Bibliography of the Utrecht Psalter, 2019 Bart Jaski and Esther van de Vrie Version December 2019 Utrecht University Library, Ms. 32 This bibliography contains all the secondary literature about the Utrecht Psalter now known to us. It is indebted to the database Quaerite (online 2007-2015), which itself was based on a written list on cards compiled at Special Collections for several decades, and on bibliographies in publications such as J. H. A. Engelbregt, Het Utrechts Psalterium. Een eeuw wetenschappelijke bestudering (1860-1960), Utrecht 1965, and K. van der Horst et al. (ed.), The Utrecht Psalter in medieval art. Picturing the Psalms of David, ’t Goy 1996. It was further augmented and updated by Bart Jaski and Esther van de Vrie, and set in chronological order. Most of the over 700 references were checked by Esther van de Vrie, who made the list fit for online publication (November 2015). It was updated in May 2017 and September 2018. The current version is that of December 2019. Please send corrections and additions to
[email protected]. For more about the Utrecht Psalter, see The digital edition is at 1 1647 J. Usserius Armachanus (Ussher), De Romanae Ecclesiae Symbolo Apostolico vetere aliisque fidei formulis, London 1647. p. 4. 1696 T. Smith, Catalogus Librorum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Cottoniae, cui praemittuntur illustris viri, D. Roberti Cottoni Equitis Aurati et Baronetti Vita et bibliothecae Cottonianae historia et synopsis, Oxford 1696. p. 42. 1724 D. Waterland, A critical history of the Athanasian Creed, representing the opinions of ancients and moderns concerning it, Cambridge 1724.