Bibliographical Abbreviations
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ABBREVIATIONS A.B. College Art Association, BlIlIetill, 1913-18. The Art N.G., Prelim. Cat., I, 1941; N.G., Prelim. Cat., II, 1942. BlIlIeti" 1919-. National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Pre Art Treasllres, 1961. Art Treasllres for America. All AII limillary Cataloglle of Pailltillgs alld Sclllptllre, Descriptive thology of Pailltillgs alld SCI/lptllre ill tlte Samllel H. Kress List with Notes. Washington, D.C. 1st edition 1941; 2nd Collectioll. Preface by John Walker and Guy Emerson. edition 1942. Commentary by Charles Seymour jr. London, 1961. N.C. Ill., 1941. National Gallery of Art, Book of IIlustra Bode, Denkmiiler. W. v. Bode, Dellkmiiler der Renaissallce tiolls. Washington, D.C., 1941. Sklliptllr Tosca/las. Munich, I vol. text and plates, 1892- N.G. Cat., 1965. National Gallery of Art, Summary Cata 1905· loglle of Ellropeall Pailltillgs alld Sculptllre. Washington, Dllveell Sclllptllre, 1944. Dllveell Sclllptllre ill Pllblic Collec D.C., 1965. tiolls of America. A Cataloglle Rais01l1//! with Illustratiolls of N.G. Cat., Ill., 1968. National Gallery of Art, Ellropeall Italiall Renaissallce SCI/lptllres by the Great Masters which Paintillgs alld Sclllptllre. Illllstratiolls. Washington, D.C., have passed throllglt tlte HOllse ofDllveen. New York, 1944. 1968. G. d. B-A. Gazette des Beallx-Arts, 1859-. Paatz. W. and E. Paatz, Die Kirclten vall Florellz. Frankfurt J.P-H., I, II, III. John Pope-Hennessy, All Introdllction to am Main, 6 vols, 1940-54. Italian Sculptllre. I Italian Gotltic SCI/lptlire. London, 1955. Planiscig, 1921. L. Planiscig, Vellezialliscl,e Bildlraller der II Italiall Renaissance SClllptlire. London, 1958. III Italiall Rellaissallce. Vienna, 1921.
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