A A, T H U R ^ A Y . J U L Y 12, 1945 The Weethei^ Average Dally Circulation Ifiimmat of U. S. Weatlier Bnaean PAGE.TEK e0er Evening Herald For Mm Month o( Jna«, 1945 Partly cloudy tonight and Sat>' unlay; light ahotver, and arattered by the town which received ataah- thunder aho’wera Saturday: llttlr A dnucliter, Anne F.i,leen,, was Ing by the organizer were the Old 9,106 ■ Joseph- change In temperature. watertendcr, sUT in ton, N. V. Lieutenant Morlarl^ were plenty of/i.nstances where Our n^w sanitary process gives you a delicious, crisp, aa Png* IS) M A N C llE S T E R , C O N N ., F R ID A Y , J U L Y 13, 1945 USNR, 19, of 33 Myrtle itreet. the Pacific. He weai.s riTjbonSNfnr -la at the present time servingvta W alter Mahoijey" Select­ the taxpayer could protect his owjn golden brown fooid — Seals in the-flavor! Come in and VOL. LXIV., N6. 240 intei esta,' ch><. street, formerly an active member 'before enlisting in the Na.Vy in nlF'-nf.-the Church of .the Nnaa •ground of understanding before Chaprtan Court. Order of Am­ & 1 , M44. \ /ene wMll take place .Saturday' qt and SRokoaman for the'^ojiLorgani- the annual biidget is m.ldd up. ' ARE RESUMING x Ar« Ovei-Japan aranth, ^embpr8 and their friemta Klizahrth Park Buses will leave zation, was elected v4enip7>r^,v ThX west Side btaru* Of ,the will be welcome to nttend the the f.'enter at .1 ;.30 p. m. and re­ president 'and William J. Fodrde nual picnic of the Grand (>urt tllary Cheney library will be turning leave the park at 7:00 o f,.59 C o bu rn -ro a^ was elected OUR CLOSING SCHEDULE OF closed i^ J u ly 16, 18 and 20 of Amaranth, Sunday, J ii^ lB . at vice prealdeiit andHleur>' A. Chali- I^Jrtually Unopposed At.; W M l P V --- Bayreuther'a cottage, ^tfsaiujder.s .Miss Jacquelyn Coodl'ieh, four of 122 W .al^r .stfeet was elec­ DON WILLIS T?plnt. Nlantic.' Tliey^ are. ' re­ daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. A. ted secretaryyall-for terms,.pf six ■ . '' $ ;40'P. Ml. , lacks Bring Opinion j ^ Virtually Every Dam- quested to bring .box lunches, Goodrich, Of 9t Robert' Bond, is j month*. The office of tre.-iaurer GARAGE ASHES A^H) RUBBISH dlshes':ajid ellveriyfire. attending, the summer school In; was not fljfcd. ‘ , - Japs Dp xNoi. iiiteiui Over Unfit Aussies^ Knife Jap Civilians agerl Ship Back in I the College'of LlheVal-Arta'. North- ; "Complete Auto Servlee^ REMOVED Covenant - Congregational folks \Majoj Raymond K. Hagedorn :«eatiTf> Oomhiillee To Engage ''Americans wrsfeim University. Evanstori., 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAYS Action ' After ’ Being will enjoy an outdoor aerdee Sun- j An Executive committee conrist- ' Ills. ■ ■ .'/■ In .Air; Factories and Deep Into Ja{ Taking Own Cellars and YardVcieaned. day afternoon at four o'clock.: at Major Rayrnond F,. Hagedorn,' ipg/if the,officers. Kenneth Walk- .X 26 Off La«hefl by 138-MiIc I ' ■ ' ■ ----- ' ■ , - /N .. "Veterans'-. ConhseH'or for the. NeW er/Ueorge Fox.-Thomas Donahue, Call 5848 or 7487 Karl S,nHnson'a home I'fl'-llnp Ulver. ]' • Pvt Kenneth F Crj^tii, 83- Railroads W recked. A- aocl^ time vi’lth refrhMinieni.s 'ijepnrtiire Division ..of-' General ^ U.'Beale Jr... and PatncJt_Richv. : Lives Now Winils June 5; Four of ' R. CAMPOSEO Nortli KIni street. Pvt. Joseidi .1. MOl'iis, has hern appointed bv vnlunteCtXl for this service. Borneo Lines will follow the aervite. w hieft'.wll Kurzyiiski of 7 I'otUige street, .l-nd Vessels Participated Cfd^rnor P.aldwin'-to aerve aa - The meeting was ' op-ned by G^iJUFLOWER AND ' Guam. J*ily 13.-K/P)^Vir- , Regithuiong Relaxed hy 'i. ' be conducted by the pastor..' Rev. Xt, 'Frederick- Ik .Murphy, of 'J9 Reynold 6. Johnson. ReV. Johnson ' niembeXof the Connettlciit R ^ u Maljoney. the organizer of the dcr- BIDWELL'S SObA SHOP tually unopposed air bWws by ; '^Selective Service at In Last . C a r r i e. r M b ^ e ts ) place* are now at the plovmetil''''a''d Advisory Conwnis manl organization, in which he CABBAGE PLANTS d iii Reporting to Mass:, S]d(- la teaching during the ho-va“'peHod .Kiel(^AnlllerV Ite.plaqenieht Train- around 700 B-29s,.heavy and^ Dutch UnilB J in at the camp In Cromwell and wl^l sion for a l>yii of two yeai;s cited the, good olticrea. of -tho for­ Request qf A^my; Strike ... ~at Tokyo. iiig Cent>K.-Fhrt' .Bra^. N. C , for mer orgainzation. He said that at JOSfePlT^OVELlT ^ medium bombers, fighters. Left I’lank March Up cide^ to Avoitiy Uap- PATENT return in time for the Sunday sorv- ' Tliey are in B.at Governor iBiildwln R ecently ha.sic trainins^.^ — - ■ .signed a bill creH.tihg/thiq new the peak of efficiency .of the for-' . Mountain Road. QlaSton^ry ■tv and long-range .search planes I May Chaqge Jobs. ture by Americans tcea. ierv A, 12th Hkttallqn. Kariango x, PcninHiila G uam , .luly^ ' 13.-—(^P)-: MEDICINES conimissioii to replh^ the Con- mer Tnxpayerir .League the aum Phone Man. 8997 . across a 7^0-mile arQ-'or Ja­ ‘ -■ . Artillery Trsining'^f^gimei'^ of $19,000 was saved the taxpay­ In Interior Mindanao. ragitTR tvph oon 'lash ed Admi- Lowest Prieea In ttiwn! i nccticul Reemplnp'v()raefl,b C'lmmis- pan, extending fiorth and Washington, July 13,— (;P)— Men •To Encircle Nipponese niakes ers by offering a substitute list of X lal William F/-. (Bull) , TTal- A rth u r D ^ r Stores C^BiJ -M'l.enti. No 2 .'i2X Q rdc\ " f , -rion. The bill, H B 12 recornmondations! for . the anmujl announcement : south of Tokypi '^ were an­ 26 or over who do not meet the EAVES-^l-ROUr.H Scottish Clans, %vill meet lom'hrri'w' Conneeticut the first stale . the July 13.—(iPi— Airnste Headquarters. Arlijy Forces of aey’s T h ird fleet ^ t h 138 ^8«5 Main SL Tel. 8806 |Von- appropriations ■ and working ener-i’ nounced tod^. Promptly a Army’s regular physical stand­ Maiilla and CondiiKtora B*‘|iiilring evening k t eight o'clock in the MX.^lTnion to eslahnsh a state-. We wish to announce to bur many friends and pa­ .Pactfle, P. I.; July 13 - ^ ^ - Help­ ' mile an hour wipds last '3u t>Lh geticallv for them in-l'nwn meet- U. S. air general on Okinawa de- Seventh divialPn troopa, paced by or Replacinit vf>n Tour Home? .sonic■ e TempleTenihlc: . „ ., 'f'stued j W d ronimis.sionronimissinn to help trons, that we have sold our Electrical Contracting busi- ards ari? free today to change Joba 5, tore th^.bowr'^off the cruiser ' ■ '’brndd War I and TU veterans t idg- . . ■ clared "th* , Japa. in mV opinion, flame throwers and tanks, have less, terror-strickenn andN^IandN^irtually '■ ■ • . i ...... - ' Miihimey’s firleyaneea Oil Burners \ ness to John P. Bonino. .3.3 Eldridge Street, Manchester, without draft board permission. C ALL N44KMAN BK.NTZ Henry l>-i.slbr. Seaman He. U. S ..htVin -aatisfarlory...... a-.'r.rrs-r.l rvfi* employrnent,rmTvlnV'TT don’t Intend to engage us in the knifed deep into , Japane.sjp de­ deserted by their own Army 'dap*- Pitt.sburjj^and damaged at the recent expenditures _ '■''J ■ aiMl (Zonn. Phone Manchester 2-^0.327. . , - . At the request of the Army, Se­ 802 East Center HI reel N who has been at his luhiie m oiipoVtjinitlc.s. social rearijustment, air." These scenes of violence were recotded as New Tork publishers prepared to resume newspaper fenses or smashed stone ridge nes* civilians In Interior Min­ least 20 other warships, Ad- Mrs. Delia Sullivan ------Mr. Bonino worked for us for a long time before h# Japo Seen Hoarding Plane* lective .Ser\’ice last night relaxed Telephone S066 convaleaeent furlough fqr 42-dayr. 'guidane^. apd |wst-\yar planning 'ts regiilallons to exriude t^ese delivery after WLB'deprived'Newspaper and'Mail Deliverers union of previous privileges. Dominick north of captured Ballkpapan on danao island are resorting to mam roifal Clicster Wi Nimitz an­ Fiirnqces As enemy ' homeland factories .sPENorat ooKsm iai has reported at Boston, Mass, for ^counsel. \ was called to serve in the Armed Forces of our country. men froln the poasibillty .of induc­ Zenli left one of the strikers, was stabbed while trying to ’wrest papers from two Negro boy* near th« so(itheast Borneo in heavy fight­ suicides to avoid capture. nounced today after virtually A Few son Avniinhie. and raili-oads were wrecked and duty. ■ x X I A majority of the member* of t .Al l c e d a r s He has now returned and is fully capable to care for aiiy tion as lob-jumpers. , Dally New* plaiH. Hi* Condition t* serious. At right, striker tussles with Ixiy observed carrying cop­ ing. • ' A7i estimated 13.000 of Uie hsp- e v i^ da.roaged' .ship waa back in 5 Broad even' the smallest shipping sunk Ithe •conimis'kion must M . World | electrical work you may have and tve are sure he will Heretofore these registrants who ies of a New York dally.— (NJ?A telepboto.) ' ______. ' ______At .the same time, headquarters less civilians are'living 'dfi the actioh. ■ ' \ Street I War 1 ami ll vvoterniis and terms j RACKI.IFFE OIL CO. offshore. Brig. Gen. David F. s^vitched ernploymierrt without Ap­ reported today, Dirtch units joined At taqat four of the damagM 698 Maple Avenoe —' Hartford continue to give the same satisfactory service you have Hutchison of the Far ^Btast Air slopes of Mt- Apo.j^ Commanding I of their-fanied medium "Matilda" The cruiser PUtaburgh, which LADIES’ ______Griswold A. Chappell. Pres. ______land centers before dawn today. T , r-r«ffirp' — Four leaders o f different tions of town av^ailable. For . [ tanks. ■ ' ' 'V. miraculously stayed afloat, la GABARDINE'SH(>UTS ' returning pilot# reported. ^ ^ Athens, u y newanaper view s declared today * 4.5 ()()(| W c i r k c r s H I' In Briti.sh northwest Borheo, full particulars call. „ N o enemy fighters could be Three Killed ing refitted for action. Preaum* T^T was Senate ought to-rati- Tithe Aussla Ninth division made ■fpund aloft y e ^ rd a y as more than aj bly some' additional ahlpS, ® FIINERAI HtIME A RC^INDER! German Staff More Than Scorf *’ *;sulpri8e landing near Andua, ’J61 $1.88 120 Liberator alM} Mitchell bomb- V X •. UBlted sfif'.- identlfled, were damaged miles northeast of Beau-fort, while T F ^ __ _ 28 Main Street era and escorting'' fighters from r.itiea; Sto|»|»agcs In AirXrasli|;have not feturiied to aea. . LADIES’ r..,v<..c~. — ~ ladcBiBiljr Cowpaag When You Need More JARVIS «K^LTY GO. her territorial integrity and Prqm- t®* speedily 0 ^ ; another coliimn made ^a-. 10-miIe Phone 5289 Okinawa ripped into factories and Action Looms ler Admiral Petros Vouigaris said American responsibility in I too Foot High 8c*5 CHAMBRAY SHORTS Fire • • Autolnoblle 'Mane'hrater. Conn. railroadsrithe port of Aburatsu and New Hi^h for Month. advance along Beaufort to the Many ot the ship* were, badly "express Allied assurances justify .j-nt^rnational peace-keeping. Je.smlton narrow-gauge railway 4112 <»r 7275 the Naval air station of Kanoya on Pilot IjBfnlfi (]ri|>(4|eil hurt by-towering'loo foot high INSURANCE or Furnltare optimism. ” j w ithout oppoaition to occupy Ki- $ 1 . 4 4 weekday* and Sunday* Kyuahu. President WiUiani Gr^eh of By The Associated I’rCsiS acas. None was more heavily Wt M tr h Y oU i HH Small Shipping Eisenhower and Mont* | The premier called Up^ the--American Foderatiori of L»- ,V mania village, five miles south of Trai]i,s|M»rt in C orn fiel^ L A D I E S ’x Greek people in a spoet'h la.st 1 Labor disputes djsnipted f va than the fast, new heavy c r u ^ r i n s u r a n c e “Build with Jarvi* for Recnrity" The enemy Air Force relinquish­ I bor; John Foster Dulles, fqi-eign ■ 'Andii*: This brought the leading ] Pittsburgh. Bdiich was caught M9-8it General Trucking ;|(omery Expected to j night to have confidence in After M iil-Air CfilUsion B E T T E R G R A D E S H O R T S Arthur A. Knofla ed homeland skies so ' completely affairs advisor to Gov. Thofnaa E. rled line of industries in more than. pipnients within 30 miles of Jes- 'near the center of the storm off ______MAIN S’* ASHES REMDVED Greece’s "powerful Allies" and in Dewey in the 1944 presidential a score of cities today. keeping selton, which has been under daily 875 M ain St. ..Tel. 5440 C A L L ' ^ that f l ^ search planes flew nearly Make Decision Soon*, i her old friendship'wfth Yugoslavia. ______the Ryukyu Isianda. _ Open Thursday Until 9 P. M. 200 . miles north of Tokyo to hit campaign; Norman Thoma.s, for­ harassing-attack from Austrafian $2.68 RANGE AND FtJEI. OIL The newspaper quoted What-it Idle some 45,-000 ’i^lcersT Columbia. S. C , July 13.j-ujP)— | thunderous sea ripped off W4I “Ask Your Neighbor” smafi shipping off Sendai, then re,, mer Socialist candidate for presi­ ------Air Force Spitftres based on iM- Closed Saturday Al_5::t0 P. M. Frankfurt. July j3i--i ' Gen-j said was the highest authority in New cities were listed along the , . ... -— -—- r>-r While the passengers pi;ayed,lyed, thetb > feet ot her prow "and toaaad Itl ALEXANDER turned to Iwo—a round trip flight dent, and Philip Murray, presi­ buan and fhe Seventh . fleet MISSES’ BATHING SUITS JAMES A. WOODS its declaration UiaV .P.«>tcctipn of strike front number of ,l pllot of a crippled Eastern -Air. I aside .a-* ^ ^ .... . eral Eiseahower and-Fleld .Marahal- dent of the -ClO; ail endhrsed the boats. SixM. IS .1.0 16,...... r« ___ 29 P ^ H Street TtL'8568 If -You Wunt To of nearly 2.000 mile*. ..- Greek soil was guaranteed. ■stoppages hit a ’new high for the box to wallow in the atorro off th*. It. IS approximately T70 miles Montgomery are expected to de­ lines transport, brought the ship JARVIS charter. month. One strike which ended ship’s port side," reported ^ao- from Sendai to th* aouthernmost Continued Reports of Unison They appeared as witnesses In to10 an ' emergency landinglanuing in a» ; „|_tpd Press Corresoondent R o ^ . $ 3 . 8 8 te ALEXANDEB OTREET cide aoon on what to do with the in the last 24 hours enabled 7,900 1 (,/ im p s p (Nevertheless there were con­ t . a p t u r e Carolina,'cfornficld yesterday afterj-^* r-onris - Weekdnjr* and Snndasr* - Buy Or Sell target hit on Kyuahu. German general sta(f. tbe Senate Foreign Relations Yes; WTiile You Have the Tiinb,. It la Probitble and Super-Port bombardiers, build- tinued reports.. of tension between *committee's final day of hearings it collided iwith an Army plane 3.-- *** ' '* ■ -J •■ - I MEN’S At midnight tonight Supreme "' t I;;"' r<™-n <>/ T , m g k i , m f Capt. John E. Gingrich ordena Coventry Fragment Society's Office 6112 Realdenoe 7275 ir up the number of Japanese headquarters of the Allied Expedi­ Greece .and ho?^BaIkan nelghbof^ 50-nation agreement sign-[ ,1 -Th. OOO felk iipxklllipg two Army BATHING TRI NKS I.K)gical To Look Foiyvard To which have failed of : .settlementChungking. July, 13.--—(>P) the engine* reversed and awOTffl cltiea they have hit to 38. had to tionary force will be dissolved, but The Frenair Telegraph agency! gj j,an Francisco. - 1 Chungking. July, . fliers and .« two-year-old boy. -- 100"t> Wool. said the Albanians were continu-. ■ ^ after weeks of work stoppage the 665 foot ship preG*l4oi»*r ] HELP bomb by instrument through cloud the problem of handling the hun- Chinese high rommand said today The rhlWchild Was one of 20 nrpassen-• Ing to intern Greek nationals and Seen .aiding Ifreventlng War affected coal miners in lllinojs nfid that CTiinese troops pressing REAL bankV^but crews ^rought back dtads of high ranking staff and gers and three crewmen aboard | $ 2 . 8 4 ^ Annual Summer Festival/ July 18 had mobilized four military class­ preen, fir.st on tlie stand, told Penn.sylvania; newspaper printers ward the former American (Continued on Page ’Blgbtl A NEW, MODERN AND these ivpoTtsi. ■ . .------r------— field officers of thAOerman Army Boston-Miaml airliner, which i es. The Belgrade radio declared e'ofhmlttoe members the charter fn flC-'e cities; cigar worker.s^in K“"h*ien in Kian^,^ ^ PIANO TUNtNCj^ Rawasalri^oil cintar on reclaim­ who are prisoners of, the western' 'base city of BOYS’ t ASTEX TRtNKS the number , of refugees fleeing will make possible "collective Tampa.'-Fla.. and thousands dr-men proyinre, had-raptured thene liiKii-high- I 1 „_ ...... w—■_.! ed island in Tqkyo bifjt;—seven big Allies awaits final disposition. including the boyi*. At Community HpuSe Repairing Rebuilding ESTATE UP5Td-THE-MINUTE KITCHEN from Macedonia was increasing bargBining" between the nations and women employed in war , I a-I *v,ri«.a' Fo>ir others, 20 Carpenters fires started, v t^ le evJntorough British and American dfficer* way town of Tangkianp. 11 : „„ther Mrs A, E. Williams of! $ 1 . 9 7 , • V.- V aaiiy.daily. The loe Swiss radio aaid 30 that ought to go a long way to- Bought and Sold . j 'overcast; w ry slight enemy at­ held informal diacuasions on the plants. west, of their goal, and Fengkang. 1 Miami-, Fla,, were reported .serl-1 No^ G o v ^ r y > 20 Laborerp^ A t Hulgarian soldiers had crossed the ward preventing -war, Protest Meat Shortage tempt St Intereeptlw matter during Elsenhov/er’s ob- ■ ;pnTS’ Seven an<| a half miles',away. oiisly injured, and several were ‘ Retaii Sale.sroom A. G. McCROHON Greek border.) ' "The document itself is evidence One of the latest stoppages was Do your planning with tbe HOTPOI^T Tsurugs. 5!5 miles northwest aence. , Knnh*ien, if retaken,, would'; he OancihR Exhibit, Rolda Gibson Pppils; Pony Rides; 5 Brickluyer:; Phone 6619 Embros, in supporting its report I r the Will to peace dominating so at seven c(>al 'mines In southern shaken up. i ' (Late Ifiilletina ol the A7 VVIf*) N agoya--’’a steady r>d^ glow' .Theiie conversations touched on " ^ f. . ■ One of the pa.s.sengerii. Mrs. An- Fair Rrices —i----- I many I nations." he declared: "No Illinois. • At meetings last night, (Continued on Page- Four) ■ .'k OO and (L.IO. S u pper; .\dulis 81, Children under 10. 60c. 2 Stone.vMasons. • Planning Guide pyailable for the asking at tfibspossiblllty of breaking' up the MANCHESTER (O^Bnaed on Page Elgth) (Continued on Page Six) one nation would draft; the char­ officials of the Progressive Mine German general staff a.nd epn- ter as it now stands, but all in the himbta ”r^'ted^,St-’ O/ D. 0^-1 traveler* E l ^ s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V r a a o la MENIT: Hot iueat loaf, G a f i ^ Special nauee, parsley potatoes, TTainter Call demnin^v^a members to exile in Workers of America said 3,000 KNITTING ALICE COFRAN . spirit of tolerance - are willing to. employes in the .seven mines went; string iM'aiis,’ tossed green salad,,rolls, butter, coffee; blueberry British CKhra colonle* throughout accept a document which repre­ sliojtcake, u iiipped ereani. Re'wrvntlon* close Monday. I Dial > > A p p ly (Known A* (|ueeR AlloeV ’ on record refu.sing. to go to work • •• ' ' '\ , Seventh Daoghter of a Seventh Son thpiworld. bht^he talks were re­ sents the h igh -^iat of mutual 20.000 Tried She said she noticed the Army'J man of the Jtl;»se”w Baa- MILLS 8628, Maiicli.'sler; SS.54 .1-1, Wlllimantle. ^ garded as no. lapre than ground Copy Friendly as s protest.agaln.st the shortage, Bom With a Veil FirkigSqiiad agreement." * ■veePtag in towaril us from Wm. F. Johnson clearing expeditihim aasqmbltng jnt.rmeat; ' . > Manchester Green' Sale of lnrants’ Clothes, Aprons and Faneii’ 'Goods. Jarvis Realty Co, Reading* Dally. Jnrludlng-Snaday. Dulles, who served-a* chief, ad­ arid added that "I think d«H ‘n^l’r ^ h r .b a t a ^ n W d data taj>« presentedHo^ii^how^ '■' a resOhition adopteil, by the lo r 1 reason about three seconds be- diitlC* «» ^ 9 A. M. to 9 P M. or By Ap|Hilni- Builder — Real Estate Way^ oHleds visor to ■ the American delegation miners said: '"W e stay at-hom e OPEN DAILY 8;00 P. M„ S-Act riny,:‘Tno1f -loshua I*erklns,.’’ by C.O.D. flasa. 6 D o v er Road ^er er and Mod'liigomery. at San Francisco, sa^id in a state­ menl In the Service of the Peo­ 533 MAIN STREET • TELEPHONE 6227 fr'qm work in the mines as a pro­ fore we crashed. tae ‘ ^ o r i S S T ^ Of the ca^ured Germalx.'mili­ ment prepared for delivery before "There, was ho panic at all formerl> ^ ’9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Second Oongi'egatlohar Churrh, Norih Coventry. Phone 4112 or 7275 ple fur SO Veer*. ' JohoMn-Built Homes test until we get more meat and tary hierarchy ‘One SHAEF officer the committee that 1,'the United 30.000 .More RpinaiiK^among the passengers “f ^ r ^he SPIBITUAL MEDIUM points." Ni^k Zantel-s, president ; . Week Days and Sundays . Open Saturdays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. . Murderer of aaid: American, Briti8|i Sol* States (8 at the parting of the collision or during the 15 or ^ l 1, - , /acher the dlreotora 169 Church street, Hartford. Coon. b r o a d S T R E E T of Local 1. PMWA. repre.senting ; F a c p J im I j u j u p iiI B « ^ A. ‘ Phone 6-2024 •\ (7as*lfled Military Prisoner* wavs. - r; second* It took the pilot to ,i„.ijpd t« divide the coX TELEPHONE 7426 Calm ly Serves "Some o f .them ought to be shot iers in Berlin Wfnk 2;00tf.miper8. said the miners "feel "Either we must act to continue ' f o r e F r e n c h (w n ir K v lu s down to a gentle ilanding." snid ,ip„a.sing responsIbUltleal as criminals and undoubtedly will AtN5lon-F>alerflizatioii. the association of the United N a­ there is'not much use to work if "t : , '■ V W aiting Reporl^s be. Others must he regarded pure you can’t eat." He said no cafe­ lietwe.-n t « « men. -.Xt the samel 4— . - - tions or we must let that associa­ (tVntinued on Page Eight) tion lapse and go it alone," he de­ terias were-avaUahle at the nflnes, Pari.s,/July 13.— More than m-’eti’ng. lilailen \V. Baker " '• ’*L fContinued oh Page ko'ur) Berlin. Jul>OS — To the for the workers and the.y had 1° 20.OOO. people have stood trial id Ciected to the vacam v on the boardi Salt Lake City, July 13.-r(/P> A clared in urging approval of the caiiw-d bv the death of Mr. Zeeher.l few mlnutea [after calmly *etving great relief of G ^ . Joe' and Tommy Charter. ' ' carry their lunches. the dine months' purge iof F-rench Information Oh What Is Atkins, w hen'yoirs^n B'crlln you 'll G. L WILLIS a. SON, INC. cherry pie to ‘repqrtdfa, James- Jo­ Fiisltion Would Be Belt«;r Sink Deliveries Normal collaborationists, hut 30,000 .more' do as tlM Russians dtx Thomas, in a prepared state- jMoiiey Fijjlit Brllish ShelK.Nicoliar seph -Roedl, ’ shatTJ-Wced, young Milk deliveries in Uetroil: wece'irenvain to face judgment. Minis; 'ulcutta. July IS— Britls Mbre Travel in otlibr words, A m ^can and- hack, tu normal today for the first ; (py „f .Justice figures reveal, Lumber of All-Kinds \ murdeif'er of a woman school teach- British troops in the Gefritan capi­ fleet units havo bombarded U en died before a firing squad in the (Continued on' Page Eight) . time since, Monday as the 1.000 i The courts have passed 994 ' Goinjg Qn ^Frqm Your__ tal-m ost of whoip are fed up^-syitb Won hy O WI .drate^e .Xicobar Islands whIU - Mason Supplies-^Paint— Hardware ■Utah prison yaril at daybreak to­ .striking employes of two" dairies | verdi,eia. 6fl0 sentencfs of Curbs Loom the non-fratemizatlon policy H " returned to vilork. 'The- wnjkoOt i hard Mabpr for life. 4,638 ■ hthe'r, , . carrier planes attacked ate flele s, day. : torce in western Germany — are _ ., Treasury Balance , in north .les't Sumatra, Southeast % Balsam Wool Insnlation ‘ ‘ He drank. coffee and. smoked a had deprived a half mlllioa ,De-; hard labor .sentenres, U()63 of im- -coiiylng the, internationally friend­ G o n ip T O * .Xsia, comniand headquarters FORD DEALER troitera of their milk. f 'l prisonment 'for flVe years or more .Senale-iloiise cigar, then, calmly aaid “So long" ,\Va*hlngton, July 1 3 -^ ^ —-The lOniK»4 MI • ------— I ly ways of the Red Arnny ,ln peace­ Labor dLspute.s'coptinne before the black hood was slipped Johnson- Says Restric position of tlje Treasury, July 11.: in is e o n munioiie.tiuiniqiie. VXhileVihile flee fleet units attack^ time.' ■ -- There were 3,31.5;ricquittod. OIL over hi* head. ■■ Nothing Changed In Rule B«Mik ; ' Receipts, $9,5.634,102.73; ex­ a-nd-curtail publication and dlstri- The .30-30 caliber -bullets .from tions Will Affect Pub­ Slow handling of the long fists H o ilb P . .ed the Mnyba'''*'. P 'a "” "Z. The generals may say that noth­ penditures.' $231..564,009.15; net F a v o r e i l ill their e.xplosives on the tsUind*. T r (Ikintinued on Page SU ) of Frenchmeri Charged with aiding Tel. 5125 the flve-man firing squad thudded ing has been changed in the rule balance, $24.842.813,178.,59, Mcobars lie 280 mile* porthwest 2 Main St. Into the thin chesf, of the 27-year- lic in All Categories. the Gerrnahs drew sharp fire' from Liberator Squadron ' book since they ntioved more than Washington, July - 'I’*- Tbe Sumatra, riph Dutch oil produclnj old Oklahoma City man at 5(57 ■pneakers at the convention of re­ A 30,000 American and British sol­ Office of XVar Information won a island, .and aliout 9O0 mile* . oa The Finest in - r - “ ■ Waahirington,igton, July 13-—(/P)— sistance groups this week. They Plans are being cootpieted for first aniiiveraa'ry cele- ■ a. m., m."w..<. diers into Berlin. But. things financial fight in the -Honse today Singapore. They are 400 .mile* ODT Difector J. Monroe Johnson charged that "the purge is .being Roefdl. like all persons con­ nevertheless seem to be diff*reht. as a move ot hold its current year [west Of, the KKA peninsula of bratlon on May 22 by "Flight One” of I.iberator Squad- , ' demned to death In Utah, had to i-ondui-li>d in-n strange manner."t ■ays further civilian travel re- Ivanovich — ' the Red Army Roheris^Sees ‘No TeetIC filifds to‘ $l8,000,tK)0 was b^*ritf‘n j.Malava, linking^ Singapore to U DESIGN ron of CHII A ir Patrol. "Flight .One” unit Is composed choose between the firing fine and strictiopa are forthcoming "in ail -Thin Line of Division equivalent of G. I. .Ioe« operates i- dowii decisively. -, mainland otv\.'>’a. ' of Ford Motor, Company employees with headquarter* the- gallows. categoriea, not aimed particularly L I.f the eoui'ls move slowly, su- • • ■* on the understanding that he's not In .United Ndtions Pact ics ((niit. it is becau.se only a A, stand.ing vote ,j0f 140 to ,58. BreshaTnto Sob* at aporta.” ' tHoritif New Altitude Xlark Set • WORKMANSHIP •t'lCkmp Rotunda, Dewrbom, supposed to take dyed in the wool thin" line fiiequently divided' A’rol- with'*Repuhlicans furnishing inost FRESH—TODAY! Rev. J. P. Moreton,-* a prison Johnson's comment to reporters Seattle, July 18—(.Pi—UHthWnrt Nazis to his bosom. He believes laboration’ from simply living and of the opposition, upheld a Senate- chaplain, said that after'Roedl was followed tbe ba^ against shipping that Nazi* pippeHy belong behind "like a homesick angel”— In tl»el Liberator Squadron la named In honor of the Ford- Phocnixvlllri Pa.V July IS.—(-P)-. He proposed that the people of working ' under German occupa­ House compromise giving OWI ♦M A T E R IA L strapped In the old wooden chair race lioraes or show,- animals by. bar*, end th ^ German* who are $35,000,000. The compromise still wortl* of the co-pllot—^ B-17 Fly-| . used In many, previous executions, the T'nited Na- the United States seek "a gpvenr- tion. a line' not always ea.sy to built B-24 Liberator bomber and 6as headquarters In one rail or othor public carriers. not Nazi* are'entitledJfo be treat­ -A ssertln g (that the United Na nations" requires Senate approval, but th.it, ing Forlre** rose 48,499 feet Inte find. ' of . the barrseka of the mWtary police unit stationed at ^ he broke Into sobs. Thin was not ‘ Other Office of Defense Trans- ed without rare hatred. .. Premier tiona charter shas ‘ no teeth, maintain peace. body earlier had voted OWI $39,- I the skv Wednesday ahd the B( " SOFT SHELL CRABS Regardless of the type of discernible to reporter* 25 feet The eases that dreW dqath ver­ poi^tlon officials, \ reiterating Stalin’* -..wortta to that effect ap­ 670’215. I Ing .Aircraft Com|»any claimed Memorial you may desire, Camp Rotunda. It , hi a rapidly growing squadron, fully ' away. Three of the reporters wqre Owen J. Roberts, retiring U. S. -w e should invite the world to dicts or life sentences seldom pre­ Two Soft Shell Crabs On Toast. French hope .,that actual travel rationing pear on.';jnany signboard*. OW j's appropriation wa"s one of ! «lay .the mark ha* a new altin staffed with more than 100 members romposed of Ford' girls.- -V can he avoided, said other steps, Supreme court jiiatlce, told Kls join us In a Charter within" " the .sentedsented difficulties for judges-and we can design, prodoee and Therefdrf. when Ivan saunter* ...... ,. d 'V. -.4 Muries, like the supreme (venalty fpr , 33 It^is in disagreen . rrs'ord fo'r. p la {^ In the tniteo Fried. Potatbee, Cole Slaw and Tartar employee* as aenlor member* and a cadet group ranging - S 'Die condemned killer spent the possibly a shifting of additional fellow townsmen It is up to the League of Natioria,. he said. ulace it foe you. We iruar- out in the early evening he feel* | Amert.:an people to lead the way -"It ■- is your _ u,.unh«r^.. business. ’ Roberts.*,,. Imposed XVednesdayWednesday onbn | tbe Sebate imd tjie House Stalest .Xnother type of ph •eweaeeaaeeeeeaee* •••epeeeeet night in the pyiso.n chapel witfi day. coaches to the military pool, reached 56,046 feet ovdr Itgly 8 5 ' antee every Memorial we In age from 18 to 17ird $769,364,850 war agencies supply Father Moreton. i may satiny tbe mounting troop venient cafe', strike up an acquaint­ 1988 but Boeing aaid the flight GLASS TOP JARS (One Soft SheM Crab Served As Above, 50c). training hi radio, metoiWology, navigation, pre-flight, and . peoples of the earth. " c, „ . Haw Haw,” or last April on Gen. bill that had been deadlocked more build .^to be lastinply satis­ It waa In the chapel that Roedl. ■deployment demand on accommo­ ance with Any German girl and in­ than a month .over fundq for the “The Shadow” this week waa alrineft Mentlfleattoa. Arin^ Air Forces also has Issued In his first public appearance ■ •Xl'nderslandtng" at Conferenes' Dentz. who fought the Bnt- factory. ' tailring ahd laughing, cut slices of dations. -- vite her to dance, ahd drink *ith Fair Employment Prac'ttce. fcom- world re«‘flfB Thr four-englned air since his retirement was announcr Roberts credited-the San Fran- 1 occupation of Syria . much |>emuuient equipment for pse in ronprctlnn with pie and handed uieoe diit with cups May Need More Sleeping Cars him. mittee. The FEPC fight waa craft. Take Home of coffee to newspapermen. aaad uyby Pre.sidentrre.siuetn Truman." .w,/-;.Roberts cisco-conference with having “un-, Death sentence* have been ftv- • • • Quarts - - 8 9 c doi^ these ylaaaea. ' ' . Lapt week, in announcing with*- In'the past week American iuid denied last night the existence of 1 de'rstqhdlng.’; Jts alma, he pointed . absentia againat VIchy’a settled yesterday with , both Roedl was oonvicted of killing draw'ai of sleeping car service be­ British troop* *l*o have been branches voting it $250,000. less .Alla Nazimova Die* A Toasted Soft Shell ^ N C H E S T E R Mea. AWgall Agnea Williams, San “internatloiial law. idut, are to "live a* brotherti (joy^mn^ent Pierra Laval. q*iBl* With new, aoo- tween poiiits 4.10 milea or less crowding night spot* favored by than half Its budget estimate. tAm Angeles, July IS— (P>—A Any Ford employee or relative of an employee I* I,eandro. Calif., in Octobef, 1942. The only law between natlon*.’’ | should, 'recognizing the complete! jj, Edueation Minister-Abel Bon- Nazimova, 66-year-old Bv aoBical *oap-typ« d ii- apart, Johnson said 'aUU more the Ruasishe. • said “is the law of tooth and | sovereignty of every, nation. -j-nard and-Marcel-Deat, coUaborar Still In Controver*.v Crab Sandwich MEMORIAL eligible to Join the Ford unit. Enlistments are reoejt-ed anu leaving her battered body, ly Xry to INscoorage Dancing he Still in coBtrqveray in the House B o m 'ia r U ^ dleH today In infactoat. On* ounca sleeping cars might have to oe ' "Transgre.ssdrs may be reason- tionlst editor, but. the kentehees Buka* quL of cpioy. Pints - - 79c doz. - every Tuesday at tlM headquarters. Mea anjl women up ing alongside an easterti Utah .taken over, to .carry troopa across Last Monday, British, Canadian cIr^* before the compromise goes to the Samaritan hospital. The Does Not Providei for PeAce ad with, economic sanctions may probably never will be carried out dramatic actre#*, ooee the to highway. . the country., and American military pfiUca — Senate for final approval ta a CO iyiPAN Y 8e,i5 are eBglhle. * Hla companion. Leroy Edward Xhe charter does not provide be enforced or meml^r ' nationa without a retrial. In person. of world capitals for her garijl Along with Jqhnaon's prediction opersi^Ung in teams— began trying may 1)* asked to send their forces The brilliant aclentiat George* House-voted and Sepate-rejected A. Almeni. Pros- Ritchey, pleaded guilty and waa to discourage public dancing by to t peace becauke the power of provision excluding . agricultural •B (« In Itmn* and. (VNaff gli yeMerday of new bana "in aU to cpmpel obedience. Claude, an inventor of neon .light­ has b een la Hollywood tho ^ g| sentenc^ to life Imprlaonment; categories" of travel. ReprfeaenU- troopa of.the western Allies along veto enables member nation# to workers from Jurisdiction of the OOR. PEAfU. A N U H AM USO N Roedl waa convicted and condenwi- t ^ It "oiit die window" at any "But there 14 no compulsion to ing, la among*,thoae now serving few year*, appeartag In MMffJ tlve De Lacy (D., Wash.)( in a such bright light avenue* as W ar Inbor Board. s r n u e m time they *0 desire, the • veteran ^ this. . . .; All Interhatlonal po- ■ilft term*. .tiireo os "The Bridge of Ih If r in c e s s r e s t a u r a n t House ape^h tfenianded that use Kurfiierstendanim. These were mostly supi-eme Representative'Taber of New Spends L*at Biiy fjuletly Jurlat told his townspeople artd %ca force,’* he ■,# d. ’’mnst have a ffey," "la Our Tin**."' a*d CHECKERBOARD FEED STORE *Tood That’s Fit For A King” / TELEPH O NE 7787 OB 5tt7 Dillon Sales and Service of all private rqUroad ^*r* . be "Take it easy, soldier,” was The dark haired. b*ldlnj| pi laon- Army veterans from Valley Forge form of international government fOaaManad *b-P*ar«- EiffbM ‘ Tea Awnv." M AIN STREET AT PEARL STREET GENUINE FORD FARTS halted untH the transportation .behind it with Igw’ and authority (OaathMMfl ea rags OpM SuaSayo. (4paattaiMg *■ Page ra w D General hospital. 16 COTTAGE STREET TELEPHONE 7711 (CMNimad ou 1 7 ^ Esmrl ^ erisiB aaaea . Bar UUaiffi a s * ,— V Mosayt 130 CENTER STREET TELEPHONE il9> -I I ■f. PA<;K: THUm^ 5STER EVENING HERALD. M ANCHESTER.-^NN, Fll! DA V. J ULV-VJ.. li; 15

X- MANCHESTER EVENH^g JIERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY. JljLlT 18, 1945 I^AGE TWO V- 8 hcadstoiie bcgaii arriving here I . GraVe of CJliild- alter, newspaper stories last Fii- said that it isMhe intention of fopinriila .'as It stan,ds or make htI Deilics r Data day-!2-thc first anniversary of the Are—rtold o f still continuing ef- , leaders In the organization to nges. ^ap. (liviliaiis l>’tirm ued by ^Broader Scope broaden the scope vof the activi­ Studies Would liaiige ^ithmaR Plea forts to identify "Little Miss ifflcc ot To Be Marked Number 1565’t and described how ties of the Manchester ■ Improve­ Adoption of Petition selectivt The Taking (JwiT Holl Pric^ Adndnutratton Barber and Lovt-e periodically dec­ F,/ ment Association.. He asserted jtrlce control ayate would re- Terms Re^^al Deportment of • • • Of Improvers today ihafthere is miich that can Price Coiitf .^rSe the course I . Dmi\i OK’d by Board orate her grave with flowers. Informatlpn V Mayor V^lllam H. Mortensen be done to improve conditions at ■ Now American Cenorsitv to tha tliat steps to harness nation Ri»al Ehlale Devolojicr told the pollee commissioners last the north end of the town and that wem^aken before the'war. PoctoT 55 f#em a central monument for the graves the association after the .summer, rials, partlchlarl^-Rtefals It wa.s, President Declares. Several . Croiiiimxlities. for' Two I’rivales. told Maj. B. M. Reid, 321. Letcher East Center Street. Book Four redrt;u / o«$istamps K2 Hartford; July, 13—t/P)—Ameri­ of all the unidentified dead. months so that a general program | not until the srrriilg Of^l942 avfniie, Lexington, 'Va., ataf^ officer The application of Oak Hill, Inc., Besides the money contributions for progress at the riorth end can : through P2 good Uhoiigh July 31; can-generosity is Ifoing to pro-v'ide /iDPA’a general rijazlniitm..' p, .Inly, n iA^l Maj. of fhe 24 th division, h^'had .seen swners of the former R. O. Cheney which PoliiV .Chief Michael .1-. ■ Ceorge H. Williams, president of be adopted and means of promul­ Wftshiligt^V .lulv 1.1 ■ An ; Dr. Barney Wichman recently Q'J -through U2 good through Aug. a monument for the 9? * regulation put blanhci conti^M u ^iira'iKl has reconi-J the group' him.self, AIT had their property located between- Forest. 31; V2 througfr Z2 goqd through Godfrey said had come from wide­ ‘,th« Mancheater Improvement A.a- gating the program takep.', ‘ (rHAy hJdepirint'for the first step to cffecl. , turned down in hia request for tie girl-hobody knows—0t(c of the -mended.-that thevdeath sentences throats cut and some of the bodies ::hestnut and Partt s t r e e t s ,^ Sgpt.. c(0; A ^ t h r o u g h ^ l good ly separated parts,of the. country, ‘ aociation, today announced hia I toward li'fUng price cimtrola is bc’- j OfficiSIs ' emphasized ' By W IIJ J .W T A ; O’Brien. M.D, permission to uae the hquae at 117 six still unidentified virt-lms-pf the Of- two American j^yatea, accuaed 'were tiirn by artillery fire, he through 31. , three monumont makers, William ingstudied todiiv bv iStablliziition plan rforea n ot/<^l w^ith (Written fdr NE.A Seitvlce) said, East Center street for hi* office on. mission to conyyrf!^tW Barnum and Bailey RlnglTOg Allenwood Murray and BeiJ ’and :selection o f two important comntit- Only riffbr »nd nient l.eft of killing a , Chinese kfandmbther ' ^ Jrt-ocessed Foods tllrector Wililam H. Davi^. ' "nioval or^ontrola oy^tijoW n- Glvie yotir. akin a chance to grt ., 'S Story Told by Surs lvor ic&’cn apartjrtcnls, was/^csented Brothers’ circu.s fire here a yeSg Company, both of Hait- ■■■ ■' ■' X ■ tees in the organization. He has in a di.^ute over a' watet; buftalo thg ground floor and a dental of­ Book/ Four blue stamps Williams Burner, and induatna)/commodities used,,t6 exposure and you won’t be lo the Zonihg Board o^Appcals by ago. ‘ ■ ' ford,, and,I^ieholas Chi istophcr ql Oakland, Calif.—^>Ti ^ I r s . JulKi In preparation si'veral. mOntha, be commuted to 20 years >1. hard He. said the sole aiirvivor. a'girl fice hn the segond floor, had better , chosen Joseph Dyer tp he.chairman expeeJ^d to remai short Siir surtburned this year. A ll you need E. J. 1^11, prjhcipaK ownei'. last Ih ro ii^ X2. good through July 31; The city Boa^ of Police Com­ Paterson, N. .1,, have offered lb KUngep-Smith wanted to avolddhevOii the plan sets up standard.s'vJHieh labor. ,. , ^X.’ about .12 year* old, told him this luck last night.'" " 'li/ Z 'Z and A1 through Cl good o f the board .of directors. .The other ply for some lothing. forj X The men, condemned, by 'a KuJ»< is a little protective coloring before story: r.ight. ' ' / missioners vojed la.st night to ac­ prowClr a headstone for ^;LlUle acute fnay area hfiuaing shortage would permit tiumeilinte elirtiiiin- iM oiigh Aug. 31; D1 through H I cept cbntTijKUlons that have come members of the directorship are: example, and imer (jn-oduclB iiihig court martial June 29. kre .-YOU atact aun bathing In earnest. Their party had been left behind Wichman had a new petition be­ 'The matter was the last taken, Miss Number' 1565.” ' aij.ahe kept her flve-rooip hilltop tion of eeilinga^ on a number of ood through Sept. 30; J1 through to the Ihm ford police department Frank Nackowski," George Snow, being , made for the John V. Brennan.. West Hartford, YOU may not have noticed It but by. retreating iiViperlaHroopa witll fore the Zoning Boafd of Appeals up In the executive session of the Dante Pagani and Ronald Lingard. cottage here untehahted. Ttxday commodities. Others would he time since /yharl Harbor, mdiv.. adults than youngatera de­ at Its meeting. He askerf to use the board and the final vote was th re Z N 1 -^ood through Oct. 31 from aJl over the country to buy she arrived from hep other home, in freed as certain ■ conditions were ! Conn., and, James F. ^ ^ p e r , Nor­ thousands of other civilians who L»iispensable Team Mr. Williams also chose as a slateil to s3ta\e under ceilings wood. Ohio. Both are ,10. velop kunburna. Sunburn la not 4 first floor, for. his office apd th e’ Bgainst the requc.st,. one for ^ d Sugar B headstone for. the ghive of "Lit- | southern Callfornla^for a vi^lt and met. ' broke into small bands to search . V I by-laws revision committee the fol­ many mu\is* .tppriiNUl X That, is the name—taken from services of >itfpply in the China may result from over.exposure. In­ They had no medicine* and suf­ quarters. If he was to make hfs ’ Explains Hli. I ’ la n sV . through Aitig. 31 fort^ve p oiin ^ mi.s.sing.' In fa^^ nothing was left ■Officials familiar with' the pro- , the number of _her grave in a ^ Oil Bur^eH V for Summer Wardrobes ^ ' Bowers, .chairman: W'alttr E . ‘ theater^.^'recommended also that tel i'igentexpoiure of the skin • to fered from malaria, "rtiey were home there he would not have fd ''Mf. Holl told of hi.s p l ^ t o cop- Extra sUmp, v^lftrSejit. 1. bard and Leon A. Thorp. He in­ but a floor arjrf Jiaaement.' posai, which requires Davis’ a p - '| v the summer sun w ill prevent sun­ seek the exception, but he Joes Wind.sor cemeteryr^ given, to the « ih1- proval before it can be put into : .Ir, l l l p / the roe'll lie dishoftqrably discharg­ forced to depend on wild potatoes vert 'the building into ^artm ents, ^dSthoes ^ y ' tends to„naroe a membership com­ 'ill ed'knd forfeit all ^ y and allow­ burn. . ■ . ’ tor food. Then sick and .starving, not intend ,to live there. This is giyjUT^ each a. flrenlace and a Book Three airplane'stamps 1, girl, believed to have been . six effect, said it provUJtes for rcmnv.al | ..years old when she died in the fire Fur iroe Jind easy living, men,, 1hc.se are those mittee Soon and a drive for a larg­ Naval/estimates are that 5,000 ances'due or to beconro,.dUe'during Sun light-is made UpNjf different why the. hearing wa.s ..held last bathroom in addttii^ to other fea- ana 3 good indefinitely. OP A Furraces ,beaehi>gs by landing' eraft are or .suspension of prieexconJrol.s on they found Ihefn.selves , 'between 2 with 167 other persona, by Detec­ er enrollment in the a.ssoclatlon •hipg <)vt*r Unfit X I confinement. .The theateryonimah- kinds 'o f rays. The heat rays are thfv^-American .and Japanese lings. roighti ■- turesj He said he^had taken into no plans to c^w l^an y. Next fliese grounds tive SergL Thomas C. Barber and A Few StIH AvaUahle.' indispen.sable'items that hold first place in your^ fs A W i wilLbS conducted In the fall. roquirvd to put 2.50JI00 men on a der,,\ Lieut. Gen. Abert C.\\Vede- relatively long and do not pene­ The frightened' niother.s killed lilH.First R*'qiieat' consideration the amount of land .gtamp .valid A u g 1/ - ' , J^-Ime president of the association tuiKlle shore.^^^/ ; r. Where a commodity is >q trate 'the akin, but the short ultra Detective Edward T. Low-e. Those • W I M fleient supply to elimin.ate dabgi’ r j.mcyer, still’ must paS.s. oh thwepurt their children and then themselves.. His first request for the change lequfred for each tenant and. in- . RACKLIKFE OH CO. summer wardrolie; ' fJet the most out «»^hj'ouf-'(»^- ()f 26 OffI martial and Aurand’a tfcorornen.- violet fays do. The proportion of officers have de,voted much of their of inflalitmary prices. In ..gonerfil Tho.se W’hn could not commit sui­ was turned down by a vote of- two stead of 7,op« s^at-e fert he coupons good for six gal- off-duty* tim e’Wrtthe pa.st year to 89$'. Maple Avenoe — l|artfnr(t - [ dation. ,■' » the various' w^vea.^ In the apnlight cide 'Werd-destrny(Hl-by their eom- again.st and three voting for it. Ib - ■' /■■■M tfiia would _,cover items f e l l i n g | Z**Lnofhl> 5OT0 tons eagh through Sept. 21.‘.,..,B-7, efforts to leam her-identity.; Tel. Hamnril 't-^191 ■ duty hours by wearing clothes that give the maxi* (rontlniied''From Page One) i The court martial aenteqiced, 'are ahvays the^aanie but they reach punlons. ' ' '' uikes but -twp votes to. reject but X aVibaladUally under the c< the earth in different amounts ac­ had a W .set b -8, O T and C-8 coupons good for Child's Body Unmarked • -2. If an jirticle ;fs'Ofy^mall im- •_____ 4 . I Brennan and Cooper ',‘to be Shot tllven Onl.v Scanty Rations four votes afe hecessarj' to grant imim in (.’omfori withtiul Imvering your $lslndarda w=/- 4-F 2 2-fe (Fr-:^*’ death with, musketry." Cooper cording’ to ’ the ^aaon and the a change.;'’ -■ I She was an exceptionally pretty portanee tq.-fhe oivljii^ economy, ^ condition of the atmosphere ...* One Japanese woman prisoner, child, her body was unmarked so or the malntenanceyif ceilings i8;kprf 2-B (L i.. All o f these are ? is married and his wife lives at Last night Dr. Wichman Aold of smart dressing. .Make it^your busine.>ss lu.sfop miere Ha a.certain amount of col­ Higa Yo.su. said the Japanese sol­ that she should have been easily TRY THIS M e w t r e a t m e n t an adniihiatrative y b 'o u t of pniX^a.Mses for men who do not meet Norwood. The.v have ’no children. the board that the cost o f rtrve 'n - osiy S oS' b," .ht o„t [ p ™ » « S S oring/ mktter in every akin. diers had forced them to ^ o r k on identified and the police say it is ^ por(ion to the effom a higher^ri^e : regular physical standards.^ Brennan is single. Both have been house w as such that he feU. he _in today for your summer needs. Under 'th e 'stimulation of the Bcanty field rations and hadtakkh almost unbelievable that nobody 1 FOR DRY, SENSITIVE SKIN vyofild have oh-Ofr cost.of jiving. I, The Army was' understood, to overseas since 1941. would be injured financially'if he ultraviolet rays, this.color in­ some of the 'Woroen into their Period has come forward to claim her. j White the nmn .seta forth no ! have- requested the chiings* heeausr The-, dead woman was Mrs, was not allowed to use the houSe NUUSERY 1: creases ' in qiiantlty. until a tan camps as "comfort gjajs.'* She s.-iid season .-The: contributions of money fo r'’ speeiffc itenyw'hich rriight qiialif.v, f It opposes anjr' substnntlni increa.se ' CJhaog Tsen-Shih, 71. as an office. This was told the. appears. This is Hie skin's way twl» of her-sisters 'were taken. an b P A .ofnoiaL.^edlcted that a ' In the number of its men nt>t qual- I board by his attorney, George 'Mr. Holl told t lie'board he had now valid, The War-depuftment is inves­ of protecting itself against the Lieut, Roljert E. Lee, 129 West SPECIALS VW’.V . lii/ge,>TOumber" prohiiblv illed f0r-eoml>nt dutv. Pn the first 33rd str'ert'. Minnea{>olis. Minn., Lessner. Mr. Lessner also , ^ d over 100 letter^ asking for apart- 'I tigating'the (•ase^ harmful effect of the sun’s rays. Due to Uie new' 44 hoUrs a week wo^ld pattern. fivem onths of thi»-, year, about. who has charge ofi-Jhe internment since phblieity was glvep tXthc m'ents o f this- kind. He al.so pre­ The men conuqided: .The.v ■ !4onie .Are Sensitive Tset that his client intei^d to sented a layout sho,wing the lo­ work schedule put into effect in the first standard aluurt- 52 000' joh-jumpers wel-e placed in mounted the water b ^ a lo in. a Moderate exposure’ to tht sUn camp, is preparing n o handle at COS.METir;.S V 1-A,.subject to induction under re­ mdvg, the owner of the building cation of {he building and the num­ all government agencies a new nurri/t\’as mentioned a.s one_ of the Chinese village "intendmg to take produces a feeling of warraui and least 5,000. iOther camh# vrill he Helena Ruhenstein - -J laxed physical standards. • ' wher^-Jie now. has his pmee, has ber of lots he had plotted. He schedule of hours for the transac­ raw materials that might he a ride nnd'have a little fun,” V il- , relaxation f.oIlowen favor of the tequest. R E M O S l:n said there was no indication yet,! to skin cancer* early In fife. tiny against the officers. N e e d s Vi o r k e r s f Thursdays:. 10 a. . m. to 4:16 BATHINETTE whether, Davis will appmve the ru h lie Rc^cpl^ii Saliirclavs at 6 Persons differ greatly in their p. m. TELEPHONE 8M2 ^ Sport Coats su.sceptibility to sUnlight, Blondes'|- Z Fridays 10 s. m.~lo 4:15 p. m. *are more sensitive than brunettes. ' - ''«7.95 ' Hartford. July i^Pi — State Saturdays: 10 a. in; to 12 noon. GAVjgt LO & E. SCHULZ IVarrantfe Deeds Skin , o f brunettes is -u-Suall.v 13 Pla'stic finish hih with rubber \ Clifford's Men’s and Boys' Shop, To Tell Kiwani8 Manpower Director \V. J. Fi^zger. ■ Office telephone 6189. . ; j Z - John .and ^t^J:y . Deniko....and.; 94.7- Main otreet,-siS- cl,osing Satur­ th^pgsr.. contains m ore, alh .and DANCE -■ ... . hu.se. _ -(^'jinve.nieTit. die.Ssing, ’’ Sport Pants ANDOVEU- Susan .Siichan.sky to the Allen ns more easily. Although brun- I^^ern and Old Fashioned ' aid said loday W ar there was.. S'* shelf. 'V’aliie; . X day nights at 6. emring the months Ahotil Farm Lia’ '■critical demand” for . men a.i.l LiQUID COSMITTC Dlit Realty Company, property located nmereoi"' *how le.ss tendency to sun- MORE NEW TI r ES AVAILABLE! A tipnrmi >lti)re a n d 5 - R « o m on Summer and Moore streets. - * buVn than blondes, thia excessive women in Connecticut's textile in­ Dwelling. All rons’rnlencea In- slve store is trying to confomf to dustry, which he described as "fac Guiseppe and Caroline. Ponticelli the trend of the times in Uve-coun- th X ou n - ="'°ring also pre,vents abTOrbation Starts Center rltidlng oil htimfr. G o o d Im-a- to the Allen Rea It v Comnanw ,A. F. Richards, D i^ io n a l Man- behind in the production of mater­ OPA .rse*»tl)f asasaaesd Wash Trousers tlnn. O w n e r doiiflg an exrellent tr>’ to shortori hours for b^lp vhirh ^ ?: sun^ rays in the skin Street ials needed for our armed forces pronertv located on Clinton .street will enable them .to further inter- Mothers of youngsters should re. a'ger for the G en er^ C iga r Co. of qrsstl)) tacraaiad qaolss ter hiisIneHS. M a n y pnssihilltleH. ■ Manchestef Homes (Torporajinh| member this, for the children Hartford, will cofi^to Manchester Formerly At Miller’s Hall/ and essential civilian needs." sew poueager car tirei to be Sale - I’rire ga. ,- ineliidfng in eon.structive out,side work, 500 to Thomas -N. Buskev, property lu- It is hoped thi.s plan may be ■ :'^>lb/the best tan, a re «iis ^ lly the to .speak to th y' Kiwani.s Club He gave the following informa- released te esieetlel drivers. XI ,.500 slnr-k.' Down. P a y m e n t is rton as to job openings: 'Cated on Smith Alton str-et |continued in the -Full-season by! W’ho . reqiiire^vrtamin D Alonday noon /Ut ' the Sheridan $.5,000. . V r Brae-Burn Estates to Williiim E.': restaurant. ./-His subject will be. Every Sat. Night Willimantic. 372; Thompsonville, Clifford’s and other stores which'! falU-'People from 265; Norwich. 592: New London, jome In and Let V$ % ANT a ra d ia n t, Oil50fTHINICHT— fragrant,rich, Johrt.son, property located In Pine might have found such ji schedule | ^ to 50 years.rtfi'u.sc they have less chance fop here smnfe weeHa ago but was iin- N E W L O W With this sensational new beauty tautness. CIOUD MIST FOUNDATION, A Going Oaa*Silallnn, 4-Stall ter street. /___ i, gradual exposure in the spring. aVoi.dabl.v detained. The attend- ings do not represent all textile de-.- PI AY YARD raoime — the Liquid Cosmetic a flattering, makeup base espe- Brick Building, doing a giMul AI5XX- con- When sunburn occurs, soothing, ar)Ce priis . will be furnished by mand . ■ • but the majority of the PRICE Rockford. 111. i.Ti- job openings are in the textile one -Diet by Dalattraz. Three exqui­ cially -made for dry, sensitive liUHlnrHa In a nice liK-atloii. As a CHiKsc of death-, iTccidents latti believe.s he has a ■fcgitlmate tooling, protective lotions are ck Sanson. COATS rank, fifth id the XlHited States, beneficial. More severe grades re­ ■nie directors had a meetinjl- m illa"’ ' ,' DELU: site beauty oidsi aouD mist skin; hides little.lines on^b|em.< Sale Price $20,000. .Approxi­ reason to cry over-Spilled milk. A; Hundreds of worker* he said are exee't ded only by heaM di.sease. quire tfie attention of a phyi Wednesday' afternoon at Harold Full ya.nd'in natural fln- UQmO aUNSn, for thorough^ ishes, enhances your mdkeup. mately $$,000 Down. one-gallon'jug o f milk upset In his needed ‘‘Immediately" In all these - CHAMP! i.'ihy/ Solid ■ floor makes It cancer, cerebral hemorrhage and ear when hC made a turn, and the ian, because of the posaibillty/ot Garrity’s cottage at Coventry quick, emollient cleansing. . Start using it todoy. ' x..^ C i r c l e cUiea In the maaufacture of .varn, jdf’al.qlitdooiB.-. nephritis. complications. Avoid exegislve lake. Matters of imjinrtance wege cork popped out. Conrnttj tried.to , thread and cloth for military and di.srii.<., 19.4f>. aA 10:0d o'rl«Mk In tlie foiH>'; the fair lalk)r standards act. The 2 Slone Masons Of Dec «*a8ccl Aunt ■blolvq up yet." AND % noon, at the V?ourt of Probate lu (\»l- ’’ information charges non-payment 1/Painter ontry he and t)te f^athe Is assigned for of time and a half for overtime a hearing on thexforegofhg application, work and neglect to keep records. I/EATHERETTE and this Court g re e ts the Adminis­ / \ -A ^ tratrix to cite- alX persons Interested New "York. July 13VTh*t,,„out of H IG li C^HAIR \ ‘Ihereiii to tppe'ar ai said tifiie and a net estate of $7,297.’^ - left by place, by puhihthing Fhis order -of no­ her aunt, Margaret Logan, ..'ho. m MAIN. SI., MANMEIER Jarvis Rea I tv Co. tice .once In some newsDaper having'a died on Afiril 29, 1944. because of $ X lM ’ cuiafton in said Dlsmct. aud by her failure to' leave a will, Mar­ 6 Dover Road S iting; a ropy on the,public sigii^ Waxed birch finish- .Scat It in the Town of Cov^ptry where garet Birmingham of No. 23 Drive NOW PLAYING cushion and 'back ' iiphol- Phone 4112 or 7275 thA deceased Ust .dwelt. At least 5 B, Silver Lane Homes. Mancheater, steiyd in leatherette. OtbUq d irk before stlrf day of ’hearing, and Conn., receives $2,070.80, is dis­ Th tngs ^re Fresher fro.ro $5.05 * Week'Days and Sundaj's " retut\ make to this Court of the no- closed here today In the Suiro- CMIIMU tic e ^ g W n . W. LATIMJCR. Jtjdge., gates’ Court through the filing of an appraisal of the decedent's- property with Surrogate James A. Delehanty. ./Ida B. Gilson of No: 600 West MEN'S One Hundred and Fourteenth Plua: “ Eve Knew Her Applea” 'X- HARD TO GET hEMS street here is.the administratrix of “ r H E R E GENVmE QVMlTY PREVAILS' ^5; the estattl, the' gross vajue of ^ ADDED' ATTRACTION: I 'V v which amouhted to $7,S$8!68, and 997 MAIN STREET A Few Sjleps Below Hale’s TELEPHONE 2-0784 Bathrobes Pre-War Custom Made Slipcovers consisted of the followin'g: ’ “To the Shorea o f Iw'o Jima’’ Fifteen share* of Union Pacific See--Thi> Unforgettable Bottle Railroad'' Company, $1,625.62; MEN'S Brought To ihe.Hcreen, in Dazz- -MUIMUNI People don’t Rilnd walkirtK a mile ,tn..Model — but that isn’t at all ficcessary. ^ Pontiac i ^ three shares (preferred) :qf;^ltl- Ungness-ef -Teehnicoler. ' ‘"7"'' up moce A Ohio Railroad Company, There’s usually plenty Of parking on this lower end of. Main Street. So drive down $22.50; one share' of the same tow . Pter Sr leaa Henri lede!, as always, is stocked with coihpany,. $15;' cash, on deposit, ‘SITNDAY - MON. - TUKS. OirtclJaM fOlTKN KOItM ^ FOLDING Straw Hate with Emigrant Industrial Savings .Inhn .Fontaine - Geo: Brent the finest, ripest, freshe.st fruits add vejtelables for your week-end eatinjt pl^ksure! COLE MOTORS Bank: $1^45.68, and ' Stamford in “THE AFFAIRS OF ' GARRIAbE (Conn.) •Trust Company,,^,576.87. . SUSAN” ■- CO-HIT 91 CENTER STREET „ MA^NCHESTER ------:— ---- '•* '• ' ’ '"v ■ . S14.95 ^ ' ■; $ 1 . 0 0 to $ . ''Plus: s SPECIALS FOR THE >^EEK-END! 3.13 • „ ‘‘Boston Blackte BookM On “ SING ME A SONG steel Cairiage is espy to han-. - f - 1^- • ' No. 4^8 Outing 'suiq»lclon” ' die, gives years oj Serv'ice. OF TEXAS’" (jVay leatherette body,.^ On August 19th With'Cheater Morris - Jb. OAK aiAlR AND ■\ * / Hoae and- Ladder Company No. DESK SET 4 of the South Mancheater Fite C O I % i C R ■ MKN’S UGHT WEIGHr, Department will hold -Its ailnual - »1 I.:I9 outing at the 3^1118% Louisa-, in Bol­ Permanently — Painles-sly — Safely! Drqp-lid,''school style with ton on Spnday. Aug. 19. TODAY SWEET MELLOW RIPE NEW ' plenty of'w riting rbom. N at­ Stratoliner^ As Is the ''usual custom, the FREE CONSULTATION SAT. SUN. ural finish. members will'go to, the Villa Sarly t t x i m PEACHES POTATOES TELEPHONE 2*1264.. in the lYiornlng when.a program d f sports will be held' with dlmter 3-PIECE TABLE Felt Hate being served in mid-afterqoon. "-2 5 e dozen 2 pounds 2 9 c 5 pounds 2 5 c Miss Rena Halein*$ ANILCHAIR 3ET Jnot Eaoogli Ta Stort a Brewery SUMMER O f-H er Own SUNKIST,LEMONS*...... 6 for 25c FRESH CUCUMBERS ...... 2 for tec $19.75) SM'EET CANTALOUPES-----each 2.ic FRESH P E A S ...... 2 lb?. 39c $7.50 Albany, N. Y.—1A>)— An Albany Exceptionally w e 1,1 made ELECTROLYSIS houaewlfe vOAo . oaked the Dobler NEW O NIO NS-----.3 lb.s. 33c FRESH RADISHES...... 2 bchs. l5c child's table and two sturdy- NECKWEAR chairs. Hand-decorated, two ' ROOM 15 — RUBINOW BLDG. 843 MAIN ST. Brewing Company to call for her ICEBERG LETTUCE...... 2 heads 25c SUMMER SQUASH... ►»... .2 lbs. 35c empty beer bottles negiseted to finishes. Maple irtth blue and Ivory with red trtm. Un­ "'MEN’S ■ P i i i i i — i warn the driver to bring a'-3*v$e FBli'SB ' 5 5 |c— $ 1 . — $ 1 .50— $2 - 0 0 truck. She had amoased 2,381 SEEDLESS a H EARTS OF usual value! 00 WHITE AND FANCY quart bqttlea, a four-year cache, Open Thursday Evening ALL ELASTIC TOP RAYON NON-RUN PANTIES ARE THE MOST;; and the truck m4de seven tripa to SPINACH r . GRAPEFvRUIT^ CELERY^ ■ •■ni 9:00. remove'them.-The bottles netted WELCOME UNDIES THESE HOT, HUMID, SUMMER DAYS . . . the woman $119.05 in refunded de- Closed Wed. At Nmm. ANKLET MOBIL HER08ENB ^ R E T A l^ A N D 4 for 2 9 c - 2 9 c bunch 3 pounds 2 9 c BIOBILHEAT FUEL------AND WE MAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT FOR YOU Wholesale Ylewsoa) Soapa 5tnx STOCKINGS * s CALIFORNIA ^ . . . TEAROSE Philadelphia. July 13.—(A5— OIL -q Gdsoline After flipping a four-hitter MJHNISe'^SOM, 29c—39c— • > ' ______agfiinat the St. Loula Browns In KEITH’S INC. the first of two yesUirday to snap his 12-gome loolBg otreok. long­ ORANGES 5 “ » 7 0 < ’ 1115 MAIN STREET 45c and 65c pr. Opposite High School est o f the seoaon, Bobo Newsom M ORIARTT BROTHERS MANCHESTER -On tlM Lerel" At Center and I Qtieeta proudly displayed his new glove— Open An Dny and AH Night. Cnn he used It for the first time yes­ terday -and chirped: "Thia broke my Jinx.!* I, v:‘-. •'V. :\. X . X - X PAGE FIY® MANCHESTER EV^ENING HFRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, JULY 13,1918

^AGE FOUR M AN( m«.»i Ki: KVKNING HJiRALD. MANCHESTER. JULY 13, 1945 the'Rochy.HyixVeterans Home on / N, Cratty recently returned after "be* nounckd there arUl -bs recruiting this evehlQg in Broad Brobk at Sunday, Aiigust 19. _ 2 ! Ing a priaoner of war for several :z : Rockville months. 'Two othefV>n«^are also In Tyler’s Store at 8 o'clock. Any^ Pork Left in Post Office | the service. WlHiam Cratty, Mas­ young n>»h 17 years of age or over V Saiiir old ,Slo,i • 7 Aiissies Knife ter Barber 2-c In the Navy; and from' Broad Brook or cotqmunlty Seek C|:miiges^ 'V -''^Isa, Okie., — m — Lots of War Cpl. Robert O atty. still In Europe. ' well as Rockville.Is eligible to things are left in post offices these {{adden Speaks Installation Tonight Join. is excellent training for It’s Re&dshi busy days but Postmaster George Agents Wanted InAddres^ Deep Into Jap List o f Connecticut Men,',Dead, Wounded ot M^ing, iilra. Mary Jbnes of Hartford, any young man especially- ' those expecting to be called Into thf Watkins believes the red point for As Released By the War and Navy Departments Deputy Great Pocahontas will in­ absent-mindedness goes to th«„per- V At GOP Meet stall the officers of Kiowa Council Armed Services. YOU can get m on the ground floor NOW of a live, aon who walked off leaving a good Borneo Lilies These Reports Are Based On Prior NotlB^lten To No. 26, Degree of Pocahontas at Uniform Hoqrs - grovnng pr«perou8 business, # successful sines |i8trars ot Voters Ask ■nX- ! sized slab of salt pork on a writing ff Next of Kiri and Casualties Noted Here May PrwlQualy their meeting to be held this eve­ The Business Committee of the 1900. / „ R^tidents to Keep (CoDtthned Prom Page O a«) Have Been Reported In the News CoTumns. Alt. .General th® ning in Red Men’s Hall. Mra. Nel­ RockVille Civic Association Is table. lie Jackjmn will be Installed aa working to set upt a plan of uni­ General c/nditlons have .started a “Back-to-the- 7 TheTOsJnformed. the sixth fo A ier U., S. base regain­ xjj^ace of Governor at Pocahontas. Mrs. Katherine Preusa form "store hours._4'hd a meeting Land” movement that biibKfair to top the ons xr ed in the current .Chinese drive, 'Total Naval Caaualtlee to July 12, 1945 The RockvilleXNT^Rlly. as Wenonah and Miss Hope Weiit of all local merchants la to be held PAIRBANKS-MORSB 25 year/ago; started by Teddy Rqosevelt. Coun­ NoUec* of ciiingo* addrew of •laps Drive Tnw-ard Suirhwan 'The Navy Department announcea for the United Stetea « .-» as Prophetess fo f the coming terin soon. A t present some stores are try Re^ Estate is in actiye demantf^h^ days ahd ilgal wtara In tnSstdwn of,Man- ■Vhole 1,429 casualties for July 12. 1945 of the*U. S. Naval Edrcea Representatives fo r. t)ie Great closed Wednesday afternoon-while 6IN IR A T0R S ^spajieae ■ trooffc. however, were ,\ u y .^sales we growing in volume from weeltio week. JNavy. Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) not heretofore released on Rockville, J I 13— (Special)— Council have been named aa fol­ others reraaih open; some are' open ' Cheater muat be with the reported .driving along the high­ Attorney General Awil^m L. Had­ lows: First, Mias Hope West; sec­ Monday and Saturday ntghta way leading to Sulchwan., One of Navy Department total casualty lists, consisting of 17 dead, 1,403 — 4 M f —n (/•IH DurUig May. 1945 we had 18,664 requests fd^the Regiatram of Votera. ^Voting In den of West Haven w a s-^ e prin­ ond. Miss Jennie Batz; First alter others only Saturday and' othera IM H MM WaO 'CsaacHlM 'Ifancheater is done by a r w t act- the five air ba.ses recov^ed. Fight­ wounded, and 9 mi.s.siirg. These casualties bring ^ t6tal reportc^ STifollT Farm Catalog which was over.'S^OOQ^ to next of kin and released for publication since ^ c e m b e r 7. 1941, nate, Mrs. Nellie Jackson; tecond 'only Friday. For tha convenience aifM« *W SIMrMa.lt C*rnH dresa rather than by nameN. Kor ing was. in progre.sa., miles cipal speaker at the dlnner'iqeet- of ahoppers especially under , the more than we had in May, 1944. AH kinds of to July 12. 1941?, to 133,386, cla,s8lfled as follows'; alternate, Mrs. Ida Weber example when a voter prea>«ta southwest of Suirhwan. and,*: the ing of the Tolland Coimty Woftw present gasoline aituatlon, it is “ (luntry Real Estate is selling readily and we need same.,distance.’.ji6rth of Kahhsleq,. ^ Prisoners X ■ Awarded Air Medal hlmaelf at the polla he^mual giy«s Dt-ad' WoUpdisl Missing of W ar Totals en’s Re^bllcan Clubs held Thurs­ Umitepant Charles. 'E. Hetntz, hoped to bring about a uniform -.lore active agents to help us list and show places bla home address to the- voting tke high corafhand said. day evening at the Rockville schedule for. closing. The Mer­ bnited States Navy ...... 30.76.'> x2i.220 10.451 Jr;, S&rr-tjf Mr. and Mrs. CJharlea Ei checkers. Then the name is given M oth er Uluneae forces were inteT- House. Governor Baldwin was un­ chants ptvlaiDn is al.so diacuaaing To many prospective buyers. ^ eepting Japanese troops In man- U.^S, Marine Corps ...... 18,08t,x 45.732 908 ,1.848 '5®,^72/ Helntz of Uiiion street wqa recent­ and that name and street address l , ll9 able to attend the dinner as he had ly Swarded tiie'^^Ur Medal. He ta a other ways df shortening the work If you live in your own home on a major highway, titne Fukien province ad^^cin g U. S. Coast Guard 213 95 are checked before the voter cap. gone to Washington, D. C .. pilot In the Southwest Pacific. Ha w eek.' r- have a car and have hat^ some successful selling Into a voting booth. Jowai'd Changpu. an important ^■go X49.657 68.165 11,454 4,110 133,386 The attorney general came out was cited for meritorious achieve­ fhnlt Meetings experience, perhaps this is your OPIPOIvPUNITY Must be Kepa Informed highway renter 35 miles southwest^ Total Casualties Alden Skinner Auxiliary. Sons of 'of the port, of Amoy, the high com- RANGE FUEL OIL strongly in favor of a constitution­ ment while participating in aerial to step into a profitable connection such as is m - ■ Because o f this ayatem it is al- amendment -which would call flight, in the Southwest Paclfii Union Veterans, .enjoyed an annl- necessaqry , that voters , keej>' the .manrt4dded. >iav3i\Wo^d^ United Spates is a total of 129 ..Veraary dinner last' evening in abling scores of our associates, both men ahd^ The Japanese were . driving to­ for annual sessions of the Legisl.a- Area from February .20,''1945'ta: raglstrafs informed of any change Wholesale Gasoline Carroll, JevsepK'Anthony, Pfc., A rm j‘ personnel freed from Ger­ ture. He called attention to the May 8, 1945. " The letter from Gejr-; ''WMleyan Hall.: There -will be no women, to earn coinmissions of $500 to $1,000 o f address. , Otherwise there is a wards Changpu from Ghihhu. one man prispn camps. • matings until September. The of the--polnta tliey occupied on the "U^MCR. Mr. and Mrs. fact that if a bill Is defeated un- eral George C. Kenney of "the U; S. mhnthly. ' delay in Voting- . < Joseph F.yf^arro\\, 5 ^ Broaff St., Army Wounded—Pacific' Regions ■der the'|»re8ent set up. It is neces­ Array stated, “ Your aon took part Auxiliary has-been Invited to visit The local .Registrars o f Voters. Chinese x const in establishing Cbernlavsky, Nicholas, Pvt., son bcnchheadV.south of . Am oy, last New BrtMiln. ' sary to watt two years before it it} Sustained operational fight mis- TMf Robert N. Veitch and Edward F. Dajgle, Norman 'Vln^.nt, Pfo.. of Wesley Cherniavsky, 50 Park­ can be a ga iff. Introduced to the kiona during which . hostila- con­ '------Moriarty; are now compiling the June 30. • tly/bil Company er'avenue. West Havt'n. •HOWELL HARDWARE E.'^A. STROIIT REALTY AGENCY, INC -USMCi. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Legislature. H6 stated further tact was probable ahd expected; - 255 Fourth Avenue local voting llata and making '-7-* .,7i- -:.,--7 . Vincent. Daigle, 187 W illow St.. Army IJberated Prisoners that the attitude of tlie Democrats These flights included bombing COMrANY X Changea in addresses. Those* who. .331 Main S tr«« Reminiscent of the days prerf»dlng VF,-diky; when Nazis surren dered b'y the thousands, long lines of Japs march in V formation tO; Japs Concpmr^in^ Tel. 5293 of M057 ■Waterhury , ; \ Blghiriattl, Enso V., T. Sergt.. in the past session was ‘‘jobs for missions against enemy installa- Brifish- mPilttuAt svenr eivitios V New York lO.N.Y. ''have changed their' addresses since ward'wnlting LCMS. Captured on Okinawa, the Nlpponplie Will be-shipped to intcrnnfenf ram ps.--*( N B A telephoto,). ______• Franco, Armg.nd , John. Pvt,, son a/A of Freda r S..V* A-..BIghinatti, 151 New Democrats or no I^eglslktion for tlohs, shipping and supply' bases m t f t ^ HsrtfwA e. the last voting day are urged to ■ \ >po8ite the Armory Arounfl Myitkyet^ ^ USMCR. Parents, ^ Mr. and_ ____ M rs'rs V Britain road, Kensington. the State of Connecticut.” State’s and aided considerably in the re­ X teWl* MIT4 * e t in'-tpuch .with the Registrars AlTred‘FrancoV56 Holly PI.. Stam^l^v.Wood, William H.. Pvt., hus- ings is scheduled for July 123, CalcuftB, July 13,— Japa­ Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn Jci, cent auccesaea in this theater." American Club M d inforiBAhem of their new ad­ from an tqher Atmy organization, , ba^d of’Mrsi'irene Wood, ri Park stated that there was much good ' / dresses or mail in the chsinge to Firing Squad known as '•jjbeij'.'komroapdo heers,” 20,(MM) \vhen the moat fjHUous of all the nese forces ' in .the Sittaii'gN'^^ver ford- Seeking Beeniltsm s / prisoners. MafanaU Philippe Re­ bend-area in JSurma appear. to'-be Charica Everett, xT*fc .' Squire, Jewett City legislation hidden in bad publicity s.them at the MmHcipaJ building. o f OKH. i t liih ls 8upreijie;.ik)dy, Hill. - / iLi-= , ' Zanavich.Zanayich, Edward S., Pvt., son C5»fnpany, C of the .Uonttecticilt I tain, is due to' be tried. concentrating around Myitkyo', • USMC; Parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the last session; speaking par­ which formulates plans' for ' eim- MiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilHjiliiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiiiii'. sf Mrs. B «1 h a Zanavich, 204 A l­ Stete'-Guard has announced they BINGO ^ KUls Slaver For Treason tcmifiu.s -of the Pegu-Slttang Charles E. Hill, 47 ^tiWard St. ticularly o f the Municipal' Em­ s quest and' then executes them, der Ntreet, ^ aterb u ry. are seeking 12 or 15 men to fill the Canal 29 miles northeast of Pegu, 1 CLIFFORD’S BOYS’ SHOP H A« A GRAND STOCK OP I Manchester. ' ployees Retirement Act, the La-; ranks befort the company goes to that Eisehhower and Montgomery >or Relations A c t and the Return­ (Contlnned from Page One) are pledged to destroy, (Oontfntied from Page .Pne) a Southeast Asia command com­ Hunt.- Robert,/^ Pindell, Pvt., , N,. Camp Baldwin at Niantlc with the ^ut To\^^ Adniitg Stabbing munique said today. ' USMCR.' Parehts, Mr. and Mrs ing 'Veterans AqL Second Battalion "trom July- 29 to Tomorrow Leonard G.THunt, Oenoke Ave., Mrs. Frances Burke Redick, for­ er'spent his last day quietly. N er­ court trials of high crimes, ft Is The communique said activity SWEATERS WaiiJsJ^o Adopt August 7' '■ in the |lower courts where the Woman to Death has deciessed in that area^- but New Canaa'h.: mer' Secretary of State, told those (Captain Francis Cratty haa sn- Rfc. Eldward Newbury. 13 Drive vous ih the morning, he quieted to­ Copy .Friendly > queer and often terrible effect^ of reported that an attack by\ 150 Kelly, James Whltelaw. Jr.> present that she.-ffelt the Republi­ Night O, Manchesleirv la^belhg processed ward afternoon ,ahd.ate—apparent­ la n the German occupation on. seem­ Japanese bn a village three n^es COAT STYLES I Pfc., USMCR. Wife, Mrs. Agnes ItaliaiY can party had a Job to.do In'reg* ht Camp Norfolk Assembly Area ly with relish— his idst meal, pre­ Istering young people and getting Ways of keds ingly ordinary men. and - women Ansonia. July 13.—(JPi — Capt., soiithwest of-Myitkyo fizzled whfUl Sizes 6 to 18 Iti all wools and s Kelly, 208 S. Marshall St., Hart­ In preparatory to return to the Unit pared to his speelflcations. It ins' mixtures. P)ain colors, plaids S the Independent Voters who had eluded steak and pan gravy, pid have come to 1-ight. William Schatzman of the state po­ British troops Outflanked the eneO ford. " ■ . ^ ed States following overseas serv. and tweed weaves. I .jS K E LLX . Raymond Joseph, Jr., Hartford. July 13—(iP)—' t^lllam become an Increasingly large and watermelon. ' Sometimes |t was pure sadism. lice said today that Earl McDuffie. my soldiers, causing them to with­ ELASTIC -4ce In Europe. A member of the ntlnmd Prooi Page One) draw. ^ , Pvt!, USMCR. Parents, Mr, and Sparverl, part owner of a mairliet number during the past few years. i "M ." 9th Inf., Second Infantry His elderly father, Charle*'''A. The're was the beautiful and well­ 41-year-ol'd Ansonia .Negro, had $2.50ioS3.98 § The aerial onslaught on the Jap­ Mrs. Raymonti J. Kelly, Sr... 158 Other speakers Were former Comp- j STOCKINGS ORANGE RoedI of -Oklahhoma City, visited born girl Who at 19 was one of the admitted In a .signed confession here, said Jast night that he want­ DiVleiOn, he has been overseas their cbutloriary • advice.,..^ “ You anese positions continued yester­ Prank St., Bridgeport. . . troller Fred Zeller^ state; Republi-| Light and H e a ^ Weight eight months.' with his son-several hqpfs. French Gestapo’s most ' expert' 'stabbing Mrs. Harold Smooth to ed tiv adopt Natale Plavello, the day with 'Spitfl.res destroying PtJLLOVERS I Mateya, Leo Joseph, Pvt-. can yice chainnan, Mrs. Alice The prison chaplain,' the Rev. caii sit ir^qilt with a girl, but torturers. There was the- boy who death. - » nine-year-old Italian war orphan Arthur Dnifi: Stores many huts and starting fires at the Rizes 6 to 18 in all wools and 8 USMCR. Wife. Mrs. Helen J. Russ Cochran; National Commlt.- A t the 10 o’clock service Sun­ Fr. J. P. Moretsn, i|ipent most of don't get up akd dance until npn-r informed on women because the McDuffie, picked up on a coro­ who was smuggled aboard a troop 845 Main S L Tel. S8U6 HALL river bendi-'Uie communique add- mixtures.' g Mateya. 127 High St., Rockville. te'ewoinan Mrs. Julia A. Keeney of day moinlng at Zion .. Lutheran the night with the / condemned Germans then let him watch them ner's warrant, said *. he stabbed •ship in a, soldier’s barracks bag SornerSvUle. Mayor Raymond lE . frat is lifted.” K Mrs. Smoot yesterday in a ‘'flare ^ McDermott. John Joseph. Pfc. ■7 ^ church. Recognition of Service being stripped and mistreated in and brought to Boston. man at the latterls request. • Most of the soldleN aoce^ited it $1.98 to $4.98 I USMC. Parents, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Hunt welcomed thosd in attend­ certificate will be presented to efforts to make them talk.; of temper” during a dispute in a Sparverl, father of three chil­ ance, numbering about 100 and in- ^ 7' ' Roedl’s conviction was reviewed good humoredl.v, 'though, pointing Nicholas McDermott. 248 Ridge­ parents or wives of men from the by the Uta,h Supreme court end '' Sometimes ip y a s anti-Semit­ restaurant operated by her and her (Jiilclreii Slarx^ dren. said he talked with officials troduced local ofllciala. Attorney • out that their Russian'alttcs were* ism. A woman who denounced a .hu.sband, also Negroes, .the police SLEEVELESS I field Ave., Bridgeport. . church in the service. These docu­ he wed once reprieved by Gov. at the Boston Immigration office Bernard J. Ackerman presided at 1 eftjoying Jive without hindrance. French Jewess hes been executed. McKennd, James;. Joseph, Jr.. ments have been Issued by the Herbert B. Maw to permit the captain reported. - SWEAJERS > 1 by telephone and was promised the dinner meeting. j A man admitted he produced antl- Fire iu Woods Pvt.. USMCR. Parents. Mr. and 'V "Army and N avy Commission of State Board of Pardons to exam­ Yesterday ' announceriiifnt was Schatzman said, the -Negro re­ that he would be Informed as soon Jewish films, ‘but pleaded it was A ll W o d K S Mrs. James J. McKenna, Sr., 544 Returns tO.U. 8. I the Lutheran cl^urch, Missouri ine his' medical and mental condi­ made that the Berlin.mllitsiTO gov­ lated that he arid Mrs., Smoot had as possible .about the disposition Mrs. Lottie C^att^^;of Cottage j Synod. There are 38. names o f ernment would follow previous to hide that his wife wa.s Jewish. been friends. The policeman said $ 2 . 9 5 " I .W. Taft Ave., Bridgeport. , g et the lim it tion. ■ ,. ■\ Nebiolo, Engene ' Phljip. Cpl.. of the child’s case. ■Street, recelve/1 a tfelepjiohe call Zioti’s honor roll. Relatives antfed some extra attention for j clothes pins'are used In the photo Serviced, x, aame hour, ‘ i And .you can stroll along resi­ to give her the hardest cleaning j Bridgeport. •> . Uxlatmcnt o f hia epileptic attacks. HOSPITAL BEDS Cold t^ermanent W^ve laboratory: muffin t,liii hold assort­ Call Any Time I dential streets with a fraulein—If Jobs.. - I fo r RrSBt or Bale. V- BtOtzijian. Donald Be\-erance. ed rivets; glass baking dishes hold you don't hold hands. The Climax of, the purge hear­ The Pfc,. USMCR. Mot her, Mrs. M il­ hot parts, and -bolicra are CAPITOL MOTORS, INC. - • -A , ARTHUR A JAMES. INC. dred L. Stlltzman. 164 Edgewood uaed in the m a k i^ o f silk screens. Henry Parent 368 MAIN STREET HARTFORD Gcrilvaii Staff 198 Farm’gt'D Ave. Btfd. t-^848 Dewey-Richihan Ave., New Haven. Taranpwicz. Matthew • Stanley. Telephone 2-018i> c Electrician’s mate Sc,. USNR. Action Looms y ; . CoT Mother. Mra. Sophie Taranoadez IT’S A PRIVILEGE OCULIST Begay, 45 Horace St., New Brit- Hospital (Cdhtinued From Page One) ain. D e s c r i p t i o n PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Whiting, Harry Neil. Pfc., UCMCR. Parents. Dr. and Mra Expense Plan ly qs .tnllij,!ii-y flgiires who carried XpHAWqAaSTS NEW FRAMES For Men."Women.and out_ luilitary Orders. All these of- TO S ELL X Harry S. Whiting. Conn. State Alarays 4 ^ Doty! LENS DUPLICATED Hospital, Middletown. Children •ficers are still in uniform and are Arthur DruR Stprea'-.,. classified strictly''as military prls- HEPAIRS MADE Zawlinakl. H enr^ Pfc.. USMCR. PAYS FOR; / qners. ‘ • / 848 Miala St. Maacbester Mother. Mrs. AjvnaXZawlin.siki, 4 Sickness or accident expenses ' “ The greatest emphasis, ' how­ North St., Norwich. when confined In any hospital ever, is placed op the members of ‘PRIVILEGE BRANm A n n v W a r CasuWHea animhere In the D. S. A. or IN THE the general staff. The general >■ X July 12. 1945V ' j - Canada. Room and board ex- staff in Germany is a ^ Vpeclal The War Dep.irtment aqnounT»s penseii op to ‘$8.00 per. day lor -Clique, almost h1ANCMKSTEK EVENINlT ^lANCHES^ER. CONN, FRIDAY, JULY 13,‘ 1945 Paoliilo Vtook the lead" In the if e i ______— ______ment respOhalWUt!^ for emplojr*. ment with tbte^ueaUon: ^ movement., ,v. ill want to flnil • MamiheslPx a disturbances .there are.-grosaly ex­ Views Differ Admits Giving The accused said Robinson de­ —Kugar RtretcUng "Instead ipMiatenlng to the club M anchesler lilca.sant place in -which to live ran^hjgf our. living or our well-being Paoliilo spent most of the day nw M r rtiiNTmo co. n tc . bolta down, perhapa, to th^.-pf1ncl- Several Lines x^ledge Lines tion front, asked in ..a' statement on the stand, after which several Canning Ttih Himmer issued here yesterday for interna-, hnd cling to the American system H Str««t pla which waa obviptialy upper-- Federal ResponsibilitY that .has provided more of every­ Former Draft Board Of­ character witnesses appeared in llaiMSlMSt^ CODD. tional support to end "a regirhe of his behalf. They included James t h d u m niRQOso- moat', in the mindS of* those. who Of Iiidiistries . Will Be Safe terror" under which EAM said th,e thing foF more people than eyer ficial Secfi File as Not * Bv Haddox Ask atul Answer^^279 In Maintaining E^ni- before in all the world?’; A. Shaniey, former U. S. repre­ rounded Oetotier buijlt Manchester—the principle of .\K .\ Kimd'indm d '^ d ,>W»kets ,Mi|y)^ts Kd Editor Greek people had been living since Show Opel sentative: Nfcthan Reback, New (Continued Frpp* Pagk One) 3 . j ' (Cbiitlnued From One) formation of a new Greek -govern­ Call 6171 for A-1 Service,, Qiiestious; Costs 0iily ployinent DehaU**!. - Wilson, president of the Air­ Confidential. Publtitied Bee nr 8^«itn*\ Except pleashhC apacloiianea.s. I t ' has . .yL. . . The arhiy of’hoVll* camiers has 2 " t • poct on Hoover and All other ' craft Industries AH.soclatlons -• of Haven City court judge; Mrs. a bigger Job than ever this year! ment last winter. FraVrees L. Roth, well known New ' Biwiuya nod HoMdaya BoteredNu Ui* meant everything to Manchester billion of newa^a'pers In New York • 0 ItovtXj 0 t of a territorial guarantee, sailsatir'AJ-___ ^ The Foreign Office commenta­ vaoruiim cle'anei’s. Genu­ 10 Cents; Some Ex* America, Im:., and head of United Hartford, July 13 (4^— An­ i'roaf OWea at Ifanelieeter/^nn^-ok In 1U44 an estimated ,3,409,CI<^000 ine Hoover Parts. New- York, July Is - (4*1 Sena­ Aircraft corporation, said persons Haven W elfare worker; t>hillp B I N ^ O up. to now and It must be pre­ city, , BiViwlnghBrn. i Ala.. Foct lied fftrcea were In northern Greece tor tqld 'a press, conference that thony Paoliilo, former New 'Haven 1: .Matter, ' ^ quarts of home canned fruits ind amples Are Given-. tor Joseph G;. O'Mahoney (D;, “not reared in the American'con­ Pastore, New Haven city court served and amplified, at all costs, VVayne, Ihrl., Je'r.sey'City, and Bay­ and that another Indication wait th^'-Greek government had estab­ WATKINS Draft board chairman on trial in PTION. JUTES vegetables were put up. The 194.’)- r ~ i A. Wyo.) an(44dames P&tton, Nation­ cept" would Bfictpt the system prosecutor^ and John A. Maresca ■ I the future. It Is In the light onne, h(. J. ’ Job must be better if American the. recognition of the Greek right lished'kayere penalties for casry ■ z'.- BROTHERS Federal court on a charge,of New Haven city court judge. Every S^t. Night At 8:30 Sharp! . Ona Tear 'N government "m ust assume respon- files." has teBtifled,-HIat hpljjave Dallrerod Ona Tear apa^illK rAcommefidatlons of '^4he tion's largest single stoppage. It! Excludes .Any Sacrifice wsS. ."no reason tcr--8jippose thqjse can gel—for 10 cents—a gpott eou- , sijMfity" for. maintaining emploV- sist with their llyes" becau.se such a “brief resume“r the future hijirft directed the 16,,'iOO I'lO Tnited ^ rotpniercially canned vegetables Embros added that Prime Min­ pow-er^ would not b*x,,exerci'8ed cation on how our govepHmcnt om^ ient,. while hjewspaper Publisher ords of thrre^eri'xfegi^red with, Rubber.. Workers on strike at the.! crates. / rank E. ..Gannett and Aircraft freedom and impair human dig­ his boa^^to a.NeWs^aven Jour- " UaUBER UI be cohslderi ■ and 7 per cent leas canned fniU-s, . ... ister.^ Churchill had assured the just as much against,the right aa! THE a s s o c ia t e d PI Firestone Tire * Rubber Company regent. Archbishop, Damaskinos, the left.” , ■ 11 is contain^ in ra booklet— Manufacturer Eugene E. Wilson nity.". nal-Cpwfler raportpiv Mrs. Flor- ! not • Including cltnis, than last “Our Americah-GoYernment. What Admission Sl.OO The Aaaoelatad Prcaa ta axciuMyaly slipr.e July J to return ,to work . .year. Home canners will have 1 'y / v v that BHush policy on Greek af­ Neither Faction te'B(unie say that if it does the nation will enoejohnscMl. A REMINDER! aatitled to tba uaa of republloatlon^^ jRpJin^urnB Monday o p lose heneHts prevlrtu'sly leas Sugar, but ran use scientifle- The htime-mude water-balh can-^ fairs had xrystsllized in decisions He said that nipbrts indicated, lt'8 a Is It? HowrDooa It Function?" — ' see •Wrfdom" and lo-ss of 'Indi­ - He told the/Jiiry of seven men all nawa dlaoatchee eradited to or noi'- publish^'by the U. S. Govern- Used Car Dealers otherartaa eradited In tbta paper and i voted them by the^board-. The W UI ally teited way* to ca-n with less ner needs a rack (n stand Jars on.; excluding imy sacrifice of lawful- that responsibility for trouble in vidual freeilom.” aiid five w-nmeo. however, *that he When Von Neeil More alao the local oawa pubHalied bera. -:alling the Curreht, air offen-j sent sim ilar' ord<^ -to- the 6i)0 sweetening, and still get-firsl clars’ The canner llself must he deep Greek rights. Greece did not'rest upon cither I nf^I^inting Office. . . 1 They hired their view-s here did hot consider the file of Gen- ^ . ^s e 4viAxirl%#«^ATIrsss*v»rx ewe I ee e« n ass - m es booklet aSks and, anSw-ers M u s t Fire • Theft • AuHimobile slve against Japan proper-a- “pre-. glass workers,.at the Obei-Nester‘ flavor, texture and color enough to allow from . Inches lo Ijc^is broadcast Pfemicr Voul right-wing left-wing factions. I last night\n the “America's Tow-n aro D’Amato, with which he w-as All ngbta of republloatioD o.' apecial m'vs8l ^ . ^ a l r ma> n d p V »ccD. j tj} "" company In East S t leuila. To can - ywir Victory Garden 4 inches beT.veeti lop of jars and garis took the santestone, stating: hut that there were similar-inci- • 79 q^stlons,'many of which you Meeting" (v^Z) broaidcast. ■ principally concerned,; to be confi­ or Fumltore Siapateliaa herein, are alao reaerred, the top of the.-path may have wondered about but 1^11 aerylea client of N. E. A Sernoa crop Mnf tejmatoes and' fruits, the • ‘'I am in a positioiK,to assure dents dh case, of both groups. Senator O^ahoncy asserted he Hartford, July 13 •4’' -=- Th« dential because, it w-as part of the, rate, not, aK!Ieast, If. It Implies | Now Stoppages Idle 3,6S0 that' Greek terrltorialXhitegrity could not answer. could see the ".danger signals’.’ of :Connecticutpffice of Price Admih- When You Buy x Ina , im jw rtant acid foo'ds that do not 'Ple appeal, issued by the .EAM-- Here are shine .examples taken ord of the Feb. 2 session of< INSUI^ANCE that the shipaXpd men a re ^ -! Nevv stoppages during the last require slcam pre.ssure canners, prc.S8ure canners are now reach­ and national claims run piv risk. Cdntral commlltc'e and distributed i. a new unemployment crisis,, and istrationtoUay warned -used car the New Haven city ■ a:ourt at Publiabxra RepraaantatiTaa: Tba ready lined up waiting for the hours were reported in Trenton, -dac an enameled water-bath can­ ing the market. If yoil are'using Express' Allied assurances Jbatify. by thq, Greek hews agency Marit-! from Jhe bonk declared! “With the national debt dealcpr^-ho plan to, sell used car^ which D'Amato was arraigned on j.'llu a Uathewa Special Aaancy—Naw the optimlam.” Duties of WhljiA of'House -■ ■■ . CALL , ,, ■ Tork. Utalcaso. Detroit and Bdaton. ment when (he air Offensive ^ J . , Buffalo, N. Y.. Tampa, F la^ ner. Half a ^ llio n new ones an old -one, .be sure it ,is in first pre.ss, followed repeated Yugoslav^ now rapidly boiling-lip to' 300 trucks and motorcycles'at w^- a gambling charge. SCREENS^ n'U Syracuse; N. Y., idling clas.s working condition. To pre:;, Vouigaria m a i n t a i n e d^. tha' asertions' that Greeks were flee-! • Q, What are the otities of the 1 billion dollars, w-e cannot afford -ranted prices after AhR. I " / lo have completed its w'ork. will be bn the^’market. mwki this .year; Paoliilo said he gave the infor­ m em ber audit bureau .o f Strikes affecting, daily ft^w's Many w’onien will make their vent food spoilage and danger to Greece was connected with Yugo ihg the northern regions of; their' w-hipS of the House? I to take a chance on. unemploy­ register betore that date. mation to The Joiirnal-Courier to CIRCUl-ATIONS. But; what is going' on^beJ'seem papersxjnciuded 14 niajor’’^ New health, canning experts Insist that slavia by "indissoluble friend- A. The-whtp^of the >qajority , ment. 'The government niurt as­ The warning statem enyteid t.liat ALEXANDER ^ Buy Fuel Savings Tho .own out of lard cans, metal palU, couh(ry by thousands to escape■ m . V' mffaet a story w-hlch had appeared The Herald Printing. Company. Inc.. to be a systematic ^rbgram .york citv papers; tbrec-^i Biirm-, kettles, , wash boilers and. hsrh all non-acid vegetables and meats sh'rp" and th at Yugoslavia, never attacKshy so-called- "reactionaries: sj and minoriW parties) keepN^ck | sume reaponslbillty." "lo obtain an authorization to sell in 7'be New Haven Register that would menace Greek integrity or of all important p^tlcal legisla­ JARVIS ■Baumaa no Bnanclal raaponaibillty for the destilictlbn of^lill organized rbghsni, Ate^ News and boilers. must be put -up under high pres- and proVqrateurs-’’ | ,ln reply to .objections ny Gan­ used motor vehicles^ warranted afternoon quoting State -Selective Ijrpographical errort appearing In ad- “ drnlng Age-Heraldl two in J^ort- stira. A clean pressure canner oppps^. Greek c^itna. tion and endepvor to TOve all me nett, and Wilson.,-Ratton the prices, the dealer mdst prove con­ 86 ALEXANDER STB E V t Vprtlaementa 'n Ttie Uancheater Era' forms of Japanciw life. And aa ITeady-madei or home-made, a The EAhC declared the, Greek ' Service Director John' F. Robin­ RiiscowVCombinationl wAtyne,- The Journ.ai-(iBzcjrte and water-liath canner must be deep witJi an accurate gauge is an ab­ Tbfe preml^ spoke, harshly of people ’’haveNmilen . urtdcf-xp r e - ’ hers of their parties piesent when i “threat of .exce.sslve reginiyntei clusively, to OPA/lhat he- is in a son as having;, said "pOllUcal pres- Wrainley* aaO Banfiaye nnig’ Herald. the Bulgariiria and said "their Clever . . . these 6” hand important measures are to be 1 that prog rSmxadvarices, one can­ Tlie N?5mcs antf'The Jerscjl atrocities-'nave no parallei.in bes- biow-n copies of Coloiflal voted upon. When the vote is like- | or ttiat he ha*^ bona fide working Ffiday,-July IS not fail tq/Me that it Intends .to sel must be at least 3 or 4 Inches Check the guage before can­ Greece's periods ofxSlavery" undpr^ Ra.v Kinney easily lead to Fascism or, Coh)- to from being drafted and that W indows Journal ip^r.ley f^ty. N. J. ■ ^ taller than the Jars to allow for ning. Because a (iial-type gauge tialityR* during their occupation of the Turks and Nazis, ^ sill bottles in s choice of ly to be close they check up, find j m-unism” ■ could be avoided if th agreem ent wfith a regular automo- do everything humanly possible" to MacMonia. : x out whais out of the city, and ad-1 The 39-dayN»Jd ktrlkes.at the two Jar height, plus a rack, plus water is' a delicate instrument, it may ’’The entire machine^ is designs; light or dark government w-ould take “ bold and lle'^epalrer as evidenced by a Save Up to 30^c F uel A "Well-Planned Town” makexJapan a shambles befose we New-lfersey dallipa ihvolved a dis- vise absentees by wire of the im- ^ Yotr arc fiwrited to take a coot ritteh agreement.*' to'cover Jars an inch or two and in time get out of adjustment, An! x' t by • Fascist remnanta^^’quisllngs ! blue, greefn, am ethyst. sweeping action to w-ard off de­ The country’s best town plan eypn try to land. And wbat is hii- j R e oVer contract points on bubble up,.in a rolling boil. If a inaccurate gauge may cause m-' Qrpeks Seen Trying portent measures coming up. The musical cniiseHp the land of ro-, pression. Me predicted, however, ''^le statement explSinird , that EXPERTLY INSTALLED and -c^nemy collabprhtorsX the office of whip is-unofficlal and car­ mance with-Ray'i-Kinriey and his’ anl.v- possible, in this inhuman .ages, vacations ana"p'aid hojldays, canner is ton shallow the water derprocesaing, with po.ssible spoil-, ° statement said. that the people "are not gblng to w-afranted prices, higher than “a.a WITH THE EXCXDSIYE STEEL SEAL ..experts, hired to advl.se Manches­ old age pensioh.s and inclusioh^ of ries HO. salary or perquialties ex­ America's No, 1 Hawaiian Band, is" pWces.-may be charged when age. Is something terrible to pon­ catihot boil up briskly over the age later; or oVerproces8ing,-'with To Establish Order , - 3 ------■ WATKINS put up very long with anoth(:r ter aa to. its own future, begin by-laws of the International Typt>- jar tpps to sterilize food through­ loss of food value and hayor London, July 13— —A British cept that each whip aa such ia al­ j appearing on stage o/Hije alr-con- 1929-32 condition.” the d ^ e r puts the car in good op- ^ R E C O R D S — i. No Draft! No Asia Ventilatloel der. Translatiosk from deicuments^ lowed s messenger for his office. ditioned State Theater, Vtertfprd, Check\. their report with the atatement graphical iinion--(AFLi. The \VLB out each Jar. ' . — W rite to the Office qf Informa­ Foreign Office commciltator said concerning' anc.icnt India show I Gannett replied to Senate erating\ondition and guarantees it 8. Change Scraea to storm Saak la 14 Blla- . Our methodical ifehedute for the has set a .show cause hearing in \ Give 'a horrte-made canner a tion, U. S. Department'of Agri­ Q. What is -a "gentleman’s I today. Saturday and Sundhy. Be- •O’Mahoney's (lemand for gove for 30 d^te -or.J.OOO miles. / ' ate From INSniB Toar Baiaal , that "Manchester is an excep­ today he was satisfied that the that lirT.OOe B. O, primitive sol- agreement" in ^ngress ? sides his famed Hawaiian Otehes- . , i Washington tomorrow. Diirlng the gbod . rack. As.>a guide trt*" size, culture, Washington'25, D^ C., for Greek govelmment ’Is doing diejXweht to war Witp equipment Cif^ Box I These tionally well-planned town.”- destruction of Japan's cities ' strike. The Bayonne Times hss A. At many points procedure in I tra, Ray Kinney also presents ^ 8. No Bulky Wtadowa to Store Ui cellar! now progressed to the point niea^tite the diameter of the can­ a free copy of the newly revised in its power to establish order.” i, comparable to chemical w-arfare /. 2 ; No Fom — No UuMero -- Uttic TIiim ! “Its general Uiyout," the plan­ laaifed mimeographed sheets and ner. AiAteck for cooling bread or i'Take Care of fiiressvM'e Canners.'’ He said a Greek note seeking. the two Houses is governed not by big tropical revue, "Hawaiian equipment—a "deathfgl„,.,weapon printed rules but by oral agree­ Nights." featuring a company of : 5 Features i. Pay* (or ItooU la Fool SavadI ners continue, “compares . favor- where'^'we are beginning to take The Jersey Journal photostatic cake, or a^cjre ba-sket. will often It's an “ir^lrance policy” again.st Allied intervention. in. Epirus,-In flaming with celestial fire.’*' and a up cities of leas than lOO.dOO pop­ sheets. Forty printers are out at serve. Or a rStA may be made- canning fiilures: , ments between - individual mem- no artists, including his glamorous ! 6. No Dowd PaynMak- 4 4 Moatha X* Payl mi)ly with many of the planned the Albanian bord'er regtop-,- had projectile “wrapped in smdkp and 3 : " hers or the membership as a whole. Aloha Maids, "Hawaiian Danchrs ' the Journal and 18 aFBay.onnc'.*'- to-measiirf of wire or atrip.s' New Jar -rings are definitely su­ not been received yet ip London, flaming flashes, speeding from the ^rden cities of England apd this ulation. We have already g6ne The iiii.spen.sion. o f publication Thus, when a member who wishes and Singers"; Kuulel, "Polynesian ' Let Ca Show T od' s Romo f-Way CombUiatloa Wlafionl wood,- Don't uSe ptije, becauSe perior'to "'1943 .rings, and an im- and asserted that "allegations of circled bow." .t: Read HerafdxAdys. These Stores Are F. H. A. FINANCED — 84 MONTHS 'TO PAY. ^^jBbuntry.-'Freedom from slums or through the New Yorks, the Boq,- (if papers in Birmingham followed resin wo u ld : boil out arid get on pi-Oyement-on those on the mar­ J. J.. to object to a particular bill Loveliness in RhythinI’; Lehua, , COLUMBIA — DECCA — VIGTtiB — CAPITOL tons, the Washingtons, the Pitta- a walkout by composing room em­ knows he cannot be present when "Hula eomedienne.'/tfie Coral ; ovCrj^nae residential develop­ the jars. Partitions inX, rack ket last year. Hqw-ever, boil, rings the measure comes up. he may ge.t burghs, the Petroite, the Bridge- ployes, members of the ITU, after are an advantage. They kee^KjarS' 10 mtniites in one quart , of-w-ater,, landers, the MusjcAl Ambassadors 1 ment, Aayaiiabllity of open spfice voting against signing any agre"- another member to object on his to the Mainland, and others. 53x- porte.snd thc_Hsrt(ordiL-Df Japan, from touching one another -Wn(|^ containing one tablespcxin of soda behalf. Or the party leaders may BARTLETT-BRAINARD CQ; .center of the -toiwj'^ ment- which did not include ' the falling against sides of thdC can- ■tpr each ''dozen' rings, and then tra-added- attractions Intdude /Benj. pOTTERTOirS BAJRTrdBD (I .and now we 'are beginning to hit agree not to take up controversial Beri, "XCuhniest Man on E arth" ' ios WOODBINE STREET breadth ofXnaln business ; street, rn.T'8 1945 Iaw.a An executive of ner. A water-bath, cannef- heeds C in' boiling water. At The Center 539-641 Main Street V . TELEPHONE 8-U69 the New Britalns and the Merl- ■The Age-Ifierald said the union measures or business of hny con-;j tf,e fAf^Un 'Trio in “Hair-Raising; (Tpea Thorfiday OotU • P. M. aoaad SatoMay At 6i|0 P. M. : functional dlrajbutlon of second- a gqod lid but not a tight lid. aqquence beforeoeiore a- certain date. 1| Thrifls,"-riu-ills," and Sammy White,wnire, com-coin- dens. also wantfd to include alt future A^bout 630,000 n^w slumimon Next: TGannlnf *ry traffic streets, evcri- dlstiibu- ITU laws, j Ajmoun.cement of such agreement dancing and singinl; star. On X uon of jestdentlarv development These Japanese cities are per» To Rjesiline Dlalrlbutlon is made on the floor, . and t ^ -screenaLlCCll lais “Man s.-s<.rigiFrom Oklahoma"wrviu«.«wjsiu ■bout the Central cores„^ and com- haps not quite-the tfnderbox ' if- In "Newj Y(irk; publishers have in Ohfo. 6,500 CIO United Auto­ agreement is normally binding oh with 'Roy . r. Rogers------and Dale Evans. mobile-Workers- at the. . Spicer all-members. ----- There'are -late. . .stage ahawashows §!$aty( ‘ ' piste separitiepA (ram towns fa iri they" Wera" alWB^^ xnnatmred their-{ptcntions^ of re­ Your i g h f s suming niirmal distribution of the Manufacturing Corporation in To­ How Senator Intradiireo Bill urday and Sunday startingiarting at 99';45',- ■ surrounding - rural or .Agreen* to be In careleakspre-war specula­ 14 struck: papers "as rapldl'(i as ledo; 1.250 a t thp Solvay Process OUiSTIONS AND^Ah Q, How dtea,^aywnator intro­ p. m. . belt Are sll qualities > wbld^swC tion about what wduM happen ^o posaible.” |. Meanwhile," the - VVLB Company In Syracuse, N. Y.: 1,500 ON StEVICIMIN’S PEOI duce a biU? V.X basic In planning new towns but Japan_lf War with Japkn ever did told Jiublijahers they c'ould employ at the de Laval, Steam Turbine A. When a tenatq*' fis** w-ho have, become presidents; vis­ and workers bther than the striking Gom piny in Trenton, N. J.; 350 a t troduce'a ^1, he say8^;;^Mr. Presi­ itors in the House and Senate Which are relatively rare In old come. the Acme Steel and Malleable .'By Douglas Larsen deliverymen ) to distribute the NCA Staff Correspondent dent,”------and waits , for theNl^ce pres- galleries-. Information concerning towns and cities.”^ ^Bjit we seem to have more^han papers. The 1,700 members of the Iron Works in Buffalo, N. Y.; 5,50. ident to recognize him.n. The vlcC | white House; political partie.s There, handsomely and convinc­ m ade'up for that fact by the Iti ^ndependfnt_ Ne.\yspaper and Mail cigar workers at two 'Tampa, Fla., Washington — Some general president recogtilzes-ra senator, by. nicknames of creased weight-- of our attacks, [fltyerers' union h'ave been on factories; 1,500 constniction questions . About benefits under the looking at Him *nd^ saying ’ the; pccgjjents; copyrights; library of ingly expressed, is a concise state­ workers in Washington, D. C,;.,l,-iGI Bill of Kights: X ment of Manchester’s great good and by the fearful qualities of our strike for almost'two-Week.s and senator from . . naming ^*“Qpngresa: civil service coverage; N have "Ignored WLB back to work 100 printers at the R. R. Dqnnel-i q . m j- seis enlisted in the Air state from w-hlch the senat^^ cortgressional districts; constitu- •' i forfune, to date. TTie town plan­ fire bombs. The weapon of the orders. ’ ley and Sons Company, Chicago; ■ Corps June ife 1944, a month be- comes. ' 1. I tionaUamendmenta. ners come in, and make their sur­ fire bomb was ffalTul-enough as The Publi^era’ Assoeiation of 1,000 at the Anchqr-Hoclung ; f„rs' hls 18th birthday. He was r Then the senator states that he.; . ■ ■ . Glass Company, Conftellsville; Pa.; vey, and the first thing they tJll it was -developed and used In Eu- New York City ‘ today notified railed Januai-}- 19, 1945 and pass-j ^desires to Introduce a bill. A sen- ckn obtein 8triking"mom befB,.of thi? Nowspa-, 600 - at the Torrington company. rd all the exams at the induction i ator often introduces sev()jal bills “ ‘ "ding 9 a . m . t o 9 p . m . la that we arc” exceptionally well- ■rope.' But what It !• agarinst Ja- per and Mail Deliverers'" Uniob South Bend. Ind.. and 87 Minne­ center. When all the "shots’’ wera; at the same Ume by'sayinit that Awira , planned, already.’’ ~ pan Is enough to make, us * shud­ (Ind.r it would be"forced to termi­ sota grain w-eighers; given him he had to go to the! he desires to -introduce, sundry renment^Printteif,, Offi , Most' of MS have, ptrbaps, der, even though we happen to be nate the employment of those who hospital and March 8, 194.’) he. was - bills and have them • referred to ington 25, D. C. loio#n that fact. It takes no wldo on the sending end. ... did not teturti to work. - ' given an honorabte discharge. I the proper comrpittee. A senator F a ll F r o m S w in g , , They said he had an athlettol |_^^^quatetanca with old New Kng- "The publishers. Will choose this may introduce a bllj at any time course only w ith 'relu ctan ce," thky^ ■ ■ ■■ heart. Is be eligible for GL bene-' by iecuring unanimous consent. . land mol towns or • modern New The First Wordn i said in a statement, "but must do fltsT for the purpose. | -»b if forced :by-the ronttntred"rev H urls LocaLBpy JW.IIAU nglaad ftoctorF~tewffi~ to~tMI lia A .^f yonr* 8on wros * discharged Q, ;^Hna an ,ex-presldenf ever i Electric Wiring As Commander Harold E. Stas- that Manchester waa somehow fusaj.'bf the union members to because of an injury or ailment served in Congress? and M ANCHeSTtR sen said in his summary.^ of the comply with the War Labor board CpHW in his summary of received in or aggravated by his , A. John Quincy Adams, after ,msde the ^favorable and atactllng •w— . S ThoniAa Q'NelU. Jr., son of Mr. San Francisco Confer^ce’. S key­ orders;!’ • _ . '■“'t.*-* sendee he Js ell^pte for. GJ beqe- his term as president (1823-29), ExceptloB te a drab and dirty rula. Police'Guards* fnrreased : -and itlrs. S e rn a s O ’Neill-of Nol-th ^ Oil Burner oatsTirdaiixaFH:* note, waa struck by the very first School street Ik the first victirh (it flts. 'This can be determined by was(,elected to the House of Rep­ When, a fqty y e a rt ago, wb j>r6- Their action came as polite his applying for a certiflcAte of resentatives for nine terms, serv-; words of the eharter pf'•the Unit­ any of the praygrounds. , Xmmff Service ceeded to call’, ourselvea "A City guards -around-major .New York O’NeUl fell out of one . of ' the eligibility. Generally speaking, Ing from 1881 to his death in 1848.. ed Nations. new-apaper plants were increased, a person must have served in. the ise a comforta bIe of Village Charm,’!, we were ex- sw-inga^kt the .North End -play- Andrew Johnson, president from; Cont'rols and AH Kinds of These first; words are r- after the War Labor board gave armed services a t least 90 days In ! 1865 to 1869, was elected to the ' .preesteg our awareness of and our the publishers a free hand to em­ graund early this week and frac- Pressure Switches , ■^’’We, the peoples of the United turcitShis 'collar bone. He had, the’* order to- qualify tot benefits under t Senate from Tennessee and served InstaUedw thankfulness for those qualities of ploy, workers other than the strik­ ahouldt'r reset, by Dr. Arthur Mo­ the GI bill, , i from March 5, 1875, lo hi* death . .X - .INC.' H- Nations, determined to save suc­ ing deliverymen by reseirlctjng Its rom on July 31. 1875. pleaaant apacioutneas and room order extending the sunton’s .-con­ ran and Is now carrying the arm 4). 1 was In the regular army Watkins list uesi ceeding generations from the and shoulder in a cast. before the war and was dis­ The booklet also asks find an- Rudy Johnson < for good livlng^hlch the sclSntfBc tract. " swera questions like these :■ ^The scourge of war.’’ The strike, which, has prevented charged H hen I hurt my leg li) PHONE 8028 plwntng experte have (bund a crew Halrcait < ^g'' December, 1940. Since then I have . president’s salary; ■vice presidents sound basis fdr Manchester's fu­ The significance of these words distribution- of 14 major new.spa- Sale pers, is in its T3th day. “ been working In a war plant mak­ . ' . ture. '' • is beat emphasized by comparison Chicago, July —The ing pretty good money. 'Recently, ^ 89.00 (2), Chippendale Wing Chairs, stritcher-base style; dark Brhwn With the first words of the League The .--Fort Wayne papers have .with green. Each...... 79.00 The^ job of the planners, so far not publtshgd since a walkout of membership in the however, I ran across a chance of Nations Covenant;. compositfg rSbm-employes a week "crew haircut gang" numbered to get In on what looks like a 59.76 Small Queen Anne Chair with button-back and seat; tapestry, covered!^ 49,75. . as Manchester was concerned, eight. today, almost enough to i pretty good business to me. Do then, was not the drastic job of These ^worda: • ago over a new contract. As In 110.00 Sheraton Barrel Chair with tufted seat; turquoise dam ask cover...... 19.00 Birmingham, the union demanded field a team. ' I come under the OI BUI of 89.00 Chippendale Barrel Chair, ball-and-ciaw model; tufted back: green fig­ ’ taking a hopeless situation and ’The high.. contracting parties, -r, Hank Wyse had his-Bights?. Have 1 waited too long Incorporation of .the 1945 ITU laws ured damank*;;...... i ...... 60.. V) f They're ^ere! in order to ,promote International ,-recommencing and performing -w-hich the publishers refused. locks clipped GI style yesterday | after niy discharge to apply for . •>- to join the rapidly growing group. I benefits? r 125.00 PUIOwrback Lounge Chair in silver and green striped d am ask ...... » 98.00 those major . operations which coopergllon.’’ ^ Other Labor Disputes Here, In the League of; Nationf •'Other labor disputes and the Then he went out and scalped the A.~ A sI(^:as some of. your 79.00 Barrel Chalr with tufted back; figured cocoa damlsk...... 69.50 ^plight po/ssibly bring light and Boston Brav.es 3 to 1 for his 11th service' was after September 16, 119.00 Button-hack Barrel Chair; .blue self flared damask...... ;.... 98.00 . rauon and pleasure to Manches­ Paige ■Victory. The others with, the short 1940, you are; eligible for GI 89.00 English Queen Anne W lngCbalr; self figured green dam ask...... 74.50 ter life. Their job was two-foid, of high statesmanship, planning Motors Corporation, 500 at Ameri­ hair cuts Include Phil .(^varretta, benefits. That is, assuming you NEW TON 69.50 Small Club. (3iair in beige tepestry,...... 59.75 first, on the negative side, to A tell down for the people of the world. can j^etaj Products Compahv and Biir Nicholaon. Sfan Hack, Paid had other than’ a ."dishonorabtC 700 a t 12 1 umber ■ yards; ■ -3,316 - C coal ■Gillespie, Ed Sauer, Bob! Chipman diachargs.’’ Y<)u can still apply. 85.00 Fanback Chair in self-figured dusty rose damask ...... 74.. 50 y 2 - A s. history know-s, the people of us how to avoid losing any of x>ur Benefits must be claimed smd 98.00 Shwatofi Fanback Chair in self-figured blue damask...... , ...... the w-orjd- had . not actually been miners in Pennsylvania ' and 475 and Len Rice. -''' 7950 - ^ past heritage. anjd^Mcond, on the secured within tw-o years after 89.00 Queen Anne Barrel ^ a i r , burgundy dam ask...... ^3...... 79.50 taken Into consultation during the -r- discharge or. the end of the war, positive side, how to get to be 75.00 Small Pleated-back Club (%alr, ruAt dam ask ; s . ; ...... 6450 Saturdays at 6 P . M . even better In the future^ The deliberations of the statesmen. whichever is later. 98.00 Small Sheraton Club Cfialr, multi-colored blue frieze...... a...... 89.00- ■■ ■■ f- ' planning task for Manchester la The work of- preparing the- Cove­ ' Q. Caa -| finish my 'schooling in DODGE Bacii in Mufti 79.00 (5) Tufted Back Easy Chairs, spring constructioh. ‘'‘ Choice of green or nant Itsrif had been done behind a military school and have It paid essentially that of making a good for by the Government? • .beige tapestries.. Each . ------. .'Ti___ > ...... , 39.59 Paring July and August thing better. TJie pride and pleas­ closed doors, -by the proc.essea of ■^-TArr-—ifA he^m ilitaty school -jirac- j 55.00 Tufted-back AdJustablejEasy Chair, kpuckle arms; blue tape'Atry...... ^39.50 ure. W’e now feel In lyhat.w'e have,, secret diplomacy. And conse­ credited, - the Government will 75.06 Adjustable Easy Chair writh matching fijot rest;' wiiie figured tapestry... 59.75 thej.dhock that has ' come to us quently, not knowing "k-hat had pay you up to*\9&00 a year for 75.00 Tufted Back Adjustable Easy Chair and-foot real m burgundy velvet....' 58.75 By Hal R. Cooper tuition and books. You will get ‘‘When some recent viojatlons of the been done, or how ii: had been 85.00 Adjustable Chair w ith foot atd(?l in burgundy frieze; tufted b a c k ... 69.50 iXi $50 a month for subsistence if you j good laws of Manchester cievelopr done, the "people of the world are not maciled, and $75 per ,75.00 ( 2) Tuftfd Bade Adjustable Chair'and foot stool; turquoise tapestry. Washington—Two weeks after-'-ment of ration books, X set out ...... 69.50 GUSTAFSON’S r ment wer« foisted upon lis, should found it difficult to ijiuster any month if you •ara;^~... doffing the baggy khaki of the Air ; confidently last night to track -stimulate all. of us to a deterniina- spontaneous support o'f ' the te- down a couple of pounds of beef­ * .. ‘Subject-to prior sale.. ^ , J Corps I fqpl justified in reporting | tlon to be sure that, nothing more suiL ■ ' , ’ . . steak, a loaf of bread and some the qptablishmcnt of a-small beach­ Is sacrificed-of oiir priceless In- Tby.,;San Francisco' (Jharte^; on country butter. Aircraft Plants ■ - Brownbiit Shoe Store _ the other band, was created at the head on the scores of ^civilian life, ; “Well, gpood bye, friend," said hepitence, to be sure that our fu'- and am 'regrouping my emotions ' my host. ■ ■ - 'I •Y05 Main S tr e e t ture progress shall be aoundl.v and - bidding of the people, and the for a deeper penetration. Frankly . . "Whaddaya mean; good bye?" Awarded Fiftht ‘E ’ tastefully in line with the beat of creation was done within it looks rough, - -• ! I asked. "The store is just around the past. the sight and within the ear of ManyMany, major 'obstaclesob.stacles he He ahesC ahegd ; the corner.” tables— _1. J. 1 * i -thethe deciphering de<;iphering. of ration books books, ' I came back tjiree hours later East Hartford, July 13, — f/P)— lit w-aa our good fortune that Peop'e The diplomacy was - • f the computing of pay-as-you-jfb w-ith a piece of fish, half-a pound Pratt * Whitney Aircraft division the men who made Manchester s°»neHmes stormy, but it w income taxes, the foraging for of butter'substitute and the bread.- of the United Aircraft Corpora­ /'m u st" Item in w-hst it is today happened to be °Pf"- The people had an oppor- f(5od,. and finding a place^to live in- But the time was well spent. I now- tion today received its 'flftij Ariny-^- a city where the dogs are d^uhl'PK know the laddressea of stores all ;. ANNOUNCEMENT ; jfnea of natiirai v i a i o n , with, a tunity to understand' issued before Navy "E" renewal, the first, air­ These NEW V2 -ton trucks — the first to be built up In thejr kennels.------■over that part of Washington. craft engine manufacturer, com­ furnishingsl We wish to announce to our many friends and pa­ natural. taste ' for pleasant living. they w-ere decided, and an oppor­ But I've reached .the point where 1 Acquiring a wardrobe which by.p(xlge for civilian use since 1942 — are, by ^ pany officials‘Claimed, to be hon- trons, that we have sold our Electrical Contracting busi­ They actually seemcd’T’more coii- tunity to appraise, each" separate^ my store-hotight'shoes don’t hu“rt^ wasn't thrown at me by a dyspep­ oreil In this manner. ^ d s, the finest trucks Etotlge'hiis ever built! cerned' with the proposition of decision long before the Charter' (mUch) and I can pick my way tic supply clerk—and which fits— ness to John P. Bonino, 33 Eldridg# Street, Mfincheater^ among the teeming brasshate gave me my biggest lift since my The presentation ’ of ■ “E” flags Conn. Phone Manchester 2-0327. Featuring a substantial number of improve- how’ much land could go with a itself appeared, ai) a formal docu­ without a twitch in the. salutiqg discharge at'Ft. Dix. On it J spent w-ith flvs stars was made to Gen­ house Chan with- the cheap propo- ment.-;, And the people actually $100 of my mustering-out money, eral Man'ager William P. Gw-inn by Mr. ^ n in o worked for Os for a long time before he ' ments--these,trucks are built to fit the job! They’re T h e y ’re bi^ days for Long Distance these presided', over these deilherations, I can laugh paw-, hollow-ly, at my Army pay for April and May, Capt. John E. Pixton, U.S.N., Bu^ was called to serve in the Armed Forces of our country. fiiUon_ilf_how many houses can go reaii of Aeronautics represchtstlve 19.75 powerful, economical and lon^Aastini trucks! -oiii a poatags stamp square of and dictated their successful con­ that Holeran pleilge I made eVqry and a nest egg I had been saving He has now returned and ia fully capable to care for.any days*-and evenings too. One of our bi|’ jobS ‘^ ■ time I had to hurry up and wAit for the mutuel -windows at Pim­ here. . electrical work you may have and we are sure he will , If YOU need a new Vi -ton truck - see us today land. It was t>’pical, of them that clusion. "The conference dared not in the Army: No more (handing lico. ' , ...... 5, , The'five-star .aw-ards werfeP. and they laid out a Maiii Street origi­ fall, simply because,,i the .people In line for anything as lonfe as I But the end result tertahilS- f Har^ofd, Auckland and continue to Rive the same satisfactory service'you have for a tnidc to fit YOUR job . ; . a dependable is to get through those first vital tcle^^e ^ Hartford plah^. - . ■ nally so w-ide that future careless w:sre so close rio a t V - i lived. looks like a civilian. expected and received from ua. F our-star flafis.' prossnted a t the beautifully reproduced Sheraton tripod Lamp Table Dodge Job-Rated tfuSL" ’-gsnerations could not reduce it to So it is accurately,-in this case, ' . When you see s lins-ln civilian , The night before X hung up my We want to thafiik each and ail for your confidence calls for pur returning service men, life you'get in it. uniform t spent some time in s same ceremony, wtent to the Wil- with its 22-ihCh saucci-rimmcd top. Unusual t u r n ^ and continued faith in us and our work.. Your continued anything like the normalcy of the the phrase "w# the people" vi-hlch I tacked on to a block-long: queue neighborhood tavern. It was full limsntic and East Longmeadow, post and leg base. Genuine mahogany.' ^typical community of similar size. begluA till- united, Nations Char­ in front ol a drug store this morn­ of beautiful girls. They sw-armed Mass., factories. patronaRc over man.v years has been'hiRhIy appreciated v"' Somcumes there’s an extra big crowd on TThe planners, pertiaps, could tell ter. It is a good., opening phrase, ing snd wound up with two packs Around, admiring my wings and _and we trust your relations with pur successor wilt be medals and encouraging me to lie Marchlldon Back W ith'A’s XUS how many commutlilies have as all' those w-ho have lived under of a brand of fagl I never heard most happy. Mr. Bonino assumes no responsibility for Solimene & Flagg, Inc'. some circuits. of. The first puff made me mildly about life in the wild blue-yonder. accounts receivable or payable of G. A. Chappell & Son, ■m>ent how many millions of dol- the Cdhstituti'on . of the United homesick for ■ a' PX. The second My every word they appeared to Philadelphia,. July 13.—(>P)- ‘ DODGE AND PLYMOUTH Ih drastic efforts t6 produce States oG America can testify/ made me mildly sick. >, believe without reservation. ' Pitcher Phil Marchildon; back Inc. Then Long Distance will say-”Pleasc limit with the Philadelphia Athletics We expect soon }o open a wholesale distribbtion cen­ 63t CENTER STREET TELEPHONE 5101 T main streets for themselves, And it signifies not only the w-sy I am .billeted with a friend who I returned the next evening in 22.50 is lucky enough to be « resident mij^ti and received no attention after being discharged from the WITKIKS ter at 282 No. Main St., for electrical supplies and alBIW t Manchester has that priceless the United Nations Charter w-aa of long stAndlng in an apartment' whatever. , Royal Canadian Air'ForoeJ aaya your -call to 5 minutes. t for nothing, simply because created, but the way in which It building only-a few blocks from "You waiting, for somebody7’f he needs about three w-eekaj to get Open Saturday* afternoons to alcd lines. Further announcement pertaininR to the y, in a far-gone yester- must be given life and power. th office. I am beginning to- feel I asked a pretty blonde at thf into playing form. ; 5:30. Open one night weekly— new business will be made as soon as we are able lo rIvc Sit US. TOO, FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE ON Marchildon, vetersg of 26 bomb­ Thursday to 9. Closed Wednes­ \M had vision enough for today, like the nlan who came to dinner, next table. H complete service. — TMi SOUTHUN H|W ENGUND HUIItONI COOPAIIY but from.^the look ot, the. housing - "Yes," she said,, "my sergeant ing missions over Germany, wms day afternoons. ojf Manckedie^ YOUR PRESENT TRUCKS! is oui* task to have eome por- 6 r fpproxlm atsly 4.400 children' a'’s there hasn’t been, a vacancy in the Air Force." released), from a Nazi prison damp 'iV: . G. A. CHAPPELL & SiBN, INC. of that yiAion fo^ the benefit of preschool age w-ho died in 1912, in th e se . parts since John NAnce "I used to, be s sergeant'In the in May. He won 17 games for the Tcoined Mfrhonirv Pleoty oJ factory tnqin^^reci Parti an estimated 2,5(Jo met their death 1 Gri.swold Chappell/ Pres^_____ ■ itei^ hi lutuca 4at» "G» rner left for Uvalde. ' Jtir Force." I offered. last place A’s in 1942 before Join- I h i Uia ' j Armsd with a btaad naw auoit* 'Tfili out," she said. “stUt io." 4ing tba-RCAr, i ^ i - / / .,x: ' ■ ----,/f ' PAGEEIGHTV MAXrTTP^ I PR F.VKNINn HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. KlUDAY, JULY 13. 194* XANCRE s TER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, 13. 1945 PAGBifIlf“ : Z- Start Saving Up for'That Flight to India Suiiiiner Sliidv-., Quisli Illecteii Local Soldier Hebr%>n Bliriiham Sits VVT10-IU8U WTUX— 1280 WDRC— 1360 Today's Ra WHTD — 1410 There will be a meeting' of the , • .y.*' Eastern War Time 6-o To K.C. Office Is Promoted AMCftKAN EXPORT AIRLINES: eBoarc Marty Fd^ii Twirls RockviUe to Wii To Mokow v/o Scahdinaria; Amston Lake Fish and. Game As- '~- \To Moscow via London, north Europe sociation Sunday evehlng at t^e 4:00—WDRC — House Party ;& WTHT— Melody LaAei WTiC— Agaln^^^osen a« Presl- \ ThoiiiHH E. Wilk-o Now a clubhouse, and state Ash and gamb.^ Ni^JlVIy E l c c b Member Nex.'s; WTHT—- News; Olrand’s ' Quiz' of "Two .Cities, ♦A. Arctic d ^ ce a n commissioner Hunter wlil be the Music Hall; WTIC— Backstage 8;00—WDRC — Aldriqh Fal LuMiteiiant; • Finishes Takeg Office i^\Chaii^ WHTD — Pages of Mel deiat of the Building guest speaker. ' Motion pictures WUe. . Bobo Newsome Wini LoejirSport Chatter Halts Gjiited lUrcraft Conrs«? ill Franre. 4:15—WTIC—Stella Dallas. '< '1 ,WTHT—Cecil Brown; WTIC— yUiiit; Other Officers. PAN-AMERICAN AIRWAYS: will also be shown. The local man Is Chosen. 4:30-,W DRC— Ad, Liner; WTIC ! Cities Service Concert. association has stocked the lake 8 :15-^WTHT—Kay-O-Qulz. It took the RockviUe Hill BilUes'K/The league all-star team will To Calcutta ria London, central ■ — Lorenzo Jones. \ to spring the surprise win ol the - play the league leading Nichols-) ThoihM Erl Wilke, 22, of 94 Chicdgp^)efrt>il with Ash and sportsmen are look­ rfes K. Burnham, the .lewly" 4:45—WTIC — Yourtg^ Widder 8 :30—W'DRC — Adventures-i of olmes Goes Hilled With Fine Relief Job Frank 3. Quiah w*h re-aJactad Mokow Europe and Near East (Pan-Am. .season last Wednesday eyening. Bristol ten. The playeVa selected Oxfoni sh^et. has -cnmpleteil an ing forward to good Ashing later named'-raember to the ^ning BroWn. N-, the Thin Maft; Bill Henry;, pcaaldant ot the jSuiMing AMocia- already holds permit lor on. The Ashing and bathing WHTD—'This Is ' Your FBI; Ns'hen they up and whipped tlie De-1 must bV^rom‘tean)s other thkn the elght^Week^^ Officers’ . Training York Board ofxAppeals, sat with tho g;bft—WDRC:—News; Ad, "IJner; tlon ot Oam pb^ council, Knlghta LMor$«itteM Lisbon, London, and Marseille) privileges are restricted to .prop'* board at Ui^nieeting last night. WTHT—Freedom of 'Opportun­ l^t Square Grill by a score of 8 to NB's. \ i' ■ course In''France and has been **'»^Wo)Wn9ton^AZdRES/ WHirt)— TerrY-ahd the Pirates; FinaJly Overcom es Jinx n o ( CcOumbua, at a meetlngr of the erty . owners at the lake and their Previous to tn ^ u b lic hearings the WTHT^ Music; W”nC —Wheh^ ity: WTIC—Correction Please. Brown Whiffs \9;00—WDRC—It Pays To Be Ig- Since April 2 ^ Sta^ Box 5core t Board of Directora at the club- commi.'^oneiT'a., SeroAd IJeuten- guests. board met and >elccted. Raymond a Girl Marries. ■ ■ ^ . 7 7 ___ , Martv Fagan^Anally broke the In Twi' Loop; Pitches .ant,‘ it was learned ‘today by his - V BERMUDA IS. ' First -Selectman Winthrpp ' S. A. Gostee, chairman. He takes the Siprant; WHTD—Famous Jury Rockville has iMt siime thati botheredmpi for two and houaa laat night. James F. Tlar^' 6;15—W D R C ^ Main Street, Hart­ Finally Cpllareil\ by Four and . Two-Third parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Frofl Wilke.' Porter has bargained with^Mrs. place 'made vacant by, the resigna­ ford; WHTD— Dick Tracy; •Trials; WTHT — Gabriel Heat- 20 Batters breakers, especially witji^ Marty ^air months. His Iwperb pitch-: n ey ' was elected vice president. / I ' . te r -W ’BIG-W altz Time. Lt WUke enlisted in February, {^AtlooiMC Ocean’ E. G. Lord for the small ho'nae tion of Richard Martin. Mr., Goa­ WTHT— Superman; WTIC Hank WVse; Resul Pagan Fiirphy^xStarf) al Bat. ■ Janocha, Sb , .. A t a., meeting or. the Summer then -shifted to different Army ployees. At present A1 • Schatz The request of Silvio Mendjll to 9‘:30—WDRC — Those Webitera tyas well received by the fans who, - -r— — ' ' •'W’uthrich, I f ' . . AND'WESTERN AIR: ■ tary; Swoon-or Croon; WHTp WHTD—Death VallMr Sheriff (Assbf iated Press Sports Writer) ing basebaU\games. UUng committee -tentative pjhns' rampa lii the south and on the and family are living there. It erect a garage nearer to the side Wlfei East SideA Beal g ^ him a Ane ovation as he walk­ Hirth, rf ■To Bombay via London, -Jack . A*™strong; WTHT —^ Coronet Story Teper; WTHT Bobo Newsom . still wear* -the X, . By Earl W. Yost ' were made for the affair whjeh i \yest, crt.ast. In January of this had stood vacant for a little time- line on McKee; street, was granted, leball Scores: Music; ,'1\'-TIC ed offsthe mound the winner. Cormier, rf .... central Europe and Cairo; Spotlight BancUK WTIC Peo­ ’ dunce vcap and Tommy West^des at Ml. Nebo. 'There we»a. only a few fains who Maistv Fagan finaPy won a Wtn^be held either late this ^ n th ! year’.he embarked for anvAssigh- Indian Ocean : " i previous.ly. ^ The request of Walter G. Parker Plain Bill. . \ : —— Wise, lb, c-.... or early^in August.' T l^ c o m ­ i ment ovbr.scas from Camp Butner, To Cairo via ^Lisbon; T. S^;-Leslie Coats, son of M.r: ple Are Fuif ' Holmes is teacher’s pet In the hit-' ^ _ ■ Ihought/or -ever^^gave the Hill Bil­ 'TwiligliKLcague game laat night! ,, and^ Arthiir W. Conllff to add an 5:45—WDRC — Tennessee Jed: lies oh outside chance of defeating Rockville'-has now won her.Ia.st Koelsch, cf, .... mittee deeded ■ that tl^ outing j To Rome vio Lisbon and Mrs. Paul Coates,'Is expected 10 :0()—WDr 6 — Summer Show; ting class but the epidemic o f , The North. En^' defeated ' the That’s absolutely correct. Coming N. C., and .w’as a member of Gen­ addition to a building, at 933 Cot­ WH’TD— Singing Lady: WTHT the 'Grlll. Tlrf chances are good two games. 'Th*^ addition of Tony Kiirtck, ,c yiC.. would b« hem (this yei^ at Garden ^ _ L k t l l home within a few days, depend­ WH’rp^Man Ftoip G-2: WTHT ’ ’streaklUs” that threatened to In to hurl in 'tile third inning with .Hlss June Mildnrr eral Patton’s Array which look an ter street to be uaetTas a wcldirig ---- Tom Mix; WTIC — Front Highland Pnrk''tfc*{ri la*t night at that Rocltvtlle will hot gain a berth and Vic Dennis 'as well as George Pockett,.Tb ... Grove. Instead Ot aCdhe home as active . part^ in the-operations In ing on transportation:- He has shop was tabled., , Xing; WTIC Dunninger overshow the Major League pen­ the bases loadeiKiind two outs, the Genwe'si, p . . . Map above shows teptdtive postwar international routes ot three U. S. airlines, approv^ by-the Page Farrell. nant races is over. the North End dloniond^^ th« in the playoffs, yet loyal rooOra of Kulick. an Army point dtac-hargee hard luck righthahder commenced In the past two. Wars. Arrange­ - Miss Jtme. Mildfler, daughter of Germany and France. He served C m l Aeronautics.HJoard. Lines.uwhlcb will make America’s bid for a share of air commence on been overseas with the air force Stanley ^Bingham requested to Evening'N.;, Master Mentalist. Fjigan,„p ,..;. ;30—W'DRC—Harry James "Mu­ It took; Neitfiiom from April 21 score of 9 to 6 in’ the ToWn^ter the team are satlsAed.with the' wrn and two rookies, Fted^ Wuthrich to.,retire the side . and during the ments are being/made today for Mr. and Mrs! August Mildner, of w ith the 89th Infantry a* a Tech­ tr/nsAUantic totites are Pan American Airways, Transcontinental and Western and American Ex- for three years. ' be allowed to use a tr.ailer for 'a 6:00—News on all stations.- over the supposedly ’T(iuper'’ Grill and Ralph Schumey hsApaade the the uae of th e^ te for the event. sic Makers; WHTD The Doctor to Julyr l^ t o p ic k up a mound de­ mediate Leagujp remainder of the gariie'N.f^our atyM Totals . 32 6 11 21 ■-.3. Bolton Center, will leave Monday nician Fifth Grade. . Pybrt Their fhutes will connect U. S. cities with all the major cities of Europe, the Near R‘»«t. North . Mrs. Martin Turahen, chairman home for a sh^aT period, to be lo­ 8;15_WDRG - Jimmy Carrol nine. \ . team a threat to defeat ahyone In He graduated from Manchester for Red ■ Cross knitting, , reports cated on land lie, owma pn Lake Talks It Over; WTIC — H. V. cision but he finally broke his 12- two-thirds Innings, he did'oM a'* United .Alrrraft ( 5) to attend the summer session of Alfica and India, it landing rights are obtained. WHTD— Digest of the AipriJr- game losing dirge yeaterday with Joe Brown fanned twenty bat­ \ the league. . low a single base hit. In rilchclng -High wi^h the class o f 1941 and that she has received an allot­ street. It was d e h i^ He n’8w lives Kaltenborn. ters and allowed only 4 hlt4. His Fitzgerald, ^b .. 4 0 the . ^ a g lq — Music- -Colony---- at------^ ^ ^------— ^------—-— 1.^...... , ' ^ ' '' cheatral Interlude: WTHT - a--ttrtlllant four-hit shutout of last - ^ 8 fgve further p r ^ f that was employed at the West Hart- ment of yarn for sweaters. She in Hartford and-, is planning 10:45—WHTD—A1 Gentile and Or­ the United'Aircraft batters, \ Casty, 2b ...... A' ^ (ee Air Blows Schropn Lake, New York. She will Music; Concert Hot^''wTiC -year’s champions St. Louis team jumped liito a Arst inning wlthoutTMifikey Delucca. tl)e Grill Bob.Tucker who performed witlf .finally came out on top by a acora Jfbrd branch of the - Pratt and asks that those wishing to help to enlarge the present ■ poultry chestra: WTIC^-Louts SchweK lead on Pagan!’* homerun with ^ajman,' K . .y-3 6 Study im 4 I d 7 S . cinity. She la a graduate of Man­ Of Fragile Air Freight North End System to home. He landed -in 'Virginia "WHYD -^Headline Edition; 11 rSO—W’PRC — Dance Orchestra; turnout of 29,513 paid. Pagan! collected the same for the third baae for the Arst time C)»t* two nights, the Arst wak-agoinst and storage building one Jtory WHTEI—Music; WTHT —Dance LOii la- listed with the Rockville 1 003 X—6 started at that embarkatldn port chester High school and will return July 4',- from Germany. He was W'THT- Wlton ■ Levis, Jr.; Hank.Wyae, one of the two winners. season, Johnny colnmltted three the Grill and the win .boastad the Furnish Water for the high, 32 1-2 by 27 1-2 feet on Orchestra; WTIC — American North End (9) Hamilton P?5p*. for the second Aircraft 006.0—8 for troops bound for Korea and for th* second semester of her hear the front on VE day, about WTIC—Supper fflub. Bruin hiirlers who. had horse^col- two base errors, the Anal two al team frdmaighth to seventh place Runa batted in: Hirth, Heteraon Manchuria. leaders Urge By .6. Burton Heath . breakage la very substantial. Nor 28 miles distant. After his fur­ old foundation. It was gran^d. -^ ory. AB R H PO A-. E rohnd of play m’-oMwer to niany- sophomore year at the University Swimming Pobl. 1:15—WDRC — Npapny O’Neil; lared Holmes back on 'June 3. his lowing the tlelng and winning runs inquiries that have chme in in the standings and the loss dropx 2, Cressey, Furphy, Koelsch, Ja- Utsunomlya—r't’eak air opposl- of Connecticut in September. * NE.\ Staff Correspondent i.would- the Government, permit lough he will report for duty in Building .\pprov*' -ll:46-r-WDRC—Dance Orchestra. Fogarty, cf ___ 4 1 1 0 0 0 A ^obacco' shed owned by the ^WHTD — Raymond Graiy last hitless' day, snapped the sea­ to score.' ’ped the Aircraft into the cellar hocha 2.’ Cormier. Stolen base*: . tlon brushed aside at that trad^. Speedy Aclioii Washington— The real beneAts ' dropping' o f cargo if there were the PaclAc 'area. ^ n g : WTHT — Y^artforditford 12:00 WHTD — News: Music; son’s most sensational spurt by 'Vlttner, 2b ...,.3 1 3 0 0 2 of this air age eSn be brought.' any .possibility that, as happens Bros'pects that the north end Hartman Tobacco Cmnpany on Plate uhiplrea can do a l5bv..to spot. O.sle. Kulick, Osb.orn, Wuthrich. and tranroort centeW miles- j, Wlillam O’Donnell,' U., S. N., Is roes'^peak; WTIC N e w of WTIC—News; Mr. Smith Goes sending the Boston outfielder to August, c . ....74 1 0 20 0 0 Dick Blow who paatlmed with Come From Behind Sacrifices: Cobb, Rajman. Double north of Tokyo; raiders fought 60- home to thousands of smaller com­ sometimes In Army practice, a Windsor street Wp? found to be Brown, p . ..:',4 speed up 'Twi games with prom swimming pool will be filled with another Hebron bdy on leave from . the World.* to Town. the dugout without a bingle Ih'Iour 2 2 0 0 0 the Alband Senators in the Rsatern ockviile as they did in their plays:'Gilbert to Casty to DiCor- mOe-an-hour wind. (ConMnoed From Page One) munities through a ' development ' package might foul the plane con­ too close to thpx«pe%t line and a 12:30—'WTIC-r-Jose BethancourL Moeke, If . ....1 1 0 0 0 0 actioh. Pitchhrs toss Ave or six to water tomorrow were made prac­ Sampson, N. T. He le the son r^uest was n(ade to . grant af>- 1:30—WDRC — Jeriy \Wayne trips to the plate. League- last year and a member of garnlNWith the Ofill the night pre- sla. Left^on bases: Rockville 11, , Ichlnomlya—Incendiaries spilled In cargo-parachuting that was trols and cause a crash. of Mr. and Mrs. John O’Donhell. Show; OVMTP—/tione Rkpget: 12:45—WTIC—Lee Sims, Pianist. Chicago triumphed behind Wyse. Jarvis, rf . ___ 2 1 1 0 0 0 the Army has been ' the mound bails befdre an ump calls for the ment. said he. thought the Senate tically certain this afternoon when proval of i>(e Ending at'Us pres­ batter. Games In the league are vjoua, s lb g ^ a belated rally ththe Aircraft 6. Based on balls: Geno­ through clouds on the war Indus­ demonstrated at the Nationar Air­ -• Special Parachute A baseball game bettfreen He­ 6-1, stretching its victory string Pagani. ss .,,.3 1 3 1 0 0 mainstay of the Fort Meade, Mtl,^ vese 2, Fagan rj..(Jre’8sey 2. StrlKe- try city nine miles no'rtlHvest of should ratify the charter “not be­ port,by Penrusylvania Central Air­ So Switlik devised a special William Foulds, president of the e n t. loc^tfoii. Andrew Heaiy , told played in usually slow time. sixth inninS^Nfor three runs knd 111 November bron and Colchester town teams to il, but thaj streak also was Morgan, ih ....3 0 .1 0 0 0 32nd Battalion this aeason. Dick' enough to win lh«..^ball game. Op outs: Fagan 2, Cressey. 4, Gen<^ cause I believe it an adequate ba­ lines and the Swltlik ' Parachute the .hMrd that the building Wp.a parachut*;-for‘ the”--pmT>ose7 arid Manchester Water Company, sta­ is scheduled to take place on the e i ^ t ^ on a foundation of a build-, doomed as Boston swung back to Holmes, 3b ....2 1 : 0 0 () 0 won three o f his Arst four starts. poaiflg Pete GenovSsoOn the slab 'Yeae 1. Hits off: Gehwese 4 for 8 ■^wajima—Flashes of the' fire sis for lasting peace, but beeaoae Company. , PCA engineers developed g de­ ted that water from the system home dianaond Sunday Afternoon. even the series, 3-1 on Carden Oll- Walter Forde has received his I believe that the United States ,lrfg destroyed by the hurricane ToyRevive O l ^Lights Out\ ,W*is Johnny Cressey, gnoUier lad runs in 2 2-3 innings; Fpgan, 0 for' bombs vied with “ St; Elmo’s Are’’ Lease Will Then Expire Mali, air cargo . and general vice that tosseS packages o'ut of Mrs. E. G. Lord has heard re­ lehwater’s two-run homer In the 26 9 11 21 0 0 One Of the teammatea' of the honorable dtarharge from the 0 run* in 4 1-3 innings. x R it b y - (static electricity) over that port will be In a better posUlon to lead shrving the north end would be and the building was approved. Army.. He with Jackie May were ■i»'ho has been dogged b yM < ^ h aviation executives of This and the cargo door so that they can cently from her grandson. Pvt lAnth. Holmes hit safely In the Highland Park (6) local boy was third sacker Jim luqk Al his previous mound a s s lj^ pltchet, by: Ciressey (H O ’ —*“ and war production center,on the in the establishment of such'-’a .turned. Into the pool. ItJhas been Permission to keep chickens was the Arst tw'o Twilight League play­ On Jamaicans’ Quar­ other countries were ‘ ‘Impressed ’ not g et into tail controls and^so- the consensus of ch^neers who Lucius W. Robinson, Jr., thAl he granted to Dominic Camposeo of placement nightcap, a 'Single preceding Gil- D. Kelley, 2b ...1 1 0 Q 0 Tabor, former Boston Red > Sox ments.- Rockville tagged Cressey pnovese (Cobb). Balk, C west-central coast of ShikoItwOs- basis if it should ratify the char­ when they watched a stHftdard - that a.S'many as six, at least', will is still under hospital treatment at a Summer lenw'ater’s clout. . T. Kellev, cf > . .4 0 0 o' 0 star. Blow expects an oyeraeaa aa- ers to enlist back in 1940. May jng pitcher: Fagan. Umpir '.land; rain stojTu lifted one 3-W - ters in Town. ter and in good faith use tts'con- have worked , on the chgstruction 90 Walnut street. Mra, Louise Sta- for 11 base hits, three, by Mike DC-3 •arrllner. breezing past a t ; hit in a very small area, of the pool that once the'basin is Chanute Field, 111. 'He^ has been chelsky of 233 Woodland st'rceL The Brayes got ample revenge Gerieh, if ___ . .A 2 0 0 3 slgnmeirit shortly upon completion according to reports, is up for’.a Furphy and two each by Bob Os­ F la h e ?^ Vittner. Time 1:45. 4,000 feet. \ atructlve provisions for an inV, discharge in the near future. 130 miles an hour, drop china- i There are as ypt only 373 cities filled seepage, into, the dry earth in a w'eakened condition following John R. Wolcott of 180 Main New York, July 13—With three ! clu^, pickup from-Washingloh for for that 24-2 pasting In Boston In Fuller, e ...... 4 8 0 5 2 his present furlough. born and Freddy Wuthrich. Geno­ Admits Firs" -Hlarted Manchester will see the erd^^of crease in world cooperation." ware, .watches, bottled medicines in this country with direct air the second tilt because- Claude Pitkin, p . . . : . ‘ .3 2 3 0 3 Vt .------the rald.s CIO President/Phllln Mtifrny. in would end and the flow from the An attack auffered/^en he under­ street, Mrs. Johii Laraon of M of its ordinarily sjtenso'red aerie* talk 6^Se^C3inton Apderson vese was wild apd Ineffective and ed out and GTlb^ went down (Tokyo radio si and ■ phonf>gfaph records fr^ht a service." ■ This number presum- Pas.seau’s nine-game win streak B. Harris," ss ...3 0 l'\Q, 0 Softball I/;ague managers i lasted three ‘ hours ijd admitted the Jamaican Camp the name a statement subhnltted to the com- brook feeding the pool woul^be'- took strenjji^us^^llltary training Main street and Mrs. H*rriet M'a- taking Vacations fromirt Satutday Did you ever he^t of a second was finally removed in theithird swinging to end helghtr^iijL 300 feet un a JimaU tar-. pbijr wiljt .be increased after, the after havlng..tSeen-a-«carlet .fever also fell ^ the wayside. Tomm. lb ...^..2 () -.0 137/jO. reminded that their llstsTof tires were sthrted. claimed' given thf forjner^SiljIth Garage on mlttec.^CBllet^'for “ the early and suAncient-to keep it filled, c.hle ..of_J6Jl _£3iartet_Onk street. night- r*dlo,"NBC hM-decided M’s Herbert -.Hoovef, speaking, -trom baseman-With -aT'kpongc- -In- -hia after, he had passed .two. runner* 'The-third - nm— that without so much As denting war. but there still wli) be thou­ victim. Vte Is now able to take Andrew Falcetta of 133 Oak T ' 7 Hnap LoMng'fit'raak 'CConhell, 'rf ..73' o' -.0 6 0„ ' playera' eaqh for the 'all start'game they were controlled by dawn. It BIsseU stfreet, when Yhc:^ present overwhelming approval of the. As soon as the constant level of a good time to All one,^'6f them San Franci*co', |4\announcedli 'for a after giving up two-baee hits, the Billies scored came in the corner of»a package...^''^ sands of substantial communities the pool is maintained and the wa­ part tiudfght recreation, such a.s street was granted the right to Btooklyn broke out of a-slump Munson, 3b ....3 0 0 0 o' ■to be playied 'on Jul^ 31 must be glove 7 Last ^ h t , pl«y ;.''’as held last free ticket which resulted in lisled seven Honshu c l t i ^ as lease expires on'November V. The charter.” He declared that “rt^er- with an eight-weeks revival of 15-minute di'seus'sthn on “The San turned in by the 25th at the latest, up several *mlnutes while Bill single by Wise, a two-baw vationS or limitations of ..arfy de­ The.se fragile items, and others that will be able to send or -re­ ter given an o.k. by the health au­ golf^..and to help care for wound- enlarge his' chicken coop. o f the old "Lights Gut.” This was that cost them five of their last C. Harris, 3b .. 2 0 0 0. 1 runner being forced across the on the hit and a Aelder’i* cholco> bombed, rather than four and^n Francisco Charter W d the Prog- seven games bv swamping Cincin­ Each manager -will selec.t ten play- Casty second baseman of the Air­ oil refinery as rc^rted by Amen, 'building Is again to be used as a scription to the'-Uhtted Nations niore durable, were not spcciallv ceive air mail and cargo only by thorities a date f<^the opening of ioldiers broiight Into the camp The request of Daniel Provan the serie series of nearly a decade platteri' 'The rally was stamped out by the re.s* 'Toward Peace” xw CBS for nati, 11-5. tn the late half of a twl- 29 5 4 18 9 4 era, two pitchers, according to craft ■ extracted ' the catcher’* can sources. Tokyo also reported^ garage ’and auto salesroom. charter must be. 'Understootl as packaged They were in ordl- train or road .shuttle to airports. the pool for sw'ljrirning will be an­ ospital to operate- a small machine shop ago which tried to scare the lis­ next Wednesday evening at 7. Genovese allowed only four hits only double play of tho. gam*. yvThls . Information was given to 'nary cardboard cartons, packed B.v u.se of the parachute It nounced. Mrs. John Lewis, who lives on in his cellar on Middle turnpike, liight doubleheader after blowing Two base hits, Pitkin 2: home thejr positions and turn in, their aponge. from-his .glove and gave it in his stretch oh the hill. Lack of that. B-20s mined the waters of simply an attempt to defeat its teners in the last half-hour of * back to the.catcher. Rockville threatened In tbe ■tW,Zonlironlng Board of Appeals at its juat as they would have been for would he possible for a through the Hebron-Andover road, is west, made six weeks ago and mid-iveek night Uitough the writ­ the nest one, 4-3. To the veteran run, Pagani; sacriAces. Vit'.ner, lists to prexy Herb Stevenson. control accounted for the losers Wswasa bay on the west side of enaetmopt;^ On the Air Tonight: Nb G.—8,. fourth. ...Two singles and n stolon' Honshu.) meeting last night by -.Thomas Qbalrmah Connally (D,, Tex.) mail or:' rail express or depart- plane; ’■ dipping low over a pre­ spending several weeks as thq postponed from meeting to meet- ing isfforts of Arch Oboler, Willys. Joe Bowman. The split left the Mo'ske; bas.es on ballo. Brown 4, runs. A fast twin killing by the boss gave the Hill BUUea two boos Brown,'''who conducts the- gasoline mept store delivery. A couple pared target in such a town, to "tng, was denied last night. Paul'.Lavalle Melody; 8:30,\Cor- _Brooks only a game back of the Pitkin 2; strike-outs. Brown 20, Aircraft -wiped out a potential Adihiral Chester W. Nimitz dis­ forecast a favorable committee re­ Killed guest of relatives Tn New Havm Cooper and others. recUon Please: 9:30, People A te runnera but (Tormler woa trapped closed today that hunting for en­ service staUon at Main and-Myrtle port either tonight or; tomorrow />f the. boxes missed the grass tar­ drop both .mail, and cargo on the Miss Joan Reinhardt of Glas­ In the revival, to run through 'Arst-place Cubs. Pitkin 4; umpire, Vilga. . . ' Rockville rally In the third. The off third to end tha tlireat. Tba streets. MrxBrown was uatii4ast get narrowly and landed on a spot. Funny; 10, Music and Dunning* St..Louis was in and out of see- 1,000 Extra Copies PA’s Oppose losers scoi'ed sll ■ their tallies In emy shipping off southern Japan morning.. tonbury is staying for «-tltne at September 1, and to hnve-the-tfme , . . CBS—7:30. Jerry , Way winning rally started after one becam'e so poor that his fleet week the ownbr of agasbiine sta­ Althovigh.he advocated ^Mriy cement apron, but so gently that The reverse ■ picture — pickup Crash the Arthur Ejseman place bn the Typhoon Rips Bow o f-’Truth or Consequence* at 8:30, , ond plaOe. during the evening, At Mt. Nebo in the other, lame, two frames, the second and the man woa out. An error and me- Show: 8, Aldrich Family: 9. R jnoving'.up when Brooklyn !ost The Rockville Htll Billies cap­ March planes joined yesterday tO tion at the coi;nfe5^ e rw e 8t fktnt^r adoj^tlon o f the charter. Thomas no semblance of damage was done. without landing—already is In Grebrir She la entertaining Mias only thoseu io v Cooper scripts which -p«v8 To Be Ignorant; 10. Ray Bol- the East Sides easily trounced the West Hartford third with three and two runa, 're­ alva slnglaa by Furphy and O *o*n and McKee-jitr^eta He said itg volcfed the view that ” th^ great- In time of war soldiers and use to some ektent. ahd in itiany Betty Jones to kisep her com^ stressed fantasy rather than hoj- - KrfHie -Cantor. . . and dro^ipinp back When Danny West' Sides by a score of 12 to 4 tured- two Twilight ^agu e games spectively. Rockville acored single loaded the booes, Jono^ea rwpaoA* tMring up railroads on Kyushu, (Contln > a g ^ ,One) From Pittsburgh; ger and Eddie Cantor. . . . ABC— bitting trains, destroying a fac- had securetl the agency for new .c^t Ftngla.and Immedtatc- contrib\i- military supplies are expemlahje. Instances could be combined with From ror will be used. Because of the. GaKJellh doubled home -two runs behind the pitching of Blow. The in a row to cause so much com­ nms In the Arst, second and third ed wltlt n Un* drlv* over weoad pany. / ■7:30. Lone Ranger; 8:30, This-Is in thh 10th iniung for Ne.w York’s torv, and damaging another. automobiles and would like to the AmericaA government Death and breakage are regrrt- parachute dropping to give every­ Mra. victoria Strong is still, on sarller time it was thought b^sl winners made 12 runs, on only motion In Rockville that .an extra and climaxed their wtnMng mar­ good for two rune oAd Rm eooun^ have the right to repair cars. This Mrs. lYatker, who was hohpjlal- Daniages 20 Ships FBI; 9, Famous Jury Trials; 9:30, 9r7 m ^gin overRhe Cardinals. . three hits while the W'est Sidera 1.000 copies of The Herald have Tlirealen'Champs. Halil (In the face of this mmmti'ng cottld make’’’ toward peace “would ted. but raiist be risked where an thing except pa.ssenger service to the lookout for her los.t dog, a B of to *tir things up too much.' The .Sheriff, drama. . . . MBS — gin with three In the sixth. was- tied at 6 alL 'Wmtlirlclt feiw eit American air ' onslaught, Liiont. he had at the West Center street b c \ spc«dy..^d of the war with objective la at stake. In civilian towns that cnuld not support air.- izpft^at Florence-, <3., after .belri ■'-« —— - ■ Mel (S t’s pinch homer with two made their t\yo blow*! count for been forwarded to Manager JtR Kqueeie Play Bucoeaaful for out numbor two but Two Ton aken up. ' “ '1.;thoroughbred Collie, which she 8:30.’ Freedom of Opportunity; 10, hired h on ^ on base, his Arst since Of i.,eagiie l-^aclersliip Qcn.*Saburo Endo, director of the station and he asked to be allow­ Japan on^ a statement of terms aviation, air Cargo patronage will porta capable -of handling the big France’s Arst Bastile Day cele­ their four-run total. Koelsch Of the team w‘ho ho* Rudy C om lof singled to rinvC GQf “ Everyone was qul^t and I be­ Aies very highly. The dog Is . (Continaeiil From Page One) Bout. Willie Joyce vs. Bobby Ruf­ June 10. keipt thq GianUtn the ball The Aircraft went' down in or­ ■iiircraft ordnance bureau general ed -to transfer the llcen.se. whichXfould 4nd*‘‘‘^ p.rovtde :.de- not be obtainable if the risk of planes passing overhead. larl^’O ight tan color with white bration since before the days ot East Side. promised to dispose of them. bert aiad* n Mo* etop on ttM plef lieve I was In tune with them, be­ fin. game in .whihh 'seven, huriers saw The new* of the twin victories Iri'- Gaine al Wesl Side. der In the Arst while the' Hill Bil­ of the Japanese munitions indus­ -He said he only wanted it as a qViqtfi' guarantee's''against renewal ruff afti^white legs, responding to around In a circle to'escape a ool-*i Nazi occupation will produce pro­ ab r h |)o a e lies managed -io score once. Fur but oould not moke a throw te enir of^apaneSc aggce.sSion ...” cause I’m-sure we all wci-e pray- action. Ae6 Adams was the »^‘Pn Accornero. If ..4 2 1‘ j .0 0 has taken the city by iurprise and try, was reporte.d'tffW-ll furnishing of peace forces. Lilienthal said he hpped thought Martindale, co-pilot, said the coT- including. The HeMId. She is at storm’s Center. tl: 12:30 p. m., Atlantic Spotlight; Pittsburgh. opene'd a long home the' piuiuid. Janocha grounded into to production of'planes, carry on the repair end. The lease ■ time should “offer hope, not- only eign Minister George Bidaud .and ^isSambonga. 3b 3 2 1 . 1 2 1' tion.' West Side Oval .wh'Sn the Pratt and a forceplay at third but little would he giver) to eStaWi.shlng an Jialorj. occurred as the transport her Hebron home atjiresent, Ijav- Sealed buUcfaesuls kept the Pltta^’ 2:30, Sky, High OrCljestra; A. Alsol gtand which Pr*nkie^ri8ch hopes (He was quoted as insisting it of the property on BIsaell street- to the .iRlianese people but'to the ’’When the Congress kno'S's. what ^ take " at bimgh afloat a*d; tnfr. cniiter, por- abort drama with AnnabsUa; Carlin, 2b; If . .4 ' 1 0 2 2 0 Whitney Men’s Club,v cUrrenfly in Wuthrich singled over second and hundreds or'rnllitnnn of -Asisttes will be- proposed eo'rt«ernlng the international . -'velrM-ana'• council was losing altitude prepsiatorv to 1 *ig sold her seasnori CBS) Aqueduct Race; 6x Rhap* [ wlU get.the. Pirates-b^k into the G rtffN cf ___ . 2 1 I 0 0 0 ■#as paramoiuit that the' Japanese doe's hot expire unlTTNovember 1. Giant’s- Neck, Nlantlc. ' -She had mally capable o f,-38 knots, lum­ NB(3 '4:,30, 6Iso from Paris; cele- sody ot the Rockies; 10, Sustain­ the bases were' loaded. Bicky Wc seem to be shout to restore — size and characterpf theU.'S. con­ within the frarwwork of the char­ landing at Columbia. Davis said race by shutting the door in. thc Connolly, lb . .3 71 0 t 1 P third place in the standings oppose Air Ftorce “destroy completely the after whlcli he will ask for a fur­ planned'-to. spend some time-else­ bered back to Guam at rune knot* braUbn in Plage CAlchy; MBS 7, in g'th e' Army M'inga. , . . CBS— Hirth laid down a neat bunt; on a enemy’s most Imporiant air bases at^terrible rost to ourseives —• trt tingent and the area within which ter. He alsfc suggested e.stahlish- neither he. the qo-pllot nor any of Phillis’ face, 4-0. Nick Stnncevich McCarthy, c .. ...2 the league leading Poll’sh-Amerl ther change. where. blit wishes to be hdre ti' for temporary repktrs. -33»e -how from N4w.'York-and Hollywood, 11:30 a.'in.,- BlJHe Burke: 2:30 p-m. did the slamwlrtg xnd helped his Plant J Plays squeeze play and Osboro adored In the Okinawas.” ) Under these conditions the re­ white-, empires,-. British. French it may be used,” Dulles said, ’’thhn ment of A United NaHoiut iinivo"- the passengers saw the twin-en-, Keating, as y .2 cans. ’ ' gined Army plane until just be­ the -dog can be located. She thini taken In tow by a® tog .iuid Charlet 0 o ^ r , Irene Bqrdlni, Barnyard Follies; 6:15,' P'eople’s own cause by belting 'home a\palr and the ba*es Were, otill loaded Expect Mora Blotvs quest was granted and Mr. Brown and butcji.'’ It may he desirable by statlite to sity to train p'ersnnnel f6r the se- Ambiasaador. .Boiuiet and others. BIcot,’’ p ____ . N with only on* dowii. -Jack -Wise curify-organlzatloh. fore -the. crash. -~' it ran away. back to --1^ - Piatfdrrft “Should Labor Arbitra­ of tallies. ...TTle defending champion ;pA’a rNlmltz’ commuhtqii#- today said will now go through witfi his plans Dulles skid.the SenateNpeed not Ax the relative ‘■;res|)onsibiltty of Also coming ^ ...Saturiiay at P; Sambonga, 2b O' Rockville Ten are'<.on1y a. half game ahead of .correspondent* re­ leadera are to be “ revealed iti. their Serenade and Jessica. . . .'ABC— 1. cago. It was Diiteh I.,eonard’s 10th teammates oppose the Stolle A The Pa’s must win in order to re ahd then go ahead. Lou DiCorsla Batting—(JuccineUo, CMcote^ Tokyo area Tuesday But enemy “ Actually,’’ Dulles • saldr’-'-.^the pretty well for 160 years with/a reau federation,. ertdorsing the Cqrp. Raleigh Bi'.- Allbaugh., Jr., Flavell, 2b both o f‘‘Oklahoma City, Okla. A St. PeteF^ cemetery is being ported. ’ ' true nature." Fun Canteen Quiz; 4, Saturday decision but the knuckleball ex­ Gamble ten of Rockville tonight tain their Slim margin while , « waa credited with a baae hit when .327; Case, IVashlngtOB,. ,336. broadecsts heard In Guam repeat­ Valerie T. Sweet docuni^t before you charts-a path, statutory deAnlUon.” charter. And these additions-foi NBCr Berhy, 2b loss,will send" the Props Into the his drive glanced off Genevese’s Runs-vStlrhweiaa, New ToiR, edly warned more such blows yr^e which can follow joyfully and ’’ Seen Basis for Future Peace third occupant of the Army plane improv^’ torough the straighten­ Piaqea on cme^ *mal! escort gai’* Svmphonv: 5, Duke Ellington pert was not around aUthe finiph _ . . in a Softball League game at the S p e^ s Against CJiarter rier “were Alpped atopnd like 3:15, Talk by Dean Virginia Oll- Hour; 6,;4.5. Labor USA, First of as he Injured...... his righIM hand Aeld-! If North End diamond with play top spot in the red hot race for foot and rolled- past the moynd. 56; Case, Wiaahtngton, and StepR*' In the offing. without fear. We remain the mas­ .lohn Davidson, Mort^hcad City, parafeHuted' to ' safety. The Anny ing ajid enlarging o f the south­ BrownX 30 -Uiiest at Shower Ca^^T^SI^ Mote, o f Thdianapolis; withheld his name. . west corner.. Land which the beembaga. toss^ into the'' ^ deraleeve, delegate to San Fran­ AFL*'6erics; 10:30, Hayloft Hoe- ing a hard hit hxH Ih the eighth scheduled to start at 6:30. championship honor*. jatlly Gilbert singled over second ens, St. Louts, .45. (A dispatch f.rpm the- cruiser ter of pur own destiny. The char­ N. C., who said he was “niaking Frey, It ’ aaid both rdnners were pushed Ind.,-spoke agMnst thfr chsrter. He the Arst public speech of my life.” .Newsmen at the scene said the tnurch owned had , never " befdre oveA end and piled -In a Jii: cisco conference, on “The World down. . MBS. 12 noon. Hello inning. •The Aircraft team has been, dig­ In the Arer meeting between th* Runs batted In-^R. Johnaon, Augusta in the Atlantic reporting ter does nht subordinate us''to any said he repraaint^ Gerald .L. X. .' Jim Wilson outpltched H4I i-Iew- Jones, c ...... around on a sacrifice bupt by/Ken Boston, 48; Etten, Naw York, 48. said he thought the charter would Army plane exploded two mij*4 been taken, into th e i cemetery heapiof wreckage," said Is a Com m unity3. from Denver, Mom; 3 This Is Halloran: 5. ged by tough luck all aeaaon long. two clube, th# PA’e acored a, 1 to 0 that President Truman was in super-gpveriiment. . Smith. The. AmpncAn-.FIrst party, SporU Rarade: 6y30, HawMi Calls; ■heuser, the Tigers' ace, to give Hawkes, cf . . . Cobb. Walt Oste’a roller down Hits—SUmweisa, New York, 93; touch hourly with the Third fleet Mias Valerie T. Sweet, of Stark­ “There is no right on the part provide the basts for future pepce. from the point of colllsion.-^talc- grounds, sufficient to^pve , that dated I^ess Correspondent Orvtt. obaervance of 20th anniversary; of Mc'Veigh, ss- .. The teaifi ja resting in fifth place, win -with Uie -gelp ot a,no hit, no weather sUVeU Who is to be mar the National Ji'amera guUtl and Ing one occupant to his ’death. A 8:30, Detroit Twffig,ht Concert, , Boston a alim 2-1 shade and spoil run performance by Zlggy Olbert third got W a y from Jojiocha and Case, Washington', 90. 'also hinted new blows were.to be o f the United Nations organizatfon David Watley. vYashington,’’'D . corner ite proper rectangle. MacDonald- The forward end of iKXA’a Farm QuesUon Boat, 1° i*»* Pagani. p showing oiily three wins in eight DlCorsta!rtir'nvalal scored. Peterson filed . - out . rted tomorroWHjiornlng at 9:30 in the veterana^of World War second Was killed, in an attempt to her Alght deck was ripped up and the launching of Detroit’s secohd games. The team Is a distinct of the Navj'. Zi'ggy won't * . Doubleft-^McQuInn, Bt. . Liouia expected.). ■ . '■ to Intervene in oiir domestic af­ C„ lawyer, suggested that the Rocks, bmsh',' wild trees, etc., . 1 Nn 1 1 .-A------Kearns, P • • • • to center and after the catch, Gil- St.. Bridget’s chiiM) to William R. ChalrmatK' Connally;;',^ challertgei parachute and thC/third filer was have been removed and the left dangling over the bijw. eastern visit. Wilson rubbed it in threat to get into the playoffs de­ around tonight but in his place tn 19.; CMcclnello, Chicago, and 81*- On Oklhaw-a. Gcrifral Hutchi­ fairs. There can. hei no use of our trcaty.be referred to the states as '■by Aguring in both Bed Sox scores. Taylor, r f ----- icrt-tagged up ind aoored easily. son, who heads up the advance Richter, ■Jr., of Rocjtvjlle, w.m the Mote'ajrlght to appear'for the vet- uninjured In his successful jump. ground leveled **nd partly turfed. -Ships wljich suffered damage spite their present rondingS; PA’s exhect' to h^e Lefty ’ Jad> bert, Philadelphia, it . force without; our consent. If the erapr,^ declaring “ most''\qf them welT-iwi to the Senqte for ratiAca- TMEY ' With Newsofh’*. rex’lval acting Fallon, 11? "..; essey singled for the third run Triples—Stimweisa, New. York, units of the Far Bast Air Force honor gtiest at a-greenback,show­ joint^'-adventure falls, w* can with­ tlon. Both enginM’-'o f the airliner The work Is by no nieans Anished. M d have raturned to action li>* The Rockville array of,^ ball- ziniaH o f SpringAeliL;, areA’t home yet.” os a'apur, the AthlelAcs went Into Agostonelli, irf and a 8 to 1 lead, recently transferred from ' the er, given Iftst night 6 ^ Mrs. draw." were knocked out,' Its left wing Lewis W. Phelps, Mnlor church dude: vJ ' Softihllheague tossera are two and ot>e-ha,lf games ■Tud FIob<;,,*,nd Yoah Ktnel head 10; Moses, 'Ghicago, 9. - Maidln H^'''-hjnier, legislative partially ..thrn off and the fuselage a'«omplete,form reversal and shut RockviUe' narrowed the margin Home runrf—Stephehs, SL Louie, Philippines, tbld Cushing; Charles |f .'W yman at her ftopie, Should. .^A’alt RatlAratlfin , Mote said the charter ’’la void of warden, Is tn cJtxrke. The work is Elssex class carriers Hornet and S gC T A k in Totals 21. 4 3 18 16 3 behind the leagme-leadlng .N lch' the Hen’s (Tlub hurling corps. In their half of the iipilng to a run all moral basis." representative, su bm i^ d the en­ aft o^, the cockpit was cut. One ot out th* Browns twice, 4-0 and 11-0. 13: R. Johnson, Etoston, 10. “Out prllbe mission is to neu­ 56 Starkweather street. GueJtaJ • pulles salaid the authority of t)>r' dorsement' o f the Bt^ilhaihood of sponsored by the church apd not Bennington; tbe fa^ battleships 't' StandiHg8 Left on basea. East Side. 4, West Ola, Bristol ten. Ray Raipadell Flood has a season record of two by scoring once, kulick opened the transport’s engines, lalided a Massachusetts, Indiana and Ala­ Flores did the second job, a three-,- Stotfen base*—Cose, Washing; tralize Japan’s air arm and assist attended from Hartfof^.' Rock-^ ■Apierican ' delegate on the World Alfred.Lilienthal, veteran oCthls Railroad Trainmen. by the Cemetery Association.'v , Side 6; bases on balls, Blow 6, who ha* done practically'ell of the wins in as many starts while- Klnel the frame with a base on balls. A few feet from the plane and the bama; :- the., ^ Independence dase hitter,' with-Big Jakiicki and Tex has won two and dropped one.’ ton ,'18: Myalt, Washington, 16. In blocka'dingvthe sea lanes. It vine, and' this town. . . Sedurity couneiji ought ^ to be de- war and a consultant at San Fran­ The qyiet order of the proceed-- Frost was reported on low lyink W.-. ‘ JPet. Shirley taking the setbacks. Pagani 11, Kearns 4; by pitching for the team will tltf doubt stolen base,'an InAeld but.and Fur- looks a s 'if this is being accom- Mrs. Wyinan' used a ‘ color termlfiatl -as a part’’ of ‘‘mternAl .pUier fell a n»)le away, lane 'early Thursday forenopn. cruiser-type" carriers—San Jadnto Pct.G BL Blow 8, Pagani 2', Kearna- 2;' Mt oppose McGuire on the slab. Pitching—Ferriss, Boston, 14-3, cisco, told the committee the, men Inga was disrupted when the com­ ■'A-.jellef plane carried the unlnr NichMa, Bristol .. 8 .889. W. L '-The home ruii 'that built the 7 Both teams are expected to be 'phy’*. single did the .trick. Bill- and Benton, Detroit, 7-1. .876: . pushed easily becau.se the Japs, in scheme of pink and blue and in procedure’’, after the g a rte r Is ’This was noted in Hope Valley bff- and Belleau Wood; destroyers 38 30 .559 — by Blow (Pagani); wild pitches, Both, teams are -anxious to score at full -strength with the game in the arnaed forces, expect peace­ mittee called Miss Irene Lt^tti, of jured'pasaengera.Jo Miami. The Stolls A Gamble , 5 .625 llkes-Barre Yankee SUdium;ba^!h8«'cd on ♦he' Casty'-started what proved to be National League my opinion, don’t Intend to engage the center o'f the- living room an ratlAed. 'This cBuld ybe done, he keeping machinery to be set up and In the meadowA. and to some ex­ Johp Rodgers and Blu; escort Xlhany 40 33 .548 . ^ Pagani 6, Blow 3; balk, Pagani; a win In order to remalp, in the scheduled to get underway at 6:15. the 'Aircraft’s final scoring sprec Pittsburgh, a talk comely bi^nette. hospital xat’ -^ oren ca listed, the carrier Bqugalnviite. Warren A Jarvis . 5 .556 New York Yanks as '• Cleveland Batting—Holme*. - Boston, .894; us in the air.” uroBrella' decorated in these .colors She evoked a burst o f laughter by tent at Hebron Center. Plant J .V...... 3 .375 Hartford 3A - so .545 1 poled., three Into the . stand* in unipire, Carlin; time, 1:50. running for league honors.’ o.f the evening in- the third when .1 ; • ______■ ' ■ vvas suspende'd, attached to the \ ■ . other seriouslY injured as Mr. and Mrs; Daniel' G. Horton visited Three. other cruisers and seven J115 3 Cavarretla, Chicago, .374. -sqylng 'sh^ represented "the pres­ Mrs. Maxine Silbert .qf Asparato, K. of C. ______... 8 .333 UUca \ 3T x 38 grabbMg a 7-4 decision. Midkey he led off with a single down the Runs— Holmes, .Boston, 78; G v streamers were, envelopes con­ her father Wednesday In WUlIng- destroyers which suffered minor Wllllomspdrt 84 33 .507 8Vt leftfleld.fpul line, Gilbert was safe Dhm ei Afimits AmeHcmt - Po[ly Dose for Jops ent generation.”,^ She said she is 71, Cadacaa, Venezuela, and Gert­ damage—also have been repaired Lee’s Esso '...... 2 .322 RocoO; Jeff He'ath and Frankie Ian, Brookljm, 64, taining the ^fth>br money. ton. . '■ Scranton 32 35 .478 5ti I^^es did -the honor* for the when Furphy booted hft roller and “dcAnltely oppos^ to this step to­ rude H. Lustig of New York City. and returned to aerUon. Twilight [League Runs batted in—H olro^ Bob* ThreM!^^t^u^e G ood 1/0081 and li)Strumental muktc 1. Pocks, .jvarehoutes, ward a world federation.” Local people have luted the Elmira 32 35 .478 5 ^ ribea. Caaty acored after being aacriflOed failure oh someone’s ' part tp see The Nimitz announcement. did ' 23 'Ll .369 13-" ton, 69; Olrao, Brooklyn, OT. San . Francisco.' July .13—f;P»— was enjoyed an^'-a buffet ’'lunch milro^'hifinels. Senator Johnson (R., Calif.), op- Bingham tbn to third. Cobb wSs hit by a pitched Hits-j-Holmes, Boston, 126; se rv e d b y the hostess. On 'th e that the U. S. Aag is kept Hying not specify where the typhoon American Standing " .ball and both Oste and Peterson Japan’s government-controlled- t)o- 2. Two ships siHik.' pon^-J of . the old League o f .Na­ struck the Thfhl fleet for the'sec­ Yesterday’s Redolta Center of the table, was a bridal on the Soldiers' Park, at Hip Detroit 43 29- 'walked tojorce in a run. ’That was Kosen, Brooklyn, 106, - . I'v^mei news agency admitted gloom­ 3. Oil retinery. tions, told reporters the committee Money Fight . ond time tn si* months but pre­ Eastern • cake .w'ith miniature bride and Green. “Everybody’s busineM Is WosMngton 39 82^" Wilkes-Barre 8, 3; Hartford T, 6. <$>USO tour to. India-^Burma vciH) 'alt for Genovese and out ambled Doubles—Walker. Brooklyn,^ 25: ily today that the ITnited States vote “ will not be unanimous,"' but; sumably it was In the western Pa­ RECAP By Hugh FulleKon,' Jr. Pet. Holthes, Boston, 24. ' . 4. S. '^hipping. brictegpoom-. also seasonal garden added that his own Incllnatlon'nhw' nobody’s buhineM,'" the old pf6v- New York 39^ Scranton 1. 2;^Alhany 0. .11, New York, J,ul'y.^l3 — (*•) — Now Dahv Hurley. Kenny Washington, P. A.'r.,., .760 Fagan.-JThe latter forced Creascy has made good Its threat of 6. Oil starts. Won by OWI cific area between Okinawa and VifMLi YOU < Joe Lillard and Bill Yandey, . Tripl’ea—Olrau, Brooklyn, 9; >ound-the-clock air attacks and Apwers ahd candle*. ‘Ts to go along with the crow(|.'’ erb has it, and that l^ m a to be the Philippines. '' ' Boston ..fflmtra 5., Utica L Hamilton .J., .667 J to Uui owt .to end .th®'Scoring. 7. Sugar refintry, That statement ' Is as fa f as the-)cape tn thto’ .Instance. Arthur. Chicago ighamtpn 5. Williamsport 8. that horse racing and -bosehalf ■brought contr*,ct8 for the post-war Men's Club .Fagan1i''a(r«ark Takes'Tnl/aaek #)vda>'Over .Rucker. .New, York, S! “ x ' . that they are. “a prelude to Inva- -ITils area is known as the west­ .625 Home rims—Lombardi, New 8. Oil works,^rroeks. Johnson-, has gone In stating his ’ (Oontlnaed .Pros P a^ One) - R. Gillette hhs' done wonders a S't. Louis American have been forced, to recognize th* seridcea o f ' tWo' Aghters., 'Ernie Prill ...... 556 Fagan proved effcctii’c during glon of. our homeland.” . ' ern ,Ea(dfic "typhoon cradle," Cleveland Copeland, Bronx welterweight, and th.e remainder of the''gatne. He i.8’-;*a(e on pitching—M - Cooper, Boron, completes the ", bombing.'mf these To Take tip Treaty July 28 ■the Aght-to curtail OWI’a funds. be .called upon to take the entire path. , being told . . . So far the bnly Aircraft -.7, .167 Date Book I 13. Airtidds. ly— Tokyo ^ TIMS LOANED St. Loiiia •867 .1 . N a tlo ^ -7 ilutitutlon' that has checked inj eat Aghter” is enroute to San WuthDoh’s muff of hia ■ fly ball 8-1, .889; Passeau, (ThlCago. ■■ IO-8, • cIUm he'probably Will attack bur Majority Leader Barkley (Ky.), "The operations o f the Office o f care of the matter. Someone has LasL December 18 another ty-, 14. Wardtoases, barracks, Katsurp War Infqrmatlon,” Taber,told the suggested that It would be a good Brooklyn .j,. .580 1 ' Chicago 6, 1; Beaton'1,. 8. here with news of , a. schedule Dlago, Calif., to itraighten out and he took second, DiCorsi# foul- ,769, .transportation facUltle.s on lan^,” Wednesday, iJu|y I*- '— Yellow, Said the SenatiT would take. up the phoon 'struck the Third fleet be­ some business before, his.’Auguet > emplacements, s '* treaty Monday, July 23. Indica­ House, "and the ridiculous waste job for. .the Boy Scouts. '"The Aag tween the Philippines and the New York .589 4 ' Pittsburgh 4, Phlladelplila 0. change ia CJomptoh, Calif., O llege, aald the Tokyo- broadcast, moni­ Marine Corps Lssgua, Sea ^ A P A N PitUbui;gh' bout with Jimmy Bivins. ' “ Since 15. uafeuse works. tions now are that at least two and the enormous amount of filnds was not even ffown on the 4th. Marianas- and three destroyers .514 8 ■'Cincinnati 4, B rooklyn.! (1st which cancelled three 'games re­ Sport "Schedule tored by: the. Federal Communica­ Array and Navy Club. FREE! B oron .600 7 game). quiring rail travel and. scheduled I’ve had him ha'a got some money that Have been fooled away . .. , Mr. and Mrs. Edward -A, -.^mith \ tions commission. Summer - Festival, Coventry weeks of debate can be expected, caqisized and were lost in the vio­ to straighten it out with,’’- John compels mS'to object-lto and op­ have received further tidings from lent seas. (^nclhnatl .478 • Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 11, (2nd service teams that will provide th e; Tonight Tokyo reported that ■ seven of Fragment Society, at Community centering around possible reser­ PMladelphia .268 31H game). Bton explains . . Just so the'fana W-- vations or amendments. However, pose the conference report/*^, . their sOn, Maj. Bradford E. Smith- Most of the personnel o f,the de­ transportation . . . Considering PA’a vai Men’s Club, 0:15— [Vthese “lesser" cities were hit- it) House, North Coventry, ■ New York 9. St. Louia T (10).. basebaH’a difficulties, .maybe the' won’t be, too confti’sed after the last night's saturation raid' cm .Monday, .July 23 - ^ raUAcatton by the neceasary two- ' Many of O w l's 10,37$ employes, He Mys that be, is stilt In Czecho­ stroyer* Monaghan, Hull and West Side Oval. 0 ^ 'O K I N A W A he Mid, “have nothing to do"-and slovakia,'and does-not expect to Spence were loat. Qnly aix of the Today’s Gome* y*ar’a most valuable award should Yankees move tb their new uptown Honshu* by ' mere, than 500 B-29s Meeting, Zoning Ckimmlsslon,' to CHINA,|p.~w thtrda Is considered a foregone Eastern Joyee vs. Ruffin office's today, 8mlth of Nor­ has been no announcement'of -the board’s report. American Square Garden lonlghU and some the Navy V-12 program, wa* estab-, . . . Apparen'tlyXth^ Fords come NB’a vs. Billings Spencer, dou- cities and an oil reAnery. To- Elks, Legion Home, at 6:30. MAI tl^AS, IS. o f Oklahoma, riow 89 and blind. Hospital Notes wich, and nephew o f ' ’ Edward Cleveland oJt. New York. liahed. Aa,.usuM,'when the Sailors off the Morning line as well as the Meeting, Zoning Commission, to of the boys along Jacobs -Baach blebeoder, 2:00—North End Field. ou ride.. I'k y o ’ named Ogaki. Ichlnomlya.' Ka- Owen reminded the committee Smith. He reports that he la “all Detroit at Boston. moved ouf-the. (green) Wave* assembly, line. consider changes in section south right," and his relatives weYVi: are hoping Ruffin gets knocked Monday,'July 16 gamlgahara, Tauruga.. Utsunoml- V ^ A m that he voted for the-'^League of St. Lout* at Philadelphia (nightl out. moved In. ^ Tauruml and Koilyama, but of Middle THirnpike ■ and-, east of '5% Nations as a senator in'‘1919 and- M r s greatly relieved to hM f' this. Hie Chltago at Washington (night) Hervloe Dept. Hamilton va. Men's (71ub, 6:15— WHILE WE RECAP Main street. \ "■ -Admitted yeaterday; Ruffin, who hails from the Long ignored Uwajlma and the Ka- proposed a world organization in Josephine■ ■' WleiWknzenski, Stafford wrote June 23 from Okinawa, Ja­ Ellington Nstlenal il* Maaoged to 5l*nage Chief Petty Officer Allan Rus­ West Side Oval. SatunMty,4my M ' pan, a dangerous qw t to be In at Island City osetor of .H^ew York, Is Plant J . v*. Warren A Jarvis, . waaakl oil reAnery, Included In the a resolution introduced in 1917. Springs; MIm 'Gwendolin ’Thomp­ Naw York at St. Louis (t. twi pretty handy with Ms^dukos. but Norm (Lofty) Deihaiea, on#v^,of sell, who coached siicceesful Coast Good used learner tire* FHEE . . . I ^Amertoaii- announcement.’ ))(eeting, Veterams’ Council. Le­ ‘"The world ^ow is ready” for such the time. Guard football and. basketball; 6:30—North End F>e'd.''' gion Home, Leonard^ p t m t at 8 •• r- ^ son, Rockville; Donna Lee Boyle, Pfc. Patrick apae, accompan­ night) hie likes to be known, a* th* “bod our players from the Woonsocket, no need to hold up your cm Meanwhile the Jai>meae-con- fAlAO a move, he-Mid. 52 McKee street; Mrs. Wanda As: Frank Smith of West Spring- ied. by hia wif*, are spending a Brooklyn at Cincinnati boy” of boxing. Lately Ms an R. I., Camay 'League to turn pro teams at Charleaton.-S.'C., la mak­ Tueada.v, July .17 wbtio wo give your ttrod, eld trolled Batavia radio said that the p. m. ‘ CAROLINE IS Preceding Owen to the stand Aeld is a visitor at his former Haptllton 'Va. United ' Aircraft, Sunday,, July- 29 pinwall, 80 Bigelow street. week in Detroit, Mich., writb hia WE HELP YOU APPLY Boston at (Thicago. * tics have annoyed a part of the with Mobfesvllle in the -,North ing a clean sweep with Ms biM** tiros' dependable Ooodyeor Ex­ Nipponese garrison i fdreea ori the ARAKAN 'i'Waa a veteran of this war, Lieut. Admitted Earl Waredlin, home here, guest of Edwin T. parents and other relatives. He Philadelphia at '{Mtsburgh. Aght “ mob.” 'They’re pulling for Carolina circuit, prQbably won’t ball team. The Coast Guardsmen, 6:15—We*t Side Oval. tra - Mileage Recap- Isla^ of Temat^, off the weetern Annual outing, do. No. 8, Comdr. Livingston Hartley, of Smith and hia daughter, ' JflM FOR HEW TIRES B. M. F. D., at Garden Grove. 49 Pleasant street; Gladys' - and will spend the lost week of his fur­ Joyce to- administer a., sound forget one event in hi* Aret season currently leading the city league, Wednesday, July 18-. ping. No ecriliioate ooast of Halmahkra, were putting Washington, D. C.. who said that Joyce Gliedie, 47 Branford sfanett; Florence E. Smith. Mr- Smith'a lough here and wrill report to. Reoigns from J^mlljr thrashing to Rowdy Robert. no matter how far he goes tn or- play sin all-itar team trom the rest . Grill vs United Aircraft, 6:16— needed, no delay. . . up stiff resistance against an Al­ Sunday, Ang. 19 i J iiw non,' Noi^ian, brought him here -Annual Outing Hose, Co. Net 4, under the charter, "a few thou­ Patrice Rowe, 58 Birch 'atreet; Camp Gruber, Okla.. Pfc.VClose' gaMzed baseball .... During, a o f' the loop today . . . Navy LL, Weat Side Oval. reeap today. lied Invasion that started June «ol 'LERIS ^ sand men" could suppress future Thomas Henderson, 425 Middle Sunday,' accompanied by bia wife has just returned from Germany. Knfeld, July 13—(Ah—PMllp Letter-Perfect Neet recant game Manager Johnny Ted Schroeder, who champions NlchoU. Briatol vs. Lee's, 6:30— -M. Allied oourcee have not re­ a. M. F. D „ VUla Louisa. Boltoii; JACK ROAN'S aggresstona before U^y become Turnpike, east; William Rider, 564 and baby ten, Norman, Jr., aged Kenneth S. Ixrveland o f Balti­ Formerly Campbell's SuU li^ announced last night that Quinton, the elub’a r e ^ Io f catcher, amateur tennis against the pros, North End Field. potted any landing in the a i^ h<;6ocausta. It was Hartlay*a idea Center street; .Angelo Arehlne, 37 aeven m onaa. They returned to more, Md., is spending a week’s he was resigning from the Gen' Lisburn, Northern Iielond— (P) suffered a broken wrist . . . Be­ t ^ e s Issue wjth the U. 8. Lxwn 6.00 between Dutch New Guinea and West BpringAeld th* aame day, •>75 MAIN ST. TEL. 6161 , .TliursdB)', July 19 $0.70 ttm tsachsr dtitat think MtUe that any need toy force in Europe Doane atreet vocation with Ms parents here. srol Assembly, where he was Isod- —Strange explanatory potos from fore leaving tor repairs, ha pointed Tennie Association stand that the Filer* vs, PA’a, 6:,15 — We*t Oelebea. ^ leaving the elder Mr. Smith for a two can’t -meet 4ven-,for charity. Junior would get H but anyhow she ■( would be met by Britlsh-Ruaaiaa Dlacharged yeaterday; Regina Hlo- Wife and daughter have been Official Tire Inspectors, er for^the Democratic minority tn the Post Office often accompany to Deahoies and yelled; “ You’re th* Side (Jval. ‘ Batavia eakl the Japanese were aalbsd him if he eduld explain, the m v a grounfl forces, plus American Na- lb use, Norwich; Janiea Astosmla, longer stay. the Ho)us, effective at midnight. manager, now. Lefty.” . . Mores- Says Ted: “ Amateurs ehould be al­ here several week*. Pasaenger and Track. damaged letters. One received Friday, July SO -ditvliig the enemy to the north. dMfecene* bat ween onough ' and ^val and sir power. The United 38 HiUalde atreet Ihe B-K group of women rapt July 26, the day befora he take* here carried the explonatlcn vlllc was trailing 3-6 but earn* lowed to play anyono, male, female, taMcttng heavy kMoes.” hi a —ee«w 18 hour period V. M. bottimee oporathag trocn Majors v*. PA'e, 6:15 — West StataJ' would supply tba grtxmd DIseharged todayt Mra. Sophie Tb» M-18 Tank Dostroyor has a Thunday afternoon at tte Iu H office os a Common Pleas coqrt “used, by a wren to line a nesL’' hack to win for L*f;y,_16-S. animal or- mineral. If It Will rale* NICHOLS-BRISTOL, INC Junior —^Whdh Mother cuts me booea is t a HarlMMO, PhiMpptne* and from Ohhwwa rained da- troopa to meet any breach of the Kamlnaki, Stafford. mechanical syotem wliich permita judge, succeeding (Tharle* B. Wal The bird had built Its neat In * *. „ I ' I .■ one more buck for the Red Cross, Side Oval. Memorial Library to make plan* Stolle * Gambl<» vs K. o f C., U". CENTER STREET TBL,4Df a piece of oak* I get eufllclent. But’ ctruction on llie Jap targaU indicatad on map above- Numben'in charter in this hemlsph^K, he Admitted. July 10—Mrs, Helen complete installation of a new en- for the next community supper lii ler of New London who has ras'd-box .'«nd lined' it'v-ith. bits of One-Minute Sports Page and make some hospital, vase’.s day i8:3(l^'

i. IG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JULY 13,1945^ nPnWHTHl'N MANCHESTER -t' 'v -'^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALDj M ANCH Ei^R, CSONN,^ FRIDAY, JULV 13, 1945, PAGE ELEVEm,, X 'X 3: Lust ^nd Kuund 1 .-\ut(imul)iles for iiiiile Hustnt-.s.s S erv ices Offered L l '{usiPiPss S e r v ic e sO ffe r e d M ' r :iin lin « — 1‘ifperinR llo g v — Kird.s— Pelb 41 BY HIN'I A IN t : F O X PASK BOOK rjOfjgi. \ Kui; i-iALK-. ii)3"> i i'.cvrolet pluic RADIO REPAIRLNU Pick-up RAiNGE BURNERS and power (■ON.SCL.T KEYSTONE UKHMAN POLICE' . PUPPIES I’OONERVILLE .FOLKS ^ \ tors on that painting add paper Classified "Classified ^ f,lcc 18 hereby givbii that Pm-s ton. good condition.- good -tires service. . Radios checked at IhjJ r- burners of all makes and kinds lianil.'Ktmc litter, .atven weeks oKl T H A T 0. 5tf502.issued .by The $225. Telephone 34.08 after 4 p. m hoine. S)oreC open all ^ay, Maii- ,. cleaned and adJuiUeu 10 years' Iijg problem. Call 6322 after 6! p ealthy. farm raised. Grey-black by F. HUGH Sense and "^Nonsense OL.e ED WORTLE IS D OII^ A GOO^ BUSH Bank Of Mandheiter has chestei Radio- Service,' 73 Birch experience. Tel 2-1731. 44 Main m. or Hartford 8^50'^P- cJiilqr from . intelligent ^parents. BUND HOLE WHERE SO MANY GOUF BALL LOST. Advertisem^s been \dtX or destroyed,- and writ­ 3942 OliDS HYDROMATIC Sedan atreet. Telephone 2-0840. ' street. Phohg, Manchester 8 6 ^ evenings XdvertiseiLjnts HERBERT ten appuiiatlon has been piede to R.A H $1482, 1941 Pontiac Sedan PAINTING AJTO Paparhanglng ,or visit Fred Miller's Poultry- and New Gardenef (as he surveyed The yoUM farmer halLbeen call­ -8i said'bank ay the person in whose R.AH. $119S. 1941 Plymouth Con WASHER. VAIJUIJMS, Electnc • REFRIGERATOR SERVIflE, We and wallpkpir. John P. Sullivan. Farm, Chyentry. ^ For RenI For Sale a shallow troujgh Irr the lawm) —So ing on his girl for t h r ^ years For Rent Sale nartte such IW k was Issued, •, for vertibie CoupA-R.*H. $1285, 19'; motora. etc., repaired All parts repair and rebuild, any ' typi 'o f Phone ---- — thdl'-s what they call a bird bath, without ever coming^hear vkpro- Z payment of tna amount of deposit Dodge Sedan $1345, 1941 Packai i' available 24.boiii servtce UbHrg r,efrigeratl:on eoulpmcnt. VVe ex­ To Buy To Sell 'The Story: Oorliaa aak what you’re- hanging around DEXTER: (faintly Ifritated) eh? You wouldn’t be fooling me, poaaK On a lovely moonlight To Bi ^ Sell 6 Sedan $1368. 1940 Pontiac Tor', FOB SALE LM ATIAN male would 'you ? night he finally spoke: , . represented^ byNjaid book, fir for eii C b O. Manchester. 2-1439 change sealed units with factory dog. Tel. 89S5 •nU Mildred Pringle oatei for? Don'’! make me go through) it all \ the iseuance of a\duplicate book pedo Sedan. $1146, 1939 Oldsmo mornings or evenings. 'guarantee. Sfeiehtific Refrigera­ Repairing 23 selling gueat toweta » t a Cl DEXTER: (seething with min­ again, Corliss. You know rVhat Master of the House—Of course Young Farmer — Mairy, yo bile Sedan $895, 1939 Pontiac 3 . bazaar, were actnalljr aelUng gled Emotions) Selling kisaes! I mean. After ail, 1 will be 18 rjflt What makes you think w kiiow I got a piece o’ land. Next “Z therefor...- tion Co., 37 Oak streeL Phone- PIANO TUNED AND repairing: .Sedan .$609. a.i^.C. I'i-ton Fla FURNACE REPAIRING and oil 2-7226. \ . Live Stock— Velitcjelea kisses. AU w ^ t well unUl their i! waa never mofe humiliated in aome day—and even 19-Land^ k re' / year I’m planning to build a little •player piano, specialty. John Ht.usehold Goods 51 New Gardener—I don't , .beltk‘ ' reve house on'It an’; . ■'' — Lost and Found 1 1.0,ST. OR STRAYED^ black platform body, 38 Dodge panel burner jiervlce, Ask about bur mothers turned up. On the way my. life! To think that you—; 20. _ , ..■■; cow. Phone Dougl -otane Terms and tratios accepted. Get ‘.firing cleaning For full Informs-, BOjpKKEEPINti and Accounting Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street.. home In Mrs. .Pringle’s car, you\)f all people- COKLISS: (she lovea to watch there's a bird alive that cair tell There he stuck. 2-067!, Reward. . Bninncr'a propo,sition. Open 7 a tion.call Van Camp' Bros 1.5 rn/cords •'iept weekly. Balanced Tel. 4219. . / FOR, SALE -'AYRSHIRE “xd Saturday ffbm any other night. ■At this point the gill’s father ^ lO S T —POCKETBOOK containing EOR RALE—Gas hot'water heati there W an argument and each CORLISS: (Irritably) Olv dry . Pfxter auffer) -Are you-jifopos- m: tp 10 p. m. Phone 5191. monthly for Income tax purposes, Also 2 year old heifer. Cal! 6^ yelled from the house; / , ooiiaiderable amount of money years' experience! Tel. 5244 Free rer. Call 6466. mother Is inclined to blame the up ing to me, Dexter? ' LOST-.CX)LL,IE, light redlsHytan -----H ^ ^ :— Injpectlonj!- qhnfldentlal notary public. Phone M ea on the other’s offspring. DEXTER: Don’t kid'about It, The virtue of a raaivliught to be Father' —. Ma'py, it’s ^ e r 1' and papers, enitials F.C.J,. Flnd_ FOR SALE—, BLOOD-tested Jer She turns ns) back'and straight­ white ruff and legs. Named Kny 362? days or evenings.*--;, Private Instructions 28 They part Indignantly. Corlisa I know U sounds fun­ jtteaaureA not by hiV'Cxtraordinary o’clock. Is that young man Uikr er return to owner, liberal re­ Notify Strong. HcJjrpri,. Will sey covy. Telephone ' Manchestfc! ens a framed picture-on. the man­ ward or let yeur conscience, be Auto Accessories— Tires 6 SHEET METAL WORK- hot air ilactiiiierv and Tools c52 -I, tel. It la the likeness ofxa good- ny when all I've got is ari Kf- .exertions, but by his every day yet T plantic 2.'539\V1. Reward. fumai-e repairing. New hot air {1.4Y C y T H N li and -removal' of ELOCUTION— FOREIGN accents , 2-0971, ^ . .... ' 1 'conduct. Mary -No, Pa, but he’i'j[ettln* your guide, take out i’our rewanl delected. Speech rlifflcultles over­ I looking boy In thA,,unlform'''of. the lowance of 50 cents ■ ^ w eek — WR SALE TtAf-K TRl'OK bndv and air conditioning furnaces in­ / trees, also , hay for sale. Atme FOR J - ROW CROP ( Army Air .coredv^r brother ( with touching bdylah ■ sinceri­ that. and mall balance and papers come. FOR SALE.—MULE or will ex­ INT. ARCHER HOME—BACK There la ^always a tie between me. Mr. Jonee, Jones Furniture •lYfftet hv 7 feet, aiffo 19.34 Fed, stalled. Eaves trough anc con­ Lalulipp^J58 Ve rnon s'.rect. .TeL change fo'r cow or heifer. Call ■ duster, Knrse«r tractor hitch. Al­ I Lenny!- Dexter takeK advantage ty )—but ..it Isiv’t funny to me. ■ Vf . TEACHER wanted for,'Spanish PORCH father And aon and, aiiggeata the Sign on a second-hand store; 36-38 Oak street, pbone 8254. Announcements erai truck. Tel. 2-158#;^ ductor repairing. Norman Bentz, 6077 6676 after 6 p, rri. bert W. Sclmndc.l, 187 Gardner This-room used to be a deck of this circumstance.------. I'm-only Mkifig you to wait for 8966; 'Conversational class. Tutoring in street, phone''^0465. Kitchener, Ont„ Can., Record, the .ywe’ll Buy Anything But Your reading., mathematics. 'White With an awning but haa been wall-I DEXTER: (dramatically) I me; ., Tb WHOM IT MAY CONCERN WALTER SOHULTZ, 82 Oong'eaa. ed CQftOSS: (very, sweetly) All, son’s usually wearing it. Trouble*.. Tell' Them To the Po­ I^ErRIGERATTON service, Geti- street. Asher and rubbish remov­ ' Studio, 709|* Main street. Phone MILKING m a c h in e s , FordsoiC ad and roofed In to make a large, should think you'd be ashamed liceman O n ^ e Comer.” Mr. Clarence John Krol, 6.53 Cen Motoy^^les—iBicy^les 17 Poultry and Supplies 43 parts, bale Ijay WirKEarden dust-' Irregular shaped cozy room. -right under the picturV^fof I - Tight, Dexter—Tll wait. REAL ESTATE I^JSIINGS ter street, wishes td buy your car eral Electric, Griinow, Cro.ale>', ed rel, 1.-1588. ' 2-1392; . , 'J . Some girls,haven’t the alighteat ers in stock. Dublin-'; actor. Com- * Stairs, Which used to be outside your brother who’s fighting for DEXTER: Aq u I t e . pvercome) Oi All Types Wanted! > today. Why not drlye. down be Frlgidalf-<: and all other nJhkM. MILLER'S Baby Chicks ‘available Gosh, Corliss, you’re. sw,rtl;! ear for music until they hear HOLD EVERYTHING Work .guaranteed. .Motor repairs.. for ' Augu.st and September if pany, ‘VfiUiniantic. ^ f stairs, lead directly up to CorUsa' hla country while you’re ffrag-\ “wolf whistle." ATallahle.'-’ fore lO'tonighl. FOR SALE >IOTOR Ticonler, in bedroom. Under The atairS, soSne- Call 4394, B. * H. Refrigeration Florists— Nurseries 15 Help \^ :nteIEED used cars W'ANTED—' ONE SECOND-hand Corliss. I ra-.ist. It’* my duly. payment as low . as $000.00. eavestroi gh conductors^ Nu- housework one day a week. No $55. 22- Bowers street.- Shc/looks ,apprehensive%Xowardfl realizes thAt temper is getting her woes, "the only person who will radio; 1940'Dodge .Sctlan. heater, and pay top prfees Cash talks McGiX l -CONVKRSE, INC. gas water heater. Call 5105. nowhere, and decidea to try a line From o:it in the hall off screen _*A 4*>r\iiVxlA^ ^ I, 7 Reasonable monthly cost. •vood ceilings and Interior walls. laundry, no childrtfij. Call 3750. the kitchen. The door, iV open, radio; 1940 Oldsmobile 6; Sedan, and we have It Stop abd get our ■JFOR SALE—USED Hedstrom pre­ of smooch. we hear the cheerful slathnjlng of i->. 645 Main V . Tel. 6887 \Vood shlnoimg, general repair­ and Just inside Mrs. ."Archef\ can the. front doorJ__ ___ and.. , *tr. Archer’s lawyer and hq, gets heater, radio; 1937 Pontiac Cbach, offer. Cole Motors— 4164. war baby carriage, A-1 conditton' be seen* talking tb Ln’ulse, CORLISS: (sr\k heater, radio. Cole Motors, 4164. - 4 - ASHES A.ND RUJBBISH removed, Help Wanted— Male 36 »30'0^' Call 8969 or inqipife 34 Archcra’X niald, LOUl.SE Is would you like to do me a ter­ Jarvis Reqify W AN tE D —A GOOD USfEt) bus. also light Lucking Telephone ments. Louis Lavig;ne, Manches­ Glenwood street.. rific favor ? '•<. (To Bb Continued) NEEi> A GOOl USED car? Bee stocky, forthright woman ’ Food Adminlstratlpif Please Note ' 7-13 SSSS:& i M . PHONES 4112 OR 7275\ : for our own transportatlonv About 158; . ' ' ’ ter ■Roofing. CalD.2-1428. FOR RENT—Very pleasant^rooni EXTER; (giilpihg) I'd do Brunner, open ( a. m.^ ■“.ill ,10 p M ILL HEEP, GRAIN MILL.vGood ELECTRIC OU has been with the Archers for 22 Mary had. a Utile lamb— Week Day^ and Sundays \ 25 passengers. Call Manchester, 2 !^ jV b o ^ARD motor. for gentleman> 91 Foster street. years.’ . Louise is . evidently getting thing for >^bu—you know I At least thaf'l what they said; m. every day., Ptjone 5191. w a n t e d —ALL KINDS alec- RO('F,TNC — SPEdAU ZTNG In ■wages and working conditions. 1941 model $40, Telephone 3408 A . : - • __ ’’OoUX, t hate to go back to sit­ / f 7586. repaifing roo/s of all kinds, .^alsb the idw-dovi'n about Corliss’ bcr woT, Social Siluaiions She's, give a lot to have It now tfic wiring and -repairing. Any Steady ernploymient the y^ar "alter 4 p. m- ISS; (moving in for the ting on the boss’s lap. again i f f McNa.aukht '^>wlic,itr. Ii»^ new roofs No Jpb to8 smal) or around. Central Connecticut Co- havlor at the bazaar. Between two hhnks of bread. WANTED TO BUY—USEOOvCar size .job given prompt attention.' Wanted— Koc;ms Board 62 MRS. ARCHER: And imagine kill) Then will you promise noL situathm: When you move Mrs. Ralph-Flnklns. Mondayl” 1939, 1938 or 1937 rnpd^ Private Call 3.975 before 7 p. m., large. Good w.ork, fair prjee. Free operative Farms Association Inc., CIDER PRESS FQR Sale in good, estimates.'CalT'Hwwley. Manefies- 10 Apel Place, phone 2-;6432.' condition, reasonable. 849 vyes^ WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD ■ Louise—I found Corliss— !. to tell L «m y when he does com^ ^ small town from a city .ra ownefs'^only, Ca.sh/op •I...... 1 ------• CORLISS: (anguished)- Mum. home? (extrSmely confl.dentialM neighbor brings In a plate of hom^ \ World To The'Wise Too Much BY EDGAR MAI Phone 4tf4J;,,aftef 6:50 897 2 ■ PLUMBER, steamfltler, pump ne teF536L Middle Turnpike. ..X by lady. CentraHy located or on BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES WANTfel^ TWO .MEN for general factory bus line. Write Box Z, Herald. please! On account \of---well Mildred^.^j,^jjgjj cook ie for your children, We must not' heap our plates too chanio. Carl Nygren, 15 Soutl work, no -experience necessary. ORNA,MENTAL IRON rails made Louise looks at Corliss, shaking and Lenny. Ahd romance la so . wronr Wav: Return the plate high VdtVL.G'Mt Hit street. Tel. 6497, 0i\(a Moving—Trucking— Apply Folding Boxes, Inc;, Elsn .^to order. Free eatlmatea prompt her head in a shocked manner. beautiful, Dext r! ^A^ee know gnipty. To keep in men’s good graces;. ■ OOOt .ViOWWW *jO tWAt to RtbT. service. 66-Whitney Road. Wanted to Rent 68 .that, don’t we Remember, all those extra scoopf GENtRAL FACTORY HELP Storage street, Manchester. - ' Mrs. Archer promptly closes the Right Way: Return the plate V59 S»JO VVL 20 door to the kitchen so that she DEXTER: (gnlilghigly) Okay filled with something you have Add humps in the wrong places. SA X H K t l WANTED— r e l i a b l e man of CEDAR POSTS —A LL SIZES, W ILL PAY $25.00 reward for suit­ can continue with her story un­ —I promise, (hpktilyp- On one baked yourself. , ' - —Mrs. E. .R. Kreger.is - ... 5^ ’ MALE OR FEMALfe ^ L E HELP NORTH AMlilKlCA Van Lines. bean poles, tomato stakes. Rea­ able'Vent for fafiiily of four Gcrc AV5 AWJtWWl Xw yi Inc. Ooaat to Coaaf moving serv­ good habits for steady inside interrupted. . Corliss sighs de­ condition. work .New System Laundry, Har­ sonable price. Telephone Giastdn- adults. Tel. 8920. X spondently and then stowls as CORLISS: What’s that? •$ 0 A StVH d ice. Dial 5187. rison street. burv '•291. SIDE GLANCES V BY GALBRAI-i H SPENCER RUBBER PRODUCTS O WANTED FOR SALE WANTED A 6 OR 7^O0M house Dexter mooches onto the porch D E X T E R ^ Well, It’s ; nothing i . A u s t in a c h a m b e r s Com . through the screen door, .fronr the you’ve £ot to do right now— | ol h*-. Chafie.L Streelr------—- ;...... Manche^t^, Conn. Single of \6 rtMtnis- and WANTED — HIGH SCHOOL boy FOR SALE—GOLF CXAJBS and 'flr..fiat.in !MBnchc_^r. Please call pany. Trailer van senrice. Loc^ Willimantlc .1104-W or write Mrs.. garden. . ' Iriimi^iately. It’s just what . Full or Part Time. full time. Good salary, nice bag in good conditio^ Call 7848 we’Ye been talking about—you sewiHc room. Large living ' moving, packing' anc, storage. after k p. m. ■' C ■R. Dufasne, 155 'Mountain street, ; All Hiring; Done In .Accordance WitJyThe Area Apply hours. See Mr. Lltchman, Arthur kbW what 1- mean.------V. room. Steam heat and 2-car Dial 5187. Drug Store. Rublnow Building. Willimantic.. CLOSE SHOT—DEXTER AND ¥ stabilization Plan. garage. Situated on Walker CORUSS CORLJSS; Well, la there any w a n t e d . 4-5 ROOM house. Re­ harm tn/ telling' me ? -'♦a Colonial Board Street. ' WANTED—BOY TO work affar Garden— Farm— Dairy CORLISS; (coldly) And may | noons -and Saturday. New Mode Products 50 liable middle-aged couple. No ' x : ' COTTAGE FOR RENT children^ Write BpX ;M, Herald. Company Laundry, Summit street. f u n n y BUSINESS 6-Room Single with ga- AT 615 Parker Street W a n t e d 2 o r 3 room housekeep­ rpge on Clinton Street. GIANT S NECK BEACH WANTED--MAN''QR boy to njow; HAY FOR SALE by load or ton. PORTER STREET— v / U EEES s t r e e t — lawn once a w-eek. -'Telephone Telephone 6581 after 6 p. ih. ing apartment. Near main bus FROM line. CaU 3362. g'-Fanili.y lloiisc.VoKe 6-room 4-Faiiiil.v, 4 rooms each ten­ JDLY 14 TO JULY 21 59l'6; . \ and one .5-roimi; iiiit. Price ement. Price $8,000. Terms 3 Acre Place with 4- Five Gets Ten, He’s Wrong BY V.T. HAMLIN TELEPHONE 4696 W A N TE D — THREE energetic Household Goods W ANTED TX) RENT 6r6 room flat ALLEY OOP $6,060. Trrn>>f^.Arri'igcil. Arranged; - , ro4)m small cottage. Elec­ 51 boys for full time, good paying or house. Family of four, 2 elUl- HERE I AM , E AT TH' BMPEROR'S AHH! THAT IMPOSlWei CREDIT MANAGER'OFFERS o NTEIl S'IKEET— 'libCKVILLE—OrcharCiSL— BEST BUYS 1 N tricity and .water, on good jobs. Model Fruit Snoppe, 997 dreh. Will pay $75 to $100 a AM WOULBM't ' IN A COURT AO- Horr DAWfet! lYE FOUND apartt n i e h t . I ’rlre .S7.800. FURNITURE REAL ESTATE In good as new condition WANTED TO RENT — Building ei6, X RISK TH* PALACE AT LAST. iWm!IS ArranciM..^ ROt KVIEEE-High S tr^t- 1 Mora 20 5IINFTES FROM FENDER AND EXPERIENCED PAINTER. Me $798.75 \9Uitable to raise 2,000 chickena. MV MlTt. By 2 Houses consisting of 6 ■'■Kinney and Fenn. Phone 2-0106. . Or win rent- small farm. Must' be ASXIM' DIRECTIONS RIRCH STREET— \ aimriincius. Good rental In­ .MANCHESTER— Stiiarf J. Wasley BODY WORKv $4 weekly is all you have to pay. ISi-RiKim Single with all Im- Realtor You can’t tell this fine' furniture in vicinity of Mimc'h'ester. Call > 4-Famll.v nvielHng, come. .'SB,$110. Terms .Ar­ 5756 or 5565 after m. rooms. Price .<«6.3tM». $1,500"' ranged. \ tirovements except heat. Bam 755 .MAIN s t r e e t ' SOLIMENE &>bAGG outfit from NEW. 5Iodern Living Telephone 6618-7146 Help Wanted— Male or Room Suite, Coffee Table, End Down. , ' for .32 tie-up. Large sllo---cuts INC. X , Female ' 37 E A S T IIA R T F O lm — TpUand iihiiut 80 tons of hay. Between 634 Center St. Tel. SlOl Table, I^mps; Modern Bedroom Houses for Sals; 72 BIRCH STREET— Sfreet»s^ •. \ 1200 and ISOO all l^arlbg peaeh Suite with (Jhair, Lamps, etc.; ItELp' WANTED —\lALE or Breakfast Set plus DISHE& <-R«om Single. Price .84.800. 2-Faml1vT^all conveniences. trees. 90 aeres tillable out of to­ femalf. One person with car to FOR SALE — MANCHESTER. $1,000 Down, Price $6,900. ' ^ la ) dr 145 acres, Soine toots. Everything Included at $198.75. CTiarmirig 6 room home, insulated. list nalnes in the rural- aections Don't lose any time. See It at ' '‘W’onderfu! spot for selling out of Manche^tej. Temporary work ,praoticaIly now, storm window* BIRCH STREET— S-Fiimil.v Dweiling. small pareels of land. On good Branch of and doors: Completely screened., Permanent wtSrk If desired.' No CDNNECrnCUT’S LARGEST 4-Room Single. Price $3,950. roonis. i»pe 4-room. main road. PHee S16..500. TOBES0[LD^ ^ selling. Call;' before. 9 a. m.- ' or Heat'and hot water. Nic*,ahrub- $t,000 Down. Terms .Arranged. FURNITURE s t o r e bery rear of house. Completely -y> *0 AIINl'TES FROM The original owner, has offered this Six-Room. Single House • after 4 p. m. Price ahd.^Lee Co. A-L-B-E-R-T-S J: .f)dd Fellows Iniriding, '489.'Main fenced. $6,600,- only $36 per .month ■ OI F CE.VTEB S T R E E T - .MANCHESTER— for sale! - It has hardwood floors throughout, large front and rear 43 Allyn Street', Hartford. BY MERRILL BLOSSBB HXRTFDIHI—Atwood St.— Xli»e. Old - Fashiohed Farm. dialls, plenty ol closet space, steam heat, a. large - open porch, streef, Manchester. . after reasonable down payment. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ______Doddering Daddies 4-Ruum Single. Price S4.590r 2-Famlly. Price $8,800. No agent. Call Hartford 7-6268. (tiiuble lot W ith some trees, a very convenient location. Owner HOSPITAL B^DS of wheel cliaira, $S0O Down. Tcrtii.s .Arranged. WohderfHl,s|tnt for hunting and GUYS ARE lUhIng. 'flrtss. place can be ■nil move within .50 days. - for rent or sale. Rate*.reasonable. WERF you ARE. JlJNE - ^LCXIK AT THIS- -ft WAS.sfeNEO *WE HAVE CHOSEN 1 V E R Y . Situations Wanted— SOU AS THE _ y GRCEBY.'- TMERB’^^PfiOB- SUMMER STREET"^ Imueht right! ‘ Phone Keith’s FUrnltur*., 4169. PINEACRES—21 CAROL DRIVE. MORE FAN MAIL ! TMG7 BY EVERY MAN IN A REC04NAIS- / ^ L ^ SMT OHB OP THEM ^ EAST WINDSOR— V, On a corner hd this Elve-RLU3IBI.A—On Route 6-r- Located on Main hlghws.v. ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. son’s Furniture, 718 Main, '‘Saves vehicles—‘they used to be a vaudevilfe tumbli boys— Ihe apples won’t be ripe for another two^weeksH 6-Room Single. PrIeF $6,000. I.arge 4-Ronm House, 2 un- Don’t fall to see this properfv. d e s ir a b l e , b u il d i n g lot—60x Terms Arranged. Vacant. flnished u'pslnlrs. Price S4„500. Price $20,000; Real Estate aiihd Insurance TWO FRANKLIN STOVES $20.00 115. Cotber Stone and Edmund' Terms .Arranged. 468 MAIN STREET i'HON'R 8450 ekeh. Hah rack* $2.50-$S.00. An­ streets. Inquire 76 St. John street. COVENTRY LAKE----- FEOREN'^T: STREfcT— tique picture frame* $1.00-12.00. WASH TUBBS ert.T $7.50. Antique porcelain baby's ' SACK PROM SIKAN6, %3 BIROI STREET-^ located In actors’ colony. Very’ bathtub in mahogany stand COtONffU... B « . colokieL. 2-FaniHy Dwelling. 6 rnnhis WU MORE OPTEN C'0\ E.VTitY E.\KE— . beautiful ■ place. Price »,only $10.00. Hand carved whatnot , TUOCER JUST FL|»^ Tile Empty Saddle BY FRED HARMAN each. Price .$6,000. $1,000 One S-Rnoni Furnished fo t- $6,600. ahelve* $2.50-$10.00. Marble top HIM IN RED RYDER Down. T}f2 Carlyie JoliiisoQ Meh. 0 ) washstands $5:00-$7.00. 3 Mirror NOTHIN' ENEREROv tage. $2,000. COVENTRA*— 'ThCtJK- NOeODT GEEN\VOOt>,.STREET— 4-Room Bungaloty, runnl^ vanity ■ $9.00;* Dresser* $9.00^ bne 4-Room Furnishetl Cot­ MANCHESTER. CONN. U « e THERE f ■ 5-(tooin Bungalih^. Price water.'electrlc.llghM. Two nfce $J4.00. Oak dining-exte.iSion table INJUNS SAT ( $0,800. Terms .Arranged. tage, $8,200. bams, poultry house. .About with six .chairs $2().00. Beautiful HAuNJED-'r J - ■ chamber 'sets, diafies, cut glass, I.\ 'tHE COL’ N’T R Y - V two acres of-land. Price Only , . 'I'.' NEEDS C O E t'M B IA- S4,900.\ ,, . pitchfers. Antique and- moderp 4-Rnom NIce'Tojintrv Home. s On a; hard surfaced road, clocks and lamps. Thousands of $3,000. * ' nice little 4-Rnnni ' HousF.^ COVENTRA'— * I —Cleveland .Automatic Screw Interesting Items on Sale Satur­ Prieg $3,800, Terms .Arranged. Old-Fashioned 9-Ropiiii House day and Sunday, 10 a. ,m. to 5 p, BUUTI .STREET— ' - w itb' very ftne ham. , Seven or Machine Setup Mau m.-at Old Mill, Mason street, 2-Family Dwelling, one 7 UOVENTRV— eight acres of nice-.tlilable land. - . '-n.' • . South Coventry. 1 and one 4 rooms. Pr1ce’ $6.200. A Going Farm. 65 acres. Lot of woodland—^5 acraa In X $1,000 Down. ■^onm dwelling, $9,500. Terms all.' Price, only $4,9tHI. 1—Cleveland AutoiPatic Screw ^ e«i*s.iw.svnswviii«Sie. Arntnged.^- . , ATON DALE •RTTAIJ—; CLOSE TO BOI,TON LAKE Machine Operator I ;f o p d o l l a r Jo n e s ( 4-Rooni Slhgle. 2 unOnl'sherl Going Farm, 8.5 acres. 4- .AND COA'EX’T R V - upstairs. Price 1^,900. Terms rorfm dwelling. SI.OOO. Term’s 4-Boom Year ’Round Bunga­ To ttBUWKTH WE Hfi TH eeacH--.. Arranged. .Arranged. low with electric llghta and \2-^All Round Machinists or Toolmakers TW JElPStl VM POUMUtNr THROUGH water. One-car garage. acre MN eCLLYS GtVdV ME TH’ SURF"-- IBS! at of land. Priee $3,800. enough TROUeCE 9SRRY-THRU6T Call 5105 for Additional Informatibn On Any of These Post-War Program Assured RIGHT NOW PSftRY-THRUST >IAS'cHE-S’iT:B— BfVW'BMA MAJOR HOOPLB Properties. 9-Room Single In JNortI) Sec­ RHT-Tkr-Tfff OUl OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE tion. All improvemeots. Large lot. Centrally loi-aled. Price Apply 9 in.-to 5 p. m. Daily EGAD.CHiep/ THINK OP rr- l o o k . CHUM! t h e C iT Y J only $.5,000. 1 LOOKED AT U YEAH; YOU DID VOU HEAR YOU SAID rr.' COUNCIL IS TU5HTER. L 52 Main' Street THE DBAwiN’ -\ Sh o u l d .' t h a t ? HE SPOILED' AND YET IF VJlTH'DA'Y T eueV lSiO M AMD 1 THOUGHT) WELL .'WE A HUNDBEJ?-:X10L'. THAT GUV eC RetN KERC otu THE t h a n a TOREADOR-'S ^ ALLEH REALTY COMPANY I-WAS DOIN’ >T ALL NiAHE LAR FORGIN' AN ' W A S SHORT PANTTS.' VSE'^ HAD A SUV AILEllieB ol Insurance, Including Life JONES REALTY All hiring done in accoiMance with area manpower W ALL VbO COULD RE l A yC .Mortgages .Arranged .ALL RIGHT'.' / MlSTAKES-=‘' THE BULL O. THE TEN CENTS IN ^ AND GEE CRltAES 0EiMG HERE IN HANDCUPPS 9 0 958 MAIN STREET 36-38 OAK STREET .controls. I'M S O R R V I t h r o w it o u t N WOODS HABDLV HlS PAY SOM E IYEEEPHONB 5108 ’ P e r p e t r a t e d 5 u s t a s DAY6 BECAUSE COUlNGlL TELEPHONE 8254 SPOILED THE A N D START BUNKED a n W E E K HED V lQ fn BUY A tCEV TO LOOK tt HE'S YS GEE-I'M S.JSEr\Mls£_ : JD B--I s h o u l d O V E R .A N D E'VE.’ HES y e l l : IP VOO WERE K f T U e f m GUY UasMMSRK X mnow how to J ITUP . COUfiRKl REPLACE THE ONE IS DRlVIN' ME NUTZ « hSWrtC - Mi CL’ SHELL BPlCK- HAVE BEEN THISTIME ■ LUCkV.' MURDER.’ CINENVA.^-*' VNOULOnTT EiX HiNi.BZOTSCKV- (HTTIGKC SteOTHER HCW.SSY THERE WHS H MORE CARE­ KEEP '1OUC. L O S r/ -~ WHO W ON - HES been JSP-HftPPY YOb WfifT HERE - KELLY ' CWCKEM SHHHh Hippo SHERKttf UP THE CITY FATHERS PAY 8884 eOER SINCE we UPT FUL. 1 EVES iV PALTRY WMLLlONi F O R THE BALL ©AhkE ? i r MICKEY FINN You Said It LANK L^NAKU 16-52 t'U. GO BELOW HR’ .BEHIND ME-UK- GUESS.' OPEN.’ TH CTIWeS^ ^CTABiG U5A.' HOY4S T H ^ ? By Sue Burnett EftPER BRS ^ OM.WfCEVeRY OLD IT'S EASY TO SEE TH A N K YOU, GOOD NIGHT. WELL, MINTY Especially designed for the larg­ P»«ND,S,CHeBRV'- HOW YOU C ttB P T S4S. M IN T - MR. MINTMORK* -W H A T DO YOU er woman—a simply 'tailored slip I HOW l o n g h a v e ) AND WHAT A GREAT INTO PHIL'S M O R E .' YO U IT'S BEEN SO THINK O P with built-up shoulder stt^ps that By Mrs. Anne,Cabot t I YOU KNOWN / GuT HS IS.' LQOK HEART. SAY THE NICEST NICE, MEETING HER? ISN'T stay put. Panties to match.'E$sy Cut the round center from the . MINTMORE, ) AT HIM - HC SURE f M R S ; OEVtNB THINGS.' VQU • SHE EVERYTHING to.make— Your ABC Special. • 1 best part of -an old damask ur 1 SAID SHE Pattern No. A884 is designed for linen table napkin or uae a bit ol IS l i g h t OH HIS / sizes 36, 38, 40. 42, 44. 46, .50 and new linen or cloaely woven cotton. fre B T ' 52. Size 38. allp, requires 3 1-8 Says yonr car Is wunh Uae number 30 thread for the VMd8 of 35-Inch, material; pantie three .rows of crocheted pineapples ■ TMise To pbtain "complete crocheting . \ii'''7*RkHI««TSG0«E EUMT'CYEO BEXOiK desired, and the Pattern Number the spot at Instruction*--fbr- the ■’Pineapple VIEKTMtHB to Sue Burnett 'The Manchester Colly Mrtth Linen Center (Paiterr Evening Herald, 1150 Sixth avenue, No. 5004) send 15 cent* in coin, S l o g e New York 19, N. Y. - , plus 1 cetir-postage, your name, 1 ^ , T H e r Send today for your ' copy if BRUNNER’S address and the pattern number tfjA . GENTLY > n “ Fashion” — It’s full iof ideas for - 80 Oakland Street Anne Cabot, The Maqch.-ster Her-^ summer wardrobe planning 75 OPEN 7 A. M. TO lOP. M. old, 1150 Sixth avenue. New York cents. "•■' 19, N. Y. J ff wii-u -s-is OUT= Jf ry. A . , .wr v JiZ. L ■ - / -