISHMENT HM550

Corporate culture see ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE WX460

Corporate ethics see ETHICS, BUSINESS WX224.2

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WX201 N4 Wessex Mesh The system of rules, practices and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. See related CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS; SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Corpse see CADAVER W95

CORPUS CALLOSUM WL132 A8 Broad plate of dense myelinated fibers that reciprocally interconnect regions of the cortex in all lobes with corresponding regions of the opposite hemisphere. The corpus callosum is located deep in the longitudinal fissure.

Corpus luteum cysts see OVARIAN CYSTS WP654


CORPUS STRIATUM WL132 A8 Striped gray and white matter consisting of the NEOSTRIATUM and paleostriatum (GLOBUS PALLIDUS). Do not confuse with striate cortex which is in the visual cortex.

CORRECTION OF HEARING IMPAIRMENT WV587 E2 H2 N2 Procedures for correcting HEARING DISORDERS Hearing therapists WV590

Correlation of data see STATISTICS AS TOPIC QA27-8

Correlation studies see STATISTICS AS TOPIC QA27-8

CORRESPONDENCE AS TOPIC WX250 L1 Communication between persons or between institutions or organizations by an exchange of letters. Its use in indexing and cataloging will generally figure in historical and biographical material. Do not confuse with Publication Type LETTER.

Correspondence courses see EDUCATION, DISTANCE L45

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CORROSION T G2 In dentistry WU312 In orthopaedics WE26


Cortical contusion see BRAIN CONTUSION WL510


Corticosteroid Receptors see RECEPTORS, STEROID QW504.5

Corticosteroids see ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES WK755-7


CORTISONE WK755 D4 D6 A naturally occurring glucocorticoid. It has been used in replacement therapy for adrenal insufficiency and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cortisone itself is inactive. It is converted in the liver to the active metabolite HYDROCORTISONE.

Corynebacteriaceae see ACTINOMYCETALES QW125

CORYNEBACTERIUM QW125 B3 A genus of asporogenous bacteria that is widely distributed in nature. Its organisms appear as straight to slightly curved rods and are known to be human and animal parasites and pathogens.


Coryneform group see ACTINOMYCETALES QW125

Coryza, acute see COMMON COLD WF480

Cosmetic dentistry see AESTHETICS, DENTAL WU320

Cosmetic reconstructive surgical procedures see RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGICAL PROCEDURES WO250

Cosmetic surgery see SURGERY, PLASTIC WO250-75


COSMETICS WR75 D27 J1 Substances intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions. Included in this definition are skin creams, lotions, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail polishes, eye and facial

80 of 93 Last updated 09/03/2018 C makeup preparations, permanent waves, hair colours, toothpastes, and deodorants, as well as any material intended for use as a component of a cosmetic product. Allergies to WR195 For cancer patients QZ840 In camouflage makeup WR630

Cosmetics, hair see HAIR PREPARATIONS WR465

Cosmonauts see ASTRONAUTS WD650


COST ALLOCATION WX155 N3 The assignment, to each of several particular cost-centres, of an equitable proportion of the costs of activities that serve all of them. Cost-centre usually refers to institutional departments or services.

Cost analysis see COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS WX288

COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS WX268 N3 A method of comparing the cost of a programme with its expected benefits in currency. The benefit-to-cost ratio is a measure of total return expected per unit of money spent. This analysis generally excludes consideration of factors that are not measured ultimately in economic terms. Cost effectiveness compares alternative ways to achieve a specific set of results. In social welfare HV108

COST CONTROL WX260 N3 The containment, regulation, or restraint of costs. Costs are said to be contained when the value of resources committed to an activity is not considered excessive. This determination is frequently subjective and dependent upon the specific geographic area of the activity being measured. Cost effectiveness see COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS WX268

Cost of disease see COST OF ILLNESS WA5

COST OF ILLNESS WA5 I1 N3 The personal cost of acute or chronic disease. The cost to the patient may be an economic, social or psychological cost or loss to himself, his family or the community. The cost of illness may be reflected in absenteeism, productivity, response to treatment, peace of mind, QUALITY OF LIFE etc. It differs from HEALTH CARE COSTS in that this concept is restricted to the cost of providing services related to the delivery of health care rather than an impact on the personal life of the patient. In mental illness WM70 See related COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS; QUALITY OF LIFE

Cost of living see ECONOMICS HB

Cost of sickness see COST OF ILLNESS WA5

COST SAVINGS WX155 N3 A saving for the provider of goods or services or for the recipient or consumer.

COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS WX288 N3 Absolute, comparative or differential costs pertaining to services, institutions, resources etc. or the analysis and study of these costs. See related HEALTH EXPENDITURES



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Cottage hospitals see HOSPITALS, COMMUNITY WA105

COUGH WF143 C8 C23 For / drug therapy consider also ANTITUSSIVE AGENTS. See related ANTITUSSIVE AGENTS; EXPECTORANTS

COUMARINS QV193 D3 The various coumarins have a wide range of proposed actions and uses including as ANTICOAGULANTS, pharmaceutical aids, indicators and reagents, photoreactive substances, and ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS. See related ANTICOAGULANTS.

COUNSELLING HV112 F2 F4 N2 The giving of advice and assistance to individuals with educational or personal problems. As a technique in general. See also specific subject Bereavement WT610 Cancer QZ810 Of children WS330 The dying WT610 In education L130 Fertility WP148 In general practice HV112 Mastectomy WP940 In learning disability WM883 By nursing staff WY178 In old age WT340 In physical handicap WB635 Psychotherapy WM546 Of staff WX440 See related COMMUNICATION; COUNSELLORS; GENETIC COUNSELLING; VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE

Counselling, family see FAMILY THERAPY

Counseling, genetic see GENETIC COUNSELLING WQ173

Counselling, marriage see COUPLES THERAPY; MARITAL THERAPY HQ570

Counselling, sex see SEX COUNSELLING HQ390

Counselling supervision see MENTORS HV113

COUNSELLORS HV112 M1 Professionals trained in providing information, guidance, and recommendations to individual clients or families to support their decision making and development of coping skills.

COUNTERTRANSFERENCE (PSYCHOLOGY) WM490 F4 Conscious or unconscious emotional reaction of the therapist to the patient which may interfere with treatment.


COUPLES THERAPY HQ570 F4 Counselling techniques used specifically for unmarried couples, of mixed or same sex. For married couples use MARITAL THERAPY As a psychotherapeutic techniques WM546

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COURTSHIP HQ100 F1 Activities designed to attract the attention or favours of another.

COWPOX WC584 C2 A mild, eruptive skin disease of milk cows caused by COWPOX VIRUS, with lesions occurring principally on the udder and teats. Human infection may occur while milking an infected animal.

COWPOX VIRUS WC584 B4 A species of ORTHOPOXVIRUS that is the etiologic agent of COWPOX. It is closely related to but antigenically different from VACCINIA VIRUS.

COXSACKIEVIRUS INFECTIONS WC500 C2 A heterogeneous group of infections produced by coxsackieviruses, including HERPANGINA, aseptic meningitis, a common-cold-like syndrome, a non-paralytic poliomyelitis-like syndrome, epidemic pleurodynia and a serious MYOCARDITIS.

CRACK COCAINE WM280 D2 D3 D4 D26 The purified, alkaloidal, extra-potent form of cocaine. It is smoked (free- based), injected intravenously, and orally ingested. Use of crack results in alterations in function of the cardiovascular system, the autonomic nervous system, the central nervous system, and the gastrointestinal system. The slang term "crack" was derived from the crackling sound made upon igniting of this form of cocaine for smoking. See related COCAINE


Cramp see MUSCLE CRAMP WE310

Cramp-fasiculation syndrome see NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES WL300

Cranial base see SKULL BASE WE400

CRANIAL NERVE DISEASES WL570-9 C10 Disorders of one or more of the twelve cranial nerves. With the exception of the optic and olfactory nerves, this includes disorders of the brain stem nuclei from which the cranial nerves originate or terminate.

Cranial nerve II see OPTIC NERVE WW385

Cranial nerve II diseases see OPTIC NERVE DISEASES WW386-87

Cranial nerve II injuries see OPTIC NERVE INJURIES WW385

Cranial nerve III see OCULOMOTOR NERVE WW105

Cranial nerve V see TRIGEMINAL NERVE WL180

Cranial nerve VII see FACIAL NERVE WL180


Cranial nerve X see VAGUS NERVE WL195


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CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA WE403-9/WL510 C10 C21 Traumatic injuries involving the cranium and intracranial structures (i.e. the brain). Injuries may be classified by whether or not the skull is penetrated or whether or not there is an associated haemorrhage. Do not consider it as a substitute for /injuries with various bones or other portions of the head. Do not confuse with BRAIN INJURIES.

CRANIOFACIAL ABNORMALITIES WE403 C5 C16 Congenital structural deformities, malformations, or other abnormalities of the cranium and facial bones. Do not co-ordinate with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES.

CRANIOFACIAL DYSOSTOSIS WE403 C5 C16 An autosomal dominant disorder characterized by acrocephaly, exophthalmos, hypertelorism, strabismus, parrot-beaked nose, and hypoplastic maxilla with relative mandibular prognathism. Do not coordinate with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES. "Craniofacial dysmorphism" does not go here but under FACIAL BONES / abnormalities + SKULL / abnormalities. See related FACE

Craniofacial pain see FACIAL PAIN WL820

Craniorachischisis see NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS WL540


Cranial pain syndromes see FACIAL NEURALGIA WL820

CRANIOMANDIBULAR DISORDERS WU 101.5 C5 C7 Diseases or disorders of the muscles of the head and neck, with special reference to the masticatory muscles. The most notable examples are TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDERS and TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME.

Craniometry see CEPHALOMETRY GN

CRANIOTOMY WE409/ WL510 E5 Any operation on the cranium or incision into the cranium. See related SKULL

Cranium see SKULL WE400


Creativeness see CREATIVITY

CREATIVITY WLM440 F1 F2 The ability to construct new ideas or images. As a psychoanalytic concept WM460




CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB SYNDROME WL338 C10 F3 A rare transmissible encephalopathy most prevalent between the ages of 50 and 70 years. Affected individuals may present with sleep disturbances, personality changes, ATAXIA; APHASIA,

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visual loss, weakness, muscle atrophy, MYOCLONUS, progressive dementia, and death within one year of disease onset. A familial form exhibiting autosomal dominant inheritance and a new variant CJD (potentially associated with ENCEPHALOPATHY, BOVINE SPONGIFORM) have been described. Pathological features include prominent cerebellar and cerebral cortical spongiform degeneration and the presence of PRIONS. See related ENCEPHALOPATHY, BOVINE SPONGIFORM; PRION DISEASES

CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME WS806 C10 C16 An infantile syndrome characterized by a cat-like cry, failure to thrive, microcephaly, LEARNING DISABILITY, spastic quadriparesis, micro- and retrognathia, glossoptosis, bilateral epicanthus, hypertelorism, and tiny external genitalia. It is caused by a deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p-).

CRIME HM400-620 I1 A violation of the criminal law, i.e., a breach of the conduct code specifically sanctioned by the state, which through its administrative agencies prosecutes offenders and imposes and administers punishments. The concept includes unacceptable actions whether prosecuted or going unpunished. Against learning disabled people WM821 Against the person HM430 Causes of crime HM410 In hospitals WX760 Juvenile WS340-55 Sexual - except rape and assault HQ300-80 Offenders HM420 Mentally disturbed offenders WM700-70 Psychiatric assessment WM710 Recidivists HM424 See related COMPENSATION AND REDRESS; FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY; FRAUD; HOMICIDE; LAW ENFORCEMENT; OFFENDERS; OFFENDERS, MENTALLY DISORDERED; OFFENDERS, YOUNG; POLICE; PRISONS; RAPE; RIOTS; SEX OFFENCES; SEXUAL HARASSMENT; THEFT; VIOLENCE; TORTURE; WAR CRIMES

CRIME VICTIMS HM426 M1 Individuals subjected to and adversely affected by criminal activity. Medico-legal aspects of compensation WA355 Psychology WLM824 Victims of incestuous relationships other than abused children HQ382 Victims of torture HM620 Victims of paedophiles as adults HQ345 Victims of paedophiles while children WS362-5 See related COMPENSATION AND REDRESS; HOSTAGES; VIOLENCE

CRIMINAL LAW K I1 Specialty. A branch of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging and trial of suspected persons, and fixes the penalties and modes of treatment applicable to convicted offenders.

CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY WLM822 F2 Specialty. The branch of psychology which investigates the psychology of crime with particu- lar reference to the personality factors of the criminal. Consider also OFFENDERS / psychology.

Criminals see OFFENDERS HM420

CRIMINOLOGY HM400 I1 The study of crime and criminals with special reference to the personality factors and social conditions leading towards, or away from crime.

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Crippled see DISABLED WB600-98

CRISIS INTERVENTION WM401 F4 Brief therapeutic approach which is ameliorative rather than curative of acute psychiatric emergencies. Used in contexts such as emergency rooms of psychiatric or general hospitals, or in the home or place of crisis occurrence, this treatment approach focuses on interpersonal and intrapsychic factors and environmental modification. See related EMERGENCIES; EMERGENCY SERVICES, PSYCHIATRIC; HOTLINES

Crisis resolution see CRISIS INTERVENTION WM401

CRITICAL CARE WB400-30 E2 N2 Health care provided to a critically ill patient during a medical emergency or crisis. Equipment and environment WB420 Manpower WB410 Nursing WB430 Psychiatric WM400.5 See related CRITICAL CARE NURSING; EMERGENCIES;

CRITICAL CARE NURSING WB430 H2 N2 A nursing speciality that deals specifically with the care of patients who are critically ill

CRITICAL ILLNESS WB400 C23 A disease or state in which death is possible or imminent. For / therapy consider also CRITICAL CARE. See related CLINICAL DETERIORATION

CRITICAL PATHWAYS WB100 N4 Schedules of medical and nursing procedures, including diagnostic tests, medications and consultations, designed to effect and efficient, coordinated programme of treatment. In nursing WY112 In psychiatry WM30

CROHN DISEASE WI422 C6 A chronic transmural inflammation that may involve any part of the DIGESTIVE TRACT from MOUTH to ANUS, mostly found in the ILEUM, the CAECUM, and the COLON. Do not co-ordinate with CHRONIC DISEASE as it is usually chronic. See related INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES

CROPS, AGRICULTURAL QM10 B6 J2 Cultivated plants or agricultural produce such as grain, vegetables, or fruit.

CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON HM202 I1 Comparison of various psychological, sociological, or cultural factors in order to assess the similarities or diversities occurring in two or more different cultures or societies. In child bearing WQ112 In child care WS303 Of family HQ615 Of marriage and sexual partnerships HQ515 In neoplasms QZ202 In psychiatry WM31.1 In psychology WLM128 In sexual behaviour HQ115 See related CULT

Cross disciplinary communication see INTERDISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATION

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CROSS INFECTION WC195 C1 Any infection which a patient contracts from another patient or a health-care worker in a health-care institution. For disease caught by a health-care worker from a patient use DISEASE TRANSMISSION, PATIENT-TO-PROFESSIONAL and for transmission from a health-care worker to a patient use DISEASE TRANSMISSIION, PROFESSIONAL-TO-PATIENT In dentistry WU150 See related INFECTION CONTROL; PATIENT ISOLATION

CROSS-OVER STUDIES W115 E5 N5 N6 Studies comparing two or more treatments or interventions in which the subjects or patients, upon completion of the course of one treatment, are switched to another. In the case of two treatments, A and B, half the subjects are randomly allocated to receive these in the order A, B and half to receive them in the order B, A. A criticism of this design is that effects of the first treatment may carry over into the period when the second is given. See related EPIDEMIOLOGIC RESEARCH DESIGN

CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES W115 E5 N5 N6 Studies in which the presence or absence of disease or other health-related variables are determined in each member of the study population or in a representative sample at one particular time. This contrasts with LONGITUDINAL STUDIES which are followed over a period of time.

CROUP WV210 C8 C9 A condition characterised by resonant barking cough, hoarseness and persistent stridor; caused by allergy, foreign body, infection or neoplasm. It occurs chiefly in infants and children. See related LARYNGITIS

Crowd psychology see MASS BEHAVIOUR WLM825

CROWDING WLM812 F1 Behaviour with respect to an excessive number of individuals, human or animal, in relation to available space. See related PERSONAL SPACE

CROWNS WU380 E6 E7 A prosthetic restoration that reproduces the entire surface anatomy of the visible natural crown of a tooth. It may be partial (covering three or more surfaces of a tooth) or complete (covering all surfaces). It is made of gold or other metal, porcelain, or resin. For anatomical crown of tooth use TOOTH CROWN.

Cruciate ligament, anterior WE288

Cruciate ligament, posterior WE288

Crude oil see PETROLEUM QV633


CRUSH SYNDROME WJ341 C21 Severe systemic manifestation of trauma and ischaemia involving soft tissues, principally skeletal muscle, due to prolonged severe crushing. It leads to increased permeability of the cell membrane and to the release of potassium, enzymes, and myoglobin from within cells. Ischaemic renal dysfunction secondary to hypotension and diminished renal perfusion results in acute tubular necrosis and uraemia.


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CRYING WLM210 F1 In children WS220

CRYOANAESTHESIA WO695 E3 ANAESTHESIA achieved by lowering either BODY TEMPERATURE (core cooling) or SKIN TEMPERATURE (external cooling).

Cryonic suspension see CRYOPRESERVATION WQ208

CRYOPRESERVATION E1 E5 Preservation of cells, tissues, organs, or embryos by freezing. In histological preparations, cryopreservation or cryofixation is used to maintain the existing form, structure, and chemical composition of all the constituent elements of the specimens. In biochemistry QU25 In embryo preservation WQ208 In pathology QZ25 See related COLD TEMPERATURE; FREEZING

Cryorenin see RENIN WK180

CRYOSURGERY WO215 E4 Destruction or excision of tissue by very low temperature. Differentiate from HYPOTHERMIA, INDUCED for cooling of organs during surgery. In cancer QZ746 In dermatology WR145 In ophthalmology WW270 See related COLD TEMPERATURE; FREEZING

CRYOTHERAPY WB473 E2 A form of therapy consisting in the local or general use of cold. The selective destruction of tissue by extreme cold or freezing is CRYOSURGERY. In cancer QZ780 See related COLD TEMPERATURE; HYPOTHERMIA, INDUCED

Cryptogenic infantile spasms see SPASMS, INFANTILE WL470

Cryptogenic West syndrome see SPASMS, INFANTILE WL470

CRYPTORCHIDISM WJ840 C12 C16 C19 A developmental defect in which a TESTIS or both TESTES failed to descend from high in the ABDOMEN to the bottom of the SCROTUM. Do not coordinate with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES.

CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS WC700 C3 C6 C22 Intestinal infection with PROTOZOA of the genus CRYPTOSPORIDIUM. It occurs in both animals and humans. Symptoms include severe DIARRHOEA.

CRYPTOSPORIDIUM WC700 B1 Infection is CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS. For / drug effects consider also COCCIDIOSTATS. For antigens coordinate with ANTIGENS, PROTOZOAN. For antibodies coordinate with ANTIBODIES, PORTOZOAN. See related PARASITOLOGY; PARASITIC DISEASES

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY QD10 E5 H1 The branch of science that deals with the geometric description of crystals and their internal arrangement.


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Cuff, rotator see ROTATOR CUFF WE610

CULDOSCOPY WP150 E1 E4 Endoscopic examination, therapy or surgery of the female pelvic viscera by means of an endoscope introduced into the pelvic cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix. See related DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, OBSTETRICAL AND GYNAECOLOGICAL; ENDOSCOPY; GYNAECOLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES

Cults, religious see RELIGION HM262

CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS GT I1 Those aspects or characteristics which identify a culture. Do not use for microbial or tissue cultures.

CULTURAL DEPRIVATION HM222 I1 The absence of certain expected and acceptable cultural phenomena in the environment which results in the failure of the individual to communicate and respond in the most appropriate manner within the context of society. Language acquisition and language use are commonly used in assessing this concept. See related POVERTY

CULTURAL DIVERSITY HM202 I1 Coexistence of numerous distinct ethnic, racial, religious, or cultural groups within one social unit, organisation, or population.

CULTURE GT I1 A collective expression for all behaviour patterns acquired and socially transmitted through symbols. Culture includes customs, traditions and language. Not for microbial or tissue culture. Cultural aspects of neoplasms QZ202 Culture and the arts as therapeutic techniques WB560 See also ART; MUSIC; CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON; HUMAN BODY

CULTURE MEDIA QW25-26 D27 E7 Any liquid or solid preparation made specifically for the growth, storage, or transport of microorganisms or other types of cells. See related BACTERIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES; LABORATORY CHEMICALS

CULTURE TECHNIQUES QW25-26 E5 Methods of maintaining or growing biological materials in controlled laboratory conditions. These include the cultures of CELLS; TISSUES; organs; or EMBRYONIC STRUCTURES in vitro. Both animal and plant tissues may be cultured by a variety of methods. Cultures may derive from normal or abnormal tissues, and consist of a single cell type or mixed cell types.

Cumulative survival rate see SURVIVAL RATE W110

CUMULATIVE TRAUMA DISORDERS WE150 C21 Harmful and painful condition caused by overuse or overexertion of some part of the musculoskeletal system, often resulting from work-related activities. Of the wrist WE350/645 See related FRACTURES, STRESS

CURARE QV140 D20 Plant extracts from several species, including STRYCHNOS and CHONDODENDRON, which contain TETRAHYDROISOQUINOLINES that produce PARALYSIS of skeletal muscle. These extracts are toxic and must be used with the administration of artificial respiration.

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Current awareness techniques see INFORMATION SERVICES Z352

CURRICULUM L80 I2 A course of study offered by an educational institution. Nursing curriculum WY52

Curriculum, problem-based see PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING L57

Curriculum vitae see JOB APPLICATION WX420

Cursive epilepsy see EPILEPSY, REFLEX WL460

Curvature of the spine see SPINAL CURVATURES WE480-5

CUSHING SYNDROME WK770 C19 A condition caused by prolonged exposure to excess levels of cortisol (HYDROCORTISONE) or other GLUCOCORTICOIDS from endogenous or exogenous sources.

CUSTODIAL CARE E2 N2 Board, room and other personal assistance services, generally provided on a long-term basis; excludes regular medical care. In children WS322-5&355 In crime HM530-5 In learning disability WM820&82 In mental illness WM28-30


Customer relations see PUBLIC RELATIONS WX229

Customer satisfaction see CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR WA70

Customs see CULTURE GT

Customs and excise see TAXES JD40

Cutaneous fungi see ARTHRODERMATACEAE QW180


CYANOACRYLATES D2 D5 D25 J1 It polymerizes on contact with moisture and is used as tissue adhesive.

CYANOBACTERIA QW131 B3 A phylum of oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria comprised of unicellular to multicellular bacteria possessing CHLOROPHYLL a and carrying out oxygenic PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Cyanobacteria are the only known organisms capable of fixing both CARBON DIOXIDE (in the presence of light) and NITROGEN. Cell morphology can include nitrogen-fixing heterocysts and/or resting cells called akinetes. Formerly called blue-green algae, cyanobacteria were traditionally treated as ALGAE. As phototrophic bacteria QW145

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Cyanophyceae see CYANOBACTERIA QW131

Cyber knife radiosurgery see RADIOSURGERY

CYBERNETICS Q4 L1 Specialty. That branch of learning which brings together theories and studies on communication and control in living organisms and machines. See related INFORMATION THEORY

CYCLANDELATE QV243 D2 A direct-acting smooth muscle relaxant used to dilate blood vessels. It may cause gastrointestinal distress and tachycardia.

Cyclicity see PERIODICITY QT167

CYCLOBUTANES D2 As anti-obesity agent QV126

CYCLOOXYGENASE INHIBITORS D27 Compounds or agents that combine with cyclooxygenase and thereby prevent its substrate- enzyme combination with arachidonic acid and the formation of eicosanoids, prostaglandins, and thromboxanes. As anti-rheumatic agent QV247

Cyclophoria see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS WW510 CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE QV269 D2 An immunosuppressant, antirheumatic and alkylating antineoplastic. It has been used in the treatment of LYMPHOMA and LEUKEMIA.

CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER WM170 F3 An affective disorder characterised by periods of depression and hypomania. These may be separated by periods of normal mood.

CYSTECTOMY WJ500 E4 Used for excision of the urinary bladder. "Cyst" refers to bladder not to a cyst. See related URINARY BLADDER

Cystic disease of breast see FIBROCYSTIC BREAST DISEASE WP860

Cystic disease of kidney see KIDNEY DISEASES.CYSTIC WJ357

CYSTIC FIBROSIS WI820 C6 C8 C16 Cystic fibrosis is characterised by epithelial secretory dysfunction associated with ductal obstruction resulting in AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION; chronic RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS; PANCREATIC INSUFFICIENCY; maldigestion; salt depletion; and HEAT PROSTRATION. Do not coordinate with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES. See related LUNG DISEASES

CYSTICERCOSIS WC838 C3 Tapeworm infection.

CYSTITIS WJ155 C12 C13 Inflammation of the URINARY BLADDER, either from bacterial or non-bacterial causes. Cystitis is usually associated with painful urination (dysuria), increased frequency, urgency, and suprapubic pain.

Cystocele see BLADDER DISEASES WJ500

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CYSTOSCOPY WJ500 E1 E4 Endoscopic examination therapy or surgery of the urinary bladder. See related DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES, UROLOGICAL; ENDOSCOPY

CYSTOSTOMY WJ500 E4 Surgical creation of an opening (stoma) for drainage of the urinary bladder. Do not confuse with CYSTOTOMY.

CYSTS QZ220 C4 C23 Any fluid-filled closed cavity or sac that is lined by an EPITHELIUM. Cysts can be of normal, abnormal, non-neoplastic, or neoplastic tissues. See parts of the body for specific cysts. Co- ordinate with organ or disease term. Gynaecologic WP164

Cysts, hydatid see ECHINOCOCCOSIS WC840

CYTARABINE QV269 D3 D13 A pyrimidine nucleoside analogue that is used mainly in the treatment of leukemia, especially acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia.

Cytochemistry see HISTOCYTOCHEMISTRY QS531

CYTOCHROMES WH190 D8 D12 Haemeproteins whose characteristic mode of action involves transfer of reducing equivalents which are associated with a reversible change in oxidation state of the prosthetic group.

CYTODIAGNOSIS QY95 E1 Diagnosis of the type and, when feasible, the cause of a pathologic process by means of microscopic study of cells in an exudate or other form of body fluid. See related LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES

CYTOGENETICS QZ50 H1 A sub-discipline of genetics which deals with the cytological and molecular analysis of the CHROMOSOMES, and location of the GENES on chromosomes, and the movements of chromosomes during the CELL CYCLE. Specialty. For / methods consider CYTOGENETIC ANALYSIS. See related CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS.

CYTOKINES QW568 D12 D23 Non-antibody proteins secreted by inflammatory leukocytes and some non-leukocytic cells, that act as intercellular mediators.

Cytokineses see CELL DIVISION QH50


Cytology see CELL BIOLOGY QH50

/ cytology Subheading (A2-10,A12-16,B1,B3,B5-6) Used for cellular appearance of unicellular and multicellular organisms.

CYTOMEGALOVIRUS INFECTIONS WC500 C2 Infection with CYTOMEGALOVIRUS, characterized by enlarged cells bearing intranuclear inclusions. Infection may be in almost any organ, but the salivary glands are the most common site in children, as are the lungs in adults. See related HERPESVIRIDAE INFECTIONS

Cytophagales see BACTEROIDETES QW128

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CYTOPLASM QH50 A11 The part of a cell that contains the CYTOSOL and small structures excluding the CELL NUCLEUS; MITOCHONDRIA; and large VACUOLES.

CYTOSKELETAL PROTEINS QU55 D12 Major constituent of the cytoskeleton found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. They form a flexible framework for the cell, provide attachment points for organelles and formed bodies, and make communication between parts of the cell possible.

CYTOTOXICITY, IMMUNOLOGIC QW568 G12 The phenomenon of target cell destruction by immunologically active effecter cells. Reserve for the process, do not confuse with CYTOTOXICITY TESTS, IMMUNOLOGIC.

Cytotoxin-antibody conjugates see IMMUNOTOXINS QW630.5

CYTOTOXINS QW630.5 D27 Substances that are toxic to cells; they may be involved in immunity or may be contained in venoms. These are distinguished from CYTOSTATIC AGENTS in degree of effect. Some of them are used as CYTOTOXIC ANTIBIOTICS. The mechanism of action of many of these are as ALKYLATING AGENTS or MITOSIS MODULATORS.

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