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FOR NAHOOLEWA Tel 16; F yu ti : ' ! if I PAGES 1 TO 8. PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JULY 2. 1858. VOL. XXXIII., NO. 5752. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, HA7I'BIA If JANUARY 12, SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. tically the same duties, and his depu- ty sheriffs in the various districts of Island AND INVESTMENTS. the would be succeeded by cap- hiAt ESTATE MAKING THE tains of police for each district or pre- A PUNISHMENT LeCLELLAN. POND & COTJudd Bldg.; cinct, or wards in the city proper. The Tel. Main w. present taxation scheme the collection it' and the assessment of them at least-w- ere attorneys! in accord with American ideas, irtJS A. DICKEY. King and Bethel SU. CITY CHARTER for the present tax appeal board for FOR NAHOOLEWA TeL 16; F. u. dox 7e. the Island corresponded generally with the board of assessors found In Amer- M. LONG. Attorney and Notary Pub-l- i; ican cities. 18 Bethel St. He said hef'would oppose, however, jon approval of Police, any property qualification for mayor ' the of the Chief or will lead .the singing. Mr. Francis , M. MONSARRAT. Attorney, Notary The usual veto power of two-thir- ds aldermen. He thought the present CommlBsloner The in law was Murphy will be present and make a. pubilo and for New York Republicans vested in Council on all city ordin-- , election goJd enoueh for the Man Who Used the and CaL, Merchant St; Tel. Main 68. ; city as well as the Territory. He did ,few remarks. j v ances. not propose to auow any provision The Young Men's Christian Aasocla-- r STERSON & MATTHEWMAN P. O. Session Last A Director of Public "Works and of making poll' tax a prerequisite to vot- jtion Bible class will meet as usual at - . Hacks Box 365; 15 Kaahumanu St. Public Safety, to be chosen by the ing, either.- For o o clock." boards corresponding and to hold office He had hoped that the chairman-- Mr. PHYSICIANS. for one year. Smith would have reported that JR. EO. J. AUGUR. Homeopathic Prac Night. A board of three Assessors, to be ap- - the committee was anxious to emnlov Union Hawaiian Service. , I George A.. Davis Lepers. titioner. special attention given to pointed by the Mayor. as the one to draw the Miss Ada Murcutt will speak for. diseases; office residence, Rer. chronic and H. H. St., nearly opp. Methodist ! Parker at the Kawaiahao service Btretaala , time, and seats in present School I Ckurch; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 3 the Territorial j did morning at 11 o'clock. - - , to 1 not desire the Sunday In the 1 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to MONEY PAY Board. i pusu xib-- on evening Kaumaka-pi- ll TO THE I tnuusm n tne committee TO BE A MONTH j the Kawaiahao and 11:10 m.; 733. Aldermen to have real or personal a. Tel. I JSJ'draft conld secure his services they Churches unite for the closing ser PVnPMCCC I Ar'WUV- T- property worth $1,000. would be? better served than by secur- , vice of the Week of Prayer. The union VUTCLLA S. CLEVELAND, M.D. Office, A Board of Health consisting of the ing an outsider. IDLE WITHOUT PAY 1882 Em? St.; nours, s to 12 a. m., I to I G. nothing meeting will be held In the Kaumakapili t Mayor and two physicians; a Coroner, John Pratt said could be I . m.; TeL 639. tney about-th- Wes-terv- elt j to be appointed for two years and to be done until knew funds. Church at 7:30 o'clock," Rev. W. D. a physician. x Treasurer Gilman said he did not officiating. The Young People's ilL C Lu GARVIN. Office, 232 Bereta-- Drafts know where the funds were to come 9 11 Three Submitted Propos- A poll tax and a tax on real estate nl, near Emma St.; hours, to a. m., from. That the men to whom he usu- Dr. Emerson Points out to Health Society of Christian Endeavor will unite , 1:S8 S p. m.; 7:30 8:30 p. to to m.; TeL ing Varied Governments and Incomes. ally went for funds had absolutely re- at 6:30 o'clock in the Kaumakapili Church i Blue Ml; residence Tel. White 3891. Mayor to appoint all other boards fused to subscribe this time. He did Board a Great Source for a service before the evening meeting.' For Honolulu. necessary from among the Aldermen. not know of but $250 available, but he JR. VT. J. GALBRAITH. Office and res-flden- ce Police to be authorized to make ar- could get that any time he wanted it. ' of Danger. cor. Beretania and Alakea Sts. of vag Thereupon, Mr. Office 9 to 10, 2 to 4 7 8. rests without warrants in case Stewart introduced the hours, and to etc. following motion, which carried: MATTERS BEFORE TeL SOI quorum pres rants and prostitutes, was a bare Appeal from board of assessors to lie "That the finance committee be re- AVID NAHOOLEWA, the trust ent at last night's meeting of 1 quested to report at the next meet I . w. L. MOORE Office of Dr. Day, employe HEALTH JR. with the Supreme Court only. ing j ed of the Board of BOARD OF nours, Z p. the Republican Charter Com whether they have secured pledges Beretania St.; iu a. m. to m.; T To tirovide for a citv prison: a city toward the flnanoM nf tho Health, who sent eight lepers 17 8 p. m.; 9 11; mittee, very D to Sundays, to office tel. but important matters two hacks from the police "S; 19SL to be appointed by the mayor committee amounting to at least thejin station res. white came up for discussion. Three out- clerk ! on. sum of $75- - to the Kalihi leper receiving The Question of Building lines for n. oitv rha.rter wprp nrpspn tpfl and confirmed by the aldermen and or whether there is a station, JR. T. MITAMURA. Office 1468 Nuuanu y,aaaa probabllIty of 8ecuring such pledges for ;must wear sackcloth and ashes for a n -' . varInilB ,Hna, aa- . Fiiled-i- Land in China- a HVtl 1EO D n paid a salary. J WhHnUJLC , stffi.... tin......D, O LU tXV " " "" v. that, and such other matters in con- - CU, 1CI. II 1J UlliLC UUUI general fua montlj. a. m.; 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m., except ,work. The liiea was to make The council to meet every two weeks nection with the report of the charter David's allowance of lobsters and town. Kandays. it as simple as possible to start with r.n TToflncsdav at a Tv m and rontinuft committee adopted this eveninsr as in 'froov, nvct.. r..;n 1 n T Congress ! and after has turned over to in session until their work is complete. ntJ he is to get no pay. Having w. G. ROGERS, M.D. Eye, Ear, Nose the city necessary lands and build- - "T Wr F. J. Lowrey took the chair at' the the men pro-- , repented of his idiocy, he is re and Throat bpeciaiist. Hotel St., opp. Amer-7;-'. air. mitn reaa me uuuiue report. to be meeting yesterday ings, to expand Into a full blown tained as an employe of the Board of Board of Health 'Pres A: 9.,to1, ? to 4:30, ican city of most approved plan. posed by T. McCants Stewart, which Mr. ifStewart then again brought up being on Maul? o horf the ident Raymond i iu Q ouuuuja, 9 xx, A lis on plan." his "10 o'clock pau" resolution which Healthi but is to be disciplined. iu The idea of this was to make city was based the "Whole Island Attorney Brooks appeared bsf5?0 tne points briefly were: was shelved Tuesday night, but this Executive Officer Pratt of the Board SB. A. N. SINCLAIR Boston Bldg.: taxes at first as light as possible. Alter The time he added the provision that the will scold him. warn him not to 'Board to protest against the refusal ot ihours, 11 1, 3 5, 7 13 buildings entire ue ' to to to 8; Sunday, the city has its lands and Chapter I. Boundaries The general committee meet only on Friday 'hacks for leper transportation again, 'a permit for building on certain filled-i-n to 2; jmso; ZSUL. pow of Oahu to be called the city vi. main res. w. ana an income inereirom iuii city Island nights; tha is, weekly tnstead of twice ! will tell him to retire from active 'land on River street, own. ers will cost the taxpayers less than of Honolulu. Divided into wards same in Chinatown It. K. C. WATERHOUSE. Office and ! as the present precinct divisions, AV?kGe"PP& by Chock Sing and Lau Yin. The - ln . ,,t,u - - nf th.- I rAHAKtn " ' 0 ! iwwcutc, uciciama aaiu" minermi 13 IB. ; ui- - ,. a iV,w,c i which would make seventeen wards. there were plenty of points that the - """1" lue ms Pumsnmeni Board some time ago adopted a resolu- - flee kours, 8 to U a, m.; 1 3 7 8 u"6'eM' frQ - to and to ,ners. ax. iicftwiftufu cnaner arart committee would tuC 4UDS ux mai ttU1uuai ui mow- rpmiirinAii land in the district to . m.; Tel. White 3492. Board of aldermen. Two from each on, want.'" and also tne hav- - I ught and twice a week was not too consciousness of The meeting came to order at 7:50 ward.
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