A A, T H U R ^ A Y . J U L Y 12, 1945 The Weethei^ Average Dally Circulation IfiimMat of U. S. Weatlier Bnaean PAGE.TEK e0er Evening Herald For Mm Month o( Jna«, 1945 Partly cloudy tonight and Sat>' unlay; light ahotver, and arattered by the town which received ataah- thunder aho’wera Saturday: llttlr A dnucliter, Anne F.i,leen,, was Ing by the organizer were the Old 9,106 ■ Joseph- change In teMperature. watertendcr, s<!Sond cKi.-'-i. l ,s .n ,„ In,HI I'. Uie H.iMford hoapital, July. G o I m ; Slate Post Revive League Golf Lota'' purchase; the^ Honor MeMber of tba A M IL .'i. io LieuUnaul and .Mi-.s, Francis X • . ■ . Abput Town le at the Naval training aUiti. ■, ■ X .. , ,Z ---------------- --- Roll, the construction ^ t h e North FRIED OYStERS, CLAMS Bnrcnn ot ClrculeH6oa Norfolk, Va., training duues M. Mouarty of 48 Hamlin atrect:- End awimMlng pool And the re­ Mancfietter—"A City of Villaae Chnrm ^ aboard a new d e S tw y ^ ^ ■'At­ Mrs..'JMob'arty prior to hor Mar­ Of Taxpayers cently conceived plannirig for Mcn- F IS H a n d ” CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIALATORI • lUdlo Technician. Third aaa*. lantic Fleet. He bgs dprint 18 riage'w.a i Mis.s Alice Fwell of.ful- chcsterli future. I^ s a id that there (TWELVE PAIpES) PRICE THREE CENT'S ■'Albert Willard Harrison, Jr., Months on a dealroyt%e.s(>UT in ton, N. V. Lieutenant Morlarl^ were plenty of/i.nstances where Our n^w sanitary process gives you a delicious, crisp, aa Png* IS) M A N C llE S T E R , C O N N ., F R ID A Y , J U L Y 13, 1945 USNR, 19, of 33 Myrtle itreet. the Pacific. He weai.s riTjbonSNfnr -la at the present tiMe servingvta W alter Mahoijey" Select­ the taxpayer could protect his owjn golden brown fooid — Seals in the-flavor! CoMe in and VOL. LXIV., N6. 240 intei esta,' ch><<riy through orgahi- Atancheater. 1w« reported to , the flic AMbriran area, tlio Aiiiali ■ e South Pacific. He waa grad- ed an President; Pick try theM! FRIED OYSTERS M D CLAMS PACKED Pacific area, with two star.s, and Jed from the Itnivcraity^ Con- Zatl in. Uy S. Naval Ile.celving Station In TO TAKE HOME. CAIX 3803. th* Charleston, S. C„ Navy Yard, the. Philippine Liberation, with nc^fticHt in'.,1940 and received hla Other Officers. The n ^ ly revived organization a n d V lll be aealgned to duty. one star. Son of.Mrs. Kleanor Wo- M. A ^^grec at Purd'ue/lJnlveESlty plana ^ hold meetings to study Violcfice Mairks Newspaper Strike elthekalloBt or ashore, which will coski, 14 George street. Hast Hart­ In 194i X He wa.s teaching psy­ Th« Manchester TaxpaVler'a the It/M'i’.’s finances, with especial C O M M U N IT Y r e s t a u r a n t •on ford. Conn., he i.s married to the chology a'frv^unlusr when he was Yank^ Air Blows contribute "to the prosecution of League, 'dorMant jilnce 1935, was isis on the budget to be pre- the war against’ ,Japan. Radio. former Marlati Virginia Rydle-, called to seryti^y'more than.three. ...l.to the voters at the annual 143 NORTH MAIN STRJBET ■ MANCHESTER Technician Harrl.son la the son of wic*, 13 Union street, .Mnneheatfer. years ago, HeVis the .spn of Mr. revived last,night at an organiza­ .,.,..n meetipg in October. Repre­ '■■^ilr. and Mrs. Albert W. Harrison Before enllatihg in the -Navy, he and Ntrs., MnUhew'*'^-r5ior1nrt^f tion .meeting' held in the Legio sentatives of the League plan ^'Manche.stcr. Conn., He is a was eMployed by Hefuty A Wright 48 I landin'street.; Home attended ,by 26 perso confer with the Selectmen in ,ad- A c r o s s 770-M ile Mfg. Ooi rie graduated'froM East graduate of . Manchester High ’ i , . Wnltar T. Mahoney of W’qtker vaneo of. Setting up the budget In School anlkattended Tuffs College .Hartford High School. Vb^ anniikti Sunday aetVool pie- atr effort to arrive at a coMMon .. 5>. street, forMerly an active Member 'before enlisting in the Na.Vy in nlF'-nf.-the Church of .the Nnaa •ground of understanding before Chaprtan Court. Order of AM­ & 1 , M44. \ /ene wMll take place .Saturday' qt and SRokoaMan for the'^ojiLorgani- the annual biidget is M.ldd up. ' ARE RESUMING x Ar« Ovei-Japan aranth, ^embpr8 and their frieMta Klizahrth Park Buses will leave Zation, was elected v4enip7>r^,v ThX west Side btaru* Of ,the will be welcome to nttend the the f.'enter at .1 ;.30 p. M. and re­ president 'and WilliaM J. Fodrde nual picnic of the Grand (>urt tllary Cheney library will be turning leave the park at 7:00 o f,.59 C o bu rn -ro a^ was elected OUR CLOSING SCHEDULE OF closed i^ J u ly 16, 18 and 20 of Amaranth, Sunday, J ii^ lB . at vice prealdeiit andHleur>' A. Chali- I^Jrtually Unopposed At.; W M l P V --- Bayreuther'a cottage, ^tfsaiujder.s .Miss Jacquelyn Coodl'ieh, four of 122 W .al^r .stfeet was elec­ DON WILLIS T?plnt. Nlantic.' Tliey^ are. ' re­ daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. A. ted secretaryyall-for terms,.pf six ■ . '' $ ;40'P. Ml. , lacks Bring Opinion j ^ Virtually Every Dam- quested to bring .box lunches, Goodrich, Of 9t Robert' Bond, is j Month*. The office of tre.-iaurer GARAGE ASHES A^H) RUBBISH dlshes':ajid ellveriyfire. attending, the summer school In; was not fljfcd. ‘ , - Japs Dp xNoi. iiiteiui Over Unfit Aussies^ Knife Jap Civilians agerl Ship Back in I the College'of LlheVal-Arta'. North- ; "CoMplete Auto Servlee^ REMOVED Covenant - Congregational folks \Majoj RayMond K. Hagedorn :«eatiTf> Oomhiillee To Engage ''Americans wrsfeim University. Evanstori., 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAYS Action ' After ’ Being will enjoy an outdoor aerdee Sun- j An Executive coMMittee conrist- ' Ills. ■ ■ .'/■ In .Air; Factories and Deep Into Ja{ Taking Own Cellars and YardVcieaned. day afternoon at four o'clock.: at Major Rayrnond F,. Hagedorn,' ipg/if the,officers. Kenneth Walk- .X 26 Off La«hefl by 138-MiIc I ' ■ ' ■ ----- ' ■ , - /N .. "Veterans'-. ConhseH'or for the. NeW er/Ueorge Fox.-ThoMas Donahue, Call 5848 or 7487 Karl S,nHnson'a hoMe I'fl'-llnp Ulver. ]' • Pvt Kenneth F Crj^tii, 83- Railroads W recked. A- aocl^ tiMe vi’lth refrhMinieni.s 'ijepnrtiire Division ..of-' General ^ U.'Beale Jr... and PatncJt_Richv. : Lives Now Winils June 5; Four of ' R. CAMPOSEO Nortli KIni street. Pvt. Joseidi .1. MOl'iis, has hern appointed bv vnlunteCtXl for this service. Borneo Lines will follow the aervite. w hieft'.wll Kurzyiiski of 7 I'otUige street, .l-nd Vessels Participated Cfd^rnor P.aldwin'-to aerve aa - The meeting was ' op-ned by G^iJUFLOWER AND ' Guam. J*ily 13.-K/P)^Vir- , Regithuiong Relaxed hy 'i. ' be conducted by the pastor..' Rev. Xt, 'Frederick- Ik .Murphy, of 'J9 Reynold 6. Johnson. ReV. Johnson ' niembeXof the Connettlciit R ^ u Maljoney. the organizer of the dcr- BIDWELL'S SObA SHOP tually unopposed air bWws by ; '^Selective Service at In Last . C a r r i e. r M b ^ e ts ) place* are now at the plovmetil''''a''d Advisory Conwnis Manl organization, in which he CABBAGE PLANTS d iii Reporting to Mass:, S]d(- la teaching during the ho-va“'peHod .Kiel(^AnlllerV Ite.plaqenieht Train- around 700 B-29s,.heavy and^ Dutch UnilB J in at the camp In Cromwell and wl^l sion for a l>yii of two yeai;s cited the, good olticrea. of -tho for­ Request qf A^my; Strike ... ~at Tokyo. iiig Cent>K.-Fhrt' .Bra^. N. C , for mer orgainzation. He said that at JOSfePlT^OVELlT ^ medium bombers, fighters. Left I’lank March Up cide^ to Avoitiy Uap- PATENT return in tiMe for the Sunday sorv- ' Tliey are in B.at Governor iBiildwln R ecently ha.sic trainins^.^ — - ■ .signed a bill creH.tihg/thiq new the peak of efficiency .of the for-' . Mountain Road. QlaSton^ry ■tv and long-range .search planes I May Chaqge Jobs. ture by Americans tcea. ierv A, 12th Hkttallqn. Kariango x, PcninHiila G uaM , .luly^ ' 13.-—(^P)-: MEDICINES coniMissioii to replh^ the Con- mer Tnxpayerir .League the auM Phone Man. 8997 . across a 7^0-mile arQ-'or Ja­ ‘ -■ . Artillery Trsining'^f^gimei'^ of $19,000 was saved the taxpay­ In Interior Mindanao. ragitTR tvph oon 'lash ed AdMi- Lowest Prieea In ttiwn! i nccticul ReeMplnp'v()raefl,b C'lmmis- pan, extending fiorth and Washington, July 13,— (;P)— Men •To Encircle Nipponese niakes ers by offering a substitute list of X lal WilliaM F/-. (Bull) , TTal- A rth u r D ^ r Stores C^BiJ -M'l.enti. No 2 .'i2X Q rdc\ " f , -rion. The bill, H B 12 recornMondations! for . the anMujl announcement : south of Tokypi '^ were an­ 26 or over who do not Meet the EAVES-^l-ROUr.H Scottish Clans, %vill meet lom'hrri'w' Conneeticut the first stale . the July 13.—(iPi— Airnste Headquarters. Arlijy Forces of aey’s T h ird fleet ^ t h 138 ^8«5 Main SL Tel. 8806 |Von- appropriations ■ and working ener-i’ nounced tod^. Promptly a ArMy’s regular physical stand­ Maiilla and CondiiKtora B*‘|iiilring evening k t eight o'clock in the MX.^lTnion to eslahnsh a state-. We wish to announce to bur Many friends and pa­ .Pactfle, P. I.; July 13 - ^ ^ - Help­' Mile an hour wipds last '3u t>Lh geticallv for theM in-l'nwn Meet- U.
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