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PROFESSIONAL CARDS. er than the King. Of such men there of each - individual eld were : also fur- - mauka of King street by Po- Abela-jham- a, by: Surveyor . Mounted lis the story of Abe Russell, or nished Thrum and upon liceman these were Indicated sub-sectio- ns William Vida. The brake was or the ? as he was called the halna, profit-sharin- g completely ' UaL AND INVESTMENTS. A . to wrecked. ESTATE -- leased companies. The RY chief raised son of King-- Abe Rus- RGE the on SO CO.-J- udd map is exhibition inv LoCULLAN. POND & Bldg.; sell was In T. G. Thrum's reared v the bosom of the window. Mr. Thrum is also the survey- About the Printing Bids. King's family of Kamehameha IV and or for the Ewa plantation. V , Editor you ATTORNEYS. and was buried with honors by Advertiser: Will kindly publish following: : KINO Lunalilo or Kalakaua. Russell was of To the Chief Justice TLE A. lil;jj!x. iviug wiu Bethel such prominence were Improve Saloons. AGAN Frear having called my his to 806; P. O. box 786. that actions attention the Tel. looked upon by those of lesser rank in An address to women only will be matter, I wish to correct my statement vlonG. Attorney and Notary Pub such a way that they could not be com- given this afternoon at 2:30 In the of yesterday with respect to the num- plained fa- v - ber of lic; 109 Betnei u of by any one. He was the prayer rooms of . Central Union church bids to print and bind Vol. 13, vorite of two Kings and enjoyed their by Miss Jessie Ackerman Hawaiian Reports. I should have stat- u MONSARRAT. Attorney, Notary and Miss Ohio Boy Who was unbounded confidence. He was ; the Murcutt The two missionaries have Kahunaism ed that there were only two bids, name-- public and Commissioner for New York Nearly power behind thcthrone in many im- returned from Hilo' and last Saturday ly, one by the Bulletin Publishing Com- Chil-lingwor- pany portant matters. said that he went night, escorted by Deputy Sheriff th, and one by the Hawaiian Gazette Itis Company. PERSON & MATTHEWMAN.-- F. O. a Monarch of back to his old home, which although they visited Iwilel and also Causes Woman's Only these two bids were kox 365; 15 Kaahumanu St. . not definitely known, is thought to some of the saloons of the town. The considered. The third bid was not put have been in Ohio,' and it is possible lecture 13 to be along temperance lines In until two hours after the first two1 PHYSICIANS. v Hawaii. that he presumed-upo- the credulity of and for the purpose of suggesting some were opened and their contents made - : JH. GEO. J- - auuuai xi.vuicuya.uuv ca the people. He came.-- to . the Islands corrections in : the government of the known. I may add here that Chief Jus- 10 '" utioner. special aiienuon iven about 1834 or 1835 when a very young saloons and IwileL . tice Frear was not moved by what ex- iironie diseases; office and residence, man and grew up in the household of perience the Tax Office may have had Beretanla St., nearly opp. Methodist Kings. office hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 8 to the - V Caypless with the Bulletin Publishing Company; aurch; for Judge. X on tp. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to IMPOSSIBE TALE but the contrary there was enough Edgar. Caypless, one THE UNFORTUNATE on S30 a. m.; xei. MAP OF ZAHTJKU. of Robert Wil- which to base his award In conjunc- i. cox's right hand men, was mentioned tion with his own experience which t'KLLA S. CLEVELAND, M.D. Office A by Independent OF PREACHER Fine Work Ad- the. as a probable suc- LIVES AT happened not long ago when a lot of niKice St.; hours, 9 to 12 a. m., S to by Surveyor Thrum KEWALO cessor to the. First Circuit Judge, . on blanks had to be reprinted by the Bul- i p. m.; Tel. w. mired by Many Yesterday. account of his relations with the letin Publishing Company for reasons 232 a, ' ElOCK- - Mr. in, L C. L. GARVIN. Office, Bereta-i- ""u" meeting oi me Caypless said last best known by that company.-Aga- DUCKCyC PaStOr WntCS tO UOVCr- - ' near Emma St.: hours, 9 to 11 a. m., f holders of Kahuku plantation yesterday evening he had received no word from Told That She Would Be Taken the quality of paper submitted wit Ti tin a n. m.: 7:30 to 8:30 d. m.: TeL a map of the plantation was Washington concerning such a state- the Bulletin tender was inferior to nor Dole of a Mysterious shown which 111 that Slue 3SS1; residence TeL White 8891. ment and was not aware She Falls Sick on (attracted much Attention. - It was drawn that his name of the Gazette Company and portions had beeri- - mentioned in with of type were !? w. J. GALBRAITH. Office Romance. .by Surveyor connection its not desirable: Th and rf Thrum from surveys made judgeship. Time. ; a 7 difference between , cor. Beretanla and Alakea Sts.; (in the last .few months by himself, and the Gazette and )3ce hours, 9 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Bulletin bid was only $90 on a contract (is one of the finest examples of the kind Fisheries Association. of $2,100. Considering ver seen nere- - 13 therefore the OVERNOR DOLE has received a ine maP nve by eight quality of material and HEXRT W. HOWARD. Office 1123 i?.ec ana scae is w leet to tne inch. The Hawaiian Fisheries Association ro- workmanshiD letter hv"- t.h. Kemanriia frnrr, th TALE of kahunaism, weird, - it was more accept Alakea St.; hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 lne topographical features are up to adjourned economical to the ' the yesterday until Wednesday e G pastor of a Christian church in mantic and cruel, comes from the not-strang- is4 7 to 8 p. m. nrst or ine year. Elevations are eriven 3:30 p. m. so A Gazette Company's bid. It is a southwestern Ohio town in over at as to get a larger rep- the entire estate, thus materially resentation. The meeting, which will that the Bulletin did not care W. L. MOORE. Office of Dr. Day, which he asks for full particulars rela- assisting in the economic location of rail- In a little cottage live a haole, his to publish these facts which were stat- 10 2 be for the election of officers, will take 3eretanla St.; hours, a. m. to p. m.; tive to history of a youth be- roads and irrigating ditches. sister-in-la- w. the who The water : - wife and The pair ed to its representative last p. 9 place in the Chamber of native Saturdav to! m.; Sundays, to 11; office TeL came King of Hawaii. The Governor coloring shows the subdivisions of the Commerce great morning. HENRY SMITH.' ; have not been married a while, rooms. ' Kt. White 19SL was surprised upon news. plantation , to great advantage. Each It is desired that all members learning this be present. and previously had .... field has its area plainly marked as on the husband had -- T. 1468 He had never in his long private or XftDOOB. . MITAMURA. Office Nuuanu January 1. The total area under cultiva many affaires de coeur among . k; Tel. White 152; office hours, 8 10 official career heard it whispered that the to tion is shown to be 2.286 acres, to which ' L m.; 1 to 3 6 8 p. m., except one Arrangements are being made by L. town's jdusky sisterhood. and to of the monarchs of the Islands had wiU be added 500 acres of new land al-- Business Lose Sundays. H. Dee for addresses on single tax and finally Men the Laet Game been a white man, ploughed. Maps - When he married and settled ready, on a large scale Henry George. , . - The pastor asserts a few years down he was apprised from time to of the. Season. G. ROGERS. M.D. Eye, that Ear, Nobs ago The indoor baseball season nd Throat; Hotel St., opp. Y. M. C. A.; an old man carne to him and told time by friends that his former sweet- closed last am 9 to 12, 2 to 4:30, 7 to 8. . him a strange tale of the Ohio boy, hearts were very jealous of his chosen night at the Young Men's Christian As whom he said had once been a play- wife, and would spare no ' effort to sociation when, after eight ineffectual at , A. N. SINCLAIR.-Bost- on Bldg.: mate of his nearly seventy years ago. AFTER THIRTY tempts, Evening 11 3 the Classes gained a mrs. to 1, to 5, 7 to 8: Sunday, 12 The pastor said there seems a doubt as .) J; Tel. off. Main 385; 286L j bare victory over the Business Men by res W. to the genuineness of the old man's or foul. To this the haole paid little or a no ascriomg to score of 12-1- 1. The former started L oft E. C. WATERHOUSE. Office and story, but nevertheless, he thoroughly attention, it tne idle ' confidently yldence, of-:- m believed to true. gossip of credulous natives. and in the third innings were Beretanla and Miller Sts.; it be ' hours, to 11 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 The old man had told him he had YEARS' LABOR About a month ago the girl went on four points ahead of their opponents. i. m.; Tel. White 3492. seen this white monarch while the lat- a visit to friends in the country, and They fell away at tne end, however, the last three essays not helping their score ter was visiting in the United States when she returned she told her hus ; - VETERINARY SURGEONS. and that the recognition was mutual any. . . . ,, . .. B. CLAPHAM. band that she had visited a noted ka Gorman win Veterinary Surgeon in the city of Chicago. As no King ex- did brilliant work for the ad Dentist; office King huna while awav who told her that ners in whose interests Brown pitched St. Stables; - L cept visited the United - well-sustain- Kalakaua ed 1083; calls day ornight promptly accurate and . balL' The ' within fifty years t 'f . ' she would have, trouble with her hus- wwered; speclaltieB, obstetrics and States the last the K.. In become Business Men were rather weak in their band a months time, and ' : tmeness. Is man was an impostor , conclusion the nus-ba'nd- pitching . senousiy sick, mat ner 's department. and owing to the remoteness of th6 sne.saia leagued The game was quite the best of the T. KATSTJNUMA, - former loves had being"' Office, Club Sta- Hawaiian Islands : and the lack of against her, and invoked ueason, many of the plays so' Close s; nours, 8 a. m. p. 477, ' the assistance to Tel. knowledge 'which people In United ofl;a to make sick. The . as to tax the umpire's resources to their the kahuna her line-u-p , utmost. The and positions of the ' States had of the'Hawaiians, there was only antidote, she said, was a white DENTISTS. rooster, .containing not a black feather, teams was as follows; , ; . , DERBT.-Mott-S- no way at time to ascertain the mith the - f' half-glass - bide., cor. Port I - and- - of gin. Evening Class." Position.' Business Men. d a Hotel truth of his assertions. if- . Sts.; office hours 9 to 4. r passed away. On 26th The pastor writes great length and The month the Catcher. at instant the sister-in-la- w came home Cheatham ,. Waterhouse E. GROSSMAN. D.D.S. Alakea St., with fervor. The old man's tale has from an errand with the story First Base. e doors above as- that Masonic Temnle. Ho. fascinated him and he invokes the some gfrls - had told Clark . :.'..'..';." Berger lulu; office 9 her that "'kahuna J.' hours, a. m. to 4 p. m. un- -- sistance of the Governor to aid in business" was brewing to her sister s . ; C B. HIGH. Philadelphia ravelling the tangle; he hopes it will be detriment, arid that she had been told Brown ...... Atherton." Dental paid 5100 Hese 1S92; Masonic Temple; TeL 813. established that the. "white King of that three girls had to a ka Third JBase. was lad. nar- huna to bring about an estrangement Kerr ..... Brock Hawaii", the sailor The ' ' A. between her and her nusuand. , Shortstop. E. NICHOLS. Office, No. 1123 rative has allusions to skeletons in the sister akea St, next to Masonic Temple; families of the Kamehamehas and the When the wife heard this she im Gorman . Cooke Clarke 3m hours, 8:30 to 4. plored her husband to. buy a white Right Field. Kalakauas, of adopted sons, or hanais. rooster, but this he was unable to do B. Clark McCorrlson and a strange fatality which allowed on account of difficulty m finding Second Base. ' A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. the See 8 the successor to one of Hawaii's Kings such a fowl. Alameda ...... Bird hours a. m. 4 p. m.; - " to Lov : - same evening "Field.''' 'I. Fort St.; TeL 434. to be a white man. That she told her hus Left The old man who told the tale to the band that she felt very sorry or him, Johnson Penhallow clergyman says in his youth' he as she felt that she was going to be Center Field. INSURANCE that very sick. .. Clarke 3 FIDELITY lived In a southwestern Ohio town and Crooks MUTUAL, IN- - : LIFE The next night when the husband This is the way the, tally , by innings RAJ.CE CO. Af PhtUHalnhlo that his playmate was a boy named i came home he wife H. Gllman found his sick and read: fionoml Harry Barkalow. The latter yearned despondent.- - up, j ? 9 "" !W, He tried to cheer her V 124567 Judd Bldg. for a life upon the sea and one day but without avail. She who had for-- ! Evening Classes 3 14 0 2 2 0 0 012 I 3 left his home. He made his way down merly been affectionate in tne extreme, Business Men 2 1 1 13 0 2 1 011 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Mississippi river to New Orleans, now repulsed him roughly. vr NEW YORK. the B. where he went before the mast. The In a short while she retired to her ROSE, Agent, Honolulu. bedroom and soon after returned to the HEALANI MINSTREL SHOW. ship went down the South American sitting room. Her face was drawn ARCHITECTS. coast, rounded the Horn and came to and haggard, her eyes staring as if After Easter a Splendid Entertain- & Honolulu. He obtained leave to come transfiexed by fear in unseen presence. PAGE. Architects and saw real, ment is Promised. rooms 2--4, Arlington ashore and for the first time a Presently she walked to the door, gazed . Honolulu. H t. .v.ih live King. The ruler went by In his out into the blackness for a moment, The members of the Healan! Boat ?stjlates furnished at short no- - carriage. The youth's face attracted and then covering her eyes rushed Club met together last night at the W. D. shrieking f. o. box 778. the King and he was sent for. He went Prof. Alexander. into the bedroom. made ar- warmly Her husband strove to quiet her, but clubhouse and preliminary; to the King's palace and was rangements for a minstrel show which received. EVentually he was taken Into she crouched in a corner of the room NETT.T. 0-- T T7i I trembling like a wild thing. In a they intend to give shortly after ir the bosom of the royal family and ' minute or two she fell into an hysteric :v '" - hoiuii aod BoUermakef adopted by the King. The young man's Easter. Territorial Surveyor AIexander Retires of terror,' endeavoring this time to hide Jack Atkinson, Albert Cunha W. identity was supposed to have been her eyes from what she said was a L Wood-bridg- e up Ha- Sharp, Joe Marina and Frank 1)0 C.E.-Surv- hidden and he was brought as a face in the room. ' K" VE eyor and were appointed a committee to r tngmeer; waiian'. Upon the monarch's death he Three minutes of quietness and then office new Magoon bldg., spasm take things in .charge .and make all Merchant succeeded his royal' foster father and z To Serve Uncle Sam a mad wherein she would have arrangements for the affair. They will ho naJand Sts,; P. O. Harry jumped headlong through the window vlUers umen for typewrlUng. became King. Thus It was that by hus- look over the material offered and will Barkalow, "the runaway Ohio boy, is if not prevented In time her appoint' to attend to he band and sister-in-la- w. Normally, 'any feS-Englnee- rs and said to have sat upon the thron of Ha- Hawaii. various details of the scheme. . in thing but a woman of strong physique, Bruns tendered his services nerr .j aua Dugar jaa-- waii, while all the people believed him it now took the united efforts of the Ben has i ""Pte power plants; of-ai-2, and the services of his dog to help the Spreckels to be one of their own race and the true two to prevent her from harming her altogether Is antici- block; TeL 194. - show' along, and it heir of the King. The history of Ha self, .v . pated Healanis et will give T. TAVT any 'PERIOD of over thirty years' and that the al P8 . does disclose such faithful meritorious service at All this time she talked incoherently ng nr ,r wail not that jEJA to the fun-lovi- public an exhibition Hydraulic ooa deception was practiced upon the Ha-walla- ns, A Sin & head of the survey department, .Professor W. .D. Alexander has re of things which the two "anxious iuug VnHn.. naught of, heretofore unexcelled in the Paradise of signed watchers knew and: while ' - but the Ohio preacher believes and will be relieved from his present duties on February 1st. upon to recognize the Pacific. the tale. Dr. the fit was her failed There Is a great deal of theatrical Pritchard, head of the United States Coast Survey, when In Honolulu a . COXTT? a a either of them. among frriv For many years King Barkalow rul little over a year ago, promised Professor Alexander the position of assistant in Presently she calmed down a little talent the members of the boat T'irPriAJlContractor Hawailans. He yearned to visit . club, and new jokes and brand new Builder. ed the charge of a branch office to be established here, similar to that maintained in and asked her sister to fetch some salt startlingly atM.?5? fl.tt3ns: trick, wood or the land of his birth to seek relatives San Francisco by the United States Coast Geodetic Survey. and water; to sprinkle the same over situations which will be and now being . yet King Since offi- funny, are Invented by local living. The left for the States that time Professor Alexander has been expecting to receive his the trio and pray as she directed. Her experts is whis- with a large retinue and received ova cial appointment from Washington, finally reached him week, giving requests were carried out, and in such matters. It which last there pered a hot-sto- ne walking ordeal tions In every large city. It so hap him practically a life position at the same salary which he received for his old was no more trouble that night. that ' - - will figure in the show. work. .' .'- Yesterday morning victim awoke & pened that by. the time the party the ; - r, . rro- K The new position is purely con- body, and "ancisco, jewei-S1- reached Chicago, Barkalow's old play- a scientific one, and he will have under his and complained of pains in her "smiths. See advt. Inside. trol the direction of all work in these Islands, and will probably include Samoa. occasioned doubtless by the struggles ELECTION OF OFFICERS. mate heard of the monarch and made Professor Alexander position previous evening. was very up his mind to see a live ruler. He received his appointment to the which he is just of the She OPTICIANS, relinquishing on September 19, 1870, and since that time has been head of the nervous, but: when told of the events went to Chicago and witnessed a great survey department. Fertilizer Company Hold Meeting: nlLECT TOUR EYES; you He Is practically the founder of the bureau, and has suc- of the previous evening, remembered but - procession in which the King partici ceeded in reducing the whole group to a simple system, besides having surveyed nothing. and Decide on Dividend. fair. Lon't wear other pated. crowd King saw all of the coast your eyes differ from In the the the and making surveys of the interior. "I knew I was going to be sick," she At a meeting of the Guano and Fer-- t ? Dnv playmate sent Walter E. Wall, second . office, will Pro-- said, cneap, improperly face of his old and he in charere of the doubtless succeed "but if I had had a white rooster tilizer Company yesterday morning in ',!he? wm ""In your eyes. for him to meet him at his hotel. The fesr Alexander and is well Qualified tn hold the position. it could not have been. AH is right aiit XrProfessor William 2, 1833, the office of H. Hackfeld & Co., i: OPTICIAN. old Ohioan quickly made his way to De Witt Alexander was born in Honolulu April his ow, however; the hakuna's efforts the J- - iveUCASl rooms of monarch and was re- nattier being a native of Kentucky. He received his early education at J?una-ho- u, ifcve been brought to naught." following officers, who will also serve the the now Oahu College. 1849 lo-- i great Joy. 'j In Professor Alexander rounded the Horn and The husband consulted a physician as board of for ensu- ceived with catea col- the directors the you keep asked in liarrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he finished his preparation for yesterday who said that the trouble ing year, were elected: George N. "Can a secret?" the lege, going to Yale University, where he graduated at the head of his class in was undoubtedly hysterical, and caus- King. 1S55. Wilcox,, president; H. A. Isenberg,. t ed by prolonged brooding and worry- vice president; W. Pfotenhauer, treas- "I can," answered the Ohioan. After leaving Yale" he accepted the position of instructor in the Belolt College, ing over a real or imaginary evil. He am your old Wisconsin, urer, and F. Klamp, secretary, and Ti, "Well, know then that I and later took charge of an academy near Vincennes, Indiana, About thought girl had undoubtedly . aGENTS. that the May, auditor. , friend and playmate, Barkalow." And the end of the year '57, the Professor was tendered the appointment of the Greek been "kahunaed," and expressed an The outlook for the coming year is N to 10 take acknowledg-U- : then he related the wonderful story of Professorship at Oahu College, which le accepted. opinion that such a thing might have considered promising, and the works irt m!nts- - Upon his return to ."8 upon pres- person at w district of Kona, his career. Such was the tale which Honolulu in he entered his duties under the been fatal to a of an extremely are reported in a first-cla- ss condition. idency holO.-in- g r "Uuann v"-c- , --ung ou, the old man poured 'into the ears of the of Dr. E. G. Beckwith. Six years later he was appointed president, sensitive nature. Within a few days a dividend of five preacher shortly before the that position until the latter part Of 1870, when he retired to accept charge cents per share will be declared on the astonished of organizing and carrying on the Bureau of Government Survey, the position ' A Dangerous Runaway. capital company. former's death.. which he just resigned. stock of the says has Lno?u.bl,c Stenographer, at The preacher in his letter that , Professor Alexander has also held a number of positions of trust under the A horse attached to a light brake he Intended many times to write to the Government, some of which were: Member of the Privy Council under Kalakaua. owned by L. B. Kerr ran away yester- Newspaper Men Change. P floor i.,A Sv,'?nce department, and ex'Queen t U1QK-- ; Tel. Main 369, Governor concerning the Identity of the LJUuOkalani's reign, and a member of the Board of Education since day morning and narrowly escaped There was a general shifting around King but had neglected doing so. 1SS7. In 1SS4 he represented the Hawaiian Government In the International Me- seriously Injuring several pedestrians of the reportorial staffs of the Bulle- ""Ss There is reason to believe, however. ridian Conference, in which forty: goverments were represented at . Washington. On Rolph, secretary In addition many Beretanla street. tin and Republican yesterday. Dan: tt among the white men who came to the duties imposed upon him, th Professor has written "rig standing Logan, many Bul- and " that a book which was published 1S91 Mrs. Kerr had left the for years with .the R,,. to Hawaii and were promoted to honor- in under' the title of "A Brief History of the of on 2ealardia. T0Inan Frandsco on Hawaiian People." The book was authorjzed by the Board of Education and is in front her residence Beretanla letin, assumed the city editorship of the p able positions in the King's government near Victoria street was to Coney promot- r?Pect. thA cornes here used in all the public schools. He has also published a work on ILe History, of and about Republican. W. H. was may have been one who, returning to - Nation, Sgtvtion fities of the Revolution of 1893. ': - enter the brake when the horse became ed to the city editor's desk of the Bulle- - i his own country or town, said he was a Professor Alexander will take the oath of office required by his new position frightened at a passing car and dashed tin. L. W. Haworth and D. Lloyd Conk-lln- g, corporatlo high official, second In rank only to the about February 1, and expresses himself well pleased with the change, prefer- at full speed Ewa on Beretanla street. formerly on the Republican staff, " King In name, but in power was great ring to work under the Federal Government, i -. It was finally stopped a few yards went over to the Bulletin.

Jr-- : mi Black--Board Slating ARE NAMED

use r. to call the attention of all who PRINCESS OR PAUPER W wish Independent; Charter BLACK-BOARD- S Commission. appointed SOLE AGENTS for to the fact that we have been FIVE FOR ALL ISLANDS Rowes Liquid Slating Kauai and Niihau; Maui, Molokai Two years In the Public School and Lanai: Oahu, and article is made here, has been used for This article ever offered for Hawaii. Whichever you may choose Department, and is acknowledged to be the only reliable In this market. to be in the FRESH are named in the charter MAKE YOUR BLACKBOARD LOOK Five counties I GET A GALLON AND county government framed Dy me ' for "' ' :.: ney AND NEW. ; Independent Charter Commission. are termed the countries of Kauai, in cluding the Islands of Kauai and Niihau and all the Islands within three nautical miles of their shores; the county of Oahu, SON, Ltd. same HRLL & including , all islands' within the E. 0. including the CORNER FORT AND KING STRmi. limit; the county of Maui, Islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai, and all the Islands within the three-mil- e lim- - ,t On Hawaii there will be two counties, K. D. las follows: Hilo county, including the THE GUNN districts of Hilo and Kau, and Kameha- - Of incite vwaa.j, .. a tW districts CASES T ' on'rt x-- TTamakua. SECTIONAL BOOK xvuua, trnhoia " , The Independent unarter uomnusswu o o o o (Patented Joly 14tn,;i00O.) liSt- - vusisqiafle itic: U in Foster Hall and iao. v rpnnrt on AN ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM. hvtva w - of the committee t- Dresentea by tne sec- - w. Ervimr. . It was read i w.. uvHnn and was subjected to much criticism and amendments. Much every facility for creating costume. time was spent on tne oocumeut ai " We have jour cuiiiiiii"-'"'-' , riiiKr thA committee made goou Come in and see some of our ' kooflwaV Tie Q1V151UU Ul " - v, fpature rreseniea aim iu- - ' flt nf tho sections Suggestive Patterns of Materials. We met with little opposition and was adopt- - iintv is to be a corporate i.ody tohn y,a. incorpor- - VVlili (ui TinwraJ " " nommon to Pay the ated bodies. Tne wu proviues county commissioners lor eacn counij, a n cnito to be brought in tne-- nn - Freight name of this board except where authoi- 1... 1. aiinTCori hv them aeieganns m other county oJFcfi. T. T7irioi that 'service can be accepi- - ed by the county cierK, u ucui, 1 ..j v., tvio oniintv board. The county Whitney & Marsh, Ltd. to trt notified in each instance where a suit is begun by service on the

wnatino- - wont rriA. MS uicti,ib ' ' into llie ueiwia, v. rintips - are wiuoo tt 1 1 uiui-v-ffinoo'oi 0 1 wnicn 11.. ovictino' in nounues. ine cuun-- 1045 Fort Street. ty clerk is to serve iwu jw... - heights of Ctnter Sections; S'i, U end 13K. inside measurement. 1 turn nr more J ' Showing three DUI1Uj WUUi.k iv. sureties. , counties of ten thousand persons uw uu Price List GUNN K. D. Sectional Book Cases. shall be $20,000; in counties .. a. io nt Vsa than 5.000. 510,0(0, When the question arose as to whether Inside Measurements LENGTH DEPTH HEIGHT pbic tirriA bills for county presented they should be ------38 in. 10 in. In. 4.15 debts were not Book Section, with Door ... fA outlawed, n. - Book Section, with Door - in. V4 n. in. 4.50 declared - fti in. 10$ in. 13 in. O.ses 1.. omnhfltirnilV. Book Section, with Door i j. Top 8ection (Regnla ) XX "Let's have some nonest ueaui.s. Top Section (Fancy) - - - .- - are technical points which the lawyers Base Section - : would fight out anynow au . t i,q if o ommtv iustlv owes a the "Waikikl road near Hopkln's switch and the medicine upset my stomach. A SOLE AGENTS J 1 ,7 n,,ntv nav It. Let's have and have been recovered. friend advised me to try Chamberlain's ' j joai for pvprvbody." or jeweiry are Cough Remedy and I found It was 0 ... AAittitt. il Several other articles Coyne Co., Ltd. t r ninn an n: ..mlxiie wu"j ohflll missing, but Kaapa expects to be able pleasant to take and It relieved me at Furniture coun- - . A The the , once. am now entirely not be' to rule the citizens, but to recover every tning. nw"cu,pnffer-n- PERFECTLY ., HONOLULU, H. T. e J - bill, time and r ty snuuiu vis j saved a doctor's see everything done squar, and t will never be without this we want to A PROMINENT CHICAGO WOMAN splendid medicine again." For sale by iy- - . at uo., luia., wuuicoa ... SPEAKS. Benson, smitn ' ' ; 'y of the bill, me "l" V, agents. ... out counties not the county clerk in all Rn-rn. Chicago. Vice that io Tvler. of exceeding 5,000 people shall be Tf The Social Science Club met last ' president Illinois Woman's Alliance, In give instructions deeds. y, night at the home of J. B. Atherton We full registrar of f tn speaking or unamDenain h vuu wiu-led- paper on hula After conciuomg me reaums says: "I suffered with a severe and listened to a the FREE on all duties of the county cierK tne Bieeus mi by Dr. Emerson. The learned author Wednesday evenu.s cold this winter wnicn tnreaieneu on the ancient re- adjourned to meet run Into pneumonia. I tried different dwelt particularly 7 o'clock. ligious significance of the dance. Camera at " seemea w and : remedies but Kodaks Biaries . A l AND YOU rrhasine anytta WHAT ARE ; in this Une it will be to your tM tage to call upon us. we are w WEAR? date in everything pertaining to PJ G0INGJ0 all HP Daily Office Journals tography, and our prices are Absorbing Topic is the Mardi FOR Gra-- s Ball Plans and ' Preparations.

Interest in the coming fancy dress 19011 ball is growing apace, and ttie ap- proaching Mardi Gras is being looked JifSti forward to by everyone with eager and And complete new line of pleasurable anticipation. a y STREET. The following questions are conuu-uall- FORT being'asked by intending partlcl- - nants in the swell masquerade: SALE; Have you decided on your costume FOR vet?" - "Will you mane your owu tusiu.. "Will not evening dress, patches and HOUSE WITH LOT. BooEis evi- Mxlg powdered hair be greatly m House contains six rooms, bunk. dence?" . . room, clothes closets and you think tnat an ,, entirely of Nor'west, and v "Don't inexpenonsm" Built costume will prove the most D sive'" HOUSE LIKE THE FIRST, 1 over , Just opened up by "Won't an old ball dress made lot 60 x120 ieet. as a flower costume, be reasonable in cost and very effective r ALSO your husband to be a '.'r" TTOUSES. "Do you intend . .yri mere spectator when you join In tne . (McLaughlin's Electric Belt JAJiB.miw Dr. High grouna; T,ri W grand marcnr - used between two car lines; Go. The following business houses nave and strength to thousands of weak men. If on tne premise--. The Hawaiian they will do ?s retored health cannot fail. gives the vitalizing trees already announced what I direct it is a positive cure and It every good cause. electricity, burning or blistering, to weakened o a. for the of without of dissipations ror yiuntuiai LIMITED. The Hawaiian iiiiectnc Sart vigor. It removes all the effects C. BOLTE, 19 MerchaJll ia tn nut an electric fan ra every man who is not the man he should be to rniTr want weak won-derf- u? supply the necessary ?pr l - he is cured, tell his friends of its the Drillshed and Xho 'remedy Nervous Debll-ft-v 5757 Street. power free of charge. effects My BeU an absolute for Merchant The Government Electric Company Rheumatism, Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder will supply light gratis. arranged for women as well as men. and cures female Company will iroules It is The Bergstrom Music weakness. loan the piano, organ and other music Late Foreman. f J- - D- - TreelMj al instruments necessary ior tne jsaaim and Kidneys Cured Feels 20 Years Younger. Gras festival, Weak Back cured me Your Belt has worked wonders waii "Mihnis. OnmDanv will orlnt Tour Electric Belt has my case. I am completely cured 1,500 handsomely tickets gratis. the age of 73, of weakness in in and Tail" compieieu six at so I can of my trouble, and am heartier Merchant John Piver has about back and kidneys, that stronger than I nave been for corner posters, which will be displayed in the now stoop or stand efec.Qr consider myself No. 1292 Fort St., of stores where tickets are more easily ror years; in fact, I windows the and undress years younger, all of which . . . AmpriCftO.n posters will me to twenty - 1 on sale. Afterwards the years; it has also restored praise your Belt for. Tours very A. nne assoruneui. be sold by auction for the benefit of Vigor sound health. Very truly I PINGEL, llsh and Scotch cloth on bant J LIMITED. Infirmary. Tickets and HAMMOND truly HENRY - the Eye and Ear yours A. C. Germantown, Cal., September 10, IjOOU work wiu and posters are expecteu to be ready 39 Merchants' Exchange Bldg., teed. . , .irod. some time this week. San Francisco. 1900. rvu.m iiiAanon ana icy - Just Received ex S. S. J. S. Kimball PETTY THEFTS. Are You Weak? Act Today ! NOTICE Police Think They' Have a Guilty ' Li - J JnlVES ' - FOR MY BOOK, NOTICE IS UlSKtt tJm M V From San Francisco. Man in Custody. CALL OR SEND the Pearl City Cemetery on and aii" through Detective for Interments 1 OF It is possible that delay a matter which is the A specif SHIPMENT Do not U?;urfu ea November 5th, 10. 1 A David Kaapa, the sneak thief who a disease to destroy all !. leave the railroad quar do not allow you will not a y0J train wrll has been pilfering the servants' you. Whatever your condition today Improve you get 1:15 p. m., dally, ters at Waikiki, has at last been cap- for greater vital force, and eemetery until afternSfAaUjggJVJ Beef; Veal, Mutton, answer moreepVonoSunced and apparent will be your weakness. transportation Choice tured, and will be compelled to young. you are weak, if you cufjt The rates for - for his crimes. - riow-c- ure it while you are If Physical dollar for tne corpse, of Stomach Dyspepsia. Sleeplessness, trip for A young man, giving the name - for the round Lamb and Pork. Kamehameha has been arrested as the Decline, Loss of Energy and A Plats are now on sale at principal in the robberies, and with "or..-- the company, ranging In V HALIBUT. WHICH ARE SENT, SEALED,' FREE. ana POULTRY, SALMON AND him an accomplice named Kaha, both AND SYMPTOM BLANKS, up, according to.location ALSO of any residents or w aikiki. 702 Market St.; other charges Ever since last November these pet- HAWAIIAN CEMETERY FOR SALE AT ty thefts have been going on. and M.G. McLaughlin, San Francisco, Oal. CIATION. LTD., pilfered. The Dr. many places have been Room . Love BulldlnB. Telephone 45. - METROPOLITAN MARKET, King Street, servants' quarters at H. J. Nolte's were E69S THE ,. These r Telephone 879. . t; entered,' and two rings stolen. THE BOOTH FISHMARKET. to a Japanese woman on cEAMARKET. Nuuanu Street. Telephone 104. were sold 8


Just to arian Violin Virtuoso Deplores the Fact That Society Has Not Taken " . i Hjm remind Up. .;... New Spring EGRY Is in love with Honolulu, and the people of Honolulu; but he PAUL the opinion that the people of Honolulu do not love him. At least the celebrated violinist claims that they did not receive him with open : arms, nor have any prominent society ladies, with an abundant supply of pin I ! money, made a social Hon of him and cast roses in his' path. you Perhaps the society-lovin- g people of City music as an this do not appreciate art, and perhaps the non-succe- ss of .Egry is due to the fact that he does Goods nt wear long hair, and inhale his breath with a particularly pensive sigh. i ? That the holiday rush and Be that as it may, Egry is disgusted with Honolulu. He has done his best from an artistic standpoint, and for long his he stock-takin- g la ver, and three months before last recital even spent sir hours each day in hard practice in order that he might please the music-love- rs r that we can now take the of this City. , - . We beg to announce that we have received New Goods 'in many department "i necessary time t attend to 'All his efforts were in vain, ? however, and now he has a grievance. "Why, the people back East," he said, ."go my every ' eyes wild over music, but here, where We invite inspection. yur one is rich, they won't even buy a ticket and present it to a friend if they can't f attend themselves. "Honolulu has perhaps the most select society in the world, but there is not a lady no, not one who has tried to make anything of me. v There should be some leader among the ladies to take me up and invite me; to her, home, ana then everyone else would fall in line. j , ,. "But they have not done so, and I don't blame them. It is not their fault. Their education has been neglected.. People here think too much of sugar stocks Laces and Fmbroidcry Hoisery Department glad see ' Vfe will be t all to care for music. . thace who could not have It "But then there are so many rich people that they could afford to have an or- Department during: chestra play during their dinner hour. And what Is moce conducive to eating This week we are offering special attended t the days than music? Then, again, think how nice would to music on the lanai it be have well as- values in Ladies' black Hermsdorf immediately preceding: the in the evening when you are entertaining your friends. - . Just opened a large and Dye 25c sorted stock of very ' Hose at pair 1 dozen Is holidays, and as many oth- "But they don't think of me at all that is shown by the fact that I have the latest Bargain Counter 3 the limit to each. I not even been approached concerning the coming Mardi Gras. "Who can furnish Ideas in "Wash Laces Our styles ers whose eyes may need them better music than "Who class of music are all new Many at I? knowjj better than I what novelties About 300 short lengths and rem- NEW SPRING GOODS should be played on such an occasion? . popular , prices. nants Goods de- "A musician can't live here on the patronage afforded him. The other evening Choice selections of Embroideries in Wash of all We call attention to the fact that I only cleared $70 all-- my However, am going to stick scriptions at half price. about after hard work. I at 5e, 6 c, 8 c, 10c, 12 c, we are now showing elegant new it out,' and after I return from the Coast in about two months, I will take up lines in Wash Materials. my teaching" again. I will leave here in a few days on a business trip and 15c All In new patterns. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLE LINE shall try to get Mrs. Egry to return, but if she won't well, then I shall get a MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Misses' and Children's Straw Hats JUST OPENED 50 pieces of Dim I divorce." - for girjs and boys about 75 styles In this department we have re- ities, In dainty patterns, at 1ZC Our facilities and instru- sold one-thi- rd prices. ceived and now open for inspec- off regular yard special. ments been greatly ' hare GEISHA IN GOOD WORK FOR tion the very latest styles in BOYS' KNEE PANTS in Pure Linen, The choicest line in French and added t, and we are better GIRLS Skirts Come and see them, learn sizes from 5 to 16, 50c pair. English Dimities. (This lot will than ever fitted for this nec- our prices and be convinced that not last long, so do not miss your YEAR we selling BOYS' GALATEA KNEE PANTS, pick). essary wrk. THE POLICE COURT THE PAST are the best values that guaranteed fast colors, 40c a pair. can be produced by the most re- Crepone Novelties liable manufacturers. Mercerized Chambray ALL Eis-turb- Bohemian Madras ed Society NEW Japanese Merrymakers , Catholic Ladies' Aid NEW DRESS SKRITS ' Crepone Novelties " - the Peace of Has Done Much for . Ladies' white P. K. Dress Skirts. Ladies' Covert Cloth Dress Skirts. 1091 STYLES the Night. the Poor. . Ladies bl'k Cheviot Dress Skirts. Hair Ornaments the very latest. For disturbing the quiet of the night At the annual meeting of the Catho- and incidentally the peace of the in- lic Ladies' Aid .Society, the work done mates of a Kukui street lodging house, by this society was shown in the re- Tom Aotana, Frank Ozawa, C. Nagamu-r- a ports submitted by its different offi- and Tommy Mikunl had to face the cers. Many demands have been made, OPTICIAN,nil3 music of Judge Wilcox's orchestra yes- which have taxed the resources of the society. The members Have not been terday morning. efforts; 4 to- lax in their they have tried I The trouble was that the quartet, hard to meet the obligations placed Jeweler and Silversmith. 2 gether with a bevy of young and pretty upon them, and feel, after a year's ar- i 2 damsels of their own country, were hold- duous duties some good has been ac- ing . aluau with musical trimmings at complished. In--- FORT STREET. - - The work detail was an unseemly hour. , .) thvfs reported: ? V. i , i made arrests, J Import Officer Kane, who the acific Co testified that defendants were having a RECEIPTS. r: I "merry time' and. that there were "two Balance on hand January 1, 1900. $116. 73 'young Japanese ladies" concerned in the Cash received from socials 245.00 "festivation." Donations i.V...... 90.00 Y INCORPORATED. Deputy Sheriff Chilllngworth bore wit- Dues ...... 45.00 ness that in response to a complaint he visited the scene of the uproar. , The . j.otai $s. o were rude to him, he said, and DISBURSEMENTS. when he told them that the hour was Support of orphans i.$ 50.00 unseemly, asked to see his watch. One 50.00 Dep- Plague sufferers Street. Progress Block. of them then started to feel if the Clothing, provisions and medi Fort uty. Sheriff really had a watch, which cines ...... 51.15 action was very properly resented. Steamer passage to needy peo- - Frank Ozawa acted as leading man for pie 80.00 the" defense and made a telling but tire tsoara ana loaging 10 people in NATIVE some speech, which His Honor cut some distress, 79.50 what short. The other defendants also Emergency and ready assistance 88.00 HATS oratorized at considerable length. and... J Judge Wilcox fined the crowd 55 and Total ...... $398.65 costs apiece, remarking as he did so: "It Balance on hand January 1, 1901 lis the American law you are up against J100.15. Repub- now. There is no longer a small following officers were lic of Hawaii to be afraid of Japanese The elected Rough Stray court, for the ensuing term: Mrs. Carl du warships, but this is an American Roi, "president; Miss Perry, vice presi and if you had the Naniwa here now we Murphy, secretary; might ask you which mudbank we had dent; Mrs. A. E. Samteiry Miss Carroll, Steam Grace treasurer. The f j put h-- r on. A lot of Japs come better board of directors are officers-elec- t. Hats... go plantations and get a lit-t- le the fie ihere and to money, and then they come to town 'and dress up, and everything fits but the JAPANESE MERCHANTS. LIMITED For Ladies and Gentlemen hat." J Joe Robello, charged with assault and Will Hold a Mass Meeting Soon to fined $3 and battery on M. Cavalho, was Discuss AT costs. Both men are oaoness excavator Fire Claims. fflMimdliry Co drivers and the trouble arose over a The Japanese merchants of the city j breach of etiquette. j One of the witnesses for the prosecu-Itlo- n met yesterday in the Buddhist temple had scarcely opened his mouth than to talk over the fire claims. A mass defendant exclaimed: meeting was decided upon, for the near IS NOW READY TO DO T.Murata's "You lie! You shut up! Tou have iuiure. me iouowing committee on .been bribed to lie me for 50 cents." arrangements was elected: K. J. Im I Another witness In this case caused a anashi, S. Ozakl,. S. Shimamoto, W. THE HATTER. laugh when the Judge asked him if he Motoshige, Y. Suga, K. Kawasaki, K, could speak English: Kojima, Dr. T. Katsunuma, T. Soga 1W Nuuanu St. TeL Blu KflL "No, sir," was his answer. of the Hawaii Shimpoo; G. Gunji, of Fifteen drunks paid the usual footing; Shinmpon; T. Ishikawa of the Yamato Manuel Kilohi was fined $5 and costs for Shimbun, and Y. Kimura, of the Hono - George work- battery on Kimoena; News. Laundry assault and lulu This committee will meet All Kinds of I No. 4 and Mamono were taxed $2 and again at the Japanese Young Men's costs for anray; ana r u. xi2tn.eu Club building on Vineyard street at that the charge of gambling agamst mm o clocK this evening. ; be allowed to go over till Wednesday; It went. ' , SATISFACTORY WORK Fort Street MARRIED AT LAHAINA. 5Fi Keverend William Ault Weds Miss GUARANTEED. Caroline Hayselden. Destroy the m Under the superintendence of Mrs. R. V2? Vt 11 P. Hose the little church of the Holy Cause, WHITE LABOR ONLY EMPLOYED. ilia was prettily dec Innocents at Lahaina you orated last Thursday evening for the HAS JUSTi wedding of Rev. William Ault to Miss Remove the RECEIVED A Caroline Hayselden. Promptly at 7 o'clock the bridal par- Effect ty, the bridesmaid being Miss Clara y'- Newbro's Herpicide kills to Line of Hats Northern of California and the best Street, near South. man George Hayselden, brother of the Laundry Kawaiahao PANAMAS, STRAW, bride, moved up the aisle and took their causes falling hair, and, ' Bishop Wil- Up-To- wn Office n6 Street; Old Elite Building. FBLT AND CHIP. places at the altar, where finally, baldness. No Hotel lis read the ceremony of the ..English other ALSO church. hair preparation kills the Kew liBs f Hayselden and David Haysel- Shirts, Ties, Collars and F. H. dandruff germ. Stop dan-druf- f, Cuffs. - den, also brothers of the bride, acted I PULL as ushers. As soon as the ceremony there'll be no falling ; LINE OP was Telephone Main 73; WOOL was over a reception held at the hair, no AND COTTON residence, only Immediate baldness. UNDERWEAR. Hayselden . relatives being present. ' Dickixsoh, N. Nov. 8, sa. Wailuku Have been ustna HerplcldB, and have used Mrs. Ault left for one-thir- Mr. and about of a fl bottle, and find that Honolulu soon afterward for a short honeymoon. it does all, and even more, than yon claim for It. dan-drn- Iron Co newly It not only cleanses the scalp from ff Works A reception was given the mar- and prevents the hair from falling out, couple on Saturday evening by Jmt promotes a new growth. Have only nsed STEAM ENGINES. ried the qnantity mentioned, and have more hair m .T. W. L. Marshall, wife of the on m y head than I have had for years. I also BOlLETfR ctt-?- t nnT..!,Mii find that it keeps the hair soft and glossy. n-- i i . i , lnmi. of thf Wailuku nlantation.- ' t kJWVTAXV tftTTo EDWA.ED DODD. Prompt Attention, ry All Will Receive tRs. BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS, under the auspices of the Wailuku Orders ' first-CIas- description 'es' Guild. For Sale at all s Drug Stores. ef every , e , rder' Partlcular ttent,on j Spruance, Stanley-- Co's celebrated u 'alp's blacksmithlnjr. Job work brands of "Kentucky Favorite" and "O. "etuUd shortest notice. ' F. C." whiskies stand the highest. MLUK UU.,U, LTD., Agra. f$H-?- f

IT ;4 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEBTISBB: HONOLULU, JANUARY 29. 1901. THB PACIFIC HILL REDIV1VUS. MORE ANDILESS$F Necessity - ' Commercial Advertiser The invitation given David. B. Hill by ? - to come to : the Democrats.- r CAPITAL STOCKS No State and speak, on current and Knows Law." EDITOR. that 1 " ALTER O. SXUxH '. tf future politics means more than a & Nature bows TUESDAY JANUARY 29 personal ."compliment,' or the satisfac- Governor's Council Gorsiders j Bat hiv of "Jo curiosity. Is, or : tion 'public :,Texas Applications Yesterday to th e necessity of , keeping has been the stronghold of - Bryan, A picture In the London Illustrated ft ; ,, twice-defeat- ed Morning. the blood pare so that the News showing a collection of 'tro- and the Nebraskan still Vic- in multitudes. phies" at Peking made for Queen counts his friends there f entire system shall be strong; toria may give the French press a good But Texas Democrats, like those else- , Few matters came up for the ' con- opening for return compliments about where, indulge no illusions 'abour a sideration of the Governor's council neauny ana.'vigoroas "Gallic propensity for loot." twice them Into yesterdaymorning.' " The most impor- To take Hood's S&SAparSU; the 'great FOR THIS WEEK the " leader who has carried -, , v They will not follow him tant business brought to attention blood purifier, is T- a a Waterloo. its therefmejiUoTieiUh Caypless for Judge, vice Silliman.is again and they are looking for some; was that of the application of C.' Brew- And it is 3. necessity in nearly every house- original Wilcox ' rumor. As an - v. & Co. in-- current one of equal' or greater capability er to amend Its charter to hold, never disappoints ; . ', Caypless said to have been the h j Ladies' Wash Skirts man, is sl to win re- - Lcrease.its capital stock from $1,000,000 The President who stands chance and My "step- Ielegate's first choice. $5,000,000, in- Bldod Disorders " store the Democracy to 'a power which to with the option of V better, if he has - might have done but - daughter , and have both been trou- CRASH, COVERTS, DENIMS AND no good it has held for but eight years out of creasing it to five times the latter I JN saved the bench from Gear bled greatly tvith blood disorders ' forty: There is no use in turning amount, or $25,000,000 in all. In the and citizen need complain. ; . . . . stomach troubles, ; WHITE PIQUES . . " 1 ;': again to Cleveland . and risking' the original-- ' charter the privilege was al- and several bottles Hood's SarsapariOa ; K Runaways are getting too! common issue of a third term; and of the possi- lowed to make the subsequent exten- of . have been of V r. Many .of them are ble leaders remain, David B. Hill sion from $1,000,000 to $3000,000. "; great benefit. " James F. Thompson, FROM 45c. for public comfort. that a capital as proposed un- 'With such the : caused by drivers Jeaving horses is fthe most able and distinguished, Wilmington, Oliio. ; ' . they go into company, would be the most heavily hitched at the curb while Mr. Gorman not excepted. - stocked corporation in the Islands, and store on an errand. There is a law Twenty 'years ago Mr. Hill was a be to carry busi- a but as would enabled on a M. & CO. against this kind of carelessness lawyer of Southern New York, who ness not alone in sailing vessels for BRASCH hitching facilities are few and far be: carrying freight, but could into ' prestige enter tween in the business quarter what are had won some local at competition in the steamship business PHONE 157. . bar, but had enjoyed no political passengers. people to do?. If every storekeeper the for freight and Action ou P1U " Hood't onre lirar 1U ; the pon4rrltatlpjc ad posts outside, ,'r- - the matter was deferred, on account of would plant one or two stout at experience the boundaries only cathaxttc to take with Bood'i 8rpriU. number of runaways State, and but little within the.enormous capital involved. the curb the of his - Application was read from the Klhei would be reduced. . them. ' He was a cold,- calculat- Plantation Company asking that the ing man who never drank amendment to its charter to reduce its ' Apropos of theJ trouble at Stanford, or smoked or cultivated a, knowledge capital stock from $3,000,000 to $2,500,000 Received Per Bktne Wrestler " $500,000 of Cornell spoke as J be allowed. The worth of stock President Schurman of society. One would . not . have a University banquet in New represents that surrendered by L." A. ; 7 follows at ' thought of him , as . a party favorite, ap- A Carload of the Celebrated ' ; Thurston and H. P. Baldwin. "The York: ; , - ' - - ollister was s but when Cleveland came to the front plication granted. Ours Is the most free-thinki- age the Rapid Compa- long for Governor of New York in 1882, Mr. The Honolulu Transit world, has ever witnessed. There has ny notified the Department of . Public been in process af conflict between free Hill was picked out for second place at meeting authority, Works that the annual of thought and traditional and on the ticket, because of his geograph-ica- l the stockholders held last week a reso-.lutionw- as the twentieth century opens with the ! "year passed Increasing the capi- thought. The university location. That was the of victory of free Cleve- tal; slock frohV $300,000 to $500,000. Be- MACEY wave when PESKS is the congenial nome 01 iree inquiry the Democratic tidal fore action '' can be taken on thjs mat- And I think we iay rejoice, not only land got !i92,6op majority. , To the sur- ter a statement' must' be filed by the . that at Cornell University, but at most prise of his party Hill got I97,00yjijiai Rapid Trangftv Company with De- land, the' Macey if not all large universities of the Jorltya.nd by grace. of that success, he partment of Public Works showing the Manufactured by the Fred Desk Co, this principle is sacredly cherished and amount of money already expended for . Cleveland ' ' zealously into practice. The very began to figure as a rival of . . carried ' ccMSrttnctjffltti purposes. . The franchise Grand Bapids, Michigarj, act of intol- for" ' MM outcry 'which an occasional Democratic State aiid National has a clause that 'amount ' ' '" ' " Atlantic4 "Or "Par : ' ; erance, whether: on. the leadership. . '.' ' must be expended in the build throughout the entire actual Consisting of cifio Coast, raises His growth in sphere of ing of the road before an increase of country shows that the intellectual pulse the affairs capital can be sanctioned. ' of the nation is sound and healthy. So was rapid. . On Cleveland's election, as The application of S. Kojime - for a beS-- Top Desks, Roll'"Top Office Desks, may it alwaya The right of free President; Hill ' filled his unexpired liquor dealer's license, to be located in Flat Office thought and?, free speech, is the foun- on at' term , as Governor. In 1885 he was his store the Ewa side of Nuuanu dation of the Republic, and the decline street between Pauahi and JBeretania, Typewriters' Office Desks, - nominated for the. full" term and elect- - " of the principle- of free and unfettered was granted. , inquiry at onr universities would speed- ed by a great vote. Three years later ily poison the moral and political life of his followed,, and at the Bookeepers' Office Desks, Ladies' Home Desks, the nation. close of his term he became United WIU kill COCKROACHES, the dread But the universities have a greater s Etc, , - 1 Chairs, Sectional Bookcases, Cabinets; task still to solve. Free thought has States Senator.. ; FOR RENT of the housekeeper. .' hitherto been almost entirely destructive. Mr. Hill had beeri callecL a "peanut The next generations must use free politician," and the phrase stuck. But " thought . to organize a coherent system beliefs which shall embrace human in point of fact he was no more, of a of peanut It Is a food greedily eaten by them life and the world as one harmonious politician, than was Martin Van ' whole. Buren or Henry Clay, or Samuel J. Cottages. and results in sure death! The same note is being sounded by Tilden. It did not take him long when other great collegians arid it" will serve in the Senate to dispute Gorman's Rooms, For Sale at San Francisco Prices, by impulse of nar- mightily to check the primacy, and before his term had ' people' to make support half This article should be welcome in row rich their ended Senate regarded him as one of higher education conditional upon the Stores. every household and certainly will take slavery to their ideas. It may be borne of its hree or. four ablest men. He the place of nasty, greasy and poison policy was adroit in debate, quick in stratak-ge- . & Co,, Ld. upon them after this that such a ous pastes or explosive liquids. miackfeld will kill the institution they , endow. practical in statesmanship. The On the premises of the Sanitary Steam EXCLUSP7E DEALERS, HAWAIIAN TERRITORY. Cleveland influence was against him, ' sjs sjc s)c Laundry Co., Ltd., South, A MILK FRAUD. however, and he could not hope to get between and a Presidential nomination from his Queen streets. ; J , NON-POISONO- and need not be A housewife makes the following party buildings supplied kept from children. ' know-in- g while Cleveland was available The are with hot statement which the Advertiser, term. So to keep her responsibility, is glad to pub- for a second his and cold water and electric lights. hand in he ran for Governor again, but Artesian water. Perfect sanitation. A Fine Assortment lish:. he Republican . .: "Some time ago I took milk from a chose a tidal wave year ! en- TRY IT man named Llshmann or Lelshmann or for the experiment, and was simply of something of the kind and found that, gulfed. Since then he has emerged For particulars, apply to ; despite all I could do, it would not last but once from retirement, and that was 4 over night. The milk got sour before to go as a delegate to City more the Kansas morning and it never showed convention. The enthusiasm which J. LIGHTF00T, than the faintest, trace, of. cream. I appearance JAPANESE SILKS, complained and the milkman got angry, greeted his on the platform On the premises, or at the office of J. Hollister's saying that his milk was pure. It cer- was intense; and David B. Hill left the A. iMagoon. I i 5738 tainly looked well but its quality was great hall with his ambitions all re- KIMONOS, GRASS CLOTH, toad. I tried other dealers and finally vived. ; When Bryan scored a second , In desperation got a cow of my own defeat Hill's prospects cleared. Thence- Independence Roach which yields milk that Is good for three forth the contest for party leadership HAWAIIAN SILK FLAGS. skimmings of cream. "Well, the other was free for all, and who could do bet- ' day I hired Mr. Lishmann's cook, and in 'such ' the first thing he said when he saw my ter a race than the man who Food full milk pans was: 'Shall I put on the had behind him so full a record - of Park Lots Just the thing to decorate your room with. stove?' 'Why? I asked. 'Yes, at Mr. Democratic- - "service, and had run - so Liishmann's I warm milk to make cream many great political heats with tri- 25 CENTS A CAN. We also call your attention to the up .. Sale: come quick and then cream all umph, the end. For ". take at ' assortment of . off. My eyes were opened by this Shall it be Hill in 1904? If he lives Fine ..... ' statement and. I saw why my 12- - and makes no mistakes his bid for the cents-a-qua- rt' THIS TRACT HAS BEEN PLAT-te- d milk had been so unsat- Democratic nomination may easily be isfactory. That the milk always looked and is now placed on the market. AND FRINGED TRAY CLOTH well may be due ' to something being the strongest. He is today the leading ; There is not a more desirable loca- feDOULES put in it to give it body." probability; his chances are vastly bet- tion for a home. Here is a case which throws a flood ter than Bryan's or Gorman's or Till- The lots are on the King street car 'of light on the methods of unscrupu- man's, while Cleveland has no chance line, within easy reach of town, and Made of Silk and Grass Cloth direct from lous milk-deale- rs and shows how seri- at all. Hill stands between the ultra will be SOLD ON EASY TERMS, so IlilOR ous is the need of drastic legislation that everyone may take advantage of to protect conservatism of Cleveland, and the so- buy. the consuming public, it cialistic radicalism of Bryan. this opportunity to looks to us as if the only remedy is a He is a 'law organizing a regular force of milk Democrat of strong convictions, and of FORT STREET, Inspectors and empowering them to the old Van Buren and" Jacksonian For particulars, apply to ' stop delivery wagons and make a test school. He could rally, his. party and HONOLULU. then and there a suitable- - pocket de- lead it with spirit and dash. , So- - why vice being in the market for that pur- not Hill? Where is a more available CHAS. F PETERSON, " C. H. DICKBI, poseand where the milk is found to man? ... ! . . Hotel Street " 15 Kaahumanu St, Honolulu. Waverley Block have been skimmed or adulterated to ; ; - ' - pour it into the street Such a force 6727 General Business Agent The Hilo Herald Nipbraids the people would have to work by night as well as of town by day and would be worth all it might its because of their "indiffer- Corner King and Bethel Sts. cost. ' ence regarding plans of county govern- ' ment." It does seem strange - ; f-- that . . : , . the owners of Hilo should not be en- FOR SALE! WILL TRANSACT GENERAL KAHUNAISM, I ... thusiastic for a scheme that would BUSINESS OF ALL. KINDS, act as their taxes giving Since the coming of Papa without them cl-e- ct Ita there better official rustee, guardian or administrator, has been a revival of Kahunaism in service. The whole thing BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE AND rents, purchases, etc, ng make etc Is inexplicable. Usually a tax-raisi- these Islands which has led some of the when GROUNDS. All business instrusted to me will re-el- ve clergy in direct spiritual contact with committee is abroad the proper- prompt attention. the natives to take various measures ty owners keep open house for it and feel offended when it does not call and C.H. DICKET. of resistance. No belief is harder to ONE get out of the native mind than that view the p'roperty it wants to mort- OF THE FINEST RESIDENCE gage. But Hilo, contrary as ever, holds properties In Honolulu, located corner in the power and presence of witch- - CO. aloof and sulks. - of Judd and Llliha streets (Mr. E. PACIFIC TRANSFER craft. Some of the strongest and most - Suhr)...... cultivated Hawaiians turn to the Ka- Improvements "consist of main house, JAS. H. LOVE, Managrer. hunas in time of weakness or distress It is said that the Independents have two cottages, servants' quarters, sta- and all the laws that have "been passed agreed among themselves to ' make bles; all complete In splendid con- - and against these devil-docto- rs and all the Robert Parker High Sheriff in place of dition. knowledge imparted to their dupes does Arthur Brown. This is an interesting Also, about four and one-ha- lf (4) not suffice to stop the spread of their rumor but It lacks at least one cor- acres of land enclosed by solid stone : MAIN 58. sorcery or limit the respect paid to its roborative detail, namely, a section of wall, with attractive lawn, fine old OflBce, King St., Next to Bailey's Cyclery. pretensions. People are still being the Organic Act which gives the Legis- trees and beautiful foliage.. . prayed to death as they were in the lature the power to make a new ap- , days when a Kahuna tried the experi- pointment. . For further particulars apply to ment upon the famous John Young, t" -- '.'". : only to ', die himself in abject terror i llegret is general In the American Hawaiian Trust and Hfi'isniiD Young set up began when an altar and press ror the illness of Admiral Cer-ver- a, Industriously praying for the death of who, owing to the Sampson-Schle- y .' Elsewhere In these col- Investment Co., Ltd. the Kahuna. quarrel and Dewey's political es- The putlic acts &s judge and jury in deciding which J umns we show how a young wife was capade, is the only Admiral that came article is tlie best. made 111 by Kahunaism and not long out of the war of 1898 who has unchal- 409 FORT STREET. ago evening paper attribut- Their patronage 0 with their jrjdgmcnt. a reputable lenged American popularity. Telephone 184. Honolulu. Bond ed the death of David Naone to the Stock and Broker That's why there ss more Cyrus NoLlc whiskey sold same cause. " Indeed such instances than any ether brand, might be multiplied by scores without It is pure old and honest. going back on the calendar very far. Papa Ita has brought the superstition It is aged in wood. to a much whiter heat than are the It is ci delicate flavor. lava stones upon which he walks. In Fire Insurance Agents .Ooe and three crown - the Hawaiian belief he has more than apostolic power or loose." It 'was only necessary to hear the cries of THt'wS native rage when a."haol'e" tried to toU i APE i low In Papa Ita's footsteps on the heat- 1 4 XV)fAtV' PACKD .1 N f VERY LARGE ho - '$ Commission Merchants CO., Ltd ed rock, and to see the Hawaiians flock W W. G. PEACOCK & W 0YSTtR5Tru.N- - about the old man after his perform- n tljuMJ' ' MO ance to touch the hem of his garment, it1' Ve i 'ttfHrf$i 1 iwseoFOTrtia: V SOLE AGENTS FOR HAWAII TERRITORY. to realize height and depth of the the '1 Careful attention given to bt. ess heathen Influence he is founding. We - should have no cause for astonishment I' trusts. if Papa Ita's tour undid, in a month's years . time, the work of laborious in corner Fort and r leading the native up from superstition In our new quarters, Reacfl Advertise - the to enlightenment. Merchant treeta, m .



' . .. E NGS

: ' ubrlcatoini(qi Sls j THE GAUGE SPECIAL WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE BEST Makaweli Plaritatibn's mSffl. Tax Valuation. ( SALE Heating Oils SUPREME COURT DECISION No. n All Eastern products, and free from ASPHALTUM r

Assessors Figures of $3,500,000 HONOLULU Upheld by the Bench Our Prices Are POOR, CHEAP OILS MEAN MORE FUEL Yesterday. LOSS OF POWER 1 1 aiiuj j AGENTS WEAR ON THE BEARINGS The Supreme Court places the valua- tion of 13,500,000 for the year 1900 upon I Flower f SALE OF REAL ESTATE property of Our stock of PLANTATION SUPPLIES is the largest country' the the Hawaiian Sugar in the and ive Company, or just $1,000,000 more than F. J. LOWRET, President. court comparison in quality and prices. the valuation which tne company be- CD. CHASE. Vice '.President kb lieved should ' have been placed upon Pots Manager. ARTHUR B. WOOD,,Treaur. it hy J. K.r Farley, assessor.; for the J. A. OILMAN,'1 Secretary. Correspondence Solicited, Island of Kauai The opinion is Writ- AI.I,BIzis. I E. P. DOLE"Auditor.1 ten by Justice Galbraith and concurred f in by Ldrrih ' Andrews, ' member of the bar, sitting in place of Chief Justice Frear, who was disqualified. Justice Sale Perry dissejiits from "stat- For the opinion; FOR ONE Pacific ing that In his opinion the' Valuation H&d&are Co., Ltd. should no V than 13,000,000. The court . says that a yalutiUoa: of $3,500,000 placed on thesygar compa--j WEEK ny's "property, Tof purpbses, taxation' - - tax-assesstfr- 2d. to FORT STREET, HONOLULU. for. the year 1900, by the 'I Ending Saturday, February Clayton street through Hoetace- - e and; approved on .appeal- by-th- Taxi avenue 2,209 square Appeal Court, is. sustained, and the feet of land; Mt appeal Of the company dismissed.. Thus feet frontage on Clayton street. farl the: plantations have rinet with dis- comfiture at the hands of the Supreme (JOHN Court in .their appeals -- from the tag V.VV.Dimond&'COi BARLEYCORN' valuation assessed upon their . proper- ties. The majority of opinion of the Supreme Court has in eacn case sus- LIMITED. NOT HIS -- ;. FRIEND tained the, tax appeal board..r ' vi, V The Hawaiian Sugar Company 'ap- 'I liupvnsn A good location for . warehouse - L , : fr. pealed from the decision, of the Tax CROCKERY, Ka-kai- Appeal . manufacturing plant. For pArtlfcuIar How Blindness o Court of the Island of Kauai, ' ' wise Reformed ; " ': ' ' ' " ' approving a valuation of $3,500,000. :The GLASS AND HOUSE . ' ' " Whom a Do appeal was taken from the excess over enquire of $2,500,000, the amount at which the FURNISHING GOODS, Liads Now, property was valued the preceding who really understand year, although the return of the com- Realty Co. pany fof the year 1900 was for a lesser Island , Every morning' about 8 o'clock a blind amount. Under the law. the property Sole agents in the Hawaiian " Office: 204 Judd Building. - what good whiskey is, invariably 'orders native man, led by a bigr brown dog, of this company, like all other property Territory for Jewel Stoves.. Gur- - passes In the Territory, is required to be as- ney Cleanable Refrigerators, .relephone Main 310. down Nuuanu street en route sessed at its "full cash value." The Puritan Blue Flame vVickless Oil to the fishmarket difficulty presented in this case is the Stoves, Primus Stoves, double-coate- d So regular tare the pair in passing correct method to be pursued in arriv- Granite Ironware. certain points that their coming has ing at this fact, says the- - court. The come to be looked for as a regular company appealed to the Supreme thing by a great Court on the ground that the valuation many people. placed on its property was excessive. Lands Greenwood The name man's is Kakaio and five "It is only fair to presume that there The House Furnishing .Goods years ago he was one of the most regu- was some one connected with the Ha- Department Is on the second lar attendants at the police court mat- waiian Sugar Company that knew tlw floor. Take the elevator. inees. He had at that time only one full cash value' of its.property on the a pure old fashioned eye. Continued indulgence in strong first day of January, 1900. The record drink caused him to become totally fails to show that any such witness For was produced by before Mind hot effected a complete reform it either the Kentucky Sour Mash Tax Appeal Court or at the hearing Noa. 68, 65 and 67 King Street, as far as the '.man's bibulous propen- - - of this court. :i . .. sities were concerned. "The capital stock of the company Is HONOLULU. Since losinc his evRfe-ii- t i yaa re $2,000,000, divided into 20,000 shares of Aged in Wood. ; sided somewhere in ' Nii the par value of $100. Its real estate thirty-nin- Sale whence he proceeds to the fishmarket is all leasehold with e years to run except Crown lands, area not Distilled ..x,. ..i. ""'ft icu wy ilia 1.CLX Llli. Ul ttt-- from selected grain guide. " When"" given), 2,444 acres of which was under nme' the purchasing is cultivation in 1899, and it has the priv- done he is led back' to his home bv his ilege under of extend- dumb its lease greatly THERE IS IN STORE FOR YOU AT friend. ing, this area, upon the payment of a THE NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, DE- fixed percentage of the sugar produced. LICIOUS MINCE, CREAM AND OTH LOTS IN KING STREET TRACT H.1 Hackfeld & Co.. Ltd. It Is shown .that on . January 2,5 1900, $222.50 per share offered, for its ER FLAVORED Qen'l Honolulu 'was ' from $1,350 to $1,500 a lot, formerip Agents, . stock, and $227. 50, was asked. That In '' Lewis & Co. July, 1899, 2,000, of ltis .were shares stock known as G. K. Wilcox's j Main purchased at $225 to $240 'per. . share, Telephone 240. which were taken to San Francisco and ; made the basis of a $5,000,000 corpora- ISIS tion known as Makaweli . Sugar P s the , Company; that 'the par value of these SAME AS YOUR MOTHER USED TO shares was $50, and that they were sell- MAKE. open ing in the market for' from . $45 TWENTY LOTS IN MAWOA Se.nd in Tour Orders Early for to $49 per share The.net. profits or - the appellant company for the : year VALLEY, formerly Montaae's Tracts Rough- All the 1897 were $240,505.73; for the year 18US Mats $508,850.86; 1899 Doughkts Straw were for, the year were $3,000 a (ft lot.- DELICACIES... ? $666,570'. 28, an average net yearly profit SEASON - OF- THE for said period of $471,955.62. The divi- ' ' That are the talk of the town because J ...ON ICE. dends paid for the year 1899 were 31 every body wants them. (rt The Stylish, and!Fashion- - s By the per cent, or 2 per cent less than one-thi- rd Q of the entire capital stock of the S. S. ZEALANDIA company. "' - ' " ;' CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, FOUR HUNDRED LOTS able People Always Have "Justice Frear, speaking for the Su- LADY FINGERS, gj j ' And preme Court of the Republic of Hawaii, CREAM PUFFS, TRACT, from $ae said: 'The tax in question is not an S. S. MARIPOSA Income tax 'depending for its and a toll line of pastry for the boll $250 a lot ! amount upon fresh-ever- ' 0 the Income for the year preced- days. Made y day. Come Style. ! At ing, tax on property, the . but a earning and see us at the power 'of which is one of the most po- tent factors in determining its value.' "Theearning power of this company FITY LOTS IN KEKIO TRACT;, is certainly very great, ana amply to justify the valuation placed thereon by New opposite Makee Island, $600 a lol Our HATS Will Always the tax 'assessor and the Tax Appeal Court.' This much was reluctantly ad- Give mitted by the appellant's principal Satisfaction. Lewis & Eo witness, the manager of the company, Mr. Morrison. v England ' ' ' "'5 f Telephone Main 240. "The valuation placed upon the prop- erty by the assessor and claimed by TWENTY . LOTS IN PUUNUI I the appellant to be excessive, estimates I' $175, TRACT, 160x200, $100 a lot: the stock at $5 less pet share than the manager of the company swears 5) Eyesight Insurance is its fair market price. Under thl Bakery evidence the assessor's valuation '.a . IWAKAMI, $100,000 less than the fair market price Etc., Etc-- 3 of the company. The appellant has Oswald limed. failed to show that the valuation of MANAGER. W Tel. White 421. Hotel Street ft) Tou or your children may feel as- $3,500,000 is excessive, and its appeal Is sured of receiving the most careful dismissed and the said valuation for and Bkillfur attention to eyesight the year 1900 Is affirmed." needs, or relief from headache and Rock pains, by consulting POLICE CAPTAIN'S For further particulars apply fee ' For H: R. COUNTER, S0NASSAULTED Ballast EYE SPECIALIST, 532 FORT ST., LOVE BUILDING. Ho1. was Held up and Rbbed White and Black Sand Achi at Kewalo on Sunday IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. We carry a full line of Night. There EXCAVATING CONTRACTED FOR. is SPECTACLtS AND EYE CUSSES CORAL AND SOIL FOR SALE. &. vigoi and James Holi, a son of Captain Holl, Company in gold, gold-fille- d, silver, steel and of the police force, was brutally beaten rubber frames. WE EXAMINE YOUR and robbed about 8:30 o'clock on Sun- Dump Carts furnished by the day on EYES FREE OF strength in every drop CHARGE. day njeht at Kewalo. - an hour's notice. Real Estate Holl had been flaying craps, and PHOTOGRAPHIC when he had won $25, started home- Brokers. wards. When on Queen street near the "R, Sanitary Laundry he was accosted by H. HITCHCOCK, o PORTRAITS two men w-h- him In the face, Merchant Street. In Office occupied by 10 WEST KING ST, threw him down and kicked him, at M. D. Monsarrat. the same time relieving him of $15 In peattfe silver. The victim of the assault thinks that BEAVER 1UNCH mm RUPTURE he was hit with a ROOMS 1 First Class. Work brass "knuckle I jat Guaranteed duster," and says that he can identify A I Mr. Davey does not his asasilants, whom, he declares, were H. J. NOi.TE, Proprietor. wish his aittrs natives. different from aB to accept work unless nerfectlv ti- - Fort Street. Opposite Wilder & Co. r a Tsf - Kewalo Is rapidly acquiring the rep- FIRST-CLAS- other trusses and has radl- factory. being S LUNCHES SERVED. V. utation of a, tough . neighbor- With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger cally CUKBJU tnousanas oi hood. Two or three .crap games Milk-Ope- cases. No experiment! ar or n It run full blast on the sidewalk every Ale does the work! "Booklet No. 1" sent oa from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. request. Sunday afternoon, and after sunset a, Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. Address. lantern Is brought Into requisition. Tbt Magnetic inhabitants manufacture "swipes" for Elastic Trass Ci , SC9 family consumption, and the result is that drunken brawls and fights are L. AHLO frequent, and that the lower end or General Ccusolaied Soia W iter Sorts PHOTOGRAPHIC Queen street is practically unsafe for Merchants CO., V pedestrians after dark. Co. :C- "V IwA MOTT-SMIT- H BLOCK, Typewriting taught free of charge, at WAIPTLOPTLO. Eli ALAMA FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS Remington Typewriter Office, Fort .(Near Tramear Stables), Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. street. falephone 1M. P. O. B 1IU Esplanade, Corner Allen and Fort Stsv HONOLULU, JANUARY 29, 1901. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVKKTIfiEB: " ' - - i . ; Trvhniarv 16. 1893. where i i innn o rsr i unon 9. nn i " i promised"ol pay' Cfabng and 1 mm I Wl WW. mm saw. w I I . I by ahe to Fat I I II Allen & KoDinson. ro pwi II! has been paid. Juagmeni was given THE OUEEN ; Auction the lower court for $142.85. 1 At Public Wm. M. Mahaka, plaintiff in the action 3 against Antone Rosa, has acknowledged , 1 . ex. Box For 'the receipt: of $2,000 from no. w , burn, executor of the estate of Antone a. 'Kosa. deceased. In full satisfaction of all QUEEN STREET LOSES SUIT ' or demands touching any matters MY SALESROOM. 65 claims cause, or AT ; arising in the above entitled s 7 plaintiff against de- -j !Couches other claims of the - u " February 2nd, The following cases are set ior hinged L '"r- hi Oa Saturday, morning: Keauloa et aL vs. amoKun Made of cedar, with Wong Kwai Wins in Ewal.ke; guardianship, Kealohaokalanl, o lids Just the thing to keep" CL K. C. Rooke ears a minor, master's report; o your gowns in away from - 12 O'CLOCK NOON u. -- i AT . .Circuit Court. vs. Mary M. Seabury, motion; o3 moths' and dust. They are large q I II Kooke vs. J. O. Young, motion; vtons a. enough to admit the gowns be- - WH HAVE BEEN vs. Chock; Sing, motion. tJ I CUT T TVn TUP TiltrAn. I ' Butnam rendered an a. Ing placed. In them, witnoui. JONG, sr. Judge Koloa yesterday creasing. r of the plaintiff in o 3. oral decision any size. BISHOP ESTATE REPORT the case of Klawe vs. See Hop, eject Made to order S ment. The case was nearu on a t'""0 Kroeger of venue. The court orders a restitution property and allows damages for of the costs. 1 the detention of the property and Pianos ii i Ar-h- & rf-irir,-c: Suit Against Hamakua noa nntod i Johnson o I K Ejectment plainUtt; Andrews and WIIUIVM Ai fT and Henshall, for Glvine complete satisfaction is II Mill Company News of Andrade, for aerenaanis. O III I CL hundreds of Honolulu homes. the Courts. AN INCREASE OF I BEAT OUT OF a. I Always pleased to talk and I HIS PENSION. China Closets! o I Inatrumpmo T II promi Ml ahnnr K Tifl Kfr ONQ KWAI won his case a war veteran and II Pill vnw sre lnterester. whether vnn in the nent editor writes: "Seeing the adver against Liliuokalanl Colic, Choi- - On hand. They have been re- yesterday. The tisement of Chamberlain's ready to buy or not, come In. IW Circuit Court s T-- wawioiv urn i duced to such a price as to be Itxe STANDARD MAKES also. agreement entered into between Wong, soldier in Mexico In called cheap. M i agent " Kwai and Joseph Heleluhe, the of '47 and '48 I contracted Mexican aiar-- O CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. Is by Cir- kept me the Queen, declared the First u.vioI uuca onfl thisv rnipdv has o cuit Judge to be valid and in full force from getting an Increase in my pension. O aose 01 re- and the defendant is required to make , for on every renewal a n a. a stores me." It is unequalled as a quick a. the deed. An appeal was noted, but and signed upon presentation, cure for diarrhoea and Is pleasant o Mirrors decree will be sale by Benson, Queen was not In court to hear the safe to take. For f The Smith & Co., Ltd.. wholesale agents. Mi verdict, which was brief and delivered Silvered. i Mil orally. I years I J I The action was brought in 1898. Wong Have you a mirror that Is o ! Kwai complained that Liliuokalanl, by TO THE DUtbtU ivwu t- ? Tf so send her duly authorized agent, Joseph Hele it to us; we will make it look

luhe, by a memorandum of agreement in new. , we guaram.ee urai. CL like writing, dated on October 15, 1898, by him, CiaSS WOrK uy a. wuiiuuau Oo a. thnrmip-hl- silver-- to Wong a-- certain PUBLIC understands agreed to lease Kwai o Is only piece or parcel of land, being the ahu-- ine mirrors. He the O person in town that can do1 this puaa of Lumahai, on the Island of Ka- kind of work. Many mirrors are Camara Republic uai, of the then of Hawaii, for WP! WISH TO THANK THE PEO looking shabby for the want of $2,300, payable semi- an annual rental lof PLE of Honolulu for the large patron- silvering. Bring them to us. annually in advance for a term of ten age they have bestowed on us. years, beginning with January 1, 1900. On o x October 17th the plaintiff ' met Liliuoka-lani- 's We are now offering o agent, and accepted and ratified c3

A agreement signed by 13 Gompany, - . a1 TTf 111 the Heleluhe. and ETJSINESS PROPERTL IS DIRECTLY opposue me nreDared a lease of the land embodying ou THIS FINE STREET, and near e taOUSE of W..G. IRWIN CO. on MERCHANT the terms and conditions incidental to Meats, Upholstering t. Wnnp SI. Kinf. Stangeawald and Judo buidlngs. -- luini ITwui mndn tender of o Alakea St , Near or buildings. 500 rent for the first six months for said o A One site for office store lease, but the defendant refused to ac cent the proffered rent or execute the Poultry. AND Repairing lease, and threatened to lease the ahu mmar tn some one else.-- - . . Wong Kwai has been lor many years o X the tenant of the land at Lumahar un Produce, Rainier JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. predecessors c3 --O der Liliuokalanl and her --o and cultivated a larsre portion of the CL. a same as a rice plantation. L. A. Thurs ton first appeared as the attorney ror Etc.. Eic. Awnings Beer TK of .n rOoinMff hut the rajtf was recentlv Great Variety U..bt "WINES, ELK CLUB conducted by Hatch and Silllman and Ce MADE TO ORDER. o CALIFORNIA cil Brown. Liliuokalanl was enjoined AND O. F. a SOUR MASH. during the course of the trial from leas llltl ing the land to any one else. I iitlJ IB f WHISKIES. OF ADDITIONAL MASTER'S REPORT. WITH AN IMPROVED DELIVER' ENGLISH STOUT AND ALES q BOAR'S HEAD TY, fnllnirlnc nrlrittlftnn.1 reOOrt On the SYSTEM. O THE FAMOUS trustee's detailed and itemized accounts O--o BRAND. of receipts for the six montns ending J. Bopp & Co. --a Ti'ntt 9ft Iflftft filert Jnnuarv 16. 1901. in ac court, Tel. 140. P. O. Box 7K. ' cordance with the order of the of KING AND BETHEL STS. which the following is a summary, was 1 1 o AND f?Mteil filed yesterday by P. Danson Kellett, Jr., master: IllllH I Rents, $51,649.65; taxes reimbursed, 15, LIMITED, 702.51: oasturace. $240: permissions to' as J. H0PP & CO. J. H0PP & CO aia-- n lensa feYnenHel. tCR: firewood. $309: P. O. Box 219. BETHEL ST sales of land, $4,880; surveying costs re- turned. J1.12S.88: coral and stone. $509.70: Ranges interest on notes, etc., $6,748.57; bills re- A BENEDICT'S STORY. ceivable (investment), $64,625; taro lands rente Tfeer Krttin. Hawaii. $28.90: law all Stoves (costs of court returned), $49.90; balance Farmers' Boilers and Extra Castings tor on hand June 30, 1899, $4,654.85; total re ceipts, six months ending uecemDer a, 1600 tRl 23A.1S:' cmnd total. $191,804.11. A willowy form, Dyeing and steel, The master has verified the statement A steed of SAYS: n of acrounta filed on August 6, 1900, and A firm control A ORTOAT PHYSICIAN I 1 , Cleaning Aiue-nM- SlClUieH ill .. . A mmm Anf oil Slid JOHN NOTT, wrnnrta rne Rump koitbcl iuh iiucca vri. Of a whirling wheel. f .Tpmen T. Dowsett for $50,000 have been caused by the pores becoming cloWM together interest up Diooa me i paid in full, with the A glint of nobons, ALL WORK, GUARANTEED. thus shutting in the due thereon. He finds there is yet due lace, .n. .n tmnurttiAa which Nature tcl sm which the trustees should be sur Of hose, of A healthy glow tended they should eliminate." P charged with. The trustees, the master opens tne poni report note of Gear & On a pretty face. eo's Dandruff Killer continues, also the Will make your clothes as good as in the sci!m Crepe, Silk, Champoray, $35,000 been paid In full. . f A. and expels all the poisons Tannins' for has worJc tne cny. I tnsrether with interest due thereon, but A graceful movement, new. Best in leaving it clean and healthy. the accounts only show that, $32,300 have A witching smile. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF K1L1JI heAn nnid on account of said note, lcav-- And the girl Is down HOTEL AND NUUANU STS. Druggists and at m Woolen Pajamas. in hoionAu Hue thereon of $2,700. This Sold by all The road a mile. Telephone w- - amount is accounted for. by the trustees Union Barber Shop, as follows: The note was transferred Kr. on What? Was I in It? Crepe, Linen Golf Shirts. hv rfenr Tanslne to G. Schumann smile! March 16. 18S9. which the trustees ac- - Well, I should & My Sterling was built wvj'.v--intiH, hutVHH failed to credit to Gear T.analnc , For speed and style. Artistic Holmes and Stanley, attorneys for tne 'RKtn.te of P. Bish-- COMPANY, triiitsaa nf the Bemice The P. C. M. i op, to following have filed exceptions the In Ehlers Block, t findings of the master, accounts ending Supplied my mount BLANK Accessories .Tuna an moo- - the trustees be dis That From their high grade stock allowed the sum of $716.65, being commis- to the prod"' on $28,-66C.- Are Indispensable sions at the rate of 2 per cent photograph No. 141 Hotel Street, and except to the finding that Well, away I flew tlon of meritorious should be disallowed the sum With scorcher speed, is why we believe trustees and that t of $fi3S.25, being commissions at the rate And thus won my bride. make for you a picture or can of 2 per cent on the sum jj.wu.u, Or, my Sterling did. will be eminently satisfactory. DENIES ANCESTORS HAD POSSES- - Our studio is splendidly eq SHREVE & CO., SION. ped with the handsome Bcr San Francisco. Tn th lptment suit of Henry Smith backgrounds, draperies and fan" vs. Hamakua Mill Jo. xne aeienuam, uy good resuus. TO FACILITATE TRADE with the Hawaiian Islands. wlU deliver al Cpcil agents ture that insure purchased hi ottnrnovs Brown and Freder Paclftc Cycle & Mfg. Co., for '' goods or ordered of them, FREE OF ALL CHARGES FOB ick W. Hankey, denies au ana singuitr TRANSPORTATION to Honolulu, or returning same to San Franelsoo. Goodt Y, nna in tne DlaintllX 8 cuiji- - bicycle. twk nn tVirtao n tVia .lWat the Sterling vrill unt xlMt1nn tn knnvm firm Af whA will futlMk The defendant further state that atlsractory San la co. plaint. references in Franc neither plaintiff nor his grantors r ALL KINDS OF Williams. va!v onMotnri hnvA had nnnseSHlOn Or J. J. in nlain- - PHOTOGRAPHER. I Hi, II Inn nf the land' described THE nft'a nnmnintnt Tinr fljiv nortion thereof. BOOKS. FORT STREET. IMS for the twenty years preceaing Electrical ANT POST STTfTnTTTQ Q1V 1ITHUBa HSnrafTk of said complaint, nor ror any pari, m KINDS. ALL aoM torm The Hirp.ult Judee vesteruay uuunmea catalogue anaIprices iur nisnea upon receipt or request. days in which ALL SIZES. ten We nave the largest manufactory illo f Jewelry and Silverware west of New allowed the defendant Supplies ALL PRICES. Contractors York city, and are prepared to furnish special designs. to file its answer. e COURT NOTES. do bt getting TTn-Ti- well A or will a v nttomev for the estate TIMATES FROM THE Kan Yee (k), a minor, has filed a motion and Novelties Examine Our .ni Received By S. S. Zealandia: in thA rMrpiiit Court to fix the attorney's fee in the matter of the application wr Constantly on Hand, appointment of a new guardian. Patent Pfflfi r TJ.iiineham. mainun in we u. Inn a era Inst- - thfl Wahidwa CO wiring Flat-Openi- ng 1LIMITED. electric ligM MEW Ltd.. bill for specinc pertormance, una Contractors for Ala GOODS! Mill. Enterprise filed a motion asking the court to set a inter-communicat- and long Successors to ii Neckties, Suspenders, Gents' nta fnr ia hia.rine and determination power transmis-- . . . Books near Queen Street. .SliirtSt m m ictnTi tPienhones. mn m a of said cause. The motion will oe pre f con ra Untterwear. a hub assonmem, a.x sented to the Judire today at 13 a. m Rinn. etc.. etc. . 23f Best and Cheapest in the market We do hot compete with Mahoahoa. plaintifi in the ejectment ELECTRO-PLATIN- G ana AlOUiaiUBB, ' only uuuio oiilt ooalnst Tn 1 Run t al his filed a The , . A - n.vtlnn In t7nlrh no atafpa th'nt Spf: Chin, t w i xTiuivn PT NT on the Isl- K. Isoshima. a defendant in this cause and duly erv-A- d Co., Ltd. - ands. Wall, Nichols & KING STREET, whf has anneared hv Drobaie KU'ir- 0AHU ICE dlan and for whom an answer has been as ABOVE BETHEL. filed by R. J. Creighton, appearing PALAMA. CO his attorney, has since the filing or saia WORKS AT & Cooke. anaxxior hernmp of acre. at. J nlalntlit ELECTRIC Next to Castle moves that an order be made that said defendant within ten days elth:r rainy said answer and adopt it as h'a own, or DELIVER P. TU XSENBERO, President file a new answer of his own. ICE of tbe Maaager. Won But Man. nlaintln. hat filed a Co. To any part CHARLES B3LLINA, SEATTLE BEER motion to have the demurrer of Chock I Slnnr stricken from the lilea on the m.i ft M -- MarUM AT THE ground that It does not set forth and SALESROOM Ma-so-on & THE point out in what particular tn a nrsi OFFICE AND cause of action is ambiguous, unintelli- Block. Phone 350. Postofflce Box CRITERION etinnxi gible and The motion will be uncertain.' 763. heard this forenoon. The motion of John CO. Pierce, for admission and license to prac - LUNG Xlub Stables - CALENDAR WING tice law, nas Deen set lor nearing- u" WOMAN'S EXCHANGE morning next. The Instruments Used In...... Friday For? 1901 LIMITED. The case of Allen & Kobinson, la-- . s MAIN 199. GROCERS SILENT B&RBEB SHOP Koolau Kaikainahaole (w), appealed ny Twenty-fou- r HAWAIIAN VIEWS TELEPHONE M Ropond District kTH Telephone 477. lilt; a;i.wnfimAsnt from th fALOHAtSFROM ON HAND ' Are Thoroughly Disinfected Before Court of Honolulu, was filed In the Cir HAWAII CALEN- RE5SH FRUITS . - TIMES. itft using. cuit Court yesteraay. ine piai""" DAR, for $1.00. MESSENGERS ALWAYS READY TO corner me FAIR, by P. II-- Dodge, and King Street, TnofDiT tr,'P,T?'Nr a rjTV)7'.. Pron.. claims the defendant Is Indebted to HAWAII ANSWER ALL CALLS. experienced Drivers. 5110 upon promi- - for Christmas, Reliable Horses, HoteL Hotel Street. former in the sum of a other articles suitable Kev Bigs. Fair Prices. Ariinirton THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER:.-.- HONOLULU, JANUARY 29, 1901.

power to confer on the Bishop of Hono- ; THE lulu Episcopal jurisdiction over all THE FIRST churchmen in, this mission, it certainly FOR. HE ANSWERS could not confer upon him an Episcopal SALE. status that would, on any ecclesiastical awk of Hawaii ' principle, forbid the entrance of another '.'':.':. Bishop to administer the Episcopal rites LIMITED. Mil to those persons who declined the offices Incorporated under the Laws of the OF HAWAII, LTD. LIMITB. THE FOLLOWING of the Bishop of Honolulu. To do this Territory af Hawaii. PLANTATION BISHQ would be practically, to invest him with MACHINERY, SUPPLIES AND MA- THE coercive authority, since he PAID UP CAPITAL - would then $600,000 Capital, $250,000. TERIAL IS OFFERED FOR SALE BY have the power of depriving people of RESERVE - - - 50,000 C. their Church privileges. President Ceeil Brown BREWER & CO., LTD.; The observance of primitive usage and UNDIVDED PROFITS - 121,000 Vice President ...... M. P. Robinson precedent may Cashier ...... v G. Have in Stock and FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES be, and is, most useful in OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. W. Cooper Anglican Churchman on the solving Of difficult questions in other Principal Office: Fort, near Merchant: CAN BE HAD BY CALLING AT dioceses, euch Epis- Charles M. Caake J. President where limitations of C. Street. Offer for Solo' THEIR OFFICE ON QUEEN copal authority have been unknown, but P. Jones Vice President the Live Question. it is not reasonable to suppose that they C. H. Cooke Cashier Branch Office: Hilo, Hawaii. STREET. can be of equal force In this mission, if F. C. Athertea Assistant Cashier all applicable. Henry ONE BURLEY DRILL, COMPLETE, at Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W. f.QBuncts aEreoeral anlii Bssinesi The Bishop of Honolulu certainly Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A. ss. 1TH 40 H. P. BOILER, AIR COM- should not complain if the Church in ' AT HONOLULU AND HILO. and BIGHTS OFlE PRELATE England PRESSOR, ETC. or America deal with hin: and Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor- this mission without reference to primi- porations, Trusts, Individuals, will SAVINGS DEPOSITS P ONE SET FOWLER STEAM PLOWS tive usage or precedent, since he himself and received And promptly and carefully to all interest allowed - ever ignored attend for yearly deposits at HOOFING. .FOUR GANG)- AND FULL ASSORT- has "both primitive usage and business connected with banking en- 4 per precedent his dealings his clergy the rate of cent per annum. MENT SPARE PARTS. Is Hawaii See or in with trusted to it. Sell and Purchase For- Rules and regulations of savings de- BUILDINC PAPER, an Independent and people, and has refused to recognize eign Exchange, THREE 250 H. P. STIRLING BOIL- Issue Letters of Credit. partment furnished upon application. Merely the existence of the authority, on which PREfi ER YATIVE PAINT, ERS. an Ordinary he now seeks to build a claim to the rec- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ognition by American Church, of Ordinary BOILER AND STACK PAINT, ONE SET GREEN' S ECONO- Diocese? the and Term Deposits receiyed FUEL what he considers to be his "Inherent and Interest allowed in accordance INSULATING COMPOUND, MIZERS 192 TUBES. i rights." with rules .and conditions printed in TWO WORTHINGTON HIGH DU The words, "force him out", are dis passbooks, copies of which may be had iiinliiJtoiin BRIDGB AND ROOF PAINT. Editor Advertiser: The Diocesan Mag- - tasteful to the Bishop. Does he remera on application. TY STEAM PUMPING ENGINES, azine for this month contains an able oer now often he has applied these words Judd Building, Fert Street. COMPANY, LTD. CAPACITY 5.000,000 GALLONS PER . a t0 defense of the position taken by the ! ?lerF? 24 HOURS, ; 7 Inherent rights and primitive usage are AGAINST A TOTAL Bishop . of Honolulu on the question of eqUally applicable to the three orders Of Claus Sareckels. Wm. G. Irwin. HEAD OF 420 FEET. the transfer of this Diocese to the Ameri-- the ministry. , ACTS AS EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRA REFINED SUGARS. 25 alto-- Tne Bishop will not question the justice TIS, TRUSTEE, ASSIGNEB AND ONE H. P. UPRIGHT TUBULAR can Church. It Is not. however, 8 I CO MUll RECEIVER. gether impregnable. Case aad granulate. . BOILER. "" iT ALSO CALIFORNIA MULES, IN The Bishop bases his argument chiefly n a quite.hclear, too, that if the Bishop HONOLULU, H. T. PAINT OILS. FINE ORDER, on ecclesiastical principle, primitive usage of Honolulu has any power as a mission-an- d FINANCIAL AGENT FOR INDIVID ary Bishop of the Church of England, UALS OR CORPORATIONS. PORTLAND precedent. SAN FRANCISCO AG H NTS THE Lel aai Linseed. CEMENT. , . atimg uuuer lis aumoruy, 10 ireac ior the transfer of this mission, he, and the NEVADA NATIONAL BANK OF STEEL T RAILS, 25 POUNDS AND by may SAN STEAM founded the Catholic Churcb, Synod, can only deal with the interests FRANCISCO. PIPE COVERING, 30 POUNDS. not be permitted to become extinct, and of those persons over whom the 'Church ACTS AS TRUSTEE OF CORPORATION Reed's Patent BlaBtlc Sectional TWO 15-T- FLAT CARS, that its Bishop may not be removed or or .cngiana nas given him authority. MORToASES. Overtag. The Bishop of Honolulu states that the DRAW EXCHANGE ON GAUGE. disturbed in the exercise of his Episco- Church England of does not own a foot SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na-- TWELVE FLAT CARS, pal jurisdiction therein; and that there- - of land In the Islands: legally speaking. ASSUMES ENTIRE CHARGE Or REAL tlonal ank of San Francisco. . INDURINE. by ,this 3 true, but it should not be forgotten ESTATE!. GAUGE. fore, in the absorption of this mission LONDON The Union Bank of London, Water-pro- of Cold "Water the American Church, it is obligatory on that tne cathedral property and three of Paint, ONE STUMP PULLER. mam Ltd. . Inside and eutside, in white and that church not only to perpetuate the lne outlying missions on the other See but to preserve its integrity. isianas, were given, in Bishop Staley's NEW TORK American Exchange Na- DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST COL clra. While, no doubt, it is true that it has time, to the joint mission of the churches tional Bank. LECTED AND REMITTED. not ,been the practice of the Catholic,111 America ana England, unaer the name CHICAGO Merchants' National Bank. v& FILTER PRESS CLOTH, Church to dissolve Sees, nor yet to re-i- of the "Reformed Catholic Church," PARIS Credit Lyonnals. , which name move or disturb the Bishops m such covered both branches of the BERLIN Lines and Jute. C. Brewer & Co., Sees, yet no evidence can be brought to,church- - Bishop Willis had Its charter Dresdener Bank. BONDS, STOCKS AND SECURITIES bear in support of the argument that a amended, the effect of which was to HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA BOUGHT. AND SOLD ON COMMIS- CEMENT, LIME AND BRICKS LIMITED. See mav not he dissolved, if it should be transfer tnis property from the joint trust Hongkong and Shanghai Banking SION AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE) considered necessary by the church; nor t0 the Anglican Church of Hawaii, there-y- et Corporation. OR ELSEWHERE. Queen Street. that a Bishop is so irrevocably fixed by excluding American Interests. Morally NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA to his See that its integrity must be speaxing, me cnurcw both in England and Bank of New Zealand. j5 T-" Bishop's America snouid have an Interest In this T- "jj, preserved for the benefit. It VICTORIA property. . AND VANCOUVER Bank BURGLAR-PROO- F " would be no argument to say that a See . of SAFES TO RENT IN moir nr.t v.o Hi.snivsH it hna not The question, then, is this: Are the British North America. VAULTS. I hnn Bishop's rights in this mission, and his been the practice of the Catholic Church MM (i mtm EiMi bushmii TH to dissolve Sees. It would be a suicidal jsuiius as us ijisnop, or sucn a nature mi i i jt AGENTS FOR nolicv on the Dart of anv institution to that tle American church would feel it Deposits received, Loans made on Ap- create an office that misrht not be o.s-- incumbent upon it, under existing circum- - proved Security. Commercial E. D. TENNEY ...... President -- and MOTT-SMIT- j stances, to Bishop E. A. H WESTERN SUGAR solved, if changing conditions should ren- - treat with the as to Travelers' Credits Issued, Bills of Ex- Vice President REFINING CO., BEST mis-th- e der its existence a menace to the life of lne terms oi tne admission or tnis change Bought and Scld. Q. R. CARTER Treasurer Su Francisco, CaL enterprise. jSion into-th- American Church, or to re- - J. R. GALT Secretary Owing to the weakness of this Diocese, ceiye tnis mission in us integrity, or to COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY C. H. COOKE Auditor a resident Bishop is not really necessary, ."n.e nwa ore, ur iu uet-mi- e piaciug- ACCOUNTED FOR. S. M. BALLOU ..... Director Milwaukee those who - W. ALLEN . BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, at present at least, and since the Ameri- - desire it, under the jurisdic- F. Director can Church has not the advantage of an.""" n Auiencan cisnop: . Philadelphia, Pa. in-ab- S. P. G. for a "handmaid," it is not prob-- 1 Can thi3 mission be regarded as an le that the Mission' Board would feel dependent church, or as an ordinary dlo- - BISHOP & CO. BEER justified, under the circumstances, in cese ana entitled to tne rights enjoyed NEWBLL UNIVERSAL CO., making so large a grant of mission funds i MILL v e are oaay anemma. Manufacturers of National Cane as .would be necessary to maintain one. in a ine great Bishop Honolulu exception me peopie are uissausnea SAVINGS BANK Siredder, New Yerk. The of takes "jijr -- to the Bishop of New Tork and the sec- ,with tne Episcopal administration. As a LIMITED- retary of the S. P. G. referring to his j Territory of the United States they seeK Diocese as the "Church work in Hono-!aamlssI- on ,IUO tne American jnurcn un-lul- the of an American Office at bank building en Merchant PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY, and at the manner it is proposed de.r administration - - OFFICERS: ' street. . Saa Franolsee, Cat. to rfpal with his Diopeso and hi risrhts omnop. ine growtn or tne mission m Has his LordshlD eood ground for so do- - 'spiritual life and membership has, for H. P. Baldwin ...... President $12.50 perbbl. ing.? jiive ana twenty years, Deen aDnormaiiy J. B. Castle First Vice President Savings Deposits will be M. 0HIANDT CO., S mere nas oeen growtn at an. xi received and W. Alexander.SecondVlce President dozen quarts. The Bishop, unquestionably, has certain sma". " interest allowed by 4 Baa Francisee, CaL rights in this Diocese, which Will, no ls generally conceaea mat a great reac-- this Bank at J. P. Cooke Treasurer h: er cent per annum, O. doubt be respected by the American llon wouia ionow a cnange oi aaminis-Churc'- W. Smith .. Secretary and Auditor 39 per case but the value of those rlshts t ration, which is very generally desired. -r- -'V Bishop Ho - 5' 4 dozen quarts. must not be overestimated. . On the other hand, the of may ciaims me ngnt ot negotiating Printed copies of the Rules and Reg- It should be remembered, and it ulations may be obtained on appHca-tie-n. Up nnt v.. known that the- Rishon wun tne American cnurcn as to tne Sugar Factors Stairs $5!per case of Honolulu has never had authority terms on which this Diocese shall be ad- 2 dozen quarts. given him by the Church of England to mitted into that', organization, one condi exercise Episcopal jurisdiction over all tion being that he be received with it as in our churchmen in these Islands, but only ov its Bishop. He insinuates that otherwise bishop & CO, Commission Merchants art department of them as wish his ministra- the status of his church shal not be er such for changed, position Honolulu, September 7, 1898. t nn nnri nsHPnt to nis autnomtv. jje i that his here is one of We DELIVERED stands on quite a different footing from which the American Church has not the AGENTS FOR are showing a large ordinary Rishons. In ordinarv cases a Power to deprive him. and which he does - ot resign. YOKOHAMA and 'fine assortment of Bishop's jurisdiction covers all the Epis-.n- mean to THI SPECIE BAM Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co.t copal residents within the geographical would seem to resolve itself Into the Haiku Sugar Company, " well-bein- boundaries of his Diocese, but England question of the g and extension LIMITED. Paia Plantation Company, Pillows, has not granted this authority to the ,ot the church at the expense of the Bish-Rish- on Nahiku Sugar Company, iruo.,1 of Honolulu, because she had no op, or the well-bein- g and gratification of Kihei Plantation Company, for-- the Bishop at the expense of Lie church. Hawaiian Sugar Company, linen Table King and Bethel Sts. nower to confer udoii a BishoD. In a I Subscribed Capital . . Ten 24,000,00 and in eign country, any jurisdiction or author This would seem to be the dilemma. Kahului Railroad Company, The Church, on ity over any persons, against their will. American receiving a Paid Up Capital . . . 163 18,000,001 and Tea Cloths, Therefore the Bishop's flock here con-- transfer of authority from the Church England, no an Heal sists only of those persons wishing for will, doubt, deal with this Reserred Paud . . . . Yen 8.130,0A( British-Americ- Line. Lace Collars his ministrations and assenting to his au-- u"cuny m a caim, gust anu aigninea thority I way, weighing well its merits with a due Embroidered Linens Since' 1S64 the British Government has consideration to all rights invested in the discontinued the issue of letters patent to premises; yet as the builders and guar-Bisho- ps HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. Plumbers' ' Material for in countries or colonies possess- - dians of a great church, with the one Hawaii land Co. ed of an independent Legislature. great aim in view, that of the honor and INTEREST ALLOWED. giory Aimignty woo, weii-oem- g Fancy Work The Constitution of the Anglican oi in oi On Fixed Deposit for 12 months, 4 per LIMITED. Church in Hawaii, as well as the voice Hs church and the building up of cent per annum. ' of the Privy Council in England, pro- Christ's kingdom. Supplies On Fixed Deposit for 6 months, 3 per claims this Church to be a voluntary as- ANGLICAN CHURCHMAN. sociation; and although on the first ar- cent per annum. Capital Stock $100,000. TO SUIT THE PURCHASER. rival of a Bishop here, all those persons On Fixed Deposit for 3 months, 2 per Capital, paid up Down who wished for the ministrations of the cent per annum. $55,000. Stairs Church of England gave assent to the Patent "Washout Closets. Bishop's jurisdiction, by implication, since We Wash OFFICERS. that time many have withdrawn their al- Ribbons, Sashes, Enameled Lavatories. legiance, some have associated them- The bank buys and receives for col- W. C. Achi.. President & Manager religious bodies, some Clothes Clean selves with other lection Bills of Exchange, issues M. Vice-Preside- nt Enameled Sinks, assorted sizes. no place of K. Nakulna.. New Dress Goods have not, and have attended Letters of Credit and trans- Enameled Urinals, assorted sizes. worship, while there are many others Drafts and J. Makalnal ....Treasurer Ladies' Fine who now wish to withdraw their alle- Because we employ good work acts a general banking business. Enoch Johnson ...... Secretary Galvanized Steel Sinks, assorted giance in favor of an American Bishop. men and use plenty of good, pure say only one-ha- lf Sreo. L. Desha.:...... ';..!...... Auditor For argument sake that soap Underwear sizes. of the Episcopalians here voluntar- and water. . We won't in Handkerchiefs, Lead Pipes, assorted sizes. ily accept the ministrations of the Bishop Jure even the most delicate fab Branch of Yokohama Specie Bank, BOARD OF DIRECTORS. of Honolulu and assent to his authority, rics. New Republic Building, Honolulu, H. X. Lead Traps, assorted sizes. it Is clear that the other half are with Jonah Kumalae, Lace and Linen. out Episcopal oversight and are as sheep Makalnal, Galvanized Iron Pipes, assorted - We without a shepherd. Therefore only one- C. BREWER & CO.L'D J. W. Bipikane. still haye a number of sizes. half this missionary jurisdiction can be The Honolulu loys left. claimed by the Bishop as his, since his Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. The abeve Company will, buy, lease, Pipe Fittings, assorted sizes. jurisdiction covers but one-ha- lf of its Steam Laundry Co. or sell lands in all parts of the Ha church residents. is clear then that Pig Lead, Calking Lead; Solder, in It 50 Hotel St Te! -3 waiian Islands; and also has houses in the Bishop's jurisdiction and authority is the City of Honolulu for rent. - large quantities. limited to those persons who remain loyal AGENTS FOR to his authority, and should there be Ono-me- a Our starch is the best that mon,-- Hawaiian Agricultural Company, ESTABLISHED 1853. Navy and Plumbers' Oakum. none loyal, the Bishop would be without Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar IN E. a Diocese, although occupying the See, W. Jordan Hose Bibbs, assorted sizes. ey can buy and it is properly! Company, Wailuku Sugar Company, while the people would be without Epis- Company, Makee Su- No. mixed In go- -j American Sugar & CO. 10 Fort Street. Check, Gate and Globe Valves. copal ministrations. . This would appear a clean kettle before gar Company, Ookala Sugar Planta- BISHOP to be anomalous, be denied. ' but it cannot Ing into the clothes. We call fori tion Company, Haleakala Ranch Stop and Service Cocks. Can It be argued then, that the status Company, Kapapala Ranch, Molokai of Bishop of Honolulu or of this and deliver your laundry. Bankers Tinned Rivets, assorted sizes. the Ranch. Castle & Cooke mission Is such as to entitle either him Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets, TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING or it to those rights properly belonging Charles Brewer & Co's Line of Bos- ; AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. -- LIMITKI to ordinary dioceses? ton Packets. - HARDWARE CO., Ld. It may be said, and with apparent Jus- We Turn Out Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Commercial and Travelers Letters of HAMiH tice, that if the people refuse the minis- Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un- Credit issued, available in all the LIFE and NO. 207 FORT ST., trations of the Bishop provided by Eng- Good, Clean Work derwriters. Principal Cities of the World. FIRE land they should forfeit their right to Oil Company. 1898, OPPOSITE SPRECKELS' BANK. Episcopal Standard INTEREST allowed after July L ministrations. But England has on fixed deposits: 7 days notice, 2 per given them the choice and they are sure cent (this form will not bear Interest ly justified In taking it. There have LIST OF OFFICERS: unless It been many persons con- Hawaii Shinpo Sha remains undisturbed for one who would not C M. Cooke, President; George H. month) ; 3 months, 3 per cent; 6 WM sent to receive confirmation at the hands Z n$UK 12 Contentment Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, months, per cent; months, 4 per of the Bishop of Honolulu, and parents Secretary; CoL W. cent. , IS BETTER THAN who would W Treasurer and F. not permit their children The pioneer Japanese printing office. Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jones, H. Water-hous- e, do so. Is It in accordance with the in- The publisher of Shinpo, G. Directors. tention of England Hawaii the R. Carter, the Church of that only daily Japanese paper published in CASTLE & COOKE CO., Ld. AGENTS FOR such persons should forfeit their Church " Riches. privileges? A whole Church does iiot be- the Territory of Hawaii. JUHEI ISHIZUKA HONOLULU. come disaffected without a cause, and, Y. SOGA, Editor. AGENCY OF i Liii - usually, a good one. C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Commission Merchants m iniee- BUT MAN IS so constituted has It must be remembered, too. that al LTD. in still so much of the animal life in him though people may be led In Church mat- KEI HINfBANK, ters, they will being driven. The Editorial and Printing Office near SUGAR FACTORS. OF that contentment depends not a lit not bear Vineyard Streat BOSTON. tle upon his food. To make a man Church is for the people and. not vice King street bridge, King street. P.' O. thoroughly dissatisfied his life and versa. Her office is to gather her chil- Box 227. - AGENTS FOR file with together by Hx- - de dren cords of love Banking Company. Ife IGIK GUP! lot, give him poor-ma- bread. Write rather Transact General and The Ewa Plantation than scatter them through unnecessary , change Business. The Agricultural Co., Ltd. on his face by giving - Walalua OF HARTFORT "Contentment" harshness. The Kohala Sugar Company. him our bread always pure and clean The weak point in the Bishop's argu- HEAD OFFICE - - - TOKYO, JiPII The Waimea Sugar Mill Company. llpijjjl in. and made with care. ment would appear to be that he claims & The Koloaf Agricultural Company. , to Independent church, IMHESNEY SOfl DRAW EXCHANGE ON FIRST this mission be an NATIONAL BANK, YOKOHAMA. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo. and for the Bishop of Honolulu the same The Standard Oil Company. .. authority and Episcopal jurisdiction over The George F. Blake Steam Pumps. this mission that Is enjoyed by English Wholesale Grocers d Deie R. Lewers. F. J. Lowrey. C. M. Cooke. Weston's Centrifugals. or American Bishops In their Dioceses, 4 The New England Mutual Life Insur- German Bakery over Leather wd Siioa Flallas which they exercise full Episcopal LEWERS & C00KE. ance Company of Boston. . control. This contention is Impossible to The Aetna lire Insurance Company of Phone White 3851. maintain, because Buch authority has not Importers and Dealers In Lumber and Hartford, Conn. been conferred upon him. Asats Honolulu Boa Werki Building Materials. Office, The Alliance Assurance Company of "WHITMAN & CO-- Agent. UPPER FORT STREET. If the Church of England had not the lny, Honolulu, and Tannary, 414 Fort" Street. London. ' 8 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JANUARY 2$ 1901. NOTICE! Waterfront News.

- T THE busiest hour of the day on steamers going to the Coast. Pratt has to go Philip-xm- A the Inter-Islan- d wharf, about 5 expressed the desire to the .' - Dines. He on the v o'clock yesterday afternoon. Sec- whicQ wiUs probDly i, eatSwiBhtl accept hearing Nii-- When you want GREEN RIVER WHISKEY do not gois ond Mate J. Gerdes of the steamer somewhere in those islands for the re- - hau fell down the main hatch of the ves- - ception of people afflicted with the dis-s- el . ; a ti, . only one , , . .j j j similar name., There Is i.vJn and sustained painful though not ease from all parts of the United States. Pratt has told me that when he was in very, serious injuries to his head. ;th states ne felt as if he were an unde-- N9 one seems to know just exactly how tected criminal and that he was being the accident happened and Gerdes him- - watched and sought for continually. He loss to account for his falling, LJjAfw80 nhCTe n self is at a could and where beyond the fact that he in some way lost he could tay without the constant fear River his balance and went headlong' down into that he would be interfered with as to the hold of the Niihau, falling on a lot his movements and his mode of living, I n of car-whe- which were being shipped That is the reason he wanted so. much n and cutting himself badlyi about the face to go to Molokai. He knows that there as well as receivingsundry smaller cuts he would at least find a place where the SURREYS, BUGGIES, and bruises. feeling of beingr an undetected criminal The Niihau was taking on a cargo for would pass away." the other Islands and all hands were "Might I. interview Mr. Pratt?" asked by W. McCulloch. Owensboro, Kentucky. "Green River" very busy at the time. ; Gerdes was sun the reporter. PEL2ETONS, RUNABOUTS, It is distiled J. perintending the loading of the vessel and "Pratt does not like reporters at all," Is the official WTiiskey of the U. S. Navy Department. was directing the stowing of the cargo said Dr. Garmichael, and I am afraid in hold the time of the accident. he would not care to talg to you." Expo- the at that awarded Gold Medal at the Paris He was auickly . erotten out of hold - "Green River" Whiskey "was the the - Booked for the- Coast. BIKE BUGGIES, brought up onto po- - . " and the wharf. The f sition, 1900. ; ' lice patrol wagon was telephoned for, as When the Sierra sails for San Francis injuries re- all saloons and by it was seen that the man's co today, 'providing she arrives from the Take no substitutes. For sale in quired the attention of a surgeon. The Colonies this morning as expected, she SPEEDING CARTS, etc. patrol arrived upon the scene in a very will carry the following passengers:, J.-- U. , few minutes and Gerdes , was taken to Lew-is- Mrs. F. R. Aldrich, Wm. Mc-Cash- the Queen's Hospital, where his wounds Miss C. Hasklns, Master A. Pel- - C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. were attended to. - It will not be long ter, W. R. Waters, wife and two chil- - W. before he is all right again as he was not Buckley, ucy dren; H. T. H. L. Bush, showing largest complete line in Islands. dangerously hurt, although the fall from Guinasso, Mrs N- - L. Tenny, Mrs W. We are the and most the car-whee- ls, AQENTS, HAWAII TERRITORY. the deck to the in the bottom H. Bailey and Miss Bailey, . A. Young, New patterns in f SOLE of the vessel's hold might easily have re- - w. R. Spaulding, Judge Sterns and wife, suited in the death of the man. - M. Green, H. T. James, W. R. Castle, Gerdes was formerly second mate of Jr., F. D., Smith, S. Pleser, Mr. and Mrs. the J. C. Glade. He is a German and B.. M. Solmon. E. L. Lewis. R. S. Brew Lap Dusters, Robes etc., has only been in this country a very lit- ster, Miss E. Learg, Dr. E. E. Beeman, ! New and Stylish Creations tle while. He. has only been in the em- G. W. Gardner, C. P. Baughman, D. ploy of the steamship company since the L. Bochant, Miss E. May, A. C. Wil- 25th of this month. ; Those who were on liams, George Pearce, J. E. Holland, N, Just Received. hand on the wharf .when, the accident oc- E, Cramer, Mrs. W. Porter Boyd, Mrs. ' . wagon C- - curred say that the patrol . was W. Macfarlane, C. W. Hodgson, A. A large invoice of DANDY LAMS, acknowledged to be the best buggy in upon j unusually quick arriving the W. Judd, Mrs. B. J. Zabriskie, T. Phil- - Headwear ' lamp ; In Ladies n, in the market. r; :".' scene. . , j lips, former Judge Silliman, T. McCros-si- J - Burprisd List. Mrs. J. E. Murphy, E. J. Cotton. ,.. : WHIPS, BRUSHES, CHAMOIS, Miss Klllean has just received a large shipment f LADIES' MILLI- Leads the Full assortment of SPONGES. leading fashion centers of the Unite States. The gasoline;.schooner Surprise of the Stackable and Walruses. f NERY fresh from the company, This shipment includes all the newest and most fashionable shapes a Hawaiian xavigaon uaptain In a letter written by the Secretary of George Nystrom,. is the first vessel in . Treasury to collectors of cus-the- se : warn season by the all the trimmings which Dame Fashion has decreed to be this waters to receive a certificate . of ' ' toms kt ports m the Pacific a copy of those who wish to be well dressed. inspection at the hands of the Federal which wag received by Collector Stack-inspecto- rs J' It is hard to fuote prices, because the price of a hat iepsnds large- of hulls and boilers who rc- - :able by tne man, the suggestion Is Pacific Vehicle & Supply Co., trimmings', you' may rest assured that Miss Killean's cently arrived here for the purpose of ex- - made alljtcollectors of customs urge ly upon the but inter-Islan- d that amining the vessels. . wa- - reasonable. In fact, you can save meney an be better 'masters of vessels visiting Alaskan prices are George H. Whitney, inspector of hulls, ters t0 prevent the killing of walruses by dressed by purchasing at this store. :' and Carl F. Lehners, inspector of boil-- persons on board of such vessels, in view ITCZD, ers, inspected the Surprise yesterday and of tne utnity of the animal to the natives issued a certificate to the vesseK So tho Dj ' Alaska. DAT BLOCK. BERETANIA STREET. Surprise has the honor of being the first Attention is drawn to a letter written boat to receive a certificate, and, as soon bv c. H. Townsend. an officer of the as two of the big, business-lik- e papers United States Fish Commission and a Dress Making Hair Dressing;and have been framed, all who go aboard member of the League of American the little vessel will be able to read the Sportsmen, In which the unjustifiable The Oldest Establishment documents and learn many things con- slaughter of walruses is spoken of. Pas- Department Manicuring I cerning the schooner. sengers on vessels in the Alaskan waters -- j Surprise was Benicia, Cal- In The built at in . habit of shooting a large Honolulu. charge of a corn-late- nt are the This department is in No woman is well dressei unless her ifornia, in 1899, and is 14S tons register. number of the animals for "sport." A first-cla- ss dress- to. fitter, assisted by coiffure has been properly attended Kay Remeasure Steamers. great many of them live on the ice packs makers, who turn out the most, stylish The hairdresser is an artiste in her pro- in those waters. It is thought that the costumes, walking skirts, and fession and has all the latest ideas in Inasmuch as it is thought that the rid unino- - nt tVio valnahlA animals treet measurements of of by of We'd Be Content From Birth evening dresses are made in Hono- hairdressing. certain the Island may be .cheoked the that steamers in port are not correcr, it u the Treasury pepartmeni. lulu. Manicuring is an equally important probable that their owners will ask the Collector Stackable may not have the Our Course Through Life to Run Any woman can be properly fitted. Af t-- T. part of a woman's teilet. Come te Miss customs department for a opportunity of urging the master of a all, good fitting is just as Important Killean's when yeu want manicuring ment. It is the surveyor's duty to ineas-- vessel going to Bering Sea to prevent the' If we Only Had the Earth, ure' vessels but, as there is no surveyor slaughter of walruses more than once in as good material. ercperly done. at this port, duty falls upon some years, will nevertheless do .the twenty but he . And a Mortgage on the Sun. officer appointed to do the work by the au m Yiis power to protect the, walru-s- collector ot tne port. .Measuring a ves sel is no simple matter, and be who will "When you want to write a letter, probably have to wield the . tape is hard Remington Typewriter SVi at work reading up step Into the '' all about the subject type- But Live In Bliss EVSiss ' ' Office, Fort street. There are We'd Total ARLINGTPN BLOCK. illean' HOTEL.' STR EET. that, he may be prepared, to master it writers for letter writing and practice, when he is, called upon to take tho. meas- charge. v. And Free From All Mars, urements. To determine the tonnage of free of That - " - vessel necessitates, complication . '.' , AkkkkAkkkkkkAAAkkkAkkk-kirk- a a of e , Sys-Te- rn measurements which would floor the av-- F- - angstrom icav T.. If We Owned the Solar ra mDr, i Hawaii, today on a surveying trip. I The Honolulu Tobacco CORKER HOTEL AND FOSI BTKBET9. 3 There are.' three, distinct, meanings at- and a Kuieana on thelStart taching, to', the terra "tonnage." In other Companv, Ltd. words, there are three ways of describr r. ! i ing the capacity , or . internal measure- IMPORTING TOBACCONISTS. And all' we want besides is a fair share WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ment of a ship, and, all of them are ex- pressed in tons, .There Is under-dec- k on-nag- e,. ' gross of yovr patrenage., , - S. , tonnage, and net, tonuage; "Ex. S. Zealandia we received a large stock of the High Grade the two latter being sometimes designat- ed gross register and net register ton- , . ' f Heliotrope, La AMcana, nage;, , tonnage Havana the net register being that UNEQUALLED which is assessable for : dues or pilotage, IS La OEstrella Key West Cigars, etc. In practice, too, the term "tonnage'f A large assortment cf Harness and Harness Supplies l ! is often "used to apply to net register Suitable for, Holiday Gifts to your gentlemen friends. ITlJH' ; always en hand. tonnage. The under-dec- k tonnage of , a i.. ' ship LowtR Temperature. ?f" ?V: T. Also, line of :: : is the measurement of the cubic ca- 20deg aM pacity of that section of the yessel's in- Owl, terior under the tonnage deck, and the Than uncoattd roofs J J Brunswick, Principe de Gales and tonnage deck is the second deck from the J jaLiexanaer floor of the ship. .... This measurement Js aumooiat uigars. stated, in tons, and each of these tons equals 100 cubic feet, fo that when it is under-dec- Go. stated that the k tonnage of Manufacturing Harness a ship js SCO tons, what is meant Is that r.oc ' ' VAN CAMP'S BEANS, VAN CAMP'S there are 560 by 100 cubic feet of space ..li CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS, under her tonnage deck. To measure this MACARONI AND CHEESE, COOK, space it is only necessary to know the length, breadth and depth (inside meas- P. O. Box No. 322. Telephone No. 228. mm ED SAUER , CORN, PEAS, urement, of course) and the of , SARDINES IN MUSTARD, VESTI- fineness, which latter practically cor-- rects for the shape of the vessel being PARLOR MATCHES, DRIED a departure from an oblong box. Thus, if a ship were a perfect tank her gross te FRUITS, FULL VARIETY; CAVIAR, under-dec- k tonnage would be, thp length multiplied by breadth by depth and by ETC., ETC., ETC. 100, the product, of course, being cubic feet. The greater the deviation from the rectangular tank form, the smaller will Tallow Dips or Pine Knots be the fraction representing the to illuminate the home. The Dark Ages are the Past. of fineness. The gross tonnage or Sufficed of gross A-WfflTY- register tonnage of a ship is sim- Feed Cckp'y, under-dec- California ply the k tonnage plus the ton- SHLTE nage!, e., number of cubic feet in hun- Agents for the Arabic Compound.1 dreds, in all the enclosed- - spaces above Are Orpheum Block Grocers. Fort Street! the tonnage deck. One of the principal-object- s in assign- ELECTRICITY ing tonnage to a vessel is fixing a stan- dard on which dues can be levied. Now, it would be manifestly unfair to levy IS THE TWENTIETH FOR 1901. charges on a shin's cross tonnas-- p a CENTURY METHOD. only ! IS OUT AND READY FOR DE- a portion of such space Is available for money-makin- g purposes I. e., for the LIVERY OR MAIL ORDERS; a carriage of freight In other words, the larger object and better number than Its of the net register is to exempt ODOR. predecessors, finely Illustrated. Val- from payment that portion of the vessel A.N.Sanford which does not earn money. Thus, In tho SMOKE. uable alike for home or offlca ref- case average DIRT. erence of the steamer her gross GRADUATE OPTICIAN NO use throughout th Islands, tonnage will include under-dec- k tonnage TKOUBLE. and the best publication to send plus tonnage of poop, raised quarter-dec- k, abroad, owing to its amount of va- Driage nouse, deck nouses,, etc., accord- ing to type while ried and reliable Information. and construction; the HAS RETURNED TO HONOLULU deductions will include space occupied, by equipped ex- Besides its statistical tables cov- propelling machinery, chart room, mas- and opened offices for the ering Island distances by sea and ters' and officers' accommodation, crew amination of the eyes for glasses. ELECTROLIER, PIANO, overland, principal elevations, areas, space, boatswain's stores, etc. With re- Factory on the premises for grinding gard to propelling space, making repairs needed by LIBRARY and READING LAMPS population, Including the latest cen- deductions for lenses and V it may be stated that the plan usually spectacle-wearer- s. GLOBES SHADES. sus; three-quart- and customs tables of Import and followed is to allow one and er iiv exports, taxation, public debt, me- times the actual engine space, etc, teorology, rainfall, school, passen- to be deducted from the gross tonnage THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD., i ger of the vessel. Rooms 206 and 207, movements, labor, sugar crops, y It is useful to know that 35 cubic feet etc., etc., Its special prepared ar- of sea water weigh the ton; also that BUI LDINfi, SOLB AGENTS FOR HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FOR water displaced by a vessel equals BOSTON ticles comprise: the King. Day (ill.), in volume the immersed section of the Fort street, between Hotel and The Westlnghouse Electric and Mft. Co. Admission of Hawaii vessel. The dead weight carrying ca Geology of Oahu, Honolulu in Prim- pacity of vessel may be 5T BOX PHONE 39o a takei as "the DO NOT MISS THE CHANCE TO P. O. 144. itive Days, 1826-2- 9; Hawaii's Forest difference between the weight of water Foes, Nuuanu Pall In Olden Time, displaced at light draft and with the SEE THE Honolulu's Bubonic cargo or dead weight on board. Net ton- Battle with nage is no guide whatever to the size of "AMERICA'S GREATEST" Plague, Steamer Day in Honolulu (with ills.); Farming in Hawaii, Hawaiian a ship. Take, for example, the Campa Fish Stories and Superstitions; Ku-ul- a, the Fish God of Hawaii; Hilo, Its nia, which is 12,950 tons gross, but only Photo Buttons 4,374 tons net. Changing Conditions; Introduction of Foreign Birds in' Hawaiian Islands; Now Displayed in iWalpio.and "Waimanu Valleys; Lowrie Irrigating Canal; The Moana Hotel, Leper Pratt Still Here. ... . : ' f ' Walkikl's New Attraction (ill.) ; The Oceanic Company's New Steamers; Pratt, or Peepelow, the leper who B Lichtig's Art Studio, Names; Post-offic- es came to these shores not very long ago, Meaning of Some Hawaiian Place Palms in Hawaiian Islands; I Agents of the Islands; Plantations, Managers and "Agents; Retro- desiring to go to Molokai, is still detain- Territorial Stables Building. and ed on Quarantine Island, lonely and anx- la the spect for 1900; and a reference list of articles in the twenty-si- x preceding An- ious to get away to some place where nuals, the whole embracing an amount of Information well calculated t meet he can be sure of a permanent and com- Orders also taken for Crayona, Wa- A MOST SATISFACTORY, SMOKE. iesent-da- y enquiries relative to Hawaii, its past and present ; fortable home. Colors and Photo Buttons. was seen yesterday aft- ter FOR SALE .T ALL BOOK STORES. PRICE 75c EACH, or 85c by mail. Dr. Carmlchael ernoon by an Advertiser reporter in re- ALL KINDS OF. lation to Pratt's stay in these Islands. "I can't say when Pratt - is going RUBBER GOODS It&b Hawaiian Tobacco Cos Stores, away," said the doctor. J'He wanted very G. much to go to Molokai but, of course, Comer Merchant and Nuuanu Streets, and Hotel, opposite Bethel St. THOS return to ' thrum; that cannot be. He must the RUBBER CO. GOODYEAR r V;- - Coast. When he will return I do not PUBLISHER- - ' know, as soon as it is possible-t- o secure R. H. PEASE, President. DISTRIBUTORS CAL U. 8. A. WELLHAN, PECK & CO., Fort Street, Honolulu, accommodations for him on one of the SAN FRANCISCO, J', II THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JANUARY 29, 1901.' 9 u , . Corporation Notices. BY AUTHORITY; WALDO J. WILL. : ' NOW THE" KASH MEETING. NOT TAKE WATER COMPANY LIMITED ANNUAL v Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing hack stands have been set apart for licensed carriages, - Al-- PLANTATION CO. viz: G 1 . Incorporation of Levi ngs ton HAMOA 1 Ewa side Alakea Honolulu's eat Pacer street, below rear " " and Two aSN'UAL, meeting op entrance to Electric Light Works. , waj s Ready Fur a Ileal Soule's T aV the 2 hnirters of the Hamoa Plantation Mauka side Halekauwlla street, Stores. will be held at the office of between Alakea and Richards streets. Match. . . CoIDJrer & Co., Ltd.. in Honolulu, 3 Punchbowl if' street; Walkikl side, vrCrfi- V"- - ... . -- ':v . ?5day January 29. 1901, at 10 a. makai of entrance to Kawaiahko Recently rumors been plentiful "The Kash Company, Limited," has have . church. - r J., the great filed articles of association with Treas-- 9-- F. BISHOP, Secretary. to the effect tfcat Waldo b. 4 Union street, 'wiU-rnpt.b-e on local urer Lansing with Isadore Levingston, Honolulu, Jan. lo, 190L 5755 Ewa side, above Ho- pacer. raced again Dated, . Soule, tel street. J. A. M'CANDLESS, t tracks. Various reasons .were assigned Arthur L. Mannie Phillips, Frank sugar - Supt. of Public Works. for the 'owner's alleged decision, pos- Woodbridge and Wm. Henry Smith as OlAA to , ltd. Public" Works Department, Honolulu, sibility of Jobbing being the general the incorporators. The concern will be 28, January 1901. T 5766 , theory advanced, by the curb-ston- e a general stock company of limited lia " Auction. sports. -- bility organized in accordance with At Boardman TRANSFER BOOKS " thR STOCK UNPAID the laws of Territory to ,The Claa Sugar Co., Ltd., will be CLAIMS ACCOUNT OF To an Advertiser reporter Archie the obtain the r ho transfers from January 16th s BUBONIC PLAGUE. Young said the following yesterday: benefits conferred by said laws apper ON WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6 1901 dates Inclusive. "I have nothing to say for publica- taining to general stock companies. Office x, - ELMER E. PAXTON, of the Board of Health, Honjiv-li- tion as to whether I will race Waldo J. The principal offices will, be located in AT 10 A. M.,, : , . Homestead Sugar Co., Treasurer Olaa Ltd. January 23, 1901. again.or not. Anything that jnay have Honolulu and a general merchandise will offer for sale Honolulu, , II., Jan. 15, 5901. lAll persons I at Auction all the Dated, having claims against been said or published concerning the business, wholesale and , retail, will be 6754 the Board of Health for services, ma matter has been done without my au- carried on. The products will be those or supplies on account came of Hawaii or in any city .of United Household MEETING. terial furnished thority. One day a drunken man the Furniture ANNUAL of the bubonic plague epidemic of trio to my office and, bothered me about the States or in any foreign country. It past . year, now ill ilfrtte; remaining unpaid, are animal, making himself so objection- takes over the property and business of and hereby requested to present of- out. the partnership of Levingston & Soule, Furnishings TM) OLAA SUCAK CO., LTD. at this able that I had to have him put fice a properly itemized bill in dupli- however,-that- - don't who have been doing business under I Contained In the THIS BLOCK cate, on Board of Health bUl forms, to the name of "The Kash." - MAGNIFICENT. 01. ANNUAL MEETING OF consider that there is anything here ,ur THE covering such account. go my anything The capital stock is $75,000, divided REAL ESTATE as per the folowing di of the Olaa Sugar Co., against horse but when I. Dowsett HomesteaU agram sub- vkholders All bills are to be properly certified does appear, capable of giving him a into 750 shares of the par value of $100 J. for sale as a whole or In T frt V.111 to by officer ex- company privil- divisions: of Commerce, in Honolulu, on the who incurred the race, the Waldo J. end will be attend- each. The reserves the Situate on King street, Palama. Wr pense, and no attention will be given ed to." ege of subsequent extension of the capi nci1" - - - CONSISTING OF Wrigh lto uncertified claims. - James Quinn, Waldo J.'s trainer, did tal stock not to exceed $150,000 and to Hackfeld (John ac- J. F. By Bills from parties outside of Hono- not know anything about the matter issue shares of the same for value PARLOR FURNITURE, RUGS. ELMER E. PAXTON, lulu must be signed , or endorsed to beyond having heard current talk. cordingly. The corporation is formed Olaa Sugar Co., utd, the STEIN WAY PIANO. Treasurer, some person or firm in Honolulu. All He said: " for fifty years. .The stock Is subscribed DINING ROOM FITTINGS. . LUNLlLO STEEET nated. Honolulu, T. H., January 21, 374. 5759 endorsed bills to carry a U. S. "Waldo J. 4s doing good road work all as follows: I. Levingston, Arthur ELEGANT DINING TABLE. revenue stamp. the while and is practically in training. L Soule, 373; Mannie Phillips, 1; Frank CUT GLASSWARE, BRONZES. The Board of Health will assume no If anything comes along that wants a Woodbridge, 1; Wm. H. Smith, 1. The KQA TABLE, CHIFFONIERS. 75 75 75 75 ANNUAL MEETING. responsibility i corporation acquires m for payment of . claims race I am sure he will be sent out from "The Kash:" BED ROOM SETS. , w $10,-00- 0; not presented in accordance with the against it. I would like to see Little Stock of goods, $53,000;'iflxtures, to jTHEI PLANTATION CO., LTD. CHINAWARE, SILVERWARE. above directions prior to the 15th day Thorn sent down "here, for he would accounts and ca"sh7 $1,500;" good : 4 3 2 1 "o " CROCKERY. s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 190L - $10,000. officers' Lev- of February, make a great race with Waldo and it will, The are: I. BOOK CASES, VALUABLE ' HIS- ' the uireCiora ui vivucu "Soule," - H o iuc "tu . By order of the Board of Health. would be fine thing for local sport, ingston, president; Arthur L. : ''; mmDany have appointed Thursday, a TORIES AND OTHER BOOKS. 5762 CHAS. Secretary. treasurer; Woodbridge. .secre- - Ternary 190L 10 , WILCOX. win or lose. 'There Is a horse here Frank PICTURES; ALSO 31. at a. m.,.for the ' g 9 meeting of stockholders, to be which if right will make Waldo J. dp tary, i t.a A LARGE AMOUNT OF KOA FUR anual SALE OF ; S ie'.d In the rooms of the Chambers of LEASE OF GOVERNMENT his best to beat her. I refer to Prince NITURE. CONSISTING OF BED " QD commerce. ' . LOTS NOS. 56 AND 57, ES- David's Violin." NEW CARRIAGE COUP AH Y. ROOM SETS, TABLES, BOOK CASES, 3. Jr . vjuii.-C- , PLANADE.. The following letter from J. G-- Ches-le- y, WARDROBES, ETC., ETC., ETC. Secretary pro tern, Kihel Plantation C. F. Herrick Manager of 'Concern to (Small Si) o one of the best amateur drivers : Co", Ltd. On Thursday, February 21, 1901, at 12 'and judges of harness horses in Cali- - do Business Here. Honolulu, January 11, 1901. 5751-22- 45 THE' PREMISES WILL BE OPEN o'clock noon at Jtie-- ' front entrance of fornia, will be read with interest by lo- O - Articles of association of the "C. F. FOR INSPECTION THE DAY PREVI the- Capitol (Executive Building) will cal horsemen: Herrick Carriage Company, Limited," OUS THE SALE. 5 6 7 8 Cm ANNUALJLLTINiS. be sold at Public Auction the leases of San Francisco, Jan. 9, 1901. will be filed with Treasurer Lansing to- the following Government lots on the J. C. Quinn, Esq. : . day. Tne organization held its initial WILL E. FISHER, RT ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS Dear Sir: . You cannot imagine the sat- Auctr. Esplanade, viz: election yesterday and ,the following tf the Nahiku Sugar Co... Ltd., the an-i- al Lot No. ES. 'term 5 vears. isfaction gained by me over the victory w: AUSTIN WHITING, "? - and board of directors were meeting of the stockholders will t xr c ' Of Waldo J over "Wood." I knew he officers Attorney fpr Heirs. take place on the 31st day of January, oould win provided you could get him chosen: "President, D. P. R. Isenberg; Upset $600 per for each it! o'clock p. m., In the rooms of the rental annuri squared away, and there isn't a horse vice president, C. F. Herrick; secre- Clamber of Commerce. lot. payable quarterly in advance. here that can beat him over a heavy Boyd; treasurer, F. B. Map may tary, James H. 75 75 75 75 of these lots be seen at the track (and he is as fast as any of them Damon; auditor. L. C. Abies; directors, AT AUCTION Secretary, Nahiku Sugar Co., Ltd. Public Works Department, Honolulu, lover a good track). I owned both him John Ouderkirk, Harry Armitage. Honolulu, January 23, 190L 5762 Oahu. J. A. M'CANDLESS, iand Loupe and was careful not to meet The new company was promoted . by Supt. of Public Works. Waldo with Loupe when both were right KINAU STREET. for, although I thought Loupe had a. C. F. Herrick, who has Just left the WDNESl)Ai,JAN.30,1901 ANNUAL MEETING. Public Works Department, Honolulu, " chance, I didn't care for the race. carriage repository of G. Schumann. 12 January 21, 1901. 5760 still manager AT O'CLOCK NOON. Waldo is such a desperate finisher when The for the concern will in all At my salesroom, corner Alakea and C M. Cooke THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEET- - throat-latc- h hits to C. E. Bnstace Esq. anything is at his and probability be elected at a meeting Merchant streets, I will offer the fol Esq. ; isg of the stockholders of the Palolo !such wonderful flight of speed. I am is a be held today. The capital stock lowing pieces desirable V.-".- l Land Co., of and Improvement Ltd., will Corporation Notices. sure I have seen, him finish the last $15,000, - divided into 150 shares of the be held on Thursday, 31, 1901. time is su January 'quarter in 27i seconds, but the par value of $100 each. The company No property offered here In Honolulu at 4:50 p. m., at the office of the corn-pa- y, ffast that few would believe it, but I am reserves privilege of extending the presents same opportunities de- - . No. 8 Model block, Fort street. as good a timer as most anyone. and I the Real Estate the for HQ i iMiio-h- t TrViprp T capital stock to $50,0000. All the shares slrable building as ele- ICE. him iut tell vou. I in At auction, with the limit', of reserve lots the above Secretary, P. L. & I. Co. t tended writing before your race again; have been subscribed for. The term of vated as .it Is possessing an unob- price as mentioned: , January 26. - 5765 WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT !but time was too short, as I.wanted you years is fixed at fifty. ' , . hereafter structed panoramic marine view of the we have transferred the business hith- - lto work him seven or eight heats a ffw The manager will be sent East tfc se That magnificent two-stor- y house sit- ocean, harbor and .Honolulu, its prox- erto carried on by us in Honolulu un- - 'days before the race, all of them in about . car- on side of Young ANNUAL MEETING. sure; lect supplies and a full line of uate the mauka imity to the business center. Its transit der the firm name and style of M. E. '2:3; this would have settled him riages and vehicles of all classes will street, between Artesian and McCully facilities on line of the proposed" Killean, to the M. E. Killean Co., Ltd., fbut the race shows that he was sofns? (McCully containing 10 'the be dealt In. Harness and other sundries, streets tract), electric line, within block Bere-tan- ia. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE a corporation organized under, the laws kindly for you, and I congratulate, you rooms, pantry bathroom, lanai, etc. a of the - and shops for putting such Its stockholders of the Pioneer Mill Co., of the Territory of Hawaii. Ion your success. Any of those "phenom- rubber tires architecture Is superb. Size of lot, 75 street cars, and in the neighbor- Ltd., will be held on Wednesday, the All obligations of the firm are as- - enons" that I have heard of down there tires on wheels will also be features. x 140; at present rented at $60 per hood of the best residences of this Sth Instant, sumed by corporation, and all will cough up to the "grey fellow;" No location for the repository has been $5,800. exceptionally at the office of Messrs. the ! it month; limit of reserve, city makes this site de paya- - . KHackfeld & Co., Ltd., at 10 a. m. amounts due the firm are made don't be afraid of them, for he is as selected as yet. . Terms, one-ha- lf cash: balance one sirable for residence purposes. f. KLAMP, ble to the corporation. 'game as a pebble and don't know where and two years at 8 per cent. J 55 M. ; ! pro E. KILLEAN. the end of a mile is. - - possession given 30 rd Secretary tern. I i- desired, within one-thi- (If 28, 190L - 5766 G. CHESLEY. Guests at Waialua. '"If Terms most liberal cash Honolulu, Jan. Truly, etc., J. days of of purchase. in-on- date desired), balance in equal payments e The"-followin- guests registered at NOTICE. and two years at 7 per cent inter . NOTICE FROM HONOLULU. Haleiw;' the Waialua Hotel, of which Also, Queen street property, between - est only on deferred payments. Fuf-- - s hostj-dwin- g. e Cook streets. - TE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT, Jelom'ftteea-i- week and. Ward ' I " buildings particulars of 7 we hive hithe- AT A MEETING STOCK-holde- rs ' - Improvements, two ther transferred the business OF THE Report on Down's '.Back ding January. 27: cottage, $110 per rto carried on by us in 'Honolulu un--4 of the M. E. Killean Co., Ltd., Another and rented at month; the firm name and style of Allen the following1 officers Were elected: - ache Kidney Pills. i Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jones, Honolulu; size of lot, 100 x 100; limit, $7,500. Have k Robinson, W. Allerr, Durango, Mexico;. Henry party who will take lease for twenty E. to Allen & Robinson, Ltd., M. E. Killean, President. , your poor aches, Ag- - WILL FISHER, 1 If back still Champion Brown, Honolulu Miss years at $80 per month. . corporation organized under the laws A. Mott-Smit- n, ot E. Vice President. ' If you toss all night racked in pain. E, "Judd, Honolulu; Kooert s. ' the Territory of Secretary-Trea- s. Hawaii. Lorrin Andrews, - " REAL ESTATE AGENT All you over or straight- rewster, . New York; J. B. Jemlan, obligations of the firm are s-"ffled John Effinger, Auditor. If cannot bend Also,. warehouse property. Leasehold ' AND AUCTIONEER. by up. onolulu; William W. Hall, Honolulu; of property on South street between the corporation, and all LORRIN ANDREWS, tn Mrs. V. C. Honolulu; Mr. Corner Merchant and Alakea Streets. axounts due the firm are made payable ' Depend upon it, it's your kidneys. E.' Hall, and Kawaihao and Queen streets, just be- to the Secretary. Mrs. Charles Newbold, U. S.A.; Char- low King size, corporation. 28, 1901. 5766 And kidney disorder rarely leaves street; 61x75; limit or Honolulu, Jan. lotte Van Cleve Hall, Honolulu; Miss reserve, $1,200... thirty-fiv- e ALLEN & ROBINSON. It's, own accord. H. Lease to run PARTIA Jj JUJST Honolulu, January 17, 1901. 5762 Helen Jones, Honolulu; Miss Alice years from November 1, 1900, yearly Doan'8 Backache Kidney Pills are1 Jones, Honolulu; Arthur S. Knudsen, at ' . ELECTION OF OFFICERS. rental of $350. . OF good kidney mediclae. Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Burkett, This is an exceptionally cheap offer- GlUB STABLES CJ. They cure kidney complaints. J Honolulu; Gardiner G. Hubbud, Bos ing, should THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE . ran-cisc- o; and attract the attention how they fulfilled with ton, Mass.; J. cotton, san : of Pacific Guano This is it of our merchants. . , . . THE stockholders the and , Starkey, R. R. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Company, held on 28th Honolulu citizen: T. M. Honolulu; 1 Fertilizer the Berg, Honolulu; B. F. Dillingham, Ho- Real Stables Estate Company will be held on day of January, 1901, the following Mr. A. J. Cahill, of Fort street, this Chandler, U. S.; Mrs. E. Further particulars of Wednesday, January 20, 190L' at 10 officers were to serve employ nolulu; E. F. ' "lock elected for the city, night watchman in the of F. U. S.; D. M. Collins, Pitts-fiel- d, FOR SA1E BY a. m., at the Club Stables of- - ensuing year: . Chandler. WILL E. FISHEV . Messrs. T. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Bays: Mass.; W. R. Castle Jr., Honolu- " - ; young . AUCTIONEER. JOHN BUCKLEY, George N. Wilcox, President. "Whilst a man I was a sailor lu; Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Halstead, Ho- WILLF.FISHR,g sT63 Secretary. H. A. Isenberg, Vice President. and at one time worked for the Inter nolulu; Master J. E. Halstead, Hono- W. Pfotenhauer, Treasurer. Island service. I was, however, lulu; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bonny, San F. Klamp, Secretary. obliged to give up sea life on account Francisco; Miss E. Leary, San Fran- HAWAIIAN LODGE, NO. 21, F. Real Estate Agent NOTICE. T. May, Auditor. - i' t of severe suffering from my back and cisco; Mrs. T. Craig Smith, San Fran- & A. M. v . . . and Anctioneer. ; 5766 F. KLAMP, Secretary. kidneys. For this I had tried various Cisco; Mrs. M. B. Owens, San Fran- JHK STOCKBOOKS OF THE KI-- w cisco; Mrs. C. D. Warren, Chicago, 111.; Cor. Merchant nd Alakea: Sts Plantation Co., Ltd.. will be closed remedies, i&ut the one which restored Allan W. Judd, Hilo; M. M. Kohn, Ho- w ELECTION OF OFFICERS. - transfers on and from January 1, me to . health was Doan's ' Backache nolulu; Wentworth M. Buchanan, Ho- to January 31, 190L Kidney Pills procured at Hollister's nolulu; J. S. Low, Honolulu; S.7 P. $700.00 Lot on Makee Road, directly" - There will be a special meeting of , - J. P. COOKE,- - AT A MEETING OF THE COYNE- Drug Store. They relieved me com Woods, Honolulu; George H. Paris, opposite the band stand, Kaplo- - Treasurer Kihei Co.. Ltd. Mehrten unuture Co., Ltd.. neia tms years Honolulu; Miss Ada M. Gertz, Hono- Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., at lani Park, size 60x100. January Plantation pletely after of suffering. If any Its hall. Masonic Temple, corner of 11, 1901. . 5751-224- 5 following officers were elect- - lulu; Miss Clara Gertz, Honolulu; Dr. $725.00 day the one aesires further particulars he Hotel . Lot adjoining the above whiek ed for one year: v a W. E. Dodd, Montana; F. M. Brooks, and Alakea streets, THIS 60x110. Ui,. t f .ri TUESDAY EVENING, January 29, at is NOTICE Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Knight, $600.00 Lot directly behind above-lo-t, torn' Ship Chandlery. Fort street. 7:30 o'clock. . the TZoyi:v?A7T' Honolulu; Mrs. S. Parker Honolulu; size 50x100. AT the same medicine Honolulu; M. WORK IN SECOND DEGREE. a MEETING STOCK-v'if- W. J. WhiteV Secretary ana Treas. b?uld E. Parker, William OF THE 5 which helped Mr. ' The above lots will be sold at the fol- of & J A. Magoon, Auditor. Cahill. See that the Langton, Honolulu; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Members of Pacific Lodge, Lodge of Aen Robinson, Ltd., the M. Oat, Honolulu; Miss Hono- lowing terms: Two hundred and fifty? "mg officers were elected: C. J. Hutchins, Director. full name DOAN'S BACKACHE KID- - Hawes, Progret and all sojourning brethren are - lulu; Miss Drake Smith, Honolulu; dollars cash; balance in monthly C. Allen, W. J. WHITE, jntui jrii is on me wrapper ana re- L. fraternally invited to attend. President. ' : ' Cofer, Honolulu; Ho- . r-- - any E. J. W. Amesse, By order of W. M. . Muhlendorf, 5766 Secretary, iuse imitation. the Vice President. nolulu; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Scholl, Oak- K. R. Q. WALLACE. Secretary. $2,350.00 A lot 81x140 on the corner "of - y . Spencer, Secretary. Doan's Backache Kidner Pills are land, Cal.; Miss E. Osterwaldt, Oak- Jimes E. sold by McCully and Young Sts.: first Jaeger, Treasurer. . Oh FIC ERS. all chemists and storekeepers land, Cal.; Miss E. Schnoor, Honolulu; v Hiram ' ELECTION OF 50 MOTtCE. class Improvements in neighbor- - -- Kolomoku, Auditor. . at cents per box, six boxes $2.50, or Mrs. ri. A. White, Honolulu. s- hood; all new. This lot clear---v - c-- Allen. P. Muhlen- - wm De manea on receipt of price by is & - - - L. F. ASBAHR, LATE OF FINITE .;- ed and ready building.- 1 AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF he Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu, Scott Wike, once a celebrated politi- for Few - Asbahr, having disposed of, all his In- Carter. the stockholders of the Honolulu Rapid wholesale agents clan of Illinois, is dead. , .. lots in ; Honolulu present the for the Hawaiian terests' in the . flower business to H. S. W. SPENCER, Transit and Land Company, held Jan- 'Islands. same opportunity for a site for Finke, all outstanding bills will be set- - Secretary. uary 25, 190L the following officers ' ' a beautiful ' '"";-'"- by home as this. - tled said II. Finke. January 17, 190L . 5762 were elected to serve, for the ensuing ., .' $2,000.00 75x139 filu. ' "'1'- L. F. Lot on Beretante .. - - v ASBAHR. St: year: A JAPANESE MURDERER. 23, ; an excellent building-pur- - L. X. Thurston, President. PITY Dated Honolulu, H. T:, January lot for AND BEAUTY --' 1901. ' v 5766 poses. - C. H. Atherton, Vice President. Also the two- lots ad Announcement. T. Ll Peck, Treasurer. , naginura wto Killed a Mancn Joining at the same price. Secretary. " $3,400.00 House and lot on ' J. A. Gilman, Kauai In Oahu Jail. Jhe most beautiful things New Books NewiEooks Beretanla : . J. H. Fisher, Auditor. A Japanese St. between. Plikol and Kecu-mok- u B. prisoner from Kauai, giving ' The above named officers, with J. m "the world,- - is GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Sts. Cottage VERY leSLC- - Cart-wrig- ht, the name of Kagimura, the baby, I- - A.RTNERSHIP EXISTING Castle, W. R. Castle and Bruce is an inmate of CHEAP. , Board of Di- the Oahu jail, and will be held $3,750.00 constitute the k thera to all - "Chloris cf the Island," by II. B. M. House and lot on Hackfeld " dimples sac,. , J- - owrey. and joy. The T unaer me nrm rectors. answer to a charge of manslaughter. v fl. tson St, , near Prospect, containing & : A. GILMAN; Secretary. jo!v Tewers Cooke, is this day J. The scene of the crime of whicli Kagi- "The InfidJl," by M. E. Braddon. .five excellent rooms; excel- y mutual consent, and the Dated, Honolulu, Jan. 25, 190L. 5764 mura stands most pitiful thing is that same an accused is Just mauka ol "Falaise, the Town of the Conqueror," lent view. This property in in ".icicrreu 10 a corporation Mana, In a gambling house, by Bownsan sami nt on . CooKe, and the Anna Dodd. very good order, most desirable le t & murder occurred on the night of Janu- baby, thin and in pain. ; "The Little Bible," - for young people, SALE. ary 12th. by MacltaiL and cheap. - FOR the firm are.- as-a- nd Kagimura went to. the gambling den The dimples and joy have "The Expatriates." by Lilian Bell. Additional list will be furnished upon soiiTif. 1. ine corporaUon. all A large , down town WAREHOUSE. just before midnight and engaged in a "The Conspirators,' , by Robert ,W. application at my office. to th. .uue lt,e firm are made parable A centrally located LODGING dispute with another Japanese named gone, and left hollows and fear. Chambers. ThVm-- oration, Saito are HOUSE with cottage. Sankichi. In the fight that ensued "Afield and Afloat,", by F. R. Stockton. Keep your eye on my ad FOR FUR- extended "to those who BUSINESS PROPERTY in the heart Kagimura picked up a guava s tic. and It fat that is "The Pageantry of Life," by Whibley. THER BARGAINS. b nov ironage to the nrm wmcn City. struck-Sait- a blow on is gone; irone Is of the back of the "The Stlckit Minister's Wooing," by S. rr1ns'iSsolIei' and a continuance PROPERTY. head. Saito fell h RESIDENCE insensible to the floor 'A-it- R. Crockett. , on corpor-LEWER- S it, comfort WILL E. "FisHER. Auctr. W bhalf of the new and was picked up and carried away and color and "The Bennett Twins," by Hurd. COOKG. where he died on the 16th inst. "The Weird Orient," by Iliowizl. Deputy Sheriff Halvorsen Of rurve; all but pity and love. & Cooke- For Sale or Rent. Wnlmfl "How to Tell a: Story," Mark Twain. pffi?f - Limited': & did not hear of the death day,-an- wiriG wo CHtn co: until that V "Strlngtown On the Pike," by John Url Lowrey three-acr- e Valley, The ' epM F. J. A lot in Nuuanu reached Mana just as the funeral 'little one gets no fat Lloyd. - rent w-- w-- Harris was about to place. i Ebony Furniture, Tand with large bouse and several cottages. take On investiga- "Concerning by . A54itor eas W. A. Hadden tion :rom hc.r food: has had Children' Charlotte Cigars and Tobacqos, Halvorsen discovered that Kagimura none Pt rkins Gilman. - J'Jector c-- Cooke was hiding in the cane, and rn Chinese anil Japanese Teas, WATBRHOUSE & CO. wait. or weeks "The Gentle Art of Cooking Wives," by Crockerjr. Mattings. " D'rector Robert Lewers HENRY ng an opportunity to escape to Japan. lie is livinsf Worthington. - M- Coo5w - E710 ol Camphorwood Trunks, Bonolni,; I- Ctas- - xag.mura was Vases. - nnaiiy captured and aft- hat she , "How to Cook Husbands," by Worth- " ecemoer SL 1900. er repeated had stored in that ' Rattan Chairs. denials, eventually confessed ington. - that he had caused the death of Saito. Two 'unip little body of hers "The Wild Animal Play." by Ernest gilks S n tip NOTICE. witnesses were also found who saw Seton Thompson. " and s Sale. the affair. VnQ is "The by Capt, OF ALL' KINDS. For Problem of Asia," A. ' ,KTICE post-morte- m starving for fat; it ie v . 210-2- 12 A examination was held Tillahan. U. S. N. Nuuanu Street ion the body by Dr. Goodhue een hip heretofore existing which clear leath; be ! ..." "The Cardinal's Snuffbox," by. Henry v ly demonstrated quick t - Eow WOOD-WORKIN- G that the Japanese died tliP :Urie and Young Chee, A NICE LITTLE from the Harland. H. W. FOSTER & CO., T,ame result of the blow on the back Scott's cod-liv- ei The Cardinal's Rose." by Van Tassel of Wing Mow One 15-- H. P. gasoline en- of emulsion of Hrn. nt?y KJnS business: the head. Sutphen this street, Honolulu, 4-- 10-in- 24-In- Gold ch S. Silversmiths gine, one sticker, one ch Halvorsen brought his prisoner to this il is fat The Crisis in China." by Beresford, fand fit v,f ei"olved by mutual con-- City Sunday the she can take. ; I. B,s!r., Bw will continue the planer, one tenoner, one shaper. morning on the W. G. Hall. ' Colquhoun and others. ill - REPAIRING. EN- tiu vay ail uiiib. one boring machine, one wire mattress sive her. "The Waters of Edera," by Ouida,- FINE WATCH For d And many other new books received YOUNG CHEE. saws, emery, Ad- typewriters, GRAVING and DIAMOND SETTING. YOUNG machine, three etc. all makes, Vt h i. yr,u a Ih:l to try if voa like per Zealandia. 5olulu BOW. at Pacific Cycle Company, All Goods and Work Guaranteed. ; January 21, 1301. 5761 dress P. O. box 123, city. 5763 V.rr TearUtrcct, K. rsr York ' 409 aiti FORT 1ST. HOTEL STREET. ' j

If JA&. r. mOMiAR HENRY MAY & CO. - "PEOPLE a 111if MET 65 Queen street. BOSTON BUILDING. - FORT STREET aifikrapt P. O. Six 94 TtitsfctM 71 Miss Ackerman at the v TH19 PAY. Coffee Merchants. Jea Dealers Waterhouse Home. Auction Sale OF tock Sale TELLS OP HER TRAVELS GROCERS Booksand i urniture FRESH GOLDEN GLOSS BLOATERS, ' FINN. HADDIES, Missionary Talks To Ladies Last ' ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 29, OYSTERS, Nigh): and is Well ' CAMEMBERT AND DE BRIE CHEESES, AT 10 O'CLOCK A, M;, "WHITE CABBAGES, Received. RED AND ' STOCK OF At my salesroom. 6iT Queen street, 1 RUTAB AGOES, THE ENTIRE will sell at Public Auction a large as- - FREJSH GRUENHAGEN'S CHOCOLATE CREAMS, At the reception tendered Miss Jessie sortment of GLACE FRUITS, : Ackerman and Miss Murcutt at, the home FURNITURK. SEWING MA " QUEEN OLIVES, in bulk: G. & Co., of Mrs. ,Henry Waterhouse last evening, CHINES. , FRESH ORANGES, APPLES, JLI MES and LEMONS L. Thompson two hundred ladies ' were present, ICE BOXES, PICTURES, BLANK about i ; among them many who are prominent In ETS. TAILORING GOODS. Deliveries to every part of the city, including Waikiki 900Broadway, society and In charitable work. The beau- VASES, SHOE BRUSHES, CLOTHES ' 898, parlors and cool lanais of the Wa- 1 tiful BRUSHES. , and Palama daily, terhouse residence were tastefully deco- HORSE BRUSHES, ETC., ETC. ; S Betail Department, 22 and 24. New York. rated with palms and evergreens, and And a choice selection of bound vol rr phones softly lighted for the occasion. Mrs. Wa- umes of the LONDON ILLUSTRATED elk j Wholesale and Shipping Department, 949. terhouse was assisted In receiving by NEWS AND GRAPHIC. P. O. BOX 386. Mrs. Coleman, Mrs-- Frear and several ' JAS. F. MORUANf Auctioneer. other ladies.; , , .After a half hour's social converse Miss Ackerman was Introduced by Mrs. Dr. THIST)AY! We mutt clear out during the next 14 days the balance Whitney. Miss Ackerman announced Yards Co, that she had expected to be preceded by Hdnolnlii Stock of the above. Miss Murcutt, but that, as she was go- ing to speak on the subject, "Some Dis- Auction Sale LIMITED. tinguished People I Have Met," Miss Murcutt had 'said she would not speak on OF Telephone 301 Main. Postoffice Box 330. condition that .she ,,(Miss Murcutt should Y. be "ment.oned , among the distinguished -- W. S. WITHERS, Manager -- l President. people. . W. H. RICE For nearly an ."'nour Miss AcKerman Fresh Apples Received entertained her audience with many in Just teresting anecdotes her and stories of ' travels, giving character sketches of ' Ex Kelene and Zealandia, many people of prominence whom she ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 29, had met and known personally, among Plaimtatiom) Mules them the King of Siam, who had enter- AT 12 O'CLOCK M., tained her at his palace; Cecil Rhodes, whom she had interviewed in his famous At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, I d amond room in which are stones to will sell at Public Auction. . 100 the value of $22,000,000; Olive Schreiner, boxes of the famous authoress, and her husband, FRESH CALIFORNIA APPLES, ex who adopted his wife's name upon mar- S. S. Zealandia. . Ladies : rying her; Isabel Beecher Hooker, the COWS. cows. For the last of the Beechers; Frances Willard, MUKGAN. Mary Livermore, Julia Ward Howe, au- - JAS. F. Auctr. We have a new and well assorted collection of i thoress of the battle hymn of the re ' cows. public; Mrs. Southworth, Augusta Evans lastly Mary I Wilson, Clara Barton, and THIS DAY. J. Holmes, whose novels are the surrepti- tious delight of the school girl. Dress Goods I Of the latter authoress, Miss Ackerman JUST RECEIVED ...... 'gave an amusing sketch. She described Auction Sale Dimitie?, Organdies, Lawns, Percales, Chalies, Ging- 'Miss Holmes as a very spare, tail worn-Ia- n, op In stiff-bosom- ' dressed In a ed shirt ef- hams, ChambrajsZepherys, Etc., Etc. fect with a blazer and shirt studs and high collar; with an auburn wig and FRESH MItCH COWS : spectacles. When Miss Ackerman had IN NEWEST expressed her wonder that the authoress UNDERWEAR should be hidden away in her quiet home center instead of being in the teeming of IN THE SHAPES life, where she might study human char- SADDLERY, CARRIAGES BUILT OR REPAIRED, acter, Miss Holmes had said, "No indeed! HARNESS AND I live here away from the world and my KOIia SUgaP. CO., LtCl HORSES SHOD, CLIPPED, BOARDE D, BOUGHT. SOLD OR EXCHANGE!. characters are my own! Not a one of them but has been evolved from my own PROMPT ATTENTION. ISLAND ORDERS A SPECIALTY. QUICK Bathing Suits brain!" - - va-- DISPATCH. I Miss Ackerman's sketches of the ON TUESDAY, JAN. 22, 1901 In all styles, materials aod Sizes. iterestinsr by witty personal observations. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. . - 'and when Mrs. Coleman announced that At my salesroom. Queen street, Ho- - , Miss Ackerman would lecture tonight at aolulu, I will sell at Public Auction, the Young Men's Christian Association W, !hall on the ' subject, "Eight Hundred by order of the Treasurer, Mr. F. In Clothing Your Children - McChesney. following certificates Miles Through . Iceland on HorsebacJt,' the many hands went up In response to the of stock in the Kona Sugar Co., Ltd., san nhtain f nnr RtA.bnshment everv reauisite for their complete outfit vn y.a. BOt question of who would be there, . unless the assessments due and now .i in motMt gimnriniBTit hut b.1so many novelties eooda rest of the evening was spent in and of m The - delinquent, together with interest fr.und elsewhere, and at the lowest prices consistent with the quality social converse and pastime. Miss Ack- advertising expenses are paid onior goods offered, affording mothers an opportunity to dress their cnuaren in cw Gentlemen: speak 1 , For the lerman and Miss Murcutt will this - want- efnloa anrl trrrA taata InPYnpriRlVelV. before the day of sale: UnH afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the parlors of v iitrarir ifanartmsnt ia mnnflcpfi bv trained exDerts in their various j re-lea- rd 104. 30 shares, 6th, Mh. under A fall and complete line of Central Union Church to women in Certificate The advantage of being able to purchase all your children's clothing to Dlans for the improvement of sa gth. 9th and 10th assessments, 1,500. one roof and .the above conlltlons, snouia do apparent to svery roomer. loon government. ' Mrs. . Coleman of the Certificate 182. 25 shares. 8th; 9th Young Women's Christian Association and 10th assessments, $750. also annqunced that the woman's physi- Our Stores Are the Headquarters open Certificate 232. 25 shares. 8ttt. 9th cal culture class. Is now and that assessments, $750. Haberdasher the Travel Club7 will meet on Friday And 10th For Stylish Neckwear evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Young F. W. M'CHESNEY, Tt.. TTm-mrss- wnvKTiTTRS In NECKWEAR and all of the more sedati COLLARS, Women's Christian Association embroid- Treasurer. Imperial, Ascot SHIRTS, NECKWEB, supervision of Mrs. Honolulu, December 17, 1900. atvioo Th. rwrnvt nhnnon for FaJl and Winter are the ery class, under the Four-ln-Han- onr next Monday even- d, Batwlng, Butterfly, Bow. Putt and TecK. 'rney are in w PAJAMAS, SOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Williams, will meet nishing department In all the new colorings and effects, ,60, 75, Jl and 11.60. ing, and all who wish to join will at is constantly cnanf' '- postponed We are constantly buying new neckwear, so our stock . ..: The above sale has been ' tend. : UNDERWEAR, BATHING SUITS. to TUESDAY, January 29, 190L at the ing. same hour and place. ANNUAL MEtTING Honolulu, January 22, 190L Hessieurs for You to Digest rTTri-nTxTTT- a no I rf rftii oorfl fa a enm frrf tln AfLTillT tOU ffh t. CO. JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. Tn a. Hhower nothlne better than an UMBRELLA unless a MACKINTOSH KAHUKU . Panama Hats OF Either or both fairly priced. , . ,,- tw la best that wears the longest ana costs tne ieasi xo".- at ttat ' also great DOLLARS. - i In the very latest New York shapes; a At the annual meeting of the stock- assortment of Felt Hats, Straw Hats at reasonable i holders of the.Kahuku Plantation Com-- Fine - Residence Have Everything in Lien's Wear prices. hold vestwdav morninsr at the We Chamber of Commerce, a graceful com Step Inside if you do not see wljat you want pliment was paid to the retiring secre- tary. W.'WV Hall, in a resolution which FOR SALE. passed unanimously: 'Resolved. That the Kahuku Planta of MR. of I offer for sale the residence tion Oominanv. on the termination C. STIRLING, on the-corne- r of Pensa-col- a the long term of service of W. "W. Hall avenue. appre- street and Wilder "K.ASH" as secretary, hereby express its Property a frontage of "'"O feet THE and has ciation of the value of his. services on Pensacola street, 265 on Wilder and TWO STORES. TWO STOCKS. TWO TELEPHONE! thank him for the faithful manner, in avenues, and 260 feet on di ' 96 and 7t sometimes Thurston P. O. Box 558. Householders! which he has performed, the viding line. Street onerous duties of office." - 9 and 11 Hotel Street, and Corner of Fort and Hotel the , DWELLING HOUSE contains veran- "W. Baldwin, manager of the com- A. rt room. EDaclous . verandas, "double We have now on hand the largest pany, presented his report in printed " nariors. 2 large bed rooms, large bath stock of Domestic in this city. form brought up to' December 3L He room, with porcelain tub, etc., dining says the plantation had a favorable room Kitcnen, etc. weath.-e- r year for the crops, with fair dry TTtNTi! LARGE HOT HOUSE, stalls The - Table and winds no worse than usual. for 4 horses, carriage house, servants'- C. continuously - R. SheetingsPillow Casings, pumps have been kept at - COLLINS quarters, etc. work but the water supply has been GROUNDS nicel.- - planted and com- TELEPHONE 662. exception of the BOX 607 Practical Manufacturer of Harness Damask. Towels, Blankets, Quilts. adequate with the mand a crood view. P. O. Blake pump, where the supply was short Torm nnd further Information at Saddlery, aud Dealer in everything during the summer months, but to no my office, 65 Queen street. and serious extent. He says that shortage pertaining to business. of ; labor resulted disastrously in at- the BEST QUALITY AT tempting to mill during the latter part F. MORGAN. Established 1891, of the crop. In August the attempt to JAS. mill was given up and all hands avail AUCTIONEER. HTJUANU. able were put to planting field one west, KLNG STREET, NEAR with the result that field shows 98 acres of a fine, strong growth of young plant FOR SALE! cane. There was a loss of about 300 equipment B. KERR CO tons of sugar for 95 acres. With early A FINE BUSINESS SITE on the cor-- Everything for the care and cutting, he says, the havoc wrougnt i pauahi and River streets. by the cane-bor- er can be materially Lot naa a frontage of 153.2 feet on arrested. The total, crop was 5,642 tons Rlver street and 32.5 feet on Pauahi sugar. The lieiaier pump win De reaay 'Btreet and lower boundary or 49.8 reel. OF LIMITED. for tire test soon. The land wmcn mis Contains 8160 square feet. pump is o supply with water is plowed J and awaiting irrigation. Ten fine new For price and further particulars ap wells are now sunk, the company using ply to HARNESS - LIGHT DRIVING AND HEAVY WORK Queen St., Honolulu. its own drilling plant. A new estimate for the year 1901 was read by the treas- JAS. F. MORGAN. The total profit of the 1900 crop 65 order. 'urer. n Queen Street. In stock and made to ISt ....10V,0JL4.3.a. Art ' The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: James B. Castle, MORGAN A fine Line of RIDING SADDLES president; J. P. Cooke, vice president; JASi F. Hawaiian Tree! W. R. secretary; C. Bolte, ..... On the best California and Castle, Jr.. -- V T The sale is ouy for H days, so come treasurer; George F. Davies, auditor. aTVT'"!?XLl ; The meeting was adjourned to meet 8 JN X early and e first choice. ' . secui ; Large and varied assortment of w Saturday at 10 a. m. at the Chamber i of Commerce for the purpose of amend mi GOODS ing by-law- s. AND HORSE the charter and ' nni REQUISITES 65 Queen Street, STABLE K. J. Imanishi of the Yokohama Spe- filled. cie Bank begins a month's vacation .Tclegher 1Z. "Island Orders promptly and satisfactorially today. p. 0. Box 594. JANUARY 29, 1901. 11 THE PACIFIC noMMttllfflAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, fit:Your FeetlBreathe i makes the best harness. ?mm4 Due to Arrive has some fine resl- - "EX "JOHN CURRENT .... sale. (10,000) dutiful milch cows for sale . .llfrmnr Mnlilnlinfl fllStlifll M1P TBH HOUEMTp BAEBHIsD Tail D" - i. Vorile I at the The Territorial .Band play 6fP meet-fa- willjiathe IfflilltCI HlllllUllliy VUdiiiui uiho Mill Company'sr annual t following program t Hackfeld & Co's. , at 7:30 o'clock this Roche Harbor Lime. open evening at Thomas Square: u. Miss McDonald will her ' . man m email fjo jun c at Arion Hall. PART I. nim Hm wton toot, school v , 1,"! ,1 .Slil, too ili. irclUng under tie ef Walker, manager or Ookala "The Wedding March" ....Mendelssohn which prevents (1,000,000) j0Jii is at the Hawaiian. Grand- - Overture "William Tell" ... Olia USMilOK ' repairing done as promised, ...... Rossini Shoe for this climate. fflme. at the Stock Yards. Cornet Solo "Sea Flower". ..Rolllnson EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. Mr. Charles WB ARB Mid that ducks, quail and other Kreuter. 11 18 Kaunaka- - Songs l?ed now abundant at Brick. r (a) "Take Back' Tour Gold," (b) "I'll Marry Man Love," JL noon the I 7alandia will sail at next Miss I. Keliiaa. instead of 4 o'clock, as (c) "Falama," THEO. H. DA VIES & CO., LTD. i (d) "Pili Aoao," flnwood whisky. can be had at all Mrs. N. Alapal. Hackfeld & Co. are the HABDWABE DEPAKTMEIhT Jsaloons. PART II. 'uir' .. . . Agents For . . . - position Suite ... j- rio.iro as "Italian" Tschakoft young . . ?rand A , Fantasia "Mill in Forest' the Bterllng Lubricating Oils, Claripfcos, Alsen Cement, Portlaa t Eilenbere Cement, Giant Powder Company, Angle Lamp Company, Dick's position as or Waltz "Golden Shower" . . .Waldteufei desires cashier Cake Walk "Ma Tiger Lily" .'..Sloane Balata Belting, Roche Harbor Lime, New Home Sewing Martiln give good Pax.-Americ- jaunt bookkeeper. Can "The Star Spangled Banner." . and an Hand Sewing Machines. .fcrenees. and J. T. McCrossen are DEALERS IN t Cotton LOCAL BREVITIES. Leath- iied as passengers on the Sierra for losHULbwrimwY-- Agateware, Glassware, Crockery, Harness, Saddles and Francisco. ers, Rugs, Brass Bedstead3, Trunks, Valises, Matting, Safes, "The Central Union 'Choral Society Hard-wa- rs rneri-nc-ed young woman desires Linoleum, Rifles and 'Shotguns, Powder and Caps, General 7 i stenographer and type-Je- r. held a meeting at the church last Supplies. ' ition as i evening. and Plantation See ad. S. S. A meeting of the Independent Exec- v b Nailima, Haaheo and J. utive Committee will be held m Fos- No More Dread liu'iii aU members of the Legislature, ter Hall on Thursday evening. Reduced Prices B-0''- fl.g n -- B P-- H B OB--D w in' Honolulu. v" HHPBDDDBDOO" In-ti'- Camarinos will get fresh goods by p has disposed of his in " sbahr the Sonoma, s. Celery, cauliflower, tur- ofthe Dental Chair 1 the flower business to his keys, game, oysters, etc., on hand s te partner, n. a mac. ' - s p. -- i on jr. E. Armuase lr,,l By the Zealandia Golden Rule way to Europe. He visit the B his Bazaar J-- s Webb) received a new in Jngiana. j $500 ,i5 old home of bookg by' News. lot popular authors. A list Store i rood high-cla- ss boarding house j is published elsewhere in thiswaper to-iU- on Eastman Wilt be given to anyone wh detects is offered by McClellan, day. Inferior used by the New material - vrj Co., on easy terms. York Dental Parlors. In all oar gold i ne Amateur urcnestra win nave - t its orowm bridgework we- se 22-- K. Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. A. F. & A regular rehearsal this evening in the and -. gold. ' Ma will meet tonight in special ses- Young Men's Christian Kodaks In all our other work the t Association OUAR-ANTHK- D. Work in the second degree.- hall, commencing 7:45 o'clock. Every terial la OF THB BiQST,;AND at All GRAD- - -- trip member should be present. , work dM hr Marshal Ray writes that the last UATBD DENTISTS of ;frw 11 rfClaudine was an exceedinly rough Miss Delia Griswold, the popular years' experience, and each departmeht w passenger, and is now give Bt He as a contralto, will another one of her charge specialist. - pleasing concerts on February 14, as- in of a Grrs 5 Hilo. call, and you will find us to do exactly Portuguese, sisted by Mr. Harold Mott-Smit- h, Mrs. feraldo J. Rocia, a died as we advertise. We . tell ysu in ad White, Mr. Dillingham , following reduced from the results or injuries Allan 'Harold Read the list of vance exactly what your work will SECOND FLOOR aitajneS from a fall from a horse two and Mr. J. E. Prouty. In yesterday's prices for genuine Eastman kodaks issue of this paper an error was made odst by a FREE EXAMINATION. trfths ago. regular prices and. the reduced . 1 . 2. the .V. .. .$5. .. i anai r the date read February v SET TEETH ...... Ai Elvira Kicnarason y,l ..ho sent to Ceylon f&r 'prices are side by side. GOLD CROWN3 .$5.00 Ecriardson, her cousin. ..$1.00 . ... Tt-- : ihu with theik 100 vanilla vine cuttings, and will als54 THERE IS KO KODAK BUT THE GOLD FILLINGS of-- ,n3Wi!,iUi.6 Af--in- . 50c! Sale 'ilA.htain enm from nr,rl fiamnn '"v,,,,, Koof mr SILVER FILLINGS iB:u. u MuVrThe cuttings will be planted under the! we offer re- A lew copies ui ..au,, manufactured. Those at "V- I direction of E. H. Edwards, an expert, flO PLATES rail" calendars, with Hawaiian sketch- .ho ig nQW paring ground for them. duced prices are in perfect condition. mm k and verses, can De had at the t Allan Herbert, who is deeply interest-- $ 4.03 IToinarfs Exchange. ...$5.08 Ladies' Cotton Waists ed in diversifying the the agriculture Ix2 00 . T I - -r. 1000 8. ... r I ' riMfno Can rflnMQpn . H,.oti win air, r- rvth ,.prTvw'" . .u., :... fr,,-- Hiin i No. 2 Falcon. .oo 4.00 t.w whro cardamon, pepper, croton and cin 3x3 6.40 . soend a week visltln the No. 2 Bull s Eye, 8.00 chona 4 3x3. 12.00 9.60 Ladies' Silk Waists" tiny points of interest. No. Bull's Eye, 4x5 .... The steel span across Nuuanu stream No. 2 Bull's Eye Special, The annual meeting of the stock-alde- rs po- on School street is being placed in 3'4x314 15.00 12.00 guarantee of Hamoa Company 1 Our name alone will be a Plantation sition. Orders were Issued last week No. 4 Bull's Eye Special, t rill be held today at 10 o'clock at the closing wooden bridge, and traffic 20.00 16.00 that your work will be of the best. Pique Skirts the I 4x5 GO of Brewer & Co., Ltd. bridge. . iee diverted to the lower Three No 2 Bullet, 3& x 3 ...... 10.00 8. 1 ' stone pillars -- will 12.00 ' - A consignment of fresh California, and concrete beja 4 Bullet, 4x5 15.00 New York Dental Parlors, j ..... ipplts received by the steamer Zealan-iU- constructed, one or tnem unaer tne No 2 Bullet, Special, 3 X 4, Building. lots to go at cost price. will be sold at public auction at miaaie ot tne span, ine Driage win 3 18.00 14.10 Room Elite CURTAINS in broken Korean's salesrooms today at noon. be open for traffic in April. The bridge No. 4 Bullet, without roll HOTEL. STREET. The list of officers elected the art-lu- al will take the full width of the street, holder ...... 20.00 16.00 IN ATTENDANCE. In at seventy-thre- e LADIES meeting of the Coyne-Mehrt- en and will be feet in No. 4 Bullet, Special, 4x5. 25.00 20.00 , 1 a k. a surjwav on m r Krom a - tne .x 20.00 I enffih. for - 25.00 furniture Company, who are to serve ' ' ' iiu. 1 limgc, a v ... I else-iher- e. - . v ... . 28.00 ,'or the ensuing year, is published " u'- o (.arinage, sjli ... 35.00 io.. in tne construction or me Driage to j Vision e Strained allow for-th- road which runs parallel shop FIRST FLOOR Mr. John Boyle, a wealthy resident Rran(l New Not Wom if San Francisco, and his daughter. the agreement made between the prop- - Not O6C0nd hand; not damaged.! Urines on bad eves. Aid the Miss Catherine Boyle, will leave today Bight by resting the optic nerv. tor easy glasses. an extended visit to neighboring years ago. FILMS AND with a Dalr of our fends. FRESH Thev act as a restful stintulant, Men's Stiff and Soft 1 onA. hrlncr hack Deputy Sheriff Halverson and United . PLATES BY EVERT . tdabut? ,oy..ofnln a a The Unknown OraTe. .kicilcc change your Sates Deputy Marshal Omstead, t. health. You can MAIL STEAMER. I eyes. Tak-- both arr- a sob in the wind as It questing but not your Bosom of Waimea, Kauai, are recent There's you ival! in town. They here on offl-ti- sl goes care of there have that their are High class developing and printing. may be denle to you in a business. Through the grasses that cover the use not 1 j Buy an Kodak now, while old age. . Dr. Beeman a party of friends mound, Eastman and And indeed old wind ' de- a wre entertained by Commodore Archie it seemeth that the prices are.rsduced; let us do your Young on his launch Waterwitch Sun-Ja- y. knows veloping and printing. .You will get 404 FORT ST. ret- The 'tale of that plot Vf ground. A run to Pearl Hartor and ' perfect 'pictures if you do. urn was . V made. The birds cry out as they o'er it fly, BURT'S JEWELER. Eighty shares of Kona Sugar Co., (What of the place know they?) 4 Ltd., stock, on which several assess- sky, SHIRTS Shrieking a dirge "neath December's ments are due, will be sold at public Wailing when blows the May. ' 1 X taction today at Morgan's auction Bawaiian Soda Works .oorns, at noon. The weeds grow rank on that lonely Co. Formerly $1.25 and $1.00 R. C. L. Perkins, the naturalist, has grave flobron Drug EMMA AND VINEYARD ST 8. rn spending some time in entomolog-a- l They die with the frost and snow; 75c investigations about the pali. He One to the weeds a virtue gave. Reduced to ports many valuable additions to his That roses may never know. FORT AND KING. TELEPHON2 BLUB 187L I wllertion of Island bugs. PROMPT DELI VTERY. n Today 10 Morgan Who sleeps on in that place forlorn-L- aid ' at o'clock James F. fill hold public auction at his sales to eternal rest room on Queen street. Furniture, sew- - Ishmael, hermit, or child of scorn? 8 machines, nictures. etc.. will be The wind and the weeas Know oesi. 7i sold. See advertisement. H. M. AYRES. Dry goods, choice assortment, in quantities to suit, will be sold today at Little Wonder iil E. Fisher's auction rooms, Mer-ar-.t the street. A chance to buy dress g 'rf - pr vour own price. Next Friday we shall start our Kemnant Sale in K- a sixty-year-o- ld native worn-- !. Sunday night at her home In Cotton Goods, Ribbons, Laces, etc. Si(!opa, ill-- ss LIMITED. Xuuanu Valley, after , an : lasting Water but a few hours. The body as removed to the morgue. RETAILERS Everything necessary to complete JOBBERS and ?mr costume for the Mardl Gras Bal Masque can be found at Whitney & Ltd. They have pattern books HJfe which to choose costumes, etc. Motor G. P. W ilder. W. H. Hoogs and RJch-ar- d Ivers leave for Molokai today, "Via Now 'he Claudine, for a hunting "trip of. "imi days. They will land at Kau-"aitak- ai Your Complete with every Wheel for and go luto the mountains in Is sharpening knives and amall reh of B-F.Ehlers&- deer. tools; buffer for polishing and old stone churchat Kamoiliili is Opportunity! Co. to be rebuilt. been half pulley to be attached when used f torn It has down. The- - old coral blocks will for power. . be Csd in its reconstruction, which. t FORT STREET. be done subscription, May be attached to the sink by private SELL FOR -- ie church is one of the oldest in the WE WILL faucet or any other faucet having n p o p a--fi g-- g' s.ands. ONE WEEK ONLY, screw tip. On SO pounds pressure The entire household furniture and fishings contained in the J. L Dow-- ft u' It develops one-fortie- th of a horse homestead on King street, In Fa-i- a. PURE SILK power. kind that will not hurt the most win be sold at public auction The. "wnesday, February 5th, by Will E. delicate" skin. f'S-e- r. sorne very choice articles will-offere- TAFFETAS" for sale. IN ALL THE LEADING Old Rose There tvUi be a meeting held in the COLORS, PLAIN AND Blue Bells and 5'3inasium of the Young Men's STRIPES, Christian Association next Thursday FANCY lOctsa Cake, 3 for 25cts.. vaing for the purpose of arranging the ensuing game3 in the associa-abasketb- ail earson, Potter Co., L'd Interested 65o Per Yard. ;e league. All inv'tvd to attend.: 926 (new number) Fort St., HonoIu'U, H. T. The Island Ilealty Company, In the THESE GOODS ARE i V al SOAPS t,dd building, have some very desira-re- FROM $1.00 TO FLORENTINE estate This property WORTH s for sale. YARD, a frontal of 100 feet on Clayton $1.25 PER Delicately Perfumed 5 Odors. 20cts a Cake, 3 for50cts. Weet, running through to- - Hustace AND ARE PERFECT veiiue. ware-oou- se ' 1- is in g00d location for GOODS. . ONLY AT - or manufacturing plant. JK The inq-i- e at in the case of Kukuma LEY'S Telephone 398 L proba'oly not be held for several Dr. Wood Is of the opinion that I. S. OlMOOli SO IKE HONOLULU DRUG CO. wound3 from which death resulted P. 0. Box 441 Block, 61 King St. ,; ere made bv true, Von Holt a ?w..d. If this is . Wy Sheriff Chiilingworth may be UMITED. ! - OTTO A. B ERBCH. e to obtain a to the murderer. AND RETAILERS. A. H. OTIS. clue JOBBERS K - - "3Lmorro'v 1 E. Fisher will Sell valuable ?eal estate In the Mc- - . DURING THIS WET SPELL you an spare your wheel for a few day to i'y tract. Same has a magnificent B. have it overhauled and enameled. Take it to Bailey's, where you can get a house nn the land. There Mrs. T. Clapham. first-cla- ss Job at reasonable rate. ENAMELING GUARANTEED equal tn . als be sold somo warehouse prop appearance to factory work, and mot durable. the for We very large repair parts, and can replace anyth.ng ' Goods, lease of which is to run Art Embroidery linen, silk and fan- have a itock of nese cwy"3ve years. This property Is on Stamping. Lessons.glv-e- n a bicycle, ESPECIALLY TIRES. Wf are factory agents for the Milwaukee ar"l cy goods; also, Morgan Wr1Cf a etc. r.n South streets. . For further embroidery, etc. Gedge Cottage Puncture Picof Tiree. Tlrea. ""ucuiars Ws aa, In GAS LAMF3; reduced price to , American Goods. and description see in Hawaiian Hotel grounds. clar John 1 ,,; i Ouderkirk came near losing his MAJESTIC S3 50 LAMPS. 12.50. ;. V AND CURIOS flriving horse. As it is, his buggy WOMAN'S' EXCHANGE. M. A W. GAS. 3.6 LAMPS. J2.00. iw reck. and his harness cut to I ces- Some newshnvr. rlimbed to the Of a i.ila ii nneMa hlS OF THE ALOHA ani1 mass FEW COPIES tnl their weight sent the from, Hawaii Calendar, with Hawaiian Co., Hotel Streets. jning down through the buggy. The descriptive verses; a Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery Corner of xiuann and nrse knocked har-- sketches and over and the - choice souvenir of Hawaii. For sale at LIMITED ruined, hut XTr rndprklrk con- Exchange. by Every Steamer i3ers Woman's Jfi-K- New Goods Received himself the T, horse fortunate 'that the CENTS EACH. 227, 229 AHV 231 KING ST It aa not killed. FIFTY


THE PACIF-- i LETTER LIST. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. ' Commercial Advertiser Honolulu, January 28, 1901. Oceanic Steamship Companj. List of i uncalled-fo- r letters remaining Entered at the Postoffice at Honolulu, iASK ; H. T., Second-clas- s flatter, v in the postoffice at Honolulu , up to Jan- NAJfS Of 8TOCK. Capital Val Bid ed uary 26, 1901: "v;:: Sunday '' ' tuned Every' Morning Except ::. GENTLEMEN. - 1 . by the : SiiVfiE Allen, H S Austin, C.J MBBCANTTLS. TABLE: COMPANY, , HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Andersc-n- Harry , Andrews, K Robert 0. Brewer Co.. 1,000,00 100 We offer fine The rtne Von Block, No. 65 South King St. i a Pwn(tr 8teamers of this line will arrlT an Halt Bates, Wm r ..sj. Backer, R ' .; tki. ' herundfr: T Iw . .'. Manager. . i, ; win A. W. PEARSON Business Berry, B F Beard, E B R nnn iw Bevan, Louis ; Berry, Benjamin Bwa.... '20 27 28 From San Francisco.' ; or Eamoa 17&.UW 100 For San FrancltM. BUBSCRIPTION RATES: David Esq r-- - i 1,000,000 EORDING SOU !S : F Haw. Agricultural Co 100 oonoma .. 29 ij : ...... Jan. Zealandia Vor the United States (including Hawaii Blaisdell, E Esq. Bishop, T. flaw. Com. St Bug. Co. 2,812,750 100 2,000,000 Mariposa .. . ..Feb. 9 Sierra .. Territory): ; Branson, A L Buck, Stearns Hawaiian fcug&r 10. 20 393i 750.000 PRO OSITJON Sierra 19 i .Jaa.s WOO Honomu ...... 100 1- - .Feb. Mariposa months Campbell,: DrD Clark, Jofeph . 2,000,000 Peb.u 4 00 Honokaa...... 20 a Zealandia .Men. 2 month Corwell. Mr1 and Mrs O . 500,000 .100 "240 Alameda 8 00 J Haiku Ventura . 12 Feb.u 1 year ...... Cohen, Leon (2) . Country, B B Kahuku...... 600,000 20 25 Splendidly located and with ,.Mch. Zealandia Mch. Advertising rates on application. Coulter,- - W J - V Cummings, Geo S ?amalo Sag. Co.Lt.a 225.0GO 20 good grounds. Sonoma ., Cummins, " Paid up 250,000 20 Mob. u John Croply, Mr 1,050,000 60 Sierra Apr. Kihei Flan. Co.Lt. a H ".' I David, Charles P, Disney. W L . " Paid up 1,500,000 60 Only 83,000 cash required. 160.000 "li Deverill, Herbert , Dowsett, Mr. and Klpahulu.... 100 1.0 Easy payments will be allow- Dorgan, M H Mrs James Koloa...... 800,000 100 ...... Hi11 Sugar Co. 500,000 100 on - IINI Duncan, Tommy Douglass, R A Kona .90 ed remainder. Dunn, P W Maunalel 8. Co., Ass 405.000 100 - ; See us for particulars. Erlckson, " Faid-a- 100,000. 100 ITIME TABLE. 'J A 832,500 20 a McBryde 8. Co.Lt. 8 Fries, Mr and Mrs Paid up 1,650,000 20 13H J D Nahlku Sugar Co. A 20 1, Geeham, Mr Green, WW; " Paid up 20 Froa and after Jaa. 1900 uanu sugar uo 8,600,000 100 160;i62Ji ''' ; G S 1,000,000 20 OUTWARD. V Horake; Harry Halliday, N Onomea...... Pond & Hawaiian Hotel '. Honan, Master OokaU...... 600,000 20 17 17J4 In v . Dally Dally. Dally Daily Daily Olaa Sugar Co. LtAi ( 812,500 20 connection with th Minn n . .i 1. ' Hack Co Henry, Joseph v 2,600,000 - to paVsengr7, Coupon fftatteas. ex. , . " Paid up 20 "H4 rtG lmT- intending ug? anr' Hartman, W Henry v 150,000 Uli Tel. Main 69. Prd SnSTS? & - '. , Olowalu.. 100 100 Judd Building. Francisco, to all points Su v Boil. . :. in the United StateT inA p.m. Honan. Master Hoffman, John Paauhau Bug. Plan. Col 6,000,000 60 York by, any steamship Une to tZ N iM. am. a.rn. Thos racmc 600,000 100 all European port7 Honolulu.. 7:10 9:15 11:05 3:15 " " - Jtiubbard, Gardl- - ' Holt. W R Paia. 750,000 100 210 City 8:03 9:48 11:40 8:47 6:30 750,000 - Pearl ner G Hunter, John Pepeekeo. 100 190 FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO ' Ewa M1U.. 8:33 10:08 12:00 4:05 6:10 Pioneer.... 2,000,000 100 120 125 Stu- - Walanas ...... 10:50 . 4:45 Johnson, H Johnson, Emil Waialua Agr. Co.. 4,500,000 100 800,000 100 lion lai 11:55 art (2) : James, John x Waianae...... Walalua ...... 5:40 700,000 100 - Johnson, C Wailuku KabukH ...... 12:32 ...... 6:15 Frank Jackson, L ' Walmanalo. 252,000 100 "145 ."'! G. Co! Kent, . 125,000 Wm Tom Kent, Thomas waimea 100 IRWIN . & '',...... 105 Kruston, Cornilius . Kunst, Adolph ; INWARD. Cos. LIMITED i . Lake, F . Livingston, Ar Dally Daily Daily Dally Wilder 8. a Co...... 600,000 100 ..... 105 Leavitt, Joe E' ' Inter-Islan- d Stations. ." thur E & 8. Co. . 500,000 100 .... 120 General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co - Sun. Sun.- Mahoney, Col J J ; Maxfield, D E ' MlSCBLLANEOUS - - Mersberg, . ; a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m J K Morgan, Jas A 250,000 8 Hawaiian Elect, ic vo. 100 105 View ; 2.-0- ..... Kahuka 5:35 .... Molteno, Chas . Montgomery, E Hon. Bp. Tr. & Ld. Co. 250,000 100 ' Walalua 6:10 2:50 McLean, John, ' McManno, Chat Hon. Steam Laundry. 25,000 100 D Waianae . .... 7:10 .... 8:65 Neff, Ren tNewklrk; R S: ;: Mutual Telephone Co. 139,0t0 10 11 Mill , ..... 6:50 7:45 1:05 4:32 ' : Eva Nolan, M v. . . ; ' ' F S Makaha Cof Co. Pd an 40,000 100 Pearl City . 6:15 8:03 1:30 4:52 " " .... XU4' Perry, A- - W U. H. al Li. uo 2,000,000 100 185 Honolulu ...... 6:50' 8:35 2:05 "'"J People's Ice A Co. 150,000 100 If. nand Kef. 76 iou G. P. DENISON, ! F. a SMITH, One of the most attractive lots Superintendent. - G. P. & T. A. Rapp, Wm Rice, William B Roger, A N F Rose, Chas Haw. Govt. 6 per cent. 100 100W in Honolulu for a fine residence.: : Haw. Govt. 6 per Roberts, William Riigg, Chester ; cent. 90 V9 Occidental S. S. Co. a- - - Oriental METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. ., """'-- Haw. Govt. Postal wonderful .A .', vines 441 ner Rent. view; size, 300x200. Saffery, : Of the Government Surveys, Published Thomas Sanford, Geo Hilo H. K. Co Bnerct.'. 101 ' , , & Every Monday. E Shindle, John H lion. .T. L Co.. ..J. 101 Toyo Syren, W H Sinclair, A Kwa Plantation 6 n c 101 ... and Risen Kaisha. Smith, V Spencer, Tom Oahu Plant, 6 p. c . 101 m Si BOM THEEM. 3 Schilling, Otto Schmidt, Otto a Olaa Plan. 6 p. c... terms, - Stanford, Willie Stearns, Judge For apply to a- ' v ;. Steamers of the above comnanles will en.ll t nnnnini ,v. p . 9 C . v LB. - on or about the date-- below mentioned? "v." "mm u,u1" Taylor, - Session Sales Moraine: SpssinnnnA B West L Turner, Archie hundred twenty-fiv- e Usborn, Gordon - and Ewa, $28; 20 W. R C ASTI E, For Japan and China. For Olaa, paid up, $14.25 : 25 McBrvde. aaaess- - JR., San Franciset. 8 19 30 13 80 04 001 - 0 NE 4 Von Arnswaldt, A A'orwerck, E able, $8.50; 100 20 S0 14 4-- : ': McBryde, assessaole. 58.75. HONGKONG 8 80X8 ' 18 NE 5 D MARU JAN. DORIC . . . JAN. U M 21 iO.liiSJ 0 71 o oi NE 4 Afternoon Session Ten Olaa, paid up, CHINA -- REAL ESTATE AND ..FEB. NIPPON MARU T 22'. 1218 i 00 0 0 NE 4 Walsh,. Maurice Wohlers, H $14.25; 5 Walalua, $120.75. DORIC .v . FEB. I W 0U ...... FEB. RIO DE JANEIRO FEB. !5W0 U SJ 0 7IW NE 4 LADIES. Between Boards One hundred Olaa. as INVESMENTS. NIPPON MARU ...... FEB. COPTIC II T ?4 80 100 03 0 NE $4.25; 150 FEB. It j23.30-;3,- sessable, Ewa, $2S; 60 Ewa, $28: BIO DE JANEIRO F. 30 01 B 10 17 68: J.E--S Andrews, Mrs. Achibbs, Mrs S E ...MARCH AMERICA MARU MARCH 1 ,000 O. R. & L. Co.'s bonds. $101.50: 25 COPTIC . a . George Merchant Street, Opposite Postoffice. M.jaAnvnnntr n PEKING MARCH I McBryde, assessable. $8.50: 5 Oahu. StfiO: AMERICA MARU MARCH 22 Barometer corrected to 32 F. a Bardels, M GAELIC ...... MARCH 1 and Miss Bonar, Mrs R 25 Kihei, $12; 27 Kihei, $12.25; 11 PEKING . SO level, and for standard gravity of 45. Helen Mrs-- C Klhei, MARCH HONGKONG MARU ...... MARCH 21 Lat Betters, $12.75; 5 Kihei; $13.25; 11 Kihei.. $13.50: 25 GAELIC . APRIL 6 . i'.ffkls correction Is .06 for Honolulu. Bye, Mrs Al (2) Bridger, Miss Ella CHINA. . APRIL 1 ' Klhei, $13.75; 20 L I. S. N. Co.. $115: 10 Business . . " men DORIC Belton, Mrs W C Brown, Miss Alice Wilder S. S. Co.. $100. - APRIL I TIDES, SUN AND MOON. Campbell, Mrs Carty, Mrs James Kate Curtin, Miss Fran-- t ' can save SI Cooper, Miss els WILLARD E. BROWN. FRANK HAUTE AD Kir" m Merril ' 3 bp r 4 I! Cummings, Mrs " 4 Cockett, Mrs C B William Devine, Miss many hours tr. A FOR Ellis, Miss Alberta HALSrEflD&CO. aENERAIi INFORMATION, APPLY TO a.m. Ft. a.m p.m. a.m Sets. Farnam, Miss Hon 10 17i 4 18 8 18 6 39 5 48 1 20 Guild, Mrs A Ma- I I Greene, Miss Stock and Bond Brokers Taes. 29 0 05 1.7 U 30 5 18 7 82 6 39 5.48 2.18 Grube, Mrs J rion (2) 1 H p.m. Heine, Mrs Holt, Mrs Chas Hackfeld 80 1.00 6 89 Co., Wed 1 Ltd. 7;i2.52 6.17 8.56 5.49 3.16 Thnr, 31 1.46 1 8 1.02' 9.05,6. 4 Johnston. Mrs G 7.12- 5) li J money advanced 9.40'6.38 on Frid 8.27 r.9 2 88 8 02 5.60 5.18 Kingland, Miss Keeth, Mrs Wil- Sat.. 2j 1.061 1 8 21 8 SO 1U.08 6 87 5.51 5. JO I Lizzie i Rise liam sugar securities. Sun S.40 4 04' 9 ai'in.aflfl si s si 6 5 Lowell, Miss i871 Irene Levi, Miss MS Hon 4 4.16 1 4 48 10 t.9 6 37 5 68 7 lu Muller, Mrs Sa Mylin, Mrs Geo 1 Canadian-Australi- Full moon on the 3d at 5 a. m. die Meek, Mrs K ' I j?t.' an Royal L 921 FURT Times of tide axe McCorrister, Miss McCaig, Miss, Fru--r Mail taken from the ' " ' ; ' '. . .. ' United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- Fannie die:. TEL. MAIN 133 , rey tables. Newton, Miss Mln- - is The tides at Kahulul and Hilo occur : nie .bout one bour earlier than at Honolulu. Accross the Continent Lot- ' Steamship Company. Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours SO Rowen, Miss Rice, Miss Classified Advertisements, r.v : From' ' .'r ' minutes slower Greenwich tie ' i than time, b- FRANCISCO-PORTLAN- D ens that of the meridian of 157 degrees 80 Shaw, Miss Rachel Shaw, Miss Lahela SAN amutes. The time whistle blows at 1:30 M Snow, Miss A - WANTED. PACnIQe:RAILwlYbr ln enne"on with th. CANADIAN . m., which is the same as Greenwich, 0 Smithi Mrs C E THREE TRAINS between Vancouver, B. C. Sydney X ' DAILY . hews 0 minutes. Sun moon ' ' BY young S. W., and; calling at Victoria. B. ' and are for Todd, Miss Louisa , EXPERIENCED woman, FROM SAN FRANCISCO, C. Honolulu, and Briabane, S, ar. local too for the whole group. " - postition (2) as stenographer or type- TWO TRAINS DAILY s writer. Address "R.," Advertiser. ' : Woods, Miss Coelia Watt, Mrs John ; From Portland. " , '. 6766 On or about the dates below SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PACKAGES. stated, via.: UB VAJiUODVfiK AND VICTORIA B, O. FROM SYDNEY, BRISBANE f&.j Cox, Mrs Isaac Cole, Mrs Lucy M LADY Wants a place as cashier 6f as- - For Brisbane. Q., and Sydney: DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STATION, Greig, Mrs N - sistant bookkeeper; best references. For Victoria and Vancouver, B. C: 28, 10 p. m. . Address "'A. 5766 AORANGI ., FEB. 16 WARRIMOO Jan. Weather, 'clear; wind, Hawes, Miss Mary Howard Mrs H S B.," this office. FEB. 11 light, N.E. WARRIMOO v. MARCH 16 MIOWERA . MARCH II POSITION by young man as assistant MIOWERA . .APRIL 13 AORANGI . APRIL II . , Jaouen, Mrs A Tolefson, Mrs bookkeeper and stenographer. Ad- -' AORANGI MAY 11 WARRIMOO WEATHER " MAY I YESTERDAY. Miller, Mrs dress "X.," this office. 6766 Only Four Doys fo New YorK WARRIMOO JUNE 8 MIOWERA . I Mean Temperature . JUNE 71.0 degrees. MIOWERA JULY AORANGI . t Minimum Temperature 66 degrees. A YOUNG lady wants a position JULY Maximum Temperature 79 In calling for the above letters 'please as degrees. governess or clerk ; . references. - "M. The magnlneentnew Barometer 29.96, 9 ask for "Advertised."" ,J. M. Pullman Palace Sleepers. service, the "Imperial Limited." la now rnnnin. Mi steady at p. m. OAT, P.," Advertiser office. 5766 . J. Rainfall .0 inch up to 9 a. m. ' Postmaster. Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, with ER an MONTREAL. Mean Dew uaroer Shops and Read ? B.,Z?lTOn hours without change. The Point for the Day 62.3. TO RENT A small piece of land for Pleasant the world,'. ttneit railway serriM U Mean Relative Humidity 74. Ing Rooms. vegetable garden. 6765 Dining ' Through Tickets issued from Honolulu to WINDS. Snipping Notes Cars, Meals a la Carte. r Canada, United BUtes ani N. E., 3 to 1, clear. Free Reclining Chair Cars. rop. FORECAST The steamer Klnau sails on her regular TO RENT A 25 to 40-- H. P. boiler. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply FOR TODAY. : Apply to & 6765 to Light trades, fair weather, except juuib muay at noon. Vincent Belser. valley for - ine steamer Niihau sailed for showers. , Kauai FIRST-CLAS- S " pons yesterday afternoon 5 A wood turner. Apply J. H. General Agent, CURTIS J. LYONS, - at o'clock. LOTHROP. Theo. a. Davies & Go The ship Star of Russia arrived at Kaa. 10 jfacme Aim Co., Alakea, near-Quee- 135 Third St., Portland, Ore. , Ltd., Gen'l Agtb. Meteorologist. street, .: ". napali on Thursday last from the Sound 5760 D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent witnc oal. ARRIVED AT No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco, HONOLULU. The bark Edward Mav aaa fnr TfaVi., FOR SALE. v Cal., lul this morning to Monday, Januara 23. finish loading sugar A SPAN of thorouehbred bav Or E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A. L-- I. iur ana r rancisco. stror. Noeau. Wvman. TCiinii. 6 years first-cla- ss Omaha, Nebraska,1 from ,.ine steamer S. and J old; also, a ea with 1.240 bags of sugar John Kimball sailed Studebaker surrey and set of single shiD Co W. stmr. Lehua, jesieraay evening for Kahului to load Bennett, from Molo sugar for San and double harness. Apply to H. M. CHAS. BREWER CO.'S f kai. Francisco. Mott-Smit- h, 200, 4 The schooner ly-- rom Judd biulding. Twilight is at present 1 -- III ' 5765 ing at anchor In the stream awaiting her .SAILED FROM turn on the Direct HONOLULU. marine railway. CHEAP One square piano, good Service Between New York, The Zealandia sails for the Coast on in or New York Line Monday, Januarq. 28. der, at the office of Dr. M. Whit- r S . - Thursday at noon instead of at 4 p. m. J. Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Islands. B.-- A. S. S. ney. 5761 John S. Kimball, Thwing. Mall closes at the postoffice at 11 a. m. .for Kahulul to load sugar - Today Bark Foohng Suey will sail from NEW ' for San Fran- the Sierra is Colo- CISCO.-- - due. from the YORK FOR HONOLULU, on or about :, nies for San Francisco and the Sonoma FOR RENT. L--I. stmr. Niihau, Bruhn, for is aue rrom S. S. HAWAIIAN will be dispatcher! fmm "Kara Vnrlr IuiIam Tan II. - Kauai San Francisco for the OFFICES 15, tn a. ports. in the new modern BOSTON March 1901 to be followed by S. S. OREGONIAN, March, loading for San Francisco, en on , Ma-kawe- lL iiuiLUiNG, Fort street, between Inducements are offered. . LI. stmr: Mikahala, Pederson, Vt: Caleb Windsor If sufficient route to Honolulu. and Mr. and Mrs. Green King and Hotel streets. . Apply to Freight Company's were passengers on the Kimball, which Hawaiian received at wharf. Fortv. Mnnr1 atrt Hntith TlrMlU Trust and Co., - Investment For freight rates apply to lyn, at all tlmeo. . .. . - sailed for San Francisco yesterday via 409 Fort street. 5765 , DUE TODAY. Kahulul. CHAS. BREWER & CO. o. S. S. Sierra, from The dredger which the Colonies. has been working ROOMS AND BOARD. 27 Kllby St., Boston, For further particulars, apply to ! O. S. Sonoma, on the Navy slips ' a from San Francsco. yesterday moved Into ; - OR .J H. BOARD A.-- S. S. Californian, from San Fran-- slip No. 2 preparatory to making the and rooms can be had in fine cisco. finishing touches " residence near town, occupied as there. bachelor quarters. C. BREWER & CO., LTD. H. W. G. Irwin & Co., Address "G. P.," HACKFELD & CO., LTD, W agents of the P. O. box 248. 5763 - Honolulu. TO SAIL TODAY. Oceanic Steamship Company, say that AGENTS, HONOLULU. the Zealandia is to leave Los Angeles on C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. 0. S. S. Sierra, for San Fran:isco. ': the 15th of next month LOST. WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. LTD. O. S. S. Sonoma." for the C0I011.C3 and will arrive at Honolulu on or about the 23ri n hav A STERLING wheel. 1900 mrWIpl Mn W.' stmr. Klnau, Freeman, for Hilo ings will be made for cabin 1721. and way ports, at 12 noon. passengers Reward If returned to Paoifln Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager !rom Honolulu to San Francisco on that Cycle Co. 5765 W. stmr. Claudine, Parker, for Miui yage of the Zealandia; Claus Spreckels.... First Vice President queenst ports, at 5 p.' accommoda- W. M. Giffard... Second Vice President Co., nt . Hustace & Ltd. tions, however, will be provided steer-:gf- c AN HAWAIIAN Quarter L-- L for H. M. Whitney Treasurer and Sec. Loa, . Jr... stmr. Mauna Simersoc for passengers. . pin; finder James F. Morgan, President; Cecil Brown. Vice 10 rewarded if returned to George W. Ross Auditor President; F. Hustac. Hawaii and Maul ports, at a. m. T he this office. 5765 Secretary; Charles H. Atherton, Audi tor; W. H. Hoogs, Treasurer and I.-- transport Grant did not remain nfr . L stmr. W. G. Hall, Thompson, for until Manager. KauaJf ports, at 5 p. m. :lort the arrival of th aianriio SUGAR FACTORS i r;c?ay FOUND. " I.-- L stmr. James Makee, Tullett, lias nlsht. She waited from ear-- u DKAXE 3 ,ly in th morning until - AND Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith Coal, , Kapaa. late in the after- BUNCH of keys: owner can h.ivp phllIP- - W. ., stmr. Maul, Lane, for Hamakua !"0" ,maiV f.or by calling at this office and paying Commission Agent. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ports. 'Ir'S!teaianma, Dut started on for this ad. 5765 W,'. i VSaen . stmr. Lehua, Bennett, for Mo.okai. IZtllowX The AGENTS FOR THE Special attention eriven to D ravin p-- Also. Black and --N gas. senr. for et commander of burpnse, xsjstrom, tne transport refused to wait anv White Sand. 295. Kauai ports. Captain Slaker may Oceanic Steamship Company Telephone Main Upolu, Dalton, Hawaii, 10 receive authority Rooms to Let. Stmr. for at from the commander in San Franria in Of San Francisco, CaL a. m. . 'V - :'. i. 5 hold transports in future, for mall. A FEW CHOICE ROOMS FOR gentlemen THE ROYAL RENOVATORY. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IMPORTED FLORIDA FRUIT THE MOTHER'S FAVORITE. only, in the Arlington Hotel TREES. - Annex, on Hotel street. WHITE LABOR ONLY. . r Apply to , for planting In Weliave Just received Chamberlain's Cough Remedy d, of ia the CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESS-e- our own orchard, a choice lot fruit mother's favorite. pleasant TVS. KROUSE Arreto'a Aooex $1 to $1.50 per suit. Hats cleaned trees, consisting . of peacnes, apples, It is and pears, plums, apricots,, mulberries, etc.; safe ..r children to take and always and bleached, 25c, 60c and 75c Dyeing cures- - It is intended especially for OFFICES FOR RENT. done monthly contract. Mechanics' and have a limited number for sale a: coughs, colds, croup and whoopin? (Hotel Street). Cottage No. 1L Axle Crease - Home reasonable prices. Address . cough, and is the best medicine made BYRON O. CLARK, for these diseases. There Is not Manager, Clark Farm, Wahlawa, the THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS THE MELROSE. King Street c&si least danger in giving It to children for : " ' . :' . offices for rent In Oahu. . it contains no opium or other Injurious the McINTYRE com- BUILDING, now being erected cor- Board and rooms; all modern drug and may be given as confidently to at forts: electric lights; mosquito proof; - "Governor Cleaves of Ohio has been a babe as to ah adult. For tale by Ben- - ner of Fort and King streets, this city. a quiet, refined home. King street cars to San Francisco to witness the j son.. Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesale Apply to E. F. lilSHOP, pass the door. Prices moderate. Tele- READ HE ADVERTISER. launching of the battleship Ohio. agents. ,: . At C. Brewer & Co's, Queen St. phone 3081 Blue...