rt o . A rfYiKV,A i-- m mm MlII HI' u I rio- Miff ESTABLISHED JULY 2. 1856. r VOL.XXXIIL, NO. 5766. HONOLULU, HAWAII TUESDAY, JANUABY 1901, TEBRITOR, 29,, TWELVE PAGES. PRICE .; FIVE CEifTS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. er than the King. Of such men there of each - individual eld were : also fur- - mauka of King street by Po- Abela-jham- a, by: Surveyor . Mounted lis the story of Abe Russell, or nished Thrum and upon liceman these were Indicated sub-sectio- ns William Vida. The brake was or the ? as he was called the halna, profit-sharin- g completely ' UaL AND INVESTMENTS. A . to wrecked. ESTATE HAOLE -- leased companies. The RY chief raised son of King-- Abe Rus- RGE the on SO CO.-J- udd map is exhibition inv LoCULLAN. POND & Bldg.; sell was In T. G. Thrum's reared v the bosom of the window. Mr. Thrum is also the survey- About the Printing Bids. King's family of Kamehameha IV and or for the Ewa plantation. V , Editor you ATTORNEYS. and was buried with honors by Advertiser: Will kindly publish following: : KINO Lunalilo or Kalakaua. Russell was of To the Chief Justice TLE A. lil;jj!x. iviug wiu Bethel such prominence were Improve Saloons. AGAN Frear having called my his to 806; P. O. box 786. that actions attention the Tel. looked upon by those of lesser rank in An address to women only will be matter, I wish to correct my statement vlonG. Attorney and Notary Pub such a way that they could not be com- given this afternoon at 2:30 In the of yesterday with respect to the num- plained fa- v - ber of lic; 109 Betnei u of by any one. He was the prayer rooms of . Central Union church bids to print and bind Vol. 13, vorite of two Kings and enjoyed their by Miss Jessie Ackerman Hawaiian Reports. I should have stat- u MONSARRAT. Attorney, Notary and Miss Ohio Boy Who was unbounded confidence. He was ; the Murcutt The two missionaries have Kahunaism ed that there were only two bids, name-- public and Commissioner for New York Nearly power behind thcthrone in many im- returned from Hilo' and last Saturday ly, one by the Bulletin Publishing Com- Chil-lingwor- pany portant matters. said that he went night, escorted by Deputy Sheriff th, and one by the Hawaiian Gazette Itis Company. PERSON & MATTHEWMAN.-- F. O. a Monarch of back to his old home, which although they visited Iwilel and also Causes Woman's Only these two bids were kox 365; 15 Kaahumanu St. not definitely known, is thought to some of the saloons of the town. The considered. The third bid was not put have been in Ohio,' and it is possible lecture 13 to be along temperance lines In until two hours after the first two1 PHYSICIANS. v Hawaii. that he presumed-upo- the credulity of and for the purpose of suggesting some were opened and their contents made - : JH. GEO. J- - auuuai xi.vuicuya.uuv ca the people. He came.-- to . the Islands corrections in : the government of the known. I may add here that Chief Jus- 10 '" utioner. special aiienuon iven about 1834 or 1835 when a very young saloons and IwileL . tice Frear was not moved by what ex- iironie diseases; office and residence, man and grew up in the household of perience the Tax Office may have had Beretanla St., nearly opp. Methodist Kings. office hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 8 to the - V Caypless with the Bulletin Publishing Company; aurch; for Judge. X on tp. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to IMPOSSIBE TALE but the contrary there was enough Edgar. Caypless, one THE UNFORTUNATE on S30 a. m.; xei. MAP OF ZAHTJKU. of Robert Wil- which to base his award In conjunc- i. cox's right hand men, was mentioned tion with his own experience which t'KLLA S. CLEVELAND, M.D. Office A by Independent OF PREACHER Fine Work Ad- the. as a probable suc- LIVES AT happened not long ago when a lot of niKice St.; hours, 9 to 12 a. m., S to by Surveyor Thrum KEWALO cessor to the. First Circuit Judge, . on blanks had to be reprinted by the Bul- i p. m.; Tel. w. mired by Many Yesterday. account of his relations with the letin Publishing Company for reasons 232 a, ' ElOCK- - Mr. in, L C. L. GARVIN. Office, Bereta-i- ""u" meeting oi me Caypless said last best known by that company.-Aga- DUCKCyC PaStOr WntCS tO UOVCr- - ' near Emma St.: hours, 9 to 11 a. m., f holders of Kahuku plantation yesterday evening he had received no word from Told That She Would Be Taken the quality of paper submitted wit Ti tin a n. m.: 7:30 to 8:30 d. m.: TeL a map of the plantation was Washington concerning such a state- the Bulletin tender was inferior to nor Dole of a Mysterious shown which 111 that Slue 3SS1; residence TeL White 8891. ment and was not aware She Falls Sick on (attracted much Attention. - It was drawn that his name of the Gazette Company and portions had beeri- - mentioned in with of type were !? w. J. GALBRAITH. Office Romance. .by Surveyor connection its not desirable: Th and rf Thrum from surveys made judgeship. Time. ; a 7 difference between , cor. Beretanla and Alakea Sts.; (in the last .few months by himself, and the Gazette and )3ce hours, 9 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Bulletin bid was only $90 on a contract (is one of the finest examples of the kind Fisheries Association. of $2,100. Considering ver seen nere- - 13 therefore the OVERNOR DOLE has received a ine maP nve by eight quality of material and HEXRT W. HOWARD. Office 1123 i?.ec ana scae is w leet to tne inch. The Hawaiian Fisheries Association ro- workmanshiD letter hv"- t.h. Kemanriia frnrr, th TALE of kahunaism, weird, - it was more accept Alakea St.; hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 lne topographical features are up to adjourned economical to the ' the yesterday until Wednesday e G pastor of a Christian church in mantic and cruel, comes from the not-strang- is4 7 to 8 p. m. nrst or ine year. Elevations are eriven 3:30 p. m. so A Gazette Company's bid. It is a southwestern Ohio town in over at as to get a larger rep- the entire estate, thus materially resentation. The meeting, which will that the Bulletin did not care W. L. MOORE. Office of Dr. Day, which he asks for full particulars rela- assisting in the economic location of rail- In a little cottage live a haole, his to publish these facts which were stat- 10 2 be for the election of officers, will take 3eretanla St.; hours, a. m. to p. m.; tive to history of a youth be- roads and irrigating ditches. sister-in-la- w. the who The water : - wife and The pair ed to its representative last p. 9 place in the Chamber of native Saturdav to! m.; Sundays, to 11; office TeL came King of Hawaii. The Governor coloring shows the subdivisions of the Commerce great morning. HENRY SMITH.' ; have not been married a while, rooms. ' Kt. White 19SL was surprised upon news. plantation , to great advantage. Each It is desired that all members learning this be present. and previously had .... field has its area plainly marked as on the husband had -- T. 1468 He had never in his long private or XftDOOB. MITAMURA. Office Nuuanu January 1. The total area under cultiva many affaires de coeur among BASEBALL. k; Tel. White 152; office hours, 8 10 official career heard it whispered that the to tion is shown to be 2.286 acres, to which ' L m.; 1 to 3 6 8 p. m., except one Arrangements are being made by L. town's jdusky sisterhood. and to of the monarchs of the Islands had wiU be added 500 acres of new land al-- Business Lose Sundays. H. Dee for addresses on single tax and finally Men the Laet Game been a white man, ploughed. Maps - When he married and settled ready, on a large scale Henry George. , . - The pastor asserts a few years down he was apprised from time to of the. Season. G. ROGERS. M.D. Eye, that Ear, Nobs ago The indoor baseball season nd Throat; Hotel St., opp. Y. M. C. A.; an old man carne to him and told time by friends that his former sweet- closed last am 9 to 12, 2 to 4:30, 7 to 8. him a strange tale of the Ohio boy, hearts were very jealous of his chosen night at the Young Men's Christian As whom he said had once been a play- wife, and would spare no ' effort to sociation when, after eight ineffectual at , A. N. SINCLAIR.-Bost- on Bldg.: mate of his nearly seventy years ago. AFTER THIRTY tempts, Evening 11 3 the Classes gained a mrs. to 1, to 5, 7 to 8: Sunday, 12 The pastor said there seems a doubt as .) J; Tel. off. Main 385; 286L j bare victory over the Business Men by res W. to the genuineness of the old man's or foul. To this the haole paid little or a no ascriomg to score of 12-1- 1. The former started L oft E. C. WATERHOUSE. Office and story, but nevertheless, he thoroughly attention, it tne idle ' confidently yldence, of-:- m believed to true.
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