Extensions of Remarks E1199 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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June 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1199 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO FORMER structing trail access to the pond. All of Ben- Amendment 2 to H.R. 2206 failed to provide CONGRESSMAN EARL LEE HOGAN jamin’s hard work took place at the Tall Oaks reasonable accountability provisions to meas- Youth Camp in Linwood, Kansas. ure the Administration’s Iraq policy, I would HON. BARON P. HILL Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall 425. OF INDIANA me in commending Benjamin Duddy for his f accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America and achieving the highest distinction TRIBUTE TO MR. KIRTI DESAI Tuesday, June 5, 2007 of Eagle Scout. Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, on Sunday f HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. night, June 3, 2007, the U.S. House of Rep- OF NEW JERSEY PERSONAL EXPLANATION resentatives lost one of its own, a distin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guished gentleman from Southern Indiana. Tuesday, June 5, 2007 Former Congressman Earl Lee Hogan passed HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR away Sunday evening, leaving behind a nota- OF MINNESOTA Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I would ble career of public service to Hoosiers. Born IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like to take the time to recognize the most re- cent achievement of an outstanding member in 1920 in Hope, Indiana, Earl Hogan rep- Tuesday, June 5, 2007 resented the Ninth District of southern Indiana of the New Jersey community, Mr. Kirti Desai. from 1959 to 1961. As a young man, Con- Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, last In a ceremony on Ellis Island on Saturday gressman Hogan served his country as a month the House of Representatives voted on May 12, 2007, NECO presented Mr. Desai bombardier on a B–17 in the Air Force, from important legislation including VA health care with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. 1940 to 1945. During his Air Force career, he bills, lobbying reform legislation, and amend- The Ellis Island Medal of Honor recognizes was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, ments to the fiscal year 2007 supplemental individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds Purple Heart, and Air Medal with three oak appropriations bill. who have successfully maintained their cul- leaf clusters. Congressman Hogan had a long During the consideration of these bills, I was tural heritage and traditions while making out- career in law enforcement in Bartholomew in Minnesota to attend the funeral Mass for my standing achievements in their communities, County, serving first as deputy sheriff and then uncle, Frank Oberstar. personal lives, and professional endeavors. sheriff. Following his congressional service, Had I been present, I would have voted Since 1986 the Ellis Island Medal of Honor Congressman Hogan took several positions ‘‘nay’’ on the motion to recommit to H.R. 1100 has been sponsored by NECO, a non-profit focusing on rural development and agricultural (rollcall vote 408); I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ organization with a mission ‘‘to honor our di- issues. I thank Congressman Hogan and his on H.R. 1100 (rollcall vote 409); I would have verse Past, to advocate for positive change in family for their commitment and dedication to voted ‘‘aye’’ on H.R. 67, ‘‘Veterans Outreach the Present, and to build strong leaders for the public service and all that they have given to Improvement Act’’ (rollcall vote 410); I would Future.’’ the people of Southern Indiana. Congressman have voted ‘‘aye’’ on H.R. 612, ‘‘Returning For over twenty years U.S. Presidents, art- Hogan will be missed, but he leaves behind a Servicemember VA Healthcare Insurance Act’’ ists, athletes, businessmen, entrepreneurs, record of service that speaks volumes about (rollcall vote 411); I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ and humanitarians have been recognized with this honorable man. on H.R. 1470, ‘‘Chiropractic Care Available to this prestigious award. In receiving this award, f All Veterans Act’’ (rollcall vote 412); I would Mr. Desai ranks among an impressive list of have voted ‘‘aye’’ on H.R. 2199 ‘‘Traumatic past medalist recipients ranging from former BENJAMIN JAMES DUDDY FOR Brain Injury Health Enhancement and Long- President Bill Clinton to famed athlete Muham- THE AWARD OF EAGLE SCOUT Term Support Act’’ (rollcall vote 413); I would mad Ali. With his own list of notable achieve- have voted ‘‘aye’’ on H.R. 2239, ‘‘Early Access ments, Mr. Desai is well deserved in finding a HON. SAM GRAVES to Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment place among these outstanding Americans. OF MISSOURI Benefits Act’’ (rollcall vote 414). Mr. Kirti Desai, better known as Kenny, is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ to order the pre- the President, CEO, and founder of TAK vious question on H. Res. 427 (rollcall vote Group of Companies. With a Master’s Degree Tuesday, June 5, 2007 415); I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ to approve H. in Civil Engineering from Stevens Institute of Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly Res. 427 (rollcall vote 416). I would have Technology, a hard-work ethic, and pause to recognize Benjamin Duddy, a very voted ‘‘aye’’ to order the previous question on unstoppable determination, Mr. Desai built his special young man who has exemplified the H. Res. 438 (rollcall vote 417), and I would business from the ground up. Mr. Desai con- finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by have voted ‘‘aye’’ on H. Res. 438 (rollcall vote tinued to expand his business into a conglom- taking an active part in the Boy Scouts of 418). erate encompassing an increasing number of America, Troop 444, and by earning the most I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on the Smith mo- markets, eventually forming TAK Construction, prestigious award of Eagle Scout. tion to recommit with instructions on H.R. TAK International, TAK Realty and Investment Benjamin has been very active with his 2317 (rollcall vote 419); I would have voted Company, and Sycamore Manor. troop, participating in many Scout activities. ‘‘aye’’ on passage on H.R. 2317 (rollcall vote While it is one thing to establish a business, Over the years Benjamin has been involved in 420); I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on the Con- it is quite another to receive continuous rec- Scouting, he has earned 28 merit badges and yers amendment to H.R. 2316 (rollcall vote ognition for its quality and success. In this re- held numerous leadership positions, serving 421); I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on the Chabot gard, Mr. Desai’s companies have been rec- as Assistant Senior Patrol, Den Chief, and motion to recommit with instructions on H.R. ognized with the New York and New Jersey Troop Scribe. Ryan is also a member of the 2318 (rollcall vote 422); I would have voted Port Authority’s Construction Company of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. His tribal name is Little Si- ‘‘aye’’ on passage on H.R. 2316 (rollcall vote Year Award and SBA Construction Award lent Stalking Snowy Owl. Ben is also a Broth- 423). from Washington, D.C. under the Clinton Ad- erhood member of the Order of the Arrow. Because of my strong support for important ministration. Successful businesses such as For his Eagle Scout project, Benjamin con- and necessary funding for VA health care; these result from exceptional qualities of the structed over 160 feet of fencing around a necessary assistance for the Gulf region and individuals behind them. fishing pond. This safety fencing was erected U.S. farmers, and my support for an increase As an active member of a number of var- to allow handicapped campers access to enjoy in the minimum wage, I would have voted ious philanthropic organizations, Mr. Desai is the pond and minimize the danger of acciden- ‘‘aye’’ on House Amendment 1 to H.R. 2206, as relentless in his commitment to his commu- tally entering the water. The project included the fiscal year 2007 supplemental appropria- nity as he is to his business companies. distribution of 4 tons of gravel and recon- tions bill (rollcall vote 424. Because House Somewhere between managing his business ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:18 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.049 E06JNPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with REMARKS E1200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 6, 2007 enterprises and raising three children, Mr. Center, the Performing Arts Center, and the tecting the people who travel on the Long Is- Desai is a leader in cultural and educational Orange Grove Learning Center. The more land Sound by being accessible to hearing institutions including serving as a Director and than fifty academically enriching programs in- and responding to their needs. I applaud Cap- Board member of the Bharitya Vidya Bhavan; clude music and arts education, sports, tech- tain Peter Boynton for his contributions and the Chairman of the Indian Culture Society of nology training, leadership classes, and tutor- dedication to the United States Coast Guard Union, New Jersey, and the President of Vraj. ing in math, English, and science. and the Long Island Sound. He has even been involved in aiding the com- It is my pleasure to honor the Boys and f pletion of the Mahatma Gandhi Center and Girls Clubs of Pasadena on their anniversary PRAISING LT. GOVERNOR DAVID Hindu Temple in Wayne, New Jersey. of 70 years of dedicated service to the youth PATERSON’S COMMITMENT TO The New Jersey State Assembly and the in the 29th Congressional District.