Police Resources in Canada – 2010

Table 3-2 Police officers and crime rates — Police officers in the 30 largest municipal police services

2009 2010 authorized Actual strength 3 2009 Crime 1 2 population strength 2010 2010 police Severity number officers Index of police per 100,000 officers population4

number rate

Toronto census metropolitan area police services 5 Toronto Police 2,677,708 5,588 5,774 216 79.3 Peel 1,249,341 1,895 1,855 148 56.5 1,016,010 1,433 1,425 140 44.4 Montréal census metropolitan area police services 5 Montréal Police 1,906,811 4,589 4,486 235 112.1 Longueuil Police 399,279 546 542 136 83.1 Laval Police 391,893 525 522 133 72.9 Vancouver census metropolitan area police services 5 Vancouver Police 6 640,963 1,327 1,427 223 119.8 Surrey, Royal Canadian Mounted Police 7 432,527 623 598 138 139.8 Burnaby, Royal Canadian Mounted Police 223,410 280 287 128 121.2 Richmond, Royal Canadian Mounted Police 6 191,376 237 224 117 84.1 Other large police services Halifax Regional Police 8 222,805 509 509 228 97.2 Windsor Police 222,251 473 466 210 91.6 Edmonton Police 818,339 1,568 1,628 199 129.0 Winnipeg Police 6 675,324 1,361 1,341 199 137.0 Saskatoon Police 223,200 421 440 197 147.2 Regina Police 193,299 385 373 193 151.1 St. John’s, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary 185,157 318 325 176 90.6 Calgary Police 1,125,001 1,872 1,882 167 79.8 Niagara Regional Police 442,908 700 732 165 75.6 London Police 376,481 586 587 156 97.9 Greater Sudbury Police 164,913 259 255 155 80.9 Ottawa Police 882,477 1,372 1,351 153 68.3 Hamilton Regional Police 530,420 780 802 151 85.7 Durham Regional Police 9 613,655 894 915 149 60.3 Waterloo Regional Police 518,203 724 730 141 73.3 Gatineau Police 256,240 348 348 136 78.3 Québec Police 543,455 704 714 131 67.6 Sherbrooke Regional Police 153,384 200 200 130 70.7 Halton Regional Police 9 492,304 614 611 124 37.0 Richelieu-Saint-Laurent Police 186,956 211 205 110 45.6

1. Populations are based on July 1st preliminary postcensal populations for 2009 (based on the 2006 Census), Demography Division, Statistics Canada. Populations are adjusted to follow policing boundaries. Populations for 2010 are not yet available. 2. Represents the number of fully sworn police officers the police department was allowed to employ during the calendar or fiscal year. 3. Represents actual police officer strength as of May 15th, 2010. 4. Based on the number of police officers in 2010 and census metropolitan area populations for 2009. Census metropolitan area populations for 2010 are not yet available. 5. The police services listed under the Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver census metropolitan areas do not represent all the police services in the census metropolitan area. 6. Police officer counts include officers deployed to contract positions (e.g. airport, port, United Nation mission). 7. Included in this total are the 54 positions Surrey Royal Canadian Mounted Police authorize for the Lower Mainland Integrated Teams. 8. Crime statistics include the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Halifax District Detachment. 9. Note that 63% of the crime handled by Halton Regional Police, and 29% of the crime handled by Durham Regional Police fall within Toronto census metropolitan area boundaries. Note(s): The numbers in table do not agree with those in table (which report data at the level of individual police services) because most census metropolitan areas comprise more than one police service. The census metropolitan area of Oshawa is not included due to incongruities between policing jurisdiction and census metropolitan area boundaries. Crimes investigated by Royal Canadian Mounted Police federal personnel within census metropolitan areas are included; however police officer counts do not include Royal Canadian Mounted Police federal police officers. While table may be used to compare major metropolitan areas, table may be used to compare major police services in Canada. Source(s): Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Police Administration Survey and Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 85-225-X 1